RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: Gold!
Metric_Furlong: having finished disco elysium I've been looking at some of old TS videos on it
RockPusher indulges in the gold too much and gets gold fever
beowuuf: thank goodness it wasn't glod, that poor dwarf deserves a break from having their clone magically appearing in boxes
Metric_Furlong: with some funny moments such as when Cam started one of the early ones by saying "I'm being bad at playing a cop who's also bad at being a cop"
beowuuf: there's two sets of videos metric, which might cause some confusion to looking at it as a whole. I think the first was when the pandemic hit though, just before so the end was the first remote? maybe?
Metric_Furlong: and then getting surprised when the game started calling him a 'sorry cop' :p
beowuuf: oh, nm, you have been looking at them, not for them, my bad
Metric_Furlong: yeah, I can usually find lrr vids on my own
beowuuf: sorry cop is such a mood for when you can't play the game nastily because you feel such second hand embarrassment and shame
beowuuf: good writing
Snowcookies: Hello fellow chilled points
beowuuf: sergeHi
beowuuf: to be fair search engines are becoming more evil, lrr has tons of content, so sometimes chat can be a benign search engine :p
RockPusher: Remember to pre-chill your points to avoid thermal shock
Snowcookies: I always find it funny when ppl try to search for a video by its punchline
beowuuf: if this were DB we would already have a gif of kathleen chilling with her boots on the table :)
beowuuf: crapshots - i recall why it was funny, and that will not help me
Metric_Furlong: @beowuuf well, you've at least narrowed the pool down to the crapshots that were funny Kappa
LoadingReadyRun: What? you can't remember that it was called "The Occurrence" or "The Situation"?
beowuuf: @Metric_Furlong oh no, i don't know what crap shot to look up where cameron watches the coffee one and laments when lrr used to be funny Kappa
beowuuf: The Occurence has to be a parody jersey shore characer
Snowcookies: "hey anyone know which crapshot had [punchline]? Google isn't helping"
RockPusher: "the one where the punchline is someone saying fuck" > a billionty results lrrBEEJ
beowuuf: "I guess time to scroll through the wiki of the 800 titles then"
GapFiller: Omega says it all really:
Marvoleath: just rewatch them all again, you're going to have a good time anw
beowuuf: but is it cameron or andy or graham saying fuck? that can narrow it down a little
beowuuf: @Marvoleath ^
Snowcookies: this is why I'm a ctrl+F expert, I know to search for the actors rather than the punchline :P
beowuuf: seabatBRAIN
RockPusher realises there is no one stopping him making a 2nd cup of coffee in a row
TXC2: no one but your bowels yes
Invitare: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (21s from now).
RockPusher: That's future RockPusher's problem
beowuuf does a rugby tackle in rockpusher's direction, thus falling off the couch in a random direction very hard
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (0s from now).
beowuuf: i hope you don't live south of me, i don't want to smash in to my window :(
beowuuf: lrrHORN
TheAinMAP: 2020Celebrate
Metric_Furlong: yeah, we had to get rid of the coffee monitor, for budget reasons
GapFiller: havent rewatched the episode and cant remember anything apart from Margot Robbie bieng in one story
Metric_Furlong: sorry
GapFiller: this is terrible
TXC2: being south doesn't matter, it's if you're downwind
GapFiller: TXC2 eggs and gammon poor Rhiannon
beowuuf: that and beej having an appoiintment so it was solo paul/kathleen chat
RockPusher: Margot Robbie Simlish ASMR is a ridiculous idea that I nonetheless would like to see
TXC2: right the Sims movie
GapFiller: wasnt there an ENN story way back when on Simlish
beowuuf: SingsNote the sims movie (does simpsons tune)
TehAmelie: i saw a headline yesterday about a hospital that was saving money with the radical invention of buying coffee, as opposed to renting coffee dispensers
Mollylele: !updog
LRRbot: Not much. What's up with you, dog? lrrSPOT
TXC2: hello Mollylele
GapFiller: no wait it was abt Nintendo v/o work so same psychic terrain but not the exact same ting
beowuuf: o7
TXC2: chat what's that Jim Carry where his whole has been a TV show? 'cause that movie is what I suspect The Sims movie will be
Sarah_Serinde: The Truman Show
TXC2: Sarah_Serinde YES! thank you
Sarah_Serinde: :D np
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
TheAinMAP: Signal.
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
beowuuf: that was the most subtle of matrix blips
GapFiller: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN eyyy Double Refresh!
GapFiller: gotta admit been waiting for a Double Refresh having not needed one until now
TXC2: "we've had first refresh, what about 2nd?"
halftrip subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, halftrip! (Today's storm count: 22)
TheMerricat: So rewatching Crapshot Omega... I have to wonder is Graham saying it isn't the last Crapshot pre-emptive maintenance because he knows we would have assumed it was, or part of the joke because it's funny that he has to tell us it's not the last crapshot? :D
GapFiller: TXC2 nalvLUL jlrrFacepalm
GapFiller: TheMerricat yes
TXC2: TheMerricat both
TXC2: LRR knows it's auidence
beowuuf: @TheMerricat i think there's enough ocd that people would have hated the bracket being open... and also others would have assumed the end :p
beowuuf: you ever open the new tab with the working video then close it and wonder why you hear no music?
kusinohki: meows
beowuuf: sergeHi
TXC2: hello kusinohki welcome
kusinohki: random thought - if zelda's lullabye had words, what would they be?
TXC2: hey listen, over and over Kappa
RockPusher: Prepare yourself before preparing others
beowuuf: today!
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
GapFiller: TXC2 phunny story old uni mate of mine had Navi as his ringtone
beowuuf: hey all!
GapFiller: good times
TXC2: Hello Paul, Heather and Beej
TheAinMAP: Hello.
TXC2: GapFiller ha :p
beowuuf: shots fired
GapFiller: good ebening lrrPAUL lrrBEEEJ lrrHEATHER lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
beowuuf: quantity over quality confirmed
TheAinMAP: mattlrPika
gualdhar: Everyone has days they don't want to be seen
GapFiller: nalvLUL jlrrDang
TheMerricat: I will say that I'm slightly disappointed in the Youtube commenters this go around. Not a single person did an "Umm... actually" about the fact that the Sims actually has a story. All the pre-built families have a relatively deep lore if you play them and look at their memories. :D
kusinohki: but showing paul will confuse his cryptid status
Strebenherz: work is what it is
beowuuf: show paul is like show feet... never do it for free?
GapFiller: admittedly googled a whole buncha those names at the time
beowuuf: second wind is coming up for six months already???
TotallyDefiant subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TotallyDefiant! (Today's storm count: 23)
Landgraft: It's a fair apology, but it's also a real confusing space
TXC2: fandom, who need a full ass meg of data for every page of a site now :p
Mai_Andra: fandom who take over game wikis and block them behind ads...
Mai_Andra: I will accept "Super Mario Bros" is a bad video game movie, but I like that movie.
Strebenherz: Beej, deciding to commit a violence
Metric_Furlong: just the ones you, the person reading this, personally liked are the bad disappointing ones Kappa
Raiz0k: The one being Super Mario Bros of course?
Mai_Andra: "Warcraft" was a good movie, though.
TheMerricat: The Mortal Kombat movie fans will cut a man for claiming it was bad :D
Laurence72: I can get why people might not like the OG Mortal Kombat movie, but I found it to be pretty good
TXC2: the mortal kombat, tomb Raider and Street Fighter movies were good enough
EvilBadman: Mortal Kombat from 2021? was fine
GapFiller: the problem ofc is while all video game movies have been disappointing all video game movies have their defenders
LordZarano: Recently learnt about an extension called Indie Wiki Buddy that redirects to non-Fandom wikis. It's fantastic!
RockPusher: Fun != Good
Raiz0k: @TheMerricat FRIENDSHIP!
beowuuf: it is entirely watchable
GapFiller: theres always somebody who liked a thing regardless of the prevailing wind
niccus: a fun bad movie is definitely not disappointing
Mai_Andra: previous Tomb Raider movies were good enough. Recent Tomb Raider movie was great. I hope the sequel hasn't been dropped already... >.>
beowuuf: i like the end fight has an initial concept of 'who can land the first blow'
an_archist2: it's not like when a movie gets announced for a tv show
Landgraft: I have so many "bad" things that I not only enjoy but think are actually good, so
kusinohki: sometimes an entertaining bad movie is better than a mid, boring movie...
Strebenherz: yeah. yeaaah.
TheMerricat: There has yet to be a breakthrough video game movie franchise the way Iron Man made comic book movies good.
Farwanderer: The Sonic movies were legitimately good movies, as was Detective Pikachu.
GapFiller: it may not be the 90's anymore but still the scars remain
MostCallMe__Tim subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
MostCallMe__Tim: STARDE UPDATED!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MostCallMe__Tim! (Today's storm count: 24)
GapFiller: some of us remember when Uwe Boll was makin movies
TXC2: but the Guile speech is so good though :p
raulghoulia: "Quick! Somebody change the channel!"
Laurence72: Mortal Kombat Annihilation on the other hand is the closest I came to walking out of a movie that I paid to watch
Raiz0k: @GapFiller Well, of course, especially if the the thing was being sacrificed to make a joke based on overusing a reductive argument.
GapFiller: (isnt Boll making movies again these days?)
beowuuf: @GapFiller some of us remember when graham interviewed him :p
TXC2: GapFiller or being interviewed by Graham
RockPusher: The support for the Sonic movies is making me think I should maybe watch the Sonic movies
TheMerricat: @GapFiller I had the misfortune of catching his "of the dead" movie in theaters. :D
Raiz0k: @GapFiller nooooooo
Xed_Regulus: Well said, Heather
kusinohki: detroit, become human, coming soon to a theater to you...
DoodlestheGreat: Luchadores discobiscuits!
Mai_Andra: dang... Tomb Raider sequel was canceled in '22. They took too long and the rights expired. </sigh> So the next one that eventually happens will be starting over again...
Raiz0k: @kusinohki Oh gods, you've reminded me about Cam biting his lip in a visceral reaction to Cage's "genius".
Landgraft: Cue Adam's take that no video game stories are good (not that I agree)
beowuuf: borderlands will be the latest interesting 'wait, why the heck is that character butchered like that'?
kusinohki: the movie based on the cliff notes version of teh book...
Raiz0k: @beowuuf Judging from the trailer reactions, they come pre-butchered.
RockPusher: So who is excited for the Fallout show? lrrBEEJ
TheMerricat: @Mai_Andra Is the VG reboot series over? Or are they still making installments on that?
iris_of_ether: Someone I went to college with was ANGRY that Tom Bombadil was removed from LotR
Landgraft: @rockpusher Honestly yeah
beowuuf: @Raiz0k lilith seems to have been left alone from the trailer... and claptrap is so all over the place he'll probably be in tact :p
GapFiller: it feels that gets at the perennial crux of the argument
TheMerricat: The trailer for the FO movie did give hope...
Raiz0k: @beowuuf See ;)?
EvilBadman: @TheMerricat Yeah ended with Shadow of TR
Landgraft: Fallout being used as a setting instead of trying to directly adapt a game is a strong concept and I think it will be at least fun
GapFiller: video games to movies has specific adaption problems beyond the abstract
Mollylele: agreed, I'd love to be able to introduce my family to the game universe thru the thing while still getting something new out of it
beowuuf: @iris_of_ether i presume they also had thoughts on faramir and gandalf's staff being blown up :p
GapFiller: active medium into passive medium ofc being a biggie
Strebenherz: Something like what they did with the dnd movie? Where it's a story apart but references
pyronils80: Hello and good evening! :) :) :)
Raiz0k: @TheMerricat Personally, waiting for the Fallout: London mod. Looks great, although they must be sweating once the show announced its release date.
kusinohki: then there's "hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" ppl who read the book thought they would enjoy the movie better if they hadn't read it. ppl who hadn't read the book thought they would understand the movie better if they had read...
iris_of_ether: @beowuuf I think they graduated before the later movies so I never heard it :p
EvilBadman: For every Sonic movie, there's Uncharted. For every Halo season one, there's Last of Us.
TXC2: hello pyronils80 welcome
beowuuf: @iris_of_ether :D
TheMerricat: @Strebenherz Speaking of the DND movie, I was today days old when I found out that the old DnD _cartoon_ characters made a cameo in it. I should probably hunt down a way to watch it. :D
Angreed66: The lord of the rings is a single escort quest
Jennie_Fuchsia: I wish they would make a Fallout series that’s about a different dystopian vault each season
pyronils80: In my opinion Uwe Boll should make a new game adaptation movie!
Raiz0k: @TheMerricat whaaaat. Well, you've sold me it.
Landgraft: Honour Among Thieves is great, and it gets so many bonus points for having the Aunty Donna boys in it
Strebenherz: @TheMerricat They did! Would recommend watching it. It.. surprised me. Works as an intro to the genre and for those who have more experience
EvilBadman: @Raiz0k I subscribe to super silly theory Europe is totally fine and ignoring VAULTLAND
Landgraft: Even Russia?
DoodlestheGreat: Fallout works as a mileu, because only the first two games take place in the same rough area, and after that they occur at several places across the US. So you could base your series out of an area none of the games have used, like the Pacific Northwest or Chicago or even Canada.
Raiz0k: @EvilBadman Wouldn't that be great xD...
pyronils80: Honour Among Thieves was a nice popcorn movie with a fantasy backround; not especially rememberable but fun!
RockPusher: Train-wrecks all :D
EvilBadman: D&D Honor Among Theives watches like someone made a movie of their pretty ok campaign.
Raiz0k: @DoodlestheGreat Same thing with the Metro series. In case someone doesn't know – there's an entire "Universe" of authors telling Metro stories in their own locations.
TheMerricat: The Sims HAVE A story! :D You have to play the pre-built families to find it but they all have a pre-made history/memories that tell a very sordid tale across the games. :D
Xed_Regulus: I feel like the Sims movie will work best if it is like Barbie, but Margot Robbie already did that
Amentur: I've been told by those into the games that early Sims games had some deep lore
EvilBadman: Az, "The movie should be in simlish with subtitles."
KV1NN4: I hope they figure out hwat happened to Bella Goth :B
RockPusher: EvilBadman Az is 100% correct
ZephyrousOne: The real question is, "Will they show it in the original simlish?"
Landgraft: You do Simlish like they did Russian in the opening to hunt for red October
TheMerricat: @Landgraft You mean an AI Sean Connery voicing it in a Scottish accent? :D
TXC2: Landgraft only if the switch word is still Armageddon
CAKHost: Give us "Guabafyi" or we riot!
kusinohki: trying to think of a video game that does multiple endings and have that be like the clue movie...
Mollylele: @EvilBadman Az is correct
Raiz0k: Did anyone explain *why* this is the case, as opposed to literal eye level?
TheMerricat: @kusinohki You mean two different endings that are both valid and just randomly chosen?
Doc_Layzah subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Doc_Layzah! (Today's storm count: 25)
Landgraft: @themerricat I mean, no, but also what a trip that until that specific message I'd forgotten Connery was dead
TheMerricat: "my death is being live streamed!"
SocraticMethod: Gee, Bobby, why did mom let you have two knives?
TXC2: "they kill me then have a sick insta post"
Landgraft: Simpsons special effects guy: eyes don't look like eyes on camera, have to use mouths
Landgraft: Tape a couple cats together and so forth
GapFiller: Landgraft everyone is The Corinthian
kusinohki: remember some last airbender behind the scenes where they act out a scene for reference for the animators...
TheMerricat: In the year 2050, the animation profession will require an internship with a circus in order to gain the skills necessary to do your own mo-cap....
TXC2: 5ft tall with 20ft long arms
Mantafold subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mantafold! (Today's storm count: 26)
lilyoftheveil666: The Fallout train heads come to mind
rubikdarkwill: Squash and Stretch!
SocraticMethod: Hoo boy
TheMerricat: Oh the hacking event.
Marvoleath: In CyberPunk you can sometimes see on the shadow that the arms and shoulders get placed above the head of the character, based on the camera position
RockPusher: Haven't heard either way on confirmation if it is proper RCE in Apex
RockPusher: Watching with interest
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
beowuuf: :D
SocraticMethod: @RockPusher The balance of probabilities is towards server-side exploit and compromised player PC from malware
NorthstarTex: "help, I'm cheating" is a new one
Amentur: 2 or 3 players got hacked and for a while it was suspected the Easy Anti Cheat could have an exploit
SocraticMethod: @GapFiller Note: it was not verified that the interviewee was the cheater
SocraticMethod: *hacker
LordZarano: 2009, so 15 years old?
GapFiller: SocraticMethod guessing then the original TechCrunch interview (and everyone else quoting it) is sus then
TheMerricat: "Destroyer2009 said he did not report the vulnerability to Respawn, the video game developer that makes Apex Legends, because neither the company nor the game’s publisher, Electronic Arts, offer a bug bounty program that financially rewards hackers and researchers for privately reporting security flaws. “They know how to patch it without anyone reporting it to them,” he said."
SocraticMethod: "Apex hacking global series, by Destroyer2009 &R4andom"
TheMerricat: @GapFiller "As the midgame hacks were underway, the game’s chatbot displayed messages on-screen that appeared to come from the hackers: “Apex hacking global series, by Destroyer2009 &R4andom,” the messages read."
TXC2: Capitalism swings both ways
SocraticMethod: Note: a) it was not verified it was real Destroyer2009 and b) taking the reason on the face value is odd because D2009 has been doing much more longer
Amentur: Apex sadly has a long running history of cheats and exploits
j_crane330 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, j_crane330! (Today's storm count: 27)
SocraticMethod: CoD zombie mode enabled
Cptasparagus: this sparked something in my head, I just played a game against someone named DESTROYER2009 in TFT a few hours ago
Lord_Hosk: I am Spartacus2009
DeM0nFiRe: My birth year is actually 0
undecided44: I am Spartacus2009!
Laurence72: My birth year is not 72
Angreed66: For all we know that's when they first created the username
GapFiller: case in point how many people use 88 cz thats their birth year vs using it for other reasons
TXC2: I'm spartacus2009 and so is my wife
SocraticMethod: Well, we don't know that. The vuln has not been disclosed
Laurence72: (1972 is)
TheMerricat: No, I'm Spartacus2009!
TXC2: my birth yeas is in fact 2
TXC2: *year
SocraticMethod: One of the streamers hacked didn't broadcast the message in chat, though
NorthstarTex: Lets all agree, I'm Sparticus2009
SocraticMethod: so I'm meh on that reasoning
Laurence72: I can neither confirm or deny that I am Sparticus2009 (wink wink)
Lord_Hosk: @TXC2 I also choose that guys wife
TXC2: Lord_Hosk she is single Kappa
TehAmelie: i'm Spartacus2009, and my wife is Spartacus9002
ghyllnox: Do we know they're a "he"?
SocraticMethod: @ghyllnox Has been interviewed before
ghyllnox: @SocraticMethod Ah okay thanks
TheMerricat: I'm so sad Blizzard messed the bed so hard on Overwatch, it was going to be such a cool franchise....
GapFiller: "oh ActiBlizz cant you go 5 seconds without humiliating yourself?"
EvilBadman: Most frustratingly, OW2 on paper should have been fine, and then meddling!
jessieimproved subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
jessieimproved: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jessieimproved! (Today's storm count: 28)
TXC2: Overwatch might be the first game where the porn was more popular then the game itself :p
SocraticMethod: @TXC2 I think Battleborn would take that honor, but only because the game was so unpopular
EvilBadman: @SocraticMethod I think you're both underestimating the porn audience for literally anything
Amentur: It's not like Overwatch hasn't done seperate balancing before. They had seperate balance patches between PC vs Console due to mouse aim vs controller
BusTed: WutFace
accountmadeforants: Losing institutional knowledge also means you lose the ability to estimate how long anything will take, or what's the fastest way to get something done. That'll really lrrEFF up planning
TheMerricat: OW1 was a solved game.
rubikdarkwill: There was a whole episode of cH about Overwatch taking over everyone
accountmadeforants: I warned you about stairs, bro! I told you dog! I told you man! I TOLD you about stairs!
accountmadeforants: Blizzard: It keeps happening!
GapFiller: yo hey the Get On The Point shirt is still inprint:
SocraticMethod: "Bioware Magic"
accountmadeforants: Blizzard Quality vs. BioWare Magic
RockPusher: Valve Time
CaptainSpam: Blizzard had this mystique to them.
jumping_point subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
jumping_point: Yay, I can catch a stream! Wohoo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jumping_point! (Today's storm count: 29)
BlueMechanic: I liked the chracters in Overwatch more than the PvP gameplay so really hoped for single player modes, then we never got those
CaptainSpam: Emphasis on past tense.
jumping_point: Good evening and happy timezones everyone!
TheMerricat: So on one hand, companies taking pride in their work is good. On the other hand, taking too much pride in your work leads to you huffing your own farts and thinking they are perfume.
TXC2: CnC got their FPS game, why can't Starcraft
Asimech: And now it's just "when it's 'done' it's going to blow."
TehAmelie: all we got was like a couple of butt screenshots
TXC2: Hello jumping_point welcome
jumping_point: Hi @TXC2 !
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 Have you played the Command and Conquer FPS game? :p
rubikdarkwill looks at Starfield
TXC2: accountmadeforants renegade? sure have, it was fine
TheMerricat: @accountmadeforants It wasn't that bad TBH. Though by the time I played it the multiplayer was dead so I was going against bots all the time.
SocraticMethod: @TXC2 CNC didn't get their modern FPS game (Tiberium), which is more contemporary to Ghost AFAIK
accountmadeforants: Yeah, fair enough. But I wouldn't say it's a shining example as to why RTS games should get FPS adaptations. (Plus, Tribes had more fun bases than based-on-an-RTS Renegade)
TXC2: SocraticMethod good point
RockPusher: Chug! That! Mayo!
GapFiller: mmm MAyoshake
JuniorRoll subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JuniorRoll! (Today's storm count: 30)
MostCallMe__Tim: YAY stardew, glory to 1.6
ThirdFloorDraft: Chug Chug Chug!
MostCallMe__Tim: Praise the Ape!
GapFiller: nalvThink Chug That Mayo really sounds like an excuse for another ISC
KV1NN4: i'm waiitng for my mods to update >.>;
TXC2: forget chuging mayo, it's all about eating rocks
TheMerricat: @SocraticMethod Was Tiberium an FPS? I thought it was meant to be more of an X-Com....
accountmadeforants: Star Moisture Farmer In Chief
ThirdFloorDraft: @GapFiller well, mayo is kinda just eggshake to begin with
EikoandMog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months, currently on a 123 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EikoandMog! (Today's storm count: 31)
RockPusher: ♫ Beej's Speculation Corner ♫
SocraticMethod: @TheMerricat It was Renegade 2 more or less
CaptainSpam: It's Speculation-O-Rama!
nightshadeqx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months, currently on a 25 month streak!
nightshadeqx: It’s always better when Paul’s on camera
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nightshadeqx! (Today's storm count: 32)
accountmadeforants: "Did you buy that lamp?" -"Yes." "Do you like it?" -"It's fine" "Is it... a salt lick, neat!" -"Uhh, I think so."
TheMerricat: So everytime I hear them say "Concerned Ape" I keep thinking of the damn NFT person.
Marvoleath: mayo, _good_ for you
RockPusher: sergeSipp
SocraticMethod: @accountmadeforants It's a salt ion lamp, it's completely woo sold to hippies
RockPusher: NZ BB&B still going
TXC2: could imagine if MTV cribs was still going? they'd be having to do my house at this point :p
FuzBubbles: the coffee thing was that he said he was releasing the update once he woke up and had some coffee.
RockPusher: (unrelated to the overseas defunct ones)
FuzBubbles: so he was telling us the update was coming very soon.
an_archist2: new cyberpunk trope: pillows explode after their manufacturers go under
SocraticMethod: BB&B brand has been bought by Overstock and they are using it
accountmadeforants: @SocraticMethod Sold to hippies and people who see one in a thrift/knick-knack store and think it's neat.
niccus: they only have the beyond???
SocraticMethod: Ryan Cohen sold his BB&B stock really quickly
accountmadeforants: If there is one thing upstairs, that is by definition more
EvilBadman: Sounds like the one that was in downtown Seattle, lol
rubikdarkwill: He had posted that the plan for the update was "Get up, make coffee, and (pending no game-breaking bugs) hit the button" to release the update
ZephyrousOne: Bed, Bath, & Existential Dread
TheMerricat: Chat I'm clueless what's the cool thing about buckwheat pillows? Are they softer than down or something?
rubikdarkwill: So that's why the "making coffee" was fun
SocraticMethod: Also, whole BB&B situation is incredibly sad because there are multiple grifters scamming those who bought into MOASS despite that old BB&B has bancrupted
accountmadeforants: Emergency rations pouches
EvilBadman: @TheMerricat does not retain heat
Strebenherz: Parakeet's pillow
RockPusher: gabyLul
Strebenherz: That's... good to know thank you
Asimech: I have a buckwheat pillow and: Stays cool, breathes, can be shaped because the hulls are loose. Feels rock hard though.
EvilBadman: @niccus Yuuuup
ZephyrousOne: Needs a Pillowtop Pillowcase.
TXC2: I wonder if this would be good or bad for my neck
Lord_Hosk: I want a brick to sleep on but pillows keep getting softer and softer because its cheaper to jam 10,000 of them in a shipping container
Asimech: I can shape mine such I can turn from lying on a side to back and have good support in either position. Which cool.
GapFiller: nalvThink dont the Derys HAVE a waterbed?
ZephyrousOne: Don't go to bed with wet hair, if you have an un-hulled buckwheat pillow.
CAKHost: Buckwheat grown with the sweat of Beej is not a thought I was expecting to deal with today....
TXC2: GapFiller they did
GapFiller: TXC2 ah not anymore then
jumping_point: There are pillows that are filled with swiss pine shavings. Which I finde kinda wild. ^^
an_archist2: that was a good beej noise
just__fitz: My wife did a 8 player game yesterday. She was so happy to be able to flex the true perfection statue on her friends
gnyrinn: If you sweat enough for seeds in your pillow to sprout the sprouting seed is not a priority problem.
TXC2: do they now spend 7 days in bed anyway ?
GapFiller: OH lrrBEEJ
Gizmoloid: My pillow sprouted. How!? Life -uh, finds a way.
GapFiller: Insurrection aint great but hey at least it wasnt Nemesis eh
GapFiller: or Final Frontier or something
EvilBadman: Even better than momma!
SocraticMethod: Would a baby tossing critical be a minicrit? Kappa
Gadora: @GapFiller I just picked up Nemesis from the library. It's where my friend and I are in our Trek watch.
CAKHost: Yeah that tracks Heather XD
KV1NN4: you ca put hats ot he sea urchins already
TXC2: Nemesis is better then Insurrection IMO
jumping_point: Could someone please let me know when they're done with stardew update spoilers?
jumping_point: Just ping me then?
TXC2: jumping_point sure
Gizmoloid: @jumping_point they're still on update
TehAmelie: could you have half-invisible children?
GapFiller: TXC2 we can all prob agree neither are a patch on First Contact
TheThirdTail: a ghost asking for children? drifloon?
just__fitz: Transparent kid or invisible from waist down?
Marvoleath: did you have to offer them the child?
TXC2: GapFiller oh indeed
an_archist2: is this youmu konpaku's backstory?
Laurence72: Talk about ghosting your spouse
EvilBadman: heather - Thirsty Suitors
TXC2: I mean, to be fair to Crusher, the ghost was hot
gnyrinn: Ghost-Spouse sounds like a really bad '90s sitcom
KV1NN4: hhhhyup
GapFiller: TXC2 nalvLUL nalvCool
Lord_Hosk: That episode was the first "Dr Polaski is way more competent as a Dr than Crusher ever was"
TehAmelie: gotta rub raisins on every other object in the game to check
Serpens77 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
Serpens77: The addition of sub, which has a special use
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Serpens77! (Today's storm count: 33)
beowuuf: @TXC2 don't be fair to the scottish candle ghost!
TXC2: jumping_point you are safe now
Marvoleath: @jumping_point it's safe
Asimech: @just__fitz If invisible from waist down: Visible or invisible poops? And which would be more upsetting?
rubikdarkwill: Patch notes over anyone who was muted!
SocraticMethod: Event
beowuuf: @Lord_Hosk tbf polaski repaired picard's heart, while beverly only ever broke picard's Kappa
jumping_point: Thank you!
TXC2: beowuuf Daaaaaaam!
SocraticMethod: You have to have subscription and the newest expansion
Blip2004: Plunderstorm is fine, would be better if people would let me kill spiders and raptors in peace
SocraticMethod: And download whole 100GB WoW client
Strebenherz: @Asimech Invisible I think. Step in it, and you know what you stepped in, but not where it is :P
ghyllnox: In Somalia
ZephyrousOne: When rounding the Horn of Africa
SocraticMethod: WE have ninja and knight phases
Snowcookies: When the pirates are robbing and plundering you :P
SocraticMethod: we *did have
Bruceski: There are two constants in life. "pirates are popular" and "everyone has a favorite dinosaur-like creature."
Asimech: @Strebenherz So seeing the poop be formed inside the baby and travel down would be something you figure you would get used to?
rubikdarkwill: Fortnite: Save The World ?
Blip2004: WoW already has a ton of Pirate stuff including an annual Pirate Day celebration and cosmetics
TXC2: Bruceski so we make Pirate dinosaurs and make ALL the money ?
TehAmelie: Matthew Patel declared "pirates are in this year" back in Scott Pilgrim book 1, and he has never been wrong since
Laurence72: Pong 99 when?
SocraticMethod: From what I've heard Video Game School is heavy on design and marketing lessons
Bruceski: Myst had a bunch of sequels. Some of them were even good.
Strebenherz: @Asimech I mean that's cursed too granted.
SocraticMethod: The name of the game was literally "Riven: The Sequel to Myst "
lilyoftheveil666: ^
Bruceski: (I like Exile, I seem to be in a minority. Don't care Brad Dourif rocks)
TXC2: was riven also made in the weird book software ?
ZephyrousOne: Video Game School required courses: MOBAs, Battle Royales, Progression 101, 102, 201, 202, 301...
TheMerricat: How many times have the various Myth games been remade now?
SocraticMethod: @TheMerricat Myth or Myst? I dont think latter are remade that many times
TheMerricat: Myst, phone's fighting me :D
Bruceski: @TXC2 Riven was made in Mohawk, same as the non-Mac versions of Myst, which was Hypercard
accountmadeforants: Has anyone considered un-making Myst? That might be the upgrade it really needs.
TXC2: Bruceski Hyper-card that was it
accountmadeforants: It was one of the few games Mac owners could play and therefor they remember it being really good.
TheMerricat: Didn't Myst get remade twice now? I could have sworn there was a 3d remaster decades ago
accountmadeforants: @TheMerricat Yeah, there was a 3D remaster. Which also had a neat difficulty mode where it'd randomize the puzzles
accountmadeforants: (The 3D remake is just called "Myst")
TXC2: cool project
Snowcookies: oh dear
TXC2: 16 days
SocraticMethod: @TheMerricat Huh, there were few. Myst: Masterpiece Edition (2000), RealMyst: Interactive 3D Edition(2000, Mac 2002), realMyst: Masterpiece Edition (2004)
Gizmoloid: @themerricat if we also count Masterpiece editions, Myst was remade at least five times.
Orannis0: Apparently, the one remaining level is a 17 second level
Marvoleath: can you still submit new levels? would it be rude to submit one shortly before the closure? :D
SocraticMethod: @Marvoleath No, the submissions were closed long ago
lamebert1415: unrelated question but is mario maker a live service game?
SocraticMethod: @SocraticMethod March 31, 2021 to be exact
GapFiller: oh wow
EikoandMog: Fuuuuuck that.
accountmadeforants: @lamebert1415 Yes, but not for much longer. (And also it didn't have the live service trappings of garbage microtransactions on top of a full-price game)
SocraticMethod: @lamebert1415 I don't think so. It's missing battlepasses and events
niccus: the bomb has to *not* hit the bottom plants
Camail: the person who makes the level has to clear it, thats that run
GapFiller: two weeks to nail this is a Helluva deadline
Strebenherz: Hell petition nintendo at the end of the two weeks
saucemaster5000: pfft I could do that. Easy.
TXC2: knowing is not doing
accountmadeforants: So has anyone stored all the levels on their Wii U (emulated or not) yet to archive them already? :p
EvilBadman: It is better than the current setup.
accountmadeforants: It's Family Sharing but with way, way fewer hoops to jump through
SocraticMethod: Huh, strangely according to tracked Trimming the herbs has been beaten already:
lordgrond: seems like it just happened during the show, according to their twitter post?
ztghostie: LUL
TheMerricat: "Two members cannot play one copy of a game at the same time. For example, if two members want to play co-op using Member 1’s copy of Helldivers 2, Member 2 will either have to buy their own copy or play another copy owned by a different member in the family. "
accountmadeforants: And devs can still choose to exclude their games from Family Sharing
Strebenherz: Oh damn, congrats to them!
CaptainSpam: Trimming people named Herb.
Lord_Hosk: I tried this with the hosklings, but it didn't work because, it meant they couldn't play computer anytime I was playing anything
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: breaking news like an actual real newscast
TheMerricat: "Members can leave a Steam Family at any time. However, that person will have to wait one year before creating or joining a new family. Additionally, vacant family slots cannot be filled for one year. Family Members can also kick out other members of the family."
EvilBadman: When you set up the family sharing it will show the games that are not being shared due to publisher requests, etc.
RockPusher: I assume the newly introduced private games also hide it from the family share
CaptainSpam: The new barber simulator for a barbershop with a very specific clientele.
SocraticMethod: Interesting, TTH may have been disqualified because it was submitted with a TAS clear
TheMerricat: "Children in a Steam Family cannot leave on their own and must be removed by an adult in the family."
Lord_Hosk: This is going to be interesting when there is one Billionair who buys every game and just lets everyone be in their family
RockPusher: (for the nudie games and other stuff you don't want people to know you are playing :) )
accountmadeforants: I'm curious about the "kicking out" part. Is it by democracy? Does dad need to start a /votekick?
EvilBadman: @Lord_Hosk Max 6 members
jumping_point: The term "hosklings" is so adorable to me. ^^
EvilBadman: The one thing this has over Xbox, Sony, Switch versions is it doesn't care about a "home machine."
MrTulip: perfect system
MrTulip: no notes
GapFiller: remember that happend on Mirrors Edge specifically
dumbo3k: Having multiple copies owned in a family does allow multiple players
RockPusher: Valve also explicitly reserved the right to adjust the definitions and eligibility of what counts as family to address if it gets abused
just__fitz: The Netflix bullcrap
ZephyrousOne: Does that mean "family accounts" buy multiple copies of the same game?
GapFiller: here we go Mirrors Edge 2016 NDTD: (watch it between this stream and FNPF)
accountmadeforants: Yeah, lots of "Family" subscriptions have started adding that clause
Marvoleath: up to 6 people
TheMerricat: So Valve _does_ have a mechanism for 'site' licesnses, I don't know how many games opt into it but if you have it it's basically anyone signed into your LAN can play the game.
GapFiller: (G killing the stream happens 3 hrs in)
accountmadeforants: I.e., not just family, but people living in the same house.
LordZarano: They don't want people setting up bootleg GamePass
EvilBadman: ^
KV1NN4: wow
just__fitz: Whats the max size again?
EvilBadman: 6 members
TheMerricat: Prenup chat, when you get divorced who gets the games in the Steam Library? Kappa
SocraticMethod: Valve thinks that if you are re-marrying within 1 year you might have lots of things going in your life and maybe you should take a break from gaming :kappa:
Lord_Hosk: Beej is describing our house
Marvoleath: my friend has 11 people in their household, all related by blood, that's apparently not a family, too big
Lord_Hosk: Yes... All the hosklings are "over 13" don't ask questions
just__fitz: Baldurs gate has saves on the computer instead of the account. Both my wife and I's accounts show up in the load save
RockPusher: Supposedly the new family setup also addresses the save-slot issues
TheMerricat: Just as a reminder chat this is sharing your library with other people in your family. If you have 11 people in your household are all 11 people going to want to be sharing their games?
EvilBadman: My hope is Valve is more lenient about being in the exact same household, but we'll see how that goes until people try to test that
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: this is just actual real social conflicts made digital
TehAmelie: 11 people taking turns on one steam account seems strained
SocraticMethod: @TheMerricat Noo, they can't see all my hentai!
lirazel64: It me, Berj.
RockPusher: EvilBadman my read is that they are trying to be as chill as possible within the bounds they no doubt have but are telegraphing that they will have to crack down if people wildly abuse it
EvilBadman: @RockPusher Same
Marvoleath: unless GOG!
Lord_Hosk: @EvilBadman
GapFiller: it figures thats also true of all our other digital media Heather
Marvoleath: GOG sells you actual game (although you might need to have the installer kept separate on your own)
EvilBadman: @Lord_Hosk <3
TheMerricat: I 100% guarantee you Valve is pushing the border as far as they think they can without having the publishers revolt about giving games away for.
SocraticMethod: Remember when Twitch tried to be reasonable about artistic nudity and everyone was pushing the line with a rocket-boosted bulldozer
GapFiller: much as they dont want people passing down their Steam libraries they equally dont want people passing on their Netflix/Prime/D+ ect libraries
BluTGI: If you divorce, can you get your save file in that divorce?
Marvoleath: Steam family, now more permanent than christian marriage!
TehAmelie: so we did mention pirates earlier. . .
TheMerricat: @marvoleath even GOG is only selling you a license. They're cool about the whole thing not being DRMed, although not all of their games now are DRM free, but you still don't own the game technically.
SocraticMethod: @GapFiller Yeah, because that will cause lots of problems with inheritance tax
RockPusher: ban applies to player *and* owner
GapFiller: TehAmelie nalvCool
TXC2: right chat I'm off
just__fitz: Oh no grandpa's hidden japenese games folder has been unhidden
RockPusher: 'night TXC2
TXC2: goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Heather, Paul and Beej
CAKHost: Goodnight TXC2!
Marvoleath: @TheMerricat I mean, if you dowload it, it's yours, otherwise they provide you with license that allows re-download and cloud usage
jumping_point: Good night TXC2!
Mai_Andra: I just keep hearing Molly's dating profile in that crapshot - "I'm not sharing my Steam library with anybody."
BluTGI: "Son, you're a man now, time to get your own netflix account." lol
LordZarano: I set up Family Sharing (old version) with my sister who lives in different city. She had to log onto her steam account on my computer to enable it, and I had to log into my account on her computer. So during that setup (over video chat) we could have stolen each other's accounts, if we were so inclined
Boopity: @LordZarano Well? Did you? Kappa
Blip2004: Yeah, there should really be a rule that streaming services have to list all their media, not just what will fit on the page (looking at you Prime)
SocraticMethod: I don't think that will ever happen because "family" is understood to mean "somebody else pays"
TheDailyMapleSyrup: the compagny will only be happy once you pay per minute
just__fitz: All-Star Dungeons
CAKHost: They're just putting van art on shoes now Kappa
nornh: larian studios not making any more bg3 games is actually a crime
Marvoleath: I mean, there is bg4 maybe
EvilBadman: @nornh No, it isn't
SocraticMethod: @nornh I'd say that if Larian wants to focus on their own projects we shouldn't begrudge it
GapFiller: and good for Larian
Marvoleath: ok, so no bg4
TheMerricat: Even if they were tired of it it really wouldn't matter given Hasbro's fired everyone who worked with them over at WotC
SocraticMethod: Baldur's Gate 3 Late Access Kappa
BrowneePoints: All*
TheMerricat: Weren't
Marvoleath: not surprised tbh with how wotc treated the people responsible for the success
BrowneePoints: I believe Swen said EVERYONE they worked with at WotC got laid off
Amentur: Larian did mention starting work on a DLc but stopping because "their heart wasn't in it."
TheMerricat: @amentur to the point where they also said they were overjoyed when they decided to cancel it.
SocraticMethod: @BrowneePoints AFAIK the phrasing was "ALMOST everybody got laid off"
GapFiller: tangentially lookin fwd to what LRR is doing in lieu of the forthcoming PPR that fell thru
TheMerricat: @gapfiller ?!!?
EvilBadman: This was the closest Larian, or someone notable there, came to saying stuff about the layoffs -
Marvoleath: @GapFiller There is streaming planned, with OTJ sealed, commander and then some, just no guests again
SquareDotCube: so an Adam mode
lilyoftheveil666: They're also adding official mod support
TehAmelie: you're not a dungeonerd?
jumping_point: Larian after the developer of Helldivers is the second european studio that came out against some dubious game branche tactics.
RockPusher: Branded Merch lrrAWESOME
GapFiller: TheMerricat per G on social media (prob misremembered so pinch o salt) theres a forthcoming set for which LRR will not be doing a full PPR due to something on the WotC side but LRR will still be doing something for it
Sarah_Serinde: LRR is still working out their contract with WotC for PPRs, to be clear.
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
Laurence72: I want to know what kind of armor and/or stat buffs it will give me Kappa
EvilBadman: If it has to have a logo on it, make it one from a company in-universe. :D
SquareDotCube: I love subtlety, wish more would do it
Jennie_Fuchsia: can we get Kathleen Editions of shirts that aren’t colorful?
GapFiller: Sarah_Serinde ty
RockPusher: Yeah lrrAWESOME Muffin
RockPusher: just sayin' Beej
BluTGI: They did a new set of Xmen 97 merch. Io9 posted about it I think. So gross. this exact problem.
TheMerricat: Thanks @gapfiller and @sarah_serinde !
an_archist2: so you're saying that LRR should transition to high-fashion?
BluTGI: You can tell they just got the rights to the logo, not the other artwork
Mr_Dirty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 79 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mr_Dirty! (Today's storm count: 34)
SK__Ren: the in-joke
Jennie_Fuchsia: everyone wants can’t draw horses club shirts
LordZarano: I love the Desert Bus shirts for that
EvilBadman: the Abtergo logo from Assassin's Creed is /great/ at that.
jumping_point: "Don't talk about bite club. xD
SocraticMethod: Destiny jackets were pretty cool because they were mostly patterns
Sarah_Serinde: I have gotten a compliment on one of my DB shirts from someone who had no idea what DB was
OldManJohnsonMB subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
OldManJohnsonMB: Lucky 88!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OldManJohnsonMB! (Today's storm count: 35)
BrowneePoints: one of the reasons ttrpgs have switched to GameMaster/Storyteller
CAKHost: *Pointing at someone with a blue dog face on a white shirt" Homestuck neeerd!
beowuuf: "haha, i see the confusion, i just like fantasy roleplay" ...
SquareDotCube: neat slogan, though that belongs on booty shorts, not a hat Kappa
an_archist2: buy three wheels, you should get a fourth
emberBecky: yeh I like merch that's recognizable to fans but isn't too niche/perplexing to wear in most circumstances
TheStarwind subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheStarwind! (Today's storm count: 36)
jumping_point: That's peak shirt design btw. (Meaning the LRR pride shirt)
GapFiller: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Spatzerny: how on the nose is the < 'don't worry i have a plan' with a nat 1 on it > shirt ?
Snowcookies: ty for the stream
Marvoleath: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
jumping_point: Thank you for the stream, Heather, Paul and Beej!
SquareDotCube: though to be fair I wouldn't mind a subtle DB shirt, one that's not a specific year, like a line art of the air freshener in front of the sun
jumping_point: Have a great day everybody!
RockPusher: Get on the point!
Strebenherz: Have a good one!
beowuuf: thanks for the stream!
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week it's the UB Precon Showdown! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PDT (1:13 from now).
an_archist2: the dimir precon showdown!
CAKHost: Thanks for the stream, Heather, Paul and Beej! <3
RockPusher: Gonna find out whose franchise is supreme?
EvilBadman: Cam is 40, Cori is LOTR, Ben is Who, and Nelly is Fallout IIRC
Marvoleath: Ben is who?
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
RockPusher: James has been appropriately blamed
EvilBadman: @Marvoleath Yes.
SocraticMethod: @EvilBadman Wow, Cam looks good for his age. I wonder what's his skincare routine Kappa
couchboyj: They've done mono color commander nights, guild commander nights are the logical extension
Sarah_Serinde: @SocraticMethod I have some news for you about Cameron's age :P
KV1NN4: omg XD
SocraticMethod: @Sarah_Serinde No way, would never have guessed.
CAKHost: How Penguin get hot air balloon???
GapFiller: lrrGARBO !?
EvilBadman: @Sarah_Serinde Miss one letter and all the wiseacres pounce
Marvoleath: lrrGARBO week, yay
jumping_point: I'm so excited for B&O2 finale! It's gonna be great!
SnackPak_: ooo
Sarah_Serinde: @EvilBadman This kind of thing is why I don't talk about make-up streams on James's channel anymore :P
Snowcookies: woot
Marvoleath: I'm so excited about Bylaw and Order 3!
Marvoleath: Kappa
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, and does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
GapFiller: thanks for streaming lrrPAUL lrrBEEEJ lrrHEATHER lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
RockPusher: lunarj1Heart lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart
jumping_point: lrrSHINE
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart lrrSHINE
Marvoleath: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Snowcookies: bye
CAKHost: o/
beowuuf: sergeHi
emberBecky: lrrHEART lrrPistachio
beowuuf: remember prime is now hidden away in weird menus!
Sarah_Serinde: It's enough of a change that we mention it in the !prime command now
beowuuf: specifically the elevate menu (which you'd tyhink is only for tier 2, etc
Sarah_Serinde: Definitely made more than one person think that Prime subs just weren't available anymore, which I'm sure is working as intended
beowuuf: cool, missed that second part for some reason :)
Sarah_Serinde: I mean I can understand not looking closely at the command if you're used to the info and not expecting it to be different
beowuuf: yeah. kinda assumed mine was still running until someone said :(