jessicaengle: jlrrDance
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
NerdWithoutName subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NerdWithoutName! (Today's storm count: 12)
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Terraria?! Wait, what? Game: Terraria) at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (0s from now).
Genie_M: !next
RomanGoro: lrrSIG going offline!
TXC2: I guess firefox updating didn't stop Twitch needing to be refreshed :p
Brozard: That was quick
Angreed66: Got to love the going offline screen
Manae: lrrSIG lrrCOW lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrCOW lrrSIG
PsychoI3oy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
PsychoI3oy: lrrBartleby
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PsychoI3oy! (Today's storm count: 13)
TXC2: clearly we're doing the stream in reverse today
jessicaengle: lrrCrab_SG
Angreed66: reverse audio too
NorthstarTex: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Angreed66: secret prerecorded stream
jessicaengle: lrrFINE_HF lrrFINE_HF lrrFINE_HF
SergeYager: oh buckets
TXC2: there it is
SergeYager: you saw nothing
SergeYager: i hope that didn't break anything
SergeYager: it.... shouldn't??
SergeYager: butts
RomanGoro: We'll see
TheShokara: lrrFINE lrrFINE
DideRobot: LRR: Serge, James & Uno look to finish up their adventures in Terraria today on Mine O'Clock! |
TXC2: it'll break nothing, Heather will break your legs however Kappa
RomanGoro: And worst case scenario, Jordynne has the ending for the next highlights
SergeYager: Hadouken!
shurtal: bazinga
jessicaengle: Hadouken!
TXC2: just once it should Shoryuken
TXC2: Here we GO!
TXC2: !uno
LRRbot: RebelliousUno is streaming as well. Be sure to check out his view of the stream and give him a follow!
TXC2: Hello again Serge
TXC2: the terraianally
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Jundinator: Hai LRR larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Jundinator: !ck
Bowlsrus2000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 18 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bowlsrus2000! (Today's storm count: 14)
SymphonicLolita: Sweet Merch In Sweet March
hermonthis: critroleSam SabaPing
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
TXC2: Hello James and Uno
TXC2: I have never once lied to any of you Kappa
SymphonicLolita: LUL
jessicaengle: :[
hermonthis: LUL
jessicaengle: This stream is going pear shaped real quick
TXC2: jessicaengle well it dropped it a bit for me there, so yes :p
TXC2: !spoiler
LRRbot: Please do not discuss spoilers in chat, even jokingly. It's a massive dick move which ruins the fun for others, and you WILL be timed out or even permanently banned. This even applies to "obviously fake" spoilers, so seriously, just don't. Thanks for you co-operation, and enjoy the show!
QuixoticScrivener: hwut?
goatprince: kill, uno? or kill uno?
TXC2: goatprince first one, then the other
QuixoticScrivener: @goatprince instructions unclear, Uno's server process has been killed
TheShokara: oooooh i remember this boss now ....
wotc_jordan: (does that include arrow damage?)
Didero: The stream hiccupped a bit too
Sarah_Serinde: We got a weird blip too, 2nd time today
James_LRR: hello
omdorastrix: Twitch just glitched gor a few s
goatprince: stream hiccoughed
Didero: Back now
kalira77: stream went wacky for us too
PsychoI3oy: oh that wasn't just me
CodeGorilla: The stream did hiccup, yeah.
TheShokara: back now
TXC2: ok good that wasn't just me
joallthedogs: hello!
baltimore_667083: yea it went haywire for me too
omdorastrix: lrrFINE
UltraVioletVodoo: hello
ReaperTitan152001: Twitch glitched
shendaras: You were fine the whole time for me, so..
TheShokara: we're trying to be polite and not panic, but yeah it blipped
Angreed66: we are just trying to not assume the worst
kalira77: we did not picnic, but twitch glitch
NerdWithoutName: shortly broken
SymphonicLolita: hewwo?
TheMerricat: So my stream froze for about 20 seconds. But you came back.
Xed_Regulus: The stream has done that twice for me this stream. I just keep stopping and restarting the stream.
TXC2: I was about to refresh before it started working again
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah I think chat was just quiet for a bit as we all stared at it waiting for it to fix itself, I don't think chat was actually impacted. Not completely sure though
Commodore_Perry_GG: yeah, I assumed it was me for a moment
omdorastrix: Twas a twitch glitch that pitched an itch
Sarah_Serinde: But that's the second time so far this stream
Angreed66: I'm pretty sure chat wasn't affected just holding our breath
kalira77: same, Commodore_Perry_GG
Joalni: We have been trained not to worry about smaller blips.
TXC2: Sarah_Serinde interesting, 'cause one more was fine
Sarah_Serinde: I always take a moment to figure out whether it's a me problem :D
TXC2: so it's not Serge's end
Sarah_Serinde: @TXC2 Weird
goatprince: aw shucks
goatprince: abloodmoon
TheShokara: go go lava moat
goatprince: oh well
omdorastrix: All non-basic lands are now mountains
Sarah_Serinde: Well, it's still possible it's Serge's end and just a new problem rather than one present all day. But definitely possible that it's a Twitch thing
wotc_jordan: I do love that rather than a small staircase, wanton destruction
TXC2: Sarah_Serinde fair point
Abavus: That sounds like a serge problem and not an uno problem
NorthstarTex: !advice
LRRbot: Doors may not be used by wizards.
wildpeaks: bomb might be too weak for this kind of blocks
NorthstarTex: so what does James think of hell?
goatprince: i think hellstone is immune to blasting
goatprince: from those, anyway
TXC2: 11?
wotc_jordan: 1
TheShokara: 11
Angreed66: You can let them fail a try right?
wildpeaks: ohh, fancy
TehAmelie: rootless or ruthless?
TXC2: I heard worthless :p
NorthstarTex: its that one megaman magic item
TXC2: TehAmelie it was ruthless
wotc_jordan: Different item
wotc_jordan: That's not the rose
omdorastrix: Anything on a stick os bad... Creatres die to removal... Amirite?
wildpeaks: they drop from blood moons
Leebo140: You guys only doing WoF on this playthrough? Or are you going all the way to Moon Lord?
TXC2: Leebo140 we're getting to hard mode and that's it
Angreed66: Stop at hard mode
Leebo140: Sad to see Terraria leave so soon :(
bigcore917 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bigcore917! (Today's storm count: 15)
wildpeaks: we probably won't even the cool pre-hardmode biome they added about a year ago (Aether)
wildpeaks: *won't see
brieandbacon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
brieandbacon: Oh, it's been a long time...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, brieandbacon! (Today's storm count: 16)
Angreed66: I guess Jordan has been reduced to chat
Krillin_fan: we're all chat down here
NorthstarTex: in the ranger build, hellfire arrows are great
Angreed66: Isn't this like the last boss?
NorthstarTex: of easy mode? ye
Angreed66: So there is no later
Genie_M: Meteor suit+ laser took me multiple bosses after this one in solo
Angreed66: If you finish fast you can always fish
Coloneljesus: throw it now, james
Didero: i suddenly have a great idea for a prank
TXC2: chat no!
RAICx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months, currently on a 111 month streak!
RAICx: 111!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RAICx! (Today's storm count: 17)
goatprince: but what
Angreed66: I'm with matt
NorthstarTex: I support going fishing in each biome
TehAmelie: huh, the world rests on top of another world?
TXC2: and this is a medium world
TStodden: Sky Seems a bit unexplored...
carbonoid12: @TehAmelie and turtles under that one!
Angreed66: uno is luckier
sounderfan84: let the viewer decide?
Didero: I wouldn't let me decide either
NorthstarTex: yes, we're delightful
TStodden: I can see "Go SnorthWeast" being the winner.
TXC2: !addquote (Serge) [now] 'Let the viewer decide?' god no.
LRRbot: New quote #8952: "'Let the viewer decide?' god no." —Serge [2024-03-19]
Joalni: Don't you trust us? BibleThump
TStodden: Sky Dragons?
TXC2: !listen
LRRbot: Chat? At this time of year?
Didero: If we're unlucky, #BlameJames
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
LRRbot: Punch the axe.
SymphonicLolita: if unlucky, james goes into the sea
CookieMom: Hello folks! Looking for sky islands today?
NewtyNewts: Don't forget, Uno's got the metal detector so can say when you get close to a chest
NorthstarTex: I like the food the harpies drop
CAKHost: Hello everyone!
Aravion: Could have sworn they patched that out a while ago
TXC2: hello CookieMom and CAKHost welcome
CodeGorilla: Better to land on it than pass through it (destructively) I guess.
goatprince: i usually do this with rail lines so i can speed along once it's built
TStodden: Blood Moons mean more aggressive monsters, especially near the surface.
Aravion: 'tis but a single feather per potion
Species5618Beta: Yep. One feather, one blinkroot, fireblossom, deathweed and bottled water
NorthstarTex: Same, built a long rail line with stops at major biomes
Aravion: bottle water, fireblossom, deathweed, blinkroot, feather
brieandbacon: James, why would you put that out into the world?
squ3e: What are they looking for on this mystery bridge
NorthstarTex: at least they're not in hard mode :)
CookieMom: @squ3e Sky islands
squ3e: neat
Genie_M: There should be around 5 islands across the map
TStodden: If we don't find any Islands, can we just push James off the edge of the world? lrrBEEJ
Aravion: good idea on the grav potions, those make island searching super easy
CookieMom: @TStodden Sadly, no. The world has a finite X axis.
wildpeaks: we're gonna crash into the ground when using the gravition potion, aren't we
CookieMom: @wildpeaks Nah, gonna crash in to space.
Abavus: Crashing into the ground is an important part of the experience
Genie_M: Bottle of water
TXC2: wouldn't be a Mine O'clock series without crashing into the ground
Aravion: sand to glass, glass to bottles, then hold the bottles while siting in water
Elenodul: <message deleted>if you have fall damage negation, you might want that
Yondaime233: time for the sky wiggle felixl2Wiggle
Genie_M: We have mirrors
CookieMom: No one wants fall damage negation. :D
brieandbacon: Only vibes
hd_dabnado: shush!
GhostValv: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
Xed_Regulus: Let's go!
Species5618Beta: Except when implicitly asked, right?
Coloneljesus: serge is the only backseater allowed
Genie_M: <message deleted>Between 450 and 800 feet up
joallthedogs: tqsBORK
DudelidouX: It's James he lies to his friend so we can't be sure
TXC2: Species5618Beta yeap
TXC2: !heychat
LRRbot: Please ONLY offer advice when the streamer uses the phrase "Hey, chat...". Let them try to learn the game on their own, even if it means they miss a thing or two.
Sarah_Serinde: @Coloneljesus It's different when he's the streamer leading a group of friends. It's his call what to share or not
Species5618Beta: Ok, just making sure, since i gave the recipe he asked for earlier
SymphonicLolita: I don't know what's gonna happen! I can't spoil anything
CodeGorilla: James doesn't read chat when he hosts Mine O'Clock, why would he start now? lrrBEEJ
wildpeaks: bets on who find the island first ?
TStodden: That's when you're in range
NorthstarTex: being on teams helps
Species5618Beta: Serge making everyone join the red party coxManleee
Coloneljesus: @Sarah_Serinde well yeah
Huskey3737: Can't you accelerate night by sleeping?
Huskey3737: I can't recall if that's possible
Species5618Beta: It is in single player, but i dont know if its possible in multiplayer
CAKHost: Was just thinking of the gravity potion mechanics and how not a lot of games do it. Some are close but I think Terraria's is The Most version of it
NewtyNewts: What's almost done?
Angreed66: that's like 50% of the functionality
CookieMom: @NewtyNewts "Dawn". :- b
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Krillin_fan: Woo!
GhostValv: happy mayo drinking day
goatprince: speedrun any% goats
50keyz: mattlrDogchamp
wildpeaks: 3..2..1..go !
Krillin_fan: i'm going to attack down so often now
insanecat6mtg: Good morning everyone!
SymphonicLolita: mmm, mayo
TStodden: You mean "Drinking" the Mayo... although I can see "Ranch Dressing" being in 1.7
TXC2: hello insanecat6mtg welcome
wildpeaks: spaaaace
MWGNZ: hifunkPopcorn hifunkPopcorn
Genie_M: <message deleted>450+
TheShokara: spaaaaaaaaace
Species5618Beta: Yeah, its a bit disorienting at first LUL
SymphonicLolita: wheeeee
Joalni: mattlrLul
NorthstarTex: need more popcorn
TheMerricat: I don't like the fact that the map doesn't fill in
wildpeaks: uh oh
brieandbacon: Is there always an island, or could we have been hit by the cursed seed?
Yondaime233: pineSip
joallthedogs: tqsClap
CAKHost: Yeah the map won't fill in unless Serge is up there with them
Genie_M: Wiki says "up to"
TStodden: Death is always a surefire way to end Potion Effects.
TheShokara: i love the sky islands so much
MWGNZ: skyland
SymphonicLolita: oooo
SymphonicLolita: that's cute
goatprince: a cloud lake! a goodfishing spot!
ForOhForError: they added those for fishing I think
TStodden: Interesting "Rain Cloud"
TXC2: CAKHost it's fine, it'll all be fine
NorthstarTex: wanna showcase the potion?
Nigouki: Uno has a 2nd Ireland? is that the Northern one or primary one?
Species5618Beta: Nuggie!
TStodden: Only 97 Red Balloons to go
Yondaime233: is james cloudmine now?
Genie_M: Clouds are fun to build from
ForOhForError: one thing you can do to search for sky islands is fire the laser gun directly upward - the impact makes a different sound if it hits something
CAKHost: @TXC2 *knocking on wood* D: (but secretly XD )
Angreed66: no eating hootie
brieandbacon: Hoi-sin crispy owl?
CookieMom: How many licks does it take to get to the center of an owlie pop?
NorthstarTex: oh james got a nice headstone
SymphonicLolita: F
CAKHost: Ooo
CAKHost: And o7
TStodden: As much fun as it can be... building graveyards are typically a bad thing in this game.
CAKHost: I think graveyards are only bad in Expert mode...?
omdorastrix: I like how fishing was serge's go to
brieandbacon: So James said about entering orbit. Is there anything further up than up?
Genie_M: Yes
goatprince: alternatively i think biome crates are pretty alright to get and have most biome treasure if you don't want to 'cheat' with multiple worlds
brieandbacon: Dope
TStodden: Sadly, no Spyro in the Skylands...
hd_dabnado: the old strategy of Water Bolting the sky and waiting for it to bounce back was always super fun
Genie_M: Water bolt is cheap and easy
CookieMom: Next boss time?
TStodden: IIRC, MUST be in the equipment slot.
nightsreach: those accessories must be equipped
FlynnRaccoon: Happy Timezone, and curse DST penaddCoffee
Genie_M: On a medium map there could be 5 islands not counting the lakes
TXC2: hello FlynnRaccoon welcome
brieandbacon: the Terraria MLG?
TacitusVigil: Serge, stop attacking James. Kappa
TStodden: The Horseshoes negate fall damage, IIRC... Obsidian Horseshoes negate fall & extreme heat.
wotc_jordan: 100%
NewtyNewts: Good chances
PsychoI3oy: high
nightsreach: 101%
Elenodul: 100%
wildpeaks: very high chances
hd_dabnado: 6/10 times
Leebo140: 102%
kainboa: 50%/50%
wotc_jordan: There are three of you and you are geared, I will de so disappointed if you fail.
FlynnRaccoon: One-Shot? 0% - First Try I'd give 80%
Species5618Beta: Between the three of you? Im betting yes
Angreed66: there are 3 of you and are over geared in easy
malfnord: 0% /contrarian
CAKHost: For some reason, my brain wants to think it is weird that Terraria doesn't have a reference to the Doom Slayer...
TXC2: !findquote chances
LRRbot: Quote #8146: "There's a good 30% chance I'm gonna sleep in that box tonight." —James [2022-07-26]
TheMerricat: One way or the other something's going to be one shot. Kappa
Natimus_Prime: First try? 50/50, you either do it or you don't
TXC2: poll or a prediction ?
wildpeaks: they're already stuffed, have an arena tailored for the boss, and there are three of them, yeah they have very high chances to firs try it
CAKHost: I have hope!
wotc_jordan: Alright, I've used all of my corpo account points. It's not much
Sarah_Serinde: This is why channel point redeem options are dangerous on this channel :P
MWGNZ: maxxed out my vote
Natimus_Prime: I've got half my points on you winning, don't dissapoint
Huskey3737: 50:50!
FlynnRaccoon: :p Vote No. Either you're happy for the streamers, or you get points!
Coloneljesus: veterans know they'll fail
Krillin_fan: all in on yes
hd_dabnado: I used 42069 points
UnknownFriday: 200k on yes for me. May as well.
TXC2: doLLRs have real world value right?
omdorastrix: Exactly .. JAMES... What else can we do... We cant even ice cream anymore
CAKHost: Okay Serge calling someone else a murderer is weird. XD
goatprince: i say you'll beat it but in an embarrasing way
DudelidouX: This is why some said no
TheAinMAP: mattlrFine
TacitusVigil: It's the setting yourself on fire that brings doubts, not going to lie.
FlynnRaccoon: foxmarBURN - it begins!
CAKHost: Do they have the doll?
TXC2: that zero means you too chat
CAKHost: Ah okay XD
shurtal: big bad voodoo dolly
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
brieandbacon: Primo
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
GhostValv: wowie
Angreed66: Serge has spoiled more than chat would've anyway
CookieMom: 10/10 No notes.
CAKHost: Deep lava, James!
Coloneljesus: prediction: can they summon the boss?
CAKHost: \o/
TXC2: yeap this is a nope
Krillin_fan: rip guide bro
CAKHost: Friend!
tyrsredritehand: NOPE
bsudo: so glad i tuned in JUST in time for the wall
brieandbacon: This is deeply unsettling
Genie_M: Eeeeeasy
SymphonicLolita: hm! don't like that
TXC2: hello bsudo welcome
SnackPak_: who would have thought the wall of flesh would sound so fleshy
ph0enix__42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
wildpeaks: as expected, easy first try
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ph0enix__42! (Today's storm count: 18)
Krillin_fan: ezed pzed
wotc_jordan: See, never didn't have it
joallthedogs: sergeGG
Greendrag13: WOOOOO
SymphonicLolita: EZ game
Chronomagistrate: chrono173GG chrono173GG
northos: ee-zed
CAKHost: \o/
TXC2: congratulations
wotc_jordan: Now the actual game unlocks.
Leebo140: Huge
UnknownFriday: No doubts.
Species5618Beta: nikaClapr
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN lrrHORN
PsychoI3oy: e zed pee zed
insanecat6mtg: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG
GhostValv: sergeGG
Bassios: Eeeeyyyy
Bassios: GG
CAKHost: And now everything is terrible! Hurry!
TStodden: lrrDARK
Quaseymoto: Welcome to hard mode Baaabyyy
NewtyNewts: Gggggggs
Jakelope13: And now, it's time to contain!
brieandbacon: Clap clap clap clap
CookieMom: Farm the wall of flesh?
TXC2: and it only took an hour
JakeKamas: Congratulations!
herph: Hell yeah
Bassios: bassioVTHorn
CAKHost: D:
Quaseymoto: Congrats, you're 1/3rd of the way through the games progress
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: how i want a hamburger
wotc_jordan: Also that's how old this game. It's called the "Pwnhammer"
LostThePirate: Enjoy my 110k points, optimists :P
Fistacles subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Fistacles: lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fistacles! (Today's storm count: 19)
TXC2: I got you James
brieandbacon: Wait, now what do I do with these points?!
UnknownFriday: That put me over 1M DolLRRs.
PsychoI3oy: well now i have 300k useless points lol
Bassios: Eeeyyyy, I won 2k :D
Yondaime233: noo my 1/4 million points
CookieMom: Wait, end? No more Terraria?
CAKHost: I'm nearly at 2 mil! :D
UnknownFriday: If only DolLRRs were real dollars.
Sarah_Serinde: @CookieMom Yeah they were only ever going to play this for a limited amount of time
CAKHost: Oh no, I don't want to be part of the 1% D:
wotc_jordan: Oh man you got Werewolves on the FIRST night
wotc_jordan: Yikes
FlynnRaccoon: ooh, first night was a full-moon. That's some weird luck.
NorthstarTex: awoo
wotc_jordan: You need at least 3, most folks will do 9
Elenodul: atleast three
CAKHost: Or maybe just be happy with that for a sec and then divided it up
FlynnRaccoon: iirc the meta was 9, yeah.
NewtyNewts: Just something to give you harder enemies
LordZarano: @CAKHost Don't worry, I'm at 3M
wotc_jordan: It makes your other enemies be werewolves who are way scarier, but drop a good trinket
NewtyNewts: Not an event fully
NorthstarTex: full moons = werewolf spawns
Quaseymoto: Since you're not continuing the world and haven't sealed off your base, I will say go to town and do them all
brieandbacon: All hard, all the time
TXC2: all new, all different
TXC2: uncanny hard mode
CAKHost: @LordZarano Yay! I think? (XD)
wotc_jordan: It won't matter to much for this one, but every altar you break spawns a random patch of corupted / other in the world so going over 12 is rough
CookieMom: Awwww... But The Twins! Everyone loves The Twins!
CAKHost: EVIL goldfish
Jakelope13: Corrupted Goldfish actually spawn before the Wall of Flesh is defeated (ran into one in a new world yesterday)
FlynnRaccoon: Dang - no bubblegum ore :D
TXC2: isn't palladium a real element ?
TheShokara: yes
Krezoro: Paulladium be like: " Hello"
Greendrag13: @TXC2 Don't worry too much about it. This is a game with Lead Swords XD
TXC2: Greendrag13 ok then :p
LordZarano: Palladium is more expensive than gold iirc
Quaseymoto: Moon bosses
MaelstronSolenor: no other mode
Genie_M: Not named
MaelstronSolenor: events and bosses
Genie_M: Plantera is a big step
NorthstarTex: until you defeat *gets forcefully muffled by my partner*
koelkastmagneet: higher difficulties and posisble special seeds
Leebo140: Hard Mode has 9 New Bosses and 4 New Events
TStodden: There's nothing beyond hardmode & the final boss of Hard Mode is "Deathwish hard"
FlynnRaccoon: And then the real challenge. Fishing 100% jlrrFishin
wildpeaks: specials seeds too, for example Don't dig up that starts in Hell
goatprince: 5%
Elenodul: 15 ish
MaelstronSolenor: 30% seems decent
NorthstarTex: 2%
Quaseymoto: I threw out 1/3rd earlier.
goatprince: you haven't made a beautiful mansion to live in
TStodden: na na na na na na na Batbat!
TheFool76: Also an entirely new biome in hard mode
NorthstarTex: or nice houses for your villagers
joallthedogs: sergeGG tqsClap
wotc_jordan: Could find the hallowed
Genie_M: Serge want to show the new biome?
Quaseymoto: If you include mods and the scope that you would maybe call Minecraft... like 0.1%?
wotc_jordan: Show them the "friendly" unicorns
Angreed66: well you have a little less than 2 hours to burn
CookieMom: Serge, can you escort them to the right?
Quaseymoto: Such an interesting theory question. You just killed the Dragon in Minecraft, what % of the way are you through the game?
NorthstarTex: we not going to visit the hallow? o.O
MaelstronSolenor: and you can set beacons to teleport to each one
Quaseymoto: Yeah, we didn't do anything with wiring.
TheFool76: Pre-hardmode is more like a prologue
Genie_M: Few hundred hours easy
koelkastmagneet: the game begins in hard mode. pre-hardmode on easier difficulty is more of a "learning stage"
NorthstarTex: RIP Collin :(
koelkastmagneet: I think blind, you can stumble into progression in terraria than in minecraft
TXC2: o7 Colin
wotc_jordan: Good job doing the prologue James Kappa
CAKHost: o7 Colin
Krezoro: In contrast to minecraft, Terrarrria has a huge fanbase amongst pirates
NorthstarTex: this isn't even the easiest
wotc_jordan: Not enough accessories
wotc_jordan: You would not be able to get 3 people equipped easily
carbonoid12: take them to the hallow?
Genie_M: Large is silly
TXC2: or trolling
MaelstronSolenor: I always play on large =P
Jakelope13: I don't recommend playing on Large, but I do, so I'm kinda crazy
Leebo140: An Expert Medium World is best for Multiplayer imo
Genie_M: It's so so deeeep
TStodden: So... Starbound next? lrrBEEJ
yuan42: or playing with like a server of like, 5+ people
TheFool76: I like large for my "home" world that I do the building on and I keep pre-hardmode
TheFool76: So no worries about corruption or hallow spreading
MaelstronSolenor: but the unequipped ones are just purely for statistics, very little impact and not necessary ^^'
Quaseymoto: I don't disagree with Uno. I do think he'd appreciate the wiring stuff more compared to similar functions in Minecraft.
GoRiLLa87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months, currently on a 111 month streak!
GoRiLLa87: 111!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GoRiLLa87! (Today's storm count: 20)
TheFool76: The sad thing is it used to be worse XD
TheMerricat: So chat, I've gotten conflicting stories, is Terraria like Notia where The devs have come back and are still developing it or is it a finished game capital F?
wildpeaks: yeah normally you'd rely on curiosity and asking the Guide to progress rather than having someone giving all the answers directly
NorthstarTex: there have been a lot of QoL updates that made the UI more streamline than what you have experienced though
nightsreach: @TheMerricat yes
CAKHost: @TheMerricat They keep coming back to the game
CookieMom: I feel the same about minecraft's crafting, coming from Terraria. :- b
ForOhForError: @TheMerricat the progression is functionally done, but the devs can't keep themselves from adding stuff
Genie_M: Terraria has been "finished" multiple times and still being developed
carbonoid12: @TheMerricat Terraria has been Finished like 3 or 4 times.
orthiar: @TheMerricat There have been multiple "final" updates that are followed by more updates.
MaelstronSolenor: yes, there is a big one to come
Genie_M: The same
NewtyNewts: They've done that like... three times already
goatprince: kind of funny to hear these complaints that i could also apply to minecraft
offbeatwitch: yeah they keep announcing the final update
NorthstarTex: uhhhhhh, one more?
accountmadeforants: One of these days they'll commit to making Terraria 2 again OpieOP
MaelstronSolenor: also consider they wanted to more on to terraria 2 and decided to move back to adding things here instead
carbonoid12: for the longest time, up to hardmore i believe, terraria was 1 dev.
omdorastrix: Interface: how about minecraft inventory?
TacitusVigil: LRR: Our Brand of Weird (TM)
dravman: Modded Terraria is insane
Krillin_fan: modded terraira goes hard
ForOhForError: there's an extensive modding scene
Genie_M: There's a terraria mod to Minecraft 😁
goatprince: better drops, too
TStodden: One bit of Modded Terraria has storage systems
MaelstronSolenor: one extra trinket slot
orthiar: And a thousand voices suddenly start calmouring about Calamity Mod.
Sarah_Serinde: Just because they're criticizing certain things about Terraria doesn't mean they think Minecraft is perfect
NorthstarTex: the expert drops are so pog
goatprince: so what about fishing
Genie_M: Aw, no hallow visit
NorthstarTex: blow up the house!
yuan42: the story of how this game gets more updates is pretty wholesome, the creator keeps making updates because their spouse and kid just want to keep playing the game together
CookieMom: I hope to see you come back some day!
Quaseymoto: Thanks to y'all for the experience!
brieandbacon: Pirates?!
NewtyNewts: Oh, they're playing Right!
twerkz117: Raft?
Abavus: Runescape anneNote
TacitusVigil: Relldivers?
TheFool76: Nice
JakeKamas: Oooooh
wildpeaks: shorter than expected, aww
SnackPak_: Rinecraft
Wolfstrike_NL: Wll, that's the teaser, the letter "R"
dougma: return of Kevin!!!!!
frnknstn: wooo
Sarah_Serinde: That should be fun
goatprince: rrrrrinecraft
TStodden: I was thinking of Rust for a moment...
nightsreach: raft is awesome as well
omdorastrix: minecRAFT
SymphonicLolita: MineRaft
SkylerRingtail: Raft is a blast - just be sure to enable the motion sickness mode
Abavus: raft-craft
Tser1ng: 99 all the things Runescape challenge. Do it you cowards.
Genie_M: The one you played with Ben some time ago Serge?
Caldurin: Float o'clock
dougma: Kevin..... so much Kevin....
Sarah_Serinde: Genie_M Yes
omdorastrix: Raft... Jump the shark
hiFunko: morning boys
50keyz: Brine o Clock
gravybreeze: Dragon quest builders!
TheFool76: You can up the reasource drop in vanilla valheim now to make it faster
TXC2: hello hiFunko
omdorastrix: Shark = Bruce
Genie_M: Ah, cool I enjoyed those thanks
omdorastrix: Its a canon ecent
brieandbacon: @50keyz niiiice
TacitusVigil: Jamesless June?
Chesul: Uno stream!
omdorastrix: Like thtlat, but not bad
NorthstarTex: waterworld, but better
carbonoid12: so similar to subnautica?
TheFool76: Also has a structured story like subnautica
TXC2: so the tribe, but water ?
goatprince: you're stuck on a raft and you must Craft
omdorastrix: Bruce the shark
NorthstarTex: and bruce
Caffine1138: Curse You Bruce!
omdorastrix: But you can call him Kevin if you like
a_frosty: you need a bigger boat, like Jaws?
TXC2: no Blahja the Shark ?
Quaseymoto: # of Streams before they lose the boat guess?
Huskey3737: Bruce the Shark!
TacitusVigil: Don't bring me down, Bruce.
omdorastrix: Full name : Bruce Kevin TheDhark
CAKHost: You know, I appreciate that they put two demon eye banners next to each other. XD
omdorastrix: Bruce Kevin TheShark
MaelstronSolenor: why not do the bar keeper event as a sign off to terraria?
Nigouki: mine for fish?
NorthstarTex: Bruce Kevin TheShark Blahaj Esq. IV
joallthedogs: lrrSHINE sergeHeart
omdorastrix: ^^
TXC2: thanks for streaming Serge, James and Uno
CAKHost: Thankie for the stream! <3
Xed_Regulus: Thank you for the stream!
omdorastrix: \o/
brieandbacon: The long exile is over!!
CodeGorilla: Yo, congrats!
Tser1ng: Congrats! It finally happened
Mogg01: they're letting you come back?
zazamost: The Yaeger Monster returns to the Island...
inetro: Hope yall give Valheim a go some day :)
TacitusVigil: Oh good, the Edict of Banishment was lifted by Bartleby?
Sarah_Serinde: It's gonna be a lot but yay for getting to move back!
hermonthis: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE
goatprince: you can rehydrate
brieandbacon: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Sarah_Serinde: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
insanecat6mtg: Have a good day everyone! sergePrideLove
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
zazamost: bongle the bungle
JakeKamas: Thank for this stream Serge :)
Mogg01: I... did not know that, no
Darleysam: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Just_Herby subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Just_Herby! (Today's storm count: 21)
TXC2: pornbots are wholesome ?
mjiig: For certain values of "best"
Sarah_Serinde: Well, at least they're polite about their spam :P
DarthRagnar815: joinRage ?
TacitusVigil: [See compliments in Bio]
brieandbacon: Uhhhhhhhh......... One More?
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TehAmelie: thanks for the stream!
SymphonicLolita: LUL
Mogg01: he's back, yay!
JakeKamas: It's been a long morning Serge, it's okay
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
TacitusVigil: Hello LRL clips!
Genie_M: Hi Heather!
Sarah_Serinde: Just gotta bookend the stream properly :P
Tandtroll_OG: Serge we appreciate you
CAKHost: I can't believe Serge will be killed again Kappa
MrTulip: FBtouchdown
brieandbacon: sergeSqueak
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Rain on Your Parade) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (1:53 from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
CAKHost: Poutine Coffee? Serge has weird tastes
Mogg01: o/
brieandbacon: G'byyyeeeeee!!
TXC2: bye Serge, good luck on the move
Sarah_Serinde: You did it, good work :D
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
CAKHost: Good luck on the move!
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
SergeYager: i'm so good at outros
SergeYager: unreal tbh
Sarah_Serinde: Nailed it
Krillin_fan: 10/10 outro buddy
TXC2: the natural closer, they call him
TehAmelie: packing all your stuff, packing up all your stuff and in between driving for 15 hours sounds like quite a chore. so good luck
SergeYager: one take yager
SergeYager: ty TehAmelie
TXC2: and now, to the crapshot!
TehAmelie: me, to a delicious and marginally nutritious bacon shrimp taco
TheAinMAP: !uno
LRRbot: RebelliousUno is streaming as well. Be sure to check out his view of the stream and give him a follow!
DideRobot: LRR: Very sadly we aren’t able to make it out to PAX East this year (we'll miss you Boston!). But some LRR folks are planning an unofficial meetup on Friday @ 11AM at the Community Room, possibly moving somewhere after that. Everyone have a great time, and we hope to be back soon! (has image) |