RealGamerCow: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (Vintage Cube is back. We require more Vintage Cube! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Sun 12:00 PM PDT (10m from now).
Diabore: lrrbot lives! banzai!
TehAmelie: wait it's alive? pull the plug!
TehAmelie: not because i fear the robot uprising. it's just Lrrbot
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: honor system candy
Juliamon: Is everyone ready for some degeneracy?
TehAmelie: i doubt it. but i'll adapt
TehAmelie: i'm got my hands on some cheez cruncherz, how much more degenerate can things get?
accountmadeforants: braise cube
TXC2: Hello Everybody
TehAmelie: made with real cheez, wow
TXC2: from the cheez region of plastica
ihlendrax: !secret
LRRbot: Is it secret? Is it safe!?
TXC2: !findquote safe
LRRbot: Quote #2649: "That will be the safe-esque option." —Ian [2016-05-30]
Diabore: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
accountmadeforants: lrrSIG
TehAmelie: the packaging does not reveal what crunchers are or how they differ from cruncherz. . .
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrSIG
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
TXC2: refresh em if you (don't) got 'em
Iam_Dead: Cube time
raulghoulia: I would like one order of degeneracy, please
tru_boredom: Bonus Cori? Oh im all the way in for this stream
Earthenone: we are getting ever closer to the six pack of dicks required to play magic
dungeonmasteralek subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak!
dungeonmasteralek: Hell yes, love these streams so much!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dungeonmasteralek! (Today's storm count: 1)
TXC2: Earthenone what a deep reference
dungeonmasteralek: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
unbanjitte: pog
thatjuantoo: starmu6Jam
DideRobot: LRR: | Happy Vintage Cube Day w/ Cori, Wheeler, Adam & Nelson |
renaissance_rat: the whole gang is in the studio today
Tommadness: Full house for the cube today!
beowuuf: DinoDance
as_ever_ellesandra subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
as_ever_ellesandra: triple year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, as_ever_ellesandra! (Today's storm count: 2)
as_ever_ellesandra: happy day of vintage cube visibility
Davlenagain subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
Davlenagain: Still here....
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Davlenagain! (Today's storm count: 3)
Sibwow: trans day of vintagecube
TXC2: vintage day of trans cube
TehAmelie: sergePride day of transcube
ManWithTheMask13: Is this the neoturf master stream
Sibwow: braven10PRISM
Sibwow: cube
TXC2: Here we GO!
shamblingkrenshar: Oh excellent I am just in time!
glencoco132: hello everyone
superdude097: Salutations!
TehAmelie: ohaio
TXC2: Hello Wheeler and Cori
bobokiddo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bobokiddo! (Today's storm count: 4)
seemsdeece: It's time to feel the rain on your skin
shamblingkrenshar: I was almost late because Draupnir isn't going to liberate itself. (Helldivers 2 would be a fantastic CTS game)
unbanjitte: did you do the enchant worldle today
tehfewl: oh baby
TheWriterAleph: oooh baybee
ManWithTheMask13: eat that feet
groovemancery: that's too much feet
TXC2: ooh that's more then an feet
TXC2: Hello Adam
Sibwow: wheeler you need some corn starch on that bad boy
tehfewl: wheelerFee wheelerE wheelerT
Tommadness: Going from Dilly Bars to Fruit by the Foot
Dr_fragenstien: this is what I come here for. exquisitely titillating.
RocknGrohlNerd: Lets go , so many lovely gamers
ManWithTheMask13: I got to play neoturf masters last night, I'm doing fucking fantastic
raulghoulia: tastes like childhood
RocknGrohlNerd: Hello everybody
nymistrya: This stream goes so hard, love this energy
couchboyj: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
xantos69: Hello Friends!
saucemaster5000: Okay but those are three feet
TXC2: High Fructose corn Syrup baby!
saucemaster5000: it's a lie
Sibwow: its made of trees
CaptainSpam: Fruit by the yard
zursin21: thank you for having this stream it’s great to be here
TXC2: trees mianly
Fanklok: Who else has put an entire room of bubble tape in their mouth
TehAmelie: who knew froot by the foot and fancy cheese has that inc ommon
ManWithTheMask13: paper's negative on block
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Fanklok: Roll
thraximore subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 13 month streak!
thraximore: almost half a year already, how time flies
nymistrya: They make cards out of paper, absolutely rank
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thraximore! (Today's storm count: 5)
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Fanklok: Nelson looks different today
Kaaannaaa: Lookin forward to this since the last Adam + Wheeler experience
TXC2: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
accountmadeforants: There may be residual bleach in there, delicious.
shamblingkrenshar: Quad Draft, clearly
unbanjitte: the enchant worldle today is impossible
TehAmelie: piloting a Magic deck takes more people than an airplane
Hernalius: Did you share last night's final deck with Adam?
ManWithTheMask13: feel the tickets on your skin
raulghoulia: the role of today's resident goblin will be played by Cori
Trymantha: I dont know what you mean Wheeler, could you please explain with spreadsheets and diagrams
zursin21: is this going to be on YouTube later? since it’s a bonus stream?
ManWithTheMask13: the password is 6969
Juliamon: zursin21 Bonuses also always go up
WhirlwindAbyss: SSN's make the best passwords
Tommadness: is your mom's credit card single?
Silver_Drgn: I'm here
TXC2: zursin21 eventually yeah
groovemancery: payday loans
zursin21: gracias
Sibwow: draft
ManWithTheMask13: draft?
Diabore: rotating?
superdude097: Force Twin
unbanjitte: orcy boy
Sibwow: currency converter
MrSarkhan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months, currently on a 72 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrSarkhan! (Today's storm count: 6)
ManWithTheMask13: And this is where I black out
TXC2: payday loans are possibly one of the greatest evils of our time :p
HEREPODS: all we need is a spinning rat and it’s a wheeler stream
Tommadness: oh Cori needs to experience MTGO Sounds
Sibwow: oh wait bowmasters
unbanjitte: force draw 7s
tehfewl: Orcy B
Fanklok: I only want to see down right filthy degeneracy
devoidmelody: Adam is pretty quiet, like I know this is just bc of the distance from the mic, but still lol
TXC2: imagine if this was the Alchemy version Kappa
TehAmelie: 360 cards in a cube, so i guess chat will have about 500 favorite picks
Bearudite: get this man a LAV
Friedent: Adam you'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel
shamblingkrenshar: I think Thespian's Stage is the pick. We're forcing Dark Depths. It'll come to us, I'm sure.
Silver_Drgn: Orcish Blah Blah Blahmasters
Jogela: Bow master is the best white tax card Kappa
loufghyslaufey: Oh, no no no
Hernalius: Adam known for being quiet
loufghyslaufey: We misunderstand
finestotter: Just listen better chat
Tommadness: I don't
Diabore: i think its a ben final for loudest lrr member
Sibwow: wheelers only louder because hes closer to the mic
thraximore: umbraSmile
Didero: sit down and take a loud off
loufghyslaufey: Adam is 5-heading his 1st pick in pack three
Wolfstrike_NL: What's that wheeler? couldn't hear you
Didero: Good evening everybody
gryfyn1: take thalia and be THAT guy
Sibwow: goddamn we could have had adeline
Tommadness: like a damn fiddle
h3rsh3yb4r: but look at those lands
ghizmou subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
Silver_Drgn: Rakdos sounds good
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ghizmou! (Today's storm count: 7)
Diabore: but adeline
h3rsh3yb4r: mire AND triome
TXC2: planned
unbanjitte: pick adeline thalia wheels
ghizmou: it ain't no ratthew
Trymantha: not a gamer mouse or too much of a gamer mouse
ghizmou: that s hate speech against my gix
unbanjitte: bolt lfg
Silver_Drgn: lightning bolt
tehfewl: bolt
TXC2: just say Noko
Fanklok: James keeps blaming Arena for this mouse being old
Diabore: can we do insidious roots tortured existance today?
Silver_Drgn: out
MrSarkhan: Cori!
bjergmann101: No cori
h3rsh3yb4r: oh god he clicked away from bolt
devoidmelody: thank you cori
TheAwkes: Bravo.
thraximore: HypeLUL
superdude097: It's EASTER!
tru_boredom: Yes Cori
bobokiddo: Easter sunday!
unbanjitte: human rogue
TXC2: and we're off! Kappa
loufghyslaufey: @Fanklok No, nono. James has a point.
thraximore: it's not just ANY Sunday
MilkBreadTB: @Diabore Just a little bit as a treat?
brieandbacon: Ooh, already looks like my sort of deck
shamblingkrenshar: Dogged Detective not a Dog or a Detective. Unplayable.
xantos69: Cori... I'm gonna allow it.
thraximore: it's TRANSday
Dr_fragenstien: Jesus rose from the grave, head that and went back.
Bearudite: He is RIZZEN
Mushbie: please Cori, knot today :p
superdude097: Somehow, Jesus returned
as_ever_ellesandra: Doggy Gumshoe, aka Redd Rock
1y1e: ah! look who finally left their cave!
thraximore: @Mushbie umbral4Smug
saucemaster5000: This is the day jesus pogged off
wiigamer1995: how frequently does the mtgo cube gets updated?
Symphoneers: Three days he sleeps in, three days! Who does that?
unbanjitte: mardu
finestotter: It's the day God took off
cameron_in_the_hizous: Adam is actually pretty loud considering his relative distance to me
xantos69: Mardu little dudes is still an option.
TXC2: Symphoneers students?
RocknGrohlNerd: Passed, right
loufghyslaufey: I wanted to minus a Walker's loyalty & the speed of the client had me plus an ability I didn't want.
loufghyslaufey: Almost costed me the game
h3rsh3yb4r: t dog?
cameron_in_the_hizous: including chat?
Wolfstrike_NL: including chat?
Hernalius: Ooh doomsday
raulghoulia: the 1950s called
itsr67: p'wave
tehfewl: the P wave is stored in the sideboard
cameron_in_the_hizous: @Wolfstrike_NL 👈
TXC2: "Adam didn't screw Wheeler, Wheeler screwed Wheeler!"
ghizmou: have we seen the twin?
Trymantha: @ghizmou yes was in pack1
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
unbanjitte: lfg
RocknGrohlNerd: I'm lumberjack and I'k ok
MrSarkhan: How did that wheel?
glencoco132: Lets go!
thatjuantoo: starmu6Jam
Sibwow: avocobbos for the party
WhirlwindAbyss: wow
thraximore: FBtouchdown
tehfewl: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Tommadness: FBtouchdown
Mushbie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
matthaus_c: paid actors
MyrddintheWizard: Cokes all around!
h3rsh3yb4r: the refreshing taste of diet coke
TXC2: can mine be a pepsi? Kappa
shamblingkrenshar: This is the part where you stand up and ask "is nobody else drafting white?!" (Don't do that)
warpstonewarlock: I see we're going Mardu today
Desdae: Never punished LUL
Gadora: And a late on color triome? :o
MaybeTara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
MaybeTara: Getting ever closer to 10 years! Hope the cube treats you well
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaybeTara! (Today's storm count: 8)
Diabore: sadly adeline did not wheel which makes me think we fighting now
h3rsh3yb4r: its 18 but yeah crazy
saucemaster5000: even the waiter looked at the salad order and said "are you sure?"
brieandbacon: 30cm
ghizmou: daaaaaamn, this pack
Diabore: a little jittle?
Mushbie: decimeter?
Tommadness: fruit by the tummy
Fanklok: "White is bad" is a psyop perpetuated by Wheeler to ensure white is open in cube drafts
unbanjitte: POGGGGG
ghizmou: or jitte
TXC2: furit by the 9 and a half inches
h3rsh3yb4r: stoneforge and jitte together
h3rsh3yb4r: messed up
Earthenone: take hitte, wheel mystic :P
unbanjitte: jitte will probebly wheel
unbanjitte: wheelerPog
h3rsh3yb4r: is shadowspear in the cube?
Iam_Dead: Jitte, my beloved
RealGamerCow: Isnt jitte still pointed?
Diabore: @unbanjitte given someone took adeline i dont think jitte wheels
flatluigi: how much did I miss so far?
Ristow: time to go Forth
ghizmou: people lying on the internet?
unbanjitte: @Diabore oh true
tehfewl: the Limga
EOstby: The Fifth Eorlingas?
thraximore: welp
Diabore: eorligma lets GOOOOO
TXC2: flatluigi just pack 1
Sibwow: its the fifth
thraximore: 3-0 baby
Joric_Art: Ligma time
RegisTKM: Riders of Rohan
Silver_Drgn: 1 point
Tommadness: fifth ligma
MrSarkhan: Wheeler!
RocknGrohlNerd: Ligmas
Carlioo: Jitte got replaced by pipboy right? Kappa
flatluigi: eeyore ligma
Silver_Drgn: you heard him right Cory
h3rsh3yb4r: forth cunnilingus and doggy dick
h3rsh3yb4r: this deck is cursed
xantos69: Wheeler NO! Your tongue can't take it!
Saintnex: Eeor Lig Ma Kappa
saucemaster5000: chaffing. Just saying a word
Silver_Drgn: WHY
cameron_in_the_hizous: someone turn his mic off
tehfewl: is comet in this cube?
iris_of_ether: What in god's name did I join into
h3rsh3yb4r: someone crank his mic up
Hernalius: I mean right now it only blasts once you'd need something to recur it if you want to bypass that refractory period between games
Desdae: Swords or Theater?
foxwithaknife: this deck looks bananas
Silver_Drgn: @flatluigi Cory + Ben = Red rocket
Didero: If we give Ben's mic to Adam, we can hear both at a proper volume Kappa
unbanjitte: slam upheaval here
azidbern95 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, azidbern95! (Today's storm count: 9)
unbanjitte: no one respects upheavak
RocknGrohlNerd: Mvp Bolt bolt bolt
RealGamerCow: What is this, a shandalar deck?
azidbern95: You’re all Mardu-in’ it!
Fanklok: I would love a "Cori and Adam evaluated weird old magic cards" segment
Alex_Frostfire: I would have such a hard time evaluating picks here.
xantos69: I don't hate the SunFall.
xantos69: It plays nicely into the Forth.
RocknGrohlNerd: Tutor , maybe?
Diabore: ooh souls
h3rsh3yb4r: blood crypt lfg
mozes_rose_weary subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mozes_rose_weary! (Today's storm count: 10)
Hernalius: Ftk?
RocknGrohlNerd: Ftk
h3rsh3yb4r: showdown wheels
Diabore: mana then playables
TXC2: is the Ranger any good for us ?
tehfewl: ranger capt?
adept_nekomancer: Orcish Twerkmaster
TimIAm: I love how involved these cube streams are getting
TehAmelie: badonkadorc
Silver_Drgn: Orcish Assmaster
h3rsh3yb4r: MOMMY
Juliamon: hello mother
Diabore: @TXC2 currently grabs only novice inspector so not likely
Mushbie: certified freak, 7 decks a week
Hernalius: Diabore you're implying hubris is real and that Ben can be punished for bad mana
TXC2: Diabore coulda grabed mom now :p
1MrGhost: mom > shadowspear?
thecrownjules_: ben and adam with friend group A humor with friend group B lmao
RatherLargeToad: The Rangoon,mother
Carlioo: I'm getting very upset
brieandbacon: Guy Fieri confluence
gamercat88: confulussy
TimIAm: Firely Confluence by Atlassian
flatluigi: four mana dome for six
macthejester: This is the kind of cube where you want to pick blightsteel everytime
TehAmelie: fiery conflatulence
macthejester: What they gonna do against a big robot?
macthejester: Checkmate
warkr0: thank you @unbanjitte
unbanjitte: Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa
seemsdeece: If your conf is fiery please talk to your doctor
TXC2: he can't keep getting away with this!
Carlioo: Oh it's one of those new spree cards
Fanklok: I say we scrap the community nicknames abs just our Cori on it
Diabore: kappa wheeling is a crime
Silver_Drgn: possibly
MilkBreadTB: restoration looks kinda nice in this deck ngl
Tommadness: Sacmom
Juliamon: everything's coming up Wheeler
warkr0: you cant say that
Sibwow: me too
MrSarkhan: This deck is sick.
TehAmelie: i remember the stats, in formats that contian Jitte the win rate for decks that have it is just a fraction of a percent over 50%
Dr_fragenstien: !card ashmouth
LRRbot: Did you mean: Stallion of Ashmouth; Demonlord of Ashmouth; Ashmouth Blade; Ashmouth Hound; Ashmouth Dragon
accountmadeforants: @unbanjitte Wow, you weren't kidding.
as_ever_ellesandra: Adam would just constantly be asking if the cougar was single
muchomangobestdrink: oh hell yeah I’m so excited yall are cubing together again! something to watch while I do chores around the house
Croc64: Legit this did not look like a pack 2 draft lmao, the fact we *still* get 15 more picks is wild
unbanjitte: @accountmadeforants never even seen that card lmao
theymerLoviatar: yo we CUBIN in here??
Silver_Drgn: 2 surveil lands in color and a Rampaging Ferocidon
Greyah: Skullclamp works well with the concept of drawing cards. It works well with magic the gathering.
Silver_Drgn: Minsc
ghizmou: the rare pack 2 mox
Diabore: we have no green fixing
Invitare: Where's Omnath?
Juliamon: who passes a mox???
tehfewl: what did the person take from this pack
Silver_Drgn: Pivot for minsc or at least splash
TXC2: so an off colour mox is that good huh?
EOstby: What do you take over Mox AND Minsc?
Diabore: @Juliamon someone who opens 2
ghizmou: someone who get an on-color mox
warkr0: never question pick 2 power, there are a million reasons why they would have picked someone else
DefiniteIyNotChris: or time walk
Sibwow: time walk
RocknGrohlNerd: Just a question, can Minsc and Boo be your commander?
dweebert91: Mana Crypt?
tehfewl: not taking crypt over off color mox
warkr0: tort existence so good with the roots tho
flatluigi: !card tortured existence
LRRbot: Tortured Existence [B] | Enchantment | {B}, Discard a creature card: Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.
wierdo_of_OZ: happy tdov all
Earthenone: tortured existance? its me fr!
Carlioo: Ooh jeb omnath
accountmadeforants: @unbanjitte Same, same. I was able to narrow it down to the set, cost, rarity and types, but I was drawing blanks past that
thraximore: how dare you
Gekyouryuu: I JUST got the notification. how much have I missed?
TXC2: RocknGrohlNerd not in commander, only in Brawl
Gekyouryuu: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 27:11.
TXC2: Gekyouryuu packs 1 and 2
matthaus_c: they took out Storm to put in so many unplayable cards katesCopium
accountmadeforants: @Gekyouryuu 27 minutes, minus 5 minutes of starting the stream
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown
cheshire_creeper: I love Kavu. Played with it in Dominaria Remastered and went. Oh. This is really good. It's up there with Juggernaut with things that just, never seem to go out of style
Silver_Drgn: He did do that. I was there
Sibwow: paralax priest
ghizmou: adam knows the spice
ThePixelSavage: could Wheeler maybe explain some of the picks for us newbs ... I dont get most of them :(
theymerLoviatar: @accountmadeforants dammit do I have to do it now too
Diabore: slam inti
tehfewl: double inspector
frozenphoenix7: Intiiiii
Silver_Drgn: 2024 magic
Hernalius: Adam is becoming more degenerate by the day, love to see it
cheshire_creeper: Oh there's an Inspector
Dr_fragenstien: I said that yesterday
ghizmou: it's a freaking dinosaur, of course it tramples
accountmadeforants: @Gekyouryuu Cori was eating fruit by the foot earlier
bondeulv: oh, more vinty cube with the bois
TXC2: remember when red 2 drops where bad? :p
accountmadeforants: @theymerLoviatar Oh yes, I dare you
raulghoulia: they should stop making magic art. takes away space for the needed text
matthaus_c: Standard legal baby
warkr0: @TXC2 pepperidge farms remembers
Diabore: sure isnt commander, that thing roasted my ass in LCI prerelease
avjamethyst: this looks a lot like the deck I drafted yesterday
bondeulv: silent clearing?
ghizmou: duress is always good
Sibwow: duress is best when its protecting your combo
h3rsh3yb4r: i'm on DITS
MilkBreadTB: this mardu midrange list looking nice
Tommadness: Damn + Nation
TehAmelie: Cori! we thought you faded out of existence
Earthenone: that pick for me would have been the gurmengler, because we have no other cards that use gy as a recorse
Gekyouryuu: now we need a third card called Nation
h3rsh3yb4r: @TehAmelie parallax wave ended
ThePixelSavage: please please explain why you take some cards over others Wheeler ... I want to understand and learn
matthaus_c: the Glans
bondeulv: scalelord seems dece?
TehAmelie: Glems
ghizmou: we didn't take dogged detective because eh wasn't a dog, but mutt is a dog
Diabore: backstreets back
tehfewl: oh pog dude greaves
TehAmelie: Vine will get its revenge
as_ever_ellesandra: sure are, thats why its cracked
v_nome subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, v_nome! (Today's storm count: 11)
Silver_Drgn: Love this card in dredge
Diabore: no tortured and roots was in this draft :(
warkr0: its super cool with roots and stuff
as_ever_ellesandra: there is a cool Tort Ex Inti deck in the cube
as_ever_ellesandra: but cool is all it is
Diabore: ???
h3rsh3yb4r: gurmangler
Tommadness: LAST PICK QB???
Earthenone: no one read it
ChargeAh: wtf
superdude097: BROCK PURDY!
MrSarkhan: who is drafting this set????
Silver_Drgn: no one was picking green
itsr67: mtg players don't read
as_ever_ellesandra: paid actors
flatluigi: was green just, like, dead
TXC2: this is a wild cube if that is the last pick
Alex_Frostfire: QB is too long to read anyway.
bondeulv: oh, forth
RocknGrohlNerd: QB I'd hate pick it every time
TehAmelie: but it's QB in a cube so at least it's highly symbolic
MWGNZ: because boros are cops
h3rsh3yb4r: because you like to durdle and boros likes to HIT
Mr_Bitterness: I'm the Nega-Adam; I always drafter Boros
ThePixelSavage: Boros is SOOO satisfying in the sets where it works ... it either is busted or barely works :D
ThePixelSavage: here me
flatluigi: boros has some very weak mechanics in it, but there's some very good cards to play in it when it works
unbanjitte: not me
accountmadeforants: It's true, I was playing white-red in draft earlier today.
Symphoneers: It me.
Sibwow: also for a long time in vintage cube monoR and monoW were both way better than boros
Kaaannaaa: this deck is fairly cracked
ghizmou: I don't care for red but RW's got me oh lalala
avjamethyst: rude
Iam_Dead: Dang, isn't boros Ben's favorite?
unbanjitte: wet boros is goated
Mr_Bitterness: I want my rounds fast
cameron_in_the_hizous: boros convoke is insane rn
mishrasbauble subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mishrasbauble! (Today's storm count: 12)
dungeonmasteralek: hey,it's me, the bad boros player
Silver_Drgn: Why is there a blue card in our deck?
TXC2: boros is for people who like me like to win in 5 mins or less
MurphEP subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MurphEP! (Today's storm count: 13)
Trymantha: #borosandproud
Croc64: Watching canlander players brew boros 2-3 years ago was
Croc64: Painful
RocknGrohlNerd: Wet borosy I can get behind that
ThePixelSavage: black then blue
mishrasbauble: yeahhhh
TXC2: green indeed best
cameron_in_the_hizous: true
ghizmou: the best at LOSING
30teracyte: as long as people want to grind bo1 on arena there will be monored players
bondeulv: green and blue
flatluigi: green lets you play every other color
thejadedthief: Simic for life
RocknGrohlNerd: Uu..lost me there
Alex_Frostfire: Blue lets you draw cards of every other color!
corpocracy: Black is the best worst color
v_nome: Cori choosing violence is great. lol
mishrasbauble: wubrg order is also the colors in order of Coolness
bondeulv: adam is the certified green black simp, no?
TehAmelie: gimme GBW
TXC2: mishrasbauble from least to most right?
TXC2: Kappa
itsr67: memory lapse is nuts
UWDJohn: Green is the best color for getting your other better colors. Kappa Kappa
h3rsh3yb4r: remember when wheeler kept looping the sublime epiphany with the diver
RocknGrohlNerd: Green is just not healthy, would you eat green bacon? No
Diabore: perfect hand
ghizmou: memory lapse wishes it was plow under
unbanjitte: t1 bolt to the face
h3rsh3yb4r: shipwreck dowser
mishrasbauble: @ghizmou wheelerKappa
shamblingkrenshar: Inti giving counters to Thalia? Gross.
bondeulv: oh, playing on wheeler's account
RocknGrohlNerd: @ghizmou wow wow, slow down NotLikeThis
Kaaannaaa: a very good magic card
bondeulv: so when they try to stream snipe, they're outta luck! smart
kerryg137: Hey folks!
TXC2: hello kerryg137 welcome
RocknGrohlNerd: Magic the gathering? Where?
ghizmou: and you can devolve it if you need to
mishrasbauble: lmfao imagine
bondeulv: firebolt the figure, play inti, swing?
Diabore: !card elspeth, knight
LRRbot: Elspeth, Knight-Errant [2WW] | Legendary Planeswalker — Elspeth [4] | [+1]: Create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token. / [+1]: Target creature gets +3/+3 and gains flying until end of turn. / [−8]: You get an emblem with "Artifacts, creatures, enchantments, and lands you control have indestructible."
ghizmou: inti + bolt
Dr_fragenstien: could play inti, put a counter on the cathar so their blocks are bad
Hernalius: Inti gives trample too?!?!!
RocknGrohlNerd: @hernalius yeah
MrSarkhan: Inti is so messed up
itsr67: LUL
Moroklumpen: I'd probably just pick off both dudes and take Elspeth off the table
ghizmou: they don't know about inti
theymerLoviatar: @accountmadeforants you were right, this Worldle was butts
Silver_Drgn: Why does it give Trample
Hernalius: Why does it also give trample bruuuuh
Gadora: What a blowout.
TXC2: plane sailing from here
raulghoulia: simple and clean
itsr67: yielding is important cause of the chess clock
accountmadeforants: @theymerLoviatar I'm sure there's at least one person out there who actually saw that card a lot and is very happy.
tehfewl: yes
Mr_Bitterness: FTK was a very much a big deal
matthaus_c: Flametongue Kavu is the root of the problem we have today with Fury and Solitude
avjamethyst: ftk made my lightning angels very sad
TXC2: ETBs were a mistake
itsr67: cause ftk explodes itself on an empty board ofc
ghizmou: anything that had pro red was playable at that time
control_rig: FTK over-predated on its environment and ended up starving itself
Carlioo: 0 creature decks sounds so wild to me
TXC2: some of them are
shamblingkrenshar: Yes. Everything is Kicker. Unless its Horsemanship.
ThePixelSavage: not really? since kicker is defined by paying something for more?
h3rsh3yb4r: they're just E's now, the TB got dropped in '24
matthaus_c: ETBs are kicker because you pay 2WW for a 2/2 but then it does more
Diabore: @ThePixelSavage yeah but if it didnt have the etb itd cost less, sooooo
control_rig: I think the idea is that kicker means you have a choice
Diabore: @h3rsh3yb4r its not dropped till bloomburrow
offbeatwitch: the answer is simple: we kill the batman
itsr67: oo
Fanklok: Wait till Adam sees Astral Slide
ghizmou: jailer cooks
Paranundrox: it's not a fair card
forshamesir: Palace Jailer with blink effects is wild
Paranundrox: (I mean it is but like, it's backbreaking)
thraximore: did you know Palace Jailer can be your Commander? wheelerKappa
ghizmou: does Cori know about bombardier?
headdeskdev: they need to change mtgo to put the card under the monarch reminder
Paranundrox: do we wave Kavu?
Paranundrox: and then have it FTK the Goblin when it pops
bondeulv: can't you double activate wave to exile bombadiers forever?
Paranundrox: Wave goes away when a counter can't be removed, not when the last is removed
bondeulv: ah, right
bondeulv: not vanishing
Paranundrox: you need it to be a creature via Opalescence etc to do the perma-exile
itsr67: big birds
TehAmelie: Showdown of the Skalds: step up 2 the long ships
Austere_Squire: hey, all, hope you're doing well
Austere_Squire: how goes the draft?
TXC2: hello Austere_Squire welcome
frozenphoenix7: Notably, will not exile things that do actually die to lethal damage
Earthenone: !card embercleave
LRRbot: Embercleave [4RR] | Legendary Artifact — Equipment | Flash / This spell costs {1} less to cast for each attacking creature you control. / When Embercleave enters the battlefield, attach it to target creature you control. / Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has double strike and trample. / Equip {3}
itsr67: the FORTH
Diabore: oh so we win
TXC2: !card forth
LRRbot: Found 29 cards you could be referring to - please enter more of the name
Diabore: gg op
matthaus_c: !card forth eorlingas
LRRbot: Forth Eorlingas! [XRW] | Sorcery | Create X 2/2 red Human Knight creature tokens with trample and haste. / Whenever one or more creatures you control deal combat damage to one or more players this turn, you become the monarch.
TXC2: matthaus_c thanks
matthaus_c: np!
matthaus_c: Lemongrab as Palace Jailer would be hot
glencoco132 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
glencoco132: Finally used my bezos bucks for something useful. Loving the cube drafts!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, glencoco132! (Today's storm count: 14)
StreetRach: Hello Cori, Adam, and Whee-
matthaus_c: there's a Plains on top
itsr67: shrimple
matthaus_c: :)
Sibwow: scrub is a grub who thinks hes flub
Wolfstrike_NL: Never didn't have it
RealGamerCow: lrrGREED lrrGREED lrrGREED lrrGREED
Hernalius: Wheeler? Greedy? Never
brieandbacon: lrrGREED lrrGREED
Paranundrox: an elegant parlor for a more enlightened era
TXC2: lrrGREED lrrSACK lrrCrab : the LRR way
FurthestChunk: everybody eorlingas, ha ha ha, ho ho ho
h3rsh3yb4r: i disassociated, is this still the first match?
TXC2: h3rsh3yb4r this is game 2
as_ever_ellesandra: this is g2 of m1 I believe
h3rsh3yb4r: thanks
Earthenone: call a priest, but not for me!
glencoco132: @Earthenone beat me to it lol
itsr67: Wow
Paranundrox: cheating mostly
TXC2: the O ring bears will continue until morale improves
RealGamerCow: jaw exercises
as_ever_ellesandra: cheating, probably
matthaus_c: the hobbits love Second Forth Eorlingas
korvys: A *second* Forth Eralingis? Some kind of Eighth Eralingis?
TXC2: the second Forth Eorlingis is when the ghosts showed up Kappa
Paranundrox: we do have 6 pts of burn
matthaus_c: not only put up, we enjoy it
TXC2: "damn, you live like this?"
Silver_Drgn: The initiative is so much worse
korvys: I mean, it got banned from pauper
matthaus_c: !card white plume adventurer
LRRbot: White Plume Adventurer [2W] | Creature — Orc Cleric [3/3] | When White Plume Adventurer enters the battlefield, you take the initiative. / At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, untap a creature you control. If you've completed a dungeon, untap all creatures you control instead.
bbritt1030 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bbritt1030! (Today's storm count: 15)
tehfewl: white plume adventurer
Silver_Drgn: ITS A TRAP
headdeskdev: yeah the monarch actually makes creatures matter which I like
itsr67: ew
MrSarkhan: Oof
TXC2: ooof
Silver_Drgn: Monarc turn 2 baby
e_bloc: Corgo666 monarchy confirmed bad in all formats including real life
Silver_Drgn: I mean they do draw a card every turn
Earthenone: which member?
Croc64: NO
30teracyte: ugh
Silver_Drgn: @Earthenone DIS member
ThePixelSavage: @Earthenone dis!
thaigeprime: I love black lotus I wish flowers were real
Croc64: I blame ben for this
matthaus_c: just gotta draw 2nd Forth
Paranundrox: do we save Kavu for the dragon zombie?
Earthenone: elsbeth looks a lot better when you lotus it out turn 1
Sibwow: moral of the story is draft lotus
bondeulv: not jitte?
Earthenone: if you value their time consider
Dr_fragenstien: you’re only 1 land off hard casting it
kerryg137: How long are y'all streaming for?
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Paranundrox: Kaldra gets us the monarchy
bondeulv: well, they can shadowspear away the indestructible
matthaus_c: Jitte does nothing on its best days Kappa
itsr67: !kaldra compl
itsr67: !card kaldra comp
LRRbot: Kaldra Compleat [7] | Legendary Artifact — Equipment | Living weapon / Indestructible / Equipped creature gets +5/+5 and has first strike, trample, indestructible, haste, and "Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a creature, exile that creature." / Equip {7}
bondeulv: !card Elspeth, Knight Errant
LRRbot: Elspeth, Knight-Errant [2WW] | Legendary Planeswalker — Elspeth [4] | [+1]: Create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token. / [+1]: Target creature gets +3/+3 and gains flying until end of turn. / [−8]: You get an emblem with "Artifacts, creatures, enchantments, and lands you control have indestructible."
bondeulv: ah, -8
30teracyte: f
ThePixelSavage: oh yeah the spear gives lifelink as well ... what a stupid card :D
brieandbacon: o7
GredGredmansson: lrrFINE
Diabore: why would they block?
Earthenone: !pkmn gan of waves
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Earthenone: !pkmn fan of waves
LRRbot: Fan of Waves | Trainer — Item Rapid Strike | Put a Special Energy attached to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon on the bottom of their deck. / You may play any number of Item cards during your turn.
Dr_fragenstien: they really won off palace jailer tbh
Diabore: ive had wheeler himself cast black lotus against me
Symphoneers: I'm glad it wasn't just me.
Diabore: he ruined me that match
saucemaster5000: which one is the lady and which one is the tramp
StarKnight42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StarKnight42! (Today's storm count: 16)
brieandbacon: @saucemaster5000 yes
RealGamerCow: artificially flavored plastic
Earthenone: when you draft the best deck, its all mirror matches
brieandbacon: Yeah, let Adam draft the cube
TXC2: Jank is a dying art
violetblight: yeah im sad they cut some of the goofy stuff
Dr_fragenstien: I still can’t believe they gutted storm
Earthenone: how do they play giant? :P
Hernalius: Well Adam tolarian academy is in the cube
violetblight: i wanna play miserable storm decks
logophile99: hello llr people sorry to barge in like this but i need to known has there already been word wether there will be a PPR for outlaws of thunder junction
TXC2: !ppr
LRRbot: The Outlaws of Thunder Junction Pre-Launch Showcase will be on 5 April 2024 at 10am PDT! More info:
Sibwow: hes learmning
Paranundrox: Kaldra is very all-in
mishrasbauble: lmfao
Sibwow: hello highlight reel
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
gamercat88: solild
saucemaster5000: gesundheit
NotCainNorAbel: that's pretty good
ThePixelSavage: that elephant is constipated
Jogela: Best Elephant in the room
accountmadeforants: 🐘
thatjuantoo: PogChamp
dizzycriminal: I love content
Diabore: fucking oof
Saintnex: rude!
MichaelSnowbird: Sounds you hear at the moonbase after Taco Bell
Hernalius: Getting punished for actually trying to draft a deck that plays magic
accountmadeforants: Dang, LRR has a pet elephant?
saucemaster5000: that's the elephant that has to sit next to the teacher
thraximore: wheeler's face, lost off screen
ShaneLeeAtk: But what about the House Hippos?
theymerLoviatar: I wasn't paying attention to stream, farted at the same moment Adam made that noise, and almost had a heart attack
ztghostie: that's the fairest entomb I've ever seen
TXC2: theymerLoviatar :D
Earthenone: they discard grissy B
Mr_Horrible: Fieri Confluence :flavortown:
logophile99: @TXC2 thx must have missed the word
FurthestChunk: awimowave, awimowave Kappa
Saintnex: Welp lol
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahaha Age ols question
matthaus_c: not even going for the 50pp
Hernalius: Pack 1 pick one tolarian academy I can hope
Tweygoh: wheelerGre wheelerEed
RealGamerCow: Your deck is good, it's just garbo compared to the other decks
matthaus_c: Palace Jailed
Symphoneers: Jalace Pailer?
Sibwow: we should have had an adeline
violetblight: -sun tzu
cameron_in_the_hizous: ligma balls
accountmadeforants: Sometimes you play and draft absolutely perfectly, but your opponent is just way luckier despite being less skilled, and you should tell them about them in chat OpieOP
accountmadeforants: *about that
brieandbacon: Nah, deck's sweet, but other decks have also been dope
Dr_fragenstien: op entombed for seezy peezy, I don’t think they’re the better deck
itsr67: very smart
TehAmelie: i thought we were just "Boros all the most broken stuff"
Mr_Horrible: Inti creates
RealGamerCow: yabba dabba dinty moore stews
TXC2: dinti, dinner AND Tea
matthaus_c: al inti
Mr_Horrible: Inti, Shashasha of the Sun
FurthestChunk: we can at least kill everything
Sibwow: yabba dabba dinti
TXC2: kept a 2 lander? that's a paddlin'
longbowhavoc subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
longbowhavoc: Let's go cube
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, longbowhavoc! (Today's storm count: 17)
Mr_Horrible: Adam discovering that this card is supremely fucked up
accountmadeforants: Bowmasters is unreal yeah
thraximore: because feels-bad must be avoided at all costs
TXC2: because Hasbro "needs" money
Mr_Horrible: Magic players would never survive in Dragon's Dogma 2
cameron_in_the_hizous: look man, they were never gunna ship LORD OF THE RINGS CARDS out the door if they didn't print cards like this
MilkBreadTB: double spelling is over rated
accountmadeforants: Charbelcher yeah
tehfewl: oops all spells
Sibwow: if youve got a ton of elves you can run 12 lands
Sibwow: in a draft
itsr67: orb is good
TXC2: ponder the lrrCIRCLE
accountmadeforants: Yu-Gi-Oh-ass card
raulghoulia: Wheeler do I remember you had an 8 land Octavia commander deck?
Symphoneers: Don't ponder the orb, other people should ponder your orb.
Diabore: LOTR happened adam
aprilmoxt: Because Magic
itsr67: most of the time it's a one sided howling mine
Austere_Squire: i put that in my eldrazi deck
MehallD: Mood, Adam, mood
thraximore: because Hasbro
thraximore: line go up
Hernalius: Adam learns about powercreep
hackingducks: that LOTR set broke the hell out of the game.
MehallD: My average EDH deck buidling is worse than current precons now
Pywodwagon: @loadingreadyrun Adam one time last cube that card domed me for 19 on turn 2
bondeulv: doesn't go in modern
unbanjitte: you should just pull up the scryfall page for modern horizons 2 and let adam scroll
thraximore: I miss when bad cards existed
loufghyslaufey: @hackingducks f o r e v e r . . .
finestotter: Earlier you were complaining about salad getting expensive, make up your mind
TXC2: "everything's cheeper and it's so good!" boy there's a sentence people don't get to say often :p
cameron_in_the_hizous: DROP
Diabore: good warm up draft
ThePixelSavage: A whoooole new world
theymerLoviatar: Vintage Cube streams: Old Man Yells at Card
TXC2: good old 0-2 drop
glencoco132: Today is the day for a new start
brieandbacon: "I take my leave of this nonsense"
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe seabatClap GivePLZ TakeNRG ENERGY
Hernalius: Cmon academy
Earthenone: back for draft 2, now with breadsticks!
AioliWashington: are ya winning son
Sibwow: lets get readu for the first draft of the day
Ice_Blossom_: himehajParty himehajParty himehajParty himehajParty himehajParty himehajParty himehajParty
TXC2: forgot to pick up Nelson?
MichaelSnowbird: They are Men
bondeulv: andyLUL
brieandbacon: Ook ook, Cori
cameron_in_the_hizous: weren't you guys the last ones to eat those bars?
bondeulv: emmy
Hernalius: Adam and wheeler staring at anyone as though they're the weird one is peak comedy
loufghyslaufey: Archon reanimator?
ThePixelSavage: Kaito or Revoker
cameron_in_the_hizous: if anything adam's the one that left the box in there
Fanklok: Three way lady and the tramp it?
accountmadeforants: I somehow overlooked the Hullbreacher past all the BIG
lucass0128: Bolt
loufghyslaufey: cool, I sensed it too kind of...
tehfewl: Banned in Commander, Hullbreacher
MehallD: why is it INSTEAD.
cameron_in_the_hizous: banned in commander
MehallD: fucking hate hullbreacher
raulghoulia: from a commander set. banned in commander
Earthenone: shuffle your hand into the deck then kick rocks
Mr_Horrible: Hull Breacher continuing the proud tradition of Commander Product printing fucked-up merfolk
ragnarhedin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ragnarhedin! (Today's storm count: 18)
Austere_Squire: commander legends card, banned in commander
thraximore: with breacher??
renaissance_rat: i love adam learning about commander set cards
thraximore: let's go
Paranundrox: it's a commander that partners with an enchantment basically
Fanklok: Wheeler if Fortune with Hullbreacher is pretty fucked
bondeulv: fastbond
Sibwow: fastbond
bondeulv: momery jar tho
ThePixelSavage: I am too much of a Timmy to udnerstand those picks :D
yukimakingart: my boi oko
violetblight: goddamn
tehfewl: strip is good with playing magic
RealGamerCow: what on earth has already been picked?
gualdhar: but Adam there's a land in the pack
loufghyslaufey: You've never passed Oko again, Adam?
cameron_in_the_hizous: hey its that guy from the cowboy set
Mr_Horrible: True-Name Nemesis starting the proud tradition of Commander Product printing fucked-up merfolk
TXC2: good old pre-banned memory jar
wierdo_of_OZ: time for broken simic deck. dec
SirPlumpy: aye Uro is cool
Mr_Horrible: so good they named a set after it Kappa
BlueMechanic: so good they named an entire block after it
Fanklok: Memies Jar Hullbreacher?
Paranundrox: often it's a ritual not just a wheel
Sibwow: can we wheel the crop rot
wierdo_of_OZ: ya gotta
cameron_in_the_hizous: mean
Paranundrox: maybe wheel Crop Rot
raulghoulia: I very much enjoy Wheeler's history of magic
Hernalius: Wheel crop rotation
tehfewl: crucible strip fastbond Lest GO
loufghyslaufey: cruce your worlds, crux them worlds...
J_Rey15: Crucible Strip gachiGASM
ThePixelSavage: a mana wall
accountmadeforants: Three dot dec
Mr_Horrible: "And Gut is also here"
Dr_fragenstien: they passé crucible, I bet Titania wheels
gualdhar: that's a curve baby
wierdo_of_OZ: gooooottta be life from the loam
brieandbacon: Loam
bondeulv: loam, hq
BlueMechanic: it's all coming together
Earthenone: !card trinisphere
LRRbot: Trinisphere [3] | Artifact | As long as Trinisphere is untapped, each spell that would cost less than three mana to cast costs three mana to cast.
methodical_monk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months!
methodical_monk: I love the wonder in Adam's eyes
unbanjitte: RUG Lands wheelerPog wheelerPog wheelerPog
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, methodical_monk! (Today's storm count: 19)
Pywodwagon: a lil 3 mana chode
dm818: fastbond would be sick
Hernalius: Vindicate, it's another 3 mana card
hackingducks: draw 7s, fetches, fast mana.
Sibwow: do we take fastbond over blue mox?
raulghoulia: fastbond also banned in commander
itsr67: fastbond seems ok until it gets enabled by literally anything else
parrot6633: you do need a little bit of work to break fastbond
parrot6633: not that much but still
loufghyslaufey: Om-Nom-Two-The-Mons
TXC2: "when am I gonna have that many lands in hand to even play that fast?....."
Keaton__Mask: omnath and uro! anyone remember that period of standard lol
Fanklok: All Fastbond needs is a Zuran Orb
trainpants: I hate how much the old border shocks look like fetches
loufghyslaufey: The fax that a fetch wheeled
Mr_Horrible: you always have to remind yourself that Fastbond breaks a fundamental rule of magic, so even if it doesn't *look* strong, there's a reason you're not normally allowed to do that
brieandbacon: Get Serge to explain how Wheeler would win with Fastbond.
itira: -+
matthaus_c: @trainpants Rob Alexander really dropped the ball
Haroldholmes25: meme jar pack
Chesul: the way I look at fastbond is that it replaces all lands in your deck with slightly worse mox.
itira: oops sorry cat on the keyboard
Mr_Horrible: Dink Donkpths stalalaDinkdonk
Haroldholmes25: didn't wheel it
theymerLoviatar: manifest
Mr_Horrible: @itira cat's a mathematical genius
bondeulv: yeah, was oko memory jar pack I think?
wierdo_of_OZ: this deck is gonna go 3-0 easy
ThePixelSavage: @brieandbacon the absolute disprespect for the premier lands pilot of the format
accountmadeforants: Fastbond used to be restricted in Vintage
bondeulv: this was the fetches pack
itira: @Mr_Horrible at least someone in this house is
itsr67: WOO
accountmadeforants: WEEEEE
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: PogChamp
MrBacanudo: PogChamp
muondecay: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Mr_Horrible: Full hearts clear eyes can't lose
niccus: extremely illegal
JinaMahavira: Holy moly
thatjuantoo: starmu6Jam
TXC2: it's all coming together
drizztnailo: DAMN HE'S GOOD
salamisuperstar: Paid actors
30teracyte: oh buddy
bondeulv: wow
Hernalius: Oh no poor adam
thraximore: so imagine counterspell
itsr67: pure eyes
MrSarkhan: sergeGG
MrBacanudo: I think our archetype is open LUL
superdude097: Mana Drain coming to Arena soon
TXC2: mana drain coming to Arena :p
thraximore: except it kicks your dog
Haroldholmes25: LUL
Mr_Horrible: hee hee hoo hoo
bondeulv: mana burn adam
ztghostie: Card could be in OTJ limited LUL
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Sibwow: gladiator staple mana drain
lucass0128: last pick crop rot is bananas
DaCardCzar: To be fair it was a downside
RealGamerCow: Mana Burn, that's why
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahahaha
loufghyslaufey: Adam hasn't seen this?
e_bloc: you have never seen mana drain
as_ever_ellesandra: ITS IN THE OTJ BOOSTERS TOO
unbanjitte: getting reprinted in OTJ!
ChargeAh: LUL good ol drain
ztghostie: Its on the Outlaws of Thunder Junction bonus sheet
loufghyslaufey: Like, "Weh"?
DukeofFliesOxO: mana drain coming to arena with OTJ too LUL
MehallD: Hey, back in the day it was a downside! You got mana burned!
cameron_in_the_hizous: Cori setting there watching these apes go off like 👁👁
yukimakingart: I love adam reacting to these old cards LUL
unbanjitte: ancient tomb?
Mr_Horrible: you could pick Liv Tyler
loufghyslaufey: Well, gosh. Should manaburn just come back then?
TXC2: we need mana burn back Kappa
warkr0: when i look at our deck i think "we need another color"
Sibwow: we can wheel mystical tutor
Gekyouryuu: no, Leovold, I will not debate Steven Universe with you
Mr_Horrible: Bug Bomb pog
accountmadeforants: But at least it's two blue pips, unlike modern magic cards OpieOP
TehAmelie: Best Infestation eh
unbanjitte: lfg
ztghostie: hell yeah
BusTed: 👀
cameron_in_the_hizous: we win these
TXC2: the combo!
finestotter: No, but, you see, Mana Burn!!! - the designers
Paranundrox: and maybe wheel Wayfinder
yukimakingart: ohhhh we got a lands deck
drizztnailo: MA GET THE CAMERA
itsr67: this is the golden lands setup
ztghostie: !card Dark Depths
LRRbot: Dark Depths | Legendary Snow Land | Dark Depths enters the battlefield with ten ice counters on it. / {3}: Remove an ice counter from Dark Depths. / When Dark Depths has no ice counters on it, sacrifice it. If you do, create Marit Lage, a legendary 20/20 black Avatar creature token with flying and indestructible.
loufghyslaufey: Wait, the stage just riggers Depths...
loufghyslaufey: gawd
superdude097: Samwise selected
Paranundrox: you have Sam reserved
loufghyslaufey: *triggers
Mr_Horrible: copy the depths, the copy has no counters because it didn't etb
BlueMechanic: select the stage
Mattmitchell45: SAM
Gekyouryuu: quick, click the stage!
KidAmn: not Samwise please
bondeulv: reserve the depths?
Paranundrox: Sam is great with Strip
bondeulv: ah
KidAmn: oh god...
ztghostie: LUL
thraximore: umbral4KEKW
Hernalius: BALANCE
DukeofFliesOxO: LUL
Sibwow: balance for the zuran orb
loufghyslaufey: That's why, it just probably triggers instantaneously
Paranundrox: Pending is sweet
Dr_fragenstien: we went over this yesterday, stage will wheel
ztghostie: nobody is taking stage if they don't already have dark depths in their pool
Paranundrox: we desperately need the mana in this deck
loufghyslaufey: When in Boseiju...?
accountmadeforants: Balance is symmetrical and therefore far too fair for this deck
TXC2: boseju ?
bondeulv: scrubadub for the leovold?
Dr_fragenstien: scrubland for leovold?
itsr67: Sam pretty good
thraximore: just smile and nod Adam, smile and nod
itsr67: good with evokes
MilkBreadTB: Portal doesnt make the cut does it?
matthaus_c: strip samwise is nauseating
ThePixelSavage: again Wheeler ... please explain why ... pleeeeaaase :D
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c Frodo disagrees
Hernalius: Not weathered wayfarer?
Haroldholmes25: love three drops dot deck
loufghyslaufey: Wren into samwise, though?
Hernalius: Or is that card just bad
tehfewl: p3 fast bond inc
matthaus_c: wayfarer is good in constructed
parrot6633: all we need at this point is like, zuran orb, waste, maybe prime time
matthaus_c: kinda bad in cube
Hernalius: Fair
MrPipboy3000: "A second crucible has hit our deck."
Paranundrox: Gut sacs tokens I think?
MilkBreadTB: we kinda need some fetches
Dr_fragenstien: stage only works with dark depths, nobody will take it
Mr_Horrible: it is yet another "make them have it or they lose" which there isn't really a shortage of in cube
matthaus_c: we had Marit Lage and Sylvan Safekeeper yesterday and our opponent just cast Sheoldred's Edict
ztghostie: she's so flavorful
loufghyslaufey: indes-tuc-tibble
Saintnex: but with crucible you can do it over and over again :D
ztghostie: WELL LOOK AT THAT
cameron_in_the_hizous: crazy
Haroldholmes25: haters in shambles
SirPlumpy: Engagement
Mr_Horrible: "you all" okay
Mattmitchell45: We don't play Vintage Cube
Mr_Horrible: okay
as_ever_ellesandra: because the internet doesn't know better
cameron_in_the_hizous: must be a bug
thraximore: who'da thunk
glencoco132: Popping off now
bytecaster: Well I'm silently supportive, do you need me to be louder?
Iam_Dead: But saytr wayfinder Kappa
Mr_Horrible: we're getting reverse One Guy'd
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible look we gotta pay for the sins of the unwashed
SuperN0thin: drafters are paid actors
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahahahaha
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c they LEFT! IMMEDIATELY
accountmadeforants: Wait that was pack 2
wednesdayb: he aint called wheeler for nothing
accountmadeforants: What the fuck
MilkBreadTB: we got literally everything
korvys: But my keyboard is wireless...
loufghyslaufey: The bugs are hardly wrong- ah, Vista.
finestotter: cant believe Wheeler paid 7 actors for this stream
Sibwow: fooded woothills
Mr_Horrible: I'm not cowtowing to terrorists
mick_myage: I'm suddenly glad I wasn't at my keyboard this draft
Seth_Erickson: Damn if only there was some way I could avoid complaining but alas
Dr_fragenstien: gotta be vista
Gooseblast: wheelerCyber In wheeler we trust
Paranundrox: is Vista or Foothills better?
glencoco132: Nelly is here!
Haroldholmes25: wooded foothills is perfect
TXC2: Hello Nelson
Hernalius: Nah when I say things I kinda assume I'm wrong
cameron_in_the_hizous: Nelson we're strip locking!
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible asteynLUL
bondeulv: foothills finds more colours
loufghyslaufey: Vistas still get played anywhere else?
thraximore: nelly! FBtouchdown
RealGamerCow: Dig?
Hernalius: We're stripping here nelly
RealGamerCow: I dunno
parrot6633: spider twink
MurphEP: Yes, get everyone in here
tehfewl: spider twink
couchboyj: Ya'll need to trust the premiere land pilot of the former
bondeulv: still missing black for leovold aside from treasures
theymerLoviatar: oh shit it's Nelson, time to put the stream on the big screen
itsr67: ser, your spider
Iam_Dead: Spider twink
matthaus_c: welcome in Nelly
thraximore: spider twink!
brieandbacon: Spider elf
UWDJohn: Now we just need the premiere lands player to run it!
bytecaster: That Krasis from Clue
warkr0: clue was commander
Mr_Horrible: "What's an Unruly Krasis" a question even the Simic can't answer
ztghostie: i mean, it was definitely designed for commander
warkr0: right?
superdeadsmurf subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, superdeadsmurf! (Today's storm count: 20)
Sibwow: we can wheel exploration should take time walk
bondeulv: that doesn't wheel?
Sibwow: warp
Paranundrox: we have a lot of 3s
warkr0: i really like taking the dork
itsr67: WOO
bondeulv: finally
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
loufghyslaufey: woah
ThePixelSavage: scripted.
MrSarkhan: got there!
matthaus_c: Shelldock that Sylvan Safekeeper we're wheeling
Hernalius: Oh yeah
tehfewl: ez game
glencoco132: Perfect
Wolfstrike_NL: drafts done
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap
muondecay: PLAN ALL SET
grovak: this is one spicy cube sheeesh.
Hernalius: Let him COOK
AutonomousTurtle: how does he do it
korvys: Have we seen an Orb?
loufghyslaufey: Nelly is lucky
HEREPODS: lands deck complete
Earthenone: its a land card wheeler, let it wheel
yukimakingart: perfect deck
TXC2: gotta a Canlander deck right here : p
MurphEP: Damn he's good
theymerLoviatar: last draft was a lil pear-shaped
Mr_Horrible: Streamer Client engaged Kappa
loufghyslaufey: He just came in when they wheeled that fastbond!
loufghyslaufey: Right, chat?
grovak: realmbreaker lets yu cast leovold
gualdhar: what about mana drain into emrakul?
cameron_in_the_hizous: its gunna be horrible when this deck 0-3's
Earthenone: mana drain ramps us to emerkul yeah :P
grovak: this mana is cracked
accountmadeforants: Lmao
glencoco132: jeez
yukimakingart: deck is PERFECT
grovak: this is a dream cube
Paranundrox: and Zuran Balance right
warkr0: i dont hate reflexes
Mr_Horrible: the stew is coming together
parrot6633: we got pretty much everything but wasteland and prime time
Dr_fragenstien: reprieve for the curve
wierdo_of_OZ: gut looks kinda out of place tbh
tehfewl: didnt' take balance
Sibwow: rofellos is so good, not for this deck
Valfreyja69: Dies to doom blade
superdude097: Big Tef!
loufghyslaufey: monster
mick_myage: wheeler is losin it
Dr_fragenstien: not the safekeeper?
loufghyslaufey: monstrous pool
RealGamerCow: Adam's traumatized by that last draft
Sibwow: rofellos is cheap enough that getting doom bladed is fine
grovak: good wheel
Raolin_Darkbane: I think Adam is right with this take
HEREPODS: Ben the wheel master
Mr_Horrible: the crux of that argument is that Inti doesn't need another card to be good
TXC2: I get where Adam is coming from
matthaus_c: Inti is a metaphor
Hernalius: Benny wheels
itsr67: rofellos gets shot so easy
theymerLoviatar: pesti festi
Mr_Horrible: Rofellos is the absolute lowest bar for that, but the bar is still there
Khasi1596: @matthaus_c you're a metaphor
MrBibz: Adam you're right here dw
matthaus_c: @Khasi1596 bout time you noticed
Paranundrox: Magda adds colors though
MrBibz: every stream i've watched of wheeler's where a rofellos goes down it dies, lmao
Dr_fragenstien: mono green ramp is a deck in the cube where you cast massive creatures instead of cheating them out or reanimating them
MrQBear: @matthaus_c but whats a meta for?
Paranundrox: Rofellos just adds raw G which is less relevant in this specific list
Sibwow: magda plus hullbreacher equals portal to phyrexia
Hernalius: No time spiral?
bondeulv: no time spiral with our hullbreacher?
wierdo_of_OZ: is wrenn and realmbreaker really that good?
mugulord: ham sammich
Paranundrox: @wierdo_of_OZ it's mana fixing
cameron_in_the_hizous: also if rofellos eats the removal it opens the way for the next big problem
MurphEP: This deck looks sweet
parrot6633: @wierdo_of_OZ it's fixing, fills our graveyard with lands, filters for strip/fastbond/titania/zuran orb
parrot6633: it's not bad here
Paranundrox: there's a PW deck one I think
brieandbacon: Mage of Zhalfir is an awful planeswalker
EvilBadman: The Siege one lol
wierdo_of_OZ: uuuuuh fuck yeah?
trevorwisn: war of the spark is so fun
unbanjitte: lmao
MrPipboy3000: The worst Teferi is the one your opponent plays
TXC2: ^
Doncromatic: uro has risen
cameron_in_the_hizous: this is turn 2
ShaneLeeAtk: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 20 (new subscribers: 0, returning subscribers: 20, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 0, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 666, new followers: 7, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
accountmadeforants: !card Teferi, Timeless Voyager
LRRbot: Teferi, Timeless Voyager [4UU] | Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi [4] | [+1]: Draw a card. / [−3]: Put target creature on top of its owner's library. / [−8]: Each creature target opponent controls phases out. Until the end of your next turn, they can't phase in.
Paranundrox: maybe they play a R land
Fanklok: Nelson you missed Cori naming Dogged Detective "Doggie Dick"
bondeulv: crucible is infinite life here?
grovak: and infinite mana @bondeulv with fastbond
jacqui_lantern234: WELL WELL WELL!!!!! if it aint a beautiful group of stellar friends whomst i AGGRESSIVELY LOVE BEYOND MEASURE!!!!!!! <3
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
finestotter: "2000 land plays remaining"
BlueMechanic: and now we wait
Paranundrox: if they tap out yeah
Paranundrox: Black Lotus DT gamer
TXC2: that's combo baby
Earthenone: fourth ligma
korvys: Forth Metalingus?
TXC2: I'm tired of the lingii of their lives
Hernalius: Doomsday maybe
Earthenone: whats storm at?
bondeulv: 2
bondeulv: oh, right 3
grovak: EZ Clap
brieandbacon: E-zed, P-zed
Paranundrox: and you gain 2 and lose 1 per loop with the orb
Earthenone: what if fastbond is on top
MurphEP: wheelerGreed
jacqui_lantern234: lmao cori
e_bloc: but you lose one life every time you play a land lrrBEEJ
30teracyte: slooooooowwwwwww
cameron_in_the_hizous: do it
FurthestChunk: fuck it we ball
accountmadeforants: @e_bloc Zuran Orb gives you 2 life
trainpants: you did say you wanted to be greedy
matthaus_c: they might go Lotus Timetwister
e_bloc: and besides we play 18 lands
accountmadeforants: (There's also Dark Heart of the Wood if you want to make it look like you're playing bad cards)
accountmadeforants: !card Dark Heart of the Wood
LRRbot: Dark Heart of the Wood [BG] | Enchantment | Sacrifice a Forest: You gain 3 life.
TXC2: tutor for tutor
grovak: we lost the omnath
Mr_Horrible: Magic: The Gathering
grovak: lol
Invitare: Where's Omnath?
salamisuperstar: How many Lotus they have in that deck?
jacqui_lantern234: dang, this is a WILD t2 from them
jacqui_lantern234: i love it
Mr_Horrible: any deck playing Star can recycle that Star
Mr_Horrible: so there's no reason to pierce it
ThePixelSavage: what are you looking for to get with a spell pierce beyond turn 2 or 3?
cameron_in_the_hizous: so what we're saying is they're watching the stream
brieandbacon: Given that we're a Fastbond deck, I think it's somewhat reasonable to Spell Pierce a spell while they can
hackingducks: spell pierce also loses a lot of value against the fastbond deck
Mr_Horrible: Nelly speaks from experience, Wheeler speaks from contempt Kappa
Sibwow: demo toots
FurthestChunk: dts? down to shit?
offbeatwitch: LOL
Gooseblast: wheelerJoke
m1gr3nA: they also have jace on board so they are incentivized to keep opponent from doing anything
jacqui_lantern234: LUL WHEELER
thatjuantoo: PokCroagunk
unbanjitte: wtf built to spill is goated
RealGamerCow: I have not heard that name in a WHILE
accountmadeforants: @hackingducks Spell Pierce can still catch a greedy Crucible (or Fastbond itself)
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
ThePixelSavage: best one yet
30teracyte: jesus
Symphoneers: POWERFUL
thraximore: FBtouchdown
Mr_Horrible: Tantar gonna fuck someone up
theymerLoviatar: that's an elephant that has killed a man
Mattmitchell45: Awwwwwhhhooorg
Dr_fragenstien: that scared my dog
cameron_in_the_hizous: Nelson wins the prize pool
brieandbacon: Our man wentfor it
FurthestChunk: oh no he's here to debate steven universe with us
mugulord: i wasn't watching stream, where's the elephant?
thraximore: good werewolf impression
TXC2: elephant being fed into a wood chipper :p
Seth_Erickson: Wow I didn't know there was an elephant in the room
MrPipboy3000: Nelly's Elephant sounds like a dog that had his tail stuck under a rocking chair
hackingducks: wowza
MurphEP: FBtouchdown
cameron_in_the_hizous: its just that easy
jacqui_lantern234: gottem!!!
MadWolf1290: you take that
theymerLoviatar: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
muondecay: lrrHORN lrrHORN
grovak: RareParrot
MurphEP: Good things do happen to good people
Paranundrox: we're in a rough spot yeah
unbanjitte: unban leovold in commander
korvys: You drafted him
Paranundrox: Conspiracy
Mr_Horrible: Conspiracy 2: Regicide Boogaloo
m1gr3nA: conspiracy was basically commander
theymerLoviatar: Young Gristy
bondeulv: james in the building?
Paranundrox: or if we get Stage
Paranundrox: we don't have Balance in do we
Sibwow: we dont have balance at all
jacqui_lantern234: im starting to think the Lands Curse is on LRR rather than James, himself :p
Paranundrox: I thought it wheeled, was there something else in the pack?
ding0_dorko: I am guilty of being addicted to only plussing jace until ult
Dr_fragenstien: they cast black lotus twice, what can you do?
tehfewl: imagine 0ing jace for 6 turns instead of winning
jacqui_lantern234: inpestaion, if you will :p
Keaton__Mask: hits lotus Kappa
tehfewl: ambush viper
TXC2: I came into magic when Snapcaster was the best card
Fanklok: Tiago wanted Snapcaster to be a land not a creature
as_ever_ellesandra: we get infinite blue and colourless, amazing with our current hand /s
MrPipboy3000: Why wouldn't we bin the land and play it off crucible? (Not questioning, trying to learn)
TehAmelie: maybe a mosh pit?
as_ever_ellesandra: @MrPipboy3000 they could have brought in cards that punish relying on the crucible
Raolin_Darkbane: why not surveil the fetch into the graveyard and cast it this turn already?
matthaus_c: @MrPipboy3000 we didn't know if crucible was resolving when we made that decision
grovak: was it too risky to bin the fetch and cycle it a couple times with fast bond and crucible to get more pests?
shendaras: Just attach the camera to the swing so it moves with you!
TehAmelie: or put the swing sideays
jacqui_lantern234: Big Foot?! more like BIG FOOL for being out of focus Kappa
TXC2: fun story: the are laws protecting Bigfoot in case they are real
Mattmitchell45: If my brain can't focus, why should my camera?
bondeulv: yes adam
4 raiders from chuckaw1977 have joined!
TXC2: he's Learning!
TXC2: Hello Raiders
Mr_Horrible: witness majesty
Mr_Horrible: kanagoNoice
Sibwow: i love deck thinning
jacqui_lantern234: welcome raiders <3
TehAmelie: i think the degeneracy has begun
TXC2: we'll make Adam a Canlander play yet Kappa
Mr_Horrible: Titania is super cool
chuckaw1977: tutor....uh oh
tehfewl: timespiral
as_ever_ellesandra: please don't deluge us
Paranundrox: Twister presumable
Mr_Horrible: Tutor for Tendrils Kappa
itsr67: from the mono color decks in like 2011 right?
jacqui_lantern234: @Mr_Horrible YOURE SUPER COOL <3
chuckaw1977: also Ben...if you could say Boompile again...I would appreciate it
Paranundrox: @as_ever_ellesandra Deluge is fine since it kills Leo
Mr_Horrible: @jacqui_lantern234 goddammit, THIS is how I find out?!?! NotLikeThis
as_ever_ellesandra: @Paranundrox i know its fine, but I can still hope against it
Diabore: wow d tutored for a marsh flats
jacqui_lantern234: @Mr_Horrible jokes on you, its been obvious from day 1
Mr_Horrible: @jacqui_lantern234 laynaDedLeg laynaDedHead
matthaus_c: joke's on them, zuran orb on top
Mr_Horrible: excellent play, one small problem
Mr_Horrible: I've placed a Zuran Orb, somewhere on the top of my library
Paranundrox: we can also just swing in and see if they give up Leo
Paranundrox: yeah they have to block
Mr_Horrible: it's okay, Adam, Sign In Blood isn't in the cube Kappa
as_ever_ellesandra: yeah now we fetch to avoid getting hit by tenacious underdog
e_bloc: in b4 tenacious underdog
itsr67: ThanksUro
TXC2: life gain here is BIG
e_bloc: only 2000 land plays remaining
itsr67: playing magic is just understanding there's a lands player in all of us
unbanjitte: calling it now adam the next premier lands pilot of the format
grovak: EZ Clap
Mr_Horrible: he's getting the party hats and streamers out
chuckaw1977: good job
Mr_Horrible: "okAY..." *raises eyebrows
TXC2: right chat I'm off
Diabore: great first game of the day
Keaton__Mask: i love wheeler's chroma key bottle
TXC2: goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Cori and Nelson and Adam and Wheeler
Mr_Horrible: 'night (or other time) TXC2
plundypops: black lotus feels like hacking mtg
FurthestChunk: got a bond in my rari, 17 lands no 38
ThePixelSavage: is Nelly trying to say that casting Black Lotus is how your innocence dies?
bondeulv: you can get a pretty cheap WotC printed black lotus from Japan... Duel Masters ... promo?
Raolin_Darkbane: My favourite vintage cube experience was playing Ragavan T1, attacking T2, flip an inferno titan of opps library cast Black Lotus and play that Inferno Titan
Mr_Horrible: 3 free mana, never not worth it
Diabore: 'never gets old' my dude its 30 years old
MilkBreadTB: this deck can make infinite 20/20s with indestructible
MilkBreadTB: thats sick
PrancerInflatableReindeer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
PrancerInflatableReindeer: cuute ensemble
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PrancerInflatableReindeer! (Today's storm count: 21)
bondeulv: is the Duel Masters Black Lotus allowed in Canlander?
Mr_Horrible: when the fairest thing you can do with a card is turn 1 Questing Beast...
Kaaannaaa: considering all the broken 3+4 drops printed recently, black lotus is the best it's ever been
unbanjitte: lmao adamcoming up with the vintage format off the cuff
Diabore: @bondeulv i guess depends on the proxy rules of where youre playing
Hernalius: Adam figured out why lurrus got banned in vintage
as_ever_ellesandra: congrats adam on learning why companion had to be entirely changed
Fanklok: Lurrus was banned
itsr67: you've changed adam
Mr_Horrible: "Stripping my opponent" you can't show that on Twitch, Wheeler
unbanjitte: adam becoming a vintage degen sickos yes yes
Symphoneers: We gotta get Adam a canlander deck.
bondeulv: @Diabore they allow collector's edition I believe?
Saintnex: Oops all black lotus
Diabore: do you mean sneak instead of breech wheeler?
tri_nitro_: you surely should have opened a black lotus Kappa
Chesul: it's really fun seeing Adam learn how crazy all these cards really are.
Haroldholmes25: @Diabore underworld breach
Kaaannaaa: they can cast their instants so easily
Mr_Horrible: I know Wheeler is a very good player who has a ton of experience with cube, but it still always makes me go "wow..." at his called shots in these games
plundypops: if it was me, I would simply draft black lotus
Diabore: @Haroldholmes25 oh that makes sense, i was thinking of through the
accountmadeforants: This is like Arena matching you based on your deck. It saw your Fastbond/orb/crucible nonsense and put you in the Black Lotus queue.
MilkBreadTB: this was a very weird turn from villain
Mr_Horrible: Nema Siltlurker
Fanklok: Don't they know this black lotus card is bad it keeps losing
superdude097: They should have played that Faerie before the Twisterded Kappa
Haroldholmes25: @Diabore yeah me too at first
Mr_Horrible: hell yeah my psychic powers grow stalalaBrain
Paranundrox: these opponents sure love Black Lotus Timetwister
josh___something: My bad OG
Kaaannaaa: thats a desperate EI
MilkBreadTB: should have been a 1/3
MurphEP: FBtouchdown
thraximore: yes and it traumatized him
as_ever_ellesandra: "Did you know it was gonna be a UW 1/3"
finestotter: Lazotep Behemeth Adam?
violetblight: and then they printed bowmasters
Sibwow: he really kicked the helmet in that lord of the ring movie
hd_dabnado: what up fuckers? (supportive)
grovak: nathan steuers card is a 1/3 at least
thraximore: sup dabnado
MilkBreadTB: youre welcome wheeler :)
grovak: err X/3
Paranundrox: we're making like 4 5/3s
finestotter: !card lazotep behemoth
LRRbot: Lazotep Behemoth [4B] | Creature — Zombie Hippo [5/4]
MrPipboy3000: Its also in there with "Viggo Mortenson actually broke his toe when he kicked the helmet"
Mattmitchell45: "On 9/11, Steve Buscemi returned to his old firefighter job to help search for survivors"
hd_dabnado: she is the OG Queen adam
MehallD: I've played a significant number of Titania's in Legacy Nic Fit. Cards great
DaCardCzar: flash wurm
Paranundrox: that's not even that great tbh
bondeulv: ouch
hd_dabnado: huh
accountmadeforants: Yes but did you know they wanted it to block Steampunk Monkey because Steampunk Monkey is a really good card? The more you know! I love teaching new people the ins and outs of magic
hd_dabnado: wurm is not the worst
LoneGoat: only three 5/5s? pish posh
brieandbacon: @MrPipboy3000 "The knife he parried at the end of Fellowship was a real knife"
Paranundrox: I guess they do trample over our 5/3s
Sorator13: LUL
accountmadeforants: Maybe Anger got taken out of the pool for being too good OpieOP
MrQBear: @accountmadeforants I read Steampunk Monkey and my brain filled in 'Island' at the end and now I want a new Monkey Island game?
Paranundrox: we can Breach in response to the Mastermind
MilkBreadTB: you know the deck is busted if you dont pick shuffle a single time you ponder lol
hd_dabnado: how many people can we fit into this room?
brieandbacon: At least four
jacqui_lantern234: A B C - Simewise Eat A Food :p
Sibwow: just draw fastbond
therepoman__: It's shrimple really
accountmadeforants: sajamYes
josh___something: WILL IT KRILL
hd_dabnado: as shrimple as
Sibwow: have yall seen the shrimple syrup
AllTheWeasels: LUL
wierdo_of_OZ: LUL
30teracyte: lmaooooooo
itsr67: no
Saintnex: lol
therepoman__: loooooooooool
wierdo_of_OZ: wheelerGre
bondeulv: loool
jacqui_lantern234: no, sorry, only crabs
tri_nitro_: LuL
superdude097: LUL
BatenicYork: KEKW
MrPipboy3000: Every time we don't draw Fastbond, the audience should be asking "Where's Fastbond?"
josh___something: LMAO
brieandbacon: Broooooo
wierdo_of_OZ: wheelerEed
frozenphoenix7: Well
Sorator13: OOF
longbowhavoc: Lololololololo
Hernalius: Highlight reel
thatjuantoo: LUL
Daggerpeak: iepinbGreed iepinbGreed iepinbGreed iepinbGreed
frozenphoenix7: Highlight it
bondeulv: sam is a 2/1
as_ever_ellesandra: why did you do that to yourself lmao
Seth_Erickson: oh wheeler NotLikeThis
trevorwisn: got a shrimp tattooed on my arm
MaelstronSolenor: oh come on ......
e_bloc: lrrWOW
Fanklok: Shrimply the best
Keaton__Mask: 🦐
distractfulilly: Maths is hard
dumbo3k: sergeOffByOne
MehallD: sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne
sophieghost: sergeOffByOne
manfred909: sergeOffByOne
as_ever_ellesandra: sergeOffByOne
SerGarretCameron: sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne
ShaneLeeAtk: sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne
pprroogg: maybe missed the -1 from fetch?
Kazman20a: sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne
Athelgar: sergeOffByOne
Veggiekeks: sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne
as_ever_ellesandra: you put us to 16
Paranundrox: maybe you forgot to count the fetch
superdude097: No, had to play 1 to crack fetch
Sibwow: you might have double counted the 1 toughness
MaelstronSolenor: NotLikeThis tgnTrap
dungeonmasteralek: sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne sergeOffByOne
Raolin_Darkbane: it probably was the fetch
Hernalius: Feel the rain on your skin
Mattmitchell45: Going to Charleston soon and ready to get Shrimp Pilled
MaelstronSolenor: tgnRIP
chuckaw1977 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
chuckaw1977: Off by one
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chuckaw1977! (Today's storm count: 22)
josh___something: Damn, it krilled NotLikeThis
as_ever_ellesandra: we just had infinite mana and life
Ace__of__Hearts: Happy Easter LRR chat are we winning?
finestotter: You just look at the art and it taps for those colors... But not some of the others
Fanklok: I love the Jujutsu Kaisen character that does the black lotus flash
Iperithon: imagine queueing up and you end up having to fight the LRRhydra as an opponent
as_ever_ellesandra: maybe they've got forcde spike
thraximore: I just hate crackers umbraSip
TehAmelie: the LRRhydra and chat myrmidons
thraximore: For legal reasons that is a joke
tri_nitro_: what about secondsies
Mr_Horrible: "I weren't droppin' no crumbs, sir, honest!"
Mr_Horrible: "Moo. Away."
Sorator13: is... is Mordor "the city" in this analogy?
as_ever_ellesandra: we'll mana drain a 3 drop and it;ll just work
A_Dub888: How goes the POWERFUL MAGIX?
as_ever_ellesandra: dw about it
superdude097: Dangerous with this mouse
matthaus_c: Spell Pierce
Sorator13: LUL
hd_dabnado: they are gonna play 3feri and we are gonna drain it
MurphEP: Nice
e_bloc: ligma
bytecaster: Is there a spell called "Lariat"?
josh___something: FUCK
hd_dabnado: eh close enough
matthaus_c: Condor Spire!
thraximore: umbraHmm
thraximore: !card spiral arrow
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
TehAmelie: JP is an old man who fights with one hand holding his back together
Pharmacistjudge: it’s not spike?
thraximore: I'm almost surprised
itsr67: LUL
hd_dabnado: brain freeze?
bondeulv: karakas is a thing
Paranundrox: Brain Freeze
Paranundrox: I guess they're Breaching
distractfulilly: But seriously, imagine people playing Magic in nursing homes
MrQBear: @bytecaster there was that street fighter secret lair, right? there's a zangief... although it has spinning piledriver, not lariat.
BlueMechanic: Now I'm imagining a retirement home full of people playing vintage
hd_dabnado: LOL
Mr_Horrible: Oker
Sibwow: so that should be the match right
bondeulv: never didn't have it
yukimakingart: ggs shake my hand
e_bloc: busted, makes me feel good
hd_dabnado: madness aint it
accountmadeforants: This is what everyone pictures Vintage Cube looks like
tehfewl: why didn't you draft 4 pieces of power with 2-3 different 2 card combo
wierdo_of_OZ: these hands have been so sad
hd_dabnado: blazing rootwalla is not particularly good
matthaus_c: Invigorate? Tortured Existence? at work, dude??
Hernalius: Put paradox engine in the cube cowards
frozenphoenix7: CalebD's been doing really well with the GR Pump spell stuff tbh
ThePixelSavage: one more mull and Wheeler has to come out for a second time
frozenphoenix7: And it's looked good to me
accountmadeforants: Then they end up drafting Lightning Helix
Mr_Horrible: Magic: the Gathering
korvys: Bring Back Suphuric Votext (I don't know if it's in the cube, but it wasn't last time I looked)
blasterprime: how do you keep getting away with this???
Raolin_Darkbane: I went 3-0 with Kiki-jiki+Pestermite today, but the best use of those two cards was pitching to Pyrokinesis and Force of Will respectively
Sorator13: @Raolin_Darkbane pfff
Mr_Horrible: they're gonna TT in between our lands NotLikeThis
thatjuantoo: LUL
Haroldholmes25: I'm just a little guy, it's my birthday
Mr_Horrible: oh wait, nvm
Mr_Horrible: we're goated with sauce
Mr_Horrible: wait they also didn't regrow the TT?
A_Dub888: benginDab
Mr_Horrible: *gestures to coiling oracle*
MilkBreadTB: I feel like enlightened tutoring for black lotus is just bad mana vault
wierdo_of_OZ: rut ro scooby
MilkBreadTB: nvm
accountmadeforants: Black Lotus, Flash, Worm, Breach, Mana Tithe
MrBibz: I feel like leaving drain up might have been the play, what's the downside there?
finestotter: Just listen to chat!
MegaDosX: He's not gonna listen to us
bytecaster: Never listen to chat!
accountmadeforants: Sometimes it's about living the dream
frozenphoenix7: Look, it's a twitch stream, so gotta do the content play
Hernalius: If you don't listen to them, then the only one left to listen to is chat
Mr_Horrible: that *is* the ticket
MehallD: Wheeler will ALWAYS throw for content
A_Dub888: is it the ticket?
anhakha: You don't make mistakes, you make 'Content'...
J_Rey15: We picked Samwise, but the guy thought we picked Samunwise
ThePixelSavage: why do you always think the worst ... I really just want Wheeler to explain these things to me to learn ... this was an honest question Adam ...
as_ever_ellesandra: we should've known they were gonna high roll us wheelerKappa
bondeulv: titania
Hernalius: Sibwow what
hd_dabnado: can get you a surveil land
matthaus_c: @ThePixelSavage it was someone else. the way you put it was fine
Hernalius: Wait why was twotch chat way behind for me
Hernalius: Ignore me sibwow I'm dumb <3
Sibwow: no worries lol
MegaDosX: Holy shit that's hateful
Sorator13: Paul's working on that technology!
TheAwkes: Turning a land you have into a land you want/need that enters untapped is pretty good on it's own even before getting landfall or other triggers.
anhakha: Quick, someone donate a sub to orson wells
TehAmelie: the frennnch wazaaaaah
Mr_Horrible: "Them's the brakes, kiddo"
MehallD: @TehAmelie I understood that reference
unbanjitte: doing my first NEO draft this friday, any tips?
Mr_Horrible: Samus Weezus? The famous lesbian bounty hunter?
anhakha: Dark depths taps for mana now...
accountmadeforants: @unbanjitte Draft the Life of Toshiro Umezawa :)
viowof subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, viowof! (Today's storm count: 23)
MilkBreadTB: nb4 I was joking
accountmadeforants: !card Life of Toshiro Umezawa
LRRbot: Life of Toshiro Umezawa [1B] (back: Memory of Toshiro) | Enchantment — Saga | I, II — Choose one — / • Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. / • Target creature gets −1/−1 until end of turn. / • You gain 2 life. / III — Exile this Saga, then return it to the battlefield transformed under your control.
unbanjitte: writing this down
dm818: that one red three mana rare saga
hd_dabnado: all of the archetypes work so well together
Sorator13: and yeah, the 6 mana white spell that makes 3x2/2s is very good, as Nelly said. emphasize that.
xerjen: I never understood the hype for the one mana sagas.
Mr_Horrible: Okiba saga and Umezawa saga are both cracked for commons
unbanjitte: wait wtf umezawa saga is just jitte
unbanjitte: pog
MegaDosX: !card okiba reckoner raid
LRRbot: Okiba Reckoner Raid [B] (back: Nezumi Road Captain) | Enchantment — Saga | I, II — Each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life. / III — Exile this Saga, then return it to the battlefield transformed under your control.
MrBibz: Boseiju Reaches Skyward is fucked
bondeulv: red blue artifacts zoom
TimIAm: I had a ton of fun drafting NEO when it was out
as_ever_ellesandra: Naomi my beloved
Izandai: The archetype synergies are all good.
30teracyte: oni cult anvil
MegaDosX: Oni-Cult Anvil
Mattmitchell45: Anvil
MegaDosX: Became a Standard deck
MegaDosX: Colossal Sky Turtle
tehfewl: 5c good stuff was a fun deck
Sorator13: yes, flurtle! love that one
Mattmitchell45: Daniel!
bytecaster: Also, you know, have fun with it.
SirPlumpy: when all else fails, 5 color pile! :)
Zedruu_the_Goathearted: kid named figure
MegaDosX: No red mana for you
Mr_Horrible: the ring temps us
Izandai: Samuel Gamuel
Fluffasaurus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fluffasaurus! (Today's storm count: 24)
MilkBreadTB: "yuppy"
MegaDosX: Welp.
MegaDosX: That's a good card with a Titania around
Izandai: mattlrLul
MegaDosX: Titania's a red spell right? benginLul
Sibwow: its the red vegetable
cameron_in_the_hizous: any time they drink a white dude
MegaDosX: Who needs lands
MilkBreadTB: territorial?
drizztnailo: when i first read zuran orb i thought "wow this card sucks, why would i want to sac my lanbds?" i was a wee bit wrong
Sibwow: fruits are vegetables
unbanjitte: dude yall need to do the enchant worldle today its impossible
aww_shiiup subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aww_shiiup! (Today's storm count: 25)
n3ther: what is this, the red vegetable police
silenceaux: (isn't tomato a fruit?)
TheBattleOfHastings: Bell pepper are fruits
thraximore: I'm colorblind this is ableism
Tweygoh: rhubarb?
n3ther: LOL
toady0s: bell peppers are fruits. they have seeds.
toady0s: vegetables don't have seeds.
cameron_in_the_hizous: so you're allowed to be wrong
Sibwow: strawberries
toady0s: right?
toady0s: idk
Toxxick: Swiss Chard?
m1gr3nA: beats
Tweygoh: beet?
brieandbacon: We all know that ketchup is a smoothie, right?
toady0s: radish
Steelwolf171: Radish
Sibwow: pizza is a vegetable
Mattmitchell45: Vegetable is a culinary term
Sibwow: brown
toady0s: plz no ban :(
bondeulv: beats?
m1gr3nA: sooo does watermellon counts?
MegaDosX: Oh gross, Omnath
Sibwow: whiplash
Daggerpeak: whiplash
MegaDosX: Whiplash?
drizztnailo: whiplash?
unbanjitte: nacho libre
KWardJenx: Just got here and SO glad I caught this stream. Made my day
gualdhar: I thought a watermelon was a nut
unbanjitte: get that corn out of my face
Haroldholmes25: not my tempo
unbanjitte subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, unbanjitte! (Today's storm count: 26)
bondeulv: if it's thalia, we might
Izandai: Playing Omnath with a land drop up is pretty good against aggro.
Izandai: oh baby
MegaDosX: That's disgusting
drizztnailo: DAMN HE'S GOOD
Sorator13: !card Fastbond
LRRbot: Fastbond [G] | Enchantment | You may play any number of lands on each of your turns. / Whenever you play a land, if it wasn't the first land you played this turn, Fastbond deals 1 damage to you.
Izandai: @MegaDosX 3 mana 2/2 haste trample become monarch is a pretty good card.
trainpants: forth for one, disrespecting dismember
RedArrogantKnight: Forth for 1 is a pretty common play
accountmadeforants: Forth Eorlingas is just unreal
MegaDosX: Everything
drizztnailo: damn why is wheeler so good at magic
Mr_Horrible: why do they keep shouting about Brother's War? I know the set had some egregious shit but was it really any worse than average modern Magic? Kappa
MegaDosX: !card omnath, locus of creation
LRRbot: Omnath, Locus of Creation [RGWU] | Legendary Creature — Elemental [4/4] | When Omnath, Locus of Creation enters the battlefield, draw a card. / Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 4 life if this is the first time this ability has resolved this turn. If it's the second time, add {R}{G}{W}{U}. If it's the third time, Omnath deals 4 damage to each opponent and each planeswalker you don't control.
Sibwow: you played your exiled card
Sibwow: thats the important part
Izandai: mattlrLul
thraximore: sees ponder => "ponder"
Fanklok: If beets are purple why do you use them to make red dye?
as_ever_ellesandra: oh we're dead dead
MilkBreadTB: is this game 3?
ArdCollider: o7
n3ther: oh my
TehAmelie: @Fanklok they extract all the blue to use for other things
smallghostbigthot: i can tell y'all actually like each other cause you're willing to sit down and draft the 4 of you as one person and not rip each other's heads off lrrHEART
smallghostbigthot: EI pretty broken indeed
gualdhar: Wow it's nearly 5 already
Izandai: hmm
smallghostbigthot: kablammo good
Izandai: Oh Adam you're gonna love OTJ.
Izandai: Carrots
MehallD: Carrots
Tommadness: sprouts
itira: cucumber
LurkerSpine: asparagus
frozenphoenix7: Broccoli
Sibwow: sprouts rule
Greyah: Courgette
drizztnailo: bell peppers go crazy
blasterprime: big fan of carrot juice
Tommadness: sprouts are goated
korvys: Does potato count?
smallghostbigthot: broccoli
Saintnex: boy choy
Mattmitchell45: Cabbage
m1gr3nA: except the opponent, opponents do not like cablamo
smallghostbigthot: do we count collard greens
Sorator13: cabbage, kale, cauliflower...
Mr_Horrible: probably spinach
brieandbacon: Parsnip
hd_dabnado: broccoli but also love a well cooked sprout
theymerLoviatar: it's all Brassica oleracea in the end
itira: broccoli cabage etc are all brassica
MegaDosX: Suddenly, Marit Lage
MilkBreadTB: a 20/20 every turn be gross
itira: i love fried cabbage
Mr_Horrible: really, who is a bigger lady than Marit Lage?
Mattmitchell45: Wasabi, Arugala, Raddish
Sorator13: !card Forth Eorl
LRRbot: Forth Eorlingas! [XRW] | Sorcery | Create X 2/2 red Human Knight creature tokens with trample and haste. / Whenever one or more creatures you control deal combat damage to one or more players this turn, you become the monarch.
TehAmelie: i like spinach
saucemaster5000: asparagus steamed in garlic butter and with a slice of lemon is goted
Mr_Horrible: if they path it's spooky, but if they swords we're pogging
Tweygoh: i literally had that last night @saucemaster5000
MilkBreadTB: also we can take back the monarchy
Izandai: Or draw omnath.
itira: @saucemaster5000 bbq with oil, salt and pepper is the best imo
Mr_Horrible: Zur somewhere laughing his ass off
smallghostbigthot: that's trees baby
Izandai: That is an EXCELLENT sign.
Mr_Horrible: banger sign, milord
itira: i saw the sign
brieandbacon: Definitely one of the signs
ztghostie: GOAT Sign
Sibwow: mfs when they cant see a better sign
blasterprime: and it opened up my eyes??
squ3e: Opened up my eyes I saw the sings
itira: and it opened up my eyes
hd_dabnado: the one that siad "carbon monoxide warning"
Mattmitchell45: Burma Shave?
saucemaster5000: I saw a sign for "Top Hat Cleaners" today
Mr_Horrible: what about those "Wide Load" signs? Those are pretty funny
MrPipboy3000: "Long hair hippie folk need not apply"
saucemaster5000: In my heart its a place where they only clean top hats
smallghostbigthot: i really like attacking with excavator here
bjergmann101: That sign you get from your partner when they know you love something
Awfrigate: cube? neat
TehAmelie: how's this sign
MilkBreadTB: double strip is like a marrit lage
Mr_Horrible: laynaAcTuALLy um ackshually Sam didn't say that
MegaDosX: Second Breakfastbond
itira: Adam is a hater
Izandai: Congratulations, we broke fast(bond)!
TehAmelie: "Afternoon Delight" could be about playing Fastbond
psychotic_velvet: jeez... That is some heavy ramp.
bytecaster: I should break the my 4 hour fast and get dinner.
That_Ski_Freak: 4 canadians in a trench coat playing vcube bwoah
Izandai: uh oh
Sibwow: confluence
as_ever_ellesandra: !card burst lighting
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Mr_Horrible: laynaPray laynaPray laynaPray
smallghostbigthot: it's what happens when ya flood
Izandai: Everybody into the pool.
as_ever_ellesandra: !card burst lightning
LRRbot: Burst Lightning [R] | Instant | Kicker {4} / Burst Lightning deals 2 damage to any target. If this spell was kicked, it deals 4 damage instead.
MegaDosX: McDonalds!
as_ever_ellesandra: okay that would've put us to one
Sorator13: nelly you're not participating!
Sorator13: we need the hands in the air!!
Izandai: That's fine.
MegaDosX: !card oust
LRRbot: Oust [W] | Sorcery | Put target creature into its owner's library second from the top. Its controller gains 3 life.
Sibwow: surely this marit lage will do it
Mr_Horrible: 3rd Marit Lage of the game, what a time to be alive
ThePixelSavage: he sad on easter ...
as_ever_ellesandra: surely the third marit lage will be enough
FoxyJewels: hiyo folks! happy egg-finding day~
Izandai: Third Marit Lage's the charm?
n3ther: the most sufferingest
ThePixelSavage: *said
smallghostbigthot: we go to 2 here
MegaDosX: Also both things have double strike
Mr_Horrible: they both have double strike
MegaDosX: !card death greeters champion
LRRbot: Death-Greeter's Champion [2R] | Creature — Human Warrior [2/1] | Dash {3}{R} / Backup 1 / Double strike
MegaDosX: It's from March of the Machine Commander
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
renaissance_rat: ggs
Sibwow: perfect timing
hd_dabnado: WINDOWS
n3ther: Wheeler SCREAM
bytecaster: The tension
as_ever_ellesandra: so close to being a 50 pp gamer
Awfrigate: Well done!
hd_dabnado: YEAAAA
blasterprime: lets gooooooooo
smallghostbigthot: smallg16Yeah smallg16Yeah smallg16Yeah smallg16Yeah smallg16Yeah
accountmadeforants: wheelerPog
Izandai: ClappyHype
renaissance_rat: never didnt have it
gualdhar: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
brieandbacon: sergeGG sergeGG
squ3e: Windoes celebration
Mr_Horrible: sinder6PyroLetsGo sinder6PyroLetsGo sinder6PyroLetsGo
tehfewl: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Tweygoh: Nelson, btw you were great in the Live last night
SimWOT: wheelerY wheelerH
bondeulv: 2-1 yeaaa
MilkBreadTB: nother one?
Awfrigate: Ooops always lotus
korvys: According to the schedule, this stream still has an hour?
Izandai: Third Marit Lage's the charm!
ArdCollider: unarmeGameplay
glencoco132: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Izandai: mattlrLul
FoxyJewels: wait, "100 new items"? every point is its own item??
Mr_Horrible: surviving in a field of cutthroats
brieandbacon: Uhhhhhhh......One More?
theymerLoviatar: we demand more angry babies!
bytecaster: People hard cast anger online all the time.
Fanklok: Noo keep going please
bondeulv: this was good
Awfrigate: Reward for the win is go get food? Treat yourselves?
HEREPODS: keen for elden ring wheeler
Sorator13: thanks for a lovely afternoon!
Diabore: oh ending early?
brieandbacon: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Austere_Squire: excellent game, guys; have a good day
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
MilkBreadTB: I must know @LoadingReadyRun is this gonna be an every sunday thing?
accountmadeforants: @FoxyJewels MODO was released in 2002 :)
HEREPODS: thank you legends
bondeulv: well worth the patreon, youtube subscription, twitch sub, and tokyotreat
Iperithon: 4 headed giant!
Tweygoh: lrrCORI lrrNELSON lrrADAM lrrWHEELER
kaboomjr26: Oh boy vod time
HEREPODS: very good stream
FoxyJewels: @accountmadeforants but STILL
raulghoulia: Cheer1000
ckupf: Paul, Graham, I like this stream
korvys: According to the schedule, this stream still has an hour? Not complaining, just blaming... James, I assume?
KWardJenx: I can assure you, management WILL be hearing from me about this stream. Because I loved it!
HEREPODS: PunchTrees
kaboomjr26: lrrMATT
viowof: well, if Tiktok gets banned, that's like 3/4ths of your audience gone
Austere_Squire: inform the beej that this steam has pleased me
Tweygoh: vcube mount lrrmore
Sorator13: @korvys I'm guessing they may be calling it cause they wouldn't get much past one match in another draft
kaboomjr26: lrrGRAHAM
brieandbacon: "Hello"
bondeulv: OTJ on friday is gonna be wild
accountmadeforants: My dream is you host this stream from the big studio with an even bigger gallery
kaboomjr26: Is there no lrrADAM
bondeulv: showdown special?
accountmadeforants: Just hooting and hollering
Mr_Horrible: Mister Frodo, I've been slain by a Canadian
Sorator13: what on earth
accountmadeforants: Multiple camera angles
kaboomjr26: Oh there we go
viowof: I hope this is more of a regular thing
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, gang
FoxyJewels: sacre bleu
thejadedthief: Thanks for the shenanigans!
brieandbacon: G'Byyeeeeee!
bytecaster: Wait, what are we then?
Fe1ix66: Adam definitely made it up
MegaDosX: I have heard it elsewhere
thatjuantoo: PokCroagunk
Sorator13: @bytecaster Degenerates
MurphEP: I trust anything streamers tell me
itira: OSFrog
SerGarretCameron: YouTube is our Swamp.
smallghostbigthot: that's super made up
brieandbacon: Literally the only time hearing this
Mr_Horrible: it's not real, he's been gaslighting for like the last year
bytecaster: Are we sure?
UWDJohn: Vod Goblins?
itira: Toads arnt real either
bytecaster: @UWDJohn Vodblins
korvys: Voblins?
Wolfstrike_NL: We already have enough Paul's with cloning and time travel, and enough Beej with Beejdrops, don't need multiple Sam's
zarbit: they're turning the friggin' *us* gay?!
bondeulv: I switch between watching twitch vods AND youtube vods, what am I, Adam?
TehAmelie: Youtube Yargles
62MGcobra: hey streamer stop lurking around chat!
smallghostbigthot: genshin is fake
korvys: fuck that guy
KWardJenx: Adam doesn't make the rules. He just follows them.
Diabore: it is sunday adam
bytecaster: In only 3 hours, promised
Mr_Horrible: Wait, that's what the Samwise Chatter did
Mr_Horrible: Adam's actually toxic D:
Mr_Horrible: literally they're gonna see sounds
bondeulv: ooh, golf
Mr_Horrible: the world is right again
jacqui_lantern234: speaking of which, i should get my easel and camera set up :p
62MGcobra: thats cause Uno eats frogs
Mr_Horrible: and this one's not a satire, right? Kappa
korvys: so brave
Seth_Erickson: Preach Brother!
itira: Adam with the hot takes
Mr_Horrible: Alan Sleeb
toady0s: lethal company returns
hatboozeparty: Milking that Alan content
62MGcobra: wait thats the french
TehAmelie: the Starship Troopers game is a Starcraft while the Helldivers game is a Starship Troopers, could get confusing
Mr_Horrible: the Smash Bros Ultimate mtg set
tehfewl: wheeler and not wheeler are my favorite
Serpens77: yee haw
bondeulv: you already did it?
pn55: Yee and/or Hah
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Mr_Horrible: here forever o7
62MGcobra: but I have 5 more days til my sub :(
unbanjitte: nooooo
itira: LOL
Mr_Horrible: lmao
itira: chaos
brieandbacon: But the bits!!
TheWriterAleph: okay byeeee
brieandbacon: Byeyeee
62MGcobra: hifunkSickest
KWardJenx: Pros! Thank you
TheAinMAP: guyjudgeBits
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the show, gang
SquareDotCube: now Heather will be after you
bondeulv: good stream, thx
Mr_Horrible: good times had by all, even our opponents
Wolfstrike_NL: !next
SmashTCG: Aww missed it
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Touhou Danmaku Kagura Phantasia Lost) at Sun 04:00 PM PDT (53m from now).
TehAmelie: you know, before they banned Jitte, decks that had it had a win rate of almost exactly 50%
TehAmelie: (because everyone had it)
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Touhou Danmaku Kagura Phantasia Lost) at Sun 04:00 PM PDT (46m from now).
TehAmelie: til Izzard used to be a name for the letter Z. let's bring it back
TehAmelie: more fun than Zed
TehAmelie: which is just strictly better than trying to tonally differentiate it from "C"
accountmadeforants: So Lizzards were just called Lzs before?
TehAmelie: clearly
accountmadeforants: King Gz & The Lz Wz
jacqui_lantern234: King Gizard & the Frilled Mystic :p
TehAmelie: ah, i knew there was something to do with that but i couldn't figure it out
jacqui_lantern234: thats just me being silly
jacqui_lantern234: !card frilled mystic
LRRbot: Frilled Mystic [GGUU] | Creature — Elf Lizard Wizard [3/2] | Flash / When Frilled Mystic enters the battlefield, you may counter target spell.