baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Boxing Day
Angreed66: silly lrrbot boxing day was over 3 months ago
FlynnRaccoon: !findquote Daylight Savings
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Earthenone: !dbcountdown
LRRbot: Desert Bus for Hope will return next year, start saving your donation money now!
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Wandering Monster!
RockPusher has a chat with the monster and discovers that they are the victim of a typo and were just wondering
GapFiller: welp
GapFiller: just watched the episode and brain space where this weeks notes are supposed to go is instead filled w/ Rooster Teeth memories
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PST (1s ago).
GapFiller: timed that and everything
RockPusher: sergeOffByOne
mtvcdm: Warner Bros. got even worse in the time since; they're looking to delist everything from Adult Swim Games.
GapFiller: this is terrible
GapFiller: mtvcdm thats actually so bad it kinda loops back round to being hilarious
Juliamon: I feel kind of relieved that I never really... 'got' Rooster Teeth, and so have no fondness nor sadness
TheMerricat: @mtvcdm That was actually the whole point of what they were doing in the first place, Adult Swim Games is no more and there isn't anyone left to manage the whole royalty\ payments and etc. that would be necessary if their games stayed online.
mtvcdm: I'm beginning to wonder what WBD... *does* make, and intend to have available for release, or if they just really want to be a bank or something that doesn't do creative things at all.
Earthenone: do roosters even have teeth?
SocraticMethod: @Earthenone No
GapFiller: Earthenone certainly yr dont wanna cock biting
Angreed66: that's the joke
CAKHost: Hello everyone!
TheMerricat: @mtvcdm Remember the new CEO is the same guy who turned Discovery into reality tv all the time, every time. They aren't in this to 'create' this. They are in this for forgettable, churnable content that can be made cheap and infinately.
TheAinMAP: I've wondered if it was a reference to the old saying 'rare as hen's teeth.'
GapFiller: nalvThink phunnily enough joined the LRR fan community proper round abt the same time as drifting away from the RT fan community
GapFiller: those feel related somehow
TheMerricat: @TheAinMAP "The name Rooster Teeth is a reference to a Red vs. Blue joke meaning “cockbite.”"
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
GapFiller: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG Refresh For Stream!
Sethalidos subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sethalidos! (Today's storm count: 18)
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrCrab lrrSIG lrrSIG
kusinohki: Meows
Fruan: Checking the points, counting them twice
TheMerricat: That being said, while it's sad that Rooster Teeth is formally shutting down, IIRC they've essentially been a shambling zombie for years now. This is more of the formal announcement than an actual change of affairs.
GapFiller: TheMerricat yeh theres been a lotta stories (mainly bad) in the past few years
RockPusher: Fruan gonna find out who's been naughty or flagrantly illegal?
GapFiller: not all of them corporate related even
mtvcdm: We already had the funeral and obituaries, this is just the death announcement.
TheDevil_Risen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
TheDevil_Risen: 4
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheDevil_Risen! (Today's storm count: 19)
drane10 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drane10! (Today's storm count: 20)
TheDevil_Risen: lrrSIG lrrARROWS lrrSIG
evelyndisaster: Fallout TV show and lack of Fallout 4 update?
DoodlestheGreat: Speaking of death announcements, I haven't heard as much from the gaming community about Akira Torayama's passing yet. But it's happened just as Sand Land is about to be released and I can't see that being ignored for long.
beowuuf: today!
SaxPython: @doodlesthegreat BibleThump send him your energy
BusTed: LUL
Earthenone: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
GapFiller: DoodlestheGreat Holy Shit had no idea abt the Sand Land coincidence
Earthenone: !hoodie
LRRbot: Get your LRR 20th Anniversary Hoodie right now at
GapFiller: thats uncanny
FadedOasis: Heather's plan worked!
kumatsu: but isn't Paul the corporate overlord?
CAKHost: They're nice hoodies XD
EikoandMog: Pistachio for sure.
EvilBadman: #notsponsored #waitwhat
RockPusher: lrrGibb lrrPistachio lrrBartleby
BusTed: shadowy figurehead
bjergmann101: Who is the overlord of LLR
GapFiller: good ebening lrrPAUL lrrBEEEJ lrrHEATHER lrrBartleby lrrGibb lrrPistachio lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
mtvcdm: If you're still operating, your overlord isn't Warner Bros.
CanPlayGames: That sounds like something the Coperate overlord would say
TheMerricat: @DoodlestheGreat I don't know it came out during Wiggins stream and there was some talk of it, we are having a commemorative movie night Monday for him. Woke up this morning and all my 'nerd' subreddits were posting about it.
DoodlestheGreat: We need more shadowy organizations.
beowuuf: !paullove
LRRbot: It's not Paul's fault, no matter what the streamer says.
GapFiller: kumatsu Paul is one of the Founders thats dfft
kumatsu: if it's your own stuff it's marketing
EikoandMog: That's self-promotion.
djalternative: depends if you're a different division of the same company
RockPusher: What is the penalty for breaking a contract with yourself?
Earthenone: sponsored by the fuffilment company? i guess?
Cjcaesar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cjcaesar! (Today's storm count: 21)
TheMerricat: @RockPusher You feel really bad, and... you _know_
CanPlayGames: Cheer100 This stream brought to you by Soup. Its good
DoodlestheGreat: I like soup.
Brozard: Corporate Coveralls
OldUncleDan: @RockPusher Depends on the terms of the contract. And yes, it is something that can happen.
an_archist2: i've never seen that kind of morphsuit before
RockPusher: CorrectionPoint
CAKHost: Oh hi Beej! Didn't see you come in. :)
GapFiller: esp when the news breaks day of writing shooting
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
DoodlestheGreat: WRONG? Unpossible!
TheMerricat: Wait, has Paul cracked the code? They can't interrupt the intro if he doesn't start it. :D
OldUncleDan: "When News Breaks... We Fix It!"
matthaus_c: especially Beej
SaxPython: #AlternativeFacts
2TspSalt: It keeps us on our toes
beowuuf: comedic facual mistatements (tm)
bjergmann101: Hide the real among the fake
CAKHost: Wrong News all the way down (wait...)
TheMerricat: Deep Fake Seth Meirs? :D
fireiceair1989 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months, currently on a 73 month streak!
fireiceair1989: fireic1Love lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fireiceair1989! (Today's storm count: 22)
TheAinMAP: Hello lrrHEATHER lrrPAUL lrrBEEEJ
RockPusher: Heather derailing so hard it just perfectly jumps the tracks
SaxPython: A different type of trolly problem
DoodlestheGreat: "Why are we here?" "Philosophy class is next door."
SquareDotCube: We're here because God has a sick sense of humor
GapFiller: the problem surely w/ Warners current strategy is that eventually yr run out of things to shut down
DoodlestheGreat: WB's statement would have to increase it's IQ by 50 points just to get CLOSE to silly.
GapFiller: nalvCool oh snap Heather
RockPusher: Games are so volatile, people only pay us once for a game
djalternative: Basically, the bankers got the CEOs to come to an event and pitch to them. Bob Iger also spoke at the same event
TheMerricat: @GapFiller With the tax breaks they make from writing everything off, they'll have plenty of money to start NEW productions, that they write off for more money! Infinite recursion!
mtvcdm: All at the same time
DoodlestheGreat: Just slightly, Paul.
SocraticMethod: @TheMerricat Pet peeve: it's not a tax break.
bjergmann101: You don't have to play it... just buy it
GapFiller: TheMerricat jlrrFacepalm its the worst jlrrBaby ever
RockPusher: what do you mean people expect constant new content on a live service game fugiWow
DoodlestheGreat: Not quite. I mean, Helldiver 2 is doing gangbusters.
lightfut: No, it is the children that are wrong
Selinye: Warframe
OldUncleDan: Arena
mtvcdm: Eve Online
Selinye: Destiny/Destiny 2
RockPusher: that costs money to develop! we don't want to spend money!
SocraticMethod: Fortnite is def live service
SocraticMethod: All the battlepasses, events and skins make it live service
mtvcdm: Live service is a bit of a zero-sum thing. People only have so much time per month and they can only do so many live-service games at once.
TheMerricat: "A "live service" game (LSG) is a game designed with the sole purpose of keeping people playing for as long as possible in the hopes that those players will pay for microtransactions. This is usually acomplished by making the game as "engaging" as possible. It is important to note that "engaging" is not the same thing as "fun" or even "enjoyable". "Engaging" just means that it has the ability to keep bringing the players back for more."
Angreed66: There are dozens of successful live service games. It's just the market can't handle 50.
OldUncleDan: Magic the Gathering Arena is absolutely a Live Service game.
mtvcdm: There is only so much room in the market for only so many viable live service games at any given time, so you better figure out how you're going to top the hardier survivors already out there.
TheMerricat: @OldUncleDan And Magic the Gathering TCG is also a live service game, just not a live service video game :D
SocraticMethod: "MYTHS & MORTALS BATTLEPASS" from the front page of fortnite
djalternative: I know that among C-suites WOW is absolutely considered a live service game. They can be wrong but that's how they see it
EvilBadman: Bonus WB idiocy - They may be pulling the Adult Swim published games off storefonts.
RockPusher: things can unfortunately be successful even if you don't personally want them to be :(
Angreed66: @djalternative It's one of the few things they are right about
OldUncleDan: I wonder how many folks bought the Harry Potter game just to "Own the Libs."
TheMerricat: @EvilBadman No maybe, they shut Adult Swim Games down, they are pulling the games down because they don't want to pay for someone to manage the royalties of any of their games as such.
GapFiller: fair
lilyoftheveil666: @olduncledan A non-zero amount, sadly
SocraticMethod: @OldUncleDan I'd guess minuscule amount compared to those that were wanting to re-live their fantasy
RockPusher: Me: "I have enough video games." Also me: "Steam sale, better fill my cart with stuff I'm not gonna play!"
EvilBadman: Weirder still gotham knights is /not/ part of the Gotham Trilogy, and Suicide Squad /was/
SquareDotCube: Zaslav is so infuriating with his reasoning
gualdhar: oh no I'm seeing triple
mtvcdm: Zaslav's reasoning always comes down to 'for tax reasons'.
TheMerricat: I think Paul is thinking of Batman: Arkham Knight , which _was_ Rocksteady. Gotham Knights was the WB joint and is set after Batman is dead. So it can't be part of the "Arkham" universe.
CanPlayGames: It use to be that Blockbuster was a guarantee big sale for these guys.
djalternative: So you're saying I'll get game on my Max subscription?
KV1NN4: its a shame that game sucked and came out but the movies got deleted for tax purposes
an_archist2: metal gear solid: the twin warner brothers
EvilBadman: @TheMerricat To be fair, they got announced at the same time, and their marketing teams did a shit job of distancing them in regards to which was part of Arkham and which isn't.
EikoandMog: Oh right, I need to go download that.
saiarcot895 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 35 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, saiarcot895! (Today's storm count: 23)
djalternative: I know Adult Swim is very much the most profitable of WBD's TV divisions, I wouldn't be surprised if Zaslav shut it down
TheMerricat: "As of March 8, 2024, Warner Bros. Discovery has announced that it will remove at least 16 Adult Swim Games from its subsidiary's games markets. Warner Bros. will not transfer the games back to the developers or offer other ways to sell them in the future."
KV1NN4: Eff david zaslav
CaptainSpam: Also, I learned that apparently Jazzpunk is NOT Adult Swim Games, because I didn't see it on the list of games being delisted.
mtvcdm: The part where they won't even give the rights back to the devs and would just rather the game vanish off the face of the earth is the really infuriating part.
SocraticMethod: @CaptainSpam It was AS published, then returned back to devs
CaptainSpam: I believe they ARE giving the rights back, but they're not transferring the Steam store page.
LurkerSpine: I think literally all of them besides the ones tied to WBD IPs are owned by the devs
PMAvers: I think I saw something like WB is saying "it isn't fair to the console players."
SocraticMethod: @mtvcdm The game won't vanish, it's just that steam page with no wishlist or favs
CaptainSpam: @SocraticMethod Okay, that makes more sense.
CaptainSpam: @PMAvers They should've responded "Well, this isn't fair to us, so it all evens out, right?"
TheMerricat: If WB transferred the games back to the devs, they can't write off the potential future sales of the game.
SocraticMethod: They don't own _all_ the rights
LurkerSpine: ^
djalternative: it's like how there's always two copyrights for every piece of music
mtvcdm: Like at some point you'd think Zaslav would realize the institutional cost of being known as the Studio That Cancels Everything.
Koios7: Discovery and similar companies need to stop ruining everything
SocraticMethod: Adult Swim Games, the publisher, has given publishing rights back to devs
SquareDotCube: Shut down everything to maintain stock price
djalternative: The Warner Brothers would be rolling in their graves if they saw how Zaslav ran their company
SocraticMethod: It's not over stock price, it's the Mt. Olympus sized debt that came from the merger
CaptainSpam: @mtvcdm Once there's a dollar amount attached to that institutional cost, sure.
drcthulu: bean counter logic
jessieimproved: Publicly traded companies in the US are legally bound to make decisions to benefit shareholders
djalternative: @SocraticMethod and the previous purchase, and the previous purchase
jessieimproved: working for a publicly traded company is such an experience, they do not care about you because they CAN'T care about you
saiarcot895: @jessieimproved and sadly, shareholders don't care about long-term profit; if they make 50 cents tomorrow, they're happy, even if they'll lose 2 dollars next week
SocraticMethod: Zaslav has been burning all he can to try to stem the cash flow bleeding.
LurkerSpine: That merger should have never happened
Koios7: I’m assuming WB’s debt is the same kind of debt as toys r us had- the people that bought them gave them all the debt they took on to make the purchase because they’re not gonna pay it off thenselves
PMAvers: The best thing Zaslav could do to reduce the cash flow problems would be to fire himself.
SocraticMethod: Also, that interpretation of fiscal duty came from disaster capitalism guy and is not actual law
AleisAlpto: is it possible for someone to kill me here?
AleisAlpto: no
djalternative: @Koios7 correct
AleisAlpto: meh
KV1NN4: Yeah this merger has dissolved so many things that were anticipated or enjoyed... and had diversity...
TheMerricat: So I think most people need to remember that a LARGE majority of WBD's revenue isn't off it's content, it's off advertising.
Angreed66: As in they advertise other products in their products?
CaptainSpam: Say, how's Devolver been doing lately?
CaptainSpam: Speaking of offbeat indie publishers...
LurkerSpine: lmao
djalternative: As someone who works in the space and has followed WB's story for a long while, the infuriating thing is that WB's actually been a profitable and well run company the entire time. The only reason they have "money problems" is because of aquisition based debt.
GapFiller: (I think this is the right ad at least)
LurkerSpine: Yeah, Nintendo: Have fun, or we'll get your lawyers after you
SquareDotCube: we've hit that age where the decades go faster
SocraticMethod: @djalternative Yeah, they didn't have to pull Nortel :(
GapFiller: LurkerSpine Nintendo worryingly not unlike Disney in the Mandatory Happiness Our Way (Und Only Our Way) stakes
KV1NN4: i only got a 3DS about 7 years ago
Varmint260: I admit I was a bit shocked that WBD axed Rooster Teeth. On the other hand, they had issues and I stopped watching their stuff years ago.
Laurence72: I have gained a lot of perspective, if perspective is analogous to weight :(
LurkerSpine: retro style games*
Wicker_Guide: Stuff like Pseudoregalia is starting to appear
Dalrint subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dalrint! (Today's storm count: 24)
EvilBadman: Psudeoragalia is the one I think of
GapFiller: Laurence72 nalvThink what is perspectives relative force of mass
EvilBadman: @Wicker_Guide high five
RockPusher: This small collection of triangles is actually a cool RPG protag in 3D!
Angreed66: A newer bar should now be anything that didn't have a digital release
SquareDotCube: Devil Daggers does the precision error stuff great
Wicker_Guide: @EvilBadman yeah, now here's hoping we eventually get a second example XD
incredulouspasserby: I'm not that old, but I've hit the point where I'm realizing that a lot of core memories of mine are a full decade ago, and when I hear the release date of some video games that were formative to me I cringe. But Time Marches Ever Forward.
SocraticMethod: I'd say that PSX-style demakes heralded that generation entering retro
Laurence72: @GapFiller I mean, some memories DO hit pretty hard :)
EvilBadman: @Wicker_Guide Celeste 64 Kappa
Wicker_Guide: @EvilBadman the Bloodborne DeMake monarchBonk
SquareDotCube: But yeah the era between 1996 and 2000 is that 3D styling rapidly developed so it's a bit of a consistency issue that's not the fault of the consoles.
Farwanderer: It's like "modern" and "postmodern" architecture
Wicker_Guide: Valheim might be a better example actually
Wicker_Guide: or modern and postmondern philosophy, for that matter
EvilBadman: Or hearing Nirvana on a classic rock station
incredulouspasserby: Weren't things like Yooka-Laylee trying to hit this mark as well?
SquareDotCube: I mean, most resolutions was 320x240 on consoles for nearly a 20 year period
Laurence72: Triangle Strategy hit all the right Final Fantasy Tactics notes, loved it for its style
RockPusher: A retro diner, like Burger King lrrBEEJ
GapFiller: EvilBadman it figures we are now approaching the point where stuff made this side of 2000 appears on those same classic radio stations
Varmint260: I remember gaming on a PC at 640x480 after primarily gaming on an N64 on a crappy CRT and thought WOW this is high res!
GapFiller: the truth is nobody had Jazz decor
SquareDotCube: Mickey Mouse or Barbie comforter
DoodlestheGreat: The 1990's was mostly people living in the leftovers of the 1970's
RockPusher: The 90s is an all-in-one 14inch CRT TV with integrated VHS
Earthenone: how could they have Jazz decor, persona 5 wasent even out yet
Wicker_Guide: @EvilBadman I live in fear of the day my goth-experimenting niece tells me about finding Death Cab for Cutie
EvilBadman: lol
mtvcdm: My 1990's childhood still had commercials for TV repairmen
Varmint260: Ah, memories of skipping school to play Turok 2 on a 13" CRT
GapFiller: o7 Akira Toriyama
Boomyakalolo: truth
GapFiller: nalvCool Paul
Wicker_Guide: sad but true
SocraticMethod: DOes that mean we are your friends :P
matthaus_c: @SocraticMethod not to get parasocial, But... :p
Wicker_Guide: parasocialiality
GapFiller: Tim Sweeney IS a massive dweeb
mtvcdm: Speaking of the passage of time
mtvcdm: Just go full Eurovision
SocraticMethod: That Epic division back on the escalator again
djalternative: The EU was about to launch an investigation
PMAvers: "Okay, Epic, you can be back on the App Store... if you actually make good on your promise to update Unreal Tournament 3 and put it back up for sale."
beowuuf: escher3THUMBSUP seabatClap
rubikdarkwill: And Regulator Action
mtvcdm: Probably the EU was about to hit them with a sack full of crowbars
rubikdarkwill: It is in effect
RockPusher: DMA just took effect
saiarcot895: i thought the DMA is in effect?
Wicker_Guide: went into effect today
mtvcdm: Daylight Savings is soon, we'll catch up
rubikdarkwill: FTC, FCC
RockPusher: EU aside, Apple might have just relented to make the weinering end
RockPusher: *wienering
SocraticMethod: Speaking of Rooster Teeth, man that Tim Sweeney guy is such a dweeb
Varmint260: Unfortunately, this just taught Sweeney that he can weiner his way out of anything
FuzBubbles subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FuzBubbles! (Today's storm count: 25)
Wicker_Guide: I mean, My impression is the EU was like "Epic? Never cared about it. Bashing on Apple's business practices? I'm in"
GapFiller: SocraticMethod nalvCool
CaptainSpam: There SHOULD be something about entering a contract in bad faith, yes...
GapFiller: it figures Apple are just keeping a list of other things they can use to ditch Epic as and when
TheMerricat: The EU _was_ planning to have an investigation. Apple blinked before it could happen, there's no word on whether or not they were actually backing down because of that or something else.
Wicker_Guide: ^
Varmint260: Trust me, bro!
Wicker_Guide: that I entirely believe. In particular I don't think Apple wants "it was in the contract" to be their only defense to "we locked out a functioning marketplace that consumers could have accessed on our system"
RockPusher: It's regulating big pseudo-monopoly tech companies to ensure they play nice with alternatives
djalternative: you can install apps on iOS without going through the app store
Varmint260: The good ol' corporate battle cry of "Where's MINE?"
djalternative: you can more or less do it just on a regular webpage
RockPusher: Ultimately a pro consumer choice and potential actual competitive market
LurkerSpine: Samsung, the biggest 3rd party app store
TheMerricat: It's important to note that the DMA only applies to a very specifically defined group of companies that Europe have defined as 'Gatekeepers'
MikeSmith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MikeSmith! (Today's storm count: 26)
Wicker_Guide: well, there will be security implications (see the kerfluffle from a couple years ago about Samsung's App Store) but those are not directly related
rubikdarkwill: Was. They walked that back too
RockPusher: PWAs are dead, long live PWAs
Wicker_Guide: it's almost exactly what got microsoft in trouble long long ago
RockPusher: rayfkSanic_HF foxmarRING foxmarRING foxmarRING
RockPusher: "Phones are everywhere" — Beej, 2024
RockPusher: lrrBEEJ
an_archist2: phones are everywhere? but i thought that we wouldn't have calculators in our pockets all the time!
Wicker_Guide: it is terrifying and weird how deep the penetration is for a device that is such a functional black box
matthaus_c: the sky above the phone was the colour of a phone, tuned to a dead phone
Wicker_Guide: hey now, I am perfectly honest that I've broken it myself monarchBonk
Varmint260: I just imagine the Chrome icon turning into pac-man and chomping on a battery icon
GapFiller: per Grahams old Rogers retail LRRcast stories yeh thats true irl
CaptainSpam: Blame literally anyone but yourself. It's common sense!
Wicker_Guide: wat?
Laurence72: But, I NEED it to break every 3 to 4 years so I have a valid reason to upgrade my PC with all the new stuff!
GapFiller: jlrrFacepalm
RockPusher: cool, cool. Thanks Microsoft
Wicker_Guide: oh, right, neo-Clippy
GapFiller: speaking of disabling stuff if anyones still on the bird site double check yr DM settings
GapFiller: theyve been rolling out voice stuff and its default on
RockPusher: MS should worry - I've had both of my sisters ask independently about replacing Windows with this "Linux thing I use"
LordZarano: Love having a bunch of open source apps on my phone from F-Droid
mtvcdm: Preach, Heather. I do not want to MOUSE OVER my taskbar and get news and weather I didn't ask for and have to shake the mouse wildly to get it to go away
Wicker_Guide: geolocation
rubikdarkwill: Geoblocking
PMAvers: Man, the more I mess around with my Steam Deck, I kind of love how... clean? the OS is.
SocraticMethod: Geofencing
TheMerricat: Geofencing
matthaus_c: RIV yuzu
GapFiller: ah the other Nintendo story
djalternative: emulators were some of my favorite PWAs on iphone
RockPusher: cut off one fork, two more will take its place
SocraticMethod: There's no way they have that amount of money, it's no fiscally possible from patreon
mtvcdm: And then I think people put up links to like a dozen other emulators and such
TheMerricat: They had a patron to get the most recent versions of the emulator if I recall correctly.
SocraticMethod: Also, that is oddly small number from Nintendo
couchboyj: They started charging for their emulator. That maikes lawyers salivate.
Angreed66: I wonder why Nintendo is always the one going after emulators and not other game companies.
Wicker_Guide: honestly it's actually oddly small considering the scope of Nintendo's complaint
SocraticMethod: @couchboyj Fortunately charging money is legal
SocraticMethod: That did not happen
matthaus_c: it was hubris for sure
GapFiller: thats just asking for it
SocraticMethod: They never advertized pre-launch compat, Nintendo just made it up
roastbeefsandwitch: Nintendo attacking emulators, requiring original disk ownership, is just a giant money scam. Just look the price of original carttirdges
TheMerricat: So the funny thing is retroarch is on steam and no one's ever complained about it.
incredulouspasserby: @roastbeefsandwitch This runs into the "secondary market" problem though - Nintendo doesn't get ANY money off the high prices of original cartridges.
Izandai: And if you believe any of that I've got a bridge to sell you.
SquareDotCube: yeah, I'm sure Nintendo is fine with Gamecube and Wii emulation because, well, they no longer support those consoles. Switch, however...
Wicker_Guide: @roastbeefsandwitch It's unpleasant business practices, sure, but it's very much not a scam. It's a product they own that they want to sell their way
matthaus_c: covering their asses, it's fine
RockPusher: Generally a criminal copyright infringement case you have to show material damages and Yuzu allegedly made making a case for material damages easy
Gizmoloid: speaking off Dolphin on Steam kerfuffle - I never understood that thing. Why did Nintendo's opinion matter there?
SocraticMethod: @Gizmoloid Valve didn't want to piss nintendo off, that was all
CaptainSpam: Likely because Valve wanted to cover their own ass.
TheMerricat: @gizmoloid because Nintendo has lawyers in valve doesn't have the time to deal with them.
TheMerricat: And, not in
Nadriachi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nadriachi! (Today's storm count: 27)
SquareDotCube: Similar to how PS1/PS2 emulators wouldn't include the console BIOS
Izandai: Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Gizmoloid: @SocraticMethod @TheMerricat ah, so nothing extra in that case. Thanks!
OldUncleDan: #NotLegalAdvice
Wicker_Guide: "I do not consent" etc etc
incredulouspasserby: "no copyright infringement intended"
CaptainSpam: Beej is a legalsm'n. No copyright intendo.
mtvcdm: I have spoken the magic legal words that say you can't sue me
TheMerricat: Citra was dead on the vine if I remember correctly.
incredulouspasserby: "I hereby revoke consent for Facebook to use my photos or statuses" yep that viral status sure does work against legal terms and services
Gizmoloid: isn't Citra already down as part of settlement?
Wicker_Guide: in fairness, no one knows how TOS works really
mtvcdm: 'Hereby' is the most legal word in the world
BusTed: LUL
GapFiller: nalvLUL SovCit Emulator Devs!
mtvcdm: Once you say hereby you can do anything you want. If you say 'Hereby, for science!' you can *double* do anything.
Lord_Hosk: I just feel like I should clarify, putting a disclaimer "you can't sue us for doing X" on a website doesn't shield you from breaking the law or violating copyright.
OldUncleDan: Silence is not Concent!
pyronils80: they are not sending the Pinkertons...
OldUncleDan: Conscent
TheDevil_Risen: Man, even in the 90s nintendo ninjas were a thing in the NES/SNES Emu space
Wicker_Guide: "I, a fly, buzzed this person's ear and was not swatted, therefore this person does not mind flies"
saiarcot895: like that one Pokemon with guns game
mtvcdm: You have not yet risen to the level that they want to bother with you
Earthenone: or, if it landed in the ear, they mind flies
Lord_Hosk: In the same way that a sports center or trampoline house having you sign something that says "You can't sue us if you get hurt in this facility" doesn't mean you can't sue them. you still can they have to keep a safe facility no amount of "they signed a paper" makes it ok to have a unsafe unmaintained facility
Brozard: Oh boy, I remember when Wind Up Records send AMV dot org the C&D for all Evanescence AMV listings
Wicker_Guide: sounds like multiplayer
matthaus_c: uh oh
TheMerricat: It lost its AP ability, and a lot of the big monsters in the higher difficulties require AP rounds.
GapFiller: jlrrDang
Snowcookies: oh dear
incredulouspasserby: Buddy. Pal. No.
GapFiller: lrrFINE nalvIsfine
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Wicker_Guide: jlrrFacepalm
mtvcdm: But what if, for a laugh, I did the thing
Angreed66: A lot of why the railgun was good was the mobs had such an amount of armour that base weapons aren't effective enough.
Brozard: You can still overcharge the railgun in Unsafe mode. There was just too much reward without the risk.
an_archist2: haaank! don't post that on reddit! haaaaaank!
matthaus_c: know what, respect
couchboyj: That dev has been sent to a Fredom Re-Education Camp
Wicker_Guide: congrats, you troll, you got what you wanted lrrSLOTH
mtvcdm: That sign can't stop me because I can't read
matthaus_c: dev rolls up and goes "skill issue"
Angreed66: The railgun was consistently effective which often correlates with popularity
incredulouspasserby: I'm not saying he was right to say what he did but....also devs should also have the "social ability" to vocally have opinions on their games. On the other hand, c'mon guy, have some kind of common sense.
roastbeefsandwitch: People whine about nerfs to popular builds and items all the time. Let them while as along as the overall patch had neutral or positive changes.
TheMerricat: We never asked for this, oh wait....
Juliamon: You invite the vampire into your house, you don't get to complain when you get bit
Darleysam: I've already seen a "I wish they'd spend more time fixing bugs rather than nerfing builds which introduces bugs" and like.... my guy, no
Brozard: Hey, I'm helping all these people who are wrong on the internet
Wicker_Guide: On the other hand, maybe tone down the performatively aggressive banter in your toxic fantasy authoritarian dystopia
Brozard: "/s"
Anaerin: !show override chillpoint
incredulouspasserby: So what I'm hearing is that Heather has Opinions and we should needle her to share them /s
RockPusher: People are people tqsShocked
djalternative: Heather, whats a hot take you have?
roastbeefsandwitch: oh this is also the For Better or For Worse (newspaper comic) issue: they put out a well-telegraphed comic run depicting lgbtq issues, told publishers about it, allowed them to opt out. They got massive, negative feedback (*mostly from the U.S. South), then, *much* later, positive reviews from the lgbtq communit
Wicker_Guide: teehee, I'm a monster lrrGOAT
Juliamon: There's multiple mods that want to hit that 'purge' button...
mtvcdm: That's the purge button, Beej, we don't hit the purge button
Lord_Hosk: I have gotten to the point where "If my post is more than one sentence. Delete it, bookmark it and come back do I want to retype that?"
mtvcdm: !genius
LRRbot: I'm a genius!
Snowcookies: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
BusTed: how many would be culled...
Angreed66: eh Adam has enough experience purging people to fix it
mtvcdm: Does it have see-through pants?
Juliamon: I lost count of the number of times the purge button was brought up and then shot down because it would bring the membership below an arbitrary number James wanted
mtvcdm: Because MLB has a controversy right now about see-through pants
saiarcot895: what
SAJewers: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Wicker_Guide: no beej, no
GapFiller: nalvLUL OH Beej
Snowcookies: beej
ButButTheJesus: wut
ButButTheJesus: NEW women!
GapFiller: quiet part loud Beej!
Amentur: Happy International Womens Day amazonTea
Wicker_Guide: A League of their Own, the game
incredulouspasserby: Clarification - MLB as in major league baseball or
incredulouspasserby: wait
Juliamon: incredulouspasserby yes
incredulouspasserby: lmao Paul said it less than a second after I hit enter
shurtal: if this is anywhere close to the quality of "Livin' da Dream, a Spike Lee Joint" from NBA 2k16, we're in for a treat
OldUncleDan: They are very close roommates!
Wicker_Guide: because that sounds suspiciously roommatey
matthaus_c: mating, as a team
Juliamon: oh my god they were teammates
Wicker_Guide: point conceded
an_archist2: the word you're looking for is mate
Joecool190: they were teammates
Lord_Hosk: Im apprehensively optimistic? its either gonna go really good... or REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD
Angreed66: I'm guessing it'll be middling
lilyoftheveil666: Look, rivals to lovers is an established trope for a reason
Wicker_Guide: Eh, I'll take that L
RockPusher: Beej experiences Chat…
matthaus_c: soap
an_archist2: half life?
BusTed: I know this one.
lilyoftheveil666: Oh this
Wicker_Guide: wat?
Juliamon: inb4 Cerveza Cristal
ButButTheJesus: wut
mtvcdm: Yuri on Ice!
saiarcot895: space warfare?
TheThirdTail: oh yeah i know this, very silly
Wicker_Guide: oh this
smasngrab: NASA rpg
KV1NN4: what
matthaus_c: where the hell is this going
CAKHost: Panic?
rubikdarkwill: Gee are the people that work at NASA NERDS?
an_archist2: road quest 2: hunt for the hubble space telescope
Wicker_Guide: lrrFINE
saiarcot895: wat
incredulouspasserby: WAIT WHAT
RockPusher: because, fantasy
GapFiller: good question Beej
CAKHost: Wat
DoodlestheGreat: LUL
djalternative: Is this video from 2002?
Invitare: "We would look for the Hubble Telescope". "... with what?"
Gizmoloid: LUL
mtvcdm: I mean eventually that's just gonna happen anyway
TheAinMAP: Carmen Sandiago?
an_archist2: hubble (the telescope, not the person)
Pheonix888: Hubble is still unmanned, right?
ogundiety: In response to Heather's question- can I recommend City On Mars by Weinersmith ? It's awesome!
Wicker_Guide: Is this Frog Fractions 4?
Gizmoloid: OK now I'm in!
GapFiller: djalternative sure looks like it eh
mtvcdm: Why is there space dragon
matthaus_c: lowkey orientalist? highkey?
Gizmoloid: LUL
TheMerricat: That was wild. :D
ButButTheJesus: I haven't seen Director Multimedia Studio in a while
RockPusher: Hubble is awesome and dragons want awesome things
shurtal: FF14 Dragons are space aliens, so there's that
Koios7: why isn’t there a space dragon
mtvcdm: Look, when space has been bought by Elon Musk, NASA needs other hobbies
GapFiller: unless this is NASA edging those people
Lord_Hosk: This is what NASA CGI looks like
chaostreader: That might be the weirdest thing I’ve seen today.
incredulouspasserby: I respect space dragons in general. In specific......
beowuuf: this prove moon footage real!
an_archist2: it's like batman heather
mtvcdm: This has Dice Friends written all over it
Snowcookies: have they tried hiring someone who knows how to CG Kappa
RealOGLobster: so...when'sthe Dice Friends campaign of it?
djalternative: are dragons solar powered?
Wicker_Guide: "science-based" yes
an_archist2: wait, is this just dragonriders of pern?
ButButTheJesus: the dragon is a spaceship, your argument is invalid
incredulouspasserby: @an_archist2 oh my god it is
CAKHost: When you want the shiny, you come up with a way, i guess?
TheMerricat: "This adventure is designed for a party of 4-7 level 7-10 characters and is easily adaptable for your preferred tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) system."
GapFiller: well if Doctor Who taught me anything its that The Moon is infact a dragon egg so by that logic dragons breathing in space tracks
DoodlestheGreat: This just reminded me that there's a Japanese space launch in 2 1/2 hours.
Wicker_Guide: you know what. If it's modded into KSP I'll play it
Snowcookies: In FFXIV, dragons can fly through space
incredulouspasserby: @GapFiller was it dragons or spiders, I forget which
mtvcdm: Upon contact with the Hubble wouldn't it and the space dragon just liquefy on impact?
incredulouspasserby: I thought with the first Donna special it was spiders
CAKHost: Also is this just a module that they are releasing or is it supposed to be its own TTRPG system?
RockPusher: V'ger comes along and collects the dragon lrrBEEJ
TotallyDefiant: Is this why voyager is sending back gibberish
Lord_Hosk: But if the Dragon came from a exoplanet... it doesn't have to speed up to catch the HST... it has to slow WAY WAY down.
Angreed66: tbf a lot of space tech uses gold in it's circuitry
lilyoftheveil666: @cakhost It's a module
CAKHost: @lilyoftheveil666 Thanks!
RockPusher: Roll for Mirror Q&A
RockPusher: that's a crit fail
an_archist2: when are we getting universes beyond hubble MTG
mtvcdm: !crossover
LRRbot: Everyone in this game has a Ryu Number of 3 or less.
RockPusher: you introduce a spherical abberation to the mirror
incredulouspasserby: Spelljammers are really cool IMO - to watch other people play with. I would never play that campaign myself.
mtvcdm: Yes, LRRBot. I want the stolen Hubble Telescope to fight Ryu.
ButButTheJesus: spengbeeb!
RockPusher: Whoooooo lives in an Xbox under the sea — someone with a no-longer-working Xbox
rubikdarkwill: SpongeX SquareBox
matthaus_c: XpongeBox
mtvcdm: I still call him Spongebob Twitterpants
Wicker_Guide: thanks... I hate it
CAKHost: SpongeBob Xboxpants? o.O
RockPusher: Consumer electronics well known for their under-the-sea operation
matthaus_c: this is a product that exists
ButButTheJesus: why
mtvcdm: Better yet, I could pass!
Wicker_Guide: I pity the best buy employee who has to work with this think leering at them shift in and shift out
Wicker_Guide: *thing
Lord_Hosk: Thats getting marked WAY WAY down in a couple months
TheMerricat: So chat, as an old, is SpongeBob really big with the kids still?
Juliamon: TheMerricat It's moved to nostalgia level
Wicker_Guide: not that I'm aware tbh
Wicker_Guide: certainly not compared to the various dog shows
Lord_Hosk: As a parent of kids from Elementary to High school No. Spongebob is not a kid thing these days
matthaus_c: art installation switch game
mtvcdm: We have people at Walmart that will help you get the big things to your car
Stormgod519: hellooooooooooo
Lord_Hosk: It wouldnt shit sprinkles it would shit skittles Beej COME ON!
Juliamon: You can't leash a unicorn
DoodlestheGreat: Keep it in the garage and it's a vehicle.
DoodlestheGreat: None of us have friends.
ButButTheJesus: @Lord_Hosk Taste the Rainbow
Wicker_Guide: and they chose to display it
TehAmelie: "for my second wish, i want unicorn insurance"
matthaus_c: great white elephant gift
mtvcdm: I have standards of decor for the random shit I buy online
Gizmoloid: Why is unicorn screaming Heather?
DoodlestheGreat: It's a collectors item, Paul!
BusTed: lrrCOW
Juliamon: Launching a missile?
TophTheHermit: The star wars one is R2D2 sounds
BusTed: upwards of 27 dollars
DoodlestheGreat: Beej, that's an amazing idea!
mtvcdm: Gambling! I'm in!
Juliamon: Serge is actively streaming it rn
Lord_Hosk: My brother in law bought a Special edition original X-box because it was the only one available and he gave it to use when he upgraded. It had a translucent green case. When we went to sell it, we got like $400 ($300 more than an X-box) because they were so sought after.
BusTed: Whoopsie.
ButButTheJesus: @Lord_Hosk cooool
TheMerricat: It's literally gambling but cheating.
mtvcdm: There's things called 'small blinds' and 'big blinds'
Juliamon: It uses poker *terms*
Juliamon: and... that's pretty much it
matthaus_c: that smells of moral panic
mtvcdm: It is the blaseball of poker
Wicker_Guide: a pachinko parlor
BusTed: "gaming center"
Juliamon: Bring Back Voltorb Flip
Gizmoloid: So if there are different lightsaber sounds for for the dvd tray, which one should be saber turning on - when rhe trey comes out or when you put the game inside? Honestly, I see arguments for both.
lilyoftheveil666: @mtvcdm RIV Blaseball
TehAmelie: there is a lot of randomness, sort of like playing cards
TehAmelie: you could get the IDEA that it's like gambling, if you didn't know what gambling is
Earthenone: it is just number go up to make the good chemicals, and not in a bad way
rrtycoon2: So is FF9 18+ for after credits blackjack now?
shurtal: meanwhile, FIFA 23, with SUPER PREDATORY LOOTBOX MECHANICS, is rated 3 and up
chaostreader: Serge is literally playing Balatro right now.
Earthenone: pokemon red is 18+ for the gambling parlor after all :P
matthaus_c: my pearls cannot get any more clutched
Angreed66: There is some risk assessment and taking but the only games that don't are like chess
GapFiller: Lua:
matthaus_c: on a positive note, that also means a Balatrp modding scene should have a great springboard to start from
Wicker_Guide: you could introduce gambling lrrBEEJ
mtvcdm: You could do gambling... by having the game calculate the odds that people's respective decks are able to win against each other in a poker hand
Marvoleath: Can it run DOOM though?
Wicker_Guide: replace all the Tarot imagery with Persona characters
RockPusher: The audio player I use supports Winamp skins
RockPusher: I'm using the old default winamp skin right now
Lysander_salamander: oh cool
Juliamon: pokelike
RockPusher: Pokemonish Cap?
ButButTheJesus: well, when you throw that ball, you need a mofo to come out
incredulouspasserby: That explanation always felt to me like the "she has to breathe through her skin" explanation
RockPusher: Interest piqued
Lysander_salamander: yeah this one looks pretty
CAKHost: There should be a Pokemon-esic game where you actually have a pocket you can put the critter into it.
djalternative: darn. oh well
Juliamon: You just pied-piper them
Lysander_salamander: You play as a wildlife researcher
mtvcdm: Wonder Parade
BusTed: tqsWow
KV1NN4: Jade Cocoon..?
Snowcookies: looks cool
mtvcdm: This does look rad
incredulouspasserby: I've been wanting one of these for so so so long
Lysander_salamander: You are a space-traveler
Wicker_Guide: instead of making them fight you make music
Sogheim: Samurai Troopers dream
RockPusher: Give hugs not guns, Beej with the important wisdom
BusTed: Beastmaster Beej
Lysander_salamander: drat
Wicker_Guide: :(
OldUncleDan: NOT WITH THAT ATTITUDE!!!!!!!!!
ButButTheJesus: Paul noooo
Wicker_Guide: never the Princess Mononoke
RockPusher: Isekai de Mofumofu Nadenade Suru Tame ni Ganbattemasu
CAKHost: Thanks for the stream!
LordZarano: Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth has a pokemon clone in it and you "capture" people in it by being really nice to them and giving them gifts so that they want to join you. It's pretty great
mtvcdm: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
Snowcookies: ty for the stream
Lysander_salamander: have a good afternoon
Joecool190 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
Joecool190: neat
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Joecool190! (Today's storm count: 28)
Lysander_salamander: nice
RockPusher: Eventually Like A Dragon will contain all games
Wicker_Guide: In fairness, Like a Dragon follows the Yakuza standard of being all games at once at all times
Angreed66: you can but it's harder than the cratures
Snowcookies: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
RockPusher: If you want to play Yakuza you can go hang out with Ian in a couple hours Beej lrrBEEJ
ANeMzero: the new Like a Dragon Protagonist is canonically a Nintendo Kid, despite not having any of his games on Nintendo.
djalternative: what if we hypnotize them with our flute?
mtvcdm: Do not play your flute unless people are interested
Stormgod519: cant stay, but saying hi
Stormgod519: hi chat
CAKHost: Hello!
Stormgod519: ohg wow
Stormgod519: that timing
matthaus_c: Who Killed Jace Beleren
an_archist2: deid mann
BusTed: more like bodied
beowuuf: commander mustard?
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week, Ravnica: Clue Edition! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PST (57m from now).
NorthstarTex: Immediate movie line I thought of: "Mr. Body's body, its gone!"
Stormgod519: commander-esc
KWardJenx: So Clue is a Red Herring
Stormgod519: It's actually very fun
Stormgod519: I love the game a lot
EvilBadman: You can win be either normal means or by figuring out who did it. You can only suggest if you damage another player.
Marvoleath: It's like jumpstart
Stormgod519: @EvilBadman ye
beowuuf: damage players to ask questions, then either solve clue game or kill everyone!
Marvoleath: but multiplayer and with alternate wincon
Stormgod519: there's more cards in the clue game than in aftermath
CAKHost: Ooo
mtvcdm: what?
EvilBadman: I think Az is popping on Horse Club again from what they told me.
Marvoleath: the problem is that the packs are random, and you can get duplicates with 8 packs out of 20 possible
Stormgod519: @Marvoleath lol
mtvcdm: We'll find out I suppose
CAKHost: I played the demo of it a bit. It's very beat driven
ButButTheJesus: #blamejames
Stormgod519: but my fav thing about it is the clue mtg game is bigger than the whole of MoM Aftermath
matthaus_c: new set or old set?
matthaus_c: ooooh
djalternative: old one
Stormgod519: aight, i gtg early chat
djalternative: there's 3 now. this is 2
Stormgod519: take care
Stormgod519: cya for FNM
mtvcdm: !calendar
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
mtvcdm: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
GapFiller: !dst
mtvcdm: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
GapFiller: Europe is end of the month
beowuuf: end of month
matthaus_c: this is... the bad one? where you lose an hour?
Juliamon: trick question they're both bad
hb8u: yeah we dont have that anymore over here
emberBecky: ugh i hate spring forward blehh
ztghostie: booooooo, my sleep :(
Marvoleath: EU is 3 weeks later
EvilBadman: The good one where summer sunset is 9pm
mtvcdm: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
GapFiller: Juliamon idk extra hr in bed autumn aint half bad
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
Koios7: succinHead
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
RockPusher: Heather with that night-owl mastery
Juliamon: GapFiller counterpoint: dark earlier, and I live with someone who refuses to drive in the dark
CAKHost: So Mar10 day lines up with the USA's daylight savings this year o.O
KWardJenx: Thanks gang!
GapFiller: thanks for streaming lrrPAUL lrrBEEEJ lrrHEATHER lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Joecool190: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart lrrSHINE
Marvoleath: the secret element, 1989
CAKHost: o/
KWardJenx: awkward...
Gizmoloid: Staying up late skill is overrated, I'd like to exchange it for a Healthy-sleeping-schedule skill.
GapFiller: S and XS still available!
Phailhammer: cya :)
Snowcookies: bye
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART