DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
QuixoticScrivener: Going Onfline
emberBecky: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 3:10:09.
Lysander_salamander: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 22:12:24. lrrSPOT
emberBecky: yeh still previousstream
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (Join Ian for a mini-project grab bag night!) at Thu 05:00 PM PDT (9m ago).
Juliamon: Already trying to contact them
Juliamon: time for Paul to try out the remote shutoff
Arclight_Dynamo: That did it.
Earthenone: lrrCrab
ArdCollider: paul++
emberBecky: lrrPistachio
wedge_x: big red button
TheMerricat: Wasn't Ian in the same building as them? :D
Juliamon: Ian is at home
Juliamon: so uh
TehAmelie: re4ally you'd think having about 20 people stream on the same channel, often from different locations, would cause problems more often
TheMerricat: Oh I thought Cori said he was doing it from the Moonbase as they were signing off.
wedge_x: we have Ian at home
Juliamon: TheMerricat CDHC will be from the moonbase
Juliamon: They don't have anyone to run tech tonight so the cooking stream was changed to a home hobby stream
TheMerricat: Ah! The mystery thins. :D
DoodlestheGreat: I wish I could...
Mollylele: how do you do fellow gamers 🧐 🛹
DoodlestheGreat: Hiya, Molly! Just waiting for things to start.
NotCainNorAbel: wish I was gaming and not working
TehAmelie: i'm pondering purchasing Noita for about the third day running
ihorner: Just waiting on some codes. Stream incoming.
DoodlestheGreat: wdingF
ArdCollider: o7
HbombAndFriends: lrrFINE lrrFINE lrrFINE
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCrab lrrSIG
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
baltimore_667083 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months!
baltimore_667083: beware the ides of March
TehAmelie: woot w00t
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, baltimore_667083! (Today's storm count: 28)
DoodlestheGreat: Nice thing about these roundups is that it usually results in various broken things around the moonbase getting fixed. >_<
QuixoticScrivener: rockin tunes
Earthenone: this is a roundup for ians home though, so maybe only local items will get fixed :P
beowuuf: more like beware the ideAs of march Kappa
TehAmelie: it's the 15th here, close to Rome's timezone
DoodlestheGreat: @beowuuf Beware the IKEAs of March.
ShaneLeeAtk: March The Ideas of Bears
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to WaffleMedia!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WaffleMedia! (Today's storm count: 29)
TehAmelie: random trivia: Hayao Miyazaki once sent a katana to Disney corp to dare them to cut any part of Princess Mononoke
baltimore_667083: isn’t that just SCP-3008?
TheMerricat: Just double checking chat, the we _are_ live but on a static going online screen, correct?
TheMerricat: nevermind
TheMerricat: :D
baltimore_667083: it’s go time!
TehAmelie: ooh we have signal
baltimore_667083: hi Cori!
TehAmelie: hi again!
ritchards: Hi Cori!!
ArdCollider: hi bob!
NotCainNorAbel: but you were just...and we were here...
gualdhar: oh no
DoodlestheGreat: Hi Cori!
LadyAiluros: Hi Cori!
TheMerricat: My connection or are they a bit framey?
CururuGuasu: Sacre Deja Vu!
gualdhar: the frames are all over the floor
Sarah_Serinde: We are getting ones of frames at a time
LadyAiluros: yeah it's kinda funky
TehAmelie: we have about 1 frame per 3 seconds
TheMerricat: Ian is doing a Max Headroom Impression :D
blip2004: looks more like a loose wire
ritchards: twitch "broadcasting" seems optimistic
neisan2112: I just see blips, not dropping frames
LadyAiluros: isn't that the point of this stream
LadyAiluros: to be curious?
DoodlestheGreat: Twitch is bein' extra Twitchy. Droppin' frames like a coffee addict at an Aaron Bros.
wedge_x: Ian Headroom
ThingsOnMyStream: I don't think it is dropping frames, but your camera might be glitching a bit
LadyAiluros: ^
Sarah_Serinde: First project: making stream watchable :P
emberBecky: yeh on my end looked more like glitches
TehAmelie: well, refreshing fixed the sldieshow
blip2004: yeah, they put it above chat now
TheMerricat: So looking at video stats I'm _not_ getting any dropped frames but yeah Ian is Max Headroom....
Sarah_Serinde: Oh wild, refreshing helped me too
DoodlestheGreat: Maybe the camera is the first thing we fix today!
ritchards: refreshed, nope...
Sarah_Serinde: No wait it's still not great, just better than before
Sarah_Serinde: Suddenly on the wrong mic though it sounds like
ritchards: yeah, mic off
LadyAiluros: yeah now you sound FAR AWAY
LadyAiluros: and we can hear a fan
LadyAiluros: or I can :P
Juliamon: Much better
Sarah_Serinde: That sounds better yes
gualdhar: yes the mic is better
Sarah_Serinde: This still looks pretty much like a slideshow to me though
DoodlestheGreat: I hear fine.
KWardJenx: Much better. No background
Juliamon: It's not that bad for me
Sarah_Serinde: Interesting
TehAmelie: it turns back into slideshow within seconds of refreshing. but it's certainly a twitch problem
TheMerricat: I think this issue is your face cam. I'm still seeing you doing Max Headroom in the face came but the hand cam is smooth for me. And for reference Ian, Max -
blip2004: its just of rubber banding flickering for me
ritchards: !listen
LRRbot: Chat? At this time of year?
blip2004: just a bit*
Juliamon: It's entirely normal on my end
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah no this is definitely something that I'd want to hear about from multiple people
Sarah_Serinde: Wild
hoveringhalibut: It's fine for me. I'm on mobile.
DoodlestheGreat: Brings back memories of early Twitch streams. Nostalgia's not all it's cracked up to be.
Mollylele: SingsMic SingsMic 👓
Melfina__: It seems fine for me at 480p
ritchards: !advice
LRRbot: Just remember buttsoft and you can sing anything.
DoodlestheGreat: Jump buses? Is this an action movie?
lear1987 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lear1987! (Today's storm count: 30)
SquareDotCube: to be fair many things kill the Cam
KWardJenx: I think the little jump is cool. It's like the part of the horror movie when you begin to suspect the trusted ally is really the evil CPU.
cuzuki: mostly inflicted by the Cam
blip2004: going for the old school gameshow host look?
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah refreshing seems to fix it for a few seconds and then it gradually returns to slideshow for me, fun. At least it seems to be better for some people
TheMerricat: @KWardJenx Are you implying Ian is an Evil CPU? :D
hoveringhalibut: I'm getting good fps, but weird artifacts around movement.
TehAmelie: lowering the resolution fixed it for me, thanks Melfina__
emberBecky: oh the glitch is in both camera views, so it is the stream not the camera. seems worse with movement.
DoodlestheGreat: Coated with chocolate!
62MGcobra: 720 works fine for me atm
cuzuki: ^
KWardJenx: @TheMerricat Or the Ian we know and trust with our lives has been taken by said CPU
LadyAiluros: FAAAAAKE
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I just moved it down to 720 and it seems fine like this
DoodlestheGreat: Same. 720 works okay for me, too.
Juliamon: Dye transfer
wedge_x: Filmed In SUPERSCOPE
TehAmelie: has the whole book turned slightly red? is this gonna be like the red rooms in "Cube"?
DoodlestheGreat: COOL TECHNOLOGY
ritchards: we have technology?
PhorrestGaze subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PhorrestGaze! (Today's storm count: 31)
TehAmelie: bold claim
Juliamon: Notifs are a bit loud
DoodlestheGreat: Is there any markings on the battery?
62MGcobra: that does not look like my superscope from nintendo
hoveringhalibut: I wonder if you could convert it to run off phantom power. I assume it would not appreciate the voltage level.
ThingsOnMyStream: 4000 hours off a tiny battery is impressive
TehAmelie: hey, my Lego set had an electric engine using 6 AA batteries that i never needed to change for like 11 years
Lysander_salamander: wait what happen?
Mollylele: perfect mic for interviewing some street consomme
DoodlestheGreat: Oh my, that could be great for some Crapshots. Old-style man-on-the-street interviews.
ThingsOnMyStream: keep it away from the hot air rework station!
62MGcobra: @ThingsOnMyStream right!
DoodlestheGreat: Fan-sy.
TehAmelie: it's doing something!
62MGcobra: when checking continuity... Its under 9000!!!!!!
DoodlestheGreat: We salute the late Akiri Toriyama.
DoodlestheGreat: Er, Akira.
baltimore_667083: why did I think he was doing a qwerpline bit…
baltimore_667083: or rather a reference thereof
DoodlestheGreat: Oh yeah, a video version would work well with that.
wedge_x: never rock the teen on the street with the pantyhose
Juliamon: Nobody wants to retire the hard way
Juliamon: but alas, sometimes it happens
iris_of_ether: tiltyhPLS
62MGcobra: Ian shot first!
cuzuki: welp, my next gunpla project just arrived so I'm gonna be happily working on that while watching now
DoodlestheGreat: The Psychtronic gun!
Juliamon: Yes and yes, but not enough to matter yet
coronax_cj subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, coronax_cj! (Today's storm count: 32)
Juliamon: its existence is in flux
DoodlestheGreat: "What do we want?" "DADA!" "When do we want it?" "MUSTARD!"
Arclight_Dynamo: Smash cut to hole burned through the floor…
SocraticMethod: Do you have a flux preference? I'm partial to SMD291. 2022 was a good vintage
wedge_x: "THAT is a Viggen!"
wedge_x: --my hind brain took over
Juliamon: My sister and dad are currently at the theater seeing Dune
TehAmelie: i'm not following what we're doing but it looks like something Ada Lovelace might have done and i like it
SocraticMethod: @TehAmelie Soldering an XLR connector. I think there is a microphone on the other side
Arclight_Dynamo: We need to get Ian a workable third hand system.
Arclight_Dynamo: Yeah, the little ones stink.
Juliamon: a Good ENough join
TehAmelie: i've wished for an extra pair of arms since i was about 8 years old. like, who wouldn't?
Juliamon: Doc Ock had some good ideas
TehAmelie: my cousin and i would debate, "sure you would just start doing things that need 4 hands and then you would want even more" "but it would still be worth it"
SocraticMethod: Can the insulator handle if you heat the cup from the outside? Should guarantee a good join since the wire has very little thermal mass
SocraticMethod: At least that's how I had to do the DC connectors
SocraticMethod: nice
TehAmelie: !holes
LRRbot: A hole is just a vertical cave.
iris_of_ether: *sizzle*
TehAmelie: noice
Rob_Racoon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months, currently on a 119 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rob_Racoon! (Today's storm count: 33)
MWGNZ: oh shi the solder police are on to us
epsilon_vee: tfw you call 9-1-1 and they ask you if you need ambulance, fire, or motorcycle
DeM0nFiRe: gdqWHAT
SocraticMethod: No fume extractor? OSHA is gonna getcha
TehAmelie: what would you prefer, uncontrollable noise from outside at any hour of the day or smells?
62MGcobra: @SocraticMethod in canada? I don't think so
62MGcobra: FBtouchdown
Juliamon: That sounds clean
TehAmelie: i have a factory next door that sometimes runs a wood burning furnace that makes my apartment smell like something is on fire
gawag_: r o o m t o n e
Juliamon: Yeah, this feels muffled in comparison
wedge_x: excellent smpte countdown boop, Ian
TehAmelie: i heard nothing :x
epsilon_vee: yeah not hearing it
SocraticMethod: You haven't seen OSHA extra-territorial RRT? *shudders*
dougma: My parents had 2 sets of those
Simonark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
Simonark: Prime Number Time!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Simonark! (Today's storm count: 34)
dougma: spring not in hook
Dreamlettuce subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dreamlettuce! (Today's storm count: 35)
ShaneLeeAtk: !y
TehAmelie: it's some form of elvish, I can't read it. . .
Simonark: If the coating comes off the lenses over time, you can decide you don't want to be lied to by opera glasses.
Mollylele: now he's thinking with portals
Simonark: At the opera you get lied to enough already.
ritchards: looks like something is misaligned
ArdCollider: spudger! spudger! teeth! teeth! teeth!
TehAmelie: i think the most magic that went out of the world in one go for me was on the day i learned steel springs get worn out in time
Simonark: Learning about why springs fail is like getting fed up with hair bands for the first time. It's so hard to come to terms with metal fatigue.
Juliamon: That was my nickname in highschool... wait
TehAmelie: i can imagine
SocraticMethod: If it's stamped sheetmetal it's probably not going to be easily disassembled without popping the rivets
Simonark: Now we know.
Mollylele: FBtouchdown
SocraticMethod: Oh hey, no critical rivets lrrBartleby
Mollylele: FBtouchdown he took out its whole guts! FBtouchdown
inconsideratehat: Revelation! seabatClap seabatBRAIN
SocraticMethod: Looks like it could use some brushy brushy
SocraticMethod: unless that's a patina that's not shown well on the camera
TehAmelie: do the springs still have the sproing in them? thata's the question we're all asking
MWGNZ: full disassemble makes for more cleaning options
YeetTheRich_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
YeetTheRich_: paul voice: hullo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YeetTheRich_! (Today's storm count: 36)
dougma: ring could use a wipe with brassosp
SocraticMethod: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Marvoleath: teeth teeth
dougma: yea, spring could use a wipe down with brasso... not sure why the sp went to the end
TehAmelie: a little oxidation never killed anyone (demonstrably false)
Br0kuyasu subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Br0kuyasu! (Today's storm count: 37)
I_Am_Clockwork subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 115 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, I_Am_Clockwork! (Today's storm count: 38)
50keyz: have you ever considered making a watch?
SocraticMethod: I was going to ask about that :)
50keyz: it is really interesting stuff. im always impressed by the patience of those people
SocraticMethod: Watchmakers have the coolest tools.
QuixoticScrivener: first try!
Serpens77: we used to have these exact glasses when I was a kid, I wonder where they went
patrickotreat: lrrAWESOME
Arclight_Dynamo: I mean we’re all watch…ing making right now.
ritchards: Whoop, there it is!
Serpens77: do the eye pieces need to be screwed firsdt?
62MGcobra: I was just about to say upside down
ritchards: in there, out there, all around the world
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
DoodlestheGreat: We're movin' on up. To the east side.
patrickotreat: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
QuixoticScrivener: is the text the right way up?
ShaneLeeAtk: To a deluxe apartment, in the sky
50keyz: what makes sewing machine oil unique over other oils?
Juliamon: specific viscosity?
DoodlestheGreat: A small can of 3-in-one and another of sewing machine oil are things every household repair kit needs.
62MGcobra: @QuixoticScrivener murphy say no!
SocraticMethod: @50keyz Really thin and low viscosity. Flows extremely well
50keyz: thank you people for answers :)
ritchards: never a miscommunication?
Lysander_salamander: I want glasses like those
50keyz: yay!
62MGcobra: google says 3x
ritchards: lrrBartleby
62MGcobra: clarity is another thing
DandyGeek: Ian, you look like an Observer from the Fringe series
firehawkzoa: Lens looks scratched or dirty
62MGcobra: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown 2 for 2
TehAmelie: TTSF: fluid dynamics
TehAmelie: heeh, remember Plasma Pong? it was just Pong, but with realistic plasma physics simulation
Juliamon: Hadn't heard, but sounds neat
Arclight_Dynamo: I do not like the eerie silence of this droneless zone.
drummermunson subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
drummermunson: TTSF!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, drummermunson! (Today's storm count: 39)
TehAmelie: welcome back!
Arclight_Dynamo: Ah. Snapple.
SocraticMethod: Iphone battery pack at home
Mollylele: can't think of the last time i got apple packging with vacuum molded plastic inside
rubikdarkwill: Shouldn't it be iBattery :p
MWGNZ: bittery
tyrsredritehand: Magic smoke
SnackPak_: hammer
Serpens77: we're poppin' off
Arclight_Dynamo: Why are we opening this?
Juliamon: To see how it's made
rubikdarkwill: @Arclight_Dynamo Because it's obviously fake
Arclight_Dynamo: Sh hs
SocraticMethod: Do you have a CO2 extinguisher nearby? I'm a bit wary about messing with lithium battery
Arclight_Dynamo: Ah ha even
Asriam92: hello. new here
Juliamon: LUL
Snowcookies: oh dear
inconsideratehat: "Oh wow this is a piece of shit" XD
MWGNZ: perfect, lipo cell hooked up to an induction loop with some scrap for added weight
tyrsredritehand: You have to have space for all the IP fraud.
SquareDotCube: big ol' L-ion pre-pillowed
SocraticMethod: @MWGNZ I think those are "magsafe" magnets to lock the phone
SquareDotCube: yep that's induction for you, just a copper coil
Serpens77: how thoughtful of them LUL
wedge_x: ha!
wedge_x: god
MWGNZ: @SocraticMethod probably both
ArdCollider: you let the phlogiston out
SocraticMethod: Could that be "case open" relay?
QuixoticScrivener: amazing good, amazing bad?
SocraticMethod: YEah, good call on that lipo
nevermore913: Things blowing up is how we know science is happening
Mollylele: should Cori be taking cover?
ArdCollider: there are a number of very close matches to that thing on AliExpress for about $7 a whack.
BlueChloroplast: Hai chat
dougma: definition of MVP
Juliamon: Magring
SocraticMethod: 18.5Wh is ~5000mAh for one LiPo celll, pretty standard
SocraticMethod: for pack that size
inconsideratehat: :O
ArdCollider: yeah, the batteries I see on AliExpress are 5000mAh.
Arclight_Dynamo: Good if true. It might be lying.
TehAmelie: periodic element #3 is full of surprises
BlueChloroplast: Ah a spicy frying pan XD
QuixoticScrivener: we can still destroy other things
bonado12: Oooga booga
Lysander_salamander: oh
nevermore913: Did rhythm cafe play DJ hero
DoodlestheGreat: EGAD
Lysander_salamander: Does DJ Hero still exist?
TehAmelie: i know LRR streamed it at one point
ritchards: rewire that to replicate driving wheel for driving games!
Juliamon: TehAmelie Did they? Not finding it in the wiki
TehAmelie: maybe it's not the game i think it is
SocraticMethod: No security screws in Nintendo peripheral 😲?
62MGcobra: @SocraticMethod it was also on xbox and playstation
Juliamon: "DJ Hero" only appears in a Checkpoint and two ENNs
62MGcobra: maybe appeared in a fever dream on desert bus
SocraticMethod: @62MGcobra That had space for wiimote, sometimes feels like Nintendo mandates security screws for anything that deal with them
SquareDotCube: might want to pop off that top flap just in case?
inconsideratehat: WAIT WAIT, is that a handy screwdriver that's also powered?
SocraticMethod: @inconsideratehat Yeah, it's nice
inconsideratehat: So jealous
inconsideratehat: Disagree, not unnecessary. You do this stuff all the time.
TehAmelie: protip: if you need a screwdriver, mixing any amount of vodka with any amount of orange juice may suffice
BlueChloroplast: :D
inconsideratehat: Yeah "Get by" being the key word. Good for you for getting the nice thing.
62MGcobra: I needed to buy some damn screwdriver for my virtual boy. at least it also works for taking apart gameboy games to replace the battery. :)
SocraticMethod: Conformal coating probably
SquareDotCube: oh you could just replace the whole thing if you get a broken unit
SocraticMethod: 3.3V and DevDet might be bridged on the PCB if there is only one short
Arclight_Dynamo: Man, stream is really chunking.
62MGcobra: thats the board you desoldered?
inconsideratehat: Unnecessary work? MORE CONTENT. LUL
TehAmelie: i remember eighth grade physics, when we practiced building circuit boards. i succeeded in making a table lamp that turned on by itself when it sensed light, and burned itself out by lighting itself
firehawkzoa: Is it just USB with a proprietary connector attached
TehAmelie: electronics be tricky
ritchards: "what we're dealing with here is a failure to communicate"
SocraticMethod: It looks like NC and GND is shorting which makes me wonder why NC is has a wire
Arclight_Dynamo: If you would like to watch Ian ruin one of these, please see a previous TTSF.
inconsideratehat: @TehAmelie You managed to make a thing that did a thing badly? Jealous!
62MGcobra: @Arclight_Dynamo watching at 720 seems to fix the stutter
Arclight_Dynamo: @62MGcobra Yeah, I'm finding that as well. Weird.
inconsideratehat: @62MGcobra Thanks for the tip!
Arclight_Dynamo: Must be some strange encoding issue.
SocraticMethod: The connector pinout for reference
Arclight_Dynamo: Snip and rewire the connector?
Arclight_Dynamo: Fair. :D
MWGNZ: is the short in the connector or in the wire where it's worn?
kristhegodgamer: what you makeing
Giraldi657: You have a very soothing voice Ian
inconsideratehat: @kristhegodgamer Fixing a controller
inconsideratehat: IAN
DoodlestheGreat: Locked and loaded.
QuixoticScrivener: controller mate thyself!
Snowcookies: ty for the stream
DoodlestheGreat: That's four little projects completed. Thanks for the strem, Ian.
nevermore913: Thanks for streaming isni
nevermore913: *Ian
ArdCollider: later, Ian!
Mollylele: 🐝 🐝 🐝
Giraldi657: Goodnight Ian
nevermore913: No more Fortnite festival?
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
KWardJenx: Thank you, Ian.
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TehAmelie: thanks for having us
spo8n: Thanks Ian!
DoodlestheGreat: It's just not a TTSF if it's not a tad scuffed.
TehAmelie: are vampires mammals? asking for a friend who's definitely alive
TehAmelie: probably just depends on if we consider them a new species or not