beowuuf: ? i missed what happened
Metric_Furlong: someone must have left a setting on by mistake
Juliamon: Nothing, it's been in follower-only mode for awhile and I'm seeing if it's safe to remove
Juliamon: I'm hoping the viewbot wave is under control by now
beowuuf: fingers crossed!
beowuuf: or whatever digits and appendages the centaurian nightmares are allowed
Earthenone: i thought this was a cori stream not a centaur ian stream :P
beowuuf: boo! :p
TXC2: Hello Everybody
beowuuf: sergeHi
TXC2: hi beowuuf
TXC2: non human centaurs = insect giraffes? stay tuned to find out
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TXC2: anyone else still have to refresh, or is it just me ?
Lysander_salamander: PrideLionHey
Lysander_salamander: PrideLionYay
Metric_Furlong: prepare for horse
rraawwrrimabear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
rraawwrrimabear: horse
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rraawwrrimabear! (Today's storm count: 1)
Azralorne subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
Azralorne: no horse
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Azralorne! (Today's storm count: 2)
ArdCollider: o7
beowuuf: PrideRise PridePaint PrideWorld
iris_of_ether: *looks at subject* Oh. Oh no. I approve
beowuuf: subscribing az is tradition
beowuuf: lol
Azralorne: it me
Azralorne: I just love making Cori call out my sub while I'm in the room
TXC2: the subs are coming from inside the stream!
beowuuf: strong move :p
Azralorne: gotta assert dominance
TXC2: here we GO!
beowuuf: horse!
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
beowuuf: hey az! hey cori!
TXC2: Hello Cori and Az
iris_of_ether: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
TXC2: Az is tradition
beowuuf: az is tradition
Metric_Furlong: so
TXC2: you experience this show
beowuuf: you have been seen in chat on occasion
beowuuf: precious idiots have been called
iris_of_ether: lrrBEN lrrADAM
beowuuf: it was a let's nope, you didn't need to say anything more
ArdCollider: dice friends had a centaur moment too recently
beowuuf: they really don't like playing alaz wake, do they Kappa
TXC2: the only binary we except here Kappa
wedge_x: that's a very round venn diagram
iris_of_ether: OH RIGHT they did
beowuuf: sometimes i am sad let's nope is on so late that i cannot watch it and then there are these times
TXC2: beowuuf right?
TXC2: !addquote (Az) [now] I am immediately in your DMs talking about something horrible pretty much daily.
LRRbot: New quote #8942: "I am immediately in your DMs talking about something horrible pretty much daily." —Az [2024-03-11]
iris_of_ether: Excellent TXC2
beowuuf: sergeJustRight
Juliamon: I feel like the obvious answer is horse
beowuuf: apre is stronger with half horse
beowuuf: half spider half horse, all legs! all of the legs. all. of. the. legs.
TXC2: "what if we monke the horse...."
iris_of_ether: So fun fact Beowuuf I absolutely sent that into the Moonbase
Juliamon: Machamp has the extra arms
Metric_Furlong: machamp, for the most arms
TXC2: Machamp: the best hugger
Metric_Furlong: there is some art, yes
iris_of_ether: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
beowuuf: PokPikachu
ArdCollider: pokemons: sometimes they're just little mans
wedge_x: little?
ArdCollider: and sometimes there's Blaziken, yes.
beowuuf: @iris_of_ether ... i took too long to notice this / not enough time to notice this. that's...luckily not something cori can show off on camera right now :D
iris_of_ether: Is this like how I accidentally found Sephiroth Daffy Duck yesterday
TXC2: so darkwing duck ?
iris_of_ether: @beowuuf Indeed :D
beowuuf: *very* was called
ArdCollider: Siri's trying to help me by looking up giraffes.
beowuuf: lrrWOW
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW
beowuuf: you can't leave ian living alone, please don't murder cori like that! at least wait until the witnesses are gone
Metric_Furlong: streams off to a good start
iris_of_ether: Also: lrrCrab ?
beowuuf: az's love language is straight piping of the psyche
TXC2: if you stop loving someone because they're dead, you never loved them at all
ScrapyardGhostTrain: No human parts, eh? How about squid parts?
iris_of_ether: I feel like I've seen a drawing of a centaur with another extra half of a horse up top
iris_of_ether: Kinda yes
TehAmelie: i think Homestuck had a lot of that
Juliamon: yes, a centitaur
Cptasparagus: is a horse torso a horseo?
iris_of_ether: I think there's an entire cursed centaur Tumblr
TXC2: given a centaur has 6 limbs, it is an insect, therefore it has a thorax
beowuuf: how about a centaur with a centaur attached on top...a centaller if you will
iris_of_ether: Amazing
TehAmelie: or the Manly Guys elephantaur, aka strictly worse elephant
Juliamon: baby alert
iris_of_ether: escher3MEOW escher3MEOW escher3MEOW
TXC2: kitty!
beowuuf: precious babby kitten!
TehAmelie: hi kitty
munocard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, munocard! (Today's storm count: 3)
beowuuf: @LordZarano yeeeeeeees
TXC2: "do not perceive me!"
iris_of_ether: escher3CRIMES escher3CRIMES escher3CRIMES
Juliamon: Some cats never unlearn that fear
iris_of_ether: Oh Cori that's just concerning
Jennie_Fuchsia: I shared on Instagram- the play I was just working on had a scene where someone had to draw a horse, and I made a Can’t Draw Horses Club shirt and spread the good word
TXC2: so I looked up the origin of the word centaur, assuming one part meant horse and the other human
beowuuf: @Jennie_Fuchsia escher3THUMBSUP
TXC2: turns out it's the name of a tribe of horse archers :p
TheMandrew subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 93 months, currently on a 93 month streak!
TheMandrew: 93 months for a deeply cursed stream :P
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheMandrew! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: Jennie_Fuchsia nice
beowuuf: @TXC2 yeah, i saw it seems to invlolve people arguing and postulating stuff and ditched out :p seems to be just a tribe of horsepeople then other historians got excited about bulls?
jadielady subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
jadielady: lrrHEART lrrHEART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jadielady! (Today's storm count: 5)
iris_of_ether: escher3CRIMES escher3TREAT escher3CRIMES
iris_of_ether: Machorse
TXC2: beowuuf exactly, and here I was hoping to make some cursed portmanteaus :p
Rourke9: sorry im late. biggest worstest person?
TXC2: or portmantaurs as the case may have been
iris_of_ether: Or perhaps Machony
Rourke9: have i missed any squilk posting
Rourke9: yes
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
TXC2: we sure do
beowuuf: @TXC2 i know! or some fun misunderstanding like the lycanthrope thing where "were" is not the man part
iris_of_ether: benginO7
jadielady: it makes me feel more normal for my conversations with my cat
Lysander_salamander: my cat's trying to use my hand as a pillow so it's hard to type
Rourke9: can you milk a machamp centaur
TXC2: people don't talk to their cats?
Rourke9: how many armpits does a machamp centaur have
TXC2: hell I talk to other people's cats
iris_of_ether: Or like just meow at the cats
Piratical_tendancies: lrrGibb
TXC2: hello Piratical_tendancies welcome
TehAmelie: the -taur suffix coming to mean "half human combined with other animal-" is a testament to the power of a good portmanteau
Rourke9: true words
iris_of_ether: I wish my sinuses also thought cats were great benginCry
beowuuf: can't spell rulaz without az
TXC2: we'll make it a word!
Rourke9: thats just how rulaz is spelled
beowuuf: whose side are you on :p
Rourke9: normal word
TXC2: totally cromulant word
Rourke9: i think rulaz was in the NYT sunday crossword yesterday
TehAmelie: a perfectly cromulaznt word
beowuuf: lrrWOW just catching strays left and right
beowuuf: cori never listens to you... nm, cori got there first :p
SaxPython: hey what's this hip new word Rulaz i'm hearing about
iris_of_ether: Cromulaznt is a great $20 word
Rourke9: i like the boy
Rourke9: him 8 limbs
Rourke9: this is better
Rourke9: beautiful
iris_of_ether: Hahahaha
TXC2: "so me and my horse body noticed you across the bar...."
Rourke9: yes!! an octopus
LordZarano: This goes on the fridge
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
Rourke9: i can tell because of its 8 limbs
Metric_Furlong: gotts horse 'em all
Metric_Furlong: *gotta
Lysander_salamander: pony up to the bar...
LRRbot: Agrabah - Marketplace [3, Ruby, Inkable] | Location [1 ⭳, 5 ⛉, 2 ◊]
TXC2: oh good I've made it worse :p
LoadingReadyRun: !cardview off
LRRbot: Card viewer disabled
TXC2: thanks Paul
beowuuf: lol
SaxPython: #spoilers
Rourke9: oh wow. its an Agrabahtaur
Metric_Furlong: and it's inkable
TehAmelie: the card reader thought this was a land from the Disney's Aladdin card game?
SaxPython: Touch Nothing But The Hooves
beowuuf: "i wanna walk like you" but sang to a centaur
Metric_Furlong: squilk
iris_of_ether: Muscle Milk
Rourke9: guiness seems right
TehAmelie: i bet any more than four drinks and he turns into octopus hands
beowuuf: guiness isn't real and can't hurt you
TehAmelie: oh my
Metric_Furlong: ominous
beowuuf: aslways az, always
TehAmelie: is this art .jpg, but seriously
TXC2: at no point in time should you not be scared
beowuuf: rule34 backs you up
TehAmelie: i think at least in profile they look almost exactly like the animation of a running horse you're thinking of when i mention that
TXC2: they have horse run in pools as therapy
iris_of_ether: I know moose dive underwater too
iris_of_ether: Indeed, the apex predator
iris_of_ether: I think it's the orca yes
TehAmelie: well, the fact that no other predator can hunt them also helps
TXC2: Bears hunt salmon because they're aren't dumb enough to hunt moose
iris_of_ether: The tool bar looked like a censor bar on my tiny phone screen haha
TehAmelie: but what if a bear fished up an orca?
beowuuf: they known salmon are tiring themselves out swimming upstream, and are therefore easy prey
iris_of_ether: Dang this orangorse is thicc
iris_of_ether: It has to be yeah
TehAmelie: the orangutaur can swing in trees and run on steppes, is it an amphibian?
beowuuf: needs a dump truck to place all those leaves on Kappa
TXC2: a thick trunk of a torso
TehAmelie: hmm would they invent saddlebags for themselves?
QuixoticScrivener: The etymology on centaur is weird. It means "piercing bull."
iris_of_ether: Huhh
beowuuf: i believe that's just conjecture?
TXC2: yeah, it's the name of a tribe of horse archers
Metric_Furlong: greeks were just Like That
beowuuf: the standard definition is it's a tribe of horsemen, then other hostorians went 'buuuut if we break up the words it would mean this' and chaos ensued :p
TXC2: "then other historians said ______ and chaos ensued"
QuixoticScrivener: there are also the Ixionidae, sons of Ixion that are hippo-centaurs.
Metric_Furlong: we started a stream of horse club and chaos ensued
beowuuf: those are my new favourite
Metric_Furlong: as it always ensues
beowuuf: "slightly"
TehAmelie: to me no part of language drift is weirder than all those fun greek words with C originally had hard Ks instead, like centaur and cerberus
WrexVerdi: They called a lot of things "horses" Hippopotamus means "River Horse"
TXC2: Az has never done anything wrong
EvilBadman: wroooong
beowuuf: can#t spell chaaz without az
iris_of_ether: Now I'm not saying that Cori is the common denominator in every Horse Club but
Metric_Furlong: I dunno, last week was very chaotic and Az wasn't on that, so they can't be *entirely* responsible
beowuuf: @iris_of_ether .... now you mention it, she *has* been on every show, and it *has* degenerated in to nightmarish chaos
PixelArtDragon: What do you mean "tried"?
QuixoticScrivener: Can I host it?
Cptasparagus: !quote 8902
LRRbot: Quote #8902: "Horses are expensive. Pegging is basically free." —Cori [2024-01-29]
TXC2: have Ian host, that'll bring down the chaos right?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Chat is also on every stream. It's probably their fault.
Metric_Furlong: any non-Az person
TXC2: Azsuped
beowuuf: @TXC2 .... until he speaks anyway.
Metric_Furlong: usurp, like the man from One Piece
PixelArtDragon: Cori would have azdicated the throne
Metric_Furlong: @PixelArtDragon well done
TehAmelie: Az only tells the truth. they're really from Sniper Island
TXC2: I'm not full of lies, I merely contain a non zero amount of them
Cptasparagus: one of my favorite one piece gags is how they can't tell the difference between Kaku (giraffe guy) and Usopp because of his nose, and now I want to see Kaku's giraffe form as a centaur
beowuuf: @PixelArtDragon cori had a throne? does that mean she was corinated?
beowuuf: one chat member always lies, the other chat member hasn't told the truth yet. You have one question / insult.
LordZarano: 'Κένταυρος (Kéntauros) Centaur, a member of a savage race dwelling between Mt. Pelion and Mt. Ossa on the Northeastern coast of Thessaly. Perhaps from κεντέω (kentéō, “I goad, wound”) + ταῦρος (taûros, “bull”) either from bull-fighting or from herding.' - wiktionary
QuixoticScrivener: The wikipedia article also has about 80 named centaurs from Greek myth.
LordZarano: (it's latin's fault that it has a C in English)
beowuuf: greek loved their horse pees it seemed, in a very adam/ben sort of way :p
Cptasparagus: @LordZarano so now we need a Ken-taur which is just Ryan Gosling as a centaur
beowuuf: peeps :(
TXC2: in the same way that everything is a dog on the internet, the greeks made everything a horse
TehAmelie: horse people, or heeple
QuixoticScrivener: Adam and Ben would be asking if the centaurs are baptized by now.
beowuuf: like people! and the wiki article has 80 named centaurs according to quixoticscrivener, so i think i am justified in my comment :p
beowuuf: @TehAmelie exactly! what's the steeple my heelpe!
TehAmelie: on second thought, horple is better
Metric_Furlong: @QuixoticScrivener obviously not, the ancient greeks didn't have baptisms
DrLigmaPhD: I have a sudden urge to make a javelina-racoon
beowuuf: is that font single?
Metric_Furlong: @DrLigmaPhD is that a ravelina or a jacoon?
iris_of_ether: I, too, have zero context :D
DrLigmaPhD: @Metric_Furlong Ravelina
beowuuf: @Cptasparagus kentaurenough sounds like an archer tribe Kappa
beowuuf: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
QuixoticScrivener: Are there no modern Greek centaurs? They could be Eastern Orthodox, or Muslim.
DrLigmaPhD: Cephalotaur
iris_of_ether: Squid1 Squid3 Squid4
beowuuf: david jonesolemule
LordZarano: Davy Jhorse
TehAmelie: Davy Jones: "i am the seahorse"
DrLigmaPhD: Mind-Neighor
EvilBadman: at the risk of staying in the ocean I am now imagining a jellfish-taur
iris_of_ether: So there's maybe just a giant squishy hole in its stomach
TehAmelie: very eldritch
QuixoticScrivener: Any fans of Centaurworld in the chat?
TXC2: I feel like I would fight this in a From Soft game
DrLigmaPhD: @iris_of_ether I call that a belly-button
Metric_Furlong: @iris_of_ether what is the stomach if not a squishy hole?
iris_of_ether: Beak gotta go somewhere!
wedge_x: I can't draw, but I can photoshop, Cori, I've sent you a thing
wedge_x: sure
WrexVerdi: Cloptopus
DrLigmaPhD: @wedge_x Sentences with threatening auras
wedge_x: the first one I got off Adam's discord
TXC2: majestic
iris_of_ether: :D
TXC2: nothing is wrong with My Little Pony Kappa
iris_of_ether: Chicken pony, or chony
wedge_x: cutie mark code
ArdCollider: not a tramp stamp. those go on Cars (tm)
DrLigmaPhD: It's more "vibe assigned at birth" no?
Metric_Furlong: I was going to ask "why did no one make a centaur-themed MLP spin-off" and then realised after 0.4 seconds it was better not to speculate
EvilBadman: literally bumper stickers
QuixoticScrivener: A spoiler is a car's tramp stamp.
ArdCollider: no in Cars 2 one of the cars has detailing just under her spoiler and you are *clearly* meant to draw the inference.
IbunWest subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
IbunWest: merlekComf
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IbunWest! (Today's storm count: 6)
wedge_x: it's the first cars
EvilBadman: My other body is a 1996 Acura
Metric_Furlong: if not, we've found the theme for next week's horse club Kappa
wedge_x: actual plot point
TXC2: "my kid is an honour roll student" as a temp tattoo for a 10 year old
TehAmelie: car pony marks makes me think, would the sort of person who likes truck nutz put them on their horse?
LordZarano: You can buy custom temporary tattoos very easily
DrLigmaPhD: I served at least 4 at work today
iris_of_ether: I mean I know people can buy prosthetic nuts for neutered dogs, so
beowuuf: don't many horse already ... no, not going to finish that sentence
Metric_Furlong: @beowuuf good, you're learning
EJGRgunner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
EJGRgunner: For 76 months I've been unable to draw anything, let alone horses.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EJGRgunner! (Today's storm count: 7)
iris_of_ether: And know you all know this too
iris_of_ether: Yeah they can
QuixoticScrivener: are "truck nuts" gender affirming care?
ArdCollider: neuticles!
TXC2: for what dark purpose ?
ArdCollider: we were just talking about how that was the flip answer to everything on Fark for like two years
IbunWest: merlekStare
EvilBadman: these are my emotional support testicles
beowuuf: @Metric_Furlong it's only taken me four and a half decades but i'm getting there. next I'm hoping to master getting up and remembering why i went to get something
iris_of_ether: Like I don't know if this is for show dogs or what here
Metric_Furlong: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 1:58 PM
TehAmelie: what year is it?
beowuuf: who is the president????
DrLigmaPhD: Too much balls talk, or not enough?????
Lysander_salamander: You would be wondering that
Metric_Furlong: wall-to-wall balls
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Metric_Furlong: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
beowuuf: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3BEE
TehAmelie: i think we can say balls have been thoroughly licked
TehAmelie: (thanks Cameron)
beowuuf: :D
Metric_Furlong: yeah, if we kept going it'd just be nuts
TXC2: they made a whole episode of Futurama just so they could make that joke
beowuuf: went don't want to annoy people and make them testes
iris_of_ether: Oh god they're claiming it's for the pet's self esteem:
beowuuf: escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BUZZ
Azralorne: omg beowuuf
RockPusher: escher3BEE escher3BUZZ escher3ANGRY escher3BEE
beowuuf: what? O.O
iris_of_ether: escher3ANGRY escher3ANGRY escher3ANGRY
Azralorne: lol
RockPusher: escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ
Azralorne: you know what
iris_of_ether: Ooh new bee emote
TehAmelie: PrideCute
beowuuf: sergeScience sergeBuckets sergeScience sergeBuckets sergeScience sergeCanal
RockPusher: voxlunHydrate voxlunHydrate voxlunHydrate
beowuuf: lol, cool
RockPusher: voxlunHydrate escher3SAFETY
beowuuf: that oxygen molecule has truck nuts :(
beowuuf: hostage check! secure the building!
TXC2: Hydrogen: the testicles of elements
beowuuf: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3BUZZ
beowuuf: hydrogen, has only got one ball, the other... damn, can't pull a chemistry joke quickly enough
beowuuf: escher3BUZZ escher3BEE escher3BUZZ escher3BEE
iris_of_ether: escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ
RockPusher: escher3BUZZ escher3ANGRY escher3BUZZ escher3ANGRY
TXC2: and we're back
DrLigmaPhD: Starfish bottom, lobster top
iris_of_ether: So are the sunflower petals like a weird mouth or
RockPusher: Orang-horse-tan
erloas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, erloas! (Today's storm count: 8)
TXC2: DrLigmaPhD we all know Patrick is the Top Kappa
TehAmelie: did you know there is a starfish called Destroyer of Worlds?
TehAmelie: it eats other starfish
iris_of_ether: Also didn't they just discover that starfishes are basically bodiless heads?
beowuuf: well, i guess it's destroying the personal worlds of eat of those starfish
DrLigmaPhD: @TXC2 Hey I've said some cursed things but this is more cured by implication than anything I can create
beowuuf: *each
DrLigmaPhD: cursed by implication*
iris_of_ether: Y E S
TehAmelie: and long gangly legs
iris_of_ether: Like a cursed horse flying squirrel webbing
TXC2: DrLigmaPhD what's cursed about Patrick and Spongbob being a loving gay couple? Kappa
beowuuf: half horse half ganglefuck seems a strong candidate :p
EvilBadman: like so many carrots my dood
TehAmelie: maybe they'd eat fruit, like bats, and then get colic and die, like horses
DrLigmaPhD: Recently rewatched The Suicide Squad and while I'm disappointed Starro was a one-off villain I liked the choice of making them more a victim than a malevolent force
beowuuf: oh no, so tragic :(
beowuuf: can't spell hipstaz without az
TXC2: this is the most offended I've even seen Cori
iris_of_ether: Oh. Oh no. I need to seek this out
beowuuf: sorry, who was the band, i was too busy insulting az to take note
EvilBadman: mind taking!
TXC2: beowuuf Ninja sex party
RockPusher: Cori confirmed thing-knower
Metric_Furlong: @beowuuf Ninja Sex Party
DrLigmaPhD: Cori has hacked your laptop Az
beowuuf: @TXC2 cheers :)
beowuuf: chat has my back, for some reason!
TXC2: beowuuf apes together strong
TXC2: ook ook
beowuuf: :D
EvilBadman: Stop stop, we're gonna get flagged, Az 'cause you're tooo goood
RockPusher: wheelerOok wheelerOok wheelerOok
Angnor33: Oook. Oook.
beowuuf: adam is a very perceptive and smart man
TXC2: it's our now Kappa
TehAmelie: of course, humans are primates, like lemurs
iris_of_ether: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
EvilBadman: draw more feet
TehAmelie: clearly the reason for Horse Club is that horses have fingers for legs, so we draw fewer feet
TXC2: !findquote distraction
LRRbot: Quote #578: "Lava? We can distract you with cake." —Heather [2015-08-10]
beowuuf: ooh, lrrbot found something similar
beowuuf: distraction -> distract, didn't think it would parse it like that
TXC2: lava is to cake as horse finger leg is to feet ?
EvilBadman: in that you undercook the horse so when you cut into it--
Metric_Furlong: Generhorse Club
beowuuf: generhorse
TXC2: a gender less club
DrLigmaPhD: Gend-Duress is a good drag name
beowuuf: can't stand binary club
iris_of_ether: Jenn-Duress
Lysander_salamander: Like those klingon sisters?
beowuuf: exactly
TehAmelie: or Jean Duress cause who likes wearing jeans
DrLigmaPhD: @Lysander_salamander Glory to you and your transition
TXC2: I don't know, the Durass sisters were ABUNDANTLY gendered :p
beowuuf: Jenn Duress's Mean Burlesque sounds like a qwerpline sponsor
Lysander_salamander: :D
iris_of_ether: Amazing
Lysander_salamander: artfully pre-scuffed trousers
Lysander_salamander: oh wait, that distress
RockPusher: What do you mean you erased the smoothie? Why does the blender even have that button?
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
TehAmelie: >liquefy >aerosolise >annihilate
TXC2: "what do you have there blender?" "... a smoothie erase button?"
RockPusher: Oops, I left the lid off and accidentally erased half the kitchen
beowuuf: dont be looking at my hand where my hand be at
RockPusher: I don't know whether to fear or respect Az's knowledge of the Wild Wild West lyrics…
TXC2: I know it only because of the Neil C remix
beowuuf: i had to relisten to the original to appreciate the neil C one more
TheMadS8nt: mox monkey!!!!!!
beowuuf: she's doing borderlands film so really she's up for anything
Lysander_salamander: she's in Borderlands?
Lysander_salamander: I guess she's a fan?
TehAmelie: we do know there's someone out there who can do a good Kate Blanchett narration impression who works on W+P games. . .
TheMadS8nt: wait theres a bordlands movie/show?
TXC2: clearly she has a mortgage to pay off
beowuuf: can#t be or why would she be in that film Kappa
Metric_Furlong: "Kate Blanchett should not be." - Az Kappa
Kragaar: Cate isn't on Cameo, so no luck there
DrLigmaPhD: Can you believe Az hates Kate Blanchette
Lysander_salamander: I totally forgot there was going to be an adaptation
beowuuf: @TheMadS8nt film coming out soonish. Jack black is claptrap, and cate is lilith
ThorSokar: lrrHORN We startin' fights today? nevera14Jhorse
Lysander_salamander: Well, that's an interesting choice for Lilith
TheMadS8nt: @beowuuf ok, I can get behind the claptrap choice
beowuuf: pronounced kate, spellt catsith
DrLigmaPhD: It does actually
ThorSokar: hehe
TXC2: Kate Blanchette is the love child of Cate Blanchette and Kate Beckinsale Kappa
Lysander_salamander: Maybe she was tired of being the stately lady that stands in one place and makes speeches?
DrLigmaPhD: Az antagonizes chat almost as much as Adam
beowuuf: @TheMadS8nt roland is kevin hart, so temper expectations :p
DrLigmaPhD: Almost
Metric_Furlong: @DrLigmaPhD the Aztagonism
beowuuf: @TXC2 sergeJustRight
Lysander_salamander: wow this is a wild cast
DrLigmaPhD: Anyway Fallout looked ok I guess
TheMadS8nt: um........thats a.....choice, maybe it will be like the mario movie where it was better than it should have been lmfao
Metric_Furlong: I never played Borderlands and seldom watch films, so I have no frame of reference for any of this. it's great
TXC2: if Kevin Hart is in the movie, are the Rock and Jack Black also gonna be in it? :p
SquareDotCube: I finally get here and I see Cori has already started producing nightmare fuel
DrLigmaPhD: Wild Ian spotted
TXC2: hello SquareDotCube welcome
RockPusher: Ian just bigfooting through Cori's camera shot
TehAmelie: i don't know, sunflowertaur may be less scary than a real horse
beowuuf: @Metric_Furlong just sitting there with popcorn yelling 'let them fight'? :p
EvilBadman: @TXC2 Well Jack Black is
beowuuf: @SquareDotCube yup. more than one
Lysander_salamander: Were they going to make it like Jumanji? Have normal kids be trapped inside a videogame yet again?
TXC2: EvilBadman :D
beowuuf: look, if the rock as brick appeared i would have been onboard :p
LordZarano: Ok I am very disappointed that youtube apparently has *no* videos of anyone modelling a blender in Blender!
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
EvilBadman: Be the change you want to see in the world LordZarano
Lysander_salamander: blender the appliance, or blender the application?
TXC2: Lysander_salamander Hollywood is just learning how big isakai is in japan Kappa
beowuuf: @Lysander_salamander i think that mioght have actually worked?
Lysander_salamander: I mean, they're remaking Narnia
LordZarano: @EvilBadman I was looking for a tutorial!
RockPusher: *plugs Cori's podcast "Hey, Check It Out"* - the did an episode on SpaceCamp lrrAWESOME tiltyhYAS
Lysander_salamander: I hope the new Narnia will be good
beowuuf: @TXC2 someone pointed out that the new nasa rpg was an isakai recently and it blew my mind. and i'd only just found out what the rpg was on saturday :p
ThorSokar: LordZarano what:
Lysander_salamander: wait what?
Lysander_salamander: there's a nasa rpg?
SquareDotCube: I believe its official status is being debated
RockPusher: Lysander_salamander someone stole the Hubble Space Telescope - you need to quest to find it
LordZarano: @ThorSokar OMG thank you! Apparently Youtube search just sucks
Lysander_salamander: It's an alternate history rpg with timetravel?
beowuuf: the lost universe... you've seen adverts without realising what it is
ThorSokar: No worries LordZarano
RockPusher: They covered it on ChillPoint :D
Lysander_salamander: I missed that episode I guess
Metric_Furlong: @beowuuf including that promotional anime they made in the 90s? Kappa
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW
TehAmelie: those electro-games will never catch on
TXC2: Lets nope talks more then Talking sim Kappa
SquareDotCube: It's hard to infiltrate a show hosting Beej to be honest
beowuuf: @Metric_Furlong my brain tried to make a venger / veyger joke
TXC2: talking sim: the anti Play it forward
ThorSokar: Chill Point aka The game of: "Time-till Heather goes to get the spray-bottle"
Metric_Furlong: @beowuuf I'm specifically talking about the anime called Lost Universe
QuixoticScrivener: wait, what is this podcast?
EvilBadman: Only wild wild west
TXC2: QuixoticScrivener it's called "hey, check it out"
EvilBadman: it's become a problem
beowuuf: @Metric_Furlong since i don't know it I was going to joke about it being the D&D cartoon, but then my brain tried to inject star trek the motion picture in to the mix
iris_of_ether: I was listening to old episodes on the airplane on Saturday and unlocked core memories of that weird Babes in Toyland movie....
TXC2: wait til Az learns about the wild west TV show Kappa
Metric_Furlong: @beowuuf okay, we can salvage this, we just need to make a Star Trek D&D Anime
ThorSokar: So we're also tellin' big 'ol LIES today, got it chambo2Notes
TXC2: Metric_Furlong so lower decks?
TehAmelie: the game Telling Lies was not a big hit, somehow
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Wow, that really is a terrible drawing of a horse KappaPride
Lysander_salamander: The latest episode reminded me that I used to watch Space Camp weekly. Had it on vhs
beowuuf: @Metric_Furlong ok, you come up with the disguised poll for four animes that have already done this, and I'll pick which one we plagerise :p
ThorSokar: well, ya see, The Wild West tv show, was actually good
iris_of_ether: Also really enjoyed the Space Camp and I Downloaded a Ghost episodes, recently
Metric_Furlong: @iris_of_ether what is a ghost episode and how does someone download it? Kappa
beowuuf: @TXC2 huh... i hate you may be right? like...the final epsiode is just a real life tabletop where the actors have been playing an RPG?
RockPusher: SpaceCamp is fun, turns out as a massively nerdy kid I related to the massively nerdy kid character :D
iris_of_ether: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Oh, is this a centotan?
ThorSokar: having trusted people tell you which movies not to wast your time on is how to live
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Ok, but where are it's lungs?
Lysander_salamander: nice
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Yes!
TXC2: beowuuf well we got them in live action in strange new worlds, so it could happen....
Lysander_salamander: it has at least four lungs
Metric_Furlong: plants don't need lungs, Az
ThorSokar: If an orangataur has a baby which breasts produce milk?
Metric_Furlong: horseraddishes don't.
Juliamon: milk lines alllll the way down
beowuuf: @TXC2 even just as a DVD extra or a weird parallel reality joke in an episode!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @metric_furlong boo
TehAmelie: the horse poop feeds the flower, obvs
ThorSokar: hahaha, got it chambo2Notes
DrLigmaPhD: The mana-teets?
Lysander_salamander: why
iris_of_ether: Oh no
Lysander_salamander: but why though?
beowuuf: oh! the huge ma- nope, nm
TXC2: aren't manatees descended from the same animal as horses?
TehAmelie: meat folds by any other name. . .
wedge_x: manatatas
SquareDotCube: see, now you're going to get the portmanteau machine going again, remember last week?
DrLigmaPhD: Big Mana Milkers
Boopity: Manateats, the sequel to stalactits
DrLigmaPhD: No
Lysander_salamander: I've heard the new Mean Girls is a musical
iris_of_ether: Resets "Days since boob portmanteau" sign to 0
DrLigmaPhD: My partner described it as shit tier Heathers
Metric_Furlong: and thus for the second week in a row we return to 'marine life lactation partmanteaus'
ThorSokar: hahaha, what's the high-score on that sign iris_of_ether ?
beowuuf: @iris_of_ether oddly also the sign for days since last cdhc....
Syntheticuh: new mean girls is ... ok i guess?
DrLigmaPhD: @iris_of_ether You fool has it ever left 0?
SnackPak_: well, this show is only once a week...
EvilBadman: portiteau
Metric_Furlong: Squilk
DrLigmaPhD: Portmantit
Metric_Furlong: Squid-milk
Metric_Furlong: from squids
TehAmelie: somehow we neglected squid boobs completely
ThorSokar: sir, that is an Orangataur, not a monkey
Metric_Furlong: or possibly from Squipples
iris_of_ether: I think someone did say squitties
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @pandabub_0 no one. Orangutans are apes.
wedge_x: plant squilk
SpacePotato01: Um, actually, that's a Centaurangutang
DrLigmaPhD: That was also my fault
beowuuf: which stalactate
beowuuf: good highlight
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I mean, pigeons make milk in their gullet.
EvilBadman: Getting big King Louie vibes. Does this creature also sing "I wanna be like you?"
TXC2: EvilBadman yes, but as a ballad
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @evilbadman i wanna neigh like you? Trot like you?
beowuuf: @EvilBadman yes but only to my little ponies
EvilBadman: ces
SquareDotCube: canter like you
EvilBadman: Yes
TehAmelie: canter, trot, gallop like youuu
thedepthandbreadthofseth: How would king louie be at dressage?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I'm sorry Cori, i just think it's a sunflower growing out of a decapitated horse...
Metric_Furlong: qualitits
TehAmelie: i feel like he'd try to use the word "dressage" for clothes, like people trying to be fancy and fashion experts
ThorSokar: yep, that's going in the highlight reel
TXC2: sorry I was tabbed out
TXC2: what dark thing did Az need quoted?
wedge_x: that's some Annihilation stuff there Cori
beowuuf: qualitits not quantatits
HaphazardHaberdashery: it is a horse that always faces the sun
TehAmelie: i was just thinking of the flower and the mouse bit in Annihilaiton
SquareDotCube: always galloping towards the sun
TheAinMAP: @TXC2 I'll have a clip soon.
ThorSokar: oh, was this a Russian horse?
TXC2: TheAinMAP ok thanks
SquareDotCube: you know there should be more half-beasts where the lower half is a kangaroo or wallaby
TehAmelie: a dolphin that looks at you a little too closely. . .
TehAmelie: it does its own thing, but it's a great movie
ThorSokar: that seems extra dumb
Lysander_salamander: it's weird when they get embarrased to say the names.
Metric_Furlong: wait, they do? I've never seen it but did read it
Lysander_salamander: Like in the marvel shows
Metric_Furlong: no lighthouse keeper?!
SquareDotCube: budget Annihilation
Lysander_salamander: I need to read that book.
Metric_Furlong: @Lysander_salamander it's good
TehAmelie: i'm currently on stage 4 of reading the trilogy. it's kind of dense
Lysander_salamander: it's better than the movie?
TheAinMAP: @TXC2 Or metric furlong already got it.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hold on; Greek gods and heroes are canonically hot.
TehAmelie: correction, stage 5. that's rereading book 2
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I don't know about Percy Jackson specifically.
Lysander_salamander: I rather liked the first set of percy jackson books. I didn't read the series where he encountered the roman pantheon.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I've seen statues...
TXC2: !addquote (Az) [now] Tits are pretty quality.
LRRbot: New quote #8943: "Tits are pretty quality." —Az [2024-03-11]
TXC2: there we are
EvilBadman: some guy named homer made mad bank with his oc
beowuuf: having tea because thirsty?
Anubis169 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
Anubis169: 123 months of sub on the wall, 123 months of sub! A solar ray, I'm blown away, must be annihilation day!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Anubis169! (Today's storm count: 9)
beowuuf: lrrHORN
DrLigmaPhD: Hey I've seen reconstructions of those old statues. I'd clap Apollo's cheeks any damn day
TXC2: DrLigmaPhD and the rest of the cast of Gladiators? Kappa
TehAmelie: i understand Don Quixote was written in the last age before copyright laws and it had like 50 sequels that would be called fanfic now. . .
thedepthandbreadthofseth: In the 1800's, Franz Liszt got a long haired dog so he could respond to all the fan girls begging for a lock of 'his' hair.
Anubis169: I see your puritanical outrage, and raise you Aphrodite manAWW
Boopity: Half-jokingly and half-seriously: I need some more ugly representation in media :D
TXC2: just have Zeus be a goose
DrLigmaPhD: Zeus is a known shapeshifter
kimmiekoneko: i take a look at can't draw horses club and THIS is what i see?
beowuuf: @thedepthandbreadthofseth i only found that out recently thanks to the lateral podcast :D
Metric_Furlong: @kimmiekoneko yes, this is pretty normal by horse club standards
DrLigmaPhD: Or maybe more a notorious shapeshifter
ThorSokar: I mean, they just need to pay someone to work out for like 9 months, and do A LOT of steroids
wedge_x: every successful person I know in hollywood sprung forth from sea foam, it's true
Anubis169: archetypes?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Steve Buscemmi (sp?)?
kimmiekoneko: *takes off glasses* *suddenly hollywood actress*
Anubis169: the movie "She's All That"?
Metric_Furlong: it's true, I've met some of them
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hes a wonderful human.
TXC2: look up when Steve Buscemmi was a New York firefight, dude was hot
QuixoticScrivener: I love "weird" looking actors
TXC2: Firefighter
Syntheticuh: Younger Steve was like, objectively attractive. Have you seen the firefighter pic?
Syntheticuh: oh txc2 knows whats up lol
TXC2: Syntheticuh hell yeah
TehAmelie: i was rewatching Highlander the other day and it occurred to me Christopher Lambert would never be a leading man today
EvilBadman: Mr deeds
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I'll go for Anne Hathaway in Princess Diaries, btw.
HaphazardHaberdashery: he boardwalk he got legitimately terrifying
thedepthandbreadthofseth: He decides to shoot Bradley Whitford instead of Sandler in Billy Madison. That's the OG.
TXC2: TehAmelie or play raiden in the Mortal kombat movie :p
QuixoticScrivener: terrifying people can be hot
TXC2: Terrifying hot people = doms ?
Boopity: They even invented a word for it! Scaroused!
TehAmelie: was it Kafka who said "accused men are often attractive"?
ThorSokar: being scared is some people's fetish
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hollywood has a long history of evil is sexy/sexy=evil.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Didn't affect my sexuality at all though...
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Kappa
QuixoticScrivener: James Woods as Disney Hades is hot and terrifying.
ThorSokar: something something Mista J?
beowuuf: can't spell azking without az!
wedge_x: this better not awaken any horrors in me
beowuuf: that will be the last one... this hour :p
iris_of_ether: :D
TXC2: and yet here we are
Angnor33: Yeah, you can't keep doing that. You have to azk permission first.
HaphazardHaberdashery: aztually you can
thedepthandbreadthofseth: You try being a prepubescent boy seeing Michelle Pfeiffer in the Catwoman suit destroying everything with a whip and not be molded...
beowuuf: can't spell impazable without az!
ThorSokar: can't spell azumption without az?
SymphonicLolita: they ARE being charged, they have a sub!
iris_of_ether: Ablative chat member. Azblative.
Metric_Furlong: okay chat, enough. we get too many puns Az it is
beowuuf: @Angnor33 sergeJustRight
beowuuf: @Metric_Furlong :D
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Coulda been worse.. could have been danny devito.
TXC2: thedepthandbreadthofseth now there's a sexy man Kappa
TXC2: everybody is sexy
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hehehe he was the stripper at Monica's bachelorette party on friends 🤣🤣🤣
ThorSokar: I mean, lets try to think of something you could ask Danny DeVito to do where he would say no....
beowuuf: hawt
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @thorsokar disappoint audiences!
Metric_Furlong: @ThorSokar "hey, could you say the word 'no'?" Kappa
ThorSokar: haha
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Cori, are you catdogging your centaurs???
thedepthandbreadthofseth: One abomination per challenge!
beowuuf: run free! run happy little sunflentaur!
Boopity: I am not familiar with this pokemon
thedepthandbreadthofseth: It's like the worm that takes over snails, or cordiceps (sp?) fungi.
TXC2: Sunfelntaur, it's Grass/Ground type
ThorSokar changes the "Days Since Cori Had Drawn Nightmare Fuel" sign to 0
TehAmelie: cordyceps, i was just thinkin that too
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Cori-ceps.
beowuuf: @TXC2 i really was thinking it sounded like a pokemon :p
iris_of_ether: I mean, there's a cordiceps Pokemon already so
ThorSokar: Sun-Clops?
TehAmelie: parasitic sunflowers would be scary
TXC2: and yet they haven't done an electric eel pokemon :p
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Ehh, its attack of the killer tomatoes vibes for me, @tehamelie
SquareDotCube: we don't talk about the sunflowers from Radical Dreamers
SpoonfullOfSugar: it's a game in the chronotrigger serries
SquareDotCube: the adventure game between Chrono Trigger and Chron Cross
iris_of_ether: The video game Radical Dreamers?
TXC2: iris_of_ether maybe, I only know as far as gen6
TehAmelie: hmm what would be a centaur with some impressive natural defenses? i'm thinking electric eel/platypus
iris_of_ether: @txc2 Got it, I still play PoGo for some reason
SquareDotCube: @TehAmelie porcupine + horse
TehAmelie: platypuses have a potent neurotoxin in their hind leg spurs, you know
RockPusher: I kinda want to see the horror movie now where the parasitic horseflower seeds make it into the human food supply…
Metric_Furlong: @TehAmelie sadly, the legs in a centaur have to come from a horse
Lysander_salamander: What, like "Day of the Triffids?"
TehAmelie: and no other mammals were cool enough to think of having poison legs ;_;
TXC2: the most dangerous centaur would be the moose Python IMO
beowuuf: so the remaining sunflentaurs have consumed their hosts and taken root in the dirt, and are just watching the last of their kind devour its own host? cool, cool
TXC2: beowuuf it's a metaphor for Capitalism Kappa
beowuuf: everything is :p
ThorSokar: Needs speed lines, 'cause it races the sun
TehAmelie: when it finally takes root, they can no longer get fertilizer
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Metric_Furlong: bees!
RockPusher: escher3BUZZ escher3BEE escher3ANGRY escher3BUZZ
beowuuf: from a uk perspective this is so weird to be close to done!
TXC2: right chat I'm off
beowuuf: escher3BUZZ escher3BEE escher3BUZZ escher3BEE escher3ANGRY
RockPusher: 'night TXC2
beowuuf: night txc2!
Boopity: Good night @TXC2 !
TXC2: !goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Cori and Az
RockPusher: voxlunHydrate escher3SAFETY
beowuuf: sergeSipp sergeSipp sergeSipp sergeBuckets
RockPusher: sergeBuckets voxlunHydrate
beowuuf: my posture is terrible :(
Earthenone: !quote game art
LRRbot: Quote #2726: "YOU'RE the reason Firefly was canceled!" —Ian, to Heather [2016-06-01]
RockPusher confirms he has posture
beowuuf: my ostrich is great though
Boopity: I actually genuinely appreciate the posture check reminder of this song LUL
beowuuf: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3BUZZ
TehAmelie: meanwhile here's a cat in a box
beowuuf: escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3ANGRY escher3BUZZ
TehAmelie: a fish box
beowuuf: lol
beowuuf: the chill of the cat is quite cute
iris_of_ether: escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ
TehAmelie: clearly sleeping with the fishes is all the cat ever wanted
beowuuf: mob boss cat
beowuuf: wb
TehAmelie: hi again!
iris_of_ether: sponge73Wave
Metric_Furlong: Centaurs without human parts, do-dah, do-dah
TehAmelie: some lovely texturing on that by the way
ThorSokar: typical azdraggin' with az
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS
wedge_x: radioactive banana for scale
RockPusher: fugiBANANA voxlunGeiger escher3SAFETY
TehAmelie: no one's seen a human sized banana running around punching people
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS🍌 tiltyhYAS
RockPusher: wheelerBanana voxlunGeiger escher3SAFETY
DrLigmaPhD: Definitely not a secret lair called The Banana Hammock
TehAmelie: i think you'll see him before me
ThorSokar: I've seen Beej
RockPusher: Beej became a real boy
SquareDotCube: So that's why Beej can duplicate
SymphonicLolita: just like frosty, but sweatier
SymphonicLolita: I see...
SquareDotCube: No wait. Is Beej an unstable poltergeist?
iris_of_ether: Hence the Vaseline
SymphonicLolita: so frosty and beej are opposite ends of the dampness spectrum
EvilBadman: Believe in the beej that believes in you
ThorSokar: I think you could stop at "is beej unstable"
TehAmelie: it says vaseline on the tin, but has anyone ever proven it's not ectoplasm?
ThorSokar: exactly!
SquareDotCube: also explains the level 5 superjudge
EvilBadman: The vaseline is to maintain his silver boarder
ThorSokar: something only a Level 5 Super-Judge could be
SquareDotCube: possessed enough judges to gain enough knowledge
EvilBadman: border*
jokerzgrave: what gen of pokemon will feature one of these creations
Angnor33: Define 'a lot'
ThorSokar: for reference what is "a lot" in this case?
TehAmelie: i have caffeine candy, but i'm not sure if there's any caffeine in it. maybe i'll eat some more
Juliamon: mmmm
RockPusher: I can't get choc covered beans anymore
EvilBadman: grit
RockPusher: Haven't seen them available for many many years now
RockPusher: lrrAWW
ThorSokar: yea, the "dirt" is disgusting
ThorSokar: They have them in the store here RockPusher
Juliamon: I love to let the chocolate melt and then chew the bean
EvilBadman: good advice fodder there
Juliamon: "store"
EvilBadman: Ground into special coffee
SnackPak_: lrrFRUMP
ThorSokar: And then Serge made Coffee with it
Juliamon: Dery Luwak
TehAmelie: you could boil them for coffee right
SquareDotCube: reminds me of the elderly lady and chocolate covered peanuts joke
beowuuf: beej's mouth beans made some killer songs in the 70;'s
EvilBadman: We don't even play frisbee with the same disc
TheMerricat: Oh lord chat, I picked the wrong stream to join late... :D WTF is that sunflower.
wedge_x: beej's mouth beans could be like civit coffee
wedge_x: you're throwing away a fortune
EvilBadman: I insist on mouth catching
TehAmelie: they play frisbee, but not together, obvs
SnackPak_: Beejs are know for picking the best coffee beans
beowuuf: @TheMerricat it's cdhc... every time to join is the same :p that is a sunflentaur, or something like that
EvilBadman: non teeths
wedge_x: oh, I missed Julia's entirely better reference to same, my bad
ThorSokar: This is true, we haven't seen Az and PJ's leather room yet, lot to explore yet
AioliWashington: looks like an Oktabi Prince
TehAmelie: random trivia: every person has on average one unique species of bacteria in their bellybutton
ThorSokar: HAHAHA, hi Cori
TehAmelie: but we think mouths are unsanitary
ThorSokar: EXCELLENT, I look forward to your report
SymphonicLolita: "meet me after class"
beowuuf: perfectly average cdhc stream :p
ScrapyardGhostTrain: But it has to be an entire growlithe.
ThorSokar: Or Pokemon, but they're all Nigel from the Thornberries
munocard: Dugtrio on a Growlithe making a weird cerberus
ThorSokar: or NigelMon if you will
TehAmelie: Eevee with a Snorlax head
Juliamon: Houndoom
munocard: Boltund?
Metric_Furlong: Houndoom?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Hydreigon with dodrio heads.
ThorSokar: so, a Cerberous, aka the best boy from Hades
munocard: Lickitung on a Girafarig
SquareDotCube: gurgs luann
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Cut-&-shut pokémon on CDHC.
TehAmelie: wait is Gurren Lagann a centaur?
Metric_Furlong: no, it's an anime
munocard: Gurren Lagann is a Mecha Shiva
SquareDotCube: pumpkin bulbasaur
SquareDotCube: half catgirl, half cow. Animoo
Metric_Furlong: in that they are all animes, yes!
Metric_Furlong: we're on the same page!
Juliamon: but what if it WAS
munocard: oh no
ThorSokar: so, something Ian and Beej has an unusual fascination with?
munocard: SPOILERS
Metric_Furlong: oh no, she's on to something
RockPusher: tiltyhYAS
iris_of_ether: Cori no Cori why
ThorSokar: So, plug-suit pokemon?
TehAmelie: it smells like mommy. . .
SymphonicLolita: gives cori life, while taking cubone's mom's away
munocard: We don't talk about Jynx
iris_of_ether: Cori got there before I did
Metric_Furlong: Gendo Mimekari
ThorSokar: Is the plug-suit itself ALSO a pokemon?
SnackPak_: and then send that picture to Wheeler lrrBEEJ
SquareDotCube: and the smile stays the same
iris_of_ether: Consider this: Mr Mime as the EVA unit
ThorSokar: are there currently any pokemon you can wear?
Juliamon: well, if a Rotom went into it...
rentar42: vore-mon?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Gulpin.
iris_of_ether: Yeah Gulpin
SquareDotCube: Larvitar eats mountains (theorhetically)
TehAmelie: the sandcastle that swallows people? or is that just the LCL?
munocard: Does Kirby have an actual digestive system?
ThorSokar: chambo2Notes
EvilBadman: I was going to ask why are we not talking Digimon but most of those are humanoid enough
munocard: Asuka is a Pancham
ikanz_ygrathiszil: Is Kirby like a starfish with only one in/out hole?
rentar42: they prefer the term "Universal I/O"
SquareDotCube: more like sea cucumber with feet
ThorSokar: HAHAHA
TehAmelie: Yoshi is more like an Eva i think. swallows things and forces them to instantly evolve to eggs
Tobenamed1: i
rentar42: usb-k
Tobenamed1: what did i join to?
ThorSokar: oh yea, Kirby knows how to take it
EvilBadman: More like universal Poyo
Metric_Furlong: so do owls, and they have buttholes
ThorSokar: YES, no cowards
SquareDotCube: how do you think Kirby discards their power
Metric_Furlong: yes
RockPusher: Work Butthole and Leisure Butthole?
Tobenamed1: Im scared. I have never watched a cant draw horses club live and Im scared
munocard: He eats tomatoes and pastries
Metric_Furlong: which, by extension, would mean that Kirby has a cloaca
ThorSokar: Pac-Man is the pellets universe
TehAmelie: has anyone seen Kirby and Pac-Man together?
EvilBadman: Majestic art this day
SquareDotCube: @TehAmelie smash?
rentar42: pac-man is the story of the last survivor on a space station dealing with the loss of his four co-inhabitants and the ghosts that haunt him ...
ThorSokar: I mean, in Dr Mario it's 100% drugs
Lysander_salamander: which half?
munocard: That's just Double Dash
Lysander_salamander: Like, is the top half the kart?
EvilBadman: Hooves kicking up the blue sparks
TehAmelie: and if you ever mess up your drift, the horse breaks all legs
EvilBadman: Are transformers some sort of weird centaur
ThorSokar: what if we go the other way, and it's just a head mounted on a machine?
ThorSokar: so, Cyborg Mario Cart
Lysander_salamander: maybe beast machines
SquareDotCube: inverse centaurs?
munocard: I just go back to the Perry Bible Fellowship comic where a transformer changes while someone is riding in it and bad things happen.
wedge_x: transformers are not; gerwalk mode gets partial credit
beowuuf: @rentar42 .. so he's running from his ghosts as he walks around eat normal food pellets, but when he decides to wat the hallucinagenic pellets from the medicine cabinet he goes on a ghost eating rampage trying to consume his own survivor guilt?
EvilBadman: @munocard That was a gag on the clerks cartoon too
ThorSokar: so: do the stay the hight of the front OR do they stand up on the hind legs before everything else folds in and they're just REALLY tall?
beowuuf: @munocard they edited that out of the 80's cartoon :p
Lysander_salamander: so like that Elden ring boss, where it's giant mecha for the top half, and tiny horse underneath?
munocard: So, are we calling this a Centauranutan?
beowuuf: we are now
munocard: Centauragutan*
ThorSokar: I believe Az was going for "Majestic"
ThorSokar: HahaBall
Lysander_salamander: yay
TehAmelie: this show is certainly "more than a feeling"
ArdCollider: yooou put centaurs in my liiiiife/ you're the inspiraaation
EvilBadman: chicago
munocard: All else fails, it was Oasis
Metric_Furlong: musical, yes
EvilBadman: I mean 70s/80s band named after a town or state you were in the ballpark
beowuuf: very cool!
EvilBadman: Slap some Herbie Hancocks on em
ThorSokar: Gold-Stars for both!
LordZarano: Can't spell kazoo without az
Boopity: Instability only1
beowuuf: can't spell "that was a really cool stream, thank you az and cori" without az
TehAmelie: yaay
ThorSokar: wooooow
beowuuf: yay?
DrLigmaPhD: I'm angling to lose points
EvilBadman: yeah it only has a store on it
iris_of_ether: The blacklight one is rad
ThorSokar: Is Shrek avaliable?
ThorSokar: haha
iris_of_ether: Hahahaha
munocard: LONG SHREK
iris_of_ether: LONG SHREK
TheMerricat: Not a cult...
DrLigmaPhD: Shronkey, the Skrek Donkey Centaur
Lysander_salamander: shrek centipede?
wedge_x: loooong loooong shreeeeek
ThorSokar: Next show: LONG SHREK (as interpreted by our crack team of artists)
TehAmelie: Shreeeek
Lysander_salamander: Bye youtube!
TehAmelie: thanks for the show!
beowuuf: ghost!
iris_of_ether: foxmarCOMFY foxmarCOMFY foxmarCOMFY
iris_of_ether: Ooooh
beowuuf: most likely slideshows
RealGamerCow: Long Shrek IS a cursed pokemon
beowuuf: magic joaks
TehAmelie: is art turn based?
ThorSokar: Long Shrek has burst through the wall Cool-Aid Man style
munocard: Shrek magic cards
beowuuf: bye! thanks!
wedge_x: bye bob
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
ThorSokar: lrrHEART
RockPusher: escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ
beowuuf: bye bees!
Juliamon: I have been handed a chocolate by my sister
Juliamon: the wrapper says Choco Boom!
Juliamon: She did not read the wrapper the first time she ate one
Azralorne: does it boom?
Juliamon: It booms
Juliamon: (it has pop rocks)
Azralorne: Hah
Azralorne: Nice
TehAmelie: reminds me of a post i read earlier where someone complained about a cheese exploding and breaking their knife when they cut it
TehAmelie: with the aid of internet detecitves, they figured out they cut through a live wire that they thought was a good surface to cut the cheese on for unclear reasons
TehAmelie: the knife was one metal piece too. . .
SaxPython: MorphinTime SabaPing MorphinTime