TXC2: Title change!
TXC2: Hello everybody
beowuuf: sergeHi
TXC2: hi beowuuf
Metric_Furlong: let's get ready to horse!
TXC2: we gonna smuggle space horse
beowuuf: maybe it's a doctor who game, and we actually smuggle large areas out in our jackets
Metric_Furlong: Space Smugglers In Space!
TXC2: a real estate scam using TARDIS technology
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a mysterious pizza
baltimore_667083: ooh delicious
beowuuf: it writes itself
Snowcookies: hello fello horse clubbers
TXC2: hello Snowcookies welcome
TXC2: baltimore_667083 having eaten the pizza, for the next hour you can...... hear you own teeth
corianderd: sorting out a tech issue
TXC2: no worries Cori
TheMerricat: Not being able to draw horses is NOT a tech issue. It's the foundation of the show! :P
beowuuf: escher3THUMBSUP
beowuuf: @TXC2 that's just so cursed :(
TXC2: beowuuf yes
Metric_Furlong: what if you can already hear your own teeth?
Metric_Furlong: asking for a friend
baltimore_667083: !badadvice
LRRbot: He's just a little guy!
iris_of_ether: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR Teeth.
TXC2: Metric_Furlong now they sing that song you don't like
Earthenone: lrrSIG
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TXC2: refresh for stream
iris_of_ether: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Metric_Furlong: @TXC2 urgh, I hate that song!
Metric_Furlong: also, while we're going live, there's a Very Normal Poll open that you can just ram your votes into (if you want) https://take.quiz-maker.com/poll5127601xc21f4D18-155
TehAmelie: it could only take one vote before being stuffed
TheMerricat: On a tangent from songs you don't like.... I was hoping that someone at brave New faves would be able to help me out but since we didn't have one this weekend maybe LRRChat can help me. I've had the refrain to this song stuck in my head for an entire month and I haven't been able to find it to listen to the whole thing to get it out. The only part that's in my head right now is a man with a deep voice singing I know I know I know I know over and over again
TheMerricat: And I think at the end of it he says something like I love you but I can't be sure All I know is it's an older song anyone have any ideas?
TehAmelie: There's no Sunshine, maybe?
Metric_Furlong: don't think I know it, sorry
corianderd: doesn't ring a bell
LordZarano: Ain't no sunshine (when she's gone)
TheMerricat: Yes. THAT
TheMerricat: Thank youi!
baltimore_667083: bill withers the legend
TXC2: damn what a snipe from TehAmelie
TehAmelie: i love it but i bet it would be annoying to just remember that part
TheMerricat: VERY! :D
Laurence72: Yay! I just got done watching the Headbangers VOD, and now for horsies!
beowuuf: horse!
TXC2: here we GO!
sophieghost: horse?
Metric_Furlong: horse!
beowuuf: hey featherweight! hey cori!
Manae: Well chat, what horse are you today?
TXC2: Hello Cori and Featherweight
iris_of_ether: Horse horse horse
TXC2: lightning good
sophieghost: So lit
Laurence72: The hosts are certainly lit!
TXC2: a spuggling game
Laurence72: Is this about bad kerning?
SymphonicLolita: if you ever feel bad about having a song stuck in your head and not knowing the title, just know that I heard a song in a movie in kindergarten and didn't find out what the title was until 10th grade
Metric_Furlong: Star War? never heard of it
sophieghost: clapclap
iris_of_ether: :D
Metric_Furlong: perfect lighting
SymphonicLolita: good presentation
TXC2: the BEST slideshow ever
iris_of_ether: Amazing
HbombAndFriends: So, we’re smuggling space?
Metric_Furlong: well, we're off to a strong start this week
Laurence72: Amazing start to the stream. 12 out of 10
HbombAndFriends: I think I have a backpack that could be use to smuggle some space.
Metric_Furlong: how hard could making a game possibly be, anyway?
HbombAndFriends: Cheer50
Laurence72: Would that make the cops... space heaters?
beowuuf: d6 due to star wars rpg
TehAmelie: i can top that. i had the first four words of Are you Going to Scarborough Fair stuck in my head for i think 25 years until i caught up with the Futurama episode where Bender plays it
Metric_Furlong: @Laurence72 get out. Kappa
Laurence72: LUL
TXC2: team d66, it gives you 36 options Kappa
beowuuf: a moon?
Metric_Furlong: a space pizza?
TheMerricat: I'd suggest playing Traveller, it's a D6 based game but I think that'd be like buying an elephant gun for opening a soda bottle. :D
beowuuf: @TXC2 like the aliens rpg
LordZarano: @TXC2 d6d6
Metric_Furlong: I think I saw Smugglers Of The Horsehead Nebula supporting Hawkwind once
iris_of_ether: Space Horse: Course to Course
SquareDotCube: tarantula nebula
iris_of_ether: Cori I was shitposting
JadedCynic: (Dark Horse Comics is still an active venture)
Metric_Furlong: @iris_of_ether what do you think Cori and Featherweight are diong?
JadedCynic: @iris_of_ether "there's no bad ideas in brainstorming" :D
Laurence72: I guess that since this is in space, mare-atime adventires won't work that well
TXC2: iris_of_ether what do you think this whole stream is? Kappa
iris_of_ether: @metric_furlong That's legit 😁
beowuuf: every nightmare becomes content, every shitpost becomes a rule
beowuuf: the only important question to answer is: do we have a half dead emperor who needs to consume something horrific to keep living?
iris_of_ether: I love everything about this
SaxPython: @iris_of_ether Don't Let Cori's memes be dreams
SquareDotCube: well, location #1 we need to add: an underground orbiting moonbase
Laurence72: Just don't get a bad roll, or you might find yourself... saddled with poor luck
beowuuf: roll! roll! roll! roll!
Laurence72: We'll try to spur them on
LordZarano: Probability graph of d6d6 is very... interesting https://anydice.com/program/483b
TehAmelie: a flat command structure, eh
iris_of_ether: So Cori: Have you seen the Space Stallions video? It's a student project in 3D animation
corianderd: nope
HbombAndFriends: Cortherweight?
SymphonicLolita: 🥚
Laurence72: Can we offer you an egg in these trying times?
TehAmelie: i was an egg for 35 years, imagine 1000
Metric_Furlong: Humphrey H Humphries?
SymphonicLolita: Coriweight Infringement
iris_of_ether: For chat, I'll share with Cori when she's not actively streaming
undecided44: Becker 'Beck' D. Corbin
JadedCynic: @Metric_Furlong the middle initial stands for "Horsehead"?
Laurence72: And his first mate, Mig Bac?
SquareDotCube: Anthax Canaveral
Metric_Furlong: @iris_of_ether wow, not thought about that in a while
Metric_Furlong: @JadedCynic yes!
SquareDotCube: 9 (in leap years, which planet's calendar don't ask)
TehAmelie: the Horsehead nebula
SquareDotCube: The orbiting underground moonbase of course
Metric_Furlong: bales of hay
SquareDotCube: Debs
Laurence72: Oatium?
Metric_Furlong: yay, I'm helping1
SquareDotCube: spending those grass stacks
TehAmelie: 100 straws per bale
JadedCynic: go abstract first - flesh it out later if you want to
JadedCynic: if you flesh out NOW, you make things progressively 'heavier' to handle :)
SquareDotCube: warp is a randomizer, it just keeps going until you get the desired destination
SquareDotCube: so it might take five minutes, it might be five days
LordZarano: Having to choose between taking more cargo or more fuel could be an interesting tradeoff
beowuuf: sliders? like law/outlaw, social/distant
beowuuf: and different factions like certain things
TheMerricat: You know you aren't in _one_ faction at least, the popo!
SquareDotCube: the ship runs on structured anarchy?
DrTeaSpoon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
DrTeaSpoon: Clearly a horse
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrTeaSpoon! (Today's storm count: 5)
SquareDotCube: But does Marty get a space bicorne or space tricorne? Or.. a space quadcorne? Hexcorne? Octocorne?
Laurence72: That's no... wait, nevermind, it is a moon
TXC2: oh course it's a moon it's got cheese and everything."
TheMandrew: Hoxxes!
TehAmelie: Two Robocops!
Metric_Furlong: Leslie
Laurence72: Over Miami?
TXC2: Ditalix b
SquareDotCube: Under Hard
SymphonicLolita: shrock
10of9: An-horse
TehAmelie: xD
TheMerricat: The Moon Robocops II of the Bojack system.
TXC2: rob-o-cops
beowuuf: giant cyber arboritum
ThorSokar: What we smuggelin'? Cocaine?!
Laurence72: If it was pyramid shaped, that would make it a drink to d4
SquareDotCube: So does that make the system "The Orion Pictures Cinemaverse"?
TXC2: ThorSokar well if we're Robocop II, we're smuggling a drug called Nuke
ThorSokar: specifically hand guns that make people explode!
SquareDotCube: minature rocket launchers
iris_of_ether: Yesss
LurkerSpine: Those aren't gunbales, those are firearmbales
LurkerSpine: Kappa
SquareDotCube: they -had- money, until someone started using it as target practice
SquareDotCube: Blood I
TehAmelie: or squimpire
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
SquareDotCube: Squid investment group
TheAinMAP: Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4
TXC2: hello Lysander_salamander welcome
Metric_Furlong: they're not actually squids at all, they're just from a planet that happens to be called Squid?
Mangledpixel: Squid Sovereignty
SquareDotCube: they're urchins
Lysander_salamander: unless they live on a planet made of squid
SymphonicLolita: nono, they're all marine creatures, but the squid went extinct
TehAmelie: Moriaster
ThorSokar: CLEARLY: The Good Ship Lollypop
TheAinMAP: The Reef
iris_of_ether: Chilblains
ThorSokar: hahaha
Lysander_salamander: the RMS Rickets
SquareDotCube: Use Your Brian
SymphonicLolita: cool rudders
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Scurvy Tentacle
Lysander_salamander: oh no, we've run out of Brians
TehAmelie: The Benign Tumor
SquareDotCube: Hungpf
Lysander_salamander: why though?
Mangledpixel: Use Your Brian made a typo when it came up with its name and doesn't want to admit it
Lysander_salamander: The q is silent
TXC2: the g is a glottal stop
SymphonicLolita: and the sister ship, the Bacqwhail
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Lysander_salamander: the good ship keyboardsmash
TXC2: Hungpf Bacqwhail is 1000% welsh
ScrapyardGhostTrain: It's not.
TXC2: if you have to ask if you should google something, you shouldn't :p
Texan_Reverend subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Texan_Reverend! (Today's storm count: 6)
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PST (48m ago).
Marvoleath: !previous
LRRbot: Sorry, I can only see the future.
LordZarano: Too many vowels and not enough y's or l's for Welsh
TXC2: LordZarano ah, of course
ScrapyardGhostTrain: (Psst, y is a vowel in Welsh. So is w.) :p
Mangledpixel: objets d'art
Lysander_salamander: !now
Metric_Furlong: Jeff
TXC2: Turducken Jeff
Metric_Furlong: Jeft
SquareDotCube: but it has a denim appearance so it's Big Jurts
SquareDotCube: Does Big Jurts have pockets?
LordZarano: T-2 til the launch of 53 satellites for various universities and small companies https://www.youtube.com/live/Q5mwlEeklrI
LordZarano: *T-2 minutes
SquareDotCube: nono, jurtle algae
Mangledpixel: it cures what ails ya
MrQBear: naturally carbonated by the process of it's canning! ' <'
TheAwkes: Holding out hope for the possibility of the TMSS (Their Majesty's Space Ship) Cool S.
SquareDotCube: smuggling illegal antiques
MrQBear: Squid with a cravat?
Kaorti: squff
Kaorti: squavat?
Snowcookies: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
MrQBear: Squid with a powdered wig is good too.
SquareDotCube: squid reposed on a chaise longue
TXC2: I feel like all these are just images of Squidward :p
SquareDotCube: so they turn scrap metal into antiques
Metric_Furlong: uh...
SquareDotCube: or is it vice versa
SquareDotCube: suggestion: sell scrap metal under the guise of antiques
vetchable: just popped by, whats goin on
TXC2: vetchable we're making a space smuggling game
Riiiiiiis: What color is the turtle algae?
Riiiiiiis: maroon?
SquareDotCube: what does it taste like if you let your turtle algae go flat
vetchable: like a board game or a video game?
iris_of_ether: HypeGhost
SquareDotCube: repair paste
MrQBear: @SquareDotCube I was imagining that's the 'aged stuff'. Over time, the cans become LESS carbonated.
MrQBear: so freshness is key. :p
SquareDotCube: gross michel
MrQBear: Mmm. They can the algae with random packets of koolaid mixed in? ' <'
TehAmelie: was it cherry or strawberry flavor they found in that alcohol nebula?
TXC2: well it depend which way they are non-newtonian, it might become LESS viscous if slammed
iris_of_ether: True TXC2
Riiiiiiis: it's contained in a sturdy steel container, not for pressure or anything, but for the light
MrQBear: makes it more palatable though. :p
SquareDotCube: no such thing as savoring food
iris_of_ether: But yeah, Silly Putty is a liquid but it shatters if you drop it from a height
SquareDotCube: "can't remember it tastes awful if you eat it fast enough"
TehAmelie: now i picture T-1000 made of silly putty
iris_of_ether: Yes correct
CAKHost: Hello everyone!
TXC2: hello CAKHost welcome
Metric_Furlong: Barren Baron
Riiiiiiis: Dried out Turtle?
SquareDotCube: strangely enough, "cheese" sandwiches. Not cheese by itself. They have an incredible metabolism fortunately
TehAmelie: amphibians are ambiguous cause they breathe air and water, right. so if they can live in space too they should be more than amphibian. . .trimphibian
SquareDotCube: salad world
frnknstn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, frnknstn! (Today's storm count: 7)
56 raiders from unarmedoracle have joined!
iris_of_ether: Space monarchy
MrQBear: The amazing world of Algae Co.
TXC2: hello Raiders
ThorSokar: Better than Tossed Salid World
UltimateSilence: Cam raid!
baltimore_667083: hi cam and co.!
TheMandrew: Are we turtly enough for the turtle cult?
SquareDotCube: Jurts mcgurts
TXC2: Turt Co !
emberBecky: unarmeHeart unarmeHeart hi o/
Mangledpixel: move over business casual, it's time for business turtle
iris_of_ether: HypeLUL
ThorSokar: or perhaps Mayo-Based Salad World
TehAmelie: turtco is clearly in the pocket of Big Hypnotoad
TheAinMAP: Could be some peace loving people on Turtle Co. They would be Turtle doves.
SquareDotCube: I feel like there's a scam going on there where they buy scrap metal low and then "fabricate" antiques out of it for above normal price
TehAmelie: the Free House of NRG
kiliath: !decks
MrQBear: The Wafflers House
MrQBear: they can't decide which side to be on
TXC2: SquareDotCube depending on how long they wait, that might not be a scam :p
SquareDotCube: All vehicles must be in neutral gear
excalgold: i have no idea what is happening here and that is just wonderful
MrQBear: Gasp. Non-Brand algae? It's canned algae at twice the size, but half the price!
TheAwkes: Bone extract.
SquareDotCube: planet brand algae
TXC2: Turtle algae: made by, from, of and for
excalgold: Synthetic Turtle Algae
TehAmelie: bone hurting juice
Simriel: BONE?
SquareDotCube: gummy worms
TXC2: Right chat I'm off
TehAmelie: laterz
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Cori and Featherweight
iris_of_ether: Have a night TXC2
iris_of_ether: Great night*
SquareDotCube: despite the name, Fuel Crystals are really meant to be dissolved in water and drank.
TehAmelie: nobody tells you but you can make fuel crystals out of sugar and water
TehAmelie: they are rock candy
SquareDotCube: want feels like an offer roll if you sell something and you decide to take the deal or not.
MrQBear: @SquareDotCube wait, i've been adding Fuel Crystals to my canned algae this whole time?! is that SAFE?
excalgold: D66? my traveller senses are tingling
SquareDotCube: (and then a skill lets you reroll once)
Rourke9: oh, are we game designing today?? heck yea
SquareDotCube: Johnny Jingles
excalgold: peak spacehulk name
iris_of_ether: The Barnacle
HbombAndFriends: The Daryl Ect
Rourke9: love tubes
SquareDotCube: A55 "Toroid"
TehAmelie: thinking of how Eve Online has units of 1 cubic meter of handguns as a trade good
SquareDotCube: "It looks better from the inside."
SquareDotCube: contraband table!
SymphonicLolita: imposter check
LurkerSpine: Yo I haven't heard this track before. This is cool
SymphonicLolita: anyone sus in here?
Juliamon: !sus
LRRbot: I can clear Serge; I was just with them in the Greenhouse.
iris_of_ether: escher3ANGRY escher3ANGRY escher3ANGRY
Juliamon: oh, speaking of Serge, he had some big news today
Juliamon: !serge
LRRbot: Where's Serge? In Alberta for a little bit. Don't worry, he'll be back in April 2024!
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
NotCainNorAbel: woohoo!!
SymphonicLolita: yes I'm glad his new home is no longer a health hazard
SymphonicLolita: (hopefully)
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3ANGRY escher3DOOT escher3ANGRY
Juliamon: (technically March 29th but I figure he'll need a couple days to settle in before LRR stuff)
ghyllnox: Oh yay!
TehAmelie: i haven't moved in 20 years but i remember you always have to plan for things taking more time and money than you planned
Juliamon: I've lived in this same house for 40 years, I have minimal moving experience...
excalgold: at least if he forgets anything it's at his parents...rather then a house owned by some one else.....we left so much stuff behind when we moved
iris_of_ether: I've moved on average every 2-3 years. It's a giant pain yes
TehAmelie: hi again!
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG
TehAmelie: brainstorm: maybe there's no law enforcement but people just feel bad about acting unethically. instead of running from the cops outlaws have to give each other therapy
as_ever_ellesandra: Space Smugglin, aka Spacgglin
Rourke9: me LOVE tables
LurkerSpine: zeen
as_ever_ellesandra: do it for the Zine?
MrQBear: Because Featherweight is here to fight the players!
as_ever_ellesandra: "You roll on the complications table after selling illegal drugs" "...you get a hang nail"
Rourke9: lets playtest it first to see if it works, and THEN maybe make a big table if we need
as_ever_ellesandra: we could make it 1d6+the illegality of the product to sate both sides
Metric_Furlong: we could make a table to roll on to see how many more tables we should make Kappa
SymphonicLolita: big brain play
ScrapyardGhostTrain: One of the complications should probably be something like "You got scammed - only 10% of what you agreed".
Rourke9: sometimes people are too systems-designer-brained (its me)
as_ever_ellesandra: This is the Scope Creep Chart
Rourke9: oh no
TehAmelie: can you really have a 1/6 chance of no complications at all? seems too easy
iris_of_ether: LUL
ThorSokar: oh it IS the Scope-Creep chart
Rourke9: this is why you need Producers, kids
ThorSokar: or the SC Chart for short
MrQBear: Ooh, add 2d6 D6!
excalgold: oh featherweight is a Shadowrun player?
Sylenctone: This is a beautiful process
excalgold: or atleast has -almost- enough D6's to play shadowrun heh
iris_of_ether: Suddenly D6 Exalted
Metric_Furlong: @MrQBear roll on the d6 table to find out how many d6 d6s we should roll!
TehAmelie: roll all your dice, then remove 3d6 of the lowest rolls. . .
iris_of_ether: 📈📈📈
Metric_Furlong: d10s aren't platonic solids, they're inherently inferior
ghyllnox: Am Featherweight ok
Metric_Furlong: no, they're not
iris_of_ether: They aren't
as_ever_ellesandra: d10's might be romantic solids
MrQBear: @Metric_Furlong Oooh.
ThorSokar: clearly D13s are where this is going
Metric_Furlong: d12s are also called dodecahedrons, which is more fun to say
Sylenctone: D12 best shape
Sylenctone: Counterfeit
TehAmelie: how many sides does a football have? they're almost spherical, but made up of pentagons surrounded on all sides by hexagons. . .
as_ever_ellesandra: another modifier that could be rolled on another table clearly
Rourke9: I've heard of game designers who test an MVP first, and they're all cowards
Metric_Furlong: sure it is, it's what you do to stop a feith Kappa
as_ever_ellesandra: google docs has special interests
as_ever_ellesandra: we won't judge
Rourke9: yea its bad
Mangledpixel: it's capitalized, therefore it must be a proper noun
daneislazy: you have to actually run the spelling/grammar check to get it to work, red underline is unreliable
TehAmelie: spelling is decided by popular opinion now. unpopular words just don't exist
Metric_Furlong: @TehAmelie RIP to abduce
TehAmelie: i liked adduct
Sylenctone: Flooded market? Low market price?
Metric_Furlong: I don't think 'things are fine' is really a compication...
TehAmelie: buyers turn out to like the kind of meat you are made of
ghyllnox: The seller was distracted and included something from someone else's order
daneislazy: that can cover the "want" category, there is demand for this, so ++value
Metric_Furlong: Space shrews are notoriously good at haggling
Rourke9: Goods are actually completely legal here - lower because people can buy it at the corner store
Rourke9: 'do a theft'
SniHjen: space smuggling, "this is impure space, you got some star in it"
SniHjen: why are you flipping a coin?
daneislazy: the coin flip is just a distraction so you can pickpocket them
Rourke9: Maybe rival smugglers showed up just before you
Rourke9: yea good list
Violentfrog: cmon, cmon, cmon, let's go space smuggling
Metric_Furlong: "your Ex was there and it got awkward"
Rourke9: !scope
TehAmelie: the vendor has heard about you (roll for reputation)
ThorSokar: The Vendor is your ex's brother
SniHjen: aquadrate
Metric_Furlong: @Rourke9 "your scope got crept' could work as a complication
as_ever_ellesandra: The vendor saw you across the bar and likes your vibe -1 credit
ThorSokar: If you get the grandma roll, there is an EXTRA roll to determine if the vendor loves or HATES your grandma
TehAmelie: okay how about they only sell bulk and you have to buy 5 times more than you wanted, but at -10% cost
Metric_Furlong: okay, but what if we added complications to complications? Kappa
as_ever_ellesandra: look if we're not gonna give you a hard time who will
Rourke9: Space Costco
as_ever_ellesandra: "If you thought crpyto mining rigs were bad on earth, my rig is an entire asteroid"
SniHjen: complication: can't find the contact, roll (stat)
TehAmelie: Space Abba has a song that goes "hay hay hay"
iris_of_ether: The Golden Fields Standard
SquareDotCube: Fiat? More like fiber
ThorSokar: Alternative: The vendor _IS_ your grandmother, you need to make a secondary roll to determine if she is: Proud or You, or Horribly Disappointed in You
Rourke9: Bargain Without Rhythm
SquareDotCube: Hay fever, not even once
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Cars are propelled by (low) explosives. Kappa
as_ever_ellesandra: I joined too late in the stream to get these in jokes
TehAmelie: is this gonna turn into Sorry to Bother You?
as_ever_ellesandra: oh dear
SniHjen: did you say: "you eat the hand and yor grandma turn into a horse"?
Metric_Furlong: remember early in the stream where they said that the buying and selling was only one type of mission in the game?
TheAinMAP: You are what you eat. You are a haymaker.
Rourke9: then you can do all SORTS of math
SniHjen: @ScrapyardGhostTrain well yes, it IS called a explosion engine
Rourke9: throw some Ink in and get some fancy If statements
SquareDotCube: A55 "Toroid"
ThorSokar: Stew's Diner: The Asteroid
Rourke9: Squempire
Rourke9: RIV Blaseball
as_ever_ellesandra: Its not blaseball *yet*
SquareDotCube: Vampire squids?
SniHjen: hollowed out, full of water, resort?
TehAmelie: you gotta enunciate the squIMpire
Metric_Furlong: Scrapteroid
Rourke9: that makes sense
as_ever_ellesandra: makes good sense
SquareDotCube: Dwayne.
TehAmelie: if you want to insult the squids, tell them space octopuses are much smarter and cooler than them
Metric_Furlong: yes, make the table bigger
as_ever_ellesandra: This asteroid is full of scrap!
SquareDotCube: "the extremely old tin can"
Rourke9: Turtles All the Way - in whatever direction gravity is
Rourke9: that makes sense, no consistent navigation routes
Metric_Furlong: Newest York
SniHjen: why did the space turtle cross the space road?
Rourke9: oh no, you got your Nodes all over my Edges!
SniHjen: to get away from you
as_ever_ellesandra: south west johnson
TehAmelie: squids have the best rockets, but since there's no rules for travel speed no one else cares
Metric_Furlong: Laserdiscs!
TehAmelie: engines?
excalgold: squid clothing
Rourke9: ~Perfume~
Metric_Furlong: Squilk
SquareDotCube: Fog machines
daneislazy: cargo pants
SniHjen: people
as_ever_ellesandra: No Squilk
TehAmelie: squid milk
excalgold: high quality starship paint
BIGBOBBY105: DinoDance
SniHjen: printer ink
ThorSokar: #TeamNoSquilk
excalgold: thats what i was geting at yes :P
TheAwkes: Gadgets, Greebles, Widgets, and/or Gewgaws.
as_ever_ellesandra: "I have tentacles can you squilk me?"
Rourke9: does Squilk come from the Squitty
SquareDotCube: So squilk is contraband?
SniHjen: hear me out: earth
daneislazy: Squilk is a multipurpose organic, both silk and milk, can also be used as starship paint.
SniHjen: fertile dirt
TehAmelie: i'm so glad to be a part of this
SquareDotCube: Squirt
Rourke9: Fertilizer!
as_ever_ellesandra: impregnated dirt is an illegal good
Rourke9: @SquareDotCube NO
excalgold: @daneislazy and in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics !
ThorSokar: Squild may also be used a Snomobile Fuel in some territories
SniHjen: ameroxCorn
iris_of_ether: Why is chat so milk obsessed this month :D
daneislazy: Stale Air
TehAmelie: squid mud, that can be made by mixing dirt and squid milk or ink and they'll never tell you which
ThorSokar: Sometimes the Squilk just comes for you
excalgold: Squd?
Metric_Furlong: @iris_of_ether it's milky march
Rourke9: Pregante
TehAmelie: squiud
SquareDotCube: Pregnante dirty
Metric_Furlong: @Metric_Furlong old country tradition
excalgold: i legitimately cackled and clapped at Squickid
SniHjen: valuable liquid? so printer ink
Rourke9: Various Fluid
ThorSokar: "Valuable Liquid" AKA Squilk
excalgold: squicklid? that
Lysander_salamander: squidlid
SquareDotCube: Sqweat
TehAmelie: ooh space printer ink could be a real one
accountmadeforants: Licksquid
Rourke9: Fermented Squilk
iris_of_ether: PridePaint
excalgold: "liquid" "yes but what kind of liquid?" "yes"
ThorSokar: Squime
SniHjen: you sent Cori swimming down the gutter
Lysander_salamander: squilk sounds great
Metric_Furlong: yeah, it's no New East Dwane
GrizzmastahFlex: You should see Old Dwane
TheMerricat: I think our Cori is broke chat.....
accountmadeforants: Okay, but how much is Valuable Liquid (From Squid)?
Lysander_salamander: ink?
ThorSokar: Squilk also sold under the brand Squime's Best (With a picture of a Chuthulu being milked on the box)
TehAmelie: they use every part of the squid's liquids
excalgold: wait is there a new East Dwane too? or Central Dwane?
TehAmelie: squid phlegm, or squlegm
SquareDotCube: Now I want portmanteau machines as an illegal trade good.
Rourke9: Put that scrap in the LIQUIDIZER
Metric_Furlong: @excalgold there is a new east dwane and a new south dwane, but no new north dwane because north dwane couldn't be improved on
accountmadeforants: @ThorSokar I miss the old-school Squime's Best art. Ever since they updated the design I just don't feel my sanity seeping away from me anymore :(
ThorSokar: @accountmadeforants I KNOW, what cowards!
Metric_Furlong: yes! more tables! can't possibly scope creep with more tables!
Rourke9: oooh like maybe the authorities recognize you
SniHjen: SingsNote even new west dwayne, was once new johnson' lab
as_ever_ellesandra: I was very worried we were going to be talking about a squilk quality table
TehAmelie: i've heard of bottom up design and top down design, but are we doing linear design?
daneislazy: Space error (in your favour)
SquareDotCube: 3: you need the restroom
Rourke9: On your last trip the Space Sharks caught the scent of your Squid Milk Paint
ThorSokar: 2: You turn around too fast and 1/2 of your Squime's Best spills in the hold
Rourke9: and now theyre back for me
SquareDotCube: Add one to fuel cost
Rourke9: More
TehAmelie: meteorite shower, everyone freezes in fear, slight delay for repairs
excalgold: Illegal turtle frescos
SniHjen: @TehAmelie -1 stabilty
Metric_Furlong: add a market change table?
TehAmelie: wait it's meteor shower
Rourke9: ooh i like market changes a lot
daneislazy: navigation error, you go somewhere new instead
ThorSokar: yea, MAYBE they just got a shipment of Squime's Best, OR their shipment is late and everyone is getting the shakes like in a TOOL video
daneislazy: oh no! our margin!
Lysander_salamander: very descriptive words
SquareDotCube: Show glands
TehAmelie: this is gonna be. . .baleful
Metric_Furlong: this might be the most broken we've ever gotten on horse club;
SniHjen: ameroxCorn
as_ever_ellesandra: I can't believe the squids would post Glands on main
Juliamon: I hope everyone's been clipping this whole episode
ThorSokar: #SubscribeOnlyGlands
SniHjen: squids were a mistake
TheMerricat: Can you include the entire vod in a highlight?!
TheMerricat: You remember when this was just a simple KISS game about smuggling in space chat? :D
Juliamon: TheMerricat Alas, but you can suggest it to mtvcdm for the Greatest Hits playlist
TehAmelie: it's so hard to clip 15 minutes of continuous laughing
Metric_Furlong: wow our engines SUCK
as_ever_ellesandra: the slow space slime has deemed this route its home
as_ever_ellesandra: and you may not make another path
Lysander_salamander: giant space gelatinous cube
SquareDotCube: Speed trap
Metric_Furlong: get that Squilk!
TehAmelie: why didn't we get into safe and relaxing squid dairy farming
Lysander_salamander: the royal dirt-farmers
SquareDotCube: We gotta find somewhere abandoned
as_ever_ellesandra: "I'm gonna milk these nobles for all they're worth"
ghyllnox: Would you rather it be pleasant for the squids?
SquareDotCube: Working the squirt
Metric_Furlong: well obviously there's no oxygen, the game's set in space
TehAmelie: in space, no one can hear your sensible chuckle
Metric_Furlong: spaceship spaceyard
TehAmelie: let's hope we don't have a valuable liquid spill
Metric_Furlong: shipyards always have valuable liquid, because we previously established that spaceships are painted with squid milk
as_ever_ellesandra: yeah, the valuable squid liquids
TehAmelie: it's why they call it the Milky Way
Metric_Furlong: @TehAmelie *the squilky way
TehAmelie: oh right
Metric_Furlong: the consistency of valuable liquid is not to be underestimated
TehAmelie: the squilk road, for those who want to believe it's squid silk and not milk
as_ever_ellesandra: when the teets of the squids go dry the markets will spike in demand
SquareDotCube: Barren planet or baron planet?
Metric_Furlong: Yes!
Rourke9: yes
as_ever_ellesandra: or the squilky way both good
TehAmelie: yaas
Lysander_salamander: crossing the squids with catterpillars, like those spider-goats
Juliamon: were you though
TheMerricat: X
excalgold: a trade route for Squicklid!
TheAwkes: Ah, yes. A Space Habitrail.
ThorSokar: YEA, and NOW, it has a Catchy Name, who's gonna FORGET about The Squilk Road?
GrizzmastahFlex: and to imagine, you have 30 more minutes of this!
as_ever_ellesandra: Thirstin for Squilk?
ThorSokar: "goes down smooth, just like mom's silk used to"
Lysander_salamander: Come on down to Dave's Squilk Barn, where you can get either squid silk or squid milk. But not both and you don't know what you'll get until after purchase.
Metric_Furlong: Dennis
SquareDotCube: Studebaker
TehAmelie: Extinct Banana
TheAwkes: Bob's Builders
Juliamon: Dennys
Metric_Furlong: @Juliamon Denise
excalgold: Kevinford Orbital build-a-ship workshop
as_ever_ellesandra: Squilk Base Alpha?
Lysander_salamander: Archibald
SquareDotCube: Zoom zoom go fast
TehAmelie: Port Applebee
daneislazy: Outback Shipyard
Lysander_salamander: the unfortunate happanstance
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Akbar's Used Spaceships
excalgold: (Kevinford is of course the squid that discovered the many uses of Squicklid) wait what faction does it belong to ?
SquareDotCube: Sir this is a
iris_of_ether: When You're Here, You're Squamily
Metric_Furlong: "port Denisford, that's where I'm stopping" - opening lines of a famous space shanty
Lysander_salamander: yay
Metric_Furlong: they sell a lot of cosmetics
Rourke9: that makes sense
TheMerricat: So one thing I don't think has been addressed... or if it has I forgot already, but is there an endgame to this game? Or are you locked in till you inevitablly run out of money or stream time? :D
TehAmelie: octopus republic
TheAwkes: The Buckaneyes, a totally legal pirate consortium.
excalgold: Dolphin Dominion
as_ever_ellesandra: Squilk and OctoBananas
Metric_Furlong: the Frog Barony
Thefluffiestguineapig: @excalgold Danger Level Dolphin as per Rhythm Cafe
SquareDotCube: Pirate Emporium
TehAmelie: prosthetic limbs?
excalgold: 'gently' used starships ?
SquareDotCube: Candy
as_ever_ellesandra: They are all required to have glocks in their rari
SquareDotCube: Ayy finally
beercraftsman13: hi
TehAmelie: how about wood? for those radar invisible spaceships
excalgold: is the currency backed by Turtle Algae? it seems to be a pretty stable commodity...
beercraftsman13: wow
N8Maple: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW lrrHEART
Rourke9: delicious
beercraftsman13: thailand 55 Ypyoyo
dumbo3k: Octo-Juice?
SquareDotCube: What's the name?
SquareDotCube: Red lettuce
excalgold: Arrrgon IV
TehAmelie: Skull Island
TotallyNotaBeholder: Bob
Lysander_salamander: Margolis?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @excalgold Same as "gently" used cars, the easily assessable damage is always acceptable, you have to know what you're doing to truly know what's going on
Rourke9: Kerry Silver
Metric_Furlong: Banff
Sylenctone: Wilbur
Lysander_salamander: sounds great
TehAmelie: Henry VIII
SquareDotCube: Blunders' Buss
TheAwkes: ^
excalgold: RoboCop is home of cyborg pirates clearly
as_ever_ellesandra: Robo Cop 2 is literally the size of an robocop
excalgold: coolent, the battery is rechargable but the coolent canisters have to be changed each shot....what no i havent done a lot of thinking about Laser muskets
as_ever_ellesandra: Death, Retire, Squilk Farmer
daneislazy: 144 money, retire champions
daneislazy: but only if you are on a lush planet
Rourke9: is Valuable Liquid... explosive?
Metric_Furlong: yay, scope creep time
Rourke9: Hiring?
SquareDotCube: How about some name brainstorming
TehAmelie: i guess when you lose you calculate your score based on locations visited, successful trades or whatnot
as_ever_ellesandra: "Comptent Captain" +1 to all table rolls
Sylenctone: Crew in local drunk tank
SquareDotCube: "Negotiator" reroll the cost of an item for sale
Rourke9: nice to have a thing to spend all the money you get, yea
daneislazy: rep & heat could just modify the selling complications rolls
Rourke9: that could also be a way to disincentivize backtracking
as_ever_ellesandra: we joked about tables expanding but adding say, negative results for complications so if you have heat you can start rolling 0 on your d6 and be in trouble
SquareDotCube: future places
Rourke9: Tracery Grammar for making names
Rourke9: Yea, but there can be multiple ways
daneislazy: where if you backtrack you always roll a 1 and double the cost
Rourke9: or it could remove the need for another system
Rourke9: if something is filling multiple roles
SquareDotCube: a trend system that changes what's on the goods table
as_ever_ellesandra: making people name traders they piss off
SquareDotCube: so if it's out of trend you can only sell for a single d6
Rourke9: yea I like that!
TheAwkes: Just accidentally a whole 4X from the ground up.
iris_of_ether: Thank you for space piracy!
Rourke9: not related to this
daneislazy: "This was fun" *frowns*
Rourke9: I WONT be thinking about Squitties all week
SquareDotCube: the creative hivemind of chat as usual
iris_of_ether: Squid1 Squid2
SquareDotCube: what we have learned: don't give us squid to portmanteau
Rourke9: :)
as_ever_ellesandra: we're all accomplices at this point
TheAwkes: #NotSorry
as_ever_ellesandra: what if we mail a hard copy of The Squilk Road
iris_of_ether: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
daneislazy: you don't need to apologise for being entertaining (probably)
Rourke9: thank you for stream!
SquareDotCube: I thought it went to Ottawa, Canada
Styxseus: The letter just says "Sorry about the squilk."
LordZarano: !pobox
LRRbot: LRR has a PO box! Bionic Trousers Media Inc., PO BOX 8132 Victoria Main, Victoria, BC V8W 3R8, Canada. If received, your mail may be featured in a Mail Time. Please ship responsibly.
SquareDotCube: the squture
TehAmelie: ask the post office for how to package squilk safely
iris_of_ether: Goodsquye
TehAmelie: good news: it does not require cold storage. bad news: that
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TehAmelie: thanks for the stream
Metric_Furlong: phenomenal job everyone
iris_of_ether: seabatClap
CAKHost: Thanks for the stream!
Metric_Furlong: top 10 stream of the decade contender there
TehAmelie: time to go over the vod and compile a squllk supercut, or squtt
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: HELLDIVERS 2) at Mon 05:00 PM PST (1:05 from now).
TehAmelie: oh no, no time for that
Metric_Furlong: but there is still time to vote in a Very Normal Poll, if you want to https://take.quiz-maker.com/poll5127601xc21f4D18-155
Metric_Furlong: (4 Furlong Points™ still available for anyone playing the guessing game)
Lysander_salamander: Are these actual anime with puzzle names?
Metric_Furlong: yes
Metric_Furlong: this is going to determine my to-watch list order
Lysander_salamander: Are they all vampire themed?
Metric_Furlong: no
Lysander_salamander: just two of them?
Metric_Furlong: 2 of them are, 1 of them isn't, the remaining one might have vampires in it at some point but I don't know
Metric_Furlong: (I've not seen any of them yet)
Lysander_salamander: Vampire knight? And I'm not sure what the other one is. Something involving the church?
Lysander_salamander: Unless Fang Canon is like, snakes or maybe cats
Metric_Furlong: Sir Culation is vampire knight, yes
Lysander_salamander: :D
Metric_Furlong: well done, have a Furlong Point™
Juliamon: oh, I'm sorry
Metric_Furlong: for what?
Juliamon: (I just didn't like the show, it was very uninspired)
Metric_Furlong: oh right
Metric_Furlong: eh, well we'll see. It's on the list because I try to give more of a chance to shows that were directed by women
Metric_Furlong: becasue there are not a lot of them
Juliamon: yeah that's fair
Juliamon: it's been a long time since I've seen it so I can't really give any specific 'this is why it sucks'
Juliamon: I've never had much of a stomach for shoujo tho
Lysander_salamander: I have such a backlog of anime I want to watch.
Metric_Furlong: @Lysander_salamander I mean, if you need a method of deciding on an order... Kappa
thavleifrim: I have come to accept that I will never catch up to my backlogs
Metric_Furlong: huh, 18 votes and a three-way tie for first place
Metric_Furlong: I don't think that's happened before