TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
TXC2: !contact
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TXC2: if you're looking for something to do before Talking sim starts, new crapshot dropped!
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
beowuuf: oooh
beowuuf: sergeHi
Pal_Friendpatine: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Fish Game) at Tue 01:30 PM PST (3m from now).
Earthenone: !findquote fish
LRRbot: Quote #5004: "I died and my fish went away." —Cori [2018-05-23]
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Fish Game) at Tue 01:30 PM PST (0s from now).
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG
LostThePirate: lrrSIG lrrSIG
Manae: lrrSIG lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrSIG
beowuuf: lrrHORN
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG
beowuuf: refresh, as is new tradition
theghostwiththemost subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theghostwiththemost! (Today's storm count: 36)
mrMorphius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
mrMorphius: Getting close
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mrMorphius! (Today's storm count: 37)
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW SabaPing
beowuuf: jlrrDance jlrrFishin jlrrDance3
TehAmelie: g'day
NewtyNewts: Is this the simulated talking?
gsyhiap: lrrFRUMP
ArdCollider: hello fish friends
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS unarmeHmm
SkylerRingtail: Fish gang, fish gang, blub blub blub
Saphire282: *stares back, confusedly*
beowuuf: all this needs is callioppe misic
Earthenone: reading numbers you dont know what they mean is dangerous online
Earthenone: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (which you must manually renew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
beowuuf: three degrees of separation from your insurance number
NewtyNewts: It's not 4k Cameron
draxov: The AI is reading you
hackingducks: well, that should be a fun clip.
Featherweight_: valuable liquids
Saphire282: I want to know the distance between Cori's eyebrows
Mushbie: I know what the numbers mean but I can't explain it...
iris_of_ether: SabaPing
hatsfullofrabbits subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
hatsfullofrabbits: Fish!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hatsfullofrabbits! (Today's storm count: 38)
Sarah_Serinde: Good for them
Rourke9: any squiquid?
TehAmelie: if i had to guess what this game is gonna be like, i think https://i.imgur.com/6Kixsj5.png
Rourke9: squilk?
TheManaLeek: So no Shape of Water going on then
NewtyNewts: What they do in the privacy of their spawning pools is not our business
Sarah_Serinde: If the circumstances are right
Earthenone: this is fish club!
Rourke9: :)
Saphire282 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Saphire282: 🦀!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Saphire282! (Today's storm count: 39)
NewtyNewts: Ink milk.
iris_of_ether: Horse Club once again threatens to breach containment
hackingducks: like almonds.
TehAmelie: so we travel the squilk road to make our fortune
iris_of_ether: Almitties
Rourke9: apologies
draxov: Can you milk a bit? waaay
NewtyNewts: A printer cartridge filled with squilk
beowuuf: i really want to submit a 'plat or pus' to lrl that is just platypus this or that
Mushbie: ahh yes the first two numbers is the range of the aperture, the two second numbers is the range of focal length
Earthenone: clearly there needs to be a both plat y pus
draxov: tap
DrTeaSpoon: Does this game have fish stock market?
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
NewtyNewts: look over here
TheAwkes: Metric options!
gsyhiap: *presses nose up against the glass and goes crosseyed*
draxov: I only know inches because warhammer
Patorik: Nothing fair about it
DrTeaSpoon: It's just Celcius but *1.8 + 32
Earthenone: why is no death mode experimental, are they unsure if they can prevent death?
QuixoticScrivener: Using Celsius was the hardest part for me in Europe
NotCainNorAbel: really not Rankin?
LordZarano: At least Rankine has a sensible 0 point
draxov: We'll let you know if theres smoke behind you from the 1337 gaming rig
korvys: LumpfishReadyRun
goatprince: Hamme Broker
LostThePirate: Fahrenheit is a good scale for ambient air temperatures, but not necessarily scaled well for anything else. But it has its use.
Earthenone: lrrHAMM
hackingducks: not a lot of contrast with those color choices
Rourke9: if you get an assistant, is that a Ham Broker Helper
gsyhiap: lrrHAM
NewtyNewts: Hurmburrgurr
empyreon: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
iris_of_ether: lrrHAM lrrHAM lrrHAM
YFiddler: Werent they a dubstep artist?
gsyhiap: "monster fish"?
iris_of_ether: My kitchen knife, Stypticaller
TehAmelie: did you see the aquarium with space for a cat inside?
Rourke9: Spreadsheet Gaming
korvys: Caustics
EricTheOrange: the bumpscosity in here is out of controll
Rourke9: oh thats good
NewtyNewts: Look at the ripples!
SkylerRingtail: But is it a game if we can't "win?"
draxov: When you concentrate a game entireley on rendering a fish tank, it ends up being quite pretty
NewtyNewts: @EricTheOrange They've turned it up too high!
hackingducks: @SkylerRingtail minecraft gamers everywhere want to know
LordZarano: I'm aware of Aquarist and Aquarium Designer, what sets Fish Game apart?
KV1NN4: I wish i understood how fish ate as a kid @.@;
NewtyNewts: Scum: 'sarrived
Mushbie: "Show me your fish face!"
korvys: Just fill the tank with sand
draxov: Can we make it super acidic and make some sort of super fish?
PixelArtDragon: M1Abrams
gsyhiap: General Fish Flakes is my Marillion cover band
I_Am_Clockwork: shar bone
Rourke9: oh thats nice
Rourke9: spooky
NewtyNewts: I see a fish room in your future
Mr_Horrible: we're remaking Ash Lake
draxov: Ah millenial hobby simulator :D So many satisfying games are about hobbies you wish you had time/space/money for
Coloneljesus: hello fishmongers
TehAmelie: i think we're more like fishmasters
RealGamerCow: There is an exotic fish and reptile store near me that looks like a hole, yet has stayed open for 15+ years. I am convinced it is a drug front.
TehAmelie: like the beastmaster. but with fish
goatprince: love the shaded plants
KV1NN4: D:
draxov: those z's be fightin
I_Am_Clockwork: “do you know me, milord?” “excellent well, you are a fishmonger!”
Rourke9: love to grab cursed statues at 1am
draxov: oh, some names of fish are... interesting
Earthenone: are we allowed to add notorius breeders?
goatprince: Wet Pet
Rourke9: 'notorious breeders'
Earthenone: considering the openeing menu
Ms_LadyMix: Wet pet
KV1NN4: some goldfish can live over 20 if done right
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART
RandomTrivia: jlrrFishin
SpacePotato01: So this is tanking simulator.
goatprince: the dragon was writhing in the sand
RandomTrivia: oh no
empyreon: LUL perfection
goatprince: it's some sort of flat wyrm
Rourke9: thats delightful
RandomTrivia: *smush*
arcanzaJenkins subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
arcanzaJenkins: time for fish times
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arcanzaJenkins! (Today's storm count: 40)
TheAwkes: The outside of the aquarium does not exist.
hackingducks: remember the resident evil movie, with the laser grid? yeahhh
RealGamerCow: "HAI GAIZ!"
Rourke9: probably being moved
Sacrenos: Fish don't like to be moved ;)
SkylerRingtail: Just had to adapt I suppose
RandomTrivia: Maybe because a socking great dragon kept moving around erratically :D
hackingducks: just needed to acclimatize
LostThePirate: Maybe they just get stressed joining the tank?
goatprince: the other one can be Strussy?
RandomTrivia: goatprince jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo
Rourke9: stats! stats! stats!
Sacrenos: guppies and goldfish in the same tank? That will be a goldfish only tank very fast.
KV1NN4: thats way too many goldfish D:
Sacrenos: @KV1NN4 These tanks are too small for any amount of gold fish...
KV1NN4: I think one was fine for at least 1 specific type
Rourke9: fistory
Sacrenos: goldfish are community fish that shouldn't be kept alone long term, and since goldfish are actually just carp, and can easily get over a foot long, you need a massive tank to keep goldfish long term.
RealGamerCow: yo I was flaring so hard
KV1NN4: @Sacrenos true...
KV1NN4: I hope bigger tank options or ponds become available
Alephred: @Sacrenos What a load of carp! :D
RealGamerCow: Is there a budget in this game?
Rourke9: @KV1NN4 the presence of 'monster fish' which cant be kept in the largest size we had available implies much larger tanks
ladyjessica: ugh I wish I could use my prime sub on mobile :/
ladyjessica: but this looks cool :)
TheAwkes: Hungry fish get mean is a hell of a tooltip.
squidddo: i guess it's interesting to see whether the game builds on a dev's genuine interest and indepth knowledge, or on more like... common misconceptions
Sacrenos: I have a 6ft amazon tank and I have opinions about fish keeping ;) You are in my domain now lrrHERE
RealGamerCow: those guppies are not okay
Rourke9: @ladyjessica thats very real <3
empyreon: feesh daaaaaance!
Rourke9: why do
ScrapyardGhostTrain subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ScrapyardGhostTrain! (Today's storm count: 41)
ladyjessica: I hope I’m the future to get fish again. loved my tank as a kid.
RandomTrivia: benginO7
Sacrenos: guppies are generally quite zoomy.
LostThePirate: o7
draxov: General Buttercup Guppy surely?
goatprince: if that one's General, which one's Specific?
Plasterboard: Is this the Underverse?
Rourke9: yes!!
goatprince: great !
empyreon: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
LostThePirate: Oh boy! Dirt!!!
gsyhiap: Filthy!
empyreon: crowning achievement
Brozard: wuddup dirt
ladyjessica: yes!
ladyjessica: dirt!
Sacrenos: Ah, never feed goldfish floating food. carp are bottom feeders and if they eat too much floating food, they get air trapped in their digestive tract causing all kinds of problems.
Plasterboard: Some sort of volcanic landscape
Rourke9: @Sacrenos thats fascinating!
KV1NN4: @Sacrenos Not that I'm interested in goldfish keeping (I want a betta one day) but I'll keep that in mind
Astramentha: 🥺🥺🥺
KV1NN4: fish get eepy too!
SkylerRingtail: TIL!
Rourke9: Amorous
Sacrenos: absolutely fish yawn, mostly to stretch their muscles and gills.
Rourke9: worried for guppy
RealGamerCow: stressy is going to murder
draxov: welcome to the jungle
RandomTrivia: I hope it has fun and/or games
hackingducks: maybe there's a crab hiding
gsyhiap: sergeSipp
RandomTrivia: sergeChair !
DoodlestheGreat: Chair is friend.
Coloneljesus: send chair pics
hackingducks: lrrHEART chair
KV1NN4: Cameron better than Chair, but Chair is nice to see in absence of Cameron
whitefirecomix: Chair is so handsome
RealGamerCow: Chat, if you really want to go to sleep fast, have a tea of 1 part mint, one part lavender. Knockout juice.
empyreon: hasChair
Sacrenos: betta fish are amazing and really cool, but they have a manual, mostly 1: keep them alone in a tank that is not too big, and has a lot of plants, and 2: they breath air, and get sick if the air temp is significantly different than the water temp, so always have a lid on your tank.
Earthenone: chair is french for flesh, so either way if cam is here or gone we get chair
draxov: it rock
gsyhiap: That reminded me that I hadn't finished my cup of tea
gsyhiap: Rock on! 🤘
Featherweight_: can we RGB our tank? have sick gamer fish
r10pez10: is there a fishing minigame in this
KodeMage subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KodeMage! (Today's storm count: 42)
hackingducks: that is a big rock
Rourke9: the guppies liked shade i think
RandomTrivia: R O C C
gsyhiap: That's just a rock in a tank now
RealGamerCow: Sacrenos I worked with a person that had a Betta in a *very* densely filled with plants globe tank and it was happy for 8 years. I was really surprised it survived in an office building like that.
Sacrenos: @RealGamerCow bettas love plants and small water volumes that are quite stagnant. In the wild, bettas live in puddles, jumping from puddle to puddle. If 2 males meet, they will fight to the death. if a male and female fish meet, they will lay eggs and the male will chase away the female again.
dumbo3k: How do you know when enough food is enough? Well, if you are my dad, he fed them everytime he walked past, because they always followed him. Those fish had him trained very well
KV1NN4: Puddles"
KV1NN4: "puddles" even
KV1NN4: like, padi fields aren't that small
KV1NN4: or puddle-like imo
draxov: Can we get a tank reinforced with krupp steel
The_Myrdin: fims game? Aquarium time???
KV1NN4: but they do prefer still or extremely gentle current water
Coloneljesus: Ahnkers
SkylerRingtail: @Coloneljesus omg
iris_of_ether: Cameron.
draxov: erererrrr
jessieimproved: errr
Sacrenos: @KV1NN4 in the wet season yea, in the dry season they survive in very little water.
draxov: he went upstate to a nice place
The_Myrdin: wait. Did Lord British do something bad?
iris_of_ether: Relatedly play The Magic Circle for some prime Lord British/Molyniux satire
Gekyouryuu: "I didn't say I wanted to know, I said I wonder. There's a key difference."
The_Myrdin: okay good
247Gremlin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Rourke9: It's cool to have a 'Time in Space' statistic in your wikipedia biography block
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 247Gremlin! (Today's storm count: 43)
TheManaLeek: He's been to space and the Mariana's Trench
TheManaLeek: He placed Geocaches in both places
Featherweight_: now I want Swedish fish
Earthenone: crimes arent crimes if you are rich remember
Rourke9: he also recorded short films in both places
Coloneljesus: astrocache
The_Myrdin: that's just littering
BlindProphet32: It can be both
The_Myrdin: no
PixelArtDragon: The Geo Kessler Syndrome
draxov: god yeh, that must be going fast
Gekyouryuu: There's a recurring set of yugioh monsters based on the gradius series, of all the ships, boss fights, and even enemies like the moai statues with cannons in their mouths. One of those cards is a space ship named "Lord British Space Fighter"
raulghoulia: Gi Joe Retaliation lied to me?!
TheAwkes: Turns out that if it's in a stable orbit, you have to do a lot of delta V to make it fall like that.
LordZarano: Anything in orbit will stay in orbit until it's deorbited
LordZarano: Either by rocket or atmospheric drag
The_Myrdin: "Hello good shopkeep. I would like to purchase some fish, I'm also INCREDIBLY RACIST so please only show me the whitest fish you have"
Rourke9: brain... perfectly smooth
RandomTrivia: D'aww
The_Myrdin: Brain?
ladyjessica: no brain just vibrs
RandomTrivia: None of these fish have access to the braincell
ladyjessica: vibes
dumbo3k: oh god, that movie xD
Earthenone: agressivly pink tank
The_Myrdin: The barbie tank
Last1031: that was Pank not pink
The_Myrdin: xD
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
squidddo: makes me wonder if fish have any sort of aesthetic preferences
ladyjessica: I recently picked that book up to read
The_Myrdin: @squidddo some actually do!
The_Myrdin: some fish make art
Rourke9: oh no
The_Myrdin: for mating purposes
Coloneljesus: he found a trampoline!
ladyjessica: hahahah
Rourke9: the time of the rest of its life
Mischievous_Catgeist: Hiya everyone
RandomTrivia: *Attenborough* "Having dropped on the deck, it proceeds to flop like a fish"
squidddo: @The_Myrdin oh that's delightufl
squidddo: delightful, as well
iris_of_ether: oh my god
The_Myrdin: oh lord
ladyjessica: oh no Peterson :(
KV1NN4: @Sacrenos I jsut worry that insisting betta live in puddles mean ppl think 1gallon or less is sufficient... have you seen 'betta' tanks out there? They don't need more bad pr
Rourke9: some of the minds of all time
The_Myrdin: Justin beber is canadian
iris_of_ether: Oh I thought he was our fault, lol
iris_of_ether: What.
hesterbyrde: Don't they call that high cholesterol?
KV1NN4: @Sacrenos just seen too many betta in bowls (or cups, etc) with barely any water
Juliamon: KV1NN4 yeah, people love to misconstrue "can survive" as "ideal"
raulghoulia: They don't teach you about beef poisoning in American schools
Rourke9: thats so funny
empyreon: LUL good on those students
Sarah_Serinde: I wish that was what he was most notorious for
GrizzmastahFlex: excellent
iris_of_ether: Oh no trust me I don't want to claim him. I'm sorry he's yours lol
RaklarLS: good teacher i see
KV1NN4: @Juliamon Yeah @.@;
Mischievous_Catgeist: New stream background
ladyjessica: when he was in a coma in russia I really wanted him to not survive.
iris_of_ether: Excellent students
The_Myrdin: is this even a game?
The_Myrdin: oooh points
The_Myrdin: well then
Mischievous_Catgeist: Number go up , makes it a game
Sarah_Serinde: There are lots of different types of play
ladyjessica: xp means game :)
Rourke9: the other day I was trying to explain to my aunt that the New York Times mobile games app does, in fact, count as a video game
Falannt: hi chat, hi @LoadingReadyRun We are aquascaping? ^^
Sarah_Serinde: this show's title literally makes fun of people trying to gatekeep what is or isn't a game
Rourke9: Bruno, of 'uniform forcemeat' fame
Rourke9: every discipline has forbidden questions ;_;
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW
Coloneljesus: the union does, at least
Earthenone: itts under 20 million right?
Invitare: do we know what the A's stand for
The_Myrdin: Ash nazg stomping on mushrooms, ash nazg interactive experience
iris_of_ether: Oh yeah, my friend has a story about her dad getting like muskrats declared as fish in Florida, or something of that flavor
ladyjessica: they’ve started making AAAA games.
dumbo3k: It helps to have them in tanks, with water, Cori
Invitare: it's stranger that humans find apex predators cute
Mkingston: Fish don't go on desks. They go in water!
Rourke9: the sound of screaming has grown, yes
The_Myrdin: The 4th A stands for Asshole
RandomTrivia: Pretty sure that "AAAA" is just the sound of the crunched, understaffed devs
iris_of_ether: 🅰️
Asimech: @Boopity Marketing.
squidddo: @Boopity because it's smaller than AA? :)
Boopity: Awesome LUL
TheAwkes: Oh man. Those are some sick lids! #BadFishJoke
hatsfullofrabbits: When do we get a cat and have it try to fish out the fish?
Rourke9: so if anyone walks by the Moscone Convention Center during GDC in a few weeks, if you hear the sound of screaming dont worry about us we're all Fine
The_Myrdin: If the fish have stats that you can increase, and there was eugenics so you could breed the "perfect fish" people would play this for a decade
Rourke9: oh thats nice
RandomTrivia: That's that stuff they make rebellions out of lrrBEEJ
Rourke9: me in college
Boopity: LUL
Featherweight_: that fish is going straight to the top
The_Myrdin: Could you be so kind to name one of them Bongo Steve? I think that would be funny
Rourke9: oh actually would love to know when that is happening, it sounds cathartic! im trying to get my schedule together
Rourke9: ill have to look that up
KV1NN4: @Sacrenos (sorry if I came off harsh, wasn't yelling at you at all @.@; )
ladyjessica: didn’t discover this time, but unlocked.
Boopity: The Hope to Bongo Steve pipeline
The_Myrdin: hurray oopmarDance
RandomTrivia: D'awwwww
RandomTrivia: So smol!
Boopity: That is a cube
Juliamon: a snail maybe?
KV1NN4: shrimp or snails AT BEST
The_Myrdin: Shrimp and snails would like this tiny tank
KV1NN4: but otherwise, yeah, plants
Rourke9: oh i like how the sand slopes
iris_of_ether: My spouse and I kinda low-key want a small shrimp tank
The_Myrdin: I assume the fish will die if they starve
Mathwyn: I too keep my fish tank in an blurry abstract void
Juliamon: I wish I had the space for a little tank with just marimo and snails
KV1NN4: @Juliamon Same/Similar. I miss having (none-aquatic) hermit crabs...
KV1NN4: also require a lot more care and gear than ppl realise
RealGamerCow: Can we please rename them to Ranger Gord
Mathwyn: Er ma gord
KV1NN4: current goal: a betta tank, long term goal, hermit-crabs (and they can DEIFNITELY live longer than 15 years)
The_Myrdin: Gord is perfect
TheAwkes: Gord Downfoot-Howe
ladyjessica: gord is a national hero
Invitare: Why are you building a fishtank in some kind of... nuclear wasteland?
The_Myrdin: :(
Invitare: and now it's a forest
ladyjessica: poor gord
Xed_Regulus: I'm playing a new TTRPG based on TMNT, so all our PCs are mutant animals. I'm playing a mutant Canadian Goose named Gord.
The_Myrdin: @Invitare the land has become unstable after The Event(TM)
Invitare: Don't talk about The Event!
RandomTrivia: You have become the fish
PixelArtDragon: Are we all not in a fishtank of our own design?
TS_Terrapin: no, no, I'm *listening* to you watch your fishtank
Boopity: The fish are not weighed down by useless human notions of "having something to do"
Gekyouryuu: "what are you doing?" "I'm watching my fish tank. they usually play DPS, and I want to support their decision to try other classes."
The_Myrdin: Maybe keep the Khornate Bloodworms away from our peaceful tank?
The_Myrdin: Khorne will turn the water to blood
The_Myrdin: and make it hard to see the fish
Rourke9: I love aging my friends my referring to Foo Fighters as “dad rock”
squidddo: dont like that song quite as much since finding out it doesnt go "welcome to the jungle, we got funny names"
Gekyouryuu: now I'm just remembering the Kidz Bop parody I saw once where adult bands sang kid songs to the tune of regular songs, like Pearl Jam singing Old MacDonald, or Guns and Roses singing "Welcome to McDonald's"
The_Myrdin: A real toadstool would turn to mush in a day underwater. They're very much not marine fungi
TheAwkes: That's such a choice.
Boopity: That is a little upsetting
The_Myrdin: What did I miss?
RandomTrivia: oh dear
Juliamon: seabatYIKES
Coloneljesus: @The_Myrdin the trash is a toilet
Astramentha: D:
SkylerRingtail: Noooo
Featherweight_: lrrGARBO
iris_of_ether: O_O
The_Myrdin: @Coloneljesus oh nooooo!
Mathwyn: Not stressy!
iris_of_ether: And Gord is a Canadian treasure so
The_Myrdin: Stressy... you are the weakest fish
Coloneljesus: burps n farts?
The_Myrdin: You need an oxygenator. One of those pumps
iris_of_ether: Are your fake plants giving off unwanted chemicals?
Mathwyn: Basic pet care is going well! *ignores bucket of fish being dragged outside*
RandomTrivia: jlrrBreak
libraryrulesrule subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, libraryrulesrule! (Today's storm count: 44)
dumbo3k: Pregante?!
TheAwkes: When you're trying to misspell it so hard you end up spelling it right.
squidddo: ooh you could make one look like a tropical sunset all hot pink and orange
Earthenone: are we going to make vaporwave fish?
squidddo: god i hope so
Astramentha: oof, yeah…
Astramentha: I do not have the spoons for fishies
Mathwyn: Yeah like how house flipper is me wishing I had the energy to clean my room!
Earthenone: yeah, imagine owning anything. digital codes are the best i can do
Rourke9: oh!!
Earthenone: a friend of mine flipped a house, i have no idea how they had the energy to do it on top of their 50+ hour a week job
Earthenone: ocean bacificaion?
Mathwyn: Just shove all the fish into a small tank until one uberfish arises having consumed the others
RandomTrivia: We are all the Potatoes of Theseus in our own way
Mathwyn: Thats how that works right?
Rourke9: algae bloom simulator when
squidddo: you need one of those fish that suck the glass clean
Mathwyn: But cameron do you wish to die of shrinkflation?
Lord_Hosk: plants are supposed to decay, thats what plants do
squidddo: thats just all life
Lord_Hosk: then we get oil
Mathwyn: Which we can use to kill more plants!
Mathwyn: I dunno, seems plenty glossy to me
tyrsredritehand: @squidddo a plecostomus.
veelofar: feesh
Lord_Hosk: The bubbles mean there is no water in those tiny little spots of tank
SquareDotCube: not enough CO2?
KV1NN4: Garden Inn
prankprogenitus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak!
prankprogenitus: Fish Fish Fish Fish Fish 🐠
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KV1NN4: Finally a tank big enough for two goldfish
Lord_Hosk: Real fishtanks aren't this finiky... Well I guess they are but not this persistently finiky. You get a chance to enjoy in between the finik
Lord_Hosk: Goldfish are filthy filthy animals
veelofar: goldfish require at least a five gallon tank for one or two
SquareDotCube: yeah they'll eat their own poop if you don't filter
Digigoner: A single goldfish will grow to fill the space it's in, though. Had one get to the size of a softball...
KV1NN4: Goldfish can't help that they evolved to be poop machines
KV1NN4: @Digigoner no that's how big they're supposed to get
KV1NN4: @Digigoner They don't 'grow to fit' it's jsut most people don't know how big they actually get
Mathwyn: 90% bladder by weight
LordZarano: Bred for their pee?
veelofar: it’s actually not true that they grow to their tank, it’s simply that if they aren’t given enough space their growth is stunted and they’re less healthy
SquareDotCube: next thing you'll know we'll have taught shrimp how to fry rice
KV1NN4: @Digigoner If they don't 'grow to fit' aka die within 3-5 years, its because the conditions were bad and they didn't have enough space to thrive
Mathwyn: An ill tyranid?
KV1NN4: some goldfish get over 10 inches long
veelofar: it’s like if you trap a dog in a small box, that dog may not grow to its full size due to stress and malnutrition from being unable to eat due to that stress
veelofar: same thing with goldfish
Lord_Hosk: Chat isn't lying, Goldfish are just nasty poo machines that grow and grow and grow, a common goldfish's "full size" is 10-12 inches in length but few ever get that large because they are small tanks and they die from being dirty dirty poop monsters.
KV1NN4: @veelofar I actually found a puppy liek that once, poor thing had been ina cramped space for most of its life til that point it coudln't walk properly (he got better after we took him in)
SquareDotCube: need a good hiding rock
veelofar: @lord_hosk they’re river fish, their natural environment filters itself. most river fish are like that to a degree
plaidanddrpepper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
plaidanddrpepper: Woo
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RandomTrivia: Self-flushing habitat
Lord_Hosk: What?
RandomTrivia: Now I'm just imagining a train full of goldfish
Mathwyn: Uh Cam, you have something you need to tell us about your train habits
Lord_Hosk: Cameron... Have you ever been on a train? and if so... No
Molladia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
Molladia: Good morning to all the lovely people. You're wonderful.
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SquareDotCube: overnight trains are great, if you ask me. Just make sure to have someone more spry to take the top bunk
veelofar: it’s also worth noting that goldfish are cold water fish, while most household fish are tropical or warm water fish, which is one of the reasons they don’t go well with lots of typical fish habitat plans
veelofar: cold water causes lots of the chemicals the goldfish produce to sink more than warm water
QuixoticScrivener: I’m here for games, not education.
KV1NN4: I'm hear to be edutained!
SquareDotCube: they probably want somewhere to hide
veelofar: I love talking about proper fish care! I’m a biologist that wants to start my own petshop
KV1NN4: @veelofar omg hope you can get that!
veelofar: it’s very expensive, though. x.x
SquareDotCube: a toad?
KV1NN4: @veelofar yeeah...
veelofar: oh! would you like some suggestions?
veelofar: micro tanks are super cool!
veelofar: basically, you’d be trying to recreate a tide pool style situation
SquareDotCube: tidal pool? so... lrrCrab ?
Lord_Hosk: So much asparagus... that tank smells like fish pee
Mathwyn: More fish, more!
veelofar: there’s a species of micro puffer that’s extremely good at cleaning small tanks called the Dwarf Puffer. they eat snails, which also serve as a self renewing food source to a degree
SquareDotCube: yeah cats do tend to be better with one or two along them
KV1NN4: dwarf puffers are so cute
veelofar: I helped set someone up with one of those when their tank got taken over by an invasive snail population and killed her fish
KV1NN4: if I do well with my eventual betta, i hope to try one of those
veelofar: we turned the problem into a good solution
SquareDotCube: kinda obvious but what about a hermit crab?
Asimech: Amartha?
LordZarano: Like the legal requirements for food production "Not no poop, but less"
Raincoast_Bear: Martha!? Why did you say that name?
iris_of_ether: sponge73Heart sponge73Heart sponge73Heart
veelofar: I like hermit crabs. they squeak very cutely when they’re happy
iris_of_ether: sponge73Shank
KV1NN4: i miss my hermit crabs (had a mite infestation that got out of control so fast... then I moved and jsut haven't had a chance again)
KV1NN4: Duckweed................. is usually just fine until it's a problem
veelofar: honestly, the sheer number of micro tank options available that are healthy for the fish just make me sad to see Betas put in micro tanks.
veelofar: there’s so many good micro tank setups
KV1NN4: yeah o.<;
MrQBear: Wait, is that fishtank standing in a pool of water, in a spooky woods?
QuixoticScrivener: I love the implication that the one tank is just in a serene wooded glade.
Asimech: @KV1NN4 Yeah, you really need to make sure the ducks have other recreational options and good mental healthcare.
KV1NN4: @Asimech LOL XD
Featherweight_: thats such a good rock. I respect that rock.
veelofar: I love tetras. they’re another good micro tank fish. also, I love the thick plants there for them to hide in. it makes them more comfortable
QuixoticScrivener: I wonder how they handle fish aggressiveness. Has anyone turned this into an exotic fish combat simulator with an arena tank?
veelofar: arena tank? all you need is an Oscar and anything else. XD
KV1NN4: lol XD
veelofar: I’ve seen an Oscar attack a pleco four times its size before. the pleco was not impressed
thefaintsmilee: Sorry if this has been asked, but is there a tank in any of LRR?
thefaintsmilee: SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing
thefaintsmilee: Due to the electrical usage?
Juliamon: Just reptile/amphibian tanks I think
SquareDotCube: just add it to the list - get the office a fish tank
veelofar: just let me know if my infodumping becomes disruptive.
QuixoticScrivener: my house is basically a cat tank
iris_of_ether: Oh no
Featherweight_: the gift of More work
SkylerRingtail: First the office needs to properly care for the mold colony living in the back of the fridge
SquareDotCube: believe it or not there is businesses out there that will maintain your tank
thefaintsmilee: Bahahahha
KV1NN4: you'd need a professional to set up a low-tech tank with a big set of instructions and schedules
thefaintsmilee: Cam, why are they banned?
iris_of_ether: Sometimes I consider getting hermit crabs or shrimp, briefly before I consider continuing to be lazy
Mathwyn: Just think of the one episode of commodorhustle material you could get from having a fishtank!
SquareDotCube: got too far from the school
veelofar: not enough hiding places
SquareDotCube: I'm thinking we need one of those hollow rocks
JonnyGlitched: Hello everyone!
veelofar: A good option for irl fish is a hollow decoration with an opening big enough for the small fish but to small for the big fish
JonnyGlitched: What did I miss?
Mathwyn: Well you don't wanna keep dead bears in your fish tank
veelofar: But I don't know if it would be able to judge that super well in game? I don't know how detailed it is on that front
Featherweight_: its the peak of Guinea pig technology
Astramentha: what about SSS angelfish
Mathwyn: On the plus side the platinum angelfish means you can't lose the game!
veelofar: You could have a sorority beta tank.
JonnyGlitched: fire and water don't mix
veelofar: Depends on the flow you have in the tank and what type of fish.
RealGamerCow: The owner of this tank makes a lot of Reddit posts
JonnyGlitched: Digging this flute
Mathwyn: When the ring of power gets stuck around a pebble
Astramentha: “is rightwise angelfish, triple platinum”
veelofar: Whomsoever should draw the anchor from the tank shall need to extract a pleco from the inside of one of the holes you didn't realize it had
iris_of_ether: Same with waterbeds
JonnyGlitched: did you know fish can actually live the rest of their lives out of water?
SquareDotCube: 30-40 gallons I think
veelofar: Yeah, if a big tank shatters, you've got water damage on the room and the room below it
Dalrint: Google says 70 to 80 gallons for a bathtub
SquareDotCube: but I can see tank limits being up to 10 gallons
RealGamerCow: 1 gallon is about 3800 cubic centimeters
Rutti subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rutti! (Today's storm count: 48)
veelofar: Water is Not Light
RealGamerCow: A 100 gallon tank is at least 800 pounds
LordZarano: 1 cubic meter of water weighs a ton. Literally
Dalrint: At 8.6 lbs for gallon, a 150 gallon tank would weigh 1290 pounds.
KV1NN4: This game doens't seem to have 'gets stuck in filter' mode, so glass it is
iris_of_ether: I...may remember how much water weighs because of the AD&D Players Manual
xantos69: Sure that sounds like alot of weight. But keep in mind that folks have pianos in their houses also.
JonnyGlitched: what's that in real units of measurements?
RealGamerCow: Rename that one General Zod
JonnyGlitched: flat fish!
Astramentha: jlrrDang
JonnyGlitched: it doesn't look happy
Juliamon: Flat Stanley
ScrapyardGhostTrain: @JonnyGlitched 1,000 lb is ~450 kg.
QuixoticScrivener: name him Flatthew.
veelofar: Typically, when a fish is trapped in two dimensional space, they become difficult to feed, as their organs are no longer shaped.
JonnyGlitched: @ScrapyardGhostTrain thank you!
Featherweight_: fish slipped between the atoms
Mathwyn: Flatthew barada nikto
JonnyGlitched: what's with the white marshmalllow?
veelofar: Oh... Ciclids.
JonnyGlitched: cockatoos are arseholes
JonnyGlitched: I am referring to the bird
veelofar: Yeah, Ciclids are one of the most... absolutely wild fish to have in a community tank
Mathwyn: Predatious opportunist also describes cockatoos tbh
JonnyGlitched: they're like a 2 year old with weapons for feet and mouths
Mathwyn: Their prey are your bins
veelofar: They'll get along with another fish for MONTHS and then suddenly kill ALL of them overnight
Syntheticuh: i watched the wavelength vod on youtube last night, that game is hilarious
veelofar: Definitely you want to pair Ciclids with fish that they aren't capable of taking in a fight
JonnyGlitched: Drop some fish off in the bowl
veelofar: Ciclids actually pair well with Oscars most of the time because an Oscar will threaten the Ciclid and the Ciclid will bide their time enough that they don't get got
veelofar: Well, big ciclids pair well with Oscars
JonnyGlitched: Fishermen
veelofar: I know this may surprise you, but I am an avid fish watcher.
2 raiders from Luminaire_p have joined!
Mathwyn: Ah the Qbert fish
veelofar: A little cory catfish. I like those.
Luminaire_p: Well enough, gotta run and work on dinner.
Luminaire_p: lrrHEART
JonnyGlitched: Did you know that most fish can't sing?
veelofar: Not sure why a cory catfish is named an expletive, but here we are.
JonnyGlitched: Betta fish are very bad at doing taxes
veelofar: If there were ever a fish that would be bad at doing taxes it would be bettas
SquareDotCube: probably should look around for something that makes a bubble column.
Mischief_Squid: @JonnyGlitched But sparkling gourami croak at one another for mating and territory.
JonnyGlitched: @Mischief_Squid I never said my bad facts had to be correct
JonnyGlitched: Fish can't look up
Mischief_Squid: @JonnyGlitched Fair enough, but I also didn't say that they could sing. ;)
SquareDotCube: ah, maybe look for an air pump
SquareDotCube: larger tanks like this will need help with aquatic circulation
LordZarano: Turns out those treasure chests that periodically open up and release a stream of bubbles aren't just for fun
veelofar: Well, the treasure chest part is for fun, but the periodic bubbles aren't
Mathwyn: @lordzarano Yeah where else would you put the red coins
veelofar: But, yeah, I constantly tell people at the petstore that big tanks are easier to care for.
JonnyGlitched: you can also aerate water by filling a cup with tank water and pouring it back in from a height. Good in power outages / pump failures
veelofar: The theory is that a mistake in a small tank won't be able to deal with it, but a large tank can circulate the mistake around. and it's not a comparatively a big deal.
SquareDotCube: kinda wish you could scale some things
JonnyGlitched: He has lost his flatness
JonnyGlitched: another dimension?
squidddo: yeah the z axis
RealGamerCow: Im out of the kitchen
RealGamerCow: Which is what many people heard for that lyric
SkylerRingtail: No one fuckles with Snuffles
iris_of_ether: sponge73Shank sponge73Shank sponge73Shank
veelofar: Are those females?
RealGamerCow: Gonna scrap!
iris_of_ether: sponge73Shank sponge73Uh sponge73Ghost
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Two fish enter; one fish leaves.
Juliamon: Oh, male means they're gonna bully
veelofar: Oh, yeah, a female and a male are going to not get along super well
iris_of_ether: It's a fish eat fish world
RealGamerCow: "cameron is suffering ennui"
Featherweight_: this game needs sex and shrimp. in that order
veelofar: I love sorority betta tanks, though. Just get like five to ten female bettas together and they are vibing together
SquareDotCube: time for fish jail
kalira77: the trash can turned into a toilet for the fish... :(
SquareDotCube: Hex tanks exist, but those are polylaminite
iris_of_ether: I imagine that it's easier to fit in a rectangular tank into a typical floor plan, so it doesn't stick out too much
Juliamon: Tanks tend to be placed against a wall, so rectangular minimizes how much they stick out into the rest of the room.
Juliamon: Like how TVs evolved to be flatscreen
Mathwyn: Can you get air pumps/filters/whatever fixes o2 levels?
LordZarano: If you want to explore this genre further I'd recommend checking out Aquarist, which has you respond to npcs having problems with their tank and clean and stabilise their tank for them, and has you do all the steps of like moving the fish to a temporary place and syphoning when you change the water, and get commissions to create tanks for people, and start your own fish shop from scratch
Juliamon: Also once air pumps and filters get involved you want to be against the wall for outlets.
KV1NN4: always remember; the 'poop eating' critters you get also produce poop so... just try to have too many fish
RealGamerCow: Gord CONSUME
KV1NN4: try NOT to have eve
KV1NN4: even.
Juliamon: They *can* eat their own poop but it's not going to do them any good
SkylerRingtail: They would go infinite
RealGamerCow: like a breeder reactor
SquareDotCube: fully ef-fish-ent
Juliamon: Cat: "Screw you guys, I'm going over here. Oh no, I regret everything!"
xantos69: The best explanation for the physics of why you can't do perpetual motion I ever heard was: "God plays magic... but he hates combo."
iris_of_ether: SabaPing
LordZarano: PrideSaba
TheAwkes: Like Seaman!
Featherweight_: be cool if this had a screen saver mode to just put a tank on display
Juliamon: I miss having an aquarium screensaver
Dalrint: Do you have any plans to look at Pacific Drive?
Juliamon: They... did
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits
Featherweight_: maybe one day we’ll be the problem
lilyoftheveil666: @dalrint They played the demo a few weeks back
TheMadS8nt: I'm gonna take a wild stab and say this isn't the goose game but with a fish right?
Juliamon: TheMadS8nt Much more of a traditional aquarium sim
TheMadS8nt: @Juliamon ahh, but now I kinda want goose game where you are flopping around as a fish
SkylerRingtail: Oh, I hate that
Juliamon: I Am Fish kinda is that
SkylerRingtail: Sounds like a game for the Nope Boys!
Gekyouryuu: apparently Alan Wake 2 is getting a patch to optimize it for older Nvidia GPUs or something along those lines?
Gekyouryuu: Rouge
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
empyreon: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
BlackIsis: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Alan Wake 2) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (16m from now).