matthaus_c: <message deleted>!findquote let's
LRRbot: Quote #4450: "Let's just ignore chat for a minute and see what happens." —James [2017-11-02]
Juliamon: lrrSIG
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY lrrSIG lrrSIG
ButButTheJesus: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Melfina__: lrrSIG lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrSIG
matthaus_c: <message deleted>!next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Alan Wake 2) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (1s from now).
Manae: !next
Fanklok: !next
matthaus_c: <message deleted>heheheh
MilkInBags: I'm cool and smell good :)
saucemaster5000: Good evening all you wonderful people
saucemaster5000: Oh hey matthaus
matthaus_c: <message deleted>:O
Fanklok: Can we ban matthaus?
TehAmelie: so what's going on with Alan? i have not watched almost any of this stream
ButButTheJesus: @MilkInBags I'm a bit warm and...
matthaus_c: <message deleted>I'm crushed
saucemaster5000: lrrSHINE
BlackIsis: @TehAmelie alan got woke
matthaus_c: <message deleted>KPOPheart
BlackIsis: I think we're wandering around coffee world?
itira: seabatOAK *bursts through the door*
saucemaster5000: (Gasp)
Bengineering: Oh we banning @matthaus_c ?
Seth_Erickson: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
DideRobot: LRR: Did you know that 99.999% of all people who watch Let's Nope are cool and smell really nice? | The 0.001% is somebody who I wont name but his name rhymes with Bames Burner | |
matthaus_c: <message deleted>@Bengineering hit me coward
MilkInBags: something truly horrifying and spooky just happened to me, game connection crashed in helldivers 2 after a 25 minutes game with mostly all currencies maxed NotLikeThis
patrick_stonecrusher: Lan Awake
Bengineering: Aim
Bengineering: And
Bengineering: Fire
TehAmelie: James watches your show? neat
itira: damn
BlackIsis: wow
ButButTheJesus: @MilkInBags I am so sorry
MilkInBags: I'm a witness to murder
Fanklok: Ben I will give you 20 us dollars to do it
josh___something: o7
BlackIsis: cancelled
itira: it is done
MilkInBags: matthaus had it too good for too long
Bengineering: benginRip
Fanklok: No wimping out and undoing ut
matthaus_c: PrideUwu shot in the going online screen
ButButTheJesus: I see we're starting with violence
MilkInBags: today I gambled with Adam to make him laugh or ban me, I live still
Blakemcm: what a thrill...
itira: @MilkInBags dont we do that every day?
Kramburger: @MilkInBags let's be real, that was a safe bet
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MilkInBags Not with stakes like that
Fanklok: @MilkInBags Did you quote the Simpsons to him?
ButButTheJesus: ♪ make life take the lemons back ♪
MilkInBags: @Kramburger maybe for me but not for you :)
Kramburger: I'm still here Milk...
Fanklok: It's not like Adam has ever gone back on his word
BusTed: lrrSPOOPY
itira: Ah!
MilkInBags: spooky
ButButTheJesus: ♪ FEENGARRRR ♪
BusTed: Cranberries has been following me for the past couple weeks man. Even in Mexico I heard it everywhere.
saucemaster5000: karaoke night!
itira: LUL
Mathwyn: Let us nope
Mai_Andra: xivCactuar
matthaus_c: good energy today
TehAmelie: hay guise
Nigouki: are we trying to get the highlight muted?
BlackIsis: so what's the over under on when the actual game will start tonight
itsr67: shit I missed it
j0biwan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months, currently on a 30 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, j0biwan! (Today's storm count: 48)
frank_the_great: We starting on a B O P
saucemaster5000: Cheeze it da youtube feds!
Fanklok: Take teh gun and shoot teh suits
Mr_Horrible: Mark: 6:30 for first appearance on-camera. Begin stopwatch
SquareDotCube: You know it's serious when Graham shows up to work in a suit
SpacePotato01: why not both?
TheMerricat: If you take the gun you can keep the million dollars too!
Juliamon: A million dollars buys many guns
Blakemcm: 1 million dollars or 1 million friends
BlackIsis: I am pretty sure if you take the one with the gun you can have the million dollars
frank_the_great: And now a gun's pointing at you, demanding the $1M
MilkInBags: take the gun, shoot them, run away with the money
Mathwyn: You take the gun and then point at them and demand the million dollars
BusTed: What would the other one say
goombalax: "which one has a million dollars?"
Kramburger: I pick the gun, then I threaten to shoot them if they don't give me the money
Invitare: What would the other one say
Blakemcm: what would the other person say
saucemaster5000: "which one of you is baptized?"
Blakemcm: and then you choose the otehr one
matthaus_c: How much is a $5 footlong
frank_the_great: "Which one has the $1M in it?"
Mr_Horrible: "one of us always jokes, and the other always japes"
saucemaster5000: $6
MilkInBags: @matthaus_c LUL
itira: go left streamer
frank_the_great: Go to google, flip a coin
Invitare: Whom between Graham and Paul would be the one that always lies?
protojman: snap keep right
Cptasparagus: one of us tells the truth and the other just is a sussy baka
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Invitare Beej
MilkInBags: ok but where
MilkInBags: $20 and an edible
SquareDotCube: ask them what way a cardinal direction is while holding a compass
goombalax: I'd do it for rent money
frank_the_great: How much for a pinky?
itira: one month
saucemaster5000: 5 grand is a finger
Mathwyn: Well everyone has a price and now we know Ben and Adams LUL
Fanklok: I guess I know what I'm doing when I have 2000 dollars I'm not doing for anything
Makrosian_Tae: What are we debating?
Blakemcm: problem gone either way
goombalax: god's balls
MilkInBags: oof
Saintnex: the physical therapy would eat up that 2k I feel
josh___something: Oof
ButButTheJesus: die for MAH RIGHTS KKona
MilkInBags: would you blend your partner for $100k
Blakemcm: couldnt press it fast enough
xantos69: I press that button until my finger hurts.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Pay off my car, personal loan and guarantee my cats lifestyle and we can talk
frank_the_great: Easy press
goombalax: Wishmaster Genie
saucemaster5000: I'd slam that button before they finish telling me what I get for it
MegaDosX: Looks like Beej
MilkInBags: dany devito in a sausage costume
Thefluffiestguineapig: @MilkInBags Don't have a human one
EvilBadman: Is he baptized
wastetalent: sinbad
saucemaster5000: will smith genie?
MilkInBags: what
itira: @MilkInBags i like this visual
itira: wait
Mr_Horrible: WHOAH
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
violetblight: yknow this says a lot about
Saintnex: Sill Wmith
MilkInBags: this got me
fiftymcnasty: um
MegaDosX: Excuxe.
saucemaster5000: spitting
MrSarkhan: Umm
itira: LUL
MegaDosX: Excuse*
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: happy tuesday!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa! (Today's storm count: 49)
josh___something: Adam, you have something to say?
xantos69: That's the thing they never tell you... if you just keep pressing the button you can solve overpopulation on Earth, AND be rich.
Fanklok: Sooo. Adam thinks Crash Bandicoot is hot
frank_the_great: Furry confirmed
LadyJuion: "Crash Bandicoot is hot."
Rhynerd: whoa
KV1NN4: Crash Bandicoot... John Cena's fursona?
Mai_Andra: Booyah, Grandma
Cptasparagus: cumgutters like crash bandicoot
violetblight: yknow he’s right and im mad about it
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something We already have discovered the furry tendencies
Invitare: a trillion dollars would probably break the global economy
Blakemcm: fuck yea
Saintnex: Oof
TheMerricat: Again, if you take the gun, you can keep the money... :D
goombalax: she'd go for it
josh___something: @thefluffiestguineapig excuse?
Blakemcm: if she sad she can leave with the 500k
MilkInBags: for a trillion dollar I can become a cyborg and be rid of the weakness that is my flesh
frank_the_great: They will understand
Mr_Horrible: "I knew I shouldn't have included these Georgia crossroads in my daily commute"
xantos69: @MilkInBags Oh, my dream also
shendaras: very heavy suitcase
Scarbble: that dang ol bames burner. hi y'all
Blakemcm: how about 1 gun with 2 bullets?
MegaDosX: I have two guns, one for each of ya
goombalax: its got a trillion dollars of NFTs
EvilBadman: @MilkInBags but not the weakness in your mind
Invitare: Adam, you do know that guns can contain more than one bullet right?
MilkInBags: prisoner's dilemma
shendaras: Just guess right
frank_the_great: I am heartless
BusTed: @MilkInBags a real sophie's choice
Fanklok: One Briefcase has a billion dollars, the other is filled with solid lead. You get to keep one and have to eat the other
Saintnex: yea, why not 1 gun 2 bullets? why 2 guns?
josh___something: Simply take the gun and shoot the demon
EdibleDragon: These are old timey muskets in the case
violetblight: i could not
ButButTheJesus: i mean
Invitare: clip that and send it
0x6772: Buy Twitter.
frank_the_great: $1T, or they won't know
Blakemcm: Streamer house
Mathwyn: Buy Warhammer
frank_the_great: James Turner
Mr_Horrible: your problems are over forever, one way or another :)
GhostValv: what'd you do with the leftover 10 million?
itira: LUL
MilkInBags: for a trillion dollar I would buy Earth
tergonis: can't trust anything that could make that offer
Saintnex: anything I wanted, ITS SO MUCH MONEY
BusTed: LUL
BlackIsis: okay, what do you do with the remaining 999.99B dollars
Mathwyn: Finally I could afford my hobby
itira: that got me
Mr_Horrible: not Bames! D:
gualdhar: ok get Nicole on the phone
Fanklok: Bro you could buy everyone on victoria a house with that money
josh___something: LUL
violetblight: im gonna be honest i dont want a trillion dollars i would not manage that well
EdibleDragon: Couldn't you just use the guns to mug the demon for the other briefcase?
EvilBadman: buy /ashley/ the house
saucemaster5000: James gets an ice cream
goombalax: Bezos' ex has made it her life's goal to give away her money from the divorce and she literally can't give it away faster than she makes it
Invitare: you'd cause the economy to collapse
itira: maybe a little
fiftymcnasty: 100% would
MilkInBags: my dad knows of a guy at work that got out of a lottery group once, and they won that one time, he never recovered
saucemaster5000: I'd go bond villain by the end of the week
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: $1T USD is@more than come countries annual budget
Juliamon: Name one uncorrupted billionaire
Mr_Horrible: it is scientifically proven to do so, Ben
Blakemcm: you could use a trillion to defeat all the evil billionairs!!!
MegaDosX: A trillion is an unfathomable amount of money for one person
matthaus_c: money changes your relationships a lot, but I think growing up as a broke boy has educated me better
spo8n: @Invitare not any more than it already is!
TehAmelie: i have some plans for housing and education. . .
spurius: not inmidiatly but as time passes yes
josh___something: It's a literally life-changing amount of money
Blakemcm: no not yet
frank_the_great: You can't corrupt me, I already said yes to pressing the button
MilkInBags: not yet
goombalax: just dilt bifferent
shendaras: Hundreds of billions, though. Maybe not trillions.
MilkInBags: breaking the glass ceiling
MarkovDescendant: All these Billionaires in the world and not a single Batman.
frank_the_great: Taylor Swift is pretty okay
arkham1981: one of my uncles is a billionaire and hes a straight up monster
MilkInBags: unless your inherit but
josh___something: That's 1000x times richer than a billionaire
BusTed: Number one on the list, new legs.
shendaras: You got money to fix your legs
Mr_Horrible: ah, so Ben is hypothesizing that it's the process
BlackIsis: A trillion dollars would crush you
gamercat88: im built like scroge mcduff i can handle that much money
matthaus_c: remove the briefcase from the stone
MilkInBags: what if it's one trillion dollar bill
Juliamon: open the briefcase, it's 3 bitcoins
Mr_Horrible: that's just the Gold Case gag from 30 Rock
BlackIsis: It would literally fill warehouses
goombalax: I mean you've already risked your partner's life without their consent so you're already a bad person
frank_the_great: Fallout: NV Dead Money conundrum
MegaDosX: It's like that one Roald Dahl story
itira: i would definitely swim in it
Molladia: Just a single cheque made out to One Trillion.
lamina5432: so is it a trillion canadian or american
SpacePotato01: You could use it as a jetpack.
MilkInBags: but if you create matter, at one point earth will be too heavy and deviate from its orbit and we all die
EvilBadman: There's "only" seven companies in the world worth a Trillion. No solo people.
Saintnex: time to find an empty swimming pool
saucemaster5000: This is a spider man villain
LadyJuion: So, a loony is 7 grams
shendaras: 1 dollar is apparently about 1g, so..
goombalax: Smaug's money mountain is smaller than Jeff Bezos' fortune
itira: free money
Mr_Horrible: they get free 1's!
fiftymcnasty: you are rich, you dont care about them
violetblight: youre a trillionaire who cares
josh___something: Fuckin Mario ass sfx
Fanklok: You're a trillionaire, "people" are meaningless to you
BusTed: or bottlecaps
SpacePotato01: you don't care about the people because you're a trillionaire
EdibleDragon: You're a trillionaire now. Screw the little people
korvys: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 5:13 PM
matthaus_c: canadians are messed up
saucemaster5000: you're all gambit???
BlackIsis: what is wrong with canadians
rosesmcgee: Are we taking this trillion from the existing currency supply or are we destroying the value of the canadian dollar?
MilkInBags: saskatchewan sucks
definenull: Great, didn't miss this week's podcast! FBtouchdown
rosesmcgee: Further destroying
Blakemcm: they are a rural peoples
gamercat88: wow and you think Florida is bad.. jk jk
Mr_Horrible: Bored Rural Children are pretty similar everywhere
Juliamon: the correct question is "what's wrong with rural folk"
Molladia: What denominations of CAD are coins?
NotCainNorAbel: oh, you did that all wrong
LadyJuion: 7 trillion dollars in loonies would weigh 7716179 tons. Because I wanted to convert it into a terrible non-metric unit.
Mr_Horrible: Chop Cheese is closer to a burger than a cheesesteak
Fanklok: Poutine?
Fanklok: I can see Serge throwing hands over Poutine
frank_the_great: Guess you're not patriotic enough
itira: nanaimo bar
sparkythebungler: Hey
Blakemcm: Maple Syrup, vs american corn syrup version
Invitare: Poutine with that weird white American gravy
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ladyjuion That number was so preposterous it made me crack up
blip2004: people make horrible poutines all the time
Saintnex: @molladia 5, 10 and 25 cents, 1 and 2 dollars
MilkInBags: yeah if you make a bad poutine that's your problem
LadyJuion: What if we said the fake maple syrup is real maple syrup?
tampaxthered: donairs?
MitchTheQuaker: thats just new yorkers
BlackIsis: maple syrup
Molladia: Somebody walks in and says Maine Maple syrup is better than Canadian
Mr_Horrible: it's because you're a transplant, Ben, and you hold no loyalty Kappa
josh___something: You ARE a sweetie, Ben
MilkInBags: it's called a credit card
frank_the_great: Fuck pennies, there I said it
definenull: Poutine but with American cheese
goombalax: poutine without curds makes me act up
spurius: and a 2 dollar coin
korvys: What about New York vs Montreal bagels?
matthaus_c: part of the commonwealth, so they still use pence
BlackIsis: @Molladia damn, not even vermont maple syrup
MilkInBags: we had a 50 cents though
saucemaster5000: I'd fight with zors in my gloves for someone fucking up buffalo wings
saucemaster5000: razors even
patrick_stonecrusher: Im an Murkin, never heard of Chop Cheese
Blakemcm: just go on the internet and tell lies?!?
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
frank_the_great: Classic wacky Canada
Saintnex: we did have a 50 cent!
0x6772: Oh Ben, let Adam have his fun
MegaDosX: Ben I'm older than you
ButButTheJesus: lies? on the internet?
Fanklok: Ben I'm like exactly one year older than you
itira: Adam
HondoTrigger: to be fair most of us are younger than adam :)
violetblight: damn i respected you until you told me that was a lie
xantos69: Younger than you Adam.
itira: how dare
neisan2112: I have bad news for you ben
MilkInBags: LUL
frank_the_great: I'm only 29...
public_key_reveal_party: I've still got 2.5 months until I'm 30
Mr_Horrible: statistically 90% of this chat is older than you, Ben
violetblight: im half your age tyvm
iris_of_ether: seabatUseless seabatUseless seabatUseless
Pinwiz11: We need to study our 17 times tables!
Invitare: Adam, you joke about 17c coins, but I'm British. We had thruppeny bits
itira: Adam is avoiding eye contact now
MilkInBags: no
MegaDosX: You know
Thefluffiestguineapig: I’m 29
MegaDosX: You're not entirely wrong
lochnessseammonster: damn PrideLaugh
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: okay so the national budget for Canada is $690.3 B USD
saucemaster5000: when are we wrong??? name one time
violetblight: thats just conversation
Mr_Horrible: yes, that person is a hero
MilkInBags: LUL
itira: thats so good LOL
violetblight: LOL
saucemaster5000: LMAO
josh___something: I've seen this tweet XD
definenull: King move
MilkInBags: poor leffen
goombalax: now I want a currency in prime number denominations
neisan2112: Wooooow
gamercat88: the hero we didnt know we needed
MilkInBags: he did nothing wrong
Mr_Horrible: burners specifically to fuck with Leffen is God's Honest Work
violetblight: its leffen he needs it
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
Micsig: that's just normal tekken chatters
josh___something: Undisclosed amount of alt accounts
Molladia: Look at that coaster handing onto the cup
violetblight: bro tekken is the wildest game
protojman: we trained him wrong. as a joke!
Valbatross_: At some point that coaster is gonna drop off ben's mug and it's gonna startle us
MilkInBags: and go in hbox's chat to tell them he can play the game instead of stalling OpieOP
matthaus_c: MGS3 tuckered him out
Mr_Horrible: Lunacid good
Blakemcm: Resident eveil 4?
lochnessseammonster: let's nope is for vibes only
frank_the_great: Lunacid looked neat
fiftymcnasty: MGS3 is tiring
Saintnex: lethal company
itira: Adams all tired from this morning
gualdhar: Lethal Company
gualdhar: Tekken
violetblight: its half a year or so
MilkInBags: lethal company hello??
NotCainNorAbel: time means nothing
lochnessseammonster: you play videogames on this stream? seems fake
Fanklok: Hell DIvers
itira: eeeeeh???
MilkInBags: i mean it was an experience
saucemaster5000: ehhh??
Mai_Andra: yeah, anything more than about 2 days past is a long time ago.
MegaDosX: Palworld
BluTGI: Lethal Company promo money dry up? Same with Pal-world?
Mr_Horrible: turns out it's very meh
MarkovDescendant: Gonna do some Killer Klowns in the future?
frank_the_great: Do y'all remember Amongst We?
violetblight: idk i know people playing lethal
Blakemcm: the brighest stars burn out the fastest
LadyJuion: What happened to Phasmaphobia? Among Us?!
MilkInBags: helldivers 2 is forever
josh___something: Pokemon Go? Oh
matthaus_c: trends, man
protojman: my so and I got into lethal company after watching you play! it actually got her into lrr too
MegaDosX: I know some people still playing Lethal Company
Mr_Horrible: the Hype Cycle hungers
definenull: But destiny 2 is eternal
violetblight: palworld was literally a week, lethal had months at least
MilkInBags: you give me shit for playing Stellaris for 8 years
itira: Im still hardcore stuck on Palia :P
Mai_Andra: 2 weeks? 10 years? same difference...
saucemaster5000: make good games like mgs3 instead
josh___something: D2 is unfortunately eternal
violetblight: eternal dogshit maybe
EvilBadman: Unless you're weird and roleplaying a cop in GTA ONLINE
BluTGI: Everybody's on the sim grocery promo money
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: not with Bungie deleting content it isn't
MilkInBags: space chores Kreygasm
Makrosian_Tae: Mods, shoot that man!
Mr_Horrible: log on, instantly contract Depression, log off
matthaus_c: would rather fight The Fury 50 times in a row
SquareDotCube: as is FFXIV
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
frank_the_great: I recently got back into Fall Guys
LadyJuion: EverQuest is eternal.
SquareDotCube: and Minecraft
Fanklok: Graham still plays Destiny
Dog_of_Myth: Destiny 2: Where everyone knows your name.
Nigouki: aren't some Vtubers still playing Lethal Company cuz they have to get the game approved or something? or is my brother just watching old VODs?
HondoTrigger: we get rid of streams as easily as games too, remember Adam's Gamehaus?
SpacePotato01: 90% is Cameron?
SpacePotato01: oh
violetblight: LOL
MilkInBags: Ben did you have a fever
josh___something: LUL
lochnessseammonster: amazing
saucemaster5000: Street Fighter's got.... what? another week or so?
violetblight: what kinda night were you having for that
iris_of_ether: Oh yeah he plays
MilkInBags: apparently the game is Fine now
Mr_Horrible: @HondoTrigger stop trying to gaslight us, Hondo. You can't make a haus out of games
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
Mathwyn: Its almost my perfect mmo tbh
BluTGI: Fallout 76 player? In 2024? Rare specimen
Fanklok: Runescape is a single player MMO you can play with other pople smh
josh___something: Tods, any comment?
violetblight: ngl f76 is kinda fascinating
MilkInBags: Todd was kidnapped by Elon Musk?
SquareDotCube: go back to college basketball games, Todd
Mr_Horrible: Todd Howard glaring the background of that photo *is* very funny
HondoTrigger: remember when Musk shared his Elden Ring build and it sucked
BluTGI: Can we stop inviting Elon to anything?
Blakemcm: you can gate keep him
Fanklok: Did he walk in with 2 skate boards?
lochnessseammonster: yes
MilkInBags: @HondoTrigger lmao
matthaus_c: gatekeeping billionaires is morally correct
Mr_Horrible: yes, it is moral to gatekeep Elon
josh___something: Elon Musk is fair game
Valbatross_: Because Elon Musk desperately wants to be thought of as a Cool Internet Guy\
KV1NN4: muskrat has TOO MUCH free time
saucemaster5000: it def is
Juliamon: You can gatekeep billionaires
TehAmelie: Todd in Nimona is such a good bad guy
definenull: It's like midas touch but everything he touches turns to shit
saucemaster5000: I give permission
Rhynerd: he knows what he did
EvilBadman: Elon Musk is aspiring to be Poochie
Saintnex: would be rude not to
MilkInBags: Musk ruined enough things for us
MarkovDescendant: Graham went home to play Destiny 2
SquareDotCube: Beej would agree
BluTGI: "gate keep"
JinaMahavira: Elon showed up to the "punch Elon party"?
TehAmelie: there's over 1000
MilkInBags: there's too many
frank_the_great: There's like $1k in the US
Mr_Horrible: what if I give you a list of their home addresses instead? Kappa
MilkInBags: fun fact that list is all a list of criminals
BluTGI: Gate keep with a sharp weighted object?
Mai_Andra: Elon can have his own Fallout party, only he doesn't know how to play blackjack, and the hookers didn't show up.
Darleysam: ooh the rare successful coaster sip SeemsGood
Mr_Horrible: *wow*
NotCainNorAbel: There are about 3200 billionaires
HondoTrigger: the forbes 30 under 30 list has an unsurprisingly high incarceration rate
Mr_Horrible: A+
Thefluffiestguineapig: Daaaaaaaaaamn
Thefluffiestguineapig: that’s so true!
Darleysam: noice
SquareDotCube: "Musk died on the way to Mars"
Boon_33: the unfortunate soul that dove a tesla into water.
MilkInBags: remember pubg?
Mr_Horrible: wait, is it *actually* just part of the mug?
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to EvilBadman! They have given 1429 Gift Subs in the channel!
The_Color_Twelve: cool it off first
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EvilBadman! (Today's storm count: 50)
Mr_Horrible: @MilkInBags no but I remember its sequel, The Callisto Protocol
lochnessseammonster: i foolishly thought i could have this stream on while working PrideLaugh
Darleysam: I bet Teslas don't even make that sound, Elon just thought that Jetsons-ass joke noise was cool
EvilBadman: @dog_of_myth oh god no why
TehAmelie: for contrast, the average net worth for the world is about $12,000
Mr_Horrible: @lochnessseammonster always a gamble
saucemaster5000: THAT IS A RED FLAG
MegaDosX: Yeah it is
zapshakur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
zapshakur: ayyy
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zapshakur! (Today's storm count: 51)
Dog_of_Myth: @EvilBadman You made me laugh. Deal with it.
ButButTheJesus: yeah
BusTed: gleeking
MegaDosX: Nobody ever thought about it
saucemaster5000: No I refuse that is psychopath behavior
MilkInBags: ok but maybe they should learn to blow
Molladia: I don't want more games streamed by LRR.... just give me more of this sitting around chatting
violetblight: maybe if youre bad at blowing out candles
MilkInBags: blow wind*
Rourke9: oh... yea
matthaus_c: @MilkInBags good save
BluTGI: The things we did in the 80s. Not sure how any of us are alive
Mr_Horrible: kids these days not relying on their lung capacity... no one wants to work anymore lrrBEEJ
NorthstarTex: evening everyone, glad to not have missed any Alan Wake
Molladia: PREACH
ghizmou: that s why I just fart on cakes
shendaras: Gotta avatar
MilkInBags: yeah but, i mean, speaking to each other makes us breath the other's air
ShaneLeeAtk: Moist exhales
Fanklok: Do it through a vent filter
shendaras: Bend the flames
Cptasparagus: ive always hated candles on cake since my sister spit on my 13th birthday cake
Mr_Horrible: Ben all the Fremen in the audience are livid right now
saucemaster5000: godzilla breath that cake
matthaus_c: I would pay them extra
MilkInBags: is he single
saucemaster5000: is the waiter baptized
xantos69: Don't kink shame me
frank_the_great: Is it their birthday?
hatboozeparty: Extra spice
Saintnex: well it ain’t your cake Adam, it’s the birthday person’s
Fanklok: Is the server hot?
Juliamon: MilkInBags Maybe you do
BluTGI: I wished for a safe cake. I didn't get it.
JinaMahavira: Damn it milk beat me
gamercat88: is his mom single
MegaDosX: Give it the succ
lochnessseammonster: hmmm toss up then
gualdhar: but now they're sucking in candle smoke
Mr_Horrible: noooooo small german child! Holding it in doesn't do anything!
NotCainNorAbel: seems like you are teaching them to smoke
matthaus_c: Dhalsim's birthday
The_Color_Twelve: inhale that smoke
cosynecromancer: Teach kids to go Zorro mode on the candles
ShaneLeeAtk: Just RGB the cake
BrindleBoar: stop turning the children into dragons Ben
definenull: Ben's played kirby
MilkInBags: doctor whomst
CururuGuasu: I pinch the candles. Freaks out my nieces and nephews
BusTed: here we go
patrick_stonecrusher: Ive seen some videos about cakes, someone breathing on one is small potatoes
itsr67: let's go
Molladia: Ben watching Solo Leveling
Mr_Horrible: more like Dr. Okay lrrBEEJ
MilkInBags: isnt dr who boring?
Rourke9: delicious in dungeon has been fun
MegaDosX: Hot take incoming
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cue anime/Dr. Who was a mistake jokes
Mr_Horrible: phrasing
bethy_kins24: Yasss
shendaras: Matt Smith times?
Mai_Andra: xivMorbol
NotCainNorAbel: get the clipping ready
violetblight: ayo
josh___something: Owo?
korvys: I also fell of *multiple times* trying to watch through Matt Smith.
BluTGI: @Mr_Horrible Indeeeeeeeed
Rourke9: yeah
HondoTrigger: that's Moffat for you
korvys: *off
Sarah_Serinde: Hating on that era is just gonna get a lot of DW fans on your side tbh
definenull: Trueee
Darleysam: Dr Who is entirely fine, and that's all it was meant to be, but the world got ahold of it and acted like it was bigger and better than it is.
MilkInBags: so you're watching filler episodes?
jessieimproved: Matt Smith great Doctor, Matt Smith arc not that great
matthaus_c: Moffat is a very restrictive showrunner
fiftymcnasty: Yeah thats kinda how it goes
Pinwiz11: That's fair. The first season was great and then...
shendaras: Vampire times?
Invitare: that was a common problem in the Matt Smith era
saucemaster5000: doctor who would be better if he didn't have a time machine
MegaDosX: Give it time Ben
MegaDosX: That's very early on
MilkInBags: ah vampires, so it sucks
Faulpyr: Matt Smith arcs ain't great
Juliamon: Moffat vs RTD is THE debate in the fandom from what I've seen
The_Color_Twelve: yeah that's not the best episode
Yolysses subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
Yolysses: 10th Doctor for life!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Yolysses! (Today's storm count: 52)
MarkovDescendant: Series 4 was the height of New Who
LadyJuion: Ohh, that one is...
ShaneLeeAtk: DW slogs every so often
LadyJuion: An episode.
Catcard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Catcard! (Today's storm count: 53)
BluTGI: All I remember from Matt Smith was Karen Gillian was on screen
BusTed: Adam did you see that the singer of the Snake Eater theme was in chat today
Makrosian_Tae: GETTEM
Makrosian_Tae: Heresy!!!
fiftymcnasty: Cancelled
SmithKurosaki: Matt Smith is a love/hate Doctor from what I've heard
Scarbble: adam's a hayter hater, got it
NotCainNorAbel: Yeah, Matt Smith was good; the stories were a bit redundant
goombalax: David Hayter hater!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Was that early in his career
MilkInBags: yeah because The Fear was really good
MegaDosX: Matt Smith's Doctor has some much better episodes later on
Rourke9: the rest of the cast is great to be fair
saucemaster5000: keifer sutherland though
lochnessseammonster: adam is spitting
Mr_Horrible: we're putting you on the rocket, Adam
Rourke9: oh cool!
josh___something: Hater
Blakemcm: David Hayter does not have too many other credits for voice acting
Makrosian_Tae: Holy shit, what??
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wow!!!!
itsr67: man already lost it
josh___something: LUL
Fanklok: There's a reason Kojima made him do the try out again to get the role of Snake for 3
TehAmelie: David Hayter has a website where you can pay him to say whatever. maybe he's stopped trying
MilkInBags: The End was good :)
Molladia: Was the MGS port to PC any good?
lamina5432: the writers after matt smith started decide to drop fames
fiftymcnasty: its ps2 era
itsr67: it changes controls based on what mgs you said you liked
itsr67: Not joking
Makrosian_Tae: @blakemcm Yeah, because he was a script writer beforehand. You have him to thank for the first AND second Xmen films
The_Timo: Grab bag of games lol
itira: I love it honestly lolol
Rourke9: it is fun!!
josh___something: It's great
definenull: It's a fun vibe
shendaras: It is great, actually
MilkInBags: please Ben tell him, he refuses to believe us
Scarbble: i personally love the mystery box adam streams
Firewhiskers: @TehAmelie Cameo has lots of celebrities on it
matthaus_c: maybe I'm weird but I've been tuning in way more
gawag_: a game... haus?
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's such a fun time
Scarbble: though i love adam streams in general
violetblight: you bring great energy to them all tbh
Pinwiz11: He's got a month until the next poe league
tod_vom_himmel: Half life 2 next week right Adam?
lamina5432: i enjoyed the little of the sniper fight today
violetblight: nice shoes
Mr_Horrible: you're not allowed to like AC6, Adam, you disowned Rusty
saucemaster5000: kojima is one of THOSE devs
Valbatross_: Armored Core is a "rotate this in my mind" game
josh___something: Kojima is a Hack (Endearing)
Thefluffiestguineapig: I love being able to tune in while doing homework
Rourke9: year of Darkest dungeon, era of SF6, pokemon Kaizo, etc
MilkInBags: You are now subscribed to movie facts!
Rourke9: good stuff
itira: thats a great saying
Rourke9: loved the two streams of Astral Ascent
ShaneLeeAtk: Nice
violetblight: lmao
Rourke9: yes
HondoTrigger: what about Sonic Suggests?
Boon_33: very kojima
definenull: Ye duh
Makrosian_Tae: Truly
Juliamon: Cold take
korvys: Yeah dude
circusofkirkus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
circusofkirkus: seven oh
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, circusofkirkus! (Today's storm count: 54)
Mr_Horrible: Adam to every author ever:
matthaus_c: there wasn't anyone whose job it was to rein him in
Makrosian_Tae: As I've said before, the target audience for a Kojima Kojima
LadyJuion: You are playing with fire on the internet now.
lochnessseammonster: everyone needs an editor
goombalax: snaaaaaake eeeaaaaterrrrrrr
violetblight: its honestly kinda beautiful
Darleysam: Kojima makes games for Kojima, and Geoff Keighley
Invitare: Actually Adam, there WERE people doing that. Death Stranding is Kojima at full power
Fanklok: Back in the 80's some guy Kojima worked with basically said "Hey you're an ideas guy so you're a useless fuck. You should go die or whatever"
MilkInBags: and dark souls is different!
Seth_Erickson: No one was clamoring for a long ass ladder playing the main game's song and yet it still exists.
korvys: Kojima just makes weird shit with his friends, and like... goals.
KV1NN4: yuuuup
cosynecromancer: "I think I shall write another character to infodump my latest special interest.."
Blakemcm: Konami gave him deadlines atleast
saucemaster5000: konami actually really fucked them on MGS5
Nigouki: look someone of us actually appreciate Peak Kojima Bullshit
josh___something: "little" long winded?
squ3e: Oh man I just got here, glad I didnt miss any gameplay! Thanks team for looking out
patrick_stonecrusher: "When you find out why she wears the clothes she does, you will feel ashamed" or something like that
Valbatross_: I wanted to like Death Stranding but an early cutscene repeated the same "ok but you're symbolically rebuilding the american dream" like 6 times
Thefluffiestguineapig: Considering unskippable had 3 episodes for MGS 4 and that was with them cutting some?
MilkInBags: thank you ben
violetblight: like its fucking stupid but like thats kinda great im glad it exists
fiftymcnasty: I love most kojima games, but yeah they are strange and up their own ass
Seth_Erickson: Aren't you a FF14 gamer Ben
Rourke9: yea, 'its not for me' is a very powerful phrase
MilkInBags: and that's why persona 5 is mid
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gather 100 bear asses
Mr_Horrible: and yet you participate in WoW, curious lrrBEEJ
Lyropithic: How would you like to fight the same enemy for the next ten hours before the game can continue?
gibbousm: the last JRPG I played, I beat the game and then spent several hours running around the map with a guide open trying to find the last of the collectables I needed to unlock the TRUE ending. It sucked
josh___something: P3Reload?
Molladia: My lukewarm take: Diablo 4 wasn't good at any point after it's release
saucemaster5000: And that's why FFXIV is not a video game
itsr67: persona 3 is WAY nicer
itsr67: reload*
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, where are the bears to steal the assess from? What do you want me to solve it for you?
MilkInBags: @Molladia frozen take
BluTGI: Lottery goal: Play JRPGs while managing a Lego Bar
neisan2112: Persona is way less grinding and such compared to mainline SMT.
Seth_Erickson: I guess I just equate Mmo's with grind so maybe that's on me.
josh___something: Ah, so Bens a CASUAL Kappa
Pinwiz11: If you speed thru four expansions in a row, it's a definite grind
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Heavensward is where I quit
itsr67: susanoo
saucemaster5000: Heavensbored
Simonark: Casually? If you don't play FFXIV in evening wear, you're missing out. Tuxedos and ball gowns really add to the experience
Mr_Horrible: "grind" is such a broad term that I mostly just roll my eyes when people talk about it these days
matthaus_c: lots of games want to be your One Game these days
MarkovDescendant: Last MMO I played was DAOC (Dark Age of Camelot)
MilkInBags: helldivers 2 is so good, it's not fair
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: FF14 is just running back and forth between some main contact and an endless stream of Kill X quests
Seth_Erickson: The Unknown
Mr_Horrible: both and idle game and MonHun are "grind"
Seth_Erickson: He's sick
Rourke9: from Glasgow?
BusTed: Haha
josh___something: The Unknown is fucking HORRIFIC
korvys: The think from Willy Wonka?
Mr_Horrible: they got the thing from Glasgow Wonka?
Blakemcm: play that instead of alan wake tonight?
noSmokeFire: the unknown? from the willy wonka experience?
Scarbble: from the bad willy wonka thing?
MilkInBags: 10 days for dragons dogma 2
Seth_Erickson: Missingno die killer when
Fanklok: go on...
Rourke9: thats SHOCKING
lamina5432: I've redownloaded genshin impact recently its gonna eat my time
Seth_Erickson: Their were fringe goth girls
Pinwiz11: There was. Witch, but no Goth until now
Rhynerd: the gamer girl was close, right?
matthaus_c: Silverback Gorilla Man
MilkInBags: a saint bernard
cosynecromancer: Black Lab Boy
Mai_Andra: hang on, i need to google something...
saucemaster5000: A dachsund
Nigouki: Adam is a Tanuki
Blakemcm: Great Dane
Simonark: Adam's a Capybara.
gamercat88: a whippet
SquareDotCube: a husky
itira: Great Dane LUL
The_Timo: great dane for sure
Makrosian_Tae: Doberman
Astramentha: Great Dane, big and calm
fiftymcnasty: big ape
Seth_Erickson: You're a Great Dane boy.
HondoTrigger: I agree with gorilla, your hands look like they were made to slap rocks
josh___something: Chihuahua
ghyllnox: Yeah husky
Mister_BlueSky: I don't know why, but ferret sprung to mind.
ShaneLeeAtk: Adam is Friend Shape
ButButTheJesus: Adam is uhhhh Borzoi?
teeyeezey: Adams two owls in a trenchcoat
patrick_stonecrusher: No, Adam's fursona is a giraffe
itira: LOL
MilkInBags: ook
hatboozeparty: Ook Ook
neisan2112: LMAO
violetblight: LOL
Invitare: my god it was instant
josh___something: Damn
saucemaster5000: holy shit
Blakemcm: wowowowowoowwow
Astramentha: XD
MilkInBags: raven
cosynecromancer: "no comment on his appearance..... BUT" is a violent warm up
Seth_Erickson: He's got the face flaps and everything
e_bloc: because he would bite your face off
Mr_Horrible: Ironic that Wheeler destroys target artifact when he enters the battlefield
Fanklok: I also immediately said Wheeler
8 raiders from BrowneePoints have joined!
charlietrotter123: Okay what animals are the two of you
violetblight: i would have if i had like 5 seconds but not that fast
korvys: Adam's an owl, which is why he'd be weirded out by seeing 2 more owls
Mr_Horrible: heyya raiders
LadyJuion: Excellent librarians, though.
saucemaster5000: Chicago?
SymphonicLolita: in india, yeah
Valbatross_: Cincinatti
Boon_33: new york
neisan2112: Wut up Brownee
The_Timo: Victoria
definenull: "Victoria, BC"
circusofkirkus: Planet of the Apes is not a documentary, Ben
Simonark: Apes are the ones who are prone to the.. anti-human attack protocol.
teeyeezey: ban that man!
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 fuck HypeLUL
Blakemcm: try that in a small town
HondoTrigger: they made a documentary about it in the 60s
MegaDosX: It's in Thailand according to Google
squ3e: (X)
gibbousm: I work in Lab Safety and I NEVER want to work with non-human primates is I can avoid doing so
BrowneePoints: Nm. Playing Destiny 2 and having a Memorial stream for GhostOfJeffGoldblum
matthaus_c: working theory that Chicago is the funniest city name
KV1NN4: Do not feed the urban monkeys - they will rob you at least and accidentally murder you at worst >.>;
Boon_33: don't worry the gorillias will all freeze in the winter.
matthaus_c: you can say Chicago as a punchline to anything
MilkInBags: imagine when it's not overtaken yet, but 20% of the population is monkeys
Cptasparagus: but are they fuckin everywhere
Simonark: @gibbousm I can even take or leave the human primates, a lot of days.
raulghoulia: it was really crazy during covid when the tourists disappeared
MarkovDescendant: The club bouncer from Who Framed Roger Rabbit
The_Timo: Hand out waiting for papers, or banana
ShaneLeeAtk: The Gorilla from Roger Rabbit
Boon_33: and for some reason they really like zoot suits
cosynecromancer: No tail, no service
saucemaster5000: like the lalafel house
Blakemcm: to get kinky
matthaus_c: monkeys in little fez hats
noSmokeFire: monkey bellhop in a little fez
patrick_stonecrusher: Dunston checks in
The_Timo: Welcome to th- ooo O OOO AH AHHHHH
KV1NN4: they can get into some windows
ButButTheJesus: BEN
Boon_33: all of the shopkeepers are trained monkeys too
Blakemcm: ookapest omggggg
BrowneePoints: Anyways, it was an emotional stream, have fun in the game, and in remembrance of GhostOfJeffGoldblum, do something for someone else Chat! lrrSHINE
Molladia: are they doing anything to reduce the monkey populations, thats horrific
saucemaster5000: Ralph Feinnes is still the concierge
Mr_Horrible: I've heard Asteroid City is actually p good
HondoTrigger: I loved Asteroid City
toady0s: start with rushmore
Simonark: Oh, right. The thing about monkey town is that is also has one bigger ape population, there are siamangs there, they're like super-gibbons and their call is the loudest thing. You can hear them for miles, it's terrifying
korvys: !quote Adam
LRRbot: Quote #763: "Oh yeeeeeeeaaaaaaah..." —Cameron, James, and Adam, simultaneously [2015-10-01]
Rourke9: yeah
Fanklok: !findquote ook
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Boon_33: animals feign ignorance to avoid getting jobs.
Tweygoh: Ooo I’m intime for the talk show
saucemaster5000: they can cook better than me....
CaptinOfBeez: some habits are hard to break lol
violetblight: that one doesnt have to pay rent
violetblight: they wont get shot by a demon for a trillion
jessieimproved: Well we *didn't* evolve from them, we both evolved from something else
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gorillas can learn to pick locks, it's a real problem in zoos
Rourke9: yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes
xantos69: is the monkey city in the subway verse? Do the monkeys make the subway?
MegaDosX: Also didn't we technically not evolve from those monkeys, it's more that we have a common ancestor?
saucemaster5000: They do whol west side story ballet
Seth_Erickson: Surely their are factions
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh yeah, it's a whole thing
Tweygoh: Big time
BrindleBoar: when you're a jet you're a jet for life
Boon_33: tiny brass knuckles
Blakemcm: dont look up the Chimpanzee war. break your heart
josh___something: Gang gang?
SquareDotCube: they absolutely participate in tribalism
gamercat88: they have jackets
Simonark: Smarter animals tend to form gangs a lot. Ravens and parrots do it too.
matthaus_c: great segue
CaptinOfBeez: they absolutely have gangs who control specific areas
Thefluffiestguineapig: Some maybe but chimps are just violent
Rourke9: @MegaDosX yes, thats correct
Kramburger: 30 minutes today
Morrigan9: where does a monkey hide a switchblade?
KV1NN4: Absolutely they have tribes
TheGameD0c: they go on war paths and slaughter other groups
violetblight: only 30 minutes huh
josh___something: Hit the 30 minute mark!!!
CaptinOfBeez: 25 more minutes and you can get to an hour
raulghoulia: only half an hour, we can go deeper
teeyeezey: How many monkeys are in Alan Wake?
SquareDotCube: during the pandemic monkeys fought over the lack of food due to the lack of people outside
definenull: This is just the midway break
saucemaster5000: Officer Donkey, we're down on our knees, cause no one likes a monkey who is covered in fleas SingsNote
0x6772: Oh, yeah, they got further.
josh___something: Lmao
Bruceski: You've done some Alan they didn't.
hatboozeparty: Thats content
fiftymcnasty: They did 2 streams
NotCainNorAbel: who's the gamer now!
tod_vom_himmel: Looool
Astramentha: listen,,,,,
MrSarkhan: LUL
gibbousm: You did I think 1 more Chapter than them?
TheMerricat: _two_ streams.
teeyeezey: lolol
0x6772: It is also non-linear.
itira: i meeeean :P
Fanklok: You do only play the game for like an hour and a half every week
Kramburger: To be fair, they play for a hal;f hour longer than you do
matthaus_c: they don't podcast
josh___something: That is a profound lie, adam
definenull: Sounds about right
Blakemcm: sup sweats
EvilBadman: It depends. They stopped after We Sing but they did the part you are about to before
raulghoulia: careful any sasback will end up in the highlight reel
Sky_Kast: Alan scription
Invitare: Actually Ben, since you're the one playing, they're better than YOU
tod_vom_himmel: Fuckin sweats
TheMerricat: :D
itira: its true
Rourke9: yes this is my fave part
definenull: They don't appreciate the game as much as you two
MilkInBags: video games ResidentSleeper
teeyeezey: This is excellently curated content...
hatboozeparty: Keep doing this
Juliamon: Yeah they mostly played Saga except to do We Sing
matthaus_c: yeah this doesn't need to change
ShaneLeeAtk: Give us the visiting
MegaDosX: I love the Nopecast
lochnessseammonster: the beginning part is what i'm here for
Astramentha: it’s tru
Blakemcm: gimme the Ben and Adam podcast
fiftymcnasty: its the Ben and Adam podcast
SmithKurosaki: chat time is great
neisan2112: Truuuu
CaptinOfBeez: my favorite part is always you two
Simonark: Cori and Cameron are there to analyze games. You're here to enjoy them.
ghyllnox: This is my favorite part
MitchTheQuaker: we're here for the bad ones
couchboyj: We knew what we were signing up for o7
MilkInBags: we like it :)
Thefluffiestguineapig: More this means less Daymare 1994? Yes please
Seth_Erickson: I enjoy the talking
Mr_Horrible: okay, ~30 minutes
mistbornhoid: heres your sign
josh___something: This isn't telling you to stop
Saintnex: only 35 mins this week!
Mai_Andra: got that great big long list of new horror games waiting... somewhere...
KV1NN4: solid logic
violetblight: do you not control the games you play? why not never play the bad ones
Seth_Erickson: Both before and during gameplay
MilkInBags: they ban people who dont like it
Cptasparagus: no im being forced to watch this
Valbatross_: I *try* to interact but Adam keeps ignoring my myspace friend requests
Mr_Horrible: marked from 6:30 for first on-camera
dougma: 2 hour intro
TheMerricat: Wiggins waffles for an hour! :D
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: there's not been *too* many accidental stinkers
teeyeezey: We don't come here to watch the actual games....
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
matthaus_c: fun fact, Signalis had a patch that made the Flashlight not take up an Inv slot
MilkInBags: what's a wiggins
Molladia: Less gameplay, more talking
Boon_33: wiggins has alot to say
Scarbble: the wiggins intros are a completely different beast
MarkovDescendant: I'm here for my favourite boys. I'd watch a talk show with just y'all.
Mr_Horrible: oh I'm just trying to track for my own curiosity at this point
Mathwyn: It's a competition and your are losing
Diabore: the wiggins waffle can go long, but i appreciate this waffle too, theres more content
ShaneLeeAtk: Must have been jibkat
Dog_of_Myth: lrrFRUMP
BrindleBoar: I don't have 45 minutes worth of thoughts
Mai_Andra: wiggins also is online for 9 hours or something?
Manae: There's a ballad to learn about Wiggins
MegaDosX: Shots fired
Fanklok: There was that Talking Sim where Cameron played one game of Dark Tide and talked for over 2 hours. Solo
KV1NN4: Let's Nope starts when i'm int he middle of making dinenr so this talking is nice for me to finish, dish up, and by that time you've started playing :3
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c it added more than that, too! Explore!
definenull: It's not a competition
Simonark: Wiggins insists on making sure we know everything about his dog's day before letting anyone know what the game is going to be. Priorities.
TheMerricat: Friendship with Matt Wiggins ended....
Jennie_Fuchsia: mattlrHeck
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's not a competition and I am positive you all have much more about the subwayverse
dougma: oh, I have hours worth of thoughts.... NONE of it is worth voicing
Boon_33: but how do you really feel about HALO?
ghizmou: but wiggins got a dog, so he s chill
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible oooh maybe it's new playthrough time
TheGameD0c: what's a wiggins hobbitses
CaptinOfBeez: proportionally its close to the same anyway
josh___something: To be fair, based
hammith: Nobody is safe, especially not Ben
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c I keep telling myself I gotta do another but I wanna really sit down for it, and am notoriously bad at that
MilkInBags: to be fair it's easier to handle a chat of 10 people Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
neisan2112: Wow
tod_vom_himmel: Lmao
saucemaster5000: I'm letting chat GPT name my child
gualdhar: we must confirm this
ButButTheJesus: @Mr_Horrible ah neat
Jennie_Fuchsia: If Wiggins is playing a video game when I tune in I’m like “oh damn he’s already winding down”
Dog_of_Myth: Counterpoint: Maple is a good dog.
Seth_Erickson: And a good dog name
Molladia: People still use twitter?
matthaus_c: Adam is the Dril of LRR
jibkat: @ShaneLeeAtk What the heck did I do?
MilkInBags: omg matt
dougma: Adam > Dril
itsr67: goberment moment
MilkInBags: don't you mean X? OpieOP
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to jibkat! They have given 1430 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jibkat! (Today's storm count: 55)
jibkat: @Dog_of_Myth Thanks for the gift sub! mattlrPika
mistbornhoid: Adam when you say something on Twitter I always think it is pretty good thought or comment.
charlietrotter123: Create your own
saucemaster5000: I commented on an Adam tweet last weed and I have not said anything on there for 10 YEARS
violetblight: twitters been dying for over a year i dont believe it anymore
ghizmou: it s gotten much worse
CaptinOfBeez: how is a porta-potty out of order? i thought they kept going till they explode
saucemaster5000: week even
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 last weed
MilkInBags: how is a ballon louder than a gunshot
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ben you have an entire instagram for Sable and your other animals
Juliamon: last weed
Seth_Erickson: Twitter is definitely worse than it was but it's still usable.
Boon_33: but did you remember to tweet the start of stream?
tod_vom_himmel: Last w33d
HondoTrigger: I like twitter for the same reason I like going to the zoo
matthaus_c: last weed
josh___something: Unfortunately, a lot of tech is locked behind Twitter
MilkInBags: parnets
Mathwyn: Twitter isn't dying because zombies can't die
MarkovDescendant: What that the bear from the old Magic Card?
matthaus_c: alrigjj
MilkInBags: nice typo, one small issue
patrick_stonecrusher: I love, LOVE how almost noone calls it X LUL LUL
Fanklok: If you could pick one inedible thing/material that would be made edible for only you what would you pick?
lochnessseammonster: parnets
Fanklok: For example we know matthaus already picked keys
gamercat88: i commented yesterweed
saucemaster5000: I will die to this mistake
Seth_Erickson: Parnets loooking ass
violetblight: last weed i googled gobermint
Thefluffiestguineapig: Pregananant?
gawag_: fresh pots!!!!
saucemaster5000: Googles Gobermint!
josh___something: Gobermint
Diabore: d and k aint even near on the keyboard
Simonark: Look, they've been digging coal all day, don't judge the miners for spelling mistakes.
MilkInBags: twitch keeps correcting my sweats
Boon_33: let them with no typos cast the first stone.
matthaus_c: @Fanklok they're NUTRITIOUS
Mathwyn: Why is the maintenance board outside?
Mai_Andra: Elon just learned about copyright and tried to own the letter X
Seth_Erickson: X is the stupidest name yet thinkable for a social media site and so I will never call Twitter that.
MilkInBags: Serge created a world?
CaptinOfBeez: the real friends we made were the typos along the way
josh___something: Someone tell seege
Thefluffiestguineapig: Almost dejectedly
saucemaster5000: she said that like "the last bastion of humanity before the fall"
Simonark: I assume Coffee World just doesn't have nearly enough bathrooms
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
SquareDotCube: the rides are all so jittery
josh___something: Booooooo
gamercat88: lol
MilkInBags: I've only learned last year that 'ground' beef doesn't mean in opposition to sky
hammith: The most caffeinated place on earth? WHY AM I NOT THERE?
adi_sheep subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, adi_sheep! (Today's storm count: 56)
Seth_Erickson: Percolating what a word
KV1NN4: Can't wait to find out if you'd both go to Coffee World or not
Juliamon: hammith Because death cult
matthaus_c: are $5 words in Subwayverse $6
Mai_Andra: some people didn't watch enough television in the 80s, or they would know "Brand X" is the bad one.
violetblight: why do people say five-dollar word what does that mean
TheMerricat: With today's economy, aren't most words $5 words now, at least?
couchboyj: $5 word for 50 cent coffee
LordZarano: It's not pinin'! It's passed on! This Twitter is no more! It has ceased to be! It's kicked the bucket, it's shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible! THIS IS AN X-TWITTER!!
Seth_Erickson: Subway is perfectly fine
SquareDotCube: the expresso line pass sounds like a good deal but don't go for it
MilkInBags: what's worse, tim hortons or subway
saucemaster5000: McDonalds>Subway yes
Diabore: tims
Diabore: no question tims
RealGamerCow: Panera is worse than Subway, fite me. Both are horrible
Mathwyn: Australian subway is fine at least, dunno about canadian subway
Lyropithic: Been bad for yeaaars
CaptinOfBeez: the pedophile really ruined the 5' footlong for me
MilkInBags: A&W is so good
Simonark: They're the same in Subway World, but there is a LOT more hidden sugar in the $5 words.
distrustingspectator: why does Timmy's suck now?
oyleslyck: surprised Subway hasn't gone to 6 dollar 6 inch in this economy
Molladia: Canadian Mcd must be significantly better that Aus Mcd
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I go to subway when I can't justify driving 20 minutes both way for wawa
matthaus_c: it's the other way around here, Subway is way better, but I'm a continent away
Valbatross_: American A&W is pretty bad
Diabore: a&w top 3 minimum
SquareDotCube: Why go to Subway when you have a local deli with better sandwiches
tod_vom_himmel: Doesn't subway have to legally call their bread cake because it hasn't so much shou
Seth_Erickson: I like Subway slightly more than McDonald's because you get more variety for less calories
QuixoticScrivener: part of the "yum" brand in the US...
violetblight: never seen an a&w here
saucemaster5000: you know what gets too much shit and is fine? Denny's
tod_vom_himmel: Sugar*
BrindleBoar: I don't know if there are any A&Ws left in the US?
KV1NN4: I love mcDonalds but i went to one where the food tasted, and this was the concensus with the other 2 ppl i went with: Sad.
Fanklok: @tod_vom_himmel It gets taxed at a higher rate in Ireland because of its sugar content
Boon_33: a&w is struggling in the states
RealGamerCow: Apparently Stewart's in upstate New York is very much like Canadian A&W
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I think A&W joined Sbarro as airport-only places
jessieimproved: A&W is not bad but it's seen as a weird off brand fast food in the US
RealGamerCow: I went once and it was good
TheMerricat: @Boon_33 Also not the same company.
hammith: Dennys, IHOP, and Waffle House are all FINE at worst.
CaptinOfBeez: stewarts is the shit
patrick_stonecrusher: Therexs some US A+Ws, we got one in my town
jessieimproved: but...have you had Culvers
ButButTheJesus: what's ice cap precious?
Seth_Erickson: Culver's dude
MilkInBags: tim had good iced capp before they changed the recipe
matthaus_c: what's an ice cap
Seth_Erickson: Actual best fast food
Boon_33: @TheMerricat good for them, i also wouldn't want to be associated with a&w us.
charlietrotter123: What about Perkins
MilkInBags: iced cappuccino
violetblight: culvers? hell yeah
Mr_Horrible: Denny's is sub-fine, but it's still edible
BusTed: iced cappucino
saucemaster5000: Applebees also fine
ButButTheJesus: @BusTed ohhhh thank you
SquareDotCube: RIP Victoria Denny's
MegaDosX: @matthaus_c They're melting faster because of climate change
violetblight: a what
matthaus_c: oh cappuccino is a crime
Dog_of_Myth: l preach about Culvers all the time.
gawag_: i have had clearly canadian tho
Juliamon: yes
itsr67: huh
BrindleBoar: worse than that but yes
Diabore: do we have to shoot all those balloons or is it just for fun?
saucemaster5000: yeah that's apt
matthaus_c: @MegaDosX I stf
ButButTheJesus: the
charlietrotter123: Anybody at Harvey's fan
ButButTheJesus: what
Mr_Horrible: I'm sending you off to the Home for that, Ben
Mai_Andra: what a sentence
Mr_Horrible: we need to disconnect you
Seth_Erickson: We might not have Pirate packs but we do have Culver's so it's give and take.
jessieimproved: I WORKED at Applebees in college, worst. job. ever.
gamercat88: appleebees is where the KKK meets in my city
TheMerricat: "White Spot is a Canadian fast food chain that serves burgers, milkshakes, and other dishes. White Spot has over 100 locations in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Asia." - so my question... why Asia?
ButButTheJesus: mods can we get a quote for that pls LUL
Boon_33: he got the drip?
violetblight: they call me mr drippy the way i [cane pulls me off stage]
Mr_Horrible: good name tbh
protojman: Applebees is one step above dennys
Mr_Horrible: the "Pinball Greg" tweet remains true
QuixoticScrivener: Viewing Catscene
matthaus_c: I'm yet to play XIV with YawnLance, but I named my character Suband Bredabel
Simonark: It's more like the TGIFridays of Rainforest Cafes
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: my best FF14 experience was seeing Kratos Godofwar over and over again for like a week straight
MegaDosX: @matthaus_c benginBonk
SquareDotCube: Wiggins plays as Uwuzela Vuvuzela
jessieimproved: @protojman one step above but you tripped on the step a little
Fanklok: When I was playing FF14 i got bullied by the tank in a dungeon because my character has a pompadour
Mathwyn: I went for a lore friendly name
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's not that unhinged
Seth_Erickson: What if we ate the big pie
Makrosian_Tae: I'll never forget some of the best Destiny names I ever saw. Headliners like "Mara Sov's Thicc Thighs"
distrustingspectator: pie tastes good
Mr_Horrible: @MegaDosX you'll fit right in (and from the sound of it, so will your party members)
Mathwyn: My goal is to be indistinguishable from an npc
CaptinOfBeez: its almost ruebarb season!
KV1NN4: is that a trampoline you think?
saucemaster5000: That's it I'm making a strawberry rhubarb tomorrow and none of you will get a piece
Scarbble: so i guess sometimes square sends out emails to try to get you back into playing ff14 and that's how i was reminded that i named a character Regina Phalanges
Juliamon: My sister's ESO character is Bacon Lieutenant because someone had already claimed Bacon Police
Diabore: did anyone tell adam what wiggins name in ff14 was?
couchboyj: Sunzout Gunzout
Simonark: Rhubarb, the first time my parent's had to explain what "Poisonous" means.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are they chucking knives or bolts?
Mr_Horrible: My 2 characters are just (my usual handles as firstname lastname) and a gimmick recreation of a character from another game
saucemaster5000: still better than cuphead
RealGamerCow: mawp
Mai_Andra: I'm just "Isen Gard". I couldn't think of anything.
Mr_Horrible: classically dogshit
saucemaster5000: hook line and sinker
Boon_33: it's no MGS
matthaus_c: The Fury is better than Cuphead
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: okay, but what if you had to hold three separate buttons to shoot someone
Diabore: adam do you know what wiggins named his character
Seth_Erickson: It takes a baiter to spot the baiter
violetblight: its too late
NorthstarTex: Can't be as bad as DS2 though
Diabore: ff14
patrick_stonecrusher: Baiter becomes baitee
tod_vom_himmel: adam talk shit about bridget from GG
tod_vom_himmel: itll kill sauce
Simonark: You can have a nickname for him in your heart
Mr_Horrible: Container Boy
bosqueofpines: Cuphead is his government name
Seth_Erickson: Love Thermis
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Ther Miss
teeyeezey: Any plans on another lrr crew helldivers? that was a fun watch?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Stanley
Dog_of_Myth: Muggins
EvilBadman: Thermos Thomas
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa The name's Miss. Ther Miss
saucemaster5000: who talking shit about bridget????
Boon_33: thermosgood marshall esq.
saucemaster5000: Yeah fuck elphelt
tod_vom_himmel: everybody sauce
matthaus_c: the internet does really want to fuck Elphelt
Mr_Horrible: wow, can't believe Adam hates a woman with a successful singer career
tod_vom_himmel: sauce plays her thats what
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK
violetblight: ok no ben dont you dare call anyone honest fighting games
itsr67: what the dog doin
Mr_Horrible: silence British Enjoyer
Seth_Erickson: Bomba*
Boon_33: i saw a moose plushe
mistbornhoid: Man what a treat to get to catch Lets Nope live. Cant stay long as I have DND but just wanted yall to know I have been loving your play through of Alan Wake
Seth_Erickson: BEPPO!
itsr67: BUDDY
itsr67: UPPAHCUT
LordZarano: Wiggins gave his character a "canonically accurate" Lalafell name
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does Cammy count?
gibbousm: will you be visiting Multi-Versus once its actually released?
Mr_Horrible: this man's build is incredibly weak to Steve
Fanklok: I don't like Bridget because of that one punchy thing she does, it does too much/not enough damage
Thefluffiestguineapig: She has that Union Jack skin
y3ntil: Dudley is great
hammith: I just play Giovanna... so really I have no opinions.
Mr_Horrible: plot twist, Darius actually also voiced by Octopimp
saucemaster5000: birdget damage is kinda dogshit tho
JinaMahavira: I hope I can play Thresh
Fanklok: Only if Teemo has green hand
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 is "birdget" bridget's feathersona?
SquareDotCube: The Dan Hibiki
saucemaster5000: yes
Invitare: Riot: Adds Teemo. He's a grappler. Also British now
Fanklok: I will laugh so hard if Sett is never added to the roster
Seth_Erickson: I'd like to see a Swain zoner
Boon_33: fricking drippy
Thefluffiestguineapig: I want them to put in the haunted scarecrow (fiddlesticks?) just to see the horrifying animations up close
matthaus_c: Teemo voiced by Peter Dinklage
Ferisar: hello
saucemaster5000: that's like finding someone in a MAGA hat hot
Mr_Horrible: Teemo just won't shut up about "The Queen"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Teemo voiced by Jeremy Irons
Ferisar: guess who’s still at work pog
Boon_33: hi @Ferisar
itsr67: Zoe
itira: @Ferisar is it you?
Seth_Erickson: Lux is boring imo
PMAvers: I'd like to see how they would handle the enchanters?
couchboyj: Ello guvna, on patrol 'ere
Mr_Horrible: @Ferisar going for the mixup answer, it's not you
Thefluffiestguineapig: What are they throwing
Fanklok: I'm on twitch at work all the time
violetblight: these two nerds on screen are
Mr_Horrible: fighting for their life, Adam
mistbornhoid: Time to go give bardic inspiration to my team and then have them all forget they have it. Catch you on the vod.
Ferisar: whatever I want adam
lochnessseammonster: i'm always on twitch at work...
Thefluffiestguineapig: The enemies, is it a knife or wrench or what?
Mr_Horrible: same as every day
lochnessseammonster: my boss is pretty cool about it
matthaus_c: @Ferisar alrigjj tough guy
MegaDosX: Good joke streamer
y3ntil: Peppa Pig but replaced by Teemos
Ferisar: @mr_horrible I’m sorry
goombalax: report for throwing
Boon_33: yeah right Adam, like you've never been on twitch at work!
Ferisar: you know we got free food
Mr_Horrible: @Ferisar wouldn't be the first time I'm wrong (he lied, lyingly)
Ferisar: so I guess I get a free burger
saucemaster5000: here let's put some pants on ferisar
Thefluffiestguineapig: @lochnessseammonster When I'm not actively working I often will be (I work at a vet clinic so it would be WAY bad if I was doing that while supposedly monitoring anesthesia on a dog)
saucemaster5000 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ferisar! They have given 44 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ferisar! (Today's storm count: 57)
Scarbble: free burger? at work dude?
Mai_Andra: at work, dude? hell, yeah
MegaDosX: Amazing
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Boon_33: hahaha
BusTed: Heheh.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Those are billable hours
Fanklok: Where do I submit my resume?
MrOrange1987: Hey Ben - I know you are a PUP fan. you ever listen to The Dirty Nil? someone who knew I liked PUP recommended them. They’re great!
Ferisar: “oh what’s your draft”
saucemaster5000: at the same time?
violetblight: at once?
cdgentry1: ^
matthaus_c: at work, dude?
lochnessseammonster: @Thefluffiestguineapig haha yeah not good during certain tasks PrideLaugh (i also work for myself and from home)
josh___something: !PaulLove
Boon_33: does paul draft while working tech?
couchboyj: Hello! Bang
patrick_stonecrusher: Have fun, stay hydrated, make a safe word
gamercat88: ive been loving The Last Dinner Party
BusTed: "And it'll happen to you!"
Blakemcm: Built different Ben
Lyropithic: I used to be with it, too
fiftymcnasty: If the bands getting old, this is how it usually works for bands
Molladia: Oh that reminds me, Who added Muete to the DB RDP? I NEED to thank them for introducing me.
hatboozeparty: lrrSLOTH
themostjoast: or is it that the band members are getting old?
tod_vom_himmel: Oh nooo caravan palace sucks now?
goombalax: I'm also getting old but I agree on Caravan Palace
Dog_of_Myth: Denial Ben
tod_vom_himmel: I loved them
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Thefluffiestguineapig: @lochnessseammonster I will often have it on while studying (getting tech certification involves so much anatomy for animals I haven't been able to participate in the treatment of) or during writing which I do on commission because only paying hobbies are legit
Boon_33: *shakes fist at cloud*
saucemaster5000: tbf music hasn't been good since 1999
ButButTheJesus: jo takover?
SquareDotCube: It's OK Ben. When in doubt see what Kathleen is listening to
Ferisar: “its bill clintover”
itira: Ben?
matthaus_c: good save
Mr_Horrible: LUL
CaptinOfBeez subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
CaptinOfBeez: Yea Ben, Its a sign of getting older. Sorry my dude.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CaptinOfBeez! (Today's storm count: 58)
BusTed: curious
Blakemcm: Hold chat... Hold.....
lochnessseammonster: sus
Thefluffiestguineapig: And both love Remy and Sable HHHHMMMMM
goombalax: you misspelled Based
TheMerricat: I'm not old, I have plenty of young friends!
saucemaster5000: one small issue
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Seth_Erickson: lmao
Fanklok: I too like bare naked ladies
public_key_reveal_party: I have only heard one song off the new menzingers, but I liked it, need to listen to the rest
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Mr_Horrible: Beej's opinions are neither good nor bad. They're just Beej
y3ntil: the BNL?
Saintnex: Yo BNL is a Canadian icon ADAM
Boon_33: they're BNL now?
violetblight: ive planted a barenaked lady in your house
Blakemcm: WHO HAS?
Mr_Horrible: @violetblight ...promise?
TehAmelie: "why is everyone so aggressively defensive of this band?" i think Jeff Winger asked
y3ntil: Did you all celebrate 311 day?
gamercat88: you could say its been 2 weeks
IsSecretlyPaul: Adam confirmed doesn't listen to women
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible Same with many of Ian's opinions. This is considered separate from Ian's off the cuff statements
Boon_33: @y3ntil it's an old meme sir, but it checks out.
josh___something: Ilmo, why are you like this
Incandescent_Zubat: it’s a shame bnl’s new album is uhhh not great
goombalax: you're not hip with the hip?
RealGamerCow: Just kkona Adam, huh?
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig oh Ian is absolutely unhinged
BusTed: Haha
itira: yeeeeah im with you Ben LUL
The_Timo: Got my Tuesday Sub in honor of the Subwayverse
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hold up, Jakko?
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Thefluffiestguineapig: Whose Jakko?
Seth_Erickson: Tragically Disappointing
frank_the_great: Next thing you're gonna tell us is that you hate Justin Beiber
circusofkirkus: wow it's Tragic Ben isn't Hip
Thefluffiestguineapig: Have we met them yet?
BusTed: holy shit
itira: "the final ear"
Ferisar: his brother @thefluffiestguineapig
MegaDosX: Wow
Ferisar: yes
Saintnex: Tragically Hip? more like Tragically Shit Kappa
josh___something: Jaakko is 1/2 of the Koskela Brothers
matthaus_c: go off king
saucemaster5000: My partner once almost left me because I didn't want to go see the mountaint goats
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something Ah, thank you! Both you and Ferisar
Seth_Erickson: Well you know every country has it's issues
Fanklok: I'm starting to think the Ben fellow is a fake canadian
matthaus_c: canadians love The Tragically Hip because they can't just bark up Rush all the time
Saintnex: hilariously, am mostly fan of BNL, don’t really like Tragically Hip :p
Mr_Horrible: hopefully they're onto greener pastures now, Sauce Kappa
frank_the_great: You didn't want to see the Mountain Goats?!
Juliamon: I do not care for the Mountain Goats
Blakemcm: that aint a live band
IsSecretlyPaul: The flaming lips are kinda mid live
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 That's the one podcast on the Nightvale network of "I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats" levels
IsSecretlyPaul: but i love their albums
Juliamon: but I would go to see actual mountain goats
NotCainNorAbel: Mountain Goats are good to have in shuffle
Fanklok: I saw Band Maid live and it sounded exactly like their studio sets
matthaus_c: there are very few acts I'd bother to go see live, Mountain Goats are not one of them
Simonark: I think I've gone to see a band live a second time.. once ever.
JinaMahavira: I'm going to see Fall Out Boy next week LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, cost of living effects even temporary housing
Boon_33: is Vancouver heck?
hammith: I wish I could see Weird Al live when he still did absurd costume changes.
bv310: I'm trying to line up Queens of the Stone Age in a few weeks
Bruceski: I can't stand crowds so that's every band for me. Been to a couple, loved the energy, but after 20 minutes I was suffocating.
4 raiders from McGurganatorZX have joined!
The_Timo: Vancouver expensive true true, grandfathered in at 1k rent next to train, I can never move lol
Boon_33: the moose is so cute
Thefluffiestguineapig: Unless you do the "spend the night in the internet cafe playing games"
Simonark: That's The Arrogant Worms.
gamercat88: hehe its epic
matthaus_c: you don't know Captain Tractor???
hatboozeparty: The what?
josh___something: HUH
SymphonicLolita: hell yeah brother
Thefluffiestguineapig: Damn
itsr67: LOL
violetblight: being truthful
matthaus_c: I'm south american and I know this
bv310: My first "Had to travel for this" show was My Chemical Romance in 05
LithelyUnshod: Last Saskatchewan Pirate is the Arrogant Worms
Darleysam: I only know the TLJ cover...
Mai_Andra: Andrew WK, my brother was a dan
Fanklok: The song The Last Saskatchewan Pirate?
frank_the_great: My first concert was Reel Big Fish vs The Aquabats, and nothing has been better
josh___something: Someone fuckin pull it up
saucemaster5000: my first concert was the ohio players and morris day and the time opening for reverend hammer
itira: My first concert was the Backstreet Boys :)
ghizmou: are his album still fire Ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: Beej lived in the town with the cow palace and plowing championships which is basically tractor concerts
Ferisar: that’s not a live performance that’s an SCP
LostThePirate: To the surprise of no one, I really like The Last Saskatchewan Pirate
Astramentha: 🎵stealing wheat, and barley, and all the other grains
Xed_Regulus: First concert was the New Kids on the Block
MrOrange1987: my first concert was SARSstock. AC/DC. Rush. justin fucking timberlake babee.
saucemaster5000: @Xed_Regulus that's kinda goated
patrick_stonecrusher: I saw The Moutian Goats all the way back in 02 at a sandwich shop (not subway). Emo kids were sitting cross-legged like it was story time, one of my favorite memories
e_bloc: 616 spoopy friends
roefizzlebeef: my first concert was U2 because my mom needed a plus one lmao
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Ferisar Damn you now I am racking my brain because I think I know what you're talking about
bv310: It's a heave-ho, hi-ho comin' down the plains. Stealing wheat and barley and all the other grains
violetblight: i havent gone to a show yet and im in university, damn ben
e_bloc: Corgo616 spoopy friends
teeyeezey: This is why corey and Cameron get further lolol and why I always come to this stream at this time
Fanklok: Kiss is still touring
Orxolon: oh nooo,i didn't know you changed the hour
v_nome: Loading Ready Live feat. Captain Tractor let's go
josh___something: LRRCon 2 BAYBEE
Orxolon: i'm an hour late!
NotCainNorAbel: My first concert was Blues Traveler. It is where I learned that songs can bleed into each other.
Orxolon: :(
Ferisar: @thefluffiestguineapig what, SCP? lol
Boon_33: moose.
Countjondi: im 28 and ive maybe gone to 2-3 shows in my life
Seth_Erickson: I'm not much of a live concert enjoyer
Saintnex: Shows are expensive imo
CaptinOfBeez: moose!!!!\
matthaus_c: concerts sound great until you go to a couple
Boon_33: 100% moose
0x6772: Moose hat?
BrindleBoar: coffee plushie
josh___something: Mocha moose
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I'm older than Ben and have never been to a concert. Seems loud
TehAmelie: my first concert was a Swedish band that does songs for children. it was in kindergarten
patrick_stonecrusher: Paper dragon
Xed_Regulus: @saucemaster5000 It was pouring rain, and my red converse bled through and turned my feet pink
josh___something: 100% Mocha Moose
Jennie_Fuchsia: all my favorite bands moved away bc Boston lost all their rehearsal and performance venues that booked local bands
Simonark: My first concert was Raffi. It's not like I paid for the tickets.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Ferisar SCP was one of the things I can always pour my hyperfixation into when I'm super stressed so I have an utterly useless and vast amount of knowledge about it
Seth_Erickson: Adam is cat confirmed
Boon_33: adam how can you resist the MOOSE
Mister_BlueSky: Sneak around under the box.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam, are you a theoretical physics concept?
teeyeezey: First concert was Nine Inch Nails,
saucemaster5000: yeah but calvin is smart
BusTed: Time machine, airplane, transmogrifier...
NotCainNorAbel: Adam is Whisler at the end of Sneakers.
matthaus_c: moose are hot
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also Calvin and Hobbes is best
RealGamerCow: moose are smelly murder monsters
josh___something: The moose is hot Kappa
goombalax: @Orxolon BC removed Daylight savings years ago but they still do it to sync up with american trade times
Ferisar: ahegao deer
0x6772: The deer is Bambi, looking at Godzilla.
Ferisar: sorry
saucemaster5000: WHY FERISAR
matthaus_c: fuck yeah ferisar
Ferisar: LMAO
CaptinOfBeez: driving through moose territory always freaks me out, especially at night
matthaus_c: you're spitting actually
Thefluffiestguineapig: My first two cats are named after the cat that inspired Hobbes and one of the aliens Calvin sold the planet earth to for 10 leaves for a science project
ButButTheJesus: @Ferisar :D
saucemaster5000: gobermint
josh___something: Gobermint
NimrodXIV: Adam.
Scarbble: gobermint
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
matthaus_c: that made a great tweet
itira: tqsWTF
HasturTheYellow: Goober-mint
josh___something: Edible work
itira: ok i get it
Makrosian_Tae: Gobbermint
LostThePirate: XD
matthaus_c: edible ain't shit bud
Thefluffiestguineapig: Haven't done that exact thing but have done things very similar. Not while high
Mister_BlueSky: Surely it's Lost and Found?
Ferisar: gobered all the way up
josh___something: Damn, they got it first try
saucemaster5000: (I also googled gobermint when I saw that and I wasn't high.)
gamercat88: solid
Mathwyn: Donuts!
Ferisar: sauce
violetblight: yeah well thats your problem sauce
Ferisar: you’re not even old
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 yeah but we expect this from you
josh___something: At least 2 other people I've watched spent a bit on that
gamercat88: have you asked ChatGPT about Gobbermint?
Darleysam: @josh___something hi....
Fanklok: Ben is weirdly good at horror game puzzles
josh___something: Sam, I wasn't gonna @ you
Darleysam: one of those two people here
gamercat88: seabatBRAIN = Ben
IsSecretlyPaul: Seabats
Ferisar: ben is trained puzzleadjacent
josh___something: ANY COMMENT, SAM?
Ferisar: Oh no
saucemaster5000: @Ferisar ferisar I have news
patrick_stonecrusher: Is a Gobermint like a Zahcary's Thickmint?
Ferisar: paul
matthaus_c: Coriander Dickinson and Cameron Lauder
saucemaster5000: Almost 40 here
ButButTheJesus: dilf bitterent
Jennie_Fuchsia: wiggins
NotCainNorAbel: there was one but he doesn't stream anymore
Mr_Horrible: no no, you're shawbats
Mr_Horrible: different guy
RealGamerCow: ben and adam are steeped in years of horror game puzzle bullshit
Darleysam: @josh___something my ass, it is very dumb
Ferisar: sauce…..
EdibleDragon: Ben, that PAX Unplugged vlog has me craving Reading Market’s Georgian cheese bowls
Saintnex: Graham_LRR
Seth_Erickson: I can hear the YouTube viewers
BusTed: rayfkWelp
josh___something: LUL <3 Sam
gibbousm: its probably just a deer
Fanklok: Try diving
MegaDosX: RIP
saucemaster5000: you ellipsese'd ME???
Thefluffiestguineapig: We found the faulty geometry!!!
gibbousm: try jumping?
teeyeezey: Edibles kicked in
Darleysam: think your way out of THIS
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
saucemaster5000: Ferisar....
CaptinOfBeez: how did Adam pick the name seabats? does it mean anything?
gamercat88: welp time to be a pirate
Mathwyn: Vibrate yourself to freedom
SK__Ren: Garbage tier game. BG3 deserved to win
MegaDosX: That could have been bad
BusTed: LUL
NotCainNorAbel: from hero to zero
ghizmou: seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did we have a legitimate moment of panic bud?
Molladia: So smart, very smart
Mazrae: Hello everyone how goes the wake for Alan
RealGamerCow: teamwork makes the dreamwork
gamercat88: heave
gamercat88: ho
Ferisar: hey you could always reload a whole zone and bossfight ben
tergonis: hi
Mr_Horrible: Plains
Astramentha: high ho
Ferisar: that’d be rough
JinaMahavira: Adam already had to do that today, we shouldn't do it to him twice
rosesmcgee: Apparently the Captain Tractor version is a cover
HasturTheYellow: Meth
Mr_Horrible: I'm not even Canadian
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fair
Mr_Horrible: and *I* know
Sogheim: I thought sea shanties was Paul's bit?
Mr_Horrible: c'mon
HasturTheYellow: You could steal a lotta Meth
Mathwyn: Foodstuffs be valuable bro
Ferisar: hehehehe
matthaus_c: farmers bar your doors when you see the Jolly Roger in Regina's mighty shores
josh___something: And it's a heave ho, hi ho, comin down the plains, stealin wheat and barley and all the other grain
saucemaster5000: in minecraft
Ferisar: in game in the shoulder
Fanklok: The gobermint stole their farm so now they have to resort to river piracy to survive
Ferisar: sure
Greendrag13: Singing along, JUST remembered I was here live instead of watching a vod!
Ferisar: ok
IsSecretlyPaul: its okay if you wait a week the boss dies
Ferisar: I’ll start a new run
Mr_Horrible: pretty easy way to not spend 100 dollars on an old game that's missing content
Mr_Horrible: seems good to me
spurius: the end
Fanklok: The End
0x6772: He's a very old man.
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAMN
Blakemcm: old man ran outta time
Makrosian_Tae: he's an insanely old man
ButButTheJesus: yep
teejayrivers: Yep, The End dies of old age
TheMerricat: Ofoldabe
plundypops: He's an old man. He can't wait forever!
TehAmelie: he just put in every single idea
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Makrosian_Tae Now, but he wasn't then
Fanklok: BUT if you don't fight him you don't get his stuff
SK__Ren: Snake Eater is the goofiest game of the series
Mr_Horrible: that *is* fulfilling, Adam
saucemaster5000: I die when turned off for a week too
IsSecretlyPaul: he had a hobby
Mr_Horrible: it's his joy
IsSecretlyPaul: his hobby was sniping
Mathwyn: Cmon saga even I could climb that fence
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SK__Ren That's a big claim there
couchboyj: He's holding onto dear life for a showdown with the Sturgeon General
IsSecretlyPaul: says you
Mathwyn: Its a calling
josh___something: Not to you, maybe
Mr_Horrible: wow, pretty severe gatekeeping from Adam
Manae: I mean, snipin's a good job, mmate
Fanklok: The End is like 140 years old
RealGamerCow: Paul comes in: "Fuck me huh?" and hits Adam with a 2x4
TehAmelie: i wonder if anyone ever actually put the game off for a week when you could just turn the Playstation's clock ahead
teejayrivers: He had a parrot, can you add "pet owner" to his hobbies?
public_key_reveal_party: to be fair, sniping is a pretty traditional american first date
matthaus_c: @teejayrivers that was The Fear
CaptinOfBeez: we need a paul and ben shanty duo album plz
hoveringhalibut subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
hoveringhalibut: Hunting is just a legal form of shipping
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hoveringhalibut! (Today's storm count: 59)
Darleysam: if you can't get them, you could always book The Longest Johns...
teejayrivers: @matthaus_c I'm positive it was The End. The parrot was his spotter
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptinOfBeez With the best of the shanties he's customized for streams
Saintnex: they are average
teejayrivers: Or maybe they both had parrots?
KWardJenx: You DON'T want the Tragically Hipsters after you
SymphonicLolita: they have like maybe 3 good songs and the rest of them all sound the same
BrindleBoar: "more like the Skip, because I skip to the next song when they come on"
violetblight: how bout they take a tragically hip check
yimmu: I worked the final Hip show on load production crew. Ran a followspot during the show too
Fanklok: The fear was the guy with the bees
RealGamerCow: Oh, like Aerosmith in Boston?
Blakemcm: Who is more annoying? Music fans or video game fans?
gamercat88: darn those hip dicks
Thefluffiestguineapig: Was that duck wearing yellow boots? And made of wood?
itira: Paul's outta here
saucemaster5000: get tragically dicked
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 oh I have
teejayrivers: The Pain had the bees, The fear was the guy with the poisoned crossbow
josh___something: Paul wants out of this conversation
TehAmelie: Ramona in Scott Pilgrim's comment about the Traagically Hip is "eeeew", so you're not alone
RealGamerCow: Aerosmith is on the radio far too often in Boston
ShaneLeeAtk: Starship
SmoreThanAFeelin: Did hear Boston?
IsSecretlyPaul: turns out the band boston is actually popular in Kansas
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c sobbing, in shakespeare
KWardJenx: Boston is not from Boston. And we're done with Aerosmith, thank you.
Jennie_Fuchsia: Aerosmith is from Boston
SK__Ren: @Thefluffiestguineapig like, 1 & 5, Peacewalker, GZs and Ac!d are played fairly straight. 2 and Revengence are more edgy than goofy. 4 Is the next closest but I really wouldn't consider it that goofy over all, its just has its moments
e_bloc: technically they were just starship at the time I think
queercrafting_chonk: Boston loves Aerosmith too much
Mister_BlueSky: Radio? What year is it?
Jennie_Fuchsia: I literally only exist because of a Boston radio station
patrick_stonecrusher: Jefferson Airplane => Jefferson Starship => Starship
queercrafting_chonk: I live in MA and the rock radio is tainted
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: aerosmith is the first band you've talked about today that I've even heard of
TehAmelie: did you know Kansas is actually from Arkansas
EvilBadman: Trailer park is south of coffee world.
Ferisar: ben southwest on mep for trailer
RealGamerCow: Right, it's not aerosmith as much anymore, it's Dropkick Murphys now.
0x6772: The trailer's not at Coffee World. It's in the trailer park. You only went to Coffee World to get the key.
RealGamerCow: fukkin EVERYWHERE
CururuGuasu: He’s a lich
matthaus_c: Jagger's just a scarecrow stuffed with cocaine
Ferisar: it’s after this area
TehAmelie: (i'm lying)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SK__Ren That's fair, I'm not intimately familiar with the series and haven't played all the way through any of them
KWardJenx: @RealGamerCow This week it is! Lol
CaptinOfBeez: @Thefluffiestguineapig yes! but any stan rogers or dreadnoughts is great too!
patrick_stonecrusher: Stephen Tyler is an art show grandma
Mr_Horrible: what about the Suplex Sallies?
Blakemcm: lol can never not be compared
RealGamerCow: Steven Tyler, cousin of Tommy Tallarico
gawag_: my freinds in high school were super in to Enter the Haggis
EvilBadman: @0x6772 Well that and the bridge to the trailers collapsed.
EvilBadman: Back button
RealGamerCow: Enter the Haggis are good
ArdCollider: Steven Tyler's probably never stomped out a Nazi in the crowd, unlike Ken Casey from the Dropkicks.
0x6772: I was trying to give a non-spoiling suggestion. :^>
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptinOfBeez Are you responding to the duck question? Keep in mind I am from buttfuck Midwest so sometimes don't get references
saucemaster5000: Had a friend unhealthily obsessed with sugar ray. The 90s man
KWardJenx: @ArdCollider Truth!
matthaus_c: PS2 and 360 were duilt bifferent
Fanklok: Hot take: The Xbox classic controller was totally fine
hammith: I use a cheapo logitech... because my cat eats them.
violetblight: xbox controllers just feel right
Mister_BlueSky: Hahahaha.. no.
matthaus_c: people love nostalgia bait
tod_vom_himmel: oh god please no
Mr_Horrible: the N64 one, probably not
Boon_33: i think so ben, you're not crazy.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean everyone complains about everything
CaptinOfBeez: @Thefluffiestguineapig nope shanty artists! Stan rogers is a canadian gem!
rosesmcgee: Microsoft might be getting out of hardware according to rumors
goombalax: they always lose money on the machines and make money on the games
Seth_Erickson: Yeah but Sony's PS5 has like no games on it.
Darleysam: PS5 feels like PS4 because it's all just remasters of the same games
Mister_BlueSky: Remember the PS3 boomerang controller that got laughed out of town?
queercrafting_chonk: No they just made less crazy money than previously
tehfewl: thats only cuz the ps2 was out for FOREVER
Fanklok: Did anyone else see that floating flashlight?
gamercat88: what if it was a GameCube controller style would you use it
tod_vom_himmel: looool the flashlight floating as she opens the door
EvilBadman: Xbox One was 2013.
queercrafting_chonk: These guys!
RealGamerCow: stinky!
Lithobraker: uh oh stinky
josh___something: Old Gods of Asgard!
Boon_33: odin is wise.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CaptinOfBeez Ah, a Canadian shanty super group sounds like one of the most LRR goals
tod_vom_himmel: dont stop!
Blakemcm: nothing
matthaus_c: I like it when you say brother
tod_vom_himmel: we LOVE "brother"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because you get positive feedback
josh___something: Borther
Mr_Horrible: just replace it with Comrade
itira: Sister
Ferisar: adam
matthaus_c: it has good earfeel
Thefluffiestguineapig: No, it's not annoying because you have specific use cases
Seth_Erickson: Brother has great mouth feel yeah
KV1NN4: Not annoying
Ferisar: David said it all the time when we hung out
josh___something: Bud, eh?
Ferisar: we survived
Mazrae: Why do these guys sound like psychos from Borderlands
Thefluffiestguineapig: Earfeel is high on many of your frequent settings
Thefluffiestguineapig: *sayings
TehAmelie: achieving religious ecstasy through moonshine, are we?
Fanklok: Wow I love walking into a aplce and having drunk old men give me their political opnions
josh___something: No, this isn't the poets of the fall guy, iirc
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TehAmelie Depends how strong. Ever had homemade liquor from someone's great aunt/uncle/grandparent who grew up in backwoods Appalachia
Seth_Erickson: I liked that Gods line
Juliamon: Fanklok tbh when I walk into a trailer park I expect that
NotCainNorAbel: Tor looks like a guy I used to work with
matthaus_c: they're not even wrong
Blakemcm: Or they could genuinly be
Mister_BlueSky: Maybe they are. PrideShrug
Ferisar: yeah, think :)
Boon_33: norse gods are good drinking buddies.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Fanklok Yes. -.- This is a thing i enjoy, especially about how I don't smile enough
blip2004: good chance they are more than they seem
protojman: new goal is a battle jacket like that
tod_vom_himmel: man the characters in this game look very good
Fanklok: Norse gods famously go to Middgard to fuck with people for fun
queercrafting_chonk: Valhalla Nursing Home xD
Blakemcm: its A into A
7gorobei: saga and her son
Fanklok: Anderson just means son of Ander
Boon_33: getting some bubba hotep vibes from this nursing home.
niccus: b'nulmer
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: Saga AnderGUN, blam blam
queercrafting_chonk: The different phonemes of each 'A' make her name feel like your tripping up the stairs
Seth_Erickson: All God's are famous for that
Mr_Horrible: I mean, most old pantheons did that
Juliamon: (literally)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Norse, Greek et
Mister_BlueSky: Gods in general are fond of it.
josh___something: No, she has a daughter. Not a son.
Seth_Erickson: You heard of this guy Zeus
Makrosian_Tae: This guy sounds like Gilbert Goddfried doing Iago in Aladdin
hidingbox: I mean all the gods generally seem to fuck around with people
Boon_33: as an animal mostly...
SK__Ren: So was Odin iirc
Mr_Horrible: every Greek god was a shit, pretty much
Thefluffiestguineapig: All Greek gods are VINDICTIVE
Ferisar: all the Greek gods were assholes
dumbo3k: All Greek gods were super vindictive and petty
Thefluffiestguineapig: With added bolding and underlineing
Mr_Horrible: she's on duty, Ben
BusTed: seabatCHOICE
Boon_33: press F to accept moonshine.
Fanklok: There's a story where Thor gets bored one day goes to Middgard yada yada yada, now there's the tides and valleys
saucemaster5000: You know what I have the courage to say it -- fuck hermes the fast piece of shit
Thefluffiestguineapig: Good choice there, you might just drop dead if you try it
Mr_Horrible: "I now recognize you."
itsr67: RYU
josh___something: YES More ads!!!
RealGamerCow: is he gonna roundhouse kick a deer?
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 fuck him and his stupid staff and stupid hat
garrrywinkletoes: incredible
Seth_Erickson: I love how Jaakko is
protojman: this is the one I missed!!!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is amazing
Seth_Erickson: Deadpan*
Makrosian_Tae: I love these guys
Makrosian_Tae: CFUD
josh___something: Jaakko really comes alive on the camera
Mr_Horrible: this has been *at least* one LRL bit
hidingbox: CFUTV
matthaus_c: Hank Bastard
queercrafting_chonk: Zeus only gets seen that way nowadays because of the collected stories from varied Hellenistic regions who each had their own stories and traditions. So each one had like, one story of Zeus getting down with a lady as an animal or some shit, but then compiled with other singular stories he becomes the biggest freak on Olympus in modern eyes
Makrosian_Tae: Hank Bastard
Ferisar: Hank bastard is good
Heefnoff: ALAN
saucemaster5000: that name must've taken at least 3 rewrites to come up with
Kramburger: Evan 'Crowbar' Jones
hidingbox: Certified Time to Gab
Kramburger: Two Jepordies at the same time
tod_vom_himmel: is is qwerpline
itsr67: K O
josh___something: I love these so fuckin much
Lithobraker: Best march marchness animal parade float that isn't a raccoon.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I will say this has big Desert Bus energy
queercrafting_chonk: Omg this is so good haha
Blakemcm: they know what there doin
Astramentha: this is ART
Bruceski: I love him trying to pronounce quinceanera
Fanklok: Yes
Mr_Horrible: Remedy very good at being goofy
Thefluffiestguineapig: On purpose?
matthaus_c: you've streamed Pride
Mr_Horrible: I didn't take band, so no
xantos69: It is no
ButButTheJesus: yeah, high school band
IsSecretlyPaul: its fun
Pharmacistjudge: yup...good ol' mardi gras parade
frank_the_great: Did Pride a couple of times
saucemaster5000: I performed karate in a local parade as a kid
saucemaster5000: I was so cool
bv310: Santa Claus Parades, both as regular and recently as Santa
SK__Ren: Trophy hunting
queercrafting_chonk: Saga stop touching these things
bv310: Turns out being Santa in the Santa parade rules
Riandisa: I was in a parade a few times with Girl Scouts
Blakemcm: they probably ate the other part
Rhynerd: I represented a museum for a parade once
Bruceski: I did a few with Boy Scouts
xantos69: You can't call something a sport unless both teams have a fair chance. Give the deer a gun and then it is a sport.
patrick_stonecrusher: I snuck into a parade; got kicked out in less than two blocks 🤣
Juliamon: I was in a 4th of July parade for my LGS because I had a nerdy costume handy
queercrafting_chonk: Yeah I hate trophy hunting. But I am morbidly fascinated by taxidermy
frank_the_great: Hunting could be fun if it was Predator rules - the Deer needs a fair fight
gamercat88: what if it was butts on the wall
Bruceski: My hometown was so small that when we had parades I'm not actually sure who watched them
saucemaster5000: gve the deer opposable thumbs and a rifle
y3ntil: Would you eat deer head?
PMAvers: Give the deer a rocket launcher
violetblight: true its not the great sport of baseball
queercrafting_chonk: Give that deer a gun
IsSecretlyPaul: you can only mount the heads of things you fistfight on your wall
Mr_Horrible: hey, if Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013 taught me anything, it's that those animals are conspiring to kill you at all times
garrrywinkletoes: get in the ring brotha
Thefluffiestguineapig: Deer have weapons on their head
Ferisar: deer any% speedrun
CururuGuasu: Deer needs to up its game
Riandisa: One time my troop did make up for other girls who were taking part in the parade
Mathwyn: The deer also needs a gun
Fanklok: "Look at me, I used a technological advancement created by another person to sneak attack this deer. I'm so skilled"
TehAmelie: i've been in a pride parade and in a mayday march, and the march was five times more festive
ButButTheJesus: no guns, melee only
Talin06: the hard part is finding the animal
couchboyj: What if tge deer was a toxic Teemo main?
gualdhar: Adam only respects the most dangerous game
matthaus_c: we get a badge?
brainbosh: If deer would stop being a menace ...
Lithobraker: skill issue on the deer's part
garrrywinkletoes: cabelas hell in a cell cage match
NotCainNorAbel: thumbs, Adam
Mr_Horrible: fine, I'll solve this case on my own, if the department won't take this seriously!
HasturTheYellow: @matthaus_c Chat Badges yeah
hidingbox: The right to arm deer
Mr_Horrible: *storms out*
PMAvers: Lawnmower graveyard, where they go to die
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait for the K Kona
0x6772: Deer with opposable... hooves?
Blakemcm: You guys are VERY Rural until you arent. its a fun dichotomy
saucemaster5000: too bald
violetblight: i would accept head from kratos yeah
rosesmcgee: Sweat is why we are at the top of the food chain
Seth_Erickson: Compounding knowledge is also one of the big reasons
DrSoupPHD: Just got here from last week's VOD, what up stinkies
Thefluffiestguineapig: Arguably racoon thumbs are better
xantos69: Give the racoon about 10000 generations and we are F'ed.
garrrywinkletoes: look at that za man BLEH
TehAmelie: koalas have twice as many thumbs as us
Mr_Horrible: get their asses
DrSoupPHD: :)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Multiple dirt cheap doctors
RealGamerCow: big dumpys are the reason we're at the top of the food chain
Thefluffiestguineapig: *Lighters
UltraVioletVodoo: To be fair deer are dangerous, but mostly to idiots. when i worked at the YMCA of the rockies in housekeeping i had to, multiple times, yell at customers not to put their toddelers on the back of wild deer
DrSoupPHD: Listen
Mr_Horrible: they've had it too good for too long
mulligan2six: @DrSoupPHD What was your thesis on?
Pharmacistjudge: he's a PhD not an MD
DrSoupPHD: @mulligan2six soup
Talin06: our ability to sweat is much more useful
Seth_Erickson: Why are you learning to be a doctor at the Soup Store!
Kramburger: Doctor is a academic title, not a medical one
Pharmacistjudge: I am not filling a prescription for Soup.
Boon_33: dropbears
Thefluffiestguineapig: Have you heard a Koala mating call?
Mr_Horrible: and then it saw you, and screamed?
saucemaster5000: Oh I could make a koala scream alright
Mr_Horrible: lrrBEEJ
Boon_33: @Mr_Horrible **claps**
ButButTheJesus: @Pharmacistjudge appreciate you
gamercat88: Adam is the Sturgeon General, PHD aint got nothing on him
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 by showing them Manon's frame data?
Pharmacistjudge: Adam, you're the one with a Soup Fund
matthaus_c: I could make the hose scream
lochnessseammonster: HahaSweat
tergonis: soup occurred
DrSoupPHD: @saucemaster5000 yea, spray it with soup
mulligan2six: @DrSoupPHD Working on my MSc in stew right now.
Blakemcm: sigh.... kowalussy
tod_vom_himmel: are you okay?
Omthebox: You're a fish
saucemaster5000: I refuse to be the only one
ignitionpoint: @Pharmacistjudge I still have the giant sword from MagicCon Chicago
matthaus_c: Koalaca
couchboyj: seabatTROG
Kramburger: Also: Koala clymidia is NOT like human clymadia, if anyone tries to say otherwise, they cheated and are trying to hide it
DrSoupPHD: @saucemaster5000 Sauce is just chunkless soup
Omthebox: Ah, The Grundle Launcher
mulligan2six: @Kramburger Koalymidia
saucemaster5000: @tod_vom_himmel you're one to talk I saw what you did to that pretzel
Mr_Horrible: pictured, a fish with a gun: kanagoError
Pharmacistjudge: oh @ignitionpoint I should send you a link on the youtube on how i did it and how to take it to the next level.
Boon_33: from what I can tell Helldivers is just an elaborate teamkill enabler.
saucemaster5000: kloaca
garrrywinkletoes: as a sturgeon then... i want to ... eat your eggs. sorry.
Mr_Horrible: don't they also all actually have that?
Mr_Horrible: or something?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @mulligan2six Also the reason it's so bad is they cannot give them any antibiotics because their GI flora is so stupidly weak/specific
couchboyj: Squid1 Squid2 seabatTROG
Mr_Horrible: it's a harrowing admission, Adam
Lyropithic: I think Koalas have Chlamydia, yeah
Mr_Horrible: let them have their time
Boon_33: they did say sorry... Adam.
josh___something: Nah, it's better this way
BusTed: lrrDOTS
Seth_Erickson: Brutal diss Ben
bv310: My mom too, man
frank_the_great: There's a John Oliver Koala chlamydia ward
garrrywinkletoes: felt weird typing, it was appropriate
saucemaster5000: Dad still ends text "From, Dad"
matthaus_c: you don't get it...
DrSoupPHD: A teacher I work with ends every statement with ...
Mr_Horrible: I just put too many parentheticals in my texts
josh___something: I don't appreciate being called out like this...
The_Timo: that's a habit I formed to try and space thoughts to try and get people to read in a specific pace lol
Joecool190: there are some folks at my work who message and email like that too
DrSoupPHD: Have a good day....
gualdhar: Text in whole sentences or not at all
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Like Holt in Brooklyn 99? Sincerely Raymond Holt
Juliamon: I can't comprehend people who Capitalize Every Single Word Every Message
Mr_Horrible: "I'm not gonna *NOT* file these billable hours"
y3ntil: Is it not for pauses?
DrSoupPHD: Thanks....
The_Timo: See you later...
xantos69: Hitting Ctrl+A and Backspace is for quitters.
josh___something: Coming?
Boon_33: it's only Adam reading it, and chat.
Mr_Horrible: yeah, because that dinner's hot
RealGamerCow: Juliamon that seems like so much work.
Pharmacistjudge: I remember seeing Ryu in SF6 text like a boomer and it was great.
matthaus_c: so you are coming...
MrOrange1987: you know they play The Hip with that guitar on the couch.
Mr_Horrible: no we can't
SK__Ren: I used to have a Flipphone and I got into an argument with my mother who did that. As a reminder, Flip Phones don't save conversations. Each message regardless of length is its own message and you can only have so many before the phone says no
ignitionpoint: @Pharmacistjudge I would love that
Mr_Horrible: you want this channel to fucking DIE?
SymphonicLolita: a pause is what you hit enter for exactly
The_Timo: Oh but fuck those people that make 8 messages for something that coulda been 1 lol
Boon_33: backspace is topo right kids
ButButTheJesus: i mean......
josh___something: No, I need 9 ellipses to get my point across
lochnessseammonster: this is attacking my neurospicy brain PrideLaugh
DrSoupPHD: You here?....
Pharmacistjudge: @ignitionpoint whisper me when you get a chance
KV1NN4: commas still exist and use up less space
TehAmelie: if you want to write your texts as realistic sounding dialogue, it takes much more work than just writing like you speak
garrrywinkletoes: a i e o u
0x6772: You're also distracting a driver, which is probably not a good idea.
RealGamerCow: I'm a classic Gen X texter, a new text for every sentence
DrSoupPHD: John Madden
Boon_33: troll
josh___something: JOHN MADDEN
Thefluffiestguineapig: aeiou
Mister_BlueSky: You gotta do the beach mouse copypasta sometime. :D
Mr_Horrible: that's just a Bottom typing "I'll see you soon"
Thefluffiestguineapig: John Madden
Pharmacistjudge: john maden
ButButTheJesus: aeioh uhhhhhhhh
Blakemcm: You should turn on Text to speech for one of these streams. for one of the like Freddy fish Streams
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: @RealGamerCow a new line instead of a comma
matthaus_c: double standards smh
Blakemcm: Really try it out
Fanklok: Ok set up the TTS for the usb notifier
Boon_33: don't put that on the teleprompter, they will read anything on there!
Kramburger: Does that mean Ben makes it say slurs?
josh___something: I'm laughing so hard right now
Fanklok: sub
itsr67: @@@@
tergonis: the system is down
Mister_BlueSky: Look at me I'm a helicopter @@@@@
Thefluffiestguineapig: Type it out in morse code
saucemaster5000: this is a philip glass text
josh___something: Question mark exclamation point
matthaus_c: if you survived Shrek...
Blakemcm: burn this whole thing to the ground
Boon_33: ben is canadian, he only knows anti-french slurs
Mr_Horrible: the gravy train has a sleeper car, might as well keep it rolling Kappa
xantos69: Oh I canceled you guys years ago. But I am still watching to cancel you EVEN HARDER!
queercrafting_chonk: @josh___something interrobang 💕
Blakemcm: its cause your soul is actually pure Adam
Fanklok: Honestly after Adam said how much he liked white I'm surprised he's still around
saucemaster5000: It was genuinely hilarious
garrrywinkletoes: ben "mommy i mean mommy i mean mommy" ulmer
Boon_33: rut roh
patrick_stonecrusher: 🀄🀄🀄🀄🀄 really gets TTS. "Red dragon majong tile. Red dragon majong tile. Red dragon..."
0x6772: There are two narratives about her family.
Mr_Horrible: the townsfolk were also alluding to something like this in the beginning, iirc
gawag_: or thats her?
Blakemcm: she has claws and can regenerate
queercrafting_chonk: Oh no
0x6772: @Blakemcm nice.
Boon_33: @Mr_Horrible o no the foreshadowing, quick grab chekov's gun!
gawag_: oh yeh thats right
couchboyj: Wait a minute, this is the Bad Place!
BrindleBoar: oh deer
Fanklok: This is what she gets for not listening to Odin
Mr_Horrible: @Boon_33 turns out foreshadowing is hard when the payoff is over a month later Kappa
frank_the_great: What's weird about it?
Boon_33: the adventures of DEERCOP
Mister_BlueSky: Oh yeah, by the way, more of those type of jump scares incoming.
DrSoupPHD: No kink shame
xantos69: Well we know his fursona.
Blakemcm: so i can head shot you easier
mulligan2six: Am not!
TehAmelie: it's a party for weird sex
Mister_BlueSky: Like that one.
Mr_Horrible: looks like strawberry iced
HondoTrigger: platonic ideal of a donut
FitalShell subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
FitalShell: Tasty
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FitalShell! (Today's storm count: 60)
Blakemcm: strawberry cake donut
DrSoupPHD: It's an Almost Homer
Fanklok: Simpson reference
Seth_Erickson: Someone ate all the donuts
matthaus_c: that's 7 straight guys and me
frank_the_great: Fresh coffee
niccus: leftover from breakfast, this is lunch
Boon_33: that looks like a homer simpson special without sprinkles
Mr_Horrible: can't eat the cookies for lunch
goombalax: its a true horror realm
Mr_Horrible: that's untoward
HondoTrigger: they look like m and m cookies
queercrafting_chonk: Fuck shit cookies
itira: thats the last doughnut, so they put it on the cookie plate and threw out the doughnut box. duh
0x6772: Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chips.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
TehAmelie: or there was one donut per person and a big tin of cookies
Blakemcm: @matthaus_c omg im dying
DrSoupPHD: Caramel onion cookie
IsSecretlyPaul: sugar cookie second best
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c color matches and everything, this theory is airtight
Boon_33: oi!
Seth_Erickson: Do love me some oatmeal raisins
queercrafting_chonk: I like white chocolate macadamia cookies
Mazrae: Snicker doodles for me
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DrSoupPHD .......excuse me
Sogheim: oatmeal craisin, now you're talking
Fanklok: Wow Ben that's a weird way to pronounce White Chocolate Macadamia
Juliamon: I am definitely buying an oatmeal raisin cookie at the cafe tomorrow
Boon_33: deercop, get back `ere!
hieroglyphica: Omg wow I have like, whole list before I get to M&m
Mathwyn: A really soft anzac biscuit is great
Mr_Horrible: a fresh snickerdoodle is pretty peak
The_Timo: white choc macadamia?
Blakemcm: The new Costco Chocolate Chip cookie is very good
Mr_Horrible: creme brulee er'day
xantos69: White Chocolate Macadamia Nut cookies are top tier.
BrindleBoar: hot take: all deserts are good
goombalax: what's your pie? Pumpkin?
Pharmacistjudge: so chat. who has pie day plans?
Molladia: Anzac Biscuits Top tier
Omthebox: Slam dunk the pie, eat it off the floor. A wise man once said that.
frank_the_great: I had a cannoli after dinner today
DrSoupPHD: @Thefluffiestguineapig They're surprisingly good
SK__Ren: Frozen Thinmints
itira: how about no sweets after dinner. just... more dinner? :D
Mr_Horrible: @BrindleBoar why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?
hieroglyphica: Like there's snickerdoodles, molasses ginger spice, chocolate crinkle, coconut macaroon...
Seth_Erickson: Thin mints and samoas are both good.
Juliamon: white chocolate macadamia cookies are best when they have cranberries
ghizmou: butter cookies though, dayum
Dog_of_Myth: lrrWOW
SK__Ren: You gotta freeze them
spo8n: warm baked goods+ice cream
raulghoulia: I also had a canoli with dinner
Sogheim: the juxtaposition of the tense music and cookie discussion is excellent
frank_the_great: LUL
bv310: Thin mints kept in the freezer are goods at least.
hieroglyphica: Also, chocolate chip pecan!
BrindleBoar: Mr_Horrible gotta keep the fights coming, can't afford to lose my edge
Mr_Horrible: and then cannoli says "Stop, it's sensitive!"
Astramentha: !adult
queercrafting_chonk: Dude there's a local Greek grocer to me that makes homemade honey vanilla Greek yogurt and I love the hell out of it with muesli
Molladia: Isn't a cannoli spinash and ricotta?
hieroglyphica: I am a cookie focused baker
saucemaster5000: motorboaty cannoli holy moly
Boon_33: they're better cold
DrSoupPHD: Frozen Thin Mints
frank_the_great: Y'know what's a good freezer snack? Froot roll ups
Fanklok: oh RING I heard Goody Rim
hieroglyphica: For me it's Tagalongs but I understand I'm a minority
TehAmelie: Cookie Clicker has about 250 kinds of cookies represented, how do you pick just one?
Mr_Horrible: love a frozen kit-kat
Blakemcm: the cookies sour much like our fathers do later in life
xantos69: Hot take: I prefer the flavor of mint on savory dishes not sweet dishes. Thin Mints are not for me, but give me a nice lamb kofta any day.
KV1NN4: I'm jsut not fond of mint as a flavour
ItsThugDimmadome: I'm an oatmeal raisin guy.
queercrafting_chonk: @frank_the_great wat?? Rly?
itira: i swear Dads cookies used to have a peanutbutter chip cookie but i think its one of those things i made up. LUL
Juliamon: *which* Thin Mints are better frozen though? ABC and Little Brownie are two entirely different cookies
Boon_33: the movies?
saucemaster5000: I think adam watched the wrong movie
DrSoupPHD: Pacific Rim Job
Thefluffiestguineapig: Goody rim, is that what Ben's beginner thumb does?
Boon_33: they're drift compatible.
Mr_Horrible: that moose has Seen Things
Mr_Horrible: like this conversation
Seth_Erickson: Fuckin love Pacific Rim dude
Sogheim: that's a good moose
frank_the_great: @queercrafting_chonk Yep, makes them chewy, and the cold is nice
jessieimproved: 2 different brands
Juliamon: There are two bakeries, yeah
queercrafting_chonk: @frank_the_great neat!!
Mr_Horrible: you actually had Gril GUID cookies
matthaus_c: I wish girl guide/scout cookies were a thing here
jessieimproved: ABC and Little Brownie Bakers
Fanklok: Yo I think Saga has a thing for Deer
jessieimproved: I was a Girl Scout troop leader
Boon_33: deercop, where are you?
hieroglyphica: Oh man I forgot about lemon bars. Shit what do they count as? My family always counted those as cookie adjacent, like most caramel bars and chocolate crumbles
Molladia: Do you two want an specific content in a Mailtime from Australia?
DarknessKingCoH: Cosmic Brownies used to have honey in them, and haven't tasted anywhere near as good since.
frank_the_great: I just know the troop makes like <$1 per $5+ box, so I tend to not buy them
queercrafting_chonk: One of these deer is gonna come to life one a these days
matthaus_c: cloth gown gridlock moment
SquareDotCube: oh baby grill
blip2004: Girl Guides around here only have 2 types of cookie, an oreo type in the summer and chocolate mint in the winter
HasturTheYellow: Heard the tick-tick-tick-tick-whoosh of a grill
Mr_Horrible: I'd say "valorant catching strays" but all shots caught by valorant are aimed to kill
definenull: Don't fall for the capitalist siren song of Big Cookie
MitchTheQuaker: IMO the the peanut butter patties are the best of the girl scout cookies but ya gotta get the west US ones that are still vegan
Juliamon: (Little Brownie is the better bakery IMO)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @frank_the_great Oh yeah, just like most things it's been turned into a factory for money for the corporate top end
Seth_Erickson: Nelly jams Valorant all the time. He also comments on Valorant Twitter posts all the time
gawag_: tagalongs are goated
ghizmou: not reeeeeeeeeeses?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I like peanut butter on apples
queercrafting_chonk: @gawag_ tagalongs yessss
Mr_Horrible: new name for the PB patties
Seth_Erickson: Tag a longs are good
frank_the_great: @Thefluffiestguineapig I've been out of the Boy Scouts for a bit, but when I was in the popcorn split seemed reasonable
gawag_: i think they have a different name from the other bakery
Juliamon: The name is how you identify which bakery it is
gawag_: yeahhhhh pop those puppies in the freezer mm
Fanklok: Wrong tilty one
0x6772: Angle the other way for that middle symbol.
hieroglyphica: @thefluffiestguineapig yessss! My favorite apple with PB is the new lemonade apple, but the sugar bee or honey crisp is second fave
Juliamon: Little Brownie is Tagalong and Samoas
Mazrae: Wonder how the thick mints from Nsburg would taste, I know I would have to give up my wallet though
The_Timo: Only big cups, I need that High PB to choc ratio
frank_the_great: Thoughts on Take 5?
queercrafting_chonk: Oh I am not immune to Reese's I love it
Pharmacistjudge: i gave a big turk an honest try
itira: Adam is a 90yr old man confirmed
queercrafting_chonk: Take me, Reese's pieces
Thefluffiestguineapig: @frank_the_great I would absolutely believe the girl scouts are way more exploitative
SK__Ren: Chew Chew Charlie?
goombalax: sticks in your teeth
SquareDotCube: I wonder how Adam would feel about Tony's
bv310: I lost a filling on Mac Toffees
Boon_33: @SK__Ren charleston/
IsSecretlyPaul: candy is actually low teir
MegaDosX: Wrong angle on the middle one
saucemaster5000: you know what are based? Werthers originals
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon I'm learning so much - I'd always wondered why they had a diff name when I moved to the PNW
rin_the_kat: what about the Reese with the cookie at the bottom?
BusTed: @saucemaster5000 hell yeah
Thefluffiestguineapig: Me too!
goombalax: raisin bran is better than Shredded Wheat
The_Timo: Reg cheerios if I can cut bananas into it
Yolysses: Adam you like licorice peanut butter ice cream but not peanut butter and *chocolate*?
queercrafting_chonk: Baby cheerios
josh___something: Heehee nut
gamercat88: fruit loops and apple jacks were my jam growing up
Thefluffiestguineapig: Although since I am gf it's now corn chex
Mr_Horrible: Honey Nut is probably still too sweet, but it's my preferred Cheerio
frank_the_great: Citrussy
orangeleapfrog: regular cheerios are good
ButButTheJesus: hehehehe
matthaus_c: stuck
rosesmcgee: Regular cheerios with a pinch of salt and pepper
Saintnex: but apple cinnamon Ben??
ItsThugDimmadome: Wall nut
Scarbble: cheeriussy
saucemaster5000: Step anything
itira: LOL
IsSecretlyPaul: adam
The_Timo: Banana slices
Boon_33: ADAM
ButButTheJesus: adam
ItsThugDimmadome: ADAM
SmoreThanAFeelin: LUL
BusTed: can't even say raw dog anymore.
Saintnex: sorry Daddy Ben Kappa
Blakemcm: raw dog those plain holes eh?
TehAmelie: i like müsli fine but it ought to have plenty of dried fruit in it
Mr_Horrible: it's easy to say those things, Adam, just be unbothered and tell people to grow up
josh___something: Adam, you aren't helping your case here
ActualFactual: Complains about words being ruined, and then says raw dog
SK__Ren: cmon man. I'm drinking over here
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey, the perverts didn't ruin it, the people who overused it incorrectly ruined it!
ButButTheJesus: i'll raw dog some honey nut
ItsThugDimmadome: Just raw doggin cheerios huh.
couchboyj: wheelerOok
itira: raw doggin those Os
goombalax: can't even say "Eat em' raw dog" anymore, kids these days
SmoreThanAFeelin: i have you on speaker and my roommate just walked by my room at that exact stopped him in his tracks
bv310: Practice Safe Eating: Use Condiments
Juliamon: Mr_Horrible I live in a region where both are available depending on which troop you buy from, so it's something I picked up on even before the internet was a thing
frank_the_great: I also eat cereal without a condom
saucemaster5000: The rawdog grand slam is an american pastime
matthaus_c: no one's innocent in this stream
Pharmacistjudge: you have ruined cereal for me. first the CEO of Kelloggs, now Adam Savidan.
ButButTheJesus: @frank_the_great 10/10
itira: hahahahaha
Thefluffiestguineapig: No notes
queercrafting_chonk: Dude I still laugh so much at the "I'm stuck!" part of that children's fish game
BusTed: got there
ItsThugDimmadome: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon Iowa to Washington for me, so according to this map I've found I got hit with the mixup in 2010 after moving for school
frank_the_great: @SmoreThanAFeelin Are they baptized?
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
josh___something: Are they baptized?
bv310: The real Drift-compatible right there
ItsThugDimmadome: "Say the line, Bart"
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
josh___something: LUL
Mr_Horrible: I did genuinely enjoy both of you just leaving
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's such a good clip
Mr_Horrible: *very* good bit
matthaus_c: what are you doing, stepladder
BusTed: I like the little cultist crafting corner.
EvilBadman: Single and baptizable
Blakemcm: i go back and watch that freddy fish stream about every other month
queercrafting_chonk: Omg xD
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wow
Mr_Horrible: hit us with the shibiddi whoop
Thefluffiestguineapig: Literally just walked off stage in protest
raulghoulia: hella naked
Saintnex: YUP
Pharmacistjudge: @Juliamon i live on a border area too. and there are some cookies like the (now discontinued) smores that are drastically different
frank_the_great: He had a sleeve on
CataclysmicReverb: Turned 360 and walked away
Mr_Horrible: no, fools were upset about it
ButButTheJesus: huh
Saintnex: Wait why?
Boon_33: it's john Cena, who can complain.
Mister_BlueSky: Is there anything that can happen, in the entire world, someone is NOT going to be mad about?
gamercat88: how could they see him...
Juliamon: Pharmacistjudge What drives me up the wall the most is the lemon cookies which are COMPLETELY different
SquareDotCube: it was funny eight years ago
Molladia: Non-consensual nudity forced upon us
Juliamon: LemonUps aren't even remotely similar to Lemonaids
ghizmou: But it was to commemorate the 1984 streaker
TehAmelie: apparently the sign he was using to cover himself was velcroed on so i dunno if you could say fully naked. . .
Blakemcm: people who make that point dont matter
frank_the_great: There's some weirdo conspiracy theories over it
ItsThugDimmadome: John is a chiseled man.
EvilBadman: @tehamelie he had a cocksock (tm)
Mr_Horrible: having Danny DeVito and Arnie presenting some awards was good
Fanklok: Now if it was TWO naked guys then people would be mad
BusTed: bamboozled
Mr_Horrible: reunited at last
Boon_33: they playing me
saucemaster5000: I lost 20 bucks betting on the oscars this year....
Juliamon: (which is the only reason I border-hop to get ABC)
xantos69: Sorry I tuned out part of that. Ben did you say a naked John Cena would shove it down my throat?
ghizmou: @frank_the_great I heart about those and it's so wild and it makes so little sense
josh___something: Dude's cut
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is some deeply unfortunate skin on those boys
violetblight: ok i need to go watch the oscars i guess
saucemaster5000: for fun wdym
ButButTheJesus: @xantos69 sure
MitchTheQuaker: cuz gambling is fun adam
queercrafting_chonk: In shape and on drugs
Darleysam: betting they wouldn't happen :(
ItsThugDimmadome: @saucemaster5000 What category?
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 but you believed in the G-1.0 Sweep, which means you are morally righteous and will see Heaven
Sogheim: why does her mind palace have a dead deer head in there if she feels bad when she sees them on someone else's wall?
matthaus_c: you're friends with James Turner
Saintnex: hilariously enough, Cena at the Oscars is probably the smallest he’s ever been
ItsThugDimmadome: Adam, people bet on Wrestling.
Mr_Horrible: Betting small amounts on dumb shit is fun, Adam
niccus: lmao
HorusFive: You don't bet on the Oscars- they're rigged
Fanklok: WE've watched Ben Wheeler swindle james out of 20 dollars
Tweygoh: sounds like a McElroy brothers bit
BusTed: it's not fun if there's no stakes, adam
JinaMahavira: Wheeler would flip a coin for $20
rosesmcgee: "Let's make the oscars interesting" Pulls out revolver and single bullet
frank_the_great: My buddies and I have an Oscar party every year. No betting, but there are prizes.
saucemaster5000: it's ythe only thing I gamble on, and it's with friends
ghizmou: winning a gamble is fun, losing is terrible
matthaus_c: your best friend will turn literally anything into a gamble
couchboyj: I'm not addicted to gambling. I do it everyday and think about it all the time. If i was addicted, I'd know.
Darleysam: gambling for money has absolutely zero appeal to me
Mr_Horrible: putting 5 bucks on very stupid Super Bowl stuff is a time-honored bit
Talin06: yes they do
shendaras: Fortunately, there are two suitcases..
Saintnex: yup, it’s a thing now
queercrafting_chonk: Petty bets with friends is hilarious
raulghoulia: people bet on elections
ItsThugDimmadome: Yeah
Blakemcm: how many F5's is brock gonna hit
ButButTheJesus: people bet on LRR streams
gamercat88: ppl bet on little league baseball games
violetblight: people bet on their ability to win marvel games for money
UnkeptFlea: im betting on this stream right now
ItsThugDimmadome: I saw that years ago.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gambling is too much risk for my already marginal razor's edge fiscal existence
Astramentha: people bet on fucking paint drying
y3ntil: They bet on the Pope, they'll bet on anything
matthaus_c: there are much worse odds than 50%
queercrafting_chonk: But a loathe actual gambling
josh___something: Correct
Lithobraker: People bet on who shot Mr. Burns
itira: LUL
bv310: I have a standing bet with my dentist. If the Leafs do better than the Canadiens, he owes me a Tim Hortons gift card. If the Canadiens do better, I owe him a McD's one.
andy1503: honestly a coin flip is pretty solid odds
queercrafting_chonk: Lost 11 bucks on a horse track when I was eleven and I've never gambled since
EvilBadman: Universal Championship Cody Rhodes (-600) Roman Reigns (+350)
BusTed: there it is...
Darleysam: every day, the depths of human dumbassery finds a new way to astonish us all
HorusFive: People will bet on the coin flip for the SuperBowl
josh___something: Smth smth Will it Kill
Thefluffiestguineapig: What? Imaginary food and peter pan?
TehAmelie: @andy1503 it's almost usually heads!
xantos69: I don't remember the context, but there was a super high steaks betting ring that was just on coin flips.
bv310: We've had this bet running for 20 years.
bv310: I'm up overall
Juliamon: chat, how much do you like gambling
Saintnex: if I remember correctly, there’s sub bets in wrestling too, beyond wins and losses
Thefluffiestguineapig: @xantos69 Was that one of the many many many things run by Michael Jordan?
definenull: Gambling? I'm in!
Saintnex: heheheh
Mr_Horrible: that rocks
josh___something: 3 BAYBEE
bv310: Yeah, I love my dentist
gawag_: youuve had the same dentist for 20 years???
matthaus_c: big TWO
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't remember if it's Jordan or Lebron James who are well know to do stupid competitive gambling stuff
Mister_BlueSky: "But how will we know which one will win??!"
josh___something: Let's fuckin GOOO
Saintnex: let’s go BIG ONE
Juliamon: I can pick whichever one I want
Thefluffiestguineapig: Where's the question?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't see it
Juliamon: There is no question
shendaras: Adam is involved, so probably don't pick the one with the most.
The_Timo: OH Fuck, Now people Piggybacking on Option 2
Seth_Erickson: I can't bet on mobile NotLikeThis it's not working
McMenno: my country doesn't allow me to gamble with fake twitch points :(
cptcobalt subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 111 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cptcobalt! (Today's storm count: 61)
violetblight: all in on 3 you gotta
xantos69: Adam you can't pretend you don't get it. I have seen you do the roleplaying books. You LOVE playing the long odds.
Mr_Horrible: damn, everyone went on 3 last minute
Juliamon: There's three options, you get to choose one
Kramburger: Roll a dice
Mr_Horrible: I thought I was a rebel
Strebenherz: Please my channel points beg you
The_Timo: Which time?
Forlorgen: 25k on 3
Sogheim: if I lose, I'm gonna be under a mil
RealLegitStreamer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon finally a use for my points, thank you
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RealLegitStreamer! (Today's storm count: 62)
plundypops: "the one time"
Mister_BlueSky: You have to be more specific.
HasturTheYellow: Oh hey there's a prediction button
josh___something: Will it Kill
lochnessseammonster: damn i just missed it
Seth_Erickson: I remember wracking in the points when you did that Adam
ghyllnox: Adam needs to pick
spo8n: do it again!
Seth_Erickson: It was great
Saintnex: oh right, I remember that
Lithobraker: That was hilarious when it happened
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why can't I bet????
BusTed: dark souls style shortcut
shendaras: I need points for my validation.
frank_the_great: I've *earned* these useless points
lochnessseammonster: i thought it was funny PrideLaugh
Boon_33: i needed those for my kid's college tuition!
definenull: But muh internet points
Juliamon: I'll choose one in a minute, my mouse needs a new battery brb
0x6772: That's not the one time you made chat mad, Adam, I think was the point.
plundypops: nooo! my fight money!
matthaus_c: it would be fun to bet on this stream every week
Mr_Horrible: the funny part is, if Juliamon repeats that bit *right* now, we will receive it better than when you did, Adam
Blakemcm: its real to me damnit
couchboyj: But number should go UP
josh___something: It's true. But it IS number big
Omthebox: It was great because you picked my choice
Mr_Horrible: not chosen yet
The_Timo: I wanna see Number go up,
gamercat88: im still saving my Seabats channel points, its been hard to not highlight gang
Rhynerd: if I could win a pin 750k, then I’d worry about these points
Mr_Horrible: we're drumrolling sofieBongos
HasturTheYellow: But DoLLRs could become like Dogecoin one day :^)
frank_the_great: It's not over yet
ItsThugDimmadome: Worth less than a Reddit upvote.
LostThePirate: I've still got 200K points left, it's not like there's much else to do with them :P
TehAmelie: i have over 2.6 million points and i can't even bet them on fake bets
ghyllnox: Hasn't been chosen yet
Talin06: I always just bet on the lowest one
Molladia: just dont resolve it, no winner
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible wow you went for 3? rookie mistake
The_Timo: isn't that a pie?
BusTed: Probably pie for the diner
shendaras: Pie ,I think?
rosesmcgee: Some people went all on on crypto, some went for NFTs. I spent my life savings on those channel points
josh___something: That's definitely pie
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is it the cheese tax?
saucemaster5000: I was fuming when you made fun of my 20 year standing bet with my client
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c it was the Dark Horse at the time laynaPepehands
Saintnex: clearly one is the best choice Kappa
Mazrae: If you bring the cheese, got to pay the cheese tax
The_Timo: 2 best choice,
Seth_Erickson: They got a get a new battery for their mouse first they said
ButButTheJesus: he's a really barky puppy
patrick_stonecrusher: With channel points l can do this lrrSPOOP_TK
josh___something: Has ben walked over 2 manuscript pages?
queercrafting_chonk: So happy ben showed the cheese tax I've loved it since
matthaus_c: I'd say 1 has a 33% chance of winning, 2 has 66%, and there's no way 3 wins
Mr_Horrible: lmao
Mr_Horrible: 10%
Saintnex: hehehehe
patrick_stonecrusher: lrrSPOOP_TK lrrSPOOP_TK
queercrafting_chonk: Too bad my kitties are lactose intolerant
Lithobraker: Does Remy need a crocheted dog sweater Ben?
Blakemcm: its the royal we
matthaus_c: wow, you forget classic chatter bv310?
MitchTheQuaker: sauce is the dentist bv is the client
Thefluffiestguineapig: @queercrafting_chonk All kitties with adult teeth are lactose intolerant
Saintnex: yea Sauce said client
Mr_Horrible: "It's just for the bit, now"
queercrafting_chonk: @thefluffiestguineapig yeah
definenull: It's just a loyalty discount at the dentists
mulligan2six: Spawncamping your dentist is the worst thing I have heard all day
ActualFactual: Presumably they are paying the dentist real money for their services, so probably the dentist is coming out ahead
Mr_Horrible: *googles Gobermint*
Fanklok: sometimes?
saucemaster5000: sorry that one was a bit above adam's understanding
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sweaters are such a complicated thing to make as a knitter
Seth_Erickson: Will Remy say no though?
Mr_Horrible: true
bv310: It would actually be incredible if I found out my dentist was also a LRR fan
Fanklok: I assume it's always a bit
Juliamon: ok fresh battery installed, time to pick one of these things
violetblight: right
ItsThugDimmadome: Does Remy need a belly rub right now?
matthaus_c: at least you're funny
Mr_Horrible: that way we get to say "Oh, Adam" and shake our head and put our hands on our hips
Mr_Horrible: and then the laugh track kicks in
Ferisar: whatcha looking for?
josh___something: You missed a manuscript gae
Sogheim: you do not have The Clicker
josh___something: *page
Ferisar: oh, no they have the clicker
matthaus_c: hell yeah baby
Fanklok: IM RICH
violetblight: noooooooo
The_Timo: SCORE
Kramburger: WOOOOOO
HasturTheYellow: I WON let's go
Saintnex: Welp
matthaus_c: big no 2
The_Timo: YES
frank_the_great: WOOOOOOO
Mr_Horrible: damn, there goes my college fund
josh___something: FUUUUUUU
itira: pft
Strebenherz: CURSES
ghyllnox: o7
y3ntil: BOO, 2 is stinky
violetblight: never doing this again
ZER0_TW0: the system works
bv310: PogChamp
ItsThugDimmadome: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Nigouki: booooooo, rigged
saucemaster5000: Goddamn shoulda gone all in
frank_the_great: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
BusTed: tqsKnife
matthaus_c: I went all in, this shit's great
frank_the_great: Bet 50k, got 140k
HorusFive: EZ money baybee
Mister_BlueSky: It's a scavenger hunt! Wheee!
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon thank youuuuuu! my investment tripled!
Mazrae: I bet all I was willing to lose, 10 points
Mr_Horrible: proving once again there is no justice on this Earth
Ferisar: why not
BusTed: 🤔
The_Timo: Just imagines it
IsSecretlyPaul: Are you a cop
HorusFive: The knife does most of the work
gawag_: it sounds liek youre imagining it right now
ggodopaste subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
ggodopaste: 52 months, that's one year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ggodopaste! (Today's storm count: 63)
josh___something: Don't incriminate yourself, ben
shendaras: Don't admit to anything
dumbo3k: Woooo! I tripled my bet! Gambling works!
frank_the_great: You ever read All Quiet on the Western Front? I think I'd apologies too
ItsThugDimmadome: Smash cut to Ben in CZW with light tubes
saucemaster5000: define stab
CataclysmicReverb: wink
Fanklok: Not even in the fun way?
Saintnex: time to start mining back my fake internet twitch points lol
The_Timo: I'm prepared to when I walk outside, only because sketchy neighbourhood lol
ActualFactual: Why not, Ben?
Ferisar: would I? welllll
josh___something: You don't have to answer anything without legal counsel
Mr_Horrible: fuckin' Centrists, man Kappa
matthaus_c: playing the neuch
ButButTheJesus: it me
Rhynerd: ey! i won one for once!
definenull: Rigged
MegaDosX: All I know is my gut says "maybe"
Mr_Horrible: couldn't be me (was me)
The_Timo: What kind of loser doesn't pick 2?
Sogheim: I thought for sure I had it on lock
saucemaster5000: what's the worst place on the body you'd be willing to stab someone
TehAmelie: i bet on 3, but then, i did bet nothing
iconicshadow89: woohoo i have so many points now gambling is the answer **it was not the answer**
matthaus_c: 2 has like a 66.6% chance of winning
couchboyj: No, me doLRRs!
Mazrae: I won 29 points off of 10 points with 2
PhilanthropyLich: I picked 2 because I wanted to win
josh___something: Smh, we all know 3 should've won
Saintnex: hehehe
IsSecretlyPaul: 2 is meta
MitchTheQuaker: 2 players are boosted tbh
definenull: 2 is literally mid
IsSecretlyPaul: 3 is actually an option that you need skill to play
Mr_Horrible: the return was kinda sick tbh
Mr_Horrible: @IsSecretlyPaul truuuuu
Fanklok: Dropped the full 74k
Boon_33: many, less now
dumbo3k: I had 400k points, I bet 200k points
spo8n: I bet 41 points
frank_the_great: 10 is the default. You got to type if you want more
saucemaster5000: I have 1.2M and I only bet 100k
HasturTheYellow: I, personally, have 147k
Saintnex: clearly 1 was the best, its first Kappa
NotCainNorAbel: Until recently i had 4.2M
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 you have how many
Strebenherz: had 56k, lost 20k
Saintnex: also 1.7 m :p
ButButTheJesus: we need to have a Donate Points to Make James Buy Icream again
QuixoticScrivener: I have 1.5M from past doubles
josh___something: I literally can't bet channel points cause of my region
UnkeptFlea: I needed to spend the points to get back to 69k so it was a win-win
The_Timo: i bet 5k and got 14. something klol
Ferisar: looks at door I need bolt cutters for: “would”
couchboyj: I'm on mobile, way too many clicks to bet not 10 points
gamercat88: i would like to put my points into a Roth IRA so i can retire now
matthaus_c: I've lost way too much on all ins
frank_the_great: Let's run it back
NotCainNorAbel: I won a few things but also watch a lot
BusTed: that marvel is why people value their points
Mr_Horrible: I'm just shy of 1M on your channel, Adam, with no gamba
Fanklok: Where do we redeem our Boshy stream?
Papa_Princesse: if you dont go all in all the time you aint doin channel points right
Seth_Erickson: I have a million points on Adams channel
0x6772: What are we supposed to do with them?
circusofkirkus: @BusTed I earned these fair and square
Mr_Horrible: it's just that gacha grind
Saintnex: tbf, there’s almost nothing we can do with our points :D
Juliamon: Mods also accrue them because they can't gamba on their own predictions
Cptasparagus: as useful as reddit karma
lochnessseammonster: my 177K looking so sad now PrideLaugh
The_Timo: but to initially get them you gotta watch lol
couchboyj: seabatOAK
itira: you really are Adam LUL
Dog_of_Myth: Numbers go up
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
Blakemcm: neurons activated
saucemaster5000: silverback gorilla confirmed
Mazrae: Just going to bet the minimum, and I might of had 100k and that's just gained from watching and not betting so much, last time I bet on James on the Toaster game
patrick_stonecrusher: I like points so l can do this lrrSPOOP_TK lrrSPOOP_TK lrrSPOOP_TK
couchboyj: wheelerOok
Mr_Horrible: *witnessing the big number* PogChamp
Mazrae: And I lost it all
blip2004: I'm down to 313000 points because of all these predictions, I always waste like 50,000+ points
7gorobei: team ook represent
Mister_BlueSky: BEEG number. Ook ook.
Blakemcm: in my mind palace
CaptinOfBeez: i keep losing mine betting
patrick_stonecrusher: lrrWOW_HF
Forlorgen: That one payout for 10 millionm though
Mr_Horrible: knew I shoulda bet on Axe Cat smh
Talin06: what is money but irl points?
Blakemcm: when you got enough money... it is just points
couchboyj: Number go up
HorusFive subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
HorusFive: Now betting your sub-months. That would be real gambling
EvilBadman: Everything you need should be in Coffee World
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HorusFive! (Today's storm count: 64)
plundypops: Hell yeah SaltyBet
josh___something: Alrighty then, chatroom.....
matthaus_c: money should be as fake as channel points
IsSecretlyPaul: the enjoyment in the gambling the lack of control
LostThePirate: Damn, I haven't screwed around on Salty Bet in like 10 years
CaptinOfBeez: i need some LRR scratch offs
plundypops: I love gambling without my real money, because I would just lose all of my money -_-
SquareDotCube: I'd exchange my 1.5 million for cash
ActualFactual: Gambling is about anticipation.
IsSecretlyPaul: I say this as a person who doesn't gamble anymore
josh___something: Don't kink shame me, adam
Mazrae: Can we do another bet during this stream to see if more people win or lose
frank_the_great: I prefer higher stakes bets. Y'know, with briefcases where one of them's a gun
Fanklok: Tell me more about your need to control everything Adam
Mr_Horrible: I haven't actually interacted with SaltyBet, but I *did* win a copy of Frozen: Olaf's Quest for the 3DS by betting on Donkey Kong in an all-CPU smash tourney at a friend's birthday party once
saucemaster5000: Wait the channel points are not exchangeable currency????
niccus: gambling is perfect, the good guy isn't guaranteed to win
violetblight: it wouldnt be gambling if i always won
Saintnex: already done Ben
Ferisar: I can simply gamble picking up rng loot in arpg
Ferisar: is gamble
frank_the_great: Sure, let's go with that it's a hypothetical
IsSecretlyPaul: i simply gamble by running top lane
Juliamon: imagine how many points James would have if he actually watched this stream
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 you're in it for the love of the game, Sauce
Ferisar: nah it’s the same thing
McMenno: I prefer russian roulette with a shotgun where you both have a bunch of items to manipulate the game
BusTed: best use your mettle brother
CaptinOfBeez: I prefer the high stakes YOLOing of a 2nd mortgage on NVDA calls
Ferisar: people just wanna see random outcomes cause you never know
saucemaster5000: But @Mr_Horrible , I rarely pay attention to the game
Thefluffiestguineapig: Graham sometimes chimes in in chat
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 my bad, shoulda said the love of the Game
Molladia: Imagine if Paul had an account, how many points he'd have from being on the board.
DrSoupPHD: Hey everybody, Graham here...
matthaus_c: yeah but Graham doesn't count
y3ntil: No gambling for me, I'll just go back to hunting for chase rares in packs
ButButTheJesus: @saucemaster5000 neither do these two
Fanklok: Graham shows up to make sure the gorillas are working
HorusFive: @Thefluffiestguineapig But mostly just to say "Get Back to Work"
Forlorgen: Nvidia
Blakemcm: Nvidia Stock
teejayrivers: Nvidia stock
Kramburger: The wall street bets shit
teejayrivers: NVDA is the ticker
NoTomToLose: If me and all my best friends ran a channel for our career I would simply never watch them
Mr_Horrible: no, it's their ticker symbol
Mr_Horrible: on the exchange
Going_Medium: I had a layover in Vegas. Decided to gamble. Set a budget. I doubled my money then spent it all on a bag of candy.
frank_the_great: ticker name
niccus: so much of the economy is advanced gambling
Forlorgen: itsw one of 5 stocks that hold the market up
Mr_Horrible: that's about as much as I know about stocks, besides that they're made up
Blakemcm: stocks are shortened to unique code names. like ford is old as fuck and its stock is just F google is goog
Mr_Horrible: timeless joke
HorusFive: Death- the only real rest you can get
NoTomToLose: That got me
Going_Medium: Not much of a gambler ...
Blakemcm: right now it is yea
Blakemcm: thats one
frank_the_great: @Blakemcm AT&T is just T
BusTed: Drippy!
RealGamerCow: Coke was one for a long time
Forlorgen: you got 2
plundypops: Nvidia is insane currently.
BusTed: We need that laugh
The_Timo: Is that the best joke to come out of the Rush Hour movies?
blip2004: they recently became the 3rd most valued company in the world
Mr_Horrible: Microsoft, Microhard, Macrosoft, Macrohard, and Amazon
goombalax: eggplant
niccus: nvidia is enormous since a lot of people are making a bet on AI
Blakemcm: doing good so far
Forlorgen: amazon
TehAmelie: remember weapons and oil
frank_the_great: Pokemon
HorusFive: US Steel is X- which makes that idiot Musk an even bigger idiot
niccus: and they got away scot free off the back of crypto
circusofkirkus: nvidia cashed in on both the AI and NFT/crypto hype trains
Forlorgen: amzon
DrSoupPHD: Girl Scouts
Forlorgen: google
frank_the_great: Meta
teejayrivers: Called Meta
McMenno: uhhh it's meta
Blakemcm: both yea
Saintnex: google and Amazon seems like good choices
MitchTheQuaker: its FAANG facebook amazon apple nvdia and google
Mr_Horrible: Meta now, but yeah, they're their own thing
DrSoupPHD: Alphabet
Mr_Horrible: I haven't meta google before, no
Mr_Horrible: have you?
saucemaster5000: shut up horrible
DrSoupPHD: Never Metapod myself
Mr_Horrible: I love how I can tell visually when Adam reads my chat
Saintnex: booo Mr.Horrible
Mr_Horrible: it's so convenient
Blakemcm: you got it adam. its "FAANG" Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Nvidia,Google
MegaDosX: nyoom
blip2004: Well Google has meta all your data
7gorobei: if facebook is meta shouldnt it be MANGA
josh___something: They fuckin wavedashing
Mr_Horrible: I think the N in FAANG used to be Netflix
circusofkirkus: don't forget Saudiaramco
Forlorgen: its the AI stuff
couchboyj: LLM, crypto, it all runs on GPUs, so Nvidia is in the squad
Blakemcm: yea Nvidia is the wild card
Thefluffiestguineapig: Not in a billion years
Nigouki: Nvidia is making their own AI bubble
Blakemcm: They just make SO MANY chips also
MrOrange1987: chips for gen AI. that’s nvidias jam.
MegaDosX: I'd have bet it was crypto mining that made Nvidia such a big deal
DrSoupPHD: That's a great trivia question, top 5 stocks
circusofkirkus: crypto -> AI both need shit tons of gpus
Mr_Horrible: yeah, GPUs are very good at running many simple calculations in parallel
Saintnex: NVIDIA making bank from GPUs being used for everything
matthaus_c: this is peak mascot form
shendaras: GPUs, power... water..
gibbousm: Don't skip leg day
EvilBadman: Skipping leg day
Mr_Horrible: oh, hate that
saucemaster5000: They should make two AIs... so we could get AI AI from super monkey ball. THere's the real money
Mazrae: Is that an electrode??
frank_the_great: Humpty Dumpty has seen better days
matthaus_c: GPUs are actually the reaosn
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 Gon Gon enjoyers stay winning seabatOAK
niccus: no it's pretty much GPU
Forlorgen: They make chips
Blakemcm: well yea and BItcoin shot them up
circusofkirkus: GPUs don't just do graphics these days :D
rosesmcgee: not really, most don't have video cards
Saintnex: also GPUs get used for a lot
Talin06: nvidia are the pic axe sellers at the gold rush
Blakemcm: all the coins mine off video cards
CaptinOfBeez: theresd a whole ecosystem around Nvidia too, chip makers, server makers, semiconductor fabs, etc.
MegaDosX: Nobody does
Juliamon: You don't have to
Mr_Horrible: GPUs are just good at running many many simple calculations in parallel and fast
circusofkirkus: all you need to understand is that it's a scam
xantos69: Most high end business systems these days make use of GPU capabilities.
Saintnex: it’s not worth understanding
Forlorgen: digital magic cards = crypto
HorusFive: Bitcoin- Fomo made manifest
Mr_Horrible: so they're very good at doing the stuff crypto and genAI wants to do
Juliamon: The whole point is that it doesn't make sense
frank_the_great: Greater fool fallacy, simple as
Blakemcm: @Talin06 perfect description
gibbousm: Crypto is all a grift
Fanklok: It's imaginary money that crypto bros insist is real money so they can sell it to get real money to buy more fake money
Nigouki: if you look up "ass pennies" on youtube it's a good bitcoin explanation
Ferisar: more like buttcoin
josh___something: Bitcoin's stupid, don't worry
Ferisar: finally I can go home
Forlorgen: yeah its a grift
circusofkirkus: @Forlorgen but I can't play a game with crypto
Juliamon: they're literally banking on people not understanding what it is
shendaras: AI is also a grift.
couchboyj: I teach cryptography. I understand it. Its not worth understanding.
Saintnex: wait MtG is crypto?? Kappa
saucemaster5000: I wish crypto still meant cryptozoology
Mr_Horrible: Ferisar thank you for your service
RealGamerCow: My old company bought a server for designing computer chips that was $100,000 of video cards
matthaus_c: paper money is also a grift btw
Blakemcm: yea its just a longer Grift than NFT's were lol
SquareDotCube: grift till you drift
trebuchetboy: @Talin06 Atrioc viewer spotted
Forlorgen: thats why you buyt mtgo cards you get both
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 now we gotta call it monsterfucking these days
Thefluffiestguineapig: Both depending on region
EvilBadman: Nvidia stock went 10x during COVID/Bitcoin rush
MegaDosX: Cryptozoologist, it's zoo-ologist, yeah
RealGamerCow: I think both are valid
MrOrange1987: paper money is “made up” but not a grift.
Astramentha: either, I think
Fanklok: I don't think Ben is the person to ask about pronunciation
blip2004: Bitcoin: "Hey lets make a 'currency' that becomes worthless if you use it"
EvilBadman: It was like 60 and now 700
BusTed: hahaha
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible ok nevermind I'm back in
MrOrange1987: it’s not strictly speculative. to make people rich.
BusTed: asked and answered
MegaDosX: *bonk*
RealGamerCow: AGAIN!
matthaus_c: hell yeah
xantos69: And there's your clip.
frank_the_great: LUL LUL LUL
Saintnex: hehehehehe
shendaras: game of the year
Blakemcm: better bonk than expected
Mr_Horrible: "Saga wasn't sure what she thought was gonna happen, but..."
gibbousm: Does this game have fall damage
MegaDosX: That was an awesome noise
blip2004: sir, I'm going to need a a slowmo replay
ButButTheJesus: the best part is Ben asked that AFTER he had solved it and then just started it up again
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 another person of culture
matthaus_c: very good
MegaDosX: That is an amazing noise
Nigouki: it's such a good sound
DoctorHutch: That's a satisfying wack
Mr_Horrible: "perfectly"
CaptinOfBeez: my personal opinion is that the AI stocks hype is less about crypto and more about every software startup wanting to make the next chat-gpt
Mr_Horrible: ngl this is just making me wish Crow Country was already out
BusTed: seabatBRAIN
matthaus_c: boo
Mr_Horrible: damn, he don't miss
matthaus_c: coward's way
Blakemcm: now wouldnt that feel better if there were money on the line?
Mr_Horrible: couldn't do it while crouched, maybe?
RealGamerCow: That bonk made me laugh like an idiot. "guy getting a football in a junk" laugh
Blakemcm: stick it in my veins
protojman: classic
MrOrange1987: this reminds me of riot fest when some of us hid under a ride because it was pouring rain.
MegaDosX: "Wow. I'll never drink another beer." "Beer here." "I'll take ten!"
saucemaster5000: he even knows the hot dog song.. go ahead and sleep with him already
Mr_Horrible: uh back in like 2002 when the last movie came out
RealGamerCow: most carnies get paid in drugs
MrOrange1987: riot fest also toured a bit. I saw in Toronto.
jellybean57: i went to grad school at the university of florida which is in gainesville. i never heard of it
josh___something: They killed mocha D:
gibbousm: Very little is worth going to Florida. I would know, I grew up there
lilyoftheveil666: Fest is still going AFAIK
Blakemcm: my favorite festival is the food and wine festival in Charleston SC
protojman: warped tour?
Mr_Horrible: it hasn't stopped for 25 years
saucemaster5000: obviously thinking about the electric parade at disneyland
lilyoftheveil666: It's just called FEST
gibbousm: Psychometry and telepathy
Mr_Horrible: some say they're still festing to this day...
Molladia: Have we seen or met John Wick once in this game?
josh___something: She can "talk" to anyone I think
noSmokeFire: it's probably intentional, but this mind palace stuff feels like "great detective" and more "possessed by The Darkness"
MrOrange1987: just “The Fest”? maybe
MegaDosX: He wants to axe you a question
CaptinOfBeez: can you imagine catching multiple axes with your body ? ouch
Rhynerd: oh right, these guys split in two
Bruceski: So the moose mascot died from drinking coffee as its gimmick, the cops were supposed to bury her but butchered her for meat instead and used the skull for their cult?
Mr_Horrible: "ability to drill into ghosts" nyxieSmuggy
CataclysmicReverb: If you could drill any ghost...
protojman: imagine the spooky power of cOmUnIcAtIoN
CaptinOfBeez: hole ass moose?
Saintnex: “drilling” ghosts Kappa
matthaus_c: the moose is stored in the skull
The_Timo: Tiny moose
Mr_Horrible: it's not even the whole moose ass
RealGamerCow: That seems like it would be too heavy to carry under an arm like that
Blakemcm: they probably ate the other parts
MrOrange1987: funny that I saw Against Me at Riot Fest, and they are from Gainesville.
gibbousm: Whats an "Ass-Moose"?
ButButTheJesus: there's so much more moose
Ferisar: she profiled the dead FBI agent at the beginning of
Thefluffiestguineapig: What is she doing? Is this weirdly opening a portal?
Ferisar: oh yeah haha
matthaus_c: moossy
SeismicLawns: moosey
Ferisar: she’s just like fucking tell me you losers
Mr_Horrible: that moose is dodging orcas for its life
Fanklok: The rum tunnels
Saintnex: mousy
Ferisar: and they’re like “wahhh”
josh___something: Well, we talk to alive people as well
Blakemcm: mussy wussy
blip2004: somewhere a random FBC worker is crying about the paperwork all these OOP are creating
Misslinnythebaker: It needs to be said
Mr_Horrible: Aaron Eckhart voice "SAY IT"
josh___something: Do it
ButButTheJesus: Ben?
couchboyj: Behold, a room... WITH A MOOSE!
CaptinOfBeez: is this why we are behing talking sim? the moossey?
josh___something: WELL BEN
SeismicLawns: adam's not a coward ben
BusTed: 😤
matthaus_c: would you choose Adam?
saucemaster5000: sniff the toes
bv310: I feel like Ian keeps very clean shoes
Ferisar: why not adam
Fanklok: ok do it
The_Timo: Asking for a friend
patrick_stonecrusher: Strimmer show feet Kappa
HorusFive: Not Beej? lrrBEEJ
ItsThugDimmadome: Ok, but what if it WAS foot in mouth.
Ferisar: give em a sniffa
ButButTheJesus: its not?
Boon_33: streamers are obsessed with feet, chat too.
queercrafting_chonk: i have an aversion to all feet but that's me
CaptinOfBeez: what about ians head?
saucemaster5000: feet are just hands we crush under our imperial might
Mr_Horrible: Ben has added "feet" to his long list of allergies
SeismicLawns: !card snuffler
LRRbot: Magnetic Snuffler [5] | Artifact Creature — Construct [4/4] | When Magnetic Snuffler enters the battlefield, return target Equipment card from your graveyard to the battlefield attached to Magnetic Snuffler. / Whenever you sacrifice an artifact, put a +1/+1 counter on Magnetic Snuffler.
Ferisar: ben when we were hanging out with us: uh ohhh stinky
itsr67: yeah?
Ferisar: he*
Thefluffiestguineapig: Once you've played team sports I feel like body odor is less of an issue. Especially teenage team sports
Blakemcm: if it had good internet?
lochnessseammonster: so not in mouth, but a sometimes food...
Blakemcm: hell yea
PMAvers: What if it was *good* internet?
josh___something: please never call it food
Ferisar: saunnneeea
Blakemcm: Streamer Cabin!!!
matthaus_c: I'd be sad but I'd be thriving
Boon_33: that's just serge's 2024 with extra steps.
matthaus_c: I'm already sad as it is
itsr67: first to death in a log cabin sounds great
couchboyj: Cabin has fiber and a home gym
hieroglyphica: I sweat a lot, so I'm paradoxically very clean. I feel like that's often how it shakes out
Thefluffiestguineapig: As someone who is incredibly isolated due to former friends being shit, sometimes you want to celebrate or commiserate with people
CaptinOfBeez: money not withstanding Id love a cabin by the sea
Blakemcm: buy some cheap land in Montana and build the LRR compound
matthaus_c: you could move to a cabin in the woods and still raid with Ferisar
CaptinOfBeez: sascahawan
saucemaster5000: DAMN we almost got him
Omthebox: Kinda. Depends
Boon_33: it's no alberta
Blakemcm: Its like super similar to Canada
saucemaster5000: the grift
0x6772: It looks a lot like the middle of Canada.
gawag_: a lot of rich people have been moving there
hieroglyphica: Nah, not at all. I play ttrpg like 1-2x a week entirely remote. I do a lot of remote socializing
EvilBadman: Montana is beautiful but the politics honk
Nigouki: Montana has a population less than Vancouver
KV1NN4: I know some ppl who thrive one face to face socialising
RealGamerCow: Alberta with more guns
ItsThugDimmadome: Dog River intensifies
Blakemcm: Its more southern than Alberta
Serivus: wasn't that a Crapshot? Graham and Paul filled out their taxes wrong and suddenly owned Montana?
Blakemcm: weather wise
Mr_Horrible: but Ben, you'll never see a cute rat in Alberta
matthaus_c: rural Alberta gotta be worse than rural Sask
hieroglyphica: Otoh, I have migraines so maybe in biased against having to travel places
Molladia: Could you be a Newfie?
bv310: I could educate you about the bummers of Sask politics, but this is a Twitch Chat :P
blip2004: Sask somehow manages to be more conservative than Alberta
Saintnex: look Alberta has no rats, we’re clearly better
McMenno: dad ba dee da ba day
CaptinOfBeez: newfies are nice
Astramentha: for Americans, blue is conservative in canada
protojman: and everything was blue to him
Boon_33: a blue house with a blue window
saucemaster5000: I really want to go to berlin
Valbatross_: @Saintnex major alberta L
4 raiders from AdzyandJaneComics have joined!
Blakemcm: Blue means Democrat here and Red means MAGA
matthaus_c: I'd love to go to PEI
MrOrange1987: Danielle Smith seems like a nightmare.
ghyllnox: Ohh red is conservative here
CaptinOfBeez: toronto?
ItsThugDimmadome: New Brunswick
Boon_33: trailerpark boys land
josh___something: It's not a loop, etc. etc.
Boon_33: new-frenchylund
ButButTheJesus: oh, TIL
Pharmacistjudge: red is more inclusive
saucemaster5000: goddamn you mtric color enjoyers
AdzyandJaneComics subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months, currently on a 90 month streak!
AdzyandJaneComics: Living my normal life in my normal wet log, eating my normal bugs and shaking my fist at normal abominations against man and god
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AdzyandJaneComics! (Today's storm count: 65)
saucemaster5000: metric
DoctorHutch: a 4th color?!
bv310: Orange is arguably better than Red, but they're not as popular
balfizan: Historically Blue has been conservative since like mid 1800s britain
RealGamerCow: oh look at you fancy people, with more than two colors
Ferisar: that good good
CaptinOfBeez: wait yall have more than 2 parties?
voren_chalco: Red is often the colour for labour parties
matthaus_c: Orange is great but it'll never win many election
UnkeptFlea: having more than two colors breaks my US monkey brain
Ferisar: oh yeah welcome to countries that have more than 2 parties
balfizan: the US switched them because of how the colors looked on TV
ItsThugDimmadome: Do we still got the Rhino party?
Saintnex: the blue and whites
Boon_33: the smallpox party.
ghyllnox: Purple??? Orange????
NotCainNorAbel: You have bucket head rigth?
BusTed: like the bad guys in Gumby
RisingCosmos: I didn't pay my taxes to block
blip2004: Canada colours, Liberal Party is red, various conservatives use blue, Green party is green, NDP is orange, etc
goombalax: Didn't pay 15 million to Bloc
hieroglyphica subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
hieroglyphica: Just a normal blood well out here in the woods
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hieroglyphica! (Today's storm count: 66)
AdzyandJaneComics: Hon Hon Hon Kayfabeq
lochnessseammonster: didn't pay taxes to block
saucemaster5000: I paid $60 to vote Block
Kramburger: Aus major conservative party is actually a colaition of two different-ish parties
ghyllnox: Oh well we have the Green party but I don't associate that with the color green
EvilBadman: Americans learning comparative politics and two party systems are the aberration
matthaus_c: Jagmeet is one of the few canadian politicians I follow, as someone who doesn't live there
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: is Quebec still trying to ban english or what
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Scarbble: tabarnac-ass mixup
Lyropithic: Just in public
SmithKurosaki: lol, had QC friend just say 'bus the bloc' when I mentioned y'all were talking about it
Juliamon: Is that book still in the office?
goombalax: they're coming down hard on english schools
AdzyandJaneComics: Kayfabeq, that's all I got
SmithKurosaki: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa Always
Saintnex: I mean they always seem to be
ItsThugDimmadome: @ghyllnox Purple is basically our MAGA and Orange is the fairly progressive party.
Mr_Horrible: @EvilBadman US Enjoyers fuming and sputtering at the concept of Ranked Choice and coalitions
itira: oh thank god
Boon_33: @ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa it would be a very quebec thing to do.
ButButTheJesus: yay
blip2004: they just did a bunch of speak french or leave stuff recently
DudelidouX: Last I check for the bloc to win it would need all of their member to win and all the rest of the votes to be split evenly even with the greens
Mr_Horrible: Quebec, huh? I wish they'd Queit Down
EvilBadman: @mr_horrible No one is a us enjoyer
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible we're not funny anymore
CaptinOfBeez: does canada have a national language?
Molladia: @Kramburger and if the Liberals did away with the other half thye'd do SO much better
ActualFactual: Yeah, it's less about hating english than it is about hating muslims and immigrants
ButButTheJesus: @Mr_Horrible I giggled
Saintnex: they get a lot of seats in Quebec is why :p
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c only a matter of time
0x6772: I mean, historically, they'd rather not be a federal party...
AdzyandJaneComics: That "Speak French or Leave" won't stop me because I can't speak French
josh___something: Ahti <3
BriceShatzer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
BriceShatzer: yo they got smores?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BriceShatzer! (Today's storm count: 67)
xantos69: Is Quebec the "Texas" of Canada?
josh___something: Oh right...
matthaus_c: @xantos69 no that's Adam
Mr_Horrible: @EvilBadman I too wish to live in this world laynaPepehands
Astramentha: @xantos69 That’s Alberta
ItsThugDimmadome: @xantos69 That's Alberta
AdzyandJaneComics: Quebec is the Louisiana of Canada
balfizan: well they produce Oil there too
goombalax: also all the cattle and oil
saucemaster5000: Bankok is the Houston of Thailand
BusTed: just like MGS3
AdzyandJaneComics: Quebec, Louisiana on Ice
Pharmacistjudge: alberta is hyper conservative and has lots of oil
EvilBadman: No I've been to Texas and Alberta. They are each other.
Kramburger: @Molladia If they could get them to at least get rid of Barnaby...
Boon_33: @AdzyandJaneComics nice, no notes.
Blakemcm: Texas is almost Democrat. there are much more MAGA states in the country Texas gets a worse rap cause its famous and notable
blip2004: as someone in Alberta who has worked for Texans, Quebec is the Texas of Canada
ItsThugDimmadome: Manitoba's basically North Dakota/Minnesota?Wisconsin
BriceShatzer: @saucemaster5000 i don't know what that means....but it's provocative....gets the people goin
Mr_Horrible: every time you talk about things I like, Adam :)
josh___something: Did ben get the crossbow?
BusTed: don't glorify it with acknowledgement
Mazrae: Good mouth feel, for who you or the things you are shooting in the mouth
CaptinOfBeez: dont say it adam
ActualFactual: Won't somebody think of Adam's jimmies?
Molladia: @Kramburger just let them keep ruining their own base
Azralorne: As someone who has both lived in Texas and Alberta, Alberta is *absolutely* the Texas of Canada
Mr_Horrible: he lied, as easily as he breathed
The_Timo: Corner Gas?
CaptinOfBeez: the holleeeeee
polyakroma subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, polyakroma! (Today's storm count: 68)
Saintnex: wow that was silly
josh___something: Ahti
josh___something: That's ahti
Mr_Horrible: we *do* need a "Mono/Stereo" switch on puzzles
Molladia: Can I ask what happened to your hearing Ben?
voren_chalco: @Kramburger Oh, there are plenty of other bad ones.
Blakemcm: lemme rustle them
Thefluffiestguineapig: Birth
Mr_Horrible: maybe it's Mabeline
gamercat88: baptism did it
CaptinOfBeez: babe you were born that way
ButButTheJesus: I thought you said your dad did it
BusTed: seabatYIKES
itsr67: "nuh uh"
matthaus_c: you stab a kid in the ear ONE time
saucemaster5000: dad had an answer but he said it in the wrong ear
Mr_Horrible: is there, uh, merit to your Mom's claim?
Mai_Andra: "go ask your mom"
PMAvers: A little ear-stabbin'. As a treat.
Mr_Horrible: or is this a bit?
Fanklok: No use crying over spilled ketchup
Thefluffiestguineapig: He's not a ridiculous rag doll, so he must be knocked out
Mr_Horrible: ah
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's a sign of an infection
Rexsplosion subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Rexsplosion: well, i know i'm late cause they're not doing the 30min intro podcast
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rexsplosion! (Today's storm count: 69)
Saintnex: well now I just have Serge’s ear cutting story in my brain again
saucemaster5000: it does feel really good
Boon_33: why the 2nd ear?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Doesn't Remy have floppy ears?
Mr_Horrible: Q-Tips are such an incredible case of "Don't use them for that" for the case they are most used for
Boon_33: it makes no difference.
Juliamon: Candling squicks me out
josh___something: But serge cut a kids ear off, so really...
Fanklok: That is bad for your ears
Darleysam: earcandling it's pseudoscience nonsense
Azralorne: The candling thing is fake
matthaus_c: @Boon_33 hygiene!
Mr_Horrible: you absolutely are not
gamercat88: debrox is so good for your ears, it feels wild
itira: LUL
Zanzabar_: your not supposed to put stuff in your ear
Saintnex: yes, it’s very bad
itsr67: LUL
BusTed: LUL
MegaDosX: Mythbusters tried to make a candle of earwax and it was apparently vile and didn't really work
RealGamerCow: gottem!
Blakemcm: GOTTEM
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
ButButTheJesus: it will push some wax back where you can't get it
w1gum: my dogs name is qtip
josh___something: ahahahahahahahah
matthaus_c: Kos, or some say Kosm
Countjondi: Ear Wax is important to resist infection, and smushing it further in can cause problems for your ear drum
gawag_: turns out ben isnt even deaf in one ear, its just a wall of wax
Seth_Erickson: Big placenta incoming
MegaDosX: Also you're not meant to clear your ears every day; you're meant to have /some/ wax in them, it's there for a reason
saucemaster5000: I'm a big toe clipping enjoyer
Rexsplosion: i saw an ad once for a pair of like headphones that rinse your ears out, but they had like... see through compartments so you could see the used water/liquid and i just can't...
Mr_Horrible: tfw a boss literally takes a year off your life
CataclysmicReverb: They used to play horror games Kappa
matthaus_c: what are you supposed to clean your ear with then
RisingCosmos: after your mage?
Blakemcm: Ludwig had your jimmies on lock waaaay more than Kaas
BriceShatzer: aww lil shoey shoe boxes
Heefnoff: My parents named me qtip
PMAvers: I had a really massive compacted ear-wax build up once, such that they couldn't do the yearly hearing test at work. (I have to wear earplugs.) They had to go in and manually clean them to break things up.
Mr_Horrible: Your dog's gonna be a 95th percentile Fire Mage, Adam?
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c I have something for you
Juliamon: There would be obvious scarring if that were the reason
Mr_Horrible: I am a firm believer in naming pets after food
josh___something: Banjo is a top-tier Dog name
Thefluffiestguineapig: Chonkers can be depressing
Saintnex: @matthaus_c you’re not really supposed to, ears are self cleaning, otherwise, see doctor for cleaning
MegaDosX: Remy is a great name
RealGamerCow: My friend's brother has a dog named Duramax. They are a moron.
ButButTheJesus: is it short for Remiford?
CaptinOfBeez: have you ever thought of hearing aids? or is it just not of interest?
Mr_Horrible: if I get a cat you bet your bottom dollar that fucker's getting named "Ciabatta"
gamercat88: Remy like the singer
Saintnex: if blocked for some reason
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because sometimes it means the owner won't abide by the weight loss stuff
shendaras: Reminald.
Mr_Horrible: "Yes, I put my dog on my head and he helps me cook"
bv310: My dog is Violet because I was super in on Persona 5 Royal at the time I got here
Tweygoh: Remy Buckaplenty?
josh___something: She just fucking rocks up to Oki Oki, and fuckin WASHES you all
w1gum: If anyone would like to see my boy qtip (no idea if this will get me timed out :shrug:)
ItsThugDimmadome: Nicole just buusting out Red Parries like it's nothing.
saucemaster5000: I played drizzt SF5 the other day. Gotta say... game? not bad
xantos69: Is she single?
ButButTheJesus: Voidburger got a cat at the time she and husband were playing through Final Fantasy 9, they named the cat Vivi
Mr_Horrible: "I left that life behind..."
Fanklok: You have a gun
Boon_33: juke
BusTed: that hat tqsWow
Mr_Horrible: Qtip rules
tergonis: good hat
Thefluffiestguineapig: Get fucked oh the hat
ItsThugDimmadome: @w1gum AWWW LITTLE BABY
itira: cuuute
josh___something: Awwww
w1gum: hes a rescue!
matthaus_c: BABY
MegaDosX: That is an adorable dog
Juliamon: babby pibb!!
josh___something: Buddy 🥺
hatboozeparty: Adorbs
Seth_Erickson: Pitbulls are great
Greendrag13: Grew up with staffies. Love them blockheads <3
saucemaster5000: they are ADORABLE
RisingCosmos: I should name my next cat King
Rexsplosion: @ButButTheJesus i fell in love with FF9 thanks to that series of streams!~
w1gum: Yeah, my cousin works with pitbulls and staffie mixes and stuff
Blakemcm: who rescued who tho?
balfizan: The wife and I are fostering puppies again
w1gum: and he was gonna be used for bad stuff so i took him
Mr_Horrible: you have a dog already, Adam
NotCainNorAbel: mastiff
Mr_Horrible: the talking one
ButButTheJesus: @Rexsplosion :D
Seth_Erickson: Man wants a Great Dane
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ItsThugDimmadome Good pupper!!!!!!!!! Is he just sleepy or blind
w1gum: qtip is like 80 lbs
josh___something: Big boi
Juliamon: big slobbery moron? Newfies then
xantos69: And they say people aren't like their pets.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Great danes and grey hounds are both great apartment dogs
UltraVioletVodoo: adam wants adam as a dog
Seth_Erickson: I like big and medium dogs the most but small dogs are good too.
Fanklok: look up
itsr67: what the dog doin
josh___something: LUL
RisingCosmos: @UltraVioletVodoo "Never talk to me or my furry son ever again"
saucemaster5000: the government's coming! run E.T.! WAAAAAAAAAH
Mr_Horrible: plot twist, the dog's takes are all incredibly mid
matthaus_c: I really wanna have a snake and a couple of rats
Jennie_Fuchsia: I met a newfie today 10/10 would recommend
Fanklok: But your shotgun only shoots ketchup
Mister_BlueSky: @Mr_Horrible I mean, if he's been living with Adam..........
matthaus_c: @BriceShatzer GDQ did it
Mr_Horrible: @Mister_BlueSky HEYYOOOOO
Ferisar: it can be an issue
Ferisar: source: me
ButButTheJesus: if you didn't have the Shoebox you'd lose stff
BriceShatzer: @matthaus_c fair, speed running dog is a good
ButButTheJesus: *stuff
matthaus_c: do you think you could keep living with your talking dog if he became a streamer?
itira: time to move
josh___something: Thornton is unfotrunately a great shot
Ferisar: I love my lil cockers
RealGamerCow: Dogs cause less damage than kids, send tweet
BriceShatzer: @Ferisar ...niiice....i think?
Pharmacistjudge: a dog is a kid though
The_Color_Twelve: dink with dog
Mr_Horrible: "You claim no dogs are allowed here, and yet you, the landlord, stand before me. Curious."
LostThePirate: XD
BusTed: That's why Mr. Dink was called that in Doug
ghizmou: I'm more of a sink
NotCainNorAbel: DINKER
lochnessseammonster: classic PrideLaugh
gawag_: hell yeah brother
ItsThugDimmadome: Dinkleberg....
awildshen: the Dinklebergs
7gorobei: dog income nightly kibble
public_key_reveal_party: I mean no offence, but I feel confident a talking dog streamer would make so much more money than 99.9% of streamers
slamaham: love bein a dink
EvilBadman: We Velma DINKley in here
matthaus_c: I'm looking into becoming a Trinker lmao
lochnessseammonster: hmmm
Mr_Horrible: "The dynamic has changed"
Thefluffiestguineapig: I live in the US and they often try to make it prohibitively expensive to have animals
bv310: I keep trying to convince my dog to become a streamer but so far she's uncooperative
Molladia: Would you be a foster parent for short term kids?
Rhynerd: would it be funny or smart if the talking dog was a vtuber?
anyavamps: I have thirteen nieces and nephews, and no kids of my own. I'm solid.
bv310: The headphones keep falling off
matthaus_c: you know what FUCK parents
Saintnex: fun fact, David Tennant did a audio series called Double Income No Kids Yet
Molladia: You're the BEST type of person
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c most parents do, yes
Seth_Erickson: That's how my birth mother meet my adopted mother
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible scandalous
Seth_Erickson: Foster families are great
Zulghinlour: Biological != For Realsies ;)
Fanklok: Only if you talk over it really loud
Mr_Horrible: hootin' 'n hollein'
Blakemcm: I am also adopted, you do know your real parents Ben
josh___something: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: If I do non animal children it will be adopted only because I have SO MANY recessive genetic traits I will not subject another being too
matthaus_c: new Menzingers better than this
cdgentry1: should slam commercials
Astramentha: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Pharmacistjudge: just be careful about calling vietnamese people a 'dink' they might take it with a different meaning.
Mr_Horrible: and now the singer of this needs to show up in chat
public_key_reveal_party: I volunteer with kids 2 nights a week, and I like kids, but that is all I want for now
Seth_Erickson: Kinda a banger
Seth_Erickson: Ngl
Thefluffiestguineapig: The amount of judgement I get from people when I do medical history and say I've had a tubal ligation is nonsense
definenull: DinoDance
anyavamps: If anyone wants to borrow my mom, she's a nice lady. She'll cut someone for you. No questions asked.
itira: seabatOAK
RisingCosmos: Why did chat wanna hear this song so bad?
josh___something: Oh this was one the ones I liked
Molladia: My son is a long term kinship placement, he's been with us 10 years and I love him just as much as I would if he was biologically mine. (we've been told he wont ever be leaving us)
EvilBadman: @anyavamps she single?
Ferisar: there’s a song after every chapter @risingcosmos
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Molladia Like a permanent foster situation for an animal, props to you that's hard
hatboozeparty: lrrPistachio
Astramentha: jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrDance
Ferisar: it’s not this specifically
SmithKurosaki: What song is this?
josh___something: The alan chapter end ones are great to
anyavamps: @EvilBadman depends on her mood LOL
EvilBadman: Oof
ghyllnox: My grandmother was adopted, the other grandmother was raised by her stepmother after her mother died, and I've only known my stepgrandfather. My family still gets weird about me wanting to foster or adopt because the kid won't be blood related or might come pre-fucked-up
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SmithKurosaki Original for the game
Saintnex: @anyavamps second question, is she baptized??
saucemaster5000: I missed it did Ben finally finish the community service?
PhilanthropyLich: @SmithKurosaki Title is "Superhero". On the chapter songs album
josh___something: AHAHAH
SmithKurosaki: @SmithKurosaki Thanks
definenull: PrideLaugh
Mr_Horrible: to be fair, we're a 380-person collab
josh___something: Thanks saga
Mister_BlueSky: Monkeys on a typewriter, etc.
BusTed: NotLikeThis
RisingCosmos: Immediate spill?
SmithKurosaki: RIP?
josh___something: Uhoh
Saintnex: Welp
definenull: This is why we need a tarp budget
y3ntil: spill-ville
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
EvilBadman: Ah the root beer lottery
jchinnock subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jchinnock! (Today's storm count: 70)
MegaDosX: Oh no
itira: ohhh nooo
Mr_Horrible: oh dear
Greendrag13: wait, coffee soda?!
adept_nekomancer: "This soda is dangerous, here you guys take it"
Pharmacistjudge: oh those go
saucemaster5000: sound like a skill issue
0x6772: Coffee bomb!
ghyllnox: LUL
ghyllnox: OH NO
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welp
itira: is it Fernwood?
Forlorgen: clip it
epsilon_vee: it's like a practical joke from past you
EvilBadman: @itira yep
definenull: That can was duilt bifferent
Saintnex: this is how we keep burning the LRR tarp budget
jchinnock: no footage no crime!
ghyllnox: But they're literally overcarbonated
Pharmacistjudge: if its from the place I think it is...yeah those explode
josh___something: Remember that entering bright light ALSO heals you, Ben.
EvilBadman: How do y'all still have can I thought we killed them at Desert Bus lol
y3ntil: Pills here!
Mr_Horrible: I want some o dat Fernwood Cold Brew Cream Soda
JinaMahavira: truth
bv310: Root Beer and Dr Pepper #1
Saintnex: hard disagree Ben
RisingCosmos: It is cool
Mr_Horrible: that's my motivation to renew my passport
Tweygoh: Lmaoo
Thefluffiestguineapig: (cue the pills song from Prayer Warriors baffling club scene)
neisan2112: I didn't
ButButTheJesus: what
MegaDosX: Wait what happened
gibbousm: Hot take Birch Beer > Root Beer
blip2004: sure did
Mr_Horrible: I did not laynaPepehands
wastetalent: classic
ItsThugDimmadome: Idk, man. Dr Pepper is up there.
Pharmacistjudge: I let a rootbeer sit for over a day and it still exploded. that's how bubbly that stuff gets.
itira: Ye iv tried it the fernwood sodas
ghyllnox: Yes it is Adam
awildshen: clip it!
ghyllnox: Yes it is
matthaus_c: dammit I just missed something funny
Tweygoh: Sponges am I right?
itira: im sorry what? lolol
BusTed: hell yeah
saucemaster5000: LMAOOOO
spo8n: capilary action!
Mr_Horrible: he's right and he should say it
ButButTheJesus: anyone catch what ben said?
RisingCosmos: It is cool, Adam, don't let ben make fun of you
josh___something: God bless you, Adam
Octonomicon: I want Adam t be my science teacher
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam we love you
Greendrag13: Sponges are thirsty little guys
0x6772: Ben, show Adam a wheel. He's not ready for magnets yet.
matthaus_c: sponges are thirsty little subs
itira: Ben you cant do that
dougma: hahahahaha
RisingCosmos: lmao
josh___something: Say it, coward
niccus: say it.
definenull: Pulled the ripcord on that one huh
BusTed: They used to be
josh___something: No
McMenno: no...
SmithKurosaki: Say it
ItsThugDimmadome: No
Mr_Horrible: they are not, no
Misslinnythebaker: finish that thought, good sir
itira: plastic my man
Blakemcm: they can be
Lithobraker: They used to be
y3ntil: coward.
Nigouki: they used to be
RealGamerCow: they did used to be.
Scarbble: there are natural sponges
ghizmou: so are loofahs
Nigouki: now they are synthetic
Thefluffiestguineapig: Some are
niccus: those are hard to find nowadays
Saintnex: no, they are plastic now
y3ntil: not anymore
blip2004: some actually can bo
neisan2112: Plastic
ghyllnox: Coward
Azralorne: Loofas are a plant
Pharmacistjudge: there are "natural" sponges
7gorobei: wood cellulose or plastic
0x6772: They're artificial copies of sea sponges.
matthaus_c: that's less silly than you think, they used to be
balfizan: or celulose
Mr_Horrible: but good restraint, I thought you were gonna ask something fuckability related
SmithKurosaki: I've heard that natural sponges revivify when wet
ghyllnox: Used to be, now they're artificial
balfizan: if theyre brown theyre cellulose and theyre better for the environment, nominally
Blakemcm: i have a goat wool sponge that i use
SmithKurosaki: This has lead to some horrifying thoughts in the past
KV1NN4: Most modern sponges are artificial
MegaTrain: you can buy actual sea sponges, but they’re pricey (fancy
matthaus_c: @Mr_Horrible two sponges and a band inside a cup---
0x6772: You can still get real sea sponges. That's where the idea comes from.
Mister_BlueSky: The best kind of correct.
saucemaster5000: the only real sponges are us in twitch chat absorbing this knowledge
Fanklok: Back in my day I was correct
Mr_Horrible: @matthaus_c I'm so mad I get this
EvilBadman: Beating that chapter made the flooding go away. The bridge should also be back to watery
RealGamerCow: loofahs are wild, they're a big pod plant thing
Lithobraker: I think a few sea sponges were driven to extinction by harvesting for them
ButButTheJesus: twice a day
josh___something: Adam not beating the old man allegations Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sounds right
Saintnex: sounds about right, ppl did that a LOT
Fanklok: NO! Bigger than a hand!
BriceShatzer: never played any of the alan wake games....what's the deal with the people?....are we just ruining some folks day or is it some sort of zombie situation?
matthaus_c: we would never have gotten anywhere as a society without dead animals
McMenno: david died RIP
saucemaster5000: the trail of absorbing tears was the name of the sponge extinction
blip2004: some were used before to wipe before toilet paper so someone could have wiped their ass with the last spongebob
Thefluffiestguineapig: He dead
Seth_Erickson: David? David! David!
matthaus_c: can you imagine the first person who turned a horse into glue
ButButTheJesus: @BriceShatzer the Dark Presence is overwriting reality
definenull: David more like dedvid
EvilBadman: @briceshatzer The writer's horror story is engulfing reality
gawag_: allentown pa?
Mister_BlueSky: Might not be able to? Can't remember.
Seth_Erickson: Objectively incorrect
Mr_Horrible: he's all-in on Alan
Lithobraker: boooooo
DaFhaye: Hello all
Seth_Erickson: The Alan wrench is like the perfect tool
BusTed: pipe wrench is pretty classic
Fanklok: The band probably
ActualFactual: Adam has never been more wrong
gawag_: inclined plane baby
itira: LOL what the fuck
saucemaster5000: I'm unsubscribing, never been more offended by these takes
EvilBadman: Lateralus, brother
SmoreThanAFeelin: LUL
matthaus_c: the best tool is absolutely one of you
josh___something: Yeah, bud?
definenull: Try again
Mr_Horrible: mr savidan, please step into my office
ButButTheJesus: gotta irrigate
Saintnex: Wut?
CaptinOfBeez: inclined plane all the way
ghyllnox: You're right though
7gorobei: yankee pushdriver
DaFhaye: Mr.Plow
Mr_Horrible: HR needs to have a word about your recent comments
kataanglover1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kataanglover1! (Today's storm count: 71)
ghyllnox: Maybe knife though
DoctorHutch: adjustable wrenchs are a trap for frustratingly damaging your stuff
epsilon_vee: ggwp
Blakemcm: Chat Chat Chat... he is right. the Plow was maybe the largest single invention that allowed society to develop
KWardJenx: Bro's been thinking about this question...
Pharmacistjudge: I think it's Lateralus personally. Best Tool.
josh___something: Sick XD
itsr67: uhuh
matthaus_c: @Blakemcm he is right, but it's hilarious
CaptinOfBeez: humans really developed when they could plow
BriceShatzer: @gawag_ makes sense....not nearly as metal as @EvilBadmans mad it sound: "THE DARK PRESENCE IS OVERWRITING REALITY" lol
EvilBadman: @pharmacistjudge Beat you to it
Darleysam: that was so good I nearly choked
Saintnex: Look, Adam just loves plowing Kappa
Seth_Erickson: Different
Saintnex: no, so different
itira: this conversation LUL
Tweygoh: More like a hoe
ButButTheJesus: that's it, we're dead
Mazrae: Or would the hoe be part of the plow
josh___something: The plow is the top, got it
ButButTheJesus: shut it down
NotCainNorAbel: all the way down to the spoon
Mr_Horrible: Adam's just playing Infinite Craft in his head right now
KWardJenx: So glad I'm here for this
saucemaster5000: Nerf the plow's crouching heavy punch
Juliamon: this is why we love this show
josh___something: I'm glad to contribute to this
Pharmacistjudge: forget Sword, adam goes staight to plowshare.
SK__Ren: Shovels are a combination of Wedge, Fulcrum, and Lever. Plows are just a Wedge
Saintnex: Plows love being on top of hoes Kappa
Mr_Horrible: such wonderful little moments
DaFhaye: The plow divides the family of the shovels
BusTed: good answer good answer
Seth_Erickson: Good answer good answer
Mr_Horrible: hitting you with the mizzTama
bv310: That's why I can't ever be on Family Feud, Steve Harvey would sucker-punch me for cursing me too much
gawag_: you want steve harveys lipsies?
Darleysam: you say chat's been funny tonight but damn, that was the slamdunk
Seth_Erickson: LUL
itira: hahaha
Mr_Horrible: "We surveyed 100 people exclusively from this tim horton's parking lot"
BriceShatzer: has LoadingReadyLive done family feud yet? 🤔
josh___something: Your ASS 😳😳😳😳
ButButTheJesus: you'd get plowed
neisan2112: @BriceShatzer Every Desert Bus
Tweygoh: a lot on desert bus
SmithKurosaki: Vindicated!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Canvased the entire town of Olds
Fanklok: You can never be worse than the Clam Diggers guy from that one ep of Wheel of Foretune
josh___something: Where'd you park?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I forget if it's in Ontario or Alberta
BriceShatzer: @neisan2112 haha ok good...i was worried we had a valuable untapped comedy resource lol
EvilBadman: Follow road
SmithKurosaki: I mean, theres not much else to do up there lol
EvilBadman: You can go across now since you beat the chaoter
Pharmacistjudge: you should hear the survey parameters from desert bus
BriceShatzer: lol
bv310: "We canvassed 100 people from this roadside A&W between Moose Jaw and Regina"
itira: thats a filthy word
matthaus_c: man I love this stream
gawag_: except for the double lines, which just look like multiple straight sections lol
Seth_Erickson: This is a non game of the year looking road to me Kappa
Saintnex: the road is so glizussy
Bruceski: @bv310 "It took six weeks to find them."
SmithKurosaki: @bv310 How long would it take to hit 100 tho
josh___something: This stream is the best
SmithKurosaki: Agreed josh
shurtal: i don't believe there were 100 people in that A&W
raulghoulia: regina. it rhymes with fun
saucemaster5000: there are 100 people between moose jaw an regina now?
neisan2112: God I'm so glad I was able to watch tonight
Mister_BlueSky: I will tell all my friend. Singular.
Seth_Erickson: Go up to the Adam's in the gym and tell them about it
Fanklok: I would market it lie a Carnival Barker
itira: oh my god LOL
adept_nekomancer: Highlight reel.
josh___something: Wait, Jacob?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wooooooooooooow
fhorrigan: Hired a marketing manager. I know how LRR works, he hung out long enough and now he works there.
Azralorne: I cross promoted you on can't draw horses, does that count? Lol
James_LRR: Sup fuckers. The .001% is here.
Saintnex: lrrWOW
itira: In the subwayverse
bv310: @SmithKurosaki Given that there's literally only one A&W on that stretch of highway, fairly quick
CaptinOfBeez: marketing rep: send ben and adam everywhere on all the talk shows
Tplayne: 100% chicanery
adept_nekomancer: The highlight reel is honestly pretty good marketing
Mr_Horrible: yeah I'd "market" this show - mark it "must watch" :)
EvilBadman: @josh___something No, Hannibal
josh___something: Plowed by the glizzy God? 🥺
Kramburger: Look out the NARC is here
Scarbble: sup bames
Blakemcm: sit down and spread them cheeks, these Glizzy Gods are gonna plow ya every Tuesday
Kramburger: Clap?
neisan2112: True
jchinnock: plant your seed with Let’s Nope!
SmithKurosaki: m'Bames
Kramburger: Clop?
SmithKurosaki: @jchinnock Rejected
matthaus_c: hoe the fields
josh___something: Extremely loud incorrect buzzer
Kramburger: Alan keys? Are we getting screwed?
Fanklok: Do you have to run your Masatdon posts by Jacob first?
McMenno: feel like somebody's hanging around
Thefluffiestguineapig: Like that one clip?
Mr_Horrible: just does the Wallyworld "Soooorry, we're clooooosed"
shurtal: you don't know he got shot. Coulda been hit by a truck
ButButTheJesus: "ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
Kramburger: I like how done with Alan Casey looks
Thefluffiestguineapig: From so long ago where the wolf head on the wall does talk
CaptinOfBeez: @shendaras doin gods works
Seth_Erickson: It'd be sick if it was a fake out and it was a fully alive moose sticking it's head through a wall to look like a trophy to bait you before it completely crashes through the wall at you
Fanklok: For the going live
Kramburger: Mastodon? The black ranger?
SmithKurosaki: Best part is I literally found the mastadon post as James came in
RisingCosmos: Is this the American Nightmare verse or something?
Thefluffiestguineapig: He probably wouldn't veto anything but transformers slander
SmithKurosaki: Oh, is Jacob legit the marketing human for LRR now?
RisingCosmos: or has he just owned that shirt a really long time
Kramburger: Maybe I didn't not write instead of not writing like I thought I did
Mr_Horrible: "Okay, now, I don't want to come in here and control the aesthetic you two have set up, but you *cannot* keep referencing the 'Alan Wussy' when going live."
Mazrae: Is it just me or are the captions a little behind the voices
josh___something: LUL
matthaus_c: Dungeons & Dogshit
shurtal: Toreador's are LAME
bv310: Insult FF14
SmithKurosaki: Wow
josh___something: I'd fuck vampires, true
neisan2112: I mean people want to do that
ButButTheJesus: @Mazrae I remember that happened to me when I played this scene
Forlorgen: Grimlock is the only acceptable transformer
saucemaster5000: as a manon player
Mr_Horrible: "Fuck vampires, they're stupid" "Okay just a few edits and... good to go!" "Fuck vampires [...] stupid"
shurtal: Zangief doesn't need green hand and should never get it back
ItsThugDimmadome: Hey! I resemble that!
definenull: Wow subtweeting Jacob like that
saucemaster5000: There are worse options
matthaus_c: Unicron was mid
SmithKurosaki: @Mr_Horrible sergeJustRight
NotCainNorAbel: Figure you can get lots of people with: Japan is mid
Kramburger: Adam NO
Mr_Horrible: No Chance: me at the start of PoE league when I can't buy vendor maps
Bruceski: you've got red on you
couchboyj: Imagine seeing all the characters in SF6 and picking Zangeif, couldn't be me
Kramburger: Looks like the Woke the Alan
Thefluffiestguineapig: Alan Wake 3 is Control 2
jchinnock: Alan you might want to lay low for awhile
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
EvilBadman: Alan Wake 3 is Max Payne 4
Mr_Horrible: "I could f-" you could WHAT, Alan?
Thoufeux: time flies when you plow the field
Thefluffiestguineapig: You've just stopped doing breaks
BusTed: good times
hatboozeparty: lrrFRUMP
shendaras: DST comes for us all
josh___something: Not letting the dialogue finish D:
Misslinnythebaker: Time flies with good company
itira: this stream always goes by really fast for me LUL
Rhynerd: wasn’t this where Talking Sim finished?
Tweygoh: noo my lunch break is almost over then
Seth_Erickson: It would be later
Mr_Horrible: give me back my hour you stupid system dazeRage
matthaus_c: david later
RisingCosmos: Spring forward, it's earlier
Seth_Erickson: We sprung forward
josh___something: U good, benjamin?
epsilon_vee: earlier
saucemaster5000: let the hamster spin the wheel
0x6772: Oh Ben, never change.
ButButTheJesus: its late earlier
jellybean57: i assure you, you have not traveled in time
BusTed: whichever one proves my point more
SmithKurosaki: Dont try to do time math. It's a path of madness
jchinnock: at one point you’re right Ben!
shurtal: now THIS is the way to end the show
Mazrae: Earlier since we went forward an hour
MrOrange1987: spring ahead. feels like 650
definenull: Hit loopy hours only now?
matthaus_c: plow tier stream
ButButTheJesus: wat
Mr_Horrible: sorry, my prime sub is ancient and decrepit
matthaus_c: soundcloud rapper name
josh___something: Love y'all, this stream is always amazing
MegaDosX: Shots fired
protojman: appreciate yall. have a good rest of your week
jchinnock: Ben you sound troll lol
McMenno: RIP Serge
Mr_Horrible: damn, the rivalry continues
MegaDosX: Who even wants to watch Terraria anyway?
CataclysmicReverb: Like, they lost me at Terraria
BusTed: G'niiiight!
Fanklok: Wheeler still acts like ITYC is the newest stream on LRR
Thefluffiestguineapig: Mine O Clock is a lie now
josh___something: Damn, with James in chat?
SmithKurosaki: o7
lamina5432: gnight
hatboozeparty: WOW
itira: "these hands"
Mr_Horrible: it's the Darkness! D:
McMenno: WOW
couchboyj: Buncha rude dudes in that Mine o Clock stream
ButButTheJesus: okay
matthaus_c: oh shit
matthaus_c: garbage day
Tweygoh: ribbit
MegaDosX: Alchemy draft is done I think
BusTed: alchemize 'em captain
MegaDosX: So it'll be normal draft
McMenno: alchemy draft is gone :(
couchboyj: Let's Play Bonzai Buddy
Scy_Anide: Jokes on you I just got here, ribbit!
Mr_Horrible: Alchemurders at Karlalchemy Alchemanor
Seth_Erickson: It's a good show worth watching imo
matthaus_c: Alchussy
neisan2112: Wait alchemy was only there for like a week? wut
saucemaster5000: I have questions
matthaus_c: it's manicotti, but y'know
itira: Its a race horse name
Mr_Horrible: making MANicotti, during International Women's Month? SMH
shurtal: but who's on first?
matthaus_c: I have a foil horsemush
ButButTheJesus: who is irritating the mic
CataclysmicReverb: I play Lazyman Acotti in Defense Mode
gibbousm: Thanks guys, I was about to nod off there but Ben yelling fixed that
MegaDosX: OK boomer
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Kramburger: Paul gave Ben a dressing down
Mr_Horrible: Not for long they don't, Boomer
Fanklok: Hearing kids talk now I don't think words mean anything anymore
JinaMahavira: any Play it Forward news?
Kramburger: It would be RUDE not to
matthaus_c: boomer
BusTed: There are rules!
adept_nekomancer: At least they are no longer being rude
ButButTheJesus: now its just rude
Scy_Anide: Terrar O'Clock
couchboyj: Yours O'Clock
josh___something: They're no longer ACTIVELY rude
Seth_Erickson: Notably Terraria actually have clocks unlike Minecraft
Scy_Anide: Let's Wake
Mr_Horrible: wait, shouldn't this start at 9am?
itira: siiiide? im on nobody's side
Mr_Horrible: if it's MINE o clock?
EvilBadman: Bring back Adam's Sphedahaus
Juliamon: Mr_Horrible It used to!
SmithKurosaki: thx 4 stream, later y'all
ButButTheJesus: @itira because nooooobody's on myyyy siiiiide
Rhynerd: wasn’t it just earlier today that it was still saying minecraft in the description?
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon y'know I honestly shoulda known that
itira: @ButButTheJesus tqsHype
BusTed: hate that
saucemaster5000: oh myyyy
matthaus_c: sauce's gift juice
Juliamon: Mr_Horrible It's actually the name I suggested back when he first did the stream
Juliamon: so I am partial to it :P
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon well then you make a strong and enduring bit
xantos69: Cheer50 BITS! Carry on sirs!
spo8n subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, spo8n! (Today's storm count: 72)
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the stream. Appreciate the laughs.
MegaDosX: Thanks for stream!
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
matthaus_c: thanks for another banger, boys
itira: byyyyyye
spo8n: <3
Saintnex: thanks for the stream!
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, lads lrrSHINE
ButButTheJesus: THAMK
MegaDosX: Later everyone, take care
SmoreThanAFeelin: byeeeee
BusTed: tru tho
Scy_Anide: I miseed the show this week.
JinaMahavira: I have a show to go to :(
Rhynerd: ‘till then!
lochnessseammonster: night all PrideUwu <3
Boon_33: mic 5
Rhynerd: have a good one and thanks for the stream!
BusTed: bb
definenull: Byee
KWardJenx: teNi
Mr_Horrible: struck by The Truth
McMenno: byeee
josh___something: GN y'all