tod_vom_himmel: but what if
tod_vom_himmel: what if oki oki
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a $15,000 antique Checkpoint mug
v_nome: No oki oki for you, come back in one year.
tod_vom_himmel: dammit
baltimore_667083: wait what do i do with this mug
tod_vom_himmel: nome lets play eve vanguard the best shooter ever
v_nome: lol
baltimore_667083: !searchfortreasure
LRRbot: You find: a Wandering Monster!
baltimore_667083: oh no!
v_nome: !saveallgnomes
v_nome: aww
tod_vom_himmel: rip
Metric_Furlong: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: another box, and in that box is another box which I mailed to myself. And when it arrives, I'll SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!
Metric_Furlong: that's not a lrr reference at all, LRRBot
v_nome: I just have to test if some of these are actually active...
v_nome: !giveaway
LRRbot: WotC has generously donated extra Wilds of Eldraine product, which will be given away throughout the stream! Stick around and enter the keyword in chat when prompted for your chance to win!
Metric_Furlong: !birb
Metric_Furlong: still live, just paywalled
Earthenone: lrrSIG
NewtyNewts: lrrSIG
v_nome: lrrDOTS RyuChamp lrrARROW
LurkerSpine: FamilyMan FamilyMan FamilyMan FamilyMan
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club (Join Oki Oki Bois for some Street Fighter 6! Game: Street Fighter 6) at Fri 10:00 AM PDT (0s from now).
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrSIG lrrSIG
TXC2: Manae lrrHEART
benjamin_wheeler: guten morgen
Anaerin: !show
TXC2: hello benjamin_wheeler
Anaerin: !show override off
NewtyNewts: hey all, back from my week off of fighting. time to shake some rust off
Anaerin: !show override oofc
TXC2: it's Friday right? i didn't lose 48 hours again did I ?
coachNelly: good morning gamers
sptrashcan: Good morning!
hyperialguard: VoHiYo
TXC2: hello coachNelly
saucemaster5000: Good day punch drunkers
TXC2: hello sptrashcan and hyperialguard and saucemaster5000 welcome
CatTreeDreamCar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CatTreeDreamCar! (Today's storm count: 1)
AceGun_: Any gamers in chat?!
LostThePirate: Good morning gamers
saucemaster5000: Official petition to put Q-Bee in SF6 starts today
PrinceLariel: mornin gamers
TXC2: hello AceGun_ and LostThePirate and PrinceLariel welcome
drizztnailo: @PrinceLariel mornin yall
TXC2: hello NewtyNewts and drizztnailo welcome
benjamin_wheeler: @saucemaster5000 the darkstalkers character?
glenseay3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months, currently on a 62 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, glenseay3! (Today's storm count: 2)
saucemaster5000: yupyup
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 Is it possible that Q-Bee possible laid eggs in your brain or something?
sptrashcan: I am happy to report that for whatever reason my connection/matchmaking issues have ended.
drizztnailo: darkstalkers Victor is a silly man i love him
AceGun_: @sptrashcan seabatClap
saucemaster5000: If manon's hitgrab did that egg laying animation I would be satisfied
NewtyNewts: @AceGun_ Might not be the brain putting forth that idea
hyperialguard: Oh, I was stabbed by Q Bee, Sauce died, and another Sauce burst from my body
hyperialguard: My bad
TXC2: sptrashcan congratulations
saucemaster5000: @hyperialguard My bad og
DideRobot: LRR: Time for the honest, grounded neutral that the Street Fightergames have always been known for. | |
LostThePirate: lrrFINE
themostjoast: howdy gaymers
themostjoast: let it be a good punch today
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW RyuChamp
NewtyNewts: Do the punchies
TXC2: here we GO!
TheAinMAP: Hello.
TXC2: Hello Adam and Jacob
drizztnailo: aaaah im awake
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
hyperialguard: I'm awake ahhhhhhhhh
Metric_Furlong: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 10:04 AM
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
SnowBuddy18: but I just fell asleep Adam
ZachtlyAsIntended: Good morning
Fanklok: It's after noon
BusTed: huhzawha
NewtyNewts: Wake up assdumbs
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
themostjoast: im wide awake, it's morning
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
AceGun_: Sounds just like my mom waking me up for school.
v_nome: I don't want to go to fight school today, mom.
lochnessseammonster: morning punchy friends
undecided44: Sorry, my ass is too dumb to Patreon
NojhLivic: Good afternoon
lochnessseammonster: i do not
TXC2: wake up? I've been awake since 6am after Adam was in my dream :p
sptrashcan: I was delighted to go 0 and 20 with a very good (and generous with their time) platinum Ken.
BusTed: seabatOAK
TXC2: hello Nelson and Wheeler
lesbianpunkpyromancer21 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months, currently on a 2 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lesbianpunkpyromancer21! (Today's storm count: 3)
drizztnailo: wheeler jumpscare
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
hyperialguard: *whip crack*
SkiaSymphonia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
SkiaSymphonia: Though you could rid of me that easily, eh?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SkiaSymphonia! (Today's storm count: 4)
lochnessseammonster: true bestie
TXC2: it's capitalism's fault
BusTed: demure
drizztnailo: jacobs face lmao
TXC2: oh Adam honey Kappa
lochnessseammonster: i saw you build a mech that says otherwise...
Fanklok: Uhm
tod_vom_himmel: i wouldnt know about having bad days in sf6
tod_vom_himmel: foreign to me
BusTed: The stakes couldn't be lower.
themostjoast: only pos honda vibes always
AceGun_: @tod_vom_himmel because you're an SFV player now.
beowuuf: like a poor shower, no pressure
saucemaster5000: I only care if I get a tie -- then I have failed
lochnessseammonster: good talk PrideLaugh
AceGun_: I'm going to be clean any day now...
SnowBuddy18: we're here for fun ook ook times, it's not a tournament with money on the line
beowuuf: get in to this stream losers, we're going to fight town
drizztnailo: bacon beat my ass senseless enough to learn that lesson lol
beowuuf: lrrHEART
TXC2: hope you get well soon Nelson lrrHEART
LostThePirate: My kiddo is clapping for you
AceGun_: seabatClap
itsr67: what up
BusTed: sweet.
hyperialguard: seabatClap
drizztnailo: thats a sweet shirt
tod_vom_himmel: oh no
chronically_poor: good joke streamer lol
16AngryBears subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 16AngryBears! (Today's storm count: 5)
TXC2: I think this is the first time we've been in a battle hub on this show since the first week :p
tod_vom_himmel: cant control camera on fight stick
bwk789 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
bwk789: nearly at the half year
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bwk789! (Today's storm count: 6)
AceGun_: If you are on stick, you have to hold R2 (i think), and then adjust the camera with the 'face' buttons.
JinaMahavira: Is Jacob's mic off?
TheAwkes: A backpack for his applesauce?
sptrashcan: I do have a question. Is there value in starting on Modern controls and starting to learn how to use your character's toolkit in matches before you've mastered Classic execution, or is it a hindrance in the long term?
ArtemisHuntress: do we have a burrito backpack?
AceGun_: @sptrashcan Totally fine to start on Modern, the skills will transfer. It will just take a bit to adjust if you decide to switch to Classic.
accountmadeforants: @sptrashcan No harm in it, but there's also little harm in just sticking with Modern
TXC2: "I need some fuel for me Mule, some gas for me ass"
Mai_Andra: are you modern?
petey_vonwho: Lol, I built Popeye in a WrestleMania game back in like 2000
TXC2: nothing in SF6 is real
saucemaster5000: stupid ps4 insisting on system updates...
AceGun_: Walking forward is the thing I've been drilling in training mode the last couple days. It is hard.
saucemaster5000: just thinking about a bee
bwk789: nothing is real is silver 2 - Nelly last week
hyperialguard: Feeling good. Psyched to hit the lab this weekend
chronically_poor: freshly Therapized, feeling existential
Mr_Horrible: not me realizing I didn't put my headset away to charge last night NotLikeThis
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible me every day
bwk789: just got back from the gym, finished work and off to draft mkm later
Mr_Horrible: just gonna have to imagine Adam's trenchant insights and Jacob's witty rejoinders
TXC2: thanks Nelson :p
saucemaster5000: It's what they hid in during WW1
hyperialguard: Lol
freshmaker__: howdy gamers
Simbionis: @Mr_Horrible Thanks for showing me a new word, never heard rejoinders before
Fanklok: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Mr_Horrible: @Simbionis happy to be of service o7
Mai_Andra: adjective incisive or keen, as language or a person; caustic; cutting: trenchant wit.
TXC2: trenchant = vigorous or incisive in expression or style.
saucemaster5000: watch my trenchant Q-Bee command grab
Laurence72: I thought it was a small insect that lived in a long depression in teh ground
Mai_Andra: I like how "caustic, cutting" is part of the same definition as "incisive or keen"
Mr_Horrible: oh no I've started a bit and I can't even hear it? laynaPepehands
drizztnailo: ye lily vs gief blows ass for gief
TXC2: Mr_Horrible this is I feel when Chat runs with shit I say :p
Didero: Good evening!
TXC2: hello Didero welcome
Mr_Horrible: @TXC2 Born to Chat. Forced to Video-Only
TXC2: Mr_Horrible the horror
saucemaster5000: saw acegun floating, I'm running away
Didero: Lily always looked young, but this costume makes her look, like, 14
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 seabatBRAIN
gualdhar: Wait, Lily isn't a literal child?
freshmaker__: got previous levelled.
TXC2: we rizzle dizzled
MilkInBags: hello nerds
Didero: @gualdhar Presumably they're all adults for legal reasons
gualdhar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gualdhar! (Today's storm count: 7)
TXC2: hello MilkInBags welcome
drizztnailo: my hot take is i think this mu is worse for gief than JP
itsr67: gaming
MilkInBags: simply grab
freshmaker__: nice!
undecided44 acknowledges intrusive thoughts about what to type, and begins to move on.
Didero: I like how Lily's hat does a little dance when she's lying there knocked out
saucemaster5000: I've only started drive reversaling condor spire this week and that shit is Expensive brother
Mr_Horrible: I feel like, for accuracy, getting a punish counter SPD on Lily should cause her to evaporate like she got Thanos snapped
AceGun_: You can Drive Reversal any of them, but it's costs 2 gauge, so its not really worth it unless they OD spire, imo.
offbeatwitch: bonkbonkbonkbonk
offbeatwitch: tap
MilkInBags: jacob is free
MilkInBags: run away
saucemaster5000: popeyes says "I'm about to pop off"
tod_vom_himmel: yall labbing or can we jump in to fight
Fanklok: Popeye sounds like uf Elmer Fudd had a stroke
freshmaker__: huh
MilkInBags: he stays in the forest to avoid his dead marriage
saucemaster5000: Fudd does one thng and he sucks at it
undecided44: Elmer J Fudd, millionaire, I own a mansion and a yacht.
Laurence72: I do love the one time Elmer won against Bugs. "I may be screwy, but I'm not going to the looie!"
TXC2: saucemaster5000 yeah but that's the way Bugs likes it Kappa
saucemaster5000: it's okay to be sick and drop your kids off at a random street corner
drizztnailo: gief level 2 takes 18 frames to come out
drizztnailo: its very bad
TXC2: the safety was a bug wasn't it ?
coachNelly: ggnome
TheThirdTail subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
TheThirdTail: <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheThirdTail! (Today's storm count: 8)
v_nome: @coachNelly ggs!
GGsLive: gief L3 beats the condor spire 50/50 I'm sure
TXC2: hello GGsLive welcome
GGsLive: hi there
ZachtlyAsIntended: Lily with those clubs is like Yoshimitsu in Tekken....WHO ALLOWED THIS?
itsr67: :)
itsr67: my character, extremely top tier
Laurence72: Werewolf martial artist... would that be a Stargazer?
itsr67: You have it good, just know that
ZachtlyAsIntended: I was always more of a Glasswalker
phuznutz: I'm confused. Where is Wheeler in all this?
TriChronos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TriChronos! (Today's storm count: 9)
bytecaster: Wheeler is the voice in the machine
TXC2: phuznutz wheeler is playing Lily
GrapeshotOnline: he also can't pushblock
TXC2: Jacob went part Kermit there
v_nome: Nelly was doing some good stuff!
v_nome: Most rounds were very close
phuznutz: Ah! Glad he isn't trapped in the luminiferous ether
josh___something: oh no, My helldiving made me miss the first 40m of stream D:
TXC2: hello josh___something welcome
bytecaster: And that's why you should only helldive responsibly.
hyperialguard: Lily is fine :)
drizztnailo: nerf lariat frfr
BrowneePoints: “it’s not as hot without Wind” Mozart thought so too
drizztnailo: that reset is sexy
jacqui_lantern234: hey ya heccin herds whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
BrowneePoints: Wheeler plays Lily but thinks like Blanka
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
BrowneePoints: Speaking of Blanka has the rest of OOF seen Mena’s RIDICUFUCKINlous Blanka combo?
tod_vom_himmel: ggs sauce, lunch is here
saucemaster5000: ggs kk
itsr67: what
v_nome: We don't think, can confirm
drizztnailo: ProblemX is cracked
v_nome: <.<
Mr_Horrible: "Club Staff" LUL
josh___something: nome, any comment?
Simbionis: if I was gonna play a second character it'd probably be blanka
itsr67: Ed cool but also Ed hard
v_nome: Much like Odysseus, I am Nobody.
Heefnoff: What’s good gamers
TXC2: hello Heefnoff welcome
TXC2: v_nome surely that was Icarus ?
dragonflare9: @Heefnoff learning modern leverless and getting my ass kicked
BrowneePoints: so yea for chat if you haven’t seen it, this is one of the best players in the WORLD showing off Blanka’s full potential
Heefnoff: Blanka propaganda?
Heefnoff: He sure is
Heefnoff: Oooo nice good luck @dragonflare9
Mr_Horrible: Blanka is a perfect angel who can do no wrong. His *players* however...
BrowneePoints: Mena’s combo had me fist pumping the air it was so sick
Heefnoff: @txc2 What’s good, hope you’re doing well today
josh___something: Mena's a menace
Heefnoff: Oooo chat look uvvuKEYS
phuznutz: Is it 22OhFawk/minute = 1Wheeler? I forget the SI conversion there
Heefnoff: I also play Blanka
Mr_Horrible: the way Nelly said that it sounded like his life was in danger
BusTed: @Heefnoff 👀
Lolbusaur: @Heefnoff wheelerRagavan
thatjuantoo: @Heefnoff PogChamp
freshmaker__: People suggested blanka when I said I wanted to play a setplay character, and I tried him in training a little, and I think I don't want to play a charge character.
TXC2: Heefnoff thanks, hope the day is well for you too
josh___something: Almost booted up the wrong capcom game (MHR) XD
Mr_Horrible: @Heefnoff laynaReach
BrowneePoints: but yea Blanka is a lil underplayed in the comp scene cuz he is a lil less straightforward than a bunch of the roster
itsr67: he's also just blanka
BrowneePoints: but Blanka’s potential is *wild*
Heefnoff: uvvuKEYS uvvuKEYS uvvuKEYS uvvuKEYS
v_nome: If you want more Blanka I can deliver but I figure you should have a chance to play other people too. lol
itsr67: historically a nonsense goof character so people don't want to try him inherently
Simbionis: I don't understand why people *dont* want to play the goofball characters
saucemaster5000: I'm going to be putting more time into blanka soon, feeling the need of a manon break, just have a few things I want to get down on her first
BrowneePoints: a lot of folks go for the serious or edgy characters design wise
BrowneePoints: and play style wise a lot want characters that just do the thing
Heefnoff: Yeah goofy characters like Marisa Kappa
v_nome: Blanka is just a little guy
BrowneePoints: no hoops, no bells or whistles to deal with, they just do the thing
josh___something: Awww
josh___something: BOOOO
saucemaster5000: I mean I play blanka, I just have no gameplan yet PrideUwu
itsr67: buff it more
josh___something: That should've worked
Frizzlenill: hey folks! Happy to be here, if late
Heefnoff: Nah it’s true though Blanka will simply never be the most popular even though he’s funny
Mr_Horrible: Marisa, known for being very goofy. We all know she shouts "HYUCK" whenever she uses Gladius
TXC2: hello Frizzlenill welcome
Simbionis: lvl 1: still sucks
GGsLive: sometimes gief lvl1 be like that
Mr_Horrible: damn, Lily's so fast
Frizzlenill: has Wheeler commented on ABA? Feels like he'd vibe with her
Mr_Horrible: 2 hits *and* gets to pivot to counter-DI anyway
Mr_Horrible: *low whistle*
freshmaker__: oh yeah congrats aba gamers
Kazman20a subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kazman20a! (Today's storm count: 10)
Luna_TheOtter: Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well
BrowneePoints: is wheeler into murderhorny waifus? @frizzlenill
Frizzlenill: hi!
TXC2: hello Luna_TheOtter welcome
JinaMahavira: Suh, dude?
saucemaster5000: I have no patience for the "I can fix her" chars, ABA extremely not my vibe
josh___something: We're battlehub gaming?
Heefnoff: THE THING
v_nome: Just a little, 6' 4", green, electric guy.
josh___something: DAMN
Mangledpixel: boop
Mr_Horrible: the A.B.A. reactions I've seen are like 85% incoherent salivating and 15% "I understand the bit but this is redhead erasure and will not stand"
drizztnailo: my brother was an aba player a while back and that character is terrifying
Mangledpixel: how goes the punch times?
freshmaker__: @saucemaster5000 what if i have no desire to fix her?
Frizzlenill: @BrowneePoints I was thinking more the 'get into murder mode and donk them with a giant key' but also, I think he'd just find it funny that she doesn't want anyone stealing her man (a giant key)
josh___something: I just joined in on nelly, since I'm following him
TXC2: whoms't am this Aba ?
Mr_Horrible: but I like that her moveset seems to still be weird as fuck
drizztnailo: no im the only one
BrowneePoints: ABA is from Guilty Gear @txc2
Mr_Horrible: yeah whenever they all show up for Thanksgiving they shout "I'll take on all of youuuuu""
Frizzlenill: @TXC2 new GGST character revealed. Some gameplay's been released, she's wild
Heefnoff: TRUE
TXC2: BrowneePoints Frizzlenill I see, thanks
BrowneePoints: no, she’s an out of her mind murder horny menace
offbeatwitch: A.B.A looks insane, i can fix her
Heefnoff: Oooo look Aba mains
MilkInBags: we cant finish with a gief win, he's the villain (or something)
Frizzlenill: she's just a little over protective that's all
BrowneePoints: but yea A.B.A. hasn’t been in since before XRD and the last guilty gear, she was in, she was a top-tier character I think
AceGun_: ABA mains excited that they get to play ABA for the first time.
BrowneePoints: So folks are excited
NewtyNewts: A.K.I., A.B.A... what's the difference?
Mr_Horrible: @Heefnoff please do not shake paracelsus he will get the brain damage
Frizzlenill: she was middle of the pack but VERY polarizing in just how explosive she was
drizztnailo: @BrowneePoints i dont think she was top tier by the end, but she was definitely one of those "one of us is going to die very quickly" kinda characters
Mr_Horrible: yeah, my understanding was she was very fraught to play against
drizztnailo: but i could be wrong
BrowneePoints: ah that’s what it was
EnglishGrinn: How goes the Oki, gents? Oh crap, Benny Wheels!?
Mr_Horrible: I'll miss Wheeler and/or Jacob
saucemaster5000: How bout first to nap?
Heefnoff: First to death sets, my beloved
TXC2: hello EnglishGrinn welcome
saucemaster5000: I could already go for nap
Frizzlenill: but yeah I think Wheeler should see the ABA trailer/gameplay
BrowneePoints: She plays a LOT like nago
BrowneePoints: but less range\get in
drizztnailo: she has a stance where she can double down into it and she deals herself damage and stuns herself after it ends but she explodes you if she hits you
AceGun_: @NewtyNewts I always mess up Battle Hub chat, lol. GGs! Seems like you were shaking the rust off as the match went on.
NewtyNewts: @AceGun_ That's pretty much exactly what's happening lol, haven't played in a week or more
saucemaster5000: @drizztnailo nago players start salivating
AceGun_: Strive ABA won't take damage in her 'stance' like she did in AC+R
itsr67: she stuns herself in a game with instant kills
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 Nago players "wait you mean your meter *isn't* a punishment?"
itsr67: so usually it's do or die
Frizzlenill: yep that's a 'frame trap' if it's a real thing where the gap is only a frame or two wide, or a spacing trap if it's fake but you're positioned in a way that their attempt to punish will whiff and itself be punishable
MilkInBags: lariat sucks
drizztnailo: @saucemaster5000 seeing the same people who don't like nago say "i really wish they would bring back aba/slayer" is very funny
Mr_Horrible: experiencing gestaltzerfall for "button"
NewtyNewts: Think it's called Semantic Satiation
TXC2: "it's one Geif CA, how much damage could it do? 10%?"
LostThePirate: lostth2Buttons
Alex_Frostfire: Command grab battle!
BrowneePoints: but yea she has a much better stance than Nago at the trade off of way less range/get in
Mr_Horrible: the visual effect for wind stocks isn't unnoticeable, but it *does* get lost in the visual soup easily
saucemaster5000: this is very much a grappler battle
BrowneePoints: but ABA gets a true parry input as well which is sick
Mr_Horrible: oh I was talking about around her character, as another way to check for it
hyperialguard: Windless spire can barely be +1 on block but had to be perfectly spaced. Can definitely be jab punished
drizztnailo: @Heefnoff is your avatar professor X?
Heefnoff: Sure it captain
Heefnoff: is*
drizztnailo: thats sick
Heefnoff: Thanks!
EnglishGrinn: Is there a room up today?
Heefnoff: I used to change my avatar a lot but prof X is doing it for me
drizztnailo: @EnglishGrinn we are in battle hub NA 21
saucemaster5000: trying to play lily's neutral is very hard. the punishes require very good spacing
itsr67: "nothing beats cr.hp"
saucemaster5000: cr.hp is a beautiful button
josh___something: heef, wtf is that fashion set
Mr_Horrible: playing against Gief and not expecting L3, I want to live in that beautiful world
Heefnoff: @josh___something Professor X
josh___something: I recall someone in seachats is/was modern lily
NewtyNewts: @Mr_Horrible Just be like me and get too busy figuring out what you should do to think about what they'll do
hyperialguard: I play classic Lily
saucemaster5000: me playing hyperial and trying to jab after spire when they have stock for the umpteenth time NotLikeThis
GGsLive: modern gief doesn't have crouching jab, right...just off of chain lk?
Thefluffiestguineapig: sup dudes! Took the time to get second dose of some vaccines and am late Are they doing ranked or moved to room?
Heefnoff: Defense is more than just blocking, my friend
Heefnoff: Yeah unfortunately your name is Zangief so you can't do anything about wind stock
TXC2: hello Thefluffiestguineapig we are in battle hub NA21
itsr67: the next step of defense is someone saying fuzzy, not knowing what fuzzy means, then learning how to defend against certain moves
tod_vom_himmel: fuzzy
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Does that mean it's a room? (I don't have the money for this game so some of the nuances elude me)
Heefnoff: I like how these games are lookin like real Street Fighter
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh yeah, Adam isn't frustrated, just a very focused teacher (from what I've seen)
Frizzlenill: remember jacob, unlearning is a slow process that can be frustrating. But it gets easier over time as you practice that process and refine it for future.
Heefnoff: Is Wheeler's avatar Popeye
TXC2: Heefnoff yes
itsr67: BOTH WHIFF??
Heefnoff: Hell yeah
Zamonium_: nani?
saucemaster5000: video games
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW lrrWOW
Thefluffiestguineapig: The timing for these is so tight you need to know precisely how it feels
BrowneePoints: that was some tekken ass slowmo whiffage
Thefluffiestguineapig: So we have Jacob in studio, Wheeler working on Lily, is Nelson just jamming room?
Heefnoff: Yep
DoctorMcBoop subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months, currently on a 87 month streak!
DoctorMcBoop: <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DoctorMcBoop! (Today's storm count: 11)
Thefluffiestguineapig: The ever present Nelly working in the background :D
TXC2: "shiiiiiiiiiiiiit"
coachNelly: lrrNELSON coachn3Rollinghead lrrNELSON
hyperialguard: The recovery is quicker for normal throw, right?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I hadn't seen Lily's costume and the mariachi inspired is very good
BrowneePoints: @heefnoff does gief also have problems pressuring Jamie drinks?
Izandai: PridePog
hyperialguard: I want to start DPing if someone jumps my normal throw attempts
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does Gief give the camera the finger with that move?
Heefnoff: Sure does @BrowneePoints
hyperialguard: Yeah, I tend to forget that too
Izandai: He points at the sign.
Alex_Frostfire: Sure seems like a lot of fighting games is trying to get your opponent to make a wrong decision.
Izandai: They love it when they point at the sign.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Heefnoff I remember the last time Jacob was on he was jamming against a Jaime from chat (I think it was from chat) and boy was that a conversation about how to deal with that
BrowneePoints: I’m assuming he just can’t pressure Fuha Wind and Drinks since he doesn’t have a “skip neutral” button? or is it more nuanced @heefnoff
Heefnoff: Nah it's pretty much that @BrowneePoints
Heefnoff: Can't skip neutral, he's slow, has no fireball
hyperialguard: Drizzt kicks my ass with his Gief. It is possible
itsr67: @alex_frostfire we call that conditioning, and it's 70% of the grapplers goal
Heefnoff: The only way to stop them is to stay at midrange and closer
itsr67: mental game is a lot of fighting games
BrowneePoints: @alex_frostfire like magic or chess you’re trying to feint or lead into a misplay and capitalize
saucemaster5000: you assume I think when playing
Thefluffiestguineapig: @itsr67 Adam has been talking about the struggle for this a lot in his Tekken streams/home streams where he discusses his current challenge and it's an interesting thing to try to learn
tod_vom_himmel: heef why does ur floaty chair look so much like my face
Heefnoff: Hmmm
Heefnoff: We may never know
itsr67: yeah
tod_vom_himmel: modeled after my beauty?
sptrashcan: Is there a list somewhere of leverless alternate inputs for motions in SF6? I just recently found out about 2323 as an alternative to dragon punch input.
Heefnoff: Sure is @tod_vom_himmel
tod_vom_himmel: WTF
itsr67: You can get into a match and preload like 200 things the opponent will never do
tod_vom_himmel: theres a person named angry tod
itsr67: it's an easy early mistake to make
Heefnoff: KomodoHype
BrowneePoints: I’m being very honest when I say Fighting Games have extremely similar thought patterns to comp Magic and Chess, but just done *faster*
Thefluffiestguineapig: DAAAAAAAAMN
TXC2: BrowneePoints they're all turn based games, just turns in SF are factions of seconds :p
TXC2: *fractions
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints Probably why all three of the original students were big time MtG nerds
Heefnoff: Yep yep Adam's right
therepoman__: Hello gamers im watching from the doctors office (I'm fine, spouse is getting a post surgery check up)
hyperialguard: VoHiYo
TXC2: hello therepoman__ hope your partner is fine
BrowneePoints: yea the skills aren’t 1:1 but there’s a LOT of competitive magic skills that map onto Fighting Games(inputs being a unique mechanical skill obs)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @therepoman__ Good thoughts for post surgery stuff
CatTreeDreamCar: Say the line bart
itsr67: sending good vibes to a fellow ryu main
Heefnoff: Is the post surgery check up single
TXC2: is the Doctor single?
Heefnoff: Baptized is a good mixup
Izandai: mattlrLul
hyperialguard: Let's all get washed
lochnessseammonster: gotta do it on stream PrideLaugh
therepoman__: Thanks gamers, spouse is fine just making sure foot and ankle surgery recovery is continuing as smoothly as it has been :)
DaVeganPolice: oh?
Heefnoff: TRUEEEEE
DaVeganPolice: LUL
BrowneePoints: yea without an annulment
therepoman__: @heefnoff sure is brother
TimeToFry: Someone call James
Alness49: I was about to say, Adam Savidan is Excommunicated?!
Heefnoff: I wish they still baptized with water guns
TXC2: yeah us Brits had a whole war about that divorce thing :p
Heefnoff: That was the ONE good thing about the panini
SnowBuddy18: I'm also excommunicated
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jacob's focused face is very good
BrowneePoints: imagine if we partied as hard for baptisms as we do Mitzvahs
razorswift subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
razorswift: so close yet so far
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, razorswift! (Today's storm count: 12)
e_bloc: same, raised catholic until about 6 then 3 divorces and remarries
Izandai: mattlrLul
raulghoulia: @Heefnoff Holy water Super Soakers? sign my ass up
TXC2: e_bloc you got divorced at 6? Kappa
Heefnoff: That was ambitious
Thefluffiestguineapig: @raulghoulia Yup, that's what many places did as a responsible baptism
BrowneePoints: well they were Cath BOP benginBonk mattlrBonk @txc2
Heefnoff: @Thefluffiestguineapig They should keep doing that
e_bloc: @TXC2 catholicism is wild
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Heefnoff Yuuuuuuuuuup
Izandai: The king wanted to get divorce and the church wouldn't let him.
Izandai: So he made his own church.
SnowBuddy18: it's Kind Henry VIII
SnowBuddy18: King*
Alness49: Henry 8th, aka "It's ALL his fault"
Izandai: Historical fiction
Kreiseler: It'll probably be retconned soon
Heefnoff: They do actually
itsr67: they actually retconned it
Heefnoff: Can't believe dinosaurs got retconned out of existance
itsr67: shit
Heefnoff: LMAO NOT AOC
Mr_Horrible: Archive Of Our Cortez
TimeToFry: You can probably find AOC on AO3
Thefluffiestguineapig: It became a war because Charles V was his first wife's cousin and was occupying Rome so the pope was not willing to grant the annulment and piss off the occupying forces
Alness49: Atlantis is my favorite headcanon
TXC2: to be fair, the church was still Catholic under Henry, we just didn't what daddy pope said
Heefnoff: You could even find AO3 on AOC's PC
BrowneePoints: anyways the Super Soaker Baptisms makes me think of the Baptism Streamer joke night on Let’s Nope
TXC2: *didn't do
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Oh yeah, he did not like Luther
Heefnoff: Yeah holy streamer was a good bit @BrowneePoints
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Thefluffiestguineapig And was brought up to go for the church since he was the spare
DaVeganPolice: slop it up
Heefnoff: Remember that time the Bible got a patch to remove purgatory
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig exactly
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints I cried laughing during that Let's Nope
razorswift: and the full nelson
EirikaEmblem: Hey gamers, haven't been to a stream in a while but wanted to spend at least some of my birthday with the LRRfolk ❤️
Heefnoff: LMAOOOOO
Thefluffiestguineapig: The overthinker is an Oki Oki classic
RetroHibiscus: hell got microtransactions
TXC2: hello EirikaEmblem happy birthday
Thefluffiestguineapig: @RetroHibiscus No, heaven got the microtransactions
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Thefluffiestguineapig (See indulgences)
RetroHibiscus: oh sorry yeah
JinaMahavira: New Bible just dropped?
gamercat88: Vanilla bible
Mr_Horrible: paying 5 USD for my spot on the Rapture
Ferisar: announcing the Bible classic
SnowBuddy18: is 1.6 the flood?
EirikaEmblem: They did patch Lilith out of the Bible they couldn't fix her broken reach
TXC2: the Book of Revelations is the DLC
Laserbeaks_Fury: Fixed duping bug with fishes and loaves
Heefnoff: Season 2 Bible was PEAK gaming
itsr67: they've still got a lot of bugs to fix
Ferisar: the Bible cataclysm comes out this year
BrowneePoints: look it was just following the patch where they removed Hebrew Superman(Enoch) they couldn’t nerf him without just removing him
Heefnoff: Bible is a party game, sorry
Heefnoff: I don't make the rules
Alness49: Jesus was the real Wake Up Super
BrowneePoints: I can’t believe I just called Enoch Hebrew Superman
Mr_Horrible: romans bought the 9 silver DLC
Laserbeaks_Fury: Fixed bug where flasks of water would randomly turn into wine in the inventory
thatjuantoo: Judas ran a hell of a mixup.
Frizzlenill: New testament added tripping, devs cleearly didn't care about the competitive scene
Heefnoff: Lot got mixed so hard his wife turned into a block of salt
TimeToFry: What's the Hitbox on Cain's rock attack
DaVeganPolice: Hit Abraham with the sacrificel your son OS
SnowBuddy18: Bible's a party game, suitable for 2 to 12
BrowneePoints: Judas Frame Trapped Jesus
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints Yeah, 1.6 was where they decided many of the "wait, this is just straight up magic" parts weren't in the version
Mr_Horrible: the romans WOULD use G2A, honestly
Heefnoff: Abraham actually did just do an OS huh
TXC2: BrowneePoints especially given Superman is a take on Moses
BrowneePoints: but that Gethsemenee map was dope
Heefnoff: Bring your son up the mountain os
Heefnoff: SURE DOES
itsr67: "ah gottem gJesus"
Heefnoff: Fight of Gods baby
MilkInBags: was Jesus the inventor of Round 2?
BrowneePoints: Asuka R Kreusz
Thefluffiestguineapig: There are so many
Heefnoff: Run that Jesus vs Santa match
Heefnoff: First to death
TXC2: I mean....W+P played A bible fighting game....
Frizzlenill: Fight Of Gods is the actual GOOD fighting game of it
Benzil666: F+Hp into hellstab only combos on counter or of drive rush I think. If it's raw head butt cr lk into crouch lp is your link usually. It also frame traps on block.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 They've played several
Mr_Horrible: I'm still waiting for Hi-Rez to just burn everything to the ground by putting Jesus of Nazareth in Smite
Frizzlenill: it LOOKS bad but it has some SAUCE adam @LoadingReadyRun
Laserbeaks_Fury: Using Salvation to reset player death will now result in a 3 day ban
EirikaEmblem: Abraham almost perfected his son when they did that fight in the mountain stage
Heefnoff: TRUE
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
DaVeganPolice: "damn I'm so clean"
Heefnoff: History is decided by the victors
Heefnoff: So yeah, I DID tech that shit
TXC2: EirikaEmblem only 'cause Isaac let him Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: When it works out it's great! (emphasis on when it works)
Mr_Horrible: Shrek Super Slam for Throwback Thursdays when Kappa
Mr_Horrible: can't show your siegfried on camera, dude, that's against TOS
BrowneePoints: Bible Fight 2007 “Bible Fight is a browser-based fighting game which puts characters from the Bible face-to-face to fight each other, such as: Jesus, Mary, Moses, Noah, Satan and a secret unlockable character.”
gualdhar: Jesus punches people with pieces of the cross nailed to his hands wtf lol
Heefnoff: I would like to supplement Throwback Thursday with Kusoge Saturday
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible Honestly I feel Cori would make an exception on CDHC to play that
BrowneePoints: I specifically remembered this from high school
Heefnoff: We need to play more trash
lochnessseammonster: mistimed, misdirected
Thefluffiestguineapig: The what is more "How could I do that thing??"
Heefnoff: Couldn't hang around too much but Darkstalkers was sick
jolly6100 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
jolly6100: its time to fight more lrrSHINE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jolly6100! (Today's storm count: 13)
therepoman__: We took a look at that dog shit sailor moon game last night
Heefnoff: One step closer to Marvel baby
Heefnoff: lytJIVE
BrowneePoints: did anyone get one of the gruesome finishes?
Mr_Horrible: M'lily's... measured, and steady
Heefnoff: That game is sick
Heefnoff: Sailor moon S is my jam
thatjuantoo: starmu6NachoNeutral
Heefnoff: Yeah that's the one
therepoman__: Yeah thats the one
itsr67: also [asura buster eternal warrior]
Simbionis: @Heefnoff I wanna learn a sengoku basara x infinite
Mr_Horrible: it's the one people like because it's a shitshow
Heefnoff: Hi, CEO of fighting games here, Sailor Moon S is declared peak fighting games
itira: Hello everyone
TimeToFry: That sounds cool af
TXC2: hello itira welcome
Mr_Horrible: @Heefnoff hey can you tell Capcom to stop attaching payday loan agencies to their costume DLCs?
Heefnoff: I need Jacob to play Sailor Moon S once just to see what a top tier grappler looks like
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wow
flikerz1: I've only ever seen the characters from that salor moon game is on SaltyBet.
BrowneePoints: Also Holy Shit the City of Wolves extended trailer looked siiiiiiiick @heefnoff
Heefnoff: SURE DID IT LOOKS GREAT @BrowneePoints
itira: Hows the fighting and the gaming going today
EirikaEmblem: I think the only fighting games I've ever gotten really deep into are the Persona 4 Arena games but I definitely played in a P4A tournament at a con and didn't bomb
BrowneePoints: Rock Howard and Terry Bogard coming back 20 fucking years later baby!
MilkInBags: Condo to Sell
Mr_Horrible: she's saying "Fire all arrows", Adam
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
Heefnoff: Puto Kappa
Ferisar: no.
Mr_Horrible: "No..."
NewtyNewts: "no..." is JP. Source: fighting one now
Ferisar: “No.”
MilkInBags: away
tod_vom_himmel: moo
TimeToFry: It really is
MilkInBags: I think she says "CIA faked the moon landing"
NewtyNewts: It sounds like Heads Up to me, now that you say it
freshmaker__: it sounds like she said 'pent up'
itira: Adam is right
Ferisar: milk is right
Laserbeaks_Fury: Katsup
TXC2: MilkInBags which one? Kappa
Ferisar: LMAO
thatjuantoo: LUL
Mr_Horrible: magic pixel baby
MilkInBags: gottem
tod_vom_himmel: the yell lmao
Heefnoff: Remember when Lily could do that from a back jump
saucemaster5000: longtime lily player here -- she says pino
TimeToFry: Adam is wrong
BrowneePoints: wait I’m wrong, the last Fatal Fury game was *25* years ago
NorthstarTex: Adam is the fighting game character authority
MilkInBags: one twitch chatter also said I'm right
Mr_Horrible: "I requested contactless" - me as I'm dying to Gief suplex
SnowBuddy18: there's 3 different Condor Dive voice lines
dragonflare9: @Mr_Horrible lmao
BrowneePoints: Jesus Christ Garou was 1999
Heefnoff: You're definitely up there
Heefnoff: Pinto confirmed
Mai_Andra: The other two are OD though, aren't they?
itira: @MilkInBags im not sure i trust Ferisar's opinion
EirikaEmblem: Adam says "disregard all twitch chat opinions unless they allow me to rizz my friends"
NorthstarTex: wheeler, you would know with 200 hours of the same character
saucemaster5000: Sorry, court is adjourned wheeler
tod_vom_himmel: sauce were you fighting my evil twin? lol
thatjuantoo: Checkmate liberals.
Heefnoff: Your honor, stfu you weren't even there
NewtyNewts: "It's on a screen, so it's really only a mix of red blue and green technically"
Ferisar: @itira I didn’t say shit
Heefnoff: BEPPO
itira: LUL
BrowneePoints: Your honor, mind if I call you Chad?
Heefnoff: GEEGEE
thatjuantoo: LUL
Heefnoff: Nah
saucemaster5000: @tod no they were playing neutral
BrowneePoints: no
tod_vom_himmel: exactly, evil
MilkInBags: what if it sounds like it
BrowneePoints: it’s also a type of HORSE
thatjuantoo: I give Adam the pass PokCroagunk
Frizzlenill: oh pinto only ever makes me think of the car
Heefnoff: You are the premier fuck
tod_vom_himmel: theres a person in this hub named "angry tod" and im not sure if its a coincidence lol
BusTed: LUL
thatjuantoo: LUL
Heefnoff: LMAO
NewtyNewts: @Heefnoff ...source?
JinaMahavira: LUL
MilkInBags: just because their username has 'juan' in it? kinda sus Kappa
Heefnoff: @NewtyNewts Wheeler just said it
Mr_Horrible: Adam is the Premier Lands Pilot of Fighting Games?
DrChillbrain: Isn't that the car that blows up
Heefnoff: No the bean is named after the car
NorthstarTex: the explosive car right?
saucemaster5000: named aftr the slang for peni
BrowneePoints: it’s named after the horse!!!!
MilkInBags: you have no idea, maybe I have latino heritage
Ferisar: I checked the wiki she does in fact say heads up
josh___something: @tod_vom_himmel It's angrybird's honda main cousin Kappa
Ferisar: sorry adam
Mr_Horrible: that's PROGGERS, baby PogChamp
Abavus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
Abavus: I wish I was named after a bean
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Abavus! (Today's storm count: 14)
Laurence72: Maybe it's a horse eating the bean while driving the car?
Heefnoff: @Ferisar Source?
thatjuantoo: LUL
Mr_Horrible: soon you'll be seeing enrage, Jacob, and then you'll be clearing
GrapeshotOnline: "boom!" "heads up!" and "condor dive!" are the three lines for it
MilkInBags: ok ferisar but who made the wiki
Ferisar: @heefnoff yer da
Mr_Horrible: and then you get to say "Wheelhouse Legend btw"
saucemaster5000: hold on gotta go edit a wiki...
tod_vom_himmel: does lilt get a jealous rage install next patch?
EnglishGrinn: @AceGun_ Gotta call it there Ace, thanks for the games
tod_vom_himmel: lily*
MilkInBags: wait, Lily is a FPS Doug fan?
AceGun_: @EnglishGrinn ggs!
Mr_Horrible: @tod_vom_himmel you know she's too chill for that
Heefnoff: Is your level 3 running
josh___something: Does Lili T8 get jealous rage instal next patch Kappa
MilkInBags: HYCYBH?
hyperialguard: Give Lily Testament's bird
Heefnoff: Lost the level 3 in his poop chute smh
MilkInBags: that's Tom Cardy
Mr_Horrible: that's Tom Cardy
saucemaster5000: tom cardy
MilkInBags: hey Nelson, you need wood to win
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Ferisar: lily has too much health
BrowneePoints: YKnow sometimes I remember I grew up a farmboy when I realize when peeps hear Pinto they think of Beans and Chevy and not Horses LUL
saucemaster5000: basically auntie donna there's only four australians
Mr_Horrible: I still watch his "8 hours" video like every other week
freshmaker__: I am a fan of both Aunty Donna and Tom Cardy though.
Mr_Horrible: makes me bust up laughing every time
MilkInBags: every australian is cool, except Kramburger and Riley Knight
TXC2: "thats Tom hardy" "no the guy from Platoon" "that's tom beringer"
BrowneePoints: “skee dahp! boo dahp!”
saucemaster5000: tom cardy's "perception check" tickles me pink
Mr_Horrible: @freshmaker__ only got introduced to Aunty Donna late last year but what I've seen so far is very funny
BrowneePoints: imagine hey I don’t work here with Bane‘s voice
Mr_Horrible: Get Wheeler a chunk of marble from the Colosseum to play on
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible fun sotry -- they voiced the zombies in the DnD movie, but only for australia. No really, they got different voice actors here
FurthestChunk: A tungsten carbide desk
NewtyNewts: @Mr_Horrible Wouldn't that be better for Marisa than LIly?
BrowneePoints: nah Wheeler needs one of those Qanba 2009 desks
MilkInBags: Pint up, because it was St Patricks day? Adam, that's kinda racist Kappa
Ferisar: you sound a bit pent up if you know what I mean
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 another Honor Among Thieves W
hyperialguard: Wind built up inside that needs expended. Hmmmm
BusTed: FamilyMan
Mr_Horrible: @NewtyNewts more thematic, sure, but it feels appropriate for a fighting game still
Heefnoff: Guile says "No holding back" my brother in Christ that's all you do
Ferisar: ^
saucemaster5000: Lily is fartacus
BusTed: frrt
hyperialguard: I'm sure that mod already exists
freshmaker__: @Mr_Horrible I had the upside of being from australia so ive seen their stuff for a long time. it's fantastic. I'm so happy that the netflix show got a lot more eyes on them.
NorthstarTex: breaking wind to the next level
BrowneePoints: does she say “Holy Frijoles” as she does it?
FurthestChunk: Lily and Wario are the exact same character
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
TimeToFry: Oh my god
Mr_Horrible: when you expand your character's playbase but the monkey's paw finger curls
saucemaster5000: "where are you going?" pllplpt
Heefnoff: TRUE
Mr_Horrible: no, Wario's good
NorthstarTex: true
hyperialguard: Wario was my Brawl main
drizztnailo: quick i have a mod to make
hyperialguard: Go figure
saucemaster5000: @hyperialguard confirmed then
hyperialguard: Motorcycle is basically a spire
Ukon_Cairns: lily as wario. give lily a fireball but its an entire motorcycle
saucemaster5000: whiffed grab "D'oh I missed"
TXC2: whose the waluigi then ?
BrowneePoints: with Martinet lines
Mr_Horrible: @drizztnailo new headcanon of someone who only makes insulting mods for characters other than their main, as vengeance
BrowneePoints: @txc2 FANG
BrowneePoints: FANG is 100% Waluigi and you can’t convince me otherwise
Mr_Horrible: replace her Win Animation with the clapclapclapclapclap "WAH"
TXC2: BrowneePoints oh no, you're right
LMAOkai_: ggs @coachNelly !
hyperialguard: The JP vo is good
saucemaster5000: LMAO hyperial uses the japanese VA
hyperialguard: I switched but never bothered to go back
Frizzlenill: jp Luke says "SAMBA!" every time you fireball
Heefnoff: Ok Ocelot
dragonflare9: SHOOTIR
MilkInBags: FBtouchdown
josh___something: Is nelly's avatar one of the default ones?
MilkInBags: Ryu?
dragonflare9: SHOOTIE*
hyperialguard: Don't know. I just found it charming
raulghoulia: Revolver Savidan confirmed
saucemaster5000: can't switch off english manon cause she was the VA for the best phantom thief
Mr_Horrible: leave it to a Guile main to be surgical
Metric_Furlong: Rie Kugiyama?
drizztnailo: @saucemaster5000 ryuji?
freshmaker__: Rie Kugimiya
Metric_Furlong: *Kugimiya, sorry
saucemaster5000: makoto
BrowneePoints: yep Japanese Alphonse Elric
Mr_Horrible: noooooo
BrowneePoints: Rie Kugimiya
Mr_Horrible: we were cheated from the cinematic ending NotLikeThis
NorthstarTex: clap clap clapclapclap
TXC2: "I am ready to fight some more forever!"
thatjuantoo: LUL
saucemaster5000: Can I have the extra L1s?
LostThePirate subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LostThePirate: Ook Ook lads!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LostThePirate! (Today's storm count: 15)
Mr_Horrible: all of them removed from controllers and put in a conspicuous "Timeout Corner"
freshmaker__: Oh yeah I'm probably meeting Marisa's English VA either today or tomorrow. She's at a convention here. :)
saucemaster5000: sicl!
saucemaster5000: er sick even
itsr67: Allegra clark rules
BusTed: Cool!
Ferisar: it’s all the pawns coming in to sub to their arisen
freshmaker__: can do boss
Ferisar: or whatever
Mr_Horrible: yeah, Allegra Clark kicks ass
v_nome: "Seabats wants to know if you're single and baptized"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible Is it the same place Ian threw all the keys except Q that one time he was so angry during Rhythm Cafe
josh___something: I deserve that, nelly
Metric_Furlong: yeah, it is not cheap
Driosenth: Give it a few months to work out the bugs
itsr67: I mean steam refund exists
SnowBuddy18: and an extra dollar for fast travel
itsr67: at worst
Metric_Furlong: and also needs a lot in terms of specs
niccus: thanks james
freshmaker__: @saucemaster5000 ☭ 👀
Mr_Horrible: I need to see if my CPU can actually handle SF6
Metric_Furlong: so, going to have to put that on the 'wait' stack
NorthstarTex: elden ring on ultra is a whole different experience
itsr67: nah it's easy to get
Mr_Horrible: all the MTX are stuff that's just *in* the game
itsr67: in game
DrChillbrain: It's also all stuff you unlock in the game super easily
Mr_Horrible: and easy to get
Heefnoff: You control the DLC you buy
Mr_Horrible: it's shit Capcom mandated they strap on
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible It's not a super high performance game on the lower setting, or so I'm told (console gamer here)
Heefnoff: ggs gamer
awildshen: all of the micros are earnable in game aren't they?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: is it still only one-save-one-character ?
JinaMahavira: I turned down Dragon's Dogma 2 a bit graphics wise and it's still gorgeous
Thefluffiestguineapig: Microtransactions are not the way
Ferisar: it’s capcom so as usual you can get them in game and the mtx makes no sense
niccus: yeah capcom's back on their bullshit since they didnt get enough pushback from RE4
AceGun_: @Heefnoff ggs!
MWGNZ: oof dragons dogma 2 is 127.95 nzd, makes street fighter seem cheap
itsr67: "I can pay 3 dollars?? FOR DIRT?!?"
MilkInBags: gamers love to dunk on stuff
Heefnoff: They did the same shit for DMC5
itsr67: "dirt is everywhere"
Ferisar: DMC5 has red orbs dlc
Heefnoff: It was all unlockable, and easily
Ferisar: it makes no sense
TimeToFry: Capital G Gamers be like "Fast travel is paid DLC"
DrChillbrain: It's still stupid and they deserve to get shit for it but it's not that bad all things considered
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 yeah, I can probs hack it, but I'm on like a 6-series intel, when I think the min is 7 or 8 (at least listed on the steam page) so we'll see
freshmaker__: something something dogma nuts
SnowBuddy18: also, you can kill the NPCs in town for it to run better
Metric_Furlong: "I don't want to play the game I just want to complain online" is the essense of Gamer™ culture, tbf Kappa
Ferisar: I’m playing it on PC and it runs ok, def gets slowdowns in towns
Heefnoff: Nostalgia baby
DrChillbrain: My friend said it didn't run on Steam Deck but even on a PC that was slightly below specs it still runs alrifht
Mr_Horrible: I've seen mixed to "I dropped my settings a bit and it's been working p well"
itsr67: nothing capcom releases can be ever worse than anakaris normals
itsr67: so you're fine
Heefnoff: Lmao true
BrowneePoints: yea Lily is Rie Kugimiya, Alphonse Elric, Happy from Fairy Tail and a lot more. they’re a BIG Japanese VA @loadingreadyrun
Heefnoff: But that Heavy Kick though
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hubris!!!!!!
Ferisar: LOL
itsr67: LUL
thatjuantoo: LUL
Mr_Horrible: @itsr67 I have only the vaguest context for this but it's so fucking funny
Heefnoff: Bro said he's gonna ban a fish from swimming
MilkInBags: darkstalkers sucks
Heefnoff: Good luckl
itsr67: curse of ra
MilkInBags: :)
niccus: curse of ra
saucemaster5000: how can you say anakaris is bad when the command grab makes that noise
Ferisar: anakaris? dude I love dune!
TXC2: "I am 30 or 40 years old, I do not need this"
Mr_Horrible: @DrChillbrain *Capcom* deserves shit for it, the dev team does not, let's be clear
lochnessseammonster: mood PrideLaugh
Ferisar: curse of tongue in mouth
Ferisar: wait no that’s not enough context
MWGNZ: @Heefnoff you are now aware of your teeth
Mr_Horrible: @Ferisar kanagoFloosh kanagoFloosh kanagoFloosh
itsr67: its more dragons dogma
DrChillbrain: It's fantastic
saucemaster5000: @Ferisar PrideUwu
Ferisar: you know what I mean
itsr67: which means its good
BrowneePoints: I wish I could lend you my capture card and PS five to play through it. Lol.
TimeToFry: It's very Dragon's Dogma, which most people apparently don't like
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jacob is so angry he's no longer coherent
Mr_Horrible: Jacob becomes a muppet live on camera
NorthstarTex: jacob has activated nibbles mode
niccus: the blood hunger is coming out
Thefluffiestguineapig: "Frustration goblins" is a great phrase
Heefnoff: I just wonder how Jacob is doing rn in the alternate reality where he plays Ken
accountmadeforants: @Mr_Horrible Capcom really had like a year where they were finally sorta good again and they managed to tank those impressions so quickly
Metric_Furlong: Dragon's Dogma rules
Heefnoff: Dogma ballz
Mai_Andra: how it started: Elmer Fudd, how it's going: Yosemite Sam
TXC2: no dog dragons
TXC2: ?
v_nome: Surely it's about the ma
itsr67: dragon's dogma is a sick action rpg disguised as a normal fantasy rpg
Mr_Horrible: "Whaddya *mean* I can't FT?" - people talking about the game where the director has been saying "yeah we wanted to make travel and downtime and room to breathe actually feel meaningful and build around it" for month and months and months
Metric_Furlong: I hope they've kept the 'everyone defaults to pansexual because it took less effort to program' thing
BrowneePoints: Dragon’s Dog, Ma
Heefnoff: True
Heefnoff: Mid tier Ken :)
DaVeganPolice: Honest mid tier Ken
saucemaster5000: I can see my ma from here " HEY MA! Get off the dang roof"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Heefnoff TELL THEM I BOUGHT THE TUPPERWARE LAST WEEK
BrowneePoints: Jacob is gonna casually Masatsu a child
DaVeganPolice: LUL
saucemaster5000: just a lil guy
Heefnoff: Hello fellow mid tier enjoyers :)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Just a mid dude
TimeToFry: How many of y'all are gonna switch to Akuma when he drops
josh___something: GGs
itsr67: most people are scared to commit
Heefnoff: It sure is a swell day to lose to Luke and Juri
hyperialguard: Long set. I'd be dead long ago
BrowneePoints: @heefnoff I wish I could remember the context where Max said “casually Masatsu a child” but that has STUCK in my BRAIN
Mr_Horrible: @accountmadeforants they keep putting out very banger games and then strapping the most "...huh?" monetization you've seen to them. SF6, absolutely fantastic, some of the most dogshit paid DLC (esp wrt pricing) I've seen in like 5 years
tod_vom_himmel: @TimeToFry dunno, does he have headbutt and buttslam and oicho throw? then maybe
Ferisar: that’s every day @heefnoff
Heefnoff: True @Ferisar
ponbern subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months, currently on a 56 month streak!
ponbern: Howdy guys
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ponbern! (Today's storm count: 16)
Mr_Horrible: Ferisar no, Wednesdays are a bad day for it (it's still gonna happen, it'll just be worse than the rest of the week)
accountmadeforants: @Mr_Horrible Yup. And they also somehow decided they needed to crusade against modding and started adding awful DRM to their games *retroactively*. Someone needs to check for gas leaks on the executive floors.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @accountmadeforants Of all the companies
accountmadeforants: (Nevertheless, I am very excited for Dragon's Dogma 2. But I'm watching my budget for the next month or two. Hopefully they've sorted out performance by then :p )
Mr_Horrible: @accountmadeforants honestly it would explain so much if every conference room just comes equipped with on-demand nitrous oxide :p
niccus: for the presenters or for the audience?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible With the "on demand" being turning it off
Metric_Furlong: @niccus yes
dragonflare9: Adam what GPU do you have at home, I can look up if you should up able to run DD2 if you want
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cue the frustration goblins again
Ferisar: beep beep
Mr_Horrible: what about a jerp?
BrowneePoints: College Adam with the Doorless Jeep
Heefnoff: I would, IF the dog was racist
Mr_Horrible: damn, Wheeler a real one
SnowBuddy18: Adam "Jeep Guy" Savidan
Heefnoff: At that point you gotta let us know
Heefnoff: But if he's chill you know whatever
Mr_Horrible: it's actually Drag On Dogma because Adam's dog won't shut up
thatjuantoo: LUL
Heefnoff: The monkey paw curls
vanman229: Clairifying question; racist against other dogs or other humans
ghizmou: it depends, racist against what? chihuahas?
josh___something: bold statement
raulghoulia: he was in fact not a good boy
Heefnoff: Does it matter @vanman229
Metric_Furlong: fair
itsr67: nah I meant it tho
Laurence72: They're terrible because of all the dog whistles they do
BrowneePoints: found out last night while watching Air Bud they had to get a new Dog Actor cuz the original one barked at every nonwhite actor on set @loadingreadyrun
BrowneePoints: that’s also not a joke
Heefnoff: Ok what if the dog isn't racist, but he's on a podcast
thatjuantoo: starmu6Jam
TXC2: Heefnoff depends on the podcast
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Heefnoff Depends on the podcast
Heefnoff: Dudebro podcast
ylegm: so, racist...
accountmadeforants: A talking dog would probably unironically call themselves an "alpha" and I don't know if I can deal with that.
dragonflare9: I think out of all the characters, Lily is the one I'm most curious about how the balance her, because too much and she could be really OP, but she probably does need something
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Same brain cell
josh___something: I agree with wheeler
NorthstarTex: taking the dog out behind the shed at that point
Mr_Horrible: "bout to show you the *real* JR Experience" - loading shells into 12-guage
Heefnoff: Ok alright different question
dragonflare9: for me it's about her command grab vs other moves
dragonflare9: I'm thinking about season 2 stuff
Heefnoff: The dog can talk, but somehow has incorrect opinions on literally every piece of media
MilkInBags: shave a frame from all other characters for their quickest move
Mr_Horrible: yeah, the tenuous-ness of intricate designs is a nightmare when balancing
drizztnailo: what if the dog played only grapplers?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Unless the dog went on Joe Rogan and was doing it specifically to bite him as hard as possible in the most sensitive area he can get to
MilkInBags: :)
Ferisar: @heefnoff I know that dog !
dragonflare9: I'm not thinking "fixing" I hate that term
MilkInBags: if everyone is broken, no one is broken
LambMower: Make my main better, nerf everybody else. Then the game will finally be good
Mr_Horrible: Adam, this is Milk right now sofieFishing
Mr_Horrible: c'mon man
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatYIKES
NewtyNewts: That sounds extremely unbalanced
LurkerSpine: Lol I didn't realize Heef's avatar is Prof X
BrowneePoints: Dog: “no see Starship Troopers isn’t actually satire”
TimeToFry: What if we made everything a frame slower, then?
TXC2: give everyone a 3 frame, what could go wrong? Kappa
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: quarterly tunning pass where frames get shaved or added, y/n?
Heefnoff: LMAOOOO @BrowneePoints
accountmadeforants: The Corner is unilaterally a Bad Time in SF6
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints lrrWOW LUL
dragonflare9: they won't touch perfect parry and all the top level players explode, can't wait
Mr_Horrible: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn it's like going to the barber shop for a touch-up :p
LurkerSpine: Eh, I feel like anyone without a wakeup invul need some sort of new defensive option
SnowBuddy18: give Gief a +20 frame grab, perfect fix
Frizzlenill: @LurkerSpine you mean specifically for drive meter? Cuz all characters have an invincible reversal for 2 super bar or less
Metric_Furlong: @Heefnoff I feel that if this was a put-down-able deal than half of twitch chat would be dead by now Kappa
Heefnoff: Changes the dynamics of punishing wayyyyy too much to just apply universally
JinaMahavira: fine, we'll just add a frome instead Kappa
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @Mr_Horrible gotta keep meta fresh, arbitrary frame tunning pass every update that's how mobas do it right
BrowneePoints: @thefluffiestguineapig I had a friend actually hit me with that about the book last week and I almost lit them on fire
Everspace: Just a quick diveby sub to give you the free Bezos bucks before I forget. Also play strive :P
Heefnoff: No, they lack defensive options for a reason
shendaras: *slowly turning the dial to change the size of all the hitboxes to see when people notice*
Heefnoff: Like it's design space
drizztnailo: i would like lariat to be a little faster
NewtyNewts: Give my character an invuln wakeup, and take away everyone else's
Thefluffiestguineapig: @SnowBuddy18 As long as he is literally grabbing the frames, not the other player
Mr_Horrible: "1 frame added to Luke on all circumstances, ecologists report that JP no longer has any natural predators" - headline of Science Magazine
LambMower: Characters have pros and cons
Ferisar: this is just Adam’s ex DP bias
Heefnoff: @Metric_Furlong Lmao true
LurkerSpine: @Frizzlenill No, a wakeup option. Like OD DP
dragonflare9: yeah, I just like doing season 2 thought experiments
Heefnoff: Well yeah the argument is whether the vision for the character is effective/what they want
Heefnoff: There's a reason grapplers aren't top tier often
Frizzlenill: @Heefnoff I think the term you mean is power budget - design space is "potential designs available as ways to implement a certain mechanic while still being recognizeable as that mechanic"
Ferisar: we’ll see what season 2 looks like
dragonflare9: same
LurkerSpine: @Frizzlenill oh, misread your thing. Yes, something with Drive Meter. Burning super is kinda stinky
BrowneePoints: it’s like when folks say “incineroar needs more mobility” in smash. they’re designed WITHOUT it
Heefnoff: It's not that they can't make grapplers good, it's just that a game with good grapplers typically isn't as well liked
Frizzlenill: @LurkerSpine yes that's what I'm saying. All characters have an invincible wakeup option for 1 or 2 super meter, and some for drive
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible Now I want so many things formatted as Magazine or Journal headlines
BrowneePoints: you do not wanna play the version of smash where fire cat actually gets movement
Heefnoff: I'm honestly fine with checkmate situations as a concept
dragonflare9: I'm not complaining, just thinking out loud
Heefnoff: Third Strike does that super well
TXC2: Adam "I have no complaints about it" Akuma "and I took that personally."
Heefnoff: I think this game does it super well but in a different way
LurkerSpine: Watching Nome and Drizzt go at it is hilarious, btw
Heefnoff: Yep same, SF6 in a great state, super fun
Ferisar: meanwhile JP got shot with a gun
Heefnoff: Can't you lariat?
dragonflare9: @Heefnoff agreeed
SnowBuddy18: but what if I'm trying to make a purposely wrong idea?
Heefnoff: I genuinely don't know
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig it's low-key one of my favorite ways to format a joke. "Local Victoria streamer says fighting game pretty alright as it stands, millions call for his blood"
Heefnoff: JP got shot cause that reversal just did more than anticipated
Frizzlenill: @LurkerSpine depends on context. I agree that invincible reversals are kinda privilege when using them to beat drive rush pressure etc, but I don't think it's an issue on wakeup - ability to respond to oki is a thing that intentionally varies in strength across the cast. So a frame 2 invulnerable move for drive meter would solve the former while leaving the latter untouched
Heefnoff: Lets be clear, THATS why he got shot
itsr67: JP is really good on all points, but his reversal was just oddly cracked
theymerLoviatar: meowdy compawtants
TXC2: Luke's got that protag protection
Mr_Horrible: they tried but he connected with crmp and took 50% off them
dragonflare9: @Mr_Horrible lmao
Heefnoff: Yeah that's fair
dragonflare9: Bacon is learning JP
accountmadeforants: Luke is the future of Street Fighter, now and always. Picture a Luke sandblasting a human face, forever. (I'm kidding)
Frizzlenill: side note, a 'nerf' I want is for luke to lose one active frame on his 5LP. It makes the move much weaker but lets the timing work out for a safejump he lost with the 2MP nerfs.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Ferisar In the new season JP gets to fight Sir Christopher Lee and winner takes the spot (also no idea the mechanical or lore behind this comment you made)
Heefnoff: Yep your analysis is spot on there
Heefnoff: This game's balancing logic was very carefully designed
LurkerSpine: Adding any more mechanics would wreck it for sure
Thefluffiestguineapig: @accountmadeforants That face would be gone very quickly LUL
theymerLoviatar: @accountmadeforants now trying to imagine a Bad Religion song called A Luke Sandblasting A Human Face Forever
Frizzlenill: it is an extremely elegant, holistic, interconnected system. Famously... difficult to change retroactively
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig this would be too much, everyone knows Christopher Lee's frame data is absurd
Heefnoff: I disagree with Gief getting better
Heefnoff: But zoners get better yes
Heefnoff: Guile would be a monster
hyperialguard: Broski mentioned checking drive rush being a punish counter
itsr67: gief kinda needs it himself
accountmadeforants: The only truly ridiculous use of drive gauge is Parry, and they're probably never changing Parry.
Wrexadecimal: At least give gief green hand >_>
drizztnailo: gief becomes unplayably bad if dr is 2 meter i think
Heefnoff: His buttons are good but without a fireball it's hard to say
Ferisar: give with bad DR would be sad
Ferisar: gief*
TXC2: Wrexadecimal fine, the input is the OG 412
Heefnoff: Bro rage quit smh
Mr_Horrible: it's also the idea of wanting to make sure that the playstyles that are strong, or even dominant, are at least more engaging to interact with
MilkInBags: shit game
LambMower: Plugger smh
josh___something: I got communication error'ed out
TXC2: you think you know a guy
DaVeganPolice: LUL
Mr_Horrible: burrito backpack is a very good bit
Frizzlenill: they can't change the resource cost-benefit analysis at all, it's PRECISELY tuned. But they can change auxiliary stuff, like which contexts give punish counter and so on
Mr_Horrible: but also makes me want a burrito
josh___something: Wait... how'd you get the burrito?
Thefluffiestguineapig: What is this new menu?
Heefnoff: Cursed cabinet?
Heefnoff: Look up
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh no
Frizzlenill: people are ALREADY baiting tap parry with specific traps at top level
Mr_Horrible: I can't believe Capcom is sabotaging us because we talked shit about their MTX
TXC2: taco Tuesdays and buttiro Bednesdays
accountmadeforants: ItsBoshyTime
BusTed: ItsBoshyTime
Frizzlenill: it doesn't need MORE weaknesses
accountmadeforants: The gold on that cabinet isn't gold, it's piss
saucemaster5000: honestly loved how they dealt with luke's cr. mp . They want him to be strong, the just made it not free
TXC2: and remember: Adam IS the boshy
Thefluffiestguineapig: That cabinet has decided it needs a break
JinaMahavira: And Adam beat it twice LUL
tod_vom_himmel: i just got DCed too
tod_vom_himmel: servers having a fart
Mr_Horrible: Heef just here in the hoverchair
dragonflare9: methinks servers are having problems
Mai_Andra: it's Mega Man still, right?
Mr_Horrible: creepin
freshmaker__: love okkusenman
Heefnoff: 0 dollars
TXC2: holy Shit Heefnoff that is Prof X :p
Mr_Horrible: time is money, dude
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
accountmadeforants: You can place shit all over your character at any size
NewtyNewts: A full 0, not just a half
SnowBuddy18: with enough kush
LambMower: Spinach?
accountmadeforants: People are walking around with giant tornados of trash around them
josh___something: Remember, Luke is canonically a #GAMER
TXC2: here's the real Popeye Kappa
Mr_Horrible: new character, we've had Evil Ryu, Violent Ken... get ready for "Blazed Luke"
theymerLoviatar: Blazed Luke is just Luke but all his moves have a weird lag
TXC2: can we get glazed Luke ? Kappa
Mr_Horrible: Ragna the Budedge
josh___something: Blazluke tag Kappa
Heefnoff: The better question is, why not? @saucemaster5000
Heefnoff: Also X-Men 97
DaVeganPolice: Can we get a Caillou Luke costume? would that be cursed?
TXC2: OOOOOH! Jacob !
saucemaster5000: fair
itsr67: just a goth sakura?
theymerLoviatar: @DaVeganPolice Caillouke
Mr_Horrible: next DLC character after Akuma is actually just Shadow Lady from MvC1
Heefnoff: I hope that leak list is wrong
DaVeganPolice: "leak"
DrChillbrain: Isn't the gag with dark sakura that she's just sunburnt
dragonflare9: I don't believe that list at all
josh___something: The "leak" was probably fake... but I WANT r.mika
MilkInBags: Skullomania????
dragonflare9: Elena, R Mika, Bison, Vega
DaVeganPolice: bison
saucemaster5000: wat
dragonflare9: and a few others
saucemaster5000: no way in hell
MilkInBags: isnt bison gg no re?
DaVeganPolice: and then... Asuka? a female char
Thefluffiestguineapig: Woof that's quite a thing
TXC2: Bison's dead isn't he?
josh___something: I WISH it was R.Mika
saucemaster5000: @TXC2 I mean that hasn't stopped him before
TXC2: vega is the only person on that list that makes sense
TXC2: saucemaster5000 touché
NewtyNewts: Skibidibidi bo bodo bope
josh___something: Just keep at it
drizztnailo: @TXC2 this is like the 3rd time hes died i think
Heefnoff: Damn
Thefluffiestguineapig: Um
LambMower: The real question is if we'll get a Tekken guest in return for Akuma being a menace for years in tekken 7
josh___something: You'll get in eventually
Heefnoff: Might just be CFN
Heefnoff: I couldn't play either
accountmadeforants: @josh___something You'll get a $20 Avatar Costume of R. Mika that looks like shit and you'll like it.
josh___something: probs
Thefluffiestguineapig: The frustration goblins went from Jacob into the servers
saucemaster5000: some folks were def seeing issues yeah
Heefnoff: Damn time for Marvel 3 I guess
MilkInBags: wait, you're in shorts??? it's -20C here
Mai_Andra: might try closing the app completely and restarting
saucemaster5000: I also got kicked out
dragonflare9: restart the game
drizztnailo: im glad you see the vision wheeler
josh___something: @accountmadeforants Only if they also add a $20 avatar costume of Nadeshiko too
DrChillbrain: World Tour is honestly super fun
TXC2: World Tour is a story
raulghoulia: Bring back Rose!
thatjuantoo: starmu6Jam
raulghoulia: Jacob I appreciate how passionate you are
TXC2: Jacob gonna give the full family tree of Akuma and gouken
themostjoast: woof are we all rebooting lol
LambMower: Did you end up finishing the T8 story mode Jacob?
accountmadeforants: The only Street Fighter lore I know by heart is that G has a YouTube channel where he beats people up for like 14 views.
accountmadeforants: (It's called FooTube, not YouTube, obviously)
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 Turn on James Chen!
Thefluffiestguineapig: As someone who also gets very into the lore of things I enjoy I appreciate that Jacob
Mai_Andra: but you can have Zelina Vega on commentary xivCactuar
saucemaster5000: Most of the SF lore I got from the 90s movie
josh___something: I agree with lurkerspine
saucemaster5000: Stillk don't know why ameican guile is belgian
itsr67: LUL
Bearudite: gotta get the animal commentators
Heefnoff: Drop some bars Adam
TXC2: saucemaster5000 because he gives such great speeches
Heefnoff: When it's on it's on
ladyjojo1987: why do I feel like Ed and Geif would actually be friends?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Bearudite PLEASE I want it so badly. Failing that Statler and Waldorf
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ladyjojo1987 Similar intense athlete vibes
couchboyj: Ed's fine and all, but I'm hoping for Edd and Eddy.
SpleenLord subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SpleenLord! (Today's storm count: 17)
TXC2: couchboyj get out :D
josh___something: What's the lore on why we went battlehub today?
ladyjojo1987: @thefluffiestguineapig yeah. probably something to do with that!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something Lore or real issue?
TXC2: josh___something there's 4 streamers today ?
couchboyj: Hit em with the ol Jawbreaker super
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
DaVeganPolice: LUL Nelly
NorthstarTex: is wheeler fighting aggro nelly?
couchboyj: seabatHITBOX
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Thefluffiestguineapig Honestly it's probably Jacob's frustration gremlins yelled "FIGHT ME 1V1" and Adam said "ok" in his low key way
Thefluffiestguineapig: AKA Gorilla Nelly
couchboyj: wheelerOok lrrNELSON
LambMower: Is it a hitbox thing becase Gief is a big boi?
Bearudite: too big too pull
saucemaster5000: I want a command kebab
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 What's the marinade on that and does it get sauce for spice levels?
NorthstarTex: Ed really feels a lot faster paced than Marisa though from what I'm seeing
hyperialguard: There has to be a character with spice levels, right?
saucemaster5000: (my weekly reminder that bravo pepperoncine exists)
dragonflare9: @hyperialguard Dhalsim eating his curry
Bearudite: kebab coffers
saucemaster5000: @Thefluffiestguineapig My answer to that was longer than I cared to type.
hyperialguard: Oh of course
saucemaster5000: But you have to use the offical sf6 hot sauces
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Are those real?
dragonflare9: good Borscht Jacob!
itsr67: "atch me fly dad"
itsr67: watch*
saucemaster5000: @Thefluffiestguineapig sure are.
Heefnoff: I saw that good shit!!
itsr67: cr.lp is the good jab
saucemaster5000: I almost ordered the hots sauces as a bit, but the shipping was $44
Bearudite: but what if you mashed all the buttons and got a second chance to win
itsr67: standing is like 7f startup
Heefnoff: ggs @tod_vom_himmel
tod_vom_himmel: ggs
violetblight: i think his kicks are 5f
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Yeah, that's an expensive bit just shipping wise
dragonflare9: Ed's tick throw pressure is so goodf
Bearudite: so if they are all punches does tundra storm work on him at all?
violetblight: nice
ElektroTal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
ElektroTal: this is a dumb amount of months
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ElektroTal! (Today's storm count: 18)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also Ed's victory animation being him making a shadow energy double ended agility bag is very good
dragonflare9: hi Shivam!
ElektroTal: sergeHi
dragonflare9: tick throw
TXC2: hello ElektroTal welcome
Faulpyr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months!
Faulpyr: Oh, hey. 11x11 months
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Faulpyr! (Today's storm count: 19)
v_nome: The disconnects seem to be Steam, so if you're back online on Steam you should be good
saucemaster5000: the lvl3 classic -- take a drink
dragonflare9: what a counter DI
TXC2: saucemaster5000 nothing beats the thirst Kappa
josh___something: which kind of thirst :)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something Yes
TXC2: josh___something yes
josh___something: LMAO
Bearudite: so are you seeing things work in person that you would not normally get online?
beowuuf: o7
thegitrogsquirrel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thegitrogsquirrel! (Today's storm count: 20)
TXC2: the real strength is the strength to continue
Thefluffiestguineapig: This is another really hard matchup for Gief because Ed doesn't have to come into range for many moves
BrowneePoints: Ed has some of the WILDEST AA in this game
saucemaster5000: It is really weird that Ed is a long range char
AceGun_: It feels like there are rolling Steam blackouts today or something.
BrowneePoints: Yea. It's wild they made a Boxer a Midscreen controller
TXC2: saucemaster5000 that's his psycho power
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, has Jacob fought Adam before?
BrowneePoints: he has
NorthstarTex: do we have to teach Jacob about Gorilla mode?
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig serval times
TXC2: *several
saucemaster5000: Manon just says "merde"
Frizzlenill: "time to get serious!.... ARE YOU SERIOUS"
MilkInBags: @saucemaster5000 nasty
NewtyNewts: Oh no my finisher!
Ukon_Cairns: Rashid has a great "Huah?" when he misses the throw
hyperialguard: I say Lily's "oh no" just around the house all the time
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints I almost feel like he only started boxing as a way to put people off the scent of his true strength
BrowneePoints: XD I guess TFGP
josh___something: Condor spire (the spinny advancing move) is plus when she has windstocks
hyperialguard: I love Rashid's honk
josh___something: IIRC at least
saucemaster5000: lily's "whew, that was close!" is what I say at the end of a long work day
violetblight: yeah its probably his best button and gief esp is fuckin struggling to get through it
BrowneePoints: I think it has a hurtbox if you anticipate the flicker right?
TXC2: "TRAGEDY! when your meters gone and you can't block on, it's TRAGEDY"
theymerLoviatar: @TXC2 seabatClap
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NorthstarTex I want him to have a reaction vid of watching Nelly suddenly turning on Gorilla mode
beowuuf: @TXC2 sergeJustRight
TXC2: theymerLoviatar beowuuf thank you
hyperialguard: Windclad spire is +1 on block, +2 if OD so that incentivizes cmd grab
hyperialguard: No wind is almost always minus
NewtyNewts: Well, there goes my connection
saucemaster5000: No wind = time to slap ur knees
BrowneePoints: yea i THINK it has a hurtbox if you anticipate it but I may be misremembering it
violetblight: yeah its less good against faster characters
Iam_Dead: Rbg might grab it
NewtyNewts: GGs whoever I was playing last, can't see who because I just lost connection
TXC2: pressing buttons will get you killed in this game
saucemaster5000: game being stinky, I decided to log out for the afternoon
beowuuf: give em the buttons / don't given em the buttons
NewtyNewts: @saucemaster5000 Same, though the game decided it for me
Thefluffiestguineapig: "Honey? Where's my medium kick?" What?" "WHERE'S my MEDIUM KICK?"
itsr67: liGHT PUNCH
NewtyNewts: I'M COMI- I'M COMI- I'M COMI!
Heefnoff: Oh shit Wheeler's cookin
Thefluffiestguineapig: Jacob has consistently been making it so Wheeler/Adam have less health as he fights them more and more
elusus: honest grounded neutral?
TXC2: "terrible, terrible Damage"
Thefluffiestguineapig: Did Gief doing the slam knock over the motorcycle in the background?
itira: loooool
theymerLoviatar: and Jacob transforms into a muppet
TXC2: full goblin voice there
Thefluffiestguineapig: There's the frustration gremlins
Thefluffiestguineapig: @theymerLoviatar He said it was his frustration gremlins coming out earlier and I really loved that phrase for that
Mr_Horrible: we'll leave that question to the philosophers
Thefluffiestguineapig: You assumed it would fail?
tioplatanord: <message deleted>Who can gift me Ed 🥲?
Mr_Horrible: Gief level 3: "The Absence of Mercy and Remorse"
lichen_subscribe: the road to hell is paved with missed combos
tioplatanord: Moderador singa tu madre
Mr_Horrible: where's our Uber Gief fight, GGG?
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible By marcel proust
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 perfect, I was making a PoE joke but now I can pretend it's smart
theymerLoviatar: ModLove
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 With introduction by Satre
TimeToFry: WHAT
NewtyNewts: Nelly...?
itsr67: ???
LambMower: Huh
beowuuf: :D
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nelly?????
saucemaster5000: where did those words come from
BrowneePoints: that's what she said
beowuuf: tenacious D for the win
Mr_Horrible: "Don't Clip That" the new hit single from Nelly
hyperialguard: Juri fans
CrasherDasher: ^
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible LUL LUL
hyperialguard: smh
loufghyslaufey: What Nelson? LUL O_o mattlrFine ImTyping
couchboyj: Just a toe guy... FROM MEMPHIS
LilFlame2001: Tenacious Deep cut.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Just a toe guy SUCKING ON TOAST
crazyburrito7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
crazyburrito7: lrrGibb
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, crazyburrito7! (Today's storm count: 21)
Heefnoff: ggs boss
Heefnoff: Dude you're getting real good
Heefnoff: That matchup sucks ass for Lily and you made every round a struggle
hyperialguard: Lily v Guile is harsh
Mr_Horrible: gotta work on your Guile Profile
hyperialguard: Hibiki :(
LurkerSpine: I would love to know how to fight Lily as Guile lol
beowuuf: tenacious D: you can sing about half the song out loud... and half of the remaining half out loud... and the rest will get you in serious trouble :p
hyperialguard: Sadness
josh___something: Hibiki D:
saucemaster5000: Hibiki D: Idom D:
TXC2: Jebaited
Thefluffiestguineapig: The name of that clip is so perfect
saucemaster5000: broski tho
Bearudite: offline debuff
DaVeganPolice: LUL the irl tech
NorthstarTex: @TimeToFry exactly how I wanted to clip it
AceGun_: Broski broski4Akicool
hyperialguard: Brrrrrrrrrrrroski
therepoman__: broski4Akicool
Mr_Horrible: I mean, it's Gief in a bind, you won't lose money betting on them looking for L3
itira: ah brings me back to playing fighting games with my brother
Thefluffiestguineapig: The fact it ends with Whole Wheat is so good
NewtyNewts: Next level: mash the input, then switch to the antiair
dragonflare9: "roll the R's"
theymerLoviatar: can someone put blinkers on Adam so he can't see Jacob mashing
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NewtyNewts You switch once they've assumed you're panicking and don't have a response
Thefluffiestguineapig: @theymerLoviatar He would need ear plugs too, it's loud
beowuuf: @theymerLoviatar adam can sense the disturbance in the force
NewtyNewts: @Thefluffiestguineapig Just like the people who have empty buttons on their controllers
TXC2: Monda
dragonflare9: oh Wheeler, meet Tod
NewtyNewts: Hondam
Mr_Horrible: at least he gets good mileage, Wheeler
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NewtyNewts That is next level mental warfare
Heefnoff: Server moment
LurkerSpine: Yeah I can't get ranked matches right now either
hyperialguard: Honda is very assertive
saucemaster5000: honda makes you play a different game no matter who you play as
Heefnoff: Yeah Honda's pretty much just a funky zoner
saucemaster5000: And tod makes it a double different
Heefnoff: So Lily can struggle with him
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
beowuuf: whacks on, whacks ... nm
TXC2: Honda is a Zoner?
dragonflare9: Tod knows how to kara cancels his modern Oicho throws
hyperialguard: I've gotten better against Tod but I expect the swing back soon
TXC2: I thought he was a grappler
therepoman__: Also dont let tod say he doesn't know how to play the game
hyperialguard: Heavy DP the butt slam was helpful. Still hard
therepoman__: Hes full of it
saucemaster5000: @hyperialguard Yeah I don't let them get away with butt slam
hyperialguard: Tod is good and will never admit it
Thefluffiestguineapig: @therepoman__ That's like sauce saying that
therepoman__: @thefluffiestguineapig TRUE
Bearudite: fuckin hate ed
Thefluffiestguineapig: @hyperialguard Similar to Ben accepting a compliment!
AceGun_: Tod is both a 'Try-er' and a 'Know-er', and don't let him pretend otherwise.
josh___something: Yeah, he's a fick
Bearudite: glue eating dumb ed
MitchTheQuaker: that man is not a twink
BrowneePoints: Sir, Sir, that man has too much meat to be a twink
BrowneePoints: he's an E-Boy
josh___something: I meant dick, but fuck also works
lichen_subscribe: he's a duck
hotgirl203: add?
BeccaTingles: Hey all, just come to lurk before bed <3
Mr_Horrible: me, at Netflix
tod_vom_himmel: OH NO
TimeToFry: Ed is a twink in the same way Chip Zanduff is a twink: He isn't
dragonflare9: Wheeler I told you he can kara cancel
theymerLoviatar: @BrowneePoints immediately imagined glowing cat ear headphones on Ed
TXC2: people misuse the word twink
josh___something: That man is a fuckin slab of meat, he can NOT be a twink (unless you're in the GG univers)
Mr_Horrible: "Maintenance! Maintenance save us!"
BrowneePoints: Ed 100% has Catear Headphones
TXC2: hello BeccaTingles welcome
dragonflare9: ah that's fair
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey Becca, come watch Jacob be angry about Ed's standing medium
BrowneePoints: You can't tell me Ed doesn't have a pair of Cat Ear Headphones at home. Cuz he does. That's just who he is
Mai_Andra: what ever happened to that OD lariat into lv3 everybody was on about a few weeks ago?
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePoints "I ain't losing... nyaat to anyone!"
dragonflare9: @Mai_Andra it works
BeccaTingles: @Thefluffiestguineapig It's all Greek to me but I still enjoy watching X)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BeccaTingles Oh it's more Adam has this move that makes Jacob's frustration gremlins emerge
TXC2: Ed has those shoulders and people have the audacity to call him a twink
theymerLoviatar: @BrowneePoints give him an outfit with cat ear headphones, fluffy cat's paw gloves, sneakers with flashing lights in the soles
NewtyNewts: Getting compliments on your play makes it feel like you're doing everything right, which... is sometimes a detriment
NewtyNewts: Or maybe that's just me
saucemaster5000: that command grab is real fucking good and tod knows exactly when he's plus enough to use it
BrowneePoints: Give Ed an outfit with Cat Ear headphones, and baggy sweats with RGB lights in them with programmer socks
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 He has the records for his gym membership to earn those shoulders, his legs prove he needs to work for muscles
hyperialguard: Honda moves quick!
theymerLoviatar: oooo yes programmer socks
dragonflare9: @saucemaster5000 he sure does
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig he might have good quads under those shorts....maybe
NewtyNewts: heckabuckblot
therepoman__: Headbutt is -4 but the push back makes it incredibly hard to punish
hyperialguard: You can use Lily's 5MP to check them if they hit a button. But it isn't a real punish. Might calm a Honda down though
Orxolon: good afternoon y'all
TXC2: hello Orxolon welcome
Orxolon: mogHi
hyperialguard: Er, you block a headbutt then you go for 5MP
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NewtyNewts For those of us with the particular neurodivergent trait of not seeing the positives or benefits of effort. Unless you get like Cuzco from Emperor's New Groove and don't understand human fallibility
hyperialguard: Again, not a punish, but better than nothing
hyperialguard: It'll check them if the move forward or hit buttons immediately
Bearudite: walk and block?
hyperialguard: I'm just mentioning what is on my mind if I didn't perfect parry a headbutt as Lily
NewtyNewts: Need to get Heef back in here on Ken perhaps
BrowneePoints: being offensively defensive means you can force a misplay
hyperialguard: WIP
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Sure, he might
tod_vom_himmel: i feel good at this game today
BrowneePoints: being JUST defensive means OP is putting the onus on you
hyperialguard: @tod_vom_himmel Good :)
Mr_Horrible: Fighting game... hard...
Mr_Horrible: Miss fighting game... think about fighting game...
Thefluffiestguineapig: Knowing exactly what you need to improve does not make the uphill battle to do something about it any easier
LurkerSpine: is it Bacon?
therepoman__: Is bacon in the lobby?
NewtyNewts: They're too... classic!
tod_vom_himmel: honda is a perfect boy and i will hear no slander
TXC2: they've got that old man strength
josh___something: @NewtyNewts No, they'rea a modern sim
Mr_Horrible: @therepoman__ I feel like Bacon is akin to a stage hazard in the hub
NewtyNewts: @josh___something Oh, well that makes it perfectly fine I guess.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Old man strength and no need for this new fangled nonsense. Either you adapt to them or you go through the wall
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig exactly
NewtyNewts: Everybody's having some spaghetti now
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible Stage hazard in lobby that lights on fire when they're also in chat or their defeated enemies are
Mr_Horrible: LUL
BrowneePoints: Adam is warming up to do the full screen double lvl 2 combos
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does Ed have a barcode on his arm?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is he a clone?
BrowneePoints: He was a Bison Body
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig yeap, of Bison
saucemaster5000: Brother I teched that
BrowneePoints: he's the only non clone right?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh, my joke guess was right!! Fighting games are silly
beowuuf: why?
BrowneePoints: I thought Ed was Kidnapped but the rest were clones
Mr_Horrible: that's a Final Fantasy
gamercat88: +13 wasnt in the Bible Patch Notes
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nelly, nelly please
TXC2: BrowneePoints no, they're all clones of Bison, just different part of bison
NewtyNewts: Friend Computer
Thefluffiestguineapig: Adam did some powerpoint games of Tekken on the home stream a while ago and boy it's rough
theymerLoviatar: @TXC2 who's Bison's butt
saucemaster5000: @theymerLoviatar me
saucemaster5000: all cake
TXC2: theymerLoviatar Able/Seth Kappa
theymerLoviatar: @saucemaster5000 your clap alerts the guards
Ukon_Cairns: oh yeh, game reset my settings so even playing versus cpu i was playing about 0.3 seconds per 1 second. the slowdown is rough.
TXC2: fun story: most people can't do acting while driving a car
BrowneePoints: Ah okay yea I looked up the whole thing
josh___something: Am I being called out?
BrowneePoints: Ed was a clone but Seth kidnapped him to place him in S.I.N. as a project
Thefluffiestguineapig: @TXC2 Most people shouldn't talk on the phone while in the car
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig indeed
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints I'm afraid to ask what S.I.N even is and if Seth is in the game now
theymerLoviatar: It was already funny enough that these games have a lot of kicking at the shins and ankles, but it is infinitely funnier that Ed *punches* you in the ankle
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrHERE
Thefluffiestguineapig: In the tiny house
beowuuf: o7
Mr_Horrible: LUL
beowuuf: lol, sergeHi
lichen_subscribe: is it a tiny house or is it a casket
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig Seth was the bad guy in SF4, SIN was a breakaway part of Shadaloo
theymerLoviatar: RIP Nell
beowuuf: lol, o7#
tod_vom_himmel: nice one newt!
tod_vom_himmel: got my ass
BrowneePoints: @Thefluffiestguineapig SIN was Bison's weapon divsion but uh...I think Seth (SIN division Commander) went a bit rogue?
NewtyNewts: Just gotta throw out all the spaghetti at once tod
Mr_Horrible: why would you wanna dodge Lowe's? I thought they were a pretty good hardware store
fishboi_samurai: grass is always greener in the other corner
TXC2: make no mistakes, still lose, that's life
BeccaTingles: Honestly this is exactly how I feel whenever I'm at my ballet class.
beowuuf: dissapointment goblin
El_Zilcho22: LUL
Mai_Andra: "Nelly, come back. I need to tell you... I fucked up so bad!"
fishboi_samurai: fighting game salt lol
itira: seabatTROG
NewtyNewts: fighting gaaaaaames
BeccaTingles: But just one more though
josh___something: Jacob's got range Kappa
Mr_Horrible: dread it... run from it... business always arrives
josh___something: parrying the pull-in makes it pull less
Bearudite: they are your muscles
SnowBuddy18: "that's parryable" okay, but can YOU parry it?
theymerLoviatar: Today my opponent at FNM asked me what the deal is with my Middle LRRth playmat and I got to explain all the dumb little jokes on it, good times were had
dragonflare9: THE SHMIMMY
Mr_Horrible: tha shimmy
beowuuf: :D
beowuuf: adam not in front of the most receptive audience Kappa
TXC2: theymerLoviatar nice
Heefnoff: Marisa moment
beowuuf: :)
TXC2: you ever just?
tod_vom_himmel: lets fucking go newt!
AceGun_: I assume they are called "bread and butter" combos because they are slippery like butter.
tod_vom_himmel: youre ocooking!
NewtyNewts: Not the super I wanted, but we take those
theymerLoviatar: Adam is just a boxer standing in front of a giant Russian asking him to get punched in the ankle
saucemaster5000: ed's theme kinda slapping today
BrowneePoints: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yea looked it up. Seth was a body replacement for Bison who led the weapons division (SIN) who in SF4 attempts to host a tournament to complete a secret project andd take over Shadaloo
TXC2: what's funny about punching the ankle is that GRABBING it is a legit wrestling move
BrowneePoints: but Bison came back(cuz of a replacement body) and RUINED Seth
itira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
v_nome: ggs Wheeler
BeccaTingles: lrrSHINE
beowuuf: thanks for the stream all!
LostThePirate: GG gamers
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam, Jacob, Nelson and Wheeler
josh___something: Couldn't get to JP at Jacob, dang
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Ukon_Cairns: henyaWaving henyaWaving
Thefluffiestguineapig: this was a great stream, thanks gentleLRRsmens
benjamin_wheeler: @v_nome sry for the doomsaying at the top
josh___something: This was a fun day
hyperialguard: DinoDance
v_nome: @benjamin_wheeler lol you're fine
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I got the new phrase Frustration Gremlins
therepoman__: FROGS ARE GONE sajamAaaa
El_Zilcho22: doogBye doogBye
NewtyNewts: Bye youtube, if you see this
lichen_subscribe: OSFrog
LambMower: gg wp
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (52m from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
hyperialguard: @therepoman__ damn it, this always gets me
BrowneePoints: next year Jacob
BrowneePoints: entire FF Set
BrowneePoints: :)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cam, Ben, Cori
Thefluffiestguineapig: and I forget who is playing Fallout
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cori is playing Rohan
BrowneePoints: The food deck is really good, the mono b is really good, the jeskai humans is good, the Villains Who deck is good
TXC2: smooth like butter glass
Thefluffiestguineapig: Like butter
TehAmelie: of all the segues i've heard,t hat was one
Thefluffiestguineapig: @txc2 Like a hot silk through butter glass
itira: excellent work Adam
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig yes
beowuuf: sf6 is a rhythmn game
beowuuf: lrrWOW
BrowneePoints: Excuse me
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW lrrWOW
BrowneePoints: Kami bless Sekiro
Mr_Horrible: sekkona
TehAmelie: one Sekiru under God
gamercat88: o7
El_Zilcho22: LUL LUL
itira: LUL
beowuuf: bye!
Dog_of_Myth: o7
TXC2: I've Beaten Sekiro charmless....just wanted to put that out there
Mr_Horrible: *pulls out flintlock rifle*
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
BeccaTingles: Timeout
josh___something: fuckin SHOT live on stream
josh___something: damn
vanman229: and _we're_ the frogs
saucemaster5000: o7
BrowneePoints: Speaking of Marvel, Xmen 97 real good
Laurence72: And the rockets red glare!!! (I loved that birthday bit Wheeler did a while back)
noSmokeFire: will the marvel curse continue? stay tuned and find out
beowuuf: lrrWOW, time flies
josh___something: LUL
Driosenth: Send Funko back to the prison colony
Earthenone: its a marvel stream with james. i assume it will be canceled
Heefnoff: That is not the Marvel I was hoping for but I will be there :)
TXC2: remember: NO one more, and NO Mine O'clock on Tuesday
BrowneePoints: and baptism streamers
itira: cant believe its been that long already! Funko come back asap! LUL
Mr_Horrible: "Game's good, but that won't stop us from riffing for 3 hours"
BrowneePoints: don't forget the baptism streamers Adam
Thefluffiestguineapig: And the subway verse
NewtyNewts: My game did NOT like something about that one
TehAmelie: thanks for the stream lrrSHINE
beowuuf: thanks! bye!
TXC2: bye
itira: Thanks for the stream all! Have a good day everybody!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Heefnoff: Thanks for the stream!
Mr_Horrible: Return To Ravnica, good when LRR does it too :p
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
coachNelly: GGS HEEF!
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, gang lrrSHINE
beowuuf: DinoDance
NewtyNewts: Good stream all!
tod_vom_himmel: THAT HIT?!?!
NewtyNewts: It's an antiair of sorts
NewtyNewts: With SO MUCH DELAY
tod_vom_himmel: holy shit newt GGs! youve improved insanely!
tod_vom_himmel: i gotta go back and pretend i work
tod_vom_himmel: but good freaking games!
NewtyNewts: Ggs tod! And yeah, same here lol
tod_vom_himmel: newt seriously
tod_vom_himmel: youre getting so much better so fast
tod_vom_himmel: every time i fight you its scarier
NewtyNewts: I agree, though I imagine some amount of that is thanks to going a while between batches of gameplay
NewtyNewts: Plus I imagine I'm starting to approach the point where it levels off and progress gets much slower
tod_vom_himmel: breaks give your lessons time to sink in
tod_vom_himmel: and give you time to think of solutions to problems
NewtyNewts: Messes with finger memory, but helps with mental stack memory
tod_vom_himmel: yup
tod_vom_himmel: even a couple days off i feel stronger coming back
tod_vom_himmel: ill always think of some new bs to try
NewtyNewts: Lots of fun shenans happen when you've gone back to the game after some time away