GhostValv: sergePeek
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCrab lrrSIG
SergeYager: i hit wrong button
SergeYager: please disregard
r10pez10: *noted down forever&
SergeYager: ok, for real this time
r10pez10: huh, daylight savings change plus super early stream means i can watch some content before bed, wow
SergeYager: i was on the wrong show (MoC) instead of One More
joallthedogs: sergeHi
SergeYager: morning ropez :)
TheDevil_Risen: ok I am confused. twitter said it was AFK haha
StarShock2002: Hello stuntc1Lae
protojman: gmorning happy tuesday
joallthedogs: sergeSipp
TheDevil_Risen: haha bonus Serge :) hai
DrTeaSpoon: how dare you make mistakes lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
SergeYager: i never make mistakes (i said disreagrd, ergo didn't happen :P)
SergeYager: ERGO
Gen2Gengar: Hello Serge, hello chat! Time zones, am I right?
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Tuesday, LRR-friends!!! lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
GhostValv: happy time of day yall
turrikass subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
turrikass: 10, my god lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, turrikass! (Today's storm count: 1)
Gen2Gengar: It’s been a while since Serge’s last Noita stream
SergeYager: yuuuuup
DrTeaSpoon: I love this game. And every now and then find videos about it where the people completely mispronounce the names of things because they are in Finnish.
F1SHOR subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, F1SHOR! (Today's storm count: 2)
TheAinMAP: sergeHi
F1SHOR: wow i was just headed to bed was not expecting this :)
Gadora: illHi
GhostValv: despite all evidence, I'm awake :)
Didero subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
Didero: Because of DST this is actually one hour less than 58 months, that's how time works, right? And thanks to @beowuuf for my sub gift!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Didero! (Today's storm count: 3)
Didero: Good afternoon!
An anonymous user is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community!
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to Blastdas!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, AnAnonymousGifter! Welcome to Blastdas! (Today's storm count: 4)
Didero: This game is a chaos simulator, right?
QuixoticScrivener: middle screen!
joallthedogs: Smash The State!
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
Didero: What's the three bars at the top right?
MehallD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
MehallD: ABC!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MehallD! (Today's storm count: 5)
TheDevil_Risen: wow is it micro stuttering or is that me?
Didero: It looks like some weird screenshake, yeah, @TheDevil_Risen
Mazrae: Morning Serge just want to let you know I got timberborn last night because of you and I'm also watching your vods of the game to help me figure out some of the basics
DrTeaSpoon: technicality police: you are not a wizard, you are a witch. Noita literally translates to witch. But in Finnish folk lore it is non-gendered word.
joallthedogs: @Mazrae sergeJustRight
TheDevil_Risen: much better
Didero: Better, thanks
Mischievous_Catgeist: sergeLurk
TheDevil_Risen: thanks, that was setting my eyes off :) <3
Didero: @DrTeaSpoon What's the difference between a witch and a wizard?
DrTeaSpoon: I think the witch is more closer to voodoo doctor kind of thing. while wizard is more literate.
joallthedogs: audio sounds good so far
DrTeaSpoon: noita communes with spirits or nature etc.
Didero: That makes sense, thanks DrTeaSpoon
Didero: Can you also dig through walls?
Thisbymaster: fire burning everything
Magnumsrule: Noita is so unforgiving XD
Zandivya: The certainty of death by explosion
Didero: a-noita attempt
DrTeaSpoon: word for wizard is 'velho' but that only really came into literature when translating foreign works like tolkien etc.
Gen2Gengar: @didero You can dig with the proper spells
Thisbymaster: meatballs?
Xenorath: hello
DrTeaSpoon: not swedish, Finnish
Xenorath: its Finnish
Xenorath: Finnish game devs
shendaras: The way the environment changes is pretty great.
turrikass: as a Finn, i was almost upset
Didero: What's the goal of the game? Just go down as far as you can?
Gen2Gengar: I have a rock, I have an island
turrikass: Swedes are great tho
CAKHost: Ooo fire fun!
Bassios: If there's lots of Finnish in this, I might have to get it. I've been trying to learn Finnish on Duolingo
DrTeaSpoon: we have love hate relationship with our Swedish neighbors
Didero: @DrTeaSpoon In that you love to hate 'em? :p
Magnumsrule: i once had a noita run end because my spell made poison fall from everywhere permanently
Gen2Gengar: We haven’t even gone into the spell mechanic of the game
shendaras: but it's shiny
TehAmelie: just like Sonic!
DrTeaSpoon: We are required to learn Swedish in Finland as it is our second official language. I doubt 10% can string together a sentence unless you live close to the border.
joallthedogs: how many kicks does it have?
TehAmelie: you kick him and money comes out
Zandivya: @joallthedogs keep kicking and find out ramaLul
Gadora: Oh, do you go for fungal shifts, out of curiosity?
joallthedogs: a lot of different fluids in this game
Arakasi01: Large number of viewers incoming btw
DrTeaSpoon: do you know about the fungus? if you eat enough random one material is globally swapped with another. you can get lucky or incredibly unlucky. if you hold a potion ,the swap may be with the material held in your potion
daWAFFLERwuzheer subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, daWAFFLERwuzheer! (Today's storm count: 6)
NightValien28: ah noita serge stream eh
joallthedogs: Noita after dst change feels like extra hard mode
SaxTheSaxophone: dnkM dnkM dnkM
AndrewKovnat: dnkSlurp
ThyDentar: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkPeek dnkPeek
1477 raiders from DunkOrSlam have joined!
drive_7471: Hello
Snipatomic: dnkMM
Johnnyb360: dnkM dnkM
Bottle_brush: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
flexcoral: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
Yugemosmi: dnkMM
uncle1119: !2000
delyria: dnkMM dnkM dnkMM
mjokfox: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
youGotToB3: dnkSlurp
TheSoupNaz: dnkM
sharkjr3239: MOIST RAID dnkM
LawieBloom: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
azmenor: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
Sharpy796: Howdy!!!
moldysausage: dnkMM
Lasiace: dnkMM
Teh_Weltschmerz: dnkM dnkMM
Alicendre: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
4santa: dnkSlurp
Ephemeris__: dnkMM dnkMM
Sirvelin: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
Senaattori: Pog
Lynchmob24: dnkMM
lordkisamii: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
delirious323: dnkLove dnkLove dnkLove dnkLove dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
LawieBloom: dnkM
Razrquine: dnkMM dnkLove
sdaniaal: dnkSub dnkMM dnkM dnkMM dnkSub
TanksyPlays: dnkMM
fuzzlepop: dnkMM
delyria: dnkMM dnkM dnkSlurp dnkSlurp
venik_v_shtanax: dnkM dnkM dnkM
katievssimps: dnkM dnkM
r3mavix: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
Kayleion: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
Dauming: dnkM
shamwhoa: dnkMM dnkMM
SimpleBananaa: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
Bottle_brush: Yooooooo!
Aserinyc: dnkM dnkPeek
iLoveYhou: cryptRock
wabbatan: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
SaxTheSaxophone: dnkM dnkM
KookieBreed: dnkMM
KkCreator: dnkMdnkMdnkM
MonkeMan0468: dnkM
Mannels: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
nohugsforyou1: dnkSlurp dnkM
VirtualButt_: SNAIL RAID <3
Photokinetic01: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
hey_allen: dnkSlurp
maito1794: dnkMM
metalmigo: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
roguefalcon43: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
KorGalum: dnkMM dnkMM
0rangemoose: dnkSnail
Rtype: dnkMM
DerpyFoxKit: dnkM
RedKelly_: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
wolfy_502: dnkMM
WizenP: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
drive_7471: dnkMM
juoffi: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail
mohtmo: RAIDDD
GreenlyTheSquirrel: dnkMM dnkMM dnkM dnkM
zenwalker_: dnkM
Mannels: dnkMM
teh60: dnkM dnkMM dnkM dnkMM
FilbertGillis: dnkMM
li_en4: dnkMM
Grenadian666: dnkMM dnkMM
Xeanthorn: There is a little raid incoming
Kudah: dnkM
Geron3: dnkM
Kayleion: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
delyria: dnkM dnkMM dnkM dnkBest dnkBest dnkBest
Conga_Lyne: conga0Sip conga0Sip conga0Sip conga0Sip conga0Sip conga0Sip conga0Sip
KillebrewCB: dnkMM dnkM dnkMM dnkM dnkMM dnkM
joallthedogs: lrrSERGE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Henners01: dnkM dnkM
Sir_Shadow_Blade: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
maito1794: dnkSlurp
pood707: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
Yugemosmi: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
delyria: dnkBuhee dnkBuhee dnkBuhee
lordkisamii: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
sextuplenegative: dnkMM
sharkjr3239: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
sdaniaal: dnkM dnkMM dnkSub dnkMM dnkM
auillolo02: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
mysterywavi: dnkMM
RedEight: dnkM
TerribleArt: dnkMM
tyrsredritehand: sergePrideLove lrrSHINE
mattiokallio1: dnkM
Cakengrad: dnkM dnkM dnkM
sdooweloc314: Howdy serge!
ThyDentar: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
A_Random_Jea: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
Kayleion: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
VentusMucro: dnkM
helunix: dnkM
Bioautomaton: dnkMM dnkM dnkMM
Mannels: dnkMM dnkMM
Razrquine: dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail
mrsnoots: dnkM dnkBuhee dnkYo SWEATY TIME
gardvar: dnkAstley dnkAstley dnkAstley
cessau: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
HayzeyBoy: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
delyria: dnkM dnkMM dnkMM dnkM
SaxTheSaxophone: Hello!!
Abchiptop: dnkMM dnkM
DonkeShow: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
Kayleion: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
ailoops: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
sdaniaal: dnkSub dnkMM dnkM dnkMM dnkSub
Gnarsen: dnkSlurp dnkSlurp dnkSlurp dnkSlurp dnkSlurp dnkSlurp
baltimore_667083: morning raiders!
TheSoupNaz: Amazing
Kirkei: dnkMM
thilicynweb: dnkM
Cosmo_XVII: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
Sirvelin: dnkMM dnkMM
BuyWard: dnkM
delirious323: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
modern__pizza: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
Kaj_VIII: dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail SNAIL RAID dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail
bitter_olive: dnkM
TerribleArt: Well!
twoskysw: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
mohtmo: dnkM
joallthedogs: Welcome!
AndrewKovnat: dnkM
Senaattori: tone82Hype
sdaniaal: dnkM dnkMM dnkSub dnkMM dnkM
Gamerweed: dnkM
modern__pizza: dnkMM dnkMM dnkM
0rangemoose: 57 hour stream ended
TehAmelie: ohaio
Hatcher_numbers: Bald man has done it
Taunt_7: dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail
drive_7471: aliasbAdass
sextuplenegative: dnkSlurp dnkSlurp
girlwithafatbeard: dnkM
Ventusol: dnkMM dnkMM To protect the world from dehydration, to unite all sweatlings within our nation dnkMM dnkMM To denounce the evils of dry and rough, to extend our reach to the moist above! dnkMM dnkMM Chase, Chat! DunkOrSlam raiding your stream at the speed of light! dnkMM dnkMM Sweat now or prepare to fight! (Yeehaw, that’s right!) dnkMM dnkMM
BardoHD: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM \
kalira77: hello frens
DiabloDeDuivel: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
LuizMiguel0012: dnkM
Mannels: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
okarynr: SIUUUU
venik_v_shtanax: dnkPop dnkMM dnkPop
cessau: the most adventure adventure adventure ever!!!!
Kayleion: dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkAstley dnkAstley dnkAstley dnkAstley dnkAstley
delirious323: 50 HOUR STREAM OVER
FactoryUpgrade: he’s asleep
twoskysw: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM 󠀀
LordHeron: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
lordkisamii: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
KkCreator: dnkMdnkM
nohugsforyou1: dnkMM dnkM dnkSlurp
gardvar: hhhiii
Photokinetic01: dnkPop dnkPop dnkPop dnkPop dnkPop dnkPop dnkPop dnkPop dnkPop dnkPop dnkPop dnkPop dnkPop
Kayleion: dnkAstley dnkAstley dnkAstley dnkAstley dnkAstley dnkAstley
K_DaK: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
Gamerweed: dnkMM
Alicendre: coming from 57 hours of noita
monarrr: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM
ThyDentar: the 58 hour run has ended, we are here
unirest: dnkMM
metalmigo: dnkMM
Bottle_brush: dnkBest dnkBest dnkMM dnkMM dnkPop dnkLove dnkLove
FactoryUpgrade: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
sdaniaal: dnkSub dnkM dnkMM dnkM dnkSub
chaos_maximus_: dnkHappy
drive_7471: dnkAstley
Xed_Regulus: sergeHi sergeWelcome sergeFriend
vizardrob: legit
sharkjr3239: 57
moiradios: dnkSnail dnkSnail dnkSnail
zed_ployd: we are coming from dunk or slam
joallthedogs: holy moly!
nohugsforyou1: 57
Invitare: oh that's a lot of people
GhostValv: wowie
duke1102: LUL
sdaniaal: dnkM dnkMM dnkSub dnkMM dnkM
gardvar: closer to 60
FactoryUpgrade: good night canada man
r10pez10: welcome, raiders!
4santa: 0 to 100% unlocks in one stream
fuzzlepop: first 100% speedrun
SaxTheSaxophone: He did a %100 run
delyria: dnkMM dnkMM dnkMM dnkM
arthualpaca: 57 hours 100% progress run
chai0298: the guy who raised you is pretty new asl well
zed_ployd: 100%
garlicwaffle451: Show us your progress :))))
duke1102: 7 hours of sleep!
vizardrob: 100% everything run
Metric_Furlong: that seems like too many hours
cessau: 57 HOURS 45 MINUTES!!!!!
hey_allen: 100% perks, spells, enemies run
FilbertGillis: 100 progress in one run
sharkjr3239: 100% run
girlwithafatbeard: 57 hours of Noita (with 7 hour nap)
0rangemoose: he has ascended
delirious323: 100% IN ONE RUN
li_en4: Don't ask
TrrrrBrrr: he did take a nap
Lasiace: he did 100% in one run
Palindromes12321: dnkYo dnkYo dnkYo hello!
drive_7471: Chase slept on the middle of it
joallthedogs: tqsClap
Dellyflo613: determination
Abchiptop: 57 hours, 7 were sleep, 17 lost to the first two runs so a 33 hour 100% run
Stephfei: 57 hours trying to get everything under Progress
twoskysw: 100% unlock speed run
sdaniaal: 100% speedrun
DarthRagnar815: waoS
TwiNaga: dnkM
nohugsforyou1: 100% achievement in one stream
joallthedogs: they gaming!
sheeplejorma: with 2x Minä kills
charlesdogson: How ? Insanity, and autism
delyria: it was Crazy
TheSoupNaz: Lol
ailoops: slept 7hrs so 50hrs
microwave_brothr: mwbrotKEK
Deoxippus: lol "speedrun"
TaIanvor: no Kappa
vizardrob: KEKW
TwiNaga: "Good" copyThis
iLoveYhou: he good
r3mavix: You better be good or else...
Xeanthorn: def one of the best if not the best
garlicwaffle451: No one said good
EU2Joker: Just 5 years of practice.
drive_7471: Chase slept, it wasn't 50 hours awake
joallthedogs: We're just getting started today
chai0298: he’s not that good
sharkjr3239: "speedrun" is an interesting way to put it
Photokinetic01: Your turn for 100% run now
tw1stf: don't worry he's bald
Dellyflo613: just crazy
flexcoral: yeah "good"
Yugemosmi: its all good, it was his 2000th win
scarlakx: I’m sure you can beat that time
ailoops: speedrun is a stretch ;p
VladimirKagamin: no pressure :)
AndrewKovnat: likely
Abchiptop: yes.
Pekkee26: paulinpeliNoita
twoskysw: yes
Ventusol: He's a noita addict, today he was doing an event to 100% the spells enemies ect. not exactly a speedrun, just a challenge run muffjeSip
sextuplenegative: works for me
Mr_Presiden1: We expect god tier playing DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Gumbaro: Yes
girlwithafatbeard: @LoadingReadyRun You have people who wrote with Noita wiki in here.
Bioautomaton: Chainsaw wrapping time?
scubadreamer: works for me
MajimaHugo: Yes
Shadowsnog: eh Kappa
Alicendre: you have the beginner's charm :D
worstnoobgamer: KEKW
r3mavix: Canadian? Skills are expected /j
Ephemeris__: 🇨🇦 🤘
TwiNaga: "Good" is an interesting way to put it. Kappa
joallthedogs: wow!
SaxTheSaxophone: Nice KEKEW
lordkisamii: dnkM dnkM dnkM dnkM
nohugsforyou1: nah this is a hard game just have fun and do something cool in the game
Bottle_brush: Death%
TanksyPlays: tanksyJAM tanksyJAM tanksyJAM
ThyDentar: several people who wrote the noita wiki
eillera: we will accept not as bald as dunk
TwiNaga: @LoadingReadyRun No pressure! :D
two_frame: depends on if you're french canadian
cessau: 57 hours 45 minutes means round up to 58 hours!
daWAFFLERwuzheer: He got that maple syrup rizz
r10pez10: no pressure, serge!
Conga_Lyne: You have the peak of the noita community here
chai0298: you’ve been streaming 20 mins so you have about 56 hours to beat him
QuixoticScrivener: Wait, Serge is Canadian? I thought he was an AI chatbot!
sdaniaal: dnkBlessed dnkWing
Sharpy796: Nah, I love watching newer players
Metric_Furlong: be skilled or be Canadian, the duality of humanity
arthualpaca: Have fun
delyria: dnkHug dnkHug dnkHug
sharkjr3239: dnkLove
ChocoBaer: No worries, we like to see all sorts of gameplay
DapperSloth: nothing to worry aboot
ailoops: canadian? aliasbot levels of skills HahaBall
kindred_other: Hi
EnchantedLunaAC: crafty151Cr dnkM
Dauming: dnkNoted have you ever heard Les Frignants? the french canadian band?
Mr_Presiden1: Victoria australia??
twoskysw: no pressure
hey_allen: *waves* Was just south of you for years, then.
chai0298: dnkLove
vizardrob: tpanimeYGOcreepy love me some Noita
kindred_other: Free Palestine
Com3nd: what got you into noita
Yugemosmi: Everyone is bad at noita at some point
gardvar: Poutine eh?
arthualpaca: Don't back sit too much guys, this is not Dunk stream
TanksyPlays: tanksyJAM tanksyJAM tanksyJAM good luck with the noita runs tanksyVIBE tanksyVIBE tanksyVIBE
yurvurst_knightmer: he didn't do the 100% challenge smh
joallthedogs: we've been playing different rogue-likes
girlwithafatbeard: !consume
twoskysw: this guy understand
two_frame: @Yugemosmi does anyone ever actually get good
nohugsforyou1: dnkLove dnkLove
m0k0z: He gets it..!
AndrewKovnat: the complexity is hidden by the simple graphics
cessau: that was wholesome enthusiam
garlicwaffle451: The meta is !uguu
tw1stf: that sounds like a good goal
Lynchmob24: Chainsawwrapping
girlwithafatbeard: Have you won before?
r3mavix: So nice to see other noita players. Just know the game is more than "Kill the boss"
AltEkko: every pixel is simulated and it's always satisfying
escrimd: meta is big damage
charlesdogson: @Dauming Fringants maybe ?
Alicendre: generally going slow and trying to get as much as you can from the first stage is a good idea
ThyDentar: someone in chat explain chainsaw wrapping in more words than dunk
flexcoral: @LoadingReadyRun Chainsaw wrapping is meta
Yugemosmi: @two_frame nope, just less bad
Birdy_Cloud: if u can make it work and if it works, that's the meta
DiabloDeDuivel: chainsawwrapping
Sharpy796: t a b l e t
PinkFluffin: show your progress
nohugsforyou1: @thydentar impossible
ailoops: free Palestine DinoDance stop the insanity <3
garlicwaffle451: yess tablet meta lol
AltEkko: The Meta is spell wrapping
Abchiptop: resources are meta.
arthualpaca: My Meta is have fun. So I have 800 L and 2 W
tsume_the_wolf: but do you know the awesome power of chainsaw @LoadingReadyRun ??
ThyDentar: @nohugsforyou1 true, I set expectations too high
xzaktly: Oh man, love Serge and LRR. Always wonderful content
two_frame: You could have used your fire stone to burn the wood btw ;)
girlwithafatbeard: @LoadingReadyRun chat would like to introduce you to their lord and savior, chainsaw wrapping
delyria: @thydentar that possible??
scarlakx: boomerang spells meta
Dauming: @LoadingReadyRun have you ever listened to Les Cowboys Fringants? They are a french canadian band that i absolutely love dnkLove
gardvar: That's respectable
manmoth47: i beat the tutorial and quit LUL
ScrotieMacBoogerballs: Time for the sun quest
AndrewKovnat: the beta branch is still being updated, has some things missing in main
two_frame: So no PWs yet I assume?
fuzzlepop: backseating, yes or no
Bioautomaton: Sounds like you're ready to meddle with celestial bodies LUL
Gen2Gengar: no
joallthedogs: this is our warm up run
hey_allen: do you want tips/backseating at all, or should we bite our tongues? I've only beaten it once, definitely not a master.
chai0298: WUOTING
r10pez10: generally no unless they ask
r3mavix: Ooh still a beginner. When Sun quest? Dark sun quest? Supernova? Parallel worlds? 34 Orbs? God runs?
AltEkko: buy tutorial do you mean your first win
SaxTheSaxophone: Alright he knows enough we can help him to get the sun quest
sharkjr3239: WUOTING
fuzzlepop: @r10pez10 o7
duke1102: Protip: Don't use the Twitch Integration feature in the game until you have played the game on your own for a bunch and gotten familiar with the mechanics and such.
nohugsforyou1: @altekko yeah
r10pez10: cheers y'all
twoskysw: nice
garlicwaffle451: Are you on the beta?
scubadreamer: cheers!
sharkjr3239: good wand
delyria: Sweet
nohugsforyou1: POGGIES
joallthedogs: tqsClap
TheMerricat: Oh don't worry no one trusts chat here, twitch integration is off. :D
PsychoI3oy: now you have a machine gun, ho ho ho
two_frame: much better
twoskysw: best damage wand in 1st floor
Dauming: ahh yes, tan mines wand my beloved
Cunobelenos: sergeJustRight
Alicendre: do you want backseating or would you rather discover things on your own?
Abchiptop: hell yeah early machine gun
Dauming: always generates amazingly, that wand PogChamp
Sharpy796: Big damage: Acquire
Abchiptop: spitter is shorter range but nice damage output
Sharpy796: Meta: Acquired
Gen2Gengar: Alicendre no back seating
nohugsforyou1: 10/7 for the win
AndrewKovnat: I think you're underselling yourself you're playing pretty well
chaos_maximus_: Note, there is a beta branch with a bunch of new stuff added in the last year
garlicwaffle451: byyee i havent slept in like 30 hrs
DrTeaSpoon: death prediction: self inflicted explosion
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah please no backseating unless Serge directly asks chat, thank you for asking first :)
Bioautomaton: Honestly doing better than I often do at dodging the toxic chip
fuzzlepop: nice chunk of gold
arthualpaca: nope
daWAFFLERwuzheer: Looks away for a minute and now he has a gun
duke1102: Oh yeah, @garlicwaffle451 makes a good point. I'd STRONGLY recommend playing on the beta branch of Noita, it has a whole lot of bugfixes and stability stuff not in the main branch, also a bunch of new content, but guess that's not as important right now.
AltEkko: sort of but you have to kill a boss
two_frame: @DrTeaSpoon I predict propane tank
tw1stf: there's a website that shows the full map, but it's a lot of spoilers
Bioautomaton: Nice shop
AltEkko: the real map is on a website
joallthedogs: @duke1102 that's exciting!
sharkjr3239: black hole nice
DrTeaSpoon: since when there were propane tanks?
flexcoral: here is map for you
two_frame: black hole is VERY good indeed
clearly2: you can turn off screen shake in options
twoskysw: triplicate is ok early too
sharkjr3239: telepog
morgoth_bauglyr: You can turn off camera shake afaik
Lynchmob24: Turn that down it doesn't mean nothing
DrTeaSpoon: It has been long time since I last played but never seen propane tanks
gardvar: a timer is almost as good as a trigger. You can reduce screen shake
yalc321: More one?
TrrrrBrrr: shakes are normal, it's good to turn them way down in the settings
escrimd: mid perks
PinkFluffin: teleportitis is amazing
scubadreamer: peace for sure
tw1stf: teleportitis is a perk everyone takes once
twoskysw: peace or rerol
AltEkko: the last ones only good for Speed runs
sharkjr3239: i agree peace or reroll
azmenor: peace any time
Sharpy796: gosh I thought you were gonna take it
Abchiptop: teleport dodge > teleportitis
arthualpaca: Everyone takes once, but only Once
two_frame: There is a way to cast infinite black holes, if you want a minor spoiler
flexcoral: huge mistake incoming?
BardoHD: Backseating allowed?
r10pez10: no backseating please unless he asks
TheMerricat: !backseat
LRRbot: Please refrain from backseat gaming unless the streamer asks for help. The streamer wants to play the game the way they want. Feel free to discuss tactics in chat or with the mods.
Yolksyb13: Very new to the game, can't get past 3rd zone @LoadingReadyRun any tips?
twoskysw: you have blackhole, peace is just ok
Conga_Lyne: heh.....
DrTeaSpoon: if you buy the shock wand, I want to change my death prediction
escrimd: aint that easy
mrsnoots: good luck dood, but igotta sleep o7
EMCQable: I think you can skip the mountain collapsing with the timer spell and the return spell
sharkjr3239: please help yolksyb13 hes never gotten a win ever
chai0298: @yolksyb13 HUHH KEKW
PinkFluffin: @Yolksyb13 somebody help him D:
two_frame: @escrimd shh he said let him mess it up a bit before spoilers ;)
escrimd: k
TheMerricat: For those who came in and aren't familiar with LLR, it's a group channel. Serge is one of many folk who stream on this channel.
Yolksyb13: PoroSad i need tips im dying constantly
twoskysw: you do have peace with god
two_frame: Just don't dig into the HM, you can shoot left safely now
Abchiptop: peace with the gods would prevent that
chai0298: take it slow
morgoth_bauglyr: surprise Noitaserge
WizenP: peace with gods nulls that
sextuplenegative: @Yolksyb13 fr?
AltEkko: you could get peace with gods
nohugsforyou1: @themerricat oh cool thanks
gardvar: @Yolksyb13 best tip I have is.. don't
scubadreamer: peace with the gods will prevent them from getting angry
two_frame: Okay now dig right :D
twoskysw: yep you can dig now
r10pez10: class serge angered the gods
Yolksyb13: @sextuplenegative yep dnkSad
r10pez10: *classic
sharkjr3239: @Yolksyb13 have you considered not getting hit?
Abchiptop: you can dig out and now you won’t make the gods angry
two_frame: Out of mana
DrTeaSpoon: not enough mana
twoskysw: not enough mana
AltEkko: not enough Mana
duke1102: @Yolksyb13 LUL I recommend asking jaytothejee for help!
Yolksyb13: @sharkjr3239 dnkAnime
Bioautomaton: @Yolksyb13 Just remember, it's not always a speed run to the end dnkSmug
two_frame: Shuffle wand ;)
TrrrrBrrr: watch out with that
Yolksyb13: @duke1102 dnkBuhee
two_frame: @TrrrrBrrr he has peace with gods
twoskysw: Nope
gardvar: could you have camera bottom right so we can see the wands?
DrTeaSpoon: computer says no
morgoth_bauglyr: getting free casts need very specific spells
AltEkko: no, certain spells allow you to cast empty limited spells
scubadreamer: you’ll get 3 again in the next holy mountain with the spell refresh
morgoth_bauglyr: like greek letter spells
sharkjr3239: @Yolksyb13 i know its not something many people think of, kind of an advanced strat for the most elitest of noiters dnkDuck
MajimaHugo: bottom right
sextuplenegative: @Yolksyb13 Are you not THE yolk that hold the speedrun records? Or perhaps Dunk's 60 hour livestream melted your brain? dnkHuh dnkOhNo
Didero: Now the game screen got resized
gardvar: Awesome! thanks <3
Gadora: Putting it on the right broke some things.
chai0298: no that’s a different guy
two_frame: The mana probably wouldn't be enough anyways because the wand is 180 mana, black hole costs 180 mana but you're spending 30 on the lumi drill. That said, this isn't how you get infinite black holes anyways haha
escrimd: wa
DrTeaSpoon: Why do you call it 'noiters'?
nohugsforyou1: there are ways to unlimitedly cast limited spells dnkWINK
gardvar: oh! yeeeah
TrrrrBrrr: Pog
Gen2Gengar: The video isn’t framed in the game
TheMerricat: Douible vision! It's lilke I'm wearing my bifocals. :D
MajimaHugo: @sextuplenegative no, he's Dunk's alt account
two_frame: Oh nvm i think BH costs 130
NERVOUSHAIR: noita, everything is borked
Yolksyb13: I'm dying to snowy enemies constantly please send help PoroSad im undar da water
sharkjr3239: black hole is 180 mana
joallthedogs: sergeJustRight
Magnumsrule: yes wonderful
gardvar: Sorry for messing up your layout
Sharpy796: Bingo!
sextuplenegative: @MajimaHugo Knew it; jabaited
ellwycco_ne_zakon: I went to shop idid Dunk finish 100% run?
twoskysw: is this on beta or main?
PinkFluffin: @ellwycco_ne_zakon yes
two_frame: @twoskysw I assume main
Bioautomaton: Wish I could stick around and watch but I've slept even less than Dunk did during that run. Have fun
ellwycco_ne_zakon: @PinkFluffin thanks
gardvar: @ellwycco_ne_zakon yes
Anubis169: !!!
joallthedogs: @Bioautomaton later!
duke1102: Chat, I'm out of weed. :(
NERVOUSHAIR: main branch.
Anubis169: Noita!
ellwycco_ne_zakon: @gardvar thanks [2
Asoxa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Asoxa! (Today's storm count: 7)
TheMerricat: Night/Morning! @Bioautomaton have a good sleep!
cessau: lol
joallthedogs: @Anubis169 morning!
Dellyflo613: @ellwycco_ne_zakon go get cosmetic in his chat before bot is closed
morgoth_bauglyr: you can dig somewhat with triplicate
two_frame: definitely recommend switching to beta branch. many performance improvements, new spells, and quality of life improvements
Anubis169: Serge you are my hero of the day. This is one of my faves <3
ellwycco_ne_zakon: @Dellyflo613 how?
DeadByFleshIight: i like the all seeing eye especially for the fungal
cessau: lol
Sylenctone subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
Sylenctone: Oh hey! A button!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sylenctone! (Today's storm count: 8)
BardoHD: the devs came back
TrrrrBrrr: a bunch of new stuff
Abchiptop: the devs came back last year
twoskysw: the dev returned
sextuplenegative: 'tis alive and well
nohugsforyou1: 77 month sub that’s impressive
two_frame: Yep, the devs were away for a while but they returned recently
AltEkko: they've been releasing new stuff in the beta for a year I'm sure they'll eventually release it
gardvar: True story
sheeplejorma: 114 months what the actual sheepdog
nohugsforyou1: damn 114 months?
Anubis169: They did a Dead Cells on it
NERVOUSHAIR: they said they stopped updates. and then they started updating even more.
Abchiptop: there’s like two new bosses and new biomes and whatnot
DeadByFleshIight: all seeing eye
AltEkko: all seeing eye
ellwycco_ne_zakon: @Dellyflo613 I see !2000 , thanks x2
twoskysw: I would get trigger and return
TrrrrBrrr: !wands
two_frame: Return can be nice very situationally
Dellyflo613: @ellwycco_ne_zakon you're welcome
cessau: put it on damage wand?
joallthedogs: oooh, maybe next Tuesday we can check out the beta
Anubis169: on a spare wand
NERVOUSHAIR: return is too hard
Alicendre: you have 3 damage wands right now, you only need one
gardvar: timer
cessau: idk anywhere really
twoskysw: the timer
PinkFluffin: third wand could be replaced with eye seeing
Yolksyb13: use the recharge skip tech
Anubis169: the clock one
DeadByFleshIight: the bubble is good it stuns flying enemies
two_frame: I recommend blowing through that right wall with a black hole instead of going through normally. That way you can come back and edit wands
TrrrrBrrr: with peace of the gods you can lumie dig out, but it will take a while
chai0298: wrap the chainsaw and add mamas
nohugsforyou1: 114 months is almost ten years…. has Twitch even existed that long?? dang
TehAmelie: they mentioned the beta is more stable too, sounds like a straight upgrade?
Abchiptop: they don’t go away when they run out of charges - they recharge when you get the green diamond in the mountain
NERVOUSHAIR: has he met steve yet?
cessau: lol
NERVOUSHAIR: oh he met steve
cessau: good night! the sleep deprivation is making me loopy
joallthedogs: @cessau night!
DrTeaSpoon: he made friends with steve
Sarah_Serinde: @nohugsforyou1 LRR started streaming on Twitch 146 months ago and got parterned 127 months ago :)
zed_ployd: whats the seed?
twoskysw: nice
TrrrrBrrr: the green laser thing can cut through it as well
morgoth_bauglyr: you made your way out!
morgoth_bauglyr: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
twoskysw: KEKW
DeadByFleshIight: do not kick it
PinkFluffin: were edging
TehAmelie: so edgy
DrTeaSpoon: f to kick :)
DeadByFleshIight: LUL
Dellyflo613: the gods got tired of you ruining their home
Krillin_fan: kick it!
NERVOUSHAIR: bets on if this kills him?
nohugsforyou1: RIP inc
morgoth_bauglyr: i think we want to kick it
joallthedogs: sounded suspicious
twoskysw: doit ArgieB8
nohugsforyou1: kick it
BardoHD: Kick it!
nohugsforyou1: AND I KICK HER SIR
zenwalker_: show us what it does
DrTeaSpoon: new prediction: death by kicking a stone
DeadByFleshIight: first time here, how much we allowed to say about stuff?
TheMerricat: !backseat
LRRbot: Please refrain from backseat gaming unless the streamer asks for help. The streamer wants to play the game the way they want. Feel free to discuss tactics in chat or with the mods.
TehAmelie: runestones are never harmless. you know, except in real life
r10pez10: no backseating unless asked, please!
two_frame: Ah its weird now seeing lava fall into slime and not react LUL theres some new chemical reactions on beta as well
nohugsforyou1: !backseat
joallthedogs: I predict death by out-of-nowhere snipe.
twoskysw: nice
duke1102: @Sarah_Serinde So kinda like right when JustinTV became Twitch, more or less?
PinkFluffin: @joallthedogs yup dies in snowy depths
morgoth_bauglyr: ooh drill
twoskysw: ohh good digging
AltEkko: coming from dunk stream we know too much
DeliVT: This combo of you streaming this game gave me a vivid memory of playing noita and watching Wheeler telling the horse joke on Desert bus
LuizMiguel0012: Now you digg
TrrrrBrrr: good digging
gardvar: I always miss the always cast
two_frame: Should be safe if you only cast one projectile
TrrrrBrrr: cheap
nohugsforyou1: !doit
trogdoorlivesagain: diggy diggy hole
Abchiptop: it’s melee range
TheMerricat: Oh that's not dangerous at all! :D
DeadByFleshIight: its safe to use
Gadora: Oil /and/ fire? That sounds exciting.
Alicendre: it's an arc spell, so it won't trigger in this case
TrrrrBrrr: 0 mana cost
Sarah_Serinde: @duke1102 Probably, I honestly don't remember anymore haha. They used JustinTV for a charity fundraiser as Desert Bus for a while before the switch happened though
DrTeaSpoon: it needs two projectiles
DeadByFleshIight: its not a projectile
two_frame: Only if you have 2 projectiles alive
morgoth_bauglyr: drill is not a shot
twoskysw: the always cast need two projectile to take effect.
BardoHD: easy money
DeadByFleshIight: dig bolt wont trigger it
DeadByFleshIight: best digging spell
two_frame: drill expires in a single frame, but you're also casting only one of them at a time so the fire won't matter much
TXC2: Hello everybody
nohugsforyou1: dnkHappy
gardvar: Just try to remember it so you don't throw triplicate or something on it later
TrrrrBrrr: infinity
joallthedogs: It's money until you die
Metric_Furlong: I see it's mine o'clock again Kappa
q_z__: !2000
Gadora: 12000 is too much money.
DeadByFleshIight: i usually get 2K at least
morgoth_bauglyr: too much money is when the whole worlld is money
TrrrrBrrr: :D
TXC2: !findquote money
LRRbot: Quote #3202: "Boy, I wish I could buy more things with money." —Ian [2016-08-12]
two_frame: No such thing as too much money
nohugsforyou1: Have a great day, Mr. Streamer and chat!
TrrrrBrrr: toxic money is too much money
trogdoorlivesagain: @q_z__ wrong strim FeelsGoodMan
TehAmelie: i do like the roguelikes with no time limits where you can just sit back and break things as long as patience allows
joallthedogs: @nohugsforyou1 later!
Philocalist: Didn't know this was Deep Rock Galactic Survivors
two_frame: It lags the shit out of your game LUL
q_z__: @trogdoorlivesagain LUL Thank you
DeadByFleshIight: oh yeah it does
twoskysw: yes KEKW
trogdoorlivesagain: gold is forever is bad man
two_frame: That's really the only reason why, but gold is forever is shit tier perk
trogdoorlivesagain: Noita gives, Noita takes
DeadByFleshIight: nothing forever is good cmwSip
DrTeaSpoon: and i like forever
twoskysw: it is good for a short run
two_frame: it's a perfect perk in theory, dog doo doo in practice
gardvar: I shifted water to draft of midas in one of my previous runs. It was great untill I burned to death
TrrrrBrrr: it's not bad if you're obsessive enough to pick up every nugget
monarrr: gold forever is decent for a starting player
AltEkko: it can break your game in long runs
two_frame: @monarrr true, in starting zones won't matter too much
iLoveYhou: Gold forever is fine for a new player, not top of the line but it can cause lag on big runs
phiale: its drawbacks become mroe obvious with experience but its nto a bad pick
つっつゃ: The one main thing i learned while playing Noita was that everything good comes with something bad. Universe balance.
Anubis169: This is my gun and this is my wand, licked by a beast from the great beyond. This is my wand and this is my gun. Blew myself up and now I am done.
TXC2: we're 30 mins in, so I assume all the gold is good at the moment :p
phiale: @つっつゃ melee immunity is never bad :)
DeadByFleshIight: @つっつゃ and everything bad comes with more bad morfLUL
DrTeaSpoon: One funny thing about Finnish in this game is that you only know about most of it from dying and reading the weird Finnish name of the thing that killed you
Xeanthorn: if you decide you need a LOT of money, and once you get decent digging, there is a place you can go
TrrrrBrrr: yeah, it's kind of a world opener
Gumbaro: Digging wand in coal pits is my fav
Abhorenz: Xeanthorn yeah, I had that same thought when he asked 'how much gold is too much gold'
ThyDentar: noita is the great equalizer, no matter the strength of the run chaotic polymorphine will absolutely wreck your shit
Xeanthorn: @Abhorenz Howdy pal!
twoskysw: decent wand
gardvar: always cast
DeadByFleshIight: 250K might be too much morfSip @Abhorenz @Xeanthorn
TrrrrBrrr: shuffle wands generally have better stats because of the shuffle drawback
つっつゃ: I woudn't even take it.
Abhorenz: DeadByFleshIight depends on what shenanigans you're up to LUL hiya Xeanthorn
EMCQable: you tried to kill the alchemist the last time I watched you play
twoskysw: prob not
EMCQable: which is close to the tree tbf
two_frame: I highly recommend going up and then left over the tree. You'll die, but I recommend it
phiale: i woudlnt say it is
Xeanthorn: a 10-7 wand is often baller for the first few biomes
Alicendre: you have black hole and peace with gods, so once you feel comfortable damage-wise, it could be a good idea to try going up
DeadByFleshIight: quad on the digging is good
Eduardo_Velho: hey Serge just saw you playing canadian Comander at Tolarian Community College
gardvar: if you have a wand in hand the wand you hover will compare stats to in hand wand showing red or green numbers
Alicendre: quad on the digging is triggering your fire
TXC2: so I missed the start, could I please get a TLDR on this game ?
TheMerricat: All I remember is when I told Serge that we could hear an alter above the entrance at the start and he beelined to do the 'bad thing' not realizing it ended his run and he had such good wands....
twoskysw: it is bad cause of alwaycast
DeadByFleshIight: oh forgot about the fire KEKW
Abhorenz: 10/7's are great (except for having the lowest possible speed mod)
gardvar: i witch
two_frame: @TXC2 suffering but fun
gardvar: A witch
phiale: knoledge
Invitare: because it's easier to dig down than up
gardvar: yupp
TotallyNotaBeholder: A dwarven witch?
Finrod005: quad on the buble could be fun maybe
nohugsforyou1: Mina is her name
twoskysw: we are trying to regenerate the world
TXC2: two_frame kinky Kappa
NorthstarTex: Hi serge and chat, I'm happy to say that today I'm lurking and working.
GDwarble: You're digging down because it's very difficult to dig up :P
TrrrrBrrr: you're digging wherever the salt is
TXC2: hello NorthstarTex welcome
two_frame: yep, Noita is "witch". all the enemy names are in Finnish too
Dellyflo613: where everything is trying to kill you
joallthedogs: @NorthstarTex hello!
Abhorenz: 'Every pixel is simulated'
Dellyflo613: and i mean everything
morgoth_bauglyr: try the triplicate on wand 1
Abchiptop: you are a witch who is also an alchemist, and as an alchemist, you are trying to complete The Work, an alchemist’s final proof of success or something
trogdoorlivesagain: every pixel is trying to kill you
TehAmelie: i see we can be the shotgun sorceress
gardvar: The lore is to start the world isn't it?
TXC2: Abchiptop neat, thanks
Dellyflo613: while murdering the local wildlife
DrTeaSpoon: you are going down there to claim 'Sampo' that is the Finnish myth equivalent of Philosopher's Stone or Horn of plenty..
Abhorenz: oh, hahaha, Bouncing Burst on a 10/7 can have funny results
morgoth_bauglyr: SHROOMS
morgoth_bauglyr: oh no
TehAmelie: why did i read that as Frugal caverns
gardvar: !consume
morgoth_bauglyr: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Alicendre: yeah the short distance on this spell is dangerous against those guys
phiale: fungal funny strikes again
twoskysw: dont get close to the tantacle it will hentai you
two_frame: F
girlwithafatbeard: !hubee
Mischievous_Catgeist: F
twoskysw: F
DeadByFleshIight: LUL
zed_ployd: GG
Magnumsrule: rip
TheMerricat: F
Finrod005: F
gardvar: F
DeadByFleshIight: welp it happens
Mk0k: F
Gumbaro: F
Cunobelenos: o7
gardvar: o7
Abhorenz: F
Gen2Gengar: F
joallthedogs: sergeHubris sergeHubris sergeHubris
Alicendre: F
pn55: benginO7
DeadByFleshIight: F
joallthedogs: F
Aserinyc: rooF
GhostValv: sergeGG
LuizMiguel0012: Alt f4
Gadora: illRIP
Cunobelenos: sergeGG
SpoonfullOfSugar: Also there isn't much healing in the world
Mischievous_Catgeist: sergeGG
joallthedogs: first death of the day
DeadByFleshIight: all that gold deadby39Cry
sextuplenegative: o7
gardvar: one more!
Eduardo_Velho: hey Serge just saw you playing canadian Comander at Tolarian Community College, how are you?
morgoth_bauglyr: one more!
trogdoorlivesagain: it's ok, every death is learning
zed_ployd: Play on the daily run!! todays seed is really good. On the beta its insane
CAKHost: Darn Spaghetti Monsters
two_frame: Are you a fellow Pastafarian
Suffix: HELLO FRIENDS! Good morning.
Xeanthorn: Those things melee hard, and at a surprising range
gardvar: @trogdoorlivesagain this is key!
drcthulu: the quintessential experience
DKMTG1: The range on the fast wand seemed bad
Xeanthorn: They look slow, but they are dangerous for sure
TXC2: hello Suffix welcome
two_frame: Best starting wand probably
two_frame: looks bad but damage is high
phiale: it could be worse. it could be bouncy bolt start
Cunobelenos: @Suffix sergeHi
TehAmelie: polymorphine is the best portmanteau i've geard today
two_frame: Look at the damage stat
joallthedogs: @Suffix morning Suffix!
TehAmelie: or heard
two_frame: Bouncy is the absolute worst
つっつゃ: It has less than 100 mana though. This is not the best.
two_frame: 2 or 3 i think
girlwithafatbeard: bouncy sucks
Abhorenz: if your computer can handle it, there's a setting that makes it possible to replay a recording of your death (or just the last few seconds)
girlwithafatbeard: poly flask is amazing for abuse, if you know how to do it
Abchiptop: bouncing burst+overgrown biome modifier = I restart
Abhorenz: it can help to understand some deaths if you're confused what happened
two_frame: @Abhorenz I think its enabled by default
phiale: bouncy scales with acceleration but it does so piddling damage its only good if you know its potential. but for starts, it sucks
Palindromes12321: anyone know how to get vomit off of a pool of blood? I have vampirism and I want to fill my flask with blood haha
morgoth_bauglyr: yes
Alicendre: good plan
DrTeaSpoon: best idea so far
gardvar: Good choice
sextuplenegative: water is good
zed_ployd: poor toxic sludge
morgoth_bauglyr: i feel aobut that
Xeanthorn: That is recommended.
drive_7471: Yes 100%
TehAmelie: water, the most basic potion
Abhorenz: two_frame only mentioned it cause I didn't see the 'replay death' option
joallthedogs: @Abhorenz I remember that feature. We would use it when there was a snipe out of nowhere to see what killed us.
zed_ployd: keep the poly for escaping the mountain
TehAmelie: !hydrate
two_frame: @Abhorenz Ah i see, its probably disabled then yeah
つっつゃ: If you find water pour toxic sludge in it.
drive_7471: Is there a mod to always start with water just like before?
Xeanthorn: there is a tiny bit of water reliably in the mtn entrance. it is shallow, but if you try you can get 4ish% in the bottle, then find toxic to mix it with to make more water
two_frame: I'd definitely keep the poly and pour out the toxic sludge instead
TXC2: look at all that purple drank
Abchiptop: if you use the poly, you can fly out of the mountain without triggering the collapse
TehAmelie: a doctor or an alchemist?
WiJohn: Huh, I don't remember that color on the hydration chart...
r10pez10: not me dying to accidentally drinking a potion
Abhorenz: Xeanthorn is potion mixing present in main branch ?
kalira77: that's a heck of a lot of liquid in that bottle
Gen2Gengar: TehAmelie Same dif
CAKHost: If you pee pink lemonade... OUCH
morgoth_bauglyr: eww
two_frame: Yeah swamp is the worst
gardvar: it'll still put you out in a pinch
king_ding96: flying out of the mountain as anything except the player character won't collapse the mountain
MrTulip: spicy rock
drive_7471: Grab the tablet
trogdoorlivesagain: yes
gardvar: He is probably asleep
Alicendre: yes
Abchiptop: yep
gardvar: yes
Dellyflo613: yes
zed_ployd: yes
Abchiptop: took three attempts
two_frame: The guy that raided you has a bunch of helpful tutorials on his YT by the way, he most likely taught everyone in chat how to use the poly to escape HMs
Alicendre: he failed twice before that as well
Dellyflo613: but took 3 attempts
gardvar: 60h
zed_ployd: 57 hours
king_ding96: it took him 3 attempts but he didn't actually die in any of them
Xeanthorn: once you get a god run going though, your concerns become quite different
Abchiptop: there’s a way to “reset” the world once you have insane resources
zed_ployd: he is probably the best noita player atm
monarrr: he didn't die in any of the 3 attempts
gardvar: nope
Abchiptop: didn’t even reset - he still locked in wins
gardvar: no resets that's death
DrTeaSpoon: at the right side, at red
Xeanthorn: all the way to the right, just before the lava lake, there is a tablet.
Alicendre: at the edge of the lava, there is a tablet
DrTeaSpoon: near lava
Abchiptop: tablets are good to throw at enemies
Alicendre: it tablets
trogdoorlivesagain: tablet can be useful for kicking
Xeanthorn: it CAN be very useful IF you are good with it
SpoonfullOfSugar: to the right before the lava, there is a tablet that you can use to throw at stuff
king_ding96: his second run was 18 hours and he accidentally won lmao
Abchiptop: physics kills give you double gold
Xeanthorn: but it takes practicve
Finrod005: 19 hours in reset becasue of imposible to complete
monarrr: to the right of your zone there's a tablet, which is very useful for killing mobs, if mobs die to what game considers "not you", you get double gold
DrTeaSpoon: yeep
gardvar: it's lore stuff
Abhorenz: tablets are good physics objects
drive_7471: We learning kicking today boys
zed_ployd: easy to master
noSmokeFire: will taking the tablet be funny?
drive_7471: Tablet deals a lot of damage
Abchiptop: they can do hundreds of damage if used correctly but takes practice
two_frame: nah no skill required just toss the tablet into some enemys faces and get that money $$$
TXC2: remember kids, this is not the stream for tight plays
DrTeaSpoon: it's acidental kill with tablet so you get double money
joallthedogs: wow
two_frame: You often get double gold from tablets too though so its still worth it
gardvar: tablet deals a lot more than the wand and it gives double gold
つっつゃ: Tablet can potentially deal thousands of damage. It depends on the speed.
Xeanthorn: it isn't super easy to control, BUT it deal lots of damage (more than the wand) AND kills with it will usually result in double gold (if they are trick kills)
r10pez10: little do they know serge beat noita on his third attempt ages ago
drive_7471: Object deals like hundreds of damage and the tablet is really good at it
Abhorenz: chat, now we just need to convince him to turn on TI
Mazrae: !advice
LRRbot: Dooting isn't talking.
gardvar: you can also use it to fly and eat thru any wall
CAKHost: Chat? Embarrasses the streamer? Never! Kappa
noSmokeFire: the wand of tantalus
Mazrae: !badadvice
LRRbot: Teeth are stored in the mouth.
DrTeaSpoon: just like in hitman games accidental kills even if you actually caused the accident don't take away your extremely silent assassin ranking ;)
TehAmelie: there's some metaphor here about using things you don't understand to make money
phiale: im willing to believe simple tablet throwing deals so much damage was because to make any of the comedy slapstick prop kills to work they had to do it that way
trogdoorlivesagain: Hamis is stored in the heart
Xeanthorn: drink that stuff!
Xeanthorn: but then watch out for your explosions will be big
phiale: the slowest most hyperlethal minecart coming your way
dgrig_erethon: It's safe, but your explosions are very big now!
DrTeaSpoon: you deal double damage or something
Finrod005: it makes u do 2x dmg
TehAmelie: angry juice, what will they think of next
Gabl4123: hello
gardvar: We're relativly nice. We're only mean to dunk
r10pez10: first he angered the gods, then he angered himself
drive_7471: You can drink beserkium, it applies the buff for a time instead of being washed away
two_frame: LOL that was close
gardvar: hhhiii Gab
TXC2: hello Gabl4123 welcome
two_frame: Definitely lost a couple of runs to that kind of thing
QuixoticScrivener: can you get one of those metal wands?
Finrod005: try to bomb with it its funny af
two_frame: good call LUL
Xeanthorn: that was the right move
gardvar: that was very close
morgoth_bauglyr: lrrFINE
Palindromes12321: Decent amount of gold for the first holy mountain haha
drive_7471: Living is always a good choice
two_frame: you already mastered a big part of getting less bad at noita, which is don't get greedy LUL
phiale: bolt with trigger my friend bolt with trigger
EMCQable: chain bolt doesn't kill you i think
zed_ployd: spark bolt with trigger and the tipple bolt
Woogachaka: Oh fun, sandy mage game!
Abhorenz: you've got some excellent options here
zed_ployd: in one wand
Palindromes12321: Agreed, sparkbolt with trigger
two_frame: nah chain bolt is safe dw
EMCQable: I'm using one right now
MonkeMan0468: chainbolt can't do self damage
Krillin_fan: just a little greed? as a treat?
Xeanthorn: I would take the lumi, the spark with trig and the chain bolt
drive_7471: Buy spark trigger and luminous timer
Cunobelenos: Serge, greedy? sergeHubris
gardvar: chain bolt isn't too bad but the real goat here is trigger
phiale: chain bolt is also pretty good as is for a bit
つっつゃ: Chain bolt is very safe and strong in early game.
king_ding96: spark bolt trigger with triplicate is a reliable combo
two_frame: chain bolt is top tier in the first biomes btw. but the triplicate is also really good, and spark bolt with trigger is god tier for later in the run
McArgh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, McArgh! (Today's storm count: 9)
dgrig_erethon: A safe option is also triplicate bolt + fireball orbit
UnknownForce: Fireball orbit is quite strong :)
two_frame: Fireball orbit with triplicate is a MONSTER build btw but its pretty unsafe without explosion immunity/fire immunity
trogdoorlivesagain: you can test your damage with a statue on the far left or right of the holy mountain
zed_ployd: those projectiles will never hurt you
zed_ployd: and they are so strong
Magnumsrule: long range shotgun
two_frame: I'd recommend raw dogging the triplicate instead of with lumi, the mana cost is just too high
two_frame: doesn't matter. those bullets dont have friendly fire
zed_ployd: it shoots at what it hits
gardvar: it's kinda homing
king_ding96: the triplicate won't hurt you unless you have certain modifiers
r10pez10: chain bolt into chain bolt into chain bolt etc, or "why is my computer lagging"
EMCQable: chain bolt after a spark bolt trigger is long range murder for the coal mines
two_frame: I don't think any spell you have currently can hurt you. maybe slime bolt? but other than that don't worry about hurting yourself
Abhorenz: yeah, by default triplicate bolt bullets can't hurt you
Abchiptop: things inside the trigger don’t impact cast time, which will speed your wand up
zed_ployd: and wait until he hears about spark with trigger and a chainsaw
zed_ployd: insane combo
Abchiptop: things the game doesn’t tell you
zed_ployd: hearts
two_frame: Stronger hearts is for sure the play here
DrTeaSpoon: reeeeerol
two_frame: DEFINITELY not reroll wtf LUL
Abhorenz: will any of them get you more progress?
zed_ployd: hearts all the way
Zandivya: I like feared by worms. Hate those things >.<
two_frame: even if hearts wasnt there extra item is also really good. reroll would be a horrible choice imo
phiale: stronger hearts early on is sick nasty if you get lucky
TehAmelie: more VIT! the run is real. i presume
two_frame: now play super conservatively, this is probably the best biome to get hearts
phiale: dangerous
TetraRay: oh my
two_frame: OH GOD
TXC2: long long bar
Abhorenz: oh lordy
Abhorenz: LUL
TehAmelie: Serge "the mother of all bombs" Yager
zed_ployd: thats a fun way to fie
zed_ployd: die
DrTeaSpoon: death prediction: self inflicted electricution
zed_ployd: never cast that on water pls
two_frame: I wasn't sure if the lightning would immediately explode the bomb, got scared for a second there lmao
two_frame: 100% predicting electrocution in this run
BITs19_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BITs19_! (Today's storm count: 10)
zed_ployd: trash wand
phiale: the inevitable accidental pulling out the wand underwater timer has begun
BITs19_: that was weird, I was unsubscribed from lrr
Woogachaka: someone set us up the bomb?
two_frame: Oh if you played noita as much as I have you consider every single way this game could possibly kill you, and still miss a couple of them LUL
つっつゃ: I love kicking lit bombs...
DrTeaSpoon: repalce your 2nd wand, it has no spells
Gen2Gengar: I have no spells in my headphones
Zandivya: Yeah, I won't take a lightning wand unless I have electricity immunity because I will kill myself
Abhorenz: you've got a good sense for the game, you'll go far
two_frame: @Zandivya same. i barely take that risk because I just know I'll stand in water at some point and forget what wand I'm holding
two_frame: yep
trogdoorlivesagain: love those toxic sludge guys - yep, i'm going to pee sludge everywhere because why not
QuixoticScrivener: purple drank
trogdoorlivesagain: oh boi
Xeanthorn: don't do it
つっつゃ: There was the electric stone to the left.
TXC2: let Serge cook chat
DrTeaSpoon: you don't
TehAmelie: i cast magic explosion on the darkness
DrTeaSpoon: :X
two_frame: lol that was perfect
つっつゃ: This wand is going to get you killed by the way.
Thisbymaster: are you sure?
two_frame: LMAO
noSmokeFire: LMAO
Suffix: lol
TetraRay: LMAO
Xeanthorn: hahahahahahahaha
noSmokeFire: hurbris
joallthedogs: wow
drcthulu: serge finds a way
phiale: explosion isnt electric damage only :)
Gen2Gengar: hahaha
TXC2: two_frame shh, he has to learn the hard way Kappa
Sarah_Serinde: (This is why it's fun to let people figure things out on their own ;) )
zed_ployd: as fortold in the scrolls
joallthedogs: sergeHubris
Krillin_fan: "hey look now i can't electrocute myself to death" Famous words before electrocuting oneself to death
SpoonfullOfSugar: finding out which wands murder you is a big part of the game
Sarah_Serinde: Also
phiale: teehee maxing
CAKHost: 0 to Hubris real quick there XD
Sarah_Serinde: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
noSmokeFire: wand of pointblank explosion
two_frame: @TXC2 true mb LUL
Thisbymaster: wand of karma
NorthstarTex: well that was a learning experience geiste6HisuiLurk
DKMTG1: Imagine if he didn't have the protection
zed_ployd: you dont have the hp
TXC2: so that max health upgrade was smart eh?
zed_ployd: but you can try
つっつゃ: Sounds ambitious.
Jundinator: larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE
Jundinator: Almost free Serge
TXC2: hello Jundinator welcome
Abhorenz: EEGGG
TXC2: the Wheeler Wand
Cunobelenos: e g g
NorthstarTex: egg.
Invitare: Witness now the power of egg
kalira77: orb
つっつゃ: Egg can be useful later.
two_frame: 2 slots makes it kinda doo doo but decent for first biomes
Abhorenz: it's a special tool that can help us later
two_frame: that was coal
two_frame: bombs can sink though sand/coal etc
Bezekric: Live stuff? At this hour?
TehAmelie: if a wand is bigger than you are are we sure it's not a staff?
Suffix: Serge is in a messed up zone of time.
two_frame: he almost did it LUL
TXC2: Bezekric A) Serge is in Alberta, it's an hour later there, 2) DLS has already happened in Canada
Diabore: oh right serge is moving back
Diabore: is one more gonna stick around after you move back?
Woogachaka: Big excite! Any chance this stream continues after going back to your usual timezone?
Suffix: It's going to be a good day. Coffee will once again flow on the Island.
Abhorenz: if you still have the Chain Bolt spell on a wand, you can travel through the Fungal Caverns in *relative* safety
CAKHost: Congrats, Serge! And good luck!
two_frame: you can just make yourself wet instead of trying to put out the fire
TehAmelie: that'll make them "bumblebees"
QuixoticScrivener: minecraft!
noSmokeFire: it's attached to the background
Diabore: is one more going to keep going after you move back?
Bezekric: Still way early back there i guess but it's nice to get to see stuff live during daytime for once \o/
Gen2Gengar: We have giant floating metal tubes in the real world, physics has always been a scam
つっつゃ: This is much better.
Diabore: dip, 40 health is spooky
two_frame: remember what i said about greed
TehAmelie: chat would go left, obvs
two_frame: correct
TXC2: go left as always
NewtyNewts: !chat
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
NorthstarTex: !advice
LRRbot: Dear Lord, man, purge!
Mazrae: Greed it all for ChOaS
Krillin_fan: max greed!
joallthedogs: lrrGREED
Gen2Gengar: lrrGREED
NERVOUSHAIR: max greed
つっつゃ: One the left is a good area for early game loot. I would go there. But danger awaits.
NorthstarTex: !findquote greed
LRRbot: Quote #8566: "The greed is real, and honestly kinda works in my favour." —Kathleen [2023-06-15]
Mischievous_Catgeist: sergeHubris lrrGREED
two_frame: i'll never not call them party goblins now
Cunobelenos: sergeSnerge what could possibly go wrong?
QuixoticScrivener: ever wonder why these wands are all buried and trapped?
Diabore: this is a wand we dropped
Suffix: Morning Jo! sergeThankJo
NERVOUSHAIR: party goblin best name
GhostValv: man party goblin is such a homie
NERVOUSHAIR: was that chainsaws?
two_frame: you should definitely make a party goblin emote
Abhorenz: addmana pog
phiale: my goodness gracious, addmanas
CAKHost: Are the fish friends?
two_frame: HUUUGE deal
NERVOUSHAIR: i always love a cloud
Abhorenz: CAKHost they aren't food Kappa
DrTeaSpoon: is that polymorph sphere?
two_frame: If you can manage to dig back up to the top and get into the tree, you can build a god tier wand with the kantele
TehAmelie: i think i have a shampoo called bubble spark
phiale: wrow, 2 crit pluses
NERVOUSHAIR: cloud with homing and damage is fantastic
Suffix: this is the kind of game where you can just slap everything on 1 wand and it's perfectly safe, right?
Suffix: right?
CAKHost: @Abhorenz Omenous, I'm going to go with "Friend" for now
lanomano64: Try on the yellow one
つっつゃ: You mean infinite mana?
two_frame: i think use the first wand, then do lumi - mana - payload
Finrod005: wrong order too
つっつゃ: Put add mana first.
two_frame: switch 2 and 3
Finrod005: mana always first
two_frame: or put add mana first
Abhorenz: Finrod005 mana first can slow it down
two_frame: not always first but usually. it adds cast delay but the lumi erases it anyways
lanomano64: Put lumi on the end maybe
r10pez10: just like balatro
Finrod005: fair
NERVOUSHAIR: go check your perks!
two_frame: if add mana is inside a trigger/timer the cast delay doesnt count
Abhorenz: wrapping
two_frame: lumi with timer is 30 mana and add mana is +30 so it cant go infinite just yet
Diabore: what do those do
phiale: shield is good
Terr0rc0tta subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
Abhorenz: rerolling shield?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Terr0rc0tta! (Today's storm count: 11)
NERVOUSHAIR: id be happy with shield
dgrig_erethon: The shield and generally and of the immunity perks are good for new players
Zandivya: Personal shield is okay. I like immunity best
NERVOUSHAIR: No shuff! yay
Abhorenz: unshuffle is v tasty
two_frame: NMS is god tier for longer runs
phiale: no more shuffle is imo pretty fun
NERVOUSHAIR: blood money is a trap
Xeanthorn: gotta go no more shuffle (unless you have long term schemes of getting shuffle wands to later convert)_
phiale: you hget so many opportunities
DrTeaSpoon: long runs? still waiting for the electrocution self infliction
two_frame: if you just wanna kill the boss concentrated spells is super OP but I tend to go for the longer runs, and then the no shuffle is AMAZING
phiale: no i meant NMS is great at opportunities. blood money is Just Alright
two_frame: does the non shuffle have an always cast?
two_frame: Ah right the lightning
sir__special: @two_frame ride the lightning.....metallica starts playing
Abhorenz: honestly, spark trigger > bubble spark > addmana on wand 2 could be tasty
dgrig_erethon: You can add all seeing eye to the front of your bomb wand to help you explore
two_frame: yes, yes it will
UmbralCore8: hi everyone, what is the blue stone in last slot of the inventory
Abhorenz: not necessarily, just gotta be cautious about being in water while holding it LUL
phiale: that mana charge speed is also a bit lacking
Abhorenz: phiale that's where the addmana would come in
two_frame: also you're gonna be running into lightning mages in the next biome, and they heal from getting electricity damage sooo definitely no electricity on this one haha
two_frame: nw i hope i'm not backseating too much
phiale: @Abhorenz is there enough to wrap it and still make it cool thou
phiale: also the inherent risk of shocking
Atarra: oh, this is one of those games where hubris destroys me before I get very far, hehe
TXC2: But Serge, you live in the snow level Kappa
Abhorenz: maybe not for wrapping, but yeah, the shock avoidance awareness is crucial
DrTeaSpoon: you usign scroll wheel to swap wand gives me anxiety with the lightning wand and this snow/water level
two_frame: snow level and hiisi base are the big filter. once you get past those chances are decent that you'll make it through
TehAmelie: as someone who cleared the snow off her balcony for the first time this winter yesterday, i sympathize with hating snow levels
phiale: if the devs were real fuynny theyd make the ice in this level also hurt you like earthwuake chunks KappaCool
two_frame: @phiale fun fact: early builds of noita had exactly that but it was too annoying so they changed it
TehAmelie: a Finnish witch is protected against snow, clearly
phiale: @two_frame i can believe that given how effective they are at killing hisii
two_frame: @phiale oh yeah it was just pretty much instant deaths out of nowhere
two_frame: DO IT
noSmokeFire: greed greed greed
phiale: gweed
mmmmjohn: do it
TehAmelie: sweet ricochet shot, on purpose right
GhostValv: what's a little greed on a tuesday
mmmmjohn: easy stuff
TXC2: only one way to find out
two_frame: if you can dodge their projectiles you can beat them for sure
drcthulu: GREED to the max
DrTeaSpoon: lrrFINE lrrGREED '
mmmmjohn: blow him up
Mazrae: Let the greed run through you Serge
Gen2Gengar: need to shoot higher
two_frame: Also yeah toss a lil bomb on him should kill him pretty easily i think
two_frame: Yep
trogdoorlivesagain: money bux baybeee
GizmoWhatsit: *bom*
two_frame: then do that two more times to other statues and they'll drop a special lil something ;)
phiale: this wand fucks
TXC2: yeet bomb to make then eat bomb
two_frame: yep
two_frame: I would
zed_ployd: chat reppeling cape or extra perk?
Orastes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 125 months!
Orastes: I found out that Snapback Cowboy Hats are a thing now. Now I have made that your problem as well.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Orastes! (Today's storm count: 12)
phiale: the wand itself is also solid
zed_ployd: on the daily
two_frame: ALSO in the next biome, you'll want to go all the way to the right or all the way to the left until you find an hourglass. then you can do something special there, not gonna spoil anything further though
trogdoorlivesagain: why not
dgrig_erethon: You can also trying going all the way to the right in this biome, who knows, maybe you'll find a way to re-explore some areas ;)
trogdoorlivesagain: we love propane
TXC2: science!
TehAmelie: a lot of particle effects eh
phiale: every particle so lethal
two_frame: yeah i'd replace 2
phiale: it is time to high tail it
TehAmelie: we did set ourselves on fire once with the bomb wand, probably best to get rid of it before the inevitable doom
trogdoorlivesagain: honestly surprised the bomb/electricity wand didn't kill you yet
two_frame: @trogdoorlivesagain same. couple close calls though lol
drcthulu: are you winning son?
two_frame: higher!
two_frame: you're not
josh___something: Are... we winning this exchance?
josh___something: *exchange
wildpeaks: ohh Noita <3
josh___something: I assume not
two_frame: i think you need to be a bit closer
TXC2: Serge is too cautious with the lightning bomb wand for it too kill him, he'll be killed by something inconspicuous
two_frame: @TXC2 I'd be surprised if the propane tanks in hiisi base don't kill him
NoxStryx: This looks like terraria but with pixel physics
trogdoorlivesagain: mouse wheel scrolling past a wand with electricity can be.. spicy
two_frame: eh
DrTeaSpoon: sounds fun
phiale: wonder what it does
monarrr: nopes
drcthulu: yeah
DKMTG1: Kick it
zenwalker_: maybe kick it
two_frame: its not great but kinda fun if you don't know what it does yet
DrTeaSpoon: kick it
Wolfstrike_NL: !chat
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
trogdoorlivesagain: exaaaactly
r10pez10: most problems can be solved (or started) by kicking
Mazrae: !advice
LRRbot: Believe in the chat, which believes in you!
Bearudite: how are adventures in potentially becoming a piss wizard going this morning?
James_the_Dabbler: There are two chats. one tells the truth, the other lies
omdorastrix: Is there a tip for getting a high damage wand, with minimal risk of self damage?
TXC2: Bearudite well? they seem to be going well
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Bearudite: nice
CAKHost: Aww no chair? :c
r10pez10: not me who has died several times to sawblades
Gabl4123: a
Gabl4123: bc
Gabl4123: da
Cunobelenos: sergeChair
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrGARBO replacement chair
omdorastrix: Those death crosses off of a projectile are surprisingly self lethal
CAKHost: Thanks chat XD
TXC2: chair has to be earned chat Kappa
Gen2Gengar: Mine O’Clock still says Minecraft lol
Gabl4123: make god wand
evillittleweirdguy: @omdorastrix yes - it depends on what you get, but either a machine gun wand (chainsaw/lumi drill), big damage (accelerating bounce, or multicast + modifiers) or some homing combo (homing rocks, homing plasma, etc.)
Gabl4123: ez
two_frame: try one reduce + mana + triplicate
trogdoorlivesagain: energy orb with trigger is big mana cost, and the reduce timers are somewhat expensive
two_frame: nah, could be better
GhostValv: amazonStartBlasting amazonStartBlasting amazonStartBlasting
TXC2: we're cooking with gas now
trogdoorlivesagain: rapid fire energy orb makes control pretty scary because it has knockback
josh___something: Are the wands in the store any good?
two_frame: Now do reduce + bubble + add mana in that order
DrTeaSpoon: whatabout the chain?
two_frame: last add mana will wrap to the reduce again and make it SUPER fast
two_frame: swap bubble and add mana
Xeanthorn: you are wrappin now
TXC2: now we know!
two_frame: hell yeah
wildpeaks: Ultimate powaaa
Gabl4123: add mana front and other modifier back?
Bassios: Sweet buttered christ
two_frame: So if you don't know yet, this works because you can "wrap" into previous casts
wildpeaks: now we're cooking with mana
Meltalar: oh yeah, daylight savings in canada.... sorry for being late serge
NorthstarTex: bubbles go brrrrr
Mazrae: Bubbles go Brrrrrr
two_frame: Ah right that works much better!
Birdy_Cloud: half the time it is
josh___something: What's the logic of swapping the bubble and add mana?
two_frame: Crit will apply to half of them
joallthedogs: @Meltalar sergeHi
two_frame: The last crit wraps to the beginning of your wand because there are no valid spells left
Birdy_Cloud: the modifier in the end , wraps it once , it seeks the next spell which loops it once
TXC2: Meltalar don't worry, it got me too
Bassios: I've never seen this game before, so it's all new to em
Bassios: me*
Meltalar: @TXC2 Europe has the daylight savings 2 weeks later
DKMTG1: Wouldn't it be better on the cast 2 wand?
Gabl4123: can you add a spark bolt with trigger?
two_frame: The 2 cast would fuck with the wrapping also
DKMTG1: Are they 2x worse?
Obos_TAB: Hry hry
Obos_TAB: hey hey*
TXC2: I assume we can't have doubles of the same effect ?
NewtyNewts: Little bit of drain
two_frame: If you do the trigger but put the add mana in the payload it would work too
NewtyNewts: Just gotta ricochet it first
Gabl4123: @DKMTG1 not really you just have to build something else as suppose to a 1x
two_frame: so reduce - spark trigger - add mana - payload - crit
two_frame: reduce first
Invitare: lmao
GhostValv: wowie
two_frame: YES
wildpeaks: brrrr
Obos_TAB: Hahahhaa
josh___something: sick
Bassios: Holy
trogdoorlivesagain: now he blastin
NewtyNewts: Uhhhhhh
ninjapufft: oh my
joallthedogs: tqsClap
TetraRay: WOW
DrTeaSpoon: now we playing with lazors
Suffix: That looks pretty good.
kjart: got there
Swageki: GOSH DARN
qwillspike: i just joined, and HOLY noita XD
Gen2Gengar: hohohoho
two_frame: NOW WE'RE COOKING
shurtal: an A-10 Warthog in the palm of your hand
gualdhar: MOAR DAKKA
James_the_Dabbler: bubble laser!
CAKHost: That's a Death Lazer
Meltalar: go brrr, no cast delay, no drain
TXC2: we an A10 warthog now
Xed_Regulus: Well, things just got messy, but in a good way
joallthedogs: sergeHolyMoly
nitrosarcastro: sergeJustRight sergeJustRight
Critterbot: Whoa...
omdorastrix: Ok. I need to play more with spell order on my wands
wildpeaks: lazor'd
NorthstarTex: true "BRRRRRRRR" has been achieved
Bassios: Serge go BRRRRRRT
two_frame: Does the extra crit drain your mana?
Swageki: this is awesome
trogdoorlivesagain: can it afford triplicate in the payload?
Obos_TAB: Reminds me of dungeon defenders when you'd get a high fire rate wand
Mazrae: Need to find a DPS checker for that
two_frame: i think you can get away with one more crit
Xeanthorn: maybe stick that chain bolt on something so you can shoot around corners too
trogdoorlivesagain: guessing no
Birdy_Cloud: u hide the delay from addmana with that method
monarrr: the critical modifier isn't being applied to all of your shots, only to ever second shot
two_frame: Energy orb is S tier digger but mana is a problem
NewtyNewts: 300-500 dps
PsychoI3oy: dps? yes.
NorthstarTex: dps: yes
TetraRay: Dps check? Checked
joallthedogs: rip statue
Meltalar: serge making oink noises is cute
Transmuted_Elf: seemed the closest ive seen serge to almost swearing
two_frame: I think you can get an extra crit on there without losing mana
TXC2: when we make that many shots, crits gonna happen
omdorastrix: Only 20 shots every second? Seems dece
two_frame: NOOO
Bassios: At that rate it could be applied to every tenth shot and it'd STILL be nuts
two_frame: take invis or extra item
TetraRay: do you need make yourself a digger wand ?
two_frame: probably invisibility. expecially in next biome
two_frame: loses some mana but not enough to matter. i'd leave it on there
Gabl4123: if you get double cast or smth you could add that to 1 before the end and then you can add the crit infront sorry if thats a spoiler
monarrr: swap non-trigger bubble with the last crit and your crits will apply to all of your shots
two_frame: invis is awesome, especially if you're low hp and trying to escape
two_frame: just make sure you don't get stained.
two_frame: no just one of them, the wrapping doesnt happen now
Gabl4123: what about lumi with timer btw?
Diabore: inviszard
Mazrae: DPS check with both crits added??
Bassios: Invwizarbal
monarrr: yeah, you did it properly, it's just that the last modifier causes a cast wrap, so you'd need to put any spell modifier into the last slot, even light modifier would do the same job as your crit modifier does currently
two_frame: @Mazrae the statues don't apply crit for some reason so you can't test it on them sadly
josh___something: We lose out on *some* crit/ feels okay with how many times we shoot though :p
NewtyNewts: They got a sniper!
Bassios: Can wands be named? 'Cause I'd call this one the Wand of Begone
josh___something: Supressing FIRE :p
two_frame: @josh___something the extra crit is definitely overkill at this point, you'll melt through anything here pretty ez
Obos_TAB: i can't even see whats hitting you
Mazrae: Just got to make it a bullet hell for the enemies
trogdoorlivesagain: off-screen sniper was blastin, there was a red lazer bean
CAKHost: Is Twitch Compression not liking Serge's wand or is that just Noita in general?
TXC2: por que no los dos ?
joallthedogs: @CAKHost I think that's just Noita with some wands. maybe they fixed it in the beta
Diabore: do we need bomb?
kjart: you'd need lumi for the steel
two_frame: @CAKHost noita can really fuck with your bitrate
NewtyNewts: Think you're just blackening it
CAKHost: Thanks chat!
Finrod005: do u have acid
Obos_TAB: looks fine to me
Obos_TAB: "good on my end"
two_frame: You'll need a black hole or something to get through. or concentrated mana can melt the metal
two_frame: GO RIGHT
Gen2Gengar: Iy looks fine on my end
TXC2: I'm on 480p so I can't say if this is any worse :p
two_frame: and make sure not to break the hourglass ;)
Gen2Gengar: !left
two_frame: BE CAREFUL
Birdy_Cloud: yes
Birdy_Cloud: up
trogdoorlivesagain: above
two_frame: up
two_frame: don't break it
two_frame: your current wand will fuck it up
Gadora: What's the hourglass?
Gabl4123: you need lumi
Birdy_Cloud: a little
trogdoorlivesagain: bubble spark digs, it's just very awkward
two_frame: it does dig
Gabl4123: lumi drill
two_frame: but it will break it
CAKHost: Was asking if it was Noita in general because I think I remember catching one of Serge's earlier Noita streams and seem to remember back then the compression/bitrate would fluctuate back then.
two_frame: CAREFUL
two_frame: short bursts
two_frame: Do you want spoilers?
Gabl4123: yeah
Birdy_Cloud: teleport juice better
two_frame: tele juice
Gabl4123: if you do teleport you get some free spells
Birdy_Cloud: use unstable
Gabl4123: stable
two_frame: yep
Birdy_Cloud: yeah
two_frame: that works
kjart: yep
Gabl4123: yea
two_frame: doesnt need to be stable
two_frame: yes
Gabl4123: ye
Birdy_Cloud: u can touch it
two_frame: its okay to touch just don't break the hourglass in any way
trogdoorlivesagain: pour in about half a flask or so of tele and you'll get a new hole
two_frame: just pour it in
Birdy_Cloud: piss it out till something happens
two_frame: takes about 75% i think
Gabl4123: go in
Birdy_Cloud: go in
two_frame: once that's done it will be safe to break
umbitual: touch portal
TXC2: damn these flasks hold so much liquid
kjart: yeah
two_frame: go
two_frame: TELEPORT BOLT nice
Gabl4123: spells power very good
seek1337: liquid vacuum KEKW
Gabl4123: sometimes
dgrig_erethon: The streamer that raided you spent 1 hour to find that liquid vacuum spell
Bassios: Sorry, "Reduce Lifetime"? Surely all spells reduce enemy lifetime to 0
Birdy_Cloud: Spells to Power and infestation are powerful
kaperono: no way, liquid vacuum wtf
Invitare: presumably vaccuums liquids
two_frame: tele is only useful thing here rn. Reduce can be really good but for much more complicated builds
Gabl4123: spells power good
two_frame: why did dunk need liquid vacuum?
Ferisar: hello mr noiter
trogdoorlivesagain: there isn't much use for liquid vacuum, it's just funny that he spent an hour and it's right there
DKMTG1: Take it all
EMCQable: it's not a good spell, but needed for a 100% run
omdorastrix: It vaccuums liquid?
two_frame: Oh right 100% progress
TXC2: hello Ferisar welcome
Birdy_Cloud: larpa bounce is fun too
two_frame: Pretty bad spell because of the mana, but can be used for an infinite damage exploit lol
DKMTG1: All of it
two_frame: larpa bounce also sounds better than it is in practice. cast if for the progress but the mana is not worth it
Birdy_Cloud: Spells to power can be used to make trillion dmg builds , need lil more stuff to set it up though
DKMTG1: Can't you toss it later
Gabl4123: you can just drop it at the holy mountain
two_frame: well that's a thing that's fixed on beta. you can toss spells anywhere now
Birdy_Cloud: infestation is a good spell
trogdoorlivesagain: FYI - in the beta branch, you can drop spells from inventory outside of the HM
two_frame: That's one of the biggest reasons i'd recommend going to the beta branch
two_frame: the QoL improvements are *chefs kiss*
Birdy_Cloud: iirc infestation counts like as a lot of projectiles so any dmg plus on it is big
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
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two_frame: @Birdy_Cloud thats correct but it does self damage so its not great
NewtyNewts: Wait, you have a bat-channel?
Gabl4123: no you cant continue if you switch
two_frame: after you die. beta has some breaking changes
morgoth_bauglyr: Bubble Bath!
Gen2Gengar: You don’t need to switch if you never die 4head
TheAinMAP: mattlrFine
Mazrae: This is the first time I've seen a bullet hell for enemies
two_frame: dw about fire too much if you're water stained
Xed_Regulus: "Can't get the gold, everything's on fire," story of my life
two_frame: you can stand in fire for a couple seconds if you have 100% stain
NewtyNewts: @two_frame Turns off invis though?
two_frame: @NewtyNewts that's true but he was already stained
drcthulu: just imagine how spoopy the mobs think you are right now
two_frame: @drcthulu they don't even have the chance to think before they're dead LUL
James_the_Dabbler: In Noita you are the cryptid
drcthulu: the split second oh fu then death
FelanEntane subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FelanEntane! (Today's storm count: 13)
Gen2Gengar: grumy
Gen2Gengar: grimy
two_frame: GOD TIER WAND \
two_frame: check the mana recharge
trogdoorlivesagain: stonks
seek1337: sheeeesh
two_frame: that could be your digging wand i think, even without the add mana that can sustain lumi drill and a reduce recharge
madcan: was that pierce? or matter eater?
Birdy_Cloud: it was a broken lamp
trogdoorlivesagain: the lamps in hisii base are scary
DKMTG1: Do those wands help you get the heart?
omdorastrix: Its like a purple, bubble making, pressure washer
two_frame: @trogdoorlivesagain i died way too many times to a simple fucking lamp LUL
Birdy_Cloud: drilling shot won't help
TheMerricat: Just got back online from having AT&T replace my router. I see Serge has found another 'fun' wand. :D
two_frame: drilling show is good for 1 thing and 1 thing only: infiniwisps
Magnumsrule: I just got lukki mutation i am movement tech
josh___something: I was gonna say worth a shot, but sounds like it wont
two_frame: yes
trogdoorlivesagain: may have been a heart to the left, but not sure
Steelstep: was there a heart to the left?
josh___something: 60 hp sounds spooky
morgoth_bauglyr: there is a shop here
two_frame: WATCH OUT
two_frame: those big piles of snow have propane tanks hidden in them sometimes
Steelstep: thought it was to the left there, maybe i am seeing things
Gabl4123: you gonna do a stream where chat can play with you?
morgoth_bauglyr: hiisi base always has anvil and shop
joallthedogs: tqsClap
drcthulu: <3
SymphonicLolita: FBtouchdown
James_the_Dabbler: !browniepoint Steelstep
James_the_Dabbler: Oh :(
TXC2: eagle eye there
trogdoorlivesagain: @morgoth_bauglyr been to the shop/hourglass already
NewtyNewts: Chat will be incredibly capricious
Steelstep: gergERS
two_frame: chat can help too, not that they will but they could lol
morgoth_bauglyr: oh ok
morgoth_bauglyr: nevermind me then
QuixoticScrivener: stay until you die, then leave
omdorastrix: sergeHubris lrrGREED
merciary: Dip
James_the_Dabbler: Grees
TheMerricat: Serge knows LRRChat. LRRChat is not helpful :D
two_frame: definitely dip
Mazrae: Get out while you are on top
josh___something: At least, not on the level of skill we're currently operating on (No offense)
James_the_Dabbler: *Greed
EMCQable: get the healer gnomes to shoot each other with heal bolts and go between
zenwalker_: no
trogdoorlivesagain: extra perk spawns another option
IsSecretlyPaul: I see this is that noita thing I've heard so much about
Gabl4123: 1st one no?
kjart: more to choose from
trogdoorlivesagain: you are thinking of the dice, which are nice
monarrr: next mountain you get 4 perks to choose from
two_frame: the blue dice can give you an extra one but this just gives another option
two_frame: 4 perks in next mountain indeed
josh___something: How scared are we of death?
two_frame: i'd probably go for extra perk at this point but the extra life can also save your ass
Gabl4123: you already went far you dont have alot of holy mountains infront of you anymore so i think 1?
two_frame: I just always like to go for the perks that could possibly result in an extra S tier perk later, like extra perk or dice. except gamble though, gamble is terrible
Anubis169: @josh___something at this point it's an optional consideration :P
Anubis169: Bahahahaha
NewtyNewts: Very mana-draining
Anubis169: Wizardry has taken place
two_frame: the double here is useless with this build
Mazrae: That tanks your mana
omdorastrix: Try the bounce spell?
REDphd: This was Noita stream I expected.
Gabl4123: yeah the double thing doesnt do anything
two_frame: take it out and you'll do the same damage without the mana drain
two_frame: definitely don't put the tele in a trigger wtf LUL
morgoth_bauglyr: teleport is alredy a projectile
two_frame: just cast the tele by itself
two_frame: you're thinking of return probably
REDphd: Okay this looks cool as heck.
NewtyNewts: Are the spells with numbers limited uses?
REDphd: You can like program your weapons?
two_frame: first wand: try to swap bubble and the first crit now
drcthulu: could get more crit on the death wand
two_frame: i think your mana will be enough for it now
twoskysw: the double was adding a bit of crit to the payload
two_frame: yes
trogdoorlivesagain: wand 2 should be able to sustain lumi drill
two_frame: mana drains a bit but prolly worth it
Mazrae: What if you put the spells to power to the death wand
omdorastrix: Did you want to try the bounce on the murder wand?
two_frame: oh you could put the lumi drill before the teleport, helps you get through walls
Gabl4123: you can add lumi on 2nd one
Anubis169: @mazrae that might crash the game
SweetTea_Winter: Idk how i got here but i woke up in ur stream
two_frame: StP is way too much mana , larpa too
two_frame: the cast delay isnt the issue there, its the mana
two_frame: cast delay is negated if its inside a trigger
TXC2: hello SweetTea_Winter welcome
SweetTea_Winter: @txc2 hewwo
Anubis169: We might not be able to use StP without some chainsaw hackery
two_frame: you could just use it as is to dig, but lumi is prolly better
two_frame: would probably recommend lumi before tele
two_frame: you can go through walls with lumi+tele
twoskysw: that is why you are using add mana inside trigger in 1st wand. to negate additional cast delay
trogdoorlivesagain: it drills a hole, and casts teleport on the otherside of the hole
josh___something: OOOH
twoskysw: yes
josh___something: I get the add mana interaction now
two_frame: it just digs through and casts the TP from the end of the lumi drill, so if its a soft material you can go through walls with a single cast. harder materials might take a bit more
twoskysw: the last crit is not in the trigger
two_frame: Basically the first cast is everything except the last crit. Then the last crit wraps around to the first cast again
Gabl4123: if you get light you can add to end for less mana drain
twoskysw: yes that is right
twoskysw: you can you double at the end too
two_frame: definitely check out DunkOrSlams video about wrapping to understand this better
twoskysw: it would add a bit more spread but can do
two_frame: you can toss the vacuum as well
NewtyNewts: So... first spell cast doesn't use that last crit. Second spell does, but then it doesn't set up for the third spell?
two_frame: you probably don't even need one spell to power tbh. kinda bad spell tbh unless you're abusing infinite damage
Anubis169: holy crap 🤣
Gabl4123: you can teleport through holy mountain to not trigger
NewtyNewts: We've got Noita games
Thoufeux: well dammit to heck if it isn't Serge
two_frame: you can avoid collapsing the mountain with teleport btw
omdorastrix: Jungle always = fire for me
morgoth_bauglyr: Spiders guanranteed
trogdoorlivesagain: this is fine
Anubis169: lrrFINE
SymphonicLolita: perfectly regular eldritch horrors
two_frame: again, DunkOrSlams video about escaping holy mountains is a goldmine too LUL mans entire youtube channel is an expert course in Noiting
twoskysw: yes spell to power is mainly for some insane damage wand.(something like 10^13 damage a shot)
CookieMom: Just practicing before dealing with eldritch horrors in Terraria this week.
ArtemisHuntress: ah yes. the soothing sounds of "thppppppppppppppppp"
NewtyNewts: Are these hornets as dangerous as the Terraria ones?
Anubis169: lukki
SymphonicLolita: thppppp is a good noise
TXC2: after CHDC, eldritch horrors don't do it for me any more Kappa
NewtyNewts: Oooh, lookie there
EMCQable: it's a type of spider
two_frame: @twoskysw i literally managed to get so much damage with it once it wrapped all the way around to negative damage LUL
Anubis169: it's like a daddy long legs spider
twoskysw: KEKW
Chesul: Lukka is a now dead planeswalker Serge.
Gadora: I kind of want to just see what that spell does when cast.
two_frame: yes
twoskysw: yes
Gabl4123: ye
Anubis169: yup
SymphonicLolita: 10/10
josh___something: What does "it" mean in this context, TXC2? cause there's a way to interpret that ""Oddly""
ArtemisHuntress: oh i love that
NewtyNewts: And it only has 6 uses?
Gadora: That's amazing.
omdorastrix: All of us have watched hermit crab know what they do
TXC2: this is some Gary's mod nonsense :p
Wolfstrike_NL: That's surely not dangerous
morgoth_bauglyr: how about explosive boxes
omdorastrix: *hermitcraft
TheMerricat: This level seems really big on the "BOOMB" factor for the wands. :D
TXC2: josh___something make me scared of course, what else would a horror do?.....
two_frame: you can also abuse the heart mages here. if you get hit by a heart mage it reduces your max hp temporarily, and if you increase your max hp in that time then it multiplies the amount you got when it expires
trogdoorlivesagain: either fire or poison, neither fun
ArtemisHuntress: the blood probably isn't hyperflamable
SnowBuddy18: @TXC2 be a smoochable cutie
two_frame: heart mages are pretty rare though and it's super dangerous without ambrosia
NewtyNewts: Today, on Nature Facts: the jungle is filled with flammable things
Gen2Gengar: Who knew setting fire to a jungle would be a bad idea?
Bassios: I take it there's no way to recover health whilst in a level?
two_frame: don't go slow to the left, go slow downwards LUL
Anubis169: ehhh
Anubis169: it's difficult and requires work and knowledge
two_frame: @Bassios you can, but its very rare
josh___something: @TXC2 Y'know... I'd rather not incriminate myself by answering that :)
TheMerricat: Wasn't there a mix you could make with certain liquids to make a healing pool?
TXC2: josh___something smart
two_frame: theres an interesting new healing spell on the beta as well, which does damage but then heals over time
ArtemisHuntress: oh they even curl up like dead spiders
NewtyNewts: @josh___something Be horrifying, of course
DrTeaSpoon: teleports, time to escape this map
two_frame: energy sphere is good in the first biome but kinda shit in mid game
Anubis169: it's good for digging
twoskysw: energy orb is good digging, energy sphere is just damage spell
MagicalAttackGecko: you should kick the statue
Anubis169: orb sorry
two_frame: thats not the kickable statue, its for the quest when you've kicked 3 statues in snowy
DrTeaSpoon: greed is good
TXC2: but brrrrt
QuixoticScrivener: I believe in you Serge.
ArtemisHuntress: we should throw some minecarts on the dragon
Mazrae: Melt that dragon
ArtemisHuntress: brrrrrrrrrt
PsychoI3oy: you are literally Arnie in The Predator and saying "no boss" ?!?
zenwalker_: i wouldnt
NewtyNewts: How else would we start the next run?
Chesul: I think it would be entertaining no matter the outcome.
Anubis169: with this wand, unlikely
DKMTG1: Machine gun go brrrrrerr
two_frame: hint: the statues point *somewhere* but you'll need to kick 3 statues in snowy first for it to make sense
SymphonicLolita: lrrGREED lrrGREED lrrGREED
James_the_Dabbler: You’re machine gun Kelly, Serge. that dragon is toast
TXC2: run's gotta end somehow
josh___something: With 0 context, I believe, sure
two_frame: just dig with your main wand
trogdoorlivesagain: theyre just vibin
TheMerricat: did... a mine cart just float up?
josh___something: I fear that this is how the serge dies
dgrig_erethon: It only spawns when your character gets closer to the center of the egg
two_frame: that'll do it, now walk to the middle very carefully
Anubis169: yeah, and so did we
trogdoorlivesagain: nothing wrong with noita physics
zenwalker_: i knew it
two_frame: LOIL
TheMerricat: :D
morgoth_bauglyr: whelp
two_frame: LMAO
James_the_Dabbler: OH
twoskysw: LOL
PsychoI3oy: oh, i see
Anubis169: Called it
Bassios: The minecart going "sprong" makes me giggle
TXC2: lrrWOW
SymphonicLolita: LUL
ArtemisHuntress: I like mining with mine carts
Derthon: LUL
Anubis169: :P
TXC2: o7
WhateverNameIsAvailable: neat one
josh___something: Well that was swift
MagicalAttackGecko: nom
wildpeaks: welp you called it LUL
twoskysw: LAMO
Gadora: illRIP
SpoonfullOfSugar: dragon is hard without melee immunity
QuixoticScrivener: that was a wurm, not a dragon
Xed_Regulus: That's going to happen
Mazrae: @themerricat glad that I wasn't the only one who saw that
NewtyNewts: That was rather surprising
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
ReaperTitan152001: sergeHubris sergeHubris
Gen2Gengar: dead in 0.2 secs
James_the_Dabbler: It came out of *nowhere*
drcthulu: Shai Halud consumes the false
Anubis169: That was fun
ArtemisHuntress: amazing
twoskysw: lol
trogdoorlivesagain: the dragon's teef are spicy
lethargyne: o7
omdorastrix: sergeHubris
two_frame: the 100 hp didn't matter btw. that bite would have killed you at max HP probably
zenwalker_: that was dragon
Alness49: Thaaaaat's Noita!
two_frame: no that's the dragon
WhateverNameIsAvailable: that was a dragon
twoskysw: that is the dragon
two_frame: yes
Anubis169: that's the dragon
James_the_Dabbler: It was a wyrm
two_frame: easiest boss in the entire game btw LUL
NewtyNewts: Worm, Wurm, or Wyrm?
lethargyne: That was the dragon
Anubis169: lrrGARBO
omdorastrix: Ultimate hubris
zenwalker_: u missed melee imunnity
josh___something: @NewtyNewts yes
TXC2: see chat, NOW we have chair Kappa
Tser1ng: Hubris happens. -Serge Yager
SymphonicLolita: beautiful fight
josh___something: Chair stream!
trogdoorlivesagain: chair stream PogChamp
TXC2: gotta wait for these things
GhostValv: sergeNewChairBanner
Anubis169: chat take this time to stretch these legs, drink tea, empty bowels
Gen2Gengar: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:25:50.
James_the_Dabbler: This is unfortunately the consequences of listening to chat
tyrsredritehand: sergeChair
Mazrae: !findquote hubris
LRRbot: Quote #6739: "Name a better pairing than Serge and hubris." —Serge [2020-01-29]
Gen2Gengar: Topical
TheMerricat: sergeHubris
Anubis169: !badadvice
LRRbot: Tell Dale.
Anubis169: lol
tyrsredritehand: Are ya winninn, Snerge?
Mazrae: I feel like that's the best quote for what just happened
ArtemisHuntress: that's hectic
TXC2: I question our death being a worm bite, given it looked like the worm swallowed us whole :p
josh___something: @Anubis169 Instructions unclear: Streched my bowels, drank legs, and emptied my tea
NewtyNewts: That's quite a few things to unlock
TXC2: light Serge
two_frame: switch to beta branch now!
ArtemisHuntress: sunbeam again!
goatprince: it's me checking in on you
wildpeaks: it's the laser targeting
Bearudite: the sun again is a deadly laser
trogdoorlivesagain: light is evil, take cover
bisaflau: millions of miles away, perfect aim
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to goatprince!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, goatprince! (Today's storm count: 14)
tyrsredritehand: Light! Natural light! Get it off me!
ReaperTitan152001: Sun stop sniping serge!
TXC2: the cosmic ballet of the Earth and the Sun continues
goatprince: @AnAnonymousGifter Thank
EMCQable: Dying to the worm is honourable at least, I died to getting stunlocked in a lightning trap yesterday
two_frame: @EMCQable that's rough, exactly why electricity immunity is god tier
Scarbble: noit noit
TXC2: so is this game early access ?
morgoth_bauglyr: Dir
two_frame: you can use the mud to climb
morgoth_bauglyr: t
two_frame: WAIT
WhateverNameIsAvailable: Died to a lamp. Now I consider dying to any enemy an honorable death.
two_frame: NOOOO
two_frame: welp
two_frame: you can use it to climb
trogdoorlivesagain: you can stand on it, it can put fires out
Ranatoki: The noita world?
ReaperTitan152001: Mud puts out fire
two_frame: if you throw some mud on the side of the wall it sticks
TXC2: mud good in farms ?
wildpeaks: mud is friend ?
trogdoorlivesagain: i mean, you can eat it too
NERVOUSHAIR: mud cant let you go right
monarrr: Noita 1.0 came out 5 years ago
josh___something: Serge isn't enough of a gamer I guess :p
two_frame: then you could have gotten an extra +25 hp and a tablet from the top of the mountain
zenwalker_: cozy
NERVOUSHAIR: also can make steps on walls
NERVOUSHAIR: also its like 4 years old not 8
drcthulu: if only you had mud
wildpeaks: if only we had something against fire
TXC2: be good if we had mud now eh Kappa
Chesul: you know what would have helped with that fire? Mud.
WhateverNameIsAvailable: if only there was some mud in the vial
two_frame: scoop up some blood
trogdoorlivesagain: halon gas
TXC2: sand?
SnowBuddy18: sand
wildpeaks: sand :D
two_frame: MUD CLEARLY
cdgentry1: more fire
shurtal: sand
Bassios: Blood, clearly
twoskysw: the beta is basically same if you dont go deep in game. but something you should know is, material mix inside the potion.
Visvge: sand
zenwalker_: blood
EMCQable: oil, what else?
WhateverNameIsAvailable: Fire extinguisher
Gen2Gengar: now we’re making blood pudding
MagicalAttackGecko: fight fire with more fire
TuckstheRulesLawyer: what if it's a grease fire though?
SpleenLord: Fight fire with fire
DudelidouX: depends on the kind of fire
QuixoticScrivener: anything that removes a side of fire triangle
Angreed66: you got mud because there's no water
Tser1ng: Have you tried putting water on a grease fire?
Chesul: it depends on the fire, but mud is generally better than water actually.
goatprince: i fight fire with lightning, personally
Visvge: you can't use water for electrical fires
NightValien28: fight fire with more fire or explosives
two_frame: scoop up some blood in the flask
Chesul: Visvge and you really shouldn't use it for oil fires.
ReaperTitan152001: You fight fire with fire... that's the usual answer...
Visvge: @Chesul yeah and kitchen grease fires probably one of the most common
TXC2: unless you're in pokemon, then you fight fire with rock
QuixoticScrivener: So, what is Noita's story?
two_frame: @QuixoticScrivener finnish folklore essentially
TXC2: QuixoticScrivener wizard climb moutain, make world start again ?
two_frame: there is some story but you reaaally have to go looking for it
NERVOUSHAIR: lore is like darksouls. it is wibbly wobbly
TXC2: timmy wimmy
twoskysw: beta is almost the same with main if you don't go deep. the only thing that could impact you in early game is that now material mix inside the potion.
NERVOUSHAIR: ooby booby
two_frame: @twoskysw nah there are lots of other changes, not huge ones but lots of em
Bassios: Throw some blood on it, that'll make things better
TotallyNotaBeholder: The Sun casts Light, it's super effective
twoskysw: @two_frame I know but it don't impact the early game
two_frame: QoL improvements, can fungal shift powders now, new spells, etc
SnowBuddy18: 4 health
two_frame: @twoskysw yeah i guess the impact isnt huge
TXC2: thank you Serge, you just reminded me I meant to look up what LASER stood for like 4 days ago :p
two_frame: but definitely worth switching to beta for
NewtyNewts: Just three stiff breezes away from the next run
daWAFFLERwuzheer: Fore!
twoskysw: @two_frame as in extra contents and qol changes and such it is huge but not for new players
joallthedogs: sergeGG
josh___something: @NewtyNewts I'd argue it was 4 stiff breezes... emphasis on was ;P
LordZarano: @TXC2 Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
two_frame: WAIT
two_frame: use the firebolt to climb the mountain
two_frame: :D
TXC2: LordZarano yeah I looked it up, but thank you
two_frame: dig yourself a lil hole to tand in
joallthedogs: I think we've gone UP before
joallthedogs: I thought there was a cloud trap?
two_frame: tap levitate instead of hold to get more distance
two_frame: that should be enough to climb
joallthedogs: tqsClap
twoskysw: but pothion mixing can make your invis potion into just water if you accidently put drop of water inside. and somting like that could impact the run massively even in early game
trogdoorlivesagain: something to be aware of on beta: alchemy can happen in flasks now, if you have a flask of toxic sludge and hold it while you are in water, the flask will become water
SnowBuddy18: well, over
Mischievous_Catgeist: no your on
two_frame: now you can go right to the desert which is a long walk, but you can also go up here to the orb and tablet
twoskysw: I guess there is also wand selling for early game change too
two_frame: takes a bit to dig through admittedly, but your energy orb should be able to do it
Darleysam: I have like 51 hours in this game, I'm terrible at it, and I have never seen this. This game is wild.
WhateverNameIsAvailable: yes, you can
two_frame: yes
TXC2: you can try
two_frame: if you're willing to waste a full minute digging lol
twoskysw: I won't try it
WhateverNameIsAvailable: or you can run 5 minutes to the right :D
two_frame: your firebolts can get through pretty quick too
two_frame: but ofc will cost some charges
two_frame: just a heads up: this is gonna be a long walk
two_frame: why would you though? blood > water often besides neutralizing toxic sludge
WhateverNameIsAvailable: kick the fish
trogdoorlivesagain: fish are friends
twoskysw: without learning air swim too, you need a lot of fire bolts to get the orb
two_frame: Kick the machine
NewtyNewts: Who would ever lie to a fish?
two_frame: yep
two_frame: and it attracts the fish too
two_frame: the song is actually significant for a quest later but you'll have to find an item first
TXC2: neat bridge in the background
trogdoorlivesagain: gold on legs!
Darleysam: suddenly Terraria
TXC2: we've entered Arizona
NewtyNewts: So, (mushroom) down down... Mushroom = Up up?
goatprince: more like ARID....zona
daWAFFLERwuzheer: Ye haw
two_frame: that's a hint for a quest that took the entire community work together to solve LUL
WhateverNameIsAvailable: sweet home alabama
TheMerricat: Notia vs Terraria collab when!
wildpeaks: that's my screen given I'm watching Noita while playing Terraria :D
Sharkfists: o r b
two_frame: if you fill the eye hole of the skull with water something happens too. but gl filling the hole before the water evaporates;)
Gadora: Orb! :o
two_frame: MORE HEALTH :D
TXC2: Music says this is scary
NewtyNewts: I'm always a bit sad when I miss out on a fun meta-puzzle
two_frame: @TXC2 desert isn't too bad dw
ArtemisHuntress: this is a lot of sand
NERVOUSHAIR: @NewtyNewts this whole game is a meta puzzle. people still have never figured out the cauldron or the eyes
WhateverNameIsAvailable: just throw a vial at it?
two_frame: if you want to find the best wands in the game, dig down & right
Mischievous_Catgeist: ponder the orb
two_frame: you'll go to a biome we refer to as "wand mart"
ArtemisHuntress: I'm liking the desert and mountains vibes
WhateverNameIsAvailable: press E?
two_frame: or not the best really, but close to it
two_frame: don't think you have enough digging rn
trogdoorlivesagain: there is still an unsolved quest/puzzle in noita if you want something to get your teeth in to (it's kinda cryptography stuff, beyond me)
ArtemisHuntress: *ponder intensifies*
NewtyNewts: @Mischievous_Catgeist Never ponder your OWN orb, gotta get other people to ponder your orb
two_frame: I think the digging is too bad rn
goatprince: always be scrying
SymphonicLolita: ABC - Always Be Contemplating (orb)
ArtemisHuntress: If we dig a big hole in the beach, will it fall in on us?
TXC2: pondering your own orb is like getting high on your own supply
two_frame: you can do it from the right side of pyramid, less digging required but its a bit more dangerous than digging to wand mart directly
ArtemisHuntress: @TXC2 idk. it might be rude to ponder other peoples' orbs without asking
Sharkfists: sharkf11JAM
trogdoorlivesagain: DinoDance
morgoth_bauglyr: lrrCrab lrrCrab
Zandivya: Saxamophone
trogdoorlivesagain: YEETY
NewtyNewts: uh what
two_frame: for now i'll say just keep walking to the right and see what you can discover, there's something fun for you to find ;)
two_frame: LMAO
GhostValv: D:
RaidenFirewing: goodbye
Mischievous_Catgeist: uuuuuh
pn55: Uhh
TotallyNotaBeholder: It's planet needed it
daWAFFLERwuzheer: The call 'im Serge, fastest wand im the north.
SnowBuddy18: bye then
morgoth_bauglyr: TO THE MOON
NorthstarTex: goodbye...
Steelstep: WutFace
TXC2: ArtemisHuntress oh of course, always get consent
NERVOUSHAIR: the music box also contains secrets
two_frame: "goodbye, my people need me"
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Gadora: Music's all done.
NERVOUSHAIR: highlight reel
SymphonicLolita: nyoooom
ArtemisHuntress: did we just beat up the music
ReaperTitan152001: No music for serge...
James_the_Dabbler: Where did it go? Space?
twoskysw: @ArtemisHuntress it is somting you could try mid-late game if you want a god run.
omdorastrix: Game is now only up
NERVOUSHAIR: we are going to go right and then realize there is nothing we can get here
TheMerricat: Ok... WB's Multiverse game is coming back? I just got an ad on my phone for a McDonalds/Multiverse promo....
twoskysw: mis replyed I ment going to wnad mart
NERVOUSHAIR: he cant even get to the special room
goatprince: it's not cave, it's ???
NewtyNewts: I'll have to try to find Youtube vids that go over the metapuzzles in Noita, I love rewatching and thinking about those
two_frame: dig :)
SymphonicLolita: o-be-lisk! o-be-lisk!
NERVOUSHAIR: the spell is also death
two_frame: oof yeah thats gonna be rough to get through
two_frame: you can, but you'll waste all your charges
NewtyNewts: Are these actually limited casts, or can you refill them somehow?
trogdoorlivesagain: waste? invest!
morgoth_bauglyr: oh no
Sharkfists: earf
trogdoorlivesagain: it's part of you now
two_frame: @NewtyNewts at the holy mountains you can recharge
Mischievous_Catgeist: yes
two_frame: YEP
monarrr: in a way
TotallyNotaBeholder: And it hurts
WhateverNameIsAvailable: more or less.
twoskysw: you can remove it
Ranatoki: And youre getting hurt
morgoth_bauglyr: Mistakes Were Made
WhateverNameIsAvailable: but it depends
two_frame: actually there is a way to get rid of it
WhateverNameIsAvailable: don't stand
NewtyNewts: If you're standing on a surface, yup
two_frame: do you want me to spoil how?
WhateverNameIsAvailable: it has aoe when hits ground
GhostValv: you are now festive
two_frame: LOL
twoskysw: the orb you couldn't intract with earlier
Gadora: Learning! :D
Diabore: because secrets serge
Chesul: I don't know, why did you do this Serge?
twoskysw: it removes it
two_frame: well at least now you can dig to wand mart xD
joallthedogs: haha
WhateverNameIsAvailable: try going to that blue orb
NewtyNewts: What, not gonna keep on going up?
TXC2: this what Serge gets for listening to chat
twoskysw: the orb you couldn't interact with earlier
Gadora: This game doesn't have fall damage, right?
two_frame: LUL
TheMerricat: !chat
LRRbot: Chat? At this time of year?
two_frame: welcome to Noita
trogdoorlivesagain: @TXC2 exactly
Bassios: This was the best idea
josh___something: Counterpoint: this is hilarious
WhateverNameIsAvailable: or you can go down
two_frame: LUL
WhateverNameIsAvailable: now you have digging
NewtyNewts: Ooh, it's mining though
SymphonicLolita: LUL
hermonthis: ah, good morning all! LUL
Chesul: this looks like it'd be a great way to dig.
goatprince: it's free digging
NERVOUSHAIR: to be fair this is also early game strats
kjart: not even the worst essence lol
Diabore: its a good digging thing if you dont die
joallthedogs: chaotic mining
two_frame: hey you clearly said we should let you make mistakes xD
TXC2: hello hermonthis welcome
ReaperTitan152001: sergea138Secret sergeHubris
TetraRay: I am currently entertained
josh___something: It's some TOP tier mining Kappa
Ranatoki: The HP drain is gone
NewtyNewts: We are now playing a rhythm game!
James_the_Dabbler: Listening to chat is always a mistake
two_frame: lmao
NERVOUSHAIR: perk remover, dirt stone, then eye
TheMerricat: Serge, they just wanted to give you a taste of Rhythm games.
WhateverNameIsAvailable: it's noita chat. it never ends well.
two_frame: i mean you got the rhythm down though
Sharkfists: scales known for the association with music sharkf11THINK
Gabl4123: dig dont work
two_frame: just down
trogdoorlivesagain: a long way
two_frame: pretty far
shroohm: CarlSmile
two_frame: but i dont think this is actually enough
twoskysw: well every thing have uses you will get somthing in return after you remove this
WhateverNameIsAvailable: I'm a dwarf and I'm digging the hole. Diggy diggy hole...
NERVOUSHAIR: you passed the orb!
Zandivya: It's like having fatal hiccups
two_frame: you'll hit some denser rock first so the digging will be even slower than it is now
joallthedogs: then it's Terraria time!
TuckstheRulesLawyer: this feels like delving too deep
Bassios: This is amazing
Bassios: I love this powerup
NERVOUSHAIR: this is going to end well (very poorly)
two_frame: TAKE THE STONE
Diabore: for now
NorthstarTex: save the digging for mine'oclock, hell awaits there
Birdy_Cloud: try kicking
two_frame: now kick ;)
WhateverNameIsAvailable: equip it
wildpeaks: talking of Terraria, just found a pre-hardmode biome this week that I had never seen (the one with shiny water, very neat)
morgoth_bauglyr: this seems dangerous
TXC2: now we know
shroohm: hold it
trogdoorlivesagain: uh oh
two_frame: you can use this to dig a bit more effectively because it turns stone into dirt if you hold it
WhateverNameIsAvailable: now kick
James_the_Dabbler: Hold
two_frame: btw the earthquake it produces when you kick can and will kill you
twoskysw: yep eveything has it's uses
two_frame: no need to drop the stone when you kick
two_frame: PRESS E
joallthedogs: sergeHubris
NewtyNewts: Could still pick it up
two_frame: you can still pick it up
NERVOUSHAIR: this game is too much effort and i love it
ReaperTitan152001: Squid1 Squid2 sergeHubris Squid2 Squid4
joallthedogs: crushing
twoskysw: nice
Birdy_Cloud: falling objects are deadly
two_frame: lol
TheMerricat: :D
SymphonicLolita: lrrFINE
hermonthis: SabaPing
kjart: looks cozy
NERVOUSHAIR: @Birdy_Cloud let him learn
NorthstarTex: lrrFINE
NewtyNewts: Still at 63hp though
josh___something: We live here now?
TetraRay: least its a nice grave site
two_frame: lol this is your life now, get comfy
Mischievous_Catgeist: sergeHubris sergeBuckets
omdorastrix: Pixel jail
Birdy_Cloud: spam WASD for unstuck feature
shroohm: SeemsGood
omdorastrix: Voxel jail?
twoskysw: smap wasd
joallthedogs: we oubliette
Mazrae: !findquote hubris
LRRbot: Quote #6507: "How many times can we count James' hubris?" —Serge [2019-10-22]
Birdy_Cloud: nvm u already unstucked dig
two_frame: not gonna work now
two_frame: only works if you literally cant even move a single pixel
shroohm: DinoDance bomb DinoDance
joallthedogs: I believe
josh___something: I blame james
NERVOUSHAIR: we live here now
twoskysw: this is our new home
joallthedogs: sergeGG tqsClap
trogdoorlivesagain: freedom!
NorthstarTex: !advice
LRRbot: Use the dedicated Mario buttons.
TXC2: freedom
NewtyNewts: Now let's do it again!
NERVOUSHAIR: have you tried jumping?
two_frame: literally got out with the very last fireball lol
two_frame: LMAO
Gadora: This stone is amazing.
GhostValv: o7
joallthedogs: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG
two_frame: hahahahah
TXC2: there it is
josh___something: LMAO
SymphonicLolita: o7
twoskysw: hahaha
TheMerricat: sergeHubris
joallthedogs: F
pn55: HypeLUL
two_frame: gg
NorthstarTex: o7
Bassios: Brilliant
Chronomagistrate: F
twoskysw: F
NewtyNewts: Perfect time to end the stream
Birdy_Cloud: if u had the eye laser thing it would be a good combo
Mischievous_Catgeist: sergeGG GlitchCat
Bassios: Love it
pn55: Perfect end
daWAFFLERwuzheer: F
James_the_Dabbler: F
Gadora: illRIP
Bassios: 10/10, no notes
trogdoorlivesagain: kicking with the stone causes earth quakes, it's.. spicy
NERVOUSHAIR: i love it
ReaperTitan152001: Rocks fall, serge dies
NewtyNewts: Next time: left!
joallthedogs: I wish you better luck with Terraria
NorthstarTex: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Minecraft! Would be rude not to! Game: Terraria) at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (40m from now).
TXC2: no right, only left
NERVOUSHAIR: he hasnt even gone up yet!
two_frame: I just wanted you to grab an extra 25 hp and a tablet, you're the one who chose to go to the desert LUL
Chesul: Never go to the right, never go to the right, nev nev al aways always go to the right, always go to the right.
Ranatoki: I just let you play and not backseat
Ranatoki: <3
twoskysw: it was a fun stream
Sarah_Serinde: Thanks to all the folks who stuck around from the raid :)
TXC2: thanks for streaming Serge
josh___something: It IS very funny when chat leads you astray
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
TetraRay: <3 <3 <3 <3
Sarah_Serinde: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
kjart: super fun seeing you play this Serge :)
joallthedogs: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
NERVOUSHAIR: love you dorks
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Sarah_Serinde: We sure did :D
NERVOUSHAIR: hell yeah!
Sharkfists: mine o clock is already crime o clock sharkf11THINK
Wolfstrike_NL: Oooo garbage day?!
CookieMom: I am seriously hoping for an accidental boss summon in Terraria today.
LordZarano: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Minecraft! Would be rude not to! Game: Terraria) at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (38m from now).
morgoth_bauglyr: stand against the devil
SymphonicLolita: gyarbage week!
NERVOUSHAIR: Lovely! garbage!
veelofar: Torder
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
GhostValv: o7
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
the_walking subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_walking! (Today's storm count: 15)
TXC2: oh a new Gvlog just dropped
Xed_Regulus: ^ Watching it now!