TXC2: Hello Everybody
beowuuf: sergeHi
TXC2: hi beowuuf
NewtyNewts: Morning all
TXC2: hello NewtyNewts welcome
TXC2: refresh for stream
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
James_the_Dabbler: This is wrong I am just right speed
L0rdX33n subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months, currently on a 15 month streak!
L0rdX33n: butts
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, L0rdX33n! (Today's storm count: 1)
TXC2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months, currently on a 6 month streak!
TXC2: Thanks to @beowuuf for my sub gift!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TXC2! (Today's storm count: 2)
beowuuf: o7
Zaghrog: Happy International Women's Day!
beowuuf: lrrHORN
Anaerin: !show list
Anaerin: !show override off
Didero: but i don't know any international women Kappa
Didero: Good evening!
TXC2: hello Didero welcome
beowuuf: audrey powers, international woman of mystery
TXC2: Kathleen was from new Zealand, that counts right?
beowuuf: lrrDARK
JinaMahavira: Hi friends :)
Didero: It's generally risky to assume you know a person just because you've seen them in videos, but yeah, good point
beowuuf: sergeHi
TXC2: hello JinaMahavira welcome
TXC2: Didero well I know of her at least
TXC2: but you're right
Woogachaka: Howdy all
TXC2: hello Woogachaka welocme
Boiler_bot: any second now
Didero: @TXC2 It was also a reminder to myself, sorry if it came across as nitpicky or annoying
Woogachaka: Hanging out in the chat while hanging out in the queue to get into Helldivers 2
AceGun_: Hello, gamers!
TXC2: Here we GO
beowuuf: morning!
Didero: Hello!
TXC2: Hello Adam and Nelson
LMAOkai_: g'day gamers
Boiler_bot: large adam
a_serious_moose: hello
v_nome: Dude, you look huge
Ukon_Cairns: pkmnWave
TXC2: hello Jacob
OldUncleDan: Is the Jake Mines where we get the Jake Breaks?
NightValien28 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months!
NightValien28: LET'S FIGHT
beowuuf: morning jacob!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NightValien28! (Today's storm count: 3)
AceGun_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
AceGun_: These streets won't stop fighting!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AceGun_! (Today's storm count: 4)
JinaMahavira: seabatClap LUL
NewtyNewts: The only person allowed to call him Jake is himself, and even then it's Jakey Two-Hands
TXC2: gotta find a rich vain of Jacob
OldUncleDan: No Jake Breaking in the Jake Mines?
beowuuf: yes? and?
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Woogachaka: found a lovely deposit of Jacob, best I've seen
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
cdgentry1: ok
TXC2: Adam WILL get this intro done, trough hell or high water
TXC2: *through
saucemaster5000: damn. man's fighting for his job right
MWGNZ: own devices, like fight sticks
TXC2: !addquote (Adam) [now] I have the conch, shut the fuck up.
LRRbot: New quote #8939: "I have the conch, shut the fuck up." —Adam [2024-03-08]
AceGun_: Oh, he's GAMING
saucemaster5000: more like whiff FUNishes
saucemaster5000: am I right gamers
Ukon_Cairns: so true bestie
MilkInBags: hello adam and nelson
TXC2: hello MilkInBags welcome
saucemaster5000: damn milk no hello for me?
MilkInBags: hello saucemassager
thatguysteve2709: Morning
TXC2: hello thatguysteve2709 welcome
saucemassager6000: forgot about this
theblakdeth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
theblakdeth: Oki Oki Prime Sub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theblakdeth! (Today's storm count: 5)
saucemassager6000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months!
saucemassager6000: I blame matthaus
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, saucemassager6000! (Today's storm count: 6)
TXC2: I need a Venn diagram of fighting gamers and dogs, and the overlap is "god this stick is good"
132 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
SymphonicLolita: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
TheAinMAP: jlrrPillow jlrrPillow jlrrPillow
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
TXC2: hello Raiders
Ukon_Cairns: pkmnWave
saucemassager6000: the chunk blowers are here
Alex_Frostfire: Whether Minecraft or Street Fighter, punch is a common language.
LordZarano: PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees
RAICx: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
AceGun_: Watch him hit the DP in the first ten seconds, then just standing up and going home.
itsaysTRUENO: @TXC2 im still emotionally processing this lmao
itsr67: get that muscle memory down
freshmaker__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, freshmaker__! (Today's storm count: 7)
saucemassager6000: my muscles have the memory of a butterfly
saucemassager6000: but I don't sting like a bee
NorthstarTex: Good morning/afternoon adam, nelly, jacob, and chat.
TXC2: MrQBear exactly, thank you
TXC2: Hello NorthstarTex welcome
AceGun_: Is there an Ed army in silver too?
rabbitgta: I really appreciate that Adam knows so much.
AceGun_: broski4Akicool
v_nome: I made a room under Nome, password 6969 if people want to scrap
Ukon_Cairns: henyaCheer henyaCheer
beowuuf: seabatClap
TXC2: Purple is always bad in videogames
saucemassager6000: this character just kinda dies
AceGun_: @saucemassager6000 How dare you!
saucemassager6000: mastr!
AceGun_: You went into burnout actually
saucemassager6000: I hate that move
theblakdeth: that jump in seems tough to deal with
AceGun_: You can level 1 through the fireballs too.
saucemassager6000: @theblakdeth it's plus on block too
AceGun_: Only the OD version is plus
saucemassager6000: oh really?
AceGun_: OD is plus, the rest are just safe.
AceGun_: He has found the AKI tech.
TXC2: lets go!
MWGNZ: hifunkChunk
itsaysTRUENO: aki is part of the pavement now
TXC2: aki on a train to Memphis now
theblakdeth: still new to fighting games/ SF. how do you deal with that Aki slide in?
DoctorMcBoop subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months, currently on a 86 month streak!
DoctorMcBoop: <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DoctorMcBoop! (Today's storm count: 8)
AceGun_: @theblakdeth The one that she is using to grab? Just light punch it.
MilkInBags: hey adam how's it going
beowuuf: lol
Heefnoff: What’s good captain
themostjoast: morning gamers
MilkInBags: did you win yesterday evening
TXC2: Hello Heefnoff and themostjoast welcome
LMAOkai_: Here Comes May!!!!!!
MilkInBags: ban from your discord whoever won
itsr67: what the dog doin
itsaysTRUENO: game is hard
Seth_Erickson: Sure you won. Aldia didn't stand a chance.
themostjoast: is there a room up?
AceGun_: I ended the night with 69 losses last night. Felt nice.
Heefnoff: Idk the Axl was kinda cookin
MilkInBags: just get better Kappa
TXC2: themostjoast under nome, normal password
Heefnoff: Hey there friend hope you’re doing well @txc2
Seth_Erickson: yeah all of the people in Adam's discord are winners
LMAOkai_: Axl is damn hard to get in on
TXC2: Heefnoff you too
themostjoast: @txc2 ty
AceGun_: That feels like a season 2 change.
Heefnoff: They want it to be plus, they just made it whiff punishable
Heefnoff: The people still love Luke so they want him to be good
MilkInBags: i can hear nelson right in my soul
LMAOkai_: the protagonist buff
MilkInBags: what if the protagonist is not....a good guy
AceGun_: Juri has a +2 MP, and everyone just lets it slide.
saucemassager6000: a sol badguy?
therepoman__: Hello gamers
hyperialguard: VoHiYo
beowuuf: life costs rank
TXC2: when is Chun Li gonna be the protag like she should be? :p
MilkInBags: wfh gang (win from home)
LMAOkai_: @AceGun_ she needs it. a million dollars was on the line
theblakdeth: Life.... finds a way to eat into your video games
iDangero subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, iDangero! (Today's storm count: 9)
Laurence72: Life always gets in the way of living
TXC2: hello therepoman__ welcome
AceGun_: "This gamer"
LordZarano: Do we still have this
LordZarano: !they
LRRbot: Reminder! Your opponent may not be a "he" so try to use "they" or "opp" instead!
NorthstarTex: so close!
TXC2: Ken is a murderer
Mr_Horrible: "I wake up, I tune in, I see a Kenneth Masters"
saucemassager6000: wasn't luke like a pmc? there's the murderer onscreen
theblakdeth: anywhere else he'd be a 10
Mr_Horrible: NPH voice: "THEY'RE AFRAID!"
TXC2: we got in their head
theblakdeth: Juan Andonne
saucemassager6000: animaney
LMAOkai_: @saucemassager6000 this version of your name disturbs me greatly
saucemassager6000: wdym
AceGun_: She returns
LMAOkai_: the 6000 makes no sense!!!!
saucemassager6000: oh fair
saucemassager6000: I am evolving
LMAOkai_: lmao leveling up
arcaede_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arcaede_! (Today's storm count: 10)
therepoman__: sauce.................
beowuuf: dungeon massager (dm) of a game massages the rules
TXC2: clearly we went through 5999 saucemassagers to get to this one
saucemassager6000: hitting me with elipses
saucemassager6000: Yeah they keep running out of batteries
beowuuf: sticky
arcaede_: Could someone help me find the room info?
beowuuf: SAME AKI RIGHT?
beowuuf: sorry for caps, stupid lock
AceGun_: This Silver AKI has got the combos.
ManWithTheMask13: oh piss I forgot today's oki
TXC2: hello ManWithTheMask13 welcome
theblakdeth: These DIs looking good
ManWithTheMask13: @TXC2 hi PopNemo
itsr67: alive
itsaysTRUENO: how do you fight someone that just rolls on the floor
AceGun_: nice!
awildshen: He's gaming
theblakdeth: @itsaysTRUENO Legos
saucemassager6000: step on the floor
MrQBear: I threw my arms in the air when that last hit connected I am so invested in these fights. :p
ManWithTheMask13: @itsaysTRUENO with a gun
TXC2: theblakdeth slow down there Satan Kappa
saucemassager6000: you need the target combo
saucemassager6000: sweep into DI
MrQBear: oh hey, its that ken again!
ManWithTheMask13: what happened to fivegang damn
TXC2: now THIS is the same Ken
AceGun_: You could expand the matchmaking area?
itsaysTRUENO: ken is skipping class for these rank points
just_like_aerin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, just_like_aerin! (Today's storm count: 11)
mowdownjoe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mowdownjoe! (Today's storm count: 12)
TXC2: big mood there :p
ManWithTheMask13: How are the fight club lads today
saucemassager6000: get the wall splat, brain goes "uh.............."
theblakdeth: my favorite part of the show is the Jacob laugh
LordZarano: To the tune of Kaiser Chiefs's Modern Way SingsNote "This is the Modern Ken..."
beowuuf: jacob loves the adam singalongs
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemassager6000 uhhh hellstab lariat even when I have lvl 2 MiniK
TXC2: we're on the board
beowuuf: life is a meter not a treasurehorde
TXC2: dang them crossups
Diabore: they 1 and doned you? rude
TXC2: first Ed of day
beowuuf: we're not done until i say we're done
ManWithTheMask13: I got one-and-doned by a Juri the other day IN CASUAL
beowuuf: lol
theblakdeth: does that charge move always cross up?
ManWithTheMask13: got their ass
TXC2: lets GO!
beowuuf: :D that was for adam's honour
ManWithTheMask13: they did not pay $60 to learn
saucemassager6000: this ed wants one thing and it's disgusting
beowuuf: nelson needs to be on delay with adam Kappa
itsr67: WOW
NewtyNewts: The juukes!
LMAOkai_: damn you got mixed...by Adam
ManWithTheMask13: AIN'T NO WAY
TXC2: what a bait!
itsaysTRUENO: establish a pattern and then break it, that's good gaming
beowuuf: ed did not beat nelson, adam beat nelson
ManWithTheMask13: Janky Gi sliding Adam a fiver for that
saucemassager6000: I don't believe it. they missed the input.
beowuuf: did they get silver off of that?
beowuuf: can we kick them back to bronze? MiniK
beowuuf: it is now :)
Mr_Horrible: we *can* send them back to Memphis
LeonisCo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LeonisCo! (Today's storm count: 13)
ManWithTheMask13: @Mr_Horrible Memphis, Egypt
saucemassager6000: I'd rather be in bronze than memphis
TXC2: Lies are never ok, but they are funny
saucemassager6000: I never lie. My mix is all real
Mr_Horrible: @saucemassager6000 ah yes the famous song "As I was walking in Silver"
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemassager6000 you're a liar and a crook
MilkInBags: nah let's blame adam
saucemassager6000: mask, please.... grappler kayfabe
beowuuf: *our* adam, say *our*
itsr67: seabatNogood seabatNogood seabatNogood seabatNogood seabatNogood
ManWithTheMask13: Adam's just salty because he got twitter clipped yesterday
LMAOkai_: i appreciate a good cooking
JinaMahavira: I blame James
GrumblingMoblin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
Ferisar: we blaming adam?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GrumblingMoblin! (Today's storm count: 14)
Mr_Horrible: I ain't gotta appreciate shit, Savidan Kappa
Ferisar: I’m in
beowuuf: but can't you?
LMAOkai_: we're canadian, we apologize for everything
beowuuf: LOL
theblakdeth: damn Ed's gastrocs are friggin huge
saucemassager6000: I refuse to respect the safejump
itsr67: untrue
ManWithTheMask13: We still die for it
MilkInBags: it must suck for Luke if he wants some arm tattoos, he has so much to cover
Ferisar: I’m gonna respect the safejump when they respect my unsafe jump
TXC2: MilkInBags like he gets charged double ?
itsr67: not that specific move
ManWithTheMask13: I did a ft5 with a master cammy last night, that shit felt like a hundred years
MilkInBags: more like it needs more ink to make a sleeve @TXC2
Ferisar: SANBLAS
Ferisar: shooting
MilkInBags: uppercut
Ferisar: buddy!
beowuuf: nope
TXC2: only sweet Jacob baritone
beowuuf: the important question is can you hear adam over the construction, jacob?
saucemassager6000: edward, pumpkin...
Ferisar: TRUST
TXC2: trust and communication!
ManWithTheMask13: Lesgo Nelly FBtouchdown
itsr67: FBtouchdown
silent_sol: We doin ranked today nice!
beowuuf: drive rushmore
AceGun_: Mount DRIVE-Rushmore
Ferisar: no no it got 3 frames of recovery it’s fair and fine now
MilkInBags: skullomania was so OP in SFEX3
ManWithTheMask13: Wait, did I hear a room?
TXC2: I saw that last week, went on about Elena right ?
AceGun_: @ManWithTheMask13 under Nome, normal PW
MilkInBags: and they didn't have combo buffers?
ManWithTheMask13: @AceGun_ oh much thanks ThankEgg
Ferisar: no @milkinbags :)
TXC2: I still need FADC explained to me :p
freshmaker__: I wish I had a bit more time this week, but I have fallout commander to play and promos to acquire. I'll have to save my SF6 debut for next week. :P Catch you folks in the vod.
ManWithTheMask13: mah footsies
Heefnoff: Marvel 3, the most accessible fighting game :)
TXC2: dear Adam, have you seen the Super 2 turbo is broken video?
silent_sol: Not much ppl on ranked, or many filter on search
TXC2: so long freshmaker__ welcome
ManWithTheMask13: Oh yeah, Heef, I got my Gief to plat 4
TXC2: *so long I mean :p
Heefnoff: THATS HUGE CONGRATS! @manwiththemask13
Heefnoff: Good work!
Ferisar: +R is the most accessible fighting game because when sol grand vipers everyone will be deaf
MilkInBags: i dont know man, if you want to learn piano and play Stravinsky just learn when to press keys correctly :)
Ferisar: so it’ll be an even playing field
beowuuf: i'm playing all the right notes, just not necessarily in the right order
ManWithTheMask13: @Heefnoff ThankEgg ThankEgg ThankEgg I got to like high plat 3 and then went on a losing streak back to plat 1 LMAO so it took a while to climb back up
Ferisar: milks onto something
Heefnoff: But you got there, hell yeah!
Heefnoff: And you’re probably a stronger player for it! @manwiththemask13
itsaysTRUENO: roll forward glissando
ManWithTheMask13: @Heefnoff mrsilkSilkHeart mrsilkSilkHeart
Ferisar: heads up!
MilkInBags: I've never played Helldivers 2 and I got the urge to play it
beowuuf: o7 jacob
Ferisar: do it milk
TXC2: a burnout off
Mai_Andra: The Gift of Violent Rotation!
AceGun_: Me?
Gascitygaming: justy bought it playing it tonight after work
MilkInBags: FBtouchdown
Mai_Andra: My Manon is degenerate. Just alternating "DriveRush -> CommandGrab" and "DriveRush -> TargetCombo -> CommandGrab"
saucemassager6000: I AM A bad person
Ferisar: lmao
MilkInBags: gottem
TXC2: a steel!
NorthstarTex: hell yeah!
MilkInBags: let's go nelson
TXC2: so has the verdict come out on Ed being too good/ too bad/ just right?
Ferisar: he’s good but his jabs are ass is all I’ve heard
Ferisar: also he’s hard to play
MilkInBags: hard to play, low payoff for it?
AceGun_: @TXC2 Mostly seeing 'not good' overall, but still hard to tell because of his complexity.
MilkInBags: is he the steve of sf6
TXC2: Ferisar MilkInBags AceGun_ ok thanks
itsr67: oh no
MilkInBags: jacob is getting sauced?
ManWithTheMask13: @itsr67 thanks capcom
TXC2: MilkInBags sure is
saucemassager6000: jacob just got robbed
AceGun_: Juri is out on Akuma?
OldUncleDan: Juri is going out with Akuma?
NewtyNewts: @OldUncleDan Good for them
OldUncleDan: @NewtyNewts Right?
TXC2: Ed's real power is that he can clearly move in 3 dimensions :p
saucemassager6000: ggs jacob
MilkInBags: sandblast!
TXC2: I'd say that both Akuma and Juri are aromantic
AceGun_: Manon is basically ballerina Gief
saucemassager6000: tbf I got got by gief heavy into DI, so I am eating my own horseshit today
TXC2: that super Ed does looks like if Dhalsim could do Honda's hundred hand slap :p
MilkInBags: time to kick in ken's teeth
MilkInBags: MK1 is free for the weekend and 40% off on steam
Obos_TAB: work has unblocked twitch, but chat won't connect. so I have stream up in work monitor and chat up in remote
Obos_TAB: That how much I love OkiOki
AceGun_: So close!
beowuuf: sergeHi
TXC2: hello Obos_TAB welcome
MilkInBags: @Obos_TAB competent authorities will be alerted of this Kappa
TXC2: had to be
ylegm: that was a punish
AceGun_: I think so. Must have hit a button when he landed.
RyeDudemis: Good games Nelly, still figuring out what the heck to do with Ed. Seeing you pop up in rank reminded me it was Friday haha.
MilkInBags: well played rye
MilkInBags: wait are you playing against hungrybox?
MilkInBags: they will get a different answer based on who they were playing
RyeDudemis: Never the Ken
Obos_TAB: chack chak "The Ken?"
Heefnoff: Are you the Ken? heefnoGlocku
saucemassager6000: every match you beat ken is cause you're the goat and every time they win is a steal by their carried ass
MilkInBags: are you the ken, be truthful
TXC2: are you kenough ?
itsr67: accurate diamond 4 gameplay
AceGun_: I lose to Lukes like this in Diamond all the time, yes.
MilkInBags: does Ryan Gosling play Ken or Luke
Diabore: wait what? i need this story now
ylegm: O'Hare fucks
ylegm: *sucks
ylegm: *both
GGsLive: What about ppl from Chicago??????
TXC2: MilkInBags Cammy Kappa
petey_vonwho: Someone yelled at Nelly?!? Who!?!
saucemassager6000: damn called their place flat
Obos_TAB: "they're shanties"
MilkInBags: everyone living in chicago has deep fried brains Kappa
Mr_Horrible: O'Hare shouldn't have anyone's respect tbh
Obos_TAB: Yeah everybody stressed at an airport
petey_vonwho: How dare anyone yell at our sweet innocent Nelly!?!?
Mr_Horrible: your vibe too cool, your swag too chill. You have to stop, Nelly, they'll blow up on you
TXC2: Farquad playing the tallest character? that tracks
MilkInBags: yeah exactly nelson
MilkInBags: was it a boomer
Obos_TAB: too cool a move not to get mad at
saucemassager6000: I just didn't appreciate your tone alright?
MilkInBags: sauce LUL
Ferisar: sauce I just saw your name
Ferisar: lol
El_Zilcho22: @milkinbags same LUL
CAKHost: Hello everyone!
TXC2: hello CAKHost welcome
saucemassager6000: At least I'm not saucehitachi
AceGun_: The AKI army is out in force in the custom room.
MilkInBags: LUL
El_Zilcho22: LUL
Heefnoff: BASED
MilkInBags: alpha
saucemassager6000: we found the psycho
GGsLive: 1 and 1 and done
Obos_TAB: That's just dad rules.
Heefnoff: Bro is a family man
beowuuf: what a tweeeest!
Bearudite: he jokes about landmines and I'll be the one laughing when we play Darksalkers and I pick BB Hood
LMAOkai_: FamilyMan FamilyMan
Obos_TAB: As a dad, sometime my magic op just gets their W
MilkInBags: 1 and done, my bad og
LMAOkai_: my bad og
Obos_TAB: As a cat dad, sometimes my SF6 op gets their W.
Mr_Horrible: Gotta be Street Father before Street Fighter
Heefnoff: I mean to be fair fighting games are like the only genre where surrendering isn’t a thing
Ferisar: lol
Ferisar: gief is just jumping
CAKHost: Do you think the lion reacted to that mask like how cats will if you put stuff on them the first time it was put on them?
Mr_Horrible: countless
TXC2: why is white pants geif so much worse looking then normal ? :p
Mr_Horrible: a sea of corpses in their wake
Obos_TAB: Modern Geif puts another hair on his chest for every modern super spd
saucemassager6000: I'm coming, I'm co-
AceGun_: We do have some new people in the room, not just killers today.
Heefnoff: Is there a lobby open?
Heefnoff: @acegun_ Lmao
ライシェン: SeemsGood
ManWithTheMask13: ggs! @itsr67
Asimech: @TXC2 Because there's a constant fear of suddenly noticing a streak? And not the kind you want in a competition.
saucemassager6000: yeah let's get the newer folks in on the lobby so it's not just us degens
MilkInBags: yeah heef the password is 'noheefclub'
Heefnoff: Got it I’ll pop in soon
itsr67: @ManWithTheMask13 gg! got beat handily
AceGun_: @Heefnoff LUL
Heefnoff: @milkinbags lmao
sptrashcan: Just picked up this game, basically new to fighting games. Shockingly hard to just do the simplest things. Is classic on keyboard a mistake?
saucemassager6000: hey steve!
itsr67: steve holding you hostage
Obos_TAB: hey johnnyboutacar!
Ferisar: no @sptrashcan
itsr67: BUDDY
TXC2: Asimech yeah that's probably it
Ferisar: some people just play keyboard
petey_vonwho: Is she fighting in an axolotl kigurumi?
Obos_TAB: I learned how to leverless by testing on KB and got pretty far
AceGun_: @sptrashcan Whatever is comfortable is good! You will probably eventually switch to a controller called a 'leverless'.
MilkInBags: how do you quarter circle on keyboard
thatguysteve2709: Hey hey I am holding no one hostage
Obos_TAB: Someone should try it! It's REALLY cool!
niccus: have you confirmed that you're not running into keyboard simultaneous input limitations
Obos_TAB: I made the switch!
Mr_Horrible: get Nelly a hitbox with a custom faceplate that's just one of those "World's #1 Dad" mugs
sptrashcan: Fair enough. Quarter circles are actually not too hard.
TXC2: MilkInBags you hit two buttons at once , depends if you use the number pad or WASD
Obos_TAB: Mine's 3d printed with keyboard swtiches.
hyperialguard: Game hard. Fun. People cool
itsr67: saying from someone who got started like 5 years ago
itsr67: fighting games real hard
Ferisar: yeah getting into it is hard on all controller types
DanTheMediocre: push down, push forward, release down
hyperialguard: Keyboard totally works. That was my first
GGsLive: clip that
Ferisar: so don’t worry about it
beowuuf: seabatClap
TXC2: quater circles are fine on keyboard, FULL circles, and for some reason charges are the hard moves to do
ManWithTheMask13: LMAOkia's killing me with luke help
matthaus_c: best Juri outfit :O
Obos_TAB: Fish away that's how you learn to make it work!
saucemassager6000: alright itsr, I'll die
itsr67: weee
MilkInBags: adam it's free MK1 weekend
Ferisar: is juri free this friday
Ferisar: oracle? persona 5?
sptrashcan: Probably just timing. Trying to learn how to do a simple combo with Juri, 5mp 2mp 214mk, keep doing L3 instead of fuha...
Mr_Horrible: becoming a Street Fighter precog
ManWithTheMask13: Adam would you sign my petition to remove lows from the game
Mr_Horrible: predicting DI's with the little wooden balls
LMAOkai_: memphis!!!
TXC2: mashing with style
MilkInBags: jump :)
beowuuf: mashing "with theatrics"
Obos_TAB: gorilla with taiko sticks isn't mashing it's abarre
AceGun_: simply perish, EZ
Ferisar: command grab :)
Mr_Horrible: I say "I respect women" and lose 70% of my health
AceGun_: AKI gonna slither under the hit.
Ferisar: cmon adam you’ve seen gief light spd range
Ferisar: oh, yeah, that can happen
thesjans: Hey Adam, wanted to thank you for showing off Strive a while back. Got it yesterday as my first fighting game and I'm having a blast with it so far!
NewtyNewts: sorry Jacob, didn't look at lifebars lol
AceGun_: It his her kick that gets a stock.
NewtyNewts: ggs!
drizztnailo: how go the streets?
Ferisar: are you accidentally double tapping the fuha?
Vanatoth: Yess more strivers!
TXC2: kinda interesting to me that 236 and 214 are used a lot but 632 and 412 aren't
Ferisar: cause it cancels into lvl 3
Obos_TAB: still say strive is new player hot. there's too much cool shit not to hook someone
ManWithTheMask13: I mean I'm gonna die regardless to Marisa even without lows
drizztnailo: "imagine if this hits" IM SO PROUD OF YOU NELLY
Mr_Horrible: too many, and most of them are good
AceGun_: Even the bad ones are sometimes good!
matthaus_c: Tekken 8 is the British fix
hyperialguard: Drizzt is an influencer
NewtyNewts: Not to mention UNI 2 was on sale for super-cheap a day or two ago
Bearudite: if it whiffs "I deserved that" if it hits "Calculated"
Heefnoff: Need more room for Spectral Vs Generation
MrQBear: I wanna play more fighting games especially with this community, but I've learned my computer is maybe a bit too potato for these modern games. :p
Obos_TAB: I think if you've never played SF, that GG isn't as hard for a new player.
drizztnailo: plus r is sick
matthaus_c: Two X Kay Oh
Ferisar: dos equis
Bearudite: its fun to dabble and jam
Obos_TAB: If you are born with a double jump you'll never have a problem with it
NewtyNewts: Will that be the next major one, or a one-off special?
accountmadeforants: Strive also lets you do cool shit way more quickly than SF does (though Modern sorta balances that out)
thesjans: for some godforsaken reason it started me out on floor 6, I dropped down to floor 2 very quickly which was pretty funny
Mr_Horrible: yeah, unless that one falls over *completely* people are gonna be on it for a while, shaking that tree
GGsLive: what's your discord? link?
petey_vonwho: They need to make a new Bloody Roar. That would get me back into fighting games.
Obos_TAB: Les Mis Fighter or nothing
Bearudite: there was some third strike a few weeks ago
El_Zilcho22: And CvS2
MrQBear: That sounds rad! I gotta remember to check in on the discord more often.
itsr67: spectral vs generation gaming
Bearudite: with ROLLBACK
itsr67: gotta get on that
Ferisar: @sptrashcan but yeah idk if it’s helpful but fuha cancels into lvl 3 so if you’re trying to mash it out that’s how you can get it
Heefnoff: One day Marvel 3 is gonna win the vote, trust
Bearudite: so blessed
AceGun_: We are thinking of doing Dragon Ball FighterZ/DBZ Hyper Fighting on Fightcade next week.
hyperialguard: Given the news
JinaMahavira: Adam's discord: https://discord.gg/HpU4qVHw
Obos_TAB: I would love to play some DBZ again
Obos_TAB: Especially in homage to Toriyama
AceGun_: Felt like next week would be good for some DBZ.
sptrashcan: Probably just hitting too many inputs, yeah. The timing is pretty tight and I get fumbly. More hours in training.
ManWithTheMask13: I got mixed help
LMAOkai_: ggs Mask!!!
hyperialguard: Blanka has the zoomies
ManWithTheMask13: ggs LMAOkai ThankEgg
ManWithTheMask13: That lvl 3 was nuts
Obos_TAB: Sometimes picking an easier punish combo is best.
LMAOkai_: i didn't think it would hit. i bet it all
Bearudite: oh I always jam first train after
AceGun_: As Hyperial always says "just hurry up and get your first 100 losses"
Obos_TAB: reliable damage beats a dropped combo any day
hyperialguard: Yup yup
NewtyNewts: @AceGun_ Wonder where I'm at on that record... any idea how to check universal stats?
sptrashcan: I've been trying to play sets but get a lot of connection errors.
saucemassager6000: ryu does damage
Bearudite: the heat of the moment and all that
Heefnoff: Adam has never dropped a combo :)
ManWithTheMask13: Capcom's been smokin that shit that killed abe lincoln recently
AceGun_: @NewtyNewts It's buried in the 'Profile' section, but you can also log into the SF6 website to look.
MilkInBags: remember when you didn't use quarter circles with mika
hyperialguard: @newtynewts you can find it on your profile but it isn't exactly comprehensive. It's something though
Obos_TAB: Shoutouts to cloth physics in RE engine.
MilkInBags: if nelson takes a break, he's out of the show
beowuuf: definitionally
NewtyNewts: @hyperialguard Found it. Looks like I'm well past 100 losses
Ferisar: @sptrashcan oh also if you don’t know about it there’s a setting which shows red and blue highlights on your character for cancel timings
hyperialguard: Nice!
matthaus_c: a theatre killed abe lincoln
AceGun_: I think the bullet killed him.
DanTheMediocre: a smoking gun
MilkInBags: culture kills
Obos_TAB: A real third act reveal
TXC2: kinetic energy killed him
accountmadeforants: I think the hole that got put in Lincoln killed Lincoln
MilkInBags: guns don't kill people, bullets do seabatUseless
GGsLive: Heavy ball is pretty safe
beowuuf: lack of stone skin spell, that's just sloppy spell management for the day
Obos_TAB: Can't believe the avengers went back in time and rippe the infinity stone out of abe lincoln
LMAOkai_: i still can't believe May in +R has an air blanka ball
TXC2: I love the line from the show timeless, that Lincoln being killed by John wilk booths is the same as if Danny Wahlberg killed Bush :p
AceGun_: Lots of his stuff is airborne, so can't get SPD'ed I assume too.
thatguysteve2709: I love the design of blanka
Ferisar: can you do air spd on ball?
Ferisar: that’d be funny
Obos_TAB: new blanka design is perfect
saucemassager6000: OW ITSR
GGsLive: you can actually do a very very late DI on heavy ball...but it's not really worth it
itsr67: @saucemassager6000 get me in the end tho
itsr67: ggs
saucemassager6000: ggs
Ferisar: lmaooo
LMAOkai_: gottem
Obos_TAB: gnomeshoryu
sptrashcan: Despite everything, I am having fun. Every once in a while I do something on purpose and it works, and that feels good.
thatguysteve2709: Like blanka can't sit still
itsr67: @sptrashcan thats the goal
GGsLive: you can lariat the full screen balls
Ferisar: Jacob… just don’t…..
drizztnailo: good advice adam
TXC2: sptrashcan that's the most important thing
itsr67: the more things you do with intention the better
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Insert the microphone into the frog sandwich, and the other end into the conical meringue house.
saucemassager6000: sorry I went in and did manon crimes
Obos_TAB: It's dead i wish I brought my deck to work
Obos_TAB: been learning Ed and I love him, but I wish he had a counter
thatguysteve2709: You got this Jacob
LMAOkai_: how to kill a man in 2 steps: pick marisa, gladius
AceGun_: "You thought THOSE were beatings?"
TXC2: fuck him up Jacob
MilkInBags: what if jacob wins
NewtyNewts: @Obos_TAB If he were in Smash Bros
Ukon_Cairns: this is a new challenger marisa, im sure jacob got this Hhhehehe
Obos_TAB: @NewtyNewts Just gotta wait lol
AceGun_: Let's go Jacob!
MilkInBags: adam you can't teach anymore, you lost
Ukon_Cairns: henyaCheer henyaCheer
Obos_TAB: I love a char with a good counter. Or a bad counter. Marth. Baiken. Dudley. Marisa.
thatguysteve2709: Take Marisa and respectfully throw her to the floor
TXC2: thatguysteve2709 the dream
Obos_TAB: This is your old TE?
saucemaster5000: @thatguysteve2709 PrideUwu
Ferisar: he loves
Ferisar: this stick
AceGun_: Did Ian stream his process for cleaning it? I'm very curious.
saucemaster5000: is the stick thick?
dragonflare9: time to hop on with my day 1 leverless brain and see how it goes
LMAOkai_: gl!
matthaus_c: is the stick baptised
saucemaster5000: I believe he did it on tinker tailor ace?
Mr_Horrible: Adam HypeHands1 "Love the stick, brother" HypeHands2 Your 9-month-old puppy
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 amazonThumbsUp
Heefnoff: Jacob kinda cookin
dragonflare9: @Heefnoff o/ Heef
dragonflare9: I'm learning leverless
Heefnoff: @dragonflare9 lytJIVE
saucemaster5000: yeah manon/gief changes the block game. grapplers baby
Heefnoff: Oh that's sick, best of luck!
itsr67: learning and exploiting manon patterns are the key to understanding more modern style grapplers
dragonflare9: +
ManWithTheMask13: I've given Sauce too much Gief practice
Alex_Frostfire: I love the attacks that just lay the opponent out on the floor.
saucemaster5000: @itsr67 you perfect parried my jump ins twice and I said "never again empty jump into command grab only"
Ferisar: you know Nelson maybe he doesn’t appreciate your sarcastic tone while in this line for the corner
Bearudite: big ole noggin
Ferisar: *is blocked*
TXC2: "if was me, i would have simply died"
drizztnailo: that trade combo was sick
ManWithTheMask13: get to that churning, Jacob
itsr67: @saucemaster5000 and then I die by empty jump command grabs, pattern recognizes pattern
matthaus_c: it says First Work, Then Banana
ManWithTheMask13: it says "od spd"
MilkInBags: for my loyal fans
Heefnoff: It says "Wakeup level 3"
itsr67: "play spectral vs generations"
ManWithTheMask13: @Heefnoff TRUE
Heefnoff: "When's Marvel"
JacNol: It says Fire Hazard
dragonflare9: Mahvel
lightfut: It says "lariat sucks"
ManWithTheMask13: "Third Strike goated"
Bearudite: its jank as fuck
Bearudite: but in a good way
Heefnoff: Spectral Vs Generation my beloved
itsr67: there's a wiki on it too
JacNol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JacNol! (Today's storm count: 15)
itsr67: barely anything is fully filled
dragonflare9: JACKHAMMER
drizztnailo: it says "next character is el fuerte"
Heefnoff: Nah Footsies has rollback play it online Kappa
Alex_Frostfire: Google Lens briefly gave me something like fire hazard.
ManWithTheMask13: @Heefnoff You can't be saying this, dog
Obos_TAB: "Pocket Ken"
AceGun_: Help! I keep trying to Faultless Defense against Honda headbutts!
ManWithTheMask13: That has to be against some international rule
dragonflare9: @AceGun_ lmao
Obos_TAB: @AceGun_ No joke FD'ing in SF6 hurts my soul whenever I do it
OldUncleDan: So Alive that there is Love and Rockets concert going on in the background.
itsr67: round end got a hell of a glow up compared to 5
itsr67: shit was NOT skippable till like season 5
accountmadeforants: Yeah, my order of "things I instinctively do in other games" now is trying to FD, then trying to burst, then trying to PRC out of a mistake
Heefnoff: And that's why I play Marvel 3 offline
ManWithTheMask13: The first to death game
Heefnoff: Parsec Marvel 3 has you mashing rematch faster than anything
accountmadeforants: Yeah the rematch speed is one of SF6's best features
Heefnoff: Tekken 8's rematch is also decent
Ferisar: yeah it says fire danger or fire hazard or something
Ferisar: it’s a weird sign
Obos_TAB: nah the scaling (even with level3)
Alex_Frostfire: Also getting "high voltage" off it?
itsr67: @Heefnoff granblue's needs quite a lot of work
ManWithTheMask13: @Heefnoff Imagine a single button restart for Windjammers 2
itsr67: it also leaves you like 30 seconds if your opponent leaves you hanging when you want to rematch
Heefnoff: Windjammers 2 really is amazing huh
ManWithTheMask13: Casino is God's perfect level
Ferisar: my loyal brans
Heefnoff: MY ONLY FANS
saucemaster5000: heef no
Ferisar: yo gief workout onlyfans?
Obos_TAB: Jacob on wifi? Mad props to SF6 for good network conns
Ferisar: that’d be sick
AceGun_: @GGsLive GGs! Been playing too much Guilty Gear, couldn't remember parry, lol.
ManWithTheMask13: My boy, this lvl 3 is what all gamers strive for
Ferisar: jackhammer!
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 heef yes
AceGun_: I have come to the conclusion that AKI needs a pool cue.
Obos_TAB: nuuuu jacob. so close
Obos_TAB: i was pumpin'
saucemaster5000: @AceGun_ no cue for you
MilkInBags: teacher status reinstated
hyperialguard: Just like those cues you can screw together. Portable
hyperialguard: But her classes
dragonflare9: giving Nelly a spot
hyperialguard: Er, claws
Heefnoff: Yep yep same
ManWithTheMask13: Hyperial, one of our matches got featured on a stream last night LUL
Ferisar: he’s so right
itsr67: LUL
MilkInBags: adam LUL
Heefnoff: Lmao
hyperialguard: @manwiththemask13 oh?
matthaus_c: fishing rod reeling noise
MilkInBags: my bad og
ManWithTheMask13: Yeah, from that absolute slog of a ft10
AceGun_: @hyperialguard much to consider...
hyperialguard: Neat
Heefnoff: That is "baby is about to roll off the couch" reactions
ManWithTheMask13: sad reactions
MilkInBags: heef you'll know when you get older
itsr67: that's the reactions of someone who pays taxes right there
LaskoReadsComics: I love that Zangief does a fucking flipping tombstone piledriver lol
Obos_TAB: dad's also are free to hugs, it's true
itsr67: like a death note
Juliamon: An edgy Livejournal
MilkInBags: so a facebook feed
Mr_Horrible: Livejournal was *NOT* for people that had their lives together
Ferisar: what about mid journal
TXC2: so emo myspace ?
Mr_Horrible: what internet were you on brother
AceGun_: MySpace was already emo MySpace
Alex_Frostfire: Wait, does Lariat suck?
Ferisar: damn sounds like it was a mid time
Heefnoff: Lot of dinosaurs used it true
Heefnoff: Kappa
Mr_Horrible: he's not beating the "Reads 1 message out of context" allegations Kappa
saucemaster5000: It was the mid of times, it was the based of times
MilkInBags: simply make full sentences
Mr_Horrible: it's true, it's true LUL
ManWithTheMask13: what if I told you... that in a world, much like our own... I can't come up with the punchline to this Twilight Zone joke
Mr_Horrible: damn, real
Mr_Horrible: the MIX
Ferisar: @manwiththemask13 I planted a landmine somewhere in your room
Heefnoff: All fax no printer
Ferisar: every step you take
MilkInBags: wait, everything you say is not about your core values?
Ferisar: is a risky move
ManWithTheMask13: @Ferisar Free copper wiring PogChamp
Heefnoff: I planted a Lego somewhere on your floor
Ferisar: gottim
MilkInBags: wanna share with the classroom, adam? Kappa
Mr_Horrible: I pull out the DDR pad, Ferisar , while sighing "Finally"
OldUncleDan: Well... Many of us are neruo-devergent and tend to take things literally.
ManWithTheMask13: I planted a Gief lvl3 somewhere in your room
Heefnoff: Me, tap dancing around my room
malfnord: ManWithTheMask13, a man with a joke in mind, but the punchline remains elusive. In his search for a conclusion this random Twitch user is walking right into... The Twilight Zone.
MilkInBags: yeah adam know every single one of us
MilkInBags: also for people that want the reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgYDaBhCgGw
ManWithTheMask13: @malfnord This is the best Twitch message I've seen all week,thank you
JacNol: To be fair, "Adam makes a joke" has the same inflection as "Adam mentions something that sounds fake but is true"
85Hawk: Gief doing Gief things
Heefnoff: Adam makes jokes? You a comedian or something?
Ferisar: I did want to join the +R room yesterday and say nice neutral, one small issue and then hit grand viper
malfnord: @ManWithTheMask13 yw. :D
Heefnoff: You a professional funny guy or something?
Ferisar: maybe next time
Heefnoff: Nelly cookin
Heefnoff: That's a heef lesson right there
Ferisar: lmao
Heefnoff: Everyone sucks until proven otherwise
hyperialguard: Get your shit in
saucemaster5000: no one can take my spinny kicks away from me and I will die for it
85Hawk: no quarter asked for none given
Heefnoff: Sounds like a nuke going off
Heefnoff: +R balance your audio challenge: Impossible
Mr_Horrible: Grand Viper or Sir Alonne pulling your soul out, who's fucking up your speakers more?
Ferisar: I am sir alonne the lone knight I have mastered the bla-BWHHHHH
NewtyNewts: A-byss
saucemaster5000: bhwhwhwhwhww
85Hawk: every time someone says nice bait me: “totally meant to do it”
Bearudite: woooosh
TXC2: if someone pulled my soul out, THEY'D scream in horror
Heefnoff: Just shittin and fartin it up with twitch chat yep
Heefnoff: Thanks dad
Heefnoff: Simply already be jumping
MilkInBags: If you too want to understand Adam's references, you can watch him Monday to Thursday, 12 PM EST to 6 PM EST at Twitch dot tv slash seabats
Heefnoff: Yeah shit's cheap
saucemaster5000: milk you goddamn shill
Ferisar: gief in 5 had a one frame for actions right
TXC2: saucemaster5000 you rang? Kappa
Heefnoff: Amazing
lochnessseammonster: what up fighty friends :)
Ferisar: THEY BUFFED IT???
TXC2: hello lochnessseammonster welcome
Heefnoff: I am so proud of Jacob for that anti air super rn
Ferisar: let’s GO?
itsr67: @Ferisar hits lower now, yes
matthaus_c: gief's had it too good for too long
itsr67: thats jamie mains
Heefnoff: RIP Green Hand
Ferisar: lariat into lvl3 next?
saucemaster5000: I have yet to get hit by OD lariat into lvl3 and I fear the day
drizztnailo: so true king
Bearudite: make tundra storm hit punches capcom
itsr67: got hella buffed and people are still dooming jamie
drizztnailo: gief an honest low tier just like plus r pot
Heefnoff: Jamie actually nuts rn
Mr_Horrible: oh speaking of "A complete character now" how's Jamie doing?
85Hawk: snake eyes almost made it out of capcom cup groups with Gief and that was for a million dollars
itsr67: he's now joined the cast
Heefnoff: He can't be top tier he's literally an alcoholic
TXC2: I think I've seen Jamie on this stream all of 3 times in 8 months :p
saucemaster5000: if I see a single ryu complaining this month I will turn the car around
Heefnoff: Bro doesn't need buffs he needs help
Ferisar: he can be an alcoholic more consistently
Ukon_Cairns: i sure do be losing to more jamies now
itsr67: KI JUICE
Heefnoff: Herbal medicine :)
Bearudite: Herbal Tea
itsr67: MEDICINE
Mr_Horrible: it's SoBe Life Water
Ferisar: it’s HERBALLLLL
TXC2: Mountain Dew Kappa
NewtyNewts: It's Jacob's goo
Bearudite: Fruitopia
Heefnoff: Bro drinking Smart Water
MilkInBags: JUICE
LambMower: Faygo
85Hawk: energy drinks
itsr67: lscroix
matthaus_c: alcohol is herbal, it's made from wheat
saucemaster5000: fuck I want root beer
TXC2: it's Um-bongo
itsr67: lacroix*
MilkInBags: wheat is not herbs
MrQBear: It's a bottle of [Herbal Tea] he got at the [Herbal Tea Store].
saucemaster5000: who got some A&W for me?
85Hawk: what’d ya mean barqs has bite
Mr_Horrible: fruitopia is only sold in the one vending machine outside Florida hotels
Heefnoff: Lariat is good most of the time yeah
accountmadeforants: @matthaus_c Can't forget about the yeast, that probably makes it probiotic, too
MrQBear: @saucemaster5000 Now >I< want some root beer. Thanks!
Heefnoff: Ah I see
TXC2: you'd think Lariat would hit both sides
Bearudite: just air spd instead Kappa
Heefnoff: Bro tried Lariat once and discovered Nihilism
Heefnoff: heefnoDelay
dragonflare9: @Heefnoff lmao
saucemaster5000: @MrQBear let's go get root beer
Mr_Horrible: yeah I was about to say
Heefnoff: Confirmed
MilkInBags: wait, what can you do both in the streets and in the sheets
Ferisar: LATIAT INTO LVL 3??
TXC2: as I suspected
Heefnoff: ihjNoted
matthaus_c: trying Lariat is like reading Crime And Punishment
Heefnoff: Write that down
MilkInBags: LUL
itsr67: LOL
Ferisar: LMAOOO
matthaus_c: VERY GOOD
thatjuantoo: starmu6NachoNeutral
Tplayne: dang dog
TXC2: fuckking gottem
Heefnoff: lytJIVE lytJIVE lytJIVE lytJIVE lytJIVE lytJIVE
Mr_Horrible: Nelly's actually cracked
lightfut: Lol dammit Nelly
Bearudite: threw him under the bus
matthaus_c: lmao feeding Jacob to Heef
Heefnoff: You're going to Brazil
TXC2: o7 Jacob
LambMower: RIP Jacob
LambMower: Nice knowing you
beowuuf: o7
NewtyNewts: GGs ManWithTheMask13
El_Zilcho22: miralbSad
itsr67: o7
NorthstarTex: o7 Jacob
MilkInBags: ok now mute jacob Kappa
saucemaster5000: don't let mask jump at you
itsr67: lion needed to eat
v_nome: :I don't feel lucky"
NewtyNewts: Jacob gets the funnest part of the room
beowuuf: after gettinjg sweaty with all this finding, you need a wash Kappa
fracassio subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fracassio! (Today's storm count: 16)
beowuuf: *fighting
TXC2: what if Jacob wins?
beowuuf: @TXC2 ^
TXC2: wouldn't that be funny
matthaus_c: if Jacob wins they swap ranks
beowuuf: tos prevents us
NorthstarTex: we're not allowed to witness murder
SilverRupee_: that guy sounds like he's having a great time fighting Gief in the other room LOL
NewtyNewts: Jacob just needs to win one game, Heef needs to win the whole set. I think that's how it works?
BusTed: Adam recognizing what he has wrought.
matthaus_c: Mask making Gief look like Blanka
itsr67: learning moment
niccus: it's perfectly fair.
SilverRupee_: LOL i mean to each their own whatever noises they make when they're enjoying themselves ;)
MilkInBags: lariat is a button of all time
Bearudite: "i learned it from you DAD"
matthaus_c: this button targets a permanent or player
saucemaster5000: That button is a have a nice day
beowuuf: you learn alot about yourself
Obos_TAB: What's the Adam/Heef matchup like?
LambMower: Phew I have a T8 tournament at the top of the hour. Send me power chat
Obos_TAB: I haven't seen heef on stream in a while against you
AceGun_: @silent_sol wow, I got a total crash. That's new! Sorry about that.
NewtyNewts: 9.5/0.5
thatguysteve2709: Good luck
SilverRupee_: how's been the Ed learning as well btw??
itsr67: there's a deep chasm
gualdhar: You're sitting in a Cafe, minding your own business, and the weird guy in the corner stands up, takes off his hat, and lariat's you into a table
Heefnoff: More like 6-7 Adam
silent_sol: @AceGun_ np, i'll also take a break
Heefnoff: Out of 20
Bearudite: Heef's Ky last night was oppressive
NewtyNewts: Jacob learning the combos.
Juliamon: LambMower GivePLZ Buddy!
silent_sol: @AceGun_ gg btw
beowuuf: LMAO
beowuuf: you stay puft mashmallow man'd yourself jacob
dragonflare9: someone fight me
Obos_TAB: How many LRR Oki folks like DBZ enough to play FighterZ? I know adam isn't a dbz'er
TXC2: LambMower good luck lrrHEARt
AceGun_: @silent_sol ggs! Modern Ed seems cool!
SilverRupee_: Fair enough...i mean that's how i felt because he's my main from V but now im feeling much better with him
beowuuf: @LambMower seabatClap you got this
saucemaster5000: oo we got a modern ed in the lobby? hell yeah
drizztnailo: @Heefnoff wanna run some matches? its been a hot sec
silent_sol: @AceGun_ yeah he's cool! doesnt rly make him easy neither he 's still rly hard
SilverRupee_: LOL
SilverRupee_: that trade was nuts
Tplayne: Guile to master when?
85Hawk: so what are the rules for joining the lobby and being beaten up for a bit?
SilverRupee_: ooh i was just about to ask that too haha
saucemaster5000: join the lobby, currently under nome, pw 6969
lightfut: The onslaught of heef will do that
Ferisar: don’t be a dingus come on through
Alex_Frostfire: I think you're legally allowed to leave a set early if you get perfected twice.
MilkInBags: no rules? oh ok, can LRR buy me SF6?
Ferisar: wait I can join from work Wi-Fi….
hyperialguard: All skill levels welcomed
Ferisar: hmmmmm
Juliamon: Don't be a dick, leave room for the streamers
NewtyNewts: LRRsm'n get priority rooms
hyperialguard: Lower the better
Ravynn: Lingus on the other hand
Tplayne: tell that to my selfworth
lightfut: Lingus is pointed
saucemaster5000: I do like seeing newer players here
silent_sol: i love when half the room is one character, and that character is Geef
Obos_TAB: great block nelly
hyperialguard: Learning to lose productivly is a skill. Takes effort
AceGun_: What if I ONLY like the process?
Heefnoff: Ggs friend
matthaus_c: the victory screen isn't the only measure of success
MilkInBags: me, winning: this is the most important game and event of my life. me, losing: there are no stakes, it's ok to lose
85Hawk: I only like the process i play mostly to work on issues i have with hand neuropathy
NewtyNewts: Having a community is making the keeping going a LOT more manageable.
Heefnoff: You're never really past it tbh
Heefnoff: Gotta take breaks or work on other stuff
LambMower: Small manageable goals keeps my mind off it
Obos_TAB: I go for a changeof pace. swap to a random character
NewtyNewts: Wow, room's full
Tplayne: @MilkInBags Me winning: +0 dopamine. Me losing: -100 dopamine. Its not great cycle haha
Bearudite: I have learned to appreciate the person on the other side of teh screen for being willing to use me as a training dummy for 50 matches
saucemaster5000: not me I'm perfect in every wa-SPINNY KICK
El_Zilcho22: I will be forever mediocre at fighting games.
Heefnoff: The key indicator toward if you have the mindset to be good at fighting games is what you're saying when you're frustrated
Heefnoff: Cause there's the "This game sucks" people, and the "I should be winning" people
TXC2: the best players got that way be being a bad player that didn't give up
ManWithTheMask13: GGs, Nelly! You were getting me on those DIs
matthaus_c: if you're not having fun you're not gonna learn. you just reinforce negative patterns
hyperialguard: Mindfulness helps
Bearudite: I always feel like I am wasting the other person's time when I am getting clapped
matthaus_c: coffee gaming
Heefnoff: Like if I'm just not feeling a game then yeah do other stuff
drizztnailo: I have a real bad time getting back on track when i get tilted. i become a serial complainer lol
saucemaster5000: @hyperialguard fuck yeah hyperial
ManWithTheMask13: I need some water mmm water
Heefnoff: Oh that's right you're cookin up a Ryu
mwlsn: @Heefnoff I really like this delineation
Juliamon: ooh a Ryu
SilverRupee_: i just joined in but just seeing if thats cool haha
Heefnoff: Like I whine a lot at times
TXC2: I know I whine a lot when I play magic :p
LambMower: Frustration is part of the process
Heefnoff: Depends what you're whining about
silent_sol: wopssry mb
Obos_TAB: It's also weirder for you folks because its on stream- yeah THAT
MilkInBags: yeah you're all brave to show your Ls
silent_sol: stream delay being funny
Obos_TAB: If you HAVE to say something, then sometimes that something is sour grapes
Heefnoff: Like you can build up the "correct" reaction to being mad if improving is your goal
NewtyNewts: I bet it's going to be harder when you've gotta be always on for the stream
Heefnoff: Cause you WILL feel frustrated at times
85Hawk: what’s the lobby Id to search it up?
drizztnailo: i have a bad habit of dooming about my character instead of taking it as an opportunity to learn
TXC2: 85Hawk it's under nome
TXC2: password is 6969
NewtyNewts: It's now under Newt, Nome left
saucemaster5000: oop @85 it's full, I'l hop out to give you room
Heefnoff: I'm definitely the other way I just like learning a bunch of characters
LMAOkai_: we all secretly hate our mains
Bearudite: you don't randomly yell "I'm Sick with it" on stream as much
Heefnoff: Partially for my own interest, partly to be entertaining to play against
Heefnoff: Marisa is sick
SilverRupee_: i dont hate my main anymore haha
v_nome: Yeah, sorry for the confusion just wanted to make a spot for somebody else to join
matthaus_c: Mika in shambles
drizztnailo: i stick with the character, i just complain anyways lol
Heefnoff: Yeah I don't agree with that @LMAOkai_
85Hawk: @saucemaster5000 I can’t find the lobby so don’t leave on my account lol
LMAOkai_: sorry not hate, but see the shortcomings?
Heefnoff: Ken my beloved
Heefnoff: Yeah that's true for sure
ManWithTheMask13: @drizztnailo They're like family. Sometimes you don't always have to like them, but you love em
El_Zilcho22: Same whatever character i choose is what i choose. Luckily in SF Cammy is usually pretty good haha.
Heefnoff: Dante my favorite character in a fighting game easily
Heefnoff: It's not even close
OldUncleDan: Well, if you love her so much, why don't you marry her?
Bearudite: I am learning to despise DI tho
silent_sol: Adam, whats your favorite character of all fighting game ever?
Heefnoff: YES
optimalbook: Sadly, I haven't found anyone in SF6 that clicks for me yet. Though I've been loving Tekken 8 as someone whose brand new to fighting games.
saucemaster5000: I want a puppet char in sf I had way too much fun with Nier in granblue
Heefnoff: Join the Setplay army Adam
Heefnoff: Shit's sick
Ferisar: heef out there going gunswordgunroyalguntricksfer
accountmadeforants: @LMAOkai_ This is also why the mirror match is so important, "this is what I've been doing to people???" is a good way to recognize your character's strengths (and what cheap shit you could probably be doing more of :p )
Heefnoff: I just love throwing out a little dude to hold down the oki
drizztnailo: King would have to be so unbelievably terrible for me to not love playing him in tekken lol
Heefnoff: GEEGEE
Heefnoff: BEPPO
LMAOkai_: @accountmadeforants true
Heefnoff: You seem like a Blanka player (respectful)
Mr_Horrible: "oh no, she's fun"
matthaus_c: I'm also big on focusing on one thing, Highlander's my main competitive thing and I've played pretty much nothing but Jeskai for a year or so now
LMAOkai_: be truthful
NewtyNewts: Hate when the gremlins are right
LambMower: I would be having a considerably worse time in T8 if Reina wasn't one of the most fun fighting game characters I've played
silent_sol: sometimes it s the little thing that make you like a character
ManWithTheMask13: It
BusTed: "lol play king"
Heefnoff: Problem with that is you then get typecasted as "Not like the others"
v_nome: Say the line, Bart.
SilverRupee_: LOL im dead haha
saucemaster5000: I do love blanka in this game
Ferisar: well you’ll like THIS ONE
Tplayne: I typecast you as the cool guy on twitch
NewtyNewts: Sometimes I hope it's more suggestion than typecasting, but that's online comments for you.
itsr67: ggs @dragonflare9
ManWithTheMask13: It's that thing that starts out as a joke people make but it really starts to grate on you
TXC2: liking big women is not a bit :p
thatguysteve2709: And we got steve
Heefnoff: Fair honestly
gualdhar: I just wanted to see Adam play a catboy
dragonflare9: @itsr67 ggs
LambMower: oh yeah did you see the new steve tech PhiDX posted, Adam?
Bearudite: install the torchless no light gain mod Kappa
itsr67: alright now I gotta watch ryu
saucemaster5000: me whenever I switch do blanka "oh I can just DO SHIT?""
v_nome: Listen if I die wake up DPing I died doing what I love
Heefnoff: So wait Jacob I know you told me this but why are you trying Ryu again?
Heefnoff: It's the lack of shoes isn't it
Heefnoff: Kappa
LambMower: It's pretty sick, it lets Steve cancel Lionheart into peekaboo
Heefnoff: Yeah Ryu's sick
itsr67: nah ryu kinda mid Kappa
Heefnoff: So glad they went with Beard Ryu in this
Heefnoff: Mods, kill them @itsr67
SilverRupee_: i am patiently waiting my turn since there were so many people here before me haha
thatjuantoo: @LambMower starmu6NachoNeutral
ManWithTheMask13: Ryu got the juice, gonna be running for president
itsr67: hell yeah I do
TXC2: Heefnoff nah, let 'em cook Kappa
saucemaster5000: just command grab back
Heefnoff: heefnoDelay
itsr67: no one wants to play neuch
itsr67: so I just skip it the easy way
MilkInBags: nice opinion, one small issue
dragonflare9: itsr known downplayer
ManWithTheMask13: @itsr67 You roundstart drive rushed like 3/5 of our games
Bearudite: I am a nooch enjoyer
thatjuantoo: LUL
LambMower: I didn't pay 70 bucks to not press buttons
Heefnoff: Neuch is made up by Big Footsies to sell more crMKs
sptrashcan: The few times I've played fighting games before, I've had more success with heavy characters that reward patience and timing. But... I *like* Juri.
therepoman__: Ryu gaming!!
Heefnoff: By the end of SF6 everyone is gonna be ken mains
Heefnoff: That's the goal
itsr67: NOW OR NEVER
saucemaster5000: never heef
ManWithTheMask13: I'm thinking about picking up Lily at one point
saucemaster5000: I will die in the low tier mines like a good boy
ManWithTheMask13: @Heefnoff krill issue
Heefnoff: "Why pick things you like"
TXC2: pick the character that you will KEEP on playing
Heefnoff: Eat garbage then idk
silent_sol: i started Cammy bc sha has a cat
itsr67: asthetics are king
niccus: sorry nelly, we're all casuals here
Alex_Frostfire: I suck at charge inputs and I still play Chun-Li.
TheThirdTail: There are lots of different ways to approach it, *shrug*
DanTheMediocre: Cammy has a cat?
85Hawk: @silent_sol she doesn’t just have a cat, she is obsessed with
Mr_Horrible: People have to find their Mono-Black Aggro, Nelson
matthaus_c: Nelly's big spiking
dragonflare9: Nelly mtg spike coming out
petey_vonwho: I want to play the lady in the kigurumi. Done even care what her play style us
ManWithTheMask13: I played Luke for like 4 months and then dumped him for a character I actually had fun with
OldUncleDan: Nelly the Magic player is comeing out.
TheThirdTail: I usually start by saying "show me all the rushdown characters" and choose the one that looks neat
Jikonius: It takes too much effort to play fighting games to waste time learning a character who isn't cool
itsr67: looking past the material plane
Heefnoff: The idea is you don't have gameplay preferences when you're just starting out
v_nome: Next up Nelly plays Souls and doesn't fashion
MilkInBags: they all look dumb Kappa
Heefnoff: Yeah that idolized human Blanka
Heefnoff: Kappa
silent_sol: @85Hawk i didnt know that, i just saw her with a cat in the select screen
MilkInBags: heef, you'll get clapped
MilkInBags: LUL
saucemaster5000: wdym blanka is goals
ManWithTheMask13: Pay my rent, Heef
matthaus_c: @Heefnoff you may not like it but that's peak Brazilian form
Heefnoff: That's fair
petey_vonwho: Though I can't see myself playing only one character.
Bearudite: big slabs of meat
TheThirdTail: To be fair, I also had this problem with sf6
Heefnoff: No it's ok to be wrong dw about it
Heefnoff: Kappa
saucemaster5000: I mean you see the cake on that green stallion?
silent_sol: look is not just fashion is also the move
TheThirdTail: Though I really like Ed, so now I have to learn it
Heefnoff: No I get you though
MilkInBags: I mean Nelson your way of thinking makes sense, if aesthetics is bad for all of them, pick the best at this point
accountmadeforants: None of them are Guilty Gear characters, that's for sure KappaHD (Kidding, I like most of the cast)
Heefnoff: If the design ain't speaking to you it ain't speaking to you
silent_sol: the way yhey move or attack is cool
Bearudite: Nelly I feel the same way
TXC2: we need Rufus back Kappa
85Hawk: if Luke’s forearms become the peak of male beauty are we really mad?
itsr67: nelly design tier list next friday
Mr_Horrible: not even necessarily just character look, but how their moves look, or a cool combo you saw
MilkInBags: Luke is the simplest, says the Marisa player
Heefnoff: Mid air grab is sick
v_nome: Next week Nelly rates SF characters by cool factor?
Mr_Horrible: the "Whoa" factor is what gets you interested
LMAOkai_: FamilyMan
ManWithTheMask13: FamilyMan
Mr_Horrible: everything else gets you hooked
Bearudite: love an air grab
LambMower: Sometimes a character just speaks to you
Heefnoff: Yeah typically new players pick characters either based on cool design or cool moves
silent_sol: next on OkiOki, SF6 look tier list
Heefnoff: That's why we always sick "Pick whose cool"
Heefnoff: I would recommend Marisa to an infant
Heefnoff: Kappa
El_Zilcho22: Cammy has an air grab. miralbWink
Mr_Horrible: the *premier* Fighting Game "first hit" is "...I wanna learn how do do that cool shit I saw"
drizztnailo: i saw one pot clip whhen i was starting strive and thought it was so funny i played only grapplers ever since
LambMower: I decided I was gonna main Reina in T8 when her trailer dropped. I'm probably playing Ed in SF6 because he looks rad, though I don't like his hair
Heefnoff: I would recommend Ken to a fetus
silent_sol: JP has also an air grab for some reason
MilkInBags: hey adam do you remember the gif of the cartoon cat that slams bongos?
Heefnoff: Ken my beloved
MilkInBags: marisa player
MilkInBags: LUL <3
OnMyBike_: Ken players drink orange juice after they brush their teeth
itsr67: both is level 3
MilkInBags: @OnMyBike_ LUL
accountmadeforants: Manon isn't a great character, but she's about as complicated as putting your socks on
Heefnoff: Ken players pour milk before the cereal and the bowl
silent_sol: who has that clip of that Pot player that won with random input every frame??
Bearudite: its in that order on the flowchart Kappa
TheThirdTail: @Heefnoff I interpret this to mean that they just pour it onto the floor
TXC2: Heefnoff I was just gonna say that! :p
saucemaster5000: manon players just need to understand that vacuum combo is not free
itsr67: different speeds
Heefnoff: Correct @TheThirdTail
dragonflare9: go easy on my new leverless heef
itsr67: and also fireball rule, you can only have 1 onscreen at a time
Heefnoff: Got it boss @dragonflare9
Heefnoff: Wakeup DP my beloved
morgoth_bauglyr: wake up super
MilkInBags: wake up super is cheat SMOrc
Mr_Horrible: puts another W in the "Nelly" column
beowuuf: they are super
ManWithTheMask13: me like wake up super, it make me win, me happy
Bearudite: sometimes you just gotta let it rip and ride or die for it
85Hawk: are we all just converging in the lrr discord under video games -> fighting games?
itsr67: there's some there
therepoman__: I see that Jacob has adapted the Ryu playstyle of "DI is a neutral poke brother" Kappa
saucemaster5000: I wake up super, they jump during the flash, I go cry in corner
MilkInBags: let's cut the middle man
NorthstarTex: you'll get it Nelly, its trying to learn learn a new technical music piece in my eyes
ManWithTheMask13: Adam, do you want to go a set today
itsr67: nice jacob
NewtyNewts: LRR discord channel is more about discussing them than organizing games, but you could probably get a couple people
AceGun_: LRR fighting game channel is mostly news and general discussion.
ManWithTheMask13: going band for band
Bearudite: some of us olds mostly play retro stuff
matthaus_c: Graham kicks the door down and shoots you for promoting your Discord
Mr_Horrible: there's pretty much a) never not chatter and b) always someone who's looking to jam in something
BusTed: Seachats Discord: https://discord.gg/kuAW9rMthy
itsr67: oh yeah heads up, weird error on Humble bundle made uni 2 ten bucks rn
Heefnoff: Oh that's nice actually
therepoman__: :O
Heefnoff: That's a good idea do that
saucemaster5000: yeah folks have been streaming ranked in adam's discord, and it's very chill
Bearudite: mentorships
Heefnoff: I'll help
itsr67: steel sharpens steel
TXC2: the buddy system
NorthstarTex: straight mentorships? nice :D
MilkInBags: judgment by their peers
NewtyNewts: Oh yeah, I'd love to get some mentorship
itsr67: having folks also just having someone else to bounce off of
Admorp: IT so does!!
NorthstarTex: its like tutoring sessions kind of, which is always cool
BusTed: seabatOAK
itsr67: helps to not have that echo chamber in the noggin
therepoman__: seabatOAK
matthaus_c: ape eat bug off other ape
ManWithTheMask13: PopNemo PopNemo
85Hawk: that discord link didn’t get me anywhere but I to discord
Mr_Horrible: my man's instituting Pair Programming for ex.dp's
hyperialguard: Watching Mask learn to Lariat fools was awesome
AceGun_: It also makes you less likely to get tilted doing ranked matches.
MilkInBags: a shrewdness of apes
Admorp: oh ya like an 8 session
Heefnoff: Could just start it out informally
85Hawk: and I like this idea a coach and a buddy is what I need
Heefnoff: Make the channels and see what happens
Heefnoff: I'm happy to help kickstart it
OnMyBike_: I dont care who wins I just wanna see Ken lose
ManWithTheMask13: Nelly that drive rush was sickkk
sptrashcan: I don't entirely understand ranked anxiety. It's just a system to feed you opponents at your approximate level, right?
MilkInBags: this, the guile emote and the YAEOW soundboard
BusTed: LUL
itsr67: the council of 7 was awesome
thatjuantoo: LUL
85Hawk: scheduling app?
MilkInBags: instead of Grindr, time to develop Fightr
Mr_Horrible: yeah, you see there's a nugget of something really good in there
NewtyNewts: @MilkInBags So... Punchr?
saucemaster5000: we were only making correct guesses and itsr's opponent just didn't respect us
TXC2: sptrashcan ranked makes people feel like they have something to lose
Admorp: you have us apes to help
awildshen: We have been doing that in discord, and it's been really helpful, it definitely helped me not tilt out
ManWithTheMask13: apes strong together
morgoth_bauglyr: live gamefaqs
itsr67: @sptrashcan imagine you just got a rank and then go on a losing streak and lose it entirely
Heefnoff: For sure that'll help a ton
itsr67: it stinks
therepoman__: I mean Strive ranked stinks tbf
MilkInBags: @sptrashcan a lot of people tie their value as a player to what rank they currently are
AceGun_: Some people just don't like the short sets of ranked either.
Bearudite: have we talked about starting a seachats League?
Admorp: Well you could help them by moving some people to those games so they can get better in rank
thatguysteve2709: If you need help organizing I will help out if you want
Bearudite: so like sorta orginized play?
Heefnoff: If only you had a freak in your Discord who plays every game
Admorp: oh ya
therepoman__: @Heefnoff Oh do you know one? Kappa
MilkInBags: CPT summoned
AceGun_: only ONE freak?
ManWithTheMask13: @Heefnoff Freddy Freaker?
drizztnailo: i play too many fighting games
Heefnoff: I just mean I can help with like, people ranking up in Strive or whatever
Heefnoff: That one Marvel 3 player is gonna thank me
dragonflare9: Heefnoff ggs, I need to figure out my button layout
LMAOkai_: under Newt
v_nome: It's under Newt still?
AceGun_: Room is under Newt now
Heefnoff: For sure play around with the layout a bit
Heefnoff: It's Newt now
ManWithTheMask13: @Heefnoff Me playing around by putting landmines in your room
MilkInBags: why is the password 6969, what is it a reference to
NewtyNewts: It's all Newt now
ManWithTheMask13: @MilkInBags MiniK
therepoman__: @itsr67 and I are the resident Ryu nerds
itsr67: definitely dont rely on sweep
matthaus_c: @MilkInBags weed probably
saucemaster5000: 6969 is the year when we made contact
itsr67: saw a LOT of sweep
Admorp: it looks kool
AceGun_: If you sweep, just mash DI afterward.
itsr67: dw mym HK button is in the mail to you adam
beowuuf: @MilkInBags the last time humanity wasn't a dink in sci fi
ManWithTheMask13: Shoutout to that third strike match of two ryus only sweeping
TXC2: minus 12 is enough time to send your kid to college
AceGun_: Is Jacob taking a break? I don't want to fill all the slots if he wants to play.
arcaede_: @chat, any idea which vod has the most about luke's buttons?
itsr67: starting with common and good buttons is a great start
itsr67: ryu cr.lk, st.hp and cr.mk are great
saucemaster5000: Imagine having a comon and good button
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 So true, bestie
sptrashcan: I guess someone might feel that their rank doesn't reflect their ability. But it's just based on wins and lose
JDogg2K4: Yeah. I know I NEED to put time in the training room but I just dont
itsr67: labbing is like brushing your teeth
El_Zilcho22: Yeah training mode sucks haha
therepoman__: >:3
yukimakingart: nah labbing is super fun
therepoman__: Lab monster here
85Hawk: got into the lobby woohoo
ManWithTheMask13: I just saw Drizzt lose a 20 win streak to Heef. All hope is lost
JDogg2K4: I can't combo or hit confirm, and I need to spend time learning
itsr67: go into the lab and have a game plan
saucemaster5000: repo is basically a mad scientist at this point
85Hawk: and I play training mode and love it
itsr67: also, sleep and breaks
AceGun_: I like technical characters and self-mill, that's why they call me a Lab Maniac.
TXC2: labbing is the working out of fighting games
dragonflare9: @AceGun_ boo and yay
therepoman__: @AceGun_ hee hee hoo hoo
El_Zilcho22: @acegun_ LUL
awildshen: I like training for execution, but I've practiced anti-air type stuff and it immediately leaves my brain as soon as I get into a game
TXC2: AceGun_ terrible, 4 stars :D
GGsLive: you can make a training mode slot in custom rooms...then you both can training mode together
saucemaster5000: not every day I play online do I get better -- EVERY time I do lab work I get better
drizztnailo: @Heefnoff one day i will react to di lol
Heefnoff: Lmao
MrQBear: I have to admit, I think I might be coming from a weird place. I LIKE fighting games, but I don't feel the need to get better? I just like playing against people.
itsr67: johnny donuts argument
Revelia: Can confirm, playing training in custom room with another player works
OldUncleDan: If you can't stop the gorilla, the gorilla will stop you.
saucemaster5000: ranked gets you a solid brain off gameplan
tod_vom_himmel: Shiiiiiit
Alex_Frostfire: I fought a DI-happy Kimberly a while ago, that was a frustrating fight.
tod_vom_himmel: I forgor
ManWithTheMask13: Decaf coffee? Don't mind if I do
TXC2: hello tod_vom_himmel welcome
itsr67: if you get better you can do more cool things
itsr67: and they work
TheThirdTail: im definitely the kind of player that whines constantly while playing, but i still come back the next day
awildshen: This has been the first thing that I've genuinely stuck with for more than like a month or 2
awildshen: it's been a really great journey
Swickwick: This is also great advice to get people to stop playing League of Legends :P
matthaus_c: Magic was awful for my mental health before it became amazing
saucemaster5000: that's sick @awildshen
optimalbook: You want to see players get better, not quit the game
tod_vom_himmel: Yeah what kind of person would command grab three times at a row
tod_vom_himmel: Who the hell would do that
tod_vom_himmel: I'm looking at sauce rn
itsr67: losing and having that echo chamber of your own thoughts can just be harsh
awildshen: @saucemaster5000 yeah it feels weird but good, definitely helped by the wonderful discord
Mr_Horrible: gotta give people an opportunity to actually learn actionably
itsr67: which is why we want to enforce that community interaction
Revelia: Not sitting a new magic player against hard control
TXC2: tod_vom_himmel sauce has never done anything worng in their life Kappa
OldUncleDan: Sort of like Magic players just playing nothing but mono-control against new players.
therepoman__: @TXC2 So true bestie
saucemaster5000: @TXC2 look they have to prove I cant get away with it
ManWithTheMask13: Nelly's effort this week has been so sick
silent_sol: we should try the heavy punch cancel and the Lvl 3 target combo cancel
silent_sol: Nelly gonna turn into a beast
LMAOkai_: beast mode baby
ManWithTheMask13: Nelly mode, baby
therepoman__: BWAAAA
ManWithTheMask13: BWWWAA
tod_vom_himmel: Bwaaam
saucemaster5000: BWAAA
thatjuantoo: LUL
saucemaster5000: It was great cause after round 1 NO ONE's predictions were right for top 8
TXC2: Aki's bones are just liquid aren't they? :p
Admorp: I feel too that you just have to lose a lot to characters you don't know to learn what to punish and work against
therepoman__: Recognizing when you made a mistake and what you should have done differently is also an improvement/level up
ManWithTheMask13: I always check my drive gauge right before a SPD, so I can decide whether to OD it or not
Admorp: The grind is tattooed on their brains
saucemaster5000: when I lose and see where and why I lost that is the sickest shit
matthaus_c: fighting game prodigies of tomorrow are speedrunning Tetris rn
TXC2: those people at the Capcom cup? they've lost more often then you have played
85Hawk: phenom probably the youngest there?
therepoman__: @85Hawk EndingWalker
therepoman__: He's 17-18
sptrashcan: I want to get to the point where I lose to my bad decisions.
dragonflare9: Paladin is younger
ManWithTheMask13: more like endingfarter
Admorp: No rent all the time
saucemaster5000: paladin looks like they are having so much fun learning
thatjuantoo: @ManWithTheMask13 D:
SilverRupee_: even the amount of time I put in, its only prob like 1/4 of what they do I feel haha
Admorp: meaning they got out played
drizztnailo: @Heefnoff my fault OG
Gascitygaming: used to say it when i coached football, you win or you learn
ManWithTheMask13: @thatjuantoo the mix
saucemaster5000: sometimes every guess is wrong and that's okay
ManWithTheMask13: high low piccolo
tod_vom_himmel: If you're riding a dolphin you don't have to worry about high and low
Admorp: that true Cornbread mix with chonky damage
85Hawk: they also don’t have to put quarters into the arcade machine, play on a broken stick, walk five miles to the arcade up hill both ways!
85Hawk: kids these days
saucemaster5000: fucking may and her damage
LMAOkai_: Here comes May!!!
tod_vom_himmel: Sounds like an invitation to strive to me sauce
GGsLive: Marvel mixes are just all guesses. Pick a direction and pray you block
LMAOkai_: when an anchor hit does 25% of your health. you love to see it
Alex_Frostfire: Totsugeki!
saucemaster5000: haven't booted up guilty gear in a hot min -- might be down later
Admorp: Chip has the lowest defence
dragonflare9: UMvC3 is a great spectator sport
itsr67: what the dog doin
Heefnoff: True
therepoman__: FrankerZ
Solo_Support: Favorite "bad" fighting game?
shurtal: Infinite not even mentioned
ManWithTheMask13: @Solo_Support Mortal Kombat vs. DC
GGsLive: Clay fighter
GGsLive: I'm old
shurtal: God Bless the Ring
BusTed: TMNT: Tournament Fighters
MrQBear: Ballz 3D
NewtyNewts: Whoops, sorry gotta drop
saucemaster5000: btw whoever said "Zappa's tongue" last night -- been living rent free in my head all day
GGsLive: TMNT is a good fighting game!
dragonflare9: the palette swap mod puts monster hunter into UMvC3
Scarbble: waku waku 7 is my like, old school fav. was so bad at it
BusTed: Yeah, I do actually remember having fun with it.
NewtyNewts: I gotta drop, good games Nelly
LurkerSpine: War Gods is a bad game
TXC2: so long NewtyNewts stay safe
ManWithTheMask13: The "just one more" is strong
thatjuantoo: LUL
ManWithTheMask13: Fuckin goteem
thatjuantoo: Tell em'!
tod_vom_himmel: Rekt
Heefnoff: Banehollow still plays
TXC2: it's boxing vs MMA!
drizztnailo: @Heefnoff i let go of the controller cause i thought i died lmao
Heefnoff: Pretty sure he's still doing MVCI tournaments yeah
v_nome: I kinda dig this Ed colour
Heefnoff: Mad good player
ManWithTheMask13: What have you been doing to Drizzt, Heef
Heefnoff: Lmao rip it happens @drizztnailo
thatjuantoo: LUL
Heefnoff: Nah it was like 5-3 it was close @ManWithTheMask13
OldUncleDan: Wouldn't that be a Clam Slam?
ManWithTheMask13: It better be
drizztnailo: @Heefnoff ggs! fun games
LurkerSpine: they sound like a pos
Heefnoff: ggs!
saucemaster5000: imagine liking tea
Heefnoff: Old school players, just how it is
saucemaster5000: (sips my rooibos)
LMAOkai_: Luke btw
LMAOkai_: dang
therepoman__: Thats an improvement!
hyperialguard: Looking? Huge
TXC2: it's not a perfect, retire champ
tod_vom_himmel: Oopoh
saucemaster5000: head up ur butt eduardo
therepoman__: Small things like looking at the health bar matter and go a long way
Bearudite: headup ur butt dingleberry
Bearudite: just me your local Ed hater
saucemaster5000: Tiger headupurbuttt!
ManWithTheMask13: There goes my son, defeated
TXC2: "your heads so far up you butt that lump in your throat is your nose."
tod_vom_himmel: Save me jump
tod_vom_himmel: Jump save me
ManWithTheMask13: save me, lean ysaar
thatjuantoo: LUL
GGsLive: Can't walk, can't jump. That's when sand blast becomes the option
TXC2: it's like we're 3 hours in or something
Heefnoff: Ooooo chat look uvvuKEYS
Bearudite: Diet Yassar
ManWithTheMask13: @Heefnoff KEYS
ManWithTheMask13: wait no you beat my son 5-3
shurtal: heef out here, commiting war crimes by jangling keys
Heefnoff: uvvuKEYS uvvuKEYS uvvuKEYS uvvuKEYS uvvuKEYS
matthaus_c: @Heefnoff PogChamp
tod_vom_himmel: Bandslast
thatjuantoo: @Heefnoff starmu6Jam
ManWithTheMask13: band for band blast
TXC2: this Ed is belligerent
Alex_Frostfire: Make them earn their hits!
tod_vom_himmel: The game doesn't have blocking.What are you talking about
LMAOkai_: ggs ggs
SilverRupee_: GGs GGs
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam, Nelson and Jacob
ManWithTheMask13: ggs shake my hand
shurtal: no block button, means no block
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 ggs
matthaus_c: thanks for the stream!
v_nome: Thanks for the stream
beowuuf: thanks all!
niccus: this isn't minecraft, why are people talking about blocks
tod_vom_himmel: Needs smh
CAKHost: Thanks for the stream!
tod_vom_himmel: Nerds*
GGsLive: Maybe Adam should be the remote person
tod_vom_himmel: Lol
TXC2: GGsLive he has been
Solo_Support: Clap
TXC2: the baby steps be stepin
SilverRupee_: You guys are gonna hit a big leap in progress very soon from what ive seen!
itsr67: thanks for dropping by silverrupee
SilverRupee_: First time im catching this stream but its awesome supporting canadian boys haha
ライシェン: i think the big shift will be when reactions become instinctual. frees your mind up y’know
TXC2: patreon!
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
itsr67: @SilverRupee_ hell yeah, we do this every friday
SilverRupee_: @itsr67 SeemsGood
itsr67: so if you wanna catch it drop on by
therepoman__: FROGS ARE GONE sajamAaaa
El_Zilcho22: doogBye doogBye
itsr67: B E G O N E F R O G
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (48m from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
TXC2: I once won clue on the first question
BusTed: tqsSmug
niccus: why didn't you draw better
CAKHost: I liked the Clue Movie. I just want to see what this game is.
TXC2: REMINDER: daylight savings happens this weekend in the US/Can and NOT in the UK/EU
beowuuf: wait, already??? thanks txc2
GapFiller: TXC2 Serge starts at one thirty our time!
niccus: noita teaches you about consequences
accountmadeforants: Noita is hubris simulator
Mr_Horrible: good bit
GapFiller: Lunchtime Serge howabtthat!?
GapFiller: still mad eh Adam Kappa
beowuuf: :D
beowuuf: it's literally rude
TXC2: Heather TOLD him to change that :p
CAKHost: Never let James live that down!
GapFiller: TXC2 nalvLUL
TXC2: warned him even
Mr_Horrible: regardless of that, it's still a good bit
beowuuf: not bitriol
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 So... does that mean things are earlier for us, or later?
NewtyNewts: Skip mine-o-clock to crime-o-clock
TXC2: accountmadeforants an hour earlier
TXC2: for the next 3 weeks
Heefnoff: Later
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, gang
beowuuf: o7 bye! thanks!
TXC2: Bye
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
niccus: your clock is moving later so everything is happening earlier
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
AceGun_: o7 So long and thanks for all the fists.
accountmadeforants: Nice! Maybe my sleep schedule will be a bit better for those 3 weeks.
beowuuf: the weirdening when things are on too early / nicely early
beowuuf: @AceGun_ sergeJustRight
CAKHost: "Obey tongue" is not a phrase I wanted to learn. o.O
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
CAKHost: Good night TXC2!
beowuuf: sergeHi night
Sarah_Serinde: !show
Sarah_Serinde: !show override off