Metric_Furlong: @beowuuf Oh, no it's very different
TehAmelie: don't forget to only talk about things you like anywhere that the algorithm might track you, cause it doesn't understand negativity
Metric_Furlong: you'll get the mtg video recommendations even if you only watch lrr's non-mtg videos Kappa
TehAmelie: remember some awful videos i got recommended after saying some mean things about Jeffery Dahmer
Metric_Furlong: (I don't actually get video recommendations because I have the 'history' stuff turned-off, but there's always MtG videos showing up in the bar of lrr videos)
beowuuf: ah, i see, this is all some long game being played to force the internet to be nice .... how clever :p
Metric_Furlong: (I have not checked to see if any of them are toxic, but I'd imagine it's a safe assumption)
Earthenone: i dont have a youtube account so my algorhythm is very sensitive since i have never liked commented or subscribed it has to pull data elsewhere
beowuuf: title change!
Metric_Furlong: about a year or so back I did get one video that looked like a review of board games from one of lrr's AFK vids, but that turned-out to be from an MtG channel 'trying something different as a one-off'
beowuuf: darn
Metric_Furlong: yeah, shame really, actually talked about a couple of interesting games, but oh-well
Metric_Furlong: guess we always have the high quality world of board games youtube Kappa
Metric_Furlong: (where you too can watch videos wherein the host describes sleeving cards as "loser behaviour" because "you can just buy new copies of a game if it gets damaged" and then spend most of the comments section apologise to various people pointing-out that board games are actually quite expensive where they live)
Metric_Furlong: *apologising
Metric_Furlong: board game comentary has a bit of an 'affluance blindness' problem in general, tbh
TehAmelie: man how am i so bad at cooking rice? turn the heat down the minute it starts simmering and still it foams up and spills through the lid of my very large pot with lots of space free
beowuuf: probably the reason for the mtg cluedo sticker shock - probably marketed to board game people as much as mtg players, and so they can stomach something higher
beowuuf: all boiling items just wait... pasta, soups, rice.... they just bide their time and strike :(
TehAmelie: or else i turn it down a minute too early and it takes an hour longer to boil up
v_nome: @TehAmelie Did you wash it? The angry man on TikTok tells me to wash it and that is the only thing I know about cooking rice.
Metric_Furlong: @beowuuf yeah. which is saying something, given the sheer amount MtG players are apparently willing to pay for a handful of pieces of cardboard :p
TehAmelie: nah who has time for that
beowuuf: washing it with water already in the pan :p
Metric_Furlong: like, legitimately, in based on some of the louding voices in the boardgames hobby, I kind of impression than in a number cases there's a higher spend going on than in miniatures wargaming
TehAmelie: clearly a conspiracy to make me buy a rice cooker
Metric_Furlong: *number of cases
Metric_Furlong: (maybe not Warhammer 40k, but for, y'know, *good* miniature wargaming Kappa )
beowuuf: lrrWOW
JinaMahavira: Hello nerds :)
Metric_Furlong: hey JinaMahavira
beowuuf: sergeHi
TehAmelie: ahoy
TheAinMAP: Signal.
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrFINE lrrSIG
TehAmelie: lrrSIG lrrBartleby
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Diabore: ook ook my friends
Pywodwagon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 54 months!
Pywodwagon: butts
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Pywodwagon! (Today's storm count: 1)
drizztnailo: ook ook
Metric_Furlong: which might account for why, a few years back, one of the more prominant review channels felt that "if you *actually* care about boardgames then paying £80 for a mafia-varient game that needs 12 other players to work properly isn't much of an ask' was a normal line to include
dragonflare9: ook ook
lightfut: Commence chest pounding
James_the_Dabbler: ook ook. also, discourse whizzing by at 100 mph
Metric_Furlong: which course?
TXC2: Hello Everybody
Metric_Furlong: hey txc2
JinaMahavira: Hi @TXC2 !
TXC2: hello Metric_Furlong and JinaMahavira
themostjoast: good morning games rise and grind, etc.
beowuuf: @Metric_Furlong yes, all you need are ten friends, the GPD of a small country, and not a child or other dependant between you all because the games will take days to learn and play Kappa
TXC2: hello themostjoast welcome
beowuuf: sergeHi txc2
TXC2: hi beowuuf
Metric_Furlong: @beowuuf and also access to a fully catered convention centre as a venue Kappa
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
beowuuf: @Metric_Furlong which needs wifi so you can watch at least two rules videos on your laptop to actually understand the game once you've read the tome like rules book and found nothing that explains a key point
Ukon_Cairns: henyaPanic henyaPanic
JinaMahavira: I am prepared
Cptasparagus: help I can't prepare any more
benjamin_wheeler: why do we have an Ike quote here?
benjamin_wheeler: shouldn't we pick a character from a fighting game Kappa
itsr67: You are the robot made by the evil doctor?
BirkaBirkowski: Wheeler coming out swinging today
drizztnailo: "pick a god and pray" type beat
beowuuf: seems a weird choice for a rythmn game stream, but ok Kappa
TXC2: !quote
LRRbot: Quote #6616: "What would a naked cat rogue do?" —Beej [2019-12-11]
benjamin_wheeler: @itsr67 I was made by Doctor Gero's computer
Obos_TAB: Just finished that cube vod, holy moly
ManWithTheMask13: yeah, it's time to get serious
TXC2: Here we GO!
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW guyjudgeFight
beowuuf: fight!
TXC2: Hello Adam and Nelson
beowuuf: morning adam! morning nelson!
saucemaster5000: I don wanna
TehAmelie: lrrGibb_SQ
drizztnailo: im awake mr savidan
thatjuantoo: starmu6Jam
lightfut: I so eepy
Doncromatic: sleep harder then
LMAOkai_: sajamHadouken
lochnessseammonster: morning friends :)
beowuuf: morning chat (vocal?) wheeler!
Cptasparagus: Grab a brush and put a little make-up
Heefnoff: I could wake up, but
thatjuantoo: LUL
Obos_TAB: Time for a sea of thieves stream
beowuuf: smoth
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
YFiddler subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YFiddler! (Today's storm count: 2)
ManWithTheMask13: @heefnoff me when I'm plus as fuck
Doncromatic: check his mouth
Metric_Furlong: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
itsr67: my wakeup takes hundreds of frames
bo_brinkman: Great outfit Nelly!
saucemaster5000: I wan daballoons
BirkaBirkowski: New mics? Or am I hallucinating?
ManWithTheMask13: call my wakeup Gief's lvl 2 because I'm slow as hell
TXC2: BirkaBirkowski we've had these since the move
Diabore: !ppr
LRRbot: The Outlaws of Thunder Junction Pre-Launch Showcase will be on 5 April 2024 at 10am PDT! More info:
drizztnailo: @ManWithTheMask13 bars
TXC2: !ppr
LRRbot: The Outlaws of Thunder Junction Pre-Launch Showcase will be on 5 April 2024 at 10am PDT! More info:
SquidVorb: Why is Nelly so tiny
Musicsquid subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
Musicsquid: Block this whack ass Resub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Musicsquid! (Today's storm count: 3)
beowuuf: legally distinct not ppr :p
Obos_TAB: winston please <3
Alas_Babylon: @SquidVorb Adam is a tallsman
Diabore: @SquidVorb because adam is a large size human
TXC2: SquidVorb he's in the background, it's how they shot lord of the rings Kappa
beowuuf: @SquidVorb lrr filming lotr sequel
TXC2: Hello Wheeler
thatjuantoo: PokCroagunk
Obos_TAB: They're right behind the dilly bars
TXC2: no doubloons, only duckets
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
thraximore: lowercase
lochnessseammonster: down with the doubloons
AceGun_: Wait a minute, this doubloon is just a chocolate wrapped in foil!
TehAmelie: how about pieces of eight? i've seen those in the movies
itsr67: D:
Heefnoff: Bro was flossing with air
ManWithTheMask13: Hand Nelson the mic fr
LordZarano: I got DBloons every November
Mai_Andra: I understand doubloons are capital in Ireland. xivGoob
BusTed: The rainmaker
Mr_Horrible: you're telling me an Oki Oki fought this club?
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
goombalax: you just gotta tank the sass
TXC2: so Nelson has more power then Adam? :p
Mr_Horrible: real "Get a loada this guy" hours
Abavus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 79 months!
Abavus: Maybe while they're fixing the audio they could get you some doubloons as well
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Abavus! (Today's storm count: 4)
drizztnailo: great paul impression nelson
saucemaster5000: could skip the middle man and fix your own problems
beowuuf: everyone punchy already before throwing a single punch
bo_brinkman: Hmm. Now I'm considering what the job titles might be at LRR. "LRRsperson" "Senior LRRsperson" "Staff LRRsperson"
ManWithTheMask13: get Paul on the horn and bribe him
BrowneePoints: it’s your dad at the PTA meeting vibes Nelly
Landgraft: i always assumed they abbreviate to LRRson
BrowneePoints: it gets shit done
BusTed: rayfkWelp
Mr_Horrible: Wheeler: "wellllll..."
Metric_Furlong: "it's not abusive if you never say it to their face" Kappa
Musicsquid: Shoresy voice: It’s tough love!
TXC2: Ben "Sleve McDicheal" Wheeler
Abavus: If everyone is a bully, no one is a bully
beowuuf: depends if it was said sarcastically or not
dragonflare9: lmao
InNoRush: @Musicsquid Give yer balls a tug!
Heefnoff: Coach (derogatory)
Alas_Babylon: Coach (disambiguation)
Mr_Horrible: honestly if I got the nickname "Bobson Dugnutt" it'd be pretty rad
Obos_TAB: No ranked today?
Alas_Babylon: I was known as Sméagol through almost all of my high school years
saucemaster5000: Just call everyone fucko and equalize the playing field
Mr_Horrible: uncommon kithkin lord from Lorwyn
TXC2: reckon we'll get Kithkin back ?
goombalax: tastes just like Kithkin
ManWithTheMask13: my kithkin's too loud
BusTed: kithkin think
beowuuf: m'kithkin
drizztnailo: real talk, whats the difference between kithkin and halflings?
TXC2: drizztnailo copyright
AceGun_: Somehow the word "kithkin" has lost all meaning...
Heefnoff: I wanna see Wheeler hit Master rank soon
Metric_Furlong: it's a small guy from Memphis versus the world's youngest looking nineteen-year0old
BrowneePoints: halting is dnd brand
Alas_Babylon: @drizztnailo Kithkin have a sort of mind meld thing going on
beowuuf: @drizztnailo the legal department being happy or sad
Heefnoff: So close to it already
BrowneePoints: kithkin are lorwyn
lochnessseammonster: hey!
Cptasparagus: all the
Cptasparagus: small things
Mr_Horrible: put some respect on short kings and queens, Adam
Obos_TAB: Suprised Lilly's clubs still work after smashing into Jacob's geif last week
Heefnoff: Such is fighting games
beowuuf: riskthin
BrowneePoints: halflingis specifically dnd brand owned after tsr got sued by the Tolkien estate for Hobbit way back when iirc @loadingreadyrun
BirkaBirkowski: Except for Gief's lvl 1. That is just bad.
Mollylele: @BrowneePoints also "Orcs" IIRC
drizztnailo: but certain mtg cards have the halfling type now right?
Alas_Babylon: Yep
BrowneePoints: yes after the dnd set
TXC2: drizztnailo yes, the DnD ones
JoeKim: god SF animations are so good
Alas_Babylon: Some of them because they are actual halflings, and others because they can't use "Hobbit"
JoeKim: so clean
tod_vom_himmel: gather
josh___something: winds GATHER/Dance
Alas_Babylon: Winds... gather!
BrowneePoints: @mollylele yea I think Orcs were part of that lawsuit to but somehow that got dropped?
Heefnoff: “Wind, kill them”
BrowneePoints: too*
JinaMahavira: Can confirm, had no wind stocks
josh___something: Winds, shoot that person
Metric_Furlong: Adam
itsr67: Uh
JoeKim: lolol
Faulpyr: Is Wheeler muted?
Abavus: VoteNay
El_Zilcho22: LUL
Alas_Babylon: UwU
TXC2: Faulpyr nope
josh___something: U good, adam?
Heefnoff: Weird sensual Oki Oki fight club this morning huh fellas
GGsLive: nasty little kithkin
Heefnoff: Oh Wheeler is gaming frfr
Mr_Horrible: she's saying winds gather
josh___something: Winds gather/Dance
JinaMahavira: Wheeler also cannot hear Adam
tod_vom_himmel: winds, go to memphis
Metric_Furlong: Memphis, the windy city
Mr_Horrible: she's saying "Your honor? Kill that guy."
josh___something: if it's light, it's "WINDS... DANCE" if it's not, it's "WINDS.. GATHER"
BirkaBirkowski: Winds, what the fuck did you fucking say to me-
Pywodwagon: normal amount of sensual tbh
Mr_Horrible: Okiokismr
josh___something: Sensual is senses :)
Metric_Furlong: technically, yes
flowerseses: I mean, there's always that kind of a day where you cuddle your bros and play fighting games together
thatjuantoo: LUL
TXC2: sexual is when you do the "I'm coming, I'm coming" bit
Mr_Horrible: hee hee hoo hoo we're not a healthy society
thraximore: @Mr_Horrible umbraSmile
BrowneePoints: but yea, Kithkin was Magic trying to make halflings for Lorwyn without having to go through their D&D legal dept for copyright
NewtyNewts: Back in time for the fight club
TXC2: hello NewtyNewts welcome
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePoints to be fair they had *some* precedent to pull from (The Dark or something, IDK where Amrou Kithkin was originally from, but I'm guessing that was made with the same intent of "we can't call them a halfling" back then)
Heefnoff: It doesn’t hit low it’s fair :)
saucemaster5000: Anyone else ever reach into a tupperware, rip off a hunk of beef from your leftovers, eat it and lick your fingers for breakfast?
Heefnoff: Cr MP is Luke’s best button tbh
GGsLive: cr.MP should come in socks
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 Haven't you caused enough controversy for today?
Obos_TAB: yeah theyre in block stun or hit stun so you can't throw anyway
saucemaster5000: Aba is a bad char design btw
Mr_Horrible: wow, Sauce hates bisexuals
themostjoast: lmao sauce still swinging
josh___something: Damn, Sauce. Biased against keys smh
Mr_Horrible: that's on us, Nelly, we're distracting Adam with our hard-hitting discussion
saucemaster5000: weirdly, the last two things I typed came from the same energy
Garfy400 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
Garfy400: Nice+20
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Garfy400! (Today's storm count: 5)
BrowneePoints: ABA is what a fair Nago would look like
josh___something: hard hitting discussions... of how a lady makes love to a key :P
Obos_TAB: Is there a place Nelson could be using sandblast more, or is that tough against lilly?
TXC2: josh___something surely the makes love to her ?
itsr67: Lily has ex buffed spire
ManWithTheMask13: I'm sick gaming today (I'm sick as a dog)
itsr67: but fireball is also fast so
TXC2: like I've seen Ghostbusters, I know how key fucks
dragonflare9: @ManWithTheMask13 ggs
ManWithTheMask13: ggs
EnglishGrinn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months, currently on a 61 month streak!
EnglishGrinn: Hello Oki Oki Senseis - I am so proud to have his Master with Modern Blanka in (according to Steam) 190 hours! Thanks to everything I learned from the VODs
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EnglishGrinn! (Today's storm count: 6)
Obos_TAB: Ah ok some projectile invincibility
themostjoast: is there a room up?
dragonflare9: EnglishGrinn congrats!
NewtyNewts: Room's getting full, but yes
josh___something: I assume aba is the more dominant one in that relationship
Heefnoff: @englishgrinn YOOOO CONGRATS THATS HUGE
itsr67: I'd say you could fireball pressure but it's tough
Heefnoff: HELL YEAH
Mr_Horrible: Sandblasts are like pringles, you never realistically stop at just 1
itsr67: hell yeah
TXC2: EnglishGrinn congrats
Mr_Horrible: Modern Master spotted kanagoPoint
NewtyNewts: Congrats!
josh___something: @themostjoast yes, it's the normal password
EnglishGrinn: Thanks guys! I am genuinely proud of myself and it was you guys (and this community) that kept me going through the hell that was Diamond 5
Scarbble: if it isn't two of my favorite streamers. hi adam, hi nelson
Mr_Horrible: so did everyone at my LGS during Lorwyn/Morningtide, Adaam
josh___something: the normal password being 6969
ManWithTheMask13: I did some team battles yesterday was very different and fun
themostjoast: @josh___something under who's name?
Obos_TAB: whew. good round
josh___something: nelly
NewtyNewts: Under nelly
josh___something: err... ';coachNelly'
josh___something: 'coachNelly'
themostjoast: thank youuu
Cptasparagus: wheeler just playing Quinn in SF6?
NewtyNewts: Just a heads-up though, it's at 13/16 so unlikely to get games in right away
ManWithTheMask13: Adam, we should have another first to death eventually
Obos_TAB: nice
josh___something: WINDS... DAN
Heefnoff: Not always
NewtyNewts: @josh___something SANS?!
josh___something: *insert first 5 notes of megalovania*
RothonWylar: hello
Heefnoff: Bro thought she said pinto I remember Kappa
TXC2: hello RothonWylar welcome
Heefnoff: Yo LUKE
RothonWylar: is there a room up or are we in battle hub today?
Heefnoff: Room today @RothonWylar
itsr67: mister Sullivan
josh___something: under nelly, usual password
TXC2: RothonWylar there's a room under CoachNelly
tod_vom_himmel: its 14/16 right now
BrowneePoints: can’t wait to watch Heef get some overheat->SPG lvl 3-> overheat wombos in City of Wolves
EtherosLeVeque: Wow, Street Fighter has come a long way since the last time I played it.
itsr67: burning!
Alness49 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alness49! (Today's storm count: 7)
Heefnoff: @BrowneePoints City of Wolves looks like it'll be amazing, I'll probably check it out
Mr_Horrible: Ed... ward...
tod_vom_himmel: edward honda
Mr_Horrible: lrrBEEJ
TXC2: ed, edd and eddy ?
josh___something: Ed. honda
EtherosLeVeque: I'm talking decades. Excuse me while I turn to dust.
ManWithTheMask13: I've legalized Ed weed
Rourke9: but street fighter doesnt have Honda but Japanese
Obos_TAB: solomun grundy want Eds too!
Bearudite: there is good edmond and new terrible glue eating Ed
Heefnoff: It's too late Lily, Ed has been legalized!
BrowneePoints: I still can’t believe landing your secret super resets overheat @heefnoff
Mr_Horrible: appropriate because EX headbutt probably also talks to Honda players like the Green Goblin mask
TehAmelie: Edmund has been going by "E" since before ecstasy was invented, i just reaalized
Heefnoff: I know right, it's wild @BrowneePoints
josh___something: Just a sumo wrestler that get can fuckin snatcher you
josh___something: Gotta be shnasty
Rourke9: this Lily outfit is so good
TXC2: TehAmelie Ecstasy is from the 1930's
Mr_Horrible: Luka-cola Classic
TehAmelie: oh fine
EtherosLeVeque: @Rourke9 It's giving me Luffy vibes for some reason.
TXC2: TehAmelie funny joke though
BirkaBirkowski: Switch to Modern and EX DP round start, as God intended
TehAmelie: before it was cool to call it E anyway
JinaMahavira: TehAmelie's house of lies
Mr_Horrible: "Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God: Activated"
TXC2: Mr_Horrible SHWING
Mr_Horrible: I hate so much how that voice line will live in my head forever
TXC2: Mr_Horrible right?
Mr_Horrible: one day they will exhume my bones and my skull will open its mouth and that will come out
TXC2: how did Nelson lose?
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Pls Wet.
Heefnoff: HOW'D I LOSE
Heefnoff: Bro is baffled
Heefnoff: AMAZING
AceGun_: "Did I get nerfed or something?!"
josh___something: Well, ken... you ex dp'ed on every wakeup. and DI'ed the moment opp's back touch the corner Kappa
lightfut: It's a little funny that Lily takes a huge punch to the face, and then just kips up like whatever
BrowneePoints: I just thought about what they gave rashid in this one, thought about what they’d do to Vega, and cackled
NewtyNewts: @BrowneePoints his claws now make you actually bleed
TXC2: Vega's gonna have his safe mixup jump in again Kappa
ManWithTheMask13: Wheeler's got the spd spirit
TXC2: cross up not mix up I meant
josh___something: you can catch her weapons
NewtyNewts: Punch her clubs
NorthstarTex: the hurtbox could be bigger than you see
ManWithTheMask13: There's more to the hurtbox than the eye
deskisdead: lily's in particular are unintuitive visually, with the clubs and all
Cptasparagus: lot of fisting going on here
BrowneePoints: which is why some shit on dhalsim is suuuuuuper unsafe
NewtyNewts: Honest game of footsies this morning
TXC2: "if you are not ready to get face punched, you are not read to punch face"
ManWithTheMask13: "13 seconds left" skips neutral
josh___something: Fuck neutral, who needs it anyway
NewtyNewts: @TXC2 What about SPDs? I'm not ready to SPD someone, so why should I be ready to get SPD'd?
josh___something: LUL
tod_vom_himmel: the delay fake out mindgames
josh___something: smth smth pressure
TXC2: NewtyNewts because geif, like life, isn't fair Kappa
ManWithTheMask13: How'd I snooze
tod_vom_himmel: get mixed
josh___something: LMAO
BrowneePoints: sandblast is decent as long as she doesn’t have stocks right?
dragonflare9: @ManWithTheMask13 you forgot your alarm!
NewtyNewts: You're kitten me!
josh___something: IS enhanced condor spire projectile invuln?
NewtyNewts: @josh___something Probably
Sydet1: lol no
NewtyNewts: Time for the standoff
YFiddler: great dolphin impression
JinaMahavira: LUL
dragonflare9: just DI back forehead Kappa
josh___something: I had assumed only OD e.Condor dive is projectile invuln
NewtyNewts: @dragonflare9 DI back? that's gotta be at least a sixhead move
JinaMahavira: lol no is so funny
josh___something: PoroSad is a global emote?!
NewtyNewts: Looks like it
josh___something: and I haven't been using it! PoroSad
TXC2: and yet there's no global clap emote
josh___something: luke IS sick... but also fuck him
josh___something: MY LOYAL FANS
josh___something: OH NO MY FINISHER
NewtyNewts: Is SF6 Luke more fair than SF5 Luke was?
TXC2: "please help, my luke, he is very sick and far too OP" Kappa
Bearudite: sometimes you gotta shoot your shot
Mr_Horrible: *finally*, white boys get a W Kappa
Sydet1: wrong super lol
josh___something: Luke just taking everyone's lunch money
Ukon_Cairns: no worries, akuma will be here soon enough
dragonflare9: the medium punch target combo is very negative on black
TXC2: Luke had final character powers in 5, and has Protag powers in 6
Bearudite: He's Akumin
Mr_Horrible: Casually Messatsu Season 1
EnglishGrinn: Drizzt had to teach me that "Master" is relative
Mr_Horrible: Drizzt is like a force of nature
Mr_Horrible: respects neither rank nor title
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Mai_Andra: "Where's my- there it is." classic
NewtyNewts: Hella rollback
dragonflare9: the 3rd hit of Luke's medium punch tc is -6 on hit, so Nelly needs to finish the combo
jacqui_lantern234: OH LOOK!!! its a beautiful group of stellar friends whomst i AGGRESSIVELY LOVE BEYOND MEASURE!!!!!!! <3
Mr_Horrible: closing with the AA, we love to see it
NorthstarTex: strong AA
beowuuf: jlrrPillow
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
dragonflare9: @jacqui_lantern234 YOU MORE!
jacqui_lantern234: @dragonflare9 you most!!!
dragonflare9: jacqui_lantern234 dinger you got me
BorgarWithAShotgun: lily not in that oversized shirt hits different
NorthstarTex: eyy, he got one! :D
Mr_Horrible: hell yeah
BorgarWithAShotgun: noice
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
TXC2: we're on the board!
dragonflare9: if Nelly only does 3 hits of the snapback target combo, he is -6 on hit
Gaz_L: Adam the corner man
Bearudite: censored for their protection
TXC2: hmm, I wonder if I showed up to the moonbase in my LRR hoodie, how long would it take for people to notice?
dragonflare9: also 4hp as a shimmy tool
drizztnailo: that st HP is lukes secret second fireball
ManWithTheMask13: I want a refund on that lvl 2 @Sydet1
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 if youre shorter than, like, 7 feet youll be noticed immediately Kappa
silent_sol: Holding coffee cup and asking could u hold the door?
Bearudite: just a lil guy
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 I'm 5,10 so Paul sized :p
Bearudite: on his birthday
drizztnailo: "no mercy, no remorse" -Nelly
Bearudite: when he sneezin
AceGun_: Noticing the missed opportunities is the first step in not missing those opportunities in the future.
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 i dont have that luxury at only 5'3 :p
NorthstarTex: did we unlock punishing?
Gaz_L: i like the contrast in OOFC where Adam's teaching Nelly and Wheeler how to fight, and the MTGO streams where Nelly and Wheeler are teaching Adam about Vintage
TXC2: time is cyclical, punishing will comeback around
silent_sol: We need to free the gorilla
NewtyNewts: @Gaz_L That's a pretty amusing parallel
Lord_Durin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months, currently on a 123 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lord_Durin! (Today's storm count: 8)
TXC2: jumping in dreams is always so floaty
josh___something: That's almost 1 and a quarter year :)
accountmadeforants: Oh dang, I didn't notice Wheeler was Diamond 2 already. Good going
NorthstarTex: kind of wish we can see the box data like in Killer Instinct
ManWithTheMask13: my secret art, snoozing
TXC2: but that's all your outfits Wheeler
ManWithTheMask13: Wheeler are we allowed to throw down
itsr67: lool
BusTed: Whoa whoa whoa, maybe not *that* awake.
lochnessseammonster: my favourite button PrideUwu
Gaz_L: you can usually change the delay now
lochnessseammonster: you can set what you want on your phone
drizztnailo: that 8 minutes is the most restful sleep i ever get
Gaz_L: (i actually had to change it from 10 mins to 5 recently)
iconicshadow89: My old alarm clock was 5 minute intervals not nearly enough to fall back asleep
josh___something: SMH, Block string DI'ing, wheeler?
ManWithTheMask13: "'to slumber, take a short nap,' by 1780, a cant word, of unknown origin, perhaps echoic of a snore. Related"
freshbubba: GGs Alexis
alexisthearcher: gg!
lochnessseammonster: i think my old alarm clock was 9 min snooze
drizztnailo: my ass has not been paying attention, i didn't know that nelly was a classic gamer
ItsThugDimmadome: Feels good to catch a stream live again. Way out of practice from playing Yakuza.
drizztnailo: its not my fault, i don't know how to read
ManWithTheMask13: @drizztnailo My boy, do not neglect your studies
TXC2: hello ItsThugDimmadome welcome
ItsThugDimmadome: New names in the room too! Sick.
dumbo3k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months!
dumbo3k: <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dumbo3k! (Today's storm count: 9)
TXC2: drizztnailo can't read, they only recognize logos
ding0_dorko: NELSON LOCKING IN
itsaysTRUENO: i didnt know Lily had a mario odyssey skin
Gaz_L: he's starting to believe
ManWithTheMask13: the foosies
Obos_TAB: oh snap
Gaz_L: just stand and take the hit like Katsuyori Shibata, to intimidate.
ManWithTheMask13: only I can't snooze my alamr
ManWithTheMask13: *alarm
Obos_TAB: low blocked maybe?
TXC2: "only I can hear it" so the winds are tinnitus ?
NewtyNewts: Braining mode time
invickthus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
invickthus: could Nelson maybe also bring me a cup of coffee?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, invickthus! (Today's storm count: 10)
LMAOkai_: damn , gottem
invickthus: devastating but fair.
josh___something: But you didn't even ask D:
itsr67: bugs bunny no
James_the_Dabbler: I want a cup of coffee :(
itsaysTRUENO: coffee is for max tier patrons only
itsr67: I don't drink coffee but sure
Cptasparagus: is the coffee single?
Obos_TAB: When a friend gets up and says "I'm going to the bathroom" we always say "Go for me too!"
JDogg2K4: Coffee party?
NewtyNewts: given that I don't drink coffee, that's a strong nah bud from me
drizztnailo: MY LOYAL FANS
LMAOkai_: i still enjoy Timmies coffee, i don't get the hate it gets
invickthus: what's our go to coffee order in here?
v_nome: Oki Oki Coffee Club
lochnessseammonster: coffee talk is just making me want doughnuts PrideLaugh
JinaMahavira: Tims is so far away
lochnessseammonster: samsies
invickthus: much like pizza, bad coffee is still coffee.
lochnessseammonster: just like diner coffee... it's usually the only kind i sweeten
NewtyNewts: Halfway between comfort food and guilty pleasure?
lochnessseammonster: @invickthus based
itsr67: Garou ruled
drizztnailo: Tizoc my beloved
DandyGeek: *TIZOC*
BrowneePoints: the last Fatal Fury game
AceGun_: It's the last Fatal Fury game
BrowneePoints: 25 years ago baby
itsr67: k e v i n
josh___something: Fuckin Kevin
AceGun_: repo was cooking with Khushnood Butt
drizztnailo: fuckin kevin
josh___something: Just "Kevin"
JinaMahavira: The closest Tim's is almost 8 hours away KAppa
josh___something: R.mika, Marisa :)
DandyGeek: oh man, Vampire Savior
lochnessseammonster: and yet you don't play luke
itsr67: I really liked terry
Obos_TAB: Marisa is the BEST name
Invitare: @josh___something Clearly the R stands for Ryan
josh___something: Ryan Mika :)
TXC2: Marisa is just the Italian Mary right? Kappa
LMAOkai_: buff Gief's psychological dmg output
lochnessseammonster: ok fair PrideLaugh
AceGun_: Zangief instantly loses if another character command grabs hims.
LMAOkai_: Luke's fun, what else can be said
AceGun_: Now you play Ed
Ukon_Cairns: yeh, marisa bit of a mold breaker, but you also have Luke and Ed on deck
lochnessseammonster: gotta head out friends, enjoy the rest of the fighty stream :)
josh___something: a
drizztnailo: @BirkaBirkowski YOU ARE SO RIGHT
Tielok: Watching everyone get stoked that Lukes got knocked out of the Capcom Cup was so fun platyKEK
TXC2: so long lochnessseammonster stay safe
josh___something: ed
LurkerSpine: Edmond is the superior Ed
ItsThugDimmadome: GGs Shen
ItsThugDimmadome: Give Gief a Demon Flip 2025
josh___something: give zangief heat tackle :)
Vanatoth: Hammerfall PRC SPD
Obos_TAB: Geif oga Teleport
AceGun_: Give Gief "Big Fall Griffon"!
BusTed: pennyGreenflame
itsr67: G deserves it so bad
TXC2: geif will get green hand with OG input, it'll be -5 on hit and you'll like it
El_Zilcho22: No thanks
LurkerSpine: Isn't G dead?
LMAOkai_: chat's cursed today
ProfBlahson: lurking and i hear Jamie mention
josh___something: cowardice
josh___something: Play JP :)
RayFK: It's how Adam becomes a Shoto main
itsaysTRUENO: where the blanka players at
itsr67: jamie wasn't actually too hard to pick up
drizztnailo: jp still top 5 imo
Ukon_Cairns: gief should get a gap closer like the other wind characters
itsr67: its just weird to deal with drinks
TXC2: hello RayFK
JinaMahavira: Adam "AKI main" Savidan
RayFK: Akuma was my 4 main when I was most "active" in fighters
AceGun_: broski4Akicool
josh___something: nahnahnah JP bottom 5 after the nerfs :)
LurkerSpine: Tierlists might not matter, but matchups still do
v_nome: We are playing kitchen table street fighter
josh___something: (Am I downplaying right?)
tod_vom_himmel: honda is top tier, all i need to know
TXC2: people need their hierarchies
BrowneePoints: look people need something to blame their losses on so they’ll do it on a 1.5% delta
josh___something: I'm given to understand top tier players need to downplay hard after their characters are nerfed
itsaysTRUENO: its a "tear list" cuz they coping
BirkaBirkowski: Tier list? More like FEAR list. For cowards.
LurkerSpine: What I find funny is that none of JP's nerfs helped Guiles matchup against him lol
shendaras: I feel like you can look at say the characters the top folks are playing to understand the meta and balance of the game -- but otherwise just have fun, right?
BrowneePoints: they’re both controllers but JP has better zoning so that makes sense
AceGun_: There is no Anakaris in SF6.
TXC2: long gone are the days of Joke characters
BrowneePoints: yea in a good game is tiny percentages
tod_vom_himmel: nah honda couldnt hurt a fly
BrowneePoints: some fighting games it was double digits
itsr67: ive never sighed so much
tod_vom_himmel: pls make EX headbutt plus on block
itsr67: playing a fighter
josh___something: look
tod_vom_himmel: he NEEDS it
tod_vom_himmel: poor innocent honda
tod_vom_himmel: pls adam
TXC2: chat is less making bait so much as throwing chum in the water
Obos_TAB: Best fighting game character I ever saw was the Alien Facehugge Egg in a MUGEN match. All inputs simply summoned ALIENS
josh___something: If they didn't want us to hallucinate, they shouldn't have made lead paint so vibrant Kappa
ItsThugDimmadome: Dammit, Drizzt lol
itsr67: throwback thursdays is great
Obos_TAB: Oki Oki stream of just watching Salty Bets
drizztnailo: im hoping if i say enough wild shit about gief capcom will accidentally listen
AceGun_: Give AKI a Break Cancel.
GGsLive: when are we playing Divekick?
jacqui_lantern234: ok chat im back with pasta
LurkerSpine: Doom has been putting the work in
itsaysTRUENO: chat if u smell eggs, that's a gas leak
tod_vom_himmel: whats going on is that mf doom got really REALLY freaking good at this game
jacqui_lantern234: i take it Nelly's in the toilet room?
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 that or getting Coffee
Obos_TAB: three geifs? its the Three Bodied Problem
GGsLive: the gief army is out and about
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 rad! man deserves a break
AceGun_: The low tier army in this club.
ItsThugDimmadome: GGs @drizztnailo
TXC2: Geifs and Akis and Lukes Oh my !
BirkaBirkowski: Not our fault you serve Glue in the breakroom
drizztnailo: @ItsThugDimmadome ggs
NewtyNewts: gief makes grief
jacqui_lantern234: wb nelly <3
NorthstarTex: did you bring some for chat?
tod_vom_himmel: into the mic
TXC2: open up chat Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
ItsThugDimmadome: Empty jump level 3 got me bad lol. Is dr-5mp-SPD a frame trap?
jacqui_lantern234: oh sweet wb nelly
NorthstarTex: ok lets try this again, hey can chat have coffee?
NewtyNewts: Oh hey, it's Nelly
Astramentha: PopNemo ☕️
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
RedNightmare7: Oh right, it's Friday!
drizztnailo: @ItsThugDimmadome yes, dr st mp is +2 on block and isnt special cancelable so its a auto timed tick throw into spd
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
El_Zilcho22: LUL
ding0_dorko: how hard is it to learn street fighter i'm okay at smash
RedNightmare7: Wait, did Nelson and Adam Freaky Friday?!
jacqui_lantern234: that BETTER make it into the highlights XD
BirkaBirkowski: Caffinated Nelly is too powerful
jacqui_lantern234: NELSON!!!!! XD
NorthstarTex: I am...fine with that, I got my better coffee anyways :P
LurkerSpine gifted a Tier 1 sub to El_Zilcho22! They have given 14 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, El_Zilcho22! (Today's storm count: 11)
Tielok: Bro I'm only here cause I thought this was WonkaTV
Mangledpixel: Michael Television
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun "this isnt Willy Wonka" is gonna live in my brain rent free forever XD
El_Zilcho22: @lurkerspine thank you very much! lrrSHINE
drizztnailo: you're telling me you AREN'T Timothee Chalamet?
Cptasparagus: its kind of like wonka tv if you order candy from our amazon devices using your voice
LurkerSpine: @El_Zilcho22 DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
AceGun_: What kind of cookie?
Obos_TAB: are girl guide cookies provided by a different factory?
jacqui_lantern234: ooh, lemon honey is a great choice
JinaMahavira: Lemon Up Super Cup
BrowneePoints: oh yea did you see they started calling that ai douche from Scotland that did the Dashcon Wonka thing “Willy Wanker”? cuz that’s just some UK brilliance
tod_vom_himmel: i calculated my game hours/time since release and i think it showed that i averaged 3 hours per DAY since i got the game
silent_sol: Nelly has been improving crazy
TXC2: 3 hours a week is what people do with actual marital arts, and it takes them YEARS at that pace to get good, so Nelson is doing REAL well
josh___something: It's very noticeable when you look back at older vods
drizztnailo: watching my gief from last year was something
accountmadeforants: Sticks are like 20 wires and a board, and all the components are easy to take apart and/or replace. One of the nice things about them.
Obos_TAB: "the approach of the second sun was in my eyes!"
AceGun_: "my jackal pup ate my homework!"
dragonflare9: NELLY
jacqui_lantern234: buffer?! i hardly know her!!! :p
josh___something: NELLY XD
jacqui_lantern234: LMAO NELLY YES XD
BrowneePoints: makin booty butter?
accountmadeforants: Buffering, t-bagging, or twerking. The eternal question.
jacqui_lantern234: dont ENCOURAGE me, Nelson!!! :p
dragonflare9: Sydet1 sorry my computer decided to stop connecting to the game there
josh___something: We gotta get back at you somehow, Jacqui :p
TXC2: you don't notice progress until you look back
Sydet1: The drive reversal killed the game lol
Obos_TAB: counter spell is just a whiff punish
dragonflare9: It also broke the stream on my pc for a moment,
BrowneePoints: also were you asking about condor dive, condor spire or another lily move Nelly?
jacqui_lantern234: same goes for Chess, its SUPER frustrating to learn because its IMMEDIATELY punishing
deskisdead: any competitive hobby especially ones where you have to learn by losing a lot
Camail: do this proof NOW
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 could you please tell that to my "dad" when He tried to teach me when I was 7 :p
drizztnailo: mtg and fighting games both are difficult to understand where i need to improve imo
accountmadeforants: It's also the fact that it's 1v1. Doesn't really matter what kinda game it is, you're up against another human being with the same tools, and maybe that other human just plays way better than you do.
BrowneePoints: Don’t expect to nail a Paganini Piece on your first try
v_nome: Using my kitchen table Street Fighter comment from before, just because Spike is holding up UU doesn't mean Timmy can't cast their Colossal Dreadmaw
TehAmelie: i was just thinking, why doesn't Gief have Vega's wrist claws? he should get to have more reaach
drizztnailo: can confirm, kevin did beat the fuck outta me that last game
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 i get where youre coming from, my mom did the same thing for teaching me games. its not ok, but im thankful im comfortable with having frustration
BrowneePoints: garou
drizztnailo: garou, mark of the wolves is a banger game
itsr67: you can short hop in the game
BrowneePoints: Geese howard
BrowneePoints: rock howard
LurkerSpine: TERRY BO-GARD
itsr67: andy bogard
drizztnailo: spd is not a reversal in that game at all i think
BrowneePoints: tizoc is a beast
LurkerSpine: God I love the Fatal Fury anime
drizztnailo: the reversal sign means i input it the first frame i could
BrowneePoints: but yea look up the extended City of Wolves trailer sometime Nelly. that’s the new one out next year after 25 years dormant and that game has SAUCE
drizztnailo: meaties beat that throw, it has 3 frames of startup
saucemaster5000: It did fel like "meaties" were only on short hops
LurkerSpine: Yeah
El_Zilcho22: Yep
Obos_TAB: Love Bushido Blade
itsr67: yep
drizztnailo: you were just missing the meaty by a couple frames
h3rsh3yb4r: is top lane a fighting game?
TXC2: turns out there's a lot of fighting games
deskisdead: new KI is getting more content too
Obos_TAB: Did you play any smash, Nelson?
Obos_TAB: Did you body them?
TXC2: I find watching smash so confusing as a fighting game
Obos_TAB: From a dad, God bless
BrowneePoints: like in a lot of ways the “trifecta” of the 2d Era was like, SF3 Third Strike, Garou and then MVC 1/2 right?
itsaysTRUENO: League is a fighting game 100%. the macro is irrelevant
ItsThugDimmadome: Nelson with the Hbox popoff
LambMower: You saw in the Sajam slam a lot of those ex-League pros took super well to Tekken
LurkerSpine: Next Adam is gonna talk about Windjammers and Catherine as fighting games
Alness49: Transferable skills, it's all fighting games
NewtyNewts: @LurkerSpine I remember watching a vid about Catherine in fighting game tournaments, I need to find that again
WormBoyJames: man i miss Battlerite, did you play at all?
NorthstarTex: I consider Monster Hunter a fighting game
accountmadeforants: Catherine did show up at a few FGC tournaments. And they they did the re-release and the whole meta changed
NewtyNewts: @NorthstarTex One's just a perma-CPU
BrowneePoints: yea fighting games and strategy games have a ton of overlap
h3rsh3yb4r: catherine the puzzle game?
TXC2: the galaxy brain meme: all games are fighting games, all games are rhythm games, all games are pong
BrowneePoints: Go/Chess/Shogi/Magic all have a lot of mental skill overlap with fighters
accountmadeforants: @h3rsh3yb4r Yes, but it has a multiplayer game where you race each other to the top. Except you can also win when your opponent falls off. So it's not Catherine the puzzle game, it's Catherine the killing game.
itsaysTRUENO: fighting games force you to learn fast. i played dota with a lifetime fighting game player and he was top tier in 6 months.
Obos_TAB: "layerss are for cake. get thrown."
Mr_Horrible: Adam saw Spinal and said "Fighting games are so good" for the first time in his life
itsr67: ki's got a good tutorial
El_Zilcho22: I miss Battlerite. I started playing it when it was already on the decline.
itsaysTRUENO: Battlerite was a great game
LurkerSpine: @NewtyNewts this one?
BrowneePoints: Adam just liked being a dinosaur in a cheerleader outfit
BrowneePoints: don’t let him lie
accountmadeforants: *multiplayer mode. And the re-release changed the multiplayer by removing the catch-up mechanic (which let you move at double speed), so people actually started racing to the top again.
Mr_Horrible: now now, Brownee, she was a cyborg too
Mr_Horrible: let's be clear
silenceaux: imo frame trap is hard to explain because first you have to know about mashing out / block strings
accountmadeforants: Riptor was so rad. That grab animation still lives in my head rent-free.
BrowneePoints: Adam willingly played a stance character
drizztnailo: the combo system takes some time to get used to in KI
Mr_Horrible: Adam was fighting for his life against a fucking Battletoad
WormBoyJames: I played Kimberly when SF6 came out is she any good now?
drizztnailo: defense seems very difficult
BrowneePoints: there’s not a bad char in sf6 @wormboyjames
ItsThugDimmadome: @WormBoyJames She seems ok, but not great
accountmadeforants: @WormBoyJames There have not been significant balance changes for the most part. (Ken and JP got nerfed a bit, Ryu and Jamie got buffed.)
ManWithTheMask13: that was sick, Wheeler
TXC2: "are they good?" "define good"
Mr_Horrible: she's not considered top-tier but she still cooks just fine
josh___something: No one is stone unplayable
EnglishGrinn: In my experience, Kim has bad neutral, but if you get them in the corner - you can just hit them forever
NewtyNewts: nice dodge drizzt
LurkerSpine: Kim in the corner is oppressive
ItsThugDimmadome: I'd like to learn her. Playing a mix up machine and overloading my opponent seems sick.
BrowneePoints: she is still “above average” I think
WormBoyJames: i only played her to lvl3 and get her music going lmao, maybe i need to play again
Mr_Horrible: people sleeping on their Kim homework
BrowneePoints: and yea she is THE rushdown character in this game
RedNightmare7: Advantage of being a Kimberly main in ranked: The "opponent hasn't played against her ever" advantage
ItsThugDimmadome: THis game feels fast compared to end season SF5
ItsThugDimmadome: Very snowbally
Mr_Horrible: but my complaint equity
Lonely_Spacejunk subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lonely_Spacejunk! (Today's storm count: 12)
EnglishGrinn: Modern Blanka main says "blaming the character is stupid and empty"
NorthstarTex: my best smash character is low teir, but I still have a ton of fun
ItsThugDimmadome: Adam! My complaint equity!
saucemaster5000: If I win with manon I'm gaming and when they jump out of my tick throw she is bottom tier
itsaysTRUENO: MenaRD was dismembering folks with blanka a couple weeks ago
accountmadeforants: @RedNightmare7 Honestly, I get it. I usually have to play at least a few rounds against Kimberly to remember all the fake shit. So if you're the first Kimberly I fight for the day, I'm cooked :p
BrowneePoints: like, I got very high into ranked Smash Bros with Duck Hunt and DHD is a D Tier character. tiers don’t matter
Ukon_Cairns: yeh, was neat to see capcom cup where "the best characters" showed up like 2 at a time. but there was plenty of 1 ofs that werent those "top tiers"
Mr_Horrible: as a Donkey Kong main from back in my smash days, you can still make people worried about you even with a character considered low-tier
josh___something: The deck budget for each character here is within range of each other :p
Tielok: Time honoured tradition of gaming is complaining about them
silenceaux: the national passtime
ItsThugDimmadome: MenaRD's Blanka makes me wanna learn Blanka.
drizztnailo: im a serial complainer im ngl
saucemaster5000: I run into so few kims these days it does take a couple matches to remember
RedNightmare7: @accountmadeforants And I will take that win without considering honor for a moment :P
NewtyNewts: I don't complain enough
tod_vom_himmel: my character sux pls buff
Mr_Horrible: drizztnailo and you picked your character accordingly seabatBRAIN
TXC2: I will complain about MtG until they let me ban cards Kappa
El_Zilcho22: I haven't played Kimberly in a while.
ManWithTheMask13: Super GGs, Wheeler
Mr_Horrible: Drizzt has an unmatched capability of typing HELP in chat mid-match
freshbubba: It's the next evolution of complaining about how pro athletes perform in a game like you have any idea
ManWithTheMask13: Making my brain hurt after that set
superdude097: @drizztnailo I'm a cereal complainer. These store brand fruity pebbles are trash.
BrowneePoints: like its big to remember that for high level tourneys the pros will pick characters that are more straightforwardly powerful or don’t require as much setup because it offloads mental load
accountmadeforants: Millia players when they have to block: This is outrageous! It's unfair!
Tielok: That dopamine hits different
silenceaux: It's a strange game that isn't fun to win
drizztnailo: i would like to make a blanket statement that when i say the phrase "i hate it here" i do not actually mean it
saucemaster5000: still feel like when I win I "got away with it"
Mr_Horrible: it's *less* fun to lose, but you can raise that relative threshold for yourself
EnglishGrinn: I seriously hope that the loss of "couch" multiplayer isn't destroying a generations ability to lose gracefuly
TehAmelie: wow, Cammy has found pants
LMAOkai_: winning is fun, but i enjoy the learning aspect from losing
Mr_Horrible: "I'd enjoy winning more, but this is still fun"
josh___something: Winning is fun, and losing sucks in ANY game. For the most part
silenceaux: or rather, it's weird if it is less fun to win than to lose?
itsaysTRUENO: Cammy skin that ADDS clothing? what are we doing here?
drizztnailo: nah your all good lol
TXC2: we all do hyperbole
Mr_Horrible: @drizztnailo every time you call for help in chat I take it very seriously and get worried Kappa
accountmadeforants: That dog is still stealing a bit every time, worth it
BrowneePoints: like, you can make more mistakes on Ken or Luke and still win vs someone like Blanka. which is WHY pros also gravitate towards those characters
accountmadeforants: That's when become a pro and start tweeting
NewtyNewts: Someone had that named after them?
itsr67: loool
Mr_Horrible: god, we definitely had some of That Guy at my old LGS growing up
ding0_dorko: theres an older dude at my LGS that complains no matter what the game state is lol
ManWithTheMask13: Do not bring up the bee's dick
TXC2: complaing while wining at magic? yeap that's me :p
josh___something: Not the beesdick again
TXC2: (note that I only do this on Arena)
Camail: nelly!!!
RedNightmare7: Wheeler, you're not that bad
ManWithTheMask13: It's Paul
ItsThugDimmadome: It's Pistachio
NorthstarTex: james?
2meaty0wllegs: I played against a dude who complained that I had two of the same common during Ixalan Prerelease sealed
ThankYouUro: It's Ceiling Egg
drizztnailo: i play 8 whack in modern, i cannot complain about shit i choose this of my own free will
TXC2: 2meaty0wllegs yikes :p
NewtyNewts: It's unnamed fuzzy puppet from the LoadingReadyLive episodes
2meaty0wllegs: I was like how can you complain about someone having two of a common?
Mr_Horrible: @2meaty0wllegs yeah buddy they put 10 of these in every pack, can you believe it? Kappa
Greyah: I'm the exact opposite in mtg. I'm always hype no matter how well or poorly I'm doing. If I'm losing.
2meaty0wllegs: @TXC2 yikes indeed.
NorthstarTex: @ThankYouUro probably is complaining more than often because its easter coming up
itsr67: LOL
ItsThugDimmadome: @drizztnailo HELL YEAH
BusTed: LUL
ManWithTheMask13: @drizztnailo My boy, you're the goat
saucemaster5000: holy shit
BrowneePoints: goblin bushwhacker
MrSarkhan: 8 whack was fun
josh___something: LMAO
Mr_Horrible: Drizzt is literally just the personification of Snidely Whiplash twirling the mustache
2meaty0wllegs: @Mr_Horrible THATS what I should have said that day xD
RedNightmare7: I am trying to make 8-Rack myself. Well, the budget one ;)
josh___something: Por que no los dos Kappa
ManWithTheMask13: Adam, can we please get your best, and I mean, your BEST rendition of the Kingpin ladder sound
LurkerSpine: @RedNightmare7 Nah, 8 whack and 8 Rack are not the same thing :D
drizztnailo: i love me some goblin grenade and imma cast them mfs
ItsThugDimmadome: Yo, BTE-BTE-BTE-Surged Reckless Bushwhacker was my Magic highlight.
RedNightmare7: Ah well, I need info
Mr_Horrible: "Degen Vector spotted" kanagoFast
TXC2: !card goblin bushwacker
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
Mr_Horrible: it's just the cheapest red creatures you can find
EnglishGrinn: Foundry street denizens
Solo_Support: Wheeler.
NewtyNewts: AM/PM?
El_Zilcho22: LUL
ThankYouUro: some amount of mountains
josh___something: WHEELER
Mr_Horrible: and then you give them all +1/+0 and haste multiple times
josh___something: LUL
muchomangobestdrink: it's good to have a schedule
ManWithTheMask13: Thank you so much
Marvoleath: !card goblin bushwhacker
LRRbot: Goblin Bushwhacker [R] | Creature — Goblin Warrior [1/1] | Kicker {R} / When Goblin Bushwhacker enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, creatures you control get +1/+0 and gain haste until end of turn.
EnglishGrinn: Mono red kill you turn 3
BrowneePoints: foundry street denizens, Burning Tree emissary
drizztnailo: the version i play is very low cost goblins and some goblin grenades and bolts
Mangledpixel: well that was an interesting sound to come back to the stream to
Marvoleath: often 1 mana goblins and ornithopters / memnites
Marvoleath: plus burn
Mr_Horrible: see, the fact that you're in on the gob grenades just means you're cultured
EnglishGrinn: OH!
NorthstarTex: I mean Nelly knows how a JP matchup starts
GGsLive: I think it's an empty the warrens deck
EnglishGrinn: I want to play a Tournament with this group!
saucemaster5000: been diamond gaming a week and goddamn I love people actually having gameplans
ManWithTheMask13: If Drizzt and I get matched up can we play rock paper scissors instead
silent_sol: Winner get to fight adam
drizztnailo: @Marvoleath i went with the rundvelt hordemaster/more goblin focused version
therepoman__: Augh I went into a fugue state cleaning my kitchen so I forgot about OOFC NotLikeThis
TXC2: hello therepoman__ welcome
saucemaster5000: is the kitchen clean tho?
josh___something: I'm gonna get fucking destroyed by nelly di'ing me round start again aren't I...
silent_sol: You are just much vetter than us
itsr67: howdy repo
therepoman__: So much cleaner
ItsThugDimmadome: I think "Tournament Good" starts around 1800MR
Marvoleath: @therepoman__ where you cleaning fugues?
Mr_Horrible: All 3 of Hearthstone players
Marvoleath: were*
drizztnailo: i do play a wee bit of hearthstone
therepoman__: Still needs work but we are getting there
Ukon_Cairns: you say that,but that number is so much more than the numbers on screen atm.
EnglishGrinn: Ha "Dumpster Master" is a good term for me!
therepoman__: Trying to remedy our former "depression kitchen" (iykyk)
ManWithTheMask13: That drive rush confirm from Nelly PogChamp
EnglishGrinn: Nice DR Nelson
ThankYouUro: Does Arena also have a Mythic Rank that's a percent and then a number? it's like that
ding0_dorko: does luke have a weezer shest tattoo?
TXC2: "you're good, you're not built different good"
Mr_Horrible: "Dumpster Master" feels like a formal title for Oscar the Grouch
ding0_dorko: chest*
saucemaster5000: @therepoman__ vibes repo
ManWithTheMask13: @ding0_dorko It's the band Snoozer, actually
TXC2: ThankYouUro I think it does, yes
RothonWylar: then there's me who is a dumpster rookie
BrowneePoints: but yea 8 Rack is an old deck where you hand attack the crap out of your opponent and then burn them out for it with cards like The Rack while you prison the game state
drizztnailo: i wanted a cheap hearthstone deck so i built lightning bolt shaman and they nerfed it two days later (the deck was bullshit and deserved it)
Obos_TAB: i mash the hell out of dr
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePoints I can't even remember what the other 4 racks were
josh___something: Back, AND down doesn't allow drive rush
ItsThugDimmadome: Baby sign for "All Done'
TXC2: I play historic elves, it's probably a crime that I complain :p
BrowneePoints: black vise @mr_horrible
BrowneePoints: I think
EnglishGrinn: Yeah but I like "Dumpster Master" even if it's just me
EnglishGrinn: I exist to give 250 LP to diamond players
Obos_TAB: og arena heck yeah
itsr67: undertaker was cracked
Mr_Horrible: hmm, I don't think so? I thought 8 Rack was more recent than when Vise was around?
ThankYouUro: Naxx out?! wheelerMonkey
Mr_Horrible: I'll have to go look it up
Obos_TAB: warlock control was cracked
BrowneePoints: me and all my Yogg Decks. rip Yogg
Jensling: I only played TrapHunter and MiracleRogue in old HS
EnglishGrinn: Not yet, but I just got to Master last night
EnglishGrinn: I'm ready for the drop
El_Zilcho22: I'm for sure going to be a sub 1500MR if I even make it to Master.
itsr67: diamond 5 is something
itsr67: LOL
LMAOkai_: lmao
Mr_Horrible: Wheeler taking pictures of license plates
El_Zilcho22: LUL LUL
Diabore: LUL
AceGun_: LUL
Wrexadecimal: Yes.
EnglishGrinn: Hate Quilting!
NorthstarTex: yes wheeler!
TXC2: that's a DB prize right there
ThankYouUro: This is my 'Loser' Blanket
itsr67: your ass is going on the quilt
saucemaster5000: (note to self -- one and done wheeler if I ever see him on the ladder)
Alness49: It's a summer quilt, because it's always cold as hell
Obos_TAB: can you imagine sitting across the table from a magic player and leaving after game one
TXC2: Alness49 :D
Mr_Horrible: He's caring about what he's doing, not what the opponent's doing!
itsr67: I need to get that 1 ryu's fighter profile on a blanket
freshbubba: @Obos_TAB That happened to me a couple months ago at a MTG chaos draft
saucemaster5000: the best one and dones are when they win the SECOND Game
saucemaster5000: actual gremlin
ItsThugDimmadome: I did, but the ywere teabagging and I was tilted. No forgiveness needed, I know what I did.
silent_sol: 1-1 toilet break
Obos_TAB: @freshbubba Was their uber outside?
Mr_Horrible: Marisa voice: "Where are you going?""
accountmadeforants: I pretty much block everyone who one-and-dones me, I assume they're just trapped in ranked and don't wanna play the game.
TXC2: Wheeler is the terminator of one and dones
freshbubba: @Obos_TAB I dont think so, they were just uber mad after I got the nuts
ManWithTheMask13: why is john capcom preventing our father-son bonding time @drizztnailo
josh___something: Wheeler is spiteful XD
drizztnailo: there is someone who made a list of everyone they have seen one and done in tekken
ThankYouUro: So to get on Wheeler's friends list, we have to one-and-done him...
Mr_Horrible: honestly that's at least the most mature version of the Xbox Live teenager who friends you to call you slurs after a round of Halo
AceGun_: broski4Akicool
drizztnailo: @ManWithTheMask13 they dont wanna see two silly guys have a gentlemanly duel
Obos_TAB: As a parent, I always give at LEAST a half second thought of "maybe somebody hit their head"
Mr_Horrible: why are you looking for OKI at the SOUP store?!?!
ManWithTheMask13: @drizztnailo They hate us being silly
Obos_TAB: but im still mad
NorthstarTex: Why are you playing Lily AT THE SOUP STORE!?
matthaus_c: nice soup, unfortunately...
josh___something: Why are you playing neutral AT THE SOUP STORE?!
NewtyNewts: What even was that bit?
TXC2: to be fair, how many one and dones do think are people who and new and don't know the eticet
Marvoleath: @NorthstarTex she does have a couple of big ladles
NewtyNewts: And where can I get more\
matthaus_c: how many one and dones are Arena players
saucemaster5000: I'm gonna enjoy this
RothonWylar: OK how do i Change my nameplate?
TXC2: this is an outrage! I am not some clumsy gorilla-equse massher!
silent_sol: I wish Bo3 limited event were easier to go even on
drizztnailo: why is best of one the defualt on arena? i did best of one at first before i could craft a sideboard but after that idk why one would want that
Pywodwagon: "Learn to Sideboard" Member of the CAG, Gladiator and Canlander councils
dragonflare9: @RothonWylar is your online character select options
freshbubba: I'll learn to sideboard when they release bo3 quick draft
saucemaster5000: I was ainfully aware of my mic spiking when I was mashing last night
saucemaster5000: painfully even
Obos_TAB: simply go through 18 munes
NorthstarTex: its Bo1 and some days you have James levels of luck an only draw lands
dragonflare9: Wheeler I'm going to spectate and see if I can find missing inputs
TXC2: drizztnailo it's faster
itsr67: battle settings, and its individual for each character
matthaus_c: @silent_sol they tried to make it easier during the Beta. then the people sharking those events got mad
josh___something: Nelly pls...
Mr_Horrible: beautiful
josh___something: XD
TXC2: ruin? or Edge? Kappa
itsr67: LOL
Diabore: LUL
josh___something: AHAHAHAAHA
Solo_Support: LUL
EnglishGrinn: Nelly, pissing people off is free, it's not value. Making people happy is the only goal worth having
ManWithTheMask13: My friend and I got stuck on this "JFK is a lich who has a ziggurat" joke so much that we ruined our voices and got sick the next day
itsr67: nelly goin on the quilt
josh___something: i love both Nelly and wheeler's energy
LMAOkai_: big dad energy
josh___something: I LOVE this
El_Zilcho22: LUL
josh___something: AHAHAHA
josh___something: I adore this energy
Alness49: We're driving the quilt industry.
ManWithTheMask13: Wheeler am I going onto your quilt
TXC2: the quilt is a bunch of screenshots that form Nelson's Face Kappa
Mangledpixel: yeh, I do it just by existing
josh___something: Spite-based fuel
alexisthearcher: oh no
josh___something: SICK
NorthstarTex: yes!
warkr0: lol
drizztnailo: DAMN HES GOOD
EnglishGrinn: My thoughts on "trolling" is that its nothing to be proud of. Being unhappy is the default state for most people, cuz the world is hard
josh___something: Damn he's good
ManWithTheMask13: damn, he's Luke
WormBoyJames: that was pretty hot
ItsThugDimmadome: realistically, all ya gotta do is sneeze on someon. BOOM Vendetta.
EnglishGrinn: Oh I know!
BrowneePoints: cool hands, Luke
TXC2: ItsThugDimmadome after 2020, if someone sneezed on my on purpose I'd kill them then and there
josh___something: LMAO
ManWithTheMask13: Handing Drizzt my fight stick
josh___something: Start cooking
ItsThugDimmadome: @TXC2 See? EZPZ
themostjoast: "time to earn dad's love"
silent_sol: if my mom call, it could 0-0 and done, im going
drizztnailo: teach your kid how to do 720 inputs real quick
matthaus_c: "if you want your allowance, get to plat by this evening"
saucemaster5000: my niece won't get aracde quarters from me if they play the mummy
beowuuf: @TXC2 and i'd help you hide the body, while keeping a respectful 2m distance
TXC2: beowuuf thanks
alexisthearcher: ggs nelly
beowuuf: np
EnglishGrinn: Speaking of Cammy being great - how's Jacob doing these days?
WormBoyJames: no nelly popped off
ManWithTheMask13: Adam do you want to have a set
TXC2: EnglishGrinn he plays geif, or has he switched?
TXC2: Adam is the coach for this stream
EnglishGrinn: Losing to his friend's Cammy was Jacob's motivation to sign on to Oki Oki I think?
ManWithTheMask13: True, true
warkr0: but if you *do* wanna watch adam play more SF6, he has a cool home stream
beowuuf: hear the mashing
TXC2: EnglishGrinn oh yeah :p
Ukon_Cairns: having fun getting better PogBones
josh___something: My thoughts on BM are usually, "I will stoop to your level". If you emote/bag me in Destiny(or whatever shooter), expect a return package. Cause it's now a points game on who gets more emotes :p
josh___something: DD2 (Darkest Dogma 2)
NewtyNewts: @josh___something How does one tally the points?
beowuuf: dragon deez nuts
matthaus_c: dogma dragons
TXC2: famous Metal gear 3 streamer Adam Savidan
NorthstarTex: needs more dragons
NewtyNewts: She dragon on my dogma til I 2
JinaMahavira: They had many years to make it control better, and they didnt =/
ManWithTheMask13: she on my dungeon till I dark
matthaus_c: she dragon my dogma til I microtransaction
PMAvers: Remember that time James got bullied by that swarm of bats and got shoved off a ledge
itsr67: please drop by the discord
BrowneePoints: good ole Lizard Ligma 2
itsr67: there are so many people fighting
therepoman__: The Discord is so lit
awildshen: every Thursday we're in there playing old ass fighting games
saucemaster5000: weekly reminder that the discord is sick and we gremlins always there willing to jam
matthaus_c: classic James
itsr67: LOL
therepoman__: lol
josh___something: @NewtyNewts If I get the last laugh, I win. If I don't, I'm still the best. It's the BM option select Kappa
TXC2: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: | Alex: | Ben Ulmer: | Cameron: | Cori and Ian: | Heather: | James: | Kathleen: | Matt Wiggins: | Nelson: | Serge: , | Wheeler:
matthaus_c: The Cube Boy
ManWithTheMask13: Nice drug dealer intro, Wheeler
AceGun_: ow.
Obos_TAB: good vibes good people
josh___something: Damn, adam's causing a SCENE?! how scandalous
30teracyte: the premier garou mark of the wolves community on discord (not really)
josh___something: Kappa
matthaus_c: over at twitch dot tv slash benjamin underscore wheeler we're rolling joints with Mox Sapphires
josh___something: @matthaus_c What's the spinning rat ratio?
therepoman__: @matthaus_c Reading this in the Dracula Flow voice
JinaMahavira: Although it is PoE league season again
EnglishGrinn: I want toxcity and hate speech, with poor spelling and a serious misunderstanding of history? Whose discord has that?
saucemaster5000: don't say you hate aba's design in the discord tho, that shit'll get you crucified apparently
TXC2: josh___something looking that fabulous? he's always a scene Kappa
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 sounds like easy bait
Mr_Horrible: yuppers
josh___something: @saucemaster5000 I'm sorry... it has to be done
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c bro I opened a can
TrueKatara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months, currently on a 88 month streak!
TrueKatara: That's a lotta months
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TrueKatara! (Today's storm count: 13)
gualdhar: 15 minutes into the league people are killing end-game uber bosses
ManWithTheMask13: It's not a +R design so, erm... cringe?
josh___something: true
freshbubba: One of these days ill hit it
yukimakingart: D: wtf
saucemaster5000: trueee
josh___something: Wheeler's spitting
El_Zilcho22: coxWha
ManWithTheMask13: LET'S GO WHEELER
accountmadeforants: Those chat messages during your league starter stream are always hilarious to me. "BigDog69 reached level 50" "DuneDumbass32 beat the whole game" 5 minutes in.
ManWithTheMask13: Wheeler for president
saucemaster5000: nah I'll take the gunman wheel on this one
LurkerSpine: unmodded Skyrim is brutal
El_Zilcho22: LUL
RedNightmare7: Yeah, that's the problem
josh___something: Game sucks, it's my favorite game :)
matthaus_c: Todd Howard's got me barking and licking his toes
saucemaster5000: skyrim is good (when other people make the game good for you)
accountmadeforants: Skyrim's dogshit, Strive is amazing
josh___something: smth smth Destiny
BrowneePoints: nah. Testament is peak and I’ll hear nothing to the contrary
gualdhar: every Bethesda game ever, only good with mods
LurkerSpine: ^
Marvoleath: All I'll say is that Morrowind was better
therepoman__: Comparison is the death of joy I think
30teracyte: the thief of joy
JinaMahavira: Ego Kappa
ItsThugDimmadome: Thief of joy
shendaras: Me, just barely in Act 2, the top guys in tier 17 maps
therepoman__: Thief of joy, that's right
TXC2: "______ is better then ______": the eternal statement
LurkerSpine: It's both
LurkerSpine: Twain said death, TR said thief
Musicsquid: the Gief of Joy?
Iluvatardis: @Musicsquid LUL that's a good one
matthaus_c: comparison is the green hand of joy
Invitare: comparison is the invisible hand of the market
Mr_Horrible: now *Orange* Lantern, that's a hero
dm818: Which green lantern
josh___something: This is how you get shot by comic book nerds Kappa
30teracyte: wow, real hater hours on oki oki today
itsr67: gg is cool but its full of strange folks who have never talked to another human being
Mr_Horrible: "I'm 30 or 40 years old and I do not need this" is the line you're looking for Wheeler
EnglishGrinn: I love that Adam's one week like "I'm not really sure how qualified I am to teach anyone anything" but then when he's not self-conscious "Fighting games teach you more than buttons, they teach you about yourself"
EnglishGrinn: Yes Sensei
josh___something: Look, we're here to throw hands
matthaus_c: magic players can't really talk about dogshit OC design tbh
ManWithTheMask13: I thinks Coolsville SUCKS
TXC2: ACAB includes Green Lantern ?
itsr67: standard luke gameplay
SkiaSymphonia: @TXC2 ACAB covers a lot of super heroes
josh___something: Luke master replays are just cr.mps in neutral
TXC2: SkiaSymphonia it does, doesn't it? :p
josh___something: The spacing isn't there yet
matthaus_c: uppahcut
silent_sol: forward heavy
itsr67: or just charge light knuckle into dp or smth
ManWithTheMask13: damn, he's crouching medium punch
matthaus_c: gotta take the button to dinner
matthaus_c: hold the button's hand
therepoman__: The right hand of Exodia
TXC2: "holy shit that's crouching medium punch!"
itsr67: otj is actually a ygo set
josh___something: OOH
josh___something: We saw green!
matthaus_c: @itsr67 based on word count? for sure
ItsThugDimmadome: Now I want Boomhauer to be Tea from the OG series.
tod_vom_himmel: yea theyre definitley trying for those drive rush cancels
tod_vom_himmel: tahts awesome
El_Zilcho22: LUL
accountmadeforants: I think Exodia shouldn't win until it gets a Torso
Gaz_L: exodia's thumb lets you flip 2 coins, right? Kappa
Cptasparagus: weenus of exodia
EnglishGrinn: I learned, from you, a new perspective on fighting games
therepoman__: Fighting games are truly a mental exercise and I don't mean that in a bad way
tod_vom_himmel: im much weaker mentally now, and its all sf6s fault
NorthstarTex: into a pikachu and then flipped a gosh darn black lotus and i lost
LambMower: All I know is that fighting games seems perfectly suited for my ADHD brain
dragonflare9: I could but I would be lying
tod_vom_himmel: (lies)
saucemaster5000: With a straight face? .... Fine, no
matthaus_c: there's nothing straight left about my face
El_Zilcho22: That was SF4 for me haha.
TXC2: so I broke his shield with my meca del sol, then he exioda'd my pikachu so I hard cast emeraukul
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c beat me to it again.
EnglishGrinn: I succeeded more than I ever would have by learning to enjoy to process
itsr67: "if its not fun, why bother
lejoriander: Nelly
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 passing the brain cell
ItsThugDimmadome: "Dang ol' Pendulum summons man."
Mr_Horrible: *Adam, describing an aspect of any activity ever* "that's the great thing about Fighting Games" Kappa
therepoman__: sajamSandblast
Xed_Regulus: What did Sloan say? "If it feels good, do it."
matthaus_c: it took me about 5 years of a toxic relationship with Magic before I started learning how it could actually help my mental health
TXC2: Xed_Regulus that was Chief Wiggum
matthaus_c: sometimes that's just how it goes
Mr_Horrible: they are, I'm just giving you shit LUL
EnglishGrinn: I've learned to agree in the past 3 months
EnglishGrinn: Which is amazing because I wrote them off for 30 years before that
therepoman__: I'm not even joking when I say that playing fighting games have helped me take steps to improve the quality of my mental health
saucemaster5000: the thursday game nights are incredible for "hey these are pretty cool moments" even when we are complaining about old game dogshit
alexisthearcher: hey dragon, mind if I match you again?
dragonflare9: @alexisthearcher sure
Pywodwagon: I just did the normal thing and turned magic into my full time job
BurgerGamer: I used to have a toxic relationship with magic but then I stopped playing infect Kappa
tod_vom_himmel: "sf6 is scrubby"
TXC2: "back in my day...."
NewtyNewts: Because they see so many new tools added for casuals, before they learn to incorporate it
saucemaster5000: yeah the "sf6 is scrubby" discourse is real and seriously, fuck those people
tod_vom_himmel: just dont go on the streetfighter reddit and say you play modern honda... they... dont like that
LambMower: Tekken 7 was the one that made things slightly simpler, and now we have people complaining T8 is easier than T7 though T8 is more mechanically complex if anything
Solo_Support: you can play on keyboard even
JDogg2K4: "This old pro faces someone at 3s, he'll 20-0 the guy". Yeah? He has a 10 year head start.
tod_vom_himmel: they just hate it lol
NewtyNewts: Probably some level of "the implication"
tod_vom_himmel: so many downvotes
yukimakingart: leshar made top4 in capcom cup with a keyboard
TXC2: "people" on the internet don't like nuance
saucemaster5000: leshar's keyboad is cursed tho
Ukon_Cairns: it is unfortunate if you like a thing, the reddit for said thing tends to be a miserable place to be.
saucemaster5000: keyboard
BurgerGamer: keyboard works great, I use it for strive
tod_vom_himmel: saying i deserved to get one and doned, teabagged, and rage quit on cause i was modern honda etc, reddit is wild sometimes
matthaus_c: keyboad
TeeJabs: most of my fighting game friends are absolutely frothing at the mouth to tell you how to beat them. people want new people to win nowadays it feels like
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c listen you
TXC2: tod_vom_himmel I find the big the reddit, the worse it is
AceGun_: Now if you play on stick, everyone says you're a boomer, lol.
LambMower: It's hilarious now that more people have moved to the "Stick is actually at a disadvantage, but it's more fun" now
sptrashcan: For me the challenge is adrenaline control. That's what I'm working toward: not getting too excited to make decisions.
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 can't let ferisar hoard all the bullying
ItsThugDimmadome: Seems like it's going Pad > Hitbox > Stick in terms of who's playing what. I'm leverless myself.
Bearudite: now that pad v stick rock has been kicked forward to being critical of leverless players
LambMower: I get tournament nerves badly, but I'm cool as a cucumber during spars or anything
EnglishGrinn: Before I got to "Master" the first time? I choked and then I dug my heels in? This would've been last week?
raulghoulia: this is reassuring
saucemaster5000: (me with an SF6 themed stick, still only playing it on ps4 gamepad with the analog stick) can... can I get any more boomer?
JDogg2K4: Just the thought of playing mtg on camera is giving me the shakes
EnglishGrinn: And I went on an 18 game losing streak and I would not just turn it off
EnglishGrinn: I just kept digging
WormBoyJames: Hell yea nelly nice
TXC2: that is your fight/flight response kicking it
JinaMahavira: Perfect??
EnglishGrinn: And this week I did much better, by playing in smaller amounts and staying calm
NorthstarTex: Nelly getting a perfect!?
LambMower: I'm kinda bad about tilt queuing, but I'm stubborn af. And usually the tilt goes away the moment I win one
TehAmelie: at the highest level, any fighting game just turns into Go. they actually just play Go instead of playing the game
TeeJabs: I get so much cleaner at beat saber after a break but my hands get slower too
TXC2: I can get real bad with tilt queuing on Arena if I "need" one more win to finish dailies
NorthstarTex: its the same thing for me in soulsbourne games, I hit a fatigue wall facing Horah Loux for the first time, 3 days later after a break I drop him on my second try
josh___something: 5 is pretty tight
josh___something: GREEN detected!
saucemaster5000: getting frame perfect links in sf6 is tough. I don't know how you aki players do it
ManWithTheMask13: the Gief safe jumps
ManWithTheMask13: the sacred texts
saucemaster5000: manon safe jumps are also pretty wild
ItsThugDimmadome: 5 red bulls in a pentagram to summon Snake Eyez lol
ManWithTheMask13: here's the video
therepoman__: Dash back, dash forward, stomp, jump back, etc
josh___something: You're SICK (negative)
NorthstarTex: there's black magic in those matches
BurgerGamer: every day
TXC2: getting cooked like a brisket
matthaus_c: mixed, cooked and served
Bearudite: time for this weeks edition of me saying "Make tundrastorm hit punches"
NorthstarTex: I'd rather get baked, but I settle getting cooked
Marvoleath: only baked, never cooked
tod_vom_himmel: nah drizzt has never lost a game
BurgerGamer: @TXC2 getting cooked by a brisket
AceGun_: Simply never play ranked. Solved.
Toxxick: Even Faker feeds first blood
Alness49: It's just a chain of Bigger Fish
TXC2: BurgerGamer the dream
sptrashcan: The other day I finally executed Juri's 2mp > 214mk combo and thought "this is what being able to play piano must feel like"
JDogg2K4: 5-0d punk AND knuckledu
saucemaster5000: same tournament? Mena almost choked against broski's aki
itsr67: struggled the most against broski's aki
josh___something: There was a lot of 5-0s in rbk
ItsThugDimmadome: Mena's probably NA's top player, if not THE.
TXC2: "that number 1 guy? yeah he's lost more times then you've played, that's WHY he's number 1"
josh___something: Mena is unreal
EnglishGrinn: Man, I don't follow up FG pros at all, but all I ever hear about Punk is that's complaining and losing.
cameron_in_the_hizous: and then sometimes you get cooked so hard it becomes one of the most famous fighting game clips of all time
Mr_Horrible: MenaceRD
saucemaster5000: @EnglishGrinn he's been better about it recently
NewtyNewts: Livetweeting his losses?
josh___something: Punk has a reputation
ItsThugDimmadome: @EnglishGrinn His pop offs are funny someitmes.
Bearudite: maybe if he lost less he would complain less Kappa
saucemaster5000: yeah he ain't my fav, but he'salso like... not a bad guy by any means
itsr67: every time punk doesn't salty tweet it's the good ending to that event
JDogg2K4: Punk usually complains unless it's a recognized pro. Tends to punch down, not punch up
matthaus_c: JWong still my favourite person to watch get cooked on repeat
freshbubba: GGs Nelly
freshbubba: -Fine Otter
AceGun_: He's come to embrace more of a 'heel' persona, but seems to be better at knowing the lines not to cross.
ItsThugDimmadome: At least Punk's not Leffen.
saucemaster5000: @matthaus_c you see the clip of JWong losing their placement match to Adam and saying "Seabats go ham!....Seabats go ham...:
matthaus_c: @saucemaster5000 sure fucking did asteynLUL
ManWithTheMask13: square the fuck up
Gaz_L: oh neat, Adam beat Wong once?!
ItsThugDimmadome: put your hair up and sqaure up.
dragonflare9: do we have a link to that clip?
TXC2: the 10 and 2 of fighting game hand placement
TheAwkes: The Shift-A-W-D-Space of a fightstick?
alexisthearcher: may I request a rematch, nelly?
ItsThugDimmadome: @TheAwkes I just placed my hand on my keyboard. What game uses that layout?
avjamethyst: this sounds like a piano lesson
TheAwkes: @ItsThugDimmadome Just a neutral position for most wasd games.
freshbubba: I was wondering about Lukes crouching medium punch vs standing medium kick, it felt like i was winning with the kick a lot in that match
BurgerGamer: @ItsThugDimmadome thats the standard fps hand placement
sptrashcan: Heh, I have parry on shift and DI on space so shift a s d space is my left hand in SF6
ItsThugDimmadome: @BurgerGamer Ok, I don't play shooters. Feels crampy.
josh___something: @alexisthearcher Could I get a go first? I was queue'd before the stance talk.
HangingBunny subscribed with Prime.
alexisthearcher: go for it
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, HangingBunny! (Today's storm count: 14)
josh___something: didn't wanna look like I was sniping it from you, sorry
alexisthearcher: np, I'll queue up after you if theres still time, but I've already fought him once, so its only fair
TXC2: like you gotta train you body to do it right, you gotta train your brain to
AceGun_: this face.
JinaMahavira: LUL
TheAwkes: Level up.
TXC2: your analogy is fine Adam
AceGun_: Similar thing you have to do with most musical instruments.
freshbubba: I am Fine Otter
therepoman__: One of your finest dragon punches sir!
TXC2: "my DPs are too strong for you Traveller"
therepoman__: dragon punch seller please I am going into battle
AceGun_: "just do this, you know what I mean?" "no, I do not."
itsr67 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
itsr67: seabatClap ex when they press seabatClap
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, itsr67! (Today's storm count: 15)
AceGun_: The old man just mime walking in the corner.
RothonWylar: when sunday?
matthaus_c: Oki Oki Vintage Club
Solo_Support: LUL
raulghoulia: sweet
saucemaster5000: more than two and how can you tell them apart???
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Pywodwagon: what is vintage cube but the most intense of fighting games
beowuuf: adam has the exits and people scoped, add a new variable in the mix and you could get your neck snapped
ManWithTheMask13: If I was in a vintage cube draft, would I be a first pick, babe
violetblight: ive been sucked into vintage cube recently myself
matthaus_c: let's go violet
violetblight: its been bad
matthaus_c: got any favourite archetypes yet
TXC2: ooh and that magic is on at a time I can watch
gama41: wait
TXC2: who has he best DP? Ken ?
ManWithTheMask13: oh brotgher
violetblight: idk tbh
WormBoyJames: oh my
NorthstarTex: uh
dumbo3k: double philosophying?
TheAwkes: DoublePunch
J4Y_4NDY: ^
violetblight: wish i got how to make the unfair lists more
AceGun_: What year is the best vintage for DP?
josh___something: OWIE
NorthstarTex: gottem!
RothonWylar: NIce
ManWithTheMask13: calling up my uncle at capcom and banning wheeler
matthaus_c: @violetblight it's so hard to tell when you can go for it
violetblight: coulda done it safer with lvl 1 but yknow we take those
RothonWylar: If it works it wascorrect
theblakdeth: love some Banh mi
matthaus_c: I should get banh mi for lunch
DaVeganPolice: D: wtf
theblakdeth: @matthaus_c jinx
violetblight: lmaooooo
matthaus_c: shit I owe you a banh mi now
freshbubba: I'm still at the stage where most DPs I do are failed inputs on a sand blast
AceGun_: USA joining central america and only playing SNK games from now on.
Mr_Horrible: Rogers holding a gun to Adam's head
tod_vom_himmel: what an IDIOT, trapped by a monopoly
El_Zilcho22: LUL
TXC2: "comcast sucks" says the person on Telus Kappa
RothonWylar: I'm not sure wheeler understand how little that narrows it down
saucemaster5000: I have leftover braised short ribs rn
CanPlayGames: lrrDILLY mst3kSilhouetteEmily
30teracyte: I mean its not like Canada has it that much better in terms of telecom oligopolies
Pywodwagon: piss 1 pack 1
Mr_Horrible: eating a dilly bar: "Damn, Vietnamese food hit different"
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible 10%
matthaus_c: racists per capita
AceGun_: It probably isn't the MOST racist, but it is famously racist.
Cptasparagus: probably depends which race you want to find racists against
matthaus_c: Shaw? Adina?
TXC2: Boston is working class raciest
saucemaster5000: Let's all look up what places in america used to be "sunset towns"
TXC2: I'm from the UK wheeler, so no, I can't say that :p
RothonWylar: Babality?
Mr_Horrible: Johan Petrovic adopts
saucemaster5000: so.. just two eds then
awildshen: little toddler Juri at his feet
TXC2: "twins Basil!"
TehAmelie: JP stands for Juxta Position, he's Basil Exposition's cousin
tod_vom_himmel: SPD them
JinaMahavira: seabatHITBOX
therepoman__: Nice extended hurtbox bud
Solo_Support: have you guys checked out any fighting game themed tabletop games? I got really into exceed recently
TXC2: goes into the Punish counter splash
tod_vom_himmel: thes the frames for handshake on block
violetblight: nah my handshake’s disjointed-goddammit adam
tod_vom_himmel: whats the frames*
AceGun_: [stick out my hand] "it's time to get serious!!"
therepoman__: The handshake mixup when you go to shake hands with someone and they offer a fist bump
violetblight: damn talk about rps
AceGun_: kara cancel the handshake
TXC2: I did that IRL
TXC2: Friend in college went for a hand clap and I went for a first bump :p
TehAmelie: what do you call that move where you fake a handshake and brush your hair instead?
tod_vom_himmel: lmao wheeler
beowuuf: panic, lick knuckle, run
TXC2: TehAmelie the too slow
freshbubba: This is maybe the first time I wanna fall for the bait
saucemaster5000: there are a ton of tabletop fighting games with.. mixed results
raulghoulia: is magic not a board game?
AceGun_: broski4Akicool
Pywodwagon: OOFC where you play rockem sockem robots the whole stream
Seth_Erickson: Not in the same way as other board games
deskisdead: magic is kinda a special case tbh
Solo_Support: gottem
cobalttulips: i've had fun with exceed, waiting for the guilty gear set to come out later
matthaus_c: JK I'm the one playing UW Control
Seth_Erickson: Magic is sick turns out
saucemaster5000: @cobalttulips I was so skeptical till I saw the designer's rap sheet
AceGun_: Feint
josh___something: HOLY moly nelly
TXC2: control decks would be fine if the people playing them would hurry up :p
Gaz_L: i went to put together the Amalia deck for Pioneer in Arena and found out i need like 22 rare wildcards :(
ManWithTheMask13: "Too slow, so smooth"
TehAmelie: war crime works
Bearudite: taunt cancel
violetblight: dee jay sway moment
Marvoleath: what you call it when a bro tries to hug it out and you accidentally do hi-low-piccolo?
TXC2: please don't make jokes about war crimes
AceGun_: Why don't more games let you taunt cancel?
ManWithTheMask13: @LMAOkai_ THAT KILLED?
therepoman__: Goes for a handshake, taunt jet uppers you
josh___something: it was not
NewtyNewts: Good one Wheeler
matthaus_c: sick jump
Bearudite: taunt combo to punk? in the grand finals of EVO?!
TXC2: time flies like a boeing
itsr67: capcom invented a time machine
tod_vom_himmel: just go overtime, more fighties, forever
alexisthearcher: np, Ill catch one of these streams again at some point!
tod_vom_himmel: 24/7 oki oki
Bearudite: why are you using the #AEGISREFLECTOR voice
tod_vom_himmel: alexis join adams discord if you want, were always jamming and lots of people can teach you cammy teck
BusTed: LUL
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (51m from now).
Mr_Horrible: getting turned into a statistic (going on the quilt)
lightfut: Some people have lists, Wheeler has a while damn quilt
DrFromage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrFromage! (Today's storm count: 16)
saucemaster5000: what's the thread count of the quilt?
30teracyte: oh no, i've been turned into a fischer's exact test
TXC2: "one death is sad, two is tragic, a million deaths? it's a quilt....."
TehAmelie: i'm more curious about the acreage
AceGun_: broski4Jaypee broski4Cow
Mr_Horrible: I believe the bigger question is "what's the threat count?"
BusTed: 🐮
matthaus_c: give JP a cow print bikini
Bearudite: not as good as a sneeze
TXC2: it's a moo point, like the oppion of a cow, it's moo
Mr_Horrible: Johan in the mookini? kanagoFloosh
NewtyNewts: ggs
saucemaster5000: I'd drop my drive tickets so fast for that bikini
saucemaster5000: I don't even paly JP
Mr_Horrible: wait, that's just Big Naturals Gandalf at that point
therepoman__: paly
matthaus_c: paly
Gaz_L: someone misunderstands and calls Ian
saucemaster5000: SILENCE
TimeToFry subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 64 months!
TimeToFry: Beast mode? Baby???
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TimeToFry! (Today's storm count: 17)
TK_Squared: Technically, we don't know that JP isn't currently wearing a cow-print bikini.
tod_vom_himmel: up for a honda match or you done wheeler
AceGun_: I would buy that costume and set it to the default for every JP I play against.
TehAmelie: i know there's a lot of sexy mods for Zangief, should be some for JP too
Mr_Horrible: "Do enjoy this!" *proceeds to make your FG experience miserable*
NewtyNewts: Beats Moat, baby!
ManWithTheMask13: Snooze mode, baby
Gaz_L: oh, did anyone watch X-Men 97? The first ep had a bunch of MvC refs
Bearudite: what if he yelled "e-sports" instead of Sandblast
josh___something: AAAAAAAAAAAAA
TXC2: someday I'm gonna be able to make a BLEECE mode baby joke :p
josh___something: HOLY
saucemaster5000: going to be without a wired connection all weekend... I'll miss this game
josh___something: Nelly you were fucking COOKIJNG
josh___something: My heart was POUNDING
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 just become a land mine for other players
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam, Nelson and Wheeler
Solo_Support: Yep, wheeler has a quilt
josh___something: GGs
beowuuf: thanks all!
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 exercise your right as an American
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible or.... finish yakuza 5
TXC2: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, and does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
accountmadeforants: We've learned that Wheeler is too young to appreciate the coolest character designs a 40-year old Japanese salaryman could imagine
josh___something: Nelly, you are fucking spooky btw
therepoman__: FROGS ARE GONE sajamAaaa
josh___something: FROGS ARE GONE!!!
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (46m from now).
freshbubba: GG's had some fun games in the lobby
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 damn, an actual good use of time? I can't counter that laynaNotLikeThis
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Mr_Horrible: nah, they've said it's the special anniversary edition dungeon or whatever
Mai_Andra: Graham mentioned it last night.
Gaz_L: oh, the homebrew dungeon format?
Juliamon: It's been discussed
Marvoleath: it was already revealed
TheAwkes: Tweest.
TXC2: Live Hype
TXC2: Adam was right to pick the Urza's saga !
finestotter: That was a great stream
matthaus_c: 50 pp baby
BusTed: quilt'd
ManWithTheMask13: boom roated
josh___something: DESTROYED
TXC2: sound of King
matthaus_c: boom HELL yeah
Seth_Erickson: Right on the quilt
TXC2: *off
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap
Sacrenos: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (44m from now).
beowuuf: wheeler also brought a gun not just lasso to the rodeo and started blasting
BusTed: There were some joyful moments on that stream.
josh___something: That deck was fucking GREAT
ManWithTheMask13: wait I'm goated
tod_vom_himmel: helldivers anybody
josh___something: Wait I'm goated
josh___something: Toe hoe
finestotter: sheoldred, sac the wheel artifact into wheel again was a wild kill
josh___something: It's pronounced toe hoe IIRC
josh___something: is it actually?
beowuuf: jacqui is on cdhc, right?
TXC2: we've talked about it
gualdhar: nah it's not Minecraft, it's Raft
Ivalenz_: jlrrDance3
lamina5432: it's supposed to be raft i think?
Juliamon: They might be putting off Raft until Serge is unpacked
TXC2: ^
SkiaSymphonia: @gualdhar that's just minecraft without the minec
BusTed: seabatOAK
matthaus_c: talking about Triscuits
BusTed: Nelson, what are your thoughts on coolers
TXC2: Serge has to get used to being in Victoria again
Mr_Horrible: Frieza: "he's spitting"
beowuuf: adam, please, genius baby brain seabatGENIUS
Seth_Erickson: Nah coolers are pretty goated
beowuuf: @TXC2 constant poutine from all the bets he won against james...
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
TXC2: beowuuf exactly
finestotter: GGs!
TXC2: Bye
AceGun_: lrrHEART Thanks for the stream!
ManWithTheMask13: ggs all
beowuuf: thanks for the stream!
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TehAmelie: byee
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
JinaMahavira: byeee
uneactrice: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, gang lrrSHINE
NewtyNewts: Good stream!
TehAmelie: idea: comparison is the thief of joy, and perspective is the thief of sorrow
El_Zilcho22: doogBye doogBye
beowuuf: enjoying the last early chillpoint before bst hits
matthaus_c: beewoop
TXC2: beowuuf might be the last stream before BST hits
TXC2: (except for LRRMTG, but that's still at nope o'clock UK time)
Juliamon: look, just because you're asleep for FNPF doesn't mean it doesn't happen
beowuuf: oh yeah :( need to remember that for the bonus stream
beowuuf: given the amount of wheeler / adam hand clapping i've seen on clips from highlights, i choose to believe fnpf, etc are just nightmares i dreamed up :p
TXC2: Juliamon but my object permanence Kappa
itira: h-i... jk bye
Cptasparagus: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (34m from now).