TehAmelie: oh, chat's enhypening?
Gizmoloid: I do believe chat comes pre-hypened
Gizmoloid: GARBAGE DAY
TehAmelie: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 01:00 PM PDT (5m from now).
TehAmelie: ah, just had to check cause DST is confusing me
Didero: Ooh, I didn't know it was garbage day today, sweet!
Didero: Good evening!
richard_ermen: My body is ready to watch Gar-Bage!
TehAmelie: i think it's still a month until what we call summer time in Sweden
tidehollowcat: Today is the 9-year anniversary of Spud.
TehAmelie: DST, a wonderful invention for farmers in 1910
richard_ermen: Wasn't it invented in 1973?
richard_ermen: I always thought that made it worse.
richard_ermen: Somehow.
Angreed66: For farmers by non-farmers
TehAmelie: i'm sure my country adopted it way after electricity became widespread
AugmentingPath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 01:00 PM PDT (4m from now).
richard_ermen: What a weird little thing. I wish we had one continous time instead.
TehAmelie: i submit that Alex is not at all prepared. that's be contrary to the spirit of the show
TXC2: UK and I presume EU does it's DLS this Sunday
CouldntPickAUsername subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CouldntPickAUsername! (Today's storm count: 2)
TehAmelie: still, get your provisions https://i.imgur.com/5eLPaJM.jpg
TXC2: hmm, water
Jethrain: desiccated water? sign me up
TehAmelie: it's only water "flavor", mind you
TXC2: Title change!
LoadingReadyRun: might be running 5mins behind today
TXC2: no worries
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (Graham and Alex are prepared... are you? It's Garbage Day!) at Wed 01:00 PM PDT (0s from now).
TXC2: Manae lrrHORN
TheAinMAP: 2020Celebrate
malsareus: a good evening to you all on this most garbage of days
Foxmar320: Hello
TXC2: hi Foxmar320
TXC2: "It is garbage day my dudes, AHHHHHHHHH"
T3223R3T: boom, what up
TheMerricat: Chat, remember, if you see a ladybug in your home. It's a thief.
Foxmar320: lrrGARBO
TXC2: T3223R3T my blood pressure Kappa
Creideiki_SE: If I see a ladybug in my home, my Great Hunters have been slacking off.
KV1NN4: lol
Creideiki_SE: But maybe an actual bug is a greater challenge than their usual prey of pieces of paper, or imaginary specks of dust at 3AM.
Gizmoloid: @TXC2 OSFrog
TXC2: not time for ladybugs here yet, even though we had bugs ALL through the winter :p
margieargie: I rarely ever see 1 ladybug in my home, it's either 0 or 50,000 when it's That Time Of Year
Diabore: @Creideiki_SE theyre working their way up to toilet paper
Gizmoloid: Speaking of bugs - saw the first bee last week and the first butterfly today PridePog PrideCute
malsareus: you only see the ladybugs they miss though
Juliamon: and eventually 'scrap of plastic that was definitely in the bin'
malsareus: there might be mass graves under your bed
TXC2: malsareus that's just dust, a mass grave of you
malsareus: of me huh, time to start practicing necromancy
malsareus: I want to raise myself as a dust zombie
Foxmar320: foxmarNOV
tidehollowcat: One of my cats will just eat insects whole. Just scoop them off the floor and swallow.
Patorik: My cat, too
Foxmar320: I wish my cats would, they just watch them
SquareDotCube: Do you really want a skin and hair homunculus of yourself
tidehollowcat: Except he tried to eat a pillbug one time and couldn't figure it out.
TXC2: SquareDotCube no, it would probably be better then me :p
TheAinMAP: Signal.
tidehollowcat: It was too low to the ground and ended up just getting flung around a bunch until it escaped
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
tidehollowcat: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
margieargie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, margieargie! (Today's storm count: 3)
BigDaddyBland87: lrrSIG lrrGARBO lrrSIG lrrGARBO lrrSIG lrrGARBO
Foxmar320: foxmarBURN
Juliamon: tidehollowcat Nature working as intended
TXC2: hi ho hi ho, it's back to Refresh we go
Kasran subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months!
protojman: did Alex find his passport and make a run for it?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kasran! (Today's storm count: 4)
fastlane250 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
fastlane250: lrrSIG We get signal. lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fastlane250! (Today's storm count: 5)
Pteraspidomorphi: Twitch has been doing that thing lately where the player doesn't start until I refresh
terribleplan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, terribleplan! (Today's storm count: 6)
NerdWithoutName subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 74 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NerdWithoutName! (Today's storm count: 7)
KV1NN4: yeeeaaaaahhh!
Gizmoloid: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrHEART lrrHEART
Pteraspidomorphi: Incredible how this issue has kept regressing over and over for the last decade
malsareus: just like fashion twitch is cyclical
TXC2: Pteraspidomorphi you're gonna have to be WAAAAY more specific :p
MehallD: Garbage Day!
Pteraspidomorphi: What do you mean, TXC2?
MrVirite: Garbage YAY!
SymphonicLolita: merry garbage to all, and to all a good fart
littleunknownn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
littleunknownn: I'm ready for garbage
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, littleunknownn! (Today's storm count: 8)
Foxmar320: I wonder what garbage Graham has found this time
LordManiMani subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LordManiMani: Will this or Thunder Junction previews distract me more from work?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordManiMani! (Today's storm count: 9)
Inquisitor_Xian subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 105 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Inquisitor_Xian! (Today's storm count: 10)
Brozard subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
Brozard: WE WANT GAR-BAGE *clap* *clap* *clapclapclap*
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Brozard! (Today's storm count: 11)
L0rdX33n: woo!
TXC2: Pteraspidomorphi that's a joke on how EVERYTHING seems to be getting worse, but I got for context you meant Twitch needing to be refreshed to work
ryuhimora subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 56 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ryuhimora! (Today's storm count: 12)
Pteraspidomorphi: Yup yup
TXC2: *from context
JessKay subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JessKay! (Today's storm count: 13)
just_like_aerin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, just_like_aerin! (Today's storm count: 14)
FarleyF subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months, currently on a 109 month streak!
FarleyF: you know what's not garbage, Spaceshiping the delightful comic that Alex Created
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FarleyF! (Today's storm count: 15)
Diabore: its a good day for garbage
ElCoggins subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ElCoggins! (Today's storm count: 16)
Dromos_GHG subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dromos_GHG! (Today's storm count: 17)
Pteraspidomorphi: Garbage day has been pretty good lately, I take it from past banter we might have another mobile garbage day coming up?
Juliamon: I do hope so
Juliamon: mobile garbage is some of the best
Foxmar320: So much mobile trash to take out
TXC2: it's a rather endless heap of grabage yes
tidehollowcat: I've been seeing some really, er, interesting ads for mobile games recently
LoadingReadyRun: probably, but not this week, sorry!
malsareus: Hopefully with some of the adds for "context"
Riandisa: Some Garbage Day the day before my birthday? Sounds good to me!
codl_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
codl_: it's normal video games day
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, codl_! (Today's storm count: 18)
richard_ermen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months!
richard_ermen: I'm sick at home but I get to enjoy Garbage with good people. Thank y'all <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, richard_ermen! (Today's storm count: 19)
JessKay: could swear my last resub was much less than a month ago, but hey, if twitch is gonna say this is when it is, I'm not the one footing the bezos bucks
SquareDotCube: Time to wander into the land of Trashibad and Garbagos
RocknGrohlNerd: Babe wake up, new garbage dropped(and it is all over the floor) dang it🤣
Foxmar320: Just toss a towel over the mobile garbage pile until we get to it.
ontario_watson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 27 month streak!
ontario_watson: garbage day live is a treat!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ontario_watson! (Today's storm count: 20)
TehAmelie: my body is ready
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 81 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BoatyMcBoatfaceJr! (Today's storm count: 21)
BraveOthello: garbage day. Garbage Day! GARBAGE DAY!
TXC2: TehAmelie but is your soul? Kappa
TehAmelie: never
jonnykefka: Teeth chant but garbage
RocknGrohlNerd: Also banger alert
TXC2: TehAmelie big mood
ButButTheJesus: SOON
TXC2: Here we GO!
BraveOthello: @jonnykefka that was the idea
TetraRay: heymunWave
malsareus: this intro remains gold
Foxmar320: Heyyyyy
TXC2: Hello Graham and Alex
Didero: Hello!
TehAmelie: https://i.imgur.com/zjQ7NdV.jpg and the garbage multiplieth
warpstonewarlock: Hello Graham, hello Alex!
enkor2113 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, enkor2113! (Today's storm count: 22)
WearingCats_CwC: hoi :)
TheDangerWaffle: Hejoooo
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
ButButTheJesus: hiii Gront, hiiiii Alem
richard_ermen: Grahams longest Intro today, clearly.
TehAmelie: hello
Mangledpixel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
Mangledpixel: boop
JadedCynic: "Good ol' Garbage Day" - are we taking games from GOG? ;)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mangledpixel! (Today's storm count: 23)
Foxmar320: That beard is a lot
Riandisa: Good afternoon Alex and Graham
Pteraspidomorphi: Exactly the same but Graham would have slightly less hair
Diabore: grahams crazy beard is too good
Nenluen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nenluen! (Today's storm count: 24)
TXC2: the Graruk Beard
RocknGrohlNerd: Oh the intro is sooo good
Alness49: It's perfect, we cannot improve it any further
JAndersonCAD: Heck yeah
richard_ermen: What motives are on your shirts?
Atarra: "we"
WizardOfDocs: we're heeeeere
OutOfSpaceAndTime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
TXC2: Alex ENDURES "games" and we EXPERIENCE them
ButButTheJesus: letter numbers
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OutOfSpaceAndTime! (Today's storm count: 25)
korvys: The Matrix
BraveOthello: Alex suffers and Graham laughs. "We"
djalternative: you should reshoot the intro and then have paul rig a thing that plays the new intro with a 1 in 100 chance so people can think it's a glitch
SymphonicLolita: grafic desigen
Patorik: Too bad it's not an april fools' episode, where Graham and Alex switch roles
JadedCynic: Astro!
shurtal: Alex's mom loves him, HAHA! /s
malsareus: something something covid?
gnyrinn: What are the shirts' motives? What drives them?
Diabore: a lot of covid
TehAmelie: Alex comes from like 2½ gemerations of cartoonists eh
TheAinMAP: katesSpace
djalternative: CES is the closest to the old expos we have
tidehollowcat: Because they moved out of Montreal
LordManiMani: Yeah that's a good guess
ButButTheJesus: b/c internet
fastlane250: Ah yes, my favorite [GRAPHIC]. From [STORE].
richard_ermen: Those are nice motives ^^
JusticeJuice: A role switched ep of W&P would be interesting.
Rhynerd: the only way I could imagine a reshoot of the W+P intro would be if it had multiple reshoots to the point of it being comparable to Time Ramesside intro terms of how different it is every time you look at it.
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
AWells44 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
AWells44: we had a great to at the PAX East meet up. Thank you for pass on the announcement Graham.
EOstby: You're right, we do need to get them back to Montreal, MLB.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AWells44! (Today's storm count: 26)
UnboundLaconicness: Watch the AI work, expo!
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
TheMerricat: "According to Mental Floss, the United States has not held World's Fairs since the 1960s due to financial losses and the dissolution of the United States Information Agency in 1998."
JadedCynic: we need the ZEITGEIST of a world that holds World Expositions...
Drasvin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
Drasvin: Garbage Day!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Drasvin! (Today's storm count: 27)
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
TheDangerWaffle: LMAOOO
mwlsn: @TheMerricat well now I have to look up the United States Information Agency
SymphonicLolita: LUL
DiscordianTokkan: (nail)GUN
TheAwkes: The World Expo still kinda happens, but it's more of a jet set multimillionaire deal these days.
TehAmelie: everyone forgets about twitter
Foxmar320: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: http://gumroad.com/alexsteacy | Patreon: patreon.com/alexsteacy | Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/AlexSteacy | Home stream: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Twitter: twitter.com/alexsteacy | More: https://bio.link/alexsteacy
Anaerin: !show
sethtriggs: @TheMerricat I thought we had them in Knoxville and San Antonio in the 80s!
malsareus: time to do a science
shurtal: PorterCable > StationaryCable
Anaerin: !show override off
ButButTheJesus: I'm finally on bsky
Mangledpixel: Twitter: Somehow Still a Thing™
Anaerin: !show override watchandplay
JadedCynic: @TehAmelie sometimes we remember, but we're trying to surpress it.
JessKay: hopefully it works or at least fails entertainingly
TheMerricat: "The United States Information Agency (USIA) was a United States government agency devoted to the practice of public diplomacy which operated from 1953 to 1999."
Anaerin: !show override watchplay
Foxmar320: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
Wicker_Guide: you mean EAUX
RocknGrohlNerd: Many sciences will happen during this stream
Juliamon: States and counties still can have "World's Fair"s but they're unrelated to THE World's Fair
lirazel64: We try, but y'all keep posting on it.
korvys: Everquest?
iris_of_ether: Oh no
Coaxtl: Trying to use my Prime sub but I can't figure out how...
tenthtechpriest: MAWP
Wicker_Guide: mawp
TXC2: Evan(gelion)Quest
Anaerin: Evan-gelion?
wench_tacular: rip ears
mwlsn: @TheMerricat that is such a cheerful colorful logo they had
Diabore: @korvys sadly no
LordManiMani: EvenJane
ontario_watson: well, I’m terrified
sethtriggs: Oh this is gonna be great
TehAmelie: "no, please, come back, you're definitely my only microblog website"
richard_ermen: O_o
Foxmar320: foxmarBURN foxmarBURN foxmarBURN
PotatoWraiths: LMAO
TetraRay: sirno0Bang
ButButTheJesus: oh heck its Spring, time to change my name color again
RocknGrohlNerd: Does it take place in Devon?
tidehollowcat: First name: Evan Last name: Quest
accountmadeforants: Evan quests for the sound options
L0rdX33n: If X could just hurry up and burst into flames, that’d be great
sethtriggs: BAD DUDES
ButButTheJesus: there we go
warpstonewarlock: Great start
nyperold: I can't wait for Evan Quest II.
CopperAstronaut: Well, Evan sure comes on strong.
Wicker_Guide: good start
Juliamon: oh this feels like a meme game
tenthtechpriest: a Bomb
TXC2: Holy MYSpace Batman!
PotatoWraiths: are you a bad enough dude
fastlane250: This has strong Flash Game energy
JadedCynic: with hitler mustaches
Foxmar320: Evan? EVAN!
SpacePotato01: Is that OST by Evanescence?
littleunknownn: This looks amazing
BigDaddyBland87: Bad Dudes is a terrible gang name
taeasakura: tieGeop
shurtal: JC EVAN, IT"S A BOMB
TehAmelie: okay they said "bad dudes" so that buys at least one "sure"
DaxStrife: I don't like this Deus Ex remake.
shurtal: this REALLY IS JUST DEUS EX
Patorik: Evan Steve
richard_ermen: Is...isn't this almost a Double Dragon plot?
PotatoWraiths: Stason Jatham
SalmirAeon: i remember this start of Deus Ex
Brozard: Stateside Jason
Jadenim subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 62 months!
WearingCats_CwC: Is...is this X-Men?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jadenim! (Today's storm count: 28)
Diabore: what if we're evan
ButButTheJesus: stabey jathey
protojman: don't evan worry about it
baltimore_667083: walmart-brand assassin's creed
Foxmar320: Oh one time
RocknGrohlNerd: Statham staintham
ontario_watson: (as an Evan, I am mildly offended, Graham)
Foxmar320: He does look like Nico
JessKay: beans might be useful?
JAndersonCAD: Is he the dude from grand theft auto
sethtriggs: Did they bother to put the skyline in?
JAndersonCAD: yeah niko
JadedCynic: "Is it five kills that gets you the Red Eye? I'll put down five."
baltimore_667083: ask him if he wants to go bowling
shurtal: Find the GEP Gun
Foxmar320: YES!
richard_ermen: Oh is this close to UNATCO headquarters?
Brozard: YES
DiscordianTokkan: FBtouchdown
crowgrammer: hahaha
JadedCynic: BRAVO!
fastlane250: Unstoppable
Aenir798: wow
PotatoWraiths: YESSS
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: gottem
sethtriggs: New York Harbor is a pool
RynoLaw subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 66 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RynoLaw! (Today's storm count: 29)
Atarra: the waist-deep ocean
Gizmoloid: LUL
GoblinMyra: hahahahah
JadedCynic: 10min in
ButButTheJesus: GOT THERE
UnknownFriday: That was incredibly fast.
richard_ermen: The ocean in less than 2 minutes!
tenthtechpriest: THE SHALLOW OCEAN
sophieghost: lrrPistachio
Didero: half-sub ocean?
Foxmar320: Freedom!
Brozard: Absolutely incredible
TheAinMAP: Wow
TetraRay: I am not trapped in here!
quantum_bandit: the sub puddle
TehAmelie: the half-ocean
nyperold: WAISTED
GoblinMyra: so determined
Vander_Demimori subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
RocknGrohlNerd: Actual god gamer!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Vander_Demimori! (Today's storm count: 30)
TheMerricat: The tide comes in, the tide goes, out... you can't explain that!
PotatoWraiths: byeeee
Patorik: Crouching
SidewinderSky subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 69 months, currently on a 6 month streak!
SidewinderSky: Stick with the prod, JC.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SidewinderSky! (Today's storm count: 31)
ButButTheJesus: @nyperold heh
Mangledpixel: you can drown in 2 inches of water, to be fair
Brozard: They fall asleep and slump over
Ukon_Cairns: gotta run to england for jason statham training
Foxmar320: We open world now
Gizmoloid: wide as an ocean, deep as an... ocean
JadedCynic: the other shore is a skybox, yeah
TheAinMAP: So much garbage has been dumped in it.
CouldntPickAUsername: oh we found the normal ocean
sethtriggs: Maybe it came with the asset
Brozard: Not everyone is a horse and can sleep standing up
savageneil1: Being unable to play the game may not be unfortunate.
Chaotically_Random subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months, currently on a 102 month streak!
Chaotically_Random: wow 102 months, I hope to see you guys at PAX West, sorry to hear you were unable to attend East
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Chaotically_Random! (Today's storm count: 32)
JadedCynic: my my, the architecture is credibly done
Foxmar320: Can we go to the boat
Pravikun: omg....Fletch reference in 2024?
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: If this is Unreal that plane can get really really big
sethtriggs: Well at least there's a ferry. It's fun and free!
JadedCynic: actually some neat details
tod_vom_himmel: catch the ferry!
the_beardzilla subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months, currently on a 54 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_beardzilla! (Today's storm count: 33)
Anaerin: That's a 2D papercutout of the Staten Island Ferry
Wicker_Guide: aka beers
mwlsn: the Staten Island ferry is a very nice ferry, it's a very nice ferry is the Staten Island ferry
DrLigmaPhD: As opposed to the S.I. Fairy, beloved drag queen
TheMerricat: @JadedCynic I'm sure they paid a 'pretty penny' for this map from an asset store. :P
fastlane250: A silo of beer
LordZarano: It's a very nice ferry?
BrindleBoar: a thicc boi
Mangledpixel: tall and wide boy
shurtal: Tall, Thicc Boi
Foxmar320: A thicc boi?
JadedCynic: a stein
Brozard: Graham, that's a stout
DiscordianTokkan: I forget if those a Schooner beers or not
Thisbymaster: good old tallboy
L0rdX33n: big big boi
JessKay: @JadedCynic almost assuredly the work of an asset pack creator, but yeah, good work on their part
JadedCynic: @TheMerricat oh yeah
Alness49: Just an absolute unit of a boy
sethtriggs: I wonder where they got this
wench_tacular: super shallow draft on that boat
incredulouspasserby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
incredulouspasserby: So close to the 5 year, glad it's on GARBAGE DAY
sethtriggs: Oh that's TINY
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, incredulouspasserby! (Today's storm count: 34)
Foxmar320: Amazing
NimrodXIV: good
margieargie: Yeah, figured\
DiscordianTokkan: *shlorp*
TXC2: majestic
GoblinMyra: omg
BrindleBoar: schlorp
3cbb: subsumed
Brozard: Catch a riiiiiiiiiiiiide!
RocknGrohlNerd: 3feri my favourite
shurtal: startin' off STRONG today
Barb4rian: Perfect sergeJustRight
JadedCynic: @JessKay I mean, they BOTHERED to get the assets and put them in the game
accountmadeforants: Evan's idle animation is perfect for this
Dromos_GHG: you're either very fast or the ferry is very slow
GoblinMyra: jump?
raulghoulia: I remember this scene from Spider-man
lirazel64: Oh, this is going into the ANNALS!
sethtriggs: OMG there's amazingly a skyline
Brozard: or the Vulture in Homecoming
ButButTheJesus: "you only embraced the Ferry"
UnboundLaconicness: Do I look like a man with a collider?
tod_vom_himmel: why is the statue of liberty on fire
L0rdX33n: phrasing?
richard_ermen: This moment should create the "Staten Island Ferry Conspiracy"
Brozard: love that bit
GoblinMyra: the head is on fire
TheAinMAP: Shame you can't wear it as a hat.
richard_ermen: Oh that movie was amazing
3cbb: @tod_vom_himmel it's a metaphor
AveryCorvus: I was sad you guys weren't at PAX East but I have a highly advanced AI simulation of how it would've gone: *sweats profusely, stammers, drops a bunch of Magic cards on Cameron*
shurtal: there's a BOMB
L0rdX33n: Bad Dudes
margieargie: Oh, did the Germans blow it up again?
Anaerin: Bad Dudes. And not in the Double Dragon sense./
savageneil1: I thought the statue of liberty was always on fire.
EOstby: Billie Eilish's clones did this?
Jethrain: less "why is it on fire", more HOW is it on fire?
GoblinMyra: so rude bad dudes
tod_vom_himmel: yes
DideRobot: LRR: Time for WATCH+PLAY! Let the trash games begin! | http://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/112169487563888674
tod_vom_himmel: steel frame
accountmadeforants: No, just very large bones
TheMerricat: I'm going to laugh if we cut out 50% of the content of this game by using the subocean.
TomfooleryFox: immune to water resistance
Duggerjuggernaut: but why set the torch on fire....
TXC2: wild to me the statue used to be Orange
tod_vom_himmel: thin skin of copper
richard_ermen: Remember, the code phrase is "Iron and Copper".
eric_christian_berg: Ribbed, for Liberty's pleasure!
shurtal: Steel Ribbing, for her pleasure?
brieandbacon: If it's on fire, why is the fire not green/blue?
mwlsn: "introductory..." *trails off* not going to say "cinematic"
betweenmyself: Dudes who were clearly not Bad enough to rescue the President from Ninjas
CaffeinatedLemur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 121 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CaffeinatedLemur! (Today's storm count: 35)
JadedCynic: I watched Ghostbusters II just last week...
lightfut: This music has more to it than normal walking around music
malsareus: can you do an uppercut to gain height?
JadedCynic: re-watched
MMoritz: steel because Eiffel made the frame, I'd say
JadedCynic: ^^^
RocknGrohlNerd: Punch that island Evan
TXC2: JadedCynic I think it's on tonight for me :p
incredulouspasserby: After watching the Prayer Warriors VoD I've been getting all your 5-8 year old Watch+Plays, and MAN did you play some TRASH in the old days. Remember The Quivering?
CaffeinatedLemur: howdy all
matthaus_c: are we supposed to look like bargain bin Bruce Willis
Pteraspidomorphi: It's a bad guys!
JadedCynic: @matthaus_c "The Jason Statham we have at home" ;)
sethtriggs: This is amazing
TXC2: incredulouspasserby we don't talk about the quivering
accountmadeforants: @malsareus This does work (and is encouraged/required) in SF6's story mode
Foxmar320: The "Game"
Thisbymaster: is this the beginning of Deus Ex: Student project
DrLigmaPhD: Ah the un-guarded spinning backhand. Speedrun to losing the fight strats
Anaerin: @matthaus_c No, we're supposed to look like bargain bin Jason Statham.
ButButTheJesus: I lost
Juliamon: incredulouspasserby They try very hard not to
warpstonewarlock: steam awards nomination?
Spolin: i read the surprisingly detailed article on the restoration of the statue of liberty they did in like the 80s and it was a cool read
Tom_Bruise: Wait, who's Evan?
wench_tacular: wise words to live by
Mangledpixel: you know, that upward fist icon might be made from the same public domain SVG I used as the basis of the fists in the Oki Oki Fight Club logo
GoblinMyra: wiggle > climb
TheMerricat: It turns out there are a lot of 'tough' characers who have stubbly hair and beards...
brieandbacon: Sure, the bad guys are "disguised as" cops
Foxmar320: Yeah that was the first thing I tried to do was get outside the map in Rebirth
Foxmar320: I failed
RocknGrohlNerd: Rock geometry?🤟🎸
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Weird graffiti
tod_vom_himmel: wads of controls
CouldntPickAUsername: this is dsaw erasure
Duggerjuggernaut: wads? IT BROKE NEW GROUND
incredulouspasserby: @Juliamon Well now I'm cursed with the knowledge and boy am I both happy and profoundly sad.
baltimore_667083: wait i don't remember seeing these in new york
malsareus: it's wads so you can say WAAAAAAAAAADS
RocknGrohlNerd: WADS up gamers
DrLigmaPhD: Why are the controls on a misplaced Vietnam memorial???????
TXC2: and remember, the statue might be in New York, but the gift shop, that's in New Jersey Kappa
matthaus_c: remember that part in Liberty Island in Deus Ex where the wall told you all your controls
Tom_Bruise: Wow look at those kicks, I bet these devs had a hard time animating all that
thatguy575 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thatguy575! (Today's storm count: 36)
accountmadeforants: This is what Bad Enough Dudes get up to when there are no presidents to save from ninjas. Make sure to keep your Bad Enough Dudes engaged by flinging yourself and/or steel barrels at them.
malfnord: The control cheatsheet is definitely my favorite NYC landmark
malsareus: why do these fake cops not have guns?
korvys: Fuck the police, comin' straight from the subocean
DandyGeek: wow, domed
sethtriggs: Oh of course it's got bullet time too
Dumori: what is this Discount Desu Ex
mwlsn: homer.gif
JadedCynic: Turns out the dev spent 99% of his budget to rent advertising space on Liberty Island to put the instruction mural as a billboard Kappa
TheAinMAP: HahaHide
RocknGrohlNerd: @mwlsn LUL
sethtriggs: Is there Healthy! in this game
betweenmyself: “Give me your tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to learn how to perform a spinning backfist attack.”
DrLigmaPhD: No more health but you do need a toilet now
richard_ermen: Getting health back? In this economy=!
Inquisitor_Xian: as shown by Eddie Kingston, every newyorker knows instinctively how to throw a killer spinning back fist
Alahmnat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months, currently on a 13 month streak!
Alahmnat: Garbage day resub!
JadedCynic: LUL
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alahmnat! (Today's storm count: 37)
sethtriggs: Wow those doors are TINY
PotatoWraiths: the scale is so weird
Barb4rian: You are a lorge hooman in comparison to those doors
baltimore_667083: this is something that Dave's Spokesman's evil twin would advertise
matthaus_c: the kid is alright
TXC2: gathering his power
Brozard: Is he a VRman?
TheOtherTrevor: Are we massive or is everything scaled down?
Dumori: but only Eddie’s Backfist can send people though time
Marenai subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months!
Marenai: Here for Garbage
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Marenai! (Today's storm count: 38)
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Oh man I love Sifu
sethtriggs: Needs better ragdoll
Gizmoloid: he's not "disguised as cop" he's fine
RocknGrohlNerd: Ded
TXC2: IN dah Livah!
Foxmar320: Huh
DrLigmaPhD: We are [TITLE CARD]
Tom_Bruise: What a great fight with this T One Hundred
Foxmar320: Thats a special skill
Wicker_Guide: this must be the black knight expy
adambomb625: Not the worst respawn mechanic
Brozard: Z-Targeting was a mistake
EvilBadman: The UI for the cop health is interesting
sethtriggs: That sounds like there'd be a combat system wo
A_Dub888: Hi friends, how's the garbage?
TXC2: !addquote (Alex) [now] You punch them and they spit out someone else's teeth. | on the NYPD
LRRbot: New quote #8953: "You punch them and they spit out someone else's teeth." —Alex, on the NYPD [2024-03-27]
Brozard: lrrSPOOP
tod_vom_himmel: um
matthaus_c: I've seen that in Naruto
Tom_Bruise: Wow that was almost neat
Ukon_Cairns: oh its spider man
malsareus: calm down there Neo
TetraRay: I know KungFu
raulghoulia: Evan is Black Widow
ontario_watson: you’re Spider-Man, obviously
TXC2: hello A_Dub888 welcome
Jethrain: fair props to them, the block indicator around the health bar is actually pretty neat
sethtriggs: That was a Simone Biles move heh
RocknGrohlNerd: If blocking regrates health, will try it next time I catch a cold
DrLigmaPhD: I have been in many a fight and I can say with certainty that's not a normal way to win
Rhynerd: just your average man who read the liberty island controls wall
matthaus_c: Blocking regenerates health is just Twitter survival advice
JadedCynic: ^^^
AMuseOfFirebane: @rockngrohlnerd I have a cold right now, what button do I press?
tod_vom_himmel: Stelth
Mangledpixel: stealth takedown was 'Y' I think
TomfooleryFox: any story/context for knock off Statham yet?
DrLigmaPhD: I'd say deleting is the best survival tip
Wicker_Guide: Ellis Island
Brozard: Ellis Island?
3cbb: it's important to have big green arrows to give directions because tourists don't read signs
DrLigmaPhD: It is Libberty Island
Rhynerd: @tomfooleryfox he is Evan, an average man who is stuck in the situation where bad guys disguised as cops took over the island
Brozard: ah, yaoi hands
JadedCynic: it IS "Liberty Island" - diff from both Staten and Ellis Islands
matthaus_c: oh yeah yaoi hands
TXC2: Ellis island is a different one chat
DrLigmaPhD: Ellis is nearby but distinct
Wicker_Guide: hahahahahaha
korvys: Yaoikuza hands
PMAvers: Depends on who you ask?
Brozard: @korvys that is cursed yet accurate
Wicker_Guide: Kiryuuuuuu
NimrodXIV: depends on your uh preferences?
iris_of_ether: "Kiryu chan!"
matthaus_c: Kiryu-chaaaaaan
novrdd: SabaPing
3cbb: palming a basketball
WearingCats_CwC: No, but funny story...
Tom_Bruise: Well there is that part in Yakuza 3 that's a *bit* Yaoi
jacqui_lantern234: id LOVE IT SO MUCH if the yakuza series was also a yaoi
Mangledpixel: it is Liberty Island. Before 1956 is was called Bedloe's Island
TXC2: easier to animate ?
malsareus: wait hold it, those cops DO have guns
A_Dub888: Kiryu not killing people with his LARGE HANDS
Wicker_Guide: hands are a fetish
KV1NN4: masculine?
korvys: y
Jethrain: Y
incredulouspasserby: What are those statuses at the side? or are those equipped skills?
malsareus: they're holstered but they have guns
JadedCynic: red shirt?
brieandbacon: !y
Rhynerd: emphasis on the embrace?
DrLigmaPhD: I appreciate your character has opted for aa shaved Friar Tuck haircut
raulghoulia: he's not a cop
Dalrint: So can you buy like, premade fighting on the unity store?
sophieghost: Well this is awkward
TomfooleryFox: @rhynerd obviously!
matthaus_c: this guy's playing the neuch
A_Dub888: So chat, I've never played them but is this an accurate GTA experience?
sethtriggs: LOL
JadedCynic: @Dalrint I've been wondering while watching this...
incredulouspasserby: Is there a crouch you have to do before stealth takedowns?
matthaus_c: pod person
cheezweazl: We fighting Mall Cops?
RocknGrohlNerd: @raulghoulia that is exactly what would fake cop tell you
EvilBadman: @a_dub888 Kiryu has never killed anyone.
TXC2: normal human in a normal pose
DrLigmaPhD: The famous NYC Squat
Tom_Bruise: He's just getting ready to jump over the statue of liberty in a single bound
Marenai: it's pilates
Rhynerd: average day on liberty island
Dumori: He's moments away from a shit so powerful he'll reach orbi
malfnord: From the panicked crouch I assume he's from Ohio.
JadedCynic: well, to be fair, terrorists have just taken over the statues, so he's a little wary...
Dumori: orbit
Dalrint: Okay. The fighting seemed way too good compared to...everything else.
matthaus_c: Statham Island
Timerquack subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Timerquack! (Today's storm count: 39)
malsareus: can we loot the cops?
shurtal: this is the most bland JC Statham ever
sethtriggs: He has nice fashion
PMAvers: Ah, so this is just a bad version of Sifu. Shitu.
baltimore_667083: and he bites the dust
DrLigmaPhD: Cosplayer? He's just back to complete his dark mission
TheMerricat: "The Statue is located on Liberty Island, a short ferry ride from America's most famous immigration center, Ellis Island. Ellis Island is now home to the Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration."
SquareDotCube: Your boss is: Tom from Accounting
JadedCynic: hey, the rare "operational commander" of NYPD that wears a purple uniform shirt Kappa
elkae: such shiny hair. thats Dave’s spokesman hair
TXC2: legit thought Alex was gonna say the meme of Freddie on his car posing
Didero: Graham, are you perhaps implying that this game might not be very good?
Tom_Bruise: Hey! Things were different! That one guy had a red shirt!
Laserbeaks_Fury: Remember the first Deus Ex level
sethtriggs: Oh wow
matthaus_c: oh my god JC a bomb
raulghoulia: cool game
EvilBadman: Did Sephiroth do this?
Tom_Bruise: Excellent!
Jethrain: the falling one was from there i ruined it, right?
korvys: The great thing about Deus Ex is that there are so many paths you could take
JadedCynic: I'd feel better if they put a red circle around those arrows...
JadedCynic: ???
Thisbymaster: lol
PotatoWraiths: WHAT
Boon_33: just like dues ex :)
tenthtechpriest: are we dead?
JadedCynic: um...
LordManiMani: Deus Ex? The opening to GI Joe The Movie?
shurtal: did he ded?
RocknGrohlNerd: It was a trap🤣
incredulouspasserby: The layered JPG so good
ontario_watson: whaat
Laserbeaks_Fury: You maniacs, you blew it up
elkae: FBtouchdown
JessKay: thrilling cutscene
Dumori: This is Discount Deus Ex
3cbb: the rest of the game is about his ptsd
Barb4rian: But...what happened?
A_Dub888: And now we're in Half Life 2
Wicker_Guide: level 2
NightValien28: I sure arrived at a time
RocknGrohlNerd: wheelerRita wheelerRita
theymerLoviatar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months!
theymerLoviatar: Garbage Day? More like Garbage YAY
shurtal: is this secretly Final Fight 6?
LordManiMani: That could have been an innocent man
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, theymerLoviatar! (Today's storm count: 40)
TheAinMAP: lairofTrain
baltimore_667083: wait why is gus fring here
sethtriggs: These assets are very neat quality
Didero: And now, thrilll as we follow The Most Boring Dude Alive on his commute
Dalrint: There are NES brawlers with no dialogue that make more sense than this.
DrLigmaPhD: Discount John Wick sure has his work cut out
crowgrammer: Are these also fake cops? Who knows!
DaxStrife: This many cops on the NYC subway is the most realistic thing about the game.
TXC2: and now we're on the FF13 train
sethtriggs: "Do not hold doors open" Don't tell us what to do!
Tom_Bruise: Are the lights in the floor?
malsareus: these are very passive mobs
nyperold: Well, I was gonna say, "And just think, you're still at the base of the Statue," but never mind!
rubikdarkwill: anyone else notice it took a second to load the textures around the health bar?
lirazel64: How come no one has guns?
Dumori: Good Cameras
sethtriggs: Now that's a nice ragdoll
Thisbymaster: normal NYC train ride
Foxmar320: This is just a Tuesday
tenthtechpriest: #JustNYCThings
Sarah_Serinde: Damn fare inspectors
Laserbeaks_Fury: 1 v 1 me on the subway
sethtriggs: I'm taking a train to New York City on Friday!
baltimore_667083: i have-it's kinda mid
EvilBadman: @foxmar320 It is Wednesday my dude
NightValien28: that is what happened when you don`t pay the fare, cops try to kill you
baltimore_667083: carnegie hall is neat
Boon_33: real NYC cops are better streetfighters I'd assume.
Foxmar320: My only experience with New York is the Division
matthaus_c: going to NY with Jacob must be a capital T Trip
RocknGrohlNerd: You gotta fight for your right ...
sethtriggs: Delays on the B train? Unpossible!
TehAmelie: i know one person who have been to New Yowrk. two if you count Jacob
ButButTheJesus: mwa ha ha ha HYARTH BLTH
Thisbymaster: camera please
JadedCynic: yeah, gotta admit, for all the problems this game has, the camera isn't that bad...
raulghoulia: is the floor wet?
theymerLoviatar: So when I play Mini Metro, is this what's going on on the trains
elkae: not enough rats
Boon_33: officer andy dick down!
sethtriggs: Oh he's DEAD
Anaerin: San Fran?
nyperold: Drescher?
elkae: rats dragging whole slices of pizza
Didero: So the icons imply you haev 5 powers, have we found all of them yet?
ButButTheJesus: am you fran
LurkerSpine: Canadian flag sticker
sethtriggs: I think he's having the best dream
LordManiMani: Call it professional courtesy
Boon_33: yep
PotatoWraiths: yes they are
JessKay: I like that because you just get back up, dying doesn't actually have any consequences other than stopping you for a second or two
TXC2: litterly Nitro's win animation from crash team racing
sethtriggs: Yes that is exactly why they are plastic
theymerLoviatar: O CANADA
TheMerricat: Gram was in fact correct. The Search for Fran is another game on Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1674060/The_Search_For_Fran/
korvys: I think that guy is on his way to a WWE2K game, with all that standing and sitting
incredulouspasserby: NYC is fun with a local. Got the best dumplings I've ever had from a hole in the wall, found some out of the way clubs, when I went for NYE I was able to get an invite to a bar 3 blocks away from Times Square.
noSmokeFire: what is this, Fights in Shite Spaces?
sethtriggs: No this is a NYC car
matthaus_c: there's probably no limit to the type of fluid you encounter in these seats
EvilBadman: What's the mobile add
Boon_33: it's also missing all the hand rails
sethtriggs: They just aren't supposed to have the doors open
crowgrammer: That guy opened YOU end to end
Laserbeaks_Fury: They just Baryon sweep the cars
MehallD: Nobody ever models a Glasgow Underground train :(
Foxmar320: The camera is the hardest boss fight
glitched_goddess: I went to nyc for a vacation some time ago. it’s nice as long as you avoid typically touristy places
raulghoulia: long time between stops here
JusticeJuice: That ad for $30 cell phone service? What year?
sethtriggs: This asset is incomplete. NY doesn't have open gangway trains like the Toronto Rocket yet
DrLigmaPhD: Putting the tube in... tube?
Dumori: @MehallD You have to spend the hours on one to get the reffances
theymerLoviatar: Sumo in heels seems impossibly dangerous
Patorik: It's weird to be on the bus, and basically see a room bend
TXC2: she gonna be the next Terkerfuji
sethtriggs: B+ for the asset designer
Boon_33: ka mayahhh may haaa
tidehollowcat: I feel like the bystander animations are the exact same as were used in X-17
margieargie: It pads out the runtime so they don't catch up with the manga
sethtriggs: Where are the cops' Punisher tattoos?
brieandbacon: The eye-shadow on this guy
MahJunior17: Man this like a dragon game looks a little odd
PotatoWraiths: LMAO
SpacePotato01: Good thing american cops don't have guns.
theymerLoviatar: give em the ole razzle dazzle
Dumori: Urrican and a knock out
Didero: Pacifist run!
TXC2: speedrun time!
TheMerricat: Chat, look at this developer's catalog and tell me they both aren't dedicated to making assets flips but also care about them.... https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Archor%20Wright
sethtriggs: Now you're just punching up missionaries?
Boon_33: who came to fight in a white wedding suit?
PotatoWraiths: the way your ragdoll carries momentum is hilarious
nyperold: Yeah, it's not like they have drops or anything.
elkae: I came in late, is this a creation from our old friend Jason what is face? the dude who did Time Rammeside and X-17 and shit?
sethtriggs: Ohhhhhhhhh
Boon_33: or aa guy from dumb and dumber.
TheOtherTrevor: There is a transit map among the ads at the ceiling. Maybe we can read it
accountmadeforants: @TheMerricat Omfg "The Search For Fran" is a real game
theymerLoviatar: Okay that guy has some rizz, robin's egg blue tie and tiny checkered pale green shirt under a white suit?
TXC2: elkae no
Tom_Bruise: Was that the T Ten Thousand?
Charlie_Victor7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 52 months!
Charlie_Victor7: Garbage day is a very dangerous day
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Charlie_Victor7! (Today's storm count: 41)
Brozard: it's an Evan game
elkae: ah thank you
sethtriggs: The conductor is having the BEST shift right now
Rhynerd: spin kick enough and these guys will probably dodge open a path for you
tidehollowcat: has the same bystander animations though
TheMerricat: @accountmadeforants As well as the Search for Fran 2!
elkae: I’ll just enjoy the… nostalgia? then?
RocknGrohlNerd: Mind the ragdoll when getting off
Pteraspidomorphi: What even happened to Evan?
Dumori: Endless mode unlocked my guys!
Boon_33: level 3 looks a little like level 2...
Foxmar320: They punch all the bones out of your body
theymerLoviatar: also, what sort of adorable being is on Graham's jumper
Aenir798: Is there supposed to be sound?
ArcadeEngineer: found this guy's steam page, the most releases i can find in one month is 5
Didero: I know we rag on these games, and deservedly so, but on the other hand, it is very impressive that any schmuck can make a 3D action game like this, just a few decades ago you had to be a whizzkid to make something far simpler
TXC2: Cops in the 60's
brieandbacon: I'm really looking forward to the well written exposition at the end of the level
Laserbeaks_Fury: *Expect Delays*
noSmokeFire: that fake cop looks like serge with a mustache
elkae: @aenir798 There’s music
accountmadeforants: @TheMerricat And I can't wait for Epic Zombies to release in Q1 2025 :O
AugmentingPath: It's bleu cheese camo
Boon_33: officer pornstache knows tiekwondo.
matthaus_c: still on brand for the police
Earthenone: putting the pay in payslie
adambomb625: do you have certain devs followed for W+P purposes?
DrLigmaPhD: Tom Selleck ass lookin stache
elkae: @boon_33 *clap clap* v good
Anaerin: Burberry?
Inquisitor_Xian: doesn't look like you get any I-frames on the roll
brieandbacon: Cath Kidston
Rhynerd: that explains NY’s budget increases for the PD.
glitched_goddess: yeah we had to shut down five schools but at least we got these shirts
elkae: kath Kidson?
tidehollowcat: this dev also made ROAD
elkae: or Cath Kidston nvm me lmao
RocknGrohlNerd: Step right up, step right up, get your daily dose of BONK
enkor2113: vera wang
elkae: Kate Spade?
Didero: have you considered just pressing the 'i win' attack button
LurkerSpine: Alex found the Modern Controls
Boon_33: he found the chuck norris button.
theymerLoviatar: so cuuuuuute!
Dumori: Cath Kidson is the big turbo twee flower patterns
Firewhiskers: I like this reboot of Die Hard Arcade
TheMerricat: "In all, 22 million people attended the expo and, despite a deficit of $311 million CAD, it was considered a tremendous success. It remains to date the second biggest event in British Columbia history and is viewed by many as the transition of Vancouver from a sleepy provincial backwater to a city with global clout."
Boon_33: origionality
jacqui_lantern234: expo 86?! how bout you EXPOS DEEZ NUTZ!!!!! Kappa
incredulouspasserby: oh he gonna die
Foxmar320: Freedom?
tidehollowcat: Also from this dev: ENZOMBED
Tom_Bruise: Ach nein, not ze Hip Hop Tube
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh no the train didn't load
RocknGrohlNerd: Liberated?
elkae: sick beatz
Dumori: There's a few random womens name as a brand shops
lirazel64: No third rails, I hope and trust.
codl_: this is tube music
TheMerricat: :D
sethtriggs: Wowwww Vancouver sleepy?
3PlayerPolitics: gah, late agin. drat!
theymerLoviatar: Man, watching Angels in America has made me unable to see the word "clout" without hearing it in Al Pacino's voice
Shadowsoflife: o/
Mnemonicman: Vancouver trying to steal from Winnipeg clearly
3cbb: BC is a province though
noSmokeFire: provincial from the perspective of, what, the british empire?
elkae: that’s Belle’s description of it is all
RocknGrohlNerd: 86, I was 1 year old, dang I'm old
SquareDotCube: Vancouver WA in 1986 maybe
matthaus_c: that take is so outlandish I kinda respect it
sethtriggs: Wow this is a very non-New Ork like tunnel
Alahmnat: Provincial in that it's located within a province?
JadedCynic: That excerpt of the wiki page was def written by someone from Toronto Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: "sleepy usa town of FUCKIN HUSTON" Kappa
theymerLoviatar: Vancouver's population in 1986 was 1,384,000 or so. That's hella sleepy.
Creideiki_SE: Millennium line opened in 2002, only slightly behind schedule?
EricTheOrange: it was written by an american so all of canada is a "sleepy provincial backwater"
LurkerSpine: So I clicked the link that the wiki cites for "sleepy backwater" and those are not used anywhere on that link
brieandbacon: Catch the Spirit, or Stop the Pigeon?
Didero: a common wealth-pool, you say
DrLigmaPhD: Canadian naming conventions are... streamlined
Earthenone: i wonder if lake titicaca got its name the same way
JadedCynic: I attended Expo 86 - I think I got a little Expo Ernie figure somewhere on a shelf around here...
grgriffin3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months, currently on a 127 month streak!
shurtal: as long as it opened during the 2000's, i'll give it a pass
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, grgriffin3! (Today's storm count: 42)
northos: sounds like it's time to edit a wiki page :p
TheOtherTrevor: If the Canada line matched the naming convention of relating to a date, does it mean it was opened in 1867?
Alahmnat: amazing, lol
Boon_33: no third rail
Anaerin: Wikipedia Editors Editorializing? Noooo....
Didero: Not that active, if we have to walk the whole way
niccus: very brave and very brave
sethtriggs: This is no subway
matthaus_c: another dimension?
Alahmnat: I love this strike in D2
theymerLoviatar: Hey now, was it ever confirmed that the metro was *moving* while we were in it
raulghoulia: back to the statue of liberty?
RocknGrohlNerd: Are we subway train cosplaying as Staton Statham?
sethtriggs: Just a generic tunnel asset. Wow and this dev had gotten fairly good assets before, what happened
Shadowsoflife: @matthaus_c another dimension !
Dumori: Like I can see the transition from big city to global city but sleepy backwater seems like some deep editorialisation
JadedCynic: maybe they know their allies in the MTA have taken control of the subway and are routing trains away from that line?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Typical valve
JadedCynic: we couldn't see out of the car's windows...
WearingCats_CwC: I remember when Tokyo was just a tiny fishing village before the Olympics
Anaerin: What's the Sewer Count at, Civvie?
incredulouspasserby: I mean someone just blew up the statue of liberty, public transit is probably fucked. (People are probably still required to go to work though.)
Dumori: I was at nearly all of the Manchester games via school
sethtriggs: Always label your sewer access
DrLigmaPhD: Very similar yes
TheMerricat: @sethtriggs So given how many games they've released, I would guess they recycle them and just collect as many as they can regardless of quality.
grgriffin3: This is Punchr
josh___something: Grinder
enkor2113: heterosexual gaming
Inquisitor_Xian: yes, this is what grindr is like
iris_of_ether: :D
Laserbeaks_Fury: Swipe Left (leg)
RocknGrohlNerd: @wearingcats_cwc how far away you were from the city? LUL
Boon_33: let me solo....him?
noSmokeFire: Level Grindr would be a great dating sim concept
sethtriggs: @TheMerricat Has all the hallmarks! Wowww
niccus: somehow robert yang hasn't made a game about this
shurtal: i KNEW Grindr was secretly a WoW LFG
matthaus_c: this is probably less toxic than grindr
ThorSokar: #ConcussionBros!!!
malfnord: The first rule of Fight Club
Dumori: Only when you reach max level can you go on a date..
theymerLoviatar: This being Grindr does explain why everyone's white, generically good-looking-ish, and nicely dressed
Foxmar320: Im learning a lot about grindr today
Laserbeaks_Fury: Loo
3PlayerPolitics: Grindr. Where everyone has Main Character Syndrome
noSmokeFire: I hope it's medieval times
DrLigmaPhD: Grindr now includes a space for martial disciplines on your profile
Foxmar320: wat
Boon_33: da bull
itsaysTRUENO: is that a Whalburgers?
Binny619: I just wanted a sandwich
QuixoticScrivener: Need more faceless abs
theymerLoviatar: the NYPD Riot Chunk
Dumori: @itsaysTRUENO Yes
grgriffin3: Ahh yes, the New York Brazen Bull
AugmentingPath: I believe it's a WcDonald's
Dog_of_Myth: Good afternoon all. What fine crop of garbage are we reaping today?
sethtriggs: Looks more Tokyo than Times Square
TXC2: hello Dog_of_Myth welcome
Crad0k: times square we have at home?
Firewhiskers: Where's SPider Mans
itsaysTRUENO: New Donk City fell off
Didero: maybe that's just a flag store
TheAwkes: This appears to be several landmark intersections mushed together.
Mangledpixel: wait, what's written on those flags?
TXC2: maybe it's space square ?
JadedCynic: okay , the bull; it's not where it's supposed to be, and 2) the real one is a bit larger than that
Aenir798: can't be NYC anymore, there's no traffic
sethtriggs: LOL the entire population of Manhattan is eaten by grues
nyperold: Feels vaguely American, yeah.
EvilBadman: Bike lane that wide? Not America.
Foxmar320: I love the arrows
theymerLoviatar: @JadedCynic how do you know how tall the protag is
brieandbacon: There was a golf store just there, Par-King
sethtriggs: US FLAGS
DrLigmaPhD: We're freaks like that.
Foxmar320: Yes!
TXC2: americans love their flag
Dog_of_Myth: We love flags
Foxmar320: YES
TheMerricat: Performative nationalism.
sethtriggs: OMG NO FALL DAMAGE
Metric_Furlong: it's so they can remember where they are Kappa
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
PuddleOfWeird: LOL
A_Dub888: !findquote flag
LRRbot: Quote #372: "This is Black Flag with babies! This is great!" —Kathleen [2015-06-23]
Dog_of_Myth: Perfection
josh___something: sick
feet2big: 10
TheAinMAP: HyperGravity
wench_tacular: sturdy ankles
itsaysTRUENO: nationalism baby
Boon_33: have you seen the size of some of our bigger flags in the flyover states?
TXC2: 6.0
NightValien28: perfect landing
7gorobei: momentum is overrated
Snowcookies: safety!
iris_of_ether: I have to drive past this giant flag the size of a building
sethtriggs: Couldn't even be bothered to model a building interior
TreeVor84: This is why I have a United Federation of Planets flag on my house
grgriffin3: We don't have a royal family so we project all those Complicated Feelings onto our flag instead
DaxStrife: We put flags everywhere like we're Super Earth.
theymerLoviatar: that is what we in the business call a no sell
ontario_watson: fall damage is for quitters
Wicker_Guide: friend democracy orders you to love your flag
Metric_Furlong: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
EricTheOrange: that sky bridge is straight out of New Donk City
JadedCynic: "STORE NY"
Didero: This is a decent demo for the person(s) wanting to sell the combat prefab
nyperold: I mean, we don't know, just because our first mission centered around the Statue of Liberty doesn't mean we're still in America.
Firewhiskers: "DEBIE ZONE"
TheMerricat: Debie zone is also one of this Dev's games btw.
Alahmnat: @EricTheOrange Or Doctor Strange
brieandbacon: SocaSola!!
JessKay: famous geoguessr james turner
sethtriggs: What even is this fever dream
sethtriggs: Maximum Performance Lives
Boon_33: going up?
rubikdarkwill: @brieandbacon good old WcDonakds
JadedCynic: OSHA approved, too! :D
Dalrint: They don't have lawns in other places? what do they have?
SymphonicLolita: thing I've noticed about playing geoguessr in canada: saskatchewan seems to be the only place where people actually fly the provincial flag, I've basically never seen other provinces have their provincial flags outside of government buildings
DrLigmaPhD: Such a shiny floor
theymerLoviatar: Funny how people only have lawns in America when lawns were brought to the New World from Europe
Patorik: There seems to have stopped being story
Mangledpixel: if you've not seen high level Geogessr play, it's a sight to behold. There have a been a few runs at GDQs
Boon_33: hotel?
DrLigmaPhD: A hotel I think?
LordManiMani: Did Christopher Walken fly around here?
inconsideratehat: Looks like Control
Dumori: Is this that south african block they filmed Dredd in?!
niccus: wasn't this in Receiver 2?
sethtriggs: LOoks like a small version of the Marriot Marquis heh
SalmirAeon: gives me Mirror's Edge vibes
RocknGrohlNerd: Yeah Control
Shadowsoflife: @Mangledpixel Neat
TheAwkes: Doublewide elevators, as you do.
Anaerin: How am elevators work?
SquareDotCube: This is the same space that there's a firefight in The Division
TheMerricat: @Patorik to be fair it stopped as soon as Alex passed the Vietnam Instructional Wall. :P
noSmokeFire: wait, is this the Christopher Walken Fat Boy Slim hotel?
Firewhiskers: I'm playing the God Hand ending theme as background music for this.
ThorSokar: Isn't the Christopher Walkin music video filmed here?
Shadowsoflife: @noSmokeFire Same thought
EvilBadman: Weapon of Choice too?
Dumori: There's a south affrican tower block that really suffered from appartided that looks like this
sethtriggs: Wow just...no cabs, open doors
Alahmnat: [brutalist mid-century architecture] is this [Control]?
Boon_33: no fall damage :)
A_Dub888: This isn't how I remember this level in Infinite Wealth
DrLigmaPhD: That's why you have Grindr, to go down
inconsideratehat: Also looks like my uni (mid-century)
JadedCynic: there's no arrows tho - are we lost? ;)
theymerLoviatar: @DrLigmaPhD seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
SymphonicLolita: yeah I was thinking the fatboy slim video too
Patorik: @TheMerricat True, although there WAS that "cutscene" with the Statue of Liberty's head
Thatwasademo: there's a jump but no vault
fonkoncle: is this a david cage game?
shurtal: this sounds like a Touhou track
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah I think Control cribbed this place
wolgo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wolgo! (Today's storm count: 43)
rynsfelda subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
theymerLoviatar: You know, this is reminding me of The Quiet Man...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rynsfelda! (Today's storm count: 44)
RocknGrohlNerd: Or from Deus Ex with Adam Jensen and time to liberate some fridges
matthaus_c: @fonkoncle I wish David Cage chose to not write in his games
itsaysTRUENO: directed by David Cage
Anaerin: Come 2 reception 4 an ass kicking.
Coaxtl: Kids home from school, so see you all in the VODs!
ThorSokar: Weapon of Choice, that's what I was trying to think of
DrLigmaPhD: That's just factual of NYC service workers
JadedCynic: right through the security shutter...
Pteraspidomorphi: There's a mall here that's like that, front door into the parking garage
brieandbacon: I was thinking Weapon of Choice
DrLigmaPhD: They'll fight your grandma dor kickc
Aenir798: wait where's the hotel
Dumori: Wait
theymerLoviatar: where
theymerLoviatar: hotel go
Didero: why are we suddenly at the garage's exit?
Dumori: Jack a car and FUCK OFF!
LurkerSpine: Okay, so unfortunately, the wiki page only preserves the past 500 edits (as far as I can tell), so I can't see the first version of the EXPO 86 wiki page. What I *can* find is that "sleepy provincial backwater" bit was in there before someone threw a citation on it, and it appears to be unrelated.
malsareus: Margit is calling
fonkoncle: dude's stolen ryo shenmue's entire outfir
mapyka: This is so delayed because I had to login, but I think it's the NYT building
SquirrelEarl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 100 months!
SquirrelEarl: The One year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SquirrelEarl! (Today's storm count: 45)
fastlane250: If it sucks.... hit da ocean
JadedCynic: "5 minutes later" - they leave narrative gaps between the end of one level, and the start of the next...
Alness49: Hit the Bricks! *Collider Missing*
theymerLoviatar: Also, is the player character Alex Horne?
wolgo: how tall are those streeetlights
EvilBadman: Too big to be Alex Horne
matthaus_c: bongos!
Didero: why is all this level here
TXC2: so we're in old London town now with those lamp posts ?
grgriffin3: Because Yes is awesome
VinylMinty: is it me or does the character you're as looks like adam?
theymerLoviatar: Adam has way more hair
itsaysTRUENO: 33 Thomas St in NYC is beautiful dont knock it
sethtriggs: OMG this is the tiniest car ramp
DrLigmaPhD: Modern architecture is a soulless wasteland ;(
sethtriggs: is it for go-karts
ScrapyardGhostTrain: You laugh, but I've seen real buildings that look like that.
Firewhiskers: Vroom
Alahmnat: pretty sure the fun can be halted, though
TXC2: saying this guy looks like Adam is a MASSIVE insult to Adam
EvilBadman: That's the Federal Beuaru of Control
ThorSokar: So it is stupposed to be the subway arivent building then?
Inquisitor_Xian: @Didero because the dev bought a new york map off an asset store and only used a chunk of it lol
Barb4rian: This parking garage is suurpisingly detailed
matthaus_c: it's thematical, we descended through Inferno and are now climbing Mt. Purgatorio
RocknGrohlNerd: Its Yazz Graham, its Jazz but not entirely
Tom_Bruise: You mean that building is the 1997 Canadian Sci-Fi cult classic Cube?
theymerLoviatar: Our progress impeded by a Lupin cosplayer
wench_tacular: I'm walking here!
brieandbacon: Sir? I was clipping into the geometry.
kusinohki: meows
quantum_bandit: mount parkatorio
Firewhiskers: Quality loading screen
Dumori: Big arrows or yellow paint being the pointless discorse
Foxmar320: wait wat
Didero: Can't let us play that fight, apparently
Dalrint: Wow alex got way better at the game
TheMerricat: So a review for this game says it lasts 25 minutes, but doesn't mention speed running past all enemies. so....
Laserbeaks_Fury: They saw that Mirrors Edge used red
JadedCynic: @LurkerSpine I remember having issues with citations getting shuffled around with edits - you remove the 14th cite because the source has a dead link, and then all the subsequent cite-links 'shift down one' - I think they fixed it, but maybe it happened on this page when it was a bug, and no one noticed? (try 'neighboring' citations?)
grgriffin3: That DID genuinely look kind of good
itsaysTRUENO: the best animations money can buy
theymerLoviatar: Again, game *really* reminding me of The Quiet Man
shurtal: just some Big men, slappin' meat sounds
grgriffin3: Granted I'm grading on a MASSIVE curve here
DrLigmaPhD: The font on these floors seems wrong
Inquisitor_Xian: they didn't buy the sound pack with their combat pack
Firewhiskers: Who's got ten minutes, two sticks and two slabs of beef?
MrVirite: is this the game dev "office"
margieargie: THe moustache adds 150 HP
sethtriggs: Is that cop given a tieout?
A_Dub888: I came in late, is there a reason we're running around beating the crap out of security guards?
UnknownFriday: How much do you want to bet that was the exact fight choreography for a movie?
sethtriggs: Timeout I mean
Foxmar320: LOL
jonnykefka: his arm liquified
Dog_of_Myth: hhahaa
Dumori: Quick take the shotgun
Gizmoloid: awww, stealth kill still evades us
Koios7: succinHead
Firewhiskers: Phone fu
fastlane250: get styled on
shurtal: Weapon of Choice Shit
ButterBall000: Yeah, real The Quiet Man vibes
Pteraspidomorphi: A_Dub888: They used to be Bad Dudes Disguised as Cops
quantum_bandit: he's on rollerskates!
ButButTheJesus: oh i've seen that dance move
theymerLoviatar: Man, The Quiet Man has a lot less cutscenes than I remember
Pteraspidomorphi: But the plot went out the window almost immediately
Aenir798: Guns? In *America*?
sethtriggs: There's bullets in those!
Dumori: Ahahah we killed him before he picked up the gun
nyperold: Good job guarding, dude.
sethtriggs: "I sure love staring at the wall!"
AugmentingPath: my nightsticks are too strong for you, traveler
theymerLoviatar: paisley shirt guy looking over his shoulder like "o hai there ;3"
JadedCynic: "No, I'm not gonna fight you- you'll hurt me"
Foxmar320: Battery?
EricTheOrange: we gotta DBZ power up first
brieandbacon: Lift/elevator
Jethrain: obsolete computer mice
Alahmnat: elevator?
Orannis0: Elevator I think
theymerLoviatar: too many men, too many people
sethtriggs: I feel like I want to look up this asset somehow and find what those symbols are
TheMerricat: Oh Good News(tm)! Chat! They have a bundle of all 54 games by this person for _only_ $48 USD!
korvys: Dude was doing the Shun Goku Satsu
WearingCats_CwC: I'm also extending out my thingy in solidarity
CouldntPickAUsername: that was kinda badass actually
sethtriggs: "Thief of Seas" sounds more fun than this
Firewhiskers: I assume Thief of Seas is another of the dev's games?
Boon_33: boss battle!
TXC2: interesting that only this level has these cutsecenes
Dumori: Oh it's a taser stick
A_Dub888: That reminded me of that episode of Scrubs where the janitor painted lines on the floor to direct people
JadedCynic: hey, it's the foyer from the Matrix :)
sethtriggs: Oh no the dev learned how to use event flags!
Didero: The clip editor started acting up, so I hope the ending is right: https://clips.twitch.tv/ThoughtfulBillowingClipsmomPipeHype-Dquq-6ZVaSbjYx_Q
JadedCynic: those columns
enkor2113: these guys have all this money and a base and men to fight you.. and their whole plan was set the statue of liberty on fire?
Inquisitor_Xian: hmmm i'm beginning to think this game might be dogshit (bad) instead of dogshit (good)
TheMerricat: That one wasn't the search for Fran, it was the Search for FB. _another_ game by the dev. :D
Firewhiskers: Kick, punch, it's clearly all in the mind
Alahmnat: I love ragdolls
adambomb625: yay bottleneck
TXC2: the taserton
Boon_33: according to walker texas ranger you just keep spinkicking till the credits start up in the background.
theymerLoviatar: I think calling the person who slapped this together a "developer" is an insult to the concept of development
the_tarabyte subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months!
the_tarabyte: two years of beautiful garbage
A_Dub888: @TXC2 Of the New Jersey Tasertons
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_tarabyte! (Today's storm count: 46)
shurtal: Bushido
TXC2: Mook Chivalry
grgriffin3: Gotta show honor, after all
Boon_33: common courtesy.
sethtriggs: Nice crowd control
EricTheOrange: the law of inverse ninjitsu
Dumori: Honoruable single comat
Aenir798: They're not dead, just very tired.
Crad0k: to be fair, it's a narrow dorway and you're doing bigass spin kicks
TXC2: A_Dub888 exactly
Didero: the hunt for the big arrows continues
shurtal: sorry, Boujie-do
SmithKurosaki: What garbage are we partaking in today?
Alahmnat: did we go hard in the paint?
sethtriggs: The boss forgot to turn the deadbolt!
nyperold: Did nothing, but it was cool.
Tom_Bruise: Time to beat Archor Games to death?
TheMerricat: There _is_ an Evan Quest 2 Alex. :P
Crad0k: this feels like a 2024 version of an original max payne matrix mod
incredulouspasserby: Why are you setting down the gun
itsaysTRUENO: OH my god he has bit coin art on the wall
Firewhiskers: He's going to have to take care of you himself.
Foxmar320: 1v1 is off
theymerLoviatar: Graham this is still grindr, haircuts like that are totes expected
sethtriggs: He had extra doods
Anaerin: Is that Elon Musk with a rat tail and shades?
a_frosty: where do you get URL rugs?
sethtriggs: It tracks
ThorSokar: OH, is the Enemy the Bit Connect guy?
Boon_33: did you see that sweet desk kenetic sculpture
DrLigmaPhD: What percent of crypto bros would be competent fighters thought?
Tiber727: They're twins, so for them it counts as a 1v1.
sethtriggs: This feels like a game show gimmick. Also LOL the dev URL on the floor
itsaysTRUENO: "id rather be feared than respected"
Thisbymaster: the bad guys are the devs
3cbb: like in superhot
Gulleko subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Gulleko: lrrGARBO lrrBartleby
Didero: Isn't Armor Games an actual game publisher? Not related to this game. They used to have a big site with flash games
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gulleko! (Today's storm count: 47)
SymphonicLolita: windows screensaver ass aquarium
accountmadeforants: Hold up, did they actually get anchor.com, though
TXC2: and that giant fish bowl in the wall
theymerLoviatar: I keep expecting an adult film to break out every time the enemies just stand around waiting for you to respawn
TheMerricat: @a_frosty I can promise you, _that_ at least you probably get legitimately. I'm sure there are some sort of B2B companies out there that that. :D
aprilmoxt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 86 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, aprilmoxt! (Today's storm count: 48)
sethtriggs: Not the bar cabinet!
Boon_33: poor greg from accounting, he had no combat experience.
Firewhiskers: Punch them into gelatin.
TXC2: Didero yeap, used to go there all the time
TXC2: so, how is that fish tank accessed ?
itsaysTRUENO: i think youre a representative of the IRS
Firewhiskers: Skybox of doom
Foxmar320: Slap fight
Boon_33: oo the southpaw
grgriffin3: The stunlock!
DaxStrife: (Derek voice) "Oh no, my bones!"
EricTheOrange: what is this loony tunes fight ?
JessKay: spin to win
Tom_Bruise: Where's the Spider Man Pizza music when we need it?!
ButterBall000: Naked Gun, maybe?
Boon_33: and a LEFT and a LEFT and a LEFT
Marvoleath: good ol' slap around
brainbosh: The Washing Machine
Boon_33: pogs
incredulouspasserby: Shoot someone with that much power AND not fly back yourself.
Bruceski: That is exactly how mass and momentum work
Firewhiskers: You Defeated
matthaus_c: BIG book
theymerLoviatar: why is there an Ancient Tome there
TXC2: in a movie? sure, in teal life? no
colorful_metaphor: Why do the noses seem extremely wrong for some indiscernible reason?
jonnykefka: Nature?
itsaysTRUENO: why do they have the academic journal "Nature" there
TheMerricat: So chat, it's actually not A_n_chor, it's A_r_chor games.
Foxmar320: why lol
bjergmann101: Not even if you hit the class first... That class is so thik
Dog_of_Myth: Wut?
ButButTheJesus: ew
Boon_33: THE END
Foxmar320: :D
BusTed: gg
Kazman20a: sure i can, but then I own a hand mortar
nyperold: nature (molecule model)
TXC2: wonderful
Alahmnat: lrrWOW
SymphonicLolita: 10/10
Foxmar320: The End
Barb4rian: Fin.
NightValien28: and done
3PlayerPolitics: incredible
Firewhiskers: Buy all our Bitcoins and toys
sethtriggs: YOU"RE WINNER
niccus: superliminal
Didero: Congratulations, you won!
LordSaphni: wait is that a coin mining game?
3cbb: stealth ad for bitcoin
EricTheOrange: slow clap dot emote
DoodlestheGreat: LUL
baltimore_667083: bitcoin-op laundry
Marvoleath: wait, steam awards nomination?
TheAinMAP: Over
ThorSokar: Perfect game, no notes
Tom_Bruise: We did it. We saved BitCoin
Boon_33: ya winning yet son?
grgriffin3: The true winner of this game: Bitcoin!
SmithKurosaki: Seems like a good spot to stop
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
BigDaddyBland87: Buy Bitcoin...The End
ButButTheJesus: fitting, the Bitcoin crashed
wheresdirt: if they made that animation themself it was actually pretty good animation
UnknownFriday: Evan Quest: Strictly worse than Brodie Quest
notthepenguins: It didn't like you shit talking bitcoin
grgriffin3: OH SNAP
BusTed: PogChamp
Aenir798: oh no
Mangledpixel: :D
JessKay: OH
SymphonicLolita: LUL
wench_tacular: jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo
bjergmann101: HOW???
AugmentingPath: Johnny Quest's brother, Evan
Pteraspidomorphi: That's evil
sethtriggs: LOL
Metric_Furlong: Graham!
3PlayerPolitics: ???
Snowcookies: no
littleunknownn: NO WAY
DaxStrife: Oh no
ButButTheJesus: GRAHAM NO
GoblinMyra: oh nooo
Didero: oh my god
notthepenguins: YESS
Marvoleath: I can't Evan
NightValien28: are you kidding
Tehbeard: no. please no.
Jadenim: hahaha
itsaysTRUENO: NFT, No Fuckin Thanks
jonnykefka: RUINED
FanboyBryan: whatta twist!
TXC2: Even quest 2, Even Harder
SquidVorb: NO
Tom_Bruise: Aw hell yeah, I've grown so attached to Evan as a character
TheyThemPronouns: Whack!
malsareus: Evan strikes back
Boon_33: the uest for more money
Diabore: evan quest: evaner
Didero: Maybe we'll finally found out what happened to the Statue of Liberty
BigDaddyBland87: Who knew this game had such demand for a sequel
Firewhiskers: I suspect it's just Evan Quest 1 again
RocknGrohlNerd: Even quest 2 doge coin boogaloo
DoodlestheGreat: Even Quest 2: Electric Boogaloo
Pteraspidomorphi: But which character was Evan?
Foxmar320: Is it a trillogy?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Ohh EverQuest I love that game
T3223R3T: we better find out what happened to the statue of liberty
EvilBadman: Love Garbage Day surprise sequel
accountmadeforants: We're only 3 games away from E(V)an Quest
raulghoulia: holding this in the back pocket the whole time. You fiend!
Foxmar320: foxmarPOP
Orannis0: The look of despair on Alex's face when he discovered there's a sequel was beautiful
Mangledpixel: It's Time to Get Evan
SquidVorb: 2 Evan 2 Quest
TheMerricat: The all time high for number of people playing Evan Quest 1 was 3 according to Steam.
CranstonSnord subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CranstonSnord! (Today's storm count: 49)
glitched_goddess: Evan quest 2: Evan Harder
RocknGrohlNerd: Evan quest2: evan harder
TheDangerWaffle: pfffffffft
ButButTheJesus: is he magneto
DrLigmaPhD: The amazing fact he probably actually did that move too
Dumori: Both Drunken Masters are GOOD!
RocknGrohlNerd: @glitched_goddess okey you beat me to it
BusTed: oh yeah... that was awkward.
nyperold: They intended to release Evan Quest Next, but the project was terminated.
Dog_of_Myth: Oh yeah,
TXC2: like Jaime from SF6 Kappa
tod_vom_himmel: no thats herbal tea
incredulouspasserby: Spirytus boxing
FarleyF: this developer has pumped out over 50 asset shovelwere
TheAwkes: Gettin' crunk of straight kerosene.
Boon_33: this guy is strong, break out the soviet shoe polish.
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 I thought Adam's thesis proved that Jamie drinks piss
glitched_goddess: first drunken master was one of my favorite old kung fu movies
TXC2: accountmadeforants that is yet to be peer reviewed Kapp a
Genie_M: My brother learned drunken kung-fu techniques - there's no alcohol needed 😁
TehAmelie: Everclear brand still sells 98% alcohol which is about the most you can get before it turns into vapor. for reference
Brozard: Yuuuup
EricTheOrange: I mean fair
niccus: methanol poisoning can probably do that
Tom_Bruise: Let's go save BitCoin on the train!
ButButTheJesus: but what happened to bitcoin
Boon_33: of course it has to start as 1 ended :)
jonnykefka: The callbacks!
sethtriggs: LOL not even once
crowgrammer: That ferry is tailing you!
Lucien0451: Beloved recurring character
margieargie: Ferry got a little lost
A_Dub888: Why are there so many people on this train??
A_Dub888: *on top of
rustenskurk: What a scene to arrive to. Hey Wathcnplaysm'ns!
VanAvant: We could be on the New Jersey line
itsaysTRUENO: its reassuring to know there is an end
RocknGrohlNerd: Call backs, love call backs
TXC2: the Staten island ferry is BACK on the ESCALATOR Again !
Creideiki_SE: Time to read donations!
accountmadeforants: Oh dang, we get to fight Jetstream Sam now, I guess. (Or this is Crysis Warhead and a beautifully motion-blurred helicopter is coming right up)
TheAinMAP: lairofTrain
sethtriggs: Are we in France?
Marvoleath: I was so expecting you to hit that text and be knocked out
richard_ermen: If the level ends when the train reaches the end, wouldn't that mean that you don't have to reach the front??
rustenskurk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
rustenskurk: I see we're experiencing some variety of nonsense
theymerLoviatar: the rolling hills of Staten Island
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rustenskurk! (Today's storm count: 50)
richard_ermen: You can just keep standing at the back.
AniLunchbox: Speaking of, during college I went with a group to a taping of The View. We were told the big guest was going to be Bette Midler. We actually were audience for the second episode who's main guest was Jackie Chan doing press for "Legend of Drunken Master".
ButButTheJesus: rOlInG hIlLs
SpacePotato01: I guess the game starts with a training montage
DanielJennaGrouse: well, clearly we're no longer in the USA
EricTheOrange: This map needs more reticulated splines
sethtriggs: Any bets for how long this sequel took to develop?
Sacrenos subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sacrenos! (Today's storm count: 51)
DanielJennaGrouse: too many trains
rubikdarkwill: Rolling hills and folding valleys
Sacrenos: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 58:59.
Aenir798: can you turn it up?
A_Dub888: @TXC2 How does it keep doing that?
s0lesurviv0r: YUP
Boon_33: better graphic than the original on the rail tracks
Alness49: We could only afford the 5 inch nails
BrowneePoints: Closer?
sethtriggs: Also LOL love that N-gauge track
EricTheOrange: Oh is that why it's quiet to avoid copyright
tergonis: yup that's Closer
RocknGrohlNerd: Shazam it
grgriffin3: This almost sounds like Closer
nyperold: I see we're playing Train Roof Riding Simulator.
DrLigmaPhD: They say 9 inch but its really more like 6.5
TetraRay: it does sound like the start of nin
RealGamerCow: Turnt Nozer
BrowneePoints: it's almost exactly like Closer without the synth
accountmadeforants: 9 centimeter screws
JessKay: Close Enough by Trunt Ruznor
SpacePotato01: Is this on Arakkis or something?
malfnord: "We have Closer at home." Closer at home:
TXC2: A_Dub888 Cuomo's gonna spend that money any way he can :p
a_frosty: Evan Essence
Rhynerd: bit of a shame there’s aggro reset in this game. imagine having every dude atop this train chasing you once you got to the front of the train and looked back.
7gorobei: nine penny tacks
BrowneePoints: Like if you put the "Bwomp BWOMP, BOMP bap ba NAH NAH" synth part over the top it's almost 1:1 @LoadingReadyRun
northos: it would be rude not to
Gizmoloid: LUL
BrowneePoints: YEP
Bruceski: Trent Reznor but it's the triceratops from Mario
BrowneePoints: IT IS
theymerLoviatar: That's an amazingly shiny train
betweenmyself: “You get me closer to my transfer point downtown!”
BrowneePoints: I wanna freak you like an animal
Inquisitor_Xian: there's not even a UI this time lol
AniLunchbox: oh wow the chorus part lol
incredulouspasserby: hey so do you have health
sethtriggs: Do you even have a health bar?
Boon_33: did you gain a beard?
satyropodobny: Is there anyone even INSIDE the train
sandrasnuppa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sandrasnuppa! (Today's storm count: 52)
Laserbeaks_Fury: Treant Razer
EvilBadman: Trent Resinoar
BrowneePoints: it literally went to the Chorus when you were on your phone Graham
EricTheOrange: Graham you do not want to make work for heather.
ekimekim: this is a weird Half Life campaign
BrowneePoints: modulation and everything
AugmentingPath: Train was standing room only
3cbb: next level is the name of the town
sethtriggs: Is this a Japanese train asset pack?
ThorSokar: Close enough by Tront Raznor
SomebodyNowhere: will the train into the tunnel
Tom_Bruise: I love Air Bud rules
satyropodobny subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, satyropodobny! (Today's storm count: 53)
AutumnAuton: Famously, train tunnels are a whole person taller than the trains that go through them
TheBorzoi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 82 months!
TheBorzoi: This show reminds me to put by bins out.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheBorzoi! (Today's storm count: 54)
Sacrenos: That is NOT the same train
Bruceski: It's a different train now
Tom_Bruise: The train CHANGED
RealGamerCow: Oh what I would give for there to be a pipe hanging down to make a nice aluminum bat PING against his cranium
Firewhiskers: I played this level in Ratchet and Clank
theymerLoviatar: So is this a different NIN track or?
grgriffin3: I feel like I recognize this song too
Inquisitor_Xian: youre on a different style of train now lol
TheMerricat: Our train is a transformer chat!
EricTheOrange: drove this passenger train into an industrial shipping port?
DrLigmaPhD: There HAS to be a Virtual Insanity Jojo right?
Dog_of_Myth: FF7 remake looks weird
BrowneePoints: wonder if this is Disturbed or Breaking Benjamin
TheAinMAP: What railroad is this?
theymerLoviatar: no wait is this Coal Chamber?
Foxmar320: Booooo
incredulouspasserby: There's not a controls option or a health bar. This is assuming that you played the first one and already know how to play.
EricTheOrange: new haircut
Tom_Bruise: Motherfudger
TXC2: we went from from the TSR to PENN Central
Laserbeaks_Fury: Are we about to attack a Mako reactor
BrowneePoints: or Limp Bizkit
Angreed66: You're a sleepy backwater if you don't have cranes in your buildings of course
sethtriggs: Yes again colliders are just a suggestion
BusTed: rip
Foxmar320: Woah that man is ded
EricTheOrange: it's nu metal, it all sounds the same
grgriffin3: RUINED
Gizmoloid: finally!
SomebodyNowhere: jeez
Redbassist: BOP it
Tom_Bruise: That dude's spine is now jello
RealGamerCow: I think the kick was redundant at that point
Redbassist: Twist it
Dog_of_Myth: @Laserbeaks_Fury Same brain cell.
Firewhiskers: "My hands are registered as lethal weapons by the state."
Jadenim: but he’ll be ok, right?
T3223R3T: wait where did your hp go?
BrowneePoints: Look, i'm not a HUGE nu metal fan, @EricTheOrange but even I could tell you Korn and Limp Bizkit sound NOTHING alike
RocknGrohlNerd: He will never financialy recover
itsaysTRUENO: the liquid terminator is back and better than ever
Crad0k: shame he can't afford a better toupe
TheBorzoi: The new Yakuza game had taken a step back.
WearingCats_CwC: In a pile that he sleeps on, obviously
s0lesurviv0r: did they rip that animation from Hwoarang?
Alness49: How was the ball pit, dude?
Boon_33: so much level this time around
Bearudite: what's ur pesterchum handle
Tweygoh: Oo when does dice friends start?
7gorobei: it's not a finishing move, it's just bad chiropractor
matthaus_c: what! you can't punch the vending machines?!
theymerLoviatar: My Shazam recognized the previous tune as "Rouge Haine les 9 âmes" by Koi-Discovery
RealGamerCow: More assets from the "warehouse" pack?
TheAinMAP: 2020Snacking
Sacrenos: wait, why is there a car paintbooth in a train terminal?
wheresdirt: this is a neat level asset they bought
BrowneePoints: did they just like...google "soundtrack to Blade 2 and Blade Trinity" for this?
Jadenim: Alex frequently comments on buildings in W+P games that have no functional human features, but not here
richard_ermen: I think whats worse is that someone will see this game and go "Yes, this is what I want my game to be like" and copy it just like that.
Mangledpixel: these are some neat asset packs
TheBorzoi: Didn't you get here on a train?
Tom_Bruise: I bet it's actual nothing
Firewhiskers: My steed
Angreed66: it's doing muscle touch
CaptainSpam: That robot has no arm attached to it.
NotCainNorAbel: that robot is clearly a supervisor
TheAwkes: The robot that doesn't have any tools attached.
Boon_33: the frames!
TheMerricat: That's a one ton engine block Graham! They should go slow! :D
EricTheOrange: I will say as far as W+P games go this game looks better than most.
betweenmyself: I want a game that streams music from youtube playlists, so that the soundtrack occasionally gets interrupted by mid-roll ads.
Sacrenos: that robot has no utensil?
TXC2: evert thy gaze chat
Tom_Bruise: Oh it just barfs some OJ onto the engines
AutumnAuton: It's a laser cutter
grgriffin3: The robot shoots sparks at the engine
tidehollowcat: Also did the music die?
3cbb: at least this one has colission, unlike the ferry
7gorobei: end effectors are DLC
Laserbeaks_Fury: Engine will show you how to block Jappa
BigDaddyBland87: It just add sparks to the engine...very critical
satyropodobny: hows that v-sync chief
TXC2: vomit vision has stopped
elkae: it’s how you get the combustion in!
3cbb: *collision
TheMerricat: 'didn't realize' yes. yes that's what the problem was. :D
CaptainSpam: So I missed the start of this game, is this just Random Guy Goes Ham On Everybody?
Drasvin: The robot shoots sparks into the engine
TheBorzoi: Maybe don't be in combat stance (I'm assuming you can disable it)
Tom_Bruise: Maybe it was just those two guys in the bathroom
theymerLoviatar: this track registers as "Killing Zone" by George Francis, off something called Rock Action Hybrid
TXC2: CaptainSpam this is Evan quest 2
Aenir798: also missing UI
GayGhostPrince: hii yall i haven't been here in forever. How is everyone doing?
Patorik: Ir a point
Foxmar320: Big Green Arrows coming soon as DLC
itsaysTRUENO: red barrel! my favorite recurring character
GayGhostPrince: whoa alex got a haircut
TheBorzoi: Never mind, I was wrong
Patorik: *or
SomebodyNowhere: BARRltd
Gizmoloid: some points in this song make me want to listen to Doom 3 main theme
TXC2: hello GayGhostPrince welcome
EricTheOrange: the segal special
Wicker_Guide: @captainspam that's a generous reading of the game's story
ButButTheJesus: oww oof my bones
CouldntPickAUsername: that was kind of neat honestly
Laserbeaks_Fury: cracking open a cold ine
matthaus_c: Boring Assembly
Pinwiz11: Now the kick after that is just showing off
warpstonewarlock: Boring Assembley?
warpstonewarlock: *Assembly
Mangledpixel: maybe only certain dudes have the required assassinate animations
A_Dub888: Red barrels that don't explode on contact? What is this game!?
TheMerricat: @CaptainSpam You missed Evan Quest 1. We are now on 2 which has the description "EVAN QUEST 2 - Bad Dudes have taken over the city again. The DoD sends in Evan Quest to stop them. Clear the Bad Dudes from several progressively challenging levels." :D
3cbb: @CaptainSpam this is the sequel; in the first one "bad guys" attacked the statue of liberty but the sequel started in medias res
Jadenim: what does the sign on the wall say?
Barb4rian: Knock off Breaking Benjamin track here
JessKay: the secret pressure point that causes your body to instinctually liquify your bones
Dumori: Alex or Ian 100%
Boon_33: parking with the forks up is a big NONO
lirazel64: Can you drive the .... yeah
jessicaengle: Serge
jessieimproved: Serge
Redbassist: Beej
7gorobei: serge
TuckstheRulesLawyer: Ian
RocknGrohlNerd: Beej
grgriffin3: I would have said Ian
NotCainNorAbel: Ben Ben?
TXC2: I would say Cori
Foxmar320: I technically am forklift ceritfied
GayGhostPrince: Shattering Steve is playing rn
RocknGrohlNerd: Easy Beej
Master_Gunner: I'd have said Adam
Sacrenos: Ian and Serge
SomebodyNowhere: big drone
tenthtechpriest: serge has had every job
Jethrain: Ian would've been my pick
grgriffin3: Oh yeah, Serge makes sense
EricTheOrange: Didn't Adam work in a warehouse?
Mangledpixel: pipeline inspector or whatever it was
jessicaengle: When Serge was doing boring assembly...
Boon_33: parking with the forks in the air like that is a clear hazzard.
Foxmar320: Serge has lived like 20 lives within his life
Tom_Bruise: I'm willing to bet Ian was forklift certified back in 1849
CaptainSpam: @TheMerricat Ahkay, now it makes sense. In a sense.
BrowneePoints: but before a Poison and Gas safety inspector
SomebodyNowhere: when adam worked in a warehouse did he drive a forklift
itsaysTRUENO: serge has haz mat transport certs 100%
richard_ermen: *Serge Bond Yager*
ScrapyardGhostTrain: I'd have said Beej or Ian, but yeah, Serge tracks.
CouldntPickAUsername: is Serge the Jamie Hyneman of LRR?
EvilBadman: Not forklift certified? Maidenless.
jessicaengle: Serge coming back HYPE <3
Aenir798: I thought everyone in Alberta was fork-lift certified
SmithKurosaki: Someone please clip that so it can get dropped into brewcoard
RocknGrohlNerd: Serge is very cool and good
tidehollowcat: And worked at a high-end ski resort
TheBorzoi: Does assassinate have a hidden cooldown?
CaptainSpam: Wait, what? No railing kills? NO RAILING KILLS?!?
Pteraspidomorphi: When is Serge coming back?
lamina5432: the thing with forklift certs at least in the states the company you are currently with has to certify you
Sacrenos: Hypothesis: you can't assasinate the guys dressed as guards,
raulghoulia: can only be done if they're wearing a purple shirt
TXC2: Pteraspidomorphi within days
TheAinMAP: The re-Serge-ance will happen soon.
Tom_Bruise: Here's a whistle, it doesn't call a horse, it calls a forklift
RealGamerCow: CaptainSpam I said the same thing
Pteraspidomorphi: Great!
Foxmar320: lol
NightValien28: torrent is a forklift
rustenskurk: you have the ability to make that crapshot
notthepenguins: Omfg
LordManiMani: The Lordran Hills office complex. It's across from the mall
GlennSeto: Oh Margitt would be that guy.
satyropodobny: @NightValien28 YESSS
BrowneePoints: The Two Fingers are the Birds your employees flip you for being a jackass
grgriffin3: This guy
incredulouspasserby: Hey, can you die in this one? You don't have a health bar and you're taking a lot more hits.
A_Dub888: What about Meleena?
transcoder_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
transcoder_: I got 99 months but .. this .. is .. one, I guess
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, transcoder_! (Today's storm count: 55)
Foxmar320: Why is this mans hair on fire
EricTheOrange: I used to work in a warehouse but They only let us use the hand pump pallet movers.
Aenir798: @Foxmar320 He went super saiyan
Invitare: Rykard is the CEO and he likes to refer to his employees as family
AutumnAuton: @Foxmar320 super saijin, duh
tidehollowcat: @Pteraspidomorphi Serge is currently moving back to Victoria
RocknGrohlNerd: No health bar
jessicaengle: @Foxmar320 Is metaphor.
rubikdarkwill: Do you have health in this one?
matthaus_c: Malenia and Let Me Solo Her have a file just for their bullshit
Creideiki_SE: All this forklift talk makes me want to watch Staplerfahrer Klaus again.
Voidhawk42: Have you read the Elden ring manga? Shit is HILARIOUS
sethtriggs: Same here
Laserbeaks_Fury: This is the song written for the train chase. This is the fight: Rocky and Ken
3PlayerPolitics: torgoooooo
A_Dub888: Crinc
theymerLoviatar: @A_Dub888 fun fact, if you spell the name like that it means bloody diarrhoea
betweenmyself: Beef Splatpunch! riffRyder
transcoder_: but are we playing as Big McLargeHuge?
grgriffin3: That was satisfying
TXC2: Crane INC and the Kron INC
BigDaddyBland87: Well obviously...he's not as buff as David "Blast Hardcheese" Ryder
TheAwkes: This game needs a flying donkey kick or something.
EvilBadman: You think Frasier or Niles own this place
aprilmoxt: Crane inc for all your bird and cargo needs!
Mangledpixel: where are the arrows?!
theymerLoviatar: Oh this is the area inside the goblin camp in Act 1 of BG3?
ButButTheJesus: your move is really crane-inc his neck
SquareDotCube: That man's job was to commit OSHA violations
rustenskurk: is there an objective for this game or is it just a man on a killing spree?
CaptainSpam: My headcanon is that all these Bad Guys(tm) actually are noticing you as you sneak around behind them, but they're all thinking "oh thank god, someone else is here, there's a madman running around killing everyone!".
Simonark: Does this game have the same noble pedigree as being made by a Texas fertilizer salesman on a bet?
RocknGrohlNerd: CoolCrainestuff.inc
fastlane250: Control room sofas?
Pinwiz11: He's more Scrappy McShiny
crowgrammer: Fun fact: Crane Inc. was started by Ichabod Crane
elkae: red shirts gotta die
Pteraspidomorphi: Hi-fi rush had a robot in charge of spreading arrows everywhere pointing the way
SomebodyNowhere: where is the execute
theymerLoviatar: Did you just beat up Tom Cardy
Sacrenos: He did notice you but didn't aggro?
ggodopaste: Ben being Forklift Certified also tracks.
incredulouspasserby: I think you can only assassinate the ones who have more than 100 health
Foxmar320: Nap time now
TheBorzoi: Yeah, I'm convinced that assassinate has a hidden cooldown.
BrowneePoints: why are we fighting Movie Theater Employees?
matthaus_c: we're never gonna get as good as Dogue
ACluelessBull: in warehouse, no one can hear you scream. because you're not screaming.
transcoder_: Calgon, blow me away
GDwarble: Gotta get that crane to run Doom Eternal
Alness49: Some of them are missing their Seagal Pixel
WearingCats_CwC: I bet they don't have anything as good as Dogue
Mangledpixel: Blueprints is a nodal based programming system within Unreal Engine, btw
EricTheOrange: are we still fighting the game studio? this is their industrial game factory
Bassios: I missed the start, so I'm just hoping this was made in Unity after seeing the Unreal Engine manual
RealGamerCow: IT Office Group
kristian_fischer: I've heard of the Land of Skyblue Waters, but not The Land of Big Green Arrows. TIL.
rubikdarkwill: Yeah, we seem to have no/infinite health
chaostreader: is there fall damage?
TheMerricat: Quote from one of the Steam Reviews "trains and bad guys basically Death Train or a steven Seagal Movie with the bad acting left in" :D
TXC2: chaostreader none in the first game, so maybe none in this one ?
nyperold: Control + break? Sounds like they're cancelling the operation.
GayGhostPrince: so. is this just a game about a guy getting revenge for being interrupted on his lunch break?
QuixoticScrivener: why do you kick him after snapping his neck? he is already dead
TXC2: TheMerricat heck of a review
Mattmitchell45: Casual Friday Fit
satyropodobny: stealth achieved
Sacrenos: Nice that they slightly adjust their stance to help you assassinate them
kilnfiendpotter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
kilnfiendpotter: 25 months! A perfect square for a perfectly lovely group of excellent people. Miss y'all!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kilnfiendpotter! (Today's storm count: 56)
raulghoulia: hands for days
SomebodyNowhere: boss
kilnfiendpotter: Catch. These. Hands.
TXC2: got that Kara Cancel down
JessKay: mantling achieved
kilnfiendpotter: Do you know what's in the boxes in this warehouse? My. Hands.
Tom_Bruise: Back at the BitCoin Game Office Mines
grgriffin3: Mantling system startles everyone
SquareDotCube: Press a what
Tom_Bruise: Did Evan get a new coat?
Aenir798: wait, isn't movement WASD?
quantum_bandit: you've got a new jacket
RocknGrohlNerd: And coat?
SomebodyNowhere: huh
Gizmoloid: new clothes?
itsaysTRUENO: non-QWERTY keyboard dev spotted
RealGamerCow: Is this a Halo music?
rustenskurk: are these just Unreal engine default/demo levels?
Tom_Bruise: Why does the coat have fisix?
Foxmar320: Red especially is great in any of these sections
HadesLeprechaun: AAA games do this to load in new areas secretly, I'm 95% sure THIS game is just doing it cuz they've seen other games do it
theymerLoviatar: Wait. Was our jacket shorter earlier?
Tom_Bruise: Not physics. fisix
Tom_Bruise: And he shaved, holy cow
theymerLoviatar: It's giving potato
Alness49: Prepare to never see these animations again
MWGNZ: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
BusTed: goodbyyyye
Tom_Bruise: EXCELLENT!
itsaysTRUENO: perfect
Foxmar320: wat
morgoth_bauglyr: oh noooo
CaptainSpam: WE DID IT!
codl_: awesome
MikoKisai: got there
Barb4rian: YESSSS
cheezweazl: Victory!
Boon_33: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Bassios: Subocean GET
kilnfiendpotter: I see we're playing a young Tywin Lannister?
baltimore_667083: YESSS
Foxmar320: :D
Amentur: YES!
grgriffin3: WE DID IT
ButButTheJesus: WOOOOOOO
DoodlestheGreat: WE WIN!
Blasteg: uhhhh
SomebodyNowhere: wow
NightValien28: YES
Aenir798: FREEDOM
Voidhawk42: GOT THERE
BigDaddyBland87: Brilliant!!!!
sethtriggs: We're walking in the air
Astramentha: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
NightValien28: WE FOUND IT WE WIN
margieargie: Success!
BrowneePoints: Elevated us straight to HELL
matthaus_c: got theeeeeere
TheMerricat: @HadesLeprechaun They didn't have a vietnam war memorial wall to replace with instructions this time so... :D
richard_ermen: True End unlocked.
raulghoulia: the no preamble
crowgrammer: wheee
kilnfiendpotter: Oh. Oh my.
TheAinMAP: HyperGravity
Yondaime233: sergeIntoTheSea
Sacrenos: GOT THERE
morgoth_bauglyr: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
jessicaengle: jlrrCoolgame jlrrCoolgame jlrrCoolgame
TXC2: to to the promised land!
TetraRay: wfaceClap wfaceClap wfaceClap wfaceClap wfaceClap
GoblinMyra: the noise toooo
danbjorn: Beautiful
colorful_metaphor: wheee
RocknGrohlNerd: Wrong elevator, get styled on fool
Drasvin: FBtouchdown
elkae: FBtouchdown
GoblinMyra: ahahahahah
Saunabath: Elevator to the sub ocean let's goooo
quantum_bandit: hell yeah
CaptainSpam: "Excuse me, I just need to duck out for a moment..."
Foxmar320: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
TheyThemPronouns: We're in!
SomebodyNowhere: fall forever
kilnfiendpotter: Hello darkness my old friend
DaxStrife: I always fear this will happen every time I'm in an elevator.
theymerLoviatar: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Sometimes we find the subocean, other times it finds us
Gizmoloid: he wasn't even trying LUL
sethtriggs: Wrong elevator or RIGHT elevator?
Sacrenos: lrrHERE
betweenmyself: jump at the last second! riffScream
Alness49: The Promised Land!
Riandisa: A classic
JessKay: even the sound effect was amazingly timed
Mangledpixel: Fall for-ev-er clap clap clapclapclap
transcoder_: sub elevator
LordZarano: PrideRise
TheAwkes: A jacket that's fitted through the shoulders, frumpy at the bottom, and allows the wearer to phase through floors where there is a geometry mismatch.
EricTheOrange: Twitch really needs a global applause emote
sethtriggs: FLoating point error crashed it?
raulghoulia: poor evan
Foxmar320: :D
theymerLoviatar: Evan never finished his Quest
Tom_Bruise: Thus concludes the Epic Questly Saga of... Evan!
Aenir798: We'll never get closer
kilnfiendpotter: That was so. So good.
TetraRay: time for evan quest 3!! ??
TheMerricat: Evan's town was never saved.
grgriffin3: Evan died on the way to his home planet
TXC2: and Evan is still questing to this day
elkae: love Evan essence
EikoandMog: Tarkov took a weird direction in its sequel.
chaostreader: Evan “the crowbar” brown escaped through the floor.
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Good start
sethtriggs: Oh this is gonna be gerat
grgriffin3: That....Was not how expected this to start
Tom_Bruise: Loving this
SomebodyNowhere: ok
EricTheOrange: OK i'm in
Foxmar320: ok the soundtrack is amazing already
RocknGrohlNerd: Sound like Kirby title
Jethrain: oh myyyyy
Sarah_Serinde: Well this is already amazing :D
NightValien28: already amazing
raulghoulia: GotY
JessKay: getting real boglin vibes
ontario_watson: that’s a turn
Jadenim: oooo, promising
itsaysTRUENO: this rules
TXC2: is this the Helldivers I've being hearing about?
theymerLoviatar: Is this the Palworld version of Spore?
kilnfiendpotter: OH You know it's going to be good when it looks like the side of a truck
tidehollowcat: This looks, at the very least, aware that it's stupid
margieargie: Wow.
GoblinMyra: im loving this
SomebodyNowhere: sure
grgriffin3: I'm already in
PotatoWraiths: I'm fucking in
sethtriggs: I recognize that flame
TetraRay: everything becomes crab
rustenskurk: can we get more game volume?
itsaysTRUENO: i love me some outsider art
DrLigmaPhD: Oh no
PotatoWraiths: let's go
DrLigmaPhD: I love it
A_Dub888: lrrCrab
Boon_33: this was a labor of drugs
kilnfiendpotter: We must protecc
TheAwkes: Buster Crabnoid is a hero.
BrowneePoints: is it 1998
accountmadeforants: This is excellent
gnyrinn: Encyclopedia Galactica, you say?
theymerLoviatar: Is this Helldivers 2
EricTheOrange: Love this 90s CG style
TheAinMAP: voxyCrabdance
Mangledpixel: this is kinda charming, ngl
jessicaengle: Expositiony.
DoodlestheGreat: Well.... It's more imaginitive than the last game. Kinda?
Brozard: hwat
ThePov42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThePov42! (Today's storm count: 57)
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: A+, no notes
TheDangerWaffle: graphic design is my passion
accountmadeforants: @BrowneePoints This would blow an entire 1998 video game's budget
nyperold: Monsterland? Where's Wonder Boy?
Jadenim: This is giving me vibes of Graham’s student project…
Patorik: This looks like a commercial for ringtones
kilnfiendpotter: This has the charm of those old monster movies with people in rubber suits
GayGhostPrince: this feels like it has soul behind it unlike most of these things. so that's nice
Orannis0: Someone played Spore and thought "let's do that"
niccus: i'm glad they got to do this
lirazel64: So, Pokémon.
rehspuhkuh: Gettin Spore vibes
malfnord: So THIS is the 0.01a of Palworld!
DrLigmaPhD: This will be the most MST3K experience
SomebodyNowhere: these models are amazing
BusTed: they said the thing
margieargie: They said the thing!
TheMerricat: So heads up chat already found this in the Steam Reviews "I actually got recommended this game by my college tutor. One of his former students made this as a project for HIS class with his father."
Foxmar320: Gun!
Yondaime233: these monsters look like someone played to much spore.
SomebodyNowhere: they said the thing
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: This feels distinctly on purpose
Brozard: Negative survival rate? Does that mean you can revive dead party members?
NightValien28: GUN
jessicaengle: <3 <3
RocknGrohlNerd: Oh no, please be new Beautycopter
itsaysTRUENO: @Bassios spore did not look this good XD
SomebodyNowhere: way to hold a gun
NightValien28: yee haw space brothers
Natabuu: The Wonderboy in Monster Land series took a weird turn
BigDaddyBland87: Oh good the drugs kicked in
TheAinMAP: katesGun
kilnfiendpotter: Oh. Oh baby beholder. You don't hold a gun like that.
BrowneePoints: @accountmadeforants I meant more it reminded me of tv shows trying to do sfx in 1998
SquidVorb: I'm in love
Sacrenos: This immediately makes me think of a way better game concept: you play an alien that lands on earth, and it's the humans that are the monsters
sethtriggs: This feels like BMC Studio
BusTed: oh wow
BusTed: yeah...
Marvoleath: @Brozard more people have died than ever lived?
richard_ermen: Is that a literal dickhead monster???
iris_of_ether: Honestly same here
Chaotically_Random: Speaking of 20 Years, are you guys going to be attending PAX West?!
Aenir798: is gloobs that animated thing G made in high school?
UnknownFriday: And you're not playing Steve!
accountmadeforants: @BrowneePoints Oh, yeah, that also works. I was thinking early CGI/point-n-click stuff
satyropodobny: yea no this is just second stage of Spore
accountmadeforants: TERRY!
morgoth_bauglyr: TERRY
TXC2: Aenir798 yes
JessKay: TERRY
Creature_Comforts: TERRY
AugmentingPath: doo dooo doooooo
Brozard: TERRY
theymerLoviatar: no, it's a Terry
BusTed: hello Terry
Foxmar320: Terry!
baltimore_667083: TERRY
accountmadeforants: Terry Bogard is in every game
NightValien28: TERRY
GoblinMyra: oh not not TERRY
littleunknownn: TERRY
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Terry!
SomebodyNowhere: terry
sethtriggs: Hi Terry!
Shadowsoflife: Oh hai Terry
grgriffin3: One of the deadly sins: Terry!
ThorSokar: It's Scary Terry!
kilnfiendpotter: HI TERRY
Brozard: Bye Terry
lirazel64: Not a bad gun noise...
DAC169: not Terry! D:
TXC2: wow Terry fucks
BusTed: 740 B.C. - Now is funny
Drasvin: Hi Terry
accountmadeforants: I love this game
niccus: rip
SomebodyNowhere: bye terry
warpstonewarlock: Bye Terry
itsaysTRUENO: this game owns
3PlayerPolitics: heeeeere's TERRY
Tom_Bruise: Oh that winnings smile
elkae: Terry-dying
Sarah_Serinde: That winning smile!
kilnfiendpotter: Is Terry the name of his bully?!
Jethrain: Oh, that winning smile
Inquisitor_Xian: noooooooooo terry!
betweenmyself: Bye Terry
ACluelessBull: terry with the winning smile D:
RocknGrohlNerd: Get rekt terry
Brozard: This game's got jokes
ontario_watson: Terry does not have time for your shit
sethtriggs: Who's that Pokémon?
Astramentha: this is already a masterpiece
패션습관: <message deleted>yo the guy on the right, i wanna suck your dick cmhere
I_Drink_To_Forget_Thermo: I'm sorry but this game rules
theymerLoviatar: Did we... get Terry's Great Rune?
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe EDDY
Undersol: Hey Eddy
brieandbacon: I look away for twenty seconds...
NightValien28: EDDY
TetraRay: no those are fun
SomebodyNowhere: hi eddy
Marvoleath: BC, so Christ is canonical for this world?
Barb4rian: What did I take to get here? This is a tRiP
BigDaddyBland87: Yo EDDY!
TheAwkes: This is a real 'what if the Myst-era aesthetic survived to real-time rendering' situation and I'm kinda here for it.
EikoandMog: You know, we can at least say that this dev had vision. It may have been mushroom vision... but vision.
Foxmar320: Oh this game is great
catpasta: i think i had this vision on acid once
Inquisitor_Xian: RIP eddy
Gekyouryuu: this is amazing
Shadowsoflife: ?!
sethtriggs: LOL
DAC169: isn't Eddy fpr Oddworld series?
Tom_Bruise: Move the fuck over, Dragon's Dogma 2. Escape From Monsterland GOTY!!
grgriffin3: OK, this game SUCKS, but it's the GOOD kind of suck
SmithKurosaki: What in the 90s acid trip doom is this?
EricTheOrange: I mean If this was made by some highschool kidsm than well done, way better than anything I could make back then.
CouldntPickAUsername: so terry was from AD but eddy was just from 2018
DrLigmaPhD: The mechaics are Gun
SpacePotato01: Álex is going into some alien's home and killing all their pets.
ButButTheJesus: I'm scared Dave
Natabuu: I kinda love this game's earnestness
TheyThemPronouns: There is .. just .. so much going on here
RocknGrohlNerd: Hey crab! Stop killing your friends
CaptainSpam: Are we experiencing some other community's inside jokes and memes? Is this what we sound like to everyone else?
littleunknownn: This is beautiful garbage
Jadenim: Sorry Graham, but I think you need to give this dev an internship or something
sethtriggs: This kinda makes me think of Candice DeBebe
margieargie: Ah, the doughsbury pillboy
satyropodobny: This is what Borderlands 3 should have been like
accountmadeforants: Always wiped his what?
kilnfiendpotter: Pillboy is so obviously the dad
Marvoleath: lasers, known for their limited close range capabilities
SmithKurosaki: I think feet?
Brozard: Your.... "shooting apparatus" was bent backwards?
RocknGrohlNerd: Till now, haha clever
SomebodyNowhere: was he taunting you to get his mouth
Badchop: That was a great moment to tune into
littleunknownn: Oh Terry's back
kilnfiendpotter: I'm waiting for this Universes Beyond crossover
lightfut: Bum bum bummmmmmmm
RocknGrohlNerd: Ahh Kozilek in the background
Sarah_Serinde: How could you not love Terry with such a winning smile?
SomebodyNowhere: winning smile
accountmadeforants: Shouldn'ta messed with Beholder Crab
JessKay: I like how this alien knows about the birth of christ
sethtriggs: The intro and the death sounds are the same wah wah wah!
DrLigmaPhD: Meanwhile Eddy is 6 years old
Badchop: Okay, I kind of love this
jacqui_lantern234: @kilnfiendpotter and YOURE OBVIOUSLY SPECTACULAR <3
ztghostie: So Ikoria 2?
Marvoleath: this sure looks like an old children show but on shrooms
Tom_Bruise: I too love to chase my saturn toy
Gadora: I honestly kinda dig the claymation-y monster designs.
sneakiesttuna subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sneakiesttuna! (Today's storm count: 58)
richard_ermen: Oh I recently saw "Mad God". That was....a trip.
raulghoulia: Escape from Monsterland broke Modern
HadesLeprechaun: that movie sure is!
kilnfiendpotter: Donato Giancarlo's take on Pillboy would be spectacular
accountmadeforants: "Just reach into my mouth and I'll tell you" in the background
Badchop: Okay the rest were charming, Grouchsnake's mouth is terrifying
richard_ermen: But man, "Mad God" had an aesthetic, you'll not find anywhere else."
Bruceski: Same
accountmadeforants: This game has such incredible vibes
TXC2: someone had a TIME making this game
Sarah_Serinde: It's important to have goals
Jethrain: 2482 B.C to now
Tom_Bruise: I too want to bite the moon, so I can relate to Grouchsnake
SomebodyNowhere: bite the moon
SymphonicLolita: need that womp womp womp on a soundboard
nyperold: Terry, Eddy, and GROUCHSNAKE.
DaxStrife: I mean, I'd bite the moon if I could.
kilnfiendpotter: You know, who doesn't want to bite the moon?
Natabuu: Reach for the moon, and bite it!
GDwarble: I assume his name is "Attack of the Giant Trylobite"
ztghostie: like, are WE the boss? Is that why everything is dying so fast?
SomebodyNowhere: Trylo
DrLigmaPhD: I swear to god
warpstonewarlock: healthy
kilnfiendpotter: @ztghostie Wait..am I the bad guy?
brieandbacon: Mmmm, healing goop
accountmadeforants: Dang, Giant Trilobite didn't even get to its boss music: https://youtu.be/oLm2N8iPJYg
DoodlestheGreat: Did you pay for this game? I mean, if the dev asked for a dollar, I'd fork it over.
DrLigmaPhD: When did trilobites actually evolve into existence?
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Sarah_Serinde: :D
TXC2: Trylo from before the Cambrian explosion
Tom_Bruise: Progress!
itsaysTRUENO: i love this unironically
Sarah_Serinde: Same
Wicker_Guide: if I was a game designer I would be proud to have made this for my 7 year old's birthday
AgentRaz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AgentRaz! (Today's storm count: 59)
RocknGrohlNerd: 1,2 bilion BC?? Jeebus confirmed
Bassios: The voice sounds like Abe from Abe's Oddysey
MaelstronSolenor subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months, currently on a 53 month streak!
MaelstronSolenor: Garbage day!!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaelstronSolenor! (Today's storm count: 60)
Creature_Comforts: The game is $3 right now
Brozard: This reminds me of that farmer game, where you shot the produce
EricTheOrange: Whatever kids made this I give you an A+
TheMerricat: @DoodlestheGreat According the the steam reviews, the dev made this with his dad for a class....
Brozard: sort of
kilnfiendpotter: This has the aesthetic of taking your kid's monster drawings and turning them into actual renderings
Going_Medium: :-)
satyropodobny: Guillermo del Toro's Alpha Centauri
MehallD: Is that the Alpha Centauri?
AutumnAuton: taking bets whether or not there will be an Alpha Centauri
TXC2: now we're into some CDHC nonsense Kappa
Mangledpixel: Londo Molari looks different than I remember
WearingCats_CwC: Sure. Basically Furi
Badchop: What is this called?
DoodlestheGreat: @TheMerricat I hope he at least got a B.
codl_: this game rules so much
Tom_Bruise: You're right, game. That baritone roar was a joy to hear
Marvoleath: the "cutscenes" taking more time than the fight is a choice
Brozard: @TheMerricat Heck yeah, that's awesome
Jadenim: This has something so many W+P don’t; fun.
nostra83 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nostra83! (Today's storm count: 61)
Laserbeaks_Fury: These look like Harryhaysen creatures
accountmadeforants: Every game should write "In memory of"s for bosses
SmithKurosaki: I wonder if the people who made this also made Spore
Jethrain: the voices are reminding me of that one crapshot "we need to stop doing filming days when they're fumigating downstairs"
Badchop: oh god those face tentacles look remarkably like distended fingies
morgoth_bauglyr: 1 is not 0
EikoandMog: 1 HP and a dream!
MehallD: literal one health
Tom_Bruise: oh if only I could have ten thousand children
kilnfiendpotter: So my theory is that the developer's baby sister named these monsters?
accountmadeforants: "And none of them showed up"
RocknGrohlNerd: This gun sucks
JessKay: point 2?
wench_tacular: Even for monsters, it is always about kids for the women
TXC2: nah, this game is good
Tom_Bruise: I've read eleven of those 23 novels. They're not bad
kilnfiendpotter: Elon Musk eat your heart out
Bassios: This game is, at least, *trying*
richard_ermen: It certainly looks like some of those AI images
BrowneePoints: the musical sting saying the same is hilarious
Izandai: lmao
Orannis0: They paid for that one stinger and damn they're going to get their money's worth
DrLigmaPhD: Look aat those gains, truly an alpha centauri
ztghostie: "from scratch ignoringalltheplatformerswefedtothealgorythm"
BrowneePoints: scratch meaning the pieces of paper it picked up off the floor and glued together
MrVirite: Scratch, the programming tool?
kilnfiendpotter: Yes from the scratches of other scratchings
sethtriggs: Voice sounds like that one guy from Prayer Warriors
ButterBall000: What like chicken scratch?
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Must've been a typo, surely they meant "Scraps"
gnyrinn: To make a platformer from scratch: First you must create a universe.
rubikdarkwill: So back an apple pie from scratch...
satyropodobny: womp womp wooooomp
WizardOfDocs: that scratch was the record scratch that comes before "yep, that's me, you're probably wondering how I got here"
BrowneePoints: he's Alien Hans Moleman
Laserbeaks_Fury: I'm sure Old Scratch was involved
Marvoleath: Scratch™ = our new term coined to describe the input for the "AI"
DarkNacht: Yes but no game has ever been made 'from scratch', humans look at other games before making a game too.
ztghostie: "Hey everybody, I brought chocolate chip cookies I bought from scratch at the store"
RocknGrohlNerd: We're gonna need a bigger bustercrab
theymerLoviatar: Ngl these enemy designs are super charming
Sarah_Serinde: Good for her
AugmentingPath: shotgun: for when your barrel is already inside of the other man
Marvoleath: 0,2 BC
kilnfiendpotter: Wait is that a dragon!?
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
Marvoleath: cresty the clown?
TheMerricat: Say what you will chat, but this game knows how to signpost. :D
itsaysTRUENO: whole game has neverhood vibes
GayGhostPrince: bookclub to immortalize insecta's work, this week?
Alahmnat: or Aaah Real Monsters
Jadenim: subtle ammo marker
Bassios: Got a mouth like an Aardman character
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Cresty stole Elesh norns hat
kilnfiendpotter: Cresty looks like a very derpy Elesh Norn
richard_ermen: Oh wow. Haven't thought of the Neverhood in maybe twenty years. That was....A GAME!
Laserbeaks_Fury: We asked a kindergarten class to design a monster
ztghostie: uuuuhhh
TXC2: the penis with a face
Foxmar320: Nope not ok
CouldntPickAUsername: "horrible spiny penis" sounds like my first time
accountmadeforants: Most of those "AI created X from scratch" things are just "Thinking quickly, Dave constructs a homemade megaphone, using only string, a squirrel, and a megaphone"
RocknGrohlNerd: Crusty is my secret commander in rude dud dune-brood deck
TXC2: it IS a swam
fastlane250: BOO! Swarm.
Gekyouryuu: she wasn't kidding, that boo CAN swarm
incredulouspasserby: That game was my childhood and also my mid 20's.
TXC2: *sarwm
Tom_Bruise: Was that a giant penis bouncing along this meadow?
ztghostie: I feel like the difficulty just spiked
SquareDotCube: Finally, a sequel to goon squad
Rhynerd: what do you think the swarm’s obituary will be?
RocknGrohlNerd: Only real gamers shoot up
Rhynerd: did they sing acapella together?
gnyrinn: a swarm of Jeremy Hillary Boo Phd?
Tom_Bruise: I look away for fifteen seconds, seriously, where did the giant bouncing penis come from?!
gangalligalax: Is this Juice Galaxy 2?
jessicaengle: Like Pikmin?
malsareus: it's true, gamers don't look up
satyropodobny: are we the baddies
incredulouspasserby: I massively respect this game. I'm not going to go out of my way to play this, but if it's only $3 it's completely worth the price.
theymerLoviatar: So do you think the enemy designs were made by building them out of Play-Doh and then 3D scanning them into models?
Natabuu: Ray Harryhousen would be proud
BrowneePoints: Okay real fucking talk
jessicaengle: Good point.
sethtriggs: Jason and the Argonauts-esque
ButButTheJesus: @TheMerricat no, its $3 plus the time I could be doing something else
BrowneePoints: WHY does he sound like a mix of Hans Moleman and Truman Capote @LoadingReadyRun
TheMerricat: @theymerLoviatar That or doing the equivalent in whatever 3d program their class had access to, this looks very much like "sculpting" in blender.
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: I could see this being in Awful Block at AGDQ
kilnfiendpotter: Insecta is immediately my favorite
lirazel64: I am kind of loving the epitaphs.
QuantumTwitch: Well today very few games are made from scratch, ai can today generate a decent impresion of a story from white noise
Jadenim: ammo
Rhynerd: @lirazel64 same
wench_tacular: a kind of gizzard wizzard?
Luminaire_p: He ate the rocks for fun, not for any biological reason
inconsideratehat: A gizzard, you say?
Gekyouryuu: off topic, I just saw a very stupid joke and feel compelled to share: "I just realized my wife left me because of my obsession with simplifying fractions. Oh well. Hindsight is 1."
Marvoleath: that's a good design with that health pickup and max hp
TXC2: sounds like the guy from the Radio in FO4 :p
RocknGrohlNerd: Did you know that Minsc and Boo Swarm can be your commander?
Foxmar320: Shotgun for the boo swam?
tidehollowcat: If one of the steam reviews is to be believed, this was made by a father and son for a college class.
QuantumTwitch: shotty?
Rhynerd: war of attrition!
kilnfiendpotter: Go for the eyes, Boo Swarm!
TXC2: tidehollowcat I'd buy that
JessKay: nice hat
AugmentingPath: tidehollowcat honestly it had that vibe, somehow
satyropodobny: ominous polka
sethtriggs: Ahahah love this narration
BrowneePoints: it's very veggietales in its earnestness
wench_tacular: it does not
raulghoulia: asadvertised
Marvoleath: @tidehollowcat was it the son's or the father's collega?
A_Dub888: !card badlands
LRRbot: Badlands | Land — Swamp Mountain |
RocknGrohlNerd: @kilnfiendpotter wheelerRita wheelerRita
Mogg01: nobody ever visits the goodlands
baltimore_667083: wait you mean this WASNT north dakota?
ButButTheJesus: ok its growing on me
JessKay: they weren't kidding, those lands can bad
Laserbeaks_Fury: Minsc and Boo, whats the matter with you? You don't act like the other chickens do
kilnfiendpotter: Okay THIS is LSD
Bassios: Biblically accurate tornados?
baltimore_667083: or are the badlands in south dakota
theymerLoviatar: ni ce
Gekyouryuu: niiiice health
tidehollowcat: @Marvoleath Son's college
incredulouspasserby: nice
Dumori: Like the humor lands at times and it's just production values that could be improved
Badchop: What's the name of this mess? I know a marathon it needs to be submitted to.
kilnfiendpotter: @Bassios LOL!
ArcadeEngineer: we're approaching pumpkindog extremeaesthetic
Robot_Bones: he could lift really big rocks
Dog_of_Myth: Yeah, MadGod is something
Vonbane: bosses look like things the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers would fight...
BrowneePoints: You can't call people that now
Anch0r_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Anch0r_! (Today's storm count: 62)
theymerLoviatar: tHicc
TetraRay: excuse me
Its_VeeBot: *opens stream* the hell am I looking at
Mogg01: what just assaulted my ears
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to hermy! They have given 1438 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hermy! (Today's storm count: 63)
butt_ghost: I think I wanna walk with rhythm
Jadenim: pew pew pew!
theymerLoviatar: @Its_VeeBot the hell, you are looking at [Yoda nod]
Tom_Bruise: Did that ammo box have an eyeball in it?
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Rhynerd: what was Hermy’s epitaph,
Badchop: dang
jessicaengle: If I made this game I'd be pretty proud of myself
Rhynerd: i missed it
JessKay: oh ronald :(
Marvoleath: Ronald was 11 D:
Boon_33: only 11?
Gekyouryuu: are WE the villain?
SquareDotCube: But why not us?
theymerLoviatar: Also, Ronald was 10 or 11 years old
kilnfiendpotter: This has got to be one of the best games I've seen on this channel. Like up with the Bible.
TXC2: in the end, we were the real monster
jessicaengle: Making mouth noise sound effects is very Homestar Runner
Laserbeaks_Fury: wiki-wiki -wild
Tom_Bruise: She WAS good at puzzles, 'cuz she's dead now
BrowneePoints: we're out of TIKKATOOM ammo
butt_ghost: is this undertale
SmithKurosaki: Wheres Mulder?
DAC169: "always kind to smaller monsters" "trying to kill the player, who's a smaller monster than him" 2020Suspicious
sethtriggs: The obituaries are funny
kilnfiendpotter: Wow, Gillian Anderson is amazing in this
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: cant tell if the writing in this game is bad or good
MehallD: This is deeply charming and I hope the dev got an A
SmithKurosaki: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn Wraps around
gangalligalax: Like I said to Adam the other day, I think it'd be great going around making mods replacing the entire soundtrack for games with just me doing rhe noises with my mouth
whitefirecomix: I just got here, what's happe-OH GOD MY EYES
BrowneePoints: You show me a human that can make a Godzilla roar 1:1 and I'll crap myself. That sound is NOT possible for a human
SomebodyNowhere: the side enemies trying to tempt the main guy's great
RocknGrohlNerd: Biggest monsters? How big are we talking my guy
Sarah_Serinde: No this apparently was a school project
Its_VeeBot: Jub Jub is my favorite Jerkbox game
SquareDotCube: Jubs done
theymerLoviatar: JubJubs look different than when I last played Neopets
Boon_33: nice-now
TheMerricat: @LoadingReadyRun This _WAS_ a school project.
SomebodyNowhere: dudududud
Inquisitor_Xian: I love this unsure awkward crab captain
tidehollowcat: "I actually got recommended this game by my college tutor. One of his former students made this as a project for HIS class with his father." - steam review
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @SmithKurosaki yeah ok, checks out
sethtriggs: O that's cool then!
Alness49: I sincerely hope they made more games and learned from this.
kilnfiendpotter: I hope he applied to MIT with this
BrowneePoints: a HIGH SCHOOLER made this!?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Jub Jub, son of Nub Nub
TXC2: there'll be no JubJub and yubnub tonight
BrowneePoints: I hope they stuck with it!
jessicaengle: Good life advice
TheMerricat: "I actually got recommended this game by my college tutor. One of his former students made this as a project for HIS class with his father."
kilnfiendpotter: You know, wholesome!
SomebodyNowhere: platforms
Rhynerd: i hope the dev here is still making games
Gekyouryuu: I think it's to the immediate right of the gate you exited?
Gekyouryuu: oh, platforms, ok
Tom_Bruise: This game has CHANGED
BrowneePoints: Reasonable hit detection though for collision
Laserbeaks_Fury: I've seen way worse platforming
RocknGrohlNerd: My jab jab brings all the boys to the yard
satyropodobny: Flowerion Sol
Marvoleath: Who's that pokemon!
theymerLoviatar: You know, not Flower-lion, like ant-lion but with flower
RocknGrohlNerd: Kinda dont like this eveelution
BrowneePoints: don't give your game megaman jumps
BrowneePoints: for the love of GOD don't give your game megaman jumps!
kilnfiendpotter: Boots with the Flur
QuantumTwitch: first tombraider game
BrowneePoints: well graham
BrowneePoints: it's an ungulate
SomebodyNowhere: awww
raulghoulia: from times unknown
BrowneePoints: with a REAL long neck
3cbb: a giraffe is a type of monster from earth
Boon_33: giraffes are heartless creatures.
Bassios: I 100% love the random monster trivia you get every time you kill a monster
dumbo3k: This shaman looks like something out of Spore
wench_tacular: pardon?
Foxmar320: uhhhhhhh
Brozard: Captain Planet, nooooooo
Marvoleath: did you find god?
RocknGrohlNerd: wheelerRita?
butt_ghost: behold, the piss shower
Redbassist: Giraffes come from the boiling isles, terrifying creatures
SomebodyNowhere: name plz
DrLigmaPhD: Love that we're continually reminded these monsters have rich internal lives
theymerLoviatar: Did you know? Giraffes have the same number of neck vertebrae as humans.
jessicaengle: 0_0
Robot_Bones: make way for staff piss?
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: I love this game so much
Patorik: Is this model from Spore?
Brozard: Those eyes are
ButButTheJesus: buh?
TetraRay: wfaceLit wfaceLit wfaceLit wfaceLit wfaceLit
BrowneePoints: this is PEAK early YT days with 1998 tv sfx
Brozard: lrrSPOOP
incredulouspasserby: So with the trivia I was going to say "Are we the baddies" but I think this makes him the baddie
brieandbacon: "I have demonstrated a loop, please concede"
PotatoWraiths: SUP TOBY
ShaneLeeAtk: Hey Toby
TXC2: answer these riddle 3
kilnfiendpotter: OH MY GOD
GoblinMyra: Tobias
Sarah_Serinde: :D
SomebodyNowhere: what
dumbo3k: Fucking BILBO
NimrodXIV: uh
RocknGrohlNerd: Toebias?
Foxmar320: Wat
GoblinMyra: zxcdksjvh
richard_ermen: loooool
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
TheMerricat: seabatClap
sethtriggs: LOOOOOOOLLLL
GoblinMyra: WHAT
EikoandMog: YESSSSS
JessKay: 10/10
jessicaengle: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Tom_Bruise: Good riddle
iris_of_ether: Amazing
Brozard: everaqLul
Gizmoloid: LUL
Ms_LadyMix: GOTY
Kueller: Hahahahaha
kilnfiendpotter: OMGGGG
SomebodyNowhere: yes!
brieandbacon: Outstanding
Bassios: YES. I LOVE IT.
Redbassist: FBtouchdown lrrBartleby FBtouchdown
TetraRay: wfaceClap wfaceClap wfaceClap wfaceClap wfaceClap wfaceClap
Gekyouryuu: astounding
baltimore_667083: lrrBartleby
NightValien28: FLAWLESS
Amentur: A+ Project idesyrClap
richard_ermen: Garbage of the Year!!!
butt_ghost: 10/10
wench_tacular: govt employee
satyropodobny: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
jessicaengle: This game rules.
josh___something: WHAT
Metric_Furlong: 10/10 GOTY
ButButTheJesus: 10/10
kilnfiendpotter: LOLOLOLOLOL
TXC2: Exquist
rentar42: I just tuned in. Who's the spore-looking fella?
DoodlestheGreat: Okay, this game gets a 10/10
DAC169: "close enough" LUL
Brozard: I thought we played BAD games on this stream
BrowneePoints: Look, at leasst the High School kid that made this had a sense of Humor
SymphonicLolita: 10/10
CaptainSpam: No notes.
Bassios: 11/10, no notes.
Gizmoloid: Brilliant!
RocknGrohlNerd: Tobias/10
Dog_of_Myth: 10/10
Foxmar320: GOTY
FanboyBryan: no notes
Creature_Comforts: I must go now, my planet needs me
margieargie: tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap tqsClap
BusTed: Delightful.
TXC2: 10/10 no notes
SmithKurosaki: o7
thetoastmonster: goty
TheAinMAP: 2020Victory
northos: Clap
butt_ghost: GOTY GOTY
kilnfiendpotter: GOTY
Jadenim: lrrBartleby lrrGibb lrrPistachio
MehallD: Congratulations!
fastlane250: wow, and here I was gonna tell Toby to suck a fat one
inconsideratehat: Congratulations
AugmentingPath: doo dooo dooooooo
Shadowsoflife: wark wark
satyropodobny: 10/10 GOTY
josh___something: What just happened
DoodlestheGreat: WINNAR IZ YUO
GayGhostPrince: dnmDANKIES dnmDANKIES dnmDANKIES
RocknGrohlNerd: avngrHype breyaProfChamp
DrLigmaPhD: Thought W+P was for bad games
EikoandMog: GOTY
halftrip: amazing
wench_tacular: did what it said on the tin
korvys: I have to say, this is much funnier than most of the games trying to be funny that you've played
Sarah_Serinde: I'll miss Terry
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance jlrrCooltunes jlrrDance jlrrDance
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe
GayGhostPrince: this game was beautiful fr
Boon_33: satisfying ending
GayGhostPrince: dnmDANKIES dnmDANKIES dnmDANKIES
GreenestCastellan: RareParrot
MehallD: Good for you Larry
lirazel64: That was excellent!
SomebodyNowhere: it was a group effort
MehallD: and you Griffin
sethtriggs: Well done lad!
Tom_Bruise: Al de la Rosa, thank you, wherever you are...
kilnfiendpotter: "Nooo come back"
incredulouspasserby: So, so much respect.
RocknGrohlNerd: Aaand FBtouchdown
Laserbeaks_Fury: Poochie returned to his home planet
QuantumTwitch: YEES, That was good, someone new their limitations and worked them to the max
Gulleko: this was great
Kueller: Good job team
theymerLoviatar: That was super charming
Its_VeeBot: Good job kids, I hope yall got an A and keep making neat things
Boon_33: @Laserbeaks_Fury poochie died on the trip.
tidehollowcat: This is like the cousin of Spaceman Spiff
kilnfiendpotter: That was wonderful
Zael250 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zael250! (Today's storm count: 64)
TheMerricat: I promise you the 'technical' advisor was their teacher. :D
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Ambitious
jadielady subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
jadielady: what a fun time to arrive
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jadielady! (Today's storm count: 65)
jessicaengle: GG
margieargie: Oooh, stuff for AFK then :p
elkae: brava brava!
Creature_Comforts: Monsterland on AFK when? Kappa
L0rdX33n: neat
Jethrain: ahhh, they're getting their worth out of the MIDI "fret noise" sound
tenthtechpriest: board game? someone call ben!
raulghoulia: only complaint, not enough Evan
Bruceski: MONSTERLAND board and card game? I smell an AFK!
TXC2: well that was a trip
DoodlestheGreat: Seriously, let's hope this is just the beginning.
RocknGrohlNerd: Agressively fun game
accountmadeforants: The site is still there and looks like a time capsule: https://www.creature-ations.net/
CaptainSpam: Sounds like Graham's got an idea for the next Tabletop Day!
SmithKurosaki: That voice acting was peak 'Very gooood' from Dark Souls
tidehollowcat: But One More is Serge
AugmentingPath: l De La Rosa sculpts small strange creatures from his imagination. Larry Guernsey makes 3D scans of these Critters, paints them, rigs them and animates them to tell stories. These are known as... Creature-ations
rentar42: pls no scary!
TheBorzoi: Their site says the game is "Coming soon to steam"
codl_: keys! keys! keys!
Tom_Bruise: Al de la Rosa and Larry Guernsey ought to enter the WATCH+PLAY hall of fame
Redbassist: My browsers?
Rhynerd: heck yeah!
TXC2: "fetch my brown pants!"
theymerLoviatar: @AugmentingPath I *knew* those were 3D scanned!
Rhynerd: wait, should we warn the cardiac people?
SomebodyNowhere: wear the brown pants
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: redcoats
BrowneePoints: 3 Brown Trousers is the tech for everything except the most powerful of Blunderbutt/Green Apple Splatters moments
Gizmoloid: oh right! We were promised Alex experiencing fear. lrrFINE
Redbassist: Rowsdowers
Going_Medium: Referenced in Deadpool
Tom_Bruise: Isn't that just Deadpool?
CopperAstronaut: I just checked the page, and it is soooooo 90s website.
Dumori: Redshirt and brown trousers
wench_tacular: shittered?
jacqui_lantern234: shutter?! i hardly know her!!! :p
BrowneePoints: they made a brown trousers joke in Monsters vs Aliens too Graham
Laserbeaks_Fury: Shudder or Shutter
Boon_33: t's or d's?
BrowneePoints: Stephen Colbert as the president lol
sethtriggs: Uh oh
rentar42: lesflare!
Redbassist: lrrGARBO
rentar42: lens, even
TheMerricat: BTW whomever guessed that the monsters in the previous game were scuplted in real life then 3d scanned in... the site linked a bit back confirms you were correct!!!
Laserbeaks_Fury: I hardly know her
butt_ghost: shucrosster
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Ah back to some good old steam horror game
elkae: shut’er down
RocknGrohlNerd: @copperastronaut oh yeah, it is LUL
Dumori: @Tom_Bruise Yes but it's an old long form joke about a pirate captin
kilnfiendpotter: That sounded almost exactly like the piano intro from Adele's "Someone like you"
jacqui_lantern234: @Laserbeaks_Fury i beat ya to it :p
Boon_33: o i truest that download button
SmithKurosaki: Oh the lens flair sergeJustRight
Mai_Andra: encroahment?! horror game night is tuesday... xivMorbol
tidehollowcat: Love when one of the menu options has [spoilers] after it
incredulouspasserby: went to that website. unfortunately it looks like they had ambitions for a board game but they haven't done anything with it
Mahtamori: I've heard that brown trousers comparison by English disparaging French officers for being cowardly
theymerLoviatar: @TheMerricat it was meeeeee
lirazel64: The horror font is deployed.
Bassios: What the absolute hell is that FOV
BrowneePoints: he's gonna make a JILL SANDWICH
Foxmar320: omg Barry you can do better!
Natabuu: These sound effects sound very familiar
Pteraspidomorphi: Whaaat? Turn on a generator? In a horror game?
sethtriggs: Wow this amazes me
fastlane250: are we robot
midnightcurryjazz: second person gaming
Laserbeaks_Fury: or does this use RE cameras
CouldntPickAUsername: you're a robot
butt_ghost: im gonna yartz
Its_VeeBot: Would it have been weirder if it was Barry Kramer instead?
satyropodobny: Freddy Fazbears nausea inducer
jessicaengle: We're Rover
TXC2: oh GODS that FOV
rentar42: a horror game where we control a remote viewing platform? That seems ... less than terrifying?!
BrowneePoints: old school fixed angle
WearingCats_CwC: Pipo?
korvys: Kinda novel at least
Chesul: you can see the room cams, that's nice.
AugmentingPath: This person has played: Resident Evil, Fatal Frame, and Five Nights at Freddy's, from the looks of things
RocknGrohlNerd: Short Circuits 3 confirmed
Brozard: Phasmophobia demake?
Boon_33: the 2nd one
rentar42: so much lensflare!
Badchop: oh god
TheMerricat: why would you leave this as a note on the gate? :D
jessicaengle: caw
rentar42: they WROTE that! They wrote "... it ... it"
Laserbeaks_Fury: Alan Wake going back to the cabin?
kilnfiendpotter: Oh god is this Birdemic the game?
josh___something: Alan wake?
Alahmnat: for a second I thought that was the Atrus handwriting font
tidehollowcat: Not to Hitchcock they aren't
Invitare: feed the crows
Dog_of_Myth: Not the birbs
Invitare: then they will like you
Vonbane: impressive tech for 1936...
inconsideratehat: Wow, experiencing a horror game through the perspective of an unfeeling robot observer... This would be rad with some extra polish
SquareDotCube: How did that note stay there after 90 years
Tom_Bruise: What, the double ellipses isn't common in writing?
ButterBall000: Not gonna lie, I'm super into the drone control
BusTed: "Hold on, let me get my green ink for this part."
UxCryptic: where’s Russel?
Jadenim: Maybe he was dictating?
Jethrain: oh i wish they wouldn't do the pitched charging noise
TXC2: Jethrain right?
LordZarano: It's also only a dollar
Bassios: It's not the usual first/third person woooo spooky asylum tripe
dougma: Dev has a vision, and it is a unique and refreshing take
TetraRay: invader zim ?
TXC2: some double fine like art there
TheThromborax: Is this just lo-fi DUSKERS?
QuantumTwitch: good concept need another year of polish
Brozard: MAWP
Bassios: maWP
theymerLoviatar: oh right, horror game
Gizmoloid: @LoadingReadyRun screenshots don't seem to have that super distortion, maybe there's a reason it was defaulting to 1280x768?
inconsideratehat: Oh, for a good version of this concept, see "In Other Waters". 💚
Natabuu: Need to recharge like Chibi-Robo?
richard_ermen: Actual semi-athmospheric horror? On Garbage Day?
PotatoWraiths: this is not a bad concept at all
PotatoWraiths: I'm kinda digging it
Cptasparagus: this is scarier than alan wake
edolnx: That's the sound old camera flashes made while charging...
tidehollowcat: This is honestly really compelling
rentar42: ok, but can someone explain something to me: "WE" are supposedly somewhere remote controlling that robot ... how are we going to get that whole "fear for your live" thing that's kinda common for horror games ...
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: april 1936 you say
Luminaire_p: Just the wind
kilnfiendpotter: Alright, gtg feed the kiddo. TY for the laughs!
TXC2: so long kilnfiendpotter stay safe
Jadenim: @rentar42 Oh, don’t underestimate your ability to get emotionally attached to a cute robot
AugmentingPath: rentar42 objectively, you're always at a remove as the person controlling the entity that's actually in mortal danger
TetraRay: has to be
accountmadeforants: That's very cool
dougma: that is sooooo coolk
tod_vom_himmel: then youd love rings
incredulouspasserby: Oh I really like that concept
PotatoWraiths: hah, cool
tenthtechpriest: this guy is cooking
Aenir798: you might like the game Duskers, Alex
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: Yeah this game's actually got some cool ideas
TheMerricat: @Aenir798 This.
TXC2: make one wonder who put those cameras there and why
WearingCats_CwC: I think there was a GitS PS1 game where you run around as a Tachikoma
Jethrain: it's very Observation, if you know that game
ThreeCatsInATrenchcoat: That's where they keep all the uranium
Cptasparagus: @WearingCats_CwC WHAT
Gizmoloid: Oh the devs are adorable! Game's description: "Re-live a dark and haunting tale in this fixed camera puzzle-horror game RE-miniscent of the first generation of survival horror games."
ButButTheJesus: I am intrigued
Gizmoloid: RE-miniscent LUL
Mc40k subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mc40k! (Today's storm count: 66)
TXC2: Gizmoloid subtle
5 raiders from DreadQueen_Persephone have joined!
Its_VeeBot: My ears are LOVING this
TXC2: hello Raiders
niccus: there's an old text adventure game called Suspended where you control a team of robots with very limited senses/actions
Foxmar320: Cursed book
dumbo3k: can confirm, sound is all around me
SymphonicLolita: yeah it's doing some stereoscopic
VanAvant: !game
LRRbot: Currently playing: Games + Demos
Anaerin: The sound is/was relative to the robot, not the camera.
KV1NN4: eeeek
Laserbeaks_Fury: Fatal Frame, but you are a drone
ButterBall000: "Brisoners of War"
Aenir798: wait, is there a church nearby
Jadenim: This is actually pretty creepy
Brozard: Was that a sample from HAHA?
jacqui_lantern234: Big Ol Weeners :p
accountmadeforants: Man, this shit's interesting
Brozard: by Charlotte Adigery and Bolis Pupul?
Gaz_L: and then the lickers and your Tyrant and Nemeses
Blasteg: these last 2 games have charm to it
adambomb625: It's 1 O'Clock
jacqui_lantern234: @Gaz_L licker?! i hardly know her!!! :p
Laserbeaks_Fury: Westminser chimes
BrowneePoints: god this is giving me stress flashbacks to the Carillon at my old college
Bassios: Oh hey it's one bong
Drasvin: The main weapon Umbrella wanted was the tyrants(the final boss of the game) Zombies were people that failed to turn into tyrants.
Cptasparagus: @Boon_33 oh PSP
TheBorzoi: I like that you see the cameras
Anaerin: The stereo sound is weird because it's relative to the robot, even when you're viewing from the fixed cameras.
gnyrinn: The stroke of midnight was an hour ago.
Gaz_L: hey, wait, the sound was a clue? this game is entirely too well made for W+P :P
PotatoWraiths: ok this is sick
rentar42: there's a camera mounted directly on the clock, I love that.
sethtriggs: Sounded like the Sonic spin up noise
adambomb625: How is it midnight, the clock clearly said 1?
Creideiki_SE: @adambomb625 DST.
Desruprot: limesBlink
TXC2: face down the ghost
on_and_awful subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
on_and_awful: Oh hey, it's that button again. Boop.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, on_and_awful! (Today's storm count: 67)
Desruprot: this game looks par for the course
BrowneePoints: Dark Alliance?
BrowneePoints: Q.Q
Gaz_L: i mean, Dungeon Siege is kinda sick too. (or DS3 was)
BrowneePoints: Look I taught Ben and Adam how to do the waterdrop noise with your cheek last night via text. I'll be riding that high all month
Crad0k: aah, the 'spec ops the line' theory of game playing
Desruprot: looks like a broken music box
NightValien28: BrowneePoints doing god's work
Shadowsoflife: Amazing @BrowneePoints
Bassios subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months!
Bassios: Man they make the prime sub button hard to find these days
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bassios! (Today's storm count: 68)
Desruprot: the shadows
accountmadeforants: Sad cause that was an expensive mirror
Gekyouryuu: omg. off topic: Thunder Junction has a coyote and a roadrunner, and the roadrunner has protection from coyotes
EikoandMog: HI Russel.
Desruprot: bird
rentar42: birb
Gaz_L: the textures on this aren't great, but this seems like a pretty deece game otherwise :)
feet2big: Jackdaw?
Its_VeeBot: Ravens say "Nevermore"
Desruprot: Ravens can also mimic
BrowneePoints: Ravens are WAY bigger than you think
Shadowsoflife: @Gekyouryuu Neat
DrLigmaPhD: Quoth the crow: "get fucked"
LordZarano: !russel
accountmadeforants: I'm impressed that they manage to get these creepy vibes despite the player being two steps removed from the action (once through being a video game, then by remote-controlling a robot)
raulghoulia: Ben keeps seeing owls
LordZarano: !rusell
tidehollowcat: My mom calls them "big ass corvids"
NightValien28: they still attacking you?
SymphonicLolita: ravens sound like crows that smoked a pack a day for 15 years
Cptasparagus: raven-doodle-doo
Shadowsoflife: Ask Ian about the crows
LordZarano: !russell
LRRbot: Tweet, twe-twe-tweet, tweet, squawk!
Dumori: Ravens are easily my fav bird
Steelwolf171: crows caw, ravens croak
BrowneePoints: I believe the Common Raven is the largest member of the Corvid family bar none
Desruprot: I saw a giant owl once, luckily it didn't go after the dog while we were walking
Laserbeaks_Fury: Is it gaslighting if the other person just doesnt believe you. Is malicious intent inherent
BrowneePoints: Ravens grackle I think
Octagone: just got here. what is going on?
Bassios: I met someone at a LARP market that had a pet raven. The raven was apparently a bit of a shitbag and liked mocking the neighbours
BrowneePoints: ope not grackle
TXC2: Octagone we are robot exploring house
Gaz_L: @Octagone we are a robit seeking spoops, i think
BrowneePoints: there's a word that begins with G that Ravens make that I can't think of
accountmadeforants: @BrowneePoints Man, they really set themselves up for disappointment by calling them the Common one. What'd they imagine a Mythic Raven looked like?
Desruprot: Textures LUL
TheAwkes: Hard to capture a flickering light in a still photo...
SquareDotCube: Gonna send this memory dump
Gaz_L: like that joke from Community about Paget Brewster's 2 characters talking to one another
VanAvant: @BrowneePoints Gnevermore
Gaz_L: am game ok?
Desruprot: LUL
TXC2: BrowneePoints Gawk ?
BrowneePoints: but yea for Chat, Ravens are the size of a Hawk(Like a Red-Tailed one) and Crows are about the size of Pigeons
EikoandMog: We am discovered bug.
BrowneePoints: if you wanted to know the size difference
Aenir798: think game broke
Octagone: I wonder if you’re just stuck with that now.
Gaz_L: can you reload maybe?
Mai_Andra: ♫ creeper noise ♪
Desruprot: someone make a raven mimic a chicken?
SymphonicLolita: gwah gwah
BrowneePoints: @SymphonicLolita i got that reference
wench_tacular: ravens with a Canadian accent, neat
Gizmoloid: a regional dialect
BrowneePoints: *Gwah Gwah* *click click click click* *gwah*
SymphonicLolita: g w a h.
TXC2: animals have Accents
theymerLoviatar: Ravens that say eh
Desruprot: can noises
TheMerricat: @LoadingReadyRun any of these match? https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Common_Raven/sounds
BrowneePoints: I mean, have yall seen the video of that Italian Husky that speaks with an Accent?
TheMerricat: Save and reload? :D
rentar42: i feel like they couldn't find quite the right audio asset for this, but just like with the textures they went "close enough". ... there's so much potential here, though ...
TXC2: that's why the onomatopoeia for animal sounds are different from country to country
Desruprot: for what it is, it is pretty good
Blasteg: we should send this to the let's nope crew
accountmadeforants: Yeah, I guess they're storing these in the same place as the textures and it somehow indexed to them?
BrowneePoints: For chat that has NO idea what I'm talking about. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GlDT8BFx1-Y
Ravage2002 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ravage2002! (Today's storm count: 69)
accountmadeforants: @BrowneePoints That's amazing
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: i dont know whether to be afraid of aliens or zombies, what flavour of horror is this
EikoandMog: That husky has Heterochromia :D
Atomic_Marshmallow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
Atomic_Marshmallow: Garbage Day!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Atomic_Marshmallow! (Today's storm count: 70)
margieargie: An anomaly? Are you in the Zone?
1stavno: such a cool concept of a game, loving this
ontario_watson: can confirm, our Alaskan ravens do make that “tok tok” noise.
TXC2: Right chat I'm off
TheMerricat: Are we WFH'ing running the bot?
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Graham and Alex
BrowneePoints: @accountmadeforants *paw curls* baw baw booooolie
TheAinMAP: MrDestructoid RPGGhosto
TheMerricat: Night @TXC2 !!
SymphonicLolita: we have a raven that lives nearby that we've named Matthew and we say hi to him when he flies by and I think he recognizes me and my sister
EikoandMog: @TheMerricat Probably on the shitter. I would be.
Desruprot: mostly cloudy rainy
RocknGrohlNerd: Good night txc2
TheAwkes: Maybe he means Rook-y because you're cool like a crow.
Laserbeaks_Fury: While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,. As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
Bassios: I love that the cameras are visible objects in the world
Gizmoloid: Somebody mentione ps1 Ghost in the Shell and it reminded me that for some reason its animated cutscenes were released separately on Laser Disk! https://archive.org/details/gitsld
CaptainSpam: The textures are getting more and more borked.
WearingCats_CwC: It's a close up shot of Hastur
Desruprot: ghost shovel
EikoandMog: @Gizmoloid I freaking loved that game.
Bearudite: lense flare shovel
Octagone: I wonder if this will fix the camera
Gizmoloid: @EikoandMog I tried it on PSP once and it freaking disoriented me LUL I keep wanting to find time to try it again.
DrLigmaPhD: Rare 2 bangers in a row????
EikoandMog: This game is actually pretty rad. Cool concept. Need a bit more polish.
Tom_Bruise: "Look, we can't fix it, but maybe y'all can work around it?"
Desruprot: woah
EikoandMog: @Gizmoloid Def worth a shot.
RocknGrohlNerd: @drligmaphd I would agree that it is the fabled rare 2 banger stream
rentar42: there was something there now
rentar42: only while the piano played
Jadenim: ghost at the piano when the music plays
Bearudite: yeah there was ghost booty
TheMerricat: "A small percentage of users may experience a bug that causes the last photo taken to appear incorrectly. Possible causes are alt-tabbing out of game play, or clicking outside of the window in "windowed mode". If this happens, it's best to restart the game and load the last chapter closest to where the bug occurred in your play session."
Anaerin: HD, for Hardly Distorted.
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh is the music diegetic
Jethrain: does something appear there when the music is playing?
wench_tacular: lrrHERE
Octagone: are we not restarting the game?
Desruprot: Barreled Burton of Barrymore
Jadenim: isn’t there a map in the generator crate?
WearingCats_CwC: This is why your daughter won't speak to you, Barry
accountmadeforants: Barry is also a ghost
Bassios: Don't even worry about it, G
Laserbeaks_Fury: There an Umbrella facility under it
rentar42: I need you to get all the way off my back about barry remote-opening wooden doors!
Aether_Fang: bwweeeeEEE
Bassios: Good thing the notes are absolutely luminous, can't miss the bastard things that way
TheMerricat: This game _does_ have a sequel btw.
sethtriggs: I loved tha tsong
fhorrigan subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fhorrigan! (Today's storm count: 71)
Gizmoloid: what is moving the camera?
rentar42: but what if the third person is moving?
Gizmoloid: is that a ghost or it's supposed to do that?
L0rdX33n: i’m back, what fresh hell is this?
MikoKisai: Plot twist: Barry's the real ghost
JessKay: is barry a ghostermans?
CaptainSpam: And it turns out Barry's been dead all along and he's just been yanking your chain. He knows all these things are ghosts.
Mangledpixel: it should stay Barried
Jethrain: it should stay barry'd
wench_tacular: lrrFINE
rentar42: I've seen way worse writing in these kinds of games ...
breadisbest1: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Dice Friends (Prepare yourselves for the return of Bylaw and Order season 2! Game: Bylaw and Order Season 2) at Wed 05:00 PM PDT (1:38 from now).
TheMerricat: Chat, real talk. Our co-worker is a knob.
Rhynerd: shitter’s ruined
EikoandMog: @TheMerricat Yeah and the guy in this game is pretty useless.
Patorik: Oh, like in hotels
Laserbeaks_Fury: Do Pooping ghosts say "Poo"
Blasteg: engineering solving stuff like engineers
Tom_Bruise: that's a good driver update, to give a camera ghost vision
hattingston: Ghosts n Goblins?
rentar42: "ok, the engineers have finally decided to activate your ghost-buster-beam ... I don't know why it was included in the first place ..."
Luminaire_p: Next up: MuppetVision 3D
theymerLoviatar: Did you see you can now play Doom with your CPU usage
TheMerricat: The Spectralvision was the canceled console follow-up to the Intellivision. Sadly... it didn't have a ghost of a chance.
gnyrinn: SpectralVision sounds like something James Bond could've found useful
Marvoleath: wait, is this like a "bad ghost, good ghost" kind of situation?
Jadenim: Pretty good engineers that can add spectral vision through just a software update
ThorSokar: There WAS an 8-bit home computer called the ZX Spectrum
Patorik: Is the stereo sound based on the robot's POV, or the player's view?
Anaerin: @theymerLoviatar That video is quite old. And also fake. Dave Plummer (Former MS engineer and writer of Task Manager) made a video on it.
Crad0k: that's a flashgun noise, though
Crad0k: (or i presume it's supposed to be)
sethtriggs: Oh wow I remember those!
JessKay: it's also what's starting to happen with engine noises in electric cars
SquareDotCube: Nowadays AEDs will actually tell you how to use it
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Used to have a camera flash attachment that made that noise. Child me loved it.
SquareDotCube: Vocally
Brozard: Is that a chicken with a tabard?
JessKay: though that's also a safety issue
sethtriggs: That's a good thing to have for an AED
sethtriggs: I remember that from my CPR training
BrowneePoints: "watch this. it's totally gonna blow your tits off. for legal reasons I must announce this was a joke*
SquareDotCube: Oh god... Discount AED crapshot
iris_of_ether: Yeah, I think it was a "charge ladder" circuit at the time?
CopperAstronaut: you are kind of right on the money Alex. modern ones voice guide you.
iris_of_ether: ^^^
Crad0k: it's been a while since i saw a new flash, but i presume they're just LEDs now instead of having to charge up
ontario_watson: “shock advised. clear.”
Anaerin: @iris_of_ether Yup. A very simple voltage multiplier.
CouldntPickAUsername: what is the name of the game?
ThorSokar: The ZX Spectrum wikipedia article ALSO makes some wild claims in the opening: "The ZX Spectrum (UK: /zɛd ɛks/) is an 8-bit home computer, developed by UK company Sinclair Research, and first released in 1982. In addition to being one of the most influential computers ever made,[5] the Spectrum is also one of the bestselling models of computer ever with over five million units sold."
TheMerricat: @LoadingReadyRun the reviews for this say it's very short.
BrowneePoints: emotionally support paddles
3PlayerPolitics: damn alex
iris_of_ether: @anaerin Hooray, I won my engineering points for the afternoon
rentar42: "that red light keeps following me!"
TheMerricat: @CouldntPickAUsername https://store.steampowered.com/app/359560/Shutter/
DrLigmaPhD: I mean when someone's heart stops it really is betting against odds to try and save them even woth good equipment/traiing
ontario_watson: they’re designed to be operated by people who don’t know what they’re doing but can at least follow instructions in a hurry.
Mangledpixel: I'm suddenly reminded of the opening cinematic to Theme Hospital, which has a machine dedicated to reading the patient's credit rating
rentar42: no, barry, the question is what are you NOT looking at here!
gnyrinn: That's probably the most useful thing an AED can say, given the stats. The survival rate of those who need kneading is ... less than what the movies make you think.
DrLigmaPhD: Ghost says go to shitter
Laserbeaks_Fury: Shitter hunated
kassbjames subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
kassbjames: Good to see the quality continues. And quality I mean Graham and Alex.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kassbjames! (Today's storm count: 72)
JessKay: oil change needed
SquareDotCube: Gotta core dump
ontario_watson: Usually not much we can do about a stopped heart. offbeat heart you can usually fix with a shock
rentar42: this doesn't feel like shuffleware
Foxmar320: Poop shovel
Mai_Andra: ♫ poops today! poops today! ♫
sethtriggs: LOL
TheMerricat: @ThorSokar Thing was, the ZX line of computers were kit computers, you didn't buy them put together, you bought them as parts and hobby'ed them together. My dad bought one without consulting my mom when I was a kid and was in the dog house for months because he took up the kitchen table to put it together but never actually worked on it. He ended up paying a co-worker to do the soldering for him. :D
Desruprot: instant dirt
Brozard: What if they have a spade?
accountmadeforants: The poop knife story is amazing
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Is the ghost's name Tom?
Desruprot: I guess they were crows
Bearudite: poop socks story 100% worse imo
MDK_Marshal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 119 months!
DrLigmaPhD: Crowder of Mows
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MDK_Marshal! (Today's storm count: 73)
theymerLoviatar: Yeah that
theymerLoviatar: 's def crow noises
ThorSokar: haha, that's hilarious TheMerricat
OutOfSpaceAndTime: A 'Conspiracy of Ravens' is the term I've seen.
SymphonicLolita: that crow is pissed
ontario_watson: they couldn’t have called it “An Unkindness of Ravens”?
Desruprot: like a rap
sethtriggs: Spittin some lyrics
LiveFaust: Did Graham just turn into Mitch Hedberg?
Marvoleath: mom's spaghetti
theymerLoviatar: And that him? Was the Real Slim Shady
warpstonewarlock: Is the ghost a member of the Death Korps of Krieg?
sethtriggs: Oh these colors hurt
Natabuu: Ghost of Christmas Future
Orannis0: I think the crows downloaded Audacity
theymerLoviatar: @Orannis0 Caw-dacity
Desruprot: it shattered, oh no
Gizmoloid: Diggy diggy hole!
sethtriggs: I love how this game swings wildly between occasional oinks and bloops and then cacophony
JessKay: rude
theymerLoviatar: So when are the Let's Nope boys playing this
Rhynerd starts singing “Devil in the Churchyard” from Hunt: Showdown
voren_chalco: @theymerLoviatar They play games now?
josh___something: Is this an actually interting horror game on w+p?
TheMerricat: :D
DrLigmaPhD: Like zoinks dude
Desruprot: only just noticing
theymerLoviatar: goast
rentar42: I like that he took the time to enter the subject line of the email ... "*shudder*"
KV1NN4: amaziiing XD
EikoandMog: SMASH CUT
sethtriggs: Huh!
NorthstarTex: what is the lady doing to the robot?
TheMerricat: :D
korvys: We're a human now?
Natabuu: You're a human now!
3PlayerPolitics: theeeere we go
Tom_Bruise: Are we hunting ghosts for Weyland Yutani?
josh___something: Our boi D:
EikoandMog: There's a word I want to use for going to get this robut.
EikoandMog: No
EikoandMog: Hell. No.
kassbjames: This game triggers tinnitus faster than a 90s dad at a graduation with a wind-up camera
rentar42: try to press 2 to switch to the shotgun!
sethtriggs: These kind of games are great because you don't really have to do much animation.
AutumnAuton: Can't believe you didn't even come here with a watergun full of holy water or anything
TheMerricat: Sje
TheMerricat: She
Natabuu: That drone cost 3 times my annual salary!
TheMerricat: She's a tall lass.
Tom_Bruise: I don't think the toilet was sife for hiding
Bassios: Shitter's trancending dimensions
Marvoleath: I think it meant "occupied"
sethtriggs: Is she meant to be like the steppy lady from Resident Evil Village?
lightfut: That's totally Adele
EvilBadman: Creep?
sethtriggs: LOL
DrLigmaPhD: This is some scooby doo chase shit
Foxmar320: Called it
theymerLoviatar: @lightfut I also clocked Adele
rentar42: checkovs shuffle ...
Tom_Bruise: L O U D
TheMerricat: This grave, is YOUR grave!
NorthstarTex: mawp
sethtriggs: Two QA testers huh?
accountmadeforants: So now we don't have or life OR the drone
accountmadeforants: *our life
Natabuu: Now that you're human-height, those cameras near the floor seem extra suspicious
SymphonicLolita: game acceptable
TheMerricat: @LoadingReadyRun they have a Shutter 2
Marvoleath: @sethtriggs that's how they knew they had the bug :D
Blasteg: neat little game
tidehollowcat: Good news! There is!
elkae: poor wall-e
EikoandMog: @TheMerricat YESSSS
Alness49: Wait, did we have TWO earnest games with good ideas?
Bearudite: shutter and monsterland were deece
GayGhostPrince: thanks for the stream!
LordZarano: For $1 that's totally reasonable
Bassios: That was, honestly, a pretty good idea
GayGhostPrince: dnmDANKIES
L0rdX33n: its been fun
Bassios: Just needs a fair bit of refinement
Gizmoloid: speaking of LUL
Gulleko: neat game, but my eardrums were not a fan
Foxmar320: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadyrun . For Stream VODs check out https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadylive . MtG vods and other MtG content are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRMtG . Tabletop related videos are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRTT . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRVG
turrikass: ayy lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOPY showel!
TheMerricat: Also the reviews for Shutter 2 indicate the devs were highly responsive in dealing with bugs that the players found.
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
3PlayerPolitics: thank 4 strim
WearingCats_CwC: bai :)
Alahmnat: eyyyy
Bassios: Dice frnends!
voren_chalco: epic-sode
DoodlestheGreat: Delightful fun today, gents.
CouldntPickAUsername: in scength and lope
UltraVioletVodoo: the episode is in an 1.5hrs
sporksmith subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sporksmith! (Today's storm count: 74)
Foxmar320: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
CouldntPickAUsername: good enough to listen to at 3x speed
accountmadeforants: Uhhh, I'm still on episode 4. So, 10x speed?
DoodlestheGreat: A tweest!
Creideiki_SE: Is the twist that Serge is back?
Marvoleath: can we ask about B&O 3 during the Q&A? :D
DoodlestheGreat: LRL on Sat, too.
Dezponia: Awww, I missed the stream. To the VOD I go!
3PlayerPolitics: music doko
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
FarleyF: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: http://gumroad.com/alexsteacy | Patreon: patreon.com/alexsteacy | Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/AlexSteacy | Home stream: twitch.tv/alexsteacy | Twitter: twitter.com/alexsteacy | More: https://bio.link/alexsteacy
Dog_of_Myth: Double nice
Mangledpixel: nearly to the square number
TheMerricat: @Dezponia We had two crap games at the start that were asset flips and two games with heart at the end!
ryuhimora: Still amazed Graham said my name correctly the first time I subbed and then nobody else has ever said it right since
Marvoleath: There might be people watch LRR that are younger than your sub, gotta feel weird
Marvoleath: +ing
Bassios: Oh hey it me
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to a_ghost!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, a_ghost! (Today's storm count: 75)
Bassios: Thanks for the stream!
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, and does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
Marvoleath: that ghost sub was perfectly timed, well done
NimrodXIV: lrrGREED that why
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Dice Friends (Prepare yourselves for the return of Bylaw and Order season 2! Game: Bylaw and Order Season 2) at Wed 05:00 PM PDT (1:19 from now).
Gizmoloid: lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART
Gizmoloid: Thanks for the stream!
Earthenone: lrrSPOOPY