Metric_Furlong: it is indeed tuesday
Didero: See, I did know today is Boardgame Club Day, but I didn't connect that with being Tuesday, for some reason
Didero: Finished this LRR VOD on time too, yay
Didero: Somebody sounds awake :p
TXC2: and he hasn't even had his coffee
Didero: I find it hard to believe that Serge doesn't have any coffee in him at any given time
TXC2: it's a Myth that Serge drinks a lot of coffee, he drinks GOOD coffee
SergeYager: ^^
SergeYager: i drink the exact right amount of coffee
Didero: Fair enough
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
SergeYager: well hello and goodbye there friends :)
shurtal: i'm surprised i'm here to catch this live
johkmil subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, johkmil! (Today's storm count: 2)
TXC2: Refresh for stream
SergeYager: welcome shurtal
GhostValv: sergePeek
r10pez10: i love balatro i put 40 hours into it and only beat it 3 times
SergeYager: is it early or late for you? hah
SergeYager: Balatro is legit hard
shurtal: psaBig lrrSERGE
NewtyNewts: It's overly addictive to be sure
Didero: The 'Offline' screen briefly blinked, instead of showing the 'Going Online' screen for me, thanks Twitch
hiFunko: For a second I really thought Serge got up at 6am to Helldive because he had The Fever
shurtal: Early
shurtal: and on a day off too
SergeYager: it's tempting funko lol
TXC2: hello hiFunko
SergeYager: sometimes its nice to get up early on a day off
Stormgod519 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
Stormgod519: hey, just in time for 30 MONTHS!!! holy moly. good morning to all. I will be busy working the polls here in the U.S. all day. reminder to VOTE!!! have a great day yall
hiFunko: balatro is also a The Fever situation
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stormgod519! (Today's storm count: 3)
baltimore_667083: i see i got back from voting just in time
r10pez10: both balatro fever and helldivers fever, this man is sick
hiFunko: so many good video games right now
ekplayscards: lol saw this balatro stream coming from a mile away
NewtyNewts: Is helldivers a game playable solo, or do you need a squad to get the most enjoyment out of it?
SergeYager: this is only my..... 12x time streaming the game ek?? i don't have a problem. you have a problem
hiFunko: It's best with friends, but I've had a lot of fun playing with rando players
hiFunko: solo can be done, but it's very challenging and not what the game does best
hiFunko: The VOD from last night is a great snapshot of the game
Stormgod519: you got this. aight, I gtg. my polling station opens in a half hour
Stormgod519: take care yall
SergeYager: go go go vote <3
hiFunko: o7
NewtyNewts: Maybe I'll go back and rewatch the vod then, see if it clicks with me
TXC2: so long Stormgod519 good luck voting
ekplayscards: @sergeyager I do have a problem lol. I have to live vicariously through you because I haven’t had time to play it myself lol
TXC2: Here we GO!
Stormgod519: @txc2 I’m helping others do that lol
baltimore_667083: @SergeYager super tuesday is wild
Stormgod519: anyways, cya chat and serge.
TheAinMAP: Hello.
MrBevers: @ekplayscards same EK
hiFunko: I love card
TXC2: Hello Serge
ekplayscards: @mrbevers ekdesiH
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Didero: sure blame us
joallthedogs: lrrSHINE
MrBevers: @ekplayscards morning bud ;)
jacqui_lantern234: unfortunately for me 10 x 0 = 0 :p
NewtyNewts: I've got a problem that I'm not playing it right now
Didero: By streaming it, you've turned a Balatro problem into a Balatro solution
TXC2: I don't own Balatro, so yes I do have a balatro problem :p
terrorfecta subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, terrorfecta! (Today's storm count: 4)
joallthedogs: tqsEgg
shurtal: well, according to PEGI, Belatro is a problem, considering they did an emergency re-rating to 18+ for "Gambling"
Mushbie: chaimoteEggshoot
hiFunko: spike into some interest buffs and let's go
pyrelight: money is egg.
Didero: Wheeler was a bit down on Balatro, but Egg Deck might convince him
hiFunko: oh i guess it's just off?
Gen2Gengar: Hello Serge, hello chat!
hiFunko: hmm
TXC2: shurtal such BS there
999Lucas: I like the card games like belatro. ive been playing a game called rougejack that uses blackjack instead of dice for the battle system.
Didero: What do those Jokers do?
TXC2: hello Gen2Gengar welcome
hiFunko: We could generate cash if we can reliably create consumables to sell
SpleenLord: Egg!
Didero: Oh so that's how you earn money
shurtal: @TXC2 especially considering FIFA, with it's gacha pull bs is still 3+ or whatever it's rating is
TXC2: shurtal yeesh
jacqui_lantern234: i have ALSO broken eggs, am i right my fellow trans folks?! KappaPride
hiFunko: I would be greedy and go for a 2 discard, exactly once
TheDevil_Risen: Serge!
Didero: Since there's four suits, if you discard four cards, success is 100% guaranteed, that's just math
pyrelight: i think discarding the 2-3 would be aiming for 2 pair to eventually go for full house
TheDevil_Risen: loll
r10pez10: i have no idea how you personally manage to get so many full houses
jacqui_lantern234: funko did nothing wrong :p
TXC2: and make TQ angry? I think not
EJGRgunner: good morning... Egg?
SpleenLord: Maybe you shouldn't have discarded the aces
hiFunko: Hey I didn't say immediately throw away the two aces
r10pez10: they're only worth 1!
Gen2Gengar: or 11
bensmith0987 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bensmith0987! (Today's storm count: 5)
Metric_Furlong: "I can't believe I'm not earning money from gambling!"
ShaneLeeAtk: sergeOffByOne
pyrelight: flush
ekimekim: even a high pair should get you there right?
jacqui_lantern234: but serge, you dont do math before noon :p
hiFunko: pairing 8s and 6s
EJGRgunner: 2 hands, just double high card?
hiFunko: dump the rest
NewtyNewts: J643 maybe so you get points still?
ekimekim: wait you have 2 hands, yeah double high card
Didero: High Card is just a 1x multiplier, right?
hiFunko: I love ancient joker
NewtyNewts: Ooh, money option though
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Tuesday, friends!!! lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
TXC2: hello Xed_Regulus welcome
ekimekim: wow yeah sell egg go hard into clubs
Gen2Gengar: is it really worth 5 bucks a round to not have any multiplier?
hiFunko: each time
hiFunko: each suited card
ekimekim: oh wait it changes each time
SnyperWoIf: EGG
hiFunko: it changes each round
NorthstarTex: good morning serge and chat *sips V60 brewed coffee*
SpleenLord: Who says that?
TXC2: hello NorthstarTex welcome
SnyperWoIf: @NorthstarTex What coffee you brew?
Woogachaka subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
hiFunko: clubs are money for us
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Woogachaka! (Today's storm count: 6)
NewtyNewts: Or two clubs
Metric_Furlong: the pair of whats, sorry?
SnyperWoIf: 3/32?
Didero: Wait, cards don't give mutlipliers, just chips, right? So the order of the cards doesn't matter for that joker, or am I thinking wrong?
NorthstarTex: @SnyperWoIf Caribou Coffee Reindeer Blend (it was in bulk and on sale :D )
NewtyNewts: Chiiiiiips
SnyperWoIf: yes, the card order matters
Seth_Erickson: Oh you're challenge running
ArkhamArchivist: doesn’t matter yet but it’s good to be in the habit when there’s +mult on play
ekimekim: yes, "when this card is scored" jokers apply when each card is scored (in order of the jokers, if multiple apply)
SnyperWoIf: egg egg egg!
GhostValv: sergeThankJo
TheManaLeek: Multi Egg 👀
r10pez10: some jokers also care about the order of the played cards
SnyperWoIf: Glass is good
hiFunko: it will rotate evenly through suits, which is nice
SnyperWoIf: it gets rid of itself!
SpleenLord: Ace is ace
hiFunko: it protects you from going too ham on one suit
NewtyNewts: cards played, then cards in hand, then joker slots, then consumable slots
ekimekim: glass is good because a) it's good when you use it, b) it's long-term removal
Woogachaka: Morning all!
SnyperWoIf: crack ! that ! pack !
compuNIC: TransgenderPride ?
Xed_Regulus: Mmm, I'd love to crack an egg into a frying pan with some bacon right about now
ShaneLeeAtk: ^
TXC2: hello Woogachaka welcome
IslandersCaper: good morning!
Metric_Furlong: the 4 is also a spade
r10pez10: side question: am i the only one greedy enough to always pick the wheel of fortune tarot card when it comes up
Woogachaka: Bummed I missed CtS last night, hope it was a good time!
Derekwillis: I just joined, are we trying to summon Wheeler?
SnyperWoIf: The Wheel hit once for me, and now I just sell it
NewtyNewts: No points loss this time Serge, the cards only add chips and not mult right now so there's no difference
hiFunko: wow that queen card is rad
hiFunko: great pull
pyrelight: the order doesn't matter i think unless your playing cards have a multiplier.
TXC2: the wheel does less then the blank voucher: change my mind Kappa
Reyyan1395: There is a setting for high contrast suits that makes it much easier to tell suits apart that I like for flush runs btw
ArkhamArchivist: Shoot the Moon frequently disappoints
EJGRgunner: #TeamOrderMatters
pyrelight: i meant +multipler,
TheManaLeek: #TeamOrder
TXC2: it doesn't matter YET
r10pez10: team balatro is so chaotic
TXC2: it's still a good habit to get into
Derekwillis: If you had mult cards in the Poker hand, for instance.
Diabore: Wait is serge doing challenges?
TehAmelie: oh hi
joallthedogs: @Diabore yep
TXC2: Diabore yeap
Seth_Erickson: oh hey the clubs tarot
Diabore: Sweet, these are fun puzzles
SnyperWoIf: There are +Chips, +Mult, and xMult? Is this game just a trick to teach us MATH!?!
Xed_Regulus: Mmm, my co-worker just brought be a scone to have with my tea
r10pez10: yes SnyperWoIf
SnyperWoIf: That's devious!
r10pez10: a side effect of playing a lot of balatro is getting better at estimating multiplication of large numbers
SnyperWoIf: Steel Queen is my stage name
thatjerkherc subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thatjerkherc! (Today's storm count: 7)
NewtyNewts: @r10pez10 My last run definitely demonstrated the power of 2^x
TehAmelie: Fermi estimation poker, that's the way
Seth_Erickson: Can make more queens PogChamp
TehAmelie: i finally got a Wheel of Fortune win by the way
ratfreq: you can drag and drop the cards anywhere, if you need the heart somewhere else
TehAmelie: gotta be like 1/30 not 1/4 if you ask me
NorthstarTex: not so subtle hearts reference right there
SnyperWoIf: Moar Queens!
NewtyNewts: Ooh, queens run?
Seth_Erickson: I would simply make all my cards queens
NorthstarTex: yass queens, slay?
TehAmelie: you could be the king of queens
r10pez10: flush house never feels bad
TehAmelie: boy that show was a big nothing
r10pez10: five of a kind never feels bad either
SnyperWoIf: +Queen +Ace?
NewtyNewts: @r10pez10 Unless you've already leveled up another hand better than it
Didero: What ever happened to Serge "Full House" Yager? :p
Diabore: I think just 1 pair is enough
Diabore: Keeping all queens
TehAmelie: a two pair is just a full house that's a little broken
pyrelight: that's a lot more than 54x
Didero: Look at Serge doing math so early in the day!
pyrelight: the 1 pair is *93
NorthstarTex: @Didero Yeah I was noticing this, was wondering if everything was alright in the universe
Didero: Hey, we're almost halfway there
TehAmelie: i think you can make a trap for yourself keeping cards in hand for points anyway
Dergib: math? before 11? inconceivable!!!!!!
r10pez10: TehAmelie dat's gamblin'
NewtyNewts: @TehAmelie There's a couple ways you can make it work, but each card's gotta be pulling double duty
Didero: @Dergib It's before 11 somewhere :p
Alas_Babylon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
Alas_Babylon: Birthday boy bwatching Balatro
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alas_Babylon! (Today's storm count: 8)
ekimekim: i think you need to convert at least one of these eggs into some other money source
joallthedogs: @Alas_Babylon happy birthday!
Darleysam: bashswucklin'!
Alas_Babylon: @joallthedogs sergeThankJo
jandalf_84 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jandalf_84! (Today's storm count: 9)
Didero: So there order is important too, right? Or does Swashbuckler always apply before/after other Jokers?
TehAmelie: how do you get so lucky with negative jokers, though? i think you get them every run
TXC2: Didero Jokers go in order left to right
NewtyNewts: @Didero Swashbuckler applies in Joker scoring, not in Card scoring when the Xmult happens
ekimekim: putting the 1.5x mult card after the swashbuckler doesn't help, it applies when cards score
Didero: @NewtyNewts Ah, right, thanks
NewtyNewts: Ooh, the Royal Court build
ekimekim: steel the queens?
TehAmelie: the plus multipliers plus the multi multipliers equals. . .we need more hand size
NewtyNewts: Or fool for even more money
r10pez10: grabber voucher when
pyrelight: big money!
Alas_Babylon: So is there any other stipulation besides starting with Eggs?
NewtyNewts: Leftover cards in-hand matters now
TehAmelie: all money jokers are disabled
Alas_Babylon: Oooooh, I see it now
Seth_Erickson: You want switch the kings and queens order in hand now right?
ArkhamArchivist: So speaking of order matters...
dasdardly: yea seth lol
Didero: It's 4 pm here and it still feels too early in the day for this much math...
TehAmelie: so you gotta break some eggs to make bank. i'm sure there's literally no other way
Krillin_fan: best hand 4 pair
KilrenKrae: it me
Diabore: it me, im always unlucky
pyrelight: Yo!
GhostValv: D:
bosqueofpines: Run it back with the fool?
TehAmelie: wait, we did just have a Temperance card so there is
NewtyNewts: I spent all my luck yesterday
roefizzlebeef: oh yeah sure my bad serge
ratfreq: hides broken mirror shards...
jovens_v: I never win the die roll it must be me
TXC2: now we just need the bull joker :p
Cyberegg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cyberegg! (Today's storm count: 10)
ekimekim: remember to move your kings and steel cards to the end of the hand
Seth_Erickson: Serge you want to be moving the kings and steel queens while they're in your hand now.
Diabore: should we be moving the king to the other side of the queens? i dont actually know if it matters in hand
ekimekim: it does matter in hand yes
Alas_Babylon: It does matter in hand as well
NewtyNewts: @Diabore It does, since cards in-hand score left to right also
r10pez10: oh no not another stack to learn about
TehAmelie: more money more problems eh
pyrelight: oh! important thing, pull kings to right of queens when playing... that's gonna be annoying.
dasdardly: we can pay you in exposure instead if you'd prefer?
Diabore: full house yager just discarded a full house, the world is ending
yalc321: uhhhhhhhhh one more?
Krillin_fan: oops all queens
r10pez10: !onemore
LRRbot: uno mas? ONE MORE!
jovens_v: LUL
yalc321: I'm supposed to be job hunting right now, but watching you play this game so long is really tempting me to take a break and buy it
Seth_Erickson: Same when you draw the kings lol
NewtyNewts: Yup, it rearranges your hand to put everything in its spot every play
jacqui_lantern234: but, serge, youre ALREADY a king!!! :p
yalc321: You dropped this 👑
Didero: I mean, playing hands IS how the game works :p
pyrelight: i think our best hand is 3 of a kind.
NewtyNewts: Ace high!
ekimekim: you're really short on chips
jovens_v: 2000 something
ekimekim: the ace is a bonus card
NewtyNewts: 46*1 even because of mod
pyrelight: the ace is 41 though
ekimekim: your mult last round was ~150. one chip = 150 score
SnyperWoIf: TIL what Blank vouchers do
MattIsAMage: dont we all wish every joker was negative <3
NewtyNewts: Holographic stone is neat
ekimekim: stone is actually great for you, since your hand doesn't really matter
bosqueofpines: A geode
TXC2: shiny rock
pyrelight: that's a power rock!
jovens_v: damn that's some shiny stone
TehAmelie: holitographic, so to speak
pyrelight: power rock!
pyrelight: aww
Didero: Since your problem is getting enough Chips, that rock might be useful
Krillin_fan: built the rock deck the other day, made it to ante 10 but it was pretty underwhelming
ratfreq: what happens if you play 3 rocks. or 4+ can it look at the numbers underneath?
NewtyNewts: Now let's just get some Death cards and make more of those rocks
hiFunko: if you play 5 stone cards is it a flush five of a kind?
TheManaLeek: Mythbusters proved you could polish a turd if my memory serves...
ArkhamArchivist: I got a standard pack last night with 3 stone cards in it. It was a hard choice
Alas_Babylon: @ratfreq Rank and suit don't matter for Stone cards unless the Stone is overwritten with another enhancement or Vampire
kimmibeans: Good morning!
Krillin_fan: it's high card @hiFunko
hiFunko: gross
dasdardly: stone unplayable?
r10pez10: you can unconvert rock cards and it's weird
SnyperWoIf: @r10pez10 How?
Didero: I mean, since you play a lot of hands that don't need 5 cards, adding in a Stone card seems powerful
r10pez10: like they don't forget what they are
MattIsAMage: always funny when 5 -kind queen is the worst option
Seth_Erickson: Supposed to move the steel queen as well
TXC2: hello kimmibeans welcome
Krillin_fan: no you're right Serge, it's unplayable
SnyperWoIf: I like stone, but it's situational
Sibwow: stone is bad unless youre dracula
v_nome: But... bood old rock, nothing beats that
Alas_Babylon: Stone is really funny for Vampire runs
v_nome: *good
NewtyNewts: @SnyperWoIf Give it a different enhancement
r10pez10: SnyperWoIf yeah if you bonus it up
dasdardly: might need an overlay tbh "i know how it works we don't need to say it"
SnyperWoIf: Serge "Always knows best" Yeger
TXC2: remember chat: this is not the stream for tight plays
MattIsAMage: i ALWAYS FORGET to order my hand.
Seth_Erickson: You know fair
jovens_v: Fair enough LUL
NewtyNewts: Left hand or Right hand first?
EJGRgunner: Yes I have a question
EJGRgunner: Does this game have sergeCanal ?
Alas_Babylon: Serge "Premier Queens Player of the Format" Yager
GhostValv: hearthstone watchers in shambles
SnyperWoIf: Question: How do you type with boxing gloves?
ekimekim: i think one of the jokers does feature a canal?
ShaneLeeAtk: Canal? No, but lots of Straits
SnyperWoIf: XD
Krillin_fan: 10/10 strong bad
brieandbacon: @shaneleeatk booooooo
ShaneLeeAtk: :D
Alas_Babylon: @shaneleeatk you
SnyperWoIf: Baleeted?
TXC2: it's like they're in the room
PsychoI3oy: BALEETED
Alness49: We couldn't even get a River in this poker game, let alone a Canal
BowlsInMySoup subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BowlsInMySoup! (Today's storm count: 11)
ShaneLeeAtk: We did install a light switch at Cheat level so you could throw a rave, The Cheat!
r10pez10: the Shortcut joker kind of looks like a canal
Diabore: this hand is a big scorer
magical_girl_amelia: hello everyone
TXC2: hello magical_girl_amelia welcome
NewtyNewts: This one hates card-in-hand builds
Seth_Erickson: When needs must
Krillin_fan: happens to the best of us
MattIsAMage: it warnd you
TXC2: well we got 5 queens Kappa
Darleysam: I really wish those clauses had some kind of reminder for you
pyrelight: 2 spade queens and heart queen?
SpleenLord: I've done it
Diabore: do we play a pair of queens eating the 2 non steels then?
Seth_Erickson: I feel like this boss always gets me the most
pyrelight: and diamond junk?
SnyperWoIf: So, this deck is just a drag show?
ReaperTitan152001: Diamond flush
Didero: @Darleysam Like a large line of text in the middle of the screen? :p
Darleysam: @Didero but it does it *once* at the start
dasdardly: big hand
Didero: @Darleysam No, also when you select fewer than 5 cards
Krillin_fan: mmm more money
Darleysam: @Didero consider this: I'm kind of a dumbass :(
MattIsAMage: i like money :)
magical_girl_amelia: you are Missing That 10
TehAmelie: did we jack up the tens?
SerGarretCameron: I mean, it does round out the things to play.
r10pez10: i've had the prompt show up for me at bosses and still somehow submitted invalid hands
Didero: @Darleysam Oh yeah, it'd be more useful if the text was right over the 'Play Hand' button, since you're not really looking at where the text is. But it IS on screen. I've made the same mistake a few times in the demo too
GhostValv: versatility vs queens go brr~~~
KilrenKrae: more queens
pyrelight: i'd say the queen
SerGarretCameron: I'd say 10, for flexibility.
Seth_Erickson: I'm on queen
Krillin_fan: all queens, all the time.
UltraVioletVodoo: ya you just play 5 of a kind then
Darleysam: @Didero yeah it's entirely a 'me' problem, I've just walked into it so many times that I need to find some way to prevent it
SnyperWoIf: All Drag Show, All the Time™
Didero: Full House Yager is back!
pyrelight: we got discards to burn.
Alas_Babylon: sergeHolyMoly
TXC2: Full House yager is back on the menu
NewtyNewts: Let's get more kings!
Alas_Babylon: Matador either drowns you in cash or does literally nothing
firehawkzoa: Matador is a great negative joker
UnusuallyLargeMoth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
UnusuallyLargeMoth: wheeeeeeeee
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UnusuallyLargeMoth! (Today's storm count: 12)
Diabore: wasnt much there to mult
JeshuaWithAnE: Talked about the order of the hand, time to end stream serge
SpleenLord: Not dying is strong in this meta
SnyperWoIf: We did?
NewtyNewts: Think it might have been playing the queens that did it
NorthstarTex: who talked you into being greedy?
Seth_Erickson: I too hate when my brain talks me into using all my discards
TehAmelie: we do have 8 queens left to draw
magical_girl_amelia: *extremely wheeler voice* "come on, greeeeeeed"
dasdardly: baron is just a weird one because its a multi multi that doesn't multi your +mults
jovens_v: Talk the streamer into being greedy. Narh we would never do that
Didero: When things go right, it's because the streamer is smart. When things go wrong, it's Chat's fault
pyrelight: hold
SnyperWoIf: gg?
Kezzig_WR: The issue with in hand multipliers is that that they apply before jokers
Krillin_fan: o7
TXC2: that was a warm
TXC2: warmup
Kezzig_WR: so you need to invest in planets heavily
Seth_Erickson: Wouldn't you want to two pair with kings to have more mult to be multiplied?
SnyperWoIf: Wait, that's a story
Diabore: just get a swashbuckler before ante 3, challenge is easy then
SnyperWoIf: Why is Ben Wheeler "the omelette"?
TehAmelie: playing more rounds is an investment for the future, eh
Diabore: @SnyperWoIf because eggs
TinkerTezz: The Adam Fable: When 1 person in chat is at fault, chat as a whole is at fault. Wehn 1 person in chat gets a win, chat as a whole gets a win.
TehAmelie: i'm upset at your behalf
NewtyNewts: That's so amusing
ekimekim: rebate is non-egg econ
Diabore: i mean, thats what i did to beat this challenge, got a swashbuckler in first shop and rode off into the sunset
TXC2: Balatro is a harsh mistress
SnyperWoIf: @Diabore I am going to need more of an explaination than that XD
NewtyNewts: Ooh, letter is nice in this challenge
Seth_Erickson: I feel like buying juggler here is correct
Alas_Babylon: @snyperwoif Wheeler is famous for piloting a Magic deck that's nicknamed "Eggs"
SnyperWoIf: Ah. Thanks @Alas_Babylon !
Diabore: @SnyperWoIf wheeler is an afficionado of a magic archetype called "eggs" so he is usually associated with eggs
UnusuallyLargeMoth: all none of your aces Kappa
SnyperWoIf: I have not really played MtG since Alpha :sweat:
NewtyNewts: Play hands instead of discarding?
ekimekim: i feel like juggler is strictly better? it's the same effect for $1 less, and it counts towards swashbuckler, abstract, etc
ekimekim: *negative juggler
TehAmelie: yeah since it's negative
Diabore: full house yager
Seth_Erickson: Cool aces :)
pyrelight: full house yager.
Alness49: Aces are shy today
Didero: As long as you don't blame us for being greedy again :p
pyrelight: pkroseLaugh suffering from success!
Angreed66: I think Serge discards too much before playing hands in order to get the best hand
Alas_Babylon: @angreed66 That's what you do in early antes
ekimekim: that's what i do in EVERY ante
NewtyNewts: Gotta love a good gambler's fallacy
ekimekim: all eggs -> basket
NewtyNewts: Who's Gigi?
rentar42: @NewtyNewts D'augustini?
Seth_Erickson: @newtynewts that's one of Ferry's ghost pets
Seth_Erickson: Beppo!
ekimekim: you have an empress, that's 8 multiplier
TehAmelie: we'll win it with card enchantments!
DudelidouX: For the early game discarding to the best hand is the best play but later i find it's usually better to play a good hand to save some discard to not get stuck playing just a high card.
TehAmelie: i've won two runs holding just 3 jokers. feels like magic when you do it
McGurganatorZX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
McGurganatorZX: 65 months, that might be a year?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, McGurganatorZX! (Today's storm count: 13)
Jundinator: sergeHi sergeHi sergeHi sergeHi larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE
Seth_Erickson: All I ever want to do with this game is flush hearts with the bleeding stone and the increased odds dice joker
TXC2: hello Jundinator welcome
Jundinator: When will serge ever return to the Moonbase
baltimore_667083: @Jundinator later in the month
NewtyNewts: @Seth_Erickson I've got one better for you: Perkeo with copy effects and multi-trigger effects
PsychoI3oy: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
v_nome: Woo! Moon Serge!
Didero: Woo
kimmibeans: Congratulations!
Jundinator: WHOOOOO
dimkel: returning permanently?!
Melfina__: Oooh yay!
UltraVioletVodoo: Congrats
yalc321: seabatClap
Didero: Grats
Angnor33: Of which month?
niccus: wow, they allowed you back on BC?
Seth_Erickson: seabatClap
Darleysam: seabatClap
magical_girl_amelia: *clap*
NewtyNewts: clap clap clap
Reyyan1395: Yay!
TXC2: the prophecy will be fulfilled
bennybartez: Serge hype
Didero: Does that mean that this stream will end then too?
GhostValv: wowie o//
baltimore_667083: Clap
kimmibeans: You're moving back just in time for my birthday (it's the next day)
Melfina__: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Jundinator: larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP larryfishCLAP
Angreed66: imo star
ekimekim: every single time i use death i feel like im going to get it the wrong way around
Angreed66: you do have the diamond joker
TehAmelie: go Bowie!
Jundinator: LRR could never fire you, who else would do those important judge videos
Krillin_fan: when the only joker you have is a greedy joker, everything looks like a diamond...or something like that
Didero: @Jundinator Nelson Kappa
TXC2: Jundinator Nelly and Wheeler Kappa
Derekwillis: @ekimekim I got it wrong once. Never again.
Jundinator: @txc2 but wheeler isn't a judge, is he?
TXC2: Jundinator he Judged the Canlander Tourney, so he is
hondor64 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
hondor64: yay surge
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hondor64! (Today's storm count: 14)
ofstrife: clearance sale pays for itself pretty quickly
TXC2: what happens when you use Strength on an ace ?
Seth_Erickson: Becomes a 2
TXC2: ok, thanks
McGurganatorZX: Is Stone Cards a trap in this game? I have never figured out how to use them
TehAmelie: it would be this game's style to make up a card higher than an ace. . .
Didero: Always annoying when you draw a good hand, but it's in the Tarot screen
Angreed66: strength up cards to faces seems the best
ekimekim: McGurganatorZX: they're situational but can be good
ofstrife: stone seems to be good for filling out four card hands
yalc321: I got All cards are face cards and face cards are +30. This run is going well
TehAmelie: they can work if you're deep into hands that have less than 5 cards
Seth_Erickson: I would strength a 10 and 9
pyrelight: stone cards are interesting if you are playing smaller hands because stone always play
Angreed66: the 10 and a non face diamond
skiddles01: can turn the 10 into a face card
Alas_Babylon: @mcgurganatorzx They have some interesting synergies and they can always be scored no matter your actual hand, but generally speaking you need to have a plan for them
Didero: You have a Joker that triggers on face cards, so strengthening the 10 might help with that
NewtyNewts: We're in the econ end-game now
Angreed66: you need econ joker investment with this challenge
ekimekim: after this you should go right into the Rich Get Richer challenge for max whiplash
TehAmelie: consolidating your numbers weakens straights but strengthens everything else. wow, Strength is such a good name for what it does
TXC2: damn 3 pair hand
JeshuaWithAnE: Your diamonds are so shy
ekimekim: TXC2: i wish there was a joker that let you play a 6th card so 3 pair could be a thing
NewtyNewts: Ooh, two jack of diamondses
TXC2: ekimekim same
Didero: "If we don't win, we lose" -Serge :p
TehAmelie: what's your record for a useless hand? i've had a five pair
TehAmelie: two enchanted kings?
NewtyNewts: I wonder if the postcard joker has odds based on what's in your deck, or is true random what number it needs...
pyrelight: our hand type is two pair.
Alas_Babylon: @newtynewts The only one of that type that doesn't scan your deck is Ancient Joker
pyrelight: 60x4
pyrelight: but 2 pair scores higher
ekimekim: fortune for the high-or-die?
NewtyNewts: Death for more ace-diamonds?
NewtyNewts: Might be too late for that though
SpleenLord: Seems good
ekimekim: nice all in one shop
Diabore: just gifting it to ya
Seth_Erickson: We're still in it.
ofstrife: oh good lord
TXC2: it's the run
Alas_Babylon: It's beautiful
NewtyNewts: Now we just need double-face
Desruprot: desrupD
Didero: have you considered being luckier?
UltraVioletVodoo: need the green die joker
Diabore: you hit 2 50/50's and lost 3 50/50's, seems kosher to me
JoannaTastic: the binomial distribution is a fickle mistress
Diabore: where is all 6's for all money all time
TXC2: 0-3 on wheel today
ekimekim: your flush was 7k last round
Diabore: @TXC2 that means next is a guaranteed win, thats how math works
SpleenLord: How confident are you that you can make another full house?
TXC2: Diabore if only :p
betazed15: Math before 11???
ekimekim: 242 is almost 256, 256*16 is 1024
kimmibeans: 3870
Angreed66: half the bind
ekimekim: er, 4096
pyrelight: 4k around
Seth_Erickson: We'll only be able to play full houses though
TXC2: 3872
Didero: So about 4000
ekimekim: but if you hold out for a diamond flush, you win in one hand
Diabore: chat you need to understand theres a difference between math math and balatro math, there is no restriction on balatro math
Didero: How hard could that be for Full House Yager?
ekimekim: ace is mult too
UnusuallyLargeMoth: math is for blockers, tho
Alas_Babylon: Easily
Didero: It probably helps to round the numbers a bit
pyrelight: 246*30
brieandbacon: 7380
ekimekim: about 7k
Angreed66: wins
kimmibeans: 7380
TXC2: 7380
Alas_Babylon: Slightly under 7500
UnusuallyLargeMoth: yeah
thatguysteve2709: Hi, just finished helldivers very cool how is poker?
Meltalar: theoretical we have a full house with a potential flush in hand, if we need a second hand
pyrelight: clear
pyrelight: mafffff!
ekimekim: Meltalar: "only one hand type" boss
TXC2: Algebraic!
UltraVioletVodoo: ya im surprised you're willing to play this in the morning with all the arithmetic, its waaaaaaaay before 11
Seth_Erickson: Flush Five is fun though just draw all your aces
TXC2: I wonder if people have looked at the code on Wheel to see if it is in fact procing one in four times
pyrelight: the toof.
Angreed66: with this challenge winning with lots of hands left over does nothing
Desruprot: I do not see the appeal of stone cards
Seth_Erickson: So close to flush Five 👀
Didero: Oh, didn't know you needed to first get the hand to get to upgrade it
ekimekim: I thought Moonbase MkIII was the Flush House
Didero: Just the hidden hands though, right?
TehAmelie: makes more sense than getting upgrades for hands that you can't even have
Reyyan1395: @Desruprot They help solidify any build on smaller than 5 cards. two pair or the joker that allows straights and flushes to be 4 cards
Angreed66: does paredolia order matter?
ekimekim: no
Seth_Erickson: I mean flush Five aces is the fastest way to win right
Didero: He mentioned card order! Kappa
Seth_Erickson: Works better with the flush Five Kappa
Angreed66: I meant in case the paredolia didn't allow the econ joker to proc if it was in front of the paredolia
Diabore: little tip serge, the cards dont have to be beside each other for death, you can have ace all the way on right and bad card all the way on left, as long as theyre both selected
Eduardo_Velho: ditch jojo
ekimekim: Diabore: yeah but that's easier to mess up
TehAmelie: more likely to get flush house i think
TXC2: well mirrors work me Serge, so yes :p
Seth_Erickson: Flush Five here we come
Alas_Babylon: That's a spicy meatball
NewtyNewts: Flush Five even
Diabore: fluch 5 brrrr
TehAmelie: woot
TXC2: popular children's book series the flush five
Didero: wow, number indeed go up
as_ever_ellesandra: I do love when the last hand of a round just obliterates the goal
ekimekim: Acrobat is great in this challenge since playing out hands doesn't cost money
ekimekim: 3x mult is huge
Seth_Erickson: I like acrobat as it helps us score a little extra gold by ensuring our finishing hand is better
Diabore: yknow what we need with all these aces? scholar and fibonacci
ekimekim: strength the kings?
Diabore: 2 more aces!
Seth_Erickson: Strength the diamond king yeah
TXC2: wow we have 7 clubs :p
Seth_Erickson: This is fair.
DuckDuckGlitch subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DuckDuckGlitch! (Today's storm count: 15)
ekimekim: yeah i agree, you get a diamond ace either way, but this way gets two extra diamonds
TehAmelie: i'd take the wild card
UnusuallyLargeMoth: can it BECOME a diamond tho
Derekwillis: Sniped!
TehAmelie: i think this boss is not as random as advertised
Seth_Erickson: I agree
TXC2: always had it
Alas_Babylon: Jaming
TehAmelie: best hand i've ever seen
Krillin_fan: serge you can't have 5 ace of diamonds in a deck, that's cheating.
Seth_Erickson: Where's the retrigger all face cards joker
niccus: sock & buskins, but only in play
Alas_Babylon: I think you're done with econ
pyrelight: keep business card for now
Didero: You do also have some gold cards, those earn money too, right?
Didero: Oh, sorry
pyrelight: sell diamond, cause you can do a big reroll turn later
Didero: That's my main problem with these types of games, runs start blending together >_>
niccus: how much money do you think you'll need to hunt down mult-mults
Angreed66: money doubling tarot can be your econ
Woogachaka: had to run to the store, chat: what cool things did I miss?
Didero: I'd sell the Business Card
EricTheOrange: So I found out today it's possible to run out of cards in your deck, and you lose when that happens
Didero: But I may also be bad at the game :p
TehAmelie: i'd give up the money
Seth_Erickson: I'd say m9ney
TehAmelie: freedom an stuff
StarShock2002 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
StarShock2002: 456
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StarShock2002! (Today's storm count: 16)
Diabore: first and last
EricTheOrange: hey, I had a stone deck win a run once
UltraVioletVodoo: i like the stone card deck, its pretty powerful if done right
SpleenLord: The game always selects 4 of a kind, even if the 5 card hand would score more points
LurkerSpine: so beginner question, but if you have the budget, why not open the planet pack?
KilrenKrae: whats the first joker do?
EricTheOrange: Serge skips the Mox
LurkerSpine: What does the face card joker do?
LurkerSpine: like, do for you at this point?
DudelidouX: Have to say at this point I think you should be fine econ wise. You have 80 and no card that care about your money
Didero: How much more than $80 do we need?
LurkerSpine: Ah extra chips
UnusuallyLargeMoth: OH, it's a two joker combo okay
Seth_Erickson: Planet X where are you
SniHjen: so at most 150 extra chips, is that worth it?
TXC2: will it KILL!
Didero: Your royal flush also isn't upgraded, is it? That's probably it
Alness49: We forgot the cheese
Scarbble: need a flush royale with cheese obvs
TXC2: we need a flush Royal with Cheese to win
niccus: 150 chips is practically a x2 in a run that can't focus on planets
Scarbble: good joke us
Alas_Babylon: @didero Royal flushes score as Straight flushes
SniHjen: lol at bus
pyrelight: ride the bus... yeah, that's worthless for us :D
SniHjen: reserved parking would be great
SniHjen: ohhh
pyrelight: sure!
niccus: shiny rock!
NewtyNewts: Ultrapolished
pyrelight: that's worth actually
ekimekim: flush fives are good
DudelidouX: That is so good in a stone deck
Alas_Babylon: That's... not... awful actually
EricTheOrange: Stone cards are awesome how dare you
SniHjen: but 5 of a kind flush
Seth_Erickson: Helps for more consistent flush fives though
pyrelight: shiny rock always works, 4 of a kind rock hand
Scarbble: that stone's been in for a few cycles in the polisher
ekimekim: 4 of a kind + rock is great yeah
Alas_Babylon: Four of a kind Axe + Stone + 1.5X...?
Tplayne: so ive played this game for like 5 hours and only won once? am I just a bad gamer?
pyrelight: rock always plays after all
TXC2: we put that card in the shine-o-ball-o
Didero: butbut... shiny stone
niccus: illegal
Alas_Babylon: @tplayne It's tricky, but once you know how to handle your economy and you don't play hands that score badly you'll do better
Seth_Erickson: Give us Planet X you cowards
SniHjen: have you made a flush 5 yet?
Seth_Erickson: He has
TXC2: "Where's my wife parade?!"
SniHjen: oh wow
Tplayne: @Alas_Babylon yah i keep playing 2pair, but that feels like a trap
Alas_Babylon: @tplayne Yeah, that's not a great idea - your first round ideally should have you discard to a Queen+ straight, or a full house or flush that adds up to 75 Chips
UltraVioletVodoo: hearts?
SniHjen: ace of heart maybe
adept_nekomancer: Ace of unknown
SpleenLord: Ace of hearts
DudelidouX: it's an ace of diamonds
orangey44: do u have other aces?
ekimekim: what's the suit order?
Seth_Erickson: Easy ace of diamonds
TXC2: believe in the Ace of the cards
DudelidouX: it goes spade heart club diamond
shurtal: it couled even be a boat
TehAmelie: very likely to be diamonds though
ekimekim: then it's 100% ace of diamonds
DudelidouX: it IS an ace of diamonds
Tplayne: it could even be a boat
Desruprot: could justice it to take a peak at it
UltraVioletVodoo: good luck
pyrelight: go for unknown ace flush play?
TXC2: poggers
Alas_Babylon: !!!
NewtyNewts: Hooray for nega-Todd!
Scarbble: nega todd!
Seth_Erickson: Both are great
niccus: eh, free chips, why not
shurtal: Swear to Godd Todd
SniHjen: Ace is odd
TehAmelie: and a star card!
Alness49: Odd Todd REALLY wants in this deck!
TehAmelie: everything's comin up diamonds
ekimekim: yeah if you're playing flush fives, scholar is better
EricTheOrange: @serge have you ever gone for a endless run? If so how far have you gotten?
thejollymarco: replace the face joker right? Now that we are in on aces
Fuzzy_Contreg: Don't we toss the face cards give 30 chips?
Didero: But only for aces
NewtyNewts: Diamonds for aces?
Desruprot: Odd Todd really wanted in with the deck
ekimekim: i'd say dropping both the face jokers is worth, IF you have another replacement joker
adept_nekomancer: I think it's gotta be the diamonds one if anything gets replaced
SniHjen: 1/3 if your chips came from scary face
Seth_Erickson: I think it's time to say good bye to greedy
hd_dabnado: yeah you have to replace them both if you do
ekimekim: two more aces, strength
Alas_Babylon: He can't keep getting away with this
Didero: Two jokers for 150 extra chips doesn't sound great to me, but I keep underestimating the importance of chips
NewtyNewts: Aerith!
Alness49: Yeah, we can only really replace them if we're certain we're not leaving an empty space for Swashbuckler
Alas_Babylon: @didero It's more the fact we have no replacement for them aside from one Joker
LurkerSpine: swashbuckler I think matters?
EricTheOrange: I wish the mult mult was a diferent color
ekimekim: yes swashbucker matters
TXC2: now we're cooking with gas
Alas_Babylon: X1.5 Score, maybe?
TXC2: theres plus mult and times mult
Tplayne: mult and scaling
ekimekim: i call it "times mult", the only thing the game calls it is "Mult x2"
ArkhamArchivist: xMult, or christMult
orangey44: I like 'flat mult' and 'times mult'
ekimekim: ^
yatagarasu1177: one mult two mult red mult blue mult
Pinwiz11: My UI gripe is having to click two buttons to get view the upcoming Blinds without leaving the shop
Desruprot: there is +mult and xmult yeah
Alness49: It's not helpful that mult mult gets really granular because it'd be easy to call it "double, treble, ect."
NewtyNewts: When do you think we'll see xChip cards?
SniHjen: wjew
Seth_Erickson: Yes
Alas_Babylon: Whooooooooooof
TehAmelie: hehe only in the other direction but yes
TXC2: crisis averted
Angreed66: no... they have the head on different sides
Alas_Babylon: @newtynewts Way too swingy I think
sirpythias: just did it the other day!
TXC2: final boss time
RealGamerCow: this final boss seems to be the easiest of them all
Alas_Babylon: Take us home, Aces
NewtyNewts: If you have any of the 'copy a joker' jokers, it can be troublesome
TXC2: we'll just flush five AGAIN
as_ever_ellesandra: It depends on how many multiplicative modifiers you have. And blueprint
ElCoggins: swashbuckler i think was on the left
ekimekim: i think we would've one shot if swashbuckler wasn't badly positinoed
Abavus: anneGG
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Angreed66: except wheeler was replaced by snerge
Fanklok: I thought Pascal Maynardwas the evil?
niccus: challenge 2: i hope you read your starter deck correctly
SniHjen: "read" so they will never complete it
TXC2: and we're back
NewtyNewts: Ooh, this challenge
ekimekim: those are all defaults?
TehAmelie: and lots of face cards
NewtyNewts: Yup, you've doubled up on face cards
SniHjen: RUDE
Fanklok: No aces and they want you to play straights? What is this Florida?
TehAmelie: we have only to get rid of half the deck and we'll be unstoppable
SniHjen: scoreing, whew
ekimekim: ah my favourite speedrunning trick, the skip skip
Alas_Babylon: If our free uncommon is Pareidolia I will cry
Elenodul: first hand wasn't a straight
RealGamerCow: I hope it's 4 fingers
SniHjen: yes it was
ekimekim: he has a joker that lets him have gaps
Angreed66: joker allows gaps of 1
TehAmelie: if we get Four Fingers it's time to cry with joy
Elenodul: ahh
RealGamerCow: photogrpah RIP
niccus: it's very doable to treat this as a 3-joker challenge
SniHjen: or give up on bus
TehAmelie: and a glass ace too
DudelidouX: Yea...was wondering
RealGamerCow: Are these challenges seeded so you get the same cards every tiem?
ekimekim: ante down?
RealGamerCow: including the shop?
Diabore: @RealGamerCow no not seeded
Didero: Wait
adept_nekomancer: Fingers slip sometimes.
Angreed66: 300 chips is good for early antes
goatprince: i'm here to ask you if you're just dead on board here, actually
Didero: Buy the joker to unlock it
2Flower: What does the infinity symbol on the jokers mean?
ekimekim: see i barely value hands per round at all, i put everything into one hand
TehAmelie: we could go for the 5 hand size challenge
SniHjen: oh
TXC2: 2Flower means we can't sell them
2Flower: Ah, part of the challenge condition?
NewtyNewts: Straight flush though
TXC2: 2Flower yes
SniHjen: aww
TehAmelie: Ride the bus is going to be key to having enough multipliers to get through, but that's a problem for future us
2Flower: Ride the bus and half the deck is face cards. Ouch.
TehAmelie: what is all this royalty doing on the bus? get a limousine jeez
tyrsredritehand: Gambling?! I'm in!
TXC2: TehAmelie or their own funicular Kappa
SniHjen: why discard the aces?
TXC2: tyrsredritehand shush, it's NOT gambling :p
SniHjen: true
adept_nekomancer: @SniHjen No 2s, 3s, 4s in deck
TehAmelie: that glass ace could save us or destroy us. . .
Transmuted_Elf: well aces are typically represented in the lgbt community so yeah
7 raiders from BrowneePoints have joined!
TXC2: hello raiders
TehAmelie: greetings
RealGamerCow: Ride the Bus seems Not Good
BrowneePoints: Not Much! It's my first week of streamin and trying to get into that schedule y'know?
tyrsredritehand: @TXC2 I'll let the EU know. ;)
TXC2: RealGamerCow it's good when you don't have twice the normal number of face cards :p
TehAmelie: straights get unusually good boosts from their planet, so there's at least that
TehAmelie: pretty close
NewtyNewts: 1170 + random mult
Seth_Erickson: 1170
quimpinmyeye: 1170+
Derekwillis: Does the bus stop upgrade first?
Spirrie: its so funny seeing serge do the math while I just tunnel vision and hope™
SniHjen: [Denmark] I can't wager channel points, cause you get extra with subscriptions, and donating bits. that makes it gambling with real money.
TehAmelie: a random joker over the random joker?
quimpinmyeye: ooof
NewtyNewts: What a load of useless!
RealGamerCow: "better than this? You sure about that" - Balatro
NewtyNewts: Aces and nines for one more draw?
TXC2: need 4 fingers for that to work
SniHjen: you really need the 4 finger hand
SniHjen: sigh
TehAmelie: now we REALLY want four fingers
NewtyNewts: Four fingers plus that really would be nice
Diabore: now we really need 4 fingers
SacrificialToast: it could get better if you've got some free plays
Derekwillis: Nice, level up procced.
ekimekim: you know what goes great with a 4-finger build? rocks.
NewtyNewts: Ooh, 5 queens
Seth_Erickson: Ride the bus will you
DudelidouX: LMAO
goatprince: oooo, 5 of a kind!
TehAmelie: down with the royals D:
Grand_Moth_Tarkin: Is 5 of a kind a good hand?
EricTheOrange: Is the flavor your neighborhood is being gentrified?
NewtyNewts: @Grand_Moth_Tarkin Yes! As long as you actually want to play it
TehAmelie: 5 of a kind would win us the round but lose the game
TXC2: Grand_Moth_Tarkin normally yes
as_ever_ellesandra: "Heard something about face cards?"
SniHjen: full for more money?
SniHjen: (fool)
Diabore: econ clap clap clap?
NewtyNewts: Speak of the face cards...
SniHjen: planets are free, ohh
NewtyNewts: Yeah, rocket is slow econ
ekimekim: does anyone know the actual odds for misprint?
as_ever_ellesandra: I had an ante 1 rocket the other day, and that's beautiful
Diabore: das boot and to the moon
SacrificialToast: i never get the boosted interest cap when i want it
NewtyNewts: Gotta love getting the interest doubler
Diabore: love baseball card
ekimekim: 2.25x with room to improve? that's amazing
DudelidouX: Yes but mostly cause I don't like the misprint
TotallyNotaBeholder: The baseball card is a hit
NewtyNewts: I've hit 20$ interest, but not yet hit 40$ interest
SniHjen: lvl6 straight
SacrificialToast: play bad 4 card hands without face cards to improve both
violetto: im just getting in, what deck is this?
goatprince: you have shortcut, so 4 card straights are possible
NewtyNewts: Vagaboy!
Diabore: @goatprince 4 fingers is 4 card hands
ekimekim: vagabond is uncommon, it's worth 1.5x
TXC2: goatprince that four fingers
goatprince: oh right
Diabore: go for the juggler?
TehAmelie: space joker seems very sacrificable
Derekwillis: Think of all the hanged mans you can get.
Diabore: @TehAmelie thats uncommon so its a nill trade
DudelidouX: I'd take a -1 hand for 1.5x
TXC2: does vegabond even work for us right now ?
SacrificialToast: there will be other uncommons
NewtyNewts: Burn. That. Money!
NewtyNewts: Was Tarot joker also uncommon?
TXC2: I forgot we could reroll :p
DudelidouX: But I think you need to put the uncommon at the end for full value cause it's not the rare that multiplies
thaigeprime: Morning everybody
TehAmelie: now we can ride the bus AND be hobos
thaigeprime: is this a challenge run or a normal one ?
goatprince: ooo, love a fool after an emperor
TXC2: thaigeprime a challenge
NewtyNewts: Second challenge run
SniHjen: sigh
thaigeprime: @TXC2 ooh which one?
MrLephisto subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 61 months!
TXC2: thaigeprime 15 minute city
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MrLephisto! (Today's storm count: 17)
SacrificialToast: well how's your 2 pair
Diabore: does bus stop only care about scoring faces?
SniHjen: yes
Diabore: are we dead now?
as_ever_ellesandra: Although I still think my favorite run so far is getting the daredevil Joker with eternal on it and then duplicating it
Diabore: i think we have to sacrifice bus
ekimekim: it's play the kings or die
ekimekim: Crash that bus! Crash that bus!
Derekwillis: Nah, glass a king.
goatprince: what if, instead, we just die?
TXC2: "guess I'll just die"
SacrificialToast: high card not a chance
Diabore: i mean you have a straight if you play faces
SnyperWoIf: No FlushHouse?
NewtyNewts: The uncommons score their spot in the joker order, not the Baseball card's
SniHjen: on the uncommon joker
ekimekim: the 1.5 goes when the uncommon joker goes
ekimekim: not sure if it's before or after the joker's effects
SnyperWoIf: 40x(17*1.5)
CptVladTepes: you have to put your bus before any other uncommon jocker if you can
Thegreathugs: put the bus on the very left, the uncommons will then mult after it adds in
TehAmelie: it probably won't matter but you can throw in 3 non scoring cards to get 4 more chips
Diabore: how are the numbers getting so big
as_ever_ellesandra: We can make it 44 times whatever since the 4 card Joker doesn't care if they score just amount played iirc
taydr0: 1600
NewtyNewts: 1600
Derekwillis: Can you move the buss further to the left to inprove the mult scaling?
Abavus: Gotta move the bus
ekimekim: glass replaces, mult is better
niccus: is chip 9 bigger?
Abavus: Math! anneStonks
Diabore: play and pray?
Seth_Erickson: Play and pray brother
RealGamerCow: I did some serious Blueprint/baseball card shenanigans yesterfday, I'd never moved around jokers that much
SniHjen: too much math, not enough guts
as_ever_ellesandra: Genuinely make sure we play 4 cards even if we only score the 1 since it does add to the negative joker
EricTheOrange: Serge doing math before 11?
Derekwillis: 40*(5+13)*1.5*1.5*1.5
tyrsredritehand: Bold choice to math before 11 am.
ekimekim: RealGamerCow: if you want moving jokers, try a high-leveled sacrificial knife + really good xMult cards
gualdhar: Someone send Serge a graphing calculator
Grand_Moth_Tarkin: Ok what is this program, this is sick
SniHjen: that's not what it says
SnyperWoIf: What if the upgrade hits? That's before anything else
SniHjen: it always give the chips,
Seth_Erickson: Don't the cards have to score for it to upgrade
RealGamerCow: ekimekim sacrificial knife scares me
SniHjen: no
as_ever_ellesandra: @seth_erickson non
Seth_Erickson: I see
as_ever_ellesandra: It specifies Played not Scored
SniHjen: sorry, not no to you
Seth_Erickson: They were speaking to me
incslayer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, incslayer! (Today's storm count: 18)
ekimekim: RealGamerCow: yeah i almost lost that run because i kept accidentially destroying my best jokers
CptVladTepes: @Seth_Erickson no, you only need to play them to upgrade
SnyperWoIf: play not play&score?
Angreed66: bus upgrades first
ekimekim: this is perfect, we have serge on screen actively doing math, with a visible clock that reads "9:44 AM"
Derekwillis: I think it's 2,673, which is enough. This assumes both the 4 card and the bus stop score.
niccus: i'm rooting for a situation where you need space joker to proc
SnyperWoIf: Does not round
CocoBojangles: I dont think it rounds
Seth_Erickson: Enough
Diabore: enough
as_ever_ellesandra: Pretty sure it goes 60.7
Diabore: still enough
Angreed66: still less than a 44 chip difference
TXC2: lets do this
as_ever_ellesandra: Yeah still enough
as_ever_ellesandra: Let's do it
NewtyNewts: This has been: Games Math with Serge
Glitchiness: It'll be funny when space joker procs and we just crush it anyway
TehAmelie: without the bus we lose the war anyway so
Angreed66: go for it
CptVladTepes: let's go :)
SnyperWoIf: Hooray ... question mark?
NorthstarTex: chat is not liable for this move
Diabore: all the math was for nothing
niccus: the bus advisory group is proud of you
LurkerSpine: Yeah, Batatro flickers for me every time I alt+tab out
TXC2: still alive baby
SnyperWoIf: overkill?
Thegreathugs: not uncommon
Glitchiness: Hard to pitch an uncommon with baseball though
Tser1ng: Wow, Balatro got Serge to do math before 11?!
TXC2: common vs uncommon though
SnyperWoIf: Clutch Space Joker?
Diabore: i think at this point the only thing i replace space joker with is 4 fingers
Diabore: didnt we immolate some?
SniHjen: lol, odd house
as_ever_ellesandra: We immolated 2
as_ever_ellesandra: iirc
TXC2: like 3 at most
SniHjen: nevermind, didn't take steven, I'm derp
as_ever_ellesandra: Finally!
violetto: a house always wins baby
Diabore: i dont know
ekimekim: it does not, as it is in hand, not scoring
Seth_Erickson: No I don't believe so
CptVladTepes: it should not
EricTheOrange: I don't THINK so
niccus: scoring is a very specific term
Diabore: oh it says played, so it wouldnt
SnyperWoIf: I don't think so; in "hand & scoring"
SniHjen: "score" is specific "played card that is part of a hand"
SnyperWoIf: "hand & scoring" is typically the text you see
NewtyNewts: Blueprint!
Diabore: blueprint!
ekimekim: omg blueprint the basebal
Diabore: space joker gone
CptVladTepes: oh, best rare around
SniHjen: double vagabond
Chesul: I think it's time for the space to go.
NewtyNewts: Double vagabond -> double baseball when it's time to score
CptVladTepes: double vagabond, or double baseball depending on what you do. but do not forget to swap
Diabore: blueprint and baseball is 2.25 per uncommon
DudelidouX: Yea moving it between hands I've done it so many times lol
Glitchiness: If you move the blueprint really fast you can double vagabond and baseball in the same hand Kappa
SnyperWoIf: Blueprint is the most time-consuming Joker
ekimekim: Glitchiness: i've tried that, it applies as per the order at the start of scoring
CptVladTepes: you can turn kings into aces
NewtyNewts: Or kings into aces
TXC2: or kings into aces
Seth_Erickson: And kings into aces
SniHjen: that's the first thing that came to your mind?
Diabore: also really lucky to not see a single face down that boss
violetto: why don't you want aces?
Diabore: what if instead of jupiter we buy death?
SnyperWoIf: Is that classic Canadian band BNL?
Thegreathugs: I don't think you can turn aces into 2s
Fanklok: We stan an ace king
TehAmelie: why not get rid of kings?
Diabore: @Thegreathugs you can
SirMorek: Kings into aces sounds good
SniHjen: what does that even mean?
Angreed66: with the 3 you can stright with aces
MrGibberish: where is that “modified cards” joker?
jessicaengle: Hi Chat. Hi Serge
jessicaengle: Uh, one more?
NewtyNewts: Ooh, yeah Driver's License would go strong now
TXC2: hello jessicaengle welcome
vegetalss4: Just joined, which neat bonus does serge have that makes 2's better than aces?
jessicaengle: jlrrDance ModLove jlrrDance
TXC2: vegetalss4 we need them for straights
GhostValv: just win :)
SnyperWoIf: Earth is the best planet
SnyperWoIf: All my friends live on Earth
SnyperWoIf: (that I know of)
8 raiders from ShropshireDM have joined!
BITs19_: doesn't a hand need to be five cards?
Diabore: @vegetalss4 this is a challenge run that wants you to play non face straights, so an ace is rather useless, and as the deck starts at 4 you can do a low straight
TXC2: but all your enemies live there too
TXC2: Hello raiders
joallthedogs: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Diabore: @Diabore cant*
Diabore: 70k in one hand "need to get stronger"
JeshuaWithAnE: Did that actually double it?
JeshuaWithAnE: That looked like it didn’t
as_ever_ellesandra: Yes
ShropshireDM: Sorry to raid and run, the dog wants feeding. It's his first evening feed tantrum, I'm so proud
NewtyNewts: It was 70k total, not 70k in one hand
as_ever_ellesandra: It doubled it
SnyperWoIf: A-2-3-4-5 is still a straight, right?
NewtyNewts: Oooh, held kings.
NorthstarTex: egg
violetto: the crack a pack looks different today
as_ever_ellesandra: @snyperwoif it is but we also immolated a few
Diabore: @SnyperWoIf sure is
EricTheOrange: most end blinds only need a score of 100,000 so if you can get 25,000 on average you should be good to go.
Grand_Moth_Tarkin: It's never the first ancestral...
NewtyNewts: You've got an ace
NewtyNewts: Ah, I see what you mean
SniHjen: ace straight! yay
RealGamerCow: That always hecks me up with shortcut
NewtyNewts: Yeah, that happens
Diabore: played and scored are different
SnyperWoIf: That was, 90k points?
NewtyNewts: Shame it gives money
RaidenFirewing subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RaidenFirewing! (Today's storm count: 19)
EricTheOrange: I think my high score of points for a single hand is 300,000
Diabore: triple temperance?
Diabore: @EricTheOrange i went fucking off on day 1, single hand high score was over 880m
KidAmn: I've had a couple of 1mil hands but I've seen people reach the point they were using letters instead of numbers to count their score
Falannt: hi chat, hi @LoadingReadyRun no wheeler here and this is a card game?!? SirPrise
TXC2: hello Falannt welcome
NewtyNewts: Gotta love a run that reaches scientific notation
violetto: @Falannt where are the lands i need an adult
GhostValv: how scandalous
fhorrigan: Everyone should be playing Balatro
gualdhar: How dare Serge fall in holes!
DudelidouX: No I can't believe such a thing
Dergib: Wait!!! this isn't mining or crafting. What is going on?
Raincoast_Bear: Good morning, Mr. Yager. It is zero degrees here in Vancouver.
TXC2: mining and falling is later
Falannt: We can do what ever we want! We are THE chat ;)
mtvcdm: !crossover
LRRbot: You ought to be able to run this entire level in Super Monkey Ball.
Tser1ng: Sometimes Friday Night Paper Fight has FOUR people who aren't Wheeler playing card games!
TXC2: hello Raincoast_Bear welcome
TXC2: Falannt oh yeah?
Grand_Moth_Tarkin: What I want to know is how it felt to beat the Prof @LoadingReadyRun
fhorrigan: FNPF? Balatro. AFK? Balatro. I think I bought it Thursday night and I have like 20 hours played now.
SniHjen: hey bob
fhorrigan: It's good! Pascal seems super lovely.
SniHjen: lvl9 straight, wow
BITs19_: I watched it last night! very good video
taydr0: Is that some kind of Canadian Commander format?
Grand_Moth_Tarkin: Was a very fun watch! :D
NewtyNewts: There's your straight
SniHjen: straight
Diabore: 1-3-5-7-8 works
BITs19_: literally my only complaint was the profs insistence on calling it Canadian Commander, felt a little over done lol
NewtyNewts: You can afford to sell one more time
kalira77: okay, clearly some off by one is happening with counting for straights? what's causing that/how does it work now?
NewtyNewts: @kalira77 The second-from-right joker gives you a one-card gap in straights
kalira77: ah, thank you
SniHjen: sigh
NewtyNewts: @NewtyNewts so in the most extreme instance, you can play 1-3-5-7-9 as a straight
BITs19_: oooooo fascinating
TXC2: NewtyNewts the ultimate odd todd hand
Didero: doth mine eye spy a rock card
ekimekim: it could be a rock
Glitchiness: I would be your 2 in every universe
NewtyNewts: Ooh, it's a Dwayne
mjiig: Is there a limit to how many cards you can discard at a time with a discard?
NewtyNewts: @mjiig Up to a poker hand's worth, so 5 cards
ekimekim: see, rock good
CptVladTepes: @mjiig 5
SniHjen: flush rock
NorthstarTex: big fan of rock
TXC2: it nealry worked :p
Grand_Moth_Tarkin: Thank goodness they didn't have paper.
whatthebus: good old rock. nothing beats rock
mjiig: @CptVladTepes Thanks
BITs19_: I just tried to use the !card command to see what the Death tarot does lrrSLOTH
NewtyNewts: Steel cards aren't scored, you're fine
Diabore: final ante
NewtyNewts: Hell yeah Jack!
TXC2: best voucher in the game
Eduardo_Velho: what the blank voucher does?
taydr0: "it doesn't do anything?"
NewtyNewts: @Eduardo_Velho On its own, nothing
ekimekim: no spoilers please chat
goatprince: almost as many reps as Brotato
Caffine1138: just a minor addiction :D
Diabore: i still got a few more vouchers i need to unlock
TehAmelie: the vagabond is on break though
CptVladTepes: :D
NewtyNewts: Oops
Didero: Living a frugal life
TehAmelie: i think we'll manage
whatthebus: Oh no, I'm rich!
HeadingtoFall: shoulda gotten that voucher after all, oops
SniHjen: "slow clap"
as_ever_ellesandra: The dosh will not flow
violetto: no longer paycheck-to-paycheck
EricTheOrange: I mean unless your going for endless you don't really need to get stronger
SniHjen: did that say 300x22 (for straight)?
NewtyNewts: Blank Voucher best voucher in the game at this exact moment because it costs 10
Diabore: oh i just saw the boss, this might be not easy
BITs19_: so, a hand doesn't need to be five cards?
Diabore: @BITs19_ correct ,theres actually a boss that forces you to play 5 card hands
TXC2: !findquote complacency
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
SniHjen: a hand can be 1 card
NewtyNewts: You know what they say about assumptions... they make an ass out of u and mption
Tser1ng: Hubris? Chat? Noooo
violetto: it makes a comp out of lace and cy
RealGamerCow: I forget what the multiplier/chip scores were for Flush when I got it up to level 26
RealGamerCow: But it was bonkers
BITs19_: @Diabore fascinating, thank you!
Angnor33: Complacency lets you come place an ace in the sea.
Didero: That's a lot of multiplier multiplication
Diabore: LUL
TXC2: there it is
NewtyNewts: It happened!
quimpinmyeye: paaaaaain
Grand_Moth_Tarkin: F
SpleenLord: The hubris
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
goatprince: serge. did you not read the card again.
Diabore: max ruined
GhostValv: oh no
TehAmelie: even with both of them right there D:
CptVladTepes: complacenty something something?
Alma_v: sergeOffByOne in the worst way
SniHjen: RIPCheer100 SLOW CLAP RIPCheer100
Angreed66: how? they are so different designwise
Angnor33: lrrGREED
Krillin_fan: RIP
goatprince: i'm telling james
niccus: when you do morning math, you lose reading comprehension
NewtyNewts: Tell Dale
EricTheOrange: clip it chat, get it in the highlights
Diabore: do we roll for 4 fingers?
kumatsu: so clip it for highlight reel bait, got it
Abavus: Time to accidentally delete to vod
violetto: @Angreed66 probably just cuz its called Death
Angnor33: It's nice, actually.
whatthebus: it's pretty cool, I guess
Diabore: oh no
CptVladTepes: ouh, disabled shortcut
NewtyNewts: All you need is a 5 or 10
NewtyNewts: Off by 1x500
NorthstarTex: nearly one shot it
taydr0: blow up the bus on the way out!
CptVladTepes: I fear
SniHjen: win by high card lol
Desruprot: Full House Yager
goatprince: straights are overrated
EricTheOrange: didn't win in one, RIP the run
Glitchiness: High face card??
NewtyNewts: Crash The Bus!
TehAmelie: royal flush?
Diabore: i dont think this wins
CptVladTepes: :D
TXC2: Crash the bus, Crash the bus !
SniHjen: ?????????
Angnor33: Hmmmm
whatthebus: the hubris
NorthstarTex: XD
Caffine1138: sergeOffByOne
Angnor33: Off by...
GhostValv: off by some
DudelidouX: Ofcourse did you really think you were gonna win?
adept_nekomancer: Victory rock!
BITs19_: woohooo!
EricTheOrange: the hubris
NorthstarTex: Rock! Rock! Rock! Hubris!!!!
DudelidouX: the power of stone is finally unlocked
TehAmelie: congats!
NewtyNewts: What did you unlock?
TXC2: NewtyNewts nothing from that run
Krillin_fan: krilli151sttry krilli151sttry
NewtyNewts: That's a spicy one
niccus: the knife is *pinned*
SniHjen: ohh
SniHjen: RUDE
Diabore: this is a great challenge
NewtyNewts: Zero actual face cards, but everything is a face card anyway
Diabore: love mad world
SniHjen: oh right derp,
TXC2: they are challenges, not easyenges
Diabore: vagabond run lets goooooo
TXC2: thanks for streaming Serge
GhostValv: it was a bal :)
electric_claire: Yes
violetto: no
tri_nitro_: didnt you do that allready?
TehAmelie: you just have to decide to dunk on every other game that comes out
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Terraria?! Wait, what? Game: Terraria) at Tue 10:00 AM PST (41m from now).
PsychoI3oy: 3
TXC2: 3
Didero: Does you moving back to Victoria mean that this One More stream will end then too?
Ranatoki: Better not
Didero: Thanks for answering!
Didero: It's a great time for us Europeans that work from home
GhostValv: o7 thanks for the stream
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
TehAmelie: ah, it's talking swimminglator
protojman: Hey Serge congrats on the good news!
TXC2: vote early, vote often
MrGibberish: Thanks Serge! Thanks Shadow of Jo!
Didero: Thanks for the stream!
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
extra_spicy_ramen: good streams, enjoying balatro very much
extra_spicy_ramen: eagerly awaiting vod so i can catch the first half of today
SergeYager: it's so good
TXC2: Dinner time for me, see you in the mines!
extra_spicy_ramen: have you seen any legendary jokers in personal runs?
extra_spicy_ramen: @TXC2 cya!
SergeYager: i think i've hit all but one
extra_spicy_ramen: had my first yesterday, made it to ante 12 for the first time
SergeYager: nice!
extra_spicy_ramen: game really has it's hooks in me
SergeYager: saaaame
extra_spicy_ramen: wrong its lol
SergeYager: h'ok, byee :D
extra_spicy_ramen: bye!
tyrsredritehand: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Terraria?! Wait, what? Game: Terraria) at Tue 10:00 AM PST (34m from now).