TehAmelie: the autoshufffler prevents shuffling fatigue, leading to more shuffling. it's a vicious circle
LurkerSpine: #blameWorth
RetroHibiscus: yeah we were statistically likely. unfortunately we are on the other end of variance :(
Meark: I remember that. That's so early on.
thaigeprime: I hope you fall off a sea cliff
superdude097: Clearly this happens because Arena doesn't pile shuffle Kappa
Seth_Erickson: It's also the easiest to get mad at though
Seth_Erickson: for that exact reason
bytecaster: See also, LoL, Dota
couchboyj: Shuffler aint a thing, but Otto Tapper is a real villian
shurtal: giant grow one of theirs
kdefinition: Yeah, this is why I don't play TCGs
RealGamerCow: some people shouldn't play games in which they interact with humans
control_rig: Rude
Araragi298: this looks... badddd
Bearudite: gonna wolf or squatch adam?
rosesmcgee: We got closure
NonMint: Always love to see someone let their opponent swing for lethal.
TheWriterAleph: FBtouchdown
MegaDosX: Hi Kathleen!
definenull: PridePog
OldBenX: There's one more code
Krillin_fan: don't forget 2005
OldBenX: 2005
Mythallian: ITS BRAWL
MegaDosX: It's old Brawl precons
definenull: huh.
MegaDosX: From previous precon events
korvys: Dossier art
Mr_Horrible: neat!
AkromaTirel: Just out of curiosity, which type of draft is the streamers using?
micalovits: Fish!
OldBenX: Yup
Krillin_fan: yes
MegaDosX: There's theories there's one more code that hasn't been discovered yet
MegaDosX: And that 2005 is the red herring for that one
RealGamerCow: Kathleen was too cool for MtG
RealGamerCow: Adam, you were playing WoW, and you know it
korvys: I was also in university, failing because I was playing too much magic
bytecaster: I was never cool
MegaDosX: I was in year 11 in high school
MegaDosX: I was never cool
micalovits: Just all the WC3 custom games
Caffine1138: 2005 was 12 person chaos games in the community college cafeteria
shurtal: in vent, playing dota, push and pulling creep
Caffine1138: good tiems
AkromaTirel: I started magic at 9th edition right before the og ravnica
Krillin_fan: cool is a state of mind
Caffine1138: *times even
Greyah: I started mtg with Mirrodin, so december 2004. So I definitely played in 2005 as well.
AkromaTirel: Oh
NornsFelidar: you guys are cool
Mr_Horrible: some nice magicked gatherings
micalovits: Thanks for the stream freinds!
MommaGart: thanks friends!
A_Dub888: I was too busy playing the hot new Pokemon Emerald in 2005
NornsFelidar: thanks for the stream
theguardianotter: thanks for having us
RealGamerCow: From the LRRCast anniversary episodes, Kathleen was CLEARLY a cool kid in college
KWardJenx: Great stuff. Thank you.
theguardianotter: it was great to be here
Bugberry: My first Magic cards were 8th edition started decks.
xantos69: Well in 2005 I was president of my school's Magic the Gathering club... also that is the year I won homecoming royalty.
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
Mr_Horrible: cool stuff
MommaGart: Cool!
agentofsaruman69: woops spoke too soon lol
Bugberry: can't wait for the rodeo
Mr_Horrible: mmm... pre-lunch showcase...
MegaDosX: Modern showcase let's go
Mr_Bitterness: seabatClap
samwiser_: Kathleen so cool.
ztghostie: ah yes, the PLS
Seth_Erickson: bye bye
Strebenherz: o/
micalovits: pls is not quite as cool as ppr
Bearudite: need to get a fake stagecoach to send the losers home in
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: The Long Game (It's the final week of the Kill Team league! Who will reign victorious? Tune in to find out. Game: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team League) at Thu 05:00 PM PDT (7m from now).
Krillin_fan: you got this adam!
MegaDosX: Adam just gotta use his fighting game skills
Mr_Horrible: you have to LIVE Team, Adam!
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Mr_Horrible: you have to LIVE!
micalovits: Just roll dice well!
MegaDosX: You roll dice
Krillin_fan: roll high!
Mr_Bitterness: Cam vs Ben, Spess Marines vs SPESS MARINES
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits for the LRR Folk!
itira: Thanks for the stream! have a good evening everyone!
Darleysam: just throw a handful of dice at your opponent like a shotgun blast
Seth_Erickson: Don't worry Adam you'd have the shimmies
MegaDosX: Thanks for stream!
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, gang
MegaDosX: @Darleysam Pocket sand, but dice
RealGamerCow: soooo what is long game after Kill Team?
Darleysam: @MegaDosX "I do 8 d20 damage!"
Metric_Furlong: @RealGamerCow I don't know. It's also possible LRR don't know yet either
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
LoadingReadyRun: Ok, folks. It's me, James. I am on the board tonight. Be kind.
Juliamon: it's a two-refresh night for me
Juliamon: oh hi James, you should turn off the paid promo thing
LoadingReadyRun: done
thrythlind: greetings!
thrythlind subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 63 months!
thrythlind: I forgot to hit share... ahhh greetings
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thrythlind! (Today's storm count: 36)
Nigouki subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months!
Nigouki: James on the board tonight? Turnering Points!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nigouki! (Today's storm count: 37)
DideRobot: LRR: It's time to name a winner of our months long Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team league here on The Long Game. | Two absolute titans of the game square up for what's sure to be the battle of the century. | Ben vs. Cameron! | Nurgle Legionaries vs. Phobos Marines! | FIGHT! | https://twitch.tv/loadinreadyrun (has image) | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/112136410275852630
NotCainNorAbel: International Champion
Nigouki: clean match? don't they bring out the sludge for the finals?
Luminaire_p subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Luminaire_p! (Today's storm count: 38)
Walla_tv: go live tweet has the wrong URL
Juliamon: again...
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
Lysander_salamander: Oh, yay I didn't miss all the intros
Lysander_salamander: mmmm chitin
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
A_Dub888: crap, now I want cracklins
LoadingReadyRun: @Walla_tv this keyboard is garbage. fixed.
annoyedandconfused: i love that the first and last episodes are the same match LOL
Juliamon: it's a fitting bookend
Wolfstrike_NL: A perfect loop
annoyedandconfused: its like poetry, it rhymes
annoyedandconfused: wait, wrong space fantasy series
SquareDotCube: @LoadingReadyRun Must be James at tech...
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Strebenherz: PFFFT
Getter404: But can they fly?
zigboy22: Aaa
Lysander_salamander: :D
gualdhar: I just got whiplash
Lysander_salamander: this is awesome
Lysander_salamander: heck yeah Ludvig
Dog_of_Myth: YES
PMAvers: oh no
Melfina__: Oh yessssss
Lysander_salamander: this is amazing
Dog_of_Myth: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
annoyedandconfused: OMG
Jensling: YESSS
Lysander_salamander: I love this
Lysander_salamander: greater gooed
passwordlost_hereiam: Beastie Bots
Lysander_salamander: Death Korps?
Walla_tv: LUL
Nigouki: ahahahaha
pn55: HypeLUL
Juliamon: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
gualdhar: LOL
Strebenherz: AWWW
Styxseus: LUL LUL
Lysander_salamander: aw
NotCainNorAbel: lol
Jensling: LUL
Walla_tv: this is peak
Getter404: It's not Public Domain?!
emberBecky: wow!
annoyedandconfused: LOL
Strebenherz: 100/100 A+
Lysander_salamander: nice
pn55: seabatClap
Camthelion: OHNO
Dog_of_Myth: OMG
Getter404: SENOR DORN
niccus: is *any* of these teams not a genetic freak
Walla_tv: oh no not the SHAPES
vinopinguino: steiner math
Lysander_salamander: Boy Math
Melfina__: Oh love me some Steiner math.... err i mean Space Marine math
TehAmelie: @niccus i think some of them are freaks of physics
Lysander_salamander: yay
Dog_of_Myth: coxJam coxJam
Lysander_salamander: Nuuuurgle
BusTed: This is Briefcase Full of Guts energy.
Walla_tv: this is great
Dog_of_Myth: Amazing
Lysander_salamander: yay
xantos69: Is that new?
Nigouki: Ben mic?
TehAmelie: ahoy!
Walla_tv: mic sounds quiet
Fruan: Mic 5?
Melfina__: Ben when does the full album drop?
Dog_of_Myth: hahaha
Walla_tv: LUL
Juliamon: Ah, there we go
vinopinguino: lol
Metric_Furlong: !pave
vinopinguino: take it from the top
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
annoyedandconfused: LOL
KWardJenx: ha!!1
DudelidouX: As if he wouldn't do it LMAO
Lysander_salamander: hullo!
Metric_Furlong: James "Paul at home" Turner
Doncromatic: what did i just see
Metric_Furlong: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Asrimal: lrrFINE
Metric_Furlong: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
Metric_Furlong: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadyrun . For Stream VODs check out https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadylive . MtG vods and other MtG content are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRMtG . Tabletop related videos are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRTT . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRVG
thrythlind: Battletech league when?
pn55: Can confirm, this series has been great! lrrSHINE
thrythlind: that was a joke, btw
Getter404: Warcry with the Infected Trees and Bone Centaur
withwherewithal: This series got me to buy the Kroot Farstalkers
wedge_x: @thrythlind but... what if?
thrythlind: tried think of another tactical match game and hit Battletech
Steelwolf171 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Steelwolf171! (Today's storm count: 39)
Lysander_salamander: The Trophy?
Metric_Furlong: @thrythlind they're Canadian: obviously they'll be playing Heavy Gear instead Kappa
raulghoulia: nice
pn55: seabatClap
BusTed: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
emberBecky: oooo
gualdhar: wooooooow
KWardJenx: Nice!
Lysander_salamander: princess auto?
gualdhar: lrrWOW
niccus: probably not
LoadingReadyRun: please let me know how the music volume is for y'all.
Getter404: Dunk it in Nuln Oil
Metric_Furlong: painting small plastic things? impossible
A_Dub888: anyone else feel the urge to shoot that with an airsoft rifle from Princess Auto?
thrythlind: that said, one of the only Battletech matches I ever played, I lucked out with a triple critical hit on the opposition's Assault 100ton causing it's engine to just go dark in the first round... near perfect salvage
Metric_Furlong: no funky-dunkyness here
thrythlind: @LoadingReadyRun I'm not entirely sure it's playing or I'm only imagining it because you asked
ultin00b subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ultin00b! (Today's storm count: 40)
Creideiki_SE: I hear no music.
Metric_Furlong: well they're in space, obviously we can't hear any music Kappa
LoadingReadyRun: it is 100% playing, just wanna make sure it's audible without being overbearing.
Doncromatic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months!
Doncromatic: thanks to this league i build an iron warriors kill team
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Doncromatic! (Today's storm count: 41)
CommanderPulsar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months!
CommanderPulsar: Showdown Thursday Let's GO!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CommanderPulsar! (Today's storm count: 42)
TehAmelie: i can just hear it. works nicely for me
Lysander_salamander: yay
baltimore_667083: hi Jacob!
Walla_tv: I really hope we see it again
Walla_tv: these have been great
Caffine1138: Now this feels like 40k. only thing missing is the beers and noms!
ihorner: I'm here too! Just wanted one night off this week. Good hunting lads!
B1ackSword: G'day all
LoadingReadyRun: @B1ackSword Welcome in!
B1ackSword: Thanks @LoadingReadyRun
Mathwyn: Any thoughts on the new kill teams announced yesterday?
B1ackSword: Can I ask you guys a question.. I love Kill Team but i havnt had the chance to play many games. I run an intercession KT. With the Tact Op cards etc. Do I need to get a specific set or is there a generic one I can use for all games?
B1ackSword: Is that Funko??!! Hey mate!
Mathwyn: I play both GSC and Votann so I'm hyped
Walla_tv: squats and genesteeler cults
B1ackSword: @LoadingReadyRun did Funko bring his beautiful painted Ultramarines?
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Walla_tv: they have actually gone on record that they are a miniatures company not a rules comnay LUL
Metric_Furlong: Games Workshop are almost as good at writing rules as they are at selling miniatures for reasonably, affordable prices Kappa
Juliamon: Yalc "5 3D printers"
yalc321: I'm being perceived. Ahhhh
Mathwyn: @metric_furlong Hey, thats not fair, they've gotten better at writing rules over the years Kappa
Wolfstrike_NL: Perceived with love @yalc321
Chesul: I thought there was a coffee time with Serge line of mugs? but I guess that might have been under the LRR brand?
Mathwyn: Cries in Australian prices
Juliamon: Chesul those were technically LRR, yeah
B1ackSword: @Mathwyn i hear those cries.... I blame Dan Andrews haha
itira: tqsHi
Walla_tv: dash cap move might get you that point
itira: seabatPjorg
A_Dub888: !chat
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
B1ackSword: @LoadingReadyRun what chapter is Cameron's Phobos Strike team?
Walla_tv: raven guard maybe?
B1ackSword: Oh yeah. Shout out to another Homebrew Space Marine chapters!
Walla_tv: neat
neisan2112: Sun Eater is actually a dope metal album by Job for a Cowboy
Walla_tv: sneaky world eaters is very unexpected
B1ackSword: @LoadingReadyRun Funko's Ultramarines are beatifully painted. Love his retro vibrant style
Morrigan9: warhammer chapter or metal band
B1ackSword: @Morrigan9 my homebrew chapter falls in the catagory for both as a Metal Band name too haha
Walla_tv: @LoadingReadyRun checking her twitter she uses she/her
ghyllnox: Degendering is better than misgensering, but yeah, it's still not great
ghyllnox: *misgendering
thrythlind: I use they/them when I'm not sure if I'm speaking of someone not there and I'm not sure they want me to identify them in any way... such as "I was talking to a friend and they said..."
archivists: love respectful conversations about pronouns
ghyllnox: ^
type_variable: is jacob a lrrsman yet
archivists: If you find non binary & neo pronouns hard, practice. Just like I hope you would if you had a new colleague with a name you hadn't heard before.
DoctorHutch: the new votann look fun
DoctorHutch: the new Genestealers look like they could be low count depending on your choices
Walla_tv: I desperately want a new grey knights team
B1ackSword: I would love to see them do a Genestealer/Terminator mini rules that can be used and adpated for "Kill Team: Into The Dark"
Commodore_Perry_GG: and Hannibal licter (sp)
Walla_tv: KY has some very cool narrative stuff
DoctorHutch: Lizardmen
Walla_tv: Slann
Mathwyn: Zoat kill team
Mythallian: ALL WILL DIE DIE
Plasterboard: bring back Slann
Alness49: I'd play the heck out of Space Skaven, yes yes.
Mathwyn: Just add an Enslaver as the controller and bam
KWardJenx: Exodite Eldar
archivists: @B1ackSword I'd love to see this but in a hulk, in space.
DoctorHutch: a squad of Bretonian Nights that randomly got sucked into a time portal
KWardJenx: Elves on dinosaurs
B1ackSword: Catachan Jungle Fighters vs Chaos Demons ... in a space hulk seems more likely to happen before a Terminators v Genstealers KT release
Steelwolf171: Bring back the Zoats!
Pazy160: I love the idea of Warhammer fantasy being a world in 40k so I just want to play my fantasy Dwarves somehow fighting Space Marines.
archivists: Harlequins versus noise marines
DoctorHutch: Death Guard all the way
thrythlind: As to homebrew chapters, Kikoskia has his Avatars Resplendent which are hella 80s and weirdly benevolent and iconoclastic... and his Marines Extreme, which are hella 90s ... he plays a lot of legacy armies because he likes the look of the models
Schneedrache: Ambull kill team would be off the cuff
archivists: zoats. just a big box of zoats
thrythlind: note, this ace just got Jacob's joke
thrythlind: just now
CrazyCobraCC: are you guys always streaming? I see you online every time I look
LoadingReadyRun: @CrazyCobraCC Not always, but we do stream about 40-50 hours a week.
Juliamon: CrazyCobraCC Nearly every day! There's over a dozen members in LRR so there's almost always someone available to stream
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Mathwyn: A brutal bolter is 100% more metal though
Simriel: I feel like I would enjoy Mordheim style rules in the mortal realms. like Warcry isn't the same itch and Underworlds isn't my jam
archivists: I like Mordheim but imo its a slightly worse necronumda
MWGNZ: the setting of mordheim is solid
Simriel: Cause the close fighting of Mordheim was very different to what Warcry was.
archivists: solid but a bit limited - a single city in a single period of time. it kind of fenced it in a bit.
Sudobyte: painting some underworlds stuff now, though for use in AOS
Simriel: City fighting in both Kill Team and Mordheim is great, so I feel like one in the Mortal Realms would be great
archivists: I love the underworlds warbands for mordheim, witchhunters obvs but also the skaven are beautiful minis
Simriel: Witchhunters from Underworld are superb
B1ackSword: Oh man i love Mordheim. building a new version of my witch hunters as we speak
archivists: @B1ackSword what are you using for flagellants?
Simriel: I love Witchhunters. I gotta pick up all the rest of them they have made for AoS
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Alas_Babylon: ded
ckupf: CAM
itira: seabatApp
UncannyJimjams subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months!
type_variable: seabatClap seabatClap
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UncannyJimjams! (Today's storm count: 43)
Simriel: So he just drills the Plague Marine in the head
neisan2112: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Chesul: Cam, why did you just douse that man in FooF?
MWGNZ: @Chesul that man and all their ancestors
Simriel: So Kill Team feels like it's the combat of the Horus Heresy where a single bolt round just hits someone in the head and they disappear
Simriel: I am so excited by the new Hernkyn kill team
Lobo_Apache: and the kasrkin can do the Give APL twice until most other teams
MWGNZ: new squats look great, cant wait to paint them in fluro cloaks
Simriel: @lobo_apache and no range and LoS
Simriel: I love their greatcoats. I am gonna do a Votann in a LARP at some point and absolutely having one of those coats
thrythlind: I'm partially sad that the Sentinels of the Multiverse tactical board game never happened... but also I wouldn't have the money for it and it sounds like the worst post-OblivAeon timeline... as adverse the RPG which is like best post-OblivAeon timeline
BlindRift98: these streams got me wanting to jam some mobile frame zero
UncannyJimjams: So Jacob is going to bredth and not depth for his collection? Definitely valid, I'm glad he decided to get more models
m00ntruther: chat, what mark is the leader? khorn, slanesh, or undevided
EOstby: The greater good reroll.
dumbo3k: @m00ntruther Undivided
m00ntruther: @dumbo3k thx
m00ntruther: as a competitive player (top 100 us, not to brag), no takebacks are for wieners who dont like fun
thrythlind: a friend of mine in a battletech tournie encounter a person that deliberately generated a monstrous BO and got in the friend's space... and when he lost anyway with some new hotness versus a basic model my friend was fielding he through a fit... and got thrown out of the tournie... then he complained to the convention and they kicked him out for health reasons
Walla_tv: man this is great. wish it wasnt 90% crime
Kaaannaaa: most complicated board games would be an objectively better digital game
Chesul: I believe TableTop Sim has a policy where they will allow custom content up until the actual content holder requests it to not be there, at which point they will remove content of that IP.
Kaaannaaa: but obv changes the social aspect
m00ntruther: to the players / table friends, have anyone of you seen the reveals for the new box (votann vs genestealers) and you likely to pick it up
thrythlind: I have friends in Australia I want to play the definitive Sentinels with and they haven't given an expansion to the digital game yet so we can play both original and definitive sentinels
Enki1256: Sounds like an AFK stream to set up.
Simriel: The Brood Brothers upgrade sprue seems really good.
Simriel: I want the Hernkyn for sure
Lobo_Apache: I would absolutely go in for that
goombalax: I bet they've got like indirect pistolas and weird teleport shenans
Chesul: Grots all over this house!
m00ntruther: as an almost all melee team, Blades of Khaine are actual really good
m00ntruther: you take like 1 dire avenger, and thats all
Simriel: Mandrakes are probably the melee version of Phobos
B1ackSword: SOunds good
type_variable: ben said the thing!
Simriel: Stealthy and melee
goombalax: @m00ntruther I like to take between 2-3 DA's because their tactics are really good
Juliamon: Paul, at home, probably: "why don't they ever do this for me"
DudelidouX: I just heard Ben said 'Go away.' Hoping there was a don't I missed lol
goombalax: he's trying to get rid of us. It won't work.
DudelidouX: Well that's a given we're chat we never do what we're told
LoadingReadyRun: sorry about the lack of music, plugin not working for me :(
m00ntruther: @goombalax i mean yes they are, but having more scorpions or banshees is just more valuable
m00ntruther: you really only need the 1 for martial harmony and to hold the back objective
m00ntruther: EXCEPT if you are playing against exaction
m00ntruther: then bring like 4-5
m00ntruther: i wouldnt reccommend the DA exach tho, they arnt that good'
TheFreak013 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
TheFreak013: The stuffs and the things.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheFreak013! (Today's storm count: 44)
goombalax: no the exarch is poo. I run Banshee exarch because the Chakram is so sick
m00ntruther: @goombalax Banshee exarch is a great choice
itira: pure filth LUL
62MGcobra: well never have to do that again Ben
m00ntruther: @m00ntruther im partial to the scorpion exarch because the biting blade is great against weaker teams
62MGcobra: well till next league
Lithobraker: Statler and Waldorf? I think you mean Trazyn and Orikan Kappa
Lobo_Apache: I slaughter all elites except Phobos on Bheta Decima
m00ntruther: patch to kasrkin? nah its fellgor and kommandos that need a nerd
m00ntruther: nerf*
Lobo_Apache: @m00ntruther as a fellgore player, I kinda agree
m00ntruther: @Lobo_Apache warpaint should not be 1 ep, or you should not be able to take it so many times
goombalax: Didnt they both get nerfs that took away the most egregious shenanigans?
m00ntruther: also why do they come back better than necrons
m00ntruther: hierotek circle is on a 3+
m00ntruther: I am biased tho because i play novitiates with 7 wounds
m00ntruther: @goombalax yes, but it is still not enough
m00ntruther: fellgor is this opressive after a wave of buffs, that should say a lot
m00ntruther: same with kommandos
CommanderPulsar: Dost thou bite thy thumb at me, sir?
LuKain008: what factions?
goombalax: Legionaries and Phobos
LuKain008: didnt know loading ready run did Warhammer
m00ntruther: @LuKain008 this is the final match of their league
m00ntruther: its been pretty great so far
m00ntruther: if you want to see the rest, its all on their tabletop youtube channel
Simonark: Is there an affectionate nickname for the players in the Kill Team League that we'd settled on? Those Lovable Leaguelings?
LuKain008: cool any tyranids? or GSC?
A_Dub888: @Simonark AF40K Kommrades?
LuKain008: @Simonark Warheads?
niccus: it's so important to have a knife in life
goombalax: is this the butcher?
m00ntruther: @LuKain008 i think someone played hivefleet in the past? not in the league tho
m00ntruther: i could be wrong tho
BlindRift98: are the rolling trays flipped?
LoadingReadyRun: @BlindRift98 They are
Simonark: Funko and Friends Variety Hour?
62MGcobra: just tuned in at the break, dice trays seem they are on the wrong side? this hurts me
62MGcobra: but i'll live
DoctorHutch: sicko mode successfull
62MGcobra: lol!!!!
SnackPak_: problem solved
Mc40k subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mc40k! (Today's storm count: 45)
BlindRift98: the energy of this stream is lovely
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
62MGcobra: yay Kevin SR.
Bruceski: Next season has wrestling entrances and hecklers
LoadingReadyRun: tried to fix the dice trays
LoadingReadyRun: did it work?
LoadingReadyRun: woooo
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
62MGcobra: @LoadingReadyRun good job Mr. Wizard
Despoiler98: thats a LOTTA DAMAGE
62MGcobra: #blamejames
DoktorNik subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months!
DoktorNik: One More month
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DoktorNik! (Today's storm count: 46)
MWGNZ: PowerUpL hifunkSickest PowerUpR
Jhoiraful_Chaos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jhoiraful_Chaos! (Today's storm count: 47)
Fancy_frenchman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Fancy_frenchman: Yipeee
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Fancy_frenchman! (Today's storm count: 48)
RayFK: I like how tuning in at this point felt like I was watching a council harshly judge Ben and Cameron
Xavorin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
Xavorin: Happy 57, friendo's! Kappa
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Xavorin! (Today's storm count: 49)
BusTed: ggs
SnackPak_: gg
BusTed: FBtouchdown
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
MrSarkhan: seabatClap seabatClap
SmoreThanAFeelin: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
xantos69: Nobody is claiming it is rigged.
SnackPak_: why does it already say Ben?
Despoiler98: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Juliamon: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Despoiler98: auriiShade auriiShade auriiShade WAITAMINIT
RayFK: Oh it'll be used, soon.
62MGcobra: lrrGREED
Chesul: Ben, what happened to the last trophy like that that you had on camera? remember Road Quest.
ihorner: Woo
UWDJohn: James brought ICE CREAM
62MGcobra: whose Ben?
62MGcobra: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
BusTed: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
SnackPak_: lrrDILLY
niccus: this means funko can't go back to australia right
eshplode: lrrDILLY !
Dog_of_Myth: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
couchboyj: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
underhill33: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
kakmize: YAY James!
corianderd: there's ice cream!?
NotCainNorAbel: lrrDILLY lrrDILLY lrrCrab lrrDILLY lrrDILLY
DoctorHutch: how much longer is funko in CA for?
kakmize: I'm giving James credit cause he deserves it.
corianderd: I learned there's ice cream
UncannyJimjams: Dilly dilly!
gundamschwing: That is such a satisfying crunch
ihorner: I've got another meme-squad to finish painting.
Lobo_Apache: This Just In, Ben puts nurgle aside..... NOW IT'S GELLERPOX TIME
62MGcobra: explaining your little guys
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sharkfists! They have given 51 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sharkfists! (Today's storm count: 50)
Caffine1138: 40k as a whole kinda does that
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to unarmedoracle! They have given 52 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, unarmedoracle! (Today's storm count: 51)
DoctorHutch: simple but very clean lines is very much my favorite painting style
BusTed: Fascinating to see everyone's dilly bar consumption methods
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to alexsteacy! They have given 53 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, alexsteacy! (Today's storm count: 52)
DoctorHutch: i would absolutely bid on come kill teams (and have in the past)
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ihorner! They have given 54 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ihorner! (Today's storm count: 53)
ihorner: @yalc321 Thanks for the gift sub!
UWDJohn: I'm painting up Bronze Age Greeks for a Trojan War Miniature wargame, how would they fair in Kill Team?
Chesul: Ben, just do what you did to the Road Quest one and use it for shooting practice!
niccus: edit it into the AFK opening
yalc321 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sugarsh0t! They have given 55 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sugarsh0t! (Today's storm count: 54)
roastbeefsandwitch: I'd recommend some Vampire: Rivals card game (currently ON your shelf, behind you). I'd love to make a teaching video for it, and some suggested decks and strategies. I know Jacob would be invested in it. It's a great game for a League format.
UncannyJimjams: Sinister Six!
thrythlind: the decks in Sentinels of the Multiverse had the same problem... a lot of the early decks are rather meh... definitive has fixed that a bit
shurtal: you've dilly dally'd, but did you shilly shally?
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
I_Am_Clockwork: Thanks for a fun time!
Dog_of_Myth: This was a fun series to watch
Lobo_Apache: Now 2k armies when?
Lobo_Apache: Or Apocalypse
UncannyJimjams: Boarding Action yes please!
Juliamon: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadyrun . For Stream VODs check out https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadylive . MtG vods and other MtG content are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRMtG . Tabletop related videos are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRTT . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRVG
MWGNZ: hifunkBeard
NotCainNorAbel: hifunkCat
62MGcobra: hifunkSickest
WitchyTQ: hiFunko
v_nome: You can do the thing!
DoctorHutch: that combo in the highlight reel was so awesome.
corianderd: cdhc March 25th with Katrina drawing landscapes
ihorner: Don't make fun of my Pianis
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
corianderd: yes that Katrina
UncannyJimjams: I'm planning my Sinister Six team and then imma make X-Men
NotCainNorAbel: old school ben emote
I_Am_Clockwork: Cheer10000 Thanks for the KillTeam journey
KWardJenx: Thank you for the great stream. The Emperor protects.
Mazrae: Is that supposed to Ben down at the bottom
Dog_of_Myth: This was fun
pn55: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
corianderd: laterz
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
LostThePirate: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
Mollylele: sing you coward
Nigouki: no DJ TurnLRR? D:
Juliamon: What do you MEAN you don't sing
Juliamon: seabatUseless
Lord_Hosk: Ill give $3 if you sing
BusTed: tqsClap
Nigouki: lrrBartleby
Lord_Hosk: You heard me... 3 whole dollars... thats US dollars not CAD
LoadingReadyRun: let the bits rain down
Juliamon: so like, $10 CAD
LoadingReadyRun: maybe i sing
LoadingReadyRun: maybe i don't
Mollylele: I'm not leaving this chat until someone sings
emberBecky: lrrPistachio
Simonark: I'm singing now, but you have no way to hear me or reason to believe me.
Mollylele: someone wake up Paul
Lord_Hosk: Molly, I have it on good authority (picks up thankgiving CD) that You know how to sing
Mollylele leaves chat
Lord_Hosk: LOL
Nigouki: NO
Orxolon: g night everyone
emberBecky: \o/
LostThePirate: lrrFINE
Nigouki: you monster
Simonark: Wait, does James not know there are other songs? There are other songs, James!
Lord_Hosk: Cheer300
Orxolon: hahahhaa
Nigouki: would have made the highlight reel if he did Arthur but I'm pretty sure Sarah and the other mods will not allow this anywhere near the highlight shortlist
LoadingReadyRun: @Lord_Hosk thank you
Lord_Hosk: I keeps my word
Juliamon: that depends on who's in charge for this stream
Juliamon: I could see TXC2 approving it
Sarah_Serinde: Hi I got a notification with no context but I enjoy the Arthur stuff? It's a thing on James's home stream specifically because I requested it for my birthday and it stayed :D
Sarah_Serinde: Also yeah I'm not responsible for this show and tbh if something is funny I'm gonna let it through even if it's Caillou
Juliamon: James ended the stream with some jlrrCai jlrrLlou
Sarah_Serinde: Oh, well, still :D
Sarah_Serinde: Not up to me!
Sarah_Serinde: Also it's only me and malc out of James's mods who hate the Caillou thing