SaxPython: What's good pre-game chat?
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Potion of Defense!
Earthenone: the title updated, does that mean james is free of his curse?
airylan: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: Huevos Grande
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a little bit of squid love
RockPusher chugs the potion, grows quills
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
LostThePirate: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Sorator13: ahoy!
TehAmelie: yarr
IbunWest: lrrSIG radrinPlz lrrSIG
Diabore: so how game work?
airylan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
airylan: lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, airylan! (Today's storm count: 10)
Diabore: side note, has cerveza cristal been added to the box command yet?
NotCainNorAbel: @Diabore game not work, game fun
Sorator13: game no work, no get banan
Juliamon: it might be in another command
Earthenone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 68 months!
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lirazel64 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
lirazel64: Almost to the hslf-year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lirazel64! (Today's storm count: 12)
TheWriterAleph subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
TheWriterAleph: oh hai
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheWriterAleph! (Today's storm count: 13)
kusinohki: meows
Earthenone: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, and does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Earthenone: ahh good it was updated with its new nonsese
colonelkreiner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 84 months!
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Juliamon: fitting that bit was tricky
Juliamon: I rewrote the command text so many times
Juliamon: it was SO HARD not to sass Amazon in it
colourspike subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
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Earthenone: its almost like they want it to be hard to claim the reward or something
Earthenone: :P
Dog_of_Myth: Made it in time.
Juliamon: So excited for Serge to be back and possibly in one of these again soon!
LurkerSpine: cold mic?
Juliamon: Mute
Kramburger: Mic 5
Earthenone: silent boys!
Heckhoundbolt: mute
Dog_of_Myth: Thanks Paul
tehfewl: wheelerMute
SuperPenguinWizard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SuperPenguinWizard! (Today's storm count: 16)
Sorator13: you be muted
Sorator13: ahhh, now you not be muted!
Kramburger: Classic James 'Workshy' Turner
saucemaster5000 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
saucemaster5000: good evening
Earthenone: so like heroclix?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, saucemaster5000! (Today's storm count: 17)
GredGredmansson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
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RockPusher: hifunkBeard hifunkScav
Dog_of_Myth: Cheer500 For Funko's hard work.
TheWriterAleph: @Earthenone i miss playing heroclix. is that still around?
Toxxick subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
Toxxick: Oh My GOD. Yes! This is literally my favorite game for the last 2 years
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Toxxick! (Today's storm count: 19)
Juliamon: !funko
LRRbot: Wondering who that Australian man who's telling James what to do is? That's Funko, he's cool. Check him out at
Toxxick: This game rocks. If anyone in chat has questions feel free to ask
GredGredmansson: Iron Fist?
Toxxick: A full team is 10 minis max
Toxxick: I'll do my best if you have questions! But its very much "reading the card explains the card"
DaxStrife: I was half expecting Funko to say, "So I spent that $60 on beer instead."
GredGredmansson: hyesz
Toxxick: Gwenom is releasing later this year with Scarlet Spider
raulghoulia: There's Honey Badger!
BrowneePoints: speaking of X-men Chat the new X-men show is AMAZING
GredGredmansson: Crossbones?
kusinohki: xmen 97 hype!
Mai_Andra: They even have Magick.
GredGredmansson: do they have Squirrel Girl
Toxxick: Dormamu's gimmick is anyone on his team becomes part of his team, you cant splash him, he splashes you
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Earthenone: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
BrowneePoints: X-men 97 is SO good so far
Gascitygaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
Gascitygaming: shfifty five!
Toxxick: Dont tempt me Ben
Sorator13: @Toxxick Oh, so he's like a big brother in the pool!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gascitygaming! (Today's storm count: 20)
BrowneePoints: short answer Gambit. long answer? Gaaaaaaaaammmmmmbbbbbbiiiiiitttt
Earthenone: so kill team season 2,pilot episode? :P
Toxxick: First to 16, or highest score at round 6 or you lose if you lose all models
kusinohki: shadowcat and nightcrawler... who else should I put on the team??
taruan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, taruan! (Today's storm count: 21)
DaxStrife: Cap dropped his drink?
Lobo_Apache: Army Painter speedpaint 2.0 supremecy
Toxxick: This Cap is making waves in the competitive scene
BrowneePoints: Kill Team S2: Kree-ll Team
Orxolon: are the minis heavy?
SnowBuddy18: Capbucks
GredGredmansson: please, in the Marvel Canon its called StarkBucks (probably)
LadyAiluros: James not playing Iron Man?
couchboyj: He's pointing at it and telling whoever dropped it to pick it up
kusinohki: to me, it's more cap is giving a disappointing look to whoever just littered. cap probably kicked him off panel...
Sorator13: He just saw someone drop it and is clenching his fist in anger
Juliamon: "did you seriously just toss your trash at me?"
Toxxick: Throwing stuff!
GredGredmansson: can't have superheroes without throwing things
Toxxick: Its not a superhero fight if things arent getting thrown!
LadyAiluros: Fastball Special
GredGredmansson: Wolverine is probably good at GETTING thrown
Juliamon: oh clever!
Toxxick: @GredGredmansson He is treated as one size bigger when thrown
gibbousm: a stick!
BrowneePoints: oh snap Star Wars Legion sticks!?
PMAvers: Oh, they're like the SW Armada sticks
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Is M bigger or smaller than triangle?
RatherLargeToad: All hail the stick!
GredGredmansson: @Toxxick glorious
BrowneePoints: err yea Armada
BrowneePoints: not Legion
SnowBuddy18: I thought the M was 14 for a bit
Toxxick: 10/10 explanation so far team
kusinohki: would have been wild if the shield was a separate mini and actually bounced around the map
Toxxick: Not a super hero fight without a second wind
Alex_Frostfire: "I Can Do This All Day," it said the thing!
GredGredmansson: neat way of getting around permadeath, especially if the games are only 6 rounds long
BrowneePoints: oh wow did a quick google to see who made it and apparently folks really like this and think it’s an amazing intro to Miniatures Games Game
definenull subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
definenull: quarter of a year!
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Toxxick: There are only 3 characters in the game without an injured side, and they are all Hulks.
GredGredmansson: hi bucky
Dog_of_Myth: Well that tracks
raulghoulia: well one time
GredGredmansson: ooh classic iron man
BrowneePoints: the worst character!
Orxolon: can she go Binary?
kusinohki: interrogating bee bot where the enemy base is... had to change that in playtesting (sentinels of the multiverse story)
BrowneePoints: through that stark in a trash caaaaaaan(this is a joke)
BrowneePoints: oooo Binary
GredGredmansson: BEHOLD THE CUBE
Toxxick: @Orxolon yes, her card lets her transform when she has a lot of energy
RatherLargeToad: skull is red. checks out
Juliamon: braven10PRISM
Orxolon: @Toxxick cool
DaxStrife: Heroes ponder the orb; villains behold the cube.
Dromos_GHG: evil Illuminati
Toxxick: Cabal is the generic evil guy faction to combat the generic good guy faction of Avengers. Hydra is its own thing
GredGredmansson: i'm guessing multiple characters can go in multiple builds
BrowneePoints: Cabal was a group of Supervillains from the 09 Bendis Secret Invasion
Orxolon: Mask used to be purple
Toxxick: Yes, most models have multiple affiliations
BrowneePoints: I’m used to the dumb mask!
BrowneePoints: no pink mask no Zemo!
Orxolon: this models look awesome
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL two versions of Captain Marvel: Binary and non-Binary
raulghoulia: Sweet cape.
GredGredmansson: leader implies underlings, and he doesn't do that
BrowneePoints: yea that’s Ultron
raulghoulia: Ultron was introduced as the Crimson Cowl
Orxolon: @LoadingReadyRun i see what you did there ;)
Toxxick: Yes! They do!
Toxxick: Yeah so Grunts deploy with him
Toxxick: and you always activate them with Ultron, they take their actions first, then Ultron takes his actions, if Ultron is dazed, they dont get an activation
GredGredmansson: are there Doombot units that go with Doctor Doom too
Toxxick: Doom isnt in the game yet sadly
kusinohki: I feel like ultron really wouldn't work with anyone, but mini game whatevs...
GredGredmansson: well can't get all the heavy hitters out at once
Jundinator: Is this a board game or a digital board game?
BrowneePoints: ultron has worked with others a lot
BrowneePoints: but hes a right pain in their ass every time he teams up lol
TheWriterAleph: Gloria Voltron
goombalax: Gloria Voltron?
Jundinator: Where's Thanos
Jundinator: He needs to Snap everything
GredGredmansson: i asked earlier is there a Squirrel Girl unit
Toxxick: Grunt models in the game so far are Nick Fury Jr and his Shield Agents, Red Skull and his Hydra Goons, Ultron and his Drones, and Shadowlands Daredevil and his Hand Ninjas
kusinohki: thanos is busy playing marvel snap
Toxxick: Yes, SQ is in the game
GredGredmansson: heck ye
Toxxick: You can activate a Tactics Card whenever you are the active player of when the card says if its reactive
GredGredmansson: oh we're in the middle of Spider Island right now
Toxxick: Those are the original format cards, rules are the same
micalovits: Soon to be Spiderman
GredGredmansson: yep that sounds like Spider-Island to me
RatherLargeToad: Spider blood. Spider blood.
TheWriterAleph: PUNCH the spiders out of em
Sorator13: I certainly would not want to be infected with spiders.
GredGredmansson: the story arc where the entirety of NYC became spider-people
RatherLargeToad: Radioactive spider blood
DaxStrife: Pretty sure they played a game called "Spider-Infected" on Watch + Play.
Marvoleath: if you have spiders inside - go consult a doctor
raulghoulia: Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
Toxxick: I mean it is a Crisis Protocol
RatherLargeToad: A Tuesday
RatherLargeToad: in NY
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL People are being controlled by spiders on their heads, Ratatouille-style
kusinohki: totally not inhuman crystals.. (terrogen gas??)
GredGredmansson: and JJJ will somehoe blame Spider-Man for this
kusinohki: all spiders are spiderman's fault
BrowneePoints: terrigen mist @kusinohki
Toxxick: Notably, because these Blue Crisis are Control based, you can win the roll to control it and walk away and still own it
kusinohki: although with spider infected, that's really not that far off...
Toxxick: Grunts do no get or use it
Toxxick: Good luck all!
Toxxick: Within 1
Orlantia subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 88 months!
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Toxxick: Funko is correct
Toxxick: it will take a power to interact tho
Toxxick: It will take 1 power to interact with a red OR a blue
QuixoticScrivener: I like that the measuring sticks have a joint
IsSecretlyPaul: Ben you should have said something I had some spare terrain for MCP I could have hoisted upon you
Toxxick: you can double move
Kuhfeek subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
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tanshala: basically keep them undercontrol
Fanklok: It's OK James not everyone has a curve
micalovits: Just have to kidnap the spiders
Toxxick: The old set has double indented and the new ones dont, the reason they changed it with the new set is because the rules technically allow you to place at the TIP of the indent, which was weird
GredGredmansson: "My Good Buddy Bucky" is my favorite road trip movie
kusinohki: hulk just juggling 5 infected while running across NY
Orxolon: "they have Ultron and we brought Bucky!?"
Toxxick: Bucky also has stealth, which is great for someone with a range 5 attack
kusinohki: how does the game handle flying units?
glyndev subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
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Toxxick: @kusinohki Units that fly or wall crawl will have a passive that allows them to move over terrain that is larger than them uninhibited
Toxxick: Yes
shendaras: Can you throw your spider-infested civilians to pass them to others on your team?
Toxxick: you could move move superpower, move attack interact, etc
Toxxick: @shendaras only specific characters or cards allow shuffling of objectives
Toxxick: you cannot drop it without a specific ability that allows you to.
loufghyslaufey: James be like, "Cap! Throw Me!"
GredGredmansson: rude form to throw civilians
Earthenone: do the drones do anything?
Earthenone: since it is ultron turn
Toxxick: oh! funko! Your grunts!
Orxolon: Mar-Vell
GredGredmansson: she USED to be Ms Marvel
GredGredmansson: but she got promoted
Mr_Bitterness: Well, she's Captain Marvel now, so did she get commissioned?
Toxxick: thats a Beam attack!
Simonark: ironically, she had to sort of be DEMOTED, she was a Major in the comics.
JadedCynic: @Mr_Bitterness Cpt. Carol Danvers, USAF HahaShrugLeft lrrAWESOME HahaShrugRight
kusinohki: she was a Major Marvel??
red_shoes_jeff: "A deadly B weapon."
GredGredmansson: "What's this, a New York City intersection woefully underpopulated by bees?!?!"
JadedCynic subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JadedCynic! (Today's storm count: 26)
Toxxick: The first round of MCP is often very light on attacks because positioning and action economy is so important. Round 2 is often a bloodbath
GredGredmansson: Iron Man, Iron Man, does whatever an iron can, takes the wrinkles out of clothes, his helmet doesn't have a nose, look out: here comes the Iron Man
kusinohki: and here I am trying to come up with an "iron man vs steel" joke...
GredGredmansson: was going to say
kusinohki: does iron man's suit actually have any iron in it? thought it was all comic book super science material now...
Toxxick: Skulls can only be modified with abilities that explicitly effect skulls. It honks
GredGredmansson: @kusinohki its symbolic; appeals to the american conceit of the blue collar worker making their own way
Earthenone: i assume ihey wanted to be called Ion man, but a font error made it look like a r was between the ! and o
Toxxick: James might want to read his leadership
Juliamon: kusinohki you could say it's iron-ic
GredGredmansson: or something like that i might be paraphrasing Iron Man 1
Toxxick: correct, pushes are straight
Its_VeeBot: I *really* hope they dubbed over the Futurama character's name... they didn't, didn't they?
northos: but Cameron isn't here Kappa
Mr_Bitterness: Doesn't Iron Man gain 2 energy for dealing 2 damage?
kusinohki: random thought - is Paul the watcher for this game??
Toxxick: The easiest thing to forget about as a new player is gaining power for attacks and that you have an always active leadership ability
Earthenone: do we have spindown d6?
PMAvers: I was going to say, those d6 spindowns would be perfect for this.
GredGredmansson: oh right did we even go over the leadership abilities at the start?
Earthenone: funko mentioned they had one
Toxxick: Cap 1 is a vastly different model than this one, Cap 3
leymcc subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
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red_shoes_jeff: The censors caught up to him.
Toxxick: Yes you do!
voren_chalco: Backseat Paul, the hero we need.
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra ! (Today's storm count: 28)
Earthenone: untap, upkeep, spiders
Toxxick: The only way to get your opponents models to drop their obj is to daze them, hence the upcoming dice fenzy
selrahcthewise subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
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Toxxick: you roll one at a time yes
Toxxick: And because its an advance, you get to bend the thingy
Toxxick: The way it works in a comp setting is one player does all theirs, calling out each model being rolled for at a time
Toxxick: Correct Funko
Toxxick: A typical MCP game lasts 90mins or less
BrowneePoints: also what I found in some googling Paul is that apparently this game is an INCREDIBLY beginner friendly/intro to minis game
Toxxick: All throws are either superpowers that cost power or extra effects on attacks
Voldiren subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
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gawag_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months, currently on a 68 month streak!
GredGredmansson: betcha bullseye can do curved throws
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gawag_! (Today's storm count: 31)
GredGredmansson: or wait, is that DC
Toxxick: @GredGredmansson Bullseye has a superpower where if he misses an attack he can pay 1 power to do 1 dmg anyway, its called "i never miss"
GredGredmansson: ah that's how they flavor that
Toxxick: you need a superpower to throw, you cannot throw without an ability that says you can throw
Mr_Bitterness: We playing Midnight Suns, throwing stuff at each other
Toxxick: VARIANCE!
MWGNZ: jamieOhjeez
Toxxick: Yes they do
Toxxick: cirts explode or attack and defense
GredGredmansson: Stark: "I swear this never happens"
Kramburger: James rolled six mountains in a row?
Toxxick: If it makes james feel better, I rolled all blanks and skulls on a 12 dice attack last weekend
PMAvers: Gotta get all those snake-eyes out of your system early on
Toxxick: Sadly Iron man does not have energy
Toxxick: Otherwise yall are all correct
Getter404: Missed the first hour, anything interesting get blown up?
Toxxick: Yes, this is a push AWAY, so thats how you resolve it, make sure you use the long tool for best optics
aitsu100: ah this does the midnight suns thing cool
Toxxick: Midnight Sons is also a faction in here that rocks
BrowneePoints: i liked it more than xcom
Mr_Bitterness: I enjoyed Midnight Sons too but man were some characters way more useful than others.
BrowneePoints: @toxxick who is in this iteration?
mitomanox: henlo chat <3
Toxxick: @BrowneePoints Currently, Blade is their only leader, Soon they will have Elsa Bloodstone who will also be a leader. Doc Voodoo, Iron Fist, Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, Immortal Hulk, Dr Strange, Wong, and Black Cat
Earthenone: ahh chain lightning
BrowneePoints: ooo Brother Voodoo is in this game!? and Moon Knight!?
Toxxick: And, Skulls leadership makes it easier to get that crit
cthulhudude23: Hell yeah! This game is so rad
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Hey Lrrfolks. Who is in Funko's line up there?
mitomanox: scandalous
BrowneePoints: Ultron doc ock red skull as leader Zemo and then Ultron drones @thedepthandbreadthofseth
Mr_Bitterness: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Red Skull + Cosmic Cube, Ultron + Minions, Baron Zemo and Doc Ock.
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @browneepoints cool, ty!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @mr_bitterness ty
Toxxick: im back, did i miss anything
Toxxick: unless it explicitly says "another" allied character, it effects that character too
wizzo1138 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 35 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wizzo1138! (Today's storm count: 32)
shendaras: There was a question about stealth and whether it would apply to red skull's reality bows to me additional attack, but I believe they resolved it as a new attack and that it would apply.
Toxxick: you declare use of that leadership after you roll dice but before you resolve crits, if that helps
Toxxick: yeah, stealth would require skull be within 3 to chain the attack
Earthenone: now funko throws james' spider right?
Toxxick: 2 in any direction
thedepthandbreadthofseth: And James is on Cap (Steve Rogers) and Bucky Barnes... Hulk? Iron Man?
Getter404: James was studying spiders? In the Amazon?
Toxxick: yes, you get energy
GredGredmansson: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Cap, Bucky, Iron Man, Captain Marvel
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Cool! Ty
Toxxick: you can use the same attack if you had another 4 energy
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I'm assuming this is a rather nerfed Captain Marvel...
micalovits: Did redskull have to lose a health for his cabal power thing?
Toxxick: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Her powered up form is nothing to sneeze at, but its not sustainable, she cant generate power in it and everything costs a bunch of power
Earthenone: did you take your 1 damage or 1 energy cost from red skull funko?
GredGredmansson: using a shield for blocking, what a novel idea
Toxxick: Tabling is rare, only a few factions have the power to do it. Black order is one of those
GredGredmansson: that makes sense
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Gotcha. My overall impression of the character is that planet level threats are kinda light work for her. she really operates on an interstellar threat level.
Toxxick: This game really operates on Stan Lee "the power level suits the story youre telling" rules
Toxxick: oh yeah, blues are still untouched
Getter404: @Toxxick And if anything sounds wrong, one or both of the combatants were secretly Doombots
Mr_Bitterness: @thedepthandbreadthofseth MCU Carol is generally much higher power than comics Carol, if I remember the comics correctly.
Toxxick: and you DONT gain power for that because it is a neutral effect
Toxxick: For what its worth, there are several blue crises that work like kill team funko
Toxxick: This is just not one of them xD
thedepthandbreadthofseth: !game
LRRbot: Currently playing: Board Games
Getter404: @Mr_Bitterness Well there's the Binary stuff for comics Carol, which is on a whole other level but harder to maintain
Mr_Bitterness: @Getter404 Yup, Binary Form is a whole thing.
Toxxick: you could always move S instead of M
Toxxick: Anyone else have questions about characters that may or may not be in the game?
Getter404: I hear they really improved the battery life on the 2.0
Toxxick: Correct!
Toxxick: You can fail to do dmg and still inflict status effects
BrowneePoints: is jubilee in this?
QuixoticScrivener: Overwatch, in this economy?
Toxxick: @BrowneePoints Not yet, Current Xmen are Charles, Cyclops, Storm, Jean, Several Wolverines, Iceman, NightCrawler, Shadowcat, Beast, Colossus, Emma Frost, Rogue, Gambit, and Psylocke
Orxolon: @Toxxick uuffff i have a Nightcrawler,i'm happy
Toxxick: For what its worth, Leadership abilities function even if the leader is dazed, but stop working if the leader is dead
Earthenone: i read "Several Wolverines" and imagined somethign quite funny
Mr_Bitterness: I like how you say "Several Wolverines" because it could be several Logans or Logan and Laura.
Toxxick: We have 2 Logans, X-23, and Honey Badger. Oh and a card that references Johnathan the Unstoppable
Getter404: Every time I see this game being played I have the same thought process: "Hey this looks fun" -> "Oooh, Spider-Gwen's in this! Web Warriors let's gooo" -> "Wait I'd have to freehand all those web patterns." -> "Nevermind."
Toxxick: @Getter404 The webs on her suit are in fact raised, but they are still a pain to paint
BrowneePoints: No Dazzler AND no Jubilee!? This game is truly not for Us Gays doodSad lrrFINE
Orxolon: @Getter404 hahahaha
Toxxick: @BrowneePoints Oh they did just add Bishop too
Toxxick: oh i like this angle
BrowneePoints: they should add the Young Avengers
Orxolon: @Toxxick for xmen 97 maybe?
Toxxick: @Orxolon hes mostly an X-force model
Orxolon: nice
Toxxick: Cap, especially on his Injured side, is one of the hardest models to kill in this game
UncannyJimjams: Has Ben played this before? He sounds knowledgeable
Orxolon: @Toxxick really?why?
omdorastrix subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
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Orxolon: i can think of 5 meta humans more durable than Steve
Juliamon: Ben has a knack for learning a game and explaining it in a short timeframe.
Orxolon: from the top of my head
Toxxick: @Orxolon he has good stats and on his injured side counts blanks as successes in his defense rolls
micalovits: Damnit Ultron!
Getter404: @UncannyJimjams I mean, he is the one holding the manual
Orxolon: @Toxxick wow,cool skill
UncannyJimjams: I hope they add the Fantastic Four sooner than later
GredGredmansson: he's got a shield
Toxxick: characters dont cause LOS issues, only terrain
GredGredmansson: its for shielding sometimes
7gorobei: doesnt Ultron wearing a cape just draw attention to the fact that he is naked?
Cptasparagus: pentagon?
UncannyJimjams: @getter404 oh no, he knows the most AND he's the most powerful
Getter404: @7gorobei He's establishing dominance.
Toxxick: This Ultron is the new standard on which all 5 threat units are measured
Mazrae: Evening everyone, made it half way through
A_Dub888: Vibranium don't mess around
Orxolon: so many options!
Getter404: Got them Guile strategies
couchboyj: Can, in fact, do this all day
Mr_Bitterness: And he did it all while on fire.
Toxxick: I suddenly have a new appreciation for Mods feeling like they cant leave the desk.
BrowneePoints: Toxxick also said injured Cap is one of the hardest units in the game to kill, so there's that Streamers LUL
Mr_Bitterness: Cap's not even injured yet
A_Dub888: Bucky's the Hulk??
GredGredmansson: "Magical Angy Mode" is an interesting way to describe the Winter Soldier
Criticvs_Failivs subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 41 months!
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Toxxick: yeah some units are stronger on one side than they are on another
Orxolon: all rightmi think this is my first time ever actually using the break XD
Mr_Bitterness: I imagine Hulk gets angrier on his 2nd side
Toxxick: @Mr_Bitterness The Hulks actually dont have injured sides, they have one giant hp pool and if they lose it all they are out
Toxxick: but they tend to have things that buff them the more dmg they have marked on them
Mr_Bitterness: Makes sense
GredGredmansson: looking up squirrel girl
GredGredmansson: OF COURSE she's paired with Gwenpool
Toxxick: We currently have Hulk, She Hulk, and Immortal Hulk, Hulk is a hard hitting 6 threat that hits harder when hit hard, She Hulk is the leader of A force and hits harder when hitting bigger things, and Immortal Hulk doesnt hit particularly hard, but you effectively have to kill him twice thru a regeneration effect
Toxxick: Squirrel Girl has a Tactics card that if you roll one of every die face just kills someone dead
BrowneePoints: LOL SO RANDOM
BrowneePoints: (has a massive disdain for her solo comics)
GredGredmansson: @Toxxick power of positivity
Toxxick: eh, I appreciated it paying homage to her fight with Thanos. The card is called "well thats improbable"
BrowneePoints: I like her in Team comics cuz there's friction between her very simple naive way of living/looking at the world with whoever she's with
Toxxick: Mods, may I post a link to the Faction List document?
GredGredmansson: ok i like Gwenpool's utility abilties
GredGredmansson: she can show up next to the plot if she's not already involved
GredGredmansson: she can retcon die rolls
Mr_Bitterness: Wonder if you can put together a maximum chaos her team. Squirrel Girl, Deadpool, Domino, Black Cat, other luck-based heros
GredGredmansson: and she can't be killed by the enemy
GredGredmansson: directly(
Toxxick: @Mr_Bitterness Well, everyone you just mentioned is in the game, but none are faction leaders xD
Toxxick: If you want a very self-aware model, look up Bob, Agent of Hydra
Mr_Bitterness: Then we'll just have the most straight-laced person we can find herd them all like a bunch of cats
GredGredmansson: gwenpool also isn't any different front or back
Toxxick: Correct!
GredGredmansson: then who's going to throw Wolverine
Toxxick: Throws are uncommon, but not rare. Pushes are much more common
Raincoast_Bear: Hi James/Ben/Funko-Matt! Super Show Down!
Getter404: Which Spider-Man is this? I remember hearing there's one GOOD Peter and one that's almost unplayably bad
pn55: Time to just throw Captain America at someone.
GredGredmansson: oh, Gwenpool's tactics card grabs from the SIDEBOARD
LoadingReadyRun: This Spider-man is Spectacular Spider-man
UncannyJimjams: If I remember right Amazing is the good one and regular and Spectacular are bad and fine respectively @getter404
Toxxick: @Getter404 There are like 4 peters and only the original from the OG box set is mediocre
tehfewl: i just tuned in and first thing i really hear is "Roll for Spiders!"
Getter404: @GredGredmansson Where are you getting this from? Is there some kind of online team builder or something?
Toxxick: There are several, the app that most people use is called Jarvis Protocol, there's also MCPDB and Cerebro
Toxxick: Mods, may I post a link to the Faction List document?
GredGredmansson: @Getter404 no just searching names online
Juliamon: Sure
GredGredmansson: @Toxxick oh i just read the description of the rocket launcher attack and I love it
Toxxick: That list has every model in the game and what factions they are part of
TheAwkes: A shouldn't-be-surprising amount of the time, when the loud people in a competitive game community call a game piece unplayably bad it turns out they have something like a 5% lower measurable performance.
GredGredmansson: @GredGredmansson and he has a LOSE condition
Toxxick: AMG used to have cards in every box that said what factions people were a part of, but that became out of date very quick because they have embraced a "update now and not wait for a new codex" and people get added to new factions often
Toxxick: This dmg WILL give people power
UncannyJimjams: If they enjoy this I hope someone paints up spider-foes or x-men
CanPlayGames: Ah! How did I not know this was happening? I've been so excited to see this. I look forward to the VODs
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Toxxick: Ben, the blues will stay controlled by whoever succeeded on a roll last
UncannyJimjams: @canplaygames if it makes you feel better I knew somewhere in my head this was happening tonight but twitch didn't send a going live notification so you're not alone in the VOD Sqaud
Toxxick: Blues are what force people to move otherwise everyone would grab Reds and fight in the middle mosh pit style
GredGredmansson: and remind me about factions; you just need the majority of your minis to be in the faction for it to count?
Toxxick: @GredGredmansson The minis you select as part of your final team must be 50% plus 1 of a faction to select that factions leadership
Toxxick: So you can have a roster that could use multiple different leaderships if you built correctly
Lord_Hosk: I will never forgive you personally for killing Captain America
Raincoast_Bear: Cap won't stay down. He can take this all day...
UncannyJimjams: That's America's ass that just got beat!
GredGredmansson: @Toxxick ok, like how Doc Ock isn't technically Cabal but the rest of them are?
Toxxick: Yup!
Toxxick: Its a not quite throw
Toxxick: It was an enemy effect that caused it
coolbond: Isent damage from terrain full unless fully dodged?
Toxxick: nope!
Toxxick: you dodge it incrementally
Raincoast_Bear: If you play one of the LEGO mini games, you could have vowel terrain....
Toxxick: Action economy!
Toxxick: Which is why throws are so good, becuase they are potential damage that isnt an action
GredGredmansson: @Getter404 I think its the atomic mass games website itself
Raincoast_Bear: Oh. Ultron never goes away...He just downloads to a new body.
malfunct subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
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Toxxick: Stun is a lot of fun. Makes it feel less bad to do 4 dmg to someone since they still only get 1 power
Toxxick: you can!
Toxxick: nope!
Toxxick: Dont forget your leadership Funko!
annoyingcameraguy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
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Toxxick: I smell Binary form
Toxxick: 10 is the cap
Toxxick: This one is still giving me trouble to paint
I_Am_Clockwork subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 116 months!
I_Am_Clockwork: Yay! More minis!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, I_Am_Clockwork! (Today's storm count: 37)
Toxxick: Shes also immune to like a billion effects in this form
dumbo3k: Just casually using a house as a weapon
Toxxick: Im a big fan of throwing people into other people
UncannyJimjams: Could you throw someone and then chase them down and attack?
I_Am_Clockwork: I've only played one game of Marvel Crisis Protocol, but it ended with Iron Man crushing Spiderman over the head with the Daily Bugle
Toxxick: Paul, to answer your question, when you throw someone into someone, the person thrown takes 1 unavoidable damage, you move the model to touch the model youre throwing into, and then the person you threw at makes a dodge roll like with terrain using the other models size
Toxxick: This attack also gets a built in throw! Its wild!
UncannyJimjams: I'm so excited for Sandman to come out, I love huge monster style baddies
Toxxick: Yes! The dice pool (including all additions) are rerolled, Skulls are not
Chesul: that sounds like yes, you keep the extra dice.
Toxxick: Nope, we are past that
Toxxick: Best Recal Ive ever seen
I_Am_Clockwork: The Spirit of Jack Kirby smiles on you this day
Toxxick: Technically he gets thrown first, but since there is no one around it wouldnt matter
Chesul: did james get the explosive effect?
Toxxick: He did, but i dont think anyone else is in range
Chesul: ah, fair.
Toxxick: You can use that! It doesnt have to be an active character, but a dazed character cant be chosen
Toxxick: allied characters will only take 1, they dont get attacked
Toxxick: for what its worth in your calculation
Toxxick: Correct!
Toxxick: Now, Bucky has stealth, can you target him?
Toxxick: Beams dont work that way unforunately
I_Am_Clockwork: Beams, beams, the magical fruit
Toxxick: Let me check with my judge friend
Getter404: So they're in the line, therefore they are targeted, and that's when the Stealth interaction triggers?
Toxxick: "In order to target a character that has Stealth the attacker must be within range 3. It doesn’t matter what kind of attack it is." from the forums
Toxxick: I agree with you for what its worth Funko
Getter404: He is hiding behind conveniently placed waist-high cover
Lobo_Apache: My hearthkyn heart just cried at the ruling
Toxxick: The real immersion breaker is that Stealth only effects attacks, so you can still throw him from outside of 3, taunt him from outside of 3, etc. Just not shoot him
Getter404: @Toxxick So you can't hurt them physically, but you can hurt their feelings
Toxxick: Terrain is thrown from you, people are thrown from them
Mr_Bitterness: Makes sense, you can yell hurtful things at Bucky even if you can't see him.
Toxxick: I'll allow it.
Toxxick: Sorry for the back to back bad rulings Funk
Lobo_Apache: this game so much less complicated it seems. I kinda like it vs at least the Line of sight/targetable rules of killteam
LoadingReadyRun: @Lobo_Apache ya the size system is a clean way of handling line of sight and stuff
Toxxick: @LoadingReadyRun Let me tell ya it feels really bad when youre playing Sentinels and youre models are size 5 and 4 and not immune to getting thrown
Toxxick: Throws do dmg, pushes dont
Toxxick: thats the only difference.
TheAwkes: Can you choose where the "within 1" lands you, or is it just closest straight line?
Toxxick: throw has to go the full, only advances let you go incrementally
Lobo_Apache: @Toxxick I feel like playing my fellgor into phobos on bheta decima. It's a feel bad train for all. big comrade energy for ya mate
Toxxick: Yall are doing great by the way!
Getter404: It sounds like the Fallout Factions game is in a similar weight class
Getter404: What if he's one of those types who have an honorary PhD in Art History and IMMEDIATELY insist on being called Doctor
Juliamon: he's definitely one of those types
Toxxick: For losing his leader in round 2, Funko is holding on strong
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Toxxick: This game really does make a point of giving you a chance to shine, and then your dice take their union mandated coffee break and you throw that chance in the trash
xantos69: Didn't Beej explain that is called a "Little Shove Along"
Getter404: If you're doing it CONSISTENTLY wrong isn't that pretty much the same thing
LoadingReadyRun: if an ability says Throw without Toward or Away, does that mean you can go any direction?
Toxxick: Attacker Dice > Def Dice > Both Explode Crits > Attack Modifies Own Dice > Def Modifies Own Dice >Attack Modes Def Dice > Def Mods Attack Dice
Toxxick: and yes Paul, correct
LoadingReadyRun: ok, cool
Toxxick: Dark Horse James coming in for the kill
saucemaster5000: Just looked over and read "broth explode crits"
Toxxick: Gotta worry about that exploding broth
Toxxick: From hells heart I stab at thee!
Getter404: Oh no, Drone Law
Toxxick: Actually Paul....were there two crits? cause if it was just 1, he would have modded it after exploding it which would have prevented the burn damage....thats neat!
Toxxick: Youre right it wouldnt have pushed the damage but I never thought of that use case
LoadingReadyRun: ya there was just the one crit, so he could have avoided the damage, but at the cost of not killing Zemo
Toxxick: You DO get a dodge roll
gualdhar: Funko looking for any way he can stay in Canada longer
Getter404: Mods, permission to link the Magik mini?
Juliamon: Of course
UncannyJimjams: Magik comes in a pack with Colossus, right?
Getter404: Yup
UncannyJimjams: Excellent, when Ben is done with his favorite he can paint the best big metal man too lol
Toxxick: This Zemo is good but his Original Zemo from the OG Box is even better hes 3 threat instead of 4 and has 90% of the same kit
Toxxick: Magik is cool, shes probably most at home in Convocation, the 5D chess faction of Dr Strange friends
isiah_jenner subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, isiah_jenner! (Today's storm count: 38)
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
pn55: seabatClap
Toxxick: Throws always happen before damage, Pushes often, but not always happen, after damage, because of how throws can damage
Toxxick: Rocket is the only 1
Getter404: Is Bob, Agent of Hydra 1? He's pretty wormy
Getter404: Aww nm
coolbond: what is navi doing here?
Toxxick converted from a Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub!
coolbond: woops sorry wrong chat
Toxxick: I just noticed that yall settled on the same storage thingy for the tokens that I did xD
Getter404: So does an Affiliation do anything if you don't have a leader? Because looking at this list the Convocation and Weapon X still don't have anything
Toxxick: Convoc and Weapon X have cards that make people leaders
Toxxick: GG Gents!
Toxxick: Avengers Prevail this time
Larkonus: He can do this all day.
KWardJenx: Great intro game.
I_Am_Clockwork: If you like this, then Shatterpoint (the starwars one) is very similar
Toxxick: I know nothing about Shatterpoint but I hear its good!
I_Am_Clockwork: not to get anyone into yet another minis game XD
I_Am_Clockwork: X-Win!
xantos69: YES! X-Wing!
I_Am_Clockwork: BATTLETECH!
KWardJenx: @I_Am_Clockwork Second this!
I_Am_Clockwork: I may or maynot be a big battletech nerd
PMAvers: Ian floats into shot when X-Wing is mentioned
Getter404: Try Infinity, have a 7 hour stream as you learn the ARO system
LoadingReadyRun: The D&D effect
Earthenone: yeah its like when your mom says you are playing mario when you are playing any videogame :P
I_Am_Clockwork: there is a wealth of good tabletop minis games. Some new, some old, some strange
Toxxick: Thanks for letting me impersonate a judge!
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Earthenone: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits.
Earthenone: !donglethebongle
Toxxick: Safe travels Funk!
KWardJenx: So great having Funko here. Thank you!
Earthenone: !funko
LRRbot: Wondering who that Australian man who's telling James what to do is? That's Funko, he's cool. Check him out at
Getter404: Quick, have Paul learn Live2D and set up a Virtual Funko
I_Am_Clockwork: Cheer10000 Thanks for a fun stream! Thanks for a fun visit Funk! Yay mini fun time
PMAvers: Quick, throw every grey mini in the office at Funko to paint before he leaves
jedi_master_zll subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jedi_master_zll! (Today's storm count: 39)
Earthenone: if we have enough painting prodjects for funko surely he can apply for a work visa
Gascitygaming: man I LOVED Ben and Serge's Raft streams from like years ago lol
PMAvers: I honestly thought they said "Wrath" and was like wait what.
Larkonus: You wouldn't download a dungeon!
Dog_of_Myth: It's a fun draft format. Looking forward to seeing that.
Earthenone: pianist was a solo ian production
rick0chet008 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months!
rick0chet008: Woo
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rick0chet008! (Today's storm count: 40)
NotCainNorAbel: hifunkBeard
LordZarano: Pianistic was... not a great game
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the great stream. Thanks again Funko. Safe travels.
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
pn55: HypeLUL
Dog_of_Myth: Perfect
Kramburger: o7
I_Am_Clockwork: o7
KWardJenx: Perfect! No notes.
FenrisSchafer: o7
ghyllnox: o7
pn55: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Toxxick: Night everyone!
Orxolon: night everyone
corpocracy: o7
I_Am_Clockwork: good night, friends