Thefluffiestguineapig: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Alan Wake 2) at Tue 05:00 PM PST (48s ago).
Thefluffiestguineapig: So close!!!
NimrodXIV: lrrSIG lrrSIG
Kuhfeek: lrrSIG lrrSIG
BlackIsis: jesus that scared me
Kramburger: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrSPOOPY lrrSIG
patrick_stonecrusher: Walan Ake
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
eric_christian_berg: This is challenging music to do kegels to.
Andymonium subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months, currently on a 39 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Andymonium! (Today's storm count: 49)
Andymonium: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
ButButTheJesus: kinda forgot all about NOPE, glad I saw it on the sidebar. woooo
saucemaster5000: time to get alan baked
Makrosian_Tae: Dread it, run from it, hide from it. The let's nope comes for us all
Mazrae: Ooo let's nope right into a stream
squ3e: Someone start the poll for time until we play the game
Makrosian_Tae: My money's on 40 minutes
squ3e: im thinkin 45
Fanklok: I think they're cowards for not making it to a full hour yet
3 raiders from KrendarsAdventures have joined!
baltimore_667083: I’m putting all my chips on 75
baltimore_667083: hello raiders!
SurfDownstage: DinoDance DinoDance
FlynnRaccoon: Nice, I didn't miss the podcast :D
KrendarsAdventures: krendaGrin krendaGrin krendaGrin krendaGrin krendaGrin
Earthenone: im going to guess under 10 minutes just to bus with us
KrendarsAdventures: Hi!
saucemaster5000: you know if you bet they will intentionally try to avoid your petty predictions
Makrosian_Tae: Every time I think I've heard the best of BGC I'm proven so, so wrong
patrick_stonecrusher: 26:35
Anaerin: !show override off
Fanklok: What if they hit us with the reversal and spend the first hour playing the game in complete silence
barbmitzvah: @Fanklok Please no, my nightmare
Orxolon: give me the hero of light!
Anaerin: !show override nope
Orxolon: g night everyone
Nigouki: o hai there
Mazrae: So are we going to get double the talking time since no nope last week
SmithKurosaki: Sup nerds
KrendarsAdventures: @baltimore_667083 How goes?
TheWarDoctor8: Herald of Darkness!
MegaDosX: Show me the champion of light
SmithKurosaki: Going for an hour today?
ButButTheJesus: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
circusofkirkus: fucking Dayman ass song
Makrosian_Tae: Now heeeee's the torch bearer
djalternative: Harold of Darkness!!!!!!
Orxolon: give me the hero of light i'll show you the herald of darkness?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hello!!!!!
barbmitzvah: Ben's disappearing sleeves
TheWarDoctor8: Banger track OMG
shendaras: heartless, oh noes
ButButTheJesus: always knew ben was a ghost
djalternative: Ben has severed arms
BlackIsis: let's just play that part again
saucemaster5000: better than pee through
Falannt: + heart
Fanklok: Ben I can't even se y our shoulders, you gotta hit the gym brother
Mazrae: Line up that controller with the trophy in the back??
LordZarano: Ben is a Kingdom Hearts
Thefluffiestguineapig: The pain box?
MegaDosX: Ben is Davy Jones?
saucemaster5000: you see, there's this dune
Brigsby subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Brigsby! (Today's storm count: 50)
patrick_stonecrusher: If you move up and to yor left you can line up with the trophy
plundypops: Heart in a box is the mind killer
epsilon_vee: with timmy clams
MegaDosX: Holy shit
Blakemcm: Ben's kink
Earthenone: i know there is a weird box, and posibly a large worm?
Korolan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Korolan! (Today's storm count: 51)
Thefluffiestguineapig: he is sometimes off puttingly doll like as a real human
Blakemcm: He probably isnt tho fr fr
RealGamerCow: Does he have a punchable face?
MegaDosX: Ben really wants to punch Timothee Chalamet confirmed
saucemaster5000: timothee chalameh
Thefluffiestguineapig: He is weirdly in the uncanny valley
Fanklok: Ben you know more about Dune than you think. 40k cribs a lot from it
goombalax: he was in Mando
MegaDosX: Ben what.
Nigouki: he was in the Die Hard with the I'm a Mac guy
MegaDosX: Good lord Ben what the hell
Blakemcm: Timothy Olyphant... the mighty ducks man
Makrosian_Tae: His role in Justified was a fucking banger
BlackIsis: The sherriff guy
noSmokeFire: he was grogu
goombalax: the jetpack gunslinger guy
korvys: The guy who had Bobba Fett's armour
MegaDosX: He's the guy with Fett's armour
Makrosian_Tae: He was playing himself from Justified in Mandalorian XD
shendaras: who stopped?
gualdhar: Matt Damon was Grogu
Makrosian_Tae: I think we are not
saucemaster5000: Ben's finger is on a different pulse
lochnessseammonster: he's great in santa clarita diet
lilyoftheveil666: I REFUSE
MegaDosX: Ben no
NotCainNorAbel: Glomp is mid
Fanklok: Bird flock, fish school and brother I glomp people.
SmithKurosaki: Do you know Timothy Allen?
UltraVioletVodoo: No thanks
ButButTheJesus: i hate this
plundypops: I hope glomp doesn't come back
Nigouki: glomp ain't coming back without consent
Mr_Horrible: also that's not the phrase, Benjamin. "GLOM" is the word for "glom onto"
Thefluffiestguineapig: No, we are not on the pulse
Mr_Horrible: glom and glomp are not the same thing
kumatsu: time to glomp Adam next time I see him xd
loufghyslaufey: "Timmy-Who?"
infinity_225: but he’s so cute
MegaDosX: Tom Holland?
Mr_Horrible: "Make Tom Holland look like a fae"
gualdhar: What if Steve Buscemi was young and cute
CururuGuasu: He Willys a good Wonka
Blakemcm: Tom Holland is a scratch golfer. love that dude
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible YES
Boon_33: tom holland is expensive, can you use Serge?
MegaDosX: They do not
loufghyslaufey: Would you?
jessieimproved: mall ninjas do
goombalax: Timothy Chalamet for Kellan
Thefluffiestguineapig: They say "My name is Inigo Montoya"
bosqueofpines: Did fencing, never heard that
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
loufghyslaufey: "H'ya!"
MegaDosX: More than you
Mr_Horrible: his look and his name both imply he emerges from the deep wood to offer you your heart's desire, but for a price
Falannt: en guarde!
djalternative: because one is french and one is japanese
Andymonium: please, timothy chalemanalemanet was my father
Falannt: not haya
MegaDosX: I knew people in school who did fencing
BrindleBoar: glass h'ya-lf full
Fanklok: I would belive MegaDosX is an olympic level fencer
MegaDosX: They don't say anything
Thefluffiestguineapig: En garde
MegaDosX: They're busy stabbing
Misslinnythebaker: If it looks like a sword, likely to be able to get stabbed
NotCainNorAbel: yeahhhhhh
djalternative: they'd say something in french, ben
Falannt: Touché
patrick_stonecrusher: [Stabs] [waits 5 seconds] "Hiya!!]
BurgerGamer: yeah, I fenced for a few years, never heard it. usually just a loud grunt/roar noise
Thefluffiestguineapig: Watch Olympic fencing
Mai_Andra: "neep!"
MegaDosX: I bet you would
lochnessseammonster: yeah you don't say shit
lochnessseammonster: maybe you'd gurgle
Boon_33: Ben the stoic
RealGamerCow: having seen live steel displays, it's loud, heavy, and clanking
kumatsu: you get stabbed and you go HYAH
Blakemcm: if you get stabbed in the lung, you just sigh...
lochnessseammonster: i mean if you're fencing...
BrindleBoar: "My Abdominium!"
loufghyslaufey: No, not that far Ben...
UltraVioletVodoo: As someone whose been stabbed, i mostly just had a sharp intake of breath and said fuck with no breath
Boon_33: but with more of a STABBING pain.
Orxolon: au chy
HaltBen2514: someone go get Christopher lee
Darleysam: you know, the noise an anime character makes when they read something mildly surprising
Fanklok: I don't think being dead lets you make any noise
SmithKurosaki: @UltraVioletVodoo oofa
josh___something: Show me THE CHAMPION OF LIGHT
Thefluffiestguineapig: Define stabbed
Blakemcm: ryu sf2 uwaa uwaaa uwwaaa
djalternative: yeah. people don't tend to yell when inflicted with injury. Ben's got the more accurate take
Boon_33: they don't call it stabbing pain for no reason.
saucemaster5000: I stab first
Mr_Horrible: with a pen, but not deep
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do you mean with a needle for an injection?
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT
SmithKurosaki: I've def stabbed myself a little
loufghyslaufey: @HaltBen2514 I heard he only accepts appointments, so???
PhoenixShaman: does accidentally stabbing yourself count?
MrGibberish: do vaccines count?
djalternative: I've been in sanctioned tournament fights
baltimore_667083: i dont stab-i peench
Misslinnythebaker: Stabbed by numerous needles because of medical conditions
korvys: I have a scar from a (blunt) sword
Mr_Horrible: Debate got wild sometimes
Mister_BlueSky: Long distance stabbing.
MegaDosX: How tho
Juliamon: I've done injections
josh___something: Stabbed the roof of my mouth with a pencil
lochnessseammonster: with many many sewing pins
jessieimproved: I have pencil lead in my hand from being stabbed by a pencil in middle school
ghyllnox: Stabbed by what though
Boon_33: having been slightly punctured I do not recommend, hurts more than you'd think.
ghyllnox: By a knife? No
loufghyslaufey: 2?
Mr_Horrible: so what you're ACTUALLY asking is "how many of chat have been in a knife fight?"
MegaDosX: Uh oh
KV1NN4: technically i've been stabbed multiple times but i was under anesthesia ;P
RealGamerCow: I've been stabbed by a fork!
loufghyslaufey: 2 centimetres?
HaltBen2514: I stabbed my self in the hand trying to cut tape off a piece of bamboo
RealGamerCow: Like, sticking in!
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Orlantia: I got stabbed by a fence, and I almost punched my femoral artery
josh___something: Benjamin... XD
Fanklok: Don't laugh Adam, everyone does it
loufghyslaufey: @Fanklok We do!?
PhoenixShaman: I fell on a kickstand and ripped my knee open, i didnt feel it for several mins. I got 12 stitches
MegaDosX: How did you not notice that
DudelidouX: Why am I not surprised...
itira: Hello everyone
mrkrabswasright subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mrkrabswasright! (Today's storm count: 52)
tabbyphobos: Kids don't play with too many knives
josh___something: I played with fire more
MegaDosX: Not with an actual blade
Mr_Horrible: Young Ben's insides kept trying to get outside
FlynnRaccoon: Adam feels more like the "played with fire" kinda kid.
HaltBen2514: we used sticks for that!!!
Falannt: that is a cut, not stabbing
ButButTheJesus: I would have if I had a knife
Blakemcm: Thats not very Bogan of you Adam
BurgerGamer: the nerve endings in the legs are next to nonexistent, its very easy to not notice you stabbed yourself
MegaDosX: Yeah we used sticks for pretending to sword fight
ratstronomer: i get nervous holding sharp knives
saucemaster5000: I would play pirates with knives -- wear bandanas and a kitchen knife, go around the neighborhood asking people for money
loufghyslaufey: Samurai? No. Jedi/Sith? Probably... they're all the same thing though, so...?
goombalax: I had a butterfly pen
saucemaster5000: Did that into my 20s
Seth_Erickson: Our school had that.
aceofroses_: its the boyyyyys
NotCainNorAbel: everyone at my school had a knife
Fanklok: The McEdgelords????
Seth_Erickson: I never had Zippo Tricks
Kramburger: Dammit, I missed the first half of the pre-stream podcast
SmithKurosaki: McEdgeLord?
HaltBen2514: people used butterfly combs because butterfly knives are banned in nz
Dog_of_Myth: Oh, time for the Tuesday Waffle.
Jensling: I miss Zippotricks McEdgelord
SmithKurosaki: I just brought throwing knives to school.
UltraVioletVodoo: Would you like to see a stab wound? Mind if i link it?
PhoenixShaman: my shop teacher had cut the tip of his thumb off on a band saw, i have a fear of fast moving blades
TheAwkes: As someone who had a friend gift me a Zippo for my birthday because my parents wouldn't let me buy my own...
Seth_Erickson: But were you in the pool of idiots
SmithKurosaki: @UltraVioletVodoo Probably better to not
goombalax: we had one dude with a collection of swords and knives who got suspended monthly for having blades on him
Thefluffiestguineapig: Everyone is a moron with moments of genius
aceofroses_: its wild
lochnessseammonster: i went to art school so they gave us knives PrideLaugh
korvys: I got hit in the face with a (blunt) sword, but I was like... 19, doing medieval sword fighting stuff, so I might have been the moron
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Nigouki: fuck
jessieimproved: just need 3 more
lochnessseammonster: LIES
Seth_Erickson: Something's up Ben
ButButTheJesus: YOU DID NOT
Nigouki: really?
SmithKurosaki: Oh heck
BurgerGamer: DANGER
aceofroses_: 2???
Seth_Erickson: they're spying on you
Dog_of_Myth: coxSquack
Blakemcm: sound the alarm lads!!!!
Darleysam: talking about it though, right?!
Nigouki: i'm so fucking jealous
Falannt: the start of 50 min til we go to the game.
KWardJenx: Call back
Blakemcm: double owl
goombalax: OvO OvO HOOT HOOT
loufghyslaufey: "....Two Allens?"
dutchmoose: the owls are not what they seem
underhill33: two is a lot
MacbethSeemsSus: Light the beacon!
Kramburger: Adam's poisoned the sample
itira: I believe you Ben
shendaras: You didn't take pics?
RealGamerCow: How far apart?
lochnessseammonster: cursed
AzureishDragoon: Got some pics of those cute birds?
HaltBen2514: together or separate instances??
MrGibberish: Hootie does not count!
SmithKurosaki: I heard an owl fighting a raccoon on Monday night
CururuGuasu: was the same owl twice, playing a prank
Seth_Erickson: Are we sure the Owls aren't ghosts
NotCainNorAbel: I start to think that Ben doesn't know what an owl looks like
RealGamerCow: Alan!
Fanklok: Ben doing aerobics: "I saw. two. owls."
Seth_Erickson: My uncle is an Alan
josh___something: 2 alans?!
saucemaster5000: I knew an Alan Grant
Dog_of_Myth: Wrench
loufghyslaufey: Sorry, I meant Alan?
Seth_Erickson: and one of my best friends is Alan
dragonwarrior000: I am an Alan
josh___something: Oh MY GOD
Mr_Horrible: well savor it because it's gonna be another 40 minutes before we see another Alan
patrick_stonecrusher: 🦉🦉
PhoenixShaman: is he the hunter :P
Fanklok: Hey is Duke Nukem Forever a horror game?
loufghyslaufey: I guessed that Ben seemed cursed after seeing... "Two Alans" irl.
josh___something: Have you played saga?
aceofroses_: i hate when they talk during it
baltimore_667083: my doctor is an alan...he's also my neighbor
Makrosian_Tae: ALAN
Seth_Erickson: Alan and Wesker the loudest DBD match in history
Makrosian_Tae: ALAAAAAAN
djalternative: Who's better? Alan Wake or Nick Cage?
Mr_Horrible: "Alan spawned unfavorably - once again, fate was against him"
JDMan94: His VA went nuts tho in DBD. His screams are NUTS.
Seth_Erickson: depends
blip2004: Scratch would be the killer version
BurgerGamer: scratch could be a killer
goombalax: doesn't he murder dozens of people
itira: thats pretty toxic honestly
Seth_Erickson: theh clicky clicky is the bm
FlynnRaccoon: "No - Well ..." is the honest response really.
josh___something: I've NEVER tried to taunt in a video game :)
matthaus_c: oh hell yeah still caught the waffle
matthaus_c: nic cage easy
Seth_Erickson: You Decide!
Fanklok: Who would win in a fight, the girl from Daymare 2 or Goku?
PhoenixShaman: Alan or Evil dead Ash?
Thefluffiestguineapig: It was the Color Out of Space
goombalax: Willy's Wonderland is a gem btw
Mr_Horrible: Colour Out Of Space
josh___something: Alan wake Vs. Saga Anderson?
dutchmoose: Raising Arizona rules
control_rig subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, control_rig! (Today's storm count: 53)
SmithKurosaki: I dont play the right weapons in MH to want Agitator
dravman: He's great in Mandy
circusofkirkus: National Treasure and National Treasure 2 are cinematic masterpieces
Seth_Erickson: Con-Air is good iirc
korvys: The Rock
Boon_33: a... face off?
matthaus_c: Mandy is so good
Astrovore: I watched that recent one. Massive Talent something
Makrosian_Tae: I heard Renfield was amazing
saucemaster5000: Ben only watches cartoons
lochnessseammonster: the one he did with pedro pascal was fun
SnackPak_: is con air still good?
blip2004: I've seen The Rock, Willy's Wonderland and Renfield recently
ifritleviathan: I watched willys wonderland yesterday
Orlantia: I watched the weird Nick Cage movie where he was Superman and there was a giant spider
korvys: Drive Angry
UltraVioletVodoo: What was that movie where he was the mc in five nights at freddies
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ghost Rider which is NOT good
patrick_stonecrusher: #JustNickCageThings
Seth_Erickson: I have no idea if Con Air still holds up
Rhynerd: my last might have been The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
fiftymcnasty: Nic Cage has had some good movies lately
loufghyslaufey: probably for the best, Ben.
djalternative: oh. You've got to watch The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. It has Nick Cage making out with Nick Cage
Thefluffiestguineapig: The one with the mandolin
itira: I watched The Rock with Nick Cage recently LUL
squ3e: was that any good?
Mr_Horrible: was he movin' different?
Mazrae: This podcast is good to listen to while grilling pork chops
PhoenixShaman: kiss of the vampire is the origin of a lot of the nick memes
Mr_Horrible: was this shit nothing to him, man?
KV1NN4: going to watch Renfield this Friday for the first time
lochnessseammonster: i liked it
loufghyslaufey: Oh, & at least Renfield
FlynnRaccoon: Cage isn't a bad actor. He just has a lot of range, and thinks he has even more.
Astrovore: @Rhynerd I saw that one!
matthaus_c: there's not a role he doesn't put his whole Nicussy into
fiftymcnasty: Pig was really good
Falannt: cya in 30 min, when we start the game...
NotCainNorAbel: Gone in 60 Seconds
MilkInBags: I'm here for Alan Shake
Seth_Erickson: Does The Rock star The Rock?
Makrosian_Tae: That movie was awesome
Astrovore: The Rock is badass
itira: a MOOOOvie
MilkInBags: Nicolas Cage!
korvys: Michael Bay movie
Fanklok: Sean Connery is in it
SmithKurosaki: I liked the movie he did with Pedro Pascal more than Renfield
PharaohBender27: 1996?
0x6772: Older than you are, Ben.
Nigouki: 1995???
RealGamerCow: 30 years?
blip2004: 95ish
goombalax: Sean Connery, Ed Harris, its a good one
patrick_stonecrusher: <3 Vampire's Kiss <3
MilkInBags: I'll bet 2002
itira: like 1996?
shendaras: 1996
PhoenixShaman: Sean Connery is a ex spy in the rock
MegaDosX: 1996
Kramburger: Useing gameBecause Ben is a CHILD
FlynnRaccoon: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:25:49. lrrSPOT
matthaus_c: you watched The Cabinet of Dr Caligari
dutchmoose: fuck Casablanca
MilkInBags: half of chat wasn't born
raulghoulia: "Losers are always whining about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen"
BlackIsis: dammit ben
Seth_Erickson: 3 years older thahn me
BlackIsis: you kids
MrSarkhan: I was 4
josh___something: I wasn't born then
Mazrae: I would of been 5
Kramburger: 86 baybeee
Blakemcm: 63
PharaohBender27: I would've been 11
matthaus_c: I'm 6 or 7 younger than Ben
blip2004: it has peoples faces melt off
Thefluffiestguineapig: 94
Fanklok: I am like exactly one year older than Ben
itira: 87 baybeee
letfireraindown: I
Blakemcm: 36
Misslinnythebaker: 42 next week
letfireraindown: I'm 40 this year
PhoenixShaman: Automn of '86 bb
Makrosian_Tae: I saw The Rock on VHS
aceofroses_: i was 2
JinaMahavira: can confirm, I am between Adam and Ben's ages
lochnessseammonster: 35 in a month
orangeleapfrog: 18
baltimore_667083: -cries in 24-
jessieimproved: half of chat wasn't born, half of chat saw charlie chaplain live
josh___something: You met alan wake?! Kappa
TheMandrew: I love the assumption that The Rock is just the last Sean Connery James Bond movie
Orlantia: "our age" is a hell of a range for LRR, Ben
CastleOtranto: 42 in three months
loufghyslaufey: I'll just guess I probably wasn't around yet.
MilkInBags: was it heef with his mom
matthaus_c: was she baptised
circusofkirkus: LOL
Kramburger: ADAM
josh___something: XD
Nigouki: hahahah
itira: LOL ADAM
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
MegaDosX: Adam.
SnackPak_: perfect
Haroldholmes25: LUL
MilkInBags: be truthful
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup
MrSarkhan: LUL
Seth_Erickson: Was she baptized
Saintnex: ADAM
loufghyslaufey: mattlrWoof
baltimore_667083: ADAM
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
PhorrestGaze: no pause
SmoreThanAFeelin: LUL yessss
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is very on brand
Fanklok: Is she baptised?
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
NotCainNorAbel: is she baptised?
SurfDownstage: LUL
blip2004: straight to the point
Jensling: LUL
Makrosian_Tae: LUL
Blakemcm: standard followup
underhill33: lrrWOW
BrindleBoar: what were you expecting Ben
ButButTheJesus: ADAM. YES.
squ3e: ok
itira: oh my god
Blakemcm: had to see it
KV1NN4: Baptised?
HaltBen2514: was she baptised?
aceofroses_: i love adam
jessieimproved: I cackled out loud
josh___something: Was she single? :p
SmithKurosaki: Nice
Kramburger: Was the Dad hot?
josh___something: Was HE single?
Masslost: the theory that Sean Connery plays James Bond in rock movie is pretty wild
Mr_Horrible: fantastic
Despoiler98: shugrvSpray shugrvSpray shugrvSpray shugrvSpray Adam No
itira: Was the Dad hot?
KWardJenx: You knew that question was gonna follow.
dutchmoose: Am I single?
aceofroses_: or like Fast aand Futious family
unicornly: time to find out if they're poly!
Blakemcm: FROM THE MOM?!?!
Blakemcm: oh ok
Kramburger: Ben: Was. The. Dad. Hot?
Fanklok: Ben is an extra medium
Lysander_salamander: :D
itira: go off king
RealGamerCow: Are you husky?
circusofkirkus: so "husky" it is
Seth_Erickson: Gotta get the Extra in there
matthaus_c: king
dutchmoose: extra EXTRA medium
Thefluffiestguineapig: You just look like a large as compared to the rest of the giants of LRR
matthaus_c: is he husky or european
RealGamerCow: I'm a UNIQLO "nope"
unicornly: there is a whole song about 'need a big boy' so...
Blakemcm: were all built like Luke Sullivan here
itira: clothes are neat
matthaus_c: oh hell yeah more sleep shirts for Nicole
SmoreThanAFeelin: noted
dutchmoose: BUTT
Fanklok: I wear 2xl shirts because the neck holes are too smal on regular larges
josh___something: Send deez nuts
Mai_Andra: Ben Ulmer, confirmed anti-nudist
SmoreThanAFeelin: smooth
josh___something: Never
matthaus_c: bout 5 minutes ago
Makrosian_Tae: On a scale of nope to flattering, how does getting an undersized shirt compare to getting carded at the bar when you're an adult?
MegaDosX: In person?
dutchmoose: who?
lochnessseammonster: never in real life
Saintnex: never :(
WiJohn: There's one behind you right now
saucemaster5000: I'm looking at two owls right now
djalternative: reminder that LRR are much larger than they look on camera. It's because they're all giants
bosqueofpines: Like an hour ago
Orlantia: I see them on Instagram every day
Thefluffiestguineapig: In the wild or does at the zoo count
Orxolon: i never seen one irl
Scy_Anide: 'bout 5 minutes ago
eric_christian_berg: At the zoo, I think.
HaltBen2514: does a native owl called a more pork count?
LordZarano: I base all my clothing size decisions on DB shirts
BlackIsis: You can't OWN an owl, man
Fanklok: You're not allowed to owl domestic birds in the US
SurfDownstage: You'll never get that information out of me
itira: id still want to know if they OWN an OWL
Kramburger: You can't *own* owls, they're birds, they're free
PhorrestGaze: about 4 weeks ago
Sogheim: no owls but I saw the first toad of the season last night
RealGamerCow: who the fuck owns owls?
itira: owls are cool
blip2004: Wizards
matthaus_c: what if 2 owls is extra juju
RealGamerCow: btw, owls are *dumb*
0x6772: Ah yes, Owlchat.
CastleOtranto: The last time I saw an owl, I was at the museum. In Animal Crossing.
korvys: Wild owls
Mr_Horrible: Adam you grew up in the Canada version of the Midwest how the fuck are you freaked out by owls
MWGNZ: what if there was a third owl?
KWardJenx: I know what we're getting Adam.....
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RealGamerCow No one should unless they are a licensed wildlife rehabilitator and a vet has declared it unreleasable
Kramburger: Remember, Owls are very slow birds that don't do long distance flying and using them for mail dilevery is inhumane
Mai_Andra: does Hootie count?
loufghyslaufey: hahahahaha
josh___something: Hoo
blip2004: but getting a pygmy owl or burrowing one would be cool
lochnessseammonster: gottem
Boon_33: nice hooters.
bladed_shadow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bladed_shadow! (Today's storm count: 54)
Fanklok: You can see an owl whenever you want, Hooty lives in the moon base
matthaus_c: what if your owl is a wizard in disguise
Seth_Erickson: You tried to betray me
josh___something: Yandere?
matthaus_c: that's Yandere
MegaDosX: That would be yandere
twistedsylvan: Yandere, close
gibbousm: I grew up in an area with Burrowing Owls that were active during the day. So Owls during the day are uncommon, but not super weird
MilkInBags: sounds made up
Makrosian_Tae: Yandere
matthaus_c: finger on the pulse of weebs
Makrosian_Tae: "If I can't have you then no one can"
Mr_Horrible: yandere is the girl with the knife and the concerning look in her eyes, yes
RealGamerCow: gibbousm the cutest owls
Seth_Erickson: On the pulse of japanese culture huh Kappa
BrindleBoar: weebwatch 2024
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, it depends on the species
ghyllnox: Yandere
matthaus_c: I had burrowing owls in my highschool grounds
ghyllnox: Right?
korvys: What about bats? How many bats? During the day.
xantos69: Just won my weekly MTG League!
Fanklok: A couple is 2
Seth_Erickson: A couple is two Adam
RealGamerCow: I have Great Horned Owls in my woods, they are fucking HUGE.
raulghoulia: were the owls single?
NotCainNorAbel: could be the same owl,
gibbousm: they're tiny and adorable
MrGibberish: that reminds me of the book Hoot
MegaDosX: Objection!
saucemaster5000: OBJECTION
Makrosian_Tae: Congrats @xantos69 !!
djalternative: Ben's now Edgeworth
TheOtherElephant: Is there a difference in an unusual number of owls that your hear/know the presence of vs. directly see?
josh___something: Phoenix Wrong, ace Defective
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
loufghyslaufey: "The duck is a Yan Derei!?"
Mr_Horrible: "Get the fuck out of my courtroom"
gibbousm: got to watch one get into a shouting match with a small dog that got too close to a nest
djalternative: Update the Autopsy Report
twistedsylvan: just badger your witness until they admit to murder
BrindleBoar: sustained is legalese for "go off, brother"
itira: LOL
cdgentry1: sustained=go off king
MegaDosX: With respect, absolutely fucking not benginLul
patrick_stonecrusher: I guessed 26:35, so l lost NotLikeThis
lochnessseammonster: seabatBRAIN
MilkInBags: being a lawyer isnt about making good points
dutchmoose: better call saul is so good I wish lawyers were real
RealGamerCow: Adam could NOT defend someone that was guilty
raulghoulia: Put Adam in one of those barrister wigs
Orxolon: manslaughter
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
Boon_33: nothing if Adam's your lawyer.
Haroldholmes25: LUL
Mr_Horrible: nyxieSmuggy
Seth_Erickson: What is Ben alleged to have done
Jennie_Fuchsia: Just got here. My husband said they would already be playing the game and I just laughed
Makrosian_Tae: Woooo
itira: tqsSweat
matthaus_c: pegging is not a crime, getting pegged is
SurfDownstage: LUL
djalternative: Do you trust Adam to go researching through a law library for president?
Makrosian_Tae: seabatClap
Fanklok: Adam walks into the court room 'Your honor that guy did it, wait fuck I'm the defense lawyer. I mean they didn't do it, can I have ado over?"
Morrigan9: LOL
josh___something: Peg you? 😳
Saintnex: lrrWOW
UltraVioletVodoo: Shots fired
xantos69: Adam is so good at it.... It is illegal.
korvys: How prominently do owls feature in your defense?
ButButTheJesus: TRU THO
itira: tqsShocked
djalternative: *precedent
matthaus_c: shoutout to all the bottoms
aceofroses_: you two are cousins ?
Saintnex: I mean Alabama deserves it but still Kappa
shendaras: Treat the court like twitch chat
KWardJenx: Not wrong
MilkInBags: LUL
noSmokeFire: you argue with chat all the time
RealGamerCow: Adam "legal pocket sand" Savidan
Boon_33: you're honor, Adam needs to smoke and drink during the trial it's his right.
ghyllnox: The bottom has historically gotten the more severe punishment yes
Morrigan9: was the judge baptised
tabbyphobos: Oh no
Seth_Erickson: That game sucks, anyway my client is innocent5
Fanklok: If its tje judge from Phoenix Wright that guy is an idiot
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap
Mr_Horrible: Judges, famously tolerant of shenanigans
tabbyphobos: Is it dolphin time?
baltimore_667083: @Morrigan9 by a demon
korvys: poison swamp
NotCainNorAbel: I'll allow it
Boon_33: I'm gonna allow this.
matthaus_c: ladies and gentlemen of the jury! how would you feel if $5 footlongs were $6?
josh___something: Not a poison swamp? Bold
patrick_stonecrusher: Butt stuff
baltimore_667083: @matthaus_c i would riot
Morrigan9: only outside ofthe family
underhill33: probably
NotCainNorAbel: I will not google that for you
MegaDosX: It's Alabama so probably
KWardJenx: Many, many things are illegal in AL
Seth_Erickson: It is a state in the south
SnackPak_: safe bet
korvys: You're walking through a poison swamp, and you find Hidetaka Miyazaki in a jar? Do you let him out?
Blakemcm: its refered to as Sodomy
jessieimproved: Yes Alabama is like that
MegaDosX: It's in the South
MilkInBags: i dont know the laws meta
Blakemcm: and it very well could be but you cant prove it
MegaDosX: All I know about Alabama is "Roll Tide"
Boon_33: sodomy laws are still on the books in some of those places.
0x6772: Alabama's most recently famous for "peoplehood for foetuses".
jessieimproved: I am adjacent to Alabama, and yes
CastleOtranto: Don't have to be gay to get pegged
shendaras: Pretty awful, actually
underhill33: alabama just said that embryos are people so...
Blakemcm: its illegal to own more than like 7 dildos in Texas
Seth_Erickson: Southern states are generally not great
Blakemcm: but good luck proving it
gibbousm: I live in the States. I hate it
UltraVioletVodoo: Isnt alabama one of the states where 14 is the age of consent?
patrick_stonecrusher: Dumpster. Fire.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh yeah Adam, you are a sweet cinammon roll
Dog_of_Myth: @LoadingReadyRun Alabama is the only state in US with a law specifically prohibiting the sale of sex toys.
cdgentry1: this place is messed up (america)
far2muchsarcasm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
far2muchsarcasm: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
Mr_Horrible: he speaks the truth
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, far2muchsarcasm! (Today's storm count: 55)
ghyllnox: There are no longer "you can't be gay" states, but they'd still prefer you not
MegaDosX: It's an unfortunate reality
jessieimproved: The USA is just wildly different all over the place, it's hard to generalize
Fanklok: Why do you think Be Gay Do Crimes is so easy in the US?
MegaDosX: Tell that to Ghana
Makrosian_Tae: Adam is truly the change he wants to see in the universe
Seth_Erickson: All of the US has many different complex issues that change depending on where you are.
korvys: 2 birds with one stone
matthaus_c: highly political statement, "let the gays be"
cdgentry1: I wish it wasn't a hot topic
MilkInBags: well actually, jesus was huh against gays, that's why he hung out with 12 dudes all the time
Jennie_Fuchsia: oh in Alabama even straights arent allowed to have kids rn
MegaDosX: lmaooooooooooooo
Mai_Andra: Hot Topic was for Goths, the other Big G
josh___something: Ben...
thefightnerd: there's practically sundown states in the south
spo8n subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, spo8n! (Today's storm count: 56)
Boon_33: o
djalternative: hahahahaha
FlynnRaccoon: Accidentally Correct - the worst kind of correct :p
gamercat88: get cock.....
Dog_of_Myth: I know, just random fun facts
tod_vom_himmel: got there
NotCainNorAbel: let's explain it for him
Mr_Horrible: "This isn't a dildo, this is an urn for my grandmother's ashes"
josh___something: Alan take it to the gay?
Mazrae: Only 31 min tonight
Fanklok: Only half an hour this time, disappointing
SmithKurosaki: only 30 minutes. Those are rookie numbers
saucemaster5000: which thumb is more flared?
MilkInBags: nice thumb
Makrosian_Tae: Adam my sweet summer child
KV1NN4: At my last store job, i can happily confirm that there are strap-ons that are designed for penis0having individuals to wear
itira: HAHAHAH
aceofroses_: cant wait for the highlights
MegaDosX: Holy shit
josh___something: Excuse?!
far2muchsarcasm: Adam!
itira: HHAAA
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fanklok Ben pulled the parachute at this point
NimrodXIV: welp
beastman309 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
beastman309: BOO!
cdgentry1: highlight reeel
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, beastman309! (Today's storm count: 57)
josh___something: Mr. Savidan
0x6772: The "Three Bears" of pegs.
itira: holy shit LUL
ButButTheJesus: that's it folks, shut it down
LordZarano: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 5:32 PM
matthaus_c: this stream rules
Saintnex: welp
MegaDosX: Well at least you wouldn't have to worry about losing it inside your body and needing to go to the hospital
Melfina__: I.. i can't breathe
korvys: A svelte 30 minutes on this pre-game chat
TheWarDoctor8: @/Adam if you're really curious I can send you a modified US map of how things look here
Fanklok: Jordynne is doing that because it's funny
Makrosian_Tae: "It was then that Adam and Ben knew they'd peaked at comedy"
matthaus_c: didn't you hear? Jordynne's goal for the year is to not have a single gameplay clip of Let's Nope
RealGamerCow: here's some gameplay right now
Thefluffiestguineapig: You challenged the editor
djalternative: It's on purpose at this point
Thefluffiestguineapig: You said "bet they can't just have us talking"
Orxolon: you don't!?
protojman: love the highlights
itira: thats excellent
cdgentry1: I imagine the musical has to make it
ghyllnox: What if I've already confirmed the hypothesis but I'd like to have it peer-reviewed
PharaohBender27: In before Jordynne just automatically rejects all gameplay clips
Saintnex: Oh Ben, we JUST saw your conversation, this week's a bust lol
SurfDownstage: I only watch the highlights
KWardJenx: The Highlights are great
SurfDownstage: I never watch the streams
beastman309: I love let's nope! Big Fan!
Seth_Erickson: All you have to do is not talk and Jordynne will be in shambles
Boon_33: Ben watches for his own jokes.
thatguysteve2709: No
raulghoulia: Highlights are for kids
ButButTheJesus: after the "game"
0x6772: Sits on a bag of ice?
Morrigan9: wha?
Mr_Horrible: what, did they nut too hard on the rink or something?
PharaohBender27: Why are they icing their ass, though?
SurfDownstage: LUL
Makrosian_Tae: When?
Morrigan9: what sport? curling?
gamercat88: chaffing is real
djalternative: I'm not surprised Adam doesn't watch things back. Very common in entertainment. The one exception tends to be blooper reels/highlights
saucemaster5000: HAve you and Adam been using the thumb for "sports"?
Thefluffiestguineapig: And this is when Adam just melts
SmithKurosaki: It's that Pegging Thumb
NotCainNorAbel: after the pro pegging league you need a bag of ice
josh___something: Are we sure ben's not from an alternate dimension?
UltraVioletVodoo: Cool down their core quickly for heat exhaustion
KWardJenx: Are we back to pegging? Post tumb bag of ice?
Mr_Horrible: Ben stop using The Voice
Mr_Horrible: you're not trained, the space nuns will get mad
Makrosian_Tae: "That [butt]'s on the [bag of ice] again!"
Thefluffiestguineapig: I know that with hemmeroids you sometimes sit on ice?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or post difficult birth they will recommend it?
MegaDosX: You should
MegaDosX: Portal and Portal 2 are both great
saucemaster5000: portal also has stinky horse physics
Boon_33: when did you get a sonic screwdriver?
matthaus_c: SpeedrunOneWord... there's a name I haven't heard in a dog's age
gibbousm: ask the folks in Can't Draw Horses Club to explain Horse Physics to you
RealGamerCow: and all horses are stinky
Morrigan9: guessing they mean skyrim horse physics?
Mr_Horrible: nonexistent because they aren't real
saucemaster5000: any stinky enjoyers in chat?
beastman309: A Light recommendation?
itira: is game sound too loud compared to the streamin folk or is it just me
BurgerGamer: you've never physics'd a horse before, ben?
CastleOtranto: Are the physics stinky or is the horse stinky?
beastman309: Neighsayer Adam
SmithKurosaki: I bet the door code is whatever year AW1 came out
Boon_33: let's ask Adam to do something impossible. what's wrong with that as a show plan?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CastleOtranto Define stinky? As herbivores they have lots of gas from fermentation in their stomach
NotCainNorAbel: not everyone here has been at the top of a speed run
korvys: What are you talking about, Ben, you had a world record
Thefluffiestguineapig: They have some truly loud farts
Orxolon: not being an expert makes your opinion less valid?
Makrosian_Tae: There was a floaty black thing back there
Makrosian_Tae: don't you need that?
RealGamerCow: Have you ever watched someone speedrun? It's often miserable
Mr_Horrible: Do the Grobulax Skip
josh___something: Oh, a shotgun, pog
Fanklok: Simply do the harvest skip
SurfDownstage: 20 bucks for a manhattan???
Juliamon: wow those are some tourist prices
speedracer4321: Brother I need another musical interlude to help me remember where we are after the week off.
shendaras: Oh, it's just 10 frame perfect inputs
matthaus_c: that show concept is even less doable now that most Speedrun information is in Discord servers
loufghyslaufey: Twenty for a Manhattan!?
beastman309: Kick it with your hooves Adem
korvys: I get what you're saying, but I did enjoy you guys getting the record in that mansion game
HatsWearCats subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
HatsWearCats: *122*
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HatsWearCats! (Today's storm count: 58)
NorthstarTex: GDQ does a good job at explaining the different exploits and glitches
MilkInBags: did you recover in goiko again?
Mr_Horrible: something smaller scope might have legs, where it's you learning a particular trick each episode and trying to get it
Makrosian_Tae: It's right there by the tower. just, in midair
xantos69: I think that premise for a show could work, but you would need a "Jedi Master" to guide them through it. One person who has played the game a bunch explaining it, but the new player has to actually try and do it.
loufghyslaufey: How much for a "Chicago" in comparison?
itira: oh..
MilkInBags: nerds ruin everything
SmithKurosaki: bruh
saucemaster5000: did the party have stinky horse physics?
baltimore_667083: the imperial turndown
RealGamerCow: Big Oof
dutchmoose: lmfao
beastman309: Ben and Horse?!
MWGNZ: shouldve stuck with turn down for what
Orxolon: hahahha
MilkInBags: "5 turns until end of round"
MechaNoelle: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR
RealGamerCow: "Hah, nerds" - That DJ
itira: i dislike LUL
ButButTheJesus: ♪ p-p-pass the pack to the player on your player on your LEFT LEFT LEFT ♪
KV1NN4: Bad Romance into Tetris is actually kindda sick imo
Boon_33: the food on your plate, now belongs to the state SingsNote SingsNote
Makrosian_Tae: 😲🫵
twistedsylvan: okay maybe I'm easily impressed, but that Tetris remix sounds rad
saucemaster5000: (damn I thought I played a pretty good set...)
SmithKurosaki: Tetris would have been a better drop yes
jessieimproved: i'd listen to that match up not gonna lie
MilkInBags: $25
MegaDosX: $15
Saintnex: 50 dollars
Mr_Horrible: 20 bucks
baltimore_667083: 40
ghizmou: in USD?
SurfDownstage: $19
Scy_Anide: $24
korvys: $32
itira: 15$
beastman309: 12$
bv310: 22
SmithKurosaki: 20
Orxolon: 18+
Makrosian_Tae: $20
djalternative: 1 drink ticket
Kramburger: Have you seen the guy that does actually good nerd mash-up stuff? Like Tipsey and the FF7 battle theme:
MegaDosX: That's a lot
SurfDownstage: bruh
MilkInBags: $14 in a sponsored party? get out
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
Makrosian_Tae: WUT
itira: thats fucked
Mr_Horrible: 14 for that is pretty eeeeesh
Makrosian_Tae: WutFace
Fanklok: It was that cheap?
MilkInBags: did you have to watch ads before getting your drink
NotCainNorAbel: should have come to Wisconsin, for $14 you could drink all night
djalternative: House of Blues is super over priced
monakai: What is this NYC?
HaltBen2514: almost 30nz :)
PharaohBender27: Excellent call
ghyllnox: $10
ShaneLeeAtk: HASBRO trying to make a buck anywhere it can
beastman309: Your adambucks were ment to offfset the cost.
MilkInBags: you must understand, hasbro is in need
MWGNZ: homeopathic amounts of gin
Scy_Anide: Nah, in NYC it would have been $16-18+.
saucemaster5000: maybe they took one look at you and said "oh he's canadian he doesn't know"
Jennie_Fuchsia: the play I’m currently working on has all amazing mashups between scenes and it’s really hard to do a quick change while dancing
MegaDosX: Oh I'm so sorry
noSmokeFire: m'lort
BurgerGamer: oh god, malort
MegaDosX: I've heard stories about that
SmithKurosaki: Did y'all visit the RatHole?
MilkInBags: LUL
ghizmou: did you visit the rat hole Ben
Scy_Anide: Drinks here are $15-17 in an average to decent bar.
josh___something: AHAHA
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
SurfDownstage: Chicago is one of my favorite world-class cities
Pinwiz11: Marlort is not that bad. It's not good, but it's not bad and I will stand by that
matthaus_c: holy shit
djalternative: oh. Ben had malort! hahahahaha
bv310: You Malort a boy
RealGamerCow: what were your thoughts on malort
MacbethSeemsSus: Ah, the Chicago rite of passage
Scy_Anide: Cocktails anyways. Beer is cheaper.
beastman309: Good :)
PMAvers: Okay, good joke Adam. He gets a point for that one.
Makrosian_Tae: Gottem
matthaus_c: he doesn't even know how fucking funny that is
cdgentry1: adam spittin tonight
NotCainNorAbel: what was your through to malort?
ButButTheJesus: no Adam its made my Carly Rae Jepsen
ShaneLeeAtk: (tips hat) M'Lort
Mr_Horrible: perfect
Makrosian_Tae: Hello highlight reel
Rhynerd: now that you’ve malorted that boy it’s time to fail.
korvys: You malort a boy
Makrosian_Tae: Can chat explain the joke to me BTW?
saucemaster5000: once went to chicago and asked my dad for restaurant recs (he worked a lot there) and he sent me to a rebranded cheesecake factory
SmithKurosaki: f
MilkInBags: like getting sent to the shadow realm
beastman309: Znooot
Kramburger: 665... foreshadowing
Makrosian_Tae: Proud of you
circusofkirkus: the joke explanation requires a 4 hour powerpoint explaining the lore of Kingdom Hearts
ButButTheJesus: its called Jeppson's Malort
RealGamerCow: Every time they show Alan Wake, I say "Who is this Billy Mitchell lookin motherfucker"
MilkInBags: sauce your dad has no tastes
Darleysam: hey, it's serge
MilkInBags: is that jesus
beastman309: hello
Makrosian_Tae: That back, bro!
MilkInBags: the eyes yes
itsr67: meestar scratch
Orxolon: Snerge
gibbousm: wow, he really does. Its the eyes
NimrodXIV: oh noooo
Saintnex: Wow, I cant unsee Serge now
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: you mean the grand luxe?
itira: kneeeeeel
jessieimproved: To me Alan Wake is a really white Keanu
josh___something: Sam, I was waiting for the face reveal :p
matthaus_c: that's what he's been up to all this time
djalternative: so Alan Wake is Serge with a beard
korvys: wow, yeah
lochnessseammonster: serge and snerge
MilkInBags: Inzanity
Pinwiz11: Snerge escaped the containment zone!
Darleysam: same @josh___something!
jessieimproved: Cousin to Billy Zane
blip2004: game got real quiet
matthaus_c: now kiss
SmithKurosaki: Release the Snerge sergeSnerge
Scy_Anide: There is one (1) Olive Garden in all of Manhattan and that is at least 1 too many.
gibbousm: ART
MilkInBags: Returnal, what a game
matthaus_c: if you met your doppelganger would you kiss
twistedsylvan: so this guy is supposed to be a cross between Steven King and Mick Jagger, yeah?
Pharmacistjudge: I think the drinks were bad at the party because some people had unlimited drink passes
bojuka_pog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
bojuka_pog: Hey! Insomnia sucks, but at least I can catch you live for once!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bojuka_pog! (Today's storm count: 59)
EvilBadman: That is the Alan Wake actor with his actual voice.
baltimore_667083: i cannot tell if this is live action or not but it looks so realistic
josh___something: Fun fact, Tom Zane is alan's actor's real voice
Fanklok: When did this turn into The Room
MilkInBags: SourPls
Seth_Erickson: SourPls
Saintnex: huh
varmintx0: Is this art?
Orxolon: more than 14 dollars were spent
Scy_Anide: Hell yeah cocaine time.
Makrosian_Tae: Banger...alert?
ShaneLeeAtk: Ah, Fear and Loathing
itira: tqsShocked
itsr67: me when I win a local
SmithKurosaki: @Fanklok accurate af
gibbousm: don't do drugs kids. Thats how you wind up writing a book that summons eldritch horrors into our world
Scy_Anide: Time to write a whole book and not remember it.
patrick_stonecrusher: Hunter S Thompson, you are not
SurfDownstage: Ben is this what the party in chicago was like
bv310: Just fully following Stephen King's life arc
ButButTheJesus: they must've had so much fun making this
matthaus_c: they didn't even peg each other
Kaaosa: oh it's the ghost job brothers
YawnLance subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
YawnLance: Thank you for 5 years of spoops, and for creating content and a community that makes getting through the rough days a little easier lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YawnLance! (Today's storm count: 60)
Juliamon: JESSE
JDMan94: Oh hey, characters from Control
saucemaster5000: was that the control lady?
bv310: Jesse!
josh___something: Hello docror darling
Makrosian_Tae: JESSE
SurfDownstage: Yeah
snowyowlly: oh hey Darling !
djalternative: Control!
bv310: She's Dynamite!
Makrosian_Tae: Aw he'll yeah!!
korvys: Yeah, it was in Control
gibbousm: Night Springs is bad X Files
blip2004: Night Springs shows up a lot in Control as well
josh___something: Jesse and Dr. darling is from control, yes
EvilBadman: Jesse and Darling were from Control though :)
Orxolon: na na na na psychoooo
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: you go to this very hotel a couple times in Control, too
saucemaster5000: hye chat is this game connected to control? I need a few more people to confirm this
Makrosian_Tae: I too must know
loufghyslaufey: weh?
itira: @saucemaster5000 i think its realated to control yeah
josh___something: Nah, it's completely separate :)
EvilBadman: @saucemaster5000 everyone adores a smartass
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: @saucemaster5000 yes
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 no
matthaus_c: any similarities is pure coincidence
matthaus_c: similarity* even
saucemaster5000: I choose to believe matthaus and only matthaus
MegaDosX: @saucemaster5000 Why would you ever do that to yourself?
matthaus_c: just like it was meant to be
saucemaster5000: for the luls
ButButTheJesus: @saucemaster5000 that's probably wise yeah
Makrosian_Tae: Gib
Makrosian_Tae: Gib ammo
Fanklok: Ammo is for goalies who can stop a puck
matthaus_c: we used to be a people
SmithKurosaki: I miss 90s tims
SurfDownstage: @Makrosian_Tae lrrGibb
Morrigan9: timmy hoes sounds like apimp
matthaus_c: first block, then ammo
josh___something: Yes
Fanklok: Thought process??
NotCainNorAbel: that would solve a lot of problems
ButButTheJesus: is tim hortons cancelled? i dunno we don't have them here
EvilBadman: Patrick Roymbo
JDMan94: That would honestly solve a lot of problems tbh
MWGNZ: no the goalies are hte distributors
HorusFive: Only goalies can use their hands- how else can they wield the gun
korvys: Sound like a more effective gun policy than the states
matthaus_c: honestly that would be better gun control than we currently have
MechaNoelle: I love how in every third person action game, every door opens both way; every door is a push door all the time
jessieimproved: I didn't start drinking coffee until I was in my 30s
PMAvers: I think I had it once, thought it was awful, and havn't had it since.
Saintnex: first year of University
kumatsu: Senior year of college
SmithKurosaki: I was in high school
cdgentry1: it was a formative memory with my mom
eric_christian_berg: When my second child was born.
monakai: 13 I think
gamercat88: college
rosesmcgee: Like 8 or 9. But it was New England
matthaus_c: it was during highschool, I was 14 or 15
HaltBen2514: I still don’t drink coffee. coffee and cigs I would instantly get addicted to if I tried
Blakemcm: 15 years old, computer science class, cool teacher had coffee machine in class
SmithKurosaki: Back in the 90s the donuts were still made in store
Makrosian_Tae: I remember when it happened. Never. because I don't like coffee :)
Misslinnythebaker: when I was a barista. Found the wonderful taste of caramel lattes and eggnog lattes using Wawa eggnog
saucemaster5000: They handed it to me and the barista sais "you're a man now"
RealGamerCow: I only started liking coffee about 8 years ago. so, when I was 40
BlackIsis: Buirger King I think
Kramburger: I was in South Korea in 2005 because I thought they wouldn't have black tea. They didn't have much milk so my first coffee was black with lots of sugar
Saintnex: Tims just sucks because they have bad coffee now
matthaus_c: Burger King
Ballistic_Meatball: 2015, had a friend recommend drinking coffee with lime juice
matthaus_c: Wendy's is not to blame for everything, Ben
ButButTheJesus: not teh bean!
CaptainSpam: The Burgerk Ing.
Jennie_Fuchsia: 15 years old when my friend got a job at starbucks and it was freeee
FlynnRaccoon: 12 for the milk and sugar. I think I was in second year of Uni before I started getting good coffee and drinking it black.
CaptainSpam: They got Burgerk's.
SmithKurosaki: Tims got bought by Wendys, then they split, then the company that owns BK bought them
MegaDosX: Apparently McCafe coffee here in Australia's not bad
CaptainSpam: Burgerk'd.
MegaDosX: Never had it though
aceofroses_: me , I hated it, then i tried it with sugar in highschool and me and my friends got hooked
SmithKurosaki: Things went downhill once Wendys bought them
saucemaster5000: Had to hang my coffee cup slightly bloodied out the window so the village knew the relationship was consummated
TheAwkes: High school. Timmies French Vanilla "Cappuccino".
goombalax: Wendys is always decent
Makrosian_Tae: Ok, so I'm not clear on this: did the game introduce Saga to momentarily distract people before Alan appears and fully takes over protagonist status?
SmithKurosaki: @saucemaster5000 wtf
Blakemcm: white castle is ass
ButButTheJesus: honestly I was like 32-33 before I got into coffee. I don't drink it often but I do like to get some when I'm out
Blakemcm: its all bread
BlackIsis: It's drunk food
Saintnex: Id probably say Canadian A&W
PMAvers: Wheeler mentioned the Cheese Sack
baltimore_667083: white castle has fallen so far since 1921
CaptainSpam: White Castle is a necessity, and nothing more.
gibbousm: White Castle is a historic place
gualdhar: White Castle is the best thing open at night, because nothing else is
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: White Castle is average but you get a lot of it for cheap
jessieimproved: I remember White Castle being good when I was a kid, but I love me an oniony burger
NorthstarTex: Its mid, good for when you just want food
Juliamon: It took me awhile to get into coffee, because I thought the problem was it needed more sugar, when actually what I wanted was more dairy and *less* sugar
goombalax: Harveys has good fries and decent poutine
SmithKurosaki: Canadian A&W is the shit. Need Gravy for the friens
Kramburger: ANW? The place where Danhausen works?
TheMerricat: You all are crazy, White Castle is the bomb. You just need to not be onion intolerant.
CaptainSpam: A&W in the US has gone through a lot of changes in a relatively recent amount of time. I can't keep track of them anymore.
Makrosian_Tae: Like, when was the last time we played Saga? Is she lost to the plot now that Alan is playable?
gibbousm: do they exist in the Subway-verse?
Fanklok: I watched this anime called Sk8 the Infinity, one of the characters is from Canada so they eat at A&W a lot so he can get poutine.
eric_christian_berg: @Juliamon Same.
SmithKurosaki: Come to Anime North sometime, there's a Harveys you can only eat from on the Friday of the con
SurfDownstage: salted brown
Makrosian_Tae: @fanklok You must be joking
QuixoticScrivener: What does A&W stand for? (Amburgers and Wootbeer!)
matthaus_c: they're illegal underground restaurants
NotCainNorAbel: How is the Subway gravy?
MegaDosX: All Will Be Subway
Saintnex: Oh yea, Can A&W Poutine? actually amazing, near Costco Poutine IMO
circusofkirkus: Quiznos is the resistance
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: the Steak n Shake near me closed down a good few years ago now, and then the Whataburger next to it went away too, so I have no 24-hour burger options
Kramburger: My wife LOVES gravy so much it's a little alarming
FlynnRaccoon: They're just short sandwiches, why would you need them when you have Subway?
Fanklok: Is... is Helldivers the Subwayverse
SurfDownstage: Anderson & Wanderson
bojuka_pog: Do Subway make Harvey's burger in the SubwayVerse then?
matthaus_c: intervention for Kramburger's wife
Xed_Regulus: Taco Bell is the only restaurant. We learned that they won the franchise wars in Demolition Man
RealGamerCow: Kramburger your wife is a person of great taste
xantos69: Is she single?
Rhynerd: @fanklok can’t be, a yogurt company lives in Helldivers.
CaptainSpam: Five Guys is still good, if costly.
saucemaster5000: @Kramburger do you ever look at your kids and wonder if they look a little broth-y?
goombalax: Please, My wife, she love the gravy
josh___something: Is she baptized?
HaltBen2514: is she baptised tho?
Makrosian_Tae: Is the gravy single?
NotCainNorAbel: Is she baptised?
lochnessseammonster: in gravy
Saintnex: Baptised in gravy?
spo8n: are you covered in gravy right now?
EvilBadman: Dip that wife in an au jus
SurfDownstage: Baptismal gravy
BrindleBoar: Poutized
FlynnRaccoon: #TooFar
Fanklok: If the priest is Colonel Sanders
Morrigan9: back to alabama
kumatsu: gotta get some Holy Gravy
ButButTheJesus: that's not biblical
Musicsquid: that’s just a church in Florida
SmithKurosaki: I'll take a baptism, side of Gravy pls
bojuka_pog: Holy gravy
Makrosian_Tae: I love this deep-swamp folk baptism we're constructing here
Sogheim: that is sure A Decision you're discussing
Juliamon: damn I haven't had beef dip in years
FlynnRaccoon: !findquote gravy
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
itira: I cant type fast enough to keep up with chat tonight. tqsLeave curse these haaands
Kramburger: Is beef dip like sheep dip?
spinebustertee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
saucemaster5000: I always called them french dips
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, spinebustertee! (Today's storm count: 61)
matthaus_c: the hell is sheep dip
gamercat88: au jus aka gotchu
goombalax: Beef dip is (supposed to be) a prime rib sandwich, the au jus is also served with the larger steak
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 that explains why it's a scam
SmithKurosaki: @Kramburger Its a roastbeef sandwich with a side of salty beef water
RealGamerCow: Ask someone "Would you like this sandwich with juice?"
Makrosian_Tae: The face! Did anybody else see the face glitch?
Kramburger: Sheep Dip is an inscetacide
korvys: That's for treating sheep for worms
Kramburger: For sheep
Korolan: when you Said Beef Dip Baby, my brain immediately sung it to Jukebox Hero
SurfDownstage: I like the quips
Korolan: so now that can belong to everyone
Makrosian_Tae: Oh yeah, does Ben still have the flare gun?
saucemaster5000: BEEF DIP BABY (luke voice)
josh___something: FOTTSIES
Kramburger: ROPE A DOPE BEN
Fanklok: When you roast a beef a bunch of meat juice comes out. You make the roast beef into a sandwich and dip it into the meat juice.
BlackIsis: @Korolan you've got staaaaars in your fries
SurfDownstage: That shadow looks like ben
Mr_Horrible: didn't become Alan Whacked FBtouchdown
jessieimproved: occupado
Kramburger: Time to become Alan Wack
Fanklok: No this is the dark place
Mr_Horrible: you know what game would let you shove that hand flare into the enemy's chest cavity?
Mr_Horrible: nyxieSmuggy
SmithKurosaki: @Kramburger So you like, dip the sheep feet in the dip and let them spread the pesticide, or?
patrick_stonecrusher: Yeah, to shoot the shit
baltimore_667083: @Fanklok no, this is patrick
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Orxolon: do we agree that the moment a horror game gives you a gun you are automatically braver?
Kaaosa: "before i get my fuck on"
Kramburger: @SmithKurosaki Dip the sheep to keep blowflies and the like off them
BrindleBoar: Ben really was in the US for too long Kappa
matthaus_c: that's what they mean by safe sex
gamercat88: is ben a goalie...
matthaus_c: fucking clown car hotel room
Kaaosa: do you hear the words coming out of your own mouth
Saintnex: We've talked a LOT about Ben's private time in the last hour
Earthenone: horror games stop being horror games when you get the gun :P
matthaus_c: @Kaaosa hehe coming
Mr_Horrible: who gave these shadows Drive Rush?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, had to force myself to pause and make food before I hyperfocused and forgot to eat which would mean nothing since noon which was an apple and peanut butter
Orxolon: they have a face in the reflection?
Darleysam: oh you throwing the title screens for Elden Ring at these shadowy boys?
SurfDownstage: job's done
Kaaosa: @matthaus_c sorry, i meant "do you hear the words busting out of your mouth"
saucemaster5000: what if the gun was haunted?
Mr_Horrible: it's not really that hard, tbh
loufghyslaufey: Where's The "FALCON PUNCH" Ben!?
Thefluffiestguineapig: You RE7 that
SmithKurosaki: @Kramburger Thank
matthaus_c: it's harder to make a game still scary when you're playing in front of studio lights with a buddy
RealGamerCow: You make ammo extremely rare, so you have to stress about using bullets
Mr_Horrible: horror games are based on tension and discomfort, that's not hard to do while giving the player a weapon
Kramburger: Give the player a gun and put them up against eldritch horror that can't be killed in our universe
Fanklok: Tape is also for goalies
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: remember that Squeenix considered a Tomb Raider game a failure because it "only" sold 16 *million* copies
josh___something: You missed the shotgun, yeah
saucemaster5000: joke's on you cthulhu dies to shotgun in most horror games
loufghyslaufey: @Kramburger Still wanna play Control dough ImTyping ImTyping
josh___something: I assume you can still get it
loufghyslaufey: Singleplayer Adventure books?
thatguysteve2709: At what point in horror does the scariest part become inventory management?
saucemaster5000: if only ed had a shotgun
Kramburger: @saucemaster5000 If it were me I would simply comprehend the horrors and the kill them
EvilBadman: It's not a great shotgun tbh
josh___something: Life's too short to play low tiers, ben :p
Mr_Horrible: making a game that necessarily involves more friction than a lot of genres is gonna bounce some folks off, yeah
Fanklok: Shotguns use shells not bullets
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: give Alan Wake a flak cannon
ButButTheJesus: good reference bront
loufghyslaufey: @josh___something And now were obligated to share our lowest of tiers ImTyping
Makrosian_Tae: I experienced the worst connection possible today. it was like they were matching me from the ShadowRealm
Micsig: dos equis
Fanklok: Project O sounds like a hentai
niccus: project trilane
matthaus_c: Double Knockout is such a banger name why ruin it
Mr_Horrible: very "in development" name, Project L
loufghyslaufey: Anyway, I'll start; Magic: Arena. (...probably?)
josh___something: Project L is VERY "early access" game
matthaus_c: @Fanklok spitting
The_Timo: But so many people have come up with better names
Kaaosa: What if they just called it League of 2XKO
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or project Lesbian
Kramburger: The call it Project L because you turn 360 degrees and take the L
gibbousm: I'm hoping that we get my favorite characters in the game: Zac, Amummu, and Skarner
MilkInBags: project l(ong name)
squ3e: League Fightermans
Kaaosa: if they put briar in it'll just be feet fighter 7
Haroldholmes25: people typing sf6 in chat
TheOtherElephant: I can not say it as anything other than "Tesco".
loufghyslaufey: I need to garbage the day outside...
twistedsylvan: also like, lots of games have terrible names but do fine
SquareDotCube: Dubba K
loufghyslaufey: Luigi's Mansion?
josh___something: I mean, popular video game "STREET FIGHTER" isn't really the innovative naming scheme now, tbf
goombalax: @Kaaosa Juri reskin
Earthenone: maybe they made a bad name so that it would generate discorce over the name choice as free publicity?
EvilBadman: That's not a marketing fail. Game name was some c-suite dude thinking it was cool
gibbousm: I've mostly heard good things about it, but 2v2 multiplayer has me feeling leary
MilkInBags: oh yeah? name 5 bad names
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean, that first Sonic trailer did lead to them getting all that press when they changed it
The_Timo: Yeah, just surprising they cared less about it's name than other people
twistedsylvan: "Triangle Strategy"
Mr_Horrible: I mean, "worked up" was also a lot of people saying "this is stupid and IDK why they chose this" once and then moving on
saucemaster5000: I'm calling "2 Bad they called it that N-O"
josh___something: fair enough
Mr_Horrible: but it was a *lot* of people saying at the same time
MilkInBags: siege is so hard
PMAvers: When are we going to fight a street?
CururuGuasu: There’s a highly anticipated game releasing soon named “Unicorn Overlord.” Any name can work
josh___something: Aggressively okay
loufghyslaufey: Why Rainbow Six? Does it shit rainbows?
saucemaster5000: league playerws overreacting?
Earthenone: Various Daylife is my favorite dumb videogame name
MilkInBags: Dragons Dogma 2, more like dogshit name amirite
kumatsu: I remember Ben's R6S arc
josh___something: People on twitter were worked up, so...
Mr_Horrible: fair enough, but that brouhaha had a lifespan of less than 24 hours, which is pretty anemic by today's standards
Kaaosa: dragon's ligma more like
saucemaster5000: dragons pogma
TheAwkes: Almost time to climb on a cyclops again!
Earthenone: wasent dragons dogma the first gamehaus?
Mr_Horrible: hmm, I'm probably less plugged in then
loufghyslaufey: There's supposed to be a "Two?"
MilkInBags: it was like 2X hours long
EvilBadman: Q1 has been stacked with Japanese Heavy Hitters
itsr67: Fighting game players? Complaining?
Mr_Horrible: dragon's GYAATma
loufghyslaufey: Like, its not even out yet?
matthaus_c: dragon's 🅱️ogma
josh___something: gamers, in general
SquareDotCube: Dragon's Ligma
saucemaster5000: I never complain about fighting games. Ever.
MilkInBags: oooooooooooooo
couchboyj: I heard Syr Steve of Jorbs died of Dragon's Ligma
squ3e: wait what? 2 v2 fighting game? That seems.. weird? right?
matthaus_c: fighting game VGC
Earthenone: so is it 4 player or like sawed off MvC?
josh___something: I also like Double kill as a pronounciation
EvilBadman: Oh I thought it was 2 KO wins a best of three
Micsig: @Earthenone both options
Mr_Horrible: @squ3e not really. Tag fighters are pretty evenly split between 2v2 and 3v3
Fanklok: Ooh ooh let me do fighting game discourse "The other character is bull shit because I didn't block and lost. My character is fair and balanced though"
jessieimproved: Played a lot of Tekken Tag in the day
matthaus_c: a friend tried to get me into Skullgirls
matthaus_c: brother
matthaus_c: fuck no
squ3e: Ah, so it will suffer from the same problem league does - better with friends and probably way worse without
SquareDotCube: 2 makes sense, go to 3 and it turns into mobbing on one player
Mr_Horrible: that game got solved so fast
couchboyj: MAHVEL, BAYBEE
josh___something: Oh, Mr. Door!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: that feels like most fighting games - fighting someone even slightly better than you can be a real miserable experience
shendaras: Dr. Moon.
Mr_Horrible: that Dr. What
saucemaster5000: no that's professor whomst
matthaus_c: you just started the Moffat run, right?
NorthstarTex: Dr. Moon = Mr. Door
Seth_Erickson: Warlin Door is a powerful name.
itsr67: the second you get into a fighting game with other folks that also want to get into it
itsr67: divine
JinaMahavira: Oh, I thought it was the guy from 10s last christmas special
dumbo3k: @NorthstarTex Wouldn't the proper anagram be Mr. Door = Dr. Doom?
Earthenone: i mostly played fighters as a kid, when i won i would get punched and when i lost i lost
Orxolon: so,where's the clicker?
Mr_Horrible: @dumbo3k not enough d's, ironically
Seth_Erickson: Well all the enemies were on Vacation Adam
octolirious: I hated that room, spent ages trying to get the stuff there.
Seth_Erickson: so of course they're all relaxing at the hotel
Earthenone: now i only play "spectacle fighters" i think is the term? games that fighting gamers would disown
saucemaster5000: there was a convention
Fanklok: There's a convention you see
Fanklok: Sauce stay out of my head
Makrosian_Tae: I mean, to be fair to you Ben, you're practically playing bi-weekly at this point
bojuka_pog: There was a yearly ennemies convention
thatguysteve2709: So, what in your opinion is a good starter fighter?
Mr_Horrible: "Oh hey, you're that hack writer who disappeared for 10 years!" *gunshots*
itsr67: we play spectral vs generation
matthaus_c: tried YOMI Hustle yet?
JinaMahavira: Heaven or Shell
Mr_Horrible: BEPPO
Seth_Erickson: Beppo!
Makrosian_Tae: Me with the other 3 ppl on Seachats playing Under Night. HEY!!
itira: oh wait wait... BEPPO
EvilBadman: Footsies is the beginner game, we know this
MegaDosX: Hadouken!
itsr67: BUDDY
itsr67: UPPAHCUT
josh___something: HEY STEVE
Mr_Horrible: "I wanna do the cool thing I saw" is usually how people get into / adhere to fighters
itsr67: *go where your heart dreams*
itsr67: spectral vs generation
twistedsylvan: I picked up Guilty Gear recently beacuse it just looked good, and I've been getting my ass kicked, but it's super fun
itsr67: I play a tiny man who has a stand
thatguysteve2709: Thank you, all great reasons and very sound arguments
Fanklok: Was that AHti humming?
Orxolon: when i was a child in the arcades i used to try or start picking the fighter that gave me a beating and made me lose my credit
Gaz_L: nope, not Ahti
thatguysteve2709: Hip check the shit out of that door
Makrosian_Tae: I'm getting better at finding fun at losing, it for now I'm doing my best to just take breaks in between sets
Makrosian_Tae: That does wonders for me
couchboyj: Still holding out for Arm Joe Oki Oki as an April fools thing or something.
saucemaster5000: bar sucks then
Mr_Horrible: we about to meet Jack Torrence in here?
djalternative: have we gotten to be in room 669 yet?
Fanklok: If yo uwant ammo find a hokcey rink
AMuseOfFirebane: unsubscribe hockey facts
Mr_Horrible: *gets one anti-air* "Read like a book, I'm so fuckin' smart" <- this but unironically
Fanklok: TBF it's literally just me, and only because Adam made such a big deal about it
djalternative: you're saying you can't a shot in the net, Ben?
EvilBadman: Hold back
Seth_Erickson: I like the jazz in this place
Orxolon: a map¿?you? wow
saucemaster5000: Zangief is the perfect char for "winning" by doing something incredibly stupid and going 0-2
Gaz_L: hold the mind palace button
MilkInBags: 😬
Mr_Horrible: yeah, make a big deal about MY dumbass jokes!
Mr_Horrible: lrrBEEJ
Saintnex: Oh there are professionals present? Kappa
matthaus_c: was just gonna say, show me the professionals
thatguysteve2709: I have a collection of fighters I have never tried, just wondering what others opinions are.
SmithKurosaki: but wheres the fun in that
MilkInBags: yeah graham is such a joke
itira: milk LUL
BrindleBoar: the games are the jokes
djalternative: What if I go view that one W+P episode where you and ben were on?
Seth_Erickson: A container in another scene perhaps
Mr_Horrible: the joke is the persistent exasperation
Gaz_L: maybe it's not there in this version of the room?
itsr67: there's resources out there too if you want to get started on an old one
MilkInBags: sometimes you win at magic and find no joy
itsr67: generally discords, supercombo, or dustloop
thatguysteve2709: I think he followed you into the room and blew up.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Still feeling like you are hitting a wall at learning the mental game of Tekken?
therepoman__: Hello gamers
itsr67: job's done
matthaus_c: this section is why BG3 won GOTY
saucemaster5000: you take that back repo
MilkInBags: ok if you're so cool, what noise would you make if you got shot
Mr_Horrible: why these guys all got that Dee Jay Drive Rush?
Fanklok: Flip flip flipadelphia
patrick_stonecrusher: Stackers
itsr67: O:
dumbo3k: Is it worth a flare?
gibbousm: NOOOOOOO!
BrindleBoar: F
patrick_stonecrusher: Boooooo
Earthenone: 0/10
Mr_Horrible: glued down
HorusFive: Cowards
SmithKurosaki: f
Gaz_L: magic solo cups!
bojuka_pog: The cup is a lie
SurfDownstage: lrrBartleby
Makrosian_Tae: BOOOOOOOO
gibbousm: massive disapointmnet
Nigouki: THIS WAS GOTY!??! HOW!?
Seth_Erickson: Solo cups made out of led
Orxolon: that's why it didn't won GOTY
josh___something: 0/10 game
dutchmoose: UFO alien noise
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: game crime
BrindleBoar: 0/10, calling the cops
Mr_Horrible: lmao
HorusFive: Let Me Solo Cups
josh___something: 1/10 game
Mr_Horrible: 10%
EvilBadman: clatpHappy
itsr67: bulletproof cups
bojuka_pog: Oh shit, the BULLET was a lie
matthaus_c: BG3 would let me turn into a cup and join the orgy
Seth_Erickson: Got the key to Room 209 which had the humming
saucemaster5000: daily
Gaz_L: nah, BG3 isn't cool like DOS2, can't turn into pots or crates
Mr_Horrible: see this is why Alan's a hack - he thinks a swing would knock over that tower but not a bullet
gualdhar: "controllers"
matthaus_c: wired is best
itsr67: freedom
lochnessseammonster: for toys
matthaus_c: wireless is so tired
Earthenone: i use old controlers so i need batteries
Orxolon: never?
Mr_Horrible: Adam needs to Lock In, Benjamin
thatguysteve2709: Weirdest stare off ever
MilkInBags: are we still talking about playing video games
Mr_Horrible: he's a Gamer
Morrigan9: video games r serius buisness
Fanklok: Laying down is too uncomfortable, my arms fall asleep
patrick_stonecrusher: Its shrimp or nothin
Orxolon: XD
Gaz_L: video games are Serious Business, must always be sitting up straight with proper lumbar support
xantos69: I am all in on wired controllers. I hate having to swap batteries or recharge.
SmithKurosaki: None Pizza Left Beef
saucemaster5000: I only play standing
Orxolon: have you seen the "eggless omelette" one?
MilkInBags: contrarians are sponsored by big shrimp
matthaus_c: I only play video games in the toilet
lochnessseammonster: i love laying down but i could not play a videogame that way
Gaz_L: i like wireless controllers, but the PS5 Edge (the fancy one) has a battery life of like 3 hours which blows
EvilBadman: 209
Seth_Erickson: It was 209 you picked up
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c in?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I get spasms when I lay down which sometimes are so bad I involuntarily tear up, so laying down is not my favorite
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 in.
saucemaster5000: pog
matthaus_c: PogChamp
Mr_Horrible: paying for your sins
dumbo3k: Who keeps a road flare in their hotel room drawer?!
EvilBadman: Ben you picked up 209 key not 204
Orxolon: this is the devil in me hotel
Orxolon: hahaha
MilkInBags: just close chat and have a better video game experience :)
SmithKurosaki: hey, he's got a pass to the subwayverse
josh___something: Hello tim breaker
MilkInBags: yeah it's ice man
BlackIsis: It is indeed
itira: yes
Gaz_L: yeah, you've missed him 2 or 3 times at this point, i think
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah
thatguysteve2709: It is
7gorobei: it is
josh___something: That's shawn ashmore, yes
squ3e: Wasnt he the brother in control?
Kaaosa: he's jake from animorphs
MilkInBags: that's my brother
The_Timo: I always confuse him and his brother who was in like 1 or 2 things
josh___something: LUL
EvilBadman: Oh lol this is the first time you found him, he's been around Alan's levels
twistedsylvan: so apparently this dude is a nod to the character from Quantum Break?
HaltBen2514: how is Adam supposed to complain about twitch chat if he can’t see twitch chat
Orxolon: i always refer to him as Iceman as well
matthaus_c: Timothee Chalamyballs
saucemaster5000: Chalemelamadingdong
Kramburger: Nothing but respect for MY jake
MegaDosX: Imagine if Timothee Chalamet watches Let's Nope, and hears that and unsubsrcibes
SmithKurosaki: I found out Sean Ashmore lives in my town a couple weeks ago
itira: hell yeah animorphs
MegaDosX: unsubscribes*
Gaz_L: @The_Timo i mean, they are identical twins
Thefluffiestguineapig: He's also in some of those games you coop on Let's Nope
Thefluffiestguineapig: Goddamnit what's the name???
Kaaosa: wow, i didn't know ben was a complete bonehead
lochnessseammonster: no
Fanklok: Did Deltora Quest have war crimes?
SurfDownstage: You should complain about us more
Earthenone: deltora quest was great, remeber those cards?
MilkInBags: bearudite
tod_vom_himmel: was me
Gaz_L: oh, yeah, he was the douchey one in Man Of Medan!
itira: It was Sauce
Mr_Horrible: you complain whenever I'm not on-screen because you love my wit so much
Kramburger: Deltora Quest by Aussie Aithor Emily Rodda?
therepoman__: sajamShoot
EvilBadman: @twistedsylvan He's Tim Breaker. Quantum Break had a time breaker.
MegaDosX: I am innocent
Orxolon: funny he did Lamplighter in the boys
MegaDosX: How dare you Ben
saucemaster5000: @itira you dare
MilkInBags: adam this smiley is not sarcastic :)
itira: :)
Micsig: sajamShoot sajamShoot sajamShoot
DoctorHutch: dooooo it
shendaras: benginBees
matthaus_c: >:3c
ShaneLeeAtk: benginDance benginDance benginDance
Thefluffiestguineapig: Plaid posse
MegaDosX: Gonna be less in a month, we're being sent back into the office on Wednesdays as well
Kaaosa: you could play like a dragon infinite wealth
gamercat88: home stream but from someone elses home
MegaDosX: So it'll just be Fridays from home :(
itira: He said "see ya around Alan"
SmithKurosaki: @MegaDosX Condolences
EvilBadman: Infinite Wealth is so fucking good
Orxolon: hahhahaha
josh___something: YEah, bud?
Orxolon: was it worth it?
saucemaster5000: balls of steel that man
frank_the_great: I love ball room
saucemaster5000: I love lamp
Gaz_L: so yeah, Iceman is looking for Mr Door
trebuchetboy: Its a banger dude
matthaus_c: ritual, thoughtseize, mox, mox, comet?
Gaz_L: Yeah, but i have like 60 hours and none of the other characters are even in Hawaii yet
Gaz_L: (i may have spent a lot of time playing Not Animal Crossing)
Orxolon: "lost in a never ending niiiight"
SmithKurosaki: Why are Destiny Warlocks doing rituals here?
Kaaosa: if infinite wealth is not in the running for GOTY (it won't win but it should be considered) then there is no justice in the world
saucemaster5000: I'll say it this guy is a shitty writer
Fanklok: If Alan was smart he would write "And then Alan found 500 bullets"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Apologies if my cat just sent any nonsense in chat
trebuchetboy: @Gaz_L I kind of steamrolled it. Got it done in like 15
Orxolon: @Fanklok hahahhaa
thatguysteve2709: God I hope not
HorusFive: Writing is just hallucinating- can confirm
niccus: yeah, there are some recordings in the crapshoot
trebuchetboy: @trebuchetboy Not animal crossing I mean. I have like 90 hours in the game
EvilBadman: @gaz_l I keep finding time to do that and then oops I can't cause I'm [redacted]
wishiwassleeping subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wishiwassleeping! (Today's storm count: 62)
Axonar11: masc on masc?
saucemaster5000: if only we had a flashbang
Gaz_L: Ballroom's haunted? *cocks shotgu-* ...oh wait
trebuchetboy: @saucemaster5000 Where would we have gotten a second flashbang?
josh___something: SHMOOVEMENT
Seth_Erickson: we'll never know
Earthenone: the flashbang store?
Orxolon: is it too late to try and find the shotgun?
EvilBadman: Flashbang city, off the 101
Seth_Erickson: We have a second grenade now
Seth_Erickson: Pog
MegaDosX: Wasn't that game hella bad?
BrindleBoar: Serge trying to take over the Watch & Play niche Kappa
SmithKurosaki: @MegaDosX It's working on the NMS track a litt
MegaDosX: @SmithKurosaki Fair enough!
matthaus_c: what
josh___something: booo
goombalax: the FUCK
matthaus_c: Todd Howard
Orxolon: you cannot what?
jessieimproved: excuse
Ferisar: hello alan bakers
SpoonfullOfSugar: wha?
MrSarkhan: What
Seth_Erickson: WWWWWWWhatttt!!!!?????????
matthaus_c: bring me Todd Howard
josh___something: BOOOOO
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
xantos69: I don't even understand what you mean by that.
Makrosian_Tae: Excuse?!
gualdhar: oh yeah baby
NotCainNorAbel: what is the mf point?
Rhynerd: why?
SmithKurosaki: wtf
MegaDosX: What does the second M stand for Todd Howard?
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
matthaus_c: it's like Dark Souls co-op
itira: thats... silly lol
Seth_Erickson: Get Todd Howard on the horn
UltraVioletVodoo: wut
MegaDosX: That's so dumb!
MrSarkhan: That makes no sense
HorusFive: Bethesda folks....
twistedsylvan: ahh, the old Monster Hunter model
SpoonfullOfSugar: well, at least you CAN go in togeather
Ferisar: oh you got into the hotel
saucemaster5000: I want some of that CEO level dank nugs
Ferisar: nice
EvilBadman: Skooma, my fuckin' dude
Kaaosa: toddathan has much to answer for
Mr_Horrible: the most powerful psychedelics known to man
dutchmoose: I don't really play video games anymore and I feel like I'm making the right choice
frank_the_great: They have a money machine by making more standard Fallout games, and they pull this shit
Makrosian_Tae: That shit drove me nuts in Genshin Impact. "Has coop" my ass
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: City of Heroes literally had that figured out in 2004
Juliamon: I don't even blame Bethesda, ESO is a perfectly fine MMO
Mr_Horrible: how does your MMO have worse party progression than MonHun World?
Fanklok: No Fallout is set in the future
Scy_Anide: Fallout hasn't evolved since 3.
TheMerricat: Bethesda isn't responsible for ESO... :D
SmithKurosaki: MHW had a kind of similar issue with cutscenes
Boon_33: `76 massacred my boy
MegaDosX: Oof
Gaz_L: @Scy_Anide Bethesda games haven't evolved since Oblivion
Talin06: Bethesda is behind the times
Gaz_L: they've just sold the same game like 6 times now
Orxolon: yeah the 60's
Ferisar: it did
Ferisar: you can both make prog
saucemaster5000: They should make MMOs. single player.
saucemaster5000: They'd be better
SmithKurosaki: Yea, but you also had to go watch your own cutscene solo and then rejoin
Orxolon: imagine that problem in the Wow raids XD
MegaDosX: SWTOR is like that if you have two players doing the same class story, but if you're on different classes there's literally no issue at all
SmithKurosaki: It's better than 76, but like... still not great
thatguysteve2709: Hard agree
Fanklok: @saucemaster5000 Let me introduce you to this game called Oldschool Runescape
Gaz_L: yup, although i don't love playing dungeons in 14 with bots
Mr_Horrible: XIV is playing a FF game that other people are in sometimes
Boon_33: akimbo grenades
Gaz_L: it's so much slower
Orxolon: "juice"
Mr_Horrible: bro just sent a JP ghost at you
NotCainNorAbel: this game needs a shotgun
josh___something: PIERCE
Ferisar: pierce
josh___something: If you'll allow me...
Ferisar: SHEEESH
Ferisar: HE'S GAMING?
Micsig: NO
MegaDosX: #Gamer
Mr_Horrible: oooouuuuoogh
Kaaosa: i want to do pokemon voices
MegaDosX: Adam could do some good foley
saucemaster5000: "sorry, we need a take more oueueugh"
definenull: That's the fastest way to ruin your voice
Mr_Horrible: "Why does every enemy death in our game sound like Kremlings?"
shendaras: gotta stop giving them away for free
Kaaosa: "so your motivation is that your name is bulbasaur"
Ferisar: ben?
Fanklok: Did you go to the same voice school the VA for Russian Vayne did?
itsr67: LUL
josh___something: roasted
Thefluffiestguineapig: I was once hired where 1/5 of the dialogue they wanted me to do ended up being horrific choking/death noises
bojuka_pog: lrrWOW
dutchmoose: wow
dutchmoose: slid
dutchmoose: solid
saucemaster5000: holy shit did link just die??? I heard something
Ferisar: they do
MegaDosX: They do
SurfDownstage: they do
Seth_Erickson: They do in fact
Nigouki: hey, Nobuyuki Hiyama is plenty sexy voice for Link
goombalax: twink link they call him
lochnessseammonster: yes
Gaz_L: Link = Twink
MegaDosX: There's a subreddit basically called that, but it's not "hot" >_>
squ3e: Link isthe ideal twink I thought
Ferisar: he's a lil elf twink
definenull: They need a new twink
Mr_Horrible: BotW and TotK revitalized the twinkposting Link era
UltraVioletVodoo: link is a sexy little twink
Kaaosa: link is like the original sexy elf boy
josh___something: Well, for folks who like twinks I guess
noSmokeFire: link rhymes with twink
Valbatross_: Link is also gender for a lot of people
SmithKurosaki: @definenull this
letfireraindown: He's much more in the twink side
EvilBadman: People were thirsty for botw totk link
SurfDownstage: Ben is no elf enjoyer
itsr67: D:
matthaus_c: Ben wants Ganon
Nigouki: ahahahaha
josh___something: Yea, bud?
Juliamon: I don't know that they think he's hot so much as they think he needs to get some
MegaDosX: I'm not going to link the subreddit but it's a whole thing
saucemaster5000: I'm more into ganon
goombalax: looks too much like Chalamet for Ben
Mr_Horrible: that's why you need to be firm but delicate, Ben
saucemaster5000: but only pig ganon
itsr67: LUL
Ferisar: split him like adam and eve
Blakemcm: id break his master sword
Haroldholmes25: LUL
Ferisar: so true
definenull: Uhhhh
squ3e: Ah yes, split like the notoriously easy to split Atom
MegaDosX: Ever so slightly, Adam
SurfDownstage: !uptime
dutchmoose: uhm
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:32:37.
Ferisar: nuclear bombs are atoms being split ben
Mr_Horrible: Ben...
MegaDosX: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 10:49:01. lrrSPOT
Ferisar: please
APartofManny: uhm we can
saucemaster5000: Ben...
josh___something: Isn't splitting an atom a fuckin nuke?
dutchmoose: literal atomic weapons are just that
saucemaster5000: There was just this popular movie
UltraVioletVodoo: yes we can split atoms
MegaDosX: We can definitely split atoms, it leads to a huge explosion
squ3e: Well, its not called Lets Science I guess
Kaaosa: what about sexual intracourse
Mr_Horrible: we've been splitting atoms for almost 100 years, Benjamin
Thefluffiestguineapig: We can split them, cue mushroom cloud
frank_the_great: Can't relate
Mr_Horrible: yeah, Ken splits the atom
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
MegaDosX: Man I loved when Barbie went to Los Alamos
dutchmoose: Barbie split the atom
Gaz_L: Barbie is a nuclear scientist!
ButButTheJesus: yeah Barbie invented atom splitting
goombalax: Barbenheimer
saucemaster5000: ( I liked barbie more than oppenheimer)
MegaDosX: That was an excellent juxtaposition of the two films
Fanklok: And then Barbie split an atom and blew up the patriarchy
jessieimproved: There are enough Barbie movies, I'm sure she split the atom in one of them
matthaus_c: I thought it was Dune 2 and fucking the popcorn bucket
Gaz_L: yeah, but those are both musicals
Ferisar: into the foods
Gaz_L: not the same
Mr_Horrible: wait they're making a NEW into the woods movie?
Orxolon: omg i cannot remember the name,what IS that song's name?
LavenderCreations: it's Moana 2 and Wicked
Kaaosa: next barbenheimer on my radar is shin megami tensei 5 and elden ring dlc coming out on the same day
Orxolon: the wooooaa bamberem dam dam dam
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c I'm so annoyed I know exactly what you are talking about
Rhynerd: there’s a new Into the Woods?
Ferisar: ??????
Ferisar: ???????????
ayir: ????
xantos69: No it DOES NOT
The_Color_Twelve: ???
EvilBadman: I think Ben meant wicked?
hiFunko: More butthole, but to each their own
bojuka_pog: Wut
ButButTheJesus: ???
thatguysteve2709: Look it up
Makrosian_Tae: LUL
patrick_stonecrusher: Wussy
Mr_Horrible: it's the worm hole popcorn bucket
Valbatross_: It looks like a thing one could fuck
SymphonicLolita: duneussy
Seth_Erickson: Someone pull up the meme before Adam dies of old age
SmithKurosaki: Yea, its a textured butthole basically
Mr_Horrible: the Shai-hole-lewd
itira: the popcorn bucket is a sand worm and it has rubber teefy lookin things
Gaz_L: Adam's playing Fighting Vipers
gamercat88: it is def a fuckable popcorn bucket
blip2004: its the wormussy bucket
josh___something: LUL
ghyllnox: It does not look like a vagina
ButButTheJesus: oh riiiii9ght
dutchmoose: it definitely looks like a monster fleshlight to a degree
ButButTheJesus: I did see that
Makrosian_Tae: Omg
hiFunko: dude I'm egtting one tomorrow
josh___something: yes
Ferisar: that is not vagina-like
hiFunko: instant buy
itira: of course funko did
lochnessseammonster: that is an anus
Ferisar: what kinda vaginas are you looking at
NotCainNorAbel: oh that....pegging that doesn't look fun
MegaDosX: Funko we don't need to hear about your sex toy purchases
EvilBadman: Yeah it's Wicked and Moana 2 on the same day in November
SurfDownstage: yes
matthaus_c: a hole's a hole
Juliamon: I've seen tengas like that
Orxolon: does that look like a vag to you Ben!?
thatguysteve2709: Adam people are perverts
xantos69: Consult your doctor if any hole on you looks like that.
Blakemcm: Ben please please... its a butthole
Gaz_L: i mean, more accurately the sarlaac is just shai-hulud
Jennie_Fuchsia: any popcorn bucket is fuckable if you just believe
hiFunko: yeah it's a bit sarlacc
Mr_Horrible: they were out of the Suckin' & Fuckin' Shai-Hulud bucket at the theater I went to
saucemaster5000: Remember when my Boba Fett went into your sarlack?
Kaaosa: @Juliamon 👀
Orxolon: aaahhh ok,i can see a butthole there
Ferisar: people when they see hole
hiFunko: Adam Savage turned the butthole bucket into a cool diorama
The_Timo: People be default are pretty degenerate lol
ayir: Ben finally caught
matthaus_c: performatively perverted
frank_the_great: Beej
djalternative: Also, it's modeled off of a big, long, thicc worm
Kaaosa: why am i in it?!??!!
MegaDosX: Of course you are
itira: uh oh
Valbatross_: I am, according to the state laws of Florida
Ferisar: hi david
Fanklok: There's no law against being ace and a pervert
DoctorHutch: lrrBEEJ
saucemaster5000: hi david
HorusFive: lrrBEEJ
Nigouki: look for all the talk about fucking the popcorn bucket I have yet to see a video of someone actually doing it
josh___something: LUL
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Mr_Horrible: laughing, 10%
itira: David?!
Boon_33: Holes, how do they work?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup, Ben the pervert which is why he got the thumb thing immediately
Micsig: slap that shit on some warhammer terrain
Kaaosa: it's good
Kaaosa: which one am i
Kramburger: Is Beej the joke pervcert?
definenull: Can't believe someone got shot like that
Kaaosa: wait
aerohydra: are both beej?
MegaDosX: @KV1NN4 Pictured: person with no shame at all
Kaaosa: which one am i
SmithKurosaki: I bet one of them is Serge
EvilBadman: Serge, right? Kappa
matthaus_c: @Kaaosa wouldn't you like to know
ghyllnox: Wheeler was just talking about this this afternoon
KV1NN4: @MegaDosX hhhhyup...
itira: LUL
Kramburger: If you have to ask...
Kaaosa: too busy looking inside other things
Seth_Erickson: Look inside your steam profile
squ3e: As long as its pervert like "haha they have non-normal kinks" and not "they are harassing people sexually" pervert
Seth_Erickson: there you will find the answer
Orxolon: i haven't watch neither of the Dunes,should i?are they good?
Ferisar: adam he told us a survivors game wasn't that horny/wasn't that much of a david game and the stats were hips chest big and chest small
lochnessseammonster: no it's the children who are wrong
Fanklok: Oh hey Wedding Witch
Kaaosa: there's zero nudity in that game
Ferisar: SO
EvilBadman: @ferisar oh wedding witch lol
Kaaosa: @Fanklok i see you are a person of culture as well
Kramburger: Adam though Big Chest meant like they were doing Chest day at the Gym
Ferisar: cultured people in chat nodding
EvilBadman: I blame game grumps for why I know that
Gaz_L: sometimes no nudity makes it hornier
matthaus_c: you're sitting beside a Hunie Pop enjoyer
Gaz_L: (i almost typo'ed that to read
Gaz_L: makes it 'horner'
Kaaosa: look, if ferisar really wanted to drag me he'd point out the image where she drinks the potion out of the dick shaped flask
Saintnex: Hentai games
Ferisar: that's true david
Mr_Horrible: fucky wucky visual novels
Kaaosa: huniepop is good
Atarra: they just made a "private game" mode on Steam
DoctorHutch: the real acting bit feels super out of place
thatguysteve2709: I collect games and IDK what Sakura games are
frank_the_great: *winks*
saucemaster5000: The horniest game I own is Demon's Crest for the Super Nintendo
Atarra: you can hide your shame now
NotCainNorAbel: maybe he does
Mr_Horrible: a man without fear
Saintnex: I mean strictly speaking, the Sakura games arent terrible either lol
EvilBadman: Oh I know Ben. I know all your Humble secrets. (I don't actually)
Makrosian_Tae: I have a friend who was an actor on HuniePop. She takes a lot of pride in her work and I respect that
KV1NN4: @Atarra FInally. Not that i care much; the friends I have on Steam know what I'm about. XD
hiFunko: Hades, easily
The_Timo: That game is awesome, still have my cart lol
Fanklok: Any game can be horny if you close your eyes enough
SquareDotCube: pinballs, if you know what I'm sayin'
The_Timo: Same way back when
Thefluffiestguineapig: For me the best one of those weird thirsty games is genuinely OnlyCans
xantos69: I own Ladykiller in a Bind. I learned it from you LRR!
goombalax: BG3 was impressively horny
Gaz_L: i bought a ton of the comics and TTRPG bundles
Kaaosa: @Makrosian_Tae she should, there's some good acting in it - the premise is completely stupid, but the actors showed up to perform and that's all they can do
thatguysteve2709: They used to be awesome
notpsion: hi let's nope crew
mrverbal: ah, when the bundles were actually humble
frank_the_great: Did you adjust the sliders?
josh___something: aolm
MegaDosX: Well.
saucemaster5000: the fuck did THAT bus come from?
Saintnex: I have over 200 games because of Humble lol
Korolan: god, the sliders
bojuka_pog: That's why it's called HUMBLE bundle
MegaDosX: I wouldn't go that far
Makrosian_Tae: @kaaosa FR
Bruceski: Horniest game I've played was Ar Tonelico, that would be tamer if it was actual porn.
EvilBadman: For chat, Hi yes I work for Humble. I am not sorry for your backlog. Mine is as bad.
Mr_Horrible: I think Sucker For Love is the horniest thing in my library? It was in an at-cost bundle with Scarlet Hollow, I should get around to playing it someday
Orxolon: horniest game i ever played was Catherine
Saintnex: Horny enough they had to tone it down
Kramburger: That was a bug
Boon_33: that was a bug apparently
Ferisar: act 1 "so we're getting married tonight, tonight queen?"
mrverbal: oh BG3 is *so* horny, especially in the early patches
BrindleBoar: that was literally a bug that they fixed LUL
Seth_Erickson: The BG3 sex speedrunners were in shambles when they patched it
Makrosian_Tae: @orxolon HAH! I absolutely get that reference!
Boon_33: everyone was 10X more horny than intended
Orxolon: @Makrosian_Tae <3
Mr_Horrible: it progressed the "romance" factor of companions too quick, yeah
MegaDosX: Dinner and a movie first, girl
mrverbal: yea, the sex% speedruns for laezel was incredibly quick
Blakemcm: frog people be fuckin
Gaz_L: she's still pretty damn quick
HaltBen2514: a bug is just a feature that hasn’t been endorsed
frank_the_great: They nerfed that, which was funny b/c Voxy still had to play back when it was easy
Orxolon: @Makrosian_Tae i see you are a person of culture as well
Ferisar: welp
Kaaosa: mass erect eyyyyyy
BlackIsis: excuse
saucemaster5000: games are all too fucking long these days
Kramburger: It's queer culture. It's straight in with both feet or it takes 40 years and there's no in between
Ferisar: to the gallows we go
Mr_Horrible: he's like 60% right
Fanklok: They hated him because he spoke the truth
Mr_Horrible: the other 40% is Garrus
Seth_Erickson: people fuckin love that game
definenull: Damn not holding back today either
Ferisar: 2 is pog
Ferisar: 3 is good until the end
mrverbal: mass effect 2 is great. 1 is good, 3 is 50% good
Kaaosa: 3 has the best multiplayer
ztghostie: Mass Effect 2 was amazing
MrSarkhan: 2 is one of my favorite games of all time
hiFunko: yeah 2 is my favourite
Scy_Anide: ME2 easily the best
Ferisar: run ben run
Seth_Erickson: I've been headed for the Gallows since Dark Souls 2 released
Gaz_L: 3 is good and the DLC is maybe the best expansion ever made
Boon_33: 1 was alot of fun for it's time
ztghostie: ME2 was my first mass effect and I didn't feel like I missed a beat, great design for both new and returning players
TheAwkes: Andromeda felt pretty unfinished, but it was still a fun ME game.
Mr_Horrible: looking back at the trilogy now it's very funny obviously they were made during the era they were
Gaz_L: hot take: Dragon Age 2 is also the best one
Seth_Erickson: I'm not huge on scifi stuff
definenull: So that's why you want to ship muskrat to Mars
BrindleBoar: I would have preferred it if they'd fixed the rougher systems from 1 instead of just removing them
Mr_Horrible: *how obviously
Kramburger: People like to say "lol 3 just ad different coloured endings" like one and two didn't literally have the same thing
Seth_Erickson: I just really like fantasy settings
Kaaosa: adam, if you're not a scifi person, try starfield - then you'll really hate it
Seth_Erickson: dragons are fucking cool
goombalax: werewolves tho?
xantos69: Adam... you know Spaceships are real right?
Orxolon: but Wendigos...
KV1NN4: what about vampires on space ships?
EvilBadman: "Not my thing" and awful are not synonyms
Thefluffiestguineapig: Someone sound the Jacob rage alarm
saucemaster5000: Adam only likes European erotic crime dramas
Saintnex: I started being into sci-fi after I decided I didnt want to live on earth anymore
mrverbal: Even Oliver?
BrindleBoar: man's not wrong
Gaz_L: oh, did the boys ever play Vampyre on Let's Nope?
Korolan: oh No Oliver :C
matthaus_c: spaceships are just a metaphor for the penis
niccus: i can take this from someone with a space fear
xantos69: YET Adam. They don't have lasers on them YET!
HaltBen2514: the only good vampire media is what we do in the shadows
Makrosian_Tae: Look at this guy here Ship-Keeping
Seth_Erickson: Real dragons are cool. You seen a Komodo Dragon
Fanklok: Space ships are just big dicks that billionaires use to fuck the sky
shendaras: they usually have lasers for navigation/range finding..
Kramburger: You can tell Spaceships are lame because Elon likes them
Seth_Erickson: shit's rad
ButButTheJesus: @xantos69 this
Kaaosa: @matthaus_c or is penis just a metaphor for a spaceship
Micsig: lame ass quadruple redundancies
saucemaster5000: Are you telling me neil armstrong didn't go "Pew Pew!"???
Thefluffiestguineapig: No lasers that do anything but they do use lasers to aim
cdgentry1: they do have lasers, theyre just for science and stuff
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh yeah, fair
definenull: Yeah that's valid
Ferisar: what about the vastness of bass
Seth_Erickson: Space is a good place for horror games
Kaaosa: have you considered going into a submarine in the ocean
matthaus_c: @Kaaosa which came first, the penis or the spaceship
lochnessseammonster: yeah no thank you
saucemaster5000: then you have a cuaron movie
Micsig: gravity enjoyer
Ferisar: *begins plinking*
ghizmou: oh yeah, like the opening of space odyssey,so good
SmithKurosaki: So, no Constellation for you then
gibbousm: so never show Adam the movie Gravity. Got it
Mr_Horrible: I think "I hope this suit has a way to kill me"
Thefluffiestguineapig: So Gravity with Sandra Bullock is your literal worst nightmare?
goombalax: "welp I'm fucked" is pretty comprehensive
mrverbal: the open vastness of space is apretty reasonable thing to be frightened by
Fanklok: That's a take off the helmet and explosively decrompress moment
Orxolon: enjoy the ride
MegaDosX: I can understand that Adam
MegaDosX: Space can be like that
Seth_Erickson: Gravity is a big anxiety movie
Seth_Erickson: for me
Rhynerd: unless that suit has a jet system like Dead Space 2 or Boundary
thatguysteve2709: Two thoughts I can dehydrate or take the helmet off
Fbomb101ers: Did you put the Alan beads in?
Gaz_L: @Kaaosa but most space stories are secretly just submarine stories
jessieimproved: Final Fantasy 8 that's all
ButButTheJesus: Adam have you seen Event Horizon
saucemaster5000: Get a chance to make those death noises
Saintnex: Oh, I would never agree to be the one on the outside Adam, I would only be the person going, welp sucks to suck
MegaDosX: Space can very easily inspire both awe and terror, existential or otherwise
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MegaDosX Yup, space and deep ocean are basically the same fear different skins
matthaus_c: at least with the ocean you get instantly crushed by pressure
Kaaosa: @Gaz_L oh trust me, i know - hate them all
Makrosian_Tae: Yeah, it's real bad for you particularly
hiFunko: Interstellar
Boon_33: interstellar
gibbousm: Interstellar?
jessieimproved: Event Horizon was skeeeery in the day
Mr_Horrible: Interstellar?
MegaDosX: Interstellar
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c Me in middle school
MacbethSeemsSus: Interstellar
Saintnex: Interstellar
Kaaosa: interstinky
mrverbal: Event horizon is less the openness of space and more if what if hellrazer fucked a spaceship
hiFunko: Yeah
Rhynerd: the Martian?
thatguysteve2709: Good choice
matthaus_c: I could fuck with dying in space watching my oxygen meter deplete
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Event Horizon isn't really a "space movie"
Ferisar: there's a short story i read of astronauts who were so far away from each other that one of them stopped believing that anyone he couldn't see was real and just floated off
frank_the_great: He crashes into a black hole
itsr67: not in the exact sense
Rhynerd: ah, wrong Matthew
lochnessseammonster: good call
eric_christian_berg: You'd hate Gravity.
itira: So you definitely wouldnt enjoy The Expanse
Orxolon: agoraphobia Adam?
saucemaster5000: Spaceballs the only honest space movie
protojman: watched interstellar on a plane and cried and felt self conscious
The_Timo: @frank_the_great Crash? you mean intentionally fly in?
Saintnex: Event Horizon, IE Warhammer not 40k
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's a fun show but it is hardcore hard sci fi
Mr_Horrible: I hate gravity too, but only when it makes me fall over
BlackIsis: The Expanse is great but if you don't like space uhhhhh
EvilBadman: Adam's "do they kill the dog" is "does someone get sucked into space"
NotCainNorAbel: so the scariest game this show could play is Asteroids
ghyllnox: I would not recommend you see Intersteller
Makrosian_Tae: I like to joke about having an existential crisis a lot, but interstellar actually made me feel a cloying sense of emptiness that hurt me to my core and made me afraid of everything space for a solid week
marshacado: Gravity was the last movie i ever physically rented
patrick_stonecrusher: If you donxt like outer space you should try.... lnnerspace
Kaaosa: have you tried watching bad anime?
Thefluffiestguineapig: The Expanse is NOT fantasy
Fanklok: Have yo useen Berserk?
Micsig: just watch Shogun
frank_the_great: House of the Dragon was good
matthaus_c: Shadow And Bone is cool
itira: Iv been watching The Expanse it was good and then bad and then got good again.
Seth_Erickson: I loved the Shadow and Bone book series
squ3e: adapted YA novel
Seth_Erickson: I have not watched the show
Makrosian_Tae: Castlevania my dude!
silenceaux: animated stuff y/n?
KV1NN4: Trolls: The Beat Goes on and Trollstopia? :B
dougma: IN a world.....
saucemaster5000: Best Served Cold Coming soon
Seth_Erickson: The books are good
matthaus_c: Delicious In Dungeon would be 100% for you
matthaus_c: but that's anime
Orxolon: i recomend midnight gospel to everyone
silenceaux: on one side: shadow. On the other side: bone?
Kaaosa: is the bone in shadow and bone something i would be interested in?
EvilBadman: Delicious in Dungeon if anime is on the table
Seth_Erickson: Delicious in Dungeon and Frieren are good fantasy animes
squ3e: Castlevania series 1 slaps
EdibleDragon: They should play Heavenly Bodies. It’s like QWOP but you’re repairing satellites while holding on in zero-G
BurgerGamer: first castlevania is incredible
Seth_Erickson: you might like
EvilBadman: @seth_erickson My dude
twistedsylvan: bruh the first one is a masterpiece
dougma: Shadow and Bone is VERY YA (given the source material) but also very good
zapshakur: Best fantasy is What We Do in the Shadows
BrindleBoar: the new Castlevania series was extremely medium
Kaaosa: castlevania anime blew their entire nostalgia budget in season 1
Blakemcm: are you narrirating your fucking obituary to me belmont?
Makrosian_Tae: Haven't seen the second one, but yeah the first Castlevania is such an unprecedented success
Scy_Anide: I finished Before They are Hanged recently and it slaps so effing hard.
frank_the_great: I saw a clip of Death talking and thought it was the funniest shit I've seen
Rhynerd: i still wanna give the second one a shot.
gibbousm: No, its like the first series is a 9/10 and the second is a 7/10
Makrosian_Tae: it's like it set a real high bar for itself, so it was hard to follow up
Kaaosa: good reference, streamer
Saintnex: Richter Hammockslam?
notpsion: i only wish it was that richter
Orxolon: Vampire D bloodlust? Hellsing?
thatguysteve2709: Knew it was coming
Scy_Anide: I only started reading Abercrombie on your recommendation Adam and it's amazing.
Ferisar: ben trapped in a hotel simulator
Kaaosa: you ever just taunt a guy after ripping his arms off?
twistedsylvan: The second one is like fine, not bad, it just doesn't grab you like the first. But that's a high bar to clear
Seth_Erickson: Second season of Arcane this year right that's exciting
EMNetwork: I saw Ben die in real time when that happened
josh___something: "we throw now to traffic, with richter... how's it going, richter?"
Seth_Erickson: I still need to read Best Served Cold
Seth_Erickson: I'll get around to it one of these days
Scy_Anide: I just finished the second book in First Law, Before they are Hanged. Glokta and Logen are such great characters.
Scy_Anide: Abercrombie does amazing character work though.
Ferisar: LOL
bojuka_pog: That was so long
Scy_Anide: Great depiction of how miserable war is too.
Kaaosa: ben i think you're supposed to win those
saucemaster5000: not a safe jump
Ferisar: that's an elphelt rekka
dougma: Adam, any plans for another choose your adventure book reading?
Orxolon: the dark place is dark
Seth_Erickson: Glokta PogChamp
josh___something: Mash DP, got it
ButButTheJesus: you gotta what now
DoctorHutch: I finished book 3 of Gentlemen Bastards today, great series
dutchmoose: I'm stuck in a loop, brother
Micsig: @Scy_Anide ah yeah, just finished that trilogy a month ago
xantos69: That is the point.
Blakemcm: you make them good Adam
Thefluffiestguineapig: You'll never top the Fairy Mountain one
The_Timo: The Sorcery ones were made into games and they're awesome
saucemaster5000: Don't make me take you up on that challenge
EMNetwork: Zach Weinersmith (SMBC) wrote two good choose your own adventure books
Kaaosa: i'd write a banger cyoa book
matthaus_c: it has to be bad in the right way
Seth_Erickson: Every door leads into a pit
jessieimproved: I have seriously considered writing one
BrindleBoar: I think you should read the entire Lone Wolf CYOA series (20 books) Kappa
Kaaosa: i won't, but i would
goombalax: if he doesn't laugh on the first word...
EMNetwork: sci fi comedy
Saintnex: Okay, Escape from the Sea Kingdom 2
Seth_Erickson: and you gotta find the right pit
PMAvers: If you want something CYOA-adjacent, Ben show him Freelancers
frank_the_great: I
Masslost: The Reacher tv show is good adam if you can stomach crime shows
Orxolon: we will never have nothing like the fairies one
EMNetwork: comes with a character sheet
Ferisar: twitch writes an adventure
eric_christian_berg: I sent along a Chuck Tingle one. :)
7gorobei: chatgpt write me a CYOA
Kramburger: Don't tempt me, I have a lot of free time right now
frank_the_great: I'd throw in a jar decision
matthaus_c: baraccas!
Fanklok: Adam I think you've said you wanted to watch Berserk but couldn't find it? There's no official places to watch it any more but you can find it on YouTube, or it's also on
Ferisar: more like chat gpeepee
dougma: please no... no GPT....
mrverbal: The best choose your own adventure I saw was one made for a drugs in sport conference, where if you ever make any choice other than "report everyone who offers you drugs" you die
Scy_Anide: Fuck chatGPT don't do authors dirty like that.
definenull: the t stands for trash
Fanklok: New Berserk is... ehhhhh
Seth_Erickson: Adam watched the newish Berserk yeah
twistedsylvan: the 2016 one?
saucemaster5000: the newer beserk is... weird...
Micsig: CLANG
Seth_Erickson: It's not bad
Saintnex: Wait, hold up, how about SF6 Fanfic CYOA
matthaus_c: newer one is okay
Fanklok: 1997 Berserk is significantly better
Seth_Erickson: it's not as good as the old movies
thatguysteve2709: Yeah, it's not as good but it's fine
matthaus_c: the old one is quite good
Micsig: I did watch it through
Kaaosa: OH, when they do the one piece reboot anime, i'm very interested in your thoughts on it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fair
Ferisar: LOL
saucemaster5000: yeah the old series is a straight up classic (and no, people do NOT win)
Ferisar: nice interaction
Masslost: i really got to get back on watching fire force
Saintnex: HAH
Seth_Erickson: It is definitely one with consequences
twistedsylvan: well Berserk is good for that
Thefluffiestguineapig: You like struggle in your fiction
Ferisar: the OS
thatguysteve2709: Guts does not win
xantos69: Frame Perfect Ben. Nice work.
Mr_Horrible: stuff back into the locker
7gorobei: you want Hell's Paradise if you want body count
Seth_Erickson: Guts is not known for how often he wins
Saintnex: Get rektd IDIOT
matthaus_c: you should pick up the manga
goombalax: @Saintnex "To Block go to pg119. To press a button go to pg 83. To stay nooch go to pg 34"
Seth_Erickson: the manga is great
itsr67: mmmm steak
matthaus_c: Berserk stories are ALL about struggle
squ3e: I thought Guts like, routinely got wrecked no? Havent read it just seen memes
Fanklok: The main theme of Berserk is struggle.
Boon_33: mmmmnnn steaks
bojuka_pog: Steaks good
niccus: have you tried Claymore
frank_the_great: You see Vinland Saga?
josh___something: Steaks, you say?
Seth_Erickson: Guts is often called a Struggler
Kaaosa: adam, didn't you like akame ga kill for that reason?
dutchmoose: how do you like your steaks cooked, adam
Seth_Erickson: You'd like Vinland Saga
EdibleDragon: Berserk is perfect if you like bad things happening to the MC
Blakemcm: can i interest you in Warhammer 40k books / fiction
dougma: Have you read Robbin Hobb? The Pale Fool and Live Ship Traders are amazing... but she really beats up on her characters
Seth_Erickson: You'd like Jujustu Kaisen
thatguysteve2709: Vinland saga and Wheeler recommended it at 1 am
SurfDownstage: Vinland saga is good yeah
Seth_Erickson: and I'm sure Crim would recommend it too you to.
frank_the_great: Viking anime. Season 1 is violent, season 2 is goated for spoilers reasons
MegaDosX: Grimdark: the Universe
Juliamon: Claymore is sweet, it's just swordswomen and monsters
saucemaster5000: 40k is annoyingly mostyl lore, not story
thatguysteve2709: During subathin
Blakemcm: read the Horus heresy series
thatguysteve2709: Subathon
Fanklok: Name one good 40k movie
Blakemcm: you get attached to characters
Orxolon: i once saw a movie where the main character died in the middle of it and continued with another character as main
Blakemcm: and yea it goes place
Blakemcm: s
Thefluffiestguineapig: Just watch Cam's painting streams
Mr_Horrible: man, I should go watch Astartes again
Seth_Erickson: It's swordswomen fighting monsters basically
Ferisar: didnt' the stairs open?
Mr_Horrible: such a good fanwork
twistedsylvan: I'm reading a 40k book right now from the POV of the Orkz and it's amazing
Makrosian_Tae: Cam's explanation of Warhammer lore was fucking philosophical!
gibbousm: you would probably enjoy Claymore then
Seth_Erickson: It's not good
Kaaosa: adam hates when characters have a good time
Seth_Erickson: Season 2 never happened in my mind
Fanklok: No hyperbole here, Dark Souls is Berserk fan fiction.
Juliamon: It's swordswomen that fight monsters that are former swordswomen
frank_the_great: Promise Neverland season 1 is sooooo good
saucemaster5000: I made the mistake recently of watching the second season of FLCL....
dougma: Promise Neverland starts off soooooooo goooood....
matthaus_c: @Fanklok real
Talin06: Adam have you seen Monster?
Makrosian_Tae: Adam have you seen To Your Eternity?
EvilBadman: I just hate ridiculous collateral kill shows. Invincible and the Boys can miss me with that
itsr67: mob
MegaDosX: @Makrosian_Tae That was one of the best parts of the 40k EDSC episode, when Ben and Cam were giving lore tidbits for 40k throughout the game
Thefluffiestguineapig: So One Punch Man/
Blakemcm: i like when the music adds lyrics and the good guy wins
frank_the_great: Ooooooone punch!
itsr67: mob psycho 100 is pretty goated
Saintnex: Oh right, Mashly
thatguysteve2709: I mean hunter x hunter is great
Seth_Erickson: Dude Mob Psycho 100 is killer
Seth_Erickson: one of my top 3 anime
Thefluffiestguineapig: You can like Harry Potter and hate the author
Makrosian_Tae: Wouldn't it be "Mash-ull" like, calling upon the sound of "muscle" in its name?
Kaaosa: honestly adam, if you want a real recommendation, you should check out some sports anime - a lot of them are really good about not just having the hero/hero team win all the time
EdibleDragon: Mashle is 100% JoJo x Harry Potter
7gorobei: it is Maa shull. based on the katakana
Micsig: @Kaaosa Ao Ashi
saucemaster5000: mashlord
shendaras: I'm trying to imagine you watching prince of tennis or something
Seth_Erickson: Mashle is also kind of Black Clover but more goofy
Makrosian_Tae: Oh yeah, CreepyNuts did the OP for that. that's enough reason for me to watch it TBH
Seth_Erickson: Yes same mangaka
Kaaosa: @Micsig i am about 7 eps into it right now - enjoying it a lot so far
thatguysteve2709: Yes
djalternative: Adam's Correct
frank_the_great: You are correct
twistedsylvan: same author yeah
dougma: Apothecary Diaries is the best anime currently on air...
Seth_Erickson: There's good shit out there
thatguysteve2709: I mean that's learning
Ferisar: hm
Makrosian_Tae: @dougma 2nd place. Frieren is the best anime currently on air
saucemaster5000: mangakanwe get some good movies instead?
SmithKurosaki: nah
Mr_Horrible: IDK looks kinda spooky
Fanklok: It's got some real obviousl lightning
SmithKurosaki: no way
niccus: hmmmm, is this room evil
BrindleBoar: almost like you spent some time trapped in a car with Beej
Valbatross_: I feel like mangaka writers probably translates to manga writers writers but I'm not gonna look it up
bojuka_pog: Easy to miss detail
BurgerGamer: alan wake is known for its subtlety
The_Timo: Well at least you have a clear way to go now instead of wandering lol
EvilBadman: Lol gottem
Mr_Horrible: see? I *knew* it was spooky
dougma: @Makrosian_Tae I would agree except for the bad HxH style first class mage test arc....
Mr_Horrible: It's not confidential-
Saintnex: Dinger
ButButTheJesus: awww cute
thatguysteve2709: I'm sorry
Makrosian_Tae: @dougma Agree to disagree
kumatsu: Karaoke PogChamp
MegaDosX: Mood
lochnessseammonster: you are great seabatClap
EvilBadman: You fucking got that Karaoke shit ben
ztghostie: oh no the camera's hot!
josh___something: UwU
ButButTheJesus: yeah that's true
saucemaster5000: the camera boos and throws tomatoes
SmithKurosaki: I believe you're Benough
thatguysteve2709: I can't do cons because of social anxiety
kumatsu: pretend the camera is David
Mr_Horrible: "Pretend"
definenull: Uhhh
BurgerGamer: cameras aren't real people
gibbousm: I'm wearing Pajamas
dougma: No Comment
MegaDosX: I am wearing shorts
The_Timo: No comment
Scy_Anide: I can get naked if it helps.
frank_the_great: I'm in jeans
Orxolon: boxers
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm wearing pj pants
saucemaster5000: I want my lawyer
BrindleBoar: pants club
xantos69: Not me
bojuka_pog: I am
thatguysteve2709: I'm wearing pants
niccus: nope
Makrosian_Tae: I'm wearing shorts
Seth_Erickson: I'm wearing shorts
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
josh___something: no...
SmithKurosaki: Do shorts count?
Nigouki: pants or underpants?
MrSarkhan: I'm still wearing pants
NotCainNorAbel: yep
BurgerGamer: define "pants"
Mr_Horrible: I am actually wearing jeans rn
Pharmacistjudge: it's shorts weather
Seth_Erickson: does that count?
Misslinnythebaker: I am
marianodev1: define pants
NimrodXIV: pajama pants
ButButTheJesus: no pants, only long underwear
Fanklok: Currently yes, but sometimes I'll put on a stream when I'm in the shower
Jennie_Fuchsia: does a jumpsuit count
gualdhar: I never wear pants
twistedsylvan: 1s in the chat if you're naked
josh___something: I will not answer
KV1NN4: i haven't worn pants in ove ra week
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I love wearing pants
SplittingImage77: No pants, making banana bread
itsr67: seabatNogood
lochnessseammonster: pj pants
Korolan: pants on
blip2004: I am but usually shorts
itira: you cant make me
e_bloc: not me friendo
Blakemcm: shorts but my ass is sweaty
MegaDosX: Also you need to be clear what you mean by pants, given there's at least some UK people here
kimmibeans: I'm wearing Grogu pajama pants
djalternative: I'm not in anything but also I'm about 20 min from falling asleep
AMuseOfFirebane: I forgot to change into my pajama pants after I got home
niccus: it hit fuckin 90 in early spring, pants are infeasible
lochnessseammonster: yes
gamercat88: i take off my bra
Seth_Erickson: I hate socks at home
Thefluffiestguineapig: Depends
The_Timo: My place is way too cold for that lol
SmithKurosaki: Yes
lochnessseammonster: socks are the worst
trebuchetboy: ye
kumatsu: I'm 50/50 on it
ghyllnox: Disappointed to say I'm wearing pants
gibbousm: socks? not necessarily. Pants and undies? yup
xantos69: If I am not a work.... no pants. You have to pay me to wear pants.
Mr_Horrible: I'm 50/50 for socks at home
Korolan: yes
MrSarkhan: No I can't stand things touching my feet.
MitchTheQuaker: i fucking hate wearing socks and only wear them at work
Thefluffiestguineapig: @gamercat88 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ButButTheJesus: usually pants off when I get home
itira: jammy time for me when i get home
Rhynerd: presently in pants. along at home though so I can fix that.
Scy_Anide: I workout at home so I do take off my pants but not my socks.
SmithKurosaki: It is Adam
Korolan: bare feet have better grip on floor
Makrosian_Tae: The socks are the absolute last thing I'll ever take off
Thefluffiestguineapig: I cannot find a bra that genuinely is designed to fit women
thatguysteve2709: So, normally yes but lately have had leg issues so wear compression socks
Fanklok: Try wearing a bra for a day Ben
ztghostie: I leave my socks on but everything else is on the floor immediately
rin_the_kat: do blanket hoodies count?
kimmibeans: Yes, because my dog sheds like crazy and they will get instatnly covered
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: gotta wear socks in winter
lochnessseammonster: true, but i take off both as soon as i get home
Thefluffiestguineapig: Men
Pharmacistjudge: socks are off unless it's like 10 degrees or somethjing
Kaaosa: when i was in the navy, i would take all my clothes down to my boxers off in the living room as soon as i got home because i hated wearing that uniform
Jensling: I used to remove pants as soon as I got home... then I stopped wearing pants ever and started wearing kilts daily instead TPFufun
itira: I mean, they arnt THAT bad lol
EvilBadman: I have to socks off now, our cat attacks my feet otherwise
Jennie_Fuchsia: corsets are 100% more comfortable than bras send tweet
Haroldholmes25: my toesies too cold
Darleysam: taking off socks - "yeah I know honey, me too!"
Mr_Horrible: Prowler dot wav
Rhynerd: lower level of security
squ3e: Ben trapped in the chucky cheese playhouse - "This is guantanamo!"
jessieimproved: If you hate your bra got get fitted please
Thefluffiestguineapig: He's a middle aged writer, of course his run sucks
itira: you choose the comfort level. if you wear and uncomfy bra thats on you. :P
kumatsu: there's some structural issues with this hotel, we should call corporate
dougma: People are wearing the wrong socks.
Fanklok: Alan having a casual jog away from the the horrifying abyss
trebuchetboy: slow ass mf
Boon_33: left? left.
xantos69: That is not how scared people run
saucemaster5000: For Alan's Sake, pick up the pace
MegaDosX: Man I miss Remy :(
Fanklok: Hey Ben's wearing pants, he lied
twistedsylvan: oh no, step-ghost...
Seth_Erickson: Ben I can't help but notice those are pants
MegaDosX: Haven't seen that boy in a while
EvilBadman: Uh oh ghoulies
ButButTheJesus: ooooooh I'm just a small Alan Waaaake only 3 hppppp
itira: oooooh my
Mr_Horrible: "Oh jeez, I need to catch my breath..." *hands on knees, starts throwing it back*
lochnessseammonster: i almost spit my tea there...
SmithKurosaki: The callback
saucemaster5000: Gets pulled over in alabama "Sir, show me that thumb"
itsr67: seabatNogood seabatNogood seabatNogood
squ3e: Fool, now we have seen your legs for free
MegaDosX: Ben no, Twitch TOS
ayir: damn, fo freee???
itira: for free Ben?
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
kumatsu: Free Leg
SmithKurosaki: Legs? For Free?
Nigouki: wait there's ink on the leg too?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I wear jeans in the Florida summer
Seth_Erickson: Damn I've been had by the Berta Beef NotLikeThis
hiFunko: Who is Burt and why do you have his beef?
squ3e: played right into my trap
EvilBadman: Shoes indoors, Ben???
ButButTheJesus: grade A gams
Melfina__: LUL
Mr_Horrible: IDK Ben I don't see no USDA Prime sticker...
Seth_Erickson: it's not the dogs so it's fine
ayir: chat is up good today
Ferisar: ban them
MegaDosX: Shoes in the office, absolutely
MegaDosX: Shoes at home, fuck no
MitchTheQuaker: gotta air out the dawgs
kumatsu: soggy feet in the office sounds awful, yeah
Seth_Erickson: I'd assume you consider LRR an office in which case the shoes stay on
ayir: I mean free legs
Nigouki: you don't have those shoe lockers like Japanese schools?
hiFunko: I only wear Pokemon Crocs in the LRR office. I need the extra grip
EvilBadman: I did no shoes during my Zeta but that's cozy time
thatguysteve2709: Damn a compliment
saucemaster5000: YOU FORGOT CHARMING!
Mr_Horrible: go on... PrideUwu
Fanklok: Yeah Adam only yells at us on Thursdays
ButButTheJesus: I have a smell right now and its not great
Pharmacistjudge: if the indoor space is carpeted, i want to take my shoes off
LavenderCreations: I wear my indoor shoes in my sewing room, cause I'm doing a lot of standing and walking and it sucks to do that barefoot
patrick_stonecrusher: Thanks, lcut it myself
Ferisar: sorry adam
Ferisar: sorry
kumatsu: @Seth_Erickson I did an esports event where the office we were working in had a zero-shoe policy. everybody rolling around in slippers
Seth_Erickson: It's reasonable to assume they'd influence those things in
josh___something: No sir
The_Timo: tyrant adjacent
saucemaster5000: forgive us my liege
Pharmacistjudge: do you want us to answer that honestly?
lochnessseammonster: no, that's graham
definenull: Plead the 5th
Nigouki: tyrant implies the population is undeserving of it
Mr_Horrible: by definition yes, but you're not mean
Rhynerd: @thirtycubicfeetofsalsa dang, how hot does it have to be for you to don shorts?
Scy_Anide: I keep a second pair of shoes at work if my shoes get wet on the way there, but I also work in a lab so socks only not ok.
djalternative: no Adam, you're a Dom
Saintnex: sorry our liege
squ3e: You're not a tyrant, as you will beat me if I say otherwise
bojuka_pog: Can't complain
josh___something: hehe... doodoo
Seth_Erickson: @kumatsu wild I sometimes take my shoes off late at night at the hotel but that's when I know no one is around
patrick_stonecrusher: More of a clan warleader
twistedsylvan: you're not a tyrant, you're a nudge
silenceaux: "First person to stop clapping dies"
itira: Adam punches camels confirmed
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @Rhynerd I just don't really like shorts. I do wear some basketball shorts when I go on bike rides, but never just around
Pharmacistjudge: You are not a Tyrant. You are more a Mr. X.
virgil82: Adam I live for your indignant "What do you Mean?!"
Atarra: 10/10 imitation
Loa_Ayizan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months!
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Blakemcm: omg... are there 2 adams in the room
definenull: It's the same picture
Ferisar: known horse enjoyer
ButButTheJesus: @virgil82 what do you Meeaaaannn
Mr_Horrible: I'm seeing double - 4 Adams
kumatsu: Adam's Phoenix Wright arc
Rhynerd: @thirtycubicfeetofsalsa i may be a shorts person myself but I can get that.
virgil82: @ButButTheJesus "What do you mean what you you mean!"
Thefluffiestguineapig: I love horses
kumatsu: FUCK HORSES
Ferisar: they can bite off your hand
Ferisar: or trample you
Ferisar: or
Kaaosa: i've hated horses since 2011
Nigouki: what about horsegirls? given Uma Musume a try?
Pharmacistjudge: Adam lives to slowly throw horses into a ravine.
BurgerGamer: @kumatsu DO NOT FUCK THE HORSES
Blakemcm: i had a horse girlfriend so yea im really used to them. they are beautiful animals
hiFunko: They eat sugar cubes, like idiots
Blakemcm: lovem
Mr_Horrible: it's really weird seeing a horse kill and eat a bird just because they can
MegaDosX: kumatsu's a horse girl?
saucemaster5000: horses always eat the last cookie
Seth_Erickson: I've ridden a horse and subsequently fallen off a horse one time.
kumatsu: the number of times my mom has been stepped on by her own horse
squ3e: Shout uto to mr hands for fuckin a horse
trebuchetboy: wet socks
Seth_Erickson: Wasn't a great experience
saucemaster5000: Give me manon centaur
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kumatsu Do you actually have horses? I have helped train horses and want to do equine as a vet tech
hiFunko: wouldn't it just be one big connected ribcage
hiFunko: ribs all the way down baby
thatguysteve2709: Yes Ben very sexy rib cage
shendaras: Isn't it just one really long rib cage?
Makrosian_Tae: So, fucking horses is bad. what about fucking centaurs?
Xaunaught: Lmao Ben
Fanklok: If a centaur wore pants would he wear t hem like this - or like this |
kumatsu: (I don't have horses mom does and I help her out with them so she doesn't hurt herself moving heavy equipment)
Boon_33: Adam are you a top half centar enjoyer or a bottom half man?
MegaDosX: Snentaur
Xaunaught: that is a reference I truly love
Seth_Erickson: Does a Centaur have two stomaches or one
thatguysteve2709: No but long spine
lochnessseammonster: that's worse
Thefluffiestguineapig: @kumatsu Fair
Seth_Erickson: One back or two
TheAwkes: Is the Gaping Dragon a centaur?
bojuka_pog: Centaurs have 6 limbs, they are insects
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bottom half is minotaur
hiFunko: I'm pretty full today, just the half centaur rack for me
ButButTheJesus: can centaur's lay flat or are they always like an L shape
Blakemcm: Centussy
Ferisar: i mean it's a good question
Kaaosa: it is not a good question
Ferisar: hmm
The_Timo: No bottom half is man top half horse
saucemaster5000: wait why does THAT change if you want to fuck them?
kumatsu: Front half or back half, tho
Rhynerd: this is a rare moment where I wish I had the tumblr post exploring centaur anatomy at the ready.
Makrosian_Tae: No no. he's got a point
saucemaster5000: "you wouldn't steal a car, you wouldn't fuck a horse"
hiFunko: it's a little saying you like horses
NotCainNorAbel: fine line here
Seth_Erickson: The bottom half of a centaur is a horse
lochnessseammonster: horse makes human better?
rin_the_kat: which part do you spoon?
Orxolon: only half
Boon_33: @The_Timo and here i thought that was obvious.
Kaaosa: a real good question would be, which pair of legs is a centaur's junk between?
SplittingImage77: Is this Can’t Draw Horses after dark?
aceofroses_: you like mythical humans
Seth_Erickson: so if that's what you prefer you prefer the horse
Rhynerd: i think it set up the human area as almost all neck.
Ferisar: it's about the whole package
gamercat88: you like muscular lower extremities
Thefluffiestguineapig: They can be
hiFunko: I would rephrase it and say I find the horse form to be more aesthetically pleasing than a man
QuixoticScrivener: Is someone about to have a fury awakening?
NorthstarTex: they can be, like if you want muscle, draft horses are the ones you want
saucemaster5000: Alright this ted talk has gone off the rails
Laserbeaks_Fury: You can ride a Centaur
StreetRach: You can admire a horse's build and not like horses.
djalternative: Centaurs are also much taller
queercrafting_chonk: As a professional monster fucker, I'm here to defend being attracted to the whole centaur. The monstrous aspect of it increases the hotness
marianodev1: you can literally ride a centaur
josh___something: No cock, like horse cock
bojuka_pog: Meema be au jus
hiFunko: love that attention to detail
ButButTheJesus: good job game
Seth_Erickson: Why did BG3 beat this
Thefluffiestguineapig: They do and they get beans! I dare you to ask what those are LUL
shendaras: @josh___something not that I'm a pepper coyote fan, but..
BrindleBoar: bullethole in the tub, cups don't move, science can't explain that
notpsion: awfully coffin-looking bathtub you got there
notpsion: be a shame if somebody died in it
Jennie_Fuchsia: “if you were going to f a mermaid would you want them to be fish on top or fish on the bottom?” “oh no I would have to be on top” - actual dialogue from my workplace
Boon_33: raptor says: wake up alan.
squ3e: story switch time?
cola_nq subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
cola_nq: thirty four months! that's like thirty fours!
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loufghyslaufey: No Saga.
Mr_Horrible: this is the correct take
Saintnex: but you clearly didn’t destroy it, it’s still around Alan
Makrosian_Tae: Ben. I see you
queercrafting_chonk: 😘💕
Makrosian_Tae: Slimefolk have wonderful potential
Mr_Horrible: I mean, like what you like, but also that's the correct take
MegaDosX: "I have notes" - queercrafting, probably
Seth_Erickson: So is the hottest part of the centaur the point where the human torso meets the horse body:?
Kramburger: Is minotaur the most fuckable monster? Discuss
djalternative: Centaur is a reeces peanut butter cup
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: consider a slime who lives in one of those giant novelty wine glasses
loufghyslaufey: ImTyping I can rewrite the story. -(NOT) Alan Wake
QuixoticScrivener: Are we talking reincarnated as a slime folk?
Ferisar: at the point right before the last chapter for both of them
silenceaux: @queercrafting_chonk what does it take to go pro?
ghyllnox: @queercrafting_chonk Define "professional monsterfucker"
Ferisar: it encourages you to swap between them technically
OminouslyOminous subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OminouslyOminous! (Today's storm count: 65)
gibbousm: Its a 3 and 3 3 sections of Saga and 3 sections of Alan before the finale
EvilBadman: Soonish I believe
hiFunko: windmill slam 360
Seth_Erickson: Xbox 360 is S tier
Orxolon: did you just skipped a song?
thatguysteve2709: I wanna replay dead space now
saucemaster5000: I HATE getting the trophy noise on PS4
Thefluffiestguineapig: I will say that sometimes the weirdness is an additional bit of attractiveness
ButButTheJesus: I'm partial to Playstation noise but that's what I started with on PS3
Orxolon: so,what do we know about the game so far?
Seth_Erickson: Thhat was gonna be the best one too
queercrafting_chonk: For me, going pro meant publishing my romantasy monster erotica :D
saucemaster5000: My bad og
Ferisar: my bad og
itira: fuckin roasted
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is this lice Oceanview?
Orxolon: @Seth_Erickson now i wanna hear it :(
Thefluffiestguineapig: (Also sometimes I get very defensive about horses because people in veterinary settings when I say I have extensive horse experience shame me for it and it gets grating)
EvilBadman: Just to save you some trouble - None of the rooms with the symbols on the doors are accessible
AMuseOfFirebane: @queercrafting_chonk congrats!
ghyllnox: @queercrafting_chonk OOoooh! Link?
matthaus_c: clip this into a lore video
Makrosian_Tae: @queercrafting_chonk you're a professional monster smut writer? I kneel
QuixoticScrivener: Are the Old Gods of Asgard good guys?
Fanklok: All he has to do is believe in a thing called love
ButButTheJesus: yeah that's about what I understand
Ferisar: @QuixoticScrivener .. yes
matthaus_c: can you summarize the themes
Ballistic_Meatball: did anyone else see the inside of alan wake's face there?
DragaFireHawk: Beautiful Clap
gibbousm: @matthaus_c the separation between Story and Reality and the overlap between the two
Seth_Erickson: The fbi
matthaus_c: @gibbousm we have one good student
Fanklok: Look Saga NGL I did my body weight in cocaine I'm not going to remember anything
ghyllnox: Performance and art are themes as well
silenceaux: @queercrafting_chonk nice, now I understand
saucemaster5000: Alan Make some goddamn Snese
Ferisar: it stays pretty vague until close to the end
The_Timo: that's the streamer tax lol
EvilBadman: It is deliberately obstuse
Boon_33: Adam, don't you also store your shotgun suspended from you back by no visible means?
gibbousm: The Story is shaping Reality. And there's a battle over who is controlling the Story.
Seth_Erickson: All drugs spook me tbh
Thefluffiestguineapig: Your cardiovascular system would explode
ghyllnox: Getting caught up in others' fantasies
The_Timo: You'll have a hole in your head but sure
matthaus_c: safely?
dumbo3k: @Boon_33 There is actually a visible strap, which is better than most games
gibbousm: depends on your body weight and metabolism
itira: none is best
thatguysteve2709: Ask Charlie sheen
ButButTheJesus: gee guys, I don't think I could chug my body weight in vodka
saucemaster5000: nasally or anally?
Orxolon: safely?none
Makrosian_Tae: Yeah, "safely" is the operant term
Boon_33: all of it if you dodge the safely
QuixoticScrivener: How addicted are you?
djalternative: just take spoonfulls
djalternative: eat the coke
ayir: you can just eat it
matthaus_c: idk man ask Matthew Perry
ghyllnox: Define safely
queercrafting_chonk: @ghyllnox here you go! :D
thatguysteve2709: Plz don't every try it
Seth_Erickson: damn those are some good moves
marshacado: just tuned back in... why are we boofing coke?
MegaDosX: Get it, my guy
Ferisar: he's partying
Boon_33: @matthaus_c too soon?
ghyllnox: @queercrafting_chonk Ty!
bojuka_pog: Shake it in water, whey style
ayir: yeah 100% do not try to do that at all though LUL
Ferisar: fellas
bojuka_pog: Chug pints of it
Rhynerd: i assume safely is “you don’t overdose and die” in this case?
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c I tried he stopped taking my calls recently. Must be on vacation
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is he doing the dance loop from the show sequence?
MegaDosX: This whole room has a very particular energy
thatguysteve2709: They saw that commercial
definenull: Mood
Thefluffiestguineapig: He's dissociating
ayir: that guy is in his head
SmithKurosaki: he GONE
PMAvers: "Well, you see, someone bet me a lot of money that I could do my body weight in cocaine over a year..."
ButButTheJesus: ok THESE people have done some coke
bojuka_pog: He is the cocaine
Pharmacistjudge: pharma2Vial pharma2Vacc pharma2Vial
Thefluffiestguineapig: His mind is on the cocaine planet
josh___something: COFFEE WORLD!
Mazrae: Are we not Alan anymore??
MegaDosX: Don't put that into the universe
SmithKurosaki: BUS THAT
matthaus_c: don't give the AAA industry ideas
ButButTheJesus: adam why
AMuseOfFirebane: That's cursed
djalternative: make it fake ads and I'm in
Seth_Erickson: The game has to be free
Makrosian_Tae: Adam no
underhill33: y
Seth_Erickson: surely
Saintnex: Fuck, I would quit games at that point
PMAvers: Please don't give Ubisoft ideas.
DragaFireHawk: Don't put that into the eather
NimrodXIV: Adam do not speak that into existence
QuixoticScrivener: Leafblower Person, the game
niccus: that's... just mobile games
thatguysteve2709: I will officially quit gaming
definenull: That's just every mobile ftp game
MegaDosX: Fuck that
matthaus_c: this is what gets Adam a CEO level salary
Rhynerd: already exists, I bet.
bojuka_pog: That's how it is in the SubwayVerse
blip2004: pretty sure I've played that game already
DragaFireHawk: The horror ScaredyCat
Kramburger: Like fucko who taken Unity wanting to charge people to relaod when he ran EA
Mr_Horrible: the sound balancing will be terribler
Boon_33: Adam, now we live in the world where you said that outloud.
EvilBadman: All right Satan, take it easy
Seth_Erickson: Hire that man
Pharmacistjudge: Adam I pay for this battery for a reason.
niccus: even vampire survivors mobile does that, you can watch an ad for a gold bonus
matthaus_c: Miyazaki just REAPING
Laserbeaks_Fury: Thisplace reminds me of the Oceanview hotel
Mister_BlueSky: Yeah, that's just mobile games
ayir: "what about an ADVERTISEMENT swamp"
Seth_Erickson: Walk through the mist coward
saucemaster5000: And we would STILL give him fucking GOTY
Rhynerd: pretty sure I’ve played and uninstalled a free mobile that that’d belt you with an ad upon a game over.
Seth_Erickson: what's the worse that could happen
EvilBadman: Poison swamp is just a widowmaker
Rhynerd: and probably the moment you hit play too.
josh___something: We missed coffee world ad D;
Saintnex: Reasons why Ive quit most mobile games
thatguysteve2709: Honestly that is the problem with gaming community right now. We need more indie developers looking to make something that is interesting or exciting even if only for one person.
Pharmacistjudge: you must watch this ad. and by watch this ad I mean you put the phone down and go do something else while you wait for the ad to be done
saucemaster5000: mobile really went downhill, used to have some good stuf
Saintnex: Marvel Snap is pretty good on mobile tho
Seth_Erickson: I think mobile has a lot of good stuff
definenull: Vampire survivors is p okay in mobile
frank_the_great: The best mobile games are ports: Stardew Valley, Terraria, Bloons, Minecraft, pokemon
Seth_Erickson: but it is flooded with dogshit
SmithKurosaki: Same
Pharmacistjudge: i still pokemon go a bit
silenceaux: There's a Genre of mobile games in the same way that there's a Genre of anime, and both are awful
saucemaster5000: Best mobile game? King of Dragon Pass
SmithKurosaki: I can solo most stuff in HR up until Nergi so
djalternative: Helldivers 2 is Starship Troopers the videogame
SmithKurosaki: Indeed
Seth_Erickson: But also there isn't any pvp so power isn't really a thing
rosesmcgee: Even if it was power, it's all PvE
Mr_Horrible: apparently HD2 also is persisting their pass, iirc
thatguysteve2709: I am ashamed to say I bought horse armor
Micsig: Helldiver passes don't expire
blip2004: @djalternative but there is a Starship Troopers game already, and its a team based shooter
saucemaster5000: OH. Anyone else hear MUltiversus is COMING BACK?
Ferisar: PoE is very funny to me because they do the same thing as every other F2P game and no one says anything lol
Valbatross_: The fact that helldivers doesn't trade on fomo helps a lot
Ferisar: ort hasn't said anything for a long time
Saintnex: I dont mind SF6's pass, buy once and you basically never need to again if you play enough
Seth_Erickson: So did I, I think it was worth it I played more than enough of that game.
thatguysteve2709: No no oblivion horse armor
Mr_Horrible: did they tweet "braaaaaains....."
gibbousm: The game that was in "surprise" open beta
saucemaster5000: I thought multiversus was fine, just needed more content
bojuka_pog: Casey loosening Wake
Mr_Horrible: @Ferisar it's a pretty stark example of how most folks' feelings on the matter are heavily predicated on "do I like the game or not" :p
Scy_Anide: So, you would have to do more than 76 8-balls (3.5 grams each) a day to do your bodyweight in cocaine in a year. I feel fairly confident in saying that no one could manage that.
Fanklok: What about Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
Ferisar: @Mr_Horrible pretty much lol
Rhynerd: “Where were you last night, Wake?”
Thefluffiestguineapig: You would die
ayir: so yeah impossible
MegaDosX: That would kill you quickly
Rhynerd: “the Dark Place, we discussed this.”
Seth_Erickson: tbf that's a lot of anything
shendaras: maybe that's your superpower
Boon_33: @Scy_Anide have you seen johhny depp?
saucemaster5000: Sounds like a "Supersize Me" documentary
tod_vom_himmel: i'd live
frank_the_great: I can do it - I'm built different
Mr_Horrible: @Ferisar that being said, for PoE (and others in a similar space) I think of it as like a 20-buck game with a reduced-scope free trial, kinda like XIV
matthaus_c: hmmm, Cyanide doing the math on Cocaine... suspicious
Mr_Horrible: LUL
EvilBadman: That much cocaine would reduce your body weight so the calculations are off
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: but that's for Adam, what if a child wanted to do their bodyweight in cocaine?
Seth_Erickson: you'd die consuming your body weight of any substance I think
Mr_Horrible: so I'm not innocent
saucemaster5000: LMAO
matthaus_c: SMOKED
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
thatguysteve2709: Ouch
dougma: wow
Fanklok: Simply go down to a very very unhealthy body weight
definenull: Damn
Scy_Anide: I did have to find out how much an 8-ball is in grams. I tried to find out how much a "bump" is and was referring to a help hotline.
tod_vom_himmel: ill go die now
Pharmacistjudge: to be fair you probably start lower and build your cocaine tolerence
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's even beyond the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas levels of drug nonsense
tod_vom_himmel: (:
SmithKurosaki: But cocaine makes you lose weight lol
Nigouki: aren't lethal doses calculated per kg of weight anyway? so child or Adam doesn't matter
lochnessseammonster: good luck gaining mass doing that much coke
Boon_33: there exists out there a human that can and has done that. it's the unbreakable theory of superheroes.
Saintnex: Just start off dangerously underweight, and end dangerously overweight
Saintnex: uhhhh
queercrafting_chonk: Maybe just the weight of your newborn self, that'd be doable maybe?
Makrosian_Tae: Woah
saucemaster5000: last time I did cocaine I met my ex wife
Seth_Erickson: Berta Boredom strikes again?
definenull: Uhhh
queercrafting_chonk: Unless you were a giant baby
silenceaux: the secret to Alberta beef: cocaine?
Scy_Anide: I was offered cocaine on my first day in New York, at an Irish pub.
Seth_Erickson: I never once experimented as a teen
PMAvers: When you are a kid and you wanna go weeeee
saucemaster5000: (that sounds worse than it is, she was lovely)
Makrosian_Tae: @seth_erickson big same
squ3e: whats the statute of limitations out in canada
marianodev1: so cocaine yes. centaur maybe?
Boon_33: @Saintnex so you're saying chuck Farley acheived it?
Saintnex: Ben and I grew up in very different Bertas lol
Scy_Anide: I was offered said cocaine by way of an apology, as the guy next to me came back from the bathroom and apologized for doing cocaine.
Makrosian_Tae: I'm with Adam
lochnessseammonster: samsies
Fanklok: What the fuck, I didn't get free drugs in school
Makrosian_Tae: Video games over mind games
Ferisar: let's go norman
queercrafting_chonk: Yeah I was straight edge till Junior year college
Mazrae: I didn't really start to drink until I was around 24 or so
Nigouki: sure is a Finnish game
Jennie_Fuchsia: my parents met at a radio station in the 80s so the most rebellious thing I could do was go to church
Thefluffiestguineapig: Back to Ahti!!!!!!!
blip2004: the most my town had was pot heads and binge drinking
xantos69: Yea, nobody has ever offered me drugs. But then again... if you have met me you know I wouldn't accept.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh I'm so glad
Seth_Erickson: This is a great va job
Scy_Anide: It was the same Irish pub that I went to for my interview before moving to NYC.
The_Timo: I want the next group of cultists to have one on 2 crutches lol
dougma: this is just logic
Boon_33: hold on, let me put on my company's here towel.
Ferisar: love norman
Scy_Anide: (The whole interview was at that pub)
DragaFireHawk: wtf
Ferisar: U.S.A.
Nigouki: what
Thefluffiestguineapig: WHAT
Mr_Horrible: "The local killers? Suuuure I know 'em!"
Seth_Erickson: HELLO
Saintnex: wait, lrrWOW
ayir: LOL what
Ferisar: brotherrrr
Mr_Horrible: HUH
josh___something: o.o
MrSarkhan: What?
cdgentry1: you wtf
queercrafting_chonk: Wtf
SmithKurosaki: WOW
MegaDosX: America was a mistake
Fanklok: Don't they know Nelson is a cannibal?
kalira77: that's unacceptable
definenull: Dafuq
wastetalent: story time
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nelson's not even a loud cheery'
Rhynerd: too cheery?
Boon_33: nelson, known happyness bomber.
lamina5432: hunt ‘em down
Jennie_Fuchsia: where is this man now
Darleysam: I will find them, and I will hurt them
xantos69: I just want an entire podcast where Nelson explains this.
ButButTheJesus: there ya go
aceofroses_: when youre in highschool and a dude is like "hello there, Im rockzo I like cocaine"
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's real bad
shendaras: Chicago airport is pretty bad
thatguysteve2709: It's so bad
Melfina__: wut
Mr_Horrible: O'Hare sucks dick and not in the fun way
dougma: Worse than Logan in boston?
SurfDownstage: It's really bad
Scy_Anide: O'Hare is the worst US airport. That's not even debatable.
xantos69: O'Hare makes me never want to travel.
Jennie_Fuchsia: at least they got popcorn
patrick_stonecrusher: Nelson met my dad???!
blip2004: as someone who has worked at an airport. I understand completely for yelling at happy people
gamercat88: anytime i see a towel like this i can only think of the WWE Val Venis, so this is him at 70
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: you’ve never been to Newark then
rosesmcgee: I haven't been to O'Hare in years but I'm sure it hasn't improved. And it was a shithole
itira: OHare suuuucks iv been there a few times. D:
Kaaosa: ohare is so bad that they gave chicago a second airport
couchboyj: O'Hare is proof that there is no benevolent god
SmithKurosaki: @Mr_Horrible No Glory Holes? :p
ghyllnox: Wait until you get to Atlanta
frameshifty: at one point 80% of delayed flights in the US were in or out of Ohare
SmoreThanAFeelin: yea i've had more overnights in that airport. it sucks
andy_ink: O'Hare is the worst American airport I have been through.
Laserbeaks_Fury: 6x4=24...math checks out
MacbethSeemsSus: Ever flown from JFK?
Scy_Anide: I fly through Newark fully 50% of the times I fly and it's fine. I will not fly through O'Hare period.
Saintnex: oof
Mr_Horrible: @SmithKurosaki I wouldn't know, I've never actually used their restrooms since I keep my layovers as short as possible
hieroglyphica: O'Hare and Dulles can fight and then maybe they can take each other out and the world would be measurably better
andy_ink: But Pearson is the worst airport I've ever been in.
Mr_Horrible: That's just Value Train, Ben, c'mooooon
Thefluffiestguineapig: Mexican standoff of luggage
thatguysteve2709: Nelson is way to nice
MrSarkhan: LUL
Haroldholmes25: LUL
MegaDosX: Oh my god
queercrafting_chonk: XS
Mr_Horrible: LUL
ButButTheJesus: yes that is also a Benjamin
Fanklok: Hey Ben, you look like a hundred bucks
MegaDosX: Holy shit
Thefluffiestguineapig: YES
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's great
SmithKurosaki: omg
MegaDosX: This man had a double strength espresso that morning
ButButTheJesus: LUL
Seth_Erickson: This person seems great
Loa_Ayizan: An airport AND a show
hieroglyphica: It's like when they're like "we overbooked, oh golly, oh gosh! Can anyone not fly for free??" and everyone looks at each other like lol wut better break out the briiiiibesssss guys
aceofroses_: I love the weird naked old man just listening to Bens tale while on crutches
The_Timo: Really glad that old man's towel is very secure
Pharmacistjudge: Nice to hear what happens after I drop you off at the airport.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @aceofroses_ Actively listening too
Rhynerd: adam almost grabbed that guy’s hands when he raised themzz
Atarra: "Group C stands for 'center seat'" was a flight attendant phrase I will keep with me forever lol
MegaDosX: What.
Haroldholmes25: jeez
Thefluffiestguineapig: FUCK
itira: wut
Seth_Erickson: god damn
DragaFireHawk: Huh?
blip2004: oof, one of the worst things to say to a passenger
itira: LOL
queercrafting_chonk: Jeezus
MegaDosX: What a strange thing to take offense to
thatguysteve2709: Poor nelson
Boon_33: HOW DARE HE
Makrosian_Tae: What. The. Fuck???
Mr_Horrible: 'Murica brother yeehaw KKona
Saintnex: Wow, what a dingus
gibbousm: Poor Nelson
Thefluffiestguineapig: NO
SmithKurosaki: noooo
Makrosian_Tae: NO
BrindleBoar: ruh roh
dumbo3k: nonononono
itira: ahhhhhhhg
Thefluffiestguineapig: FUUUUUUUUUUUCK
circusofkirkus: it runs in the family???
silenceaux: BLASTED
Haroldholmes25: :O
saucemaster5000: sounds like Nelly needed to sad the fuck down
SmithKurosaki: Gotten
Makrosian_Tae: AYYYYYY
itira: yikers
SurfDownstage: lmao gottem
Ferisar: blast em gauntlet
Mr_Horrible: "Tell your father to not be a dumbass, then, kiddo"
gibbousm: Go Ben
Loa_Ayizan: Ben wins!
MrSarkhan: LUL
DragaFireHawk: Omg, wtf is wrong with people? LuL
Omthebox: Happy Birthday to the Ground
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Kaaosa: "freshman!"
aceofroses_: "Your granpappys a shithead!"
Laserbeaks_Fury: "Sir, that my mother, and I don't like the way you are talking to her"
MitchTheQuaker: that old man. Albert Einstien
queercrafting_chonk: People wanting to be a victim
awildshen: the gall to get mad at Nelson
Thefluffiestguineapig: Just being informative
Darleysam: meanwhile, on his podcast right now, "you wanna know what asshole I spoke to in O'Hare???!!"
silenceaux: How dare I try to soften the blow
NotCainNorAbel: how could you get angry at Nelson?
Makrosian_Tae: @darleysam 100% absolutely
saucemaster5000: Look, I just didn't like how Nelson answered my question alright???
Thefluffiestguineapig: For sure
Mr_Horrible: lol, 10%
Omthebox: Look, I dont like it here either
Thefluffiestguineapig: We suck balls
ButButTheJesus: same Ben, same
Saintnex: You're not wrong ben lol
Pharmacistjudge: So we go from Rathole to O'hare to a complete dingus?
Makrosian_Tae: Ben you're a gift unto this world
rosesmcgee: Not all of us are like that. I mean, I am. But not all of us.
cola_nq: y'all gotta come to Detroit, it's chill here
Blakemcm: America has both the best and the worst of what the world has to offer
BrindleBoar: LUL
thatguysteve2709: I apologize for the assholes that exist in this country
Seth_Erickson: for sure America is the only place were people get mad unreasonably at airports
Makrosian_Tae: Banana!
frank_the_great: I don't appreciate how you just talked about America like that
Blakemcm: I am sad our canadian neighbors had to have a hard time
Ferisar: so true
Boon_33: you know what really grinds my gears?
Mr_Horrible: oh he's posting a tiktok from his truck with his shitty wraparound shades
gibbousm: There are many times I wonder about the possibility of working abroad. Unfortunately my skills are kind of tied to US regulations
aceofroses_: what is happening in this game?
Ferisar: LOL
Haroldholmes25: this is a hitman level
squ3e: XD
Ferisar: my son ogoer
tod_vom_himmel: is manscaped commonly shilled by those types or something
xantos69: Look, not all of America is that way... but yea we do have a fair number of those people. If I could I'd Thanos snap them as tribute to Canada.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: stop right there, goers!
queercrafting_chonk: Sauna-Goer and Son Goku
tod_vom_himmel: also i decided not to died, you good
SmithKurosaki: Wheres the heat seeking briefcase
Loa_Ayizan: I got so much attitude when I answered a border guard asking "where are you going?" with "New York!" and he said "Man-hat-tan you mean?" I was like "uh, sure?"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh no, I don't mind at least
Rhynerd: so, who do we need to knock out and disguise ourselves as?
gibbousm: The US sucks.....
Azralorne: I don't wanna be here either lol
MacbethSeemsSus: It's not an issue when it's accurate
saucemaster5000: TBF Can I share this story about this cheery ass canadiaan who ruined my flgiht?
ButButTheJesus: oh absolutely. no one defends the status quo here
aceofroses_: are those the duck hunter tv show guys?
SmoreThanAFeelin: As someone from the states who now lives in BC...can confirm.
Thefluffiestguineapig: We get a lot of shit piled on us and I at least try not to dole it back out
josh___something: Ilmo and Jaakko <3
gibbousm: Tour guides with bolt cutters
djalternative: noted for next time
SmoreThanAFeelin: oh no
Mr_Horrible: did you kill them?
DoctorHutch: gotta switch gyms
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
Blakemcm: Dude... you look huge
Thefluffiestguineapig: Only talk to me if there is a safety risk
rosesmcgee: Was it Nelson?
squ3e: "Hey are you almost done with your set" FUCK YOU MAN
ButButTheJesus: were they single
aceofroses_: what did they say?
hieroglyphica: Yeah, it's just hard for us to be the Nelson's living here cause they just be hating lol
Fanklok: I've had two separate instances of someone talk to me at the gym.
silenceaux: was it like, a social chat or a "hey how many sets left" chat
Scy_Anide: When I'm wearing headphones and people try to talk to me, I don't take the headphones out.
PMAvers: They said "hey"
frank_the_great: "I don't appreciate how you just talked to me"
PMAvers: "what's going on"
The_Timo: Looking good bud, and you replied Go fuck yourself lol.
KWardJenx: Was he asking if you saw any of those owls hanging around town?
Laserbeaks_Fury: "I was the baby in that airport, and I don't appreciate the way you are talking about my family" Kappa
Pharmacistjudge: to be fair, you also heaped praise on the guy who approached you when your headphones died
Saintnex: "Kkona Bruther"?
djalternative: so it wasn't large talk?
aceofroses_: ye I get that
josh___something: Dude, you look HUGE
Mr_Horrible: "Dude! You look huge!"
SmithKurosaki: People suck, news at 11
josh___something: ladies, what's good
Scy_Anide: If it was important, they wouldn't be trying to talk to me.
Boon_33: simply don't be preceived.
SeaDiegoFC subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SeaDiegoFC! (Today's storm count: 66)
SmithKurosaki: Which is why I tell people I like that they don't count as people for purposes of spoons
The_Timo: What if he was just looking to make a gym buddy? Lol
rosesmcgee: They looked up with pleading eyes, choking out "Help me" as the barbell crushed their neck. It's like... boundaries my dude
aceofroses_: just being friendly
Blakemcm: probably saw your awesome bod and had to say somethin
Thefluffiestguineapig: The only time I have done it is genuine safety risks
frank_the_great: Meanwhile, Nelly at the gym:
SeaDiegoFC: I hate it when random people try to make small talk in the bathroom. Like, seriously? Not the time
Boon_33: @rosesmcgee people these days, no respect.
Saintnex: I had a friend that apparently would just strike up a convo with randos on the bus all the time and I physically shivered
SmithKurosaki: I had some jackass try to go off on me because I didn't want to have a conversation with him. I had to basically shut it down with a 'no one owes you a conversation
Fanklok: One of you keeps activating my voice assistant
xantos69: My big deal breaker is when people try to start a conversation on the elevator. Dude we have like 14 seconds to fill. Just let there be silence.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Not form but one time I saw someone who forgot to put the clip on one side of the bar and it almost started a cascade of plates
The_Timo: "Nice watch."
MacbethSeemsSus: My boss tried talking to me at the urinals once.
Mr_Horrible: "pissing all by yourself, handsome?
SmithKurosaki: @xantos69 above mentioned jackass was in elevator
djalternative: hey, you wanna have a pissing contest?
Mai_Andra: "shower next to mine is free"
thatguysteve2709: I mean that's the opener I'm listening
squ3e: Had small talk in the bathroom with my co-worker the other day. Hated it
Laserbeaks_Fury: 0/10 Commercials COllected
Fanklok: It's no google
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: yo I had a customer complain about me when I wouldn't engage in smalltalk in the bathroom
Saintnex: Damnit BEN
barbmitzvah: nice
Blakemcm: woah were you pissing in there? sounds like fried chicken
aceofroses_: where did you get the schlong? im thinking about updating mine
Boon_33: "what happens if we cross the streams?"
MegaDosX: lmaoooooo
saucemaster5000: Will people please stop voice activating me?
The_Timo: thank god I unplugged mine specifically for that shit lol
marshacado: Ben no!
frank_the_great: My CEO chatted with me in the BR like two years ago, and I still get mildly scared when I use the can
Mai_Andra: ♫ Bailamoooos! ♫
Kaaosa: @Blakemcm i think that's pretty cool
Fanklok: I don't know how you;re even doing it not a single word has been remotely close
josh___something: Oh hell yea, Stunlock city!
SmithKurosaki: the awkward silence in the game for a moment had me going
UltraVioletVodoo: I wear headphones
queercrafting_chonk: I stopped going to a gym in college cause Im fat and fucking *everyone* likes to be like: thumbs up! Good job! Way to go! And it's like...I just wanna be LEFT in PEACE, my workout is my business, bro
Jennie_Fuchsia: reminder: turn your phone all the way off at the theatre if you have wake words
cutaos: fuckin got my google
Saintnex: tbh stranger danger imo
EvilBadman: COVID also turbo fucked our conversation skills
djalternative: stranger danger totally
Kaaosa: i hate all other humans at the gym
Kaaosa: they are all villains
MegaDosX: Yeah I'd blame the whole "stranger danger" deal from our childhoods
Mai_Andra: Yeah, my mother was terrified something would happen to us, and she trained us to be terrified, too...
GenericGlitterGoth: gdi my google speaker just started playing Despicito
SmithKurosaki: Honestly, for me it's more that I just don't want to socialise unless I choose to
MegaDosX: Though lockdown didn't help
aceofroses_: what the fuck?
xantos69: "Could you be a dog parent?"
Thefluffiestguineapig: DUDE
frank_the_great: America looking a bit better
Blakemcm: fucking tackle that woman
DragaFireHawk: jeez
Saintnex: okay, thats a bit different imo, that person is just a dingus
lochnessseammonster: damn
Blakemcm: MMA takedown
Mr_Horrible: I'll be honest, I don't think you could ever become that, Ben LUL
The_Timo: @frank_the_great That's the America bleeding in
josh___something: No worries, you're not a shithead, ben.
andy_ink: Nah, people like that were always like that.
kumatsu: on my way to attack Ben
Jennie_Fuchsia: when people have that unreasonable response I just stand there until they remember to be embarrassed
NorthstarTex: Lady was asking for a RKO
Kaaosa: i love when people get an attitude with me for no reason because i love talking shit and i am typically not thinking about consequences when speaking
queercrafting_chonk: Truly, hyper individualism has eroded notions of community relationships.
MegaDosX: I'd be stunned to see my boss in any video game I play tbh
kumatsu: Once my boss dmed me in battlenet to get off Diablo 3 in the middle of an event
ghyllnox: Your "Your dad's a shithead" sounded like 0 to 100 LUL
Fanklok: America never loses, jsut read any of our highschool level history books
Thefluffiestguineapig: Same above the Mason-Dixon line
saucemaster5000: America has never done anything wrong, name one thing I dare you
MegaDosX: Well see, your boss is actually a gamer
Boon_33: never ask a Canadian why we have the geneva conventions
saucemaster5000: wait I trolled too hard
saucemaster5000: Don't
Seth_Erickson: Every country does that and America does it to itself so it all works out
The_Timo: I try to be nice, but too many assholes out there in general. Saw an older lady crying on the street, checked to see if everything was ok and she told me to fuck off and mind my own business
emberBecky: nah that was provoked
Orxolon: does anyone know what chapter are we in?
Kaaosa: if you don't want your dad to get called a shithead, simply correct him when he's popping off like a shithead
NorthstarTex: @Boon_33 More like suggestions
ayir: la la la la
ImmortalLen: I think what you said was fine, you weren't unprovoked.
Pharmacistjudge: the rock have a pepper bar?
Makrosian_Tae: They got a pepper bar
Blakemcm: Gotta say... Canadian accent is not very threatening .
ghyllnox: They did start it yes
Ferisar: ok
Laserbeaks_Fury: Tickle-Me_Ilmo did not take off
Ferisar: adam
queercrafting_chonk: My most embarrassing moment is when I went 0 to 100 in a restaurant...and I was high and had actually misheard some folks next to me at the bar. It was fucking awful
MegaDosX: @orxolon Chapter 3 I think?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I will say that being raised and socialized female I can be the opposite of that and it's equally a problem
Mazrae: You live here as part of Elmo's world
aceofroses_: I started to work in a very customer servicy job with a big team in the last 8 months and it was a challenge to start talking and being able to make small talk
Ferisar: i have to tell you, fins would not like you calling them scandinavians
saucemaster5000: I quite liked it --Adam
cola_nq: I'm changing my name tomorrow!
Seth_Erickson: I've never gone 0-100 so I've got that going for me.
Fanklok: SeaIlmo
MegaDosX: Make your own plan Adam
thatguysteve2709: And you picked Seabats
josh___something: ooh
NotCainNorAbel: @cola_nq congrates
dougma: just don't change it to James... never give chat what it wants
Orxolon: @MegaDosX 3?i was thinking of 5 or 6
queercrafting_chonk: Small ant!
patrick_stonecrusher: You could be Batman bin Superman
Seth_Erickson: Hilarious
Seth_Erickson: amazing bit
josh___something: wow
Thefluffiestguineapig: @patrick_stonecrusher Think of Nic Cage's son
thatguysteve2709: Cause my name's not steve
Mr_Horrible: powerful
Seth_Erickson: True commitment is hard to come by
Scy_Anide: I always have to explain to people that, while I am Norwegian, my name is Hebrew, and no I am not somehow Jewish. My parents are just weird.
trebuchetboy: Ben did stuff with SmallAnt? Thats cool
Fanklok: Is your name Stephen?
Mr_Horrible: now c'mon that's just stolen valor
EvilBadman: I mean YOLO and all, fuck it
Seth_Erickson: Beppo!
therepoman__: u p p a h c u t
saucemaster5000: Geegee
rosesmcgee: Why does Steve sound like he's from Boston?
lochnessseammonster: love it
thatguysteve2709: No a nickname I got in college by a teacher who got my name wrong repeatedly
Pharmacistjudge: but is his uppercut an invincible reversal?
Mr_Horrible: to be fair, that didn't happen with SF6, because he parroted Luke instead of Marisa
Fanklok: Last Tuesday Adam fought a Steve that was dressed like you Ben
therepoman__: Nova's "YA LIKE THAT" is burned into my brain
Mr_Horrible: sofieSmug
xantos69: @Scy_Anide My name is a common Italian name. But I am American with Scottish heritage. People are often confused by me also.
josh___something: Honest low tier marisa
saucemaster5000: I say "just an auditon!" a lot these days
Jennie_Fuchsia: @thatguysteve2709 My team gets called the wrong names so often we made business cards
Mr_Horrible: you can't play a low-tier, Adam, it makes life too short
therepoman__: BIONIC
Seth_Erickson: Yeah is that true mister Life's too short to play low tiers
therepoman__: AAAAARM
Boon_33: FBI, stop being ethereal!
Scy_Anide: @xantos69 God that's wild.
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible I'm hoping to die soon
therepoman__: Sauce lmfao
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 well you're on track with the ulcer she's giving you Kappa
Haroldholmes25: serpentine
Fanklok: Oh shit its Meepo
xantos69: This guy has got the zoomies
thatguysteve2709: Yeah it happened a lot by one teacher so I just started answering to it
josh___something: don't
Laserbeaks_Fury: Bayu Bayushki Bayu....
Kaaosa: ben, you could play dota
Kaaosa: with me
Mr_Horrible: so do most Dota players
bojuka_pog: Dude has a super hack
Seth_Erickson: Dota mentioned where's BusTed
bojuka_pog: Speed*
Boon_33: dota or friends, pick 1/2 of one.
barbmitzvah: Best way to make friends is to tell dota players it's just like league
Seth_Erickson: Vacay PogChamp
Mr_Horrible: Busted is so nice that Adam still likes him after the Boshy redeem
Fanklok: It's just like calling Canlander Canadian Commander
The_Timo: Mefence of Ba Ancients
thatguysteve2709: Would love to meet you guys, but social anxiety says no cons for me I'll stick to this.
djalternative: and like G mentioned, the con was in a side room while the GIGANTIC main convention floors were closed and empty the whole weekend
Mr_Horrible: silence DBD player
shendaras: You play dbd
Haroldholmes25: pro dead by daylight player
Boon_33: those dead by daylight skills
DoctorHutch: dead by daylight
Darleysam: can't believe Games Workshop ripped off Warcraft tho
MegaDosX: Ben you play Dead by Daylight, that should be second nature to you
EvilBadman: DOTA sickos "yeah Crystal Maiden is a cool name"
Pharmacistjudge: ok good, chat did the DBD jokes for me
Thefluffiestguineapig: You can also make up songs but no one can be Ian, he's so left field
ImmortalLen: Prove it ben, sing us a masterpiece
Mr_Horrible: *blows away smoke from my gun* My work here is done
Boon_33: outrage!
Darleysam: @EvilBadman Terrorblade tho SeemsGood
Seth_Erickson: I desperately want to go to a Magic Con. Trying to convince my friends to go to Vegas this year.
djalternative: put it on CTS
Kaaosa: not being fun is what makes it dbd
Seth_Erickson: You guys should go too
Seth_Erickson: Kappa
ayir: Jebaited
MegaDosX: What did you think was going to happen
thatguysteve2709: My fiance does not do streams but loves you dbd stuff
xantos69: For all the care put into this game, I literally don't understand how bullets don't break bottles.
Seth_Erickson: DBD's a fun game
Kaaosa: you have not
Thefluffiestguineapig: But they had Nic Cage do so much screaming for that game
saucemaster5000: Oh hell yeah I made pizza for my mom's book group and I just got the message it was "quite good"
MegaDosX: Starfield
Seth_Erickson: Starfield
thatguysteve2709: Yes starfield
djalternative: David's saying he has worse games you haven't seen
Kaaosa: yeah i'm not gonna not finish a game; someone worked hard on it
Laserbeaks_Fury: Starfield, but it's Garfield
Kaaosa: it's poop but they strained while making it
MegaDosX: Starfield Kart
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
EvilBadman: No one should make fun of people playing a game on their own time imo
Mr_Horrible: "I hate space mondays"
MegaDosX: Starfield the Movie starring Chris Pratt as Starfield
djalternative: Starf Kart
gamercat88: Starfailed more like
Seth_Erickson: Fuckin' Space Mondays
Seth_Erickson: dude
saucemaster5000: send space nermal to space abu dhabi
MegaDosX: People preordered it
Kaaosa: i played it on gamepass so i get to pretend i didn't pay any money for it
Seth_Erickson: the consumers always the losers in that scenario
Thefluffiestguineapig: Space lasagna makes me think of the Space Pudding from Hatoful Boyfriend
dougma: the poor dev's lost
MegaDosX: The lesson is don't preorder shit
ButButTheJesus: I played it all the way through, it scratched a shoot and loot itch for me
MegaDosX: Wait for it to come out and see if it's worth your money or not
Laserbeaks_Fury: There was numbers near the chest
niccus: imagine if microsoft didn't insist on delaying that game
thatguysteve2709: I mean so people put a lot of effort into making even if it is not good it still holds value.
Darleysam: bought a fancy edition of Dead Space 3.... still got it
xantos69: @MegaDosX I preordered Mass Effect 3. Then I swore Never Again. I have never been disappointed since.
Seth_Erickson: I like to preorder stuff I think will be interesting because if I do it means I will for sure play enough to get my money's worth
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I preordered Brink :/
Mathwyn: I like andromeda, but I came to it much later
Seth_Erickson: even if I don't like
Seth_Erickson: It's better coop
SmithKurosaki: I felt like I got screwed on Destiny 2 a little
Seth_Erickson: solo it is not great
Scy_Anide: I got FF15 for free and still got ripped off.
Pharmacistjudge: preorder? i'm the wait 2 years and the 70% off steam sale type person
Kaaosa: i preordered the persona 5 collectors edition, then forgot about the game entirely until it showed up at my house and i was stoked
Mr_Horrible: yeah, co-op is the only real way to enjoy Dead Space 3, from what I've seen
saucemaster5000: I pre-ordered frosthaven... I kinda regret that one
EvilBadman: You have the right idea with the arrows
Kramburger: 15 was Fine.
lamina5432: 15 sucks
Seth_Erickson: FF15 was fine from what I under4stand
Saintnex: Its good
Mr_Horrible: it was pretty bleh at launch
thatguysteve2709: I collect alot of games some I will never play and some that are straight garbage but I will treasure them
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's a committment
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: truth
Seth_Erickson: Combat is a snoozefest
ButButTheJesus: I've heard mixed opinions on 15
adept_nekomancer: It's an okay game if you want to go on a roadtrip with a Japanese boy band and learn new recipes.
Kaaosa: there are mods that make the combat much better
DoctorHutch: The Wii launch title Red Steel broke my heart
Kramburger: Early game combat sucks
notpsion: don't feel bad ben, I've had Witcher 2 in my queue for a decade. i'll get to that and then 3 ... someday
SurfDownstage: Yeah you're right
Seth_Erickson: the dlcs are good from what I heard
SurfDownstage: Adam based
Kaaosa: modded witcher 3 could stand up against last year's goty candidates
Fanklok: 16 though... They spent so much time writing their Final Fantasy GoT fan fiction they forgot to make the game fun
Mr_Horrible: Geralt is a very good "I'm too old for this shit" character
Pharmacistjudge: wow... Adam gave a video game story an A+?
NorthstarTex: I went with an easier difficulty so I can get the story for Witcher 3
dougma: if the story is good I will put up with quite a bit of garbage
SurfDownstage: Just watch Joseph Anderson's video on it instead
Boon_33: eat flare baddie/
thatguysteve2709: Idk if it's okay to eat a flare
Mr_Horrible: I like fantasy political intrigue, it usually shakes out fun
djalternative: just eat a flare
MegaDosX: @thatguysteve2709 Good source of magnesium in your diet :p
Mr_Horrible: esp when you've got elves with elk skulls on their armor
Boon_33: @thatguysteve2709 9/10 doctors agree
Kaaosa: my goal this year is to see credits on 100% of the games i play
Seth_Erickson: Triple AAA games are always a gamble I feel
saucemaster5000: games are too fucking long
Seth_Erickson: except for Fromsoft Titles imo
Pharmacistjudge: or pokemon
dougma: best game of the year so far is Balarto.....
MegaDosX: What was that game that they called a AAAA game and it turned out to be bad?
queercrafting_chonk: I played Mass Effect Trilogy first time through with the Legendary Edition and it's been my blorbo ever since
Pharmacistjudge: no PoE?
patrick_stonecrusher: picking up items and dash are the same button in Witcher lll (or something similar its been awhile) CrreamAwk
Seth_Erickson: @MegaDosX Skull and Bones
josh___something: BALATRO!!!
Kaaosa: I have played 20 games so far this year :| many of them are not great
lamina5432: I got board of sea of stars too
Rhynerd: most of my game-related purchases have largely been stuff for tabletop games.
MrSarkhan: I might be playing Balatro currently
djalternative: I'm a person who much more likes arcade style games so I've never been too interested in things that cost $60. I'm more in the $15-20 range
MegaDosX: @seth_erickson That's the one, thanks
EvilBadman: @megadosx Skull and Bones which is on discount right now lol
Seth_Erickson: it's a good game. It's a lot of math though
xantos69: When I get board with videogames... I just develop a new RPG system. Just made a MTG deckbuilder TTRPG.
josh___something: It's number go big
thatguysteve2709: I watched serge play so much math
niccus: it's not even multiplayer
ImmortalLen: It's poker with Calvin ball rules
Kramburger: Sea of Stars was good the story is just a bit earnest on purpose. The combat's fun
kumatsu: a card roguelike with poker as a framework
Laserbeaks_Fury: SKull and Bones was terribble
Darleysam: I nearly skipped Balatro because I *hate* poker, but it's not really a poker game at all
Atarra: it's poker like that old LRR skit
Mr_Horrible: it's a rough go of it, yeah
aceofroses_: you like dark alliance 1+2?
saucemaster5000: I missed the game name, which was this?
thatguysteve2709: Part of my collection and cherished
saucemaster5000: oh that one
trebuchetboy: Bro I say "Dogshit baby" all the time because of you Adam @LoadingReadyRun
xantos69: Which game was that?
r10pez10: when is spheda going to get a standalone game
The_Timo: It had a neat concept but
Seth_Erickson: Adam activated
Mr_Horrible: @Kramburger that's where I sit on it. I liked the puzzle-y aspect of the combat and the characters were charming, if flat with some exceptions. But if that's what hits for ya, it's gonna make it hard to stick
Seth_Erickson: I'm hearing rumors of Dark Cloud on the wind
Orxolon: uuffff the magic one
ImmortalLen: Dark Cloud, my favorite golf game.
Pharmacistjudge: I was told that "It is a very concerning day if I see Adam stream Dark Cloud 2 again"
Kaaosa: chrono cross is gonna get a remake before dark cloud
Seth_Erickson: Let's go Dark Souls 2 not a sad game PogChamp
SurfDownstage: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:53:57.
saucemaster5000: give us a third chrono game instead
blip2004: I'll never get to see a Xenosaga remake/master
Mr_Horrible: no, Dark Souls 2 is a game to *make* you sad
Kaaosa: @saucemaster5000 i would accept this as well
Mazrae: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 20:18:57. lrrSPOT
thatguysteve2709: Yes
blip2004: PS2
EvilBadman: What emotional response is Boshi
marshacado: my sadness game is DS3
Pharmacistjudge: you are thinking Xenogears for Ps1
dweebert91: Thats Dark Cloud 1 for me
trebuchetboy: @LRRbot huh
blip2004: it is a lot of cutscenes
Scy_Anide: It's anime MGS yeah.
Orxolon: oh no
ghyllnox: Sounds like we don't need to ask
UltraVioletVodoo: i need to finish xenoblade saga
Pharmacistjudge: Xenogears where they ran out of budget in disc 2 and it's just cutscenes.
Mister_BlueSky: There's a string of cutscenes in Xenosaga 2 that goes on for like 2 hours? I think?
Makrosian_Tae: @pharmacistjudge and we loved it anyways
ButButTheJesus: xenogears PS1, xenosaga PS2, xenoblade Wii/Switch
saucemaster5000: the biggest drop from "this is amazing" to "...damN" for me was Ni No Kuni
Mr_Horrible: what about Ferrous Wheels, Adam?
Orxolon: i think i don't have a sad game
Seth_Erickson: I like coasters but not ferris wheels
Orxolon: cause i suffer depression
Fanklok: Whats that game that has a save point in the middle of a long ass cut scene?
Orxolon: so i'm always down
Laserbeaks_Fury: I dont think the 1 took the first try
saucemaster5000: Big Dark Rides fan
UltraVioletVodoo: did a watchthrough of xenoblade chronicles of everycutscene back to back i believe it took 15hrs
Scy_Anide: I think Xenosaga was an early (popular) game for letting you pause during cutscenes because the cutscenes were so long.
dougma: 1 7 4
Boon_33: the "falling pucker"
Mr_Horrible: love a roller coaster and a gravitron
thatguysteve2709: My only sadness game is dead space
Pharmacistjudge: I like coasters...but they have to be smooth rides. I can't stand wooden coasters.
EvilBadman: You mistyped 0 4 7 last time
Seth_Erickson: is that the spinny one?
Mister_BlueSky: I love the Xenosaga games, I do NOT recommend them to anyone.
Laserbeaks_Fury: it's 147, the 1 got reset first try
dougma: 1 - one stripe, 7 - two stripes, 4 - 3 stripes
r10pez10: wooden coasters are so much scarier
MegaDosX: lmaoooooo
saucemaster5000: you knoqwhat ride was never fucking good? the matterhorn
EvilBadman: <3
SurfDownstage: 0-100 again
Thefluffiestguineapig: @r10pez10 Any ride that is easily disassembled to be moved is terrifying
Orxolon: puede decir idiota?
Seth_Erickson: Darkest Dungeon 1 perhaps
queercrafting_chonk: I need to play Sekiro again
Atarra: if I'm playing like Peggle or something it's a cry for help
saucemaster5000: keep playing ed and we'll find out
patrick_stonecrusher: How can you take what's not yours, you take it and it's yours...?
r10pez10: fuck i should play peggle
Seth_Erickson: WoW living in Ben's head rent free
Atarra: nothing against casual games but that's just "brain needs distraction"
EvilBadman: An Roguelike for me, usually
SmithKurosaki: Hey Adam, you're worth our time :)
DoctorHutch: ironmon challenge
Mr_Horrible: I don't think I've got a game to "center" me like that, but any time I feel listless with games I think The Messenger is actually my go-to
The_Timo: @SmithKurosaki at least some of it
Mr_Horrible: just very satisfying to run through it
thatguysteve2709: Adam I just hit 3 months I'm stuck in your channel it's all worth my time cause I choose it
MegaDosX: Time flies, yo
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did you ever take a break
itira: what happened LOL
ARiposte: I remember the carnies giving zero fucks, and we'd turn fully upside down on the gravitron, crabwalk around the inside, whatever
Seth_Erickson: Dark Souls 2 is actually legitimately my comfort game.
Mai_Andra: preemptively warming up the crowd for the planned Dark Cloud 2 stream next month
shurtal: it's REAL good
Rhynerd: oh shoot, it is.
Laserbeaks_Fury: SOmetimes you just need to call up Sarah Tonnin
Seth_Erickson: I love going back there when I need a break
dougma: If you fire up Boshi again, I will be concerned
Orxolon: today flew
Kramburger: The Messenger takes place in the same world as sea of stars
SurfDownstage: the fellas c:
Mai_Andra: a 3 hour tour
Fanklok: They vamp for 20-56 minutes then they play the game non stop.
Seth_Erickson: sometimes you have an actually scary video game like Visage
djalternative: we got one good jumpscare today
MegaDosX: They did Alan Wake on Talking Sim, right?
Mr_Horrible: we're here for the hee hee hoo hoo
Nigouki: it's a good time!
lochnessseammonster: i don't enjoy horror games and i love this stream PrideLaugh
queercrafting_chonk: I love Let's Nope
thatguysteve2709: Love lets nope
MegaDosX: If you want the full due given to the game you can go watch that stream I suppose
e_bloc: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Thefluffiestguineapig: This stream is a big destress for me
EvilBadman: @megadosx Only up to We Sing
Scy_Anide: It is 300% better than the fake overreacting to every sound in the game.
MegaDosX: Nope is great
SmithKurosaki: These are some of my favourite hours in my week
Mr_Horrible: although it *has* bummed me out precisely once LULL
queercrafting_chonk: You two are utter joys
SmoreThanAFeelin: It's on my calendar every week!
shendaras: seabatClap
Misslinnythebaker: I enjoy the company
saucemaster5000: we've all already decided on the day adam don't worry
xantos69: This is my event watching for the week. I tune in for the Nope boys.
Blakemcm: yall ar da beeeest
Seth_Erickson: Sometimes a good horror game can transcend the Let's Nope fucking around.
Fanklok: I very muchj enjoy watching you get excited about things Adam
itira: Lets Nope is one of the things i look forward to every week :D
Seth_Erickson: but it's a difficult bar to pass
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's fun to watch friends who are lovely be happy
Blakemcm: lub yall guise
frameshifty: I love all the LRR things but this is def one of my favorite favorites
josh___something: Alan wake is sick, but y'all are more sick
Orxolon: at least i'll be here
Loa_Ayizan: you guys rock
Atarra: I'm not a horror game type but you two have a great dynamic that's fun and relaxing
queercrafting_chonk: 💕
bojuka_pog: Let's Nope is the one stream I watch every week
djalternative: the only time nobody will show up is if you forget to put it on the schedule and forget to go live
marshacado: you two are the reason I show up
Kaaosa: i like the controller shaped hole in ben's chest
MegaDosX: Premium stream
Mai_Andra: Prime Time, Baby
queercrafting_chonk: You're my primetime Tuesday night every week
Orxolon: prime time
shurtal: Appointment Viewing
Mr_Horrible: they're actually trying to bury you by putting at peak on Reset Day, everyone's raiding Kappa
Rhynerd: oh yeah. only thing guaranteed to be weekly (unless something happens to one of the boys)
queercrafting_chonk: I always look forward to it 💕
I_Am_Clockwork: Cheer5000 Here's to more fun times with you two fun guys
Rhynerd: thanks for the stream!
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
Thefluffiestguineapig: She has to listen to the "starter pegging thumb" nonsense
Orxolon: "the Gods have power as long as someone believes in them"
Mr_Horrible: she's the undisputed queen of that title at this point
Misslinnythebaker: TwitchUnity TwitchUnity
therepoman__: FROGS ARE GONE sajamAaaa
Mr_Horrible: Put that thumb away, Adam!
Mr_Horrible: TOS
djalternative: okay. what's on the TV guide this week?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible Co rulers with her long black floof of course
Fanklok: Do we have to censor Adam;s thumb
itira: got there
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig truuuu
DoctorHutch: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
queercrafting_chonk: Lol
xantos69: Ribbit! I'm still here!
Seth_Erickson: Sladam
MegaDosX: !card gunk slug
LRRbot: Gunk Slug [2B] | Creature — Slug [2/3] | When Gunk Slug enters the battlefield, create three Gunk token cards and shuffle them into target opponent's library.
Mr_Horrible: sluggin' it up
tod_vom_himmel: ok now the sf6 secret stream starts right
lamina5432: gnight
lochnessseammonster: was watching paul's play it forward on youtube and kept waiting for "now that the frogs are gone" PrideLaugh
josh___something: No, allat once
Mr_Horrible: no, in a pile
Orxolon: wasn't it that you never reclined?
MegaDosX: Grahames
Thefluffiestguineapig: Kathleen seems very game for fun ideas and making it work
Mr_Horrible: always Kill Team, never Live Team dazeSadcat
MegaDosX: Now I'm imagining Nermal in the 40k universe
Pharmacistjudge: nermal as nergal
Rhynerd: kinds sad I missed one of my minis getting their debut live.
adept_nekomancer: I mean, they're similar. Easy to confuse the two.
EvilBadman: Garfield is the space game
Orxolon: nermal
MWGNZ: PowerUpL hifunkSickest PowerUpR
therepoman__: Hit Funko with the hernia gun
Rhynerd: bus alas, I now play Infinity on Thursdays.
WiJohn: Nermal cares not from whence the affection flows, only that it flows
xantos69: Oh I love a good three way
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also please for real don't mess around with hernia stuff Funko, you're great and your health comes first
Mr_Horrible: Nermal, Slaarlene, Khorfield, and Tzodie
itira: it seems complicated
MegaDosX: I get the impression there's a lot of moving parts
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah and it's the supposed intro product
Saintnex: Wrex.
Orxolon: do you know the next "Long game" for LRR¿?
josh___something: Please do not fuck the miniatures
josh___something: they're delicate
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nelson being too fucking cheerful
Pharmacistjudge: it's a card game
MegaDosX: Clue ft. Magic cards
niccus: bitta both
Mai_Andra: There's a crapshot for that.
Pharmacistjudge: you get to accuse when you deal combat damage
djalternative: it's magic cards you can use to play clue
Fanklok: All I know is Commander Mustard is a fucked up card.
MegaDosX: It is a very silly game
Boon_33: hot takes
lochnessseammonster: WOW
gamercat88: epic movie though
Seth_Erickson: Isn't it solved
Mr_Horrible: bad game, Great Movie
lochnessseammonster: rude
EvilBadman: It's Clue the game but you can make accusations on player damage
KWardJenx: Bad game, GREAT movie
saucemaster5000: The clue sequel SLAPS though
thatguysteve2709: It's pretty cool and this is better
r10pez10: there was a sequel?
lochnessseammonster: @Mr_Horrible ok fair
MegaDosX: It's better than Monopoly at least
xantos69: If you want to play a game like Clue but NOT Clue... Try Mystery Express.
Rhynerd: really good Movie.
Boon_33: if clue is solved then who dun it?
lochnessseammonster: but i still like the game PrideLaugh
MegaDosX: !card demand answers
LRRbot: Demand Answers [1R] | Instant | As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice an artifact or discard a card. / Draw two cards.
Mr_Horrible: @lochnessseammonster I mean I do too but I gotta buddy up to the streamer lrrBEEJ
Orxolon: there was a movie!?
djalternative: Clue gets better when everyone agrees that espionage is on the table
dougma: There are remakes of clue that are fixed (Mystery at the Abby)
thatguysteve2709: Some of the cards are good for commander
xantos69: @Orxolon Stop everything you are doing and go watch it. It is a 10/10 banger.
Earthenone: secret saturday?
Seth_Erickson: Oh you haven't completely destroyed all the good will of your customer base have you, Let us Hasbro take care of that.
MegaDosX: !!
Earthenone: !fnquestion
therepoman__: uh oh
therepoman__: stinky
shendaras: seabatClap
djalternative: a table read!
Mr_Horrible: it hasn't been my card yet
Mr_Horrible: that man is a hack
Seth_Erickson: That's a good video game title
niccus: too much effort
Earthenone: no one could prove them wrong
Mr_Horrible: I want them to try it one day
KWardJenx: @Orxolon Complete agree. VERY funny movie with hilarious cast.
Thefluffiestguineapig: New task for CDHC
Orxolon: @xantos69 will do,and will hold u to your word
Earthenone: they played dark souls on there
Seth_Erickson: Would be an incredible bit
Fanklok: Dark Souls 2 is a rhythm game
Earthenone: with a DDR pad
EvilBadman: They don't play any games on that show, just 3 hour podcast
xantos69: @KWardJenx If you don't like it I'll refund you.
adept_nekomancer: Hey, last week was a rhythm game. With pigeons and everything.
Nigouki: Soulslikes requires rhythm
Earthenone: lorcana hype!
Mr_Horrible: Cadre? Kolibris? Replika mentioned?
djalternative: Lorc Anna
Seth_Erickson: You fight Radagon right now and tell me that isn't a Rhythm game
Mr_Horrible: I lorcannae believe it
Fanklok: Dark Souls 2 combat actually works on a 4/4 time signature
ButButTheJesus: @Mr_Horrible they want to dance in groups of 10-12
Thefluffiestguineapig: Chaos draft but with the mighty over mouse
PMAvers: I believe they've said that they've been working on it and set 4 is supposed to actually be designed for draft?
Seth_Erickson: Terraria is a banger
josh___something: Balatro is dead, long live balatro?
Mr_Horrible: It's actually funny how much this hurts Adam's soul
Orxolon: @xantos69 XD
lochnessseammonster: i refuse to acknowledge it's existance
DragaFireHawk: Adam what do you have against Terraria? D:
NorthstarTex: All the Terraria!
Seth_Erickson: You're just a hater Adam
silenceaux: would be rude not to!
wastetalent: terraria looks so bad
itira: Adam is a hater
lochnessseammonster: adam is spitting
SurfDownstage: They're being rude, it's in the description
EvilBadman: Complain on the subreddit
JinaMahavira: description does still say Minecraft
itira: LUL
Earthenone: crime 'o clock after mine o clock is perfect
MrSarkhan: Amazing
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Makrosian_Tae: Adam will die on that square shaped pixelated hill
Seth_Erickson: You're not gonna put htis one on blast Adam
Fanklok: They played Fish Game today
xantos69: I agree with Adam. You can't play NOT Minecraft on Mine O'Clock.
Mr_Horrible: Small Universe Theory is becoming more real
AMuseOfFirebane: Hey chat, I forgot to ask, what happened to Infinite Guitars on Rhythm Cafe? I thought they were gonna play a few more weeks
djalternative: wait. now we need a new name for Let's Nope next week
DoctorHutch: "Would be rude not too"
lochnessseammonster: would be rude not to
dougma: It's fine... they are just being Rude
Boon_33: #blameJames
SurfDownstage: hai
couchboyj: I mean, they are playing 2d pixel Minecraft
SmithKurosaki: @AMuseOfFirebane Spine O'Clock
BalthusHomewood: Goodnight!
Rhynerd: i think I saw Crime O’Clock before. it’s like Where’s Waldo but you’re a time cop, right?
xantos69: Cheer500 Bits for the Nope Boys. I value you.
Orxolon: do the Bain voice
Mr_Horrible: @Rhynerd this honestly sounds like a winning formula
djalternative: night all
andy_ink subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, andy_ink! (Today's storm count: 67)
AMuseOfFirebane: @SmithKurosaki huh??
KWardJenx: Thank you for the fun stream
Boon_33: both
therepoman__: based
josh___something: Yes
Seth_Erickson: Why not both
Saintnex: I mean, yea, always both
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
SeaDiegoFC: Yeah let's got with both
MegaDosX: Thanks for stream!
Mr_Horrible: thanks for streaming, lads lrrSHINE
I_Am_Clockwork: Thanks for a fun time
Orxolon: thx for the stream
Seth_Erickson: Later Lads o7
xantos69: Show me where I can
itira: thanks for the stream! Have a good night everyone!
AMuseOfFirebane: thanks for stream! <3
BalthusHomewood: Thanks, but I don't like to horse around
Seth_Erickson: This is our homework
DoctorHutch: ooooh thats what the FC stands for
Nigouki: I'm gonna send you the horse girl model kit on mail time
therepoman__: hee hee hoo hoo
Mr_Horrible: please avoid a Mr Hands situation
ImmortalLen: Come on which back?
xantos69: I'll do some fan art of the experience.
Orxolon: cum back?
SurfDownstage: bai
saucemaster5000: I DID IT ON THE WRONG FUCKING WEEK?!?!?
Orxolon: g night
Makrosian_Tae: "And we're gonna make. you. come....Over to my house!"
josh___something: hell yeah brother
SeaDiegoFC: I'll let you know next week
SurfDownstage: WHAT
josh___something: wat D:
ButButTheJesus: byeeee
Thefluffiestguineapig: Only the kids?
SurfDownstage: 0-100 again
therepoman__: LUL
Rhynerd: have a good one!
MegaDosX: Sure thing Gabbo
KWardJenx: What? Us?
frameshifty: lol
Mr_Horrible: good thing I'm not a kid
Nigouki: more liek sweaty
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are the people over the age of majority ok?
ButButTheJesus: mic 5!
dweebert91: THATS MY FATGER
saucemaster5000: top o the morning to ya
Makrosian_Tae: Sweetie? Oh baby?
lamina5432: scions of beej
Mr_Horrible: faith an' begorah
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK
josh___something: SAYS YOU, ADAM
Rhynerd: Standing on Boxes
EvilBadman: Strong Oily Baps
xantos69: Ook Ook
Thefluffiestguineapig: Their name literally means Old Man of the Forest, it's an old man
Nigouki: have you seen how skilled they are with their lips?
SeaDiegoFC: I don't appreciate the way you talked about twitch chat like that
Orxolon: hahahaha
josh___something: now we're talking
DrLigmaPhD: They look like ambulatory ginger scrotums as babies
I_Am_Clockwork: No we're talking
Fanklok: I'm sure someone thinks Wheeler is good looking
bojuka_pog: Centook
Makrosian_Tae: That's just a prehistoric centaur
Mr_Horrible: Centaurangutan
saucemaster5000: I'd call it a dish
Seth_Erickson: Orangorse
Orxolon: Orangutaur
adept_nekomancer: This is the oddest secret podcast in a while
KWardJenx: trapped by your own bit
itira: ahem
therepoman__: We love a secret podcast
varmintx0: best end of stream ever
Makrosian_Tae: Goodnight
Juliamon: The dangers of gaming lying down
MegaDosX: Oh this'll go well
I_Am_Clockwork: Go ben Go!
itira: i can hear the struggle
josh___something: feet on stream!?
I_Am_Clockwork: We belive in you!
Earthenone: the cameras off, you can use your feet
itira: byyyyeeeeeeee maybe?
Mr_Horrible: incredible
Nigouki: ahahahah
therepoman__: LMFAO
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was amazing
Makrosian_Tae: Bye?
MegaDosX: Outstanding
I_Am_Clockwork: Secret Adam podcast
Fanklok: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Mr_Horrible: 10%
DragaFireHawk: LuL
Makrosian_Tae: LUL
SmoreThanAFeelin: LUL
shendaras: Excellent
itira: there we goooo! lololol
Seth_Erickson: LUL
Nigouki: it's like a Lethal Company death
KWardJenx: HA!
Makrosian_Tae: the timing!
ButButTheJesus: 10/10
MegaDosX: Later everyone, take care
Orxolon: hope they are ok
SeaDiegoFC: Amazing. Later sk8ters
Makrosian_Tae: How does THAT not make it into the highlights?
Orxolon: well,gonna see clue now
UltraVioletVodoo: theres so much choice for jordyn there
Orxolon: g night eceryone
AMuseOfFirebane: @Orxolon they're ok but they died
Orxolon: XD
KWardJenx: @Orxolon Yes, Please do!
Orxolon: i truly am
Orxolon: you both seemed so convinced
KWardJenx: Tim Curry and Madeline Kahn are undefeated
Earthenone: i might watch the psych episode that was a clue parody :)
Orxolon: Tim Curry is a legend
Makrosian_Tae: Best sign off ever
KWardJenx: @Earthenone Yes! That was a wonderful homage
DragaFireHawk: The cut off of Adam "No Be-!" was PERFECT
Orxolon: what's psych?
2 raiders from GlitchFlux have joined!
KWardJenx: Psych was a funny, light, detective show series.
Orxolon: oh i remember
Earthenone: for their 100th episode they did a clue parody and got some of the original actors from the movie to come on
Orxolon: ok,gonna go watch that movie now,good night
KWardJenx: If you end up liking Clue, then Psych should be right up your alley.
KWardJenx: Enjoy