LoadingReadyRun: Ian's out of the office today so I'm changing the game from the schedule...
Earthenone: no ian, means you can sneak in a birb game :P
r10pez10: !heather
Earthenone: lrrSIG
TehAmelie: it's alive! something's happening!
TehAmelie: wait
Its_VeeBot: Hot... bird?
kusinohki: meows
TehAmelie: Hatoful Boyfriend is back?
GhostValv: D:
ShaneLeeAtk: Molly!
Juliamon: SURPRISE
Sarah_Serinde: Strict upgrade though
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Molly!
HasturTheYellow: AY
HasturTheYellow: Let's Go
TehAmelie: hi Heather! and Molly!
Its_VeeBot: Hello!
AussieBrainDoc: Hi to you both!!!
Its_VeeBot: !telljames
SaxPython: PogChamp FBtouchdown PogChamp
shurtal: #don'ttelljamesonlyblamehim
AussieBrainDoc: Power vacuum doesnt exist if you were always in charge :)
ArdCollider: I actually stole Ian. he’s in the grocery store with wedge_x. 🤣
TopHatPeezy: I'm just home from a gig, so defo up for some head bangers
CAKHost: Hello everyone!
NewtyNewts: Hat OR hair?!
kusinohki: no hat made of hair??
SaxPython: KappaRoss
nevermore913: That's not Ian
CAKHost: Would wigs count as a hat made of hair?
NewtyNewts: @kusinohki Must still be in that museum
SaxPython: MorphinTime
NewtyNewts: It's chest hair, it's not between his legs after all
AussieBrainDoc: Power move
nevermore913: Heather doesnt care about us
BalthusHomewood: I like the fact that the characters they just created are not in fact the avatars of the game, but are playing a game 😅
TehAmelie: is this Frog Fractions 3?
RealGamerCow: Have we seen anything new yet?
jubale1: it’s that runner game but different
Juliamon: Also headbutt
TehAmelie: a leg sweep sort of headbutt
TopHatPeezy: the power squat
TehAmelie: i guess we have two heads
NewtyNewts: Or maybe that's a kick?
nevermore913: Why don't they have arms?
SaxPython: MrDestructoid CurseLit MrDestructoid
Earthenone: !findquote tentacles
LRRbot: Quote #3000: "its tentacle time with Paul" —GapFiller [2016-07-16]
nevermore913: Tentacles would be useful
TehAmelie: if i had tentacles for arms they better give me eight of them
3and4fifths: How would you play ukes with tentacles?
kusinohki: I think I'll take 4 legs and a pretensile tail...
nevermore913: I've always wanted a useful taikt
nevermore913: *tail
SubatomicAura subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SubatomicAura! (Today's storm count: 16)
Dog_of_Myth: Oh snap, Molly is here!
PharaohBender27 tunes and goes "Molly!?!?!?"
PharaohBender27: *tunes in
NewtyNewts: Hard to interrupt the music, right?
Earthenone: sounds like just shapes and beats
Its_VeeBot: :)
TehAmelie: !findquote butts
LRRbot: Quote #4270: "Oh lrrEFF I forgot that they have butts." —Ian [2017-06-10]
HasturTheYellow: That's a big duck at 530cm
TehAmelie: ha, Ian is still with us in spirit
nevermore913: Elongating your neck to get more bread
definenull: And if you lose you 'splode
TehAmelie: like Ms Smilla's sense for snow, Heather has a sense for dolphin leaps apparently
Earthenone: we also need more robots at the olympics to have someone to root for
BrightstormRising: Somebody remember to clip that and send it to Graham for the next LRRimpics.
Earthenone: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:20 PM
SaxPython: Was this the game with the ghost archery? Or was that a rhythm heaven?
Juliamon: SaxPython Rhythm Heaven
SaxPython: <3
Juliamon: This one only has the dolphin
TehAmelie: i'm not sure what we're doing, turning a record into a hole punch card?
NewtyNewts: Third!
SaxPython: Clap clap clap
Earthenone: we lost to radiohead
nevermore913: Bronze metal is solid
NewtyNewts: Released October 31
r10pez10: !birb
Juliamon: FINALLY
SaxPython: Re: Looking like an NPC// I really enjoyed the Ryan Reynolds as Blue Shirt Guy in the movie Free Guy
r10pez10: this game looks great lmao
Earthenone: 22 perfects@
NewtyNewts: 22 perfects!
Earthenone: we will have our lewd pidgeon
r10pez10: oh it's an elim game
Bruceski: Y'all saw it as a final round once, and nobody was prepared for the Play being on the beat instead of befoere it so everyone was immediately KOed
Juliamon: r10pez10 it's like Fall Guys
SaxPython: Oh no the rings
r10pez10: i wish it would just let you finish the song until you break it
Earthenone: Takeshi's Coo-stle
RealGamerCow: COW
r10pez10: this is wild
RealGamerCow: Molly's face is an experience
definenull: The backing track is very good too
r10pez10: someone out here getting 100%s
SaxPython: Yo!
nevermore913: This seems impossible
NewtyNewts: That one seems TOUGH
definenull: PrideLaugh
Its_VeeBot: Molly is regretting every one of her life choices
nevermore913: Get that bread
TehAmelie: you never wished for rocket legs?
Its_VeeBot: "I have bad news, boys, I'm afraid you're in space."
definenull: Daft punk?
r10pez10: !addquote (Molly) [Now] I was not really expecting the day would hold a pigeon in a do-rag saying, 'Yo!', wearing Michael Jordan's number for some reason...
LRRbot: New quote #8938: "I was not really expecting the day would hold a pigeon in a do-rag saying, 'Yo!', wearing Michael Jordan's number for some reason..." —Molly [2024-03-03]
TehAmelie: who knew RPG stands for Rocket Propelled Pigeon
Bruceski: The others were bots
SaxPython: A+ R10pez10
NewtyNewts: @TehAmelie The people who named them aren't as good with spelling
SaxPython: MrDestructoid
LordZarano: Pigeons have in fact been released on a 0 g flight. There is video
r10pez10: it's very tempting to go grab this game so i can play along
RealGamerCow: These are based on actuial 70s songs. I spotted a Beatles one and a Pink Floyd one before
SquareDotCube: don't look too closely at the wallpaper
r10pez10: simultaneous-hold looks hard
SquareDotCube: just double up
r10pez10: molly what does that even mean
NewtyNewts: Second!
RealGamerCow: barely second
SaxPython: FBtouchdown PogChamp FBtouchdown
PharaohBender27: FBtouchdown
SaxPython: <3 Thanks for the stream <3
LordZarano: Oh it's underwear
adept_nekomancer: Bird Dancing Energy
SaxPython: BirD Energy
adept_nekomancer: A murder you say? But these are pigeons, not crows.
r10pez10: when i go i hope i say that
noSmokeFire: bobble
r10pez10: we can guess before i look it up
NewtyNewts: A junkyardful
HasturTheYellow: A wad
Its_VeeBot: New York City
3and4fifths: a squad
TehAmelie: a headbang
shurtal: real word flight. made up word, Problem
NewtyNewts: It's very Sask
TehAmelie: i mean, the collective nouns for animals are extremely made up
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs CurseLit lunarj1Fangs
r10pez10: "kit", "loft", "flock", "flight", "bevy
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
r10pez10: ", "dole"
r10pez10: anything you want, it looks like
RealGamerCow: Profiling, the minigame
HbombAndFriends: Ian looks different.
r10pez10: hired as secret agents
NewtyNewts: Toast crumbs?
HbombAndFriends: Corgo50
ButButTheJesus: just got here, hi heather hi ian
Its_VeeBot: "Did I do ALL the drugs or did I leave some for everyone else?"
r10pez10: hey wait a second
Its_VeeBot: This is a Rhythm Heaven game
adept_nekomancer: Big rhythm heaven energy, I agree
r10pez10: i have a need to make some widgets for some reason
Juliamon: This is absolutely a RH game
NewtyNewts: Ah, it's Rhythm Doctor
RealGamerCow: hitting on the 5 is weird
ANeMzero: gotta hate banner ads
ANeMzero: Clearly you need to subscribe to Pigeon+
NewtyNewts: It's hitting on beat 3 instead of beat 4, yeah
definenull: Churning butter
UtilityPunk: So long, and thanks for all the fish
r10pez10: very similar game
adept_nekomancer: Danger level: Dolphin
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Nice
NewtyNewts: Get ye back in the briny!
Its_VeeBot: Dolphin hell, or Dell
TehAmelie: such happy birbs
HasturTheYellow: It's like they're clay pigeons
Its_VeeBot: !birb
SaxPython: FallWinning
definenull: *pik*
r10pez10: !birb
LRRbot: Wark, wark!
RealGamerCow: the tuuuurn is very pigeony
r10pez10: sault, mood!, beak
definenull: At least we beat the ai
NewtyNewts: I tried playing along, and failed completely
mugulord: bik
r10pez10: the neck thing did not go well for me
Its_VeeBot: I peck in your general direction!
ButButTheJesus: doin a bit of scritch
SaxPython: I lost to the MrDestructoid
Its_VeeBot: !peck
Its_VeeBot: Heck
Its_VeeBot: What was that command
r10pez10: !birb
LRRbot: Tweet, twe-twe-tweet, tweet, squawk!
NewtyNewts: !y
Its_VeeBot: Ah we have multiple birbs
r10pez10: i think !bird works too
Its_VeeBot: Yeah I was hoping for peck your beak
Its_VeeBot: Loaf of Bread + Cheese Grater
definenull: Feels like a 5 loaves and 2 fish situation
Its_VeeBot: Guitartichoke
rabbitgta: Tiny arms and wings
CAKHost: We Dino Pecking now!
definenull: Wait how big are these pigeons
circusofkirkus: What is the Missing Link in the DuckTales universe?
TehAmelie: i think the answer lies in pants
adept_nekomancer: @definenull They fit on a 1960's-era record player, if the last game from the previous round is to be believed.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would argue that cassowaries rejected flight and are now one of the most feared animals for keepers
NewtyNewts: You can become mammal!
SaxPython: Spider Pidgeon
Earthenone: finaly, milkable pidgeons
UtilityPunk: You can become a pidgeonpede
SquareDotCube: USB-C choker
SaxPython: Best Buy Pieces of Flair
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also this conversation is peak Rhythm Cafe
rabbitgta: Y2k was something
Cptasparagus: Ian's hair looks great
definenull: Wow
SaxPython: @thefluffiestguineapig this is true, also we don't have enough clippers here
SaxPython: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
SquareDotCube: Church: It's Not a Cult!
TehAmelie: the videogames are gaming themselves!
SquareDotCube: literal metagaming
SaxPython: Many things can be great
TehAmelie: swap your bones and skin your fluids
SaxPython: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
TehAmelie: wait wrong slogan
SquareDotCube: I'm not rotating my body, I've seen legs for fingers
SaxPython: @tehamelie I think that was the Mozart game
SquareDotCube: *fingers for legs
Thefluffiestguineapig: If you can skin the fluids your milk has been heating too long
kusinohki: stretch your vision, cycle fluids 20 ft away... (I'm forgetting erika's break spiel)
TehAmelie: i can't believe we got through the whole finger legs thing without any Johnny Dicklegs references
SquareDotCube: organ your hydration
Earthenone: !quote game rhythm
LRRbot: Quote #5428: "I'm gonna lrrEFF you up, Lou Bega." —Ian [2018-10-21]
SaxPython: Boooo9
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah tipping a cow they might end up with the nerves to their lungs impacted to the point of killing those nerves
SaxPython: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Thefluffiestguineapig: Left with all your feathers still attached
gualdhar: woah, wait, who is this person next to Mollylele?
Thefluffiestguineapig: The version of this for Ready Set Switch where you needed to wait till it said “fire” was so good
Alness49: @Thefluffiestguineapig FILE!
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs
SaxPython: Buff Pidgeon
RendezVoodoo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RendezVoodoo! (Today's storm count: 17)
tod_vom_himmel: street smash 6
UtilityPunk: Guilty pidgeons sure look happy
r10pez10: i want to hear more chopin on bagpipes
SquareDotCube: make a Fuser-style app
TehAmelie: beep boop
SquareDotCube: then make your own mix of tracks from that game
NewtyNewts: Darn, we need to get better at counting
SquareDotCube: We'll send Snerge
Earthenone: ohh i get it, molly took over for ian, that explains the game choice. it was a coo
LordZarano: @Earthenone escher3PUN
NewtyNewts: Rhythm Simon
SquareDotCube: can you imagine the job "pigeon flatulator"
Cptasparagus: is she single?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @squaredotcube Yes because it’s surgical and all avian surgeries are unfun due to them being incredibly finicky on anesthesia
TheMerricat: Good news chat, according to google, Pidgeons do NOT explode if they drink carbonated water, they _can_ burp. But... bad news chat. "Birds' stomachs cannot break down the acid in carbonated water, which can cause bloating and discomfort."
PMAvers: Only human that qual'd!
TehAmelie: if your hands aren't sweaty are you even gamin'
NewtyNewts: Only bots now!
SquareDotCube: bat-pigeon
NewtyNewts: At least that's a bird and not a dinosaur
SquareDotCube: how is going against bots only win by default at that point?
SquareDotCube: *not win
ANeMzero: working down at the crumb factory
SquareDotCube: winning that bread
Earthenone: a fellow aubergine enthusiest
SquareDotCube: no bread left implies all grains are extinct
Juliamon: Have we seen anyone in sumo yet?
DEATHlikescats: anyone mention the mini rythm game in ff7 Rebirth? they updated the original piano mini game and made it an actually competent lil game!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also are any of these people from LRRchat?
SquareDotCube: a cup-of-'bility
SquareDotCube: medieval times in space
meepsalot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, meepsalot! (Today's storm count: 18)
NewtyNewts: Chat together strong!
UtilityPunk: Love the Clint Eastbird impression in this one
SquareDotCube: Take on Ben Ulmer on a duel, you'll likely win :p
Juliamon: the 1-on-1 rounds are brutal
SquareDotCube: don't worry, we'll get better.
DEATHlikescats: we got this!
HyruleGirl9: Oh is that where Ian went tonight
SquareDotCube: the punishment hole?
Earthenone: !holes
LRRbot: Did somebody mention famous Shia LaBeouf vehicle Holes??
UtilityPunk: no1PLOT One more bot to beat
goombalax: Owen Wilson pigeon: "Wow!"
NarfBlinko subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NarfBlinko! (Today's storm count: 19)
SquareDotCube: hock it
Juliamon: chew dot hair
goombalax: they're robots
SaxPython: MrDestructoid
UtilityPunk: This is how the robots arrived
SquareDotCube: oh no not Mozart again
HyruleGirl9: hall of the mountain king slapping even as bird
SquareDotCube: wiiiiiide screaming face
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did this break Molly
NewtyNewts: That's pretty, well...
SaxPython: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Alex_Frostfire: Glorious.
SaxPython: SingsNote BOP SingsNote
KWardJenx: Audience was ROWDY
Thefluffiestguineapig: Unless you know Hall of the Mountain King so well you can do it without hearing you might contain the laughter
NewtyNewts: Spare me my, life!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh it’s not Jordan! it’s the one fitness guy!! the “get those knees up ladies”
Thefluffiestguineapig: Richard Simmons!
Thefluffiestguineapig: If you got the Richard Simmons joke this is a reminder to take your back medicine
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh yeah, those glasses are now embedded in your nose
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this hammer horror style music?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I’m jamming to this
HbombAndFriends: Pigeon banned?
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is the origin story of the successor to Almighty Krankor
UtilityPunk: Photo finish!
Thefluffiestguineapig: This feels like it would be brutal training montage fodder for a down on their luck bell ringing choir
TehAmelie: this game is dangerous to my neck
TehAmelie: avocado? wouldn't a kiwi bird be more reasonable?
UtilityPunk: Time to embrace the avocado. No pit stops yet
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tehamelie Define “reasonable” here
Thefluffiestguineapig: Crop milk
goombalax: its like pigeon upchuck
Thefluffiestguineapig: So there’s three species of birds who make crop milk
LithelyUnshod: More like Almonds. they make it in their crops
PMAvers: Cousin of Blahaj?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Pigeons, penguins and one more I got distracted from by business shark
TehAmelie: that's unpossible
TheMerricat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crop_milk - "Crop milk is a secretion from the lining of the crop of parent birds in some species that is regurgitated to young birds. It is found among all pigeons and doves where it is also referred to as pigeon milk. Crop milk is also secreted from the crop of flamingos and the male emperor penguin"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Even less than alien music what is zombie music????
TheMerricat: "Crop milk bears little physical resemblance to mammalian milk, though in pigeons it's compositionally similar. Pigeon milk is a semi-solid substance somewhat like pale yellow cottage cheese. "
UtilityPunk: Techno marriachi seems cool
Thefluffiestguineapig: me too Molly
Thefluffiestguineapig: Lute chip tunes sound rad
TehAmelie: i never wanted to know that much about pigeon milk
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or alien zombie??????
Juliamon: This one sucked last time
Juliamon: the keys WILL MOVE
Thefluffiestguineapig: @juliamon That sounds like garbage
TehAmelie: wait how are the black keys staying there?
Its_VeeBot: That's a mean username
Its_VeeBot: "U died 2 a bot"
SaxPython: lunarj1Fangs BOP lunarj1Fangs
Cptasparagus: can we get a clean take on that?
Thefluffiestguineapig: He could recruit his murder to help him
TehAmelie: the pigeon is a mole? how many levels of espionage are we on here?
Its_VeeBot: hey
QuixoticScrivener: I remember the Hey Hey episode of The Tick.
TehAmelie: or wait, a pigeon is a snitch and a mole is a spy. being both has got to be hard
kusinohki: hey jude??
Alivewithcake subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alivewithcake! (Today's storm count: 20)
SaxPython: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
SaxPython: The mobile clip interface is butts
UtilityPunk: Feel like this one needs the guitar hero controller
SaxPython: @PharaohBender27 FBtouchdown
kusinohki: sounds like a s***** name...
PharaohBender27: :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: also will say watching you melt during Hall of the Mountain King
LordZarano: One of the collective nouns that wiktionary suggests for pigeons is "A dropping of pigeons"
Thefluffiestguineapig: was great
SaxPython: <3
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
PMAvers: Democracy!
Thefluffiestguineapig: I’m so exited
Thefluffiestguineapig: And James???
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or Serge?
KWardJenx: Thanks for the stream and loved having Molly. Please encourage Molly's return.
SaxPython: <3 <3 <3
TehAmelie: thanks for having us!