EldritchProwler subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EldritchProwler! (Today's storm count: 2)
Diabore: !advice
LRRbot: Look at the cards.
Juliamon: A classic.
bwk789: wow, earliest I’ve ever been I think
Juliamon: lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCrab lrrSIG
JinaMahavira: hello friendos
TXC2: hello JinaMahavira and Earthenone and bwk789 welcome
dpj2009: hbsHey
bwk789: hi!
tsp397 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 47 months!
tsp397: Hello Lurmtuggers!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tsp397! (Today's storm count: 3)
ConspiracyOfCartographers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months!
ConspiracyOfCartographers: boop
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ConspiracyOfCartographers! (Today's storm count: 4)
TheWriterAleph: !y
TXC2: hello dpj2009 welcome
DideRobot: LRR: Graham & Adam are here for LRRMTG, probably drafting, if I had to guess but I should ask Adam first (I'm Graham) | http://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/112135687501081790
JinaMahavira: How are you doing today @TXC2 ?
TXC2: JinaMahavira not to bad, you?
bwk789: hope they play the totally normal event Tod
bwk789: today
JinaMahavira: @TXC2 bit sleepy, but excited for some MTGs
ArkhamEscapeArtist: Hopefully drafting. I want to learn how to draft like Adam
TXC2: Here we GO!
hd_dabnado: @ArkhamEscapeArtist with reckless ambition, and great rewards
Foxmar320: Hello
TXC2: Hello Graham and Adam
MommaGart subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
MommaGart: good afternoon from the office! actually doing pretty well today! hope the same is true for you.
bwk789: we can’t here you London!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MommaGart! (Today's storm count: 5)
JinaMahavira: It's one of these buttons
hd_dabnado: wheelerMute
TXC2: there it is
MegaDosX: There we go
Strebenherz: We have auddio
baltimore_667083: hi adam! hi graham!
ArkhamEscapeArtist: Never drafted before, so I'm sure I have the first part down @hd_dabnado
ShinyMucklord: :: whispers:: Hi!
raulghoulia: "and it'll happen to you..."
jacqui_lantern234: WELL WELL WELL!!!!!!!!!! if it aint a beautiful group of stellar friends whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
TXC2: sound is in...parking lot
Foxmar320: Graham just mimes the entire stream
NornsFelidar: Hello
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
Flyingdelorion: Hello Graham, Adam and chat!
TXC2: !ck
LRRbot: Card Kingdom: A Viscounty of Value!
QuixoticScrivener: Oh hey, people.
samwiser_: Yay it's magic time!
Diabore: welcome to gagic the mathering
TXC2: !cardkingdom
LRRbot: Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at http://www.cardkingdom.com/lrr and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
JinaMahavira: noot noot
vogon_poet: This should be entertaining: Graham's desire to get into the game vs. Adam's desire to do ANYTHING but play the game when streaming. Aaannd... FIGHT!!!
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
EvilBadman: (adjusts knob) This one goes to [please update to version 1.2.34]
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
TXC2: and if you go to the Store, remember to tell Beej
Riiiiiiis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
Riiiiiiis: Helloooo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Riiiiiiis! (Today's storm count: 6)
ShinyMucklord: @foxmar320 Graham is the fourth Mr Mime.
bwk789: talking of patroon, is there still a plan for the special last askLRR?
Earthenone: yeah i know some people that use patreons weird platform stuff for like unedited footage of videos
TXC2: Capitalism: the nastiest mixup
EvilBadman: @Earthenone Grumps or Dead Meat? :D
Diabore: "what if wheel but square"
Mwiiy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mwiiy! (Today's storm count: 7)
ShinyMucklord: The company is working perfectly... better fix that!
MegaDosX: Congratulations, you have invented public transport
Bruceski: Infinite growth, you're not allowed to say "we're good, we just keep doing this and keep making money."
MommaGart: wow imagine a bus
barringtonstabb subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, barringtonstabb! (Today's storm count: 8)
Strebenherz: Bus.X
TXC2: what you have to understand is, people are REALLY stupid
EvilBadman: What if we invented a bus with no passengers and we encouraged people to give us money anyways
jacqui_lantern234: both, graham
MegaDosX: I vote B
Tom_Bruise: they're either scammers looking for suckers, or suckers
jacqui_lantern234: the answer is both
DAC169: I see a lot of bandages on Graham's hands aipCry
Bruceski: Elon Musk's "subway but worse" in Vegas.
underhill33 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months, currently on a 89 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, underhill33! (Today's storm count: 9)
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
MegaDosX: It's going to shamble on like a goddamn zombie
BrowneePoints: You could also be stupid and attempt to have the balls Gumroad has
MegaDosX: Sooner or later
Diabore: twitter seems like its on a steady downward trend
Flyingdelorion: You do know there is also a video game featuring a bus going through the desert?
QuixoticScrivener: Now its just filled with Nazis
Tom_Bruise: Despite its best effortts, Twitter stands
MrPipboy3000: I miss the old internet ... Social media was a mistake
MommaGart: Graham fought a paper shredder and won
MegaDosX: Remember it's a Magic stream Adam, you're not meant to swear benginLul
jacqui_lantern234: you didnt even record the fall?!?! literally unsubbing Kappa
BrowneePoints: OH NOOO
jacqui_lantern234: oh no!!! D:
MegaDosX: Oh dear
TXC2: just accelerate into the ground
Foxmar320: Graham we call that falling with style
emberBecky: eeek
ShinyMucklord: Yikes T_T
MegaDosX: "You should see the other guy"
Diabore: booth view?
raulghoulia: but you should see the other guy
EvilBadman: you should see the other guy, er curb.
TXC2: did Graham fall ? or is he a bareknuckle fighter? Kappa
Cptasparagus: falls will become more common as you get older
Flyingdelorion: Welcome to LRR Fight club
Earthenone: some sort of sidewalk slam?
BrowneePoints: Graham fought Terra, and as per usual, She won
MegaDosX: RIP
jacqui_lantern234: "you should see the other guy, literally concrete"
Strebenherz: Oof
MrTulip: fighting the world, in a very literal sense
Diabore: big rip
just__fitz: Swap to Garmin
BrowneePoints: embedded itself into the guts
MilkInBags: Graham did you literally helldive
MegaDosX: From a heavy fall, yeah that could just be busted
Foxmar320: IRL Helldiver Graham Stark
Strebenherz: Glad you're okay, but damn
MegaDosX: Glad it's just material damage and skin abrasions
hd_dabnado: I wonder why our first response when we fall is to break our wrists
barringtonstabb: The older you get the more dramatic falling over is...
TXC2: best thing you can learn from judo is how to fall
FenrisSchafer: Damn, that's how I broke my wrist
BrowneePoints: because your hands break your fall
northos: @hd_dabnado better than breaking most other parts of your body
jacqui_lantern234: ADAM LUL
constablecrab subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, constablecrab! (Today's storm count: 10)
MegaDosX: @hd_dabnado "Oh shit I'm falling, gotta stop myself, I know I'll put my hand down" is the basic instinct
MilkInBags: better your hands than your head
BrowneePoints: like not as a joke, you put your hands out to brace your head and roll to your arms to reduce the force of the distance of your body
BrowneePoints: it's kind of like a brilliant evolutionary response
arkhamrefugee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
arkhamrefugee: Convulsed Graham is not something we want in this world. Please be careful, G!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arkhamrefugee! (Today's storm count: 11)
Tobenamed1: what is w/e?
TXC2: Tobenamed1 whatever
Marvoleath: @Tobenamed1 whatever
MegaDosX: Sounds like you didn't wind up looking like Moxley, probably for the best though benginLul
arkhamrefugee: *Concussed
BrowneePoints: So it was the sprinting duck fall
Tom_Bruise: Roll?!
Tobenamed1: I do not do the web lingo well
GateThief subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GateThief! (Today's storm count: 12)
BrowneePoints: (imagine a duck running full out with it's neck outstretched, that was Graham mid fall)
EvilBadman: immediately thinking of no selling smh.
BrowneePoints: @Tom_Bruise Rolling over onto shoulder to reduce the impact
MilkInBags: wow this is a weird graphical overhaul mod for balatro Kappa
ShinyMucklord: Someone should be yelling "Do a barrel roll!"
rentar42: Magic magic magic magic!
MegaDosX: P1P1 Nicol Bolas let's go
hb8u: I thought this was let's nope
MilkInBags: time to lose to passive planeswalker abilities
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: how long since war of the spark now
bwk789: are you aware of the bonus event?
korvys: Draft Ashiok is all I remember
PoorMansPoison: Nicole, bowl lass
jacqui_lantern234: mayhem devil
northos: you can amass zombies, specifically :p
BrowneePoints: Wow, I just realized my Acting background actually gave me INCREDIBLE knowledge on eating shit(as in falling)
blastseeker: ashiok millll
MegaDosX: Mayhem Devil
Diabore: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn it was at least pre pandini, so more than 4 years
Xed_Regulus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xed_Regulus! (Today's storm count: 13)
AzaleaCloud: Drafting WAR?
TXC2: fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn are you sitting down?
Tom_Bruise: @BrowneePoints well, I was imagining some sort of dodge roll, like a fromsoft game, and now I'm sad.
EvilBadman: Oh yeah TOTALLY NORMAL EVENT is still up, maybe for near-end of stream?
Marvoleath: WAR never changes
JinaMahavira: I just watched that Friday nights before this (day at YJ)
Marvoleath: wait, wrong set
Diabore: speaking of
Earthenone: its miller time!
MilkInBags: oh yeah the elderspell
MegaDosX: Also Prison Realm
jacqui_lantern234: LUL i totally forgot about "lrrm-tug"
AzaleaCloud: Hey speak of the Ashiok
Chesul: @JinaMahavira I also watched that one earlier today!
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @TXC2 is anyone ever sitting down relative to a spheroid travelling through space (yes)
Diabore: i actually beat an op with 2 ashioks, shit still sucked though
korvys: Do it
joelowe2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, joelowe2! (Today's storm count: 14)
MegaDosX: There's some OK white in this pack
Flyingdelorion: OOh Ashiok!
MilkInBags: this was the first set of interdimensional war and like one guy died only
JinaMahavira: @Chesul I'm quickly realizing it's my favorite episode
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @Diabore oof
BrowneePoints: You excited for Yeehaw Reveals starting next week Graham!? The story has been AMAZING so far and a real "Who's Who" of our Fan Favorite Morally Ambiguous characters!(and the art is SICK)
jacqui_lantern234: if elderspell is so good, why isnt there an ELDESTspell?! Kappa
Earthenone: ashiock also can go in blue OR black
hd_dabnado: or if you get two
Earthenone: so solid first pick
MommaGart: @loadingreadyrun i would NEVER slack off i’m doing video exports right now
MegaDosX: Ashiok doing their thing
hd_dabnado: LOL
northos: fate!
AzaleaCloud: PogChamp
Flyingdelorion: Lol
TXC2: it's happening!
blastseeker: yay
TetraRay: my god
hd_dabnado: CALLED IT
Diabore: what did the person take???
jacqui_lantern234: A B C - Always Draft Ashiok
DAC169: aipNope
Earthenone: welp. all in dealer
Tom_Bruise: oooh.... oh no...
Sir_Louis: lmaoooo
MilkInBags: what about a third
MegaDosX: Graham are you a wizard
Strebenherz: WELL THEN
MommaGart: i mean i slack off all the time but not right now
JinaMahavira: three-peat?
MegaDosX: You have to tell us if you are a wizard
SeaDiegoFC: I'm hoping for a more "Y'allternative" alt art for my girl Gisa
sophieghost: Oh we the villain
Marvoleath subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months!
Marvoleath: Oh hey, a metric year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Marvoleath! (Today's storm count: 15)
jacketedrock subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jacketedrock! (Today's storm count: 16)
Chesul: @JinaMahavira it's definitely way up there. I'm a little partial to the last slaw episode, but just watching Nelly be Nelly is great.
MilkInBags: cowboy magic ResidentSleeper
Diabore: ghostform
epicduece: ah, mill strats, nice!
EvilBadman: Whoa, whoa, hol' up TWO OWLS?
jacqui_lantern234: ooh, jhostform
BrowneePoints: Oh yea, Ashiok is also apparently the one who brought the ragtag group of baddies together for the heist!
Diabore: slap a ghostform on that ashiok and laugh
TXC2: how are we 3 weeks into March already? :p
BrowneePoints: Fun times!
niccus: people are all about the thunder junk
MilkInBags: you can mill yourself with ashiok?
rentar42: I don't actually know what I'm associating here, but "thunder junction" somehow sounds ... rude to me ... I don't know why
Marvoleath: ghostform can save Ashioks :D
MegaDosX: No, you can
pipshardfour subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pipshardfour! (Today's storm count: 17)
MegaDosX: You can mill yourself, but you always exile your opponent's graveyard
hd_dabnado: yeah but you shouldnt target yourself most times
epicduece: heartfire is a great spell
AzaleaCloud: White looks SUPER open so far
Invitare: Ajani's Pridemate DansGame
ShinyMucklord subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ShinyMucklord! (Today's storm count: 18)
Diabore: maybe white and blue/black?
MegaDosX: 5/4 with flavour text
epicduece: force kitties if you see them
SeaDiegoFC: War of the Spark was my first set and pre-release. It's my favorite set still. I opened Ashiok and Liliana in my pool and got 3rd
BrowneePoints: yea Amonkhet had hippos
Earthenone: pridemate and try for life gain shanans in orzhov?
MilkInBags: gamers hate vanilla
EvilBadman: White seems like a safe slife into
jacqui_lantern234: @Jethrain a zippo, if you will Kappa
EvilBadman: slide*
TXC2: man remember flavour text?
Invitare: Statue!
Invitare: love the statue
epicduece: if you go the control route... statue can be fun
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 id rather not :p
Jethrain: @jacqui_lantern234 chandra's here?
Diabore: control finisher is fine
BrowneePoints: Mowu? Giant Gwowth?
shendaras: Hello all
epicduece: reversal...
TXC2: hello shendaras welcome
jacqui_lantern234: @BrowneePoints Mowu wats dis?
MilkInBags: only nerds write and read flavour text OpieOP
TXC2: whose the dog with all the counters? MOWU!
MilkInBags: wait, is this the inheritance set
Diabore: vanilla 3/2
141 raiders from SergeYager have joined!
epicduece: reversal on enter the god pharaohs is a good time
Juliamon: put the kettle on, it's time for COFFEE
MegaDosX: Oh hey there Rally of Wings
ShinyMucklord: Drafting pre-2020: "this card is not bad. "
No_Superman10 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 92 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, No_Superman10! (Today's storm count: 19)
Alma_v: sergeHeart sergePrideLove sergeHeart
TXC2: hello Raiders
joallthedogs: sergeHeart sergeHeart sergePrideLove
MegaDosX: Oh shit raiders
MrSarkhan: sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart
TheAinMAP: sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart
BrowneePoints: W/G looked decently open
The_Myrdin: Helloooooo Serge's boss!
SergeYager: hello
TehAmelie: he Serge's boss!
brieandbacon: sergeHeart sergeHeart sergePrideLove sergeHeart
BrowneePoints: Raid-ger?
MilkInBags: hello coffee nerds
SergeYager: nailed it
Boon_33: sergeModLove sergeModLove
TehAmelie: and Adam!
Ms_LadyMix: sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart
ExachixKitsune: sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart
Diabore: we need creatures for these band togethers
Aarek: lrrDOTS sergeHeart lrrARROW
enkor2113: a serge surge
drizztnailo: oooh war of the spark limited was the first set i ever drafted
DAC169: lrrSERGE aipOMG aipLove
Suffix subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Suffix! (Today's storm count: 20)
hd_dabnado: I dont remember it being that good
BushidoBush: Why is the stream so quiet?
jacqui_lantern234: Karn's not Bastion, hes Karn! :p
MegaDosX: 5c good stuff
BrowneePoints: remember when "everyone" thought she was Emrakul in Human form at this point?
TXC2: Karn didn't merge with master mold to become bastion
BrowneePoints: revival?
just__fitz: So many commander cards in here
theguardianotter: Hello all!
TXC2: hello theguardianotter welcome
theguardianotter: Just got home, glad I could catch the stream
micalovits: Ghostorm+ Ashiok is nice iirc
jacqui_lantern234: Kayaya
theguardianotter: Ooh, the spubble
MegaDosX: Spark Double for a third Ashiok?
Vandristine: just got here we on 5 color?
Night_xD: 3rd ashiok tho
BrowneePoints: Spark Double is real good though.
MilkInBags: spark doublé
theguardianotter: Oh God you have two ashioks
James_the_Dabbler: Wait what set is this?
Suffix: Terrible Graham. I have a cold.
MilkInBags: WAR
theguardianotter: War of the Spark
BrowneePoints: oooo wardscale crocodile
Diabore: @theguardianotter so far
James_the_Dabbler: Fun!
TXC2: Suffix get well soon lrrHEART
drizztnailo: eternal skylord carried my ass when i drafted this for the first time
BrowneePoints: big ole Idiot/Idiot
Bugberry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bugberry! (Today's storm count: 21)
theguardianotter: Turns out, Blue Black is just absurd
jacqui_lantern234: @Suffix get better soon lrrSHINE
Suffix: I appreciate that! But I think we're good.
bwk789: are you aware of the bonus mkm event going on arena right now?
theguardianotter: Considering I lost my first draft to four people playing it, and then went 6-3 with it
Luna_TheOtter: Hey, hope your drafts today will go well lrrSHINE
TXC2: "we could come to your place later" is at both ends of the wholesome/ scary scale
theguardianotter: @luna_theotter greetings fellow otter
MilkInBags: nice username
Jethrain: uhhhhhhh
MilkInBags: popular with a lot of people
hd_dabnado: grizzly was good iirc
BrowneePoints: Anyways, my one Magic hope this year, is that they randomly announce an In-set Resident Evil UB for Duskmourne in the style of the JP cards. It just makes sense
Diabore: i think spinner just because we have no 2 drops
theguardianotter: Kiora or Harold
AzaleaCloud: (to the truncated tune of One Week) It's Ben~
Gekyouryuu: Question: has whatever ARG was going on with this set been solved yet? I wanna know if they revealed why some cards had a thing in the art be a different color sometimes, for starters
MegaDosX: Your curve literally starts at 3 right now
jacqui_lantern234: so, graham and adam, important question. has anyone reminded you that youre both wonderful? if not HERES YOUR DANG REMINDER!!!!!! <3
LilianaSkyMage: what set is this?
TXC2: which Tarkir clan is that dragon from? Kappa
TehAmelie: i second this reminder!
TXC2: LilianaSkyMage war of the spark
MegaDosX: Noted terrible card, Prismite
jacqui_lantern234: prismite NOT make this deck :p
epicduece: one skulker can win a game
MrTulip: but priswon't
Night_xD: i really liked the bond cards. showing 2 guilds working together :)
hd_dabnado: Harold is okay?
Chesul: it's on Ravnica, shouldn't mono 2drops be the meta like you guys proved?
Earthenone: i dont know about the format but i tfeels like if we want ashiock on 3 we should have a blocker for it on 1 or 2
BrowneePoints: ephiphany is good too
epicduece: yeah... toll...
jacqui_lantern234 chants "cronch"
theguardianotter: The invasion tolls for thee
theguardianotter: Band together is great
theguardianotter: Strix is good
MilkInBags: using bond of revival for duskmantle operative Kreygasm
BrowneePoints: i'd take the strix
jacqui_lantern234: flying noted good keyword :p
MilkInBags: wall of runes is 100% playable if i recall
TXC2: people clearly not rare drafting this set
jessicaengle: Hello <3
theguardianotter: Beacon for incidental value?
AzaleaCloud: Sky Theater Strix is power, it's literally a power crept Storm Crow.
TXC2: hello jessicaengle welcome
MilkInBags: because a lot of creatures have 3 power
SeaDiegoFC: What is this, some kind of haven for strixes?
Earthenone: beacon so we feel safe picking kaya next pack :)
jacqui_lantern234: @jessicaengle HAI FRIEND <3
BrowneePoints: hey it resets our spark double
micalovits: Time twist is nice
theguardianotter: Everybody do the twist
Night_xD: blink an ahsjok
MegaDosX: I remember hearing Opportunist was good
micalovits: Ashiok after they attack it
Jundinator: Hai everyone larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE larryfishWAVE
BrowneePoints: that's a LATE epiphany
MilkInBags: blink my mom
jessicaengle: YO @jacqui_lantern234 YOU DA MVP jlrrPongchamp
TXC2: hello Jundinator welcome
nappitatti: hello!
theguardianotter: You can definitely pick up another one if you want one tbh
Jundinator: Don't we all miss the days when cards were less complicated.
Diabore: we're a little removal light
hd_dabnado: hell-no!
MegaDosX: Nice.
Cptasparagus: one of the last drafts I did before the pandemic I had 8 aven eternals.... it was great
jacqui_lantern234: @jessicaengle i dont see a badge denoting this, so HAH
Jundinator: Especially GASP vanilla creatures
theguardianotter: We have player removal with ashiok
MegaDosX: Spells.planeswalker
epicduece: epiphany has helped me a bunch and Ral is crazy good...
BrowneePoints: +2 scry -2 fork
NornsFelidar: or both
Gekyouryuu: Oh, another question: has it been stated anywhere why we've not done nicknames since eldraine? Was really looking forward to trying to name "red herring" as "communism" or that one loxodon detective "Horton hears a clue"
theguardianotter: Vraskas finisher is also good
micalovits: Ral is not great though, is he?
theguardianotter: Damn, lots of options here
just__fitz: Dimir is the draft equivalent of going stealth archer in skyrim
EvilBadman: Biunce your own ashiok
epicduece: the sphinx reloads a pw
Jundinator: The other flier is deece
BrowneePoints: just -2 for fork is gross
MegaDosX: He's also +2 to scry
BrowneePoints: -2 for fork is REAL good
AzaleaCloud: Maybe you just splash red on principle so you can also play Heartfire
MegaDosX: That's so much loyalty
jacqui_lantern234: its scry 1, but +2
drizztnailo: sometimes him giving a second removal spell is also sweet
TXC2: proliferate good with all our planeswalkers
itsr67: the fork tends to be more backbreaking than it seems
Earthenone: i love deathsprout! (not here obviously)
BrowneePoints: plus if we get to Ral Spark Double Ral we're in for goofy stuff
Night_xD: WAR was the first set i drafted :)
TXC2: Eternal Taskmaster AKA the channel Dave Kappa
WhirlwindAbyss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 18 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WhirlwindAbyss! (Today's storm count: 22)
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, this format is fine being low on creatures cause of the walkers. i tend to lump them together for building
theguardianotter: Crush dissent?
Earthenone: crush disent?
Bugberry: Roalesk is funny with Clones
MegaDosX: There's a new Roalesk in MKM Alchemy that's kinda hilarious
jacqui_lantern234: damn, breaker
MegaDosX: Basically Momir with cloaked creatures
drizztnailo: crush seems real good
theguardianotter: Dambreaker isn't a bad choice tho
hd_dabnado: transmutation is removal though
jacqui_lantern234: is Narset's Reversal any good in the format?
theguardianotter: Weird
TXC2: MegaDosX I've seen it once in brawl, shocked I've not seen it more
WhirlwindAbyss: War of the spark limited? this this just start?
MegaDosX: 2019
BrowneePoints: it was pretty decent removal in this set
theguardianotter: Weew aid the fawwen
BrowneePoints: Oof. Ral Fork Stealth Mission
Cptasparagus: this is a 2024 curve not a 2019 curve lol
micalovits: Missing 5 one drops for 2024
Jethrain: didn't they errata Naga to 'snake'?
BrowneePoints: Unless they were dumb like Goblin Guide
theguardianotter: They used to be BAD
micalovits: Probably cutting the 3/2 naga?
BrowneePoints: Jackal Pup
epicduece: do you need the naga?
AzaleaCloud: Goblin Guide?
Bugberry: At common maybe
itsr67: goblin guide
EvilBadman: llanowar Elves, baybee
Revenant77x: Elves
bwk789: recall?
Earthenone: delver of secrets?
itsr67: uhh llanowar elves
AzaleaCloud: Delver's a good one
Jundinator: Plated Geopede?
NornsFelidar: llanowar elf or other dorks
Bugberry: Mogg Fanatic?
Gekyouryuu: I still remember the Gatecrash draft where we accidentally broke the format wide open with Boros mono 2 drops
BrowneePoints: Mogg Fanatic
BrowneePoints: Jackal Pup
drizztnailo: delver?
shendaras: savannah lions
MoxCubitZirconium subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
MoxCubitZirconium: Raging Goblin was the 1st optimal one-drop in draft… I’m old.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MoxCubitZirconium! (Today's storm count: 23)
theguardianotter: They've definitely gotten WAY better
MommaGart: it used to be the exception and not the rule though absolutely
Bugberry: Mogg Fanatic when damage was on the stack
TheManaLeek: Delver was high variance in limited. Generally meh, sometimes insane
Bugberry: Sol Ring is a 1 drop
gryfyn1: benalsih hero erasure will not stand, banding is busted
BrowneePoints: @MoxCubitZirconium Is Raging Goblin outdating Jackal Pup?
theguardianotter: LCI had some absurd 1 drops
TXC2: now if we could just rid of one drop instants we'd be getting somewhere
1y1e: Gingerbrute makes his case
Jundinator: Maybe wotc could bring older formats to arena. Maybe IPA draft
jacqui_lantern234: is 1 red source the call?
EvilBadman: Bastion for proliferate
MommaGart: In M10-M12 we had Elite Vanguard as an uncommon Savannah Lion but idk if you'd even run that in Limited
theguardianotter: Ship it!
Bugberry: Figure of Destiny is a pretty cool 1 drop
Diabore: @TXC2 heard, 1 drops now cost no mana
1y1e: oh wait DOOMED TRAVELER
Night_xD: nah. i'd win
TXC2: Diabore nooooooo!
AzaleaCloud: Teach me Adam. :<
MoxCubitZirconium: @browneepoints Yup. Jackal Pup was in Mirage Block I believe. Raging Gobbo was before that, 4th Ed. I think
Politicallycorrekt: Bomat was nice to play in the aggro plan
epicduece: yay, 1 red pip for grixis!
jacqui_lantern234: jokes on you, im bad luck WHEREVER i go!!! Kappa
micalovits: You just lose enugh that you get used to it
drizztnailo: i got no gems i gotta win this draft brother
AzaleaCloud: XD Not what I meant.
Bugberry: Slippery Bogle is such a good 1 drop that it defined an archetype
MegaDosX: Spiderman pointing meme
fjordsword: Healer's Hawk
fjordsword: What a banger
brieandbacon: Flying Men
Bugberry: !card slippery bogle
LRRbot: Slippery Bogle [{G/U}] | Creature — Beast [1/1] | Hexproof
jacqui_lantern234: also Chess will teach you REAL QUICK how to lose
MilkInBags: wait, we lose in magic?
TXC2: you just concede at the sight of the 5C commander and re-queue
drizztnailo: wait, you lose in fighting games?
Strebenherz: Goblin guide's been said already but it's an old fav of mine
micalovits: RIP Ashiok
MegaDosX: Bye Ashiok
brieandbacon: I'm used to watching Wheeler, is it possible to lose in Magic?
MegaDosX: Also you have second Ashiok
AzaleaCloud: Ah, but what about second Ashiok?
MilkInBags: I bet I would have a 90% winning rate in SF6, I'm built different
Bugberry: Charging Badger is definitely an iconic 1 drop
MegaDosX: Remember that Taskmaster enters tapped
Earthenone: if we trade we have our 2nd aid target lined up
epicduece: and it is +2 to scry
theguardianotter: Right on time
BrowneePoints: @MoxCubitZirconium looked it up. They both dropped the same year with Portal and Tempest LUL
drizztnailo: @MilkInBags so true bestie
BrowneePoints: -2 relentless advance
MoxCubitZirconium: I imagine myself in assisted living, my nephews whining about visiting. “Uncle Doug won’t stop asking me if I’m paying the one… can we go home Dad?!”
BrowneePoints: oo
Therberus: So how goes the magic and the gathering?
hd_dabnado: you want lands here
Skajetolaf subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
Skajetolaf: Eternal Askmaster sounds like a bit too much fun
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Skajetolaf! (Today's storm count: 24)
MilkInBags: boo
epicduece: scry 1 and eat removal
BrowneePoints: you just said that to the cadence of "They fly now"
theguardianotter: Fug
BrowneePoints: "They fly now?" "ral dies here"
epicduece: or advance?
theguardianotter: We can't actually cast ral again
theguardianotter: Oh whoops
micalovits: Taskmaster, plan, swing?
hd_dabnado: I like triple spelling here but the options are interesting
theguardianotter: Taskmaster and then contentious plan so you can get the extra counter on drake?
noncrypticmoth: What is that cat friend of ours
noncrypticmoth: And how do I get one
epicduece: nerf the weird
theguardianotter: So much value
AzaleaCloud: Grip and rip
DAC169: nerf the weird
jacqui_lantern234: @DAC169 the newest TV Game Show :p
epicduece: now would be lowered by 2...
theguardianotter: Weird nerf but ok
noncrypticmoth: Man I feel like Paul in the first episode of Friday nights
DAC169: lowers by 1, but keeps it from getting more counters every time they cast an instant or sorcery
BrowneePoints: Thunder Thunder THUNDER! Drake
Jethrain: @noncrypticmoth the brushwagg bundle i think is just permanently in the arena store
Jethrain: if that's the "cat friend" you meant
jacqui_lantern234: cruelTEEZ NUTZ :p
itsr67: "eff this dove in particular"
theguardianotter: Mythic uncommon right there
MommaGart: wow we're really good at the "unless they kill it" calls this game
noncrypticmoth: He looks like a spaghetti cat
MegaDosX: It still remains a 4/4
noncrypticmoth: So for the online magic do u get access to all the cards or just the packs you buy?
MilkInBags: @noncrypticmoth 2nd option
epicduece: nice mill
noncrypticmoth: Yea that's fair
theguardianotter: Ashiok is NOT ok
noncrypticmoth: Probably makes it a bit easier to do
ghizmou: we only need to last a few more turns
theguardianotter: Lost several games to it yesterday
theguardianotter: Chump a dump
Jethrain: @noncrypticmoth you get access to a few starting decks and you earn some packs for free by just playing
MilkInBags: they knew you'd draw a land
BrowneePoints: THREE tibalts?
noncrypticmoth: Right on thank you jet
ghizmou: that s messed up
BrowneePoints: what the EFF is their deck!?
theguardianotter: Woof
MilkInBags: i mean tibalt is uncommon
Vandristine: my man loves Tibalt
TheWriterAleph: no expects that third tibalt :p
theguardianotter: Right?
MilkInBags: ggwp
AzaleaCloud: That deck is bonkers. :O
theguardianotter: Damn, gg
MegaDosX: Opponent drafted something good
Jundinator: Ouch
RetroHibiscus: graham from the streets
Earthenone: classic ryan
DAC169: who's Ryan?
BrowneePoints: they had the rare rakdos uncommon, one of the best rakdos rares, the rakdos wrath AND 3 tibalts!?
ghizmou: ryan reynolds of course
TXC2: wow opp had a constructed deck :p
bwk789: been watching NL?
DAC169: aipThink
James_the_Dabbler: Ryan?
TimIAm: Those classic LRR boys Ryan Jeff and Pete
jacqui_lantern234: lrrRyan should just be another emote of Graham Kappa
DoctorCactus: he probably is
noncrypticmoth: Ryan Reynolds also known as my future ex
korvys: Famous Canadian Ryan Reynolds
keyforgealchemist: SNIKT
AzaleaCloud: Stream sponsored by Mint Mobile?
MilkInBags: I am Ryan Raynaulds
hd_dabnado: people rarely are
BrowneePoints: speaking of which Graham, X-Men 97 is heckin good
theguardianotter: Graham, secret Ryan Reynolds lookalike
Jundinator: Ryan. You mean Ryan Spain?
noncrypticmoth: Oo is it brownee
noncrypticmoth: I was hoping it's good
JinaMahavira: Isn't Jacob's SF6 rival a Ryan?
MilkInBags: better than exposure i guess
v_nome: I wish somebody would pay me in gum
TheManaLeek: G-Fuel < Exposure
TXC2: next Gorilla mind will contact Adam Kappa
theguardianotter: G fuel peddler
Vandristine: "Oh god yes, I NEED my electrolytes"
NorthstarTex: lol wut, that's sad marketing
keyforgealchemist: Is G Fuel like Gut Milk?
Jundinator: Whatever happened to LRRCON?
itsr67: ah gottem ggs
TimIAm: Next year five years ago will have been 2020
Earthenone: ashiock vs golgari is also quite good
BrowneePoints: BONTU
BrowneePoints: is GONETU
theguardianotter: Bontoons
AzaleaCloud: Gonetu a farm upstate
jacqui_lantern234: BontUwU
BurningWorld65: if you mill then the decks aren't better
MegaDosX: You can Kiora into Toll next turn
Invitare: I remember when I once got all 5 gods out at once
just__fitz: Commander cards .set
Vandristine: god a vanilla 3/2 for 3... I forgot what magic was like
MegaDosX: This is better though
MegaDosX: I'd take Jiang to cut their mana
Stripe_dog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months, currently on a 86 month streak!
Stripe_dog: o/
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stripe_dog! (Today's storm count: 25)
Earthenone: i think we take the planeswaker here
Earthenone: :P
theguardianotter: Damn, their decks gross
BrowneePoints: Yanggu lets them ramp so we gotta take it
MilkInBags: yanggone
BrowneePoints: BLAST ZONE!?
TXC2: have we seen Yanggu since this set?
freshbubba: Milled 4 lands
Judders__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Judders__! (Today's storm count: 26)
hd_dabnado: nah
MommaGart: they have as many cards in their deck as our opponent did last game when we checked
BrowneePoints: yea we just top deck our 2nd one
Earthenone: nah we chump for 4 turns
itsr67: and proliferate for 4 turns
noncrypticmoth: Hey not a magic question but does Ian steam
MilkInBags: leaning on ashiok at 18 cards is a gamble
noncrypticmoth: Stream
TXC2: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: twitch.tv/seabats | Alex: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Ben Ulmer: twitch.tv/bengineering | Cameron: twitch.tv/unarmedoracle | Cori and Ian: twitch.tv/tiltyhouse | Heather: twitch.tv/LunarJade | James: twitch.tv/James_LRR | Kathleen: twitch.tv/BraveNewFaves | Matt Wiggins: twitch.tv/wiggins | Nelson: twitch.tv/coachnelly | Serge: twitch.tv/sergeyager , twitch.tv/sergeafterdark | Wheeler: twitch.tv/benjamin_wheeler
Earthenone: chumping makes us win 4 turns faster
hd_dabnado: they*
Earthenone: is what i meant
w1gum: seriously ryan get it together
BrowneePoints: technically another TWO
MegaDosX: Ashiok is they/them
noncrypticmoth: O hey
AzaleaCloud: Actively gaming
Diabore: wooooooow
itsr67: simply just draw good
Diabore: @MegaDosX i thought ashiok was just ashiok?
noncrypticmoth: Thanks bot
Avak4do: LUL
micalovits: Ez game Ez life
MegaDosX: @Diabore As of a couple of years ago they have pronouns now
theguardianotter: Guess who's back
theguardianotter: Back again
BrowneePoints: they started doing they/them cuz it was easier to write
DAC169: Opponent: "Thanks, I hate it."
BrowneePoints: but Ashiok's species is Agender
walkeroftales: I can never get over how legit a wincon Ashiok is in this format
Vandristine: Ash/iok
ashteranic: rofl
BrowneePoints: conceptually, Ashiok's species is Agender, but for WRITING, they said they/them is okay
MommaGart: There was an article saying Ashiok had no pronouns but because "they/them" was gramatically incorrect which is DUMB and BAD
Jundinator: It's sounds strange to refte
jacqui_lantern234: ok but is Ashiok single?!?!
Aarek: is ashiok thinking about holes?
MegaDosX: As for the otherworldly and unknowable nature of Ashiok that not having pronouns engenders, I think they probably manage that fine :p
Diabore: @jacqui_lantern234 ashiok is many things, single might be one of them
theguardianotter: Ashiok is currently committing crimes on Thunder Junction
MilkInBags: "At this booth, you get 10% off GFueld"
Jundinator: It's weird to refer to anyone in the third person
Marvoleath: Ashiok is now a quest giver for the Oko's Borderlands crew
Jundinator: Or rather to refer to oneself in third person
BrowneePoints: Oh yea Ashiok is the one that hired Oko and Gang for the Thunder Junction Job btw Graham. Didn't know if you knew that, but it's kinda sweet
MilkInBags: I would be embarrassed if I were them
TimIAm: I'm sorry I thought you were a business
noncrypticmoth: That's skeevy
Flyingdelorion: You walk through a forest and see Ashiok in a jar....wait...
MegaDosX: They are not good at business
MilkInBags: yeah TV execs have to pay brands to show their ads Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: YOURE SWEET, GRAHAM
jacqui_lantern234: #Gottem
TXC2: isn't that fraud ?
MommaGart: For the record, people who use no pronouns still say "I"
Cptasparagus: Wheeler sponsors the Rat Lobby for free
just__fitz: Smoke is technically fluid
MilkInBags: @TXC2 what's the fraud?
walkeroftales: Is the eternal taskmaster Greg Davies?
BrowneePoints: Ding Dong your hand is Gone
TimIAm: @walkeroftales TaskMaster secret lair when
Diabore: @TimIAm little alex horne, a reprint of little girl
TXC2: MilkInBags maybe not fraud, but getting people to advertise a product with no compensation sound illegal to me
BrowneePoints: Thunder Drake is on the way! Thunder Drake is loose!
MilkInBags: it's legal, it's just not smart
BrowneePoints: Thunder, thunder, thunder, THUNDER DRAKE!
Diabore: @TXC2 from the story it sounded like the compensation was free product
TheWriterAleph: THUN-DAH
MegaDosX: No bulli
theguardianotter: Gotta go pick up pizza, I'll be back in a little while
TXC2: Diabore well that's something I guess
MilkInBags: 2 is like, more than 1
Bugberry: a middle finger in card form
TimIAm: I'm imagining the pyramid scheme episode of Always Sunny but with bad sponsorship deals instead
BrowneePoints: and now they can't play Ceratok either
just__fitz: Is tiny Fbyllthp on the statue art?
BrowneePoints: and giant growth costs THREE
MommaGart: gg shake my hand
Diabore: @MilkInBags some would say twice as much, not me though, dont trust numbers
MegaDosX: It's basically Trinisphere
TXC2: Graham today: "2 more is a lot" Ben yesturday "Ward 3 is not that much relly"
RetroHibiscus: poggers
MilkInBags: this is basically ancestral recall
MegaDosX: Graham has demonstrated a loop
BrowneePoints: Graham is what we call "Jod's Perfect Jamer"
Diabore: and we get another double spell turn next turn, we eatin good
NornsFelidar: value
Jethrain: that's straight value right there
TimIAm: praise jod
BrowneePoints: Look, it's one of my oldest jokes
TheWriterAleph: kneel before jod
BrowneePoints: and I love it a lot
MommaGart: shout out to a real one
emberBecky: Jod is Jood
Piecrust9: Did we just pot of greed?
TXC2: Jod and Gesus ?
RatherLargeToad: Kneel before Jod
raulghoulia: the hard b in fambly
Marvoleath: That sfx of hitting them for one eot cracks me up for some reason
Bugberry: Love crushing this ent
Marvoleath: just "bonk"
MegaDosX: Globe maybe finds a land?
Diabore: just globe and draw land, ez
MilkInBags: how would biblically accurate angels wear jeans
veelofar: Is Jod what you call a god if they're made of denim?
BrowneePoints: with statue
gamercat88: may Job be with you... and also with you
MegaDosX: Graham is impersonating the tax office
Diabore: theyre also very dead
BrowneePoints: There's only one class of angels that look like that
just__fitz: Around the wings
MegaDosX: Biblically accurate angels don't technically have legs
Jethrain: levis within levis
BrowneePoints: and they're ONLY mentioned in Ezekiel
MommaGart: i mean "Biblically Accurate Angel" is wrong but it is funny
Earthenone: biblicaly accurate angels were from evangellion?
raulghoulia: Be Not Afraid!
TXC2: Thrones are just one kind of Angel
MilkInBags: yeah it's wrong fan fiction
1y1e: pre-torn torus
TimIAm: Wherever the Eva puts the jeans on them
MilkInBags: the *real* made up angels aren't like that
TehAmelie: wheels, wings and fire. like a certain bicycle riding seagull
walkeroftales: How would Biblically Inaccurate Angels wear jeans?
MommaGart: pretty sure in the Bible most angels are just dudes
Bugberry: The bible was written by lots of different people across many centuries.
EvilBadman: @MilkInBags Nope (2022)
MilkInBags: bible is fan fic
emberBecky: ReligionforBreakfast had a good video on that, yeh
micalovits: Mormons exist
itsr67: LUL
Marvoleath: nope, too much titty on those angels
Cptasparagus: get that cherubussy
MegaDosX: lmaooooooo
veelofar: Dante's Inferno is Bible Fanfic
TetraRay: I do not want to know if they do
MommaGart: Dante's Inferno is Bible fanfic
Bugberry: Lots of the bible was fanfic.
bwk789: that’s called King James Bible
TimIAm: Those are called denominations Adam
MilkInBags: uppercut
dionizuz: Hey Graham, how is it going with your health? Hope you're 100% clean now.
MommaGart: @veelofar damn you beat me to it
TXC2: the book of revelations is bible fanfic :p
MegaDosX: I vote yes
just__fitz: Bible is torah fanfic
ladyjessica: the Bible is fanfic.
MegaDosX: Begin punch
ladyjessica: dammit.
Jethrain: Bayonetta is chock full of "biblically accurate angels" in that sense
ladyjessica: Dante
Bugberry: The book of Enoch is basically fanfic that was super controversial
jacqui_lantern234: @bwk789 lrrJAMES is a king?!?! well *i* didnt vote for him!!!
veelofar: @MommaGart Get Biblically Accurately Dunked On
TimIAm: The A in AO3 is for Apocrypha
BrowneePoints: *looks at the new testament and the apocrypha and the book of Enoch* yes...yes they do
PoorMansPoison: All of date's inferno is Bible fanfic
Bugberry: What i love about Granblue is it has both kinds of Angels.
BrowneePoints: @TimIAm High five
ladyjessica: Dante and his specific gripes about his contemporaries.
frank_the_great: Graham and Adam, my favorite spooky bois
freshbubba: I thought those were Valorant characters
TimIAm: @ladyjessica "This guy cut in front of me at a buffet once, he is in the fourth circle of hell"
Sandboxgamer27 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak!
Sandboxgamer27: 10s a year right?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sandboxgamer27! (Today's storm count: 27)
jacqui_lantern234: dissappointing?! what about myself?!?!
dionizuz: Nice to hear Graham! Could you tell anything about your treatment?
BrowneePoints: Cuz of LotR yea
Jethrain: !card interplanar beacon
LRRbot: Interplanar Beacon | Land | Whenever you cast a planeswalker spell, you gain 1 life. / {T}: Add {C}. / {1}, {T}: Add two mana of different colors. Spend this mana only to cast planeswalker spells.
Diabore: ended in 2022
brieandbacon: Two desert buses ago
EvilBadman: DB 2022
SymphonicLolita: time is hard
MilkInBags: 2020-2023 didnt exist
gamercat88: time is a weird soup
bwk789: @jacqui_lantern234 just got what you meant! great joke :)
Ms_LadyMix: 10/10 wouldn't recommend
TXC2: it's so wild that it's that long ago
MegaDosX: Really? I always hear cancer treatment is a barrel of laughs (/s)
jacqui_lantern234: @bwk789 wait, which joke?
MilkInBags: hospital employees are such gems
jacqui_lantern234: cause lets be real, im a joke :p
Marvoleath: !joke
Shadowsoflife: @gamercat88 bidet
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Jack
baltimore_667083: hey that's me!
bwk789: the James bible one
micalovits: @jacqui_lantern234 A great and lovely joke!
MegaDosX: Just draw the Cyclonic Rift that's totally in your deck
gamercat88: @Shadowsoflife bidet
TXC2: baltimore_667083 well then get out of the box
DAC169: JAMES!! aipHyperREE
jacqui_lantern234: @bwk789 oh, yeah!
drizztnailo: @Shadowsoflife bidet to you as well
Jethrain: we've got them on a 16-turn clock
MegaDosX: Assuming no removal
MegaDosX: Oh right hexproof
jacqui_lantern234: @micalovits im sorry you think this way Kappa
MilkInBags: statue op B)
BrowneePoints: yea it was 2022 cuz you got diagnosed the same year my mom did
Shadowsoflife: Bidet to you @drizztnailo
baltimore_667083: @TXC2 but i dont wanna
MilkInBags: is james hiding in the office
frank_the_great: Something something draft and drawing three lands
MegaDosX: #BlameJames
BrowneePoints: it's a critical role thing
MegaDosX: It's a Critical Role reference
BrowneePoints: one of the players misheard "Good day"
MilkInBags: oh no, nerds in here??
BrowneePoints: and thought Matt said "bidet"
DAC169: Arena's shuffler is bad, and that's all there is to it.
KingOfDoma subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
KingOfDoma: sup nerds i'm on that ten and a half year goodneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeess
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KingOfDoma! (Today's storm count: 28)
TheWriterAleph: critroleBidet
jacqui_lantern234: @BrowneePoints yeah, my gran was dealing with her treatment a bit before G was
Shadowsoflife: @BrowneePoints It was grog/Travis
Marvoleath: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadyrun . For Stream VODs check out https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadylive . MtG vods and other MtG content are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRMtG . Tabletop related videos are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRTT . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRVG
samwiser_: I'm halfway into that last episode- I had to pause it to watch here.
BrowneePoints: @Shadowsoflife they don't know who that was so i was just giving them context
veelofar: You are Required to notice
gamercat88: Kathleen been killing it with By Law and Order
TheWriterAleph: Kathleen's worldbuilding is chef's kiss
veelofar: You Must go back and watch, and you Must notice new things. It is not optional.
MegaDosX: Oh man do they have the tank too?
jacqui_lantern234: lrrKATHLEEN being a good writer?! *shocked pikachu face*
Jethrain: 10 and a half years? that's almost a year!
MegaDosX: The boy!
TheWriterAleph: the lil guy!
BrowneePoints: Speaking of CR though Graham, their new TTRPG that they put in Beta last week is purdy shweet(needs bumps ironed out but hey that's what beta playtests are for right?)
EvilBadman: @KingOfDoma you baptized?
gamercat88: @BrowneePoints Daggerheart looks neat
veelofar: Oh, hey, it's the Otter Boy
frank_the_great: That's not a sub baby, that's a sub kid
BrowneePoints: Daggerheart indeed looks sweet @gamercat88
freshbubba: I play some trash vehicles in my non-white vehicles deck. But I wouldn't play the submarine
TXC2: you're only as old as how you knees feel Kappa
TehAmelie: 50 is middle age, or so they thought before household televisions
LurkerSpine: I felt old at 25
MilkInBags: when I was 34, i thought 40 was old, and now that I'm 35, yeah 40 is old OpieOP
Shadowsoflife: @gamercat88 it looks very interesting.
jacqui_lantern234: speaking of age, i cant wait until my birthday this june where i turn 31. i CAN NOT WAIT to make my favourite Simpsons joke
MegaDosX: Nothing
MegaDosX: He dies
MilkInBags: if he dies, he dies
BrowneePoints: they were thinking you'd block fblthp and give them a card
gamercat88: 50 is when AARP sends you things and you can get early bird dinner for free
Gekyouryuu: wait... Adam is older than Graham? Adam looks younger, and Graham looks 28
KingOfDoma: Yeah, I'll do my best to be fresh and youthful, but it's tricky, my dudes
sophieghost: He dies irl
itsr67: reads elvish visionary for the first time
gamercat88: @Shadowsoflife yes im excited
veelofar: Wait, they just made a not great attack. Is there a caveat to that?
MilkInBags: adam you look like a solid 39
frank_the_great: I'm 29 and I'm kinda hating turning 30
ghizmou: when s the last time you got carded?
Marvoleath: "what happens when you die?" "you go into a box and someone gets your stuff"
Strebenherz: early thirties
jacqui_lantern234: yall dont look a day over 80 Kappa
MilkInBags: I'm joking <3
veelofar: I think Adam looks like 35
ladyjessica: 40 this year for me.
MilkInBags: I'm jealous of your impeccable grey hair
micalovits: I think Adam looks great
Shadowsoflife: @gamercat88 I need read through it me, but class ideas are cool.
DAC169: eating Prismite sounds good to me
DAC169: HypeNom
BrowneePoints: I think it's the glasses frames and trim, but you DO seem younger in my brain than during the long beard Baby Penelope days. maybe my brain is just old
TXC2: just realised I'm less then a month from 35 :p
gamercat88: numbers are a human construct, fuck numbers... unless they go brrrrrrrrrrr
MegaDosX: I think you need a decent instant or sorcery in hand before Ral
BrowneePoints: next turn we can Ral -2 double lazotep right?
Gekyouryuu: @frank_the_great my favorite thing from hitting my 30s was being able to respond to any situation with a screenshot of Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force going "I am 30 or 40 years old and I do not need this."
MilkInBags: if anyone wants to feel old, just have Penelope tell you about 'retro consoles' like the Wii
freshbubba: Mkm was pretty happy about 2 2/2s for 4
MtGJam: Just sitting here at 42 being like "is no one going to say they're older than me?"
veelofar: Got Zwooped
frank_the_great: @Gekyouryuu I will find this and I will use this
KingOfDoma: Oh, I completely spaced cuz I was telling my wife goodbye before she left for physio stuff - what format is this? Cube? WAR draft?
itsr67: free boat
ShaneLeeAtk: @MtGJam my friend
TXC2: MtGJam no grandpa Kappa
BrowneePoints: WAR draft
NotCainNorAbel: @MtGJam I am older than you
ShaneLeeAtk: Well.. I am 43...
MilkInBags: gottem
frank_the_great: Is she baptized?
BrowneePoints: joke never gets old
drizztnailo: its funny every time
BrowneePoints: Graham you missed the ENTIRE Baptism joke night on Alan Wake 2
MegaDosX: Is Graham missing context?
gamercat88: yes it gets me everytime
BrowneePoints: it was PERFECT
SymphonicLolita: good joke streamer
MtGJam: Phew... thought I was the oldest person in chat. I'm too medically young for that :P
MilkInBags: Graham is like "Wtf but ok"
jacqui_lantern234: nonono, its SUPER funny
MilkInBags: LUL
MegaDosX: Oh shit their uncommon walker is better than yours
MegaDosX: No no, the baptized part
MilkInBags: does graham exist in the subwayverse
TXC2: wild that this narset is uncommon
BrowneePoints: To give context to the Baptized joke. Graham, imagine if you will....Baptismal Twitch Streamers, and what that would look like
ghizmou: that s messed up
Astramentha: but is she baptized
Anubis169: brrrr, little drafty in here
ArdCollider: also we'll need to know what Graham's hot dog seller song is
Anubis169: :P
TXC2: BrowneePoints so just a stream of a mega church ?
ghizmou: the secret anti mill tech
KingOfDoma: Also, don't know if she's baptized, but I am, cuz Christianity is a Thing
TXC2: hello Anubis169
itsr67: the tech
Marvoleath: @MilkInBags no, it's just Rayan there
Anubis169: 'ello
MegaDosX: Oh no they teched against you
micalovits: I still like going all in on Ashio
Vandristine: the tech
BrowneePoints: @TXC2 no, specifically a Channel/streamer that does baptisms
MegaDosX: Correct
Vandristine: we have to, to send a message
BrowneePoints: including hype men, chat interactions etc @TXC2
MilkInBags: it's not a great time to verify on the stack LUL
MegaDosX: Get thee gone
Strebenherz: SUPER MILL GO
KingOfDoma: Raveling time, of course
MegaDosX: God I hate that Teferi
micalovits: Still is
MilkInBags: yes, banned in many formats
ghizmou: he ruined standard
MegaDosX: Took way too long for him to get banned
BrowneePoints: it defined standard
MtGJam: Opp has the best walkers (minus nissa)
jacqui_lantern234: teferi is REALLY good
BrowneePoints: and got banned I think?
drizztnailo: teferi 3 and teferi 5 being in the same standard format was something
Vandristine: always has been
Jethrain: is teferi ever not an absolute menace whenever he shows up?
MilkInBags: Teferi makes the game become Runeterra
veelofar: Is that the Teferi that makes it so you can't play things except as Sorceries?
Astramentha: @browneepoints actually, I think it was learning that Ben’s brother isn’t baptized and Ben is
MegaDosX: Yeah, months before rotating
MegaDosX: They took way too long in banning T3feri
TXC2: Jethrain nope
ghizmou: the not so secret anti mill tech
BrowneePoints: @Astramentha that's what kicked off the hour long joke
ghizmou: smash face
Astramentha: @browneepoints ah, must have missed what part we were referencing
veelofar: The Nonbinary Skulkin
MegaDosX: Parhelion II
superdude097: Inb4 they draw a tutor
ghizmou: wait, was the the parhellion 2!!!
BrowneePoints: and finale!?
MegaDosX: What the fuck opponent
Strebenherz: *value*
drizztnailo: what is this deck?
MegaDosX: What was their pod doing?
BrowneePoints: OP just kinda...raredrafted?
TXC2: are we in a cube somehow ?
EvilBadman: their 50 card deck was "I don't know what to cut!"
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hello @loadingreadyrun . How are y'all?
itsr67: wha
SymphonicLolita: need a cup of that person's deck
Robot_Bones: What is a Draft deck, A Miserable Pile of Rares
NornsFelidar: it’s a fever dream deck
MegaDosX: They could pay, but it's summoning sick
itsr67: check the opponent's deck, see if they're all stamped cards
veelofar: James? Get out of the doorway
freshbubba: Maybe they'll get confused and attack ral
thedepthandbreadthofseth: 🌊🌊🌊
TXC2: maybe the James curse is actually the LRR curse ?
BrowneePoints: Our deck wasn't BAD
BrowneePoints: everyone else just had Haymakers
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hat draft time?
bwk789: have you tried the new secret event?
BrowneePoints: O.O
BrowneePoints: mattlrLurk
DAC169: @TXC2 nah. the "James Curse" is just Arena being Arena aipBooli
MegaDosX: I mean why not
theguardianotter: Thundy juncts
BrowneePoints: mattlrHeck
TXC2: DAC169 indeed
gamercat88: Soon. TM
theguardianotter: Noooo
MtGJam: :O
TotallyNotaBeholder: Writes down apr 5th
uchihab7: its okos abs set
MegaDosX: Huh.
NornsFelidar: nice
MegaDosX: Interesting
Bugberry: a real wild west of release events
BrowneePoints: it's a shame PPR couldn't get nailed down but this looks sick
samwiser_: Once we get our lovely PPR back... is there a chance we can see Maldhound at all? Love that silly boi.
raulghoulia: love it
Flyingdelorion: Cool!
theguardianotter: Ok, I'm here for this
MilkInBags: is there an Arthur card
houssem037: Cool
zelukester: a rootin-tootin OTJ roundup
ToppHat: will nicknames come back with OTJ?>
gamercat88: Wild Wild West rap happening when...
Robot_Bones: its the sushi sampler of magic formats
MegaDosX: Is everyone going to be wearing stetsons and spurs?
BrowneePoints: Also! OTJ has our first TransMasc character on a paper Card Graham!
jacqui_lantern234: yay more war!!! :p
MegaDosX: There's also a Totally Normal Event
1y1e: PLS? thx!
Jethrain: it's really unfortunate that wizards can't get their bus together on this
ladyjessica: really brownie?
Bugberry: @ToppHat there has to be one with no nickname, so that there's "the card with no nickname"
BrowneePoints: Yes! Yuma who heads up the Naya Commander Precon is a Trans Guy from New Cappena @ladyjessica
brainbosh: Isn't there a thing at the end of all the clues?
ladyjessica: I’ve bounced off magic this year so I haven’t been watching much.
MilkInBags: angrath Kreygasm
BrowneePoints: They had a side story detailing he even paid for surgery @ladyjessica
TXC2: right chat I'm off
ToppHat: @Bugberry rofl, that'd be amazing
gamercat88: cowdad
MilkInBags: bye txc2
ladyjessica: oooo cool!
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 take care, friend <3
theguardianotter: Angrath?
Jethrain: @brainbosh the Totally Normal Event, yeah (it's a phantom event with a bunch of random old precon brawl decks)
TXC2: goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Graham and Adam
ladyjessica: thank you!
ToppHat: I'm just hoping we get the nicknames form like we did for WoE, MoM etc but i recognize it might be done
DAC169: @MegaDosX the Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor deck in that is so busted. turn 3 and my opponent concedes LUL
MegaDosX: Angrath, lowkey one of the better rat Brawl commanders in Arena
ToppHat: its almost like these guys are busy with stuff haha
MilkBreadTB: green card is instant speed
Bugberry: 5 mana 9/9 is cool
MegaDosX: @DAC169 Sounds about right, it was pretty good in the Brothers War precon event
MegaDosX: Pretty sure not new art
itira: afternoon friendos
uchihab7: same art
BrowneePoints: nope same art
BrowneePoints: the rendering looks different for some reason
Bugberry: Get Twisted
EvilBadman: "Not Gruul" time
Riiiiiiis: I like when I remember things
BrowneePoints: also man seeing yall do Sealed and Draft in the same day is REALLY gonna show off the Crime bonus list and the Big Score Bonus List for OTJ Graham
MilkInBags: you can at any time
OldBenX: Built a deck around that Jaya in recent Artisan Brawl event, was suprisingly good
itira: nap stream!
gamercat88: nap time with LRR
drizztnailo: need to save that energy for darkstalkers 3 frfr
ladyjessica: poor fire grandma
ToppHat: draftynaptime
MilkInBags: just do like that sci fi book called Sleeping Giants
Robot_Bones: cozy nap stream inc
Diabeto3241: i just got done with work, naps sound great
gamercat88: get cozy and draft
Gooseblast: 😴
virgil82: @ladyjessica She got to go on her own terms at least.
itira: ResidentSleeper zzzz
SymphonicLolita: I wish adult nap time at work was socially acceptable
Robot_Bones: Be amazed by the Vanilla Creature. woooo
raulghoulia: was it Ryan?
MWGNZ: work on technique before numbers
MilkInBags: what if I'm always under tension OpieOP
micalovits: And the Awekening
Robot_Bones: I love that david bowie song
drizztnailo: im just real confused on what im supposed to be doing at the gym
BrowneePoints: aw man I need to get the Inigo Montoya Samut
v_nome: @MilkInBags I mean to try edibles to help with that
Marvoleath: oh, we kronchin', heck yea
MilkBreadTB: triumph is kinda sick
BrowneePoints: no no Triumph is a Comedy Puppet
Rgontownik: jaya greeting is usually just better for the scry
BrowneePoints: i like big idiot croc
Tom_Bruise: The Krangler?
veelofar: Wrangle your Kronch
OldBenX: "Wrangle the Kronch" really sounds like something from RoboRosewater card
BrowneePoints: Tomik, pre marriage but you can STILL SEE RAL'S SCARF!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Tried wrangling a kronch once... Git arrested for public indecency.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Smoot
veelofar: Wait, you can get MLP characters as summoner icons?!
BrowneePoints: if you got the secret lair
Marvoleath: @veelofar there was a charity event, you could buy them with proceedings going to kids' healthcare
BrowneePoints: ope Marvo is right
veelofar: Oh, that's kinda rad
MilkInBags: when do we get abraham lincoln avatar
couchboyj: Thesr Sparks, so warlike, I'm glad errybody lost em.
DAC169: everyone's always talking about the new horizons. but what about the old horizons?
BrowneePoints: with assassin's creed on arena @MilkInBags
Marvoleath: @MilkInBags maybe with Assassin's creed release :P
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Woot! They liked my bit.
SymphonicLolita: 4 score and 7 years from now
OldBenX: Evolution Sage
BrowneePoints: Evolution Sage
micalovits: Evolution SAge
MegaDosX: Evolution Sage
shurtal: evo sage
shurtal: Evo Sage 37
couchboyj: Big Kraunching
veelofar: I kind of want a Fallout avatar, but I know my girl Veronica won't be one onf the options either way
MegaDosX: Has definitely been errata'ed to have landfall
ExtraWubs: how may cronch can a kronch cronch
BrowneePoints: at INSTANT
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Bloom hulk is probably best green common.
BrowneePoints: instant DOES make it better. but yea still 5 mana
BrowneePoints: The Mothman deck is extra sick
AzaleaCloud: I broke for dinner and missed the rest of y'all's run with the Ashiok deck. How'd it go?
OldBenX: at least in this set in might do *something* in Limited
BrowneePoints: and I don't mean that cuz of all the Rads
MarkovDescendant: Grixis Amass was my favourite to do in WAR
DAC169: @AzaleaCloud 2-3 aipCry
Marvoleath: @BrowneePoints I'd even call it rad
AzaleaCloud: Oof. Oh well.
BrowneePoints: Oh Yea Graham did you see the Megasloth is being played in Legacy and Vintage cuz of Dark Depths?
Tom_Bruise: every diet could stand to add more Kronch to it
veelofar: I've already made a Veronica deck. Discardin cards and castin from exile. Did you know that the Madness errata has you cast from exile?
Stoffern subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 126 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stoffern! (Today's storm count: 29)
Bugberry: Kind of like Devour
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Honir isnsolid
MommaGart: How'd the first deck turn out?
EvilBadman: 2-3
micalovits: Big Kronchers
AzaleaCloud: Two Kronches can attack together. PogChamp
MilkInBags: when you block you lose
Jethrain: that's 4 packs in a row with demolish?
h3rsh3yb4r: who's val kilmer and whos doc holiday?
SymphonicLolita: oh lawd we kronchin
EvilBadman: Get your Kronch out for the Wraaaaangler
thedepthandbreadthofseth: 2 kronches are not restricted on attacking.
veelofar: Blocking is for blockers
Marvoleath: but it's a sloth now!
MommaGart: I mean grazer makes turn 2 Kronch
OldBenX: Jaya is technically a bad anthem
Tom_Bruise: So you know how the Kronch can't attack alone? Get'em another Kronch, they'll attack *together!*
OldBenX: That might shock something
NornsFelidar: just run 50 cards
MegaDosX: You have so many three drops
Marvoleath: @MommaGart and it can attack with kronch!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: No bully.
MtGJam: Gotta protect against those Ashioks
MommaGart: @Marvoleath so true
gamercat88: stinger?
AzaleaCloud: Is Spellgorger Weird even good in here?
couchboyj: Now its time tooo.... WRANGLE. THAT. KAUNCH!
EvilBadman: Spellgorge eating how many spells?
NornsFelidar: you drafted all those cards not to cut them!
ghizmou: if you cut down on noncreature spells tht makes weird worse
micalovits: Do we need 17 lands?
DAC169: could be like that one opponent and run 50 cards
SeiichiSin: Hello! Hope you two are doing good.
micalovits: How many counters do we have for courage?
DAC169: do we want to go with 16 lands?
MilkInBags: as they say in fighting games: COUNTER!
couchboyj: Mathemagicians say 16 lands should be the starting point in Bo1
SeiichiSin: May the Schwartz be with your draws.
gamercat88: da utts
ghizmou: you re choking me adam
AzaleaCloud: skibidi
MilkInBags: ??
micalovits: Saying Cringe is Cringe
veelofar: Adam is a Youths himself.
CommiePuddin: I know Ohio Rizzler and that's all I got.
bytecaster: Based indeed
drizztnailo: good job graham
Xaunaught: nah its straight bussin frfr
veelofar: Saying cringe is almost as cringe as based.
Tom_Bruise: at this point, is it even possible to be based?
Bugberry: cringe is overused. Similar to calling things "overrated"
MilkInBags: "hugging a friend is cringe" ok
EvilBadman: Crine on others is lame shit, you can self-reflect and cringe
MommaGart: Cringe is quite often used to deride sincerity
EvilBadman: cringe*
overZellous: I hope y'all are having a good day
BrowneePoints: @EvilBadman can we pick a better word than lame plz
EvilBadman: fair
veelofar: I hope your day is poggers and off the chain
TehAmelie: "don't kill the cringe, kill the part of you that cringes" is about the only worthwhile use i've seen of the word in that sense
Xed_Regulus: What about as a descriptor, like "Cringe comedy"?
Bugberry: being sincere shows vulnerability, and can't have that.
NornsFelidar: 4
BrowneePoints: or used to make fun of Austistic/Neurodivergent people having a non-neuronormative interaction/behavior
excalgold: given the first place i heard it was from the person that locked me in a toy chest when we were kids....yes Graham i agree
OldBenX: Note the word "another" on Jaya
mjk306: other
micalovits: She only deals 2
NornsFelidar: 4 as in weird hits for
MilkInBags: a source is like, a card
Tom_Bruise: well, that's a bullet we dodged by not walking into it
MegaDosX: She doesn't boost her own thing
Diabore: i dont think they get a next turn tbh
Tom_Bruise: mother fragger
OldBenX: This is the perfect expression of "um, actually..." 🤓
couchboyj: That's my secret, I'm always blooming
MegaDosX: "Hey, wait a minute. That's not the wallet inspector!"
drizztnailo: thank you, fire grandma
MilkInBags: adam do you know every single simpsons episode
v_nome: wait a minute, that wasn't the wallet inspector!
MilkInBags: seabatClap
Tom_Bruise: clap
Bugberry: people memorize Simpson quotes like Wizards prepare Spells.
drizztnailo: clap
NekomimiNinja: Clap
MilkInBags: you're so good adam!
brieandbacon: clap clap clap
MommaGart: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
DAC169: Clap
Suffix: seabatClap
TheWriterAleph: doogCLAPPING
walkeroftales: clap
micalovits: *Clap Clap Clap*
superdude097: clap
itsr67: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
LurkerSpine: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Gooseblast: Clap
BrindleBoar: good line, streamer
Flyingdelorion: clap clap
fizzymtg: Clap clap clap clap
DAC169: FBtouchdown lrrBartleby FBtouchdown lrrBartleby FBtouchdown lrrBartleby FBtouchdown lrrBartleby FBtouchdown lrrBartleby FBtouchdown lrrBartleby FBtouchdown
Amentur: idesyrClap
couchboyj: seabatClap
excalgold: wait you get long rests?
drizztnailo: which quote is a cantrip?
crowgrammer: Whenever something like that happens, a wizard did it!
Bugberry: what are your simpson cantrips
brieandbacon: Dental plan
SymphonicLolita: wooo
MommaGart: Auroroa Borealis is a first level quote which is why you hear it so much
itsr67: what's the cantrips of Simpsons quotes
micalovits: Can't wait for Adam to pull out his 7'th level Simpson quotes
BrowneePoints: the doctor!
v_nome: Is "the goggles, they do nothing!" the equivalent of fireball?
itsr67: LOL
spiffinn: my dad literally does that with o brother where art thou quotes
drizztnailo: its so good
Marvoleath: @itsr67 "Doh"
shurtal: the vast majority of people i've seen online that quotes simpsons are canadian. i don't know if it's just coincidental or i just watch a bunch of canadian twitch streamers, but it is mildly interesting
BrowneePoints: Adam
Mr_Bitterness: Oh yeah its an amazing panel.
ghizmou: it s a classic for a reason
LurkerSpine: That panel with Sauron is great
BrowneePoints: his name is Vincent Stegron
excalgold: Sauron is a conflicted fellow
MilkInBags: marvel is not serious, compared to DC with its bee and gorilla people
BrindleBoar: yeah, that's Sauron (no relation to LotR)
Shadowsoflife: That's my fave panel ever
BrowneePoints: ope wait Sauron
BrowneePoints: Stegron is ANOTHER villain
Mr_Bitterness: Deadpool
AzaleaCloud: Deadpool
LurkerSpine: Lizardman?
ztghostie: Misterio
ghizmou: deadpool
Xed_Regulus: Deadpool
LordSaphni: Deadpool
Shadowsoflife: Deadpool
MarsIsDead: Doc Octopus
Tom_Bruise: That or Spider-Man himself
MilkInBags: chad
samwiser_: New spider-man 2 is all I have ever wanted from a spider-man game.
MegaDosX: That guy knows what he wants in life
MommaGart: Better an honest villain than a liar
Diabore: as far as we know, dinosaurs didnt have cancer sooooooo
Tom_Bruise: He's not evil, he's just a creative spirit, don't suffocate it
MilkInBags: did you know the simpsons were translated in quebecois here, which is a million times better than the French version
Bugberry: He has his priorities straight
LordSaphni: i love the idea of Spiderman saying the F word in a pg13 movie and Deadpool knows it can said once and Spiderman took it
ArdCollider: Adam making a strong case for being cast as Sauron in some upcoming Spider-Man game
BrowneePoints: yea Spidey has to deal with some BULLshit
Aarek: man, that comic reminds me so much of atomic robo
MegaDosX: What if they go for a cheeky Nandos?
Mr_Bitterness: Isn't that panel from when SPider-man was teaching the X-Men for a bit?
Bruceski: ACTUALLY Sauron is yes-relation. His origin is "I have this power and coulkd do good or evil with it. I choose evil, and will name myself after the evilest creature in folklore!"
Diabore: mowu, whats this
Invitare: Mowu what's dis
drizztnailo: time for the old yeller treatment
DAC169: Jaya's gonna greet Mowu
MilkInBags: mowuwu
BrowneePoints: that dog is YOKED
Diabore: instant 9/9 is good
MegaDosX: "idk you figure it out"
brieandbacon: yip yip
MilkInBags: meep meep
Mythallian: beep beep MOFO
JinaMahavira: noot noot
Mr_Bitterness: Noot Noot step
Marvoleath: beep beep, I'm a sheep
MilkInBags: challenger troll, that's me when i dare adam
couchboyj: That what happens to amateur kraunch wranglers
MegaDosX: Pump fake let's go
anbuagent12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
anbuagent12: This set will always be, "The day Dack Fayden got jobbered"
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, anbuagent12! (Today's storm count: 30)
MegaDosX: Surprise world tree on your end step though
MegaDosX: Their end step rather
drizztnailo: sunder shaman maybe?
theguardianotter: Alright, I return with pizza
ghizmou: you can always choose not to block menace creatures
theguardianotter: How goes it
OldBenX: The joke is that if you give'em menace they become unblockable
MilkInBags: italian pizza
MegaDosX: Did you bring enough for chat?
ckupf: challenger troll and angrath means it can't be blocked
MegaDosX: I vote slam
theguardianotter: Half sausage, half cheese
Xaunaught: what are they gonna do? dtab us?
MommaGart: Makes me think of Alpha Authority and Madcap Skills from back in Gatecrash
Xaunaught: stab* dangit
OldBenX: rude
frozenphoenix7: #JusticeForDack
MilkInBags: in that whole war, two people died
Mr_Bitterness: He killed in the novel, on no card
Diabore: i mis dack
micalovits: Didn't even get a card
Tom_Bruise: well, you know what they say. Stab me once, shame on you. Stab me twice, dangit stop stabbing me.
ztghostie: got killed in the trailer, and the story, but received zero card in the set
frozenphoenix7: @MilkInBags 3
BrowneePoints: yea died in the trailer, was in the book
BrowneePoints: didn't get a card
Marvoleath: they gotta do a new/reprint of Dack in MH3, right?
MegaDosX: Yeah now they die either way
theguardianotter: It was insane how few named characters actually died in this storyline
frozenphoenix7: Dack, Domri, Gideon.
Bugberry: @MilkInBags lots of people died, just not many named characters. Two characters with cards in the set died.
BrowneePoints: ooooo R into R/U Dack might be it
theguardianotter: Wooo
frozenphoenix7: @BrowneePoints It's my personal hope
itsr67: dovin also died right
OldBenX: Samut, Head of Department of Redundancy Department
frozenphoenix7: @itsr67 No
Mr_Bitterness: No, Dovin's alive
MegaDosX: Yeah I've seen speculation Dack could be one of the flip walkers in MH3, but we only know two of them for sure so far
frozenphoenix7: Well, later, but not in base WAR
Bugberry: @MilkInBags and stakes aren't necessarily about how many people die.
BrowneePoints: Since all the Walkers for MH3 are gonna be one color into enemy Colored Flip, mono R Dack into U/R Dack might happen @LoadingReadyRun
MommaGart: oh yeah third land never didn't have it
theguardianotter: Dovin died in the follow up novel
Mr_Bitterness: The follow-up novel we never discuss or acknowledge as canon
itsr67: so like dovin*
Diabore: dovin died post war
bytecaster: Can't veto if you are dead
Bugberry: Dovin was blinded I believe and died in the novel afterward.
BrowneePoints: the "canonicity" of that book is now in question, but WotC said Dovin is still dead
OldBenX: There is no War of the Spark novel.
Bugberry: Technically Niv-Mizzet died and came back.
Marvoleath: also off screen
bytecaster: @Bugberry Niv just does what he wants
MilkInBags: who reads books anyway
Diabore: one very large glaring part
BrindleBoar: Somehow, Palpatine returned Kappa
micalovits: I would take the hulk
Tom_Bruise: *some* parts? Implying there were parts that people *did* like?
MommaGart: War of the Spark: Forsaken did NOT make me grin my Leonin grin :(
walkeroftales: dovin's death is SUCH a waste
anbuagent12: We don't talk about Forsaken here.
anbuagent12: this is a safe space
Mythallian: including Amazonian's drunken rant? gods that novel was bad
Diabore: @Tom_Bruise i mean dovin getting mercd i imagine was a highlight
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Was that the novel where they straight washed Chandra?
Mr_Bitterness: Yes
frozenphoenix7: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Among other things, yes.
couchboyj: Dovin died his Vedalkin death.
ztghostie: @Diabore one would say one "decidedly" large part ;)
OldBenX: There is no War of the Spark novel. There is no war in Tenth District. Ah, yes, "Eternals", we have dismissed that claim.
itsr67: Speaking of walkers that died off screen, didn't we also get that Duels of the Planeswalkers planeswalker?
Tom_Bruise: @Diabore that, and it was kinda funny how Domri went "oi mate, wanna colab?" and then just died
itsr67: that died to garruk
NornsFelidar: the timing of design and writing full novels was bad for a while. Quest for Karn (for Scars of Mirrodin) doesn’t even mention praetors because they weren’t designed at that point, for example. I guess that’s why short form word is using now is just better
frozenphoenix7: @itsr67 Vronos, yes. Got him in one of the Commander Precons.
OldBenX: @itsr67 Fairly certain Garruk murked him way back in his emo phase
itsr67: Ah vronos
Bugberry: @NornsFelidar Forsaken came after they took a long break from novels.
theguardianotter: Classic blump
bytecaster: "Block and pump" sounds like an exercise routine.
frozenphoenix7: Garruk, MIA for.....uh.....long while now.
BrowneePoints: it's very cpu intensive
Mr_Bitterness: DD2 will gobble up all your system resources
Juliamon: I saw that in my news feed too
shurtal: its VERY CPU heavy
Amentur: Yes AND it has Denuvo
Tom_Bruise: from what I've gathered, it was rather CPU intense
micalovits: It runs bad on everything
MilkInBags: i read you can fix the game by killing all NPCs
Bearudite: it is very system intense
Diabore: apparently npcs are tanking performance, so people are planning genocide
LurkerSpine: In towns. There are plans to murder NPCs to increase FPS
BrowneePoints: ram isn't the huge issue
BrowneePoints: it apparently PILEDRIVES your cpu
OldBenX: @Diabore the Stellaris method of reducing lag
SeiichiSin: I have it from a friend gifting it to me. But... It hasn't come out yet here. So I cannot test it.
theguardianotter: video games man...\
BrowneePoints: apparently Rise of Ronin is actually surprisingly good!
frozenphoenix7: Yeah, it's 70US, don't even wanna know how much it is Canadian
EvilBadman: Just wait 3 months and it'll drop by 30
drizztnailo: you can buy like 20 compie of guilty gear accent core plus r for that price
Diabore: @frozenphoenix7 89.99 baybee *sadness noises*
bytecaster: They have to block it
Marvoleath: You can get Dragon's Dogma I for like $5 and it's still a great game :D
r10pez10: missed what y'all were talking about, thought arena introduced NPCs
OldBenX: flunge and let'em make mistake
Tom_Bruise: But the real question about Dragon's Dogma 2; Do wolves still hunt in packs?
bytecaster: @r10pez10 Arena has a single NPC, Sparky, and they are very lonely
r10pez10: no bully sparky
Mr_Bitterness: How long until we get a mod to add Into Free as the title song
Diabore: @frozenphoenix7 94.99 apparently, both on steam and ps store
Skajetolaf: Is there another Cubing with Adam, Nelson and Wheeler in the pipeline? Loved that Cube content as a change of pace
OldBenX: FBtouchdown
thaigeprime: 5 mana 9/9 seems deece
drizztnailo: 5 mana 9/9 at instant speed seems good
micalovits: 5 mana 9/9 flash, or 6 mana 9/9 haste is very good
SeiichiSin: I used to run it. Unless they got a direct kill spell, it is really good. Especially in proliferate decks.
azidbern95 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, azidbern95! (Today's storm count: 31)
thaigeprime: LUL
drizztnailo: i've seen half of tombstone
crowgrammer: Kilmer was so good in that!
Bearudite: a man of taste
Diabore: follow up question, any plans for another this stream is for babys?
MegaDosX: "Why, Johnny Ringo. You look like somebody just walked over your grave."
Asrimal: Tombstone is a Top 10 Dad Movie
BrowneePoints: all i can think of is Cole Cassidy from Overwatch
ztghostie: "I was joking bck then." "I wasn't."
ztghostie: Tombstone is fantastic
rosesmcgee: Maybe he thought you were threatening to shoot him
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Fun fact... Doc Holiday was a dentist.
MegaDosX: Tombstone is exceptional
thaigeprime: D:
rosesmcgee: Tombstone is one of the all time bangers
Bugberry: The original Pirates trilogy is great though
crowgrammer: mbsto
bytecaster: People do watch movies in 30 second clips these days
MommaGart: Arrived to the theater late and left early
BrowneePoints: coward. Watch Our Flag Means Death
Mr_Bitterness: Pirates are sick in that they're often ill with scurvy
toddbepraised: Tombstone? The movie about frozen pizza?
ztghostie: I mean, Pirates of the carribean 1 is great, 2 nd 3 are eeeehhhhh at best
Mai_Andra: It's all the scurvy...
Bugberry: Django Unchained is a Western right? That's also good.
Marvoleath: pirates are sea-sick
drizztnailo: @BrowneePoints banger show, i have still not seen season 2 tho
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Cowboys are good if and only if they are Harrison Ford.
Shadowsoflife: What about Knights or Samurais?
Aarek: @thedepthandbreadthofseth what about space cowboys?
LurkerSpine: Yeah I wouldn't say it's a Western, it's more like, set in the Old West
Diabore: i would not classify django as a western
ztghostie: If you liked tombstone you might like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid. It has a very different feel for a western in how its shot and scored.
Mr_Bitterness: @Aarek 3, 2, 1, let's jam.
anbuagent12: Western never really was a full genre, it was more a sub-genre.
thaigeprime: I dont think all westerns are bad but didnt hollywood literally put out so many back in the day it almost crashed the industry because people got sick of them
MommaGart: it's okay land off the top every time
drizztnailo: im a big fan of the first 3 pirates of the Caribbean movies
Bugberry: What makes something a Western that Django lacks?
MegaDosX: To quote Prof like you did earlier, did you read the card? I hear it explains the card :p
micalovits: Vraska time?
Marvoleath: yea, she casts Samut's Sprint
Skajetolaf: I think Hateful Eight feels more like a Western than Django
rosesmcgee: Django isn't strictly speaking set in "the West" for one
Bugberry: Say what you will about the Pirates trilogy, but Captain Barbosa is the plutonic ideal of a Pirate.
BrowneePoints: Hateful Eight IS a Western
MommaGart: Play Vraska pre combat
BrowneePoints: Django borrows a lot FROM westerns but ISN'T one
BrowneePoints: it's very good, but very violent
ztghostie: Silverado was another, tomstone esque western that I really enjoyed.
r10pez10: wasn't the wild west historically only like five years
Tom_Bruise: @Bugberry Westerns typically sketch a rather romanticized view of the Old West, wich Revisionist Westerns like Django Unchained, well, revise
BrowneePoints: did you watch EEAAO though Graham?
thaigeprime: understandable given recent events
BrowneePoints: and Adam?
gamercat88: Wild Wild West
BrowneePoints: Minus One is fucking amazing
r10pez10: Cowboys and Aliens
thaigeprime: I hear minus 1 was good yeah
BrowneePoints: sorry for the f bomb
MommaGart: Godzilla Minus One is incredible
Asrimal: It was so good
brainbosh: I think cowboys were only like 5-10 years
Amentur: Minus One was fantastic
Diabore: @r10pez10 google says 30, from 1865 - 95
Bugberry: roughly 1870s to 1930s.
thaigeprime: the last 2 movies I saw have been dune 2 and the holdovers and both were bangers
drizztnailo: dune 2 was such a banger
QuixoticScrivener: wikipedia says 50 years 1860s -1910
ztghostie: Even the term "cowboy" has been heavily romanticized. Cowboy was a job, but movies made them out to be mavericks.
Bugberry: Godzilla is like Batman, in that they work both as deathly serious metaphors and silly superheroes.
BrowneePoints: also incredible
itira: Dune 2 was excellent
MommaGart: well what are you dune 2nite?
gamercat88: did you see the popcorn bucket for Dune 2?
r10pez10: i like the part where they said "it's duning time"
shurtal: if i cna't get the worm bucket while watching it, i ain't gonna see Dune 2
itsr67: HELL YEAH
Mr_Bitterness: Darkstalkers?!?
xantos69: Trade that all day.
MommaGart: @r10pez10 and then they dune all over the bad guys
thaigeprime: 1 hour till DD2 tho
thaigeprime: Im hyped
xantos69: Vraska can improve your deathtoucher.
bytecaster: Actually, gaining life is not a crime as we have learned from Thunder Junction.
BrowneePoints: did either of you watch Everything Everywhere? That's one of my only "you need to watch this" movies of the last decade
crowgrammer: That reminds me of RPGs. People heal to full ten times and get mad when the boss regains life.
rainreign7: Dragons Dogma 2
theawesomeonev2 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
theawesomeonev2: The boys are back in townnnn
thaigeprime: dragons dogma 2
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theawesomeonev2! (Today's storm count: 32)
shurtal: Dorgma
drizztnailo: @BrowneePoints that movie was sick
Bugberry: There was an old article on the Magic website that referenced Dune in like 2007, and that is what got me to start reading Dune.
Juliamon: ooh Darkstalkers, there's a series that needs a proper modern reboot
xantos69: Does Jaya combo with that creature dying?
drizztnailo: dune 2 is making me build a wurm typal commander deck
Marvoleath: it gets buffed by jaya
OldBenX: @crowgrammer To be fair, usually player healing to full 10 times is still less HP than the boss has
Marvoleath: the sac dmg
MommaGart: it's lethal if they don't block
MommaGart: cause you can pump, shoot face, shoot face
drizztnailo: Im going to start hitting the table rhythmically every time i play a suprise panglacial wurm
crowgrammer: Where I'm from "Rager" can mean party, or one other thing...
MommaGart: that's tricky
MegaDosX: They might be?
MegaDosX: Let's find out
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
MommaGart: ohhh yeah I forgot about the passive
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
bytecaster: Science!
MommaGart: man that's so good
gamercat88: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
crowgrammer: Well played!
Tom_Bruise: That's the power of Murder Math
xantos69: It won the game. By that metric it was amazing!
UnnnaturalD20: It's good if it works
bytecaster: If it worked, it was the line
thaigeprime: is this arena cube I assume?
Marvoleath: WAR draft
thaigeprime: oh that makes sense
BrowneePoints: in the right deck it's grooooooss
bytecaster: I can never resist the allure of a 2/3 for 2
thaigeprime: I just saw a bunch of walkers and assumed cube LUL
MegaDosX: Where it can be good is potentially removing finality counters from things
crowgrammer: I thought all twister was living twister. Who is out there playing twister with the unliving?
ztghostie: soul diviner is pretty good in commnder now with finality counters
Meark subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
Meark: 111
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Meark! (Today's storm count: 33)
Strebenherz: Come on Kronch.. damn
Tom_Bruise: Why must NoDice deny us our daily kronch?
Doncromatic: so i see you two are excited for WrestleMania
Marvoleath: @crowgrammer skeletons are sick at twister, they can just dislocate a limb
bloodstar: Was thar a PPR announcement?
bytecaster: They got kronched
crowgrammer: @Marvoleath Ah, that's very true
MegaDosX: Yike
Diabore: oh we die
Tom_Bruise: well, so much for that then
Marvoleath: @bloodstar no PPR but there is a day of good streams of OTJ content on April 5th
OldBenX: oof
thaigeprime: woof
control_rig: I do NOT miss that card
theguardianotter: the god of turtles!
MegaDosX: That card saw Standard play
Tom_Bruise: That was standard playable, oof
Diabore: good news it wasnt an actual god eternal
crowgrammer: That is a lot of "and"s
Doncromatic: wow
TheWriterAleph: got me
Doncromatic: because under all those swerls he's a pig
Marvoleath: it's a roar?
Diabore: you have priority g
crowgrammer: If the twister was going to make barnyard noises, it should be a cow
RayFK: You talking about Stream Deck?
RayFK: I had the same moment
Diabore: pass
Orxolon: never heard thw wind twisting?it sounds like that XD
ztghostie: "please sir, may I have more updates?" "MOOOOORE?"
A_Dub888: Hi friends, how magic are the cards gathering today?
Tom_Bruise: Stream Deck just wants you to stop all the downloading. It is a computer after all
control_rig: Mrow-wrrrow
Diabore: so we have 6 damage in lands atm
thaigeprime: hold the land for removal still probably
thaigeprime: they are at 11
thaigeprime: 6 turn clock
Diabore: no trust
bytecaster: I assume a mountain to the face hurts
crowgrammer: Being able to see them highlight your MVP is so dramatic
Orxolon: maybe we could keep all lands just for remvoal,twister win condition XD
Diabore: face is place
OldBenX: Removing is a cost
thaigeprime: I think you just start going face here you have enough time I think
crowgrammer: Before the :
bytecaster: Just bury the opponent in a mountain range
Marvoleath: that gotta be one of the longest costs on a ability
micalovits: Is face better than killing their dudes?
Marvoleath: text-wise
ztghostie: !card living twister
LRRbot: Living Twister [RRG] | Creature — Elemental [2/5] | {1}{R}, Discard a land card: Living Twister deals 2 damage to any target. / {G}: Return a tapped land you control to its owner's hand.
bytecaster: Perfect, a tree to throw at their face
Diabore: so theyre at functional 1 right now
JinaMahavira: do we want to save one for jaya?
theguardianotter: didnt it see standard play?
thaigeprime: I mean 3 mana 2/5 is nice in general
Diabore: you can bounce 2 forests
xantos69: I would stay the course and just keep doming them out.
Diabore: or even ob nixlis himself
thaigeprime: second enter the god eternals incoming Kappa
bytecaster: But they cannot draw cards if they don't have a face anymore, checkmate atheists.
Krillin_fan: Judge! my opponent keeps gaining life!
Jovh11: That card was printed when they let us have multiple triggers a turn
micalovits: We miiiight be in trouble
thaigeprime: the dream
ztghostie: its like a JRPG boss starts casting curaga on itself
MegaDosX: Turn Living Twister into even more of a baby Borborygmos
Diabore: feels like theyd sac sac if we block
RevolverRossalot: Turns 1 counter into 2
micalovits: Gonna sac the 1/1 and then start removing cards from the kitty
Diabore: now they can draw 2 though
superdude097: Well, now they can draw 1 more card
Tom_Bruise: "Sir, you're gaining too much life, I'm gonna have to issue a slow play warning"
MegaDosX: Well now they can draw a card from the cat
bytecaster: But now they can draw off the cat
Marvoleath: still can draw
Marvoleath: now two cards over 2 turns
gamercat88: opp also running 55 cards
bytecaster: Maybe they mill themselves out?
gamercat88: jk
thaigeprime: how many cards are they on
thaigeprime: probably not relevant
micalovits: Got milled 4
MegaDosX: I don't think you get a window
thaigeprime: nah opp cheated by gaining life Kappa
MegaDosX: Card draw is strong, film at 11
Tom_Bruise: It's not easy, being a Brainwizard
NornsFelidar: you have to present tibalt as an argument against gaining life. you can’t just claim it’s illegal!
thaigeprime: how could they
Night_xD: soul diviner seems pretty good, doesnt it
superdude097: Why you gotta be so rude?
62MGcobra: lrrJUDGECALL
rentar42: lifegain AND counterspells?
Tom_Bruise: See, this is why we should just kick Blue-Black down the stairs
micalovits: RIP
RayFK: I'm not saying you're super dead
RayFK: But
RayFK: G imded
bytecaster: Just regular dead
drroxorphd: All dead
thaigeprime: oh god
gamercat88: too much power
micalovits: Thats an interesting sound
crowgrammer: That sounds so cool
NornsFelidar: don’t tell Adam
1y1e: G using The Voice
micalovits: New kind of ASMR unlocked
thaigeprime: silver age batman villian origin story
NornsFelidar: nooo
huffboi1: you kinda sound like darth vader
Diabore: welcome to magic the gathering 203
ShaneLeeAtk: G been guzzling whiskey
RayFK: Graham's been needing a bit
Dog_of_Myth: it's a good bit.
Alness49: Help, G fell down the well again
RayFK: James has holes, Adam has "figthing chat"
RayFK: G now has a bit
itira: *and it was immediately forgotten* Kappa
Marvoleath: it's Graham and Ryan at once D:
Tom_Bruise: Ah, the Two-Timing Mike Bit. A Classic in the making
MrTulip: visionary
A_Dub888: What about Beej?
bytecaster: And for special occasions you can add a third microphone to really heighten the stakes
micalovits: I like end step 9/9
thaigeprime: "thats it, I throw the sun at them"
gamercat88: beeg
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Tom_Bruise: Fair.
ztghostie: LUL
MegaDosX: You know what, fair
OldBenX: gottem
JinaMahavira: LUL
control_rig: Nope'd
ShaneLeeAtk: GGGN
NornsFelidar: talking about being rude
couchboyj: Vhitu'd right in the Gazi!
EmeraldMaker: Poggers
gryfyn1: Temur'em out baby
thaigeprime: choccy milk spotted requesting extraction
bytecaster: Weird kronch but okay
thaigeprime: M'Poggers
micalovits: And a merry Poggers to you
Mr_Bitterness: Poggifers, bring me my choccy milk.
control_rig: Ra. Ging. Kronch do do do-do.
BrowneePoints: the PHRASE will
Diabore: im confident it already is out
ArdCollider: good poggers to you and all of your kin
BrowneePoints: the action is just kidna...natural?
ShaneLeeAtk: Remember Poggifers?
w1gum: adam - GONNA?!
CataclysmicReverb: It'll happen to youuuuu
Strebenherz: So Pog is shrek, eternal
w1gum: as in it hasnt already
itira: Pog forever
rentar42: pog too shall pass
TheWriterAleph: out of style??? PogChamp
MegaDosX: Is that the next Bond film? Pogging is Forever?
Robot_Bones: our Children will Pog on our graves
Gooseblast: Death, taxes and POG
bytecaster: Pogging, much like dabbing, is eternal, right?
Bearudite: poggies my doggies
SoylentDoener: the eternal PogChamp
control_rig: That's a button
lamina5432: 2 years old is out of style
RevolverRossalot: One day we'll finally pog off but never pog back on :(
BrowneePoints: Pog as a term may face, but the reacion of :O is eternal
Tom_Bruise: We used to be Pog, but then they changed what Pog was! It'll happen to yooouuu!
BrowneePoints: fade
ArdCollider: i don't want to cure cancer. i want to turn people into poggers.
couchboyj: Remember Alf? He's back, in POG FORM!
gamercat88: kronch is misunderstood
Alness49: Less raging, more malding
bytecaster: That kronch in particular? Wrangled!
ghizmou: like a 40 something listening to rage against the machine
thaigeprime: *samwise voice* "how could the world go back to being pog when so much cringe had happened"
BrowneePoints: @Alness49 i refuse. that term is like sand on my butthole
Alness49: @BrowneePoints understood, have a nice day.
thaigeprime: LUL
ghizmou: they might think more highly of us than we do
Bearudite: gollum seethed
RayFK: any malders in chat?
MommaGart: "You may never get to my MMR... but I can carry you."
gamercat88: malders gate
MWGNZ: m'alders
OldBenX: @RayFK that's my secret, Captain... I'm always malding
control_rig: The Honorable Maldersman
couchboyj: Forever Malderless
Juliamon: what's malders, precious?
MurphEP: wheelerMulder
Diabore: op like the chockymilk apparently
BrowneePoints: I'm hitting all of you with an inflatable hammer in my mind
couchboyj: Boil em, mald em, put em in a stew
quatoria: Malders Gate 3
jacqui_lantern234: Malders Gate
gamercat88: nothing whats the malders with you?
theguardianotter: ooohhhhh
theguardianotter: thats what it means
CataclysmicReverb: It's more like tearing your hair out
Strebenherz: TIL
MommaGart: I always pictured it as so mad your hair falls out
BrowneePoints: It's Salty for another generation
ztghostie: I thoguht it was you're so mad you're ripping your hair out and am now bld
ztghostie: *bald
BrowneePoints: Ass man cold
BrowneePoints: AFTER
BrowneePoints: he was on the PREVIEW
quatoria: the plus side, you can throw the asmongold pawn off a cliff, or into a lake
BrowneePoints: and didn't know how to FUCKIN PLAY THE GAME
Mr_Bitterness: Hope you can kill that NPC
Jethrain: Bigger than before
Strebenherz: If twitch streamer pawns are in the game, you can do various things to said streamers, in the video game.
Amentur: Asmongold didn't even enjoy Dragon's Dogma 1 afaik. It's purely to draw in his fanbase
MegaDosX: Whatcha got there opponent
ghizmou: it s fair when that army took 3 cards to build
MegaDosX: Can't cast it yeah
theguardianotter: praise be
control_rig: a good person?
BrowneePoints: a good person?
Tom_Bruise: Didn't they get xQc to play Infinite Wealth? Feels like a similar thing going on
Mr_Bitterness: Much prefer having Jesse and Cohh in Cyberpunk
Alness49: Not the best representative. No matter what sphere we're talking about.
gamercat88: @Mr_Bitterness agree!
ghizmou: come back vraska!
BrowneePoints: now MAX being in Dragon's Dogma? That's Poggers
Dog_of_Myth: Cohh is also in BG3
thaigeprime: preach
micalovits: Everyone and their mother has references in WoW
Diabore: sea of stars
BrowneePoints: Jirard.....Jon Jafari
MegaDosX: 2k24 moment after everything that happened with WWE a month ago
NornsFelidar: LRR is getting a secret lair in the next 3 years
Sharkfists: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: The Long Game (It's the final week of the Kill Team league! Who will reign victorious? Tune in to find out. Game: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team League) at Thu 05:00 PM PDT (29m from now).
anbuagent12: Y'all wanna talk about that time Jared from Subway was in a justice league tie-in comic?
BrowneePoints: @anbuagent12 wait really?
anbuagent12: @BrowneePoints Oh yeah. This was i wanna say 2 years before they were revealed
Dog_of_Myth: Yep
xantos69: @anbuagent12 Is this in the SubWay verse?
Alness49: Bring Back Applewood Smoked Pork!
gamercat88: omg the Subwayverse grows
MegaDosX: And it turns out he might not have been the worst person in the building benginSip
ztghostie: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
thaigeprime: LUL
RayFK: :)
shurtal: talk about an easy layup for Subway PR
SquareDotCube: a classic
RayFK: It's fun.
thaigeprime: nah thats a whole new sentence
Mr_Bitterness: Yeah but its Subway, so make fun of the faceless corp all you want
ghizmou: if you're not with me, you re against me, pancake man
w1gum: you guys hear what adam was saying about crepes?
bytecaster: You are only allowed to like one thing, and you made your choice
SquareDotCube: that's been a decade and then some on the pulled pork commment
MegaDosX: Does Graham know about the Subwayverse?
anbuagent12: French Toast racist.
crowgrammer: I think people make bots that just reply to everything a developer posts with "I demand this thing"
rentar42: a.) I don't have waffles, b.) what if I did? How does this matter here?
gamercat88: they have foot long churros now
thaigeprime: so bad AND its expensive for NO REASON
philippekav subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
philippekav: How is the wrangling of Kronch going ?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, philippekav! (Today's storm count: 34)
SnowBuddy18: Subway has footlong cookies
BrowneePoints: America has like 6 A&Ws left
TehAmelie: i like it, but too expensive
Marvoleath: It's decent here, but expensive
Bearudite: aside from their anti union stances
itira: oh nooo
ghizmou: so exotic
xantos69: I dislike Subway... but I would be open to sponsorship. It wouldn't be cheep but there is a number.
Xed_Regulus: Did you know that there are more Subways than McDonald's?
OldBenX: World will be a better place once the site formerly known as Twitter goes 6 feet under
Mr_Bitterness: KFC in Japan is its own thing
Scarbble: japan mcdonalds is wild
TehAmelie: ha, remember when Subway got in trouble in Ireland because they have so much sugar in the bread it's legally a pastry?
MegaDosX: Japanese McDonalds is outstanding
BrowneePoints: HEY
ztghostie: Fast food in Japan looks amazing
gamercat88: Dominos in Japan and Korea yum
thaigeprime: I hear japanese KFC goes crazy
crowgrammer: I hear Japan KFC is better
shurtal: subway is expensive, because the cost to get a franchise is SUPER LOW compared to other franchise choices, but you have to go through Subway procurment which is SUPER high
Vandristine: billionaires
ghizmou: it s classic holiday food
shurtal: KFC for christmas
theguardianotter: advertising
emberBecky: probably more like garbage food regulations
ShaneLeeAtk: Christmas KFC
bytecaster: Yeah, especially around christmas, right?
LurkerSpine: The McDonalds I went to in Japan wasn't any different/
Boon_33: cause chicken
ztghostie: There's a christmas tradition where families get a bucket of chicken
Tom_Bruise: that and your governments don't impose quality standard regulations
Dog_of_Myth: 7-11 in Asia is goated apparently
anbuagent12: Dude, it was the SICKEST MARKETING EVER!
DAC169: KFC is THE place to get Christmas dinner in Japan
BrowneePoints: people reserve for six months in advance for Christmas, because of a very successful marketing thing decades ago
kdefinition: If you have to ask why adam, the reason is because money
itira: chat is popping off rn LUL
Bugberry: The Curse of the Colonel is a real thing that I keep seeing referenced in Manga and Anime.
couchboyj: They just call it Kentucky
SquareDotCube: they finally destroyed the cursed Colonel Sanders statue
TheWooglie: it's not a day off
ztghostie: There is, its just not a consumer fest like in north america
BrowneePoints: Japan is not a Christian country
underhill33: they're aren't many christians in japan
BrowneePoints: by faaaaaar
Evochron13: Christmas is a christian holiday. Japan isn't a christian country
Bugberry: There's an unfortunate term from Japan called "Christmas Cake".
anbuagent12: Cake and Chicken. It's the best
MegaDosX: That's certainly an assumption Adam :p
rentar42: religious traditions/beliefs in japan are interesting overall, from a "western" perspective. Much to learn
ghizmou: If you haven't seen it, you have to watch Kathleen and Jordynne play the KFC dating game
OldBenX: They don't really get out to KFC, they order buckets home
Diabore: you need to make reservations MONTHS in advance at kfc for christmas in japan
gamercat88: LRR trip to Japan
OldBenX: And you need to order yours like 2 months in advance
TehAmelie: remember how Evangelion used all that Christian imagery to be spooky and alien to the Japanese viewers
Scarbble: the colonel is a hot young japanese guy now over there
Juliamon: Japan fetishizes the Colonel
DAC169: I'd like some Christmas Cake
ztghostie: is it the Colonel from the KFC dating game?
shurtal: Chicken, Cake, Love Hotel
RetroHibiscus: they dressed the colonel up in black mage attire for the ff14 collab
MtGJam: Well it's got red and white colour scheme, a bearded guy as the spokesperson and they don't have turkey in Japan
anbuagent12: Tell adam about the time The KFC Cornel cursed a baseball team
bytecaster: It's Colonel-san to you, Adam
Bugberry: There's a famous story about a Japanese baseball team that threw a Colonel statue into a river, and like lots of sports superstitions the team's bad luck became associated with KFC.
SquareDotCube: I mean, if you want a second place there's the special McDonald's sandwiches
CommiePuddin: Waffle House is ridiculous on Christmas Day. We spent six weeks preparing for that one day every year.
crowgrammer: A baseball team won a tournament and celebrating fans threw a KFC Colonel statue in a river. The team didn't win again for decades, so they sent a dive team to retrieve the statue.
ztghostie: I've had mochi flavored kitkats and they are the bomb
MtGJam: Very popular before exams
bytecaster: The combo
micalovits: This curve is disgusting
OldBenX: The Kronch has been wrangled
OldBenX: (still sounds like RoboRosewater quote)
Bugberry: I was reading the Silver Spoon manga and there was a random Colonel statue reference.
SquareDotCube: you know when they set the toaster oven on fire? The first time? They were warming up kit kats inside
micalovits: PLay hulk, smash? Wrangler at vraska
ghizmou: just send the trampler
MtGJam: 5 power, in fact
Darleysam: as a Brit, getting to see KitKats become such a huge thing thanks to their popularity in Japan has been kind of wild
ztghostie: its 5 power isn't it?
RatherLargeToad: conversely, the Chevy Nova did not sell well in Mexico for similar reasons
UnnnaturalD20: Are we the opponent?
Night_xD: *kronching time
Mr_Horrible: so sad when a kronch and its wrangler are forced to fight
OldBenX: meanwhile in Poland we giggle at Osram lightbulbs because their name sounds like "I $#!t on"
duke_dice: Hey hey all.
Tom_Bruise: Damn, WAR got hands
Araragi298: wow WAR limited its been a hot minute
Cptasparagus: Graham, did you send out codes for the giveaway from like 3 weeks ago yet? just wanted to check.
MtGJam: Trade trade seems great
Araragi298: I have an uncut sheet of this set sitting right in front of my on my wall
Marvoleath: swing all but weird
Araragi298: I love this set
ztghostie: I like swinging with the rager too
Juliamon: Cptasparagus Not as of last night
DudelidouX: Might be trade trick but that's fine
Cptasparagus: @Juliamon thanks
Juliamon: (he is aware he's behind on it)
micalovits: OH NO
A_Dub888: rayfkWelp
theguardianotter: woof
Mythallian: nissa who breaks formats
OldBenX: Judge! Opponent is popping off!
MtGJam: Well that was two cards they could have :/
Cptasparagus: npnp, I just didnt know if I missed something since i've been busy the last few weeks
Sogheim: whoever would have thought Superfriends mono green in draft?
MtGJam: I think killing Nissa is priority #1
micalovits: You do on the rager yes?
brainbosh: 6/6 right?
Araragi298: maybe just everything at nissa
marcosm_illustration: a6/6
MegaDosX: I'd almost throw it all at Nissa
MegaDosX: That Nissa is unreasonable
MegaDosX: Nissa is a much bigger problem than Arlinn
MtGJam: Looks like that attack was 100% right :D
Araragi298: I love how powerful proliferate is in this set
micalovits: No need to pump was there?
micalovits: It has vigilance
ztghostie: the land has vigiliance
MegaDosX: Land has vigilance
Mr_Horrible: the game is over soon, we don't need to grow things
shurtal: vigilance
Mr_Horrible: we need more bodies
Marvoleath: the land has vigilance
duke_dice: everything came up millhouse.
ztghostie: for all the marlbes
Mr_Horrible: the number of lines in WAR was (and is) absurd
Mr_Horrible: this set was really cool but exhausting to play
shurtal: for all the Morbols
PigmyWurm subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PigmyWurm! (Today's storm count: 35)
MommaGart: for all the Marlboros?
Tom_Bruise: I think it's pronounced Mar-blees
micalovits: I like that trade
micalovits: RIP 7-2
duke_dice: blame the shuffler.
control_rig: Oh c'mon!
A_Dub888: "______ING SHUFFLER"
bytecaster: My hands are very smooth actually, I moisturize.
TehAmelie: the autoshufffler prevents shuffling fatigue, leading to more shuffling. it's a vicious circle
LurkerSpine: #blameWorth
RetroHibiscus: yeah we were statistically likely. unfortunately we are on the other end of variance :(
Meark: I remember that. That's so early on.
thaigeprime: I hope you fall off a sea cliff
superdude097: Clearly this happens because Arena doesn't pile shuffle Kappa
Seth_Erickson: It's also the easiest to get mad at though
Seth_Erickson: for that exact reason
bytecaster: See also, LoL, Dota
couchboyj: Shuffler aint a thing, but Otto Tapper is a real villian
shurtal: giant grow one of theirs
kdefinition: Yeah, this is why I don't play TCGs
RealGamerCow: some people shouldn't play games in which they interact with humans
control_rig: Rude
Araragi298: this looks... badddd
Bearudite: gonna wolf or squatch adam?
rosesmcgee: We got closure
NonMint: Always love to see someone let their opponent swing for lethal.
TheWriterAleph: FBtouchdown
MegaDosX: Hi Kathleen!
definenull: PridePog
OldBenX: There's one more code
Krillin_fan: don't forget 2005
OldBenX: 2005
Mythallian: ITS BRAWL
MegaDosX: It's old Brawl precons
definenull: huh.
MegaDosX: From previous precon events
korvys: Dossier art
Mr_Horrible: neat!
AkromaTirel: Just out of curiosity, which type of draft is the streamers using?
micalovits: Fish!
OldBenX: Yup
Krillin_fan: yes
MegaDosX: There's theories there's one more code that hasn't been discovered yet
MegaDosX: And that 2005 is the red herring for that one
RealGamerCow: Kathleen was too cool for MtG
RealGamerCow: Adam, you were playing WoW, and you know it
korvys: I was also in university, failing because I was playing too much magic
bytecaster: I was never cool
MegaDosX: I was in year 11 in high school
MegaDosX: I was never cool
micalovits: Just all the WC3 custom games
Caffine1138: 2005 was 12 person chaos games in the community college cafeteria
shurtal: in vent, playing dota, push and pulling creep
Caffine1138: good tiems
AkromaTirel: I started magic at 9th edition right before the og ravnica
Krillin_fan: cool is a state of mind
Caffine1138: *times even
Greyah: I started mtg with Mirrodin, so december 2004. So I definitely played in 2005 as well.
AkromaTirel: Oh
NornsFelidar: you guys are cool
Mr_Horrible: some nice magicked gatherings
micalovits: Thanks for the stream freinds!
MommaGart: thanks friends!
A_Dub888: I was too busy playing the hot new Pokemon Emerald in 2005
NornsFelidar: thanks for the stream
theguardianotter: thanks for having us
RealGamerCow: From the LRRCast anniversary episodes, Kathleen was CLEARLY a cool kid in college
KWardJenx: Great stuff. Thank you.
theguardianotter: it was great to be here
Bugberry: My first Magic cards were 8th edition started decks.
xantos69: Well in 2005 I was president of my school's Magic the Gathering club... also that is the year I won homecoming royalty.
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
Mr_Horrible: cool stuff
MommaGart: Cool!
agentofsaruman69: woops spoke too soon lol
Bugberry: can't wait for the rodeo
Mr_Horrible: mmm... pre-lunch showcase...
MegaDosX: Modern showcase let's go
Mr_Bitterness: seabatClap
samwiser_: Kathleen so cool.
ztghostie: ah yes, the PLS
Seth_Erickson: bye bye
Strebenherz: o/
micalovits: pls is not quite as cool as ppr
Bearudite: need to get a fake stagecoach to send the losers home in
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: The Long Game (It's the final week of the Kill Team league! Who will reign victorious? Tune in to find out. Game: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team League) at Thu 05:00 PM PDT (7m from now).
Krillin_fan: you got this adam!
MegaDosX: Adam just gotta use his fighting game skills
Mr_Horrible: you have to LIVE Team, Adam!
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Mr_Horrible: you have to LIVE!
micalovits: Just roll dice well!
MegaDosX: You roll dice
Krillin_fan: roll high!
Mr_Bitterness: Cam vs Ben, Spess Marines vs SPESS MARINES
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits for the LRR Folk!
itira: Thanks for the stream! have a good evening everyone!
Darleysam: just throw a handful of dice at your opponent like a shotgun blast
Seth_Erickson: Don't worry Adam you'd have the shimmies
MegaDosX: Thanks for stream!
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, gang
MegaDosX: @Darleysam Pocket sand, but dice
RealGamerCow: soooo what is long game after Kill Team?
Darleysam: @MegaDosX "I do 8 d20 damage!"
Metric_Furlong: @RealGamerCow I don't know. It's also possible LRR don't know yet either
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
LoadingReadyRun: Ok, folks. It's me, James. I am on the board tonight. Be kind.
Juliamon: it's a two-refresh night for me
Juliamon: oh hi James, you should turn off the paid promo thing
LoadingReadyRun: done
thrythlind: greetings!
thrythlind subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
thrythlind: I forgot to hit share... ahhh greetings
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thrythlind! (Today's storm count: 36)
Nigouki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
Nigouki: James on the board tonight? Turnering Points!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nigouki! (Today's storm count: 37)
DideRobot: LRR: It's time to name a winner of our months long Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team league here on The Long Game. | Two absolute titans of the game square up for what's sure to be the battle of the century. | Ben vs. Cameron! | Nurgle Legionaries vs. Phobos Marines! | FIGHT! | https://twitch.tv/loadinreadyrun (has image) | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/112136410275852630