jessicaengle: Hi Chat!
jessicaengle: Happy Taco Tuesday
TXC2: hello jessicaengle welcome
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a Russian nesting doll of voting
jessicaengle: jlrrDance ModLove jlrrDance
Genie_M: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Terraria?! Wait, what? Game: Terraria) at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (0s from now).
Genie_M: there we go :) hi everyone
TXC2: Genie_M lrrHORN
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LostThePirate: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
jessicaengle: jlrrDance3
RebelliousUno: pew pew pew
nyxlux: Let's gooooo!!
herph subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, herph! (Today's storm count: 16)
TheShokara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheShokara! (Today's storm count: 17)
jessicaengle: Hadouken
jessicaengle: I think? I'm watching ads.
SergeYager: early :P
SergeYager: Hadouken!
TXC2: now Hadouken
Mischievous_Catgeist: hadouken
jessicaengle: Hadouken! :D <3
azraeldagda subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, azraeldagda! (Today's storm count: 18)
TXC2: I've only just noticed that we have coffee as a tag :p
jae_dorian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jae_dorian! (Today's storm count: 19)
SergeYager: of course, i'm in charge
SergeYager: i like to add some extra stuff every tuesday morning
Tandtroll_OG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tandtroll_OG! (Today's storm count: 20)
SergeYager: i don't know who kills them tho :(
wench_tacular subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wench_tacular! (Today's storm count: 21)
CAKHost: Why the Hadockens?
TXC2: here we GO!
SergeYager: it's in the song
TXC2: CAKHost it's part of the song
Tandtroll_OG: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
CAKHost: Ah Thanks!
tyrsredritehand: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrARROWS lrrARROWS
TXC2: !uno
LRRbot: RebelliousUno is streaming as well. Be sure to check out his view of the stream and give him a follow!
wench_tacular: and Serge!
TXC2: Hello again Serge
EricTheOrange: will the hellevator finnaly be complete today?
TheAinMAP: Hello.
Tandtroll_OG: Good morning Serge! Party on!
wench_tacular: chillin like a rock star
CAKHost: And Chair! Its support is appreciated! :D
Tandtroll_OG: We sure gonna get hot hot hot today
DideRobot: LRR: Terraria contines until moral improves... or we make it to hard mode which was our goal for this play through! | |
CAKHost: AKA rude hour(s)
Xed_Regulus: I'm having fun!
TXC2: people have been mixed, Heather and Adam have been VERY angry
wench_tacular: correct?
Tandtroll_OG: I am also having fun!
TheShokara: Id forgotten how much I love Terraria, so this has been really fun
RaidenFirewing: It's not minecraft, and it is weird, but I love seeing Terraria!
LordZarano: It's rude is what it is:
LordZarano: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Terraria?! Wait, what? Game: Terraria) at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (6m ago).
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Genie_M: goblin raid just started, it'll be a swift start :D
RaidenFirewing: both things can be true
Angreed66: Cowards live serge
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Nigouki: Did you just call Adam a coward? Does that mean you're staying in Berta forever?
NorthstarTex: hater's going to hate, and be cowards
TXC2: Hello Uno
lamina5432: isn't the bad part the description in the schedule still says minecraft
TXC2: lamina5432 yes
PrinceNimzar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PrinceNimzar! (Today's storm count: 22)
TXC2: it's only 5pm here
baltimore_667083: exactly, serge
joallthedogs: I'm so sleepy
TXC2: stay on summer time forever
CookieMom: Fuckin expert Eye of Cthulhu.
EricTheOrange: I mean Terraria on Mine O'clock is fine, just rude.
mrMorphius: lrrDARK
anclag: You're a minecraft farmer...
Tandtroll_OG: You do live in Alberta, does that not mean you are a farmer?
jessicaengle: Go get isekai'd into a farmer then.
JuneBlue58: Where I live, the farmers and rural communities were the ones *against* DST.
TXC2: it doesn't help farms, it's make you use more electricity at night
NewtyNewts: No room reading time
TheAinMAP: Daylight Saving is not for farmers.
MrSarkhan: Get rid of timezones and use UTC for everything
Genie_M: get well James!
anclag: @MrSarkhan I would support this.
Tandtroll_OG: James D<
Nommii77 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nommii77! (Today's storm count: 23)
NewtyNewts: Oh right, this
CAKHost: Oh right XD
TXC2: "you sure betch ya" welp, we've lost him to the berta chat Kappa
wildpeaks: strong start :D
joallthedogs: sergeHubris
hiFunko: Everything changed the day the Goblin Nation attacked
gualdhar: Serge "Damsel in Distress" Yager
TXC2: Hello hiFunko
wildpeaks: feeding them.. to what
Genie_M: and they are bored
Tandtroll_OG: They get a table, that implies food?
goatprince: so all fishing then
hiFunko: This is what I'm here for, I want the hot Serge tech
EricTheOrange: The NPCs help, is that a new thing. (new as in newer than 10 years ago).
MackSomeone: There are turrets in hardmode.
TXC2: those circling leaves are VERY Vampire survivors to me :p
Tandtroll_OG: Well there are defences, but I suppose they require a lot of setup
wench_tacular: pardon?
NewtyNewts: You picked up the weapon too earlier
kainboa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kainboa! (Today's storm count: 24)
sephsays: The Tavernkeep sells basic sentry weapons, that are basically a turret each :)
EricTheOrange: You can set up pressure plate traps but I think they hit you as well
Tandtroll_OG: Ny friend set up an electrical contraption that spawned infinite sharks
wench_tacular: off by none
anclag: Nice canal!
mrMorphius: Perfectly something or other
DarthRagnar815: Is that so...? waoHmm
Angreed66: despite stone being subjectively uglier than grass
carbonoid12: wait, are we building canals?
TXC2: carbonoid12 a moat, so a circler canal
TXC2: right chat I need to make dinar, so you be good for the mine bois
CAKHost: I think it's a semi event?
kalira77: daylight savings happened and now they want to be out
hiFunko: Well Serge, when two Ladybugs love each other very much, they make more Ladybugs
gualdhar: ladybugs come from the Lord Bug boss
CAKHost: Goodnight TXC2!
NewtyNewts: Think it's a Windy Day thing
TheShokara: Lead bucket seems like a bad plan....
CAKHost: Oh wait, I think ladybugs spawn a lot around Towns.
gualdhar: Serge implying the ladybugs are roommates
Angreed66: It is
Tripleyew: ‘morning, Serge and Uno, and howdy all
Tandtroll_OG: Yes
wotc_jordan: Goal: get to Hard Mode. Stream: Flatten.
NewtyNewts: Might be good to let Uno see the harpoon?
EricTheOrange: Hell-e-va-tor *chanting*
hiFunko: They're good for the worm boss specifically
Genie_M: hell exploration is fun
hiFunko: if you have issues with that
NewtyNewts: @EricTheOrange clap clap clapclapclap
CAKHost: #NotACult
Genie_M: eating food? what a weird concept
Angreed66: We all know serge will absolutely lava the passive creatures.
Quaseymoto: Need a Tinkerer's Workshop
Tandtroll_OG: Yeah i have little hope bunbun luves
CAKHost: I know but I want to ask at least
CAKHost: :c
Angreed66: This is why you don't do lava moats
Quaseymoto: Demolitions is guy Ovbere
NewtyNewts: You need to get the new npc
Quaseymoto: You need the Tinkerer's Workshop
Angreed66: The other reason is James and uno will absolutely fall in
hiFunko: You need the Tinkerer
Cavemanhar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
Quaseymoto: from an NPC
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cavemanhar! (Today's storm count: 25)
azraeldagda: The Tinkerer Workbench
Greyah: You need the goblin npc, who sells a table.
zblust subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zblust! (Today's storm count: 26)
NewtyNewts: Gotta go find them, yeah
Greyah: Also, I just want you to know, I fully blame you all for getting me to play Terraria again.
hiFunko: Need to rescue them after the goblin invasion is complete yeah
wildpeaks: @Greyah same, same
CAKHost: I also blame Mine O' Clock for making me play Terraria again
NewtyNewts: It gives you better luck, I think?
Tandtroll_OG: Dont the lanterns give luck?
Greyah: Since I got like 800 hours in the base game, I've finally branched out to mods. Currently doing Calamity.
Genie_M: lanterns show up after won bossfights / events
SFSMaus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 46 months!
SFSMaus: 46 months! Has morale improved because of the Terraria?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SFSMaus! (Today's storm count: 27)
walraven123: HUH
azraeldagda: This has very much given me inspiration to do a Terraria tutorial world for my friends who haven't played it a ton.
wildpeaks: I even found a new (added in late 2022) pretty pre-hardmore biome that lets me get some hardmode items early
Angreed66: that's how trees are irl too
NewtyNewts: They don't just move in, you gotta go find them
Quaseymoto: Any considerations of other materials for house?
wildpeaks: this game is so huge :D
compuNIC: hello friends
RealitySoldier: Hi everyone! Just tuned in, is James not present this time?
NewtyNewts: I mean, it's possible? But you did only just fight the goblins
compuNIC: I mean, define "Real"
Tandtroll_OG: James is under the weather
Genie_M: they need an amount of floor to set the table and chair on - the other parts can be platforms
compuNIC: also, define "floor"
Krillin_fan: solid jumping Serge
RealitySoldier: Ah, thank you @tandtroll_og. Best wishes for him!!
omdorastrix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
omdorastrix: 74 months seems like a lot
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, omdorastrix! (Today's storm count: 28)
NorthstarTex: since when did Uno get the dress? he wears it nicely
walraven123: Tyron is bad
wildpeaks: Uno did a James
PrinceNimzar: is the pit location a problem, chat?
Genie_M: no such thing :D
DideRobot: LRR: Just a small schedule update for everyone. We have to take a quick one week break from the current Dice Friends campaign, but have no fear, Bylaw and Order will return next week at its normal time and day! |
NewtyNewts: 20 per, I believe
noSmokeFire: booties? or the skull?
Genie_M: skull is 20, made in Furnace
Quaseymoto: You say naturally forming. I say that looks like a dump of water from mining above
Nigouki: Every time I tried that in MC the water pushed me down under the surface of the lava then seals me in with obsidian :(
NewtyNewts: He taught you what to say
noSmokeFire: ooo gem tree
wildpeaks: ohh, a second locatoin with water + lava
Nigouki: oh how I wish it was that fast to time obsidian in MC
wildpeaks: oh dear
Krillin_fan: hellstone bars
hiFunko: You can make a mask with it, a potion with it, and ingots with it
Zanzabar_: its used in some smelting
UltraVioletVodoo: yes you drowned
mrMorphius: lrrWOW
Zanzabar_: and the skull
Chesul: I think you drowned, yeah. XD
NewtyNewts: It's used in stuff with the next furnace
NorthstarTex: yep, you drowned
EricTheOrange: you can craft obsidian skulls which make you resistant to lava
Genie_M: you have to find the tinkerer after a goblin army event - he's somewhere in the caves now
noSmokeFire: iirc obsidian skulls used to be a decent money maker
NDCazzy: Look at that nice high rise apt building. Pay no attention to the giant hole underneath
NewtyNewts: That was the mechanic you found
hiFunko: After goblin invasion has been defeated, you can start finding him bound in the underdark
Zanzabar_: have you messed around with the transportation pylons at all yet? Theyre pretty handy.
NewtyNewts: The tinkerer is going to be the same sort of thing as she was
hiFunko: or caverns, whatever the grey one is called
Genie_M: nothing really from Obsidian until you have some later stuff
hiFunko: You shouldn't really need spike shoes if you have a grappling hook
Zanzabar_: I take it they havent done the dungeon yet?
hiFunko: They have
NorthstarTex: suprise jo food
Zanzabar_: so they have the mechanics workbench or is that from the goblin? I cant remember.
hiFunko: Tinkerer's bench comes from goblin, to combine accessories. Is that what you mean?
hiFunko: They do have the mechanic, but that's the redstone equivalent stuff
Zanzabar_: ah yea its been a while since I played this.
EricTheOrange: I'm not surprised serge has an accountant
hiFunko: Never a better time to jump back in! I've been playing their Mine O'Clock world seed and it's been a lot of fun to see what's been changed over the years since I played
Sarah_Serinde: Being self-employed and having multiple revenue streams can make taxes and such complicated
NorthstarTex: Terraria has changed so much over the years o.o
Sarah_Serinde: Well, I suppose not totally self-employed but still
noSmokeFire: if it were me, I'd simply not drown
EricTheOrange: something is glowing over their. is that a nether alter. that's all I can remember that glows like that.
Chesul: "if you take one skill away from this, make it these two skills."
CookieMom: Water management, boss arenas, and an unwavering devotion to the Pope.
Genie_M: very Bruce Lee of you to become water
omdorastrix: Water managent, boss arenas, ruthess efficiency...
Tandtroll_OG: Serge confirmed fish, or merman
Quaseymoto: Water breathing potions aren't too hard if you play with potion making
EricTheOrange: in late game theirs stuff that makes you immune to like drowning or fall damage and stuff like that.
hiFunko: Yeah there's a lot of really clutch potions
omdorastrix: @cookiemom same thought... I didnt expect anyone else
Genie_M: yes
hiFunko: Cosmetic yeah
Genie_M: it's cosmetics
Booster6 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 94 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Booster6! (Today's storm count: 29)
NewtyNewts: It's also a cosmetic thing, to make it look like lava is seeping through the stone. Nothing special, just a cosmetic effect
TXC2 returns
wildpeaks: as the legends foretold
TXC2: wildpeaks thanks
EricTheOrange: another spider nest
EricTheOrange: ah the same spider nest
Genie_M: and you'll use 20-20 for the skulls, and the others much later when you have more workbench types
Fettsbounty: Now that i'm catching y'all live. Just wanted go say i'm happy to see you playing Terraria. I also just restarted the game like a week prior to this adventure if yours. And i love seeing new players discover the game and all it has to offer. So thanks for this and being their guide.
Metalupis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
Metalupis: good team order number of months sub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Metalupis! (Today's storm count: 30)
CookieMom: Gotta farm that spider nest.
DarthRagnar815: Serge is a great guide HungryPaimon
n_mandrag: We know what happens to guides around here though...
NorthstarTex: My last terraria adventure as been akin to "All the things," where my partner and I have been collecting one of everything
NewtyNewts: So, Serge is Splash Captain, what title does he get for leading this game?
Genie_M: all the way not done yet
TXC2: "lava as far as the eye could see, and now? Los Angeles" Kappa
wildpeaks: oh yeah, I had forgotten the giant lake of lava
Genie_M: there's a hole somewhere down yeah
TXC2: NewtyNewts Lava leader
Chesul: F.
EricTheOrange: I used to love to drain the ocean down into lava, but at some update they changed it so that water evaporated at the lowest level.
TehAmelie: when life gives you obsidian, start whacking, i guess
NorthstarTex: not the hell water :(
Genie_M: a question never answhered
noSmokeFire: we're going to Hel, Norway?
NewtyNewts: Next stop: Hill!
Tandtroll_OG: Hullivator to Hull
EricTheOrange: were going to helheim
jessicaengle: It's a bit like a canal, but up and down instead of side to side
anclag: hey look, lava
TheMrFriend: I got here late. are we still calling it the 'hellavator'?
NorthstarTex: the Hel-evator, as in it leads you to the goddess Hel? o.O
TXC2: TheMrFriend yes
Genie_M: Serge would never do that
EricTheOrange: though if God of War is to be believed helheim is cold not hot.
TehAmelie: sinking into Helsinki
anclag: @TheMrFriend yes, but we don't know why and may never figure it out
SFSMaus: I have a friend who lives in Hull, MA. It's a lovely seaside location.
Genie_M: "calculated"
NewtyNewts: *fine*
Chesul: Calculated.
NorthstarTex: lrrFINE
Xed_Regulus: *slow claps*
EricTheOrange: welp serge killed uno, increment the counter
anclag: off by one...
TophTheHermit: "a present" he says
wildpeaks: on brand
NorthstarTex: !findquote lava
LRRbot: Quote #2518: "Do you want to eat a sword or a lava monster?" —Alex [2016-05-14]
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
EricTheOrange: how deep does the water have to be to negate fall damage?
NewtyNewts: Nope, you hit it.
Angreed66: that absolutly intersects
Zanzabar_: you could wall it off from where you are
wotc_jordan: Yes
TehAmelie: by 2 blocks or more
NorthstarTex: yep
Zanzabar_: fill it in if you want or do the obsidian thing
wildpeaks: careful is our middle name
Genie_M: "careful" - it's like "calculated" right? :)
Metalupis: if he doesn't have salt i'm sure chat has some
Krillin_fan: step 1: uno disconnects
anclag: brave sir Uno ran away
NorthstarTex: all according to plan?
mrMorphius: PJSalt from twitch chat to help
NewtyNewts: Worth noting: placing then mining silt does NOT remove the lava
TXC2: Genie_M careful is the social studies version of caculated
TehAmelie: dang, the lava killed his connection
NorthstarTex: lava's that powerful eh?
NewtyNewts: We got the new background though!
EricTheOrange: canal!?
noSmokeFire: you can't just pander to our love of canals
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrCoolgame jlrrDance
NorthstarTex: he said the word
TXC2: the drainal
wildpeaks: did someone say lava, err, canal ?
anclag: sergeCanal
NewtyNewts: The drainage canal might even be close enough that you can descend from here
EJGRgunner: I believe I was summoned sergeCanal
TehAmelie: that's good flood heatin
Zanzabar_: a ton of liquid propagation can cause a server crash eventually but it takes a lot.
NorthstarTex: lava tubes
TXC2: it's only a canal if it comes from the canal region of Serge's stream Kappa
anclag: send the lava lower down for future Serge and Uno to deal with
BiggPapaValk: But why is it called a Hellavator?
undecided44: Just tuned in... is James otherwise engaged today?
noSmokeFire: it's hella
TXC2: undecided44 he;s unwell sadly
EricTheOrange: is this the hell background or do we still have a level to do?
NewtyNewts: And torch
Genie_M: rope, torches and stone
shurtal: i thought that was Perth
anclag: woah...the road to hell you say?!?
TehAmelie: maybe we should have taken the escalator
anclag: that's where we're going?
sephsays: The hellevator is paved with calculated canals
NewtyNewts: Old style torches, that is, not modern battery-powered ones
NorthstarTex: looks less like a road and more like a hole
Genie_M: of course there's another lava pocket :D
TXC2: the road to hell is paved with good intentions, which makes for a shit road surface
Angreed66: I thought hell was other people and I count 2 people
Genie_M: you gotta love this seed
EricTheOrange: ahh their it is
xerjen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
xerjen: Are we there set? What about now? And now?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, xerjen! (Today's storm count: 31)
Angreed66: aka no bombs
wildpeaks: I spy with my little eyes a peice of new background
Genie_M: now THERE
NewtyNewts: Oh look, a new friend
NorthstarTex: almost there
Genie_M: it'll dangle in its arms
TXC2: we've got sky!.....underground
Genie_M: a little figurine in its arms
NorthstarTex: a man or anything dangling
Genie_M: run, hide, anything
Krillin_fan: death before little man murder
anclag: Also catch the butterflies down here...
MWGNZ: "do not engage"
EricTheOrange: ouch
shendaras: us too?
shendaras: =(
Genie_M: well there are 300 of us here
TheAinMAP: Wait
James_the_Dabbler: Wow
NorthstarTex: sacrifice is kind of a key word here
TehAmelie: wait when did we get on the altar
Wolfstrike_NL: Understandable
Yondaime233: but it will be fun if he kills it Kappa
SFSMaus: Wow. Now we know our worth.
DarthRagnar815: waoSweat
kalira77: there's a lot of us as meat shields
wildpeaks: because it's hella cool
NewtyNewts: Do you have your key handy?
compuNIC: Serge really likes doll collecting
NorthstarTex: close enough
TXC2: chat is expendable, ablative even Kapppa
SerGarretCameron: I mean, you're not wrong.
Genie_M: there!
NorthstarTex: ah home sweet home
Genie_M: (well if you're careful it can, but it's easier to say that it can't)
TXC2: so why am dangling person so important ?
James_the_Dabbler: it can die if you can get the doll before it falls in lava
Quaseymoto: Shadow Key, not purple
Metalupis: what, you don't want to bring a friend to the party unexpectedly?
wotc_jordan: Also Shadow Keys don't get consumed
NewtyNewts: Magic Missile upgrade
wildpeaks: wow, good modifier too
NorthstarTex: it looks safe to kill the imp
Chesul: ah yes, because the denizens of hell are definitely susceptible to fireballs.
undecided44: What is it that Cameron talked about as recurring theme in the culture novels.... not only what would you die to protect, but what will you kill to protect?
Genie_M: LOTS of loot!
Genie_M: loot loot loot
NewtyNewts: Thank goodness you're on normal mode, so the slimes aren't THE WORST
EricTheOrange: I remember in vanilla the ore down here made the best stuff in the game
NorthstarTex: yep
Genie_M: oh, now you can do more stuff with obsidian :)
NewtyNewts: Not on normal mode
NewtyNewts: That's Expert and harder
hiFunko: They don't do that on Normal mode
wildpeaks: two shadow chest and a hellforge within 30 seconds of being in hell, nice
NorthstarTex: (for non-terraria players context, there are harder modes that are almost like a new game+
Genie_M: obsidian skull mitigates burning
NewtyNewts: Ooh, Fireball!
wildpeaks: the special seed that starts you in Hell and you have to dig up to a world completely corrupted is quite fun too
Mischievous_Catgeist: nice
shurtal: noice
gualdhar: So why exactly are we letting this one devil kill us?
NorthstarTex: nice
Zanzabar_: fireflower is pretty stronk
NorthstarTex: fire flower is pretty much a reference to some old game, can't remember what
wildpeaks: *a lot*
wotc_jordan: You also need obsidian for it
NewtyNewts: Something like 75 for an armor?
Krillin_fan: hellforge is important!
NewtyNewts: More if you want the other items
Genie_M: 3 hellstone + 1 obsidian for a bar
TXC2: NorthstarTex is it Sonic?
compuNIC: what ever you think, double it
EkstraLangeDruer: around 300 stone for a full set of gear for one
Krillin_fan: 3:1 hellstone to obsidian to make the bars
NorthstarTex: @TXC2 I think, also time to celebrate Sonic's 30th anniversary
NewtyNewts: Lava flower, think it's dusk when that blooms?
TXC2: NorthstarTex indeed
Genie_M: 45 hellstone bars for the armor (so 135 hellstone)
wotc_jordan: Also if you've got any obsidian skin potions from your journey, now might be the time to make your life less hellish
wotc_jordan: I always forget them
TehAmelie: this looks like a house heated by a central magma tank which is great hellscaping
TehAmelie: or hell architecture
Genie_M: 135 hellstone for one set of armor so 405 hellstone for the armor for all 3 of you, and then the weapons and the tools
NewtyNewts: Oh, they did change it to only 45 for a set. That's handy
bytecaster: I wonder how viable a career hell architect is these days
TXC2: TehAmelie geothermal energy powered by the lost souls of the damned
NewtyNewts: 45 for a set, 135 for three. Add on other gear and you'll probably want around 175-200
TehAmelie: you have to apprentice for 6 years as architect of detruction
NorthstarTex: demon scythe! :D
NorthstarTex: Its still good
bytecaster: I feel the "deadly" adjective for "demon scythe" is redundant.
TehAmelie: i wanna know if deadly modifies the demon or the scythe
Genie_M: you need ALL of the hellstone you can grab. really ALL. many hundreds.
NorthstarTex: IIRC, deadly is a good roll for a spell
Krillin_fan: you DON'T want to drop lava on your friends?! hmm...strange
jessicaengle: Lava canal.
bytecaster: Only drop lava consensually
Genie_M: lavasoir
TXC2: Krillin_fan not without consent at least
Mischievous_Catgeist: sergeCanal
NewtyNewts: Lava is friends. Not food
bytecaster: Now I really wanna build a lava aqueduct.
jessicaengle: A laqueduct?
NorthstarTex: yes you can, there are things that allow you to do it :)
NewtyNewts: Potions would be very useful for this, but you gotta watch that bar
TXC2: a terraduct ?
bytecaster: Yes to both of those words!
compuNIC: I mean, you can't BREATHE lava
bytecaster: Once
wildpeaks: big snek frend
Genie_M: Obsidian Skin Potion - it needs some farming and alchemy table
NorthstarTex: big bony boi
NorthstarTex: alchemy tables are easy to make though, so yeah ^.^
Genie_M: I cut off lava drips
NorthstarTex: lava streams are nice
Angreed66: that's a good way to fall through
wildpeaks: I have holes everywhere, in case of accidents
compuNIC: let the lava hit the FLOOR
jessicaengle: Put the lava back in?
Zanzabar_: i put drains in my hell road so the slimes dont kill me later
PrinceNimzar: my platform is only solid every other block
NewtyNewts: I'm on team "build it out of lava platforms so it can't pool up"
CookieMom: I am team accidental boss summon. XD
sephsays: I'm usually on expert mode, so I need to have spots for lava slimes to drain into - those drips make a good excuse :)
NewtyNewts: *obsidian platforms
noSmokeFire: serge "no holes" yager
jessicaengle: That's Serge.... they call him the No Holes Bard.
EkstraLangeDruer: I always use an obsidian skin potion and mine from inside the lava lakes
TheMrFriend: i like the flood the surface world with lava
gualdhar: Title of my sex tape?
NorthstarTex: oh, hell furniture!
wildpeaks: those darn lava slimes spilling everywhere :D
bytecaster: Everybody always praises flamelash, and poor demon scythe has to just listen to that and take it.
NorthstarTex: those hellfire arrows are so nice if you're running a bow build
eboera subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
eboera: when the bois be digging
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, eboera! (Today's storm count: 32)
MacSquizzy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MacSquizzy! (Today's storm count: 33)
TehAmelie: be like Meat Loaf, Hellbat
bytecaster: Plumbing these houses up with lava must be a nightmare
noSmokeFire: cosmetic, but sellable
MacSquizzy: wtf twitch hides prime behind the "elevate your subscription" button now
Mischievous_Catgeist: sold as is
bytecaster: @MacSquizzy Sure does, took me a second to find it.
Genie_M: they are good money though if you bring some up - also look cool
TXC2: MacSquizzy twitch has always been a bit weird with the Sub options
Genie_M: yup
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah but they keep making the prime sub harder and harder to use
Sarah_Serinde: Unsurprising, but worth knowing about
TehAmelie: that worm was made of bone
wildpeaks: summoners have a cool toy from hellstone
wotc_jordan: Yep, need a Lavaproof net though
wotc_jordan: Or it hurts you
NewtyNewts: It's a friend that doesn't like your plain cloth nets
Genie_M: you need a platform to put it on, but that's kind of basic thing to have around
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
NorthstarTex: its the miner guy that has the bombs me thiinks
NewtyNewts: Demolitionist, yeah
Genie_M: old habits
NewtyNewts: Well done
Chesul: hey, it is the minecraft stream, it makes sense.
TehAmelie: wouldn't that be nice if it worked
TXC2: the old muscle memory fail
PrinceNimzar: this /isn't/ minecraft?
MackSomeone: Better than ctrl+clicking a chest full of items like in Tarkov... don't do that here.
wildpeaks: it's like a free teleport :D
Zanzabar_: unless you have a giant potion farm, theyre kinda op in this game.
bytecaster: Death: It's like a free teleport!
TehAmelie: we just made it to the Nether and we're collecting Netherite to upgrade our gear, except not Minecraft
Cptasparagus: is there a James effect for Terraria? Like if he's in the room for MTG people always draw too many lands.
bytecaster: If this isn't minecraft, why are we mining and crafting. Checkmate, atheists.
Krillin_fan: the name of the game is Terraria Serge, you silly goose
NewtyNewts: Let's go test it!
PrinceNimzar: plus on the schedule they said it would be rude not to play minecraft.
bytecaster: Children, remember only touch lava if you have rose in the other hand!
PrinceNimzar: therefore this must be minecraft
ArtemisHuntress: Hello friends! good afternoon, Serge
TXC2: hello ArtemisHuntress welcome
jessicaengle: Burgle is a fantastic word
NewtyNewts: Strong dark and lancome
Cyhidraethe_domini: top 10 anime betrayal
NewtyNewts: I remember bottom-up, because I was about to comment it and then Serge said it
Sarah_Serinde: Just like you would never drop lava on him
TXC2: would you do it James? Kappa
Tandtroll_OG: Was it Dio?
NewtyNewts: If James falling in holes is his Minecraft bit, what's Serge's Terraria bit?
NewtyNewts: Yeeessssssss, ruin those real estate values!
TXC2: ruined? or liveable again ?
bytecaster: With the current real estate prices, hell houses have suddenly become much more popular than you'd expect.
EkstraLangeDruer: Technically, armored is second best tier roll. Top tier would be warding for +4
EkstraLangeDruer: Kappa
bytecaster: You forget to start that message with "Um actually" as is tradition
NewtyNewts: I'm hoping they get the bow from this area, I'm pretty fond of it
wotc_jordan: Purple Keys don't go away. Uno will always have it
wotc_jordan: Gold keys were
Cyhidraethe_domini: probably because the gold ones were
NewtyNewts: Because gold ones and the special ones do
Quaseymoto: Because ever other key in the game is I think
bytecaster: Video games have conditioned us that keys are consumable, when actual keys rarely are
Cptasparagus: sunfury, blessed blade of the windseeker?
anclag: @bytecaster plus they're really difficult to chew
MackSomeone: Chat, who do you think will have the first Voodoo mishap?
NewtyNewts: James
TXC2: bytecaster then again IRL keys tend to only open one lock
Mischievous_Catgeist: yoyos are the best
Chesul: I'm guessing they don't have the tinkers bench yet?
NewtyNewts: Serge is using a very big yoyo this run
bytecaster: @TXC2 Maybe we should stop calling them keys in videogames, if they don't share many properties with actual keys
TXC2: bytecaster indeed
Angreed66: so ideas on the hellstone count out of 900?
SerGarretCameron: Reach Out and Touch Heat.
Greyah: Using explosives to kill enemies is literally the speedrun meta.
NewtyNewts: My usual approach in hellzone is usually to ignore mining on the first pass and just grab whatever's accessible from the sides of the buildings
DKMTG1: I never knew META meant that
Zanzabar_: yea you will probably need 100 obsidian ish per person for all the bars you plan to make.
NewtyNewts: 245 is around 80 bars
Zanzabar_: its 3:1
Bassios: Bold strategy, let's see how that plays out
Alas_Babylon: @dkmtg1 Really any use of meta kind of pertains to optimizing within the game - the game within the game as it were
NewtyNewts: It's 45 bars per suit, they changed it from 6:1 to 3:1 for a while
sephsays: 135 for a full armour set, 60 per pickaxe, so Serge almost has that :)
Alas_Babylon: How do you beat the idea of the game rather than just the game itself, in a weird way
Bassios: No thoughts, head empty
Genie_M: 135 for a set of armor + 100-ish for tools and weapons
NewtyNewts: It used to be 75, now it's 45 per SET
Genie_M: yes
compuNIC: 300 per person is around ok I think?
NewtyNewts: 135 makes you 3 SETS
wildpeaks: depends if you want the staff too
xerjen: Have you included being off by one?
Genie_M: 135 stone, it makes 45 ingots
NewtyNewts: 135 ingots, that is. 135 STONE makes all three sets
hey_allen: Hello all.
Alas_Babylon: ohi
Zanzabar_: theres some items that can be upgraded with hellstone too but those can be done as needed
NewtyNewts: I had that backwards, wow. 135 stone for one set. 135 ingots for 3 sets
Krillin_fan: I mine, I die, I mine again
hey_allen: I really need to get back to Terraria, haven't played it in years...
Genie_M: you need ~700 stone
TheMrFriend: new, meta-shaking 'mine more, die less' strat. i'm not sure it'll work
Genie_M: then you can craft everything comfortably
Cyhidraethe_domini: potions and food are great for speeding this stuff up btw :D
PrinceNimzar: @hey_allen i beat everything there was in the game after one of the "final" updates.
NewtyNewts: That's no excuse!
sephsays: Worth noting that, if you change Uno's armour, you're also probably gonna need to get him a new weapon too, because the space gun'll chow down on mana :P
Krillin_fan: that's right demons, Unionize!
Angreed66: So OSHA has jurisdiction then
hey_allen: @PrinceNimzar I never even beyond the early game.
NewtyNewts: Hell should be the MOST stringent on excuses, after all who hasn't gotten unreasonably annoyed at having to follow seemingly-useless rules?
compuNIC: to be fair, you are NOT registered workers here
CamelAttack: Hell has AHSO they work to make everything more dangerous
Xed_Regulus: In D&D, Hell is Lawful, so they should be all about regulations (or am I an edition or two behind?)
TXC2: hell has OSHA, but they're bad at their job
RoyGBivSF: I imagine there's a lot of red tape and bureaucracy in hell
hey_allen: There's the true meaning of hell, unionizing the demons, protesting the conditions, hours, pay...
xerjen: I would argue that being compliant to regulations is hell sometimes
DKMTG1: Would getting the first set of hellstone tools speed up the collection of the rest?
PrinceNimzar: @hey_allen ah, I haven't played in years, 'cause I'm waiting for the "actual" final update
CookieMom: Each bar is 3 ore, and 1 obsidian. 20 bars for a pickaxes, 15 bars for greaves, 10 for helms, 20 for chestplate, 17 for Imp Staff to give you a summon. Would recommend 82 bars per person, so 738 hellstone ore.
NewtyNewts: @PrinceNimzar You mean the Final FINAL *FINAL* (2) update?
mjiig: Do we know what happens if the guy does fall into lava, or is that spoilers?
MackSomeone: That is spoilers
PrinceNimzar: @NewtyNewts I think that one was 2 updates ago
Zanzabar_: 45 more ore if you want a hamaxe too but thats probably optional
Zanzabar_: depends if doors work like in minecraft.
hey_allen: Details... fire and death, just minor details lurking behind that door...
TXC2: the zen of digging
PrinceNimzar: "empty your mind"?
TXC2: no mind is not the same as mindless
Cyhidraethe_domini: which one of you guys are zen and which one is mindless?
Wicker_Guide subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
Wicker_Guide: digging the grindstone
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Wicker_Guide! (Today's storm count: 34)
NewtyNewts: One man's mindful is another man's mindless
Zanzabar_: that spelunking potion would be handy for this too
brieandbacon: One man's milf is another man's mum
Xed_Regulus: What is the mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind.
TehAmelie: there's a lot of mindlessness apps
Wicker_Guide: @brieandbacon monarchBonk
NewtyNewts: One man's hand is even. On the other hand, it's pretty odd
Zanzabar_: I was thinking more for mining efficiency.
TehAmelie: see tiktok. no thoughts, only scroll
IAmUthwe: so we know where the ore is but where is the and?
Cyhidraethe_domini: What about mining speed and immunity to lava damage potions?
Caldurin: The ore knows where it is, because it knows where it isn't
Quaseymoto: Pickaxe = 20 Bars Hamaxe = 15 bars Weapons = 15-20 bars Breastplate = 20 bars Pants = 15 bars Helmet = 10 bars (set bonus is burn immunity) So a full set of tools + 1 weapon for everyone = 165 ore Each full set of armor = 135 ore
Xed_Regulus: It is a Jacques Cousteau take off, kind of?
TXC2: 2004
Zanzabar_: good movie though
Zanzabar_: @Quaseymoto you forgot boots
hiFunko: Yeah worth kiling Slime Boss again for sure
NewtyNewts: And you can check in on how the forging is going!
penguinbloke: love the soundtrack for that movie
Zanzabar_: wait nvm @Quaseymoto
brieandbacon: Slimeball rain!!
twerkz117: <message deleted>--
twerkz117: <message deleted>+++++++-
hiFunko: Hello twerkz117's cat or other small pet
twerkz117: <message deleted>+++++++++++++++++++++
SymphonicLolita: hi cat
twerkz117: Sorry about that
twerkz117: It was my cat
DKMTG1: Bye fur baby messages
Mischievous_Catgeist: for once it wasnt my cat XD
TXC2: twerkz117 as we suspected
kalira77: cat was very interested in making sure we got our plusses :)
NewtyNewts: No mount
PrinceNimzar: @twerkz117 tell kitty chat says hi
northos: squirrels D:
NewtyNewts: Second ninja shirt
NewtyNewts: Both in your piggybank
hiFunko: You only get one piece per kill
hiFunko: if at all
twerkz117: I will tell her but she is mad currently that I moved her slightly
Tandtroll_OG: Sounds like a cat
kalira77: she wouldn't be a cat if she did any less
Zanzabar_: it is possible to automate the lava pits so you can turn them on and off with the redstone stuff
NewtyNewts: Lifeforce!
NewtyNewts: Who's got the hellforge again?
Genie_M: time to hellstone!
hiFunko: The old forge is redundant now, assuming it's not there for aesthetics
Genie_M: 2 armor sets + some tools
Genie_M: not yet
Zanzabar_: you dont yet
hiFunko: Later sets have different helmets for specialisation
brieandbacon: Oh dang, the house got taller again
Zanzabar_: or you use other armor sets
hiFunko: for now, you just wear different sets to get ranged or magic bonuses
NewtyNewts: Build an extension?
hiFunko: Bone set is nice
brieandbacon: Victims of your own success
Kejardon: any thoughts about pylons?
Zanzabar_: if you build houses elsewhere you can setup transportation pylons for fast map traversal.
sephsays: Necro (Bone & web) for ranged, Jungle for Magic, Crimson for super-boosted regen
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
CookieMom: Eventually you'll want to also move your people to other biomes too. :)
ArtemisHuntress: ah. the best time to join a stream
ArtemisHuntress: XD
NewtyNewts: If Uno also has hellstone, they might just have enough for everything now?
Tandtroll_OG: I don't think they want to play around with villagers all that much
hiFunko: squeesh
brieandbacon: Doorsound, doorsound, squish, squash
Krillin_fan: squish
hiFunko: I think someone left their mic on when they went on break
hiFunko: Serge really likes opening and closing doors
dumbo3k: If that's a Hot Mic, then I don't want to know what the Squeeshes are
Kejardon: some sounds in Terraria play even in the background
Genie_M: so it's 2x45 for your armor, 2x20 for the molten pickaxes, and you're probably back to the mines
hiFunko: As long as we don't hear someone picking up coins, that would be weird
TheAinMAP: lrrSIG
NewtyNewts: Lots of door noises
TXC2: and we're back
brieandbacon: !keikaku
TXC2: !plan
LRRbot: A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
brieandbacon: Thanks TXC2-bot
TXC2: you're welcome, beep boop
Mischievous_Catgeist: !badadvice
LRRbot: Enough! Buy at my price or be off with you.
NorthstarTex: !findquote plan
LRRbot: Quote #6309: "Jacob consents to whatever crazy shit you have planned." —Jacob [2019-08-12]
g1yph: I could listen to terraria music/sounds forever.
James_the_Dabbler: you know what the goblin tinkerer keeps in his goblin sleevies? His goblin armies!
g1yph: I love this game
PrinceNimzar: carpenter == furniture man
Kejardon: I'm surprised you haven't succumbed to adding doors or other exits at the top of the house yet
James_the_Dabbler: so are y’all going to endgame? or just past the hell boss? (avoiding spoilers)
NewtyNewts: @James_the_Dabbler They're going to hard mode, and that's the destination for this series
Zanzabar_: the pwn hammer probably
PixelArtDragon: I was thinking about how generous Serge is and how he always gives his co-streamers the nicest things
James_the_Dabbler: @newtynewts nice
TXC2: isn't James HR?
wildpeaks: a lot of things that used to be drops-only can now be crafted
NewtyNewts: You've got enough for one set, and part of one for James
brieandbacon: Y'all remember James
Zanzabar_: honestly its not really necessary to upgrade the hamaxe anyway
TXC2: !findquote James
LRRbot: Quote #1037: "That's the James Turner Guarantee!" —James [2015-11-05]
NewtyNewts: You have a second one in there
NewtyNewts: Gravity
Zanzabar_: graviton
EkstraLangeDruer: Gravitation
Cyhidraethe_domini: it's the woop-uu potion
NewtyNewts: You can test recipe with a water bottle at the guide
EkstraLangeDruer: Needs fireblossom to craft
Genie_M: you have an alchemy table?
NewtyNewts: They do, above the crafting area
Genie_M: top level mid
NewtyNewts: Need to make a bottle, then go to water and fill them
Kejardon: alchemy tables have a chance to craft potions without using resources
azraeldagda: It should be the one you grabbed from the dungeon
Zanzabar_: are you planning on going to other worlds to farm other items or just stick to your home world?
GhassanPL subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 98 months!
GhassanPL: This isn't Noita! The twitch e-mail lied to me!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GhassanPL! (Today's storm count: 35)
TXC2: Zanzabar_ just staying on this world
NewtyNewts: Ooh, feathers are gonna be the limiter here
Zanzabar_: thats gonna make it challenging then @TXC2
xerjen: Deathwink blinkroot...
Genie_M: carrot milk
TXC2: whose the potion that makes us float? DEATHWINK BLINKROOT!
TehAmelie: have we had an ad break by the way?
wildpeaks: *gasp*
TXC2: TehAmelie yes
Krillin_fan: two of these things are not like the others
TXC2: one of these things doesn't belong here
NewtyNewts: Now Uno's gonna craft some Orange Torches just to spite you
TXC2: cute
Angreed66: I'm on uno's side the regular torches don't belong
TheAinMAP: PartyHat PrideParty
TehAmelie: well, glad i napped through the break
brieandbacon: Party-time? Excellent
Krillin_fan: it's like having one mismatched basic land
Genie_M: you could've had different torches for every level
Sarah_Serinde: You're right, it should've been one unmatching torch on two separate floors Kappa
GhostValv: D:
Sarah_Serinde: gabyTehe
NewtyNewts: @Sarah_Serinde And in different horizontal sections
Sarah_Serinde: Oh noooo less responsibility that sounds terrible
wotc_jordan: I dunno I think I take Sarah over Serge
Bassios: Nah, zig-zag the torches all the way down
TXC2: wotc_jordan what about me? Kappa
Sarah_Serinde: @wotc_jordan Dang that's flattering :P
NewtyNewts: Until you find a lunk to spe?
Genie_M: molten pick is also a light source of sorts
wotc_jordan: @TXC2 same deal. Mods > Entertainer
NewtyNewts: Yup, another pet
TXC2: wotc_jordan :D
Genie_M: basic
NewtyNewts: Think there are normal mounts, but there's special ones for the bosses in master
wildpeaks: yes you can have mounts
wotc_jordan: you CAN, there's just not a ton in pre-hardmode
CrazymattCaptain: mounts are just luck
wotc_jordan: Wrong
wotc_jordan: It's way easier than Jungle
gsyhiap: Jungle is trickier
Genie_M: you could've had the slime saddle drop
EkstraLangeDruer: way easier, easiest underground except the default
NewtyNewts: It's been a while since I played normal version. I'd say a bit easier, but the movement impairment is annoying
wildpeaks: it was my very first biome so I'm biased
Bassios: The penguins are cute
NewtyNewts: Ooh, pingwengs
Genie_M: and the goblin tinkerer somewhere
TXC2: jungle made be harder, but falling in ice and then having it freeze over you is WAAAAY scarier :p
Genie_M: "caves"
Kejardon: underground enough to have stone background
TehAmelie: a message appears, with letters formed accidentally in landscape generation: "an ice chest ahead"
NewtyNewts: Caverns, so the deeper underground
NewtyNewts: And apology accepted
Zanzabar_: and gold chests, ya all are still running around without mirrors.
Genie_M: Uno has a mirror, but James and Serge doesn't
Kejardon: at least they have grapples. The last few times I played, I was practically to hell before anything gave me a hook
TXC2: we found the Amtrack line :p
Genie_M: yeah slime grapples too, they're good
NewtyNewts: Does Uno have his metal detector? He might be able to tell when you're nearing a chest
Xed_Regulus: The fluid physics in this game is impressive.
sephsays: @Kejardon You can make them from 15x of any gem, now!
Fettsbounty: Gemstones are your friends for that case Kejardon
Genie_M: you can also gather some slush to throw in to the extractinator for some more gems
NewtyNewts: Bit unfortunate not having found an Extractionator yet. It'd be nice with all the silt and slush
Zanzabar_: DUCK
Kejardon: they found an extractionator a while back
NewtyNewts: Ooh, they did? I must have missed it
brieandbacon: Cos it's a ducky
James_the_Dabbler: look out!
Zanzabar_: some statues let you spawn things with the wireing
NewtyNewts: Take cover!
TXC2: !findquote duck
LRRbot: Quote #2157: "Kick, block, punch. Duck, duck, turn." —Alex [2016-03-25]
Zanzabar_: idk if duck does but its a duck
TXC2: be entertained by the clown ?
hiFunko: The clowns will remember you said that, Uno.
mjiig: You're walking through a forest and you come across a clown in a jar...
sephsays: The bottles stack if they're different types, so Uno could have triple jumps!
Genie_M: "i don't need stuff" - "takes the demonic pickaxe" :D
hiFunko: Doubful
brieandbacon: !chat
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
NewtyNewts: Might be good, but I don't think so
NewtyNewts: You're good then
Genie_M: yes, Caverns
AnderKryst subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AnderKryst! (Today's storm count: 36)
hiFunko: Does Ice biome count for Tinkerer?
hiFunko: Can't remember
Genie_M: Cavern levels is where the tinkerer is - looking for a goblin in ropes
Zanzabar_: could find the wandering merchant too
hiFunko: I generally just fall down the Helevator to the grey level, then explore one direction for a bit
NewtyNewts: My usual approach is just messing around the dungeon, but that's probably because I usually get the invasion before the dungeon
brieandbacon: Just a guy
NewtyNewts: You got your miner as well!
wildpeaks: worst case, mirrors can be crafted
Cry0Dex: if you have any hunter potions they will help see him if hes nearby
Zanzabar_: that must be new
NewtyNewts: You can also equip both the cloud and blizzard, if you want triple jump
Genie_M: glass gold/platinum and diamonds
Zanzabar_: oh wow thats way easier then
Genie_M: since 1.4.4 it's craftable
NewtyNewts: Ooh, the flinxes
Genie_M: furnace
NewtyNewts: Just a furnace
wildpeaks: the neat part is we already have the extractinator to get rare gems
wildpeaks: *gasp*
NewtyNewts: Ooh, chest statue. That sounds like a good thing to hook up to wires and generate infinite "chests"
Krillin_fan: maybe that's why it sunk down into the cavern layer?
Genie_M: we found a decent number of diamonds already, so it shouldn't be a problem to get mirrors for everyone
Kejardon: are you saying these people built something not up to code?
hiFunko: Slush can be used with the extractor for gems, ores and money
g1yph: back and to the left?
Kejardon: Fairy is actually a kelpie trying to drown you
NewtyNewts: It's time to get good at darts
TXC2: just an actual darts tourny is something we could do on live :p
NewtyNewts: Haven't found any at random?
hiFunko: Don't wanna go hunting for some sky stuff?
Zanzabar_: I usually just build a skyroad or tower to get them.
hey_allen: The what potion? uppy downie?
brieandbacon: But Uno always has chickens, right?
hiFunko: I like using guns
hey_allen: Ah, graviton.
hiFunko: I'm surprised you haven't just randomly found a grav pot yet
Genie_M: I just water bolt to find islands and then just platform up
DKMTG1: Gotta go chicken hunting
sephsays: Uno's gun is a great way to find the sky islands too
Zanzabar_: keep slush though.
TXC2: the cursed seed
brieandbacon: Cursed seed
NewtyNewts: Or go hellpot-smashing
hiFunko: I'm playing the same world seed and I've found a bunch. Y'all are just unlucky
azraeldagda: You could just make a sky pillar real quick.
hey_allen: I was just poking around my saved Tarraira world, and found the skyway that I'd built just before getting distracted. Almost got mugged by a BUNCH of harpies.
brieandbacon: Get good, I guess? wow
hiFunko: You can also find the sky stuff with y'know, skill
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Genie_M: water bolt and shoot up
TXC2: hard work
Genie_M: where it bounces back
hiFunko: I prefer guns but spells work too
AngelicKnighthood: Have not been watching this whole journey. Where in the boss order are these fine gentlemen?
MackSomeone: Gotta check the "built different" box at character creation.
hiFunko: @AngelicKnighthood Post skeletron, pre-... basement boss?
NewtyNewts: And haven't done the Bartender event
NewtyNewts: You can, but you're in water
Krillin_fan: you've still got the snow biome mini-boss yes?
wildpeaks: yeah they haven't done the snow one either
wildpeaks: yes
Zanzabar_: oh yea
Krillin_fan: yeah
Zanzabar_: forgot about that one
NewtyNewts: I think that's hardmode?
wildpeaks: it's pre-hardmode
Kejardon: hardmode or expert mode?
NorthstarTex: it does totally count
sephsays: It spawns in normal, pre-hardmode
Zanzabar_: midnight during a blizzard
brieandbacon: !findquote rules
LRRbot: Quote #5391: "You know the rule: No hurting yourself off camera!" —Heather [2018-10-12]
Chesul: Indeed Serge, how could you have the audacity to tell chat we're wrong. only we get to do that.
NewtyNewts: He should be able to, you're at caverns depth
Kejardon: I'm not sure but I've always thought it only depended on depth
Juliamon: You're asking CHAT for a CONSENSUS?
Angreed66: Devs make the distinction otherwise it's until hardmode*
azraeldagda: They wiki doesn't say he doesn't...
Genie_M: "He can be acquired after a Goblin Army has been defeated, spawning randomly in open areas in the Cavern layer"
hiFunko: I can't say I remember ever finding him in the ice biome
Zanzabar_: the goblin army has to be defeated first
Sarah_Serinde: Juliamon raises a good point
hiFunko: They've done the invasion yeah
azureHaights subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, azureHaights! (Today's storm count: 37)
NewtyNewts: The question is if the biome matters
sephsays: Other people say he can spawn in Jungle Caverns, so he should be able to spawn in Ice Caverns.
Fettsbounty: So new to me in my recent playthrough. I did find a new item to help exploring up. Not sure if you'd like that spoiled ornof
Kejardon: Moving back and forth a long way like on a railway is a quick way to force him to spawn
Fettsbounty: Or not*
Genie_M: "He can be acquired after a Goblin Army has been defeated, spawning randomly in open areas in the Cavern layer" - from the wiki
sephsays: Ah, found someone who has claimed that they've found him in Ice Caverns before! :)
NorthstarTex: make it 6 dollars and I'll try to find an answer
hiFunko: If you go to the cavern layer, he should spawn *somewhere* nearby until you go too far, then he will respawn closer. No audio cue
Genie_M: nope, you can see him with the lifeform analyzer
NewtyNewts: Only if you've got the item that's similar to Metal Detector
Greyah: You need a special item that detects rare creatures.
hiFunko: does not have to be new
NewtyNewts: Sure can
azraeldagda: It just shows up with the lifeform analyzer
NorthstarTex: nah
Kejardon: Moving back and forth is an effective way to spawn them
Genie_M: it has to be open area
azureHaights: Oh, we're NPC hunting?
hiFunko: yeah an open cavern is best
James_the_Dabbler: He is an NPC so he does show up on the minimap I think
Zanzabar_: lifeform anaylizer will pick him up if you have one of those.
sephsays: Theoretically, you can just drop down the hellevator enough times, but it'd take forever :P
NorthstarTex: minecarts are my favorite way of cheesing spawns
NewtyNewts: @James_the_Dabbler What, even when he's still bound?
NewtyNewts: You dropped this, Viking
azraeldagda: If the dungeon is deep enough you could try running through that since it's big open areas
hatsfullofrabbits: omg I am also playing and I just realized you can zoom in and out.. I don't know how long I have been playing this game.
DKMTG1: Uno not torching his path
hatsfullofrabbits: Also hi!
Angreed66: they're 6 kings in one
TXC2: hello hatsfullofrabbits welcome
DudelidouX: It's like a viscount isn't it
brieandbacon: @Angreed66 boooo
hatsfullofrabbits: @TXC2 Thank you!
NewtyNewts: Cave full of bigness
NorthstarTex: !seed
LRRbot: The seed for the Punch a chunk server is: 67974112
NorthstarTex: probably not the seed i'm looking for
NewtyNewts: chest on the right too
hiFunko: Sorry, the goblin is being held prisoner BY the cave?
NewtyNewts: Uno got runboots!
brieandbacon: The boots with the flurr?
Genie_M: not in the cold tbh
hiFunko: Sounds like this cave might be a real problem
PixelArtDragon: Depends, do I get a window?
NewtyNewts: Heck yeah heartstatue
gsyhiap: Not one below freezing tbh
sephsays: Glowing mushroom, easy
MackSomeone: Anything but jungle. Think of the bugs crawling all over you.
TXC2: the penthouse biome ?
wildpeaks: Aether because it's pretty
NorthstarTex: desert biome caves, it has good Background Music
rogerivany: Something temperate, by the water?
James_the_Dabbler: can I just not be held prisoner?
wildpeaks: niice
jessicaengle: This place could use a lava canal.
azureHaights: a nice mirror
NewtyNewts: Potionman, I'm going into hell and need your strongest obsidian potions
NewtyNewts: Heart crystal
TXC2: is ocean man Aquaman and ocean master's son?
NewtyNewts: Heart statue is the one you wire up
Kejardon: heart statue is what you use to spawn healing hearts during boss fights
Kejardon: I think you need a heart crystal for the healing lantern you place
NewtyNewts: Heart crystal to craft the lantern, heart statue attached to a switch for making droppable hearts
hiFunko: yeah crystal and chain
azureHaights: sergeFall
azureHaights: a conspiracy by Big Ice
NorthstarTex: watch james come on next week and find it in a minute
wildpeaks: woohoo
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance
Genie_M: there we go :)
NewtyNewts: Boooots!
MackSomeone: Rocketbooooots!
gsyhiap: It's tinker time!
hiFunko: I like rocket boots combined
Genie_M: tinker!
NewtyNewts: It's a material!
DKMTG1: Boots into feathers
Greyah: You can combine the boots with your other boots.
NorthstarTex: rocket boots are great, especially when combined with things
NewtyNewts: Has to be equipped for that one
Zanzabar_: i think it needs to be equiped
Zanzabar_: but all the building items can be combined later.
Kejardon: can't craft from equipped items
Zanzabar_: wait did you find the goblin?
Chesul: take the table with you?
Genie_M: the higher you fall...
gsyhiap: twitchRaid
azureHaights: Tinker Yager Goblin Fly
NorthstarTex: they'll be back, but o7 tinkerer
PrinceNimzar: fishgang?
Genie_M: go sky islands, they're fun
MackSomeone: Could combine gear/make a package for James.
TXC2: you have rocket boots now
NewtyNewts: Go check on what accessories you can combine?
hiFunko: Firing projectiles upwards makes a ricochet sound when it hits an island
hiFunko: you walk along firing up and listening
DKMTG1: You just got rocket boots
Angreed66: you can farm older bosses
NewtyNewts: Uno just got boots
CAKHost: You can use ropes to get to islands if you want
Genie_M: go up, get feather, got potion
sephsays: Uno can also buy boots?
Genie_M: or rope down
TXC2: you rocket boots, then you drop them down to Uno, what can go wrong? Kappa
wildpeaks: organize chests ?
Genie_M: or Uno buys boots
jessicaengle: Good guy James. Is he ok?
jessicaengle: He missed his home stream yesterday.
Genie_M: Uno you can buy boots too :)
TXC2: jessicaengle he is unwell
NewtyNewts: Jack and "The Beans Talk!"
Zanzabar_: what size world is this?
Genie_M: normal
wildpeaks: medium
DKMTG1: Straight up
Genie_M: with a water bolt you can find them in a minute
brieandbacon: !chat
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
wildpeaks: you could check which items can be combined, like the rose
NorthstarTex: !findquote chat
LRRbot: Quote #2217: "I'm going to die here. It's going to be your fault, Chat. I don't know why it's going to be your fault, but I'm comfortable believing that." —Cameron [2016-03-30]
Fettsbounty: I found a item new to me that helped find sky islands, but yeah. Not enough time now. Need to explore a different area for it
Genie_M: well "best"
gsyhiap: I've heard worse plans
Chesul: I mean, you could make a one block tower at your base to jump off of, it would probably be quicker.
DKMTG1: Does the flight run out?
Kejardon: flight is only like a second, yeah
hiFunko: The height from rocket boots alone isn't getting us there
Fettsbounty: Really? There's so much more game after HM unlock
wildpeaks: worst case, if you rope up you might get some feathers
NewtyNewts: @Fettsbounty They're gonna go back to regularly scheduled programming
catfoo123 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
catfoo123: Yay
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, catfoo123! (Today's storm count: 38)
gsyhiap: I understand, but I'm sad because it would be fun to see how Uno and James handle HM
Zanzabar_: they can allways return to it at another time.
wildpeaks: 70% of the game is beyond hardmode, yeah
Genie_M: just do Terraria All The Things :D
NewtyNewts: This is your teaser trailer
CAKHost: Plus we don't know when the next Minecraft update will be out
Rhystic_Buddies: the main thing is that you have fun
Greyah: So you're not gonna do a full Calamity mod playthrough, which is like two and a half times bigger than the original game?
wildpeaks: so what will be the next game ?
hiFunko: Reforge is reroll
NewtyNewts: That's not reforge, that's combine
Genie_M: it's not a "playthrough", it's a "playsome"
Zanzabar_: you can allways check whats needed with the guide
NewtyNewts: He's gonna go the distance!
hiFunko: Combine at the tinkerer table, reforge at the tinkerer
Chesul: what trinkets is Uno trying to combine?
Genie_M: poor colin
NewtyNewts: Serge has one
gsyhiap: F
twerkz117: probably quick sorted into a chest
Zanzabar_: it might have gotten stacked to chests if there was one in there
Genie_M: Serge is bringing a dps meter home :D
NewtyNewts: A dps meter AND milk
NewtyNewts: Uno also got some boots, might be good for him to buy some more boots
Genie_M: and there's a huge combining line for creating contraptions
shtevie3: Poot!
NewtyNewts: It's another collab
Kejardon: it's a tower defense thing
gsyhiap: ^
Zanzabar_: yea its a dungeon defenders colab
carbonoid12: wasn't that a collab with dungeon defenders?
Zanzabar_: from a while back
Kejardon: Turrets are similar to Summons
NewtyNewts: You place it and do several waves of enemy invasions, to get medals for turret weapons
sephsays: Might be worth doing before the big finale next week?
NewtyNewts: They also don't like being crowded together like this lol
wildpeaks: it could be worth opening the save file in Terramap to see where the sky islands and Aether are, for doing a big finale
jessicaengle: Hate is not okay.
TXC2: hate? or do science?!
James_the_Dabbler: oh do you have the wolfgirl now?
wildpeaks: if it's going to be the last stream anyway
DKMTG1: Squirrel grapples trees like you wanted
NewtyNewts: It's a big money sink
NewtyNewts: Jungle
EkstraLangeDruer: jungle set
PixelArtDragon: Khans of Tarkir
twerkz117: did they combine the skull and rose?
NewtyNewts: Don't know if you got spores
James_the_Dabbler: I really like Rise of the Eldrazi myself
NorthstarTex: you got the defender metals for free from the barkeep
sephsays: 10x stingers, 2x vines, 32x jungle spores for the Jungle Armor
PixelArtDragon: The Jungle Magic Set I guess would be Ixalan?
NewtyNewts: They were the little glowing plant things you find in underground jungle
wotc_jordan: You might not have grabbed any, they are unique looking green things in the Jungle
NewtyNewts: Maybe just upgrade to plat or make the shadow set
sephsays: Uno can combine the Obsidian Skull with that Lucky Horseshoe and never die to fall damage :)
MackSomeone: How dare you. Fart in a bottle is the greatest item in this game.
ArtemisHuntress: you are assuming a lot about what Uno wants
NewtyNewts: Flurry boots
Zanzabar_: yea the speed boots
NewtyNewts: He did say he got flurry boots in the ice biome
Zanzabar_: just take out a loan from the bank of serge
wildpeaks: a little Blood Moon could get some money quick
NewtyNewts: Think James would want a set?
TXC2: and this is a MEDIUM map :p
Genie_M: Build the road
Kejardon: grappling along the roof of hell is a good way to farm heart crystals
Kejardon: though that has its risks
TXC2: thanks for streaming Serge and Uno
MackSomeone: Thanks all for the great stream.
CAKHost: Thanks for the stream!
Genie_M: Just look around in hallow
NewtyNewts: It's been good!
Genie_M: It's a fun place to die
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TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Crime O'Clock) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (30m from now).
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TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
SergeYager: <3
Tandtroll_OG: Oh no I missed noita? Guess I know what I'm doing now
Tandtroll_OG: To the vods!
SergeYager: Noita was One More this week and next week :)
Tandtroll_OG: Sweet ^^
TXC2: while we're waiting for talking sim, there is a new crapshot and a new gvlog up
TehAmelie: gasp
Juliamon: There's probably not enough time for the gvlog, but there's definitely time for the crapshot