Metric_Furlong: what tapping situation?
beowuuf: i have paid a little less attention to magic in the last few years, so it could have gotten past me. TLJ have a token pack that's cool, it has five land cards but i think they are just cool alt lands you could use with a card sleeve in a kitchen top game, rather than actual tokens
beowuuf: a token can be anything, so tapping is harder to show. Since you tap lands a lot, and at many differnt times, then even more than creatures it's a pain to monitor land tapping
Metric_Furlong: ah okay
accountmadeforants: @Metric_Furlong Based on Road Quest, we've established that a modern Ford F150 is "bigger than God". Given the absence about such comments about the other Road Quest vehicles, we can establish that God is somewhere between the size of an F150 and a Crown Vic. This implies that Godspeed within our atmosphere does not exceed several hundred km/s, as otherwise, God would vaporize our atmosphere and slough the Earth's crust.
accountmadeforants: Then again, perhaps this is why God stays in Heaven
Metric_Furlong: thought you meant a specific event, "The Tapping Situation"
beowuuf: sergeScience
Metric_Furlong: @accountmadeforants seems legit
beowuuf: oooh, title change
v_nome: excited to see what an in person horse club will be
Metric_Furlong: yes, it'll make a change from all the 'in-room' ones Kappa
beowuuf: so is it studio a (for angel), studio C (for cori) or studio K for kitchen (because something about kitchen lino crafting?)
v_nome: perhaps Studio ACK for the noise one makes when they see what horrors will be created
beowuuf: escher3THUMBSUP
Didero: Oh, right, DST, I get to watch the first hour or so of Horse Club this week. Good evening!
Juliamon: Good timezone! Welcome to Cursed Club
beowuuf: yay!
TXC2: hello Didero and Juliamon , and Hello everybody
beowuuf: sergeHi
Didero: Hi TXC2!
TXC2: hi beowuuf
Earthenone: enjoy golden week!
TXC2: golden week 2: gold weeker
beowuuf: things like cdhc ends at more reasonable times, but i miss the end of james's home stream and moc/toc
TXC2: and then next week will be golden week 3: revenge of the DLS
beowuuf: it feels soooo long this year, it's odd.
TXC2: beowuuf leap year time shenanigans me thinks
beowuuf: aaah, could be.
Didero: It's also because the last Sunday of the month is also the last day of the month
FlynnRaccoon: !findquote long march
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (0s from now).
GapFiller: !next
TXC2: Didero and Easter then too, Jesus is raising on April fools day, should be fun :p
Manae: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
TXC2: oh good we've got a subtitle
beowuuf: man, pretending to be dead for three days ahead of time is quite the april fool. Hopefully he ressurected before 12pm or else he would have been the foolish one
TXC2: beowuuf maybe that's why Thomas was all doubtful, got there late and thought it was a prank? Kappa
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: another box, and in that box is another box which I mailed to myself. And when it arrives, I'll SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!
beowuuf: huh, the syllables of it make me want to try and sing the frogs in the pool song to it
GapFiller: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG nalvNote nalvNote nalvNote
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrFINE lrrSIG
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
GapFiller: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN eyyy didnt havta refresh for strem
iris_of_ether: Oooh lithography
TXC2: dozens shocked a twitch works WITHOUT refresh :p
Juliamon: GapFiller must be nice lrrAWW
beowuuf: @TXC2 man should have made a bet on that, i understand judas had some cash to bet
Earthenone: im still error 5000 team
TXC2: beowuuf dang :p
baltimore_667083: every so often it'll make me refresh twice
GapFiller: Juliamon lrrSHINE ModLove jlrrCool jlrrIcream
beowuuf: oof, twice
baltimore_667083: thankfully this did not happen this time
iris_of_ether: Live studio Horse Club!
Juliamon: yeah, fortunately the double-refresh isn't a common necessity
beowuuf: how many of these have we had? just the james craft one?
TXC2: for me, the last....3 months have had me having to refresh some webstites as often as 3 times before they work :p
Juliamon: I'm excited for this ep though, did this in art class in school, was fun
beowuuf: the internet was a mistake
beowuuf: ooh, cool
TXC2: beowuuf yes, just the one with James (and Paul on tech)
amative1 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 121 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, amative1! (Today's storm count: 2)
beowuuf: horse!
beowuuf: nm, not horse :(
sophieghost: horse?
Metric_Furlong: horse.
GapFiller: !picnic
TXC2: are you in the future beowuuf ? :p
beowuuf: nah, just an advert glitched on another tabl and i thought it was the stream start :(
TXC2: beowuuf ah, boo adverts
TXC2: Here we GO!
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
beowuuf: now horse! LMAO
TXC2: with no sound ?
iris_of_ether: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Metric_Furlong: yee
GapFiller: nalvLUL Best. Intro. Evah!
beowuuf: 13/10 no notes
Didero: Live Horse!
sophieghost: professionals
beowuuf: ding!
MrSarkhan: best intro
Didero: Hello!
Didero: Strong start
jessieimproved: a real Angel!
beowuuf: hey cori! hey angel! hey tech beej!
blue_lotus_designs: In person!
GapFiller: lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ lrrBEEJ
beowuuf: yup
Metric_Furlong: yes
MrSarkhan: yes
GapFiller: we sure can
Juliamon: We hear Beej loud and clear
baltimore_667083: lrrBEEJ
wedge_x: flawless
TXC2: oh my tab was muted :p
TXC2: wow I'm dumb :p
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
beowuuf: look, this is cdhc, we need perfectly normal feet tro prepare us for the horrors to come
GapFiller: oooh stuff
TXC2: Hello Cori and Angel (and Beej on tech)
beowuuf: @TXC2 i was from the future, i was trying to be subtle to preserve causality
wedge_x subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wedge_x! (Today's storm count: 3)
TXC2: beowuuf indeed
beowuuf: yeeeeeees, slide shpw! slide show!
TXC2: time for the ALWAYS informative slide show
beowuuf: oil & water, new for autumn 2024 on nbc
TXC2: depends on the food
sophieghost: to write backwards, try standing upside down
CAKHost: Oh wow, live in the studio!
CAKHost: Hello everyone!
beowuuf: sergeHi
TXC2: sdrawkcab ward attog
beowuuf: yay! drink more coke. then use it for art
Boopity: My favorite acid
MrSarkhan: sergeScience
TXC2: hello CAKHost welcome
Juliamon: (Other acidic liquids are available)
blue_lotus_designs: Art and a chemistry lesson all in one.
CAKHost: Hmm cola acid...
beowuuf: @TXC2 that took me far too long
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Cori! Stop drinking the art! lrrBEEJ
TXC2: beowuuf good that you could read it at all
sophieghost: excellent slideshow
beowuuf: @TXC2 ward being draw backwards didn't help!
beowuuf: 14/10 slide show
TheMerricat: I'm foreseeing another tall Shrek chat...
TXC2: just water, not water plus! with extra oxygen power!
iris_of_ether: @themerricat Already got you covered in clay hahaha
TheAwkes: Like floating a vinyl decal.
CAKHost: In one of my printing classes, we made a print out of art board I think it was? it was just a cardboard print that you put ink on and print with. It was neat and I kinda want to do it again someday
Juliamon: Surely someone out there has a crinkle emote
noSmokeFire: I'm trying to crinkle my emotes but they're too rigid
CAKHost: * * * ?
gualdhar: Is the foil regular crispy?
beowuuf: imagine if that had worked
iris_of_ether: foxmarSHINY
TXC2: !addquote (Beej) [now] Maybe I have weird tastes. | on ASMR
LRRbot: New quote #8947: "Maybe I have weird tastes." —Beej, on ASMR [2024-03-18]
TheMerricat: Beej... Weird Tastes? 🤯 mattlrPika
LordZarano: GalaxyUnpacked
TXC2: blindingly white
TXC2: much better, thank you Beej
MrSarkhan: that's much better
CAKHost: Do a Mulligan!
TheMerricat: Stupid question but do Canadian aluminum foil boxes not have that rip bar that lets you tear the aluminum without having the use scissors?
CAKHost: I think they are just using the scissors to get a clean cut without ripping? Also not touching the foil too much
Juliamon: ^
iris_of_ether: Oh no I saw that
LordZarano: A surface plate
Juliamon: Cleaner cut for smoother foil
bytecaster: I'm sure the birds would have appreciated it
TXC2: is there some sort of, for lack of a better word, a vanta flat surface ?
iris_of_ether: Look at this photograph
Juliamon: I wonder if perfect flatness is even achieveable in gravity
beowuuf: sergeCrimes ?
TXC2: never observe the Work of Cori
CAKHost: I'm going to guess Shrek Kappa
TheAwkes: Beacuse it's for marking on china (ceramics).
TXC2: Juliamon an interesting point
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART This looks neat and I have no idea what's going on
iris_of_ether: Oh no
TXC2: hello RandomTrivia welcome
TheMerricat: @txc2 "One can find “really flat” 12-inch silicon wafers that have steps totaling about 500 nanometers.” That's roughly 1/200 of a hair. And so if we are concerned with flatness of a surface that's visible to the naked eye, silicon wafers are the likely winner, Lagally says."
RandomTrivia: @iris_of_ether """kind"""
iris_of_ether: Oh no no no
SymphonicLolita: long shrek FBtouchdown
TXC2: TheMerricat neat
CAKHost: \o/
iris_of_ether: Look I had green clay
Juliamon: You ever realize you made a terrible mistake, but *way* too late to fix it? :P
RandomTrivia: Truly cursed, which is to be expected from anything out of Az's mouth on Horse Club
Boopity: You ever just have a face
TXC2: Juliamon every single day of my life :p
beowuuf: beejzoom
bytecaster: Computer, enhance
beowuuf: way too lazy to fix it? certainly
TXC2: Boopity I shaved my beard off yesterday, so yes
CAKHost: Would a drawing glove help in not transferring hand oils?
RandomTrivia: And toe-to-tip is a LONG way
Metric_Furlong: @Boopity no, neve
Metric_Furlong: r
bytecaster: Shrek is actually just the equilibrium point on the long Shrek-wide Shrek spectrum.
CAKHost: (Alternative maybe getting a piece of paper and put your hand on that. I have done that a lot)
beowuuf: @TXC2 after how long
beowuuf: ?
Garfy400 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Garfy400! (Today's storm count: 4)
TXC2: beowuuf 5 ish months, it was my winter beard
beowuuf: ah, not years and years and traumatic bare face then
bytecaster: Aren't we all afraid of long shrek?
beowuuf: long shrek, unlike long pig, should not be eaten
TXC2: beowuuf no, but the bare face is always traumatic
beowuuf: then you have my sympathy! :p
noSmokeFire: "wanted" are you sure?
beowuuf: why are we writing wanted? is this some sort of sarcasm i don't understand
CAKHost: Cleaning supplies, such as coca cola! (if tik tok has taught me anything :P )
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak
bytecaster: I didn't know Long Shrek was in One Piece.
Metric_Furlong: man, the new Trigun redesigns look worse than I thought Kappa
noSmokeFire: @bytecaster he ate the long long fruit
RandomTrivia: LON6
bytecaster: @noSmokeFire Not the Shrek-Shrek fruit? Making him a Shrek-Human?
noSmokeFire: he was always shrek
RandomTrivia: A R T has occurred
flowerseses subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
flowerseses: ART
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, flowerseses! (Today's storm count: 5)
iris_of_ether: :D
beowuuf: the camera is hiding the face of the real criminal here, cori -.- Kappa
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
Metric_Furlong: [squeaking intensifies]
beowuuf: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
TXC2: such noises this week
bytecaster: Bonus ASMR
Juliamon: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
beowuuf: glad we have this live in the studio :)
bytecaster: Long Shrek has been a criminal for years, but has never been caught.
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
iris_of_ether: I feel like I'm aging watching this
beowuuf: death, like shrek, comes for us all eventually
TXC2: iris_of_ether technically you are
Metric_Furlong: @bytecaster the only criminal whose arms are longer than the law's Kappa
beowuuf: !addqueak
Didero: what a lovely sound
bytecaster: Can we add the squeak to the quote database?
TXC2: gonna need to sample this stream for later CDHC music use
iris_of_ether: Cheer100
SymphonicLolita: BitSqueaks
iris_of_ether: benginO7
beowuuf: Cheer100 squeak bits! ... is this to keep it going or make it stop?
Metric_Furlong: @beowuuf yes
LordZarano: Saliva is actually used in conservation work for cleaning things, as a very gentle cleaner with enzymes
beowuuf: escher3THUMBSUP
bytecaster: Wait, we are gonna bath Long Shrek?!?
Metric_Furlong: etch that sketch!
TXC2: etch the sketch!
beowuuf: coke! coke! coke! coke!
SymphonicLolita: fizzzz.wav
beowuuf: we needed menthos to flatten it
CAKHost: Give it the pop!
Raincoast_Bear: I'm starting to suspect you have been stringing us along. You been able to draw 🐎 all along.
Metric_Furlong: !holes
LRRbot: Did someone say Holes??
bytecaster: Beautiful
beowuuf: draw? no! etch? instructions fuzzy
bytecaster: I have drunk so much acid in my youth.
beowuuf: coke, noted health drink
ScrapyardGhostTrain: They aren't uboat batteries, Beej. Kappa
ThorSokar: couldn't get the fun acid, eh?
RandomTrivia: CORI NO
Metric_Furlong: Long, Wet, Shrek
MrSarkhan: Cori pls
TheAwkes: Long, loooong, shreeeeeeeeeeek.
TXC2: long Shreak: a wet boi, a Memoir
iris_of_ether: tiltyhPLS
SymphonicLolita: Moist Shrek
RandomTrivia: lrrFRUMP
CAKHost: The lore deepens!
Didero: Moist Long Shrek
RandomTrivia: BEEJ
bytecaster: Good thing that brown liquid is not sticky at all
beowuuf: too late now is the subtitle of this stream
ThorSokar: Beej's magic coat has EVERYTHING
RandomTrivia: LRRooc is getting a wild ride today :D
iris_of_ether: S k I n
Metric_Furlong: skin
Juliamon: !addquote (Cori) [now] No one has skin like you, Beej!
LRRbot: New quote #8948: "No one has skin like you, Beej!" —Cori [2024-03-18]
bytecaster: Turns out Long Shrek is very difficult to handle when wet.
CAKHost: The Beej Skin tm
noSmokeFire: wet wipes are to beej as sunlight is to vampires
beowuuf: the beej is a lie
QuixoticScrivener: what the horse?
CAKHost: The moonbase now has mice as well as ghosts!
TXC2: hello QuixoticScrivener welcome
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
iris_of_ether: Isopropyl for the sharpie??
TXC2: oils, tinctures, slaves, balms
bytecaster: So Long Shrek is eternal, huh
TheAwkes: Alcohol will pull Sharpie. Maybe mineral oil does the job?
bytecaster: I contain chemistry, if that helps?
beowuuf: no one admit nothing
Didero: just keep adding random fluids, nothing can possibly go wrong
ThorSokar: if it starts smelling like chlorine maybe use the secret door to take it outside
TXC2: science must be done one way or the other
bytecaster: If things get hot, just scream "exothermic" and run.
Asimech: @Didero The chemical burn smell just means it's working. Keep going.
beowuuf: like jazz hands but please use less vigorous motions
RandomTrivia: We should have Horse Club tech'd by Beej every week - he adds the perfect flair to the cursed horrors and I want to see what happens when Beej and Az are in the same room
noSmokeFire: now to ascend even further beyond (lotion)
TXC2: Beej sleeps in a coelacanth tank
beowuuf: "you are like a little lotion baby. watch this!"
ghizmou: a disappointed dog
RandomTrivia: I hope it's Juniper
ThorSokar: Beej just uses automotive grease now
TheAwkes: You kinda showed off the reference when Beej asked about passcode visibility.
Metric_Furlong: if in doubt: acetone Kappa
Juliamon: The good girl
RandomTrivia: The dainty baby!
TXC2: ook ook
MrSarkhan: LUL
SymphonicLolita: gasp
TXC2: !greetings
LRRbot: Greetings, you Godo's Irregulars!
iris_of_ether: seabatTROG seabatTROG seabatTROG
beowuuf: that's more like graham
Metric_Furlong: rude
178 raiders from Seabats have joined!
saucemaster5000: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
public_key_reveal_party: Woo love me a good chemical soup
Juliamon: Welcome Seachats!
BusTed: seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN seabatBRAIN seabatClap
beowuuf: lol, say hios name and he shall appear!
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Metric_Furlong: speaking of the devil
RandomTrivia: Welcome raiding seachats!
Juliamon: Hope you like Coke, oil, and mineral spirits!
lochnessseammonster: is this, art?
ThorSokar: speaking of the Noxious Gearhulks!
TXC2: hello raiders
CAKHost: Hello Adam!
ManWithTheMask13: I want to take a bite out of that table
Mr_Horrible: our ears were burning
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Invitare: What were you saying behind our backs
CanPlayGames: lrrJAMES lrrADAM lrrJAMES lrrADAM
beowuuf: lrrWOW, to their faces :(
emonotony: Adam had to end his stream after a few hours so we're here!
NorthstarTex: XD
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
FlynnRaccoon: lrrFINE
beowuuf: NO!
hyperialguard: Diet or Cherry?
ManWithTheMask13: big red?
josh___something: how decadent... oh you mean the soda
TXC2: coke zero?
EkstraLangeDruer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EkstraLangeDruer! (Today's storm count: 6)
NorthstarTex: is pepsi more acidic last I checked?
TXC2: no 7up? or sprite? or fanta ?
bytecaster: Cola (generic)
ManWithTheMask13: Nah, country songs have to be about either beer, ice tea, or lemonade
CAKHost: Does Canada Coca cola have just sugar in it?
bytecaster: Thanks, I wont
CAKHost: Don't etch and drink
Didero stops taping straws together to reach the Moonbase
SymphonicLolita: etch to wretch pipeline
NorthstarTex: what happens if I do drink it?
saucemaster5000: drink the eth and you will retch
beowuuf: insturctions unclear, putting hopsital on speed dial
CAKHost: Thanks!
emonotony: Butbutbut if you etch it means it has more minerals.
ManWithTheMask13: How is the Beej today
iris_of_ether: But I'm craving a Captain, Aluminum, and Coke benginCry
CAKHost: \o/
blip2004: you can buy glass bottles of sugar Coke in Canada, usually comes from Mexico
beowuuf: @ManWithTheMask13 his skin is not like other people's
Juliamon: The bottles ARE cute, and you can do a science thing with them!
emonotony: American coke is available here if you pay like three times as much.
ManWithTheMask13: @beowuuf Curious and curiouser
TheAwkes: #HumbleBrag
emonotony: "I drank coke and then I stopped"
FlynnRaccoon: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 41:44.
beowuuf: i went to america right when coke II hit.... such a weird find
NotCainNorAbel: and our Pepsi was CLEAR!
emonotony: Ah yes, Coke, Coke 2, and Coke & Knuckles
ManWithTheMask13: The Beej mix up
iris_of_ether: Heck yeah 82 babies in the house
beowuuf: @emonotony sergeJustRight
mrMorphius: 82 82 82
blip2004: bring back bottles of Lemon Coke you cowards
TXC2: iris_of_ether that's far to many babies Kappa
SymphonicLolita: ohno
offbeatwitch: just got here
RandomTrivia: oh no
blue_lotus_designs: Sounds like a huge mes....
beowuuf: O.O
ライシェン: D:
iris_of_ether: Yesssss
bytecaster: I bet it did
iris_of_ether: I'm laughing out loud at work oh no
NorthstarTex: XD
bytecaster: Back in our day, the Pepsi left the toilet
mrMorphius: So what if elephant toothpaste using Cori's technique
Asimech: So does "Mexican cola" refer to Jarritos or what should I put in my search to find out what the bottle looks like?
MrQBear: @bytecaster what, you had antigravity pepsi? I thought that was an urban legend!
ZethRuss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ZethRuss! (Today's storm count: 7)
Juliamon: Asimech Specifically Mexican Coke
TXC2: Asimech it's coke with cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup
bytecaster: Like toothpaste, but hot
LavenderCreations: @Asimech no, it's Coke made with cane sugar, typically associated with being from Mexico though I've heard that it's not sold there much anymore
TheMerricat: "Mexican cola, also known as Mexican Coke or "Mexicoke", is Coca-Cola made in Mexico and imported to the United States. The Mexican formula uses white sugar instead of high-fructose corn syrup, which has been used in the American formula since the early 1980s. Cane sugar is less processed than high-fructose corn syrup, so some say the Mexican version tastes more natural and purer. "
MrQBear: Mmm. Hot toothpaste. Loved it on stale chips.
Boopity: D:
beowuuf: oh no... no, wait, what
wedge_x: my toothpaste definitely steams on extrusion
emonotony: "toothpaste drinker" seems like a highly specific insult
TXC2: HFCS is the scourge of US food
bytecaster: Making toothpaste delicious seems like a mistake
Asimech: Thank you all, but I was mainly curious about the "cute bottle" bit. So it's in the old fashioned small glass Coca-Cola bottles?
ライシェン: i just saw if you throw stretched out hair ties into simmering, almost boiling, water it’ll refresh it’s elasticity
saucemaster5000: ever slap a child so hard the toothpaste comes out?
Mangledpixel: boop
ThorSokar: Beej was thinking this was a child abuse story for a bit there, hahaha
beowuuf: sergeHi
TXC2: hello Mangledpixel welcome
beowuuf: and eeew
MrQBear: @RandomTrivia Because everybody makes a mistake every now and then?
TXC2: RandomTrivia you live adventurously?
beowuuf: @RandomTrivia no good decisions can be made during horse club, neither on nor off stream
ThorSokar: fake banana is the WORST banana
Metric_Furlong: every Horse Club stream is the most cursed stream
Asimech: Ok, now I've got the right photo. That's adorably thin, I'll give it that.
RandomTrivia: I mean that's true but also mistake is accurate
emonotony: The Horse Club fast
ThorSokar: I'm having lunch, get a stronger stomach RandomTrivia
TheAwkes: Every dinner is before horse club, until the last horse club.
TheMerricat: Isn't 'fake' Banana actually the flavor of the previous cultivar of banana that went essentially extinct because we are shit about protecting monocultures?
blue_lotus_designs: Lurking for the first time during horse club and I question myslef...
bytecaster: You can actually reduce the cooldown on meals by investing some skill points.
beowuuf: is this the sphynx's riddle?
Mangledpixel: it's like After Eight mints - you can eat them any time, because all times are after eight
MrQBear: @Mangledpixel except immediately DURING 8?
bytecaster: Cori is just doing a podcast
beowuuf: after ate mints require a time machine to consume, however
RandomTrivia: The "5 o' clock somewhere" principle
noSmokeFire: @TheMerricat iirc it's mainly just the most convenient banana flavinoid that we can synthesize, but there are cultivars that it tastes like
Didero: @MrQBear Then it's still after yesterday's 8
Asimech: Also: After hearing "Mexican cola" but finding out it was Coke clarifies the "tastes the same" comment, since IMO, Jarritos at least tastes different to sugar based Coke.
emonotony: @MrQBear Planck Time Mints
MrQBear: @Didero Mind blown. D:
emonotony: (they're very thin so they dissolve immediately)
Mangledpixel: squidge is such a fun word
Asimech: @TheMerricat To be fair, protecting monocultures is really challenging and the real fault lies in going for a monoculture in the first place. And then repeating that mistake.
TXC2: emonotony a mint could be on the Planck scale, and I'd still be able to taste it and not like it :p
Andreiq_: Good o'll coke
emonotony: @Asimech If you double down on a mistake enough it ceases to be a mistake and turns into policy.
bytecaster: Keep the Shrek damp at all times
Juliamon: A moist Shrek is a happy Shrek
TXC2: keep damp at all times is a jackbox t-shirt
bytecaster: He lives in the swamp for a reason
Asimech: @emonotony Or tradition.
noSmokeFire: this is mailtime insider trading
RandomTrivia: Ooh, can't wait for that episode in 8 months lrrBEEJ
ThorSokar: to Beej's benefit that mail time will come out in probably 8 months
bytecaster: Ah, the TTSF method
Mangledpixel: for tipping queues
noSmokeFire: the q tips are for shrek's ears
Didero: @noSmokeFire Gonna need something stronger than a q-tip for that, he pulls entire candles of wax out of there
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Don't you put it in your mouth.
Metric_Furlong: !listen
RandomTrivia: Literally nothing we could ever suggest will be as cursed as Long Shrek
beowuuf: or ask beej?
Didero: !chat
MrSarkhan: Never listen to chat
Metric_Furlong: cruses, gentrified
Metric_Furlong: *curses
ThorSokar runs to find an old cocaine advertisement
beowuuf: @RandomTrivia you have so little faith in chat :p
noSmokeFire: @RandomTrivia wide donkey
Mangledpixel: noSmokeFire I have just had a cursed thought: it is highly likely that at least one person has attempted to make an earwax candle like Shrek does near the beginning of the movie
RandomTrivia: @beowuuf I have lots of faith in Chat, just more faith in Az
TXC2: it worked!
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
CAKHost: It worked! \o/
beowuuf: never had a doubt!
SymphonicLolita: FBtouchdown
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
mrMorphius: badchoAAA
LordZarano: It's nice to be wanted...
Piratical_tendancies: lrrBartleby
QuixoticScrivener: beej just said counterfit magic cards!
Metric_Furlong: we aren't, but we're also not *not* advocating that Kappa
ThorSokar: they're not advocating it, but I will! HahaThisisfine
TXC2: Beej is great
ThorSokar: Beej is gone, time to get the REAL coke out!
RandomTrivia: !lovebeej
LRRbot: Chat loves Beej and I love Beej lrrBEEEJ
TXC2: he's such a lovely, wonderful person
Mangledpixel: "don't rebel against anything I wouldn't rebel against!"
Asimech: @Mangledpixel I know there are people who tried to make a candle out of, IIRC, old solidified cooking oil. Johnny Wander webcomic has an old strip about it.
RandomTrivia: Perfection
MrQBear: @ThorSokar Time for a trip to the steel mill?
MrSarkhan: Perfect
Mangledpixel: Asimech oh my, that must smell awful
bytecaster: We are rebelling against the man, the man in this case being Beej.
Asimech: @Mangledpixel IIRC that's what they found out as well.
TXC2: all life is is wetting the drys and drying the wets
Mai_Andra: smock smock smock smock
wedge_x: smock smock smock
Asimech: @Asimech Apparently not. The strip is Johnny Wander "nearly burning down the apartment part fifty jillion" and they used bacon fat specifically.
TXC2: "is this glass bulletproof?" "no sir!" (LOTS of gunfire)
noSmokeFire: shrek dissolving into ink is. jarring.
Featherweight_: Beej has to have a dust baths like a chinchilla
TXC2: they add the smell to methane
Bruceski: The smell of "natural gas" is artifically added
Didero: Indiana Jones is just THAT well trained and skilled
blip2004: if its h2s you die from the first breath
ghizmou: I learned that from king of the hill
noSmokeFire: the ancient people also add smell to their gas
TXC2: I learned it from Avatar: the last airbender :p
RandomTrivia: You know that feeling when you see a shot, take it, and then wonder if you should have taken it?
RandomTrivia: Anyway, have this
bytecaster: Dunk that dog!
Didero: Right, time for bed. Thanks for a fun and educational stream!
Mangledpixel: !findquote dog
LRRbot: Quote #4218: "Why would I ever be a human? Dogs are infinitely better." —Ben [2017-05-24]
beowuuf: dunk the dog! don't dunk the dog!
TXC2: RandomTrivia beautiful
TXC2: so long Didero sleep well
beowuuf: night didero!
Didero: thank
iris_of_ether: Amazing
bytecaster: We lost Shrek :O
TXC2: Shrek has gone to the VOID
Mangledpixel: what hath thou wrought?!
beowuuf: what have your careless hands wrought, cori?
iris_of_ether: benginO7
mrMorphius: Hidden Shrek plate. If you believe enough he appears
bytecaster: "Accentuate the Shrek" so many good words this stream.
Boopity: I'm not sure if I want you to accentuate the shrek
beowuuf: shrek for one
Metric_Furlong: @mrMorphius Crouching Tiger, Hidden Shrek Plate
beowuuf: we wish the shrek plate was hidden
Juliamon: this is not a plate of honor
TXC2: accentuate the Shrek-a-tive, eliminate the far-quad-a-tive
ThorSokar: chambo2Notes Angel has lead an interesting life
RandomTrivia: Juniper nooo!
bytecaster: All my dogs, gone
noSmokeFire: the coke might get sticky
TXC2: the acid stack overflows into being bad
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
SymphonicLolita: quiet....
TXC2: aww, no bees
Invitare: I don't beelieve this
Boopity: Taken aback by the lack of bees and posture checks
RandomTrivia: No live bees, not even some prerecorded bees
Juliamon: please imagine bees
Boopity: Like my brain actually reflexively went "something is wrong" LUL
Juliamon: water is a bipolar molecule
CAKHost: We are this far into the stream and my brain is now going "is no one going to bring up 'x points of acid damage?' D:" but then realized that is probably an old joke to reference
RandomTrivia: !cori
RandomTrivia: Oh wait, it was on Molly's
bytecaster: I am now listening to bees, all is right in the world again.
beowuuf: escher3BUZZ escher3ANGRY escher3BUZZ
RandomTrivia: benginBees benginBees benginBees
beowuuf: water is dangerous in large quantities
Juliamon: it's a solid. it's a liquid. it's a gas.
beowuuf: it goes with the flow
beowuuf: so, that highlander match is still going, huh? Kappa did wheeler get his doordash :p
beowuuf: wb!
TXC2: and we're back
beowuuf: wait, bees hasn't stopped
warkr0: i feel like we need live bees on the DB rdp playlist
beowuuf: i forgot it was local bees
Boopity: @beowuuf The bees will never stop
beowuuf: o7 all hail the bees escher3BUZZ
Earthenone: i see coke on the screen so i have to ask, is pepsi ok?
SymphonicLolita: teeth????
beowuuf: NO!
mrMorphius: Mage the drys wet
bytecaster: Wet the dog
TXC2: Coriander "corner cutter" Dickison
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Learn... from mistakes? I don't understand.
bytecaster: Oooh, the dog returns
SymphonicLolita: bees
iris_of_ether: Bees
ThorSokar: Cocaine
RandomTrivia: Live bees
bytecaster: Chat has bees on the mind
CAKHost: Donut butt?
mrMorphius: PrideLaugh
warkr0: live bees
bytecaster: Shorse?
ThorSokar: wait, Cocaine Bees! combo platter!
beowuuf: bee centaur
LordZarano: escher3BEE j
Boopity: LUL
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
bytecaster: I can admit when I'm wrong, I just won't
Featherweight_: first you draw the buzz then the rest of the bee. simple
TXC2: I can admit when I'm wrong, I just never am Kappa
iris_of_ether: unarmeTried
RandomTrivia: oh no
bytecaster: But we always go for horrifying here, right?
Cptasparagus: you could make a bee vtuber rig.... beetuber
beowuuf: we could never know ahead of time. ompossible to know
ThorSokar: Do i need to go outside and take a picture of a Bee for Cori?
SymphonicLolita: welp
bytecaster: The H in CDHC is for horrifying right?
Juliamon: jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo
iris_of_ether: BEEJ
RandomTrivia: jlrrNo
RandomTrivia: Beej pls
TXC2: bytecaster but we very much CAN draw horrifying :p
blue_lotus_designs: Least the weather spot isn't a funny color / smell
bytecaster: @TXC2 Exactly, Can Draw Horrifying Club!
bytecaster: Some moist reserved list cards.
beowuuf: passive voice best voice
TXC2: a massacre if you will
beowuuf: no one will ever try to unlock it
Asimech: Have they ever drawn horrifying clubs in CDHC?
RandomTrivia: Amazing
TXC2: fun story, the people who for intelligence groups are operatives, not agents
bytecaster: Mean Girls: The Ride: The Movie: The Game
TXC2: Mean girls: the ride = just a high school ?
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
bytecaster: So it wasn't intentional
beowuuf: LMFAO beej
TXC2: Beej channelling his inner Derrick
Featherweight_: you stabbed yourselves on a bee
EvilBadman: You sure it wasn't a Bee Sharp
Boopity: @EvilBadman Booooo (applause)
RandomTrivia: @EvilBadman seabatClap
SymphonicLolita: booooo
Asimech: Obviously it _was_, but ended flat.
bytecaster: "Dog print"
RandomTrivia: Welp
RandomTrivia: That's some cool abstract thing
warkr0: modernist art!
SymphonicLolita: Art™
CAKHost: I see spots! :D
TXC2: we can sell it for thousands!
RandomTrivia: "It's about what a dog *IS*"
warkr0: long shrek! long shrek!
bytecaster: How about wide shrek instead?
TXC2: the goose moose centaur
Asimech: How about compromise and go for long bee?
Asimech: Which I suppose is usually called a wasp.
RandomTrivia: Asimech I think that's what Cori has done, accidentally
mrMorphius: Starfish Shrek, but the mouth side
TXC2: yay beej
Xed_Regulus: HAND
bytecaster: Good call
CAKHost: \o/
beowuuf: seabatClap lrrBEEEJ
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Make the bones touch
RandomTrivia: What a good angle
GapFiller: !badadvice
LRRbot: Submit.
ThorSokar: How about you show us how to draw the rest of the OWL?!
warkr0: turkey hand!
RandomTrivia: ART
LordZarano: What about Donkey?
warkr0: yes, we are in kindergarten
CAKHost: Hi File 13!
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
warkr0: have you met chat?
Boopity: "It's always been that way"
Asimech: @RandomTrivia I believe that's more of a "long bumblebee".
warkr0: don't edge your bee, chat
mrMorphius: Newf Oil, imported from Eastern Canada?
CAKHost: Shiny side? Spicy!
Featherweight_: i bet the studio smells amazing
SymphonicLolita: wet the drys to dry the wets, then wet the drys again
RandomTrivia: Oh do we get to "lucky 10,000" Angel today?
beowuuf: hooray hooray for the spinster's sister's daughter?
blip2004: SabaPing lrrGARBO lrrARROWS Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4
bytecaster: I'm learning so much
iris_of_ether: Same with mini painting!
SymphonicLolita: nods sagely
RandomTrivia: And finally the cheese, where you *dust* the wets
NorthstarTex: and then you dust the wets
Juliamon: [Angel disliked that.]
ThorSokar: and then you reevaluate your life because you just made pasta from scratch for 4 hours when you could have bought the most epensive box of pasta for $4
CAKHost: I think putting sauce on cooked noodles is wetting the wet? Rewettening???
mrMorphius: Wetception
Asimech: @Juliamon [Angel will remember this. Despite her best efforts.]
warkr0: i would simply Leave
bytecaster: Awww, bee in a little harness, cute
NorthstarTex: wait animal crossing isn't real!?
Boopity: Are we implying that a large bee would in fact be _less_ of a threat than regular bees?
SymphonicLolita: BIG CHALLENGES
bytecaster: Aggretsuko eats guitars?
mrMorphius: Hello Kitty showing up in Horse Club: Sanri-OHNO
Boopity: @bytecaster She would be great friends with Abigail from Stardew Valley
TXC2 stares in alkaline
iris_of_ether: *sizzle*
RandomTrivia: Was that an "Ahh, my hand!"
bytecaster: In my experience bees don't enjoy being submerged in cola.
bytecaster: They always think they would and then they see the folly of their ways.
CAKHost: I mean, when I think about ACNL, my town is a few seconds away from an island that is perceptually in summer. So AC being fiction isn't that hard :P
warkr0: booooooooooo
RandomTrivia: A valiant effort, Chat
ThorSokar: dangit, we almost had her!
Asimech: According to Wikipedia 100 mg is estimated to be too much acid, based on LD50.
QuixoticScrivener: oh no
bytecaster: We can get Wheeler to dub it in later.
TXC2: "oh bother"
warkr0: oh that was a sound
Asimech: Though of course even 1mg of acid seems like it would lead to an awful trip.
warkr0: "Bee Happy?"
bytecaster: Wide, wide beeeeee
Boopity: You mean a bumblebee?
Jturbobanana: Would you Bee my neighbor?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Look, somebody has to sting all the shamrocks to death.
beowuuf: fat-bee-lous
blip2004: Chub-Bee
beowuuf: sergeJustRight
ThorSokar: Bee Mine - Drink Responsibly
TXC2: only this year have i learned that St Patrick was from Britain, and not from Ireland originally
warkr0: cory looking at chat, expecting something funny: :|
RandomTrivia: YESSSS
beowuuf: terbeenator
SymphonicLolita: Beesus Has Risen
LordZarano: The LD50 of phosphoric acid is 2600 mg/kg (in rats)
beowuuf: @TXC2 .... the lrrEFF ?
bytecaster: To bee or not to bee.
CAKHost: How soon after bees were named do you suppose people started to make word-play off their name?
beowuuf: r2bee2
ghizmou: April's Fool, I'm actually a wasp
TXC2: beowuuf yeah he was a Catholic priest who went to Ireland to convert people
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Mother's Day was the 10th, Beej...
beowuuf: @TXC2 with his green beer?
warkr0: can it just say BEEj
Jturbobanana: It's bee. Hi. I'm the problem, it's bee.
bytecaster: Remember to wet your bees
TXC2: beowuuf more with his killing for pagan druids :p
TXC2: *of
bytecaster: The new method might not etch the bee enough
SymphonicLolita: task failing successfully
beowuuf: @TXC2 not through alcohol poisoning i assume :p
dweebert91: I see a horse
TXC2: beowuuf probably not, but who knows
beowuuf: @dweebert91 we're allowed to etch them, if so
bytecaster: Waiting for the bee
beowuuf: the dan't draw horses club story
warkr0: i think the real lesson we've learned is " it only gets worse"
beowuuf: *can't
RandomTrivia: We might BEE here a while
TXC2: "and I still, haven't found, the bee i've drawn"
bytecaster: We bee'd to deeply and too greedily.
Boopity: Beeless :(
beowuuf: we're alone in a beeless land
beowuuf: @TXC2 sergeJustRight
Juliamon: I think what we've actually learned is that the Sharpie is the superior protectant
mrMorphius: So today we're making magic eye photography
beowuuf: i mean you tried, and that's the main thing. You get a bee minus
RandomTrivia: Welp
warkr0: pretty pretty good
beowuuf: oooh. aaaah, sooooo cool!
TXC2: new paper towel for new coke
RandomTrivia: oh dear
bytecaster: In any case, this is a great stream!
warkr0: maybe the real art was the stream we made along the way
beowuuf: was their name corio but they were pretending to be angel?
beowuuf: *cori
ThorSokar: it could have been me, but I don't remember saying that
TXC2: it's lost it's cokey goddness
ScrapyardGhostTrain: That is how chemical reactions work.
bytecaster: "Second-hand coke" is a terrible thought.
Asimech: "I want to exist. Help me bee!"
ScrapyardGhostTrain: @bytecaster I hate it.
warkr0: i feel like step 1 is wash hands
beowuuf: bedbee bathbee and beyondbee are now the names or three of my npcs
RandomTrivia: lrrWOW
beowuuf: (i had a bedby moneymarsh once)
warkr0: "beej is here i guess" beej is always here
TXC2: Beej is extant
ghizmou: get the mic closer to the cola
warkr0: like at least 7 seconds
CAKHost: The sound of art
bytecaster: Just dunk a mike in the coke, what could go wrong
NorthstarTex: need more cola ASMR
mrMorphius: Extra etched
MrQBear: @bytecaster is that how you get sweet sweet music?
RandomTrivia: We are enjoying your contribution, Beej
warkr0: And you're enjoying the end product too, right? beej?
bytecaster: "The incident"
Boopity: Oh my god, I forgot about that
iris_of_ether: Oh that's just true to Horse Club brand
TXC2: the omen
RandomTrivia: That was the secret prologue to Horse Club
MrSarkhan: That was the first stream?
NorthstarTex: it was a portent for what was to come
TXC2: MrSarkhan sure was
Boopity: It set the mood for the rest of CDHC
warkr0: BEEn successful
beowuuf: great stream
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Professional = being paid, Beej. Says nothing about quality.
beowuuf: beej done good
MrQBear: You always make art, you might not make what you intended, but art always happens!
Asimech: I'm not sure anyone's professionalism survives contact with CDHC.
TXC2: catch these biblically accurate hands!
MrQBear: asimech i originally read that as CDC and got very confused
TXC2: !wiki
LRRbot: The Loading Ready Run Wiki can be found here:
ladyjessica: squeak
ghizmou: that's more people willing to go on your show than JLo
RandomTrivia: sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak sergeSqueak
ThorSokar: Is the alternate version of that question "How many people would agree to be on this show"?
bytecaster: "Squeak" - CDHC 2024
ghizmou: half elbow half canola
TXC2: so not counting lRR people, 19 different guests have been on CDHC by my count
bytecaster: I feel like that screen would be used more for comedy than actual tech difficulties.
Boopity: LUL
beowuuf: it wasn't really subtle :p
TehAmelie: hello horse friends. hmm something looks different today
beowuuf: sergeHi
TXC2: thing is actual tech difficulties tend to make the stream go down
RandomTrivia: oh no
warkr0: i have a statue of a "big daddy" in my living room too and i dont even know anything about bioshock
CAKHost: It's just the coca. Cori been drinking it all stream
ladyjessica: stream highlights?
Shadowsoflife: and I mean big big
TXC2: !addquote (Angel) [now] I have a Big Daddy in my living room.
LRRbot: New quote #8949: "I have a Big Daddy in my living room." —Angel [2024-03-18]
beowuuf: @TehAmelie yup, we have in studio coke washing and beej. it's been a fun time
bytecaster: You can't stop us
TXC2: yes I can Kappa
warkr0: @TXC2 LUL
iris_of_ether: :D
Boopity: The mods are too powerful
TXC2: I am also having a migrian, so you get quotes you get :p
Juliamon: TXC2 🫂
beowuuf: oh no!
TXC2: Juliamon thanks
warkr0: words you dont want to hear
Juliamon: ooh my sister brought me home some iced milk oolong
NorthstarTex: a lot of quotable phrases coming from today's stream
iris_of_ether: Amazing
Boopity: Yes he does, there was a cH episode on that Kappa
Juliamon: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
ScrapyardGhostTrain: "Does recycling take accumulated art detritus?"
bytecaster: What bin go bee experiments in?
ThorSokar: metal recycling they just melt it, doesn't matter how drty it is
mrMorphius: Upon getting a slippery Coke from the fridge: "this was on horse club, wasn't it?"
warkr0: we are learning this process is quite particular
MrQBear: It sounds like a cool boss title. "Beej, who knows how recycling works"
TehAmelie: the start of the Can't Draw Horses Landfill
SymphonicLolita: try the sharpie again?
TXC2: if I've learned anything from QWERPline, it's that the recycle centre will take anything after long enough Kappa
SymphonicLolita: it seemed to be working at least slightly more successfully
bytecaster: If you leave trash long enough, it become an antique and thus valuable.
warkr0: i like the weird x eye thing
LordZarano: I guess it just wasn't meant to bee
TehAmelie: it's looking kind of cave paintingy. i like it
warkr0: Baron Art?
TXC2: barone ?
warkr0: it kind of looks like a bee
warkr0: oh it does
Juliamon: Artistic bee
bytecaster: Great, a bee corpse
beowuuf: SingsNote (Cyril Connolly)
MrQBear: A Ink Beelot
ladyjessica: Eric the half a bee
warkr0: i kinda like the bee tho
warkr0: Can we just call it "Be"?
iris_of_ether: Challenge mode
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
bytecaster: I should be productive, but I am enjoying the mayhem too much
iris_of_ether: As a warning sign
CAKHost: Kitchen Lithograph speedrun!
beowuuf: not wrong
TehAmelie: "this is a green car"
TXC2: "are we green?" "super green"
beowuuf: !isitgreenyet
LRRbot: I don't know, go check James' home stream at
warkr0: i like the smashed bee
beowuuf: lrrWOW
MrQBear: They look like cool graffiti!
TXC2: the system works....
warkr0: @MrQBear this
bytecaster: Honestly give this a fancy color scheme, and you can market that bee
MrQBear: @warkr0 a cool jet set radio soul graffiti
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
beowuuf: lol
TXC2: right chat I'm off
Boopity: The wheeze to break transition was 👌
Boopity: Good night TXC2!
beowuuf: lrrNELSON escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3BUZZ
MrQBear: Feel better ,TXC2!
beowuuf: night txc2!
TXC2: goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming cori and Angel (and Beej on tech)
TehAmelie: nobody: "how can you make primary colors wrong?" CDHC: "watch me"
beowuuf: hope the migraine abates!
ghyllnox: Oh wow I've never listened to this without the Twitch compression
beowuuf: bees!
LoadingReadyRun: Sorry there's no music. I can't find the widget.
Juliamon: It's fine, we have our own tunes
LoadingReadyRun: I recommend humming your favourite BGC music.
beowuuf: it's ok. molly's soundcloud provides :)
beowuuf: it's a great blast from the past of all the zeta tunes she did
bytecaster: Everybody provides their own bees
TehAmelie: do do dodo do♫
GapFiller: nalvThink bees or Beej
beowuuf: lrrNELSON escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
TehAmelie: wait, humming doesn't work in chat
warkr0: @LoadingReadyRun on it!
ShaneLeeAtk humming
Boopity: Bees delivered straight to your home through the cloud
Coloneljesus: hello customer service. I seem to have received wasps instead of bees. help.
GapFiller: Boopity thought those were weefees
Boopity: @GapFiller LUL
beowuuf: wb!
TehAmelie: hi again!
warkr0: we're lithoging the kitchen
bytecaster: What did the kitchen do to warrant lithographing it?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Lithobraked into the floor.
iris_of_ether: Uh
RandomTrivia: Beej no
Juliamon: !addquote (Beej) [now] They don't quote me anymore. They've given up.
LRRbot: New quote #8950: "They don't quote me anymore. They've given up." —Beej [2024-03-18]
bytecaster: Very good!
Invitare: who's is?
TehAmelie: i often think about this time when a sticky tape factory had an accident that created a forcefield of static electricity so powerful people couldn't walk through it
beowuuf: !quote 8948
LRRbot: Quote #8948: "No one has skin like you, Beej!" —Cori [2024-03-18]
beowuuf: sergeJustRight juliamon
beowuuf: @TehAmelie O.O
bytecaster: Stinky green?
warkr0: well its gonna be red at the end of this
Coloneljesus: holes are what makes cheese stinky
warkr0: i vote no
bytecaster: Make that green smell!
bl43berry subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bl43berry! (Today's storm count: 8)
SymphonicLolita: shrek ears
warkr0: shrek ears!
RandomTrivia: "What does it smell like?" "Green."
10of9: dew it
bytecaster: It's the brand
warkr0: one on each
bytecaster: Shrermit
SnackPak_: so many choices
beowuuf: cori is kermitting a crime
iris_of_ether: There's the Kermit pictures I sent you yesterday Cori
beowuuf: oh no
SymphonicLolita: kermit -with- shrek ears?
bytecaster: It is not easy being green.
TehAmelie: the opposite of an E. . .
SymphonicLolita: FBtouchdown
SymphonicLolita: I love art
bytecaster: Shrermit, OC don't steal
warkr0: time for edging!
bytecaster: I'm not sure that was to our benefit actually
RandomTrivia: @iris_of_ether Oh I absolutely did not need that in my eyes, good job
ThorSokar: well, it's not easy being green, or so I hear
beowuuf: @iris_of_ether "benefit"
bytecaster: Miss Donkey
iris_of_ether: My spouse sent it to me after Long Shrek!
beowuuf: oh god that last kermit row is all kinds of cursed
ThorSokar: HAHAHA
beowuuf: BEEJ!
ThorSokar: here I was picturing a veiny muppet, how far off I was
TehAmelie: it probaably has hours of burn left
bytecaster: Clear liquid turns into clear liquid
ThorSokar: "New Coke" - So bad everyone forgot how old coke tasted, so we can replace sugar with corn syrup!
bytecaster: And then you dry it and you get "White Powder (TM)"
bytecaster: It still managed to capture it's long beauty
ghyllnox: I don't know if you'd even notice the smell when the vegetable oil goes rancid
TehAmelie: you'll make them both right handed!
warkr0: correct camera
RandomTrivia: Correct transform, wrong source :D
warkr0: it flipped cori and amethyst
ThorSokar: haha
Boopity: They're hanging upside down!
warkr0: horray!
Boopity: Awwww yeahhh
iris_of_ether: There it is
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
ThorSokar: FBtouchdown
warkr0: i am now disoriented
warkr0: covered in grink?
TehAmelie: i wonder if there's a printing factory or something somewhere that has an ink sink
RandomTrivia: Uh oh
SquareDotCube: 300 q-tips later...
ThorSokar: "Can't Draw Horses Club" - "That's a mess" - "No, that's CONTENT"
bytecaster: Apropos of nothing, but is Crossing the Streams happening in the office today?
TehAmelie: this tarp is aquiring some character. that's making good use of the tarp budget, right?
ThorSokar: yes, CLEARLY that's what's been going wrong
ritchards: !show
ritchards: !show override off
ritchards: !show
bytecaster: Hi Cori
Boopity: Hi Cori, we are people
beowuuf: speak for yourself :p
Redbassist: Chat is people?
bytecaster: If you don't use the tarp budget, next year it get smaller.
ThorSokar: Don't tell heather!
Asimech: @Redbassist Alledgedly.
Redbassist: Big if true
Boopity: On official documents we are, yes Kappa
bytecaster: Maybe we should have a poll to decide whether chat is people
BusTed: 2020Shhh
HyruleGirl9: amongus??
RandomTrivia: Welp
warkr0: GLEEN
SnackPak_: yeah, that e is sus
beowuuf: oooh aaaaah
Boopity: GLEEN
iris_of_ether: GLEEN
beowuuf: soooo cool!
NorthstarTex: gleen?
ThorSokar: I'll give it a GLEEN out of 10
Metric_Furlong: Gleen
GapFiller: GLEEN!>
Shadowsoflife: Gleen
bytecaster: whispers: "gleeeeen"
Boopity: Oh, my gleen!
Redbassist: Good TMBG album
Boopity: *Ow
bytecaster: Boku no Long Shrek
Redbassist: If it's long Shrek, do they have layers like a green onion?
Asimech: @Redbassist I think more like a leek.
beowuuf: lrrHORN
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
Redbassist: FBtouchdown lrrBartleby
Redbassist: @asimech Ah so kinda sandy in-between
Asimech: Blııe.
ThorSokar: *Chicago Bulls Intro Music starts*
iris_of_ether: 🐮
Juliamon: They were the dominant team for a brief period
crowgrammer: Hop on a bandwagon. Everybody's doing it!
dumbo3k: No Fun Allowed!
dumbo3k: oh wait, forgot the comma: No, Fun Allowed!
bytecaster: So what did we learn today, chat?
ThorSokar: When it's time to party we will <blink> PARTY HARD </blink>
TehAmelie: Can't draw horses, can't have fun
warkr0: "its made of japan"
warkr0: i miss gleen :(
Juliamon: We Love Gleen
Featherweight_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 102 months!
Featherweight_: that one's going up on the fridge!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Featherweight_! (Today's storm count: 9)
beowuuf: alum-neigh
ThorSokar: hmmm
niccus: depends on your attitude on fire
ThorSokar: I seem to recall on where an entire shelf fell down
TehAmelie: messing with red paint and backwards text, yet no one's written "redrum". how unexpected
bytecaster: Can't draw horses club: Making it worse
Juliamon: Haven't you though
TheAwkes: Caught red handed.
Redbassist: Caught red handed
Cptasparagus: !card red handed
LRRbot: Did you mean: Caught Red-Handed; Hundred-Handed One
TehAmelie: who wants to see my newest eye crimes .jpg
Cptasparagus: !card caught red-handed
LRRbot: Caught Red-Handed [4R] | Instant | This spell can't be countered. / Gain control of target creature until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn. Suspect it.
Redbassist: Sus
bytecaster: Is this the time to dry your wets?
warkr0: : |
warkr0: angel out here wetting her dries
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
bytecaster: Not retroactively
Redbassist: Noot noot
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW
TehAmelie: flowers and bees, it's like spring in my computer
iris_of_ether: :D
beowuuf: oh no, challenge mode
warkr0: jokes on you, this is what we're in to
HyruleGirl9: sus?
ThorSokar: chambo2Notes Angel knows what a murder scene looks like
TehAmelie: RIP the word green
bytecaster: Green has been murdered, there is only Gleen now
TehAmelie: or, the color or the word?
bytecaster: Bodybuilding bonspiel
ThorSokar: chambo2Notes Don't get lippy around Angel
iris_of_ether: Oh no
iris_of_ether: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
ThorSokar: neon green, thong, thong thong thong
SymphonicLolita: please don't turn me neon green D:
warkr0: gleen is back!
bytecaster: Are we now murdering Gleen too?
ThorSokar: Cori doesn't have 24 hours of patience !
bytecaster: Wait, we could have just written the word Green on a piece of paper with sharpie?
Juliamon: Couldn't do the blood blossoms with sharpie tho
warkr0: sucks for them, beej
TehAmelie: we have found the transgressiveness
iris_of_ether: PridePaint
warkr0: i like the colors
ThorSokar: thanks, I hate it, it's perfect
warkr0: now i will say, it feels like the majority of what we can see was not actually from the lithography
Asimech: The real results are the chaos caused along the way.
Redbassist: lrrFINE
beowuuf: lrrFINE
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
bytecaster: Glue exists
Juliamon: I was gonna say blutack, but sure, glue
Redbassist: Rude
beowuuf: thanks angel! thanks cori! thanks beej, tech was good!
bytecaster: This was great! I had a lot of fun!
TehAmelie: thanks for the art crimes!
beowuuf: bye!
unarmedoracle: dang just missed
TehAmelie: noita is finnish for witch if that helps
Asimech: Witch. "Noita" is Finnish for "witch".
ThorSokar: Noita is an actual award winning game, it is VERY good
Juliamon: Changed for the final episode
ScrapyardGhostTrain: @Juliamon Someone also retroactively changed the Google calendar.
TheAinMAP: Good bye.
iris_of_ether: :D
beowuuf: byeeeeeeee!
SnackPak_: perfect out
beowuuf: !lovebeej
LRRbot: Chat loves Beej and I love Beej lrrBEEJ
Boopity: Top tier outro
niccus: so is my lithography supposed to look like lithobraking
Redbassist: That's a good clip right there
wedge_x: ~ my finger / is on the button ~
Redbassist: Push the button
Juliamon: LOUD
beowuuf: windows noise!
Redbassist: Windows!
Its_VeeBot: *windows noise*
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT
Redbassist: lrrBEEJ
TheAinMAP: Another button was pushed?