TXC2: title change!
SergeYager: indeed
joallthedogs: sergeHi
TXC2: morning Serge and Jo
SergeYager: howdy
LordZarano: lrrSIG
jessieimproved: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
joallthedogs: morning!
SergeYager: i go live 5min early
SergeYager: no rules
jessieimproved: Good morning! sergeHi lrrSHINE
James_the_Dabbler: Somebody stop him! He’s gone off the script!
TXC2: Chaotic neutral Serge strikes again
joallthedogs: No rules when the sun is barely up.
Chronomagistrate: Good morrow all lrrSHINE
Scarbble: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh one more?
SergeYager: LRR can't get mad at me if they're not awake to see it
Chronomagistrate subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chronomagistrate! (Today's storm count: 3)
James_the_Dabbler: I hope this isn’t the last One More with Serge, because I’ve had a great time :)
jessicaengle: LRR's asleep, post memes in chat!
SergeYager: ^^
James_the_Dabbler: Gunner has those
theghostwiththemost subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
theghostwiththemost: Button again fun times
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theghostwiththemost! (Today's storm count: 4)
jessicaengle: jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3
Didero: Good afternoon!
TXC2: hello Didero welcome
tobcus3114: Good afternoon folks
theghostwiththemost: Good morning
TXC2: hello tobcus3114 and theghostwiththemost welcome
TXC2: Here we GO!
GhostValv: oh hi
TehAmelie: yaay
Mischievous_Catgeist: meowdy everyone
jessicaengle: lrrCrab
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
NewtyNewts: Ooh, just in time
stizzet: Hi friends
TXC2: a little one on 200
TehAmelie: so glad i get to pause my live action Avatar watching for this
TXC2: hello stizzet welcome
jessicaengle: Yay!
firehawkzoa: Yay
ImplicitRobin17: Hooray!
TXC2: cool guy LRR
jessicaengle: <3 Yay LRR <3
joallthedogs: sergeHeart
James_the_Dabbler: LRR is awesome
Anubis169: <3
Scarbble: legit have loved solo serge stream
jessicaengle: Thanks Alberta Chair, you've been great jlrrPongchamp
joallthedogs: tqsClap
Mischievous_Catgeist: GlitchCat sergeGG sergeHeart lrrSHINE
Anubis169: No YOU
TehAmelie: idea: One More with a copilot, or One More Plus One
LordZarano: escher3FOX
winstonsdog: One More is one of my favorite of the LRR shows.
Mischievous_Catgeist: goodbye background wayne
Anubis169: Wheeeeeeeee!
Didero: @TehAmelie Plus One More?
James_the_Dabbler: This time we’re gonna win
TXC2: noita? no, it a
winstonsdog: The Serge one!
Anubis169: beta branch? oh this is gonna be good
NewtyNewts: Curse you for introducing how fun this game is Serge!
Anubis169: checked it out recently
TheMerricat: So just floating an idea here.. but if you do decide to and are able to continue this stream, rename it with a Rogue-like title....
Anubis169: 6:30 in the AM but technically not any earlier
stizzet: 6:30 am would make it a lot of time with no math
joallthedogs: Most/Least
Mischievous_Catgeist: thats noita
TXC2: 6:30 AM is a time people should barely be awake, let alone streaming :p
Anubis169: exactly TXC2
LordZarano: Are you looking forward to vacuuming the office when you get back?
Mischievous_Catgeist: introduced it to my husband the first time i saw it on your home stream and he hated me for it XD
James_the_Dabbler: Here I am getting up at 6:00 AM for work
r10pez10: huh i just got home and serge is making god wands again
Didero: Nothing bad has ever come from repeatedly kicking a large barrel with a skull on it
Anubis169: r10pez10 <3
TXC2: hi r10pez10
James_the_Dabbler: granted I hide under the covers for an hour to fight my regular post-sleep migraine, but I’m awake!
Scarbble: it's mostly water
r10pez10: sup sup
James_the_Dabbler: *headache, not migraine
NERVOUSHAIR: yes. yes good.
Cunobelenos: sergeHi Morning! Let's see how many fun ways Noita can kill us today.
TehAmelie: oh right, explosions can put out fire. like in real physics
Didero: 74%
r10pez10: kicking stuff is fun
Didero: Also most numbers on the internet are made up
Didero: Both?
NewtyNewts: Well, the human body is like, 70% water right?
TheMerricat: "Blood is about 80–90% water, and the watery fluid portion is made up of 90% water. Blood is made up of about 55% blood plasma , which is a light yellow, slightly cloudy liquid, and about 45% different types of blood cells . The remaining 20% of blood is solid. "
TXC2: James_the_Dabbler I was gonna say, I had a migraine last night, the idea of getting them on reg is non bueno :p
Mischievous_Catgeist: internet says 90%
NERVOUSHAIR: im 15 horses
Scarbble: 92% water by volume per wikipedia
r10pez10: the previous noita vod was fun watching btw
Mischievous_Catgeist: im at a medical office i can ask the nurse when she comes back XD
joallthedogs: @James_the_Dabbler that sounds not fun sergeHeart have you tried different pillows out, or is it unrealted?
James_the_Dabbler: I still get them regularly just not from sleeping @txc2. Mostly from eye strain
TXC2: wikipedia knows whatever we tell it to know
NERVOUSHAIR: noita is a fun game to watch
r10pez10: definitely learned that i am not using spell wand programming as well as i should
TehAmelie: it's hard to measure exactly how much water a body contains, or how many cells or how many bacteria
James_the_Dabbler: I’ve tried a few pillows over the years @joallthedogs. I think my body just hates me
Didero: I really liked them starting out with asking "how spoilery can we be?"
NERVOUSHAIR: the noita comunity is super chill
LordZarano: @Scarbble 55% of blood is 92% water is what that says
TXC2: James_the_Dabbler ooof, well I you can get that shorted out
James_the_Dabbler: This one is the least bad which is such a low bar
Scarbble: yeah i read it too quick, my b
stizzet: That's awesome, bc some of those big communities can be toxic.
TheMerricat: Turns out there are some gaming adjacent communities out there other than LRR that aren't jerks too!
NewtyNewts: You're still using wand 1
NERVOUSHAIR: the community entirely acknowledged the game is suffering
James_the_Dabbler: What is that pretty glittery stuff?
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Tuesday, LRR-friends!!! lrrSERGE sergeFriend
TXC2: hello Xed_Regulus welcome
NERVOUSHAIR: one of the bigger streamers is currently on a 17 nightmare run streak
TehAmelie: is this the streamer luck?
r10pez10: it's the serge never punished
therayje: Good morning!
TehAmelie: i've found like three hearts ever
TXC2: hello therayje welcome
Diabore: so you coming around on noita i guess?
joallthedogs: they just wanted to take a little dip
TehAmelie: who doesn't love oil fires
TXC2: pixel fire!
r10pez10: i love any arrow wand
NewtyNewts: I've loved using the metal blade wand. It kills me a lot, but it's satisfying
r10pez10: oh yeah
r10pez10: i'm also a fan of sawblades for that reason
GirlPainting: goth morning
TXC2: hello GirlPainting welcome
GirlPainting: hi TXC2
TehAmelie: more wands than you can shake a magic stick at
r10pez10: i hope you keep up the One More? torch when you move back, these streams have been great
James_the_Dabbler: layers are good for digging!
GirlPainting: Serge, are you still outsourced, or finaly back in victoria?
Gadora: @r10pez10 Agreed. It's been a good time.
TXC2: I missed it last week, what does shuffle do?
James_the_Dabbler: *lazered
r10pez10: lmao
NewtyNewts: And look at that cast delay
TheMerricat: @TXC2 Picks randomly the next spell to cast
TXC2: TheMerricat I see, thanks
TXC2: GirlPainting he's coming back next week
r10pez10: ah, the lag perk
Dauming: @TXC2 no shuffle on a wand makes it go 1-2-3-4 slots. shuffle randomizes that number pattern
Dauming: kind of like a card deck
GirlPainting: TXC2 oh thats great :)
TXC2: Dauming ok, thanks
r10pez10: we found serge's greed line: when it affects performance
NewtyNewts: @Dauming So... the spells could be a card deck, hmmm... Is This Your Card candidate?
yalc321: who Else is in Eepy gang this morning?
joallthedogs: sergeHi
TheMerricat: "James Bond role formally offered to Aaron Taylor-Johnson" - just scrolled onto my phone....
TXC2: hello yalc321 I also eepy, even though it's 13:45 here :p
Dauming: i see a lot of end game builders refer to the wand building system as a card deck because of how discarding works and stuff.
yalc321: @joallthedogs sergeThankJo
r10pez10: bubble run
NERVOUSHAIR: i rember when serge was like "is this spell good?" look at him now!
TehAmelie: i'd take the one with 50 slots just to see where it can go
NewtyNewts: 0.02 cast delay looks great to me
TheMerricat: You know a mod I'd love to see implemented in this game? When you visit these shrines there's a vendor you can sell your trash spells and wands to. :D
Dauming: @TheMerricat there is one
GirlPainting: math is for blockers
Foxdarts: to early for math confirmed
NERVOUSHAIR: @TheMerricat in normal game you can do that with pheromone potion
GirlPainting: its 14:46 here...still to early for math
flowerseses: I am currently doing some vector math as I watch this and it's v enjoyable (but it's 3pm for me)
NERVOUSHAIR: someone told me something that deeply annoyed me about this game. the wands are just magic the gather
NERVOUSHAIR: thering the spells are cards
James_the_Dabbler: I think light is better on projectiles. Like saw blades lrrBEEJ
GirlPainting: "no math before my first coffee!"...."but you don´t drink coffee?"..."Exactly!"
Didero: Maybe it's a Medusa thing and it turns enemies to stone?
TheMerricat: And I just subbed to another mod for this game. :D Thanks @Dauming :D
Gadora: Ooh... That one's a big one that I vaguely remember.
Dauming: it can dig, slightly. it also does damage.
TXC2: "where is math anyhow? his sums are getting all cold and solved"
Dauming: its used for secrets, primarily
r10pez10: the eye rocks
glyndev: It looks good
Gadora: I think it's also a slow digger, but I'm not sure.
NERVOUSHAIR: can also be used as an early game trick to get amazing wands
r10pez10: the eye deals damage and burns a lot of powders
Dauming: dnkLurk idk how spoilery you want my answer to be about the eyeball
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
flowerseses: heeey, why's the screen shaking?
NewtyNewts: Party goblin in the hooouuuu-use tonight
Dauming: @flowerseses worms PogChamp
NewtyNewts: Whoa, 500 charge speed though
joallthedogs: sneaky rats
Dauming: is the 2 slot wand good enough to use drill and bolt on?
TXC2: !findquote rats
LRRbot: Quote #1195: "Those rats keep coming into our kitchen and drinking our beer." —Heather [2015-11-28]
ThirdFloorDraft: but has homing
r10pez10: i love when i think i'm done and then i get stuck on a pixel
ThirdFloorDraft: gas
Dauming: chunk generation
TheMerricat: That was a solid wall of gas. :D
TehAmelie: gas behaves as a solid until disturbed, i guess
ThirdFloorDraft: yeah, it was gas on a chunk border
Dauming: just noita things
TXC2: and I thought Minecraft had odd fluid physics :p
Dauming: immune robot monkaS
joallthedogs: good thing the blood put out your fire
r10pez10: my risk/reward compass is shaking wildly
Didero: Simply shoot the mistakes until they're not mistakes anymore
Dauming: monkaS
SmilingWorlock subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
SmilingWorlock: Dont get noited
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SmilingWorlock! (Today's storm count: 5)
heinuz666: some noita for you
NewtyNewts: Just a few tiny grave errors
James_the_Dabbler: lrrSPOOP
r10pez10: we're here with you, to watch you survive
Dauming: 24 hp and a dream monkaS
TehAmelie: don't like being trapped underwater? have you tried being trapped on fire
NewtyNewts: Ooh, teleporter trapped
joallthedogs: sergeHubris sergeHubris
heinuz666: LUL
Cunobelenos: Noita!
ThirdFloorDraft: noita'd pretty hard there
TXC2: first one is a warmup, it doesn't count
SmilingWorlock: You did get noited
Didero: why'd you do that
Dauming: thats a noita moment monkaS
r10pez10: i like the part where he said "it's noita time"
SmilingWorlock: I specifically asked you not to
James_the_Dabbler: Well well well if it isn’t the consequences of someone else’s actuons
James_the_Dabbler: *actions
TXC2: r10pez10 and then noitad all over everything
NewtyNewts: Why is snow even a potion?
brieandbacon: Are we winning?
TXC2: we have a shotgun wand
TehAmelie: there's often water to the left of the start, isn't it? could just be in the beta
James_the_Dabbler: The fact that Serge’s dad has never come in and said “Are ya winning son” is just peak missed meme potential
TXC2: a shotwand ?
r10pez10: it took me way too long to realise that the wands in this game are just guns
TXC2: James_the_Dabbler I presume Serge's dad is smart and asleep right now :p
r10pez10: but sometimes the bullets are black holes
r10pez10: i think you can also throw the broken wand
TXC2: I feel like that could work in a D&D setting, there are no guns, but magic wands fill that niche
Didero: I like how, instead of generating all the platforms at jumping distances, they just gave you a jetpack
joallthedogs: wow
NewtyNewts: Ooh, trap
Cunobelenos: FBtouchdown
TehAmelie: that's a lot of acid
joallthedogs: tqsClap
TXC2 has sonic 3 flashbacks
r10pez10: how did you escape
r10pez10: serge
joallthedogs: barely
TXC2: serge has skills
shurtal: but i thought you didn't game this early?
A_Real_Travesty: What determines if a wand has limited uses? Is that specific to bombs?
James_the_Dabbler: It’s the kind of spell yeah
r10pez10: yeah some spells just have limited uses
brieandbacon: Those were pools of jam on the floor there, right?
A_Real_Travesty: Ahh
r10pez10: yes ... jam
TXC2: brieandbacon sure why not
atinyspacemarine: Hello chat
TXC2: hello atinyspacemarine welcome
TehAmelie: are those skulls packed with gunpowder?
r10pez10: that fire skull is, yeah
QuixoticScrivener: water, its unnecessary
r10pez10: polymorphine?
Didero: Is the broken wand good enough to keep carrying it around?
r10pez10: i don't even know what the tablet does
Mathwyn: LUL
A_Real_Travesty: I'm sure that's fine
r10pez10: hahahaha
TXC2: baaaa
TehAmelie: if you got to the very end without ending up polymorphing yourself at the wrong moment, it would be impressive huh
QuixoticScrivener: should have thrown water
PsychoI3oy: baba is you
Mathwyn: So uh, abort having hands
Mathwyn: About*
NewtyNewts: When sheep fly
Didero: Ooh, body upgrade
joallthedogs: wow
Mischievous_Catgeist: unbaaalievable
NewtyNewts: *sheepfly
Didero: Aw
Gadora: That was kind of amazing.
TXC2: sheeply amazing
Mathwyn: I usually game firmly inside my mind
evillittleweirdguy: oooo you're such a pacifist
Mischievous_Catgeist: what have we learned about noita greed?
evillittleweirdguy: are you on beta branch or regular?
TXC2: evillittleweirdguy beta
NewtyNewts: Beta branch
r10pez10: "
NewtyNewts: Lemme guess... bug fixed?
r10pez10: "beta noita" is fun to say over and over
joallthedogs: maybe we should leave sooner
Didero: how does it feel to be part of the 1%
TehAmelie: we're basically Midas
GhostValv: lodsofemone
r10pez10: jo, the voice of reason
Mischievous_Catgeist: !badadvice
LRRbot: Disrespect THE HELM.
NewtyNewts: This is fine
r10pez10: yeah it was
r10pez10: whoops
NewtyNewts: Time to test the mana?
r10pez10: i forget that movie, does a giant tablet land on top of them
GDwarble: @r10pez10 Only metaphorically
TXC2: r10pez10 no, Minni driver kills them Kappa
evillittleweirdguy: I think emerald tablets aren't consistently pacifist - sometimes they don't count as a physics kill. might be something to do with throwing vs kicking?
evillittleweirdguy: 1000 gold is so much for stage 1 though
TXC2: the shorb
joallthedogs: we still have a lot of health until we don't
evillittleweirdguy: K I C K T H E S H O R B
evillittleweirdguy: Kreygasm Kreygasm
NewtyNewts: What else does orb do? I only know of two things
r10pez10: yes please
Mathwyn: What about pondering the orb
r10pez10: greed kicks
evillittleweirdguy: orbs these days only know how to makje gold and explod
Mischievous_Catgeist: on pondering only kicking of orbs
Mischievous_Catgeist: no*
atinyspacemarine: Usually you gotta pay good money to get someone to bully your orb
r10pez10: calling noita "accurate finland" got me bad
TehAmelie: most of what i've seen of Finland is Wasalandia, but it's probably more like this if you get underground
joallthedogs: historically accurate!
evillittleweirdguy: back in my day orbs were for either for pondering or for dark lords to spy on you with
TehAmelie: or both at the same time https://i.imgur.com/8fBTpif.jpg
NewtyNewts: forg
Mischievous_Catgeist: ok the frogs are cute
sir__special: did you beat the game since you started playing again? :D
atinyspacemarine: I don't regret deleting reddit from my phone a few weeks back but I miss wizardposting
ImplicitRobin17: Good morning, Serge! I see that you're in the credits for Road Quest; were you in the camera car and/or an editor? I'm only on episode 2 right now
Angreed66: orbs are multipurpose that is why they are worth pondering
r10pez10: serge down here just razing
NewtyNewts: @ImplicitRobin17 He was one of the producers, doing the along-the-trip decisions and planning
Bionull: That's a really unfortunate height to use the water item from
joallthedogs: sergeJustRight
Mischievous_Catgeist: got to sax it to them
TXC2: ImplicitRobin17 he was in the camera car
evillittleweirdguy: @Angreed66 I do recommend anyone wanting to kick an orb for gold ponder it carefully first in case it explodes
Angreed66: @evillittleweirdguy A short ponder to ensure the foot connects
TXC2: we're the outtie sign and drive sales event
joallthedogs: tqsClap
evillittleweirdguy: Time for the shopping episode
r10pez10: casual 1k
TehAmelie: that is pretty much how they reach the holy mountain in the movie The Holy Mountain
evillittleweirdguy: chain bold :D
evillittleweirdguy: *bolt
kjart: nice perks
FTSLaika: all seeing\
FTSLaika: is prob best
QuixoticScrivener: sector is better than field?
TehAmelie: i vote for the purple one
kjart: 1 eye, 2 field
atinyspacemarine: I always love seeing things
evillittleweirdguy: make sure you pause so you don't get a surprise hiisi climbing up the pipes
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
NewtyNewts: I liked vision the time I got it
r10pez10: sector and field would both accelerate your projectiles too right
evillittleweirdguy: ah yep, there's the pause sound
kjart: @r10pez10 yeah they do
joallthedogs: sergea138Secret sergeChair
evillittleweirdguy: both repulsion perks are really nice for survivability, but all-seeing eye is probably better with how he's playing this run so far
evillittleweirdguy: 1k+ gold on stage 1 is patience I don't have when I play lmao
NewtyNewts: we back
TXC2: and we're back
TXC2: greed apprantly
Angnor33: Go left.
Dalrint: Good morning.
kjart: eye imho
atinyspacemarine: Eye
evillittleweirdguy: they also make healing bolt terrible
FTSLaika: eye\
Angreed66: eye is greed
joallthedogs: eye?
TXC2: hello Dalrint welcome
Alma_v: Eye
NewtyNewts: see everything
Overman27: eye
brieandbacon: Eye
evillittleweirdguy: chain bolt is really nice for cautious exploration
blamemyphone: Eye
TehAmelie: huh, we can already see some neat stuff in the ground
r10pez10: repulsion is funnier
QuixoticScrivener: What if we blow up that thing in the floor?
evillittleweirdguy: chain bolt also hits multiple things and will jump onto nearby enemies
evillittleweirdguy: an extra bomb?
kjart: @evillittleweirdguy yeah I always underrate it, the pseudo homing is nice too
r10pez10: yeah three extra bombs is not bad
NewtyNewts: What about tossing one of the bubbles on the former digging wand for burst
NewtyNewts: No, the former wand, it had limited mana but like... 0.05/0.03
r10pez10: i could go a popsicle
evillittleweirdguy: chain bolt has somewhat limited wallhacks - if the wall is small enough that it can make it in a single jump, it will go through
r10pez10: just like real lightning
kjart: teleport though
evillittleweirdguy: down, I think
evillittleweirdguy: half expected it to be [firebolt, nuke]
r10pez10: it's to balance out the 1k
NewtyNewts: A wand that has One-Shot on it
goggledguy: i seen footage i stay noita
NewtyNewts: That little bit of homing is doing work
TXC2: "here's mine wand, it cast meteor swarm"
r10pez10: not having to aim >>>
r10pez10: (serge did it)
evillittleweirdguy: a casual End of Everything, cast off-screen in a cage match between Steve the Shotgun main and 3 rats
Didero: Why?
NewtyNewts: Just blow it up instead
evillittleweirdguy: That's not an Ukko
Tevildo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tevildo! (Today's storm count: 6)
Didero: Fun
evillittleweirdguy: Kuu, it's a gravity ball
NewtyNewts: Looks like a gravity well
r10pez10: that's no moon
UmbralCore8 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UmbralCore8! (Today's storm count: 7)
NiceMrCaput: orb is a collectable moon
EkstraLangeDruer: you can pick up the orb
r10pez10: eggg
joallthedogs: sergeHubris sergeHubris
NewtyNewts: Perfect plan
evillittleweirdguy: very useful once you get past the tutorial and start on some of the stellar engineering projects in the mid-game
kjart: classic noita
r10pez10: i always facecheck for mimics
r10pez10: real noita moment
TXC2: Serge has great skill at getting into, and out of trouble :p
NiceMrCaput: electrically charged rock launcher?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: this whole stream is appealing monotony interspersed with sheer bloody panic, love it
evillittleweirdguy: Rock is really nice if you find homing
NewtyNewts: What's wand 4 doing right now?
EkstraLangeDruer: What you meant to say is, that orb is too *fun*
NewtyNewts: Greed is the better part of valour, right?
evillittleweirdguy: omg nice
SpoonfullOfSugar: ghost
NewtyNewts: sad gost
r10pez10: this is the run that *started* with the acid trap
evillittleweirdguy: bouncy is ridiculous if you find a lumi drill
NewtyNewts: because it looks funny
GhostValv: RPGGhosto
r10pez10: i like the rats perk a lot for fun reasons
TXC2: it friend
r10pez10: ghost is also fun
EkstraLangeDruer: teleport is mega
Angreed66: niether
brieandbacon: If not friend, why friend shaped?
KilrenKrae: both
kjart: I'd probably reroll too
NewtyNewts: bleehhhhhhd
r10pez10: two ghosts
TehAmelie: healing? by fighting? in this game?
electric_claire: Has there ever been a game where "lose max health but get health steal" is not brokenly good?
SpoonfullOfSugar: ghost friend is sort of a passive
Gen2Gengar: Hello Serge, hello chat! Got juked by the time change and missed the going live notification
evillittleweirdguy: @electric_claire well, it's not *quite* life steal
TXC2: hello Gen2Gengar welcome
r10pez10: it's sort of balanced in this because you have to actually drink the blood
evillittleweirdguy: you do have to consume the blood/corpses of your slain enemies
evillittleweirdguy: and many enemies do not bleed blood - they bleed acid or oil or toxic sludge or polymorphine or teleportatium or [redacted]
electric_claire: That's an interesting balancing mechanic
Quentoxic: So lifesteal, but metal?
NewtyNewts: Funny thing I discovered in the controls menu: the S key is labeled as 'eat'
TehAmelie: so which potion do with turn into blood potion?
Diabeto3241 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months, currently on a 14 month streak!
Diabeto3241: wow thats a lot a years, thanks to everything lrr does, you are all amazing people
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Diabeto3241! (Today's storm count: 8)
SpoonfullOfSugar: but...ghost
evillittleweirdguy: @electric_claire wands are not balanced at all lmao
r10pez10: NewtyNewts i lean down to eat IRL
TXC2: balance is for multi-player games
kjart: what else would you keep in your pool?
r10pez10: scenic death pit
evillittleweirdguy: RNGesus determines whether you die in the mines or live to experience (and become) eldritch horrors beyond our comprehension
DiamondMX subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
DiamondMX: One more...month?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DiamondMX! (Today's storm count: 9)
NewtyNewts: @r10pez10 Off the ground?
r10pez10: i'm a vampire
TehAmelie: you can eat snow, pretty funny
SpoonfullOfSugar: vampirism is just blood, not corpses
evillittleweirdguy: Try shooting/kicking corpses of fleshy creatures
r10pez10: what an evil spot
SpoonfullOfSugar: you can kick some bodies for more blood
TXC2: slow and steady
NewtyNewts: Oh hey, look, a tablet.
TehAmelie: that robot was rich
evillittleweirdguy: yeah stage 3 can be rough without some solid damage or digging, but it usually has a couple of wands with either S tier spells or good enough stats
TehAmelie: press down
TehAmelie: or S
kjart: yeah, can't be swimming, can be a bit tricky
EkstraLangeDruer: You can't drink if you're entirely submerged
TehAmelie: oh yeah you have to stand
Mathwyn: Floor blood cannot be hygenic
TXC2: Delicious, nutritious, not at all suspicious
brieandbacon: So, are we the bad guy?
NewtyNewts: Tablet!
r10pez10: lmao
TehAmelie: tabulated!
QuixoticScrivener: Tablowned?
atinyspacemarine: Not.only do I believe you, I respect you for that
evillittleweirdguy: Ah yes, the pharmacist roleplay noita run
evillittleweirdguy: making sure everyone is taking their tablets
r10pez10: i thought the gun was bleeding
NewtyNewts: Oh, you were just commenting about long-range damage options earlier
r10pez10: oh dear
Mathwyn: The blood is on fire!
stizzet: My favorite part of these type games is I generally have no clue what's going on and I always want to give the troll answers just to see the chaos lol
TehAmelie: can you imagine the smell
Dalrint: Serge. I think you might be bad at throwing tablets...
NewtyNewts: Please, my wallet
evillittleweirdguy: @stizzet even when you do know what's happening it's still sometimes fun to omit some of the key context of the answers
r10pez10: F
TehAmelie: it's the tablets that are wrong
evillittleweirdguy: Adventure!
NewtyNewts: My first run getting this deep I came over here and was very confused
stizzet: @evillittleweirdguy hehe yes. Entertainment is king!
Mathwyn: Yeah serge is great at throwing, he throws all the time!
Thisbymaster: end of the map/
NewtyNewts: You play Minecraft, you know all about down!
TXC2: up is fighting against gravity
Scarbble: up is not for us gamers
r10pez10: i can dig it
NewtyNewts: Just dig down, never fails
evillittleweirdguy: you should absolutely trust the suspicious tunnel, what's the worst that can happen?
Mathwyn: Real gamers not only don't look up, they don't even think about up
evillittleweirdguy: there's probably a corpse in the snow
SpleenLord: Blood tank
TehAmelie: blood and gold, that's how robots work
TXC2: machine blood = WD40
Quentoxic: It was rat-operated
Thisbymaster: shhh don't worry about it
r10pez10: the gun had probably killed something before you
NorthstarTex: you don't keep your blood in your tank?
r10pez10: hmm
NewtyNewts: That's quite the recharge time
TXC2: but Magic missile!
Dalrint: Three full playsets of magic missile
NorthstarTex: is there such thing as too much magic missile though?
r10pez10: i did not know those hand guys duplicate each time
Mathwyn: 36d4 +1 damage
couchboyj: Orb? Sounds like a kickable object.
TehAmelie: a broken spell? that's our jam
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
LRRbot: Cuddle the danger pillow.
TheAinMAP: mattlrFine
r10pez10: a tablet
TXC2: a bigger wurm ?
NewtyNewts: Broken wand and broken spell? Hmm...
brieandbacon: There's always a bigger fish
NewtyNewts: How much mana have you used so far?
Dalrint: Tablet served you well. You shouldn;t abandon it
A_Real_Travesty: I'm assuming we can fix the broken stuff somehow?
r10pez10: depends how much you want to throw it at stuff
evillittleweirdguy: stage 3 with energy orb it's absolutely worth doing some worm cosplay and tunneling through the walls
TXC2: what is broken wand for ?
NewtyNewts: Is it the same with the spell?
r10pez10: one would imagine
TehAmelie: the spell s already broken, we just have to find a way to put it in a wand right
NewtyNewts: Good effort
Dalrint: What about tablet?
evillittleweirdguy: crossing my fingers that you get a good shop
Quentoxic: Is it possible to eat the worm?
TXC2: friend tablet is gone
TehAmelie: maybe it's mana potion's turn to shine
NorthstarTex: D:
SimWOT: what is the green losanfge and why are you skipping it
evillittleweirdguy: plasma cutter and crit are both really nice
TXC2: the plottry
r10pez10: is that some jamba
morgoth_bauglyr: lrrGREED
Zandivya: Plasma beam is fun and dangerous ramaLul
NorthstarTex: I vote greed
EkstraLangeDruer: in b4 never lucky
NiceMrCaput: yesssss fun time engage
DiamondMX: So how do you repair the broken wand and spell?
TehAmelie: do we need the bomb wand for anything anymore?
NewtyNewts: Is there a way to add more slots for spells?
r10pez10: serge going for infinite again
r10pez10: i have died to plasma so many times
EkstraLangeDruer: Plasma cuter is 95% suicide
evillittleweirdguy: especially for this stage, plasma cutter is nice, but since you have concentrated mana it's not as much of a must-pick
r10pez10: good luck!
r10pez10: oooooh
NewtyNewts: Bottle up some blood?
EkstraLangeDruer: I have a mantra in this game "if you're using a wand that can kill you, it will kill you"
kjart: yeah good level to drink blood
Chasekitty: Just got this game, haven't booted it up yet; am I spoiling myself on anything by watching you play first? pcrowNote
TehAmelie: who plugged up that acid vat from below?
r10pez10: !addquote (Serge) [Now] It's okay. There's all this blood here.
LRRbot: New quote #8951: "It's okay. There's all this blood here." —Serge [2024-03-19]
kjart: odds are high lol
TXC2: Chasekitty possibly, but you'll probably just be confused
r10pez10: why is there a bar here
Angnor33: 50/50, either it does or it doesn't.
NiceMrCaput: in noita unlikely things are literally all that happen
NERVOUSHAIR: @Chasekitty there is so much to this game that "spoiling" is kind of complicated
kjart: that has killed me so many times
NorthstarTex: !findquote blood
LRRbot: Quote #2542: "I'm just leaving blood everywhere... because I can." —Paul [2016-05-17]
Chasekitty: @TXC2 I dig it. pcrowDerp
r10pez10: touche. this bar has good music
DiamondMX: What's that glowing blue circle?
NewtyNewts: @DiamondMX A shield of some description
NERVOUSHAIR: vampire is pretty trash unfortunately
A_Real_Travesty: Viscera cleanup detail
Quentoxic: Now we're cooking with blood?
r10pez10: noita ice
NewtyNewts: Uh, iceblock?
Gadora: Perfectly normal physics.
TehAmelie: that's so many mobs
TXC2: 6hp? time to drink blood
Chasekitty: That is a LOT of blood
Diabore: serge thirsty
TehAmelie: we can't even reach that blood, it's too deep ;_;
r10pez10: can i get a physics check on where all that blood came from
joallthedogs: good question
Thisbymaster: worrying amount of blood
Mmomme: yo its a serge :)
DiamondMX: Seems like a lot of sustain, actually.
NewtyNewts: @r10pez10 Liquefied corpse
NorthstarTex: you knows, typical anime levels of blood
Alness49: Should have brought a juicer
kjart: this level sure is something with chainsaws haha
TXC2: hello Mmomme welcome
Scarbble: juicing them, surely
Gadora: Enemies are about 800% blood by volume.
Chasekitty: They had no bones, only blood in them
NiceMrCaput: makin smoothies
joallthedogs: well, don't have 6hp anymore
yalc321: "Vampire doesn't have that much sustain", 3 minutes later drinks back to full health with an olympic pool of blood
r10pez10: roofstuck lol
TXC2: actualy good, in a very not good way
joallthedogs: they're just having a party down there!
kjart: yikes that's dangerous
r10pez10: the hiisi base is not osha compliant, no
NewtyNewts: de bluuuuud
Angreed66: dangerous but full of blood
TehAmelie: brb bathing in the blood of a hundred maidens
yalc321: Blood, blood, gallons of the stuff!
brieandbacon: "Level is hostile" says man swilling the blood of the people living there
Gadora: And you said that Vampire wasn't the sustain you'd hoped. Has that opinion changed?
NewtyNewts: There's so much blood! (amazement)_
joallthedogs: "Oh good, more blood. Yes, yes, yes. Just let it flow over me." sergeJustRight
yalc321: It's your blood bank
Chasekitty: wtf was in those crates
brieandbacon: @chasekitty fire
TXC2: we're gonna need that scene in Blade 2 where he's in the pool of blood, but it's Serge's face
NewtyNewts: Only one way to find out!
TXC2: bad wands is the price for all this money
Quentoxic: Surely the broken wand will be everything we wanted
DiamondMX: Crit shots that go around corners seem pretty good.
NewtyNewts: Ooh, drill
Angreed66: Why does serge look at the spells and not the stats if the spells can be moved?
r10pez10: there's so much to look at
r10pez10: having vision all over is helping a lot huh
evillittleweirdguy: it's probably worth giving up bombs just for the trigger
evillittleweirdguy: spark bolt w trigger + plasma beam = :D
evillittleweirdguy: admittedly it's how about 30% of my deaths happen
r10pez10: oh hey heals
evillittleweirdguy: omg the wand tho
kjart: great wand too
NiceMrCaput: never seen a noita player even contemplate turning down more healing
NewtyNewts: Excellent wand
SerGarretCameron: now if that was acid to blood, that'd be a thing.
evillittleweirdguy: even if you have healing, heal bolt is still nice
Thisbymaster: machine wands
TehAmelie: are we a vampire cleric now?
Xed_Regulus: There must be
Scarbble: what is that sparkly snow lookin stuff supposed to be and why does it hurt
r10pez10: serge have you had the fun of having a propane tank kill by rocketing into yet
NiceMrCaput: there is
TXC2: surely vampires can worship who ever they want?
Angnor33: Fill the portal with blood!
EkstraLangeDruer: it's this level
xeozim: Forge is here
SpoonfullOfSugar: forge is on this level
r10pez10: does that quantum thing even affect the drill
Scarbble: mmm, spicy blood
joallthedogs: going to be some indigestion later
evillittleweirdguy: remember kids, always commit forgery before shopping
r10pez10: did you just drink the fire
NorthstarTex: I always like my blood a little warm, not to this extent, but its good
joallthedogs: this is like a mini viscera clean up
evillittleweirdguy: we out here pre-emptively firing on medics
r10pez10: i've never played viscera but i didn't know it had vampires
TXC2: the sweet copper taste of blood
evillittleweirdguy: more B L O O D
NewtyNewts: Is forge up, or down?
Chasekitty: spicy blood
evillittleweirdguy: bottom right
TXC2: slurp slurp slurp
r10pez10: this is a weird coffee tour
mlokingbird: Blood for the blood... idk how to finish that one. Are there gods in this?
NewtyNewts: A little vat of viscera
TXC2: mlokingbird there are witches
r10pez10: TIL
mlokingbird: Blood for the blood witches, I guess?
TehAmelie: it still amuses me how much a potion bottle holds
evillittleweirdguy: if you drop a bit of concentrated mana on the bots it hurts them
EkstraLangeDruer: You can try
AshIand: yeet!
A_Real_Travesty: One way to find out
evillittleweirdguy: i usually click drag from inv
EkstraLangeDruer: throw it and duck
evillittleweirdguy: needs to land on the anvil
Zandivya: You missed
r10pez10: ooh
Splosion: That's a lot of unstable crystals
evillittleweirdguy: it's very pacifist though
NewtyNewts: That's a load of cra- crystals
Splosion: Slot heavy though
evillittleweirdguy: the modifier is pretty pog though
NorthstarTex: whats the worst that could happen with it?
GhostValv: that's a rocky road
EkstraLangeDruer: Would've been cracked if it was a no-shuffle
r10pez10: this just means the broken spell will be fantastic
r10pez10: right?
red_shoes_jeff: Makes sense
chrono2x subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 114 months!
chrono2x: love this show
evillittleweirdguy: the chain cast modifier on the newly fixed wand
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chrono2x! (Today's storm count: 10)
evillittleweirdguy: it casts a copy of the spell upon expiration
NewtyNewts: Spell modifier, I guess
Zandivya: It's a good wand. Good cast delay, mana, and recharge. Just needs better spells
TehAmelie: guess we can call those metaspells or something
Splosion: can you pick it up to get the chain and then drop it again?
evillittleweirdguy: yeah that's fair lol, rest of the wand is pretty mid. If you find a no-shuffle it's an amazing wand
evillittleweirdguy: we do not have that perk *yet*
evillittleweirdguy: optimism
magical_girl_amelia: are you drinking blood to heal?
r10pez10: i'm going to bed. have fun chat, spell well serge!
NewtyNewts: Yup, he's a vampire now
TehAmelie: just a little damned
TXC2: magical_girl_amelia yeap
TXC2: so long r10pez10 sleep well
magical_girl_amelia: wow
Woogachaka: oh hey all, I am late to the party but glad to see both Serge and sand-wizard-game back
NewtyNewts: Everybody drink your blood! *clap clap clap clap*
TXC2: hello Woogachaka welcome
joallthedogs: @r10pez10 night!
magical_girl_amelia: i loved the concept of this game but thought I myself had the nuclear throne problem (very fast past quick to die) without the nuclear throne solution (enemies die quickly too)
magical_girl_amelia: like i had to play so slowly and die so quickly
evillittleweirdguy: homing Kreygasm Kreygasm
evillittleweirdguy: MORE BLOOD
BusTed: nice
NewtyNewts: More blood!
magical_girl_amelia: blood blood blood
Gadora: Blood blood blood.
Scarbble: blood!
brieandbacon: blood Blood BLOOD
evillittleweirdguy: probably because of all the blood he's drinking
Quentoxic: Drowning in blood time?
TXC2: chair!
NewtyNewts: Hello chairman
joallthedogs: sergeChair tqsClap
evillittleweirdguy: hell on the kidneys
NiceMrCaput: more blood sounds great but doesn't it make everything bleed more even if it doesn't bleed blood?
Diabore: more blood for the blood drinker!
NewtyNewts: @evillittleweirdguy That's drinking blood for you
Alma_v: kintsuCheer sergeChair kintsuCheer
NewtyNewts: @NiceMrCaput Oh probably, but that sounds exciting too
evillittleweirdguy: none of his current wands have a beam spell, right?
evillittleweirdguy: homing + plasma beam/cutter is one of the most busted combos
evillittleweirdguy: you need bounce, or you need a spell with a trigger (so the initial spell hits a wall and casts the heal bolt back at you)
NewtyNewts: That seems nice
Orxolon: good afternoon everyone!
TXC2: hello Orxolon welcome
Angreed66: Don't you want to swap some of these for the shop wands?
evillittleweirdguy: Homing
evillittleweirdguy: Wand #3
NewtyNewts: Oh man, I found quite the interaction with that air breath. It kinda killed me really quick
Gadora: @NewtyNewts Do tell? :o
evillittleweirdguy: Imo it's worth buying the wand *just* to grab homing off it and throw away the rest
NewtyNewts: @Gadora Guess what happens when you light super-oxygenated air on fire?
Gadora: @NewtyNewts Sounds fun!
SacrificialToast: But why not homing orb
NewtyNewts: @Gadora It was great! As long as you don't face anything fiery
NewtyNewts: I'm just imagining infinite fire homing as being that Raiden laser
evillittleweirdguy: Don't buy it, it's trash
1000viewbots: All I know is that it's not Noita until a wand kills everything on the screen, including yourself.
NewtyNewts: Ooh, a metroid?
magical_girl_amelia: i feel like i got instantly rocketed to death on this level
Gen2Gengar: Serge, you've been playing a lot of roguelikes recently. Do you ever get roguelike fatigue?
evillittleweirdguy: With that digging wand you might not have a choice for how much time you take on this level
Seth_Erickson: I get it with Balatro
drcthulu: blood for the blood god
magical_girl_amelia: sweet night mother, give me some blood
evillittleweirdguy: Downing is a legitimate danger with MORE BLOOD
Woogachaka: I had a moment last night where i hopped out of balatro and did a solo lvl7 dive in helldivers because I needed a break
evillittleweirdguy: *drowning
drcthulu: death just means the chance for another busted run
BusTed: oodles of blood
BusTed: poor jammed spider
Didero: It must smell awful in this cave
NorthstarTex: !findquote blood
LRRbot: Quote #691: "Put the blood back in! Put the blood back in! We need that!" —Cameron [2015-09-16]
SacrificialToast: I think we need to up the rating on this game
evillittleweirdguy: So much money
Didero: Can you drown in blood?
QuixoticScrivener: swim?
NewtyNewts: Eat
Angreed66: never die is what
magical_girl_amelia: drink deep and descend?
TXC2: drink it?
evillittleweirdguy: Do it
Xed_Regulus: Drink long, drink deep
drcthulu: holy hand grenades
Gen2Gengar: lrrSPOOP
BusTed: big boom
drcthulu: love it
Seth_Erickson: Now that's what I call a Wand
Didero: Looks perfectly fine and safe to me
Thisbymaster: super boom
BusTed: Holy hand grenade of Antioch
Quentoxic: But what a beautiful mistake it will be
Chesul: looks like the idea mining wand.
Gadora: So much healing! :o
Wolfstrike_NL: Are we creating a new Biome?
Didero: Few people say "That's so much blood" with quite that much glee :p
mjiig: I do hope the explosion delay on those is 3 seconds
mjiig: Or at least not 5
evillittleweirdguy: I'd suggest homing holy bombs but tbh the blast radius is already so big it doesn't matter
Tiber727: There was max HP to the left of where you picked up the wand
TheAwkes: 5 is right out.
NewtyNewts: You say mistake, I say amusement
TXC2: Lake sanguine
TheAinMAP: What a sentence.
evillittleweirdguy: Just make sure you don't explode from overeating
Seth_Erickson: But is the Holy Bomb Wand's damage bad?
Chesul: big boom on the dragon?
AshIand: just don't get bit
NorthstarTex: and big boom
1000viewbots: We can get high on shrooms!
drcthulu: heals for days though
Didero: Just throw a few of those big explody grenades at the dragon, easy peasy
evillittleweirdguy: Drop a holy bomb and leg it
evillittleweirdguy: Tells you where to portal
Didero: Remind passer-bys of past glories
Angnor33: Probably kills you.
evillittleweirdguy: Look for his buddy
EkstraLangeDruer: Do you *want* us to tell you what the statue is for?
Huskey3737: The magic words of "hey chat" weren't used
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
EkstraLangeDruer: There's one with a vertical staff and one with a horizontal staff. Go where their staff lines cross and cast the repaired spell
EkstraLangeDruer: too bad, no secret for you
Seth_Erickson: feel like some holy bombs could be very useful
evillittleweirdguy: Holy bomb is a digging spell right?
kaffeetrinken89: literally kicking rocks?
BusTed: FBtouchdown
joallthedogs: tqsClap
TXC2: freedom!
Aylig: I'm here to help
Aylig: what can I do
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to joallthedogs!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, joallthedogs! (Today's storm count: 11)
kjart: you have to dig into the egg a bit
AshIand: damage egg then walk in
kjart: and then get close to it
evillittleweirdguy: Once you walk inside the egg itself
EkstraLangeDruer: you need to physically be halfway into the center of the egg
joallthedogs: @AnAnonymousGifter Thanks for the gift sub!
BusTed: mogNoted
TXC2: poo butts
Aylig: RIP in peace
Didero: At least somebody died :p
BusTed: tqsNoted
tyrsredritehand: Nibbled to death
joallthedogs: sergeHubris
Angnor33: Hmmm.
TheAinMAP: mattlrDed
Chesul: hey, at least you didn't die to the dragon this time.
joallthedogs: F
kjart: riparoni but GGs
Seth_Erickson: It appears to have a lot of health
joallthedogs: sergeGG lrrSHINE
magical_girl_amelia: F; GG
kjart: dying is learning
Aylig: But it was a fun attempt nonetheless!
TXC2: o7
NiceMrCaput: hey it was a good run
evillittleweirdguy: Fun interaction - chain spell + bombs = chain explosions
AshIand: you went out in a blazing fireball that's pretty badass
evillittleweirdguy: Pheromone makes enemies no longer aggressive
magical_girl_amelia: oooo fire barrel
magical_girl_amelia: that can't go wrong in a coal mine!
Gadora: Is there also a worm pheromone?
evillittleweirdguy: Yes
Dalrint: I believe walking with rhythm is how you attract the worms.
NorthstarTex: you could say the pheromones are making you (in both senses of the word) hot, with that fire
magical_girl_amelia: that's a lot of pheramones
RitualCasts: one of the best games i
TXC2: healthy
evillittleweirdguy: That's a phere mount of pheromone
Gadora: Out of curiosity, if you fill a potion bottle with blood, can you drink out of it if you're a vampire?
evillittleweirdguy: Believe so, yes
Gadora: Neat.
RitualCasts: hearts are like chests
AutumnAuton: Hearts are heavy, famously
RitualCasts: that also means something else can VERY RARELY happen with hearts
RitualCasts: they like to eat u :3
KilrenKrae: there sure is alot of fire
evillittleweirdguy: If the heart doesn't have a prompt, you're about to get chomped
BusTed: That's what they say.
evillittleweirdguy: Has he tried the fungus yet?
BusTed: The fluid mechanics really are something else.
evillittleweirdguy: After last run it'd be such an anticlimactic way to go
BusTed: hopefully it does not further happen in our direction
evillittleweirdguy: Potion room!
magical_girl_amelia: give me your strongest potions, potion-seller
Araragi298: polymorphine WutFAce
evillittleweirdguy: The Mines
Seth_Erickson: Are there penalties for staying longer in levels like there is in Risk of Rain 2?
Araragi298: 'Floor'
Tiber727: If nothing else this game captures what roguelikes have always been about but roguelites forgot. Roguelikes aren't just about drafting powerups, they're fundamentally about emergent behavior.
Araragi298: @Seth_Erickson None whatsoever really
Seth_Erickson: Cool
AutumnAuton: @Tiber727 I think it's a matter of perspective what "roguelikes are about," and that both interpretations are valid
CarbonLich: OOOOOH BABY Chainsaw
Araragi298: it reduces both cast time AND recharge time
evillittleweirdguy: Barring some specific spells/abilities, healing is very sparse and only consistently available in holy mountains, so you're kinda forced to keep moving
NewtyNewts: You need to have something that makes both spells cast at the same time
Araragi298: @LoadingReadyRun You need to double spell it
CarbonLich: if you're asking chainsaw also reduces cast time to 0 but you need a dual cast or something like that
cdgentry1: I've always thought of roguelikes as games of discovery, finding new mechanics and ways they interact, or just more about the world
Araragi298: you need them to cast at the same time
evillittleweirdguy: Chainsaw will make any block that it is at the end of have a cast delay of 0
Araragi298: @evillittleweirdguy Any block that INLCUDES it
CarbonLich: go chainsaw then blue ball then heavy spread on the yellow wand
CarbonLich: or sparkbolt is probably better
CarbonLich: try with sparkbolt
Araragi298: wrapping
evillittleweirdguy: It's also wrapping around and casting chainsaw again
CarbonLich: wraping baby
anna_claire_official: Hiii
TXC2: hello anna_claire_official welcome
CarbonLich: so btw the importance of the heavy spread is it actually lets you cast the chainsaw twice getting 2x .17s recharge reduction in addition to the .25 sec recharge reduction
NewtyNewts: Is it winning, the sun?
evillittleweirdguy: How do you feel about shrooms
brieandbacon: !chat
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
evillittleweirdguy: The classic "flammable gas to acid"
Gadora: There are ways to influence the shroom results.
Gadora: I didn't say to get good results. :p
NewtyNewts: Why's your character throwing out swearies?
CarbonLich: blood to lava BABY!
kjart: @NewtyNewts it's from +crit perk
NewtyNewts: @kjart Oh really? Figured it might be that but I only knew it from the berserk liquid
Angreed66: Another reason serge wasn't in the current kathleen ravnica adventure too many shrooms with adverse effects.
NewtyNewts: Don't want to be on fire, don't want to be on acid.... what's next, you don't want to explode?
CarbonLich: @NewtyNewts I love throwing out a couple swearies now and then LUL
evillittleweirdguy: The canonical implication that swearing makes your spells better
NewtyNewts: @CarbonLich Think he made a couple good games, right?
CarbonLich: @NewtyNewts oh no I've stumble into a reference that I don't understand
TXC2: evillittleweirdguy "I cast magic fucking missile!"
CarbonLich: lol that dude just shot his own dead body
CarbonLich: you ever go left in the mines?
NewtyNewts: @CarbonLich The guy behind Deadly Premonition
AshIand: legalize nuclear bombs tdogWizz
NewtyNewts: Ooooooooooh
dumbo3k: A Nuke wand? Surely that can't backfire
CarbonLich: ok this is going to be fun
Chesul: Nukes are a solid way to dig.
Araragi298: Nuke... Id grab that just to make sure an enemy doesnt use it
CarbonLich: yes don't click that boy lol
dumbo3k: Hmm, I wonder how good at mining a nuke would be in this game
Araragi298: @dumbo3k pretty good... if you survive...
Angreed66: only thing that could go wrong is you end a little early today.
NewtyNewts: I'm sorry Master, but I must go all-out just this once
1000viewbots: Always a little wider than you expect
CarbonLich: @dumbo3k I WISH it was better but it just turns gold into non collectable matter
CarbonLich: it's about 75%
Araragi298: twice as big as you think from that statement @LoadingReadyRun
drcthulu: I don't know but i'd wager at least half the screen
Araragi298: @CarbonLich fake news, its bigger
TXC2: that big
BusTed: tested
GhostValv: o7
evillittleweirdguy: more
Mischievous_Catgeist: rip
picknr0ll: ryonBye
DudelidouX: Well that was big LOL
NorthstarTex: o7
drcthulu: content
joallthedogs: sergeHubris sergeBuckets
CarbonLich: yeah I thought that might happen
Kingsniff: Big brain play
1000viewbots: About that big
shendaras: seabatClap
brieandbacon: Gosh.
Quentoxic: Again! Again!
Araragi298: LUL
Xed_Regulus: Well, that was an effective test
red_shoes_jeff: benginO7
Araragi298: I knew it
kaffeetrinken89: oops by one
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrJUDGECALL
Araragi298: We tried to warn you
CarbonLich: you had a trigger spell that grabbed the second spell
Chesul: off by one.
Mischievous_Catgeist: sergeGG GlitchCat sergeOffByOne
Gadora: Oops.
evillittleweirdguy: I usually save nukes for when I get the glass cannon dream
CarbonLich: it doesn't have to launch just cast LUL
BusTed: lessons learned
blamemyphone: Uuh...
CarbonLich: well I was wrong it is totally a full screen amount
evillittleweirdguy: should have clarified it's a radius of at least 75%, not a diameter of 75%
Araragi298: doesnt have to cast it to skip it on the spell list, the 'trigger' is attached to the spell next to it
ottonymos: every spell comes with a lesson in Noita
NewtyNewts: Am I getting this right: timer hits back at you, trigger hits in the same direction as original cast?
dumbo3k: @CarbonLich To be fair it didn't travel that far before it collided with something
CarbonLich: @dumbo3k LUL yeah he was dead no matter what
Dalrint: Soggy
Araragi298: I mean you can always just get to the portal and go next floor, floor 2 wont be flooded
TXC2: like living in Britain
Angreed66: I was always a kyogre person
Araragi298: You can avoid this spot on the 'way back'
Araragi298: if you're going in reverse, you have the ability to dig anywhere you want
evillittleweirdguy: i usually die about 6 times before getting to stage 2 because I rush it so much
CarbonLich: I love how this game needs like a BS degree worth of study to know how to break it
Seth_Erickson: spooky
TXC2: bit of a close encounter there
Dalrint: You would think a stage full of water would be less on fire.
NewtyNewts: Here we go
CarbonLich: *PFTTTT*
dumbo3k: Well, it will certainly smell terrible when you leave all those bodies to decompose
NorthstarTex: just liquified that thing
evillittleweirdguy: oh that looks safe
Alexthesoso: “What happens when I throw it at somebody” have to be among the most common last words in Noita
Woogachaka: bold of you to assume there's no oxygen in the water
CarbonLich: it's water to lava I think
TXC2: some ice 9 nonsense there
Seth_Erickson: Scienced is a dangerous field
evillittleweirdguy: it's trying very had to be on fire
evillittleweirdguy: hey guys just joined, want to know when in the clip he fungal shifted water to stone?
drcthulu: watch out for the dwarf level
Cptasparagus: are there dwarves around?
NewtyNewts: Shame about the mana regen
TehAmelie: we haven't seen a lot of whiskey potions have we?
Araragi298: You need to chuck alchohol at them to get them drunk lol
Dalrint: A magic boomstick!
1000viewbots: Calling it now, you'll forget about the drunk thing, and blow up in about ten minutes
GhostValv: did I hear a Rock and Stone?
TehAmelie: doing bonus damage to drunks seems mean anyway
brieandbacon: You're at ten HP Serge
NewtyNewts: Because we'd backseat and you'd greed to spite us
TXC2: that would be backseating Serge
Angnor33: We thought the flashing red screen was a hint.
Quaseymoto: Something about backseating
Cptasparagus: isnt that what the edge flash is for
evillittleweirdguy: Serge you're a 10
evillittleweirdguy: *at 10
kaffeetrinken89: hey serge ...
kalira77: i thought that's what the screen blinking red was for :D
NorthstarTex: its you're job to be good at videogames? idk
kaffeetrinken89: science
kalira77: he balatro now
AutumnAuton: we love to gamble
Seth_Erickson: easy gambler
NorthstarTex: gamble!
drcthulu: are you a gambling man?
NewtyNewts: It did
drcthulu: nice gamble
Seth_Erickson: I assume that's what one off means in this context
kaffeetrinken89: it is something
NorthstarTex: and blood became tasty again
Cptasparagus: hey Serge you're at 44
kalira77: zombie with no brains?
Seth_Erickson: a werewolf with no moon
TXC2: Serge is an April baby like me If I recall correctly
GhostValv: a vampire with no fangs
dougma: fish with no water?
brieandbacon: A servant who's not serving
NorthstarTex: yes, a vampire kitten with no blood
Quentoxic: A human with no blood?
SymphonicLolita: horse with no name, or so the ancient texts say
Mischievous_Catgeist: cat without a lap to sleep in
Cptasparagus: a vampire not survivor?
NewtyNewts: Ooh, what's that thing under the pyramid?
Gadora: Vampires can't drink blood that's been converted to blood by a fungal shift. Sadder than a vampire with no blood is a vampire with undrinkable blood.
TXC2: "you made a vampire pomarainan?"
Splosion: Blade Trinity, great terrible movie
1000viewbots: @TXC2 No, I made a Vampire Poodle, a Vampoodle
TXC2: Splosion indeed
TXC2: 1000viewbots sounds legit
Splosion: !addquote "No, my blood!" - Serge
Splosion: Dang.
TXC2: addquote is mod only
TehAmelie: that was a gusher
Splosion: Yeah, I see that now. :)
TXC2: a human has normally about 8 pints of blood
TXC2: we have something like 500 :p
James_the_Dabbler: vampires are just like thst
TehAmelie: pretty normal for this world anyway
GhostValv: o7
kaffeetrinken89: got wrecked
Splosion: Um....
joallthedogs: sergeGG
blamemyphone: Is terraria today or tomorrow?
NorthstarTex: o7
tyrsredritehand: sergeGG
TXC2: Noita'd or Norted ?
NewtyNewts: Good show
Xed_Regulus: @blamemyphone Today
tyrsredritehand: sergeHubris ?
joallthedogs: sergeSipp lrrSHINE
TXC2: thanks for streaming Serge
James_the_Dabbler: Teleport enemies are the worst
TehAmelie: Noita, the "get wrecked nerds" to dead pipeline
SymphonicLolita: Get wrecked to got wrecked
TXC2: the final Albertan one more
Darleysam: One More got Noita'd
LurkerSpine: One More might just go back to Tarkov :D
gualdhar: What, no fireworks?
tyrsredritehand: We are busy getting rid of wintere here for you.
brieandbacon: You mean you won't just get up at the crack of dawn to stream?!
kjart: it's been great
Chesul: I would enjoy you continuing this if it's within your ability, but if it's not that's entirely understandable.
Darleysam: been good having the streams earlier in the day here in the UK, but also great news for you moving back!
GhostValv: D:
TXC2: 6:30 is pre dawn :p
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
CarbonLich: thank you!
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Gen2Gengar: Loved the early streams, thank you for the vibes
TXC2: !next
kimmibeans: You've become part of my Tuesday morning routine. Good luck with the move!
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Terraria?! Wait, what? Game: Terraria) at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (40m from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Didero: Thanks for the stream!
GhostValv: o7
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
brieandbacon: Thanks Serge!
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
atinyspacemarine: I can't believe serge just died
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
Quentoxic: It's always sad to see another one go to pasture
Plasterboard: "gone to a farm, upstate"
TXC2: and we'll never see Serge again....from Alberta
SergeYager: except for in 40min :P
Plasterboard: Oh? Is Serge finally moving back?
TXC2: oh right :p
Quentoxic: @Plasterboard He is moving on /s
TXC2: Plasterboard he sure is
SymphonicLolita: [documentary voice] in spring, The Serge returns from its wintering grounds in Alberta to the coast of southern BC
kalira77: needs more Santa walking into the ocean
shurtal: the image of Santa copping a squat in a living room, dumping oranges out of it's cloaca haunts my ever waking moment
TXC2: still amazes me that Santa was played by Cori
TehAmelie: the only one with the constitution to walk into the sea, apparently
TXC2: indeed
moepmoepmoepmoepmoepmoep: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Terraria?! Wait, what? Game: Terraria) at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (24m from now).