beowuuf: i mean lrrFINE
TXC2: No worries Wheeler
Didero: That's ok, beowuuf asked me about something, so I can fill the wait :p
beowuuf: "is this your other card game" ?
beowuuf: sergeHi txc2
TXC2: hi beowuuf
Didero: I finally got some good training files created for languages other than English for the text recognition program I use, and the results are decent, but I do have to make quite some adjustments, and then make sure those don't break the existing data
wildpeaks: @Didero what problem, issue with encoding accents and special characters ?
beowuuf: or is wheeler just locked out until a keyholder can come along?
Didero: @wildpeaks Yeah, my image processing is tripping over accents a bit, because those take up more space than English characters do
beowuuf: amazing extra work you are putting in for all this o7
Didero: Plus the OCR program seems to have trouble recognizing accents within words ("J'lai" was a fun one)
Didero: So I may have to improve my training data, have Tesseract (the OCR program) train on that for a whole day again, and see if that helps
beowuuf: i thought ocr readers would be amazing these days, but i had a scanner push out quite a bit of rubbish recently, so I guess there are levels to it all...
Didero: @beowuuf Thanks :) Seems a bit too anglo-focussed to just make English files when the game exists in 4 langauges
beowuuf: especially when shortages meant non-english ones were the ones readily available before :)
Didero: @beowuuf Yeah, and Lorcana uses the Roboto Condensed font for its card text, which is a font that the base Tesseract files aren't trained on
Didero: Plus I know how much Wheeler likes German Magic cards, so I need to have a German Lorcana dataset too :p
beowuuf: :D
Didero: Also apparently Eeyore is called 'I-Aah' in German, which is incredible
beowuuf: sergeJustRight
beowuuf: i-aah is the noise i make when i hit my thumb with a hammer
Didero: "i-ah" is also the Dutch way to write down the sound a donkey makes. But 'eeyore' isn't the English way, right?
beowuuf: not a joke, just good phonetics for a doric accented ouchie :p
Didero looks up 'doric'
beowuuf: eeh-oor or hee haaaw depending how you make the braying sound, so eeyore sounds right but isn't the right spelling for english
TXC2: Didero it's close, but not quite right
Didero: I didn't know you spoke ancient Greek
Didero: Ok, thanks, that solves the issue of why the donkey is called that
beowuuf: doric is the scottish dialect spoken around aberdeen
Didero: Now we just need to figure out why the bear is named after shitting
beowuuf: :D
Didero: @beowuuf Yeah, I figured, I should've added ':p' to the end there :p
Earthenone: can you translate the flavor text on kida yet? :P
beowuuf: because it was answering the age old question for the kiddies
beowuuf: i have no idea what a diet purely of honey would do to someone's digestive system
Didero: Earthenone: You joke, but yes, it's written in the Atlantean script specifically developed for the movie by the guy that also invented Klingon. The flavortext says "Welcome to the Inklands"
beowuuf: lrrWOW cool
Earthenone: nice :P
Didero: Here's the card we're talking about, by the way, with the Atlantean text:
OldUncleDan: A diet purely of honey would do to someone what a diet of nothing but sugar would do.
OldUncleDan: any sugar, that is.
TXC2: so diabetes ?
Didero: Seems like they kept the exact same flavor text for other languages too, that's a bit disappointing
OldUncleDan: Well, more a lack of proteins, fat, and other nutrients.
LoadingReadyRun: i am in the building
wildpeaks: ominous
beowuuf: sp what we're learing is that christopher robbin would blend up everything pooh would need for a healthy diet in to a pot with 'honey' on the front to fool pooh in to thinking he was eating unhealthily?
beowuuf: YES!
beowuuf: we have a wheeler
wildpeaks: "oh no, it escaped containment and has entered the building"
beowuuf: we now have a title
Didero: Also sidenote, on Italian Lorcana cards, they translated 'Floodborn' as 'Imbevuto', which seems to mean 'soaked'. So you can have a character that's both wet AND soaked, but only in Italian
beowuuf: i presume this moonbase blip has ruined wheelers joke of starting the stream with a stack of lands beside him he was going to refuse to comment on?
wildpeaks: the one thing I miss in this game is a way to disable popups when you clear the save, because I love reseting from the start like a roguelike, and tutorial popups are distracting
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DideRobot: LRR: On Is This Your Card?, Wheeler is playing Stacklands. Stacklands? You mean what I do to James' draft decks while he's not looking? | |
Earthenone: i found a translator for atlantean, i was trying to put welcome to the stacklands in chat but it will not accewpt the charicter
beowuuf: lol
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCrab lrrSIG
Didero: Hmm, Twitch was doing well with starting streams when they go live, but now I had to refresh again
TXC2: Didero other way for me today
beowuuf: @Earthenone we've got fun and games and an ancient set of technologies to share from a drowned kingdom?
iconicshadow89 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 54 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iconicshadow89! (Today's storm count: 2)
Travilogue: @Didero interesting, this is the first time it has worked for me in a couple months
Didero: So Twitch picks random people in chat and allows only their stream to work? :p
beowuuf: yup, i won today
Earthenone: i am consistantly in the refresh club
TXC2: yeap, it's the fickle hand of the Twitch gods, only explanation :p
accountmadeforants: I just go by the "LIVE" badge (and the time) to know when I need to refresh the stream (which FFZ fortunately lets me do independent from the rest of the page)
RecursiveAcronym subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RecursiveAcronym! (Today's storm count: 3)
accountmadeforants: It's more surprising when Twitch manages to start the stream on its own, honestly :B
Aceviru: pog
beowuuf: if you are looking at chat at the time to can see the blip of it trying
beowuuf: dammit i had mute on and am missing bgc
beowuuf: huh, no notification email?
Earthenone: i think this every time but Millenial Bloop could easily be the name of a song, a band or the genre of this music
Didero: There's also a very useful bot in here that relays all of LRR's toots, including the going-live ones Kappa
beowuuf: luckily, but it didn't relay james's reply on twitter which, of course, is well outside it's perview for many reasons :p
Didero: Yeah, it's rarely a good idea to repeat what James says :p
accountmadeforants: Oh hell, there's gonna be another Tenacious D + Evangelion mashup soon.
TXC2: !quote James
LRRbot: Quote #2020: "Ask Graham the Tugger Nutts questions." β€”James [2016-03-03]
beowuuf: lrrWOW
TXC2: yeap that theory pans out
TXC2: Here we GO!
beowuuf: @accountmadeforants ... when was the first???
beowuuf: ityc!
Mattmitchell45: huzzah
beowuuf: lol mic5?
BusTed: love the rendition
Aceviru: Go off king
Didero: This intro is more funky than I remember :p
TXC2: Hello Wheeler
Didero: Hi Wheeler!
beowuuf: cool remix
accountmadeforants: @beowuuf 4 years ago, and there have been 3 in total so far:
beowuuf: morning wheeler
beowuuf: @accountmadeforants thanks!
Sibwow: wheeler time
Didero: Then you can't exert yourself until next turn
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
TXC2: !ytmember
LRRbot: LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR:
beowuuf: so card system still not working then :p
Earthenone: remember your support pays for the locks to keep wheeler in the rain!
accountmadeforants: @beowuuf No, thank you for finally letting me share this highly specific intersection of my interests.
beowuuf: i blame beej, thanks to cH
Mattmitchell45: Wheeler is trying the Soaked Stack strategy
beowuuf: @accountmadeforants :D
Notamys3000 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Notamys3000! (Today's storm count: 4)
loufghyslaufey: We get to stack lrrJAMES 's lands lrrDOTS ImTyping lrrWHEELER MindManners lrrGOAT ??
Aceviru: Mm yeah
Didero: Luckily I forgot how to parse time passing, so I don't mind
beowuuf: 13/10 wouldn't have heather mad at you
Rootpotato: Nice crisp audio
TXC2: so AS very MR
Earthenone: 3 years for the stack to resolved
beowuuf: thinking for three years or playing for three years? Kappa
MehallD: "short and cute" hey, that;s me
accountmadeforants: Let's wait and C what the C is before we get to the DLC
MikeProvencher: Oh sweet, Stacklands rules.
Sibwow: its not hard to trick you
Didero: Hope you trained your reflexes on OOF Club Kappa
wildpeaks: it's a card game, technically
beowuuf: look, is it really an lrr stream if you haven't completely betrayed your premise?
TXC2: if Heather say we can bend the rules, we can bend the rules
Sibwow: how long that moon
aussie_rob_w subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
aussie_rob_w: Is this your subscription card?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aussie_rob_w! (Today's storm count: 5)
Earthenone: you cant just how long the moon is
Didero: Blind first run?
wildpeaks: it's meant to be blind
DentedPockets: How long is your moon?
MikeProvencher: Cards are intrinsically important here, thus it's a card game.
wildpeaks: it's not something where you need to need to look at a wiki
tehfewl: got that Long moon
Aceviru: How much does moon hang Kappa
beowuuf: how deep is your luna
Didero: You can always look up a wiki later, but you can only play it blind once
n_mandrag: Go blind blind. Spoilers will ruin your first experience
avjamethyst: still have to get you to try lost kingdoms
markvd: Loong moong
steffex2: RARE!!!!
beowuuf: booster pack = cards = safe
loufghyslaufey: wuh?
DentedPockets: Wheeler got wood!
tehfewl: LETS GO CHAT
loufghyslaufey: Also, "Weh"?
beowuuf: lrrEFF yeah let's lrrEFF ing go!
Travilogue: So, now I'm wondering if there are games about carding wool....
beowuuf: !vaselineorbarcode
LRRbot: Barcode!
loufghyslaufey: But isn't this a 1st try gameplay?
Didero: There's something labelled '4/20' at the top
Scarbble: that's a good boop noise
Mattmitchell45: 🍌🍌🍌
OldUncleDan: So you can't sell people in this. That's good!
loufghyslaufey: Do we even know what coin do here?
beowuuf: @Didero nice
tangerine_connoisseur: he be grippin them cards
MikeProvencher: Going into this game blind is the best way to play this game.
Didero: Wait, you can't sell the coin? Isn't that the whole point of coins?
accountmadeforants: Normal moon length: lrrCIRCLE Increased moon length: lrrCIRCLE_SQ
TXC2: you don't sell coins, you exchange them
Aceviru: For goods and services?
tehfewl: yo nice playmat
TXC2: Aceviru precisely
accountmadeforants: This is giving me some Cultist Simulator vibes, neat
Mattmitchell45: Don'tcha wanna why I keep starting fires?
loufghyslaufey: Looks like what AT-Cards Wars would look like, kind of lrrDOTS !?
Didero: It costs 3, and you had 2 coins, so probably
loufghyslaufey: *Card Wars
Mr_Horrible: that card was 1 coin, so I assume so
wildpeaks: the one thing I wish a tutorial would have said in retrospect, there exists a pause button
Didero: Wait, did our first berry bush disappear?
Mr_Horrible: might need another booster?
Aceviru: With poop?
Earthenone: maybe we open packs for soil? who knows
TXC2: is this like those old flash games where you combined things to make a new thing ?
MikeProvencher: In the upper left, next to "Quest" there's a tab for "Ideas"? What's that?
OldUncleDan: You may be fighting because rabbits are tasty..
loufghyslaufey: Poop? Are there pigs here too?
loufghyslaufey: I wonder MindManners ImTyping
TXC2: MikeProvencher probably a hint
Mattmitchell45: Ah, Burning Bush
Mr_Horrible: the flint and the berry bush have melded to make Hanweir, the Writhing Township
wildpeaks: the name of the game is in itself a hint
beowuuf: so we can make a villager mine, i presume we can play this on moc then?
Desruprot: limesBlink
loufghyslaufey: D'you ever sometimes wanted to just lrrDOTS "UN-Meld" chat?
goatprince: smh my head, you reset the timer
Mattmitchell45: Don't touch that poop
wildpeaks: welcome to Run 2 :D
goombalax: ggwp
accountmadeforants: Success!
Scarbble: rip
Aceviru: Hell yes
Didero: It's a learning experience
tehfewl: GG
Aceviru: Bunny lives
Desruprot: rip
goombalax: shake my habd
Didero: At least we now know what 'Moon Length' means
n_mandrag: #Speedrunstrats
CharredSpark: s-rank finish. the s is for starvation
QuixoticScrivener: is rabbit made of food?
DoctorMcBoop subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months, currently on a 88 month streak!
DoctorMcBoop: <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DoctorMcBoop! (Today's storm count: 6)
OldUncleDan: Nobody put the chair behind you. You just put yourself in front of the chair.
Didero: Seems it's Mine O'Clock around here, apparently you can just play any game on that stream nowadays
TXC2: chair is forever
beowuuf: @Didero adam loves that! MiniK
goatprince: GOTTA get the bebbies
Scarbble: mmm, strawbebbies
loufghyslaufey: Kenobi- lrrWHEELER ? He is a B O L D 1 MindManners FBtouchdown NotLikeThis
goombalax: he just pooped randomly
JakeKamas: You didn't, it pooped on it's own
goatprince: you speak as if you've never pooped randomly
TXC2: "'tis no rabbit, tis a remorseless pooping machine"
spazywakjob: i have never heard that
wildpeaks: no one expects the spanish random pooping
tehfewl: you just jinxed yourself
goombalax: I mean I don't think its talking about being healthy
QuixoticScrivener: more poop
Didero: If it was me, I would choose not to randomly poop myself
goatprince: wheeler's all about gambits
spazywakjob: does doubling the poop speed it up?
Mattmitchell45: I've had extreme sickness, I'm not ashamed
TXC2: "I will never poop my self" your 70's "am I a joke to you?"
beowuuf: look, we didn't have a completely unrelated conversation regarding pooh bear earlier not to have more poop on stream
accountmadeforants: Yeah, we need the rabbit to produce poop from the aether
OldUncleDan: Too soon Wheeler. Too soon!
Jundinator: Hello Wheeler
goombalax: are you gonna starve?
Alness49: I mean, neither are the villians
n_mandrag: The game has gotten very deep... there a plenty of interesting mechanics to uncover
Jundinator: What game is this?
TXC2: wisdom = fire?
accountmadeforants: (Don't take that as actual advice, I've never played this game)
goatprince: you just can't abide by the french, is that it
beowuuf: stacklands
TXC2: Jundinator Stacklands
accountmadeforants: Draw The Rest Of The Owl
spazywakjob: ooh, flint and stone
Jundinator: !gane
Jundinator: !game
LRRbot: Currently playing: Stacklands
Didero: Reading the card explains the card
n_mandrag: @Didero not in this
goatprince: bottom left
Jundinator: So wheeler, apparently a Turn three Pathrazer of Ulamog is pretty much game ending
DoctorMcBoop: Bottom left corner shows what to stack
Didero: @n_mandrag I mean, this card literally has an ingredients list, that seems like a clue :p
WhirlwindAbyss: <message deleted>tHERE IS AN IDEAS TAB
TXC2: we have discovered banging rocks together
Mattmitchell45: Brick is a real Build Around card
Jundinator: Wut
n_mandrag: @Didero the quests and ideas do... the card itself ? only sometimes.
TXC2: WhirlwindAbyss 1) don't back seat, 2) don't shout
mmmbop1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mmmbop1! (Today's storm count: 7)
spazywakjob: why does your villager not poop? he's on a strictly fruit diet, he should be a slip and slide
HaphazardHaberdashery subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
WhirlwindAbyss: @TXC2 Srry had caps on by accident
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HaphazardHaberdashery! (Today's storm count: 8)
TXC2: spazywakjob human poop not good fertilizer
Didero: have you considered placing a job ad :p
goombalax: this game seems like my kinda thing ngl
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to spazywakjob!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, spazywakjob! (Today's storm count: 9)
wildpeaks: I spent hundreds of hours in this game and haven't even done the DLC yet, it's such good value for money
Didero: The game seems to explain itself very little, so stumbling around seems like the intended way to play
Shadowner: also some of the challenge unlocks are rng addictive
goombalax: I have so many hours in cat game
TXC2: we need a 2nd villager, and sadly our name ain't Adam, so it ain't goona be easy Kappa
OldUncleDan: Actually, as we are omnivores, human poop is great fertilizer.
goatprince: ratthew,,,,,,,
goombalax: "didn't pay 5 dollars to miss"
wildpeaks: rats
Mattmitchell45: Sweet prerelease pulls
wildpeaks: and now you're hooked :D
nic_nax96 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nic_nax96! (Today's storm count: 10)
luckyalien013: Berries and cream berries and cream
FurthestChunk: hey y'all how's it going
circusofkirkus: yep
TXC2: hello FurthestChunk welcome
MrPipboy3000: you ate them
Didero: You ate all your berries
FurthestChunk: are we running a village or something
Earthenone: they ate the growing berries
accountmadeforants: You ate the berries that were turning into bushes yea
Shadowner: they never completed
TXC2: you ate all the berries
Earthenone: to "survive"
TheAwkes: Once you know what the ideas do, you can probably ship them for the coin, if you don't need the reminder any more.
OldUncleDan: I see a rabbit. Maybe eat that?
BusTed: can you eat a corpse....?
TXC2: we need rabbit for poop
TXC2: "this is a rat burger?!'s a good burger"
goombalax: killing rabbits: against principles. Selling people: totally fine
TheAwkes: Unopened booster just chilling in the middle.
Didero: It shows the card limit at the top of the screen. So that's why that was blinking red
Earthenone: to the marketplace of ideas?!
Didero: oh no we're gonna get corpse babies
goombalax: necromancy unlocked
Mattmitchell45: Body oddy oddy
wildpeaks: :D
BusTed: They lie in grim effigy.
TXC2: good that there's no coin limit :p
Shadowner: typically blueprint ideas are the way to cut
TheAwkes: Do you need the idea to make the thing, or is it just a recipe reminder?
accountmadeforants: Huh, I wonder if it still tracks the Ideas in the Ideas tab or if you're meant to... I dunno, cheat(?) by writing them dwon
Blythus: There's an ideas tab at the top left, what does that do?
TXC2: did corpses make poop?
Didero: @TXC2 No, the corpses made a graveyard, which Wheeler immediately got rid of
circusofkirkus: cow!
TXC2: Didero ah ok
Earthenone: lrrCOW
therepoman__: Not the call of duty hit marker noise for the combat
accountmadeforants: One corpse is a problem, two corpses are a business opportunity!
Aceviru: Wait burgers don't grow on cows 😲
JakeKamas: Soil probably grows berries faster than poop
JakeKamas: So you can maybe sell all the poop?
goombalax: maybe the soil makes bushes quicker?
Didero: Wait, did you not get any money for all those trees?
wildpeaks: indeed he didn't
Shadowner: you can tap the chest on the pack
goatprince: you're sliving
JakeKamas: Maybe you need to put a berry into the garden?
Shadowner: grows faster than poop or soil
LithelyUnshod: You still need berries or apples for the garden
Didero: Maybe the poop as fertilizer?
Earthenone: fire sounds like an Idea!
TheAwkes: Wonder if coins would fall right into the chest if it was positioned below the sell spot...
goatprince: Uh oh
BusTed: Uh oh
Didero: At least we're learning
wildpeaks: Welcome to Run 3
Shadowner: @TheAwkes true
Didero: Maybe it'd help to put the Moon Length on Long?
TXC2: we're making some progress
wildpeaks: you're doing great tbh
Desruprot: uh ok
LithelyUnshod: @TheAwkes πŸ‘€
Shadowner: failing upward
Desruprot: uh oh*
goombalax: this game kinda rules tho?
beowuuf: good berries
JakeKamas: Hey Wheeler, does that ideas tab have all the ideas you unlocked?
Didero: It's 8 euros for me on Steam
WhirlwindAbyss: interesting, so the pack you unlocked stay, that cool
Hulyen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
Hulyen: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Hulyen! (Today's storm count: 11)
wildpeaks: it hits the same addiction as Factorio for me
Dalouer: where? do you mean 5USD?
Earthenone: aww its not on !humble
JakeKamas: I did not
goatprince: i know nothing
JakeKamas: I thought it might have the ideas from your current run
n3ther: I always sell my ideas for profit
wildpeaks: we know nothing, Jon Snow
goombalax: stacklands plus dlc is 13.93 CAD on steam
Shadowner: i played this on normal and peaceful, peaceful is much harder
Mattmitchell45: Ideas tab just had that big red Notification identicator
JakeKamas: But I didn't know if it would have everything you unlocked from *every* run
Earthenone: its 8 usd on steam with 4^ dlc
Blythus: The developer of this game is named Sokpop, they make a new game every month!
Dalouer: @goombalax noticed.. thats just expensive enough for me to think a little longer
Didero: 'Sokpop' is Dutch for 'sock puppet'
Earthenone: the dlc said 3-5 hours in the ad from the start of the stream
TXC2: combat is a rumour eh ?
Didero: poop n trees n poop n trees
goatprince: you're doing what to that tree
goatprince: it is the sabbath day, after all
Didero: And what was HE doing to a tree
Shadowner: spells his name gawd
n3ther: at the park you say
goombalax: are we speedrunning over the bunny or did we just not hit yet
TXC2: no, that's Jesus, he's a gardener Kappa
Didero: @TXC2 Wasn't Jesus a carpenter, the natural enemy of the tree?
Earthenone: bunniless bloodmoon?
TXC2: Didero I guess the joke works better aloud with Jesus said the spainish way :p
Shadowner: abandoned effort though
Didero: @TXC2 Oh right, I forgot about that. Good joke streame-I mean mod :p
Earthenone: carpenters must be horrifying to trees, its not enough to kill them, they meticulously mutilate their corpses to suit acstetics
JakeKamas: Pretty darn good
Didero: why is your food snoring
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
beowuuf: @TXC2 great, i now have lou costello yelling 'heeeey zeeeeeeus!' in my head
TXC2: beowuuf :D
n3ther: Don't tell me how to sleep my life!
goombalax: snorlax has sleep apnea
goatprince: my dog snores like that but she's built different
Didero: why would i sleep when i can watch a canadian stack lands
n_mandrag: in THIS economy ?
n3ther: chat he's calling us out
shurtal: My dad snored like the Colossus super noise from the Xmen Arcade game. It was hilarious
TXC2: I'm 35, I've never slept properly once in my life
Didero: @TXC2 Oh hey, didn't know we were the same age
Shadowner: next everybody was kung fu fighting
totole654 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
totole654: 3 years
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, totole654! (Today's storm count: 12)
TheAwkes: I guess the ? on the pack purchases shows that you haven't seen every card they can produce?
Earthenone: a millennial at the computer store "ooh apple"
TXC2: Didero yeah it happened on Thursday, big light shorn on me and said "you're old now" and then my knees exploded :p
Didero: @TXC2 I realised I was old when my body discovered how to 'sleep wrong' and my neck hurt for 3 days
shurtal: Do you get wisdom by having eyes on the inside?
TXC2: Didero big mood
Earthenone: i think you made things pre ideas
TheAwkes: You've done other things without the idea. Like making sticks.
JakeKamas: I don't think you need the idea first, I think you just need the right combo
Shadowner: no you can craft thins without the idea you just need the right amounts of materials in a stack
n_mandrag: Ideas are not required for crafting... afaik, you had no Idea for the graveyard before
TXC2: we got a hungry boy
goombalax: what a chungus
Aceviru: Hahaha
wildpeaks: omnomnom
n3ther: your apple? no mine\
Didero: It's like these villagers don't even realise you're their god-emperor
JakeKamas: OOOH It only ate part of the apple
wildpeaks: half the apple :D
Shadowner: apple is 2 value 1 food
Didero: Because rats are small and fst
Didero: *fast
LithelyUnshod: It looks like villagers eat the oldest food first, so maybe use the newer food to plant
JakeKamas: No, an apple was/is two value two food. The guy ate half
Aceviru: Finally, a board state I can read
TXC2: maybe we have to add wood to fire to recharge it ?
circusofkirkus: do we need housing
Didero: And now simply plant the meat so we get meat trees
Shadowner: red are like locations
circusofkirkus: or is that not a human right in this game
LithelyUnshod: I don't think the red cards get used up
Didero: @circusofkirkus We did see a 'House' idea card earlier
JakeKamas: Might be a good time to build those resource locations or garden?
Didero: It's ok, the animal started it by being made out of meat
Earthenone: you made armor out of the last cow i think
JakeKamas: Man, now that I've said that I feel preachy. I wish there was a way to delete my own messages.
shurtal: But what if the animal was talking shit about your momma
JakeKamas: Sorry Ben.
TXC2: if you don't like hunting and killing animals, 2 millions year of human evolution may not be for you
lopidav: heyo
TXC2: Wheeler CLEARLY has not played against the Rat colony deck in Brawl to know this is a bad idea Kappa
TXC2: hello lopidav welcome
lopidav: wow, they added new sound effects
iris_of_ether: Oh hey, this game
Earthenone: i wonder if there is a turn limit
TXC2: hello iris_of_ether welcome
lopidav: turn limit?
Didero: @Earthenone I guess the time limit is kind of like a turn limit?
iris_of_ether: Hi TXC2!
FurthestChunk: reap and sow? we eat
goombalax: bout time bugs
ArcOfTheConclave: you're treading
Laserbeaks_Fury: will rabbits eat carrots
Didero: Gotta get a good food foundation before you can expand
Mattmitchell45: The new Switch release of this doesn't have Touch Controls :(
accountmadeforants: Maybe building things is for suckers, given how well things are going now
lopidav: rabbit is immortal and has no hunger
Didero: We may have too much food, since we're quite far over the card limit
TXC2: hunter-gathering was 200,000 years, farming was at least 8,000 years before writing, so this early stuff takes A LONG time
unicornery: Early game, sheds are your friend.
wildpeaks: the circus of valuue
MrQBear: I forgot this stream was going, I love this game.
Aceviru: Crack a food, get treasure pog
lopidav: try holding shift while dragging cards
Earthenone: for content wheeler, for content
unicornery: Poop is one time soil essentially
n3ther: umm what would you need poop for
TXC2: poop = grow food
lopidav: you can poke poop with a stick
FurthestChunk: their name is rabbitthew
lopidav: rabbit is the most powerful card in the game
circusofkirkus: we may need structures
Didero: Or the shed to increase card limit?
TXC2: we need to build monuments to man's folly and sheds
wildpeaks: we'll shed a tear to man's folly
unicornery: Putting the coin chest under the sell slot is a useful thing.
lopidav: i like how everybody in chat says "we" as if they are a part of the streamer
TXC2: it's the royal we
Hulyen: you can drag the chest to the pack you want to buy as well
lopidav: TXC2, maybe it's corporate we
Earthenone: now your thinking with portals
wildpeaks: now we're thinking with portals
TXC2: lopidav this chat is more a union then a corporation
lopidav: *thinking with portals joke*
wildpeaks: definitely not a cult
itsr67: what is going on
lopidav: TXC2 that's good
Laserbeaks_Fury: I really wanted orcs to come out of the portal
lopidav: the streamer doesn't even read all those tips, lol
Didero: Wheeler is far too busy guiding a civilization to read Chat :p
lopidav: Laserbeaks_Fury the game does have orcs
goombalax: in the arrrms of the aaangells
goatprince: i'm telling on you
lopidav: rabbit almost won, lol
iris_of_ether: benginRip
accountmadeforants: And people say getting a house is difficult
accountmadeforants: Clearly they're not cracking enough packs
lopidav: do try using Shift while dragging, saves a lot of effort
goombalax: the house was in the offspring recipe
circusofkirkus: time to make some babies
JakeKamas: Wheeler you are building a second house
JakeKamas: That's not enough wood
TXC2: now we're playing a Civ game, getting University before farms :p
Didero: And after getting nasty they can procreate Kappa
lopidav: accountmadeforants 99% of millennials quit gambling when they were just about to win a house
goatprince: they're doing stuff
Earthenone: time spent doing eachother
accountmadeforants: @lopidav They didn't get it twisted, didn't realize gambling is an investment and that they will win big
goombalax: I think you keep putting 2 wood instead of 3
TXC2: "a house? I already had a house" a sentence a millennial can only while playing a game :p
Didero: "I don't know what logic and reason is" -Wheeler, 2024
TXC2: *can only say
Laserbeaks_Fury: Baby needs to cook
Earthenone: can we sell the baby?
goatprince: what will you name the baby
wildpeaks: at least no one asked if we can eat the baby
accountmadeforants: A baby? I need need a member for my workforce! Someone take this nonsense out of my hands and raise it into a worker for free!
thraximore: Actually... can you sell villagers?
Didero: You cannot sell villagers, Wheeler tried
thraximore: woke game smh my head
Laserbeaks_Fury: so, are ideas needed to make the thing, or can you always make them
accountmadeforants: @Laserbeaks_Fury You can always make them, it looks like
h3rsh3yb4r: can the baby make bricks
JakeKamas: @Laserbeaks_Fury You can always make them, the idea just sticks around between runs so you can look at it later
Xenguin47: I'm finally caught up with the VODs! Oh no! Now I have to watch content in real time! The horror!
Didero: Might help to increase your card limit first
accountmadeforants: Dang and all it cost us was one single berry, who said babies are expensive and/or hard to raise
Didero: Wait, sorry, that's backseating
TXC2: 3 villagers, so now some drama enters the relationship
accountmadeforants: I don't think we've found out how we raise our cap, even. I think it was just with that one random portal event?
Laserbeaks_Fury: if you put a villager on a stack, will it just work through the whole stack?
Didero: @accountmadeforants No, we found the Shed idea, each shed raises the card limit by 4
thraximore: this game looks... easy to lose track of time with
accountmadeforants: @Didero Oh, I missed that
accountmadeforants: Did the shed pop out of the portal or did I conflate things?
wildpeaks: can you believe it's already been an hour ? time flies
shurtal: Benjamin "Two Sheds" Wheeler
TXC2: "the local counsel lets you have two sheds?"
accountmadeforants: Holy hell that Skeleton just did 4 damage
thraximore: skelton umbraShock
MrQBear: the skeleton is full of equipment D:
Didero: But we need two of 'em to make more!
thraximore: o7
TXC2: this Skelton fucks
circusofkirkus: quick buy more
accountmadeforants: Shows you for trying to sustain a peaceful society
Didero: Do you HAVE to fight him?
BusTed: NotLikeThis
goombalax: ResidentSleeper
wildpeaks: Welcome to Run 4
thraximore: F
Mangledpixel: well, I joined at a bad time
Earthenone: now we know to invest in the military
Earthenone: :P
wildpeaks: you went *a lot* further this time
Didero: oh jeez, time flies
TXC2: hello Mangledpixel welcome
accountmadeforants: @Didero I think the baddies go and start fights on their own, either way
MrQBear: This game IS very rad.
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
wildpeaks: see you're doing great :)
accountmadeforants: Oh yeah, I'll be buying this game for sure
MrQBear: @accountmadeforants Correct, they chase down villagers
Didero: @accountmadeforants So it just takes a lot of repositioning cards then :p
Meyari subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 110 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Meyari! (Today's storm count: 13)
wildpeaks: like Cultist Sim, half my time is repositioning cards to be pixel-perfect aligned :D
Aceviru: And then he came back and broke the game.
accountmadeforants: Oh, huh, this game's by Sokpop, rad!
accountmadeforants: (Sokpop used to release one new game every 2 weeks, and now they've "slowed down" to a "mere" one game every month)
IbunWest subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IbunWest! (Today's storm count: 14)
IbunWest: Away with ye, capitalism.
TXC2: IbunWest if only it were that easy
TXC2: and we're back
accountmadeforants: Locked in
accountmadeforants: It is on Switch
MrQBear: it also has a DLC or two, Right?
accountmadeforants: As of like... three weeks ago
Didero: Steam lists one DLC, with another DLC releasing this year
MrQBear: I need to GET the DLC, yeah.
SeismicLawns: i feel like this would be an amazing tablet game
h3rsh3yb4r: mouse? did someone say ratthew
Didero: Oh, I like that you keep the purchase unlocks
TXC2: we'll play DLC after Wheeler get James to buy the DLC Kappa
accountmadeforants: @MrQBear One DLC is out, one DLC (Stacklands 2000) has been announced
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: is this a clicker+solitaire combo
Didero: James has plenty of experience with that :p
MrQBear: Yeah, that's why he'll say no, right? Absolutely HATES lands. :p
Didero: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn That's not a bad description
TXC2: fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn it's more like them combination flash games
accountmadeforants: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn It's not really a clicker, given that it requires constant attention. It's closer to Cultist Simulator, if you're familiar with that game
rasterscan: Holy poop, here's a game I didn't expect to see on ITYC
rasterscan: Makes sense
MrQBear: @accountmadeforants Right right! Im very interested to see stacklands 2000.
YakkShakk221B: this villager is so well fed
Invitare: everybody was kung fu fighting
YakkShakk221B: a frugal dinner of 3 berry
rasterscan: @accountmadeforants Oof, flashing back to the constant stress of Cultist Sim. Cool game, little overwhelming
circusofkirkus: Girl Dinner
rasterscan: Vegans?
YakkShakk221B: girl dinner bitterHehe
SeismicLawns: trois baie
TXC2: if by 3 berry you mean 3 bottle of wine, sure
accountmadeforants: Frankly if I only ate two berries a month, it might also take me a week to pick a single berry.
YakkShakk221B: the other night I did in fact have 3 mushroom
nic_nax96: I look away and the house and a villager are gone?
circusofkirkus: 3 berries is a redwall ass meal
nic_nax96: did the rats get them
YakkShakk221B: no my stomach was upset
TXC2: nic_nax96 a skele got us
Sindraelyn: That's not what Stardew Valley says! You only use one for wine ashleySip
accountmadeforants: @nic_nax96 Skeletor came and killed us for not having weapons
MrQBear: Today wheeler learns that sweet berry wine is a misnomer, it contains only vegetables
YakkShakk221B: didn't want to have too much
goatprince: they berry's always greener, they say
TheAwkes: It could be the made with 3 kinds of berry kind of 3 berry.
Juliamon: triple berry power smoothie
YakkShakk221B: get on that berry bush STAT
TheAwkes: 🎢Berries and Cream🎡
thraximore: what are quests? up in the upper left
SeismicLawns: mmm 2 berries my favorite
YakkShakk221B: new development: Apple
SeismicLawns: apple moment
TXC2: thraximore it's what to do next to unlock stuff
TXC2: kinda
thraximore: trystt2Noted
YakkShakk221B: !card reap and sow
LRRbot: Reap and Sow [3G] | Sorcery | Choose one β€” / β€’ Destroy target land. / β€’ Search your library for a land card, put that card onto the battlefield, then shuffle. / Entwine {1}{G}
TXC2: that was someone's activation phrase
YakkShakk221B: Cow :)
YakkShakk221B: does our villager reproduce through mitosis
TXC2: that's mitochondria
Funkmastamike: the audacity
TXC2: it wasn't a OTJ draft?
Sibwow: i skipped it because i didnt care about otj draft!!!
YakkShakk221B: we've been had
Rootpotato: Wait what draft was it
TXC2: Rootpotato modern horizons apprantly
YakkShakk221B: get on that grindset
Juliamon: Bold of chat to assume this was a streamed draft
wildpeaks: pooped on by a cow ?
TXC2: Juliamon I was gonna say, just pulled up the VOD, and WHEELER IS IN IT :p
Didero: When did you get pooped on by a cow?
h3rsh3yb4r: how do you get more villagers with just one
h3rsh3yb4r: oh thats how
garash2k: heh, *fucking* go
TXC2: "everyone was fed, but all of them were deceived, for another hunger was made"
h3rsh3yb4r: is there a timer for when the card limit comes into play?
ArcOfTheConclave: @h3rsh3yb4r end of the moon
dolphgrim: Hi Ben! Long time viewer, first time chatter. I like the colors of whatever we're playing here. :) Also, my new apartment's garage just got broken into and a bunch of my stuff was stolen. So here's to forced garage sales and karmic justice. lrrSPOT
TXC2: it's under the sub notifier, so it's hard to see
TXC2: dolphgrim sorry to hear that, hope thing get better for you <3
dolphgrim: @TXC2 ty! conste14Crying
Didero: @h3rsh3yb4r Took me a while to see it too, it's the bar on the top right of the screen
MrQBear: Another good game in this vein is WitchHand, which is... well, this, but with witches.
wildpeaks: eggcellent
iris_of_ether: foxmarEG
h3rsh3yb4r: chimken
h3rsh3yb4r: wheelerFry
Didero: Not even gonna try to see if you can get a chicken out of it? :p
garash2k: M I X the flour into the bowl
thraximore: can you put more than one vegetable on the farm?
Didero: "My food production is not where I want it to be" *sells half his food* :p
h3rsh3yb4r: a weapo!
thraximore: spear! :O
Didero: That spear does 10% something
h3rsh3yb4r: you just beat that goblin to death with fist hammers
TXC2: "you come into MY FARM?!"
iris_of_ether: How dare
Didero: It's important to take regular lunch breaks when fighting poultry
KWardJenx: Honestly, this is THE most violent carrot farm I've ever seen.
wildpeaks: pooped on by a cow and a chicken, we're moving up in the world
TheAwkes: The way the coins landed in your farm makes me assume they'd land in a coin chest if you placed one there.
Didero: Is there a downside to getting a shed?
TXC2: wildpeaks we've made it to 90's cartoons Kappa
wildpeaks: LUL
ShaneLeeAtk: Love me a good Ass-Apple
TXC2: Didero Divorce Kappa
Didero: @TXC2 But is there a downside though? :p
TXC2: Didero :D
thraximore: monuments to man's folly and sheds!
AioliWashington: solitaire?
septomin: just call him benjamin two-sheds wheeler
h3rsh3yb4r: benji two-sheds
Didero: Putting cards under the 'Sell' area seems like it messes up your farm locations
thraximore: well calling you "one-shed" would just be silly
TXC2: so we'll make a note of that for OOFC
h3rsh3yb4r: Did you hear that Two-Sheds' 5 year streamerversary was this month?
shurtal: for a second i thought you put the baby in the quarry
jamesinor: "It's so chill" cut to ten minutes later and the entire board is on fire: "It was not, infact, chill"
h3rsh3yb4r: the kids don't say that anymot
TheAwkes: Mushrooms look like a good cash crop. 2:1
h3rsh3yb4r: anymore*
goatprince: so when are you going to get a goat in this game
h3rsh3yb4r: they say "rizzler" and "gyat" and something else i can't remember
TXC2: the kids that say it aren't kids anymore
wildpeaks: to think it's been almost 2 hours of stream, yet it feels like the break was 10 minutes ago, the time blindness is real :D
ShaneLeeAtk: So we floop the pig soon?
wildpeaks: oh dear
Juliamon: Nice and chill
thraximore: BETRAYAL
TXC2: run ender here :p
thraximore: quick
dolphgrim: wait, are we flooping??
jamesinor: And like that, my prophecy came true
thraximore: umbral4KEKW
wildpeaks: "you're an adult now, go hit this goblin"
shurtal: War is Heck
KWardJenx: It's a Miner-minor
thraximore: that went well
thraximore: umbraSmile
shurtal: It's Major Minor
jamesinor: I was joking when I said everything was about to catch fire
TXC2: Ben Wheeler: wont kill rabbits, WILL make child soldiers Kappa
quatoria: does the miner do better in the quarry?
thraximore: the minor is RIPPED
thraximore: y'all see that?
h3rsh3yb4r: the miner is pickaxing the trees
TXC2: that Minor is on a stack of Tren and Test no doubt
goatprince: i'm looking.
thraximore: a HAT
TXC2: goatprince perceiving even
thraximore: aww
h3rsh3yb4r: i thought this was the year of Hats
TXC2: Rumour: dark forest you say?
nic_nax96: Should the miner not be in the quarry? or does it make no difference
goatprince: your epm is eepy
SeismicLawns: you get to the point where you pause a lot more pretty quickly
shurtal: BDMpM, is that anything?
jamesinor: @SeismicLawns I was gonna say, he knows he can pause, right?
jamesinor: It produces white mana, Ben
h3rsh3yb4r: a magic wand
h3rsh3yb4r: wow
wildpeaks: ohh, fancy
wildpeaks: yer a wizard, Harry
TXC2: wizard gonna make a magic rock ?
ShaneLeeAtk: A wizard? Perhaps to warm you of certain rabbits? Perhaps named Tim
jamesinor: Ben, would you like a tip about the coin chest?
jamesinor: Ooo, traveling man
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
h3rsh3yb4r: stoned wizard?
h3rsh3yb4r: that was yesterday
wildpeaks: yummy
TXC2: ORDER? booo
Mangledpixel: bear bear bear bearrrrrrrr
TXC2: what's next, law?
wildpeaks: Uber Eats got the order wrong, we ordered a beer, not a bear
TXC2: chickens always want to fight
jamesinor: Oh neat, a corpse
h3rsh3yb4r: how do we get more people
jamesinor: Corpse Things
quatoria: a corpse? cook it
thraximore: @quatoria umbraHmm
quatoria: maybe wizards can re-animate the dead
ArcOfTheConclave: 2 corpses are 5 money
TXC2: h3rsh3yb4r we get them from packs
ShaneLeeAtk: Take it on madcap adventure
jamesinor: Is a bear claw a weapon?
TXC2: jamesinor yes
jamesinor: Is that something to look forward to?
ShaneLeeAtk: I thought it was a pastry
Mangledpixel: imagine feeding infants
Larkonus: You do, in fact, need to feed babies.
thraximore: PrideLaugh
wildpeaks: fed the baby.. to what ?
TXC2: "and that little baby James Howlet grow up to be a big strong Logan Wolverrine"
goatprince: dude i think that baby's a narc
DuelityGaming: I've seen trainspotting, not feeding the baby ends real bad
quatoria: oh apparently "make a villager wear a rabbit hat" is a quest
jamesinor: Cooked meat and the carrots should be enough, right?
quatoria: i'm excited for discount wolverine
TXC2: the children yearn for the mines
quatoria: oh apparently you turned the villager into wolverine
thraximore: let's go
quatoria: er, into conan
quatoria: not wolverine
TXC2: into Conan? well we'll just feed them hot sauce if they get out of hand Kappa
accountmadeforants: Oh dang I had to get away for a bit and now we've got Two Pickaxes Jones and the Ultimate Warrior
thraximore: imagine sending your warrior into the woods for supplies and all they come back with is a stick
Xenguin47: Hit it with a rock?
accountmadeforants: Actually, what makes someone a Warrior vs. a Militia
circusofkirkus: I saw 3 houses?
goatprince: quest: get a dog
Rootpotato: more farms means we can get more dudes
accountmadeforants: Eh, what's iron ever done for us
Mangledpixel: stronger than before
TXC2: accountmadeforants carry oxygen in your blood ?
Rootpotato: throw the corpse at it
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 That's clearly just busywork, what do we need oxygen for anyway
circusofkirkus: FROG MAN
thraximore: uh
thraximore: what are the corpses doing
circusofkirkus: quick buy
Rootpotato: so close
circusofkirkus: frozen with fear
wildpeaks: very good
quatoria: that elf put you on the SHELF
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Juliamon: elves: not even once
shurtal: Got SHMIXED
wildpeaks: elf'd son
PMAvers: That elf's putting your body on the shelf
accountmadeforants: You think the elf's pointy hat is its weapon?
jamesinor: Tabbed out, what happened?
Juliamon: Elf happened
jamesinor: He got Elf'd up?
TXC2: Alf came back, in fuck your shit up form
Dizzen_: knife ears tend to grind gears
TXC2: and we're back
jamesinor: Llanowar sends its regards
SeismicLawns: this is legitimately a game that's great to come back to and just say "what the hell was I doing" and just keep going without figuring it out
YakkShakk221B: I need soil
goatprince: big stretch
YakkShakk221B: berries to last us 3 moons out here
Mangledpixel: stremtch
goatprince: juniper would be proud
TXC2: big stretch after big eepy
wildpeaks: competition-level stretch
YakkShakk221B: hope Mulder is stretching at home wheelerMulder
mossknight497 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
mossknight497: I keep forgetting to reup my prime sub, but here's one!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mossknight497! (Today's storm count: 15)
TXC2: run ruined :p
YakkShakk221B: our villager will Starve
YakkShakk221B: oh there are berries yet
wildpeaks: I hope they never nerf carrots, it's such a convenient crop compared to the others
YakkShakk221B: chicken battle
Mangledpixel: that chicken was made from poop!
TXC2: every living thing is made from poop
Mangledpixel: true
PMAvers: From poop we come, and poop we shall return.
wildpeaks: from poop to poop, it's the circle of poop
goatprince: much like aphrodite, rising out of the foam
TXC2: every drop of water you have drunk was at one time dinosaur piss
goatprince: you, sowing: haha heck yeah
Mangledpixel: we are poopstuff
YakkShakk221B: foam =/= poop
Sibwow: or are we dancer
YakkShakk221B: locked in combat with RAT
goatprince: right, that was bubbles made from the wake of uranos' ween falling into the ocean
goatprince: or was it chronos?
iris_of_ether: Ratthew, angry at being excluded, attacks the settlement
YakkShakk221B: YEAHH
YakkShakk221B: new person just dropped
TXC2: Greek mythology went hard eh? :p
goatprince: i was unaware of the seed spreading
DuelityGaming: Chronos be like "snip snip mfer"
thraximore: Hmm. Sounds unsanitary
jamesinor: Greek Mytholoy: It was a whole thing
TXC2: god sticks dick in ground, makes life happen is fairly common myth
jamesinor: There's another version of that joke which I will not be saying in polite company
TXC2: jamesinor so you'll say it here then? Kappa
Cptasparagus: ive played 40 hours of this game in the past, and i'd buy it on switch in a heartbeat if it had touch controls.... so sad
Cptasparagus: same with Balatro
jamesinor: @TXC2 I mean, it's not exactly NSFW, but you probably wouldn't say it in a workplace
YakkShakk221B: carrot gamers
TXC2: jamesinor fair enough
YakkShakk221B: Two sheds Jeremy?!
TXC2: since time immemorial, he's been know as "Two Sheds" wheeler
wildpeaks: A tale of two sheds
jamesinor: Then Three Sheds Jed showed up, and his business went out the window
circusofkirkus: what is berry + apple
YakkShakk221B: Fruit salad!
circusofkirkus: fruit salad! yummy yummy!
YakkShakk221B: second rabbit
wildpeaks: delicious and nutritious
YakkShakk221B: twice the poop
YakkShakk221B: two villagers against one rabbit seems cruel
TXC2: YakkShakk221B and yet the rabbit can win
wildpeaks: niice
YakkShakk221B: holy shit
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: every card game needs foils
MrQBear: I forget if Foil is actually better or if it just sells for more
goatprince: foil? must be worth +50 chips
TXC2: foil soil? does it curl up too ?
FurthestChunk: i have a foil chicken
MrTulip: foil DIRT!?!?! PogChamp PogChamp
Rootpotato: does foil soil make foil gardens
FurthestChunk: also yeah like ten minutes of watching this i bought it and am pretty deep into a run, i am Chicken Maxing
TXC2: Foil soil makes foil mana right ??
PMAvers: Huh, that's neat. If you put the coin chest next to Sell, it'll automatically put the coins in it.
Earthenone: !card night soil
LRRbot: Night Soil [GG] | Enchantment | {1}, Exile two creature cards from a single graveyard: Create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.
thraximore: I wasn't going to backseat, but I do imagine that it's best to have things like quarries/lumber camps next to the stacks of stuff they produce
thraximore: that way they just pop off and land in the stockpile
thraximore: fair
Falannt: Hi chat, hi @LoadingReadyRun ! How are you all?
YakkShakk221B: Uh oh is right
goatprince: great !
wildpeaks: new friends
TXC2: hello Falannt welcome
goatprince: gooey.
circusofkirkus: can we buy anything
circusofkirkus: you have money
TXC2: if it's gen1 then they all have low speed
accountmadeforants: I just spent like a minute dragging my one villager away from a goblin until I rolled for a new one. This game's great.
YakkShakk221B: booo
sextuplenegative: sadge
accountmadeforants: Dang
YakkShakk221B: rough timing
TXC2: sure is
thraximore: o7
MrTulip: village wiped out by local slime
TXC2: thanks for streaming Wheeler
YakkShakk221B: slime arrived through the strange portal
Falannt: thing? Dice friends?
YakkShakk221B: this game looks sweet
YakkShakk221B: Thanks for stream bitterWave
wildpeaks: baii, thanks for the stream
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Falannt: Thanks you entertain us!
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
KWardJenx: Thank you 2-sheds. Was a fun stream
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Lovebirb) at Sun 04:00 PM PDT (3:01 from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Juliamon: (Molly & Dandygeek)
LurkerSpine: isn't it Molly and Ben?
TXC2: Juliamon ooooooh!
YakkShakk221B: hello Optimus
LurkerSpine: yeah Juliamon beat me to it
Juliamon: (Minec)Raft
jimber_jam: Extremely hyped to see LRR play SWU. Who do I get to thank for getting that on the schedule?
Sindraelyn: Do you like card games on motorcycles?
gualdhar: similar to a skin fluted
Juliamon: ooooh Angel!
iris_of_ether: Nice~!
KWardJenx: Nice!
TXC2: can you feel the power of the gladiators?
Rourke9: here right for the end!!
TXC2: hello Rourke9 welcome
Rourke9: excited to watch the vod :)
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
TXC2: Goodnight Everybody
KWardJenx: And now THAT's in my head