Mazrae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Alan Wake 2) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (14s from now).
Mazrae: Damn must of counted too fast
TehAmelie: it's wake up time eh
ThorSokar: composA1 composA2
ButButTheJesus: Waaake up, and, smell the a-sh-esss
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrFINE lrrSIG
Mazrae: Can't wake up
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
Juliamon: two-refresher here
hatboozeparty: lrrPistachio
definenull: Alan Wake me up before you go-go
gawag_: excuse me, it's 8pm not 5
UltimateSilence: ook ook
shamblingkrenshar: I am in fact here to watch two gorillas eat banana
KiloRomeo058: what are we up to today? --oh right it's Let's Nope. i might fall asleep ngl 😅
ButButTheJesus: @gawag_ that's what I'M saying!
KiloRomeo058: late day for me
tehfewl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 42 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tehfewl! (Today's storm count: 51)
androgyknits subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
androgyknits: I'm here bc of the tweet
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, androgyknits! (Today's storm count: 52)
TehAmelie: 2 in the morning here, i don't know how i'm even awake
KiloRomeo058: Yo 2 AM gang rules, props to y'all
Eggmojii: Oh shit a gift sub!
247Gremlin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 247Gremlin! (Today's storm count: 53)
DideRobot: LRR: We all know you tune in at 5PM on a tuesday to watch 2 gorillas bounce up and down and eat banana | |
Makrosian_Tae: @androgyknits this is neither here nor there but I love your name. that's some quality wordplay
Mai_Andra: 7pm here, i'm barely awake.
Mai_Andra: i'll be much more awake at 2am when i'm actually trying to sleep...
Mai_Andra: anyway... ♫ jaunty music ♫
hesterbyrde subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 46 month streak!
hesterbyrde: Cheers to the best spoopy boys! Thanks for being you!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hesterbyrde! (Today's storm count: 54)
Forgebold: I heard there would be bananas
Makrosian_Tae: Work first, then banan
Andymonium subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Andymonium! (Today's storm count: 55)
NotCainNorAbel: lrrCrab
KiloRomeo058: Hi Spoopifer!
definenull: PopNemo
Kramburger: Smooth as butter
TehAmelie: haalo
Makrosian_Tae: Hellooooo
247Gremlin: lrrJUDGE
GredGredmansson: tomTeeth
Makrosian_Tae: Too-ez-day
Blakemcm: ook ook
Kramburger: Speak on that, Adam
frank_the_great: I've never had a bad intro!
Blakemcm: amen
NimrodXIV: as the saying goes
gualdhar: oh no they're both toking on stream aren't they
hatboozeparty: lrrWOW
Makrosian_Tae: Adam 3:16
saucemaster5000: The Chat GPT advice
The_Color_Twelve: Very easter indeed KappaInfinite
Mai_Andra: Let they who Dealt It be the first to Smelt It.
PawssumFable: I'm here from vodland! Hello!
Lysander_salamander: seems about right
Blakemcm: the glock of longinus
definenull: Tru tho
raulghoulia: jesus with that gat
wedge_x: he malded for our sins
NotCainNorAbel: wow
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Seth_Erickson: He didn't int, He was meant to do that
Makrosian_Tae: What's int-ed mean?
shamblingkrenshar: I did that in Helldivers today!
Blakemcm: there was one set of footprints when jesus ran
Eggmojii: classic 10- darius
lazermeow: Sup nerds.
Seth_Erickson: @Makrosian_Tae inting is like losing on purpose
ButButTheJesus: he said you were worth it
Seth_Erickson: iirc
Makrosian_Tae: @seth_erickson like throwing?
Lysander_salamander: :D
Eggmojii: What did you have to eat
Seth_Erickson: @Makrosian_Tae yeah basically
Valbatross_: that's clearly empty ben
Makrosian_Tae: GALAXY PICKLR
Juliamon: hot pickle hole... wait
TehAmelie: so hot it can't be seen with the naked eye
NotCainNorAbel: where in the fridge?
lazermeow: Gross
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hot pickle with creepy doll's face
definenull: It's preserved
Lysander_salamander: hot pickle
Juliamon: It's a pickle. Pickling is a preservative process.
patrick_stonecrusher: Its a pickle, you're fine
Fanklok subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
Fanklok: Have a skibidi stream my little sigmas
saucemaster5000: DO NOT NUKE A PICKLE
Mai_Andra: how close was it to the simic slaw?
twistedsylvan: it's a pickle, it won't go bad
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fanklok! (Today's storm count: 56)
Valbatross_: the contents are hot, and pickle
TehAmelie: a spicy pickle and boy that sounds like innuendo
NotCainNorAbel: just a litl' pickl'
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon But sometimes they take short cuts with mass produced
Blakemcm: tear that off over a sink
ButButTheJesus: One (1) pickle
patrick_stonecrusher: Pickle asmr
ghizmou: grab a spit bucket, just in case
eric_christian_berg: DANCE!
raulghoulia: we sit in silence
Makrosian_Tae: QUICK say something nice about Adam
epsilon_vee: its ben
bruiserhammerfist: Lol
Scarbble: great vamping
Orxolon: good evening y'all
ButButTheJesus: hi ben
saucemaster5000: damn I blinked
Lysander_salamander: couldn't tell if my stream froze for moment
twistedsylvan: excellent vamping
hatboozeparty: lrrHERE
gualdhar: nice vamp streamer
definenull: lrrDOTS
lochnessseammonster: evening gamers seabatOAK
Eggmojii: good vamp
ChrisTheLemming: Doesn't come with a little straw to spear it with?
Juliamon: also, if it's a 'hot' pickle shouldn't there be more ingredients than just pickle?
Xaunaught: say something funny to make him laugh
Makrosian_Tae: I think Adam's awesome at fighting games
PhilanthropyLich: Ben is unreal great at vamping
Mazrae: Damn you win Ben
bruiserhammerfist: Look at the commitment
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good slow blinks
shamblingkrenshar: Ben blinked first! I won. Source: Trust me bro
patrick_stonecrusher: Crooonckh croonchhh ckcrongch
247Gremlin: Vamping like Alucard over here
barbmitzvah: Oh he blinked. Loser move
PawssumFable: This is the best vamp
Juliamon: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Orxolon: this is the thumbnail for this video
ArdCollider: was that the one blink for "get me out of here before he comes back," or?
frank_the_great: F?
TehAmelie: maybe it was pickled in pepper juice or somethin
Makrosian_Tae: LUL
PawssumFable: HAHAHA
bruiserhammerfist: Lol
LostThePirate: someone is gonna come into the moonbase and be seriously disappointed someone took their pickle :P
Blakemcm: were approaching peak streaming, but i think he legally has to be in a hot tub
Mazrae: What is that sound in the background
ghizmou: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
gualdhar: this better be on the highlight reel
Phailhammer: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
ckupf: BEN!
saucemaster5000: LMAOOO
definenull: Good joke strimmer
betweenmyself: vamping successful!
ayir: LOL BEN thats hilarious
ButButTheJesus: OMG ROFL
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Makrosian_Tae: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You have now experienced the globoscopic, all-powerful wonderkrill.
shamblingkrenshar: Well, clipping that
Forgebold: gave him the ol' stinky pickle
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Blip2004: Pickles can in fact go bad
Juliamon: that room's about to smell interesting
TehAmelie: Peter Piper picked a pack of pepper pickle
Makrosian_Tae: !findquote pickle
LRRbot: Quote #8207: "Welcome to Tinker Tailor Solder Fry. Today we're pickling prunes!" —Serge, imitating Ian [2022-09-02]
Blakemcm: gotta slurp da jooze
tehfewl: slurp juice
ButButTheJesus: ew ew ew
Lysander_salamander: hworf
Makrosian_Tae: The demon is trying to escape
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatYIKES
Andymonium: ahh yes, rancid seconds
Nigouki: are you gonna need the glue as a chaser?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam is like a cat that tasted something bad
ButButTheJesus: ew, I said
SnackPak_: he likes it lrrBartleby
saucemaster5000: OR you could all eat food you like
Makrosian_Tae: Gross
Lysander_salamander: dang
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
Makrosian_Tae: woah
Blakemcm: ghost pickle
Lysander_salamander: it's a beast
definenull: Tos
wedge_x: lady and the tramp the pickle you won't
Mazrae: Ew
PawssumFable: Transluscent pickle
GhostValv: girthy
ghizmou: that.... uninviting
TehAmelie: that's a pickle you could make into a sandwich
Omthebox: Deviljo
patrick_stonecrusher: ASMR ASMR
Juliamon: It is only mildly getting keyed out
Eggmojii: i dont trust clamato lovers
emberBecky: ooo it's translucent for us
raulghoulia: is it ribbed?
betweenmyself: TOS riffGasp
Mazrae: And it's slightly green screened
Makrosian_Tae: Depends on what part of the world you're from Kappa
DarthRagnar815: Is the spoopy part of the stream at the start now?
Kramburger: Is it Baptised?
barbmitzvah: May thy pickle drip and spatter
Valbatross_: it's a little stubby but it has impressive girth
gamercat88: all in onw
NotCainNorAbel: the slight green screening is not heping
TehAmelie: a ghost pickle
SnackPak_: give us that asmr
Lysander_salamander: blorp
Orxolon: juice all over
Kramburger: noooo
SquareDotCube: c'mon stop jerkin our gherkins here
7gorobei: big pick pics
gualdhar: just an explosion in the mouth, eh?
shamblingkrenshar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
shamblingkrenshar: This isn't a banana but I guess close enough
Orxolon: no ASMR plz
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shamblingkrenshar! (Today's storm count: 57)
saucemaster5000: I like pickles. this is making me not want pickles
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Makrosian_Tae: LUL
Kramburger: please no eating noicses
PawssumFable: I like the tiny pickles.
Makrosian_Tae: Baaaahahahahaha
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Same
LostThePirate: I don't think I've just, y'know, eaten a pickle since I was a little kid.
Makrosian_Tae: !pickle
gamercat88: now a gerkin
lochnessseammonster: a two hander pickle
Scarbble: ambitious bite
bruiserhammerfist: Nope too easy, don't make the joke
Valbatross_: the green screening on the pickle interior makes it look like it's made of jello
wedge_x: the chroma is doing this *no favors*
Mazrae: !findquote pickle
LRRbot: Quote #8207: "Welcome to Tinker Tailor Solder Fry. Today we're pickling prunes!" —Serge, imitating Ian [2022-09-02]
Fanklok: Biggst pickle you've had Y/N?
ButButTheJesus looks away
Lysander_salamander: it's the flavor that would make my whole body recoil, trying to escape from my tongue
Blakemcm: oh that pickle? that pickle expired at moon base 2
betweenmyself: does it got that mush? pennyWhat
Makrosian_Tae: This is punishment for not playing Alan Wake faster LUL
Juliamon: artificial pickle
TehAmelie: the greenscreen makes it look really off fyi
saucemaster5000: (Note to folks -- do not buy indiidual pickles)
247Gremlin: You can't even hold up that pickle of yours
Eggmojii: i love pickles and i would never eat one of these
hatboozeparty: FOR CONTENT
Mai_Andra: plant-based pickle substitute
BrindleBoar: hot pickie!
Nigouki: did Ian create an artificial pickle?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Phrasing
twistedsylvan: can you do that on Twitch?
bruiserhammerfist: Sissy
definenull: At least they can expense it
human_pirate: You should try the chamoy pickle kit on cam!
frank_the_great: Call him a coward
patrick_stonecrusher: Evryones doin it, JAMES
Orxolon: come on James
saucemaster5000: I hate this
emberBecky: I wonder whose pickle this was >.>
NotCainNorAbel: james needs to commit to LRR
Orxolon: yeaaaahhhh
UltimateSilence: ben laughing with a pickle in his mouth is my soul animal
Mazrae: James, James, James
bruiserhammerfist: Ay
ayir: LUL
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Thefluffiestguineapig: @emberBecky Ambient moonbase pickle
Makrosian_Tae: Gottem
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown James is a G FBtouchdown
SquareDotCube: Feed the rest to Beej.
TehAmelie: is it a spicy pickle? or just weird?
ButButTheJesus: sorry James
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Lysander_salamander: great start
definenull: Ewww
Makrosian_Tae: I've missed you guys
PawssumFable: Sounds like it was too old
lochnessseammonster: great start PrideLaugh seabatClap
ayir: Adams tongue is green LUL
ButButTheJesus: hhyack
PawssumFable: Old pickle so bad
Juliamon: You know w hat would take care of that? Easter candy
raulghoulia: usually pickle juice is a chaser
ghyllnox: Adam's tongue LUL
saucemaster5000: HOnest answer? eat something creamy and sweet to get rid of the backtaste
Juliamon: They do and they're awful
Makrosian_Tae: 10/10 SEVERAL notes
Camthelion: cotton candy grapes are great
Mai_Andra: candy corn pickle
lochnessseammonster: i thought you meant it was hot like you warmed it up PrideLaugh
PawssumFable: They do have cotton candy grapes, they're amazing
Mazrae: That's a thing Ben they are green graps
hieroglyphica: I am literally eating them PRESENTLY
Lysander_salamander: drink some water or something please
lochnessseammonster: spicy pickle is great
Tweygoh: I think they’re too sweet
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
ButButTheJesus: imho they don't taste like cotton candy
bruiserhammerfist: The grapes taste like cotton candy
SnackPak_: the pickle is fighting back
Valbatross_: cotton candy grapes are better than you'd think
hieroglyphica: They taste LIKE cotton candy
Valbatross_: they're just really sweet grapes
Scarbble: they're just sweet grapes
TheMerricat: So you guys are making a joke but Koolaid dill pickles are a thing in Southern US.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sorry, the reaction of Adam is just like a cat
Thefluffiestguineapig: So sweet
Lysander_salamander: I don't like those grapes
Kramburger: Are you familiar with the Grapple? It's an apple soaked in grape juice and is NOT good
ThorSokar: the grapes TASTE like cotton candy, I've had them, they are unsetteling how much they are spot-on
PawssumFable: They taste like cotton candy, they're not infused, just how they taste
NimrodXIV: ewww
TehAmelie: now i want cotton candy that tastes like grapes
emberBecky: all the acid
Makrosian_Tae: That's my streamer
saucemaster5000: Drink something sweet and creamy to rinse out
ayir: thats my breakfast every day
Scarbble: parapple the rapple?
raulghoulia: parrable the rapple
SnackPak_: I love that game
Kramburger: Prapple the Raffle
Mazrae: Go eat some plain crackers to get that taste out of your mouth
SquareDotCube: tangelos though
tehfewl: kick punch its all in the mind
TehAmelie: punchle, kickle, it's all in the mind
BrindleBoar: teriyackle
saucemaster5000: ben wtf
SnackPak_: bbq pickle
JusticeJuice: Creamy ranch pickle?
hieroglyphica: This is like back when I used to do pickle shots. Such regretssss
NorthstarTex: I'd do it, once
Valbatross_: the meat in the middle of a pickle is called "the slug"
TehAmelie: blue cheese pickle
Thefluffiestguineapig: I like bread and butter pickles
PawssumFable: Ranch pickle is just a pickle with chives
annie_r_kist: Cool Whip Pickle
Thefluffiestguineapig: The right kinds
SquareDotCube: Salt and vinegar pickle. Kappa
Orxolon: anything!¿?like bagel hamburger with cheddar and jam?
gawag_: What about shrimp
Scarbble: everything pickle
hatboozeparty: Hello
patrick_stonecrusher: This date shall live in infamy as the pickle incident
frank_the_great: I will not eat the bugs, I will not get into the pod
ButButTheJesus: hi hello
Makrosian_Tae: Chewsday
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why not? Cricket powder is super useful
Kramburger: I've had cricket as part of a fine dining exerience
LostThePirate: XD
SnackPak_: 8/10
Blakemcm: grip it and rip it
Orxolon: hahahaha
josh___something: sick
Dog_of_Myth: Perfect
Scarbble: 10/10
definenull: Very good
Makrosian_Tae: O_O
ButButTheJesus: adults!
NorthstarTex: 9.5/10
Blip2004: lrrWOW lrrSPOOP
raulghoulia: What Was In That Pickle?
Thefluffiestguineapig: !adult
LRRbot: I need a different adult!
Mazrae: !sir
LRRbot: IAN!
Lysander_salamander: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Orxolon: some water ppl
hatboozeparty: The pickle juice is a menace
Juliamon: Drink some milk
PawssumFable: I had this cricket protein bar once, it just taste like protein bars
Lysander_salamander: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Omthebox: So ben
Forgebold: double vamping? how decadent
Juliamon: eat a dilly bar
saucemaster5000: milk. sugar. get rid of that stank.
Orxolon: hahahahah
ButButTheJesus: so Ben
Eggmojii: what do you want
definenull: Vamp? v--v?
NorthstarTex: !findquote pickle
LRRbot: Quote #8207: "Welcome to Tinker Tailor Solder Fry. Today we're pickling prunes!" —Serge, imitating Ian [2022-09-02]
Scarbble: fuck i blinked
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Makrosian_Tae: I'm glad you all could make it
infinity_225: sooooo….
raulghoulia: the callback!
PawssumFable: hahaha hahahahaha
Orxolon: what is vamping?
Mogg01: Staring contest, eh?
circusofkirkus: so true bestie
hatboozeparty: Quick, he is not looking at chat. Say nice things about them.
frank_the_great: F?
josh___something: u cute
Makrosian_Tae: I've called you here for a reason
PawssumFable: So funny
Astramentha: 👀
Kramburger: Ben: Chupacabra, smash or pass?
SquareDotCube: just swish some malt vinegar
Omthebox: I am entertained
ButButTheJesus: what's your favorite candy
hieroglyphica: Oh wow, why is this working?
Mogg01: I win!
inconsideratehat: Oh haha Ben you card you
Dog_of_Myth: Gottem
dumbo3k: Oooh, that sounded like a serge voice?
The_Color_Twelve: KappaInfinite
WiJohn: He blinked first!
BrindleBoar: WutFace
Mazrae: Is that Serge in the distance
PawssumFable: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
NotCainNorAbel: I was really worried I was watching my clip
Azralorne: I don't know how I feel about you stating into my soul like this
ogier300: Good talk.
PawssumFable: I like it.
Andymonium: wait I went for a drink are we still vamping
Seth_Erickson: 👀
wedge_x: ~I've got a brand new pair of roller skates....
bruiserhammerfist: I leave for a second and we are back to this? Lol
Dog_of_Myth: And now your daily moment of zen
betweenmyself: As insightful and urbane as always. riffThink
ButButTheJesus: he's got the Shinnin'!
ThorSokar: good bit, I thought my stream froze right up until you blinked
inconsideratehat: We all learned a lot today
DaSunao: hifunkFart
MrSarkhan: lrrWOW
Orxolon: did you say Serge?
SnackPak_: fuckin Serge
NotCainNorAbel: Serge is here?
raulghoulia: welcome back Serge!
josh___something: This is unfair, ben has piercing eyes
definenull: Welcome special guest serge and wheeler!
bruiserhammerfist: No
gualdhar: WOAH WHO'S THIS
GhostValv: oh hi
squ3e: O.o
TehAmelie: hello!
silenceaux: Blasted
ArdCollider: hi Serge! hi Wheeler!
Dog_of_Myth: Welcome back Serge
ButButTheJesus: HAI SERGE
hieroglyphica: No Serge we never stop we love you!
Scarbble: hi serge!
Blakemcm: pickle party
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
PawssumFable: Hi\
xantos69: Oh I love the new cast member
twistedsylvan: Oh hey Serge!
hieroglyphica: You interrupted a STARING CONTEST
NorthstarTex: oh hey, the new hosts of lets nope
wastetalent: Serge is back!
Kramburger: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 18:01.
PhilanthropyLich: We are spoiled for guests tonight
definenull: Whaaaa
Mx_Asher_: That shirt is great, Serge!
ButButTheJesus: wha
gibbousm: SERGE! You have returned!
SmithKurosaki: Hi Serge!
Kramburger: Like putt putt
gawag_: i didnt know serge was back! hi serge
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to SergeYager! They have given 1449 Gift Subs in the channel!
bruiserhammerfist: Don't leave serge
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SergeYager! (Today's storm count: 58)
CastleOtranto: Hi Serge!
LostThePirate: Welcome back, Serge!
bruiserhammerfist: Stay for the scary
dumbo3k: Raft O'clock
Eggmojii: this is so candid, i love it
Eggmojii: this is what i really want to see
Orxolon: more volume!
squ3e: Are we mining o clocking?
circusofkirkus: they've moved on to Roblox
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to susan! They have given 1450 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, susan! (Today's storm count: 59)
frank_the_great: How about Adam's Gamehause?
7gorobei: Deep o'clock Galactic
ButButTheJesus: Diggy Diggy Hole'clock
lochnessseammonster: adam is right! not playing minecraft on mine o clock is just wrong PrideLaugh
bruiserhammerfist: 😭
Kramburger: Is he wrong though?
silenceaux: excellent face
ButButTheJesus: :D face
Valbatross_: Adam looking like a scheming vizier
inconsideratehat: 10/10 Adam
trebuchetboy: What'd he say
Saintnex: ya aint wrong Adam
code1300: this game still :(
Orxolon: Pokemon Snap next time on Let's nope ¿?
raulghoulia: who's the next guest?
lochnessseammonster: we beat the oilers when they came to ottawa and now my friend owes me brunch PrideLaugh seabatClap
ghizmou: respect starts at home
NorthstarTex: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Orxolon: you know,games for adults
wastetalent: can't wait for the flame war in the highlights
Ard_Rhys subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ard_Rhys! (Today's storm count: 60)
Omthebox: So true
Eggmojii: gottem
SnackPak_: that's fair
Roger_Job329: Gottem
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
bobokiddo: i mean we also help fund mine oclock
saucemaster5000: PREACH
marshacado: Damn we're punchy today huh
Fanklok: Yes it's our fault you know how to read
mrjujubeans: plus the hours of pre game haha
NorthstarTex: !chat
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
squ3e: Can't believe yall beat this game last stream and decided to do it again to fuck with that guy
Omthebox: Walked in and asked to be shot
frank_the_great: Game?
gualdhar: wow Twitch chat sucks today
Orxolon: we are finishing it today?
Eggmojii: what do you mean this game still? do you want fuckin daymare????
Thefluffiestguineapig: I enjoy it!
lochnessseammonster: pregame is best part
NotCainNorAbel: pre-game is the best game
ThorSokar: composA1 composA2 YIKES
Mogg01: yeah, i turn you down once you start playing the game
hatboozeparty: Wait pls, go back
Orxolon: XD
Izandai: Professional streamers everybody.
Mogg01: I'm just here for the podcast
Eggmojii: we finally get a good fucking name
Mazrae: So we've had James, Serge, and Wheeler, anyone else in the office to pull into the streaming office
Omthebox: L e g
Orxolon: we're up all night to get scatchy!we're up all night to get scatchy!
raulghoulia: Adam missed vamping
Kramburger: Adam and Ben don't even do a slur
Eggmojii: ill take alan wake 2 every single stream over fucking daymare
Orxolon: LEt's nope and friends
ButButTheJesus: I am here for the Serge and vamping
TehAmelie: and we had to know about the spicy pickle
Eggmojii: i did mean Daymare 2
Kramburger: God Daymare 2 was MISERABLE
frank_the_great: You'll get there, and then you'll be there
Eggmojii: i apologise to Daymare 1
Orxolon: game that scared you the most?
NorthstarTex: daymare 1 > daymare 2
Seth_Erickson: Visage is a banger
Fanklok: Lethal Company did 100%
Seth_Erickson: I think about it a lot
Eggmojii: Yeah, Ben did a multi stage scare in Visage, that was the best
Eggmojii: mutli-stage scream*
Makrosian_Tae: Poppy Playtime has chapter 3 out
Thefluffiestguineapig: PT got you good too
Mazrae: Been parked to long it got impounded (never played this game)
squ3e: Oof that hurt I wont lie
frank_the_great: Spooky's House of Jumpscare got a lot of jumps
ShinyMucklord: Lethal Company-like?
definenull: That's already a horror gamr
SquareDotCube: as long as we get Nightmare Kart in June
Bobtheninjagoldfish: isn't leathal company a Phatasmagoria-like?
Saintnex: Oh Content Warning? that was free yesterday for Aprils Fool
Blakemcm: that sounds pretty ripe
silenceaux: shitpost generator
Mazrae: Content warning?
SquareDotCube: (formerly Bloodborne Kart)
ButButTheJesus: like Grave Encounters but with memes?
tehfewl: "What up demons, its me ya boi"
Lysander_salamander: I think it's free to keep if you get it today
Seth_Erickson: Legally Distinct*
raulghoulia: Ben's in a gang
betweenmyself: if that game doesn’t have a mechanic whereby players get “cancelled” then it’s an L already pennyWhat
ButButTheJesus: wait what's the name of it again
silenceaux: heard you like content creation so we put content creation in your content creation?
Lysander_salamander: "content warning"
Orxolon: where's your tuf?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @raulghoulia The Runners! (Boy that's a long time ago LRR joke)
Orxolon: *turf
saucemaster5000: damn why caps
MichaelSnowbird: bobby sox and switch blades
the_walking: yup, the runners are back
frank_the_great: Adam thinks he's in the gang
NorthstarTex: Remember "The Runners" ?
squ3e: No jacket? Hard way to find out you got canned dude
Orxolon: awww come on,i just wanted to visit
gualdhar: said like the real weirdos aren't already here
NotCainNorAbel: can you show the LRR tattoo?
NarishmaReborn: nah we
Eggmojii: so glad im not a weirdo
phuznutz: on a scale from one to zooty, how medicated are you boys tonight? (:
Bobtheninjagoldfish: "Where's your turf" "We're living in your head. Rent free."
itsr67: howdy
NarishmaReborn: we
PawssumFable: Isn't Let's Nope the weirdo stream?
ThorSokar: composSus I feel attacked composSip
Eggmojii: more of a lil freak type
raulghoulia: would love to see a pompadour
Orxolon: and the whole group
Kramburger: Ben saying he's in a gang sounds like your little brother saying his gang's gonna beat you up
frank_the_great: LRR tramp stamp
Talin06: isn't that how LRR recruits?
NarishmaReborn: we're just tnhe amateur weirdos
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Cody rhodes style
saucemaster5000: Ngl, I'd never get a work related tattoo
code1300: they even sing and dance like those from the band Rascal Flatts
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahahaha
NotCainNorAbel: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW behind the ear
lochnessseammonster: i knew a guy with a candle tattoo on his neck but it looked like an apple core PrideLaugh
Eggmojii: fuck it, lets nope tattoo coming up
Orxolon: Adam's mic is so low,or maybe i'm getting deaf
betweenmyself: 2500 and Adam gets a matching tattoo
xantos69: I'll counter Adam. I'll kick in $50 for you to NOT take his deal.
saucemaster5000: Actually yeah, for 20k You could put a nike slash on my shoulder
Kramburger: Going to the VGAs
ShinyMucklord: How you make a candle look like an apple core? XD
Juliamon: I should just get the lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW between my shoulders so that it's still there even when I take my LRR shirt off
NotCainNorAbel: go to the streamer awards or get a LRR neck tattoo
Astramentha: OMG - temporary tattoos tho, get Beej on it
Jennie_Fuchsia: is it the LRR logo or a qr code for store dot loadingreadyrun dot com
Kramburger: If they don't pay up, you're obliged to get the Tattoo Ben
squ3e: Do you need to change the scene thing like you did with wake in the tunnel?
Eggmojii: LRR body suit
Eggmojii: anything but the streamer awards
Thefluffiestguineapig: Neck tattoo
Thefluffiestguineapig: No contest
NotCainNorAbel: ouch, down
phuznutz: $2550 Canadian dollars is like fifty real, American dollars. That's nothin d:
gualdhar: the tattoo is Beej pooping the logo out
Bobtheninjagoldfish: has ben ever seen Cody;s neck tattoo?
saucemaster5000: Sorry, no. I'd host. I'd say nothing and stare at the camera
SquareDotCube: "I'm with stupid"
Orxolon: pointing at the groin
Bobtheninjagoldfish: cause that's what I'm thinking
lochnessseammonster: it'd look good like at the back of your neck/top of spine
ghyllnox: What about a LRR tramp stamp, if it's going to be pointing down
frank_the_great: No loyalty, smh my head
xantos69 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 28 in the channel!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ukon_Cairns!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to th3h3cz!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to whynottka!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BleedingToast!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to KingfisherGames!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to machcymus!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to SacrificialToast!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Perivale!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to BurgundyEagle!
xantos69 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gimleah!
itira: seabatOAK
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, xantos69! Welcome to Ukon_Cairns, KingfisherGames, whynottka, Perivale, BleedingToast, machcymus, SacrificialToast, BurgundyEagle, th3h3cz, and Gimleah! (Today's storm count: 70)
xantos69: Greedy boy! I just offered you $50.
Xaunaught: Get LETS NOPE as knuck tatts
itira subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, itira! (Today's storm count: 71)
hootsforcephotography: Gotta go full Cody Rhodes with it
ThorSokar: na, you get 2 logos and both arrows point to your mouth
saucemaster5000: from the streamer awards? Really?
silenceaux: You know the gesture where a person draws the thumb across the neck as a threat? That direction.
itira: Good evening gamers
thesurfaceofthemoon: Alan wakey wakey.
hieroglyphica: Man knucks hurt so bad tho
BusTed: LETS
itira: Poop
gualdhar: oh, what if it's a butt tattoo and one of the circles is your butthole? no one but you and Nicole would know
ayir: YEPP
dumbo3k: LETS and NOPE
Bobtheninjagoldfish: yarp
Orxolon: would you tattoo the Let's nope phantom?
hieroglyphica: I don't want to get mine touched up
annie_r_kist: I still kinda wanna get "TAKE UR MEDS" as knuckle tats
Ukon_Cairns: @xantos69 Thanks for the gift sub!
inconsideratehat: I'd buy any Let's Nope merch TBH
couchboyj: Tattoo is of Bartleby peeing on the logo of a rival comedy streaming group lrrBartleby
itira: Adam you need to explain every joke to us
Orxolon: are we lost?
phuznutz: @annie_r_kist takes pretty dope
Eggmojii: There has to be a good LRR tattoo idea
saucemaster5000: I'd get L E T S
saucemaster5000: but no nops
Thefluffiestguineapig: Knuckle tats are one of the few things that will still get you denied a job body art wise
shendaras: How's the Let's Nope going to look with the Yaoi and Yuri tats?
Juliamon: couchboyj I'd say RT but... rip
lochnessseammonster: if i was brave enough i'd get jund life PrideLaugh
KV1NN4: just get Nope on both hands XD
NotCainNorAbel: go with me on this: so LETS on the left so when you look at it it is correct to you
KV1NN4: Nope Nope
BusTed: good boy
EvilBadman: So to catch you up, you have bolt cutters so you can go exploring each area OR back to town and move the primary story along.
ShinyMucklord: Why not? Gardening with Greg has a shirt...
Kramburger: If W+P doesn't get merch, Let's Nope won't be getting merch
dumbo3k: I think the basement was kind of flooded?
itira: its the area that was previously flooded
PawssumFable: Gardening with Greg shirt is sold out except for real small sizes
PhilanthropyLich: Previously flooded area was outside on the coast
Mazrae: Where Tor got taken??
silenceaux: Let's Nope already has a podcast what else do we need
thesurfaceofthemoon: Ok but what if the merch got streams? Have yall considered doing a shopping channel stream?
Orxolon: as time passes it gets flooded ?
PawssumFable: I was trying to buy that the other day
Lysander_salamander: I didn't know you could pet the deer
PhilanthropyLich: Yeah, you need to walk
Jennie_Fuchsia: I had to make my own Can’t Draw Horses Club shirt
Kramburger: Start hiking, Bud
Earthenone: i think a lrrSPOOPY pin exists
EvilBadman: Yep through the forest. Map on the back button.
SnackPak_: time to pound sand
MaxTurkeyFlaps subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months, currently on a 47 month streak!
MaxTurkeyFlaps: sha-SHA! Nearly four years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaxTurkeyFlaps! (Today's storm count: 72)
Kramburger: Time to Bush Bash
Juliamon: Multiple Spoopifer pins exist
Orxolon: "gotta" try
Dog_of_Myth: Do as Beej says
ShinyMucklord: @pawssumfable Gardening with Greg *had* a shirt?
piercefc9: spoopifer tattoo???
PawssumFable: It's still there, it's just... all of the ones left are smalls
saucemaster5000: Do you two get money from spoopifer? No? Well then...
inconsideratehat: AWH I need a spoopifer pin! That's legit!
Kramburger: Spoopifer was in the Rumble
yalc321: [pokes head in] Did someone say merch?
SquareDotCube: one day Serge will get his dakimakuras
PawssumFable: I might get one of the XS shirts and just put the logo in a poster frame
Thefluffiestguineapig: @inconsideratehat There have been a couple!
ayir: when I was like 9
saucemaster5000: Ever think of christina Ricci?
BusTed: haha
Earthenone: about 5 minutes ago?
BusTed: Was waiting for that.
josh___something: Casper darling?
Dog_of_Myth: #notasponsor
Kramburger: Was Casper part of the roiman empire?
Blip2004: I get reminded of the Casper movie a lot
Eggmojii: Just finished the Casper game on PS1 actually, was very painful
Orxolon: when was last time Ricci was named?
Thefluffiestguineapig: When I make jokes about pets being friendly
Kramburger: G A M E P L A Y
Tweygoh: have you thought of Casper more recently than seeing an iwl
inconsideratehat: @Thefluffiestguineapig Dang, I didn'y think to check non-db pins on my last order.
lochnessseammonster: casper was my bi awakening PrideLaugh
Kramburger: If you saw two Caspers...
shurtal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 106 months!
shurtal: Spoops? At this rate? WHAT A STEAL
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shurtal! (Today's storm count: 73)
Eggmojii: Jaakko <3
josh___something: yes
Orxolon: alma means soul
dumbo3k: Yes
Juliamon: yup
Eggmojii: yeah
Andymonium: and now: the REAL content
Thefluffiestguineapig: @inconsideratehat Some of them are available at Pinny Arcade but don't know if it's outside DB times
EvilBadman: All twins are the same guy
tehfewl: same
ButButTheJesus: I just realized last week when chat mentioned it
raulghoulia: you just can't ask someone if they're twins
Mr_Horrible: "sowna"
itira: my eyes
tehfewl: also same
Eggmojii: kikkeli!
Dog_of_Myth: Mood
SnackPak_: unture
Juliamon: There's several Spoopifers here
ayir: LUL
Eggmojii: thats how you pronounce sauna!
Eggmojii: nothing wrong with it
BrindleBoar: that's good television
Mr_Horrible: I mean, I *am* in my underwear right now, I'm just in other clothes too
IsSecretlyPaul: <message deleted>i want a beer
gawag_: bill burr?
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
niccus: maybe he is
Kramburger: The new ones are fun
Blakemcm: its a game of the last decade contender
NorthstarTex: I mean I do try to avoid conversation at any bar
itira: Does he look like the hitman because hes bald and wearing a suit?
plundypops: Hitman 3 slaps so hard
Andymonium: shh he's blending
tehfewl: they are big "meh"
Blakemcm: they are fun, challenging, deep, funny
KV1NN4: he looks like my boyfriend
hatboozeparty: They are worth a try
saucemaster5000: The recent trilogy was genuinely one of my favs of the last decade
Eggmojii: you can already do that IRL
Kramburger: Good for emergent gamplay
EvilBadman: Hitman World of Assassination is murder puzzle simulator and it rules
protojman: my buddy loves the new ones. open world sillyness
ShinyMucklord: That is what hitman looks like, yes.
The_Color_Twelve: bean them in the head with a can of soup then leg it for the exit hooting like daffy duck
PMAvers: I remember seeing someone do a run using only the rubber ducks full of explosives.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Mr_Horrible: <message deleted>the Seeker Missile Briefcase clip is the most I know about Hitman and it's all I need to know, honestly
ThorSokar: yea, the paths to completion in Hitman games are always fun
frank_the_great: I don't recall seeing the back of Ian's head lately
Xaunaught: I laugh every time
ShaneLeeAtk: Every. Time.
NotCainNorAbel: is he baptised?
Eggmojii: we've had shaved Ian in the not so distance past, we dont need it
KV1NN4: No, my boyfriend is not single, between me and his spouse, very much not.. but he IS pan!
Mr_Horrible: <message deleted>Ian is "Eh"-gent 47
saucemaster5000: Agent 47 is single, baptized, and coded
KV1NN4: and polyam.
itira: @Mr_Horrible tqsToasted
Morrigan9: ian has a usb or serial port plug
Earthenone: he showed the back of his head during the war boy ian segment, but a barcode could have been added
Mr_Horrible: <message deleted>I opened my beer can and it's trying to escape
inconsideratehat: @KV1NN4 lrrHEART
ShinyMucklord: @pmavers I've never played it but that sounds hilarious
Kramburger: NOW KISS
niccus: she's with the Bureau after all
TehAmelie: where are you pointing that rifle jeez
itira: as in Willy?
saucemaster5000: That's like.. near an artery. hat are you doing???
Mr_Horrible: <message deleted>Where's Waldo?
Mr_Horrible: <message deleted>*grabs you by the lapels*
Mr_Horrible: <message deleted>WHERE?
betweenmyself: Emilio Estevez; now we know what she did after the Mighty Ducks movies pennyWhat
KV1NN4: My boyfriend's brother asked LRR a question at a convention over a decade ago but I probably shouldn't repeat the question in polite company? (Apparently Kathleen answered with gusto tho?)
itira: pardon?? LUL
silenceaux: I say that
tehfewl: it means a waste of money
PawssumFable: It means big ass fuckup
Thefluffiestguineapig: Shock and adrenaline make for seemingly cool custmers
underhill33: i say it all the time
Thefluffiestguineapig: And I use that word
BrindleBoar: yeah I use boondoggle at every opportunity, because it's a funny word
Mr_Horrible: <message deleted>nobody but Ian and Beej
The_Color_Twelve: for government projects? Sure people
Earthenone: bold of you to say a word you dont recognize on camera
CastleOtranto: That's not even what boondoggle means!
IsSecretlyPaul: <message deleted>boondoggle is office acceptable replacement for clusterfuck
definenull: I only know it from qwerpline
lochnessseammonster: i only know it from qwerpline PrideLaugh
ButButTheJesus: its like opposite of a hootinanny
247Gremlin: It sounds like something that a 80 year old uses.
WiJohn: Says Ben, having spent the last month listening to Kathleen say boondoggle
silenceaux: the last time everyone started responding to an organization level send list asking to be removed from the mailing list, spamming everyone on the mailing list: boondoggle.
Mr_Horrible: <message deleted>that's just because you're Cursed, Benjamin
xantos69: Ok, legit. I used that in an official work correspondence to my boss 5 days ago.
ShinyMucklord: I've never heard anyone say it irl. Only scripted.
Orxolon: i've never heard it till today
TehAmelie: i think poppycock is a more modern expression than boondoggle
IsSecretlyPaul: <message deleted>whats changed?
Mr_Horrible: <message deleted>joke's on you, I didn't have a job in high school
Izandai: mattlrLul
definenull: O7
SnackPak_: blat blat
Dog_of_Myth: o7
itira: o7
Kramburger: o7
EvilBadman: It's no slobberknocker, brother
silenceaux: o7
MWGNZ: PowerUpL hifunkSickest PowerUpR
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSLOTH
Orxolon: will you?
SmoreThanAFeelin: o7
Phailhammer: o7
NorthstarTex: o7
RealGamerCow: Donnybrook
Mr_Horrible: <message deleted>the boys play one serious game and start to get too big for their britches
BrindleBoar: F
TehAmelie: kerfuffle
Kramburger: 10 minutes, that's like 10 streamer days
NorthstarTex: good amount of time to make a good dinner
itira: LOL
ayir: LUL 󠀀
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Orxolon: o7
Izandai: mattlrLul
gawag_: o7
ButButTheJesus: oh no
Phailhammer: o7
NotCainNorAbel: lrrBartleby
Kramburger: o7
aClonedPickle: o7
NorthstarTex: o7
BurgerGamer: tragic
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
ShinyMucklord: O7
Dog_of_Myth: o7
ayir: o7
protojman: o7
shendaras: they're dropping likes flies here
NorthstarTex: legends are being made today
Makrosian_Tae: o7
WiJohn: o7
gualdhar: Ben and Adam literally commiting murder
saucemaster5000: Damn... those two into a boondoggle. A word I use constantly.
hieroglyphica: That's enough time to fill a bowl at least, maybe even make a quesadilla
Dog_of_Myth: Going to be one of those nights eh?
raulghoulia: wouldn't be a let's nope night without the routine banning of the rabble
Orxolon: so,today we are on banned shotgun mode?
gualdhar: Twitch chat, time to stick up for ourselves
Kramburger: The real tragedy here is the Ben and Adam forgetting where they came from
shendaras: Unionize?
NorthstarTex: we unionizing?
gualdhar: Justice for Paul and Mr.Horrible!
Saintnex: Yea, we dont have to take this from Adam! We deserve better! UNION
saucemaster5000: I can make a gourmet hamburger in 10 minutes
patrick_stonecrusher: Onionize
Orxolon: we can
ShinyMucklord: Oh no
MWGNZ: we only gotta convince the one brain cell
circusofkirkus: I endorse Juliamon for union leader
saucemaster5000: farts
Kramburger: Run a poll: Union, no uinion, and mystery box
Earthenone: they came for IsSecretlyPaul, and we said nothing they came for Mr_Horrible and we said nothing, when will we speak up
247Gremlin: Twitch Plays: Unionize
NotCainNorAbel: Blue
Fanklok: Purple
Makrosian_Tae: Blue
Earthenone: blue
gualdhar: Red
MrSarkhan: blue
shendaras: blue
saucemaster5000: blue
Scarbble: cherry
tehfewl: blue
SmoreThanAFeelin: blue
itira: blue
goombalax: White
marshacado: purple
lochnessseammonster: blue
xantos69: Cherry
infinity_225: blue
BurgerGamer: blue
PawssumFable: Blue
raulghoulia: purple
Dog_of_Myth: blue
NorthstarTex: blue
hatboozeparty: The hell is a frizzy
saucemaster5000: DAMN
Kramburger: blue
frank_the_great: TF is a freezy?
HesGotNoPants: Blue
jessieimproved: blue
octolirious: blue
circusofkirkus: they're all trash
Riandisa: blue
getthatrabbit: WHITE!
patrick_stonecrusher: Blue
ButButTheJesus: blue
WiJohn: trick question freezies suck
NorthstarTex: (say blue)
ThorSokar: blue
Thefluffiestguineapig: Blue
ghyllnox: Blue
247Gremlin: Blue
hieroglyphica: @saucemaster5000 I'm with you on this, as someone who's had to make a burger while on a 30 min lunch break
Lysander_salamander: purple
Blip2004: Purple lrrGOAT_SG
gualdhar: blue
patfinder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months, currently on a 28 month streak!
patfinder: unionize me, cap'n!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, patfinder! (Today's storm count: 74)
SnackPak_: next time
Kramburger: That's a majority
Kramburger: We win
Orxolon: so we are very close to unionize then
JusticeJuice: Hot pickle flavor
scott1e subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Scy_Anide: There's flavors?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, scott1e! (Today's storm count: 75)
NotCainNorAbel: we a high enough percentage
Ferisar: wakey wakey
ShinyMucklord: Brb googling freezy
NorthstarTex: Majority says we do win!
Eggmojii: can we have a poll
thesurfaceofthemoon: Wait, we can form a union? Are we employees? Is this my 401k?
Eggmojii: i wanna vote
Andymonium: see y'all at the next bluenion meeting
Saintnex: Yea, all we need is a majority HAH
circusofkirkus: so is LRR the Pinkertons now
Eggmojii: doesnt have to be on the freezie thing
Juliamon: sure lemme whip up a poll
frank_the_great: Walmart does the same dirty tactic
saucemaster5000: "NAY" "Who keeps saying that???"
ChrisTheLemming: The channel points are the 401k
Lysander_salamander: nope
hatboozeparty: Thats next week pickle
epsilon_vee: so, cold pickle?
Orxolon: pickle ice cream?
Ferisar: sucking alone handsome?
thesurfaceofthemoon: @ChrisTheLemming oof
Makrosian_Tae: Do not the pickle!
Mazrae: Thanks I hate it
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
NotCainNorAbel: If you really want to break this union just ask who is going to lead it
squ3e: Is the pickle single?
Kramburger: Adam and Ben are against unuionising? What's it like being an Elon Musk fan?
marshacado: just blend the frozen hot pickle so you have a slushy
ButButTheJesus: I accidentally a whole pickle
Blip2004: its not going to melt like a popsicle, it would be more like a frozen hotdog
SnackPak_: FBtouchdown
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown
saucemaster5000: why are we all fucking with pickles? Don't buy single packaged pickles, don't buyb weird flavors, just enjoy fucking pickles or not!
Eggmojii: damn, nothing worse than being called a Elon Musk fan
Mazrae: Just make sure the pickle stays away from the rabbit ass
TehAmelie: get bottled, nerd
saucemaster5000: Had to get that off my chest
Omthebox: We can get a rep
Masslost: 7-11 announced New Big Bite Hot Dog Sparkling Water so thats something to try
gamercat88: is agreeing to disagree count as agreeing
tehfewl: we all agree, more banana
thesurfaceofthemoon: I mean, we may or may not be able to unionize, but we could certify a class in a hot second.
Omthebox: Serge
raulghoulia: not participating in any poll that uses a u in flavor
Saintnex: Juliamon
couchboyj: Twitch chat is kind of the opposite of workers
thesurfaceofthemoon: #lawyerjokes
frank_the_great: Paul
Eggmojii: BEEJ
Mogg01: Paul
Morrigan9: paul
Earthenone: are you shooting who we agree on/
squ3e: Twitch chat collective bargaining was experimented with in cats, due to the similarities between the two groups. It did not go well
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Thefluffiestguineapig: Paul
Juliamon: Saintnex What
JinaMahavira: Jacqui
NorthstarTex: Paul
Makrosian_Tae: Paul
itsr67: LOL
Omthebox: OpieOP
NotCainNorAbel: Juliamon as rep
HesGotNoPants: I nominte cramburger
Dog_of_Myth: Kramburger
silenceaux: I mean we would nominate multiple representatives but
Jennie_Fuchsia: IATSE is taking anyone now
saucemaster5000: Jesus folks
Omthebox: I'm here for the people I sware
Mazrae: Paul or Jacqui
EvilBadman: Chat thinking a LRRsman would be a good rep says it all
Izandai: Consensus is not the only kind of voting system.
Saintnex: @Juliamon I mean you're already a mod, which is close? lol
saucemaster5000: As an ex wobblie, I'm so disappointed
Lysander_salamander: burgkamber
NotCainNorAbel: LRRBot as rep
Eggmojii: I'd vote for Kramburger
NorthstarTex: !advice
LRRbot: Technically, all penguins are flesh penguins.
HesGotNoPants: I don't need to spell I'm in a unin
couchboyj: Paul, for sure. "Hello, the terms of this disagreement are unacceptable. BANG!"
Blip2004: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: The famous James Bond film "Woo, Martinis!"
frank_the_great: Automation is destroying this chat
NorthstarTex: !findquote rep
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Earthenone: !killallhumans
LRRbot: Omega Authorization not found.
thesurfaceofthemoon: Can we nominate reps who don't know about us?
Orxolon: i'm so lost in this game's story
saucemaster5000: I would not vote for an australiann criminal as a rep
Eggmojii: What stops us from voting for ourselves?
TehAmelie: international union of LRR chat, or ULC. sounds fun
Omthebox: I didn't sing a spelling contact
Juliamon: bad news chat, blue is losing the poll
TehAmelie: cause it sounds like a gag noise
Jennie_Fuchsia: could not find any matching votes
SnackPak_: the people love piss
Lysander_salamander: yay starting the generator
Saintnex: @Juliamon honestly I am more concerned about what is winning lol
Earthenone: do the people love piss, or is someone buying piss with their dolrrs
ChrisTheLemming: Wasn't Casey dead...?
NotCainNorAbel: someone is spending a lot of points
ayir: I would argue that *most* things can't be fixed with a light switch
HesGotNoPants: Time get the electrity grabbing pole
NorthstarTex: at least tiger tail isn't winning the poll
ghyllnox: What *can* you fix with a light switch?
protojman: I went spiderman
couchboyj: I'll bet Twitch Chat is unionized in the Subwayverse<tm>
squ3e: Got his ass
Penguino_Rojo: Hello from the front page!
marshacado: Finally something to spend my DoLLRs on
TehAmelie: oh hey finally a use for dollrs
Ferisar: ur da
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon thank you and I'm sorry
Eggmojii: piss prevails
ThorSokar: a broken lightswitch
Thefluffiestguineapig: I bet that in the subwayverse there are unions for many things they should be here
Jennie_Fuchsia: anything a garbage disposal can fix tbh
Fanklok: Y'know seeing best flavour pop up at the top of chat with the word Piss highlighted in green was not on my list of things to see today
Juliamon: wow the poll tattled on marshacado lmao
Mathwyn: A heavy switch has a lot more force though
Penguino_Rojo: lol
gamercat88: this is what happens when we unionize mwhwhahaha
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
TehAmelie: help, help, it's fame
Makrosian_Tae: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
silenceaux: Do NOT cry wolf
marshacado: @Juliamon i was going to sell myself out anyways lmao
ShinyMucklord: Try "we've got loot"
Phailhammer: LUL
saucemaster5000: HR?
SnackPak_: nothing
Eggmojii: nothing spookier than crying wolf
ladyjessica: why does the warmth of the flashlight change?
NotCainNorAbel: seems like it would make good content
Ferisar: “finally”
silenceaux: Someone laughing from the friendship zone, I'm sure
hatboozeparty: And they all know you two too well
drcthulu: soundproofing really is working
xantos69: Well you just learned who your "Friends" are.
Orxolon: when i was young i was told not to yell help unless it was real
Dog_of_Myth: No Respect
Omthebox: Death it is then
Fanklok: "Most disposable employees at office learn their place"
Morrigan9: if you're walking through the forst and a streamer is stuck inside a room, do you let them out?
thesurfaceofthemoon: Watch graham come in and be like "hey, we uh, we've been getting some noise complaints..."
RealGamerCow: smash cut to two bleached skeletons
NimrodXIV: excuse
Omthebox: Its a mood light
hatboozeparty: The mexico effect
HesGotNoPants: What if beej just booted open the door with his bat
tehfewl: other people in the office really said "co-workers" /shrug
Lysander_salamander: that's weird
barbmitzvah: That's a really good question holy shit
Ferisar: uh, ben? the scene light changed? duh?
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's a drastic change too
SquareDotCube: found the color correction hitbox
KV1NN4: ooh i like that as an indicator of... evil?
barbmitzvah: Totally didnt notice
NorthstarTex: what is it called, ambient occlusion ?
Blip2004: but brown/yellow makes it more real, so says war shooters
gawag_: you are
Thefluffiestguineapig: For real you are
couchboyj: Ya'll joke about a gas leak, but I got here a mere twenty minutes late tonight and the video game was already on! Something's in the air tonight.
barbmitzvah: Like actually
ayir: nope you guys are there for sure
SnackPak_: weird flex
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
SquareDotCube: the front page of James' heart, maybe
saucemaster5000: It's the left foot
shendaras: seabatClap
gamercat88: pickle stuff= front page
Dog_of_Myth: Can confirm, you are on the front page
Dezponia: Its my favourite Spooky Boys! Hope you're both having a good day! lampreyEyyy
IsSecretlyPaul: I am back from my timeout and I have reflected on my actions in the 10 minutes I was unable to speak, I have chosen to learn nothing and will do it again.
lochnessseammonster: that's how you got to the front page
Blakemcm: wubba lubba dub dub?
NorthstarTex: you both are pickle boys
Blakemcm: pickle ben?
Ferisar: wake status = sleep
shendaras: Reformed?
gualdhar: congratulations, Paul
brainbosh: Is it under "Live channels we think you'll like"? Cause thats a bit different
Mr_Horrible: Stay strong @IsSecretlyPaul you did nothing wrong
Earthenone: i imagine the pickle clicks got you on the front page
saucemaster5000: parole prisoners did great in that movie
IsSecretlyPaul: Sorry Streamer I've been institutionalized
Orxolon: Is Shawshank redemption overrated?
leBigMacD subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
leBigMacD: Nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, leBigMacD! (Today's storm count: 76)
tehfewl: hey ben, did you get your Good Boy, Torgal in FFXIV yet?
PawssumFable: I could get some people in here probably
Omthebox: :)
IsSecretlyPaul: whats Loadingready run?
Earthenone: i mean theres like 600 people almost asuradly someone
Mr_Horrible: also yeah, I checked and there you 2 are, smack dab on the carousel
NotCainNorAbel: benginHey
Mr_Horrible: wild
CastleOtranto: What the hell is LoadingReadyRun?
couchboyj: I don't know nothin bout nothin
Dezponia: I'm the opposite. I know EVERYTHING about LRR!
trebuchetboy: Who's a hot pickle?
Mr_Horrible: it sure is okay
EvilBadman: The crossbow is meh
ThorSokar: What's loading ready runs?
Earthenone: !loadingreadyrun
queercrafting_chonk: Finally made it to the stream! Won a bet with my spouse that y'all would be playing tonight by the time we got back from dinner. He owes me donuts and coffee from Top Donut this weekend ;)
eric_christian_berg: Internet Clown Troupe?
Earthenone: !lrr
LRRbot: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW Visit LoadingReadyRun:
BurgerGamer: I know a medium amount about lrr
josh___something: What's Loading Ready Run? :)
tehfewl: bunch a canadians doing funny stuff
NotCainNorAbel: what is this or what is LRR?
SnackPak_: nonsense makers
saucemaster5000: "It's a variety show like snl but with less budget
Fanklok: FF16 is their Game of Throne fan fiction that they forgot to make fun
AMuseOfFirebane: What's LoadingReadyRun? We just don't know
Omthebox: Funny Leafs
Saintnex: Good question... next question :p
squ3e: Canadian internet comedians, with a penchant for sketch comedy and improv
silenceaux: Canadian comedy troop that does a lot of genre-themed duo streams.
patrick_stonecrusher: Canadins.
saucemaster5000: "What's a stream?"
silenceaux: (troupe?)
NorthstarTex: "So LRR started by hitting tennis balls at somebody's junk, and now here they are."
gibbousm: a Canadian Sketch Comedy group
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
CaptainSpam: They Produce Content(tm)!
barbmitzvah: That was metal af
ladyjessica: Canadian internet comedians who aren’t horrible.
twistedsylvan: "A bunch of Canadian comedians and streamers that make the smartest stupid jokes I have ever seen"
phuznutz: With an MtG addiction
Yolysses: an online Canadian comedy troupe
queercrafting_chonk: Canadian digital jesters making S tier content
xantos69: I just show them the Beej dishwasher sketch then say "They are like that most of the time"
Mr_Horrible: because if it wasn't loud he'd be Alan Asleep
EvilBadman: Is that the NerdyQwikNDirty guy???
NotCainNorAbel: camper
WiJohn: If they just popped up in the safe room it would be sick
definenull: Trouts and sturgeons
CaptainSpam: A Canadian comedy trope.
saucemaster5000: I just say I'm watching porn sono one has any more questions
Mathwyn: Online Canadian Comedy Trout
Dezponia: A TERMINALLY Online Canadian comedy group
eric_christian_berg: Victoria Comedy Gang, Yo.
Mr_Horrible: there's at least 1 walleye of you
Eggmojii: roughly
Fanklok: 15 trouts and THE FUCKIN STURGEON GENERAL
SnackPak_: already forgot Paul
Earthenone: its hard to tell who is a lrr "member" and who is a lrr "friend" sometimes
PawssumFable: The list is in the twitch description....
Izandai: Don't help him, chat.
Dezponia: As long as you don't forget Graham and Paul you're good
IsSecretlyPaul: he will never remember me
NorthstarTex: :)
saucemaster5000: You forgot Harry????
Izandai: mattlrLul
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
SnackPak_: rip
squ3e: Bro forgot Harry
ThorSokar: 2 people...
Izandai: This is great.
saucemaster5000: Harry
Mr_Horrible: can't believe he forgot Dre
itsr67: LOL
TheRealRedal: Bill
Izandai: mattlrLul
frank_the_great: LUL LUL LUL
ButButTheJesus: he forgor
Thefluffiestguineapig: Harry and Harriet
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
patrick_stonecrusher: Chandler and Phil
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
JeremyDevoid: Hehe
niccus: now we know why he dies
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL LUL LUL
NorthstarTex: oh nobody big like co-founder or anything like that
Eggmojii: I knew you'd forget Paul
hatboozeparty: lrrPAUL
Izandai: Only one of the founding members.
silenceaux: Paul is 100% the secret sauce
PawssumFable: lul
frank_the_great: He's timed out, not currently in LRR
thesurfaceofthemoon: Someone needs to remix "forgot about Dre" but substitute paul
saucemaster5000: He's never on stream anyways
SpicyNapalm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
SpicyNapalm: wheelerOok wheelerBanana wheelerOok wheelerBanana NICE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SpicyNapalm! (Today's storm count: 77)
RealGamerCow: Paul walks in with a shotgun: "Hello." and blows Adam away
SquareDotCube: Stealth boss Paul
saucemaster5000: Just shows up and says "hello"
JinaMahavira: I was thinking it was jacob
Izandai: Only one of the owners of the company.
EvilBadman: And Jacob I guess now@
sandwraith03: Hello, i love alan wake 2, i use ray tracing rtx 4070 there is a lot of puddles of water so the reflection looks good. there is no grain noise using ray reconstruction. Also the red and greenlight in a fog looks good
trebuchetboy: So no Jacob?
Eggmojii: turn on ray tracing i guess
sandwraith03: I'm not a robot
Mr_Horrible: "You shot me, just like all the other government employees I've interacted with!"
BurgerGamer: is that a copypasta?
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
spurius: how many bycycles?
gamercat88: time for the captcha test
silenceaux: I think everyone would say that?
Dog_of_Myth: lrrHERE
EvilBadman: What's the frame data on those puddles
ButButTheJesus: hmmm
Dezponia: @sandwraith03 Do a capcha for us!
Earthenone: hold on, find the stop lights
itsr67: hit em with the capcha
twistedsylvan: programmed for 2 messages
The_Timo: If you're a robot you have to tell me
RealGamerCow: quick get the Captcha machine
GhostValv: if you're a robot you have to tell us
hatboozeparty: Wait
IsSecretlyPaul: HEY
Mr_Horrible: "The Boys administer a Voight-Kampf Test"
gualdhar: left
frank_the_great: Fuck
sandwraith03: the two top center
Orxolon: none
Izandai: @sandwraith03 You're walking through a desert and you come across a turtle lying on its back. What do you do?
ladyjessica: it’s just an expression. a robot expression
Blip2004: do you count purple as blue?
niccus: do you even know what that is, ben
tehfewl: colorblind
JeremyDevoid: No fair I dont see blue
Zalthia: I heard the user name as "Sam Lake"
Rat__Queen_69: No one would lie on the internet, right?
ButButTheJesus: trick question, its more a purple
BurgerGamer: none?
TheRealRedal: they're purple? ;_;
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Dezponia: WOW
NorthstarTex: they're more indigo
itira: LUL
IsSecretlyPaul: could be worse i could make it my job
Makrosian_Tae: Hello from the front page! LUL
barbmitzvah: Hahahahaha
dacbruh: Give this "man" a captcha!
frank_the_great: Color blind + has strong opinions on color
Zalthia: You're on the front page?
itira: wait... Adam arnt you also a lil colourblind???
Izandai: Mother of screen tear.
Rhynerd: none of those are blue in the lighting given.
barbmitzvah: @frank_the_great No lie, that's my boss
couchboyj: Black n white robot camera eyes are cheaper. Damn inflation driven cutbacks.
itira: ooohh OKAY
Dezponia: Adam is taking it back
IsSecretlyPaul: its more common in men yes
frank_the_great: Next you're gonna say you're part deaf
SubscribensteinsMonster: Ray tracing on, but no v-sync. D:
tehfewl: extremely common in men
LostThePirate: Not "most" - about 10%
Omthebox: I'm not. My dad was.
Mr_Horrible: I'm actually built different
Thefluffiestguineapig: What is he dressed in?
silenceaux: It's more common in men, but it's still not exactly common
NarishmaReborn: it is very common but not most
Thefluffiestguineapig: That shirt is wild
saucemaster5000: not colorblind. "Misagynist"
ThorSokar: 25% of all men in the US, if I remember right
spurius: I think is the other way, most color blind people ar emen
frank_the_great: Is your dad single?
NotCainNorAbel: I think it is most colourblind are men, not that most men are colourblind
The_Timo: What'd I miss in this ray tracing discussion? I'm a technical artist lol
rosesmcgee: Sounds like my Mom and Dad fighting. "Give me the damn clicker!"
Omthebox: Yeah. I got all the other defects instead
saucemaster5000: Most men are "assholes" not colobrlind
Mr_Horrible: Genetics tried the wakeup DP, got stuffed
Omthebox: All the life thretening ones :)
Eggmojii: Nothing better in life than besting your parents
Eggmojii: NOOO
Fanklok: Oh shit he won't be in Alan Wake 3
RealGamerCow: whoopsiedoodle
NotCainNorAbel: alan?
Fanklok: What the god damn fuck Ben
patrick_stonecrusher: Ohno :(
lazermeow: I'm red green colorblind, it really sucks when you like painting Minis.
ashteranic: F Jaacko :(
Dezponia: Adam goes to the gym I see
itira: oh me oh my
Zalthia: Stole his sick jacket
ayir: damn the juke
Eggmojii: Adam is mega jacked
josh___something: Why couldn't it have been ILMO!!!! D:
Mr_Horrible: oh, so did we actually call it back in stream one, that Scratch was who they fished outta the lake?
Eggmojii: The muscle if you will
Fanklok: Hey it's the game Ben likes
gamercat88: wrong lever
Mr_Horrible: or is this possession a new development?
SquareDotCube: oh hey it's those cubes
Earthenone: i wonder how many car accidents would happen if the order of the lights was reversed but the meanings remained the same
EvilBadman: HOLD button
Dezponia: Saga best girl. Alan worst boy
Rat__Queen_69 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months!
Rat__Queen_69: I don't often see the stream live, happy to be here
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rat__Queen_69! (Today's storm count: 78)
The_Timo: Hold
ladyjessica: turn on a switch
SubscribensteinsMonster: HOOOOLD
Ferisar: hold
CaptainSpam: So, if I've got this straight, culto's plan against this monster he knew all about was to, I don't know, punch him? Yell at him?
frank_the_great: Oh hey, it's like Dead by Daylight, yeah?
Thefluffiestguineapig: !advice
LRRbot: Don't say anything Beej wouldn't.
Makrosian_Tae: !badadvice
Mr_Horrible: "Popular"
NorthstarTex: !findquote slow
LRRbot: Quote #499: "I like how the Chat's slowed down, like everyone's really intense... or they just don't give a shit." —Beej [2015-07-20]
Mr_Horrible: it is, I just like giving it shit
The_Timo: Somehow
octolirious: These two were just added as characters in it right?
Eggmojii: Way too popular
Fanklok: Runescape is popular
circusofkirkus: Runescape is very popular
Rat__Queen_69: I don't play it but I see clips of dbd all the time
EvilBadman: Guns can slow many monsters
NorthstarTex: Runescape is popular
circusofkirkus: I'm playing Runescape rn
ThorSokar: DBD is crazy popular
JinaMahavira: Runescape mentioned seabatClap
saucemaster5000: I call myself popular. that's the line
circusofkirkus: OSRS baby
patrick_stonecrusher: Run, escape
IsSecretlyPaul: if more people show up to play a game than your birthday party its more popular than you
JinaMahavira: @circusofkirkus Hell yeah
Eggmojii: Games are ass
Mr_Horrible: Adam was on CoolMathGames dot com
Scy_Anide: Is Runescape a horror game?
BusTed: 🤔
SquareDotCube: flare?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Eggmojii Games were a mistake
Mathwyn: Adam: Old as particularly geriatric dirt
Mr_Horrible: Doter
Eggmojii: @Thefluffiestguineapig 100%
ThorSokar: There are currently 32,400 people watching Dead by Daylight just on twitch
EvilBadman: As always the boss sections are not great.
Rat__Queen_69: Can you get him stuck on geometry?
TheAwkes: I've only ever heard the name runescape and know literally nothing else about it.
silenceaux: Can you flashlight him, like in popular game Dead by Daylight
Mr_Horrible: there anything else we can interact with, like a hazard?
saucemaster5000: new dirt just dropped
CatTreeDreamCar: Are we hey chatting yet?
frank_the_great: Googled it: RuneScape: 359,522 daily users. DbD: 42,410.8
therepoman__: What up dirt
itira: remote or channel changer
itsr67: bullshit
Kramburger: Remote
frank_the_great: Controller
BusTed: tqsSmug
The_Timo: Remote
Eggmojii: remote
itira: its fuckin truuue bestie
Juliamon: we did
therepoman__: Remote
CaptainSpam: Remote, yeah.
tehfewl: remote
saucemaster5000: the device
Mathwyn: Remote
Makrosian_Tae: Remote
CaptainSpam: The 'moto
BusTed: controller, usually
shendaras: telecommande
NotCainNorAbel: remote and clicker, midwest US
Fanklok: But it doesn't click
lochnessseammonster: definitely clicker
IsSecretlyPaul: no i did adam
Bruceski: I call it a clicker
Mx_Asher_: Clickah
dumbo3k: my dad used to call it the "Flicker Dicker"
BusTed: Adam Sandler does
RealGamerCow: clickah
PawssumFable: My family called it that, they were Southern
Blip2004: my family says both
Juliamon: We used channel changer, my grandparents used clicker
NorthstarTex: my grandmother called it a clicker
Mr_Horrible: they didn't click by the time I was using them
lochnessseammonster: apparently i'm old too PrideLaugh
Jennie_Fuchsia: clicka in Boston
SmoreThanAFeelin: it was the clicker in my house growing up
Ferisar: yeah you just shoot him lol
The_Timo: Stepdad used to but fuck that guy! Ruined clicker lol
Rat__Queen_69: Shoot to stun works
PawssumFable: I don't call it anything because who has a TV anymore?
Mr_Horrible: Mr. Scratch-This
frank_the_great: I've been using my phone as a remote for so long, that I forgot what I'd legit call it
itsr67: wake got that cody vtrigger 2
Mr_Horrible: this is basically a Destiny raid fight
hootsforcephotography: Yup, Midwest here, and 100% a clicker.
itira: Look, my Dad called it the channel changer and he was from Saskatchewan. so
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
PawssumFable: Just watch things on my PC monitor
josh___something: :)
Mr_Horrible: the TIMING tho
Rat__Queen_69: Famous last words, Ben
saucemaster5000: Weekly check -- what is going on in the plot right now?
ButButTheJesus: KEKW
barbmitzvah: No I'm not :(
Makrosian_Tae: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
hatboozeparty: lrrBartleby
NorthstarTex: Adam knows
JinaMahavira: seabatClap
frank_the_great: Adam don't miss
hieroglyphica: Adam is always right!
BurgerGamer: FBtouchdown
EvilBadman: lrrSPOOP
Eggmojii: oh no not again :(
therepoman__: "Wait I'm goated" *dies*
CaptainSpam: Jaakko's plan sure was brilliant.
Eggmojii: Thanks for skipping that, Ben
Makrosian_Tae: GOATED
SnowBuddy18: me too Ben
hieroglyphica: Solid!
IsSecretlyPaul: i was a batman beyond kid
Thefluffiestguineapig: That series is very good
niccus: YEAH!
Mr_Horrible: Alan Whack
raulghoulia: it's on Prime right now
ButButTheJesus: the 90's show? awesome
itira: fkn clip city up in here
lazermeow: How bout we get a bowl of piping hot Meeso Raamen.
hieroglyphica: Black paper Batman and beyond are both great
Ferisar: more like Batman peeyewnd @issecretlypaul
tehfewl: Xmen intro
Juliamon: B:TAS is still so good
BusTed: Yeah
The_Timo: Yo so good
ThorSokar: Batman Beyond's intro was fantastic
Makrosian_Tae: That series is the reason why A) Harly Quinn exists at all, and b) Mr Freeze is no longer a joke character
goombalax: mask of the phantasm ruuuled
Mr_Horrible: yeah, it's a good one
MrSarkhan: You really need to watch that
Ferisar: fantomas?
PawssumFable: Batman Beyond is better in later seasons
The_Timo: Best batman movie
Bruceski: Phantasm is wonderful
hieroglyphica: You know what really gelled me as a human? X-Men Evolution
IsSecretlyPaul: @Ferisar shouldn't you be working
Ferisar: I’m coming home @issecretlypaul
ButterBall000: I think Return of the Caped Crusaders is my favorite Batman animated thing
Jennie_Fuchsia: beg pardon
IsSecretlyPaul: "HES COMING HOME"
Thefluffiestguineapig: uuhhhhhhhhh
SquareDotCube: you know what didn't get enough love? The MIB cartoon
PawssumFable: I really like Brave and the Bold, because it's just funny
PawssumFable: Delightfully camp
IsSecretlyPaul: i just started rewatching xmen evolution
Mr_Horrible: "Return" "I don't have a library card for Cauldron Lake"
Juliamon: X-Men Evolution is why I have posters on my ceiling
IsSecretlyPaul: its a banger
EvilBadman: Xmen97 is real good
Omthebox: You did it
Ferisar: thanks for the achievement
hieroglyphica: That shot of nightcrawler teleporting in the intro is like, burned into memory for me
CaptainSpam: Happy sounds!
frank_the_great: Do you feel accomplished?
NotCainNorAbel: and the immersion is lost
BusTed: @PawssumFable Diedrich Bader makes a good Batman
raulghoulia: X-men evolution intro is just an animated buffy intro
queercrafting_chonk: X-Men Evolution is my fave cause it got rid of the exhausting Wolverine/Jean/Cyclops love triangle
Dog_of_Myth: DinoDance DinoDance
Eggmojii: Corpse ahh beat
Fanklok: Of course scratch raps
therepoman__: DinoDance
RealGamerCow: There's MORE?
IsSecretlyPaul: ehhhhh
Thefluffiestguineapig: DinoDance DinoDance
Rat__Queen_69: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
itira: hmm
thesurfaceofthemoon: Apparently the guy who composed the Batman Beyond theme won an Emmy for it.
gawag_: bern...
Thefluffiestguineapig: So edgy
Makrosian_Tae: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
BurgerGamer: lul
LostThePirate: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Rat__Queen_69: Beat is nice, lyrics are so cheesy
TheAwkes: It sets a *tone*
itsr67: a r t
PawssumFable: @BusTed Yep!
itira: Im with you Ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: Es tan horrible
NorthstarTex: love the backing track
Mr_Horrible: don't you fuckin' pin this on me you liar
WiJohn: Strong middle school notebook vibes
Omthebox: They're still going
wildpeaks: Scratch is as good a songwriter as an horror story writer
Thefluffiestguineapig: @wildpeaks ^^^^^^^^^
raulghoulia: these lyrics are a weapon to surpass Metal Gear
saucemaster5000: Ever write about writing?
PawssumFable: @WiJohn 100%
Omthebox: Love MSN Rap
Juliamon: AIM away message 100%
Eggmojii: shoutout msn messenger
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Zalthia: No I love this
itira: LOL msn
Rat__Queen_69: Lyrics would go hard to a shadow the hedgehog edit
Scarbble: their AIM away message for sure
Bruceski: Scratch going on about his story like he's Tidus or something.
RealGamerCow: Are those ChatGPT lyrics?
korvys: The beat is sick, though, yeah
BusTed: AIM profile message lyrics
TehAmelie: i'd like it if they ever had the guts to make Jean/Scott/Logan a real love triangle rather than just a V
NotCainNorAbel: no.....
kaboomjr26 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
kaboomjr26: For a Finn, holiday is holy, perkele
EvilBadman: Well it is basically SCRATCH the song
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kaboomjr26! (Today's storm count: 79)
gamercat88: 100% i did that
BurgerGamer: @Rat__Queen_69 OH GOD
Thefluffiestguineapig: That face said it all
Omthebox: Hmmmmm
BusTed: noooooo...
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
itira: ahhh... noooooo >.>
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
PipeSmokingOwl: YUUUP
ayir: what.... no... of course not Kappa
BusTed: tqsSweat
Mathwyn: The dark past
tehfewl: Any Gaia Online enjoyers?
Omthebox: I didn't because... I didn't have a computer as a kid
PipeSmokingOwl: i would put deathcab or dashboard lyrics to fish with
Andymonium: the splash damage on that comment was enormous
PipeSmokingOwl: lol
trebuchetboy: Gwen is immune
Eggmojii: Adam wasnt asking if you did it, he just wanted to see if you were the lying type
saucemaster5000: I only put in things I KNEW my crush would notice, thank you
ChrisTheLemming: Emily Is Away is an entire videogame about that msn messenger stuff
NorthstarTex: The could have made this a metal song...wait its from Finland, why didn't they!?
couchboyj: Any ICQ enjoyers out there?
MrSarkhan: Oh god I remember Gaia
patrick_stonecrusher: Alan Wake and Bane should have a rap battle
BrindleBoar: AnimeSpace
hieroglyphica: I'm kind of playing the lyricist here as my menstrual period, tracking me down when I least expect it
goombalax: the msn message tone was their voice
IsSecretlyPaul: it was edgy neopets
Dalouer: @couchboyj still remember my icq number :)
LithelyUnshod: I still remember my ICQ#
PawssumFable: I loved Gaia for a bit, and a few years later, I ended up selling off... like this supporter item I had that was worth millions. I didn't even want the millions I just wanted someone to enjoy the things I had.
PipeSmokingOwl: ICQ for my everquest guild chat. Prime internet days
itsr67: no shot
Juliamon: Gaia Online was... a fascinating trash fire
itira: wait Adam no
gamercat88: neopets are still a thing
PawssumFable: Did the same thing with GW2
IsSecretlyPaul: adam you are lying
hatboozeparty: YES ADAM
snowyowlly: wait seriously
itira: for fucking real??
0x6772: Adam, you have Google.
wildpeaks: the last thing I forget when I get Alzheimer is my ICQ number
Omthebox: We found the needle
Jennie_Fuchsia: w h a t
NimrodXIV: omg what
circusofkirkus: but the Gem of the Day
BusTed: adam make a neopets account right now
Rat__Queen_69: SO many layers of internet we need to explain to adam
itira: Adam crawling out from under a rock
Fanklok: The number of times Adam is the 1 in 10000 on this stream is nuts
Mr_Horrible: Meerca Chase all day er' day
marshacado: my 22 year old friend still plays it from time to time
IsSecretlyPaul: Adam you are telling me you don't know what a quiggle is?
lochnessseammonster: my sister was big into neopets
itira: LUL
hieroglyphica: Oh my GOD. YEAH it's that and then it devolved into scientologist backed craziness
Kramburger: It's like tamogotchi in a web browser
goombalax: time for neopets Kaizo run
DaFhaye: Hello yall
niccus: do you know about the old browser-based strategy games?
Omthebox: No more questions your honor
TehAmelie: my parents used ICQ so obviously i was too cool for that, in 1995
Mr_Horrible: maybe you should've played *good* games, then, Adam
SquareDotCube: used to be owned by the church of scientology
Zalthia: It's an online virtual pet website with a bunch of flash games and a fake marketplace. A lot of people learned CSS by customizing their store page.
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is the second time someone said Boondoggle in this episode LUL
niccus: he was in VENTRILO and playing DOTA
Jennie_Fuchsia: I’m sorry I can’t say “oh I’m so jealous you get to discover neopets for the first time” you can never go back
PipeSmokingOwl: pudge hook on IO to teleport was too cool for school
Ferisar: us dota players basically missed the entirety of early adulthood to a bad game
korvys: Adam, in "Ways to Eat Fries", were you playing Dota when they made you eat fries?
DaFhaye: Ben bully
Pteraspidomorphi: niccus: I feel you man
queercrafting_chonk: I had my parents send in a signed permission form to Neopets so I could use the chat rooms as an 11yr old xD
NorthstarTex: was mainlining Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 at the time
hieroglyphica: I got my Sega Genesis when I was... 8?
Bruceski: Main thing I remember about Neopets is that their chat was weakly moderated so it was a lot of people posting links to fully unmoderated chatrooms.
Dezponia: So was Adam ;)
PawssumFable: Adam just got his head in a DOTA hole
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to boondoggle64! They have given 1451 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, boondoggle64! (Today's storm count: 80)
ButButTheJesus: 96
lochnessseammonster: i got my og nintendo when i was 6 PrideLaugh
saucemaster5000: I went to prom for 10 minutes, partner and I said "this is dumb," went home, smoked out of an apple, watched ghostbusters and had sex
DaFhaye: Hey wait I had simpsons pajamas when I was like 15
SnowBuddy18: were you playing DOTA on the N64?
BusTed: BabyRage
inconsideratehat: N64 was my first console, I was so excited (and 10)
Eggmojii: I can 100% imagine "Ways to Eat Fries" Adam playing DotA 24/7
Fanklok: I was 5
itira: lil baybee
Rat__Queen_69: I feel so young in this stream lol
Makrosian_Tae: Hey chat, honest question: does this game have a setting where can turn off the cut-away jump scares? I think I could actually play it if that was gone
Blip2004: I was 12
ButButTheJesus: I remember my grandma asking why it wasn't called Nintendo 96
Thefluffiestguineapig: I was 3
circusofkirkus: In a suit too
BusTed: Game!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben is just older than me
TehAmelie: leaning on a desk with a bullet in her leg when there is a free chair, pretty bold
ThorSokar: composOld Don't mind me, I'm just going to be over here turning in to a pile of dust
TheAwkes: I was playing video games at 4... in 1988.
NorthstarTex: I played the OG Mortal Kombat when I was 3, my main was Kitana according to my older sister.
MilkInBags: i was a kirby main in og smash, what does it say about me
tehfewl: thats melee
EvilBadman: Ben was BSJing all the 70 star runs
SquareDotCube: let's be fair, your dad bought it more for him than you
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags Low-Tier adherent for life
Rat__Queen_69: The puff rests I pulled off put fear in my brother
itira: i was 10 and i ONLY played Harvest Moon 64
MilkInBags: ban them
hieroglyphica: Oh man I got the Genesis late, it hit my area 4 years before I was 8 looks like 😂
Blip2004: My transparent Jungle Green N64 is sitting in my TV stand right now
queercrafting_chonk: @itira hell yeah Harvest Moon
Diabore: that is a real shit lock for that GLASS gun rack
MilkInBags: eww
Seth_Erickson: I've never done that
saucemaster5000: Melee came out my first year of college...
itira: @queercrafting_chonk seabatClap
Zalthia: That explains a lot
Kramburger: 100 stock games are for amiibo training
therepoman__: First to death gamer from childhood
PawssumFable: Items off because items are bullshit
Rat__Queen_69: 100 stock gauntlet sounds like a long session
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
hieroglyphica: Now, man, I really blossomed with the PS1
Seth_Erickson: We were pure melee enjoyers, 3 stock no items every time
itira: Same Adam, same.
NorthstarTex: the hard core marathon game
Omthebox: Or throw rocks at cars
MilkInBags: drugs? nah no time for that when you need to smash people with pikachu
lochnessseammonster: love it
gawag_: we did something once - infinite stock, infinite time BUT when you died you had to pull a jenga block. person to topple lost
tehfewl: i mean what else are you going to do in the middle of nowhere
Mr_Horrible: me and my buddy playing Gamecube Gauntlet: Dark Legacy for 10 hours straight
korvys: I love Adam playing hardcore Mobas as a kid and Putt Putt as an adult
MilkInBags: so vanilla
hieroglyphica: Yeah, I really slept on the debauchery as a kid too, I feel you. I played games and read, really didn't even notice that my dad was a huge stoner until I was 18.
goombalax: I played Kirby
saucemaster5000: I just played ness
inconsideratehat: @itira I never played harvest moon but friends who did tell me I would have been lost to the world if I had
Rat__Queen_69: I also throw myself against the video game brick wall, trying to beat some dumb challenge
Seth_Erickson: Didn't need 'em brother
PawssumFable: We used to play melee for hours on end
MilkInBags: and your friend who picked fox? his name is leffen
itira: mood
lochnessseammonster: quality over quantity
Seth_Erickson: A couple of good friends is all you need
Thefluffiestguineapig: Neither did I
Dezponia: Adam was that kid from the Xbox commercial that was born, grows up, and hits the grave as a gamer
Omthebox: Now look at you
hieroglyphica: I was a hermit, feel ya bro
Mr_Horrible: well, maybe if you were better at offlane you'd have had more friends Kappa
Omthebox: Look how far you've come
queercrafting_chonk: Same. Plus only child so most gaming I did was alone
Kramburger: You only need six friends to carry your coffin
niccus: four if they're strong
Juliamon: I played a lot of Smash back in the day but the only memory I have of it was my sister's friend selecting Pikachu and Ness in rapid succession to get the announcer to say Penis
MilkInBags: did you create hungrybox, be truthful
ShaneLeeAtk: Paul Harvey... That's a blast
BusTed: @Juliamon LUL
trebuchetboy: Pog Mang0
IsSecretlyPaul: you don't need em if you don't die
Blip2004: 1 if you get cremated
hieroglyphica: I dunno, I've just got the 4 really beefy ones
Dezponia: Is that why Adam has gym buddies?
MilkInBags: @Juliamon seabatBRAIN
Saintnex: what does that mean Casey??
SquareDotCube: one if they're stupid strong
saucemaster5000: I just need one friend and they are gonna hate me when they drag that shit to my grave
Kramburger: Let Me Solo Your Coffin
Zalthia: Big Divorced energy
Cptasparagus: wait have either of you ever carried a coffin? shits heavy.
MilkInBags: gym buddies are left and right biceps
Seth_Erickson: I'd love a gym buddy it'd make me go more often
PawssumFable: The coffin's heavier than the person by a long shot
RealGamerCow: Adam's only friend in the gym is the iron
itira: @inconsideratehat Its very similar to Stardew
Kramburger: If you've got time for Yaps, you've got time for Traps
Dezponia: What!? I was sure Adam went to the gym to train those HUGGING muscles
hieroglyphica: Also I plan on the ol' water cremation thing. You can pre-pay if you're part of a funeral co-op, PSA, join a co-op today!
MilkInBags: I'm a full-service hitman, I also carry their coffin
Rat__Queen_69: Weird flex but ok vibes
Fanklok: Ben also said he would climb a wall of dicks with zero hesitation
saucemaster5000: I carried my grandmother... when she tried to play jungle
Seth_Erickson: Well you know I've carried a coffin or two in my time KKona
Mr_Horrible: Ben puts one on each shoulder like hay bales
lochnessseammonster: my friend had a white coffin that everyone got to write messages on like a year book
Omthebox: Real or fake dicks
Eggmojii: id do it for free
inconsideratehat: @itira Yup, that's why. LUL
Lysander_salamander: I'd go for the wall
saucemaster5000: Heck I'd climb it for a dilly bar
Omthebox: Or perhaps a mix
MilkInBags: if my life was in danger, I'd climb it sure
TheAwkes: It changes the context of "going down"
ButButTheJesus: @hieroglyphica huh, I'll check into that, thx
Omthebox: Dick roulette
QuixoticScrivener: load bearing dicks
niccus: please don't twist the dicks
infinity_225: hard or soft?
itira: did we ever decide in which direction the dicks are? because that makes a big difference
MilkInBags: oh
IsSecretlyPaul: dicks are pretty load bearing
DaFhaye: That well would smell
hieroglyphica: Saves you a lot of money! @butbutthejesus
Blip2004: "Hey Dickface!"
Kramburger: I've carried a few coffins, I have a hat to wear for one that i was given because my aunt as a huge south sydney fan. Old coworkers tried to give me crap about it and I made things akward for them real fast
MilkInBags: how long are those dicks???
PMAvers: Like, if they're just rock climbing wall studs that are just dick shaped?
patrick_stonecrusher: Dick bungee
Mr_Horrible: just hearing a chorus of "YEAAAOW" behind the wall
DaFhaye: skin or no skin
korvys: They like feet
Rat__Queen_69: This is certainly a conversation we're having
gamercat88: once hard stay hard
RealGamerCow: Does something say either "ouch" or "yes" when you grab them?
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
MilkInBags: wait, an erection can support a grown man?
itira: OH ok its a MAGIC dick wall
wildpeaks: that seems like a lot of work
ButButTheJesus: I missed something in the past minute - oh, the dick wall, right
0x6772: But I can climb a rope ladder. That's flaccid rungs, not stiff.
saucemaster5000: you underestimate the power of yelling "Sydney Sweeney"
Eggmojii: an absolutely insane Catherine mod
itira: LOL
NimrodXIV: lmao
Makrosian_Tae: Is the dick wall circumcised?
DaFhaye: Foreskin changes grip
WiJohn: Not one of them normal dick walls you see around
frank_the_great: LUL LUL LUL
Omthebox: There's a secret path outlined in circumcisions.
lochnessseammonster: i already don't love rock climbing... this is just extra steps
Rat__Queen_69: What's the other option than MAGIC?
gamercat88: is the dick wall single
MilkInBags: realistic dick wall? come on
Mr_Horrible: no longer on the Front Page, and I wonder why Kappa
Lysander_salamander: I love this show
xantos69: @itira My new favorite phrase.
inconsideratehat: Just a million glory holes
frank_the_great: Is the dick wall baptized?
Andymonium: this ain't yer grandpappy's dickwall
Fanklok: Ok but is the wall baptized?
Astramentha: is the dick wall baptized?
BusTed: Oh, we're not looking for volunteers, then.
MilkInBags: if it was a 'real' one, imagine how to stack guys behind
wildpeaks: the adult version of Terraria's wall of flesh boss
brainbosh: I mean you could probably find some japanese porno that has this exact concept
PMAvers: I just imagined Prince of Persia, except like all the wall poles that you are swinging on are cocks.
ZER0_TW0: I hope this is still on the front page
CaptainSpam: So this whole conversation will be removed from the highlight reel, won't it? :p
itira: LUL
Rat__Queen_69: House of cards style wall of man
Mr_Horrible: @Fanklok all but 2
Omthebox: Non magical Dick Wall for Sale, Never Used
Zalthia: The magic of make believe
MilkInBags: where does the dicks wall lead to, or what does it protect
Jennie_Fuchsia: thank you @itira
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptainSpam Depends if they just use all clips of Ben vamping
Ferisar: btw bloodborne kart I mean nightmare kart has a release date
Mr_Horrible: "Wait you're having me narrate WHAT?!" - Morgan Freeman
PawssumFable: lrrSPOOP
korvys: Oh, like a wombat?
Zalthia: @ferisar OH SHIT REALLY???
saucemaster5000: Advanced enough tech is the same as magic to us -- Arthur C. Clark's Dick
itira: if someone could clip Ben saying im funny, thatd be great. Ill look back at it when i dont believe in myself.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Echidnas have four headed dicks
Ferisar: yeah @zalthia
Mr_Horrible: @Ferisar can't wait to main Normal Doll
wildpeaks: the magical load-bearing dick wall
therepoman__: The Penis Parapet
lochnessseammonster: let's nope never disappoints
MilkInBags: itira you're a funny stinky
itira: Thanks Ben LUL
Mr_Horrible: the Cock Copse
Seth_Erickson: Does every building in the subwayverse have a penis bearing wall?
gamercat88: wouldn't it be the Glory Hole
JusticeJuice: You mean it isn't a male rooster wall?
Rat__Queen_69: I love the random topics that we jump between in this stream
saucemaster5000: Adam watched a different saw
thatguysteve2709: Hate that movie
Fanklok: We can all thank Ferisar for telling Adam to go climb an invisible wall of dicks for this
BusTed: is it bad that I know that that was Saw 2
ThorSokar: I've seen that artwork!
betweenmyself: perineum-pet? riffThink
ButButTheJesus: its a nope
saucemaster5000: Ngl, I cant stand saw
brainbosh: Adam why are you writing japanese porn?
MilkInBags: nothing in saw made me flinch except the forearm through the saw
lochnessseammonster: i would not watch any of them
itira: Body horror is so gross
saucemaster5000: HArd candy tho
Seth_Erickson: This coming from the man who loves Made in Abyss
LithelyUnshod: @BusTed Nah, I got it too, and I'm not a fan
Seth_Erickson: Kappa
Mr_Horrible: Body Horror is fun but I'm eh on the Saw movies
frank_the_great: I've seen every Saw movie. They're fun, but bad
Jennie_Fuchsia: @itira my supervisor said I was clever and I was like “no no I need it in writing please- I will never remember this praise”
BorealMage: I stand by the first Saw movie being great. The rest are not my thing, though.
couchboyj: Gotta watch out for the penis buttresses
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gross out horror with no purpose is just not fun
MilkInBags: Saw was fun, except after 6
ButButTheJesus: yeah I've enjoyed some of the story
Rat__Queen_69: The story and psychology of the saw traps are more interesting than seeing them, too gross
Thefluffiestguineapig: Reading them is so sillly
NimrodXIV: Saw is a very weird soap opera
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible like... of the torture porn stuff, the only one I was like "yeah... that was pretty good" was hard candy
Lysander_salamander: is the newest one the one with the lazers?
Mr_Horrible: Saw definitely has more of a point than Eli Roth films
itira: @Jennie_Fuchsia LUL truuue
TehAmelie: my favorite Saw movie is the fake trailer for Murdercide 6
dougma: Cannibal Holocaust?
Seth_Erickson: In actuality though I really can't stand like real life gore effects. It makes me feel bad seeing like gratitous stuff when it isn't animated.
raulghoulia: @MilkInBags I'll be sure to watch it at 4:30 then
ghizmou: something tells me the biggest part of the budget in saw doesn't go to the script writing
Tweygoh: real hot pickle of a series
NimrodXIV: Saw X is the eye-sucker, yes
ButButTheJesus: @Seth_Erickson same
frank_the_great: Yep! Brutal scene, turned out to just be a thought though, didn't happen
Mr_Horrible: "...does that mean good or bad?"
TehAmelie: oh no, hot pickle is a thing now
Rat__Queen_69: I'd rather watch a video essay about the traps than ever watch the movies
Eggmojii: Chat, if you like Korean horror, watch Exhuma. Just came out and it was amazing.
saucemaster5000: big, unpleasant, and hard to swallow?
Mr_Horrible: *does not elaborate*
PawssumFable: You know, there's these hot pickles called Hot Damn Dills
PawssumFable: Those are nice
MilkInBags: i love how the saw guy was paid to play a corpse for a whole movie
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hot pickle boondoggle
Blip2004: OOP time
Seth_Erickson: Love good chunky sound effects
MilkInBags: the ion storm sound effect in helldivers 2 is so good
PawssumFable: They're by the YeeHaw pickle company
thatguysteve2709: Done @eggmojii writing it down
EvilBadman: @thefluffiestguineapig Good name for this ep
betweenmyself: “Wakey wakey, eggs and DANGER!”
Rat__Queen_69: Kiddo makes my warframe player fight or flight activate
JusticeJuice: Is the hot pickle moat before the cock wall or after?
NorthstarTex: Ok Thor
Omthebox: Why did people think this game could be game of the year.
Mr_Horrible: I don't think so?
saucemaster5000: ngl, I'm only half aying attention, but this is more wirters are gods self-wankery than a stephen king novel
Mr_Horrible: I think Scratch is who you fished outta the lake
Mr_Horrible: while Alan was still trapped
ButButTheJesus: I think you were playing as Wake, he's still stuck inside
Seth_Erickson: @saucemaster5000 that was the first game too tbf
NorthstarTex: Wake is still in the Dark Place
Mr_Horrible: the Dank Place, with Alan Baked
saucemaster5000: @Seth_Erickson I... did not finish the first game for this reason
Earthenone: are you two going to do a lore video when you are done with the game? :P
Lysander_salamander: he's very tired
Mr_Horrible: Da Greatest City In Da Woild
Rat__Queen_69: Big apple for a big apple pie
lochnessseammonster: i have been watching most of these streams and i could not tell you anything about this game PrideLaugh
couchboyj: Let's kick shell!
frank_the_great: Just like Zelda in TotK, really derivative Kappa
Mr_Horrible: I've gotten the broad strokes
MWGNZ: @Mr_Horrible "light good, dark bad"
NorthstarTex: I mean that place is a nutty place, like there was a whole musical number and everything
saucemaster5000: @lochnessseammonster That's most of this show for me. Iam working, tbf
Mr_Horrible: @MWGNZ write that down write that down kanagoNote
Seth_Erickson: So true
twistedsylvan: @MWGNZ up until recently, also worked for Destiny
Zalthia: Oh man I have to make my bed
WiJohn: Time to have a concert!
itira: @saucemaster5000 same though, i have no idea whats going on LUL
RatherLargeToad: I’m still waiting for Jessie to show up and throw a forklift at Scratch
Lysander_salamander: it's cool that she's related to the band
EvilBadman: @twistedsylvan oh did it get laid off too
Seth_Erickson: Oh shit this clicker can boost my grilled cheese sandwich :O
BusTed: 🤘
WiJohn: It's the musical episode!
The_Timo: Young Stan Lee voice?
twistedsylvan: @EvilBadman OOF
MWGNZ: why not use the clicker for no more dark place?
RatherLargeToad: he looks like Harry from Harry and the Hendersons
NorthstarTex: Tor is literally the norse god of thunder, so maybe?
CaptainSpam: Just a Generic Cartoon Animal. Like the Animaniacs' Warner Brothers and Sister.
itira: He looks like the crawled out of Moria
niccus: alan wake if alan was a kid's picture book writer
twistedsylvan: @MWGNZ basically there seems to be some kind of intelligence that decides if a work of fiction 'works' for Cauldron Lake to manifest. If it isn't interesting or dramatic enough, nothing will happen
Rat__Queen_69: They just wait patiently for you finish your brain blast
RealGamerCow: just drooling a little, mumbling
TheAwkes: One simple thing left to do. Fix Everything™
ButButTheJesus: maybe mind place only takes a few seconds
Fanklok: It's like that episode of Scrubs that follows The Todd and we just get to watch JD be in a day dream for like 30 seconds
Mr_Horrible: "This is all that's left. Go home?"
Juliamon: love a good clear PoNT
Lysander_salamander: "Nah it's all right. She'll pop back to reality with a non-sequitor and then it's fine."
BurgerGamer: would you like to go to the end game
Mr_Horrible: kanagoSad
Zalthia: This part is so good
RatherLargeToad: Wait, let me do all the mini games first!
goombalax: "I have a mysterious feeling that this section of the game is ending, weird"
frank_the_great: I like it when games do that, but I also like it when games have a post-game
gamercat88: maybe Casey has IBS
Mr_Horrible: his tummy hurts but he's being very brave
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
itira: doesnt want to wrinkle the suit i guess
ghizmou: He could have been wearing a really long scarf and it would have fit
twistedsylvan: "I know I've been gutshot, but please let me still be hot"
betweenmyself: “It’s be funny if we finish the game today.” *credits roll thirty seconds later*
Seth_Erickson: Take my ppicture please Anderson
Lysander_salamander: yeah
Blakemcm: me every day
EvilBadman: I think y'all still have a wake section at the movies. So maybe not tonight.
ButButTheJesus: maybe he just had too much easter candy
Rat__Queen_69: He's leaning on everything in the most I'm being nonchalant way possible
Thefluffiestguineapig: WOOF
Lysander_salamander: oh heck
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
Zalthia: O.o
goombalax: he's had to poop for an hour and hes just been powering through it
NorthstarTex: holy shit bud...
Thefluffiestguineapig: I tolerated a horrific bleeding ulcer because people kept saying i was just being a wimp
itira: Sounds terrible but you were very brave
Thefluffiestguineapig: People take pain so not seriously
Mr_Horrible: legit proud of you, homie
IsSecretlyPaul: dude they should give this guy a napkin
itira: glad youre feeling better though D:
RealGamerCow: What did you do to get better?
Isaac3567: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yeah my family said that to me and my Crohn's got so bad I was half dead in the hospital before they stopped saying it
EvilBadman: If you want the gun in the glass, the code is in the same room. Is puzzle, per usual.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah he's bloodied up because his brother exploded all over him
Blakemcm: was it bacterial or from stress? like lifting stress?
Rat__Queen_69: Need a side quest to give that man a wet wipe
ab50luteunit subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
ab50luteunit: I'm here for the best boys
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Eggmojii: its a Finnish thing, dont worry about it
Mr_Horrible: I'd believe that, tbh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Isaac3567 Yuuuuuuuuuuup, my lips were the same color as the rest of my skin
Eggmojii: Ilmo is badass
lochnessseammonster: yeah fair. i'm sure covid didn't help
Blakemcm: hey that adds up, stress does so much to our bodies. sorry to hear Adam
Mr_Horrible: bacteria exacerbated by stress is pretty common for stomach bullshit
betweenmyself: glad ya got over your tummy troubs pennyWhat
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ummmmm, not sure if ulcers are stress induced
Thefluffiestguineapig: I hope it's not virus induced ulcers, you have that virus forever
IsSecretlyPaul: do it
Blakemcm: oooohhh dont show me your feet or all get scarrrred
Fanklok: Yes how do you think right wing grift works
ButButTheJesus: #NotACult?
niccus: not a cult
lochnessseammonster: laughter is more powerful than screams though
Zalthia: No
Mr_Horrible: I'm not scared of you or this game
itira: im so scurd rn
frank_the_great: Pass
thatguysteve2709: No
Saintnex: No
Seth_Erickson: unbelievably scared
Rat__Queen_69: I'm so spooked right now
Scarbble: totally spooped
Thefluffiestguineapig: #notacult
gualdhar: I'm scared streamer
BurgerGamer: no
The_Timo: AHHHHH
DaFhaye: I'm terrified
SnackPak_: I'm scared
SpoonfullOfSugar: that you're scared
couchboyj: lrrSPOOPY
korvys: Nah
ab50luteunit: So scared
BusTed: benginSpoop
therepoman__: sajamShoot
lochnessseammonster: HahaSweat
Zalthia: No I'm not allowed to lie
patrick_stonecrusher: Scawed
NimrodXIV: very scawwy
infinity_225: terrified
CastleOtranto: im scawed
DaSunao: VoteNay
goombalax: im scared
NorthstarTex: am I?
Eggmojii: sorry ben i cant lie to you
plundypops: Blue freezy
Fanklok: Come say that to my face Ben
ButButTheJesus: NOW i'm scared
marshacado: im having a very nice itme
0x6772: "That you're scared."
Rhynerd: oh geez
Astramentha: that you’re scared
NotCainNorAbel: I'm scared /s
Mr_Horrible: dazeTense
Lysander_salamander: I'm vewwy swared
Omthebox: I'm scared of baby faces
Jennie_Fuchsia: oh no scary
Xed_Regulus: Scared
KV1NN4: eek i'm scared!
That_Jerk_RMED subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months, currently on a 107 month streak!
That_Jerk_RMED: You have no power over me, I am throwing you money for completely unrelated reasons!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, That_Jerk_RMED! (Today's storm count: 82)
ThorSokar: scared of what?
HesGotNoPants: Ban me you won't
IsSecretlyPaul: you can't ban me in a way that matters
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to NotScared!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NotScared! (Today's storm count: 83)
DaFhaye: The scare tax has been paid
Rat__Queen_69: HeyGuys
Thefluffiestguineapig: "You're very scared"
Blip2004: super scared lrrSPOOP_TK
itsr67: THATS ME
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
Mr_Horrible: ook ook spook spook
infinity_225: type
ab50luteunit: Type
NorthstarTex: !chat
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
RealGamerCow: Jokes on you you don't get paid more per chat interaction
Phailhammer: ook ook so scared
saucemaster5000: I didn't say shit!
ButButTheJesus: lrrSPOOP <-- it me
betweenmyself: I pooed myself! Also I’m scared riffScream
lochnessseammonster: seabatBRAIN
Astramentha: we all just want to Senpai to notice us
patrick_stonecrusher: [Applause
itira: Palia
Makrosian_Tae: Jokes on you I haven't engaged in 47 years
Eggmojii: PoE
Peter_Chordash: Pants, full of poop
Blakemcm: Age of empires 2
Jennie_Fuchsia: Palia
ab50luteunit: Stardew
CaptinOfBeez: Engagement! but only because I like yous guys
therepoman__: It's pretty easy to make fun of Destiny 2 players to be fair
Mathwyn: Hey I'm playing Fallout 76 on my first monitor
Mr_Horrible: you can do this Adam
RealGamerCow: FF 14
The_Timo: Balatro
Ferisar: any bg3s
Thefluffiestguineapig: Animal Crossing
Eggmojii: getting this flicker holy relic necro going
rosesmcgee: In all likelihood it's porn on the first monitor. Perverts
RealGamerCow: Gotta be
lochnessseammonster: i'm playing two dots
Mr_Horrible: it started on Friday my dude come on
DaFhaye: I'm trying to make a backup character for my dnd campaign right now
WiJohn: Dragon's Dogma 2
xantos69: 7 Days to Die sir.
SnackPak_: nothing
Pteraspidomorphi: Islands of Insight
gamercat88: Balatro
marshacado: minecraft baby
Seth_Erickson: bg3's we're calling once
itsr67: vsav
MWGNZ: im playing "work"
KCMcG: Shenzhen IO
Talin06: PoE
MrSarkhan: Cobalt Core
Rat__Queen_69: Jokes on you, you're on my main screen
Bruceski: FF14 just added a pettable wolf mount, so that's a pretty easy call
DaFhaye: I can't decide on race
Eggmojii: youre on my 3rd monitor
Seth_Erickson: bg3's we're calling twice
shendaras: Mom, he's farming the engagement again.
NorthstarTex: Elden Ring :P
Zalthia: I'm on mobile
thatguysteve2709: What would happen if chat disappeared not viewers just chat?
Saintnex: jokes on you, I’m just lying in bed feeling sick lol
The_Timo: Balatro Bois!
Makrosian_Tae: Elden Ring
ghizmou: balatro booyys
Darth_Litigious: Jokes on you. I have you on my main monitor.
IsSecretlyPaul: we were looking for ff14
itira: Wow Adam way to fuck it up
Seth_Erickson: any bg3's this is your last chance to chime in
Lysander_salamander: maybe that one is hard to alt-tab out of
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Rat__Queen_69 They're my main screen too!
BusTed: gottem
ThorSokar: I have 2 main screens, got'em
JinaMahavira: I'm Dogma'ing
saucemaster5000: shoulda said Conker's Bad Fur Day
BorealMage: I would be Helldiving if I wasn't working rn
plundypops: I am playing a different game but kind of always wish I was playing BG3
protojman: y’all are a little too much main monitor content for bg3
lochnessseammonster: i'm painting neon leopard print on my nails
Seth_Erickson: My guns don't have codes KKona brother
Ferisar: what protojman said
ライシェン: @thefluffiestguineapig yooo other AC player! causeiDance
Ferisar: it's distracting
Mr_Horrible: Code for a gun? What is this, The Quarry?
Ferisar: couldn't play bg3
Elevation_4000_FT: I can't type right now I'm driving
itira: @lochnessseammonster seabatClap
Tweygoh: I’m workin in a lumber mill
Rhynerd: i’m drawing
betweenmyself: was really hoping just *one* person was playing Alan Wake 1 on main monitor pennyWhat
lochnessseammonster: @itira PrideUwu
frank_the_great: Reddit tbh
Rat__Queen_69: It's a laptop, so only you two
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ライシェン Sup! I'm so late to the AC bug but the cherry blossom stuff is great
barbmitzvah: You assume I have the money for a second monitor
ab50luteunit: I don't have another monitor, you boys are on TV
Kramburger: I'm writing
BurgerGamer: I got mine o clock on the side monitor Kappa
itira: Im decorating in Palia *aggressive dab*
Thefluffiestguineapig: Main monitor
Blakemcm: handheld Soul Silver over here
Eggmojii: I have the Vintage Cube stream paused on the second monitor, you guys are on 3rd
That_Jerk_RMED: For the record: Adam was correct, I have Destiny 2 open on the other monitor. seabatBRAIN seabatClap
korvys: Second monitor is a webcam in Japan, cause there was an earthquake in Taiwan, and there might be a tsunami
Sparklyopteryx: You're on our 70" TV right now
Rat__Queen_69: Finger counting to...what?
SnackPak_: ya need more fingers?
goombalax: I was playing renekton top for the first time, got my ass handed to my by sett
betweenmyself: Ben’s running outta fingies! BibleThump
SmithKurosaki: What was the question?
0x6772: Um, divide by 10?
hoveringhalibut subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 61 months!
hoveringhalibut: You're just PiP on my phone
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hoveringhalibut! (Today's storm count: 84)
ライシェン: @thefluffiestguineapig haha the cherry blossom season is so lovely in the game ∩^ω^∩ enjoy the islanding!
Rat__Queen_69: I see the gears turning
ghizmou: Adam, help your friend, let him borrow your fingers
Ferisar: sett is goated
Jennie_Fuchsia: @sparklyopteryx That’s my setup too and I can’t stop laughing when Adam asks to be on the big monitor
Ferisar: sorry brother
IsSecretlyPaul: renekton mid
ButButTheJesus: other way
Mr_Horrible: no, he's a Crocodile, Adaam
thatguysteve2709: 327
hieroglyphica: Yeah I think you guys count as my main monitor, you're on my living room tv, I'm finishing a baby fascinator for my newborn niece
Phailhammer: You set it to 337
barbmitzvah: You wrote the wrong number in the key
Seth_Erickson: you had 337 BVen
Pharmacistjudge: you never put in the code right
Fanklok: You said 327 then put in 337
couchboyj: Pretty sure he's thr gator
queercrafting_chonk: You're not just main monitor, you're on the TV!
MrSarkhan: LUL
IsSecretlyPaul: okay he got me
NorthstarTex: Renekton mid, I own that crock hide butt with Volibear
Zalthia: Back when I played LOL I was a mean Orianna Mid lane
SohNata: Did you see there's a Renektoy Plush now, Adam?
BurgerGamer: renekton's a bottom, lets not lie to ourselves
ButButTheJesus: you did 337
EvilBadman: You are on the correct track
Pharmacistjudge: that kind of bottom
Thefluffiestguineapig: I can see it
Seth_Erickson: none of the ascendants are bottoms
Ferisar: NASUS CAN'T RUN FOREVER *gets railed*
Thefluffiestguineapig: But there's a lot of kinds of bottoms
IsSecretlyPaul: hes a power bottom
NorthstarTex: I've seen the art :)
Mr_Horrible: nah, he's a Brat Bottom
Rat__Queen_69: Oh, the numbers reset every 9
Sparklyopteryx: He for sure is
goombalax: Power Bottom
ghizmou: oh yeah, with his tongue out, I can see it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah
Ferisar: bratty bottom
Ferisar: come on adam
n3ther: ben's got a point
SquareDotCube: I'm guessing red text.
NimrodXIV: oh Adam
Sparklyopteryx: Tops don't gotta posture like that
Lysander_salamander: Bratty sub?
Seth_Erickson: No shot he's a bottom imo
NorthstarTex: Oh adam
Ferisar: adam
ab50luteunit: Big brat energy
Kramburger: Come on adam, you your brain
SnackPak_: yeah
Thefluffiestguineapig: I promise you don't know all the terms Adam
SohNata: Ohhhh, here we go
BorealMage: Nobody can ever know *all* the terms
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
ghizmou: It's when you refuse to clean
itira: oh myyyy LUL
Blakemcm: oh no not my bottom
NorthstarTex: yes
saucemaster5000: And then you spank em. C'mon
Thefluffiestguineapig: They misbehave to be punished
Rat__Queen_69: Playful resistance
shendaras: wow
ThorSokar: Someone who LIKES being punished
Fanklok: That was sunday
JusticeJuice: Awww Adam's cute.
Mr_Horrible: well good news, He's back
cosarprime: Is that a surprise?
ButButTheJesus: its true we do
NotCainNorAbel: I'm with Adam, every day a new term
Lysander_salamander: They're all "make me do it, you coward"
Dezponia: Adam learning about all the fun things
CaptainSpam: Yeah, I decided I stopped caring about terms ages ago. Turns out I don't have a categorization fetish. :p
cosarprime: You've met chat before
SohNata: They make the top work for that paycheck
SquareDotCube: Try 279
Bruceski: Bratting is a sub in a relationship acting out to encourage the top to take control.
DaFhaye: Jesus closed the door on me and through away the key
ButButTheJesus: its the other way
lochnessseammonster: that actually made me laugh out loud PrideLaugh
Seth_Erickson: Jesus didn't rise up for this *gestures vaguely*
niccus: who's jesus? what are his abilities
korvys: New meta, bro
Mr_Horrible: okay Grampa Simpson
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptainSpam LUL
ghizmou: try finger but hole
IsSecretlyPaul: it will happen to you
ab50luteunit: Bratty top
Bruceski: That term's at least 20 years old because that's when I learned it
saucemaster5000: Look if you don't play the new season...
Rat__Queen_69: There's a lot of terms, like an entire books worth
BusTed: gotta keep a better eye on the patch notes
ThorSokar: that is not a new term
SohNata: Just wait till you hear about Service Tops
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Rat__Queen_69 More than one
Thefluffiestguineapig: Me
plundypops: nah, there are infinite terms and everyone says them like everyone should know them.
gualdhar: an asshole
Bruceski: A bratty top is just a jerk
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes
Blakemcm: oh no not my weiner
Rat__Queen_69: @Thefluffiestguineapig true
Eggmojii: Adam so Abe Simpson rn
Thefluffiestguineapig: I've done it, but not long term
0x6772: All of the book titles have UFO in them.
DaFhaye: Brat is usually just bottom
inconsideratehat: That would just get silly
Mr_Horrible: could love bloom even on the Brat Battlefield?
lochnessseammonster: bratty switch is the best
Octonomicon: You think terms don't exist until you've heard of them?
BurgerGamer: that sounds like an awful relationship
Thefluffiestguineapig: It depends
aClonedPickle: oh, maybe quincey is first? 723?
silenceaux: Brat implies you don't actually control the situation
IsSecretlyPaul: ngl bratty bottoms can be jerks
NorthstarTex: A bratty bottom can be put into their place
saucemaster5000: Bottoms misbehave on pupose
Jennie_Fuchsia: bratty top is just a bad dom
silenceaux: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben i object, bratty tops are often people being shitty on purpose
Thefluffiestguineapig: So many
ab50luteunit: Robin
Mr_Horrible: Pearl from Splatoon
Blakemcm: Donald Duck
saucemaster5000: Pippin
couchboyj: Spongebob Nopants is from Bratty Bottom
gamercat88: Bilbo
BurgerGamer: renekton
NorthstarTex: Renekton
queercrafting_chonk: Catra
SnackPak_: Tidus
Xed_Regulus: Dennis the Meance
Zalthia: Rodimus Prime
lochnessseammonster: @saucemaster5000 PrideLaugh
ab50luteunit: Robin from batman
Makrosian_Tae: Rodimus Prime no. Hot Rod yes
EvilBadman: @xed_regulus let's not name actual children
BusTed: optimus wannabe
Seth_Erickson: someone get jacob in here
unbanjitte: yooo whats up
itsr67: autobutts
ShaneLeeAtk: We need Jacob to weigh in.,
Mr_Horrible: wow, I can't believe Adam is an Ultra Magnus simp
Thefluffiestguineapig: True bratty tops often are more into the psychological aspect but just don't call themselves that
BusTed: You got the touch, etc
raulghoulia: Arise Rodimus Prime
rosesmcgee: The matrix
KV1NN4: Rodimus haa a neat design but... yeah
inconsideratehat: I mean, pretty sure Harley Quinn is peak bratty bottom
QuixoticScrivener: Summon Jacob, we are talking about transformers.
itira: Willow
Xed_Regulus: @EvilBadman Fair point. I rescind my statement
raulghoulia: but he's the Unsolved Mysteries guy
Mr_Horrible: Good news, Starscream will absolutely take you up on that
Thefluffiestguineapig: I thought Jacob had come into the studio
BusTed: The triplechanger?
QuixoticScrivener: Rumble and Frenzy are bratty bottoms.
Zalthia: Jetfire is one, and Astrotrain is also one
RatherLargeToad: And then spent the entirety of his leadership tenure whining about how hard it was
Level_8_Mudcrab subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Level_8_Mudcrab! (Today's storm count: 85)
Thefluffiestguineapig: I genuinely he thought was yelling "HELL YEAH" about the transformers opions
BusTed: Space shuttle, train, robot
Ferisar: oh are we gonna get to the thing this stream
Ferisar: that'd be fun
RealGamerCow: I can go on rails or in space. No where else.
saucemaster5000: I'd turn into a playstation Kinect
SmithKurosaki: A bratty bottom is someone who enjoys DannyPhantom's old tiktoks :p
Mr_Horrible: the only good transformer is Soundwave and that's settled science
NarishmaReborn: not much good for the disguise part of robots in disguise
raulghoulia: there's also a combiner shuttle that forms the arm on Bruticus
Kramburger: Wait, did Saga just ask them to write Herald of Darkness
Seth_Erickson: Danny Phantom is a cartoon Adam
Mr_Horrible: Ben's possessed, Adam
Makrosian_Tae: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Rat__Queen_69: Love how you know the lyrics
NorthstarTex: Thank you Ben
Mr_Horrible: you know what you have to do
QuixoticScrivener: @Mr_Horrible Soundwave is superior to the moral concept of "good."
therepoman__: sajamShoot
unbanjitte: danny phantoms mom tho
betweenmyself: Devastator is a walking roboboy orgy riffYeti
kimmibeans: Ben knows what's up
Mr_Horrible: @QuixoticScrivener Good in the "it's peak" sense, not the moral sense lrrBEEJ
Seth_Erickson: Most cartoon moms are dump trucks
itsr67: LOL
itsr67: the look
raulghoulia: Sky Lynx was also a space shuttle. I'd say most transformers were space ships
ghizmou: she's baptised btw
Rat__Queen_69: Same with jimmy neutron and fairly odd parents, all cartoon moms are something else
Makrosian_Tae: @betweenmyself I prefer to refer to the combiners as "closeted poly"
Mr_Horrible: Boys, please, there's a very emotional moment going on
drizztnailo: adam what are you googling on the company computer?
Seth_Erickson: was it the goth lady?
Tweygoh: was it ember
Fanklok: Yes Ben everybody liked the goth chicks
queercrafting_chonk: Danny Phantom is so good for that
Rat__Queen_69: Ember is a great choice
IsSecretlyPaul: i like the evil ghost dude
saucemaster5000: okay... but can we all admit robin hood fox?
Blakemcm: Alan Wake can make anything real and he doesnt write that he has an 11 inch ding dong. what a doofus
kimmibeans: I was going to guess Sam
PhilanthropyLich: I remember Ember's name
NorthstarTex: I thought it was the box ghost
IsSecretlyPaul: Vlad was sick
Seth_Erickson: I don't remember enough about Danny Phantom tbf
itsr67: LOL
SnackPak_: add rule 34
n3ther: yeah why
couchboyj: I doubt Danny Phantom's mom is baptized, anyway.
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
n3ther: explain to the class
Lysander_salamander: I've never had cable as a youth. Someday I should catch up on it I guess.
Rat__Queen_69: Search history gonna look mighty sus
Mr_Horrible: so glad I could catch The Last Let's Nope
kakmize subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kakmize! (Today's storm count: 86)
itsr67: danny phantom's rival was a vampire ghost
EvilBadman: Imagine trying to police LRR workplace searches
niccus: the pickles are a different family
saucemaster5000: invader zim can invade me anytime
Valbatross_: Pantsless is so much weirder than just typing like, R34 or something
itsr67: sauce
goombalax: ask Beej
raulghoulia: Dexter's mom
thatguysteve2709: Bees dick
therepoman__: @saucemaster5000 extremely loud incorrect buzzer
queercrafting_chonk: Danny Fenton as a trans boy is the best headcanon imo
Blakemcm: probably an accidental slur from Serge
Mr_Horrible: looking at Telos Wireless's website
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
squ3e: XDD
BusTed: ben's turn
QuixoticScrivener: FELCHING
ButButTheJesus: oh no
ThorSokar: that's probably the least offensive TODAY
itsr67: too pure
ghizmou: TMI
0x6772: I mean, just pull up the search history.
DaFhaye: Oh no
Fanklok: If anyone asks why you googled something on a company computer just say you were checking reference
IsSecretlyPaul: adam got ben with the bratty bottom
itira: its ok Ben we dont need to talk about it
NimrodXIV: you don't know brat, but you know that?
twistedsylvan: whatever it is, either Beej or Ian is responsible for it
Seth_Erickson: You don't want to
SnackPak_: now Ben's gotta google that
ghyllnox: LUL
Kramburger: People have gotten Serge to google some STUFF
betweenmyself: “Days since company computers were infected with Malware” *furious erasing* “0”
DaFhaye: No no it's okay
CaptainSpam: Oh, so the student becomes the master.
Rat__Queen_69: I don't know, and I don't want to know
NorthstarTex: lets not go there :)
itsr67: dont say it
ThorSokar: Probably Bideting
korvys: don't
n3ther: it's like belching right
kdefinition: NO
josh___something: DON'T
DaFhaye: Don't worry about it Ben
ghyllnox: Oh hey Adam's got one on Ben
Lysander_salamander: Time for a John Waters movie marathon
Makrosian_Tae: DONT LOOK IT UP
Mr_Horrible: awww, they're BOTH learning stuff today, that's so cute!
SohNata: Oh nooooooooooo
ButButTheJesus: noep
squ3e: Ah the classic game of chicken to see which of your friends can name the weirdest porn thing
Makrosian_Tae: !sir
Ferisar: cowards
lochnessseammonster: i don't know what that is... but i feel like i shouldn't google it PrideLaugh
NorthstarTex: lrrFINE
twistedsylvan: you will be happier if you don't know, Ben
Rat__Queen_69: One of those terms to not look up I'm guessing
Eggmojii: forgot what it is but now i remember
Seth_Erickson: one less thing to rot your already rotting mind
Lysander_salamander: it's not like splooshing
Bruceski: I've been on the internet too long, I don't have a baseline for weird
Last1031: now that implies another question what is most offense thing searched out of innocence
Ferisar: ben will figure it out
saucemaster5000: Ben currently trying to get through company porn blockers
Fanklok: Ben it's been like 2 months there;s no way you already forgot this place
Ferisar: that's what she said
Ferisar: :^)
Makrosian_Tae: Subs! Subs for the poor!
wildpeaks: it was made for us
Seth_Erickson: fence; penetrated
twistedsylvan: 'impenetrable'
Makrosian_Tae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 42 months, currently on a 42 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Makrosian_Tae! (Today's storm count: 87)
saucemaster5000: Go on
josh___something: owo
Rat__Queen_69: Oh yeha?
KV1NN4: Is Splooshing different from Sploshing or jsut an alternative spelling?
IsSecretlyPaul: its just been a while
ButButTheJesus: uwu
ThorSokar: Eventually someone becomes the person no one wants to play that game with anymore
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
Xed_Regulus: That's what they said
squ3e: Finally, a stream I can relate to!
BurgerGamer: phrasing!
twistedsylvan: are you in yet?
Astramentha: hamaWiggleTail
Lysander_salamander: I'm pretty sure John Waters made up the word and everyone went, "yeah that sounds like a good word for it."
korvys: Do the hockey pokey
Fanklok: Hey last night Ian said "nice hole Kathleen"
Tweygoh: do the shaq shimmy
Rat__Queen_69: Absolutely confused, honestly same
therepoman__: ???
Seth_Erickson: LUL
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
SmoreThanAFeelin: LUL
itira: hahaha that got me good LUL
barbmitzvah: Virtual insanity
Andymonium: oh lord he slidin
raulghoulia: "band"
couchboyj: He's gonna kick some canned heat up your rear tonight
RealGamerCow: yeah Ben's not Jordan.
Rat__Queen_69: Doesn't help that bts also means behind the scenes, context is needed sometimes
Lysander_salamander: you'd think a flare to the face would be enough
BusTed: oh no he's putting on the hat
betweenmyself: *that day when you learned Jamiroque is the name of the band, not just the frontman*
patrick_stonecrusher: First genie wish is to move like Jamaraqui
Lysander_salamander: ouch
Mr_Horrible: shove one in my sternum instead, please
Fanklok: Is flare street slang for a hot pickle?
NorthstarTex: I'd do it
Seth_Erickson: sounds like a challenge
josh___something: coward
DiamondMX: Depend on how hot the pickle is.
DaFhaye: That sounds like way more of a choking hazard
korvys: Could you climb the hot pickle wall?
TheAwkes: They could be hot gherkins.
ButButTheJesus: pls god no
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
DiamondMX: Jalapenos, you could probably stuff a few in there.
NimrodXIV: okay, so there's a hot pickle wall...
Rat__Queen_69: Time to find out who's part snake I guess
0x6772: I think that bridge needs a little work, Tor.
Dezponia: You should look up the Pickle In The Fridge song
Lysander_salamander: this seems like it's going to backfire
Seth_Erickson: Do you stuff all of them in your mouth?
itira: is it a MAGIC pickle wall?
Fanklok: No hands
Ferisar: @Lysander_salamander no way
NorthstarTex: I'd listen to Tor's album
gawag_: have we talked about chamoy pickles
trebuchetboy: bars
0x6772: But they're pickled human penises.
Andymonium: is the pickle wall circumcised
ghizmou: at the top is danny phantom's mom
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah
Bruceski: Old Gods of Crash-hard
Lysander_salamander: yes
trebuchetboy: @0x6772 stop right now
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fuck
rosesmcgee: Jokes on you. I would fellate those pickles for free
Ferisar: wallrugs are a thing adam
Lysander_salamander: turn the camera on the side
Rat__Queen_69: Bens changing the game to make this work
Ferisar: come on
Seth_Erickson: that's called the floor
itira: you slither through the hot pickle rug
BusTed: We've cracked this case wide open.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Blip2004: hot pickle shag carpet
ButButTheJesus: your walls are fuzzy?
ShaneLeeAtk: 2 pickles
GhostValv: is the rug single?
RealGamerCow: Hot Pickle Rug is my new password
josh___something: Is the rug single?
JusticeJuice: Hot pickle Moat before the dick wall, the the butt ballistra then 20k?
josh___something: FUCK
itira: LUL
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
couchboyj: Gerkin count
The_Timo: Is the rug baptised?
betweenmyself: yes, the logistics of using only your mouth is whee this hypothetical falls apart
josh___something: no
Scarbble: is the rug single?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hot pickle rug boondoggle
patrick_stonecrusher: Inscrutable Tubes
BurgerGamer: pickle rug? funniest shit I ever seen
dumbo3k: is the rug baptized?
Fanklok: Hot Pickle Rug is the name of my Red Hot Chili Peppers cover band
QuixoticScrivener: Tor is doing something cool, and we are not observing it.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gottem!
BusTed: drawfeGoodjoke
Rat__Queen_69: That pun is great
Seth_Erickson: How many Gerkins that blanket kicking
ButButTheJesus: GDI
Lysander_salamander: Pickles are cool
NorthstarTex: Tor > Pickle Convo :)
Thefluffiestguineapig: But how does the gherkin rug integrate into the subway-verse
betweenmyself: this is what I call Main Page Material riffYeti
kdefinition: Damn overlanders
Rat__Queen_69: Lot of commotion is the game and we're talking about pickles
Ferisar: they had it coming
Mr_Horrible: what, did fuckin' Timbersaw come through here?
lochnessseammonster: you are not a mighty dill, you are just a baby gerkin
itira: The game is just background noise for this hot pickle conversation
saucemaster5000: Sounds like a perfect place to pracice dillatio
Seth_Erickson: Yogi this is gonna be our last p p p picnic
BusTed: I don't know about this, Yogi
josh___something: In the fuckin family guy death stance
Fanklok: Speaking of the Subwayverse, does the Monte Cristo (sandwich) exist in it?
Lysander_salamander: They know what they did
Thefluffiestguineapig: @itira All games are background for subwayverse development
Seth_Erickson: Scooby is great
IsSecretlyPaul: yogi bear was a goverment plant
Eggmojii: yeah cmon adam, not scoob
itira: @Thefluffiestguineapig *nodders*
RatherLargeToad: Boo-boo…I’m deader…than the average…bear
Rat__Queen_69: This is totally meant to be a serious spooky scene, but the convo is so unserious. It's great
Seth_Erickson: Don't come at us Scooby fans
Mr_Horrible: Scoobert Doobert Adherent
couchboyj: Mystery Inc was a banger
itira: yes
ThorSokar: NOW we're just starting fights dmvNastyViewer
patrick_stonecrusher: Scooby Doobie Dude, if you will
Seth_Erickson: That's acceptable
Eggmojii: sure
MrSarkhan: Yeah that's fair
josh___something: yep
Mr_Horrible: the Flintstones canonically fucked, yes
DiamondMX: Which one of the Flintstones are we fucking?
BusTed: Honeymooners wannabe ass cartoon
saucemaster5000: Fred Flintsone def went full MAGA
korvys: Ok, but fuck scrappy doo
Thefluffiestguineapig: Some of the barney actors were.......................unfortunate
patrick_stonecrusher: Betty 100%
TheAwkes: Fuck Betty, tho, amirite...
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 where was Frederick Flintstone on January 6th?
lochnessseammonster: i loved wilma
IsSecretlyPaul: define reload
squ3e: Gow had it on like Rb iirc
shendaras: Some watch and play thing I'm sure.
RealGamerCow: some watch and play nonsense
betweenmyself: He stole Fred’s Fruity Pebbles… That’s punishable by death in my house
Pharmacistjudge: someone put it on click stick down
itsr67: gow yeah
Mr_Horrible: I haven't reloaded on a controller in probably 5 years
Pharmacistjudge: i forgot the game
DiamondMX: Uhh, the game with the chainsaw guns?
Makrosian_Tae: Gears of War maps it to R1
EvilBadman: Does gears of wars action reload count?
Rat__Queen_69: Original re4 had some interesting controls in general
MrSarkhan: Gears of War. I always hated reloading in those games
kdefinition: I just watched a Civvie11 about this. Dr Radiaki
letfireraindown: Gears of War, at least the original 3 had right bumper
trebuchetboy: offscreen
DiamondMX: Gears of War also made reloading a minigame, so that's kinda weird.
Mr_Horrible: Gears was RT to fire RB to reload, right?
Talin06: some early ps2 game
Mr_Horrible: that seemed kinda okay
Rhynerd: does receiver count?
kdefinition: Bound reload to... space bar, I think?
BurgerGamer: I liked active reload
IsSecretlyPaul: google chrome has it on F5
ButButTheJesus: Killzone 3 I think you could twist the Move controller to reload
squ3e: Gears reloadding never felt weird to me though
niccus: there's the intentionally weirdly accurate rigamarole of Receiver 1/2
Mr_Horrible: active reload was fun
therepoman__: Active reload was dope
Thefluffiestguineapig: @IsSecretlyPaul TRUE
DiamondMX: It was cool, but it was also weird.
Makrosian_Tae: Active reload was good
thatguysteve2709: Active reload was cool
Rat__Queen_69: Prob when they're figuring out 3d games and shooter game in general
The_Timo: It's good yeah, mini game in my shooter
raulghoulia: played GoW once, 15 years ago. why do I remember what button the reload was?
Ferisar: screwdriver
RealGamerCow: oh yeah there were some games that did reload by tilting the playstation controller up
betweenmyself: best reload is Time Crisis; just step off the pedal
shendaras: screwdriver
Lysander_salamander: that's so weird
EvilBadman: 🪛
CoderBugsworth: Receiver was fun but reloading took so many button presses
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT
Rat__Queen_69: Of all the items?!?
josh___something: lmao
itira: tqsShrug
Ferisar: cheap locks brother
Mr_Horrible: we can see why BG3 won Kappa
MWGNZ: gaming
Makrosian_Tae: Excuse?
DiamondMX: Traditional adventure game mechanic, rub every object on every other object until something works.
Fanklok: Yo this game sucks, BG3 deserves any awards it won
IsSecretlyPaul: adam you don't cut through those locks
Bunny_yote: must be a masterloack
LordZarano: Receiver takes multiple steps to reload, but that's a gun simulator so that's kinda expected
IsSecretlyPaul: they are weaker on the joint pressure
Mr_Horrible: actually was complete on launch, couldn't even beat BG3 Kappa
Ferisar: what paul said
Ferisar: the locking mechanism is the weakest part
thatguysteve2709: I love that Lariin has stepped away from dnd
DiamondMX: They really should have given you another master lock so you could open this master lock.
Mr_Horrible: Allen All The what, though?
Makrosian_Tae: !badadvice
LRRbot: Add a point in Bear.
Lysander_salamander: yeah that scans
couchboyj: Kingpin ladder noise
ButButTheJesus: I'd try some Korn
saucemaster5000: I'd make the AOL startup noise
raulghoulia: Adam, as a monster, what's your defining feature?
Seth_Erickson: That theme song though
squ3e: I'd do some standup, captive audience and all that
Seth_Erickson: banging
IsSecretlyPaul: I should watch mash
EvilBadman: Well Suicide is Painless
Fanklok: Isn't MASH older than Adam?
BusTed: Welcome. You've got Mail
inconsideratehat: Alan Alda is great, he started a school where PhDs get better at communicating their research to regular folks.
Rhynerd: aame
Mr_Horrible: as a monster I would just start shouting "one dollar 50 cent costco hot dog"
The_Timo: the gamecube start up sound
Tweygoh: are you. thinking of that futurama episode?
Rhynerd: *same
ThorSokar: Dialup tones
Lysander_salamander: I'd make the old phone internet dial-up noise
silenceaux: swamp creature
Thefluffiestguineapig: What I would want to be or what I would really be?
josh___something: The thing in the walls
SnackPak_: ooo
patrick_stonecrusher: Did you know MASH theme song has lyrics...? O_o
betweenmyself: if this game gave romance options with Thor it would skyrocket past BG3
Eggmojii: just bein a lil zesty
frank_the_great: You're influencers, so mind control?
itira: LOL
0x6772: @Fanklok M*A*S*H is probably older than anybody watching this right now.
IsSecretlyPaul: so you'd say you were a frame trap?
Seth_Erickson: do you pull people into the painting
Makrosian_Tae: As a monster, my defining feature would be counterspelling my opponent's Sol Ring
SurfDownstage: "Look in a painting"???
Mr_Horrible: he'd literally be the "I'm sick of this dude" screencap
NotCainNorAbel: just got to stay away from the wall?
Ferisar: @IsSecretlyPaul YOOO
Rat__Queen_69: Seeing Adam in the corner of a painting running at me would scare me so bad
The_Timo: Ooo good spy
Kaaosa: hello gamers (derogatory)
Ferisar: paul is so right
itira: only real paintings or does this include prints
Mr_Horrible: Adam pogging in the background of the Mona Lisa
Pharmacistjudge: Do not let Adam go to Blues Clues world or he might escape
lochnessseammonster: as a monster my defining feature is sewing PrideLaugh
Thefluffiestguineapig: Like the cutouts in Spooky's house of Jumpscares, where they only kill people with prexisting cardiac issues
IsSecretlyPaul: its okay ferisar it was for you
RealGamerCow: "I like what you watch on Netflix"
Mr_Horrible: destroying Louvre attendance
raulghoulia: good Taz
CoderBugsworth: I'd simply turn the painting to face the wall
Seth_Erickson: So true Odin
The_Timo: Would you need me to paint you a painting that has SF6?
Eggmojii: oh my god my friend took so fuckin long to do this bit
couchboyj: Posters and photographs too, or just paintings?
Eggmojii: you got this, gamer time
DiamondMX: lol, could that chapter title have been any more jarring.
Fanklok: Apparently Neil Pert is an Ayn Rand stan
Lysander_salamander: I hope there's a xylophone
Seth_Erickson: Blasphemy
wildpeaks: let's get rocking \m/
saucemaster5000: no base just tip
Ferisar: they'll have bass
gawag_: theyre the white stripes
Ferisar: don't worry
josh___something: Jaakko D:
Rat__Queen_69: This some l4d2 concert style hold the fort while the horde comes in
raulghoulia: none ammo left beef
Seth_Erickson: Alright let me in there Ben I can be there bassist
josh___something: You'll at least have the sickest backing track
0x6772: I thought Ben was working on a melee build.
EvilBadman: You will receive ammo
betweenmyself: bow for the twist, Adam’s powers only work with Twitch emotes! lrrADAM
josh___something: Those are from Estevez
Eggmojii: this song slaps tho
Ferisar: this song is a banger
Ferisar: yeah
Fanklok: That has to break a noise ordinance
Seth_Erickson: It's new I'm sure
Mr_Horrible: gimme an Alan Break
Eggmojii: its not herald of darkness
josh___something: They're OLD. they have a curfew
Eggmojii: its Deep Sea Summoning hell yeah
frank_the_great: We Left 4 Dead now
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something Also the world is at risk
Ferisar: back up ben
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Seth_Erickson: lmao
MrSarkhan: LUL
BurgerGamer: lol
EvilBadman: Banger alert
0x6772: Wait, the Old Gods have *two* kick drums?
Makrosian_Tae: I love this bit
inconsideratehat: \,,/,
ButButTheJesus: \w/
Rat__Queen_69: VC is so into it DinoDance
Dog_of_Myth: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Fanklok: Black Betty starts playing
Eggmojii: oh yeah thats even better
Despoiler98: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Thefluffiestguineapig: DinoDance DinoDance
MWGNZ: DinoDance jamieDance DinoDance
wildpeaks: bro
Seth_Erickson: DinoDance
Seth_Erickson: seabatClap
Makrosian_Tae: lol
Makrosian_Tae: seabatClap seabatClap
josh___something: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
wildpeaks: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Lysander_salamander: nice
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
Zalthia: Here we go
Mr_Horrible: look, this is what you're here for if you're at an Old Gods show
Rat__Queen_69: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
MrSarkhan: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Makrosian_Tae: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
ButButTheJesus: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Ferisar: dead
Thefluffiestguineapig: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Despoiler98: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance hell YEAH
Kaaosa: <instrumental Intro> is my favorite lyric
josh___something: Don't worry bout it
snowyowlly: oh shit door's house band
Phailhammer: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Dog_of_Myth: coxJam coxJam
betweenmyself: ohnoKrappy lrrSIG ohnoWiggle lrrSIG ohnoKrappy
Lysander_salamander: he's summoned his backup
Seth_Erickson: dog shit continuity
Rat__Queen_69: Continuity is off
trebuchetboy: aw yeah
josh___something: Oh look, TAKEN!
getthatrabbit: immersion ruined
couchboyj: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
7gorobei: DinoDance TwitchConHYPE DinoDance PopNemo
Cptasparagus: his eyepatch is on the other side
LostThePirate: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Lysander_salamander: Immersion enhanced
Zalthia: This is actually my favorite song from this game
NorthstarTex: One of them is Baulder, and in the Norse Myths, he's hella dead.
itira: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
squ3e: Melee only time
EvilBadman: @zalthia Same
RealGamerCow: This song slaps tho?
Seth_Erickson: song slapping 👀
MWGNZ: yeah the thing Baulder is known for is 'being dead'
Lysander_salamander: I love this.
Makrosian_Tae: This is amazing
Rat__Queen_69: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Despoiler98: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
NorthstarTex: @MWGNZ #blameLoki
thatguysteve2709: Dahmer made an appearance
betweenmyself: remember chat, any and all narrative discrepancies and continuity errors can be blamed by Alan’s shitty writing riffYeti
Rat__Queen_69: Welp
Makrosian_Tae: Woops
Bruceski: Champion of Light is a meme-able earworm, but IMO Dark Ocean Summoning is a better song.
Saintnex: more banger
ButButTheJesus: @betweenmyself thx
Rat__Queen_69: Least we get to hear more of the song
inconsideratehat: RADICAL
Mr_Horrible: I'm enjoying this game's commitment to hamming it up
Fanklok: So me where paranaturals are in the constituion
NorthstarTex: Estevez is right, I want a t-shirt too
Rat__Queen_69: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance Feels like a B movie in the best way
wildpeaks: \m/ neilne1HAT
josh___something: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Bruceski: @Mr_Horrible There's something about a game that's self-aware enough to be hammy but not so much it keeps undercutting itself.
Lysander_salamander: I remember from I think "American Nightmare" the radio host interviewing the old gods and asking how they're able to rock out despite their age
Dezponia: Hey Ben! Hey! Ben! You got to shoot the red thing Ben!
betweenmyself: *that’s Alan’s writing as a character, not that of the dev team*
kimmibeans: Cool, I'm back just in time for the musical number
Mr_Horrible: @Bruceski exactly. It's a tough tightrope, especially with a meta-narrative like this, but I think they pull it off
NorthstarTex: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance best BGM to a fight like this
Lysander_salamander: wait who's on the cliff?
Fanklok: Sure would be cool if your support were trained federal agents who know how to shoot a gun
Makrosian_Tae: @fanklok Nah, that wouldn't be believable Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT DID YOU SAY
ButButTheJesus: @Lysander_salamander FBC lady and FBI guy
josh___something: The mirror ones can shoot an energy beem
Lysander_salamander: oh
NorthstarTex: Look, don't question Baulder's shredding skills
Ferisar: yeah it is
Eggmojii: yep
Makrosian_Tae: Sure looks it
RealGamerCow: No checkpoints then eh?
Ferisar: nope @RealGamerCow
Mathwyn: Difficulty spikes are why I play a decent number of games on easy
Lysander_salamander: Do they have a shirt at their store?
Makrosian_Tae: That's the REAL crime
Makrosian_Tae: Can they change the difficulty mid-game?
Ferisar: think so, except for hardest?
Ferisar: might be confusing it with another game
dumbo3k: I love that they set up pyrotechnics for this concert
Ferisar: the axe fuckers made this very hard
inconsideratehat: SCOOTY
Thefluffiestguineapig: for real
Rat__Queen_69: Moral support that could be replaced with motion tracking lights
protojman: melee build time :^ )
Blip2004: if you played control you would understand why none of them are shooting, their aim is horrible
Zalthia: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Makrosian_Tae: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Lysander_salamander: Oh, there are several official shirts. Nice.
Makrosian_Tae: The jukes!
TheAwkes: Where's that flare gun from Alan's backstage sequence when you need it?
Ferisar: excuse me boys
Makrosian_Tae: The slowest heal EVER
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT
Makrosian_Tae: He said he CANT HEAR ANYTHING
0x6772: Rough mosh pit.
Rat__Queen_69: Speak louder!
Lysander_salamander: nice
Rhynerd: slain by the power of rock.
Mr_Horrible: we love a set piece
Lysander_salamander: uh oh
Rat__Queen_69: Game is so loud it's fighting the loud boys for top decibel
BusTed: seabatClap
Kramburger: I love that she had earplugs, that's smart
wildpeaks: clickety click
josh___something: true, bestie
Rat__Queen_69: About that
BurgerGamer: got damn what a fight
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Mr_Horrible: cut to Alan drowning
Ferisar: gotta catch up yeah
Rat__Queen_69: He's having a rough day for sure
NorthstarTex: time to get Alan caught up
josh___something: Back to this handsome lad
Lysander_salamander: Break time?
Ferisar: LOL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Alan Wake and the Terribly Awful Very Horrible Day
squ3e: Jesus this is a long one huh
Ferisar: it's a big game yeah
PhilanthropyLich: Maybe 1 more day, probably 2
I_Am_Clockwork: Cheer5000 heyho nope friends
Ferisar: uh oh
ButButTheJesus: got there!
BusTed: Ilmo, anyway
josh___something: Jaakko's dead, adam D:
Ferisar: i know it's awkward but i really like how it's impossible to tell which shadows are real until you're close lol
Eggmojii: Jaakko 😭😭😭 voi vittu
gawag_: never made it as a wise man
squ3e: Jakkos Jead, jAdam
lochnessseammonster: i thought he'd dodge...
Ferisar: HELP
Mr_Horrible: and then he went 0-3
Fanklok: If Jaako didn't want to die he shouldn't have gotten DI'd by a grappler
itira: my earholes
I_Am_Clockwork: that door so wimdy!
silenceaux: Is there a weather / ambient slider maybe?
TheAwkes: Wise man? Couldn't make it as one.
Thefluffiestguineapig: It was a magically powered rock concert
Rat__Queen_69: Game prob wanted a loud concert and forgot to turn it down
ButButTheJesus: same
Mr_Horrible: oh yeah, that one was a bummer
DoctorHutch: Oh did you see the civil war trailer
Rat__Queen_69: Yeah, everyone has their limits
SnackPak_: boo
Mr_Horrible: good movie, shitty production practice
itira: damn..
Thefluffiestguineapig: GODDAMNIT
ButButTheJesus: ah dammit
Kramburger: Did you mean Australian Movie Late Night With The Devil?
Makrosian_Tae: Noooooooo
Blakemcm: being woke is tiring
Lysander_salamander: drat
squ3e: I thought their AI Art was like, super limited though?
squ3e: Like filling in stuff
SmithKurosaki: Because Capitalism
itira: Adam?
goombalax: I bet Late Night with Jesus wouldn't use AI
Mr_Horrible: they used it for 3 title cards, which at that point, just pay someone to make them
Kramburger: It's an indie project and australian arts funding is SHIT
Eggmojii: is that that Dastmalchian joint?
itira: LUL
IsSecretlyPaul: if adam sneezes you'll take his soul
kdefinition: @squ3e doesn't really matter if they could have properly paid actual people to do it instead
itira: yeah, i just sneeze
Seth_Erickson: I have had to sneeze before I just actually sneeze
ActualFactual: I cast stone on Adam.
lochnessseammonster: i hate when people say bless you before you actually sneeze
KV1NN4: how did you know i'm high?!
Rat__Queen_69: What kind of home? I want one of those
DoctorHutch: Sneezing is not normal, I never sneeze.
Fanklok: Why does a movie theater have a dressing room?
Mr_Horrible: @lochnessseammonster "Well clearly it didn't work cuz I'm still about to sneeze!"
itira: LUL air canada place
protojman: it’s a perfectly normal human behavior.
Kramburger: TV dressing rooms go like THIS, and theatre dressing rooms go like THIS
KV1NN4: shid
lochnessseammonster: seabatBRAIN
Mr_Horrible: am I gone off the Devil's Lettuce, Adam?
ShaneLeeAtk: Jokes on you, I'm not typing
Mr_Horrible: analyze
Rat__Queen_69: Close the door and fight the ghost?
Fanklok: perchance
itira: Anal eyes?
shendaras: analyze!
josh___something: analyze.
BurgerGamer: lol, anal lyze
Mr_Horrible: fool, I've consumed the Mary Jane literally once in my life
Thefluffiestguineapig: I had to explain to someone why YouTube's demonetization policy is censorship and "why can't you just enjoy things" isn't a valid counter argument to "that creator is not a good person"
gawag_: alanyze?
Rat__Queen_69: Analyze this DinoDance
snowyowlly: It's Scotiabank arena now, not air canada anymore in Toronto
Mr_Horrible: get got, dumbass Kappa
ghizmou: anal lice
Thefluffiestguineapig: I wanted to punch them
ActualFactual: Put an exclamation mark on that bad boy and you're in the imperative tense, brother.
itira: LUL
couchboyj: It's a command. ANALYZE!
Ferisar: foolish teemo
inconsideratehat: @Rat__Queen_69 Why do I love this combo so much XD
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or like Captain Picard
Mr_Horrible: you'll be pleased to know I did do a little flourish with the arm, Adam
protojman: enhance
Lysander_salamander: maybe I should watch the rest of Soul Eater
Mr_Horrible: so you're right on that count at least
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or like Gandalf, his Fool is very good
Rat__Queen_69: Specifying strain is funny out of context
Lysander_salamander: Or should I skip ahead to Soul Eater Not?
gawag_: how is casey down here too?
ShaneLeeAtk: Mary Jane? I barely know her!
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig I'm partial to Charlize Theron's "Fooooool!" shout in Fury Road
Rat__Queen_69: Puns are always welcome
protojman: like zoinks, scoob
Lysander_salamander: oopsy
Fanklok: There's a guy at work whose last name is Wiggins
scott1e: Shorsey chirping on the weed smokers is top 10
Dezponia: I love Wiggins!
ActualFactual: I would never reveal my address, which is...
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible That one is also amazing, as is that whole movie
ButButTheJesus: do you want to open any of those containers or
itira: oh noooo
Thefluffiestguineapig: Face meet palm
Rat__Queen_69: That wall with the half monster, close the door to reveal the full monster?
MrSarkhan: lrrFRUMP
BurgerGamer: oh god
lochnessseammonster: oof PrideLaugh HahaSweat
BusTed: rayfkWelp
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig legitimately one of the best
Rat__Queen_69: Buddy
Juliamon: LMAO
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro, you are not one to tell me if talking is good for me
Kramburger: MY RIGHTS
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Juliamon: I was literally about to block it too
Fanklok: You're austrailian you don't have rights
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kramburger BLOODY PEASANTS
Juliamon: I think that was r10
Thefluffiestguineapig: No, Juliamon makes things with weird answers
Seth_Erickson: Hold that mix
josh___something: Didn't block the wack ass mixup
Defrost: @Juliamon (denied/@loadingreadyrun)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Like during streams with Cori in PvP games they will have 4 different not Cori answers
Kramburger: All polls need the Mystery Box option for extra chaos
squ3e: Waiting on the poll 'Do you like Juliamon's polls? Yes or Yes?'
Juliamon: is it a coincidence we were brought on board at the same time? MAYBE
Rat__Queen_69: Red means scary, yeah?
Lysander_salamander: that's some texture
josh___something: That popcorn is stale as fuck
Fanklok: Could yo ueat that much popcorn in one go?
thatguysteve2709: I want popcorn
Juliamon: (it is actually a coincidence)
ghizmou: would you eat this much popcorn?
Lysander_salamander: probably
ActualFactual: How long would it take you to eat all that popcorn?
Rat__Queen_69: It's someone's thing
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon Has anyone ever seen you and r10 in the same room at the same time?
matthaus_c: that cornussy popping
Seth_Erickson: I fuckin love popcorn
BusTed: Discovering new fantasies
itira: it would probably hurt
ButButTheJesus: because naked
patrick_stonecrusher: Theres a popcorn sex scene in Troll ll
josh___something: BENJAMIN
ghizmou: with that hot butter?
Last1031: the oil would hurt like hell
Thefluffiestguineapig: Food play is so so unsanitary
Rat__Queen_69: Sounds painful, but someone would love it
Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig It is suspicious he's on the other side of the world for me, eh
BusTed: New Saw movie
lochnessseammonster: HahaSweat
KV1NN4: some folks do enjoy hot wax
Lysander_salamander: maybe if you were wearing a skintight suit for safety
matthaus_c: people like temperature play
Thefluffiestguineapig: It would genuinely give you oil burns
DoctorHutch: One can only hope.
IsSecretlyPaul: coward
matthaus_c: hot butter straight in the urethra
0x6772: Definitely explore this idea further.
Eggmojii: damn hot kernels
Cptasparagus: yeah thats a fetish called popping
josh___something: You opened the box, I C A M E... etc etc
Eggmojii: i gotta get some KFC today
Dog_of_Myth: X to Doubt
Rat__Queen_69: You suggested it though
Dezponia: "Sure"
protojman: how much popcorn would it take to feel heavy
EvilBadman: Face down ass up that's the way to pop
Fanklok: who the fuck puts a hand dryer right behind the door
ShaneLeeAtk: That kettle rocks around 400F
itira: LOL
ButButTheJesus: LAWL
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Mr_Horrible: "His story checks out"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Cptasparagus (me being too literal) Isn't that about pimples and stuff?
Last1031: kernel in your teeth are annoying imagine it anywhere else
Pharmacistjudge: pharma2Allow
BusTed: All charges are dropped.
PMAvers: "Death."
Seth_Erickson: the new I was doing wiring in electrical
raulghoulia: we were on a break
ActualFactual: check the match history
ActualFactual: I was losing top lane that night
Fanklok: Judge is like "Oh you like DOTA? name the top 5 carries"
Saintnex: time to end everything with I was playing dota
Cptasparagus: @Thefluffiestguineapig yeah I was joking lol
Mr_Horrible: "What position?" "Ogre Magi solo offlane" "You're getting the chair, you freak"
Lysander_salamander: he was not in rotation!
niccus: judge pulls out your k/d/a and you charge the desk
patrick_stonecrusher: Popcorn sex
lochnessseammonster: there's video evidence on commodore hustle
matthaus_c: what if the Judge was smoking their ass in that game and just went "THAT WAS YOU?"
itira: @Fanklok the same person who puts a TP dispenser at the same height as the toilet seat
josh___something: "Anti-mage" GET EM
Seth_Erickson: seabatClap
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Last1031 Generally if you're into something like sounding you sterilize the implements first so it's just annoying and not an infection risk
Pharmacistjudge: I need to turn my "judge" sense off...too many of y'all saying it
0x6772: This theater is a *mess*. Where's Ahti?
Fanklok: I thought Medusa was the farm for 30 minutes character
EvilBadman: @patrick_stonecrusher Fuck it I clicked
Mr_Horrible: I still laugh about "Cliff jungle spectre 18 minute radiance" tweet
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Cptasparagus Ok, sorry, I've been in the kink community a while but not into that and my brain insisted I check myself
Rat__Queen_69: Sound effects form a comic book
Mr_Horrible: there's plenty of them in Dota
BusTed: They both can be
BusTed: They all have names and titles. The common names are usually their titles though.
lochnessseammonster: grow up!
Last1031: @Thefluffiestguineapig how would you sterilize the inside of a pop corn kernel
ghizmou: oh no, his brain has rotted from all the DOTA
Seth_Erickson: Yeah sure Ben, I've seen you playing Corki
Mr_Horrible: like 25% of the Dota cast will doxx you if you ask them to participate in a fight before 30 minutes
Ferisar: fuzzy wuzzy
matthaus_c: are you basing your argument on Ferisar's taste
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
ActualFactual: Ben likes names like... Galio, and Kai'sa, and Kass'a'din
josh___something: What... ALCHEMIST isn't a BANGER name?! :p
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Lysander_salamander: "her sister was a witch!"
Ferisar: clinkz was basically twitch
Fanklok: C'mon fukkin Zeus
Fanklok: LION
Mr_Horrible: Riki Maru enjoyers get the lash
plundypops: Yeah clinkz is a pubstomper like Riki
josh___something: Ancient apparition :)
BusTed: Lion still sick.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't know the reference but I'm resisting making more Monty Python witch jokes
Fanklok: Rubick
Fanklok: Warlock???
Lysander_salamander: I'm guessing there was a Wukong?
Rat__Queen_69: Slark is a name
josh___something: Rubick is SICK
Ferisar: oh yeah slark
goombalax: I loved rubik
Ferisar: LOL
josh___something: Rubick steals ANY ability
ActualFactual: Ben's too basic to enjoy these names
Fanklok: AXE!!!
korvys: Never played Dota, played Dota 2, though. Lich and Tidehunter
Ferisar: SLARDAR
Ferisar: LOL
lazermeow: Lion? Abaddon? Sounds like they like using 40k Names.
matthaus_c: this is haterade
Ferisar: i forgot these names
Last1031: Invoker was sick
Ferisar: they're so bad
Fanklok: It's Skeleton King in DOTA Ben
SmoreThanAFeelin: skeleton axe
itira: what a stoopid name LUL
Lysander_salamander: :D
Mr_Horrible: the Slithereen Guard
JinaMahavira: Skeleton AXE
Lysander_salamander: I love this channel
Mr_Horrible: show him some respect
Makrosian_Tae: That had the WORST mouthfeel
Scarbble: aur naur
lochnessseammonster: slardar has good mouth feel
josh___something: Slardar's SICK, BEN D:<
itira: aur naur Slardar
matthaus_c: alright I was with you but Slardar is cooler tier
Mr_Horrible: are you baptized?
lochnessseammonster: is the channel single?
thatguysteve2709: Adam's having a stroke
ButButTheJesus: I 'ardly know'dar!
BurgerGamer: my favorite career, slardar
korvys: Axe
Rat__Queen_69: Looking at these names, a lot are occupation or random keyboard smash names
Thefluffiestguineapig: er meh gerd slerder
lazermeow: I would but polygamy is illegal.
Kramburger: Okay, THAT's offensive
BusTed: are you going to do romeo and juliet
itira: best fight in WoW
xantos69: Slardar sounds like a top secret British invention from WWII to beat the Nazis. "Then we deploy the S.L.A.R.D.A.R on the eastern front"
0x6772: The count *does* go to eleven, though.
kimmibeans: Was that a proposal? I accept! When can I fill out the visa paperwork? 🤣
korvys: How about the dude just named "Axe"
Eggmojii: this movie is a banger
matthaus_c: offensive to australians is not offensive
IsSecretlyPaul: <message deleted>boogie down
Ferisar: yikes
Fanklok: Name one good fight in WoW
BusTed: Even I know that's bullshit
itira: oh wait youre right Adam
ActualFactual: ?????????
Mr_Horrible: even Ben can't save you now, Adam
Seth_Erickson: Alright Grandpa
Rat__Queen_69: That's the limit?!?
raulghoulia: Hogger is the best fight
itira: LOL
BusTed: hit 'em with the question marks
Ferisar: lmaooo
Lysander_salamander: well, time to read the wow wiki
BusTed: Throne of Tides
ActualFactual: I was roasting Ben earlier, but I guess he just charry picks my comments
IsSecretlyPaul: <message deleted>charry
Ferisar: yeah true
Mr_Horrible: Pandaria Raids fucked
ActualFactual: Paul, please
shendaras: break yourself upon my body
DaFhaye: OHHH
DaFhaye: YES
IsSecretlyPaul: <message deleted>BOOGIE DOWN
itira: Fuuuck I didnt raid in Panda land
Ferisar: boogie down was a+
Scarbble: ragnaros fight tho
Ferisar: denathrius ruled
itira: oooh BOOGIE DOWN
DaFhaye: Best dance they ever made
Ferisar: heart of fear was cool
IsSecretlyPaul: <message deleted>MOP had good raids
The_Timo: Hard of hear?
ActualFactual: Cowards love heart of fear.
Ferisar: elagon was sick
Pharmacistjudge: now one Shasays left or Shimmy right?
EvilBadman: Backroom of the theater. Light swapping.
DoctorHutch: Is this stream still in English?
inconsideratehat: @The_Timo This joke is very good
Ferisar: in siege of org
Ferisar: yeah
itira: tubes and shit he said
Kaaosa: didn't like it
matthaus_c: @DoctorHutch donde esta el hogger
IsSecretlyPaul: <message deleted>i like kaaosa
Kaaosa: paul
Kaaosa: don't
itira: LUL
Mr_Horrible: the Ultraxxion fight aka "RP for 50 minutes"
BusTed: Are you why the train wrecker toy exist
Scarbble: for voice lines alone: icecrown citadel
ActualFactual: Can someone ban paul plz?
BusTed: s
Ferisar: honestly most of the BFA raids were good
Fanklok: MoP was a banger expac
IsSecretlyPaul: <message deleted>you and ivy are the reason why deescalation can't happen
Heefnoff: Is that Alan WOKE
ActualFactual: TY <3
Rat__Queen_69: I mean, I'd like to understand some of it
Mr_Horrible: more RP in that than Elisande and you had to fight Elisande *3* times!
IsSecretlyPaul: <message deleted>yeah i did
IsSecretlyPaul: <message deleted>i've been shot
IsSecretlyPaul: <message deleted>i can't type
ayir: not Paul!
DaFhaye: Hivemind in Ny'slotha is one of my favs
Mr_Horrible: yeah I loved Nighthold tbh
niccus: how many spells did invoker have when you quit
Mr_Horrible: that tier was good
Ferisar: nighthold
IsSecretlyPaul: <message deleted>you can't kill me in a way that matters
Fanklok: yes
ActualFactual: Are you telling me that Legion was a good expansion?
Mr_Horrible: "Do not accept chats from this viewer"
josh___something: LMAO
matthaus_c: free target practice
Rat__Queen_69: Oh no he's been got
shendaras: Ah, the Silence.
CaptinOfBeez: damn you murdered him
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wow, that is savage for Paul
Saintnex: justice for Paul!
BusTed: yeah, people read those notes all the time
Thefluffiestguineapig: Target practice for the mods
Mr_Horrible: @ActualFactual it was great for me, the guy who had every possible legendary by halfway through Tomb Kappa
CaptinOfBeez: que the next paul account
squ3e: How long till Paul appears behind you and just snaps your neck on stream like a SCP
Fanklok: Jordan does love shooting people
Rat__Queen_69: I only play wow to fish lol
Saintnex: does this count as streamer abuse?
EvilBadman: There's memory orbs in the top back of the theater.
ActualFactual: @Mr_Horrible Nomative determinism, you truly are mister horrible
DaFhaye: Star augur was a lot of fun. But really distracting
Ferisar: you have a scene in the room above the seats i think
Ferisar: i think?
matthaus_c: holding hands all along?
itira: a magic wall of dicks
Kaaosa: they duo queue for ranked league
Mr_Horrible: @ActualFactual my RNG is as God made it
Rat__Queen_69: It always comes back to the wall, huh?
matthaus_c: are the dicks all flaccid or like, half chubs
josh___something: mixed
Mr_Horrible: good one, Alan
I_Am_Clockwork: whose dicks specifically?
itira: maybe youll be able to use the bolt cutters
IsSecretlyPaul: I am back from my timeout and I have reflected on my actions in the 2 minutes I was unable to speak, I have chosen to learn nothing and will do it again.
Rat__Queen_69: Man talks like goosebumps books
couchboyj: Another turtle made it to the water, another dick made it to the wall
Eggmojii: adam, i did it. 24 hours later and i beat kitava with this flicker holy relic necro
matthaus_c: respect the hustle Paul
Seth_Erickson: just one thing . . . . . .
Mr_Horrible: And yet you participate in Alan Wake 2. Curious.
EvilBadman: Change the scene in the theater while in the room with the light switcher.
Rat__Queen_69: Adam has something on his mind I see
Lysander_salamander: all in all, you're just another dik in the wall
Mr_Horrible: I've planted a dogass world quest somewhere in your dailies
Mr_Horrible: every time you log in
ActualFactual: You guys did that bit last week
Mr_Horrible: is a risky play
couchboyj: I love all the genitalia, but I can't help but root for the little dicks
ayir: That line is seriously engraved in my mind forever
EvilBadman: There ya go
xantos69: Joke is on you Adam. I don't have legs. What now superman?
matthaus_c: the cooler bit was new
Mr_Horrible: he ain't lyin' they play the classic here on Let's Nope
ActualFactual: Recycling is important. This is sustainable comedy.
Seth_Erickson: Can we change the scene in the stairs
Rat__Queen_69: Recycle bits till it's part of the normal show
Eggmojii: yötön yö is nightless night
Eggmojii: i like that they have posters in both languages
Mr_Horrible: Adam in the background of every movie poster doing the "Get a load of *this* guy" gesture
DoctorHutch: Ask them to put a poster in the back of the theatre so you could watch
Lysander_salamander: cool
Eggmojii: haha
Mr_Horrible: "Alan, for the last time, you *don't* need to narrate everything so literally. Sincerely, your long-suffering editor."
Rat__Queen_69: Big W neon sign for Wumbo
IsSecretlyPaul: Ivy's ears starts tingling
Kramburger: <AutoModerater has removed this message>
Kaaosa: what
Ferisar: can't spell moderator
Mr_Horrible: Sex High School 2?
IsSecretlyPaul: hes spent 300 dollars
Ferisar: sheesh
EvilBadman: @kramburger did it spell correctly too
squ3e: <message deleted>I'm loving it Ben thanks
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Kaaosa: tf are you talking about tho
Kramburger: @EvilBadman Okay, lokk you
squ3e: <message deleted>My name isn't David... I just wanted to be included sorry Dads
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Dave too easy?
Pharmacistjudge: Glad I don' think you know another person with my name
wildpeaks: duel Highlander style
matthaus_c: @Ferisar idgi, is there a typo there or something
Kaaosa: OH. i haven't played it
IsSecretlyPaul: was it a david game?
BusTed: why can't you say the name of the game
Lysander_salamander: aw
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
Seth_Erickson: timeout corner you go
Mr_Horrible: noooooo
josh___something: o7
Rat__Queen_69: Crease his Jordans
Thefluffiestguineapig: The sudden but inevitable betrayal
SnackPak_: o7
EvilBadman: @pharmacistjudge That'd be too Minh-y
Phailhammer: o7
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
Makrosian_Tae: o7
MrSarkhan: o7
gawag_: o7
Mr_Horrible: you fucking TYRANTS
ButButTheJesus: o7
shendaras: What's the body count up to on this stream?
Makrosian_Tae: FBtouchdown
SmoreThanAFeelin: o7
Saintnex: o7
BurgerGamer: o7
itira: o7
matthaus_c: oh Squee lost his immortality in the Phyrexian invasion
DoctorHutch: lrrBartleby
matthaus_c: y'all didn't hear...
Rat__Queen_69: Too little too late
Fanklok: Only 3?
Saintnex: streamer tyrants!
IsSecretlyPaul: I'm not dead
Mr_Horrible: tonight is 3 I think
IsSecretlyPaul: i aint your body counted
Mr_Horrible: Paul died twice, but that's still 1 body
Saintnex: time for new call to unionize!!
Ferisar: how many adam?
matthaus_c: Genghis Khan replanted though
rosesmcgee: Those are baby numbers. Gotta pump those numbers up
Rhynerd: So, we're just counting today's deaths?
Rat__Queen_69: Comparing that body count is wild
Kaaosa: that's why he's the goat (genghis of all time)
Mr_Horrible: yeah but nobody here can fuck like Gengis Khan
Mr_Horrible: so the comparison is invalid
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dear god no
xantos69: In a row?
matthaus_c: killed 10, fucked 20
IsSecretlyPaul: how many of them were on the dick wall
Thefluffiestguineapig: He also is related to a huge proportion of people in China
BurgerGamer: isn't he also related to 10%?
raulghoulia: there were so few people after it changed weather patterns
FlynnRaccoon: He killed enough people it's visible in the CO2 levels from the period.
drdngr: "don't kill one on your way out!"
kimmibeans: 3 is 4.6% of your current viewership
Rat__Queen_69: woop woop
PawssumFable: I think Ghengis Khan is more a folk hero than an actual person?
phuznutz: About 10% and there was a noticeable dip in in the CO2 in the atmosphere
I_Am_Clockwork: with his “armies” so he must have been big on MMA
PawssumFable: That literally just means great king
kimmibeans: Wait... 0.46 %
Pharmacistjudge: I know i'm not
kimmibeans: I forgot a zero
Ferisar: it's the two cops from the start ben
PawssumFable: You tellin me a guy just came out named Great King and slaughtered 10% of the world? lol
gawag_: just most people with chinese heritage i think.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Not most of the world population, but a decent amount in Asia
Mr_Horrible: you go back in time and crush his nuts you make the rest of modern history unrecognizable
Lysander_salamander: is this what Alan Wake thinks a New York accent is?
josh___something: pardner
fjordsword subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fjordsword! (Today's storm count: 88)
Mr_Horrible: real "Youse Guys" voice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also that is not an NYC accent
itira: continue
Rat__Queen_69: Like me trying to do accents for places I've only seen on tv
josh___something: keep going
lifecharacter: So slinky
Mr_Horrible: I need a fuckin' Smuggy emote so bad for moments like this
matthaus_c: the international slink signifier
ButButTheJesus: borzoi?
bv310: So slinky it falls down the stairs
I_Am_Clockwork: lrrSPOOPY
Mr_Horrible: "Is he... y'know... slinky?"
ayir: LUL
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK
Fanklok: M'slinky
itira: LUL
itira: wtf hahahaa
Seth_Erickson: Adam's in the pocket of Big Slinky
inconsideratehat: *fans self*
Eggmojii: Uh oh slinky
thatguysteve2709: So @issecretlypaul how is the performance review going?
ButButTheJesus: oh my
Mr_Horrible: HUH
Fanklok: Go on Adam
Lysander_salamander: yes perfect
matthaus_c: we're reinventing Pink Panther
itira: oh dear me
ShaneLeeAtk: No slink-shaming here
Lysander_salamander: As you should
Mr_Horrible: is the weasel baptized?
gawag_: is the weasel single?
CastleOtranto: Big ol' stoat stonkers
I_Am_Clockwork: baptized, but not circumcised
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
LunchB0x_13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months, currently on a 30 month streak!
LunchB0x_13: big 30 for my spooky boys. hope yall doing well tonight!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LunchB0x_13! (Today's storm count: 89)
itira: it doesnt take much to entertain us, does it.
Fanklok: Big honkin' bazongas
Scarbble: y'all are literally the best, i heckin love this show
CaptainSpam: Authentic front page Twitch content here, folks.
SnackPak_: hotter than gumby, no way
matthaus_c: just like the Green M&M
Lysander_salamander: yes go on
xantos69: What do you mean "IF"?
PawssumFable: The only part of him that isn't flat
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Ben crying laughing?
ButButTheJesus: a good shoulder stretch
Eggmojii: that would certainly be something
lochnessseammonster: oh no he's hot PrideLaugh
CaptainSpam: This'll be truly hilarious for all the new viewers when they see the shows on this channel that AREN'T Let's Nope. :D
Ferisar: nope they can't ben
Mr_Horrible: a real coupla badonkahonkerados
Fanklok: Adam is correct
Ferisar: it's def just butt
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptainSpam FR tho
ButButTheJesus: its butt
IsSecretlyPaul: adam is correct
Astramentha: it’s butt
Juliamon: yeah it's just butt
BurgerGamer: thats a butt
josh___something: yes
MrSarkhan: Yes
I_Am_Clockwork: #justBittStuff
lochnessseammonster: yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: SO MUCH WORSE
CastleOtranto: Wait, wasn't there an episode of Gumby where he got... voluptuous? Or am I just thinking of his mother?
itira: Adam
itira: please
josh___something: in fact, go to jail right now
Lysander_salamander: because that would imply gumby milk
BurgerGamer: mommy milkers implies they produce something
Mr_Horrible: Mommy Milkers can really only be used as a phrase ironically, I think
matthaus_c: hey...
Eggmojii: no sweeter nectar
Rat__Queen_69: Unironically using that term is something else
Makrosian_Tae: @mr_horrible A G R E E
Mr_Horrible: but whatever you and your partner(s) are down for, that's not my business
matthaus_c: i'm personally hurt
Blip2004: oh man in college I had a classmate who changed his background to the anime chick in the white t-shirt that says Mega-Milk
IsSecretlyPaul: i feel like someone saying mommy milkers is either a certin type of 20 year old or like a 50 year old divorced dad
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP lrrFRUMP lrrFRUMP
Blakemcm: gumby could make it fit perfectly
Lysander_salamander: :D
BurgerGamer: a gum shot
Astramentha: I hate this
Mr_Horrible: I'm unsubbing
matthaus_c: gumbo's jumbo
ButButTheJesus: okay shut it down
Pharmacistjudge: do not besmirch the name of Gumbo with such filth
itira: LOL
Thefluffiestguineapig: NO
Lysander_salamander: well, there's an AO3 prompt for me
kdefinition: welp, hate that
niccus: why do i have this on speakers
ButButTheJesus: its all ogre
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bad Let's Nope!
josh___something: This stream is cursed
Eggmojii: terrible day to have ears
Rat__Queen_69: that pun is great but cursed
Astramentha: !adult
Makrosian_Tae: @issecretlypaul or your run-of-the-mill weeb
betweenmyself: give Gumby the ol’ Pokey riffYeti
I_Am_Clockwork: Lads! come back! you’ve Wondered too Far!
Fanklok: Actually yeah I'm with Mr_Horrible , can I have y money back?
matthaus_c: on the main screen in the office
queercrafting_chonk: Milkin Gumby for his gummies
Thefluffiestguineapig: !adult
LRRbot: I need an adult!
I_Am_Clockwork: don’t go where I can’t follow
Mathwyn: Words, famously harmless
Lysander_salamander: nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Makrosian_Tae: !findquote mommy
LRRbot: Quote #5491: "Hi, Penelope! I love you. Mommy's kind of a nihilist." —Kathleen [2018-11-09]
PawssumFable: Hey, letting the kids know that Mommy Milkers is a red flag is a public service
lochnessseammonster: love that
IsSecretlyPaul: was the bar dead?
Fanklok: Water
Mr_Horrible: you're honestly pretty good content for a bar TV
lochnessseammonster: water
varmintx0: rum and coke
DoctorHutch: I've never seen twitch on at a bar before
Mr_Horrible: I've def seen *worse* streams on a bar TV
CaptinOfBeez: Southern Tier 2x Juice Jolt
Blakemcm: Margaritassss
ButButTheJesus: mmmm wawa
TheRealRedal: imaginary kahlua
itira: mango bubly
PawssumFable: Knock off Dr. Pepper
MrSarkhan: the League of Legends flavored Coke. I wanted to try it and it's not good.
Mr_Horrible: I had a sour beer earlier in the stream
Mr_Horrible: was okay
Makrosian_Tae: Kiwawa
Rat__Queen_69: Water
IsSecretlyPaul: vodka water?
itira: vodka tho... ew
Blakemcm: ive never met a type of booze i dont like. i hab a problem
Eggmojii: rum or tequila, or else nothing
Rat__Queen_69: And eating white cheddar cheezeits with chopsticks
bv310: Vodka Soda lots of lime
Mr_Horrible: Vodka Water? Damn, slow down there Daredevil
kdefinition: rye whiskey, neat
CastleOtranto: Orange vodka with water is goated with the sauce
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ice Man has been doing a lot of stuff in video games for a while
Ferisar: wait is this the first time you're meeting him in the alan place
Ferisar: holy shit
Ferisar: that's incredible
josh___something: Oh right, you reloaded when you talked to him
DoctorHutch: Bobby?
gawag_: this guy seems far too wholesome
Seth_Erickson: we did
Ferisar: okay, whew lol
itira: Uhm YaLl thats ShAwN AshMoRe!!1!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes
Seth_Erickson: he was at the hotel
lochnessseammonster: yes
Eggmojii: I remember that
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also in the Dark Pictures games
Mr_Horrible: like, seltzer water? Or just, like, regular water?
matthaus_c: it's always the first time for Alan
Pharmacistjudge: or the other his twin?
Pharmacistjudge: he has a twin right?
IsSecretlyPaul: anyway its my bedtime goodnight don't do anything I wouldn't do
Seth_Erickson: Is he devout in the eyes of God?
EvilBadman: They might have met him, died, and went back to a save before and didn't go back to him
josh___something: We don't get next lines of dialogue cause we reloaded the time we saw him NotLikeThis
Mr_Horrible: We're gonna put you in the Device, dawg
squ3e: Like Twitch Jesus
Fanklok: From what I understand all of... us humans have a butt Ben
squ3e: I have returned
Lysander_salamander: Implying he has more than one. Nice.
josh___something: You saying he's got a big co- [banned]
gawag_: hard pass
queercrafting_chonk: He could sink the Titanic if you know what I mean
matthaus_c: that just makes me think of hard glass cutting nipples
squ3e: WAIT NO
BurgerGamer: big frosties
Mr_Horrible: nooooooooo
SnackPak_: damn
josh___something: NOT AGAIN
ButButTheJesus: o7
ayir: LUL 󠀀
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Astramentha: yessssss
xantos69: And.... They were missed.
ライシェン: LUL
rosesmcgee: Tis the season and all
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam explores the bounds of the banning settings
josh___something: o7
Makrosian_Tae: o7
matthaus_c: he is risen, and by it, haha, I mean
Mr_Horrible: mental image of drop kicking Jesus back into the tomb
The_Timo: It's too early Jesus, get back in the hole
lochnessseammonster: you did tell us we need jesus earlier
Fanklok: He is rizzen
squ3e: It's been an honor, gentlemen
Blakemcm: biblically accurate timeout
247Gremlin: That's not very Easter of you
Pharmacistjudge: Jesus trying to speedrun
Mr_Horrible: Jesus sitting in the Gorilla Position waiting for his music to start
Bruceski: The recipe says three days, you stay in there three days.
Blakemcm: its just me and lazarus in here dad!
NotCainNorAbel: where's the charger?
matthaus_c: 3 days in the tomb is nothing compared to 9 months in the womb
I_Am_Clockwork: there’s no wifi in this stone tomb
QuixoticScrivener: Switch battery that lasts 3 days?
Cptasparagus: wait is adam or ben the swtich?
Lysander_salamander: it's a miracle
Mr_Horrible: "How many major religions can we blaspheme with a single bit?"
squ3e: 3-4 hours
Seth_Erickson: 4 or 5 but depends on the game
Omthebox: 15 days
Blakemcm: depends on the game. the zelda games DRAIN it
PawssumFable: Pff, never more than 2 hours for me.
Lysander_salamander: Animal crossing
Seth_Erickson: Balatro
Seth_Erickson: Kappa
PMAvers: Minecraft?
xantos69: DOTA bro
josh___something: Prayer Warriors
DaFhaye: Hades
Bruceski: I get anywhere from 3-6 hours depending what I'm doing
Lysander_salamander: Doom Eternal
Fanklok: Is jesus in Fortnight yet?
Mr_Horrible: I pretty much just play picross, mine lasts like 18 hours I wanna say
Phailhammer: The You Testament
Nigouki: Jesus was the original T-pose for dominance
Astramentha: House flipper
ButButTheJesus: wherever the sinners hang out
Thefluffiestguineapig: Spider Solitaire
queercrafting_chonk: Stardew Valley
josh___something: If only
matthaus_c: Jesus skin is hard to make because he was probably cut
I_Am_Clockwork: jesus strikes me as a Minecraft kind of guy
EvilBadman: LeBron already in Fortnite
Mr_Horrible: I wanna see Hi-Rez finally grow a spine and put Jesus in Smite
trebuchetboy: Everyone plays Balatro but Wheeler
niccus: there's goku so he's practically in
satyropodobny: Jesus is obviously a big DOOM fan
Pharmacistjudge: Who do you think Jesus would romance in Stardew?
Mr_Horrible: Multiversus: A Game People Paid For
Eggmojii: I got Lebron skin in Fortnite, thats my go-to
josh___something: It got delisted?
EvilBadman: Multiverses is due back this year yeah
Lysander_salamander: I forgot there was a second Space Jam. Was it just to advertize Multiversus?
queercrafting_chonk: @pharmacistjudge no romance only Krobus
PMAvers: May 28'th
CaptainSpam: It's WB. They have a long, storied history of ruining games and licenses and licensed games.
Mr_Horrible: Why would I play that when Crow Country comes out May 9th?
matthaus_c: I'm not playing until they give Gumbo green hand
Mr_Horrible: I'm so fucking stoked
Mr_Horrible: loved the demo
Mr_Horrible: low-poly RE-inspired horror game
Mr_Horrible: campy but with good spooky vibes
Seth_Erickson: I like the look of it from the quick google images I sa
Seth_Erickson: saw*
EvilBadman: Bloodborne Kart got a release date too
Ferisar: yeah okay adam lol
Mr_Horrible: this is bait and I'm stronger than this
Lysander_salamander: no, the game had problems. The inventory was pretty bad.
NotCainNorAbel: whaaa
Mr_Horrible: *sweating* I'm stronger than this
josh___something: only a little?
Fanklok: You're just dumbasses for work
lochnessseammonster: you're baby geniuses
Kramburger: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
aquinas_0: they did fix the inventory eventually
Eggmojii: nothin wrong with being a dumbass
Seth_Erickson: Listen the people who like Signalis go fucking ape shit for that game. It basically defines their existence
ButButTheJesus: yeah that must be it
aquinas_0: but yeah that was a bit much to start
Eggmojii: no crime against it
niccus: blanka can't be wrong
trebuchetboy: PepePls
Rhynerd: alright, how do I beat Elphelt then?
Rat__Queen_69: That spool scare you?
Ferisar: okay mr dark souls 2 @Seth_Erickson
matthaus_c: the Flashlight doesn't take a slot anymore
Seth_Erickson: Hey listen Ferisar you dingus people don't shit on Signalis every where you look
BurgerGamer: yeah, just 6P
QuixoticScrivener: don't pick everything up, you aren't a Slokk
Ferisar: @Seth_Erickson and
Mr_Horrible: Zoner Problems
matthaus_c: she's pathetic and that's why I relate to her
Mr_Horrible: God's Only Honest Brit, Axl Low
BurgerGamer: any other zato enjoyers?
josh___something: ADAM
itira: Adam no! LOL
josh___something: ADAM NO
Mr_Horrible: not live on stream, Adam
MrSarkhan: Adam please
Mr_Horrible: TOS
SmithKurosaki: ADAM
SnackPak_: no thank you
Fanklok: No thanks I like girls
Pharmacistjudge: you rather us drink the Yeager Coffee?
EvilBadman: Where you came from is not open on this scene. (It's at the bottom of that ladder)
Rat__Queen_69: Adam! Take me out to dinner first
patrick_stonecrusher: I want a glass of that man's Kool-Aid
Makrosian_Tae: Adam, this is an intervention. We've reported you for TOS Kappa
josh___something: But what about A.B.A?
matthaus_c: brother my life is better with you but I wouldn't take any kind of shot for ya
josh___something: People are coming around on ABA, I've heard
trebuchetboy: I think Goldlewis and Faust are cool guys
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c it's funny that I have a friend who was instantly conjured up in my mind by reading this sentence
Pharmacistjudge: has anyone solved Aki yet?
Kaaosa: i would know
Mr_Horrible: not true: Any character I play is bad, and any character my opponents play is good
Mr_Horrible: I am much sinned against
EvilBadman: It was down there. Change the scene.
baltimore_667083: evening Adam and Ben-sorry I’m late baseball is too addictive
Rat__Queen_69: Trust me, new characters are like that in every game. I play Overwatch :(
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible check in on them cause being on the same wavelength as me is probably cause for concern asteynLUL
EvilBadman: It think to NY Finest
josh___something: Venture
Rat__Queen_69: Venture has their trial
squ3e: Yeah Jesus
Kaaosa: you get to be bruce banner with a gun
josh___something: They're genderfluid, I think?
Rat__Queen_69: And they use they/them pronouns
Kaaosa: what's not to like
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c I'll let him know when he gives his next update from skydiving in South Africa
PawssumFable: When it comes to Overwatch, you could say "didn't they just make a new character" literally any time, and always be right
PMAvers: Overwatch was my biggest regret of ever purchasing
Rat__Queen_69: It' experience
Mr_Horrible: a Historically Dropped Ball
Blip2004: Mystery heroes is good, even with the 5v5 nonsense
josh___something: Sure did
josh___something: It's an arcade mod
josh___something: *arcade mode
lochnessseammonster: nice PrideLaugh
CaptainSpam: I kinda liked Overwatch at first, but fell off hard.
EvilBadman: Last year Zarya had infinite bubble
CaptinOfBeez: I think it has the effect of not everyone in the said subset population has the same experience and knowledge you ( a ,ore experienced or patient) player has so reactions will differ over the spectrum of the play demographic
Lysander_salamander: I remember when that used to be a weekly thing
Fanklok: They should have just unnerfed Roadhog and t hat's it
PawssumFable: The whole reason I stopped playing OW was because there's 1000 characters now. I like playing OTHER games, I don't feel like learning an entire new dynamic every time I turn the game on.
Mr_Horrible: I couldn't really get into OW, even at launch. It just made me want to play TF2
josh___something: It's official, but it's just in a mode
Mr_Horrible: and it's not really gone uphill since then, in my estimation
EvilBadman: Save room downstairs if you want to end for evening.
PawssumFable: Same thing with Smash
Rat__Queen_69: Overwatch is great if you like lots of effects in your games
matthaus_c: time flies when you're having gum
Mr_Horrible: time flies when you're shooting innocent chatters
matthaus_c: fuck
itsr67: a giggo
matthaus_c: streamer privilege
Makrosian_Tae: Just keep going. you're definitely almost at the end Kappa
itira: oh myyyy
EvilBadman: You are probably one session from credits.
Mr_Horrible: nah, I just wanna milk the bit a little
Seth_Erickson: No he's a defender of Signalis
Pharmacistjudge: these two only shoot people they love...or bots.
lifecharacter: No one in chat is innocent
Mr_Horrible: much like you're speculating on milking Gumby
Pharmacistjudge: you have to decide which one you are.
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible that bit's got milkers
PhilanthropyLich: Yeah, probably will beat it next week, cruised through this section
I_Am_Clockwork: bit milkies
patrick_stonecrusher: DarkKnight JUSHTISCH
therepoman__: Tugging on your suspenders
Fanklok: Why is Mr_Horrible on trial in the Phoenix Wright universe
Mr_Horrible: I like how you two are conversing about Backshots From Gumby and you're trying to make *me* the villain
Blip2004: Futurama "I'm just a humble space chicken"
betweenmyself: “I’m just a simple country chicken lawyer, your honor…”
Lysander_salamander: nice
Rhynerd: "All stand for the Honorable Judge Leghorn"
matthaus_c: you need your protein
Mr_Horrible: a table would probably help with that, actually
PawssumFable: That would be such a great episode
Seth_Erickson: were they ever off the table
Mr_Horrible: provides support
couchboyj: Whelp, time to watch Futurama again
therepoman__: Looks like gumby back shots are still on the table boys
Lysander_salamander: do the gumshots smell like fruit, or like plasticine clay?
josh___something: oh it's this bit
Mr_Horrible: you both walk into the office tomorrow "so we've got a great idea for the next LoadingReadyLive"
I_Am_Clockwork: some of them
I_Am_Clockwork: depends on the size of the… well… fulm
Rat__Queen_69: Movie film is big? No way
PawssumFable: Imagine Foghorn cross-examining someone
CaptainSpam writes a reminder of things he'd forget to do today otherwise using a green magic marker on the back of Mr Horrible's head
therepoman__: Helms balls deep am I right gamers
lochnessseammonster: helms deez nuts
Fanklok: Lost Woods?
PawssumFable: It's the dog
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Rat__Queen_69: I aint your buddy, pal
Mr_Horrible: "you're hungover, Alan"
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Fanklok: Alan if he's gone 5 minutes without cocaine
Mr_Horrible: @CaptainSpam I don't mind. The thing that bothers me is someone keeps moving my chair.
ButButTheJesus: she just thinks they're cute
trebuchetboy: he seems like he is doing ok
Mr_Horrible: the murder site?
Mr_Horrible: LiveLeak?
Rat__Queen_69: Oh deer
josh___something: Awww... he's not saying the things
Mr_Horrible: damn, Casey a Quizznos stan
Rat__Queen_69: Deer can't ride the subway, Adam
EvilBadman: That dude usually says stuff here
ayir: oh I bet they could
Rat__Queen_69: Yeah sure
Pharmacistjudge: no deer in the subwayverse?
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Astramentha: they don’t have pockets for their MetroCard
itira: LUL LUL
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
matthaus_c: advertising works
SnackPak_: he's stuck
Mr_Horrible: I'm so mad this bit makes me want Italian Herbs & Cheese
PawssumFable: You guys should have a subway sponsorship by now
Mr_Horrible: I shouldn't be this easy
itsr67: loool
itira: hahahaaa
Fanklok: How do we ban Adam?
I_Am_Clockwork: loool
Lysander_salamander: fukkinaaaaa
Seth_Erickson: fuckin uhhhhhhh
Mr_Horrible: it's almost as if I can still hear him
itira: can we time Adam out? LUL
ButButTheJesus: fuckinaaaa
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gungan mode?
Makrosian_Tae: Fuckinaaaa
Lysander_salamander: sillytimes
varmintx0: This game is never going to end.
Mr_Horrible: he's a lil silly goofy
Scarbble: fuckinuhhhhhh
itsr67: sniffa
josh___something: "Casey" was supposed to be pleading for his life. that he wasn't casey, just the actor playing him. they also used actual sam lake's voice instead of the Max payne VA
BorealMage: How's that microphone smell?
Glyph_Heiress subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Glyph_Heiress! (Today's storm count: 90)
Lysander_salamander: why thank you I've used a new soap
Mr_Horrible: Adam smelling the sweet blood, it sings to him
Seth_Erickson: I did
Fanklok: Some of it
itira: yeah it was alright
EvilBadman: Well you have one more session, probably, unless your trust in the auto save failed you again
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
I_Am_Clockwork: yep
SnackPak_: everything but the gumby shot stuff
Eggmojii: i was entertained
patrick_stonecrusher: TwitchConHYPE
queercrafting_chonk: We love you both 💕
getthatrabbit: Best second monitor content on the web :D
Seth_Erickson: I enjoyed all of it
Rat__Queen_69: DinoDance
queercrafting_chonk: Great stream as always
Thefluffiestguineapig: You were great today
Lysander_salamander: tonight was great
matthaus_c: I didn't expect to think about getting raw dogged by gumby today
rosesmcgee: 10%
josh___something: Y'all are fucking great
Mr_Horrible: I was entertained except for the 10 minutes I was timed out. For those 10 minutes I was enthralled.
protojman: had a great time over here
kimmibeans: Always enjoyable ☺️
josh___something: NO
josh___something: NVM
BusTed: 😤
Eggmojii: yeah coupla iffy bits
I_Am_Clockwork: I chuckled several tomes
itira: I was very entertained, thanks for the stream LUL
Rat__Queen_69: I mean, there is the wall bit
Eggmojii: but good otherwise
lifecharacter: But gumby never misses his shots
Lysander_salamander: The gumby shots were the best
lochnessseammonster: who shot gumby?
I_Am_Clockwork: times*
josh___something: jail
frank_the_great: I went "heh" at least once, so you're good for next week
matthaus_c: raw gumbed
Juliamon: I loved the part where Paul got shot twice
PipeSmokingOwl: lrrBartleby
josh___something: Jail for both of you
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
Makrosian_Tae: I'll always appreciate you both. You're wonderful people [with questionable humor] and that's all I need in my stream
Mr_Horrible: there's one way to solve that Adam laynaSmug
ButButTheJesus: pls see a doctor if your gumby is backed up
Makrosian_Tae: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Thefluffiestguineapig: I did !
Lysander_salamander: I hope people clipped the gumby saga
PawssumFable: I made dinner in the middle
Mazrae: Between the Gumby shots and the hot pickle I don't know what's the worst
I_Am_Clockwork: I’m still here
PipeSmokingOwl: sydney28Artioacat
Mnemonicman: Am usually here but am SO TIRED
itira: whats it smell like
marshacado: Ive been here since the pickle
Rat__Queen_69: Vods are worth watching all the way
Mnemonicman: or drunk
TheRealRedal: agreee usuallyy a voddy!
Mnemonicman: mostly tired
kimmibeans: My dog does (I leave it on for him when I go to work)
therepoman__: FROGS ARE GONE sajamAaaa
protojman: nightynight
I_Am_Clockwork: get us out of here, gumdads
TheRealRedal: night guys!
thatguysteve2709: The stock is back
ButButTheJesus: aur neur
Tweygoh: my headphones died so I missed the last half hour of stream
PipeSmokingOwl: sydney28Beeker sydney28Beeker sydney28Beeker
RatherLargeToad: Still here OSFrog
Mr_Horrible: 1 second is all he'll spare
Scarbble: y'all are the actual best
BusTed: drawfeSupernut
couchboyj: OSFrog
TheRealRedal: glurp
matthaus_c: frogs are back
I_Am_Clockwork: oh nooo
Dog_of_Myth: Turns off for what?
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
itira: LOL
Mr_Horrible: and we've come full circle
The_Timo: YO!!!! This game looks amazing, trying to snag a copy
Mr_Horrible: much like Gumby
ghyllnox: LUL
Makrosian_Tae: LUL
Lysander_salamander: Gumby is a service top
I_Am_Clockwork: Captain Planet?
MrSarkhan: BEN
gawag_: is that the game where you can bury the box
BusTed: yeah?
Fanklok: But the cards are made of trees... hmm curious
Thefluffiestguineapig: Tugger Nutz
Mr_Horrible: Cube Master Adam Savidan on LRRMTG
josh___something: no
ButButTheJesus: dammit
PMAvers: The closest thing we'll ever get to a Fallout-style card game.
niccus: that's what the gathering means
ButButTheJesus: dammit all anyway
queercrafting_chonk: 😂
josh___something: NOPE
Makrosian_Tae: Oh Ben...
matthaus_c: James or Gumby
Eggmojii: okay now its main monitor
I_Am_Clockwork: aaaaaaand goodnight
lochnessseammonster: true
Fanklok: What if AShley told you to do it
rosesmcgee: Started with hot pickles, eased into a wall of dicks and closed with a gum shot. A good night all around
EvilBadman: Fear is a great motivator
Makrosian_Tae: Smash or Pass LRR-folks [D E N I E D]
niccus: jacob geller's strangest game of 2023
Juliamon: It's Japanese bullshit
Mr_Horrible: Ian continues the streak of playing games with names that sound made up
Mr_Horrible: OTJ pls
josh___something: No PPR, only PLS
I_Am_Clockwork: oh heck that’s this week?
matthaus_c: welcome back to the island
Fanklok: 100% of crimes are aimed at Serge
Eggmojii: get his ass
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap
Makrosian_Tae: Ooh, spoilers Kappa
Mr_Horrible: you both sit down at the table and ask Serge " what are your thoughts on Gumby's nut?"
josh___something: toe-hoe
Mr_Horrible: too hoo
Juliamon: 2hu
Mr_Horrible: hee hee too hoo
matthaus_c: Adam doesn't believe in those
dumbo3k: I heard that Touhou meeans to go home
Lysander_salamander: nice
silenceaux: It means [Franchise] [Bullet Hell] [???] [Music Videos for Children] [???]
0x6772: I wonder what Mine O'Clock's playing…
Fanklok: the Saint BENard
I_Am_Clockwork: xD
ButButTheJesus: omg that is Ben
Lysander_salamander: I love it
LunchB0x_13: ben would be a st bernard
xantos69: Oh no. My AO3
Mr_Horrible: he's here to deliver life lessons and life-saving whiskey!
josh___something: I could see ben as a saint bernard
kimmibeans: I always picture Ben more as a corgi....
ButButTheJesus: someone 'shop it pls
Mr_Horrible: helluva tag
Juliamon: what happens is that the girl in the image is traveling a wasteland and finding fucked up villages and beating the people there into being less fucked up
Lysander_salamander: You two weave such a rich tapestry
Thefluffiestguineapig: They are SO SLOBBERY
Thefluffiestguineapig: A greyhound or great dane is ironically a better apartment dog
dumbo3k: I thought it was being changed to Adam O'Clock
betweenmyself: name your St. Bernard in advance Adam, go!
Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig which is worse, Saint Bernards or Newfs
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon For apartment living or as a drooler?
Eggmojii: this is the most stressful part of the stream
Eggmojii: it goes too fast, i cant handle it
Juliamon: Both lol
Fanklok: Why were you so surprised about that
itira: LUL gdi
Mr_Horrible: Cheer1000 bits for my criminal streamer overlords
Dog_of_Myth: In honor of Serge, I had to
xantos69: Cheer50 I said you were gonna get 50 bucks to not get that tattoo on your neck.
Makrosian_Tae: I love that the 69 month resubs have thumbs up next to them LUL
An anonymous user is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to devilcultivator!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to AkaArt!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to WyllCKP!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to plusephone!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to skuzzo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to devilcultivator, AkaArt, WyllCKP, skuzzo, and plusephone! (Today's storm count: 95)
matthaus_c: under the wire
I_Am_Clockwork: gnight folks
itira: LUL
ButButTheJesus: a maraca
itira: goodniiiighttt LUL
Eggmojii: good bye pals
I_Am_Clockwork: don’t hyperventilate
Phailhammer: cya :)
Eggmojii: enjoy subway
TheRealRedal: welp
Makrosian_Tae: Swiggly
phuznutz: Good Nigh boys
Rat__Queen_69: DinoDance
ButButTheJesus: swooty
Mr_Horrible: I wonder if we'll ever reach peak Let's Nope
Lysander_salamander: I love this channel
Makrosian_Tae: Chick chick boom
Fanklok: Let's Nope peaked 8 years ago
Makrosian_Tae: Amazing
Phailhammer: DinoDance
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, lads lrrSHINE
Isaac3567: now I wanna watch the mask
josh___something: How does Let's Nope get more cursed every time? (love this show)
Omthebox: Lets nope uses the games as a medium for this level of comedic genius
Makrosian_Tae: love you guys. Wishing you the best, chat. You're all what makes the stream the best! lrrSHINE
lochnessseammonster: night all you wonderful weirdos PrideUwu lrrSHINE
emberBecky: lrrSPOOP lrrHEART
Mr_Horrible: @Omthebox so they were the real Alan Wake all along, is what you're saying?
Omthebox: You know it Mr_Horrible, you know it.
xantos69: The Real Alan Wake was the friends we made along the way.