Juliamon: Serge is absent whilst he fights with a sconce
SharktoothJack: lrrHEART
TheAwkes: Sconce Defense Force
Earthenone: maybe they are nyan binary
KWardJenx: Thanks so much for the stream
Phailhammer: cya :)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ready for the roundup
Mollylele: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: betrayal...
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: I did my homework and watched a lot of anime this season. I am finally prepared for a roundup
Pteraspidomorphi: What do you think of this season, NarwhalsInATrenchcoat?
Pteraspidomorphi: I thought Autumn 2023 was far, far superior
Pteraspidomorphi: (though there were a bunch of good ongoing shows from that season)
Lysander_salamander: I hardly watched any anime. Was in a funky mood that made absorbing new stuff difficult
lamina5432: the continued series this past winter were very good
Pteraspidomorphi: Exactly!
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: This season was nice and cosy. I enjoyed most of what I watched
Gekyouryuu: I have a number of things from this season I've been meaning to watch and just not had the time, but I at least managed to watch a couple new things and kept up with Frieren and Shangri-La Frontier
Pteraspidomorphi: I'm slightly behind on Shangri-La Frontier, but quite liking it
Gekyouryuu: Season 2's been announced for October
Gekyouryuu: also, there was a new character introduced this episode whose voice I was NOT expecting to be who it was, and I laughed myself silly
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: Oh yeah that voice got me good
malfnord: It's even better when you realize who the VA is
Gekyouryuu: oh, I know exactly who it is
Lysander_salamander: I think one of the reasons I didn't watch Frieren was I'm still reading it and I'm afraid watching it in another form will interfere with how I'm imagining/interpreting it? I don't know if that makes sense
LoadingReadyRun: Stream info updated
loufghyslaufey: Kay
tidehollowcat: I meant to watch more, but I’ve only watched Dungeon Meshi from this season so far.
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: Mr. Villain's Day Off and A Sign of Affection are battling in my mind for top spot this season
Gekyouryuu: Sasaki and Peeps was a fun show
Gekyouryuu: and I REALLY gotta get around to watching Bravern
loufghyslaufey: am just fine watching half of past seasons titles really
DeM0nFiRe: I've been watching Frieren. I'm only like halfway through the season but it is so good. I was not expecting to like it but it didn't end up being at all how I thought it would be
RockPusher: Life got in the way of watching everything I wanted
Pteraspidomorphi: Lysander_salamander: That seems reasonable. As someone who hasn't read it, the anime stands on its own
loufghyslaufey: I hear alot between Frieren, Dungeon Meshi, & Jujutsu Kaisen...
loufghyslaufey: Of the three, am probably skimming them altogther
RockPusher: I am assuming we'll get more Dangers In My Heart and Frieren once the manga build up some more chapters
Lysander_salamander: Sometimes I'll watch an adaptation and my brain sort of skips, as the voice actor doesn't sound like the voice I used while reading the book.
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
iris_of_ether: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
loufghyslaufey: @RockPusher For me... everything I wanted stemmed out from anything I correlated with from Western animation
Gekyouryuu: @Lysander_salamander I get that same reaction going from some subs to dubs. like, Frieren's english VA is good, but it's different enough from her Japanese VA that my brain needs a second to adjust
Juliamon: I have bad news about the stream info.
LurkerSpine: Should there be audio?
Ritaspirithntr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Ritaspirithntr: WOOOO!!!! BIG 5 0!!
loufghyslaufey: @Juliamon I think... its fine?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ritaspirithntr! (Today's storm count: 30)
Juliamon: I don't hear it
DoodlestheGreat: @Gekyouryuu As a manga reader, I've been waiting for folks to hear The Professor and react the same way I waited for folks to react to the end of Ep 10 of Frieren.
lonestarbl subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lonestarbl! (Today's storm count: 31)
loufghyslaufey: The rhythm game was practically an anime anyway?
DideRobot: LRR: Beej rounds up the anime in Beej's anime roundup. Tautology club is cool. Hey, maybe there's a CGDCT anime in that... https://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/112193347759486440
tenthtechpriest: Are we not playing Tohoku Daigaku Karei Igaku Kenkyuusho: Kawashima Ryuuta Kyouju Kanshuu - Mono Sugoku Nou wo Kitaeru 5-Funkan no Oni Training?
Gekyouryuu: @DoodlestheGreat oh, I bet
Pteraspidomorphi: That's true, it's been anime all evening
Lysander_salamander: that's a long game title
Earthenone: Tohoku Daigaku Karei Igaku Kenkyuusho: Kawashima Ryuuta Kyouju Kanshuu - Mono Sugoku Nou wo Kitaeru 5-Funkan no Oni Training is still there, but its anime so w/e :P
Ritaspirithntr: what a great way to end an anime convention weekend!! tqsWow tqsHype
loufghyslaufey: @tenthtechpriest Nono, you misunderstand. We've only just begun watching that anime, tenthtechpriest.
Raincoast_Bear: Time for Brendan Deery's Animation Query!
LoadingReadyRun: One E
DoodlestheGreat: I watched a fair share of things this Winter, some good, some bad, but I'd be a liar if I didn't say that apart from "Delicious In Dungeon," my faves were my three holdovers from Fall. Shangri-La, Apothecary, and of course, Frieren.
Akaiatana: @Raincoast_Bear Fan service, not fan cervids.
Gekyouryuu: @LoadingReadyRun understood, Bej. lrrBEEJ
Earthenone: someone needs to make, if it dosent exist, a cute girls do air conditioning repair. for some Fan Service Fan Service
LoadingReadyRun: thumbs up emoji
Juliamon: This is also silent
vetchable: I just politely asked to be banned from 2 channels and they banned me. I thought it'd be hilarious and it was
LurkerSpine: No audio?
distrustingspectator: volume?
PotatoWraiths: MIC 5
Ritaspirithntr: thought so!
Lysander_salamander: hello!
Pteraspidomorphi: We can hear you
LurkerSpine: Mic works fine
loufghyslaufey: nevemind
loufghyslaufey: its just the intro
Lysander_salamander: hey, sirie!
Gekyouryuu: ok, Beej has audio, the intro didn't
Pinwiz11: A+ Channel Name
DoodlestheGreat: Are you Serie-ous?
loufghyslaufey: only the intro was muted
Rourke9: ghostly beej!!
RockPusher: We taking predictions on the over/under? :D
vetchable: Spectral Beej
malfnord: Is Beej translucent tonight or is it just me?
Rourke9: yes
RockPusher: malfnord perhaps Beej is *always* translucent lrrBEEJ
DoodlestheGreat: I've already watched my first Spring series. >_<
RockPusher: malfnord but yes, the shirt is slightly keying out
malfnord: @RockPusher :o I didn't think of that
vetchable: I met him in person. Can confirm he is just like that
LordZarano: Mic sounds a bit hot I think
Gekyouryuu: "using an automated assistant to help you talk about seasons of anime? you can't be serious." "Of Cours I'm Siri-ous, and don't call me Shirley."
SeiichiSin: Do you have any shirts on the store? Or what about shirts?
Akaiatana: You can buy Shirts with sleeves and shirts without sleeves and sleeves!
Akaiatana: @LordZarano Nah, that's Beej imo
loufghyslaufey: @malfnord always has "Beej" ImTyping katesGun mattlrHeck
LurkerSpine: mic sounded fine to me
Arclight_Dynamo: I didn't find it hot at all. Now this is incredibly quiet.
vetchable: agree
drawnbinary: yeah this is quiet now
7gorobei: the mic was fine for me before
Rourke9: is good niw
Rourke9: *now
7gorobei: all good
SeiichiSin: 3 hour stream let's go!
Plasterboard: Time is burinin' :P
benobi42: Don't tempt us
bytecaster: Anime% Speedrun Starto
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: smth smth smut is fine but not for everyone
vetchable: I dont know anything about anime, is this a good stream for me?
bytecaster: @vetchable The perfect introduction
vetchable: wonderful, thanks
RockPusher: Yumiella is such a wonderfully dense character
RatherLargeToad: This one was fun. Lead is a huge dork
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: lvl99 was great but didn't stick the landing for me
SaxPython: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
DoodlestheGreat: Yay smuts!
Rourke9: but then how will i know the correct opinions? /s
RockPusher: Lvl99 played the first ep so straight that I almost bounced off
loufghyslaufey: duh mattlrHeck is even a "smth"?
viowof: it's such a weird comedy routine, totally my guilty pleasure of the cour
SeiichiSin: Be cozy. seiichCozy
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: @loufghyslaufey short for something
Rourke9: it sounds like a fun premise
RatherLargeToad: @narwhalsinatrenchcoat I don’t think k the manga is done yet. The last two episodes felt like an anime original wrap up
lamina5432: it was as you said mediumly fun
vetchable: whats an isikai
loufghyslaufey: college is another word for, "academia" though, internationally
DoodlestheGreat: This one looked interesting, but I'm kinda isekai'd out.
viowof: the LN is different from the manga which is different from the anime
benobi42: Villainess l99 first episode felt like Hamafura if Katarina was a gamer.
Rourke9: or fall in love with the villainess, as it may be
RockPusher: The ending seemed very rushed
bytecaster: @vetchable isekai = "another world" A story where someone gets transported to another world
GrizonII: The only anime I've been watching recently is Dougram so I'm not gonna know any of these; the only thing I'm sure aired recently is Dunmeshi since I keep seeing it around on Twitter
malfnord: I'm a cheap mark for reijou isekai, and the manga is an enjoyable bit of goofy.
vetchable: Ah okay thanks!
Pteraspidomorphi: or reborn there
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: the patrick - yumiella dynamic is great
RockPusher: So Good!!!
loufghyslaufey: mhm
benobi42: Sooooo good
ElementalHaven: looking forward to when the dub finally happens of this
RatherLargeToad: This show has the best title cards in media
loufghyslaufey: I... think I finished the 1st season?
lamina5432: in the middle of watching this so well done
benobi42: I'm scared that the way they ended it might be because they don't think they'll get a chance to continue adapting the manga
Arclight_Dynamo: I understand the appeal, but I *cannot* relive that.
viowof: i should pick this up then
RockPusher: I hope we'll see more in a year or two
GragSmash: I talked to my middle schooler about how the young boys behave and they say it's accurate
loufghyslaufey: This is probably the newest thing I picked up into season 2
benobi42: Dual confessions!
bytecaster: @benobi42 You can dual wield those?
viowof: gotta have the right exotic weapon check
Rourke9: i'll have to check it out! i was intimidated a bit by the premise
benobi42: @bytecaster more of a high noon dual
RockPusher: This series is fantastic at setup and payoff
RockPusher: The karaoke into the OP they did that one episode was fun
Rourke9: that does sound like middle schoolers
tenthtechpriest: #JustMiddleSchoolThings
loufghyslaufey: That never crossed my mind at my age
Akaiatana: Wait, heirs? I thought this wasn't an isekai :P
bytecaster: Figure themselves out
Oshawartist: As a middle school teacher... I don't know if I would recommend the profession
benobi42: They think they should act older, and completey fail at it
lamina5432: it didn't overkill the embarrassment
Rourke9: thats cool
bytecaster: There is always more Vanguard, it seems
Gekyouryuu: I'm suddenly almost glad I had no friends as a kid so I never went through any of this. the recent realization I might be autistic means I FOR SURE would not have made it through any of that in a good way.
loufghyslaufey: Like that Kill La Kill one?
brainbosh: Oh the healer anime is really god tho
loufghyslaufey: I kind of started that one?
RatherLargeToad: This was cute
benobi42: It's "wholesome" horny
ElementalHaven: in the dub of this they gave at least some of the girls stereotypical canadian accents
DoodlestheGreat: I watched "Healing Magic," and enjoyed it. Not the top, but definetly interesting.
Akaiatana: Pun brain: "Can you watch card game anime using proxies?"
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: healing magic was fun to watch
Gekyouryuu: oh, the one with the white uniforms? that's because the main dude has healing magic, so he gets drafted into the combat medic corps, and their whole deal is "use healing on YOURSELF to do training from hell until you're a muscle freak, then run like hell into and out of battle to keep people safe."
DoodlestheGreat: I watched one of this series and bounced. Not bad, just not my speed.
loufghyslaufey: its subversive, right?
Rourke9: it says romance - is the romance between the girls?
loufghyslaufey: subverting?
viowof: waiting for the fan input
bytecaster: @Rourke9 I don't think so? It's based on some kind of Jump manga.
Rourke9: ah, disappointing
ElementalHaven: when is an anime protag not an idiot
benobi42: Oh yeah, that arc of the manga was rough
loufghyslaufey: Beej lowkey reading Director's notes, lawl...
RockPusher: Protag-kun
GragSmash: Catherine from Next Life as a Villainess is the smartest harem protag ever
loufghyslaufey: @RockPusher Onist-sama?
GragSmash: Oops Catarina
malfnord: Love Hina has many sins to answer for.
Oshawartist: is it fun anymore at that point?
bytecaster: Forcing the triangle?
benobi42: Despite all that, some of the parts with Fuyuki and Protag's family drama ended up pretty well I think
Gekyouryuu: @GragSmash oh? I've only seen season 1, where she categorically DID NOT understand anyone was actually into her. does that change later?
Akaiatana: @bytecaster Wait, is that what triforce means?
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: @Gekyouryuu 100% not, and everyone just gets more blatant
ElementalHaven: I didnt realize japan had such a huge climate range between hokkaido and okinawa
DoodlestheGreat: This is my fave new series from this season. Excellent animation, music, and acting, and a story that keeps morphing into new directions that are fascinating. Can't wait for Spring.
Rourke9: yay!
Gekyouryuu: @NarwhalsInATrenchcoat amazing
Joecool190: yes
tidehollowcat: Dungeon Meshi is one of the few anime that I’ll watch the dub for. Because ProZD as Senshi is amazing.
Gekyouryuu: Ryoko Kui, yes
tidehollowcat: correct
Rourke9: i love Kui's extras
Raincoast_Bear: Sapporo is on my travel list too.
benobi42: That is great Beej!
GragSmash: @gekyouryuu Catarina is adorably dense or the most aroace person in existence
lamina5432: kinda not liking the last episodes direction
Gekyouryuu: @tidehollowcat Marcille's dub VA is Nami from the live action One Piece, too, and she's great
Raincoast_Bear: Agreed. Dungeon Meshi is really good.
SK__Ren: Oh, Dungeon Meshi
Akaiatana: Obviously you drink the monsters
tenthtechpriest: monster ecology!
Tweygoh: the set up for the rapid tone shift was awesome
benobi42: Whoa, lyos really wants to eat the monsters
DoodlestheGreat: TRIGGER's saved anime again.
SK__Ren: TriGGer quality
GragSmash: I don't really get into food porn so Meshi and Torture Princess are wasted on me
bytecaster: Trigger stuff can be so expressive and it works great here
Gekyouryuu: Dungeon Meshi is great and it REALLY pops off as a story AFTER it gets to the parts that are happening in the most recent/next episodes
tidehollowcat: So many panty shots… only of Senshi
Diabore: yeah fair
bytecaster: @tidehollowcat They do know what the people want
Joecool190: oh yah
RatherLargeToad: Show is really good, but also really bloody and violent at times, so be aware
Rourke9: i cant wait for the rections
RockPusher: This is very earnest
RockPusher: it was fine, if very tell don't show
DoodlestheGreat: Marcille is my second favorite elf. Third is Herbie the Dentist from "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
benobi42: "the royal lady with the lamp" WHAT WAS THE LAMP ANIME, WHAT WAS THE LAMP?!?
RatherLargeToad: Two of these guys are the same guy
SK__Ren: Oh, Lady of the Lamp? I read this webcomic
lamina5432: this series was a reminder that i read this like 2 years ago
benobi42: Really liked this one 😁
bytecaster: Including a Pinoko?
RatherLargeToad: @benobi42 404: Lamp not found
miniMacGuru: "lamp" was just a reference to Florence Nightingale, iirc.
viowof: The Angel Beats backstory
loufghyslaufey: Edge of Tomorty...
benobi42: Eh, some magic
malfnord: Generic Romantic Fantasy Times?
SK__Ren: It feels like between renaissance and industrial revolution
loufghyslaufey: so, vaguely... not Victorian
RatherLargeToad: Feels medieval, but medicine is almost modern
bytecaster: You know Isekai Europe, the one with the uniforms and the hot people and the swords and stuff
RockPusher: Slightly more medically advanced times :D
malfnord: @bytecaster I like that, imma use that one.
benobi42: Technology advancement is dictated as the plot requires
Arclight_Dynamo: Sounds like 1870s Austro-Hungarian Empire?
RockPusher: post-anaesthesia
gibbousm: oh hey, I didn't realize it was time for a round up
RatherLargeToad: They know was lymphoma and open heart surgery is
Gekyouryuu: you know what I'd love to see? an isekai/reincarnation series where "fantasy europe" is actually the post-apocalypse and all prior world knowledge was lost.
DoodlestheGreat: Monocle? ConcernDoge
loufghyslaufey: must be a variant of a timeline
benobi42: The only think you need to know is that it is a time before trains
RockPusher: *handwaves* medical stuff
Akaiatana: Heh. "It's Bloodborne's origin story" would be funny.
viowof: Original author I think was a med student?
malfnord: @Gekyouryuu "Trapped in a Dating Sim" pulls that one fwiw.
7gorobei: medical tech advance radically after the civil war
loufghyslaufey: hypothetically not every timeline progresses into an equivalent pace, sometimes
RatherLargeToad: Was silly, but not great
SK__Ren: @malfnord Life is difficult for Mobs?
bytecaster: "Most City" is a fun name for a city
DoodlestheGreat: I'm sad about "Delusional Monthly Magazine." It was an interesting premise, but it was done so poorly. At least they tried.
malfnord: @SK__Ren Yeah, that's the one.
Gekyouryuu: @malfnord oh, I've seen that. I meant like LITERALLY the post-apocalypse. "you're actually still on Earth." not "you're in a game world where the setting has ancient super tech"
RockPusher: I'd like to be tortured like this
tenthtechpriest: banger alert
viowof: The most fun of the season right here
RockPusher: Demon Lord Best Boss
SK__Ren: I honestly love that one
benobi42: Very fun, but the gag of the premise did get a little stale at times
RatherLargeToad: This was better than it should have been. The Hell-Lord is in top 5 of fathers in anime
malfnord: @Gekyouryuu Fair, though Mobseka implies that it really is Earth, just really fucked up by the science v. magic wars
benobi42: Hell lord top tier dad
Rourke9: sounds fun!!
Gekyouryuu: @malfnord wait, really? it's just a severe coincidence that it's the exact same as the game?
RockPusher: Hell Lord is Huge Weeb
Rourke9: i remember enjoying those parts of Mage and Demon Queen
RatherLargeToad: I loved him speed running an Isekai in the last episode
benobi42: Modern day hell army is a great aesthetic
Rourke9: and similar jokes with the manager in Monster Development Department
ElementalHaven: anime has taught me that the legions of hell are actually very nice
ElementalHaven: theres only 1 show I've seen thats been an exception to that
gibbousm: I really like the manga
Gekyouryuu: No panda left behind!
RatherLargeToad: The stuff with the tree spirits was cute
DoodlestheGreat: "Mr. Villain" felt too repetitive in the first episode to me. I like pandas.
benobi42: "Hokkaido girls are f*ing hot" no, you got that right
malfnord: @Gekyouryuu I wouldn't call it a coincidence, more that the apocalypse was just as half-assed as the game.
AnimeKitty: It's honestly just a nice fluff show for me
Rourke9: this reminds me i need to finish Love After World Domination
benobi42: @rourke9 that was a good show
loufghyslaufey: oh, right
viowof: Best OP of the season
Gekyouryuu: @Rourke9 same
loufghyslaufey: This one was going around too
bytecaster: As a person from Germany, they really make it difficult for me to take some of these character names seriously
benobi42: 7th loop was very fun as well
Rourke9: i should also rewatch Monster Development Department at some point
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: I enjoyed 7th time loop
Amentur: Loop 7 I am enjoying rather much
benobi42: Villainess enjoyers eating well
loufghyslaufey: Is it one of those one season runs?
loufghyslaufey: Not sure if the title gives off that premise.
malfnord: I had forgotten this got an anime. Have to go grab this.
benobi42: The biggest problem I had with this show was how they knew how to make fireworks on presumably the first try with black powder
Zu_o: That what at the end of the first episode was tremendous.
Akaiatana: Is it an execution if she lives? :P
PMAvers: Heck, even if she dies, feels like she's going on this run to try to gather some info.
Zu_o: @Akaiatana I really wanted it to end with "Loop 8" being the next season
DoodlestheGreat: "Unhealthy BDSM relationships: The Anime."
atinyspacemarine: I ended up dropping this like four episodes in, but I liked the promise
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: The witch and the beast has some great worldbuilding
lamina5432: a lot of yuri ish behavior in that mahou shoujo
Amentur: OOoooh yes charly23Brows I enjoyed gushing over magical girls "Be gay do crimes"
DoodlestheGreat: Didn't watch MASHLE, but I have to say the opeing song is my fave of the season.
Gekyouryuu: @lamina5432 it's explicitly a yuri, afaik
RockPusher: Gushing is as close to hentai I think you can get away with on an ecchi tag
RatherLargeToad: Is OK, but weird
theamc2000: you made it through the first episode?
TomCatFrost: mashle is ridiculous in a good way
viowof: I think this is something that you gotta binge
ElementalHaven: I've been finding metallic rouge kind of akward
sirspate: Mashle second season opening sequence is also great
Amentur: I SO wanted to enjoy Metallic Rouge. I could not figure out what the plot is after 6ish episodes
Rourke9: @Gekyouryuu thats cool
atinyspacemarine: I watched gushing over magical girls and chained soldier but to quote mothers basement, it's trash. Good trash, but trash
VazSun: @Gekyouryuu undeniably a yuri, since I don't think I saw a man in the entire 13 eps
benobi42: That's a shame, metallic Rouge has been on my list to check out
Pteraspidomorphi: I found the writing in Metallic Rouge to be lacking
Gekyouryuu: Ninja Kamui is CURRENTLY airing on toonami. not done yet.
SK__Ren: Oh! I know this one
DoodlestheGreat: Watched one ep of "Pon No Michi" and bailed. Just too esoteric for me.
atinyspacemarine: Metallic rogue is on my list too, I love cyberpunk so hopefully it's a good fit for me
ElementalHaven: I'm not really a fan of the slavery & body control aspects
SK__Ren: I love the artist of the manga... I'm not sure I'm onboard with the anime designs
SK__Ren: oh!
Zu_o: @Gekyouryuu would you recommend it?
RatherLargeToad: This was adorable
SK__Ren: This one is also cute
Pteraspidomorphi: Saijaku Tamer was great
Gekyouryuu: @Zu_o it's been fine so far. not super standout, but not terrible
TomCatFrost: 10/10
sirspate: tamer starts off on a brutal note
atinyspacemarine: That sounds like a compelling game concept, yeah
RatherLargeToad: Was also simuldubbed for some reason
DoodlestheGreat: I enjoyed "Weakest tamer," but I'll say it is probably too slow for most people. But yeah, cute as hell once you get past the first few darker episodes.
benobi42: Sounds like it might be better as a binge then
atinyspacemarine: I wish "cute" was enough to engage me because there's so much good cute anime
Pteraspidomorphi: Most people I know dislike By the Grace of the Gods, I also enjoyed it :D It's just people being nice to each other
Gekyouryuu: "a slime? hooray! I'm going to invent laundromats!"
loufghyslaufey: wait, is this the same slime one that was mentioned the last past seasons?
SK__Ren: Yeah... its so-so
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: I did not enjoy strongest tank
sirspate: when the twins kiss to unlock superpowers, it feels ick
Zu_o: @atinyspacemarine this really did have more than just "Cute" but it was mostly a story about a child's growth and learning to trust.
atinyspacemarine: Those same men could fight a bear and beat Serena Williams in a tennis match /s
Gekyouryuu: I never finished episode 1, and it looked like EXACTLY what I thought it'd be
loufghyslaufey: you just felt it
bytecaster: The skill turned out to be powerful?!? What a surprise!
30teracyte: I'm pretty done with 'everyone says my skill sucks but actually its the best'
benobi42: Wat
loufghyslaufey: And then- kay imma heck out?
DoodlestheGreat: "Sasaki and Peeps" confused the hell out of me, so I'm going to watch the next cour to see if it gets any more coherent. It's Aoi Yuki's world, we're just living in it.
TomCatFrost: how else do twins fuse? 😂
Lysander_salamander: I tried to read the manga and I didn't get to any part where the twins kissed.
RatherLargeToad: Good birb
Gekyouryuu: I have to watch the last episode of this, but Sasaki and Peeps is FUN
atinyspacemarine: @zu_o sounds with a couple episodes to give it a shot
tenthtechpriest: the pacing on it is so inconsistent
RatherLargeToad: Is an Isekai, but all the battles happen in the home world
RockPusher: This has been Beej's analogy corner
Zu_o: I mean, even then, it could be rough, because it really is a "CHILD'S learning to trust."
atinyspacemarine: Oh I forgot I meant to check that out, it seemed funny and odd
30teracyte: The premise is interesting, but I feel like the payoff just has not been there in the way that I wanted
Gekyouryuu: I honestly wasn't expecting the age reveal
AnimeKitty: PrideLaugh
loufghyslaufey: hm, I see magical girls, right?
TomCatFrost: yepp
Gekyouryuu: @loufghyslaufey magical girls exist in the setting distinct from magic like the MC has access to.
RatherLargeToad: @loufghyslaufey Homicidal magical girls
benobi42: I'm shocked (shows not shocked face)
atinyspacemarine: I'm 30 in three hours and I just want adults with adult problems
RatherLargeToad: There’s at least three different dimensions going on
TomCatFrost: three different systems of “magic” and another coming in
sirspate: that needy teen girl next door..
bytecaster: Wikipedia says it started as a web novel, so that might be a reason for some disjointedness?
benobi42: @atinyspacemarine happy early birthday
DoodlestheGreat: The only thing it's missing is giant robots and ninjas, and it'll have all the tropes in one convenient package.
atinyspacemarine: @benobi42 lrrSHINE
loufghyslaufey: @atinyspacemarine Oh, oh. I've picked up either Overlord or Vinland Saga for that.
atinyspacemarine: I was happily surprised when I started 16 bit sensation and everyone was at least 18 or so (kinda) although it was, eh
bytecaster: Sasaki is actually just playing the newest Sword Art Online Mod
DoodlestheGreat: Or he wakes up from the coma.
SharktoothJack: happy early birthday, and oh boy do I feel that
Gekyouryuu: Sasaki wakes up and he's actually 16 but all the female characters are adult women?
SK__Ren: Yay!
Lysander_salamander: sort of like that Dragon Quest movie?
SK__Ren: Manga is cozy
loufghyslaufey: whelp
Gekyouryuu: I've heard Season 2 skips a TON of the manga
benobi42: Dropped this one after a bit
loufghyslaufey: incomplete?
Lysander_salamander: I want to watch this after reading the rest of the manga
atinyspacemarine: @loufghyslaufey I bounced off of overlord when he decided to be an adventurer instead of, well, the overlord. Vinland is on my list for sure though.
GrizonII: I feel like a lot of these light novel adaptations would be good material for some kind of 'trope bingo'
Gekyouryuu: like, there's a TON that happens between seasons 1 and 2 that they just didn't cover
bytecaster: That's first season stuff anyway
Gekyouryuu: is what I've heard
atinyspacemarine: @grizonii LN adaptation bingo sounds like a good group watch idea
TomCatFrost: season two felt super disjointed and completely different from the first because of it
Driosenth: Time to prune your manga list?
benobi42: Oh no, it broke Beej
RatherLargeToad: There’s one more to go
mitomanox: looks cute
atinyspacemarine: Actually specifically an after-hours anime panel with LN trope bingo with prizes sounds great
malfnord: Get a Cromartie vibe from the art
bytecaster: Manualtune
viowof: going out with friends to KTV
sirspate: wonder if Ian would be into Snack Basue
SK__Ren: Ah instant death-kun
lamina5432: decent trash
RatherLargeToad: This one was super goofy. Has every trope
loufghyslaufey: Plus?
SK__Ren: Tsukimichi!
RatherLargeToad: was fun, though
loufghyslaufey: What?
DoodlestheGreat: I am so pleased with David Production's remake of the series, and I am praying they get to do the same to Takahashi's other major series.
Gekyouryuu: Tsuki Michi is RAD
loufghyslaufey: Check again?
atinyspacemarine: Moonlit fantasy is fun isekai, solid B+. Fun and 100% recommended for isekai fans
loufghyslaufey: The anime I know of in D+ was S1 of Visions
RatherLargeToad: They had some multi-episode arcs this time
ElementalHaven: I'm waiting on the dub, but I'll be probably waiting on that for a while yet
sirspate: Tsuki Michi is goodish, but a few of the early S2 eps are a 'patch' to the first season. ;)
benobi42: Yubisaki!!!
DoodlestheGreat: Which reminds me, THEY'RE REMAKING SGT FROG! Wewt! Have Ian watch along for all the gunpla! OSFrog
RatherLargeToad: Best muppet faces since Amanchu
lamina5432: this was a good manga
loufghyslaufey: *gasp*
bytecaster: I quite enjoyed this one.
benobi42: Was worried you wouldn't like it because last season you were excited about the travelling aspect in the description, which hasn't really come to fruition
loufghyslaufey: sign language animation?
benobi42: Sooooo sweet
Rourke9: ive heard really good things about this one
RockPusher: I really need to find time for this
atinyspacemarine: I think my girlfriend really liked this one? I'm not into romance, generally, but it's more her speed.
benobi42: Oushi-kun
Gekyouryuu: the way they draw lips on guys gives away who this show is for, I think
bytecaster: I'm not sure if Oushi would overcome his bs without Itsuomi though
RockPusher: gabyLul
benobi42: Oh yeah, this is pretty classical shojo style
RatherLargeToad: So many lips
benobi42: Yet I love it
lamina5432: could always upgrade for more shoujo anime.
benobi42: The manga is excellent as well
Zu_o: sold, and I might be mad about it. lol.
Rourke9: that sounds nice
lamina5432: go*
bytecaster: The sign language aspect is certainly what hooked me early on
benobi42: The only problem with this show: it has been made apparent than Yuki dyed her hair pink, yet we have never seen her roots. Itsuomi also dyes his hair, but it comes up when he needs it done again
Juliamon: I'm curious how different sign languages compare.
Akaiatana: I could barely speak until I was five. My first words were signed 'more cookies please'
Rourke9: thats really cool
loufghyslaufey: Is JSL also conveyed in Ousama Ranking?
bytecaster: Yeah, I'd enjoy a second season
Rourke9: looking forward to watching!
yamahako: There's ASL which doesn't have similar sentence structure, and signed English which does. ASL is its own language
loufghyslaufey: I have delve into it entirely yet
SharktoothJack: I don't know ASLa , but I believe it has a different word order than American English
bytecaster: Also Ousama Ranking isn't set in contemporary Japan
atinyspacemarine: There's also the split in English between American and British Sign Language for instance (as I understand it), which is interesting
loufghyslaufey: ah
dylan16807: ASL is split off french sign language
benobi42: It was also great how this show did the sign language on screen
Juliamon: ASL is closer to Japanese grammar rules than spoken English, but it's still not the same
benobi42: Especially the confession
yamahako: When I was learning ASL the thing that blew my mind - was ASL poetry - its not translatable to English
atinyspacemarine: Completely reasonable lol
loufghyslaufey: A gunpla
Rourke9: ive heard this one is very fun
Gekyouryuu: I NEED to watch Bravern!
Gekyouryuu: it's NUTS!
30teracyte: this was fun as hell
atinyspacemarine: God this was so good
RatherLargeToad: This was a hoooooole thing. was great
Pteraspidomorphi: I've been told it was good, haven't watched it either
benobi42: This show is very clearly about being here longer than we think we should
atinyspacemarine: So wonderfully gay
tenthtechpriest: It is VERY good, and also very gay
Gekyouryuu: I've heard the character designer is a lesbian, and there seem to be a fair few lesbian pairings
RockPusher: tqsNoted
RatherLargeToad: If you are into a show where a giant robot shows up singing its own theme song, this is for you
atinyspacemarine: It's a wild mashup, it's unique. Real robots, magic robots, homoeroticism, actual gay romance kinda
RockPusher: The Frieren shorts are fun if people can find them
loufghyslaufey: oh, hot springs?
loufghyslaufey: So on-sen?
atinyspacemarine: Robot fucking
loufghyslaufey: kay
DoodlestheGreat: @RockPusher TOHO has them on their YT channel.
atinyspacemarine: Ooh, theres frieren shorts?
DoodlestheGreat: Chibi shorts
DoodlestheGreat: Maomao is such a wonderful protagonist, and watching her and Jinshi play off one another is a delight. But even more, they way the series has continuously thrown curveballs at us is truly impressive. Lakan went from someone to be wary of to one who should be pitied, and in the end I'm glad he got some small measure of peace because of Maomao.
dougma: Best Series of the year
atinyspacemarine: I desire more frieren, so I will seek this out.
Pteraspidomorphi: It good
benobi42: Oh this was so good
lamina5432: such a well done ending for the season
SK__Ren: This is SO good
bytecaster: It is very very good
ElementalHaven: I'm a little over halfway through this
benobi42: I think I need to read this now
tenthtechpriest: Next season confirmed let's gooooooooooo
atinyspacemarine: Girlfriend also loves this so much
LurkerSpine: Wait, why no comedy tag?
Rourke9: i remember you loving this in previous roundups
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: it's lovely
Amentur: NyaoNyao extraBongos
RatherLargeToad: Poison gremlin!
SK__Ren: I've read the manga for years
dougma: Apothecary > Freiren... Fight me
GragSmash: It's a great nerdy procedural
PMAvers: *inserts gif of Maomao getting yeet'd out of a door here*
RockPusher: I have this sitting there to get to
viowof: @dougma walmart parking lot let's go
SK__Ren: Maomao is so entertaining
bytecaster: MaoMao is so fun
loufghyslaufey: @dougma nah, you good. Frieren gets passed around alot
DoodlestheGreat: Aoi Yuki
hideki101: Yuki Aoi
benobi42: Chin stroking how much shenanigans she can get away with
atinyspacemarine: I want to watch and need to determine if it would trigger emitephobia
bytecaster: Hana ni Natte is a banger
loufghyslaufey: gripe?
Amentur: Aoi Yuuki also does the voice for Tanya Degurechaff :D
SK__Ren: Save that for next season
Rourke9: would you recommend reading the manga before watching this one, or is it fine to watch first?
tenthtechpriest: "yet" is a very key word here
SharktoothJack: it's obviously going to get there eventually
benobi42: "yet", so you're saying there's a chance?
loufghyslaufey: or thumbnails
viowof: @Rourke9 both at the same time
Rourke9: awesome!!
dougma: soooooo goooood
bytecaster: Everybody knows that the key to a woman (maybe only this woman)'s heart is poison.
dougma: the art in the anime is soooo good
ElementalHaven: I've been alternating between 2 eps of this and frieren each day
benobi42: Manga or LN?
Rourke9: LOVE court politics!!
benobi42: *is either better?
viowof: Manga > LN
ElementalHaven: I see it as more of a detective thing
bytecaster: Maomao is very partically minded
bytecaster: *practically
dougma: He is a CREAP
Gekyouryuu: one of the first things I ever saw of this was one of the Concubines talking about MaoMao teaching her a special technique only she can do, and when you realize the Concubine in question is the only one with MASSIVE boobs, you can pretty quickly guess what that "technique" is
bytecaster: She really doesn't want to lose her head, she makes that very clear
lamina5432: why I don’t surf the web.
malfnord: Now see, your first mistake was listening to goons.
Zu_o: also, she thinks he's a eunuch.
SK__Ren: Because she A) Isn't interested and B ) wants to live
dougma: The TEXT is he believes she is his TOY, and she knows it
jubale1: I’m here. did i miss much
benobi42: And C) Kissing Jinshi would not introduce her to more poison
viowof: 100% this
bytecaster: As frustrated as that makes Gaoshun
TacitusVigil: Oh no, I'm missing the Beej rants about anime stream!
SharktoothJack: she knows he could easily get her in trouble, and cares *way more* about staying out of trouble than anything else
bytecaster: Boys only like girls that experiment with poison on themselves, it is well known
benobi42: The scene of Jinshi walking MaoMao from the temple after the accident though
loufghyslaufey: i don't get any of those socializing politics
loufghyslaufey: at all, I guess to this day?
SniperPumpkin: I see no line
dougma: The show has layers.... many layers... they are not deep
bytecaster: Just think of Maomao as Dr House
lamina5432: with a little palace drama.
atinyspacemarine: More or less malpractice than house?
benobi42: Probably about on par
Decaped: Suck it Lakhan
loufghyslaufey: looks like- Fire Force?
theamc2000: …I don’t hate Lukan
DoodlestheGreat: In my bloated opinion, SLF is the best video-game based series ever and Vysache can be my daddy any time. Love the series like I love pie.
atinyspacemarine: Slf so gooooood
SK__Ren: Shangri-la is good if you like tryhard gaming
benobi42: Frieren! Frieren!
bytecaster: I feel like this one needs no introduction
PMAvers: Otaku Jeff: the Animated Series
RatherLargeToad: SLF was great.
sirspate: I hadn't watched Kusuriya because I was worried it was another show like Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon
viowof: anime of the decade
Gekyouryuu: Shangri-La Frontier is WAY better than it should be
dougma: Kind of the point of the name
RockPusher: Fern best girl
benobi42: @bytecaster but both OPs have been sooooooo good
atinyspacemarine: Frieren also solid A+
Rourke9: ive heard good things about Frieren but I am also certain that it would make me Sad
Gekyouryuu: and it already should be fine
RatherLargeToad: Frireren is also great
Amentur: Shangri-La Frontier understands what a gamer mind tends to act upon
Gekyouryuu: LOVE Frieren as a show
jubale1: it reads like this is a sequel
lamina5432: another great continuation. very much looking forward to the next season.
DeM0nFiRe: I'm only like 12 episodes in or so but it is SO good so far
Pteraspidomorphi: SLF was surprisingly good. Frieren was unsurprisingly good :D
Archermaster24: was not expecting shangri-la frontier to be as good as it was
RatherLargeToad: more melancholy than sad
bytecaster: It's lovely and it's sad and it's funny, and sometimes, Fern pouts!
ElementalHaven: I watched 5 eps this afternoon getting me up to like 22
atinyspacemarine: @rourke9 parts of it made me sad at points, but the show as a whole isn't, and honestly helped me process some stuff
DoodlestheGreat: I've been watching anime since the original "Astro Boy," and while this is my personal opinion, I can honestly say this isn't just my favorite series on the season, or of the year. It's my favorite series ever.
Formerly_Beef: I really like how it explores what follows after "the big adventure" and it touches on some great subjects
loufghyslaufey: I mean, selling it implies that the sad had just already happened
RatherLargeToad: “It’s dark. I’m scared”
Caffine1138: Its sad in the way of remembering the good times with friends and finding new things to enjoy with new friends. i love this show. I hope they get more signed
bytecaster: The manga is also great!
RockPusher: I would be amazed if we don't see more once there is more manga source
viowof: there is absolutely no reason there wouldn't be a second season
viowof: Evan Call is GOAT
benobi42: Gotta start reading this
Gekyouryuu: 28 episodes, but the first 4 were a "single" episode, so functionally only 25 episodes
Rourke9: @atinyspacemarine I know for me personally, it would make me sad in a way i wont enjoy right now
DoodlestheGreat: Evan Call knocked it out of the park.
benobi42: Another banger by Evan Call!
sirspate: Frieren first ep was really good, but it was a little too real for where I'm at in my life atm.
viowof: Milet is amazing
atinyspacemarine: If there's no more frieren I will grab all the manga
lamina5432: it’s far enough along in the manga to do another 20 or so episodes
viowof: the song was produced by Evan Call, even
RatherLargeToad: Love the ending song
Formerly_Beef: Beautiful animation too.
Decaped: Justice for Stark!
DoodlestheGreat: My favorite ending theme.
benobi42: Once I realised the second Ed was the same song, it hits twice as hard
Amentur: The anime is such an elevation to the manga. An amazing adaptation
bytecaster: As the Hero Himmel once said: We want a second season.
atinyspacemarine: @rourke9 understandable, I would hope you find yourself in a place you can, for more reasons than the anime
DoodlestheGreat: Well, the manga went from 10 million copies to 20 from the time the series premiered to now.
Rourke9: @atinyspacemarine thanks! me too. its definitely something i plan to watch when i can
dougma: There was soooo much cosplay and support at Anime Boston this weekend
loufghyslaufey: Well... were all, not quite there yet? At Frieren specifically
bytecaster: Honestly, I'd be fine with this. But I'm also current with the manga
DoodlestheGreat: Japanese parents are getting their kids to do their chores by telling them "It's what the hero Himmel would have done."
RockPusher: I mean, I don't think the numbers will hold but I understand this is rated Best of All Time in many places
Leebo140: The dig at Bleach hurt a little I won't lie
Rourke9: Themes!!!
atinyspacemarine: I have a sticker on my laptop that's frieren but her staff has been converted to an rpg7
RatherLargeToad: I’ve seen some with Otaku Elf thrown in too
benobi42: Inb4 the second season of Frieren comes out a decade later
Rourke9: @benobi42 that would be very funny
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viowof: 1 decade after Hero Himmel's death
loufghyslaufey: @Leebo140 I sincerely thought it hit its peak at Hueco Mundo
loufghyslaufey: And I haven't even finished that or the 1 or 2 arcs before it.
benobi42: Remind be at the end of the year to vote this for AOTY
xx_Hans_Olo_xx: &&&&
Leebo140: @loufghyslaufey TYBW has better moments up until the ending imo, but I completely understand why people don't enjoy it
atinyspacemarine: And God, the animation of the fights
lamina5432: UU is good
RatherLargeToad: Undead Unluck started weird but ended soooooooo good
lamina5432: the world building in UU is insane.
atinyspacemarine: I'd like to grab more anime movies
loufghyslaufey: boy band?
atinyspacemarine: And whenever I look at what's premiering this season I'm reminded that girls und panzer has more runtime in movies than the original show
SK__Ren: I need to watch that still
loufghyslaufey: the 4th one
jubale1: haikyu i just binged. fun, exciting
dougma: Need to watch all the Madoka moview
theamc2000: yaboy
SK__Ren: What part of buddhism will we discover in the latest Madoka I wonder
GrizonII: I haven't watched or read Biscuit Hammer but I recall seeing fans of the manga saying the anime was bad so probably wouldn't make a great impression anyway
theamc2000: what website is this btw
DoodlestheGreat: "Fluffy Paradise" was okay. Nothing bad, nothing to jump up and down about.
seanmrwick: there is so much anime I need to get into, and not exactly stuff like My Hero or JJK, but maybe delve into the classics. I've actually gotten back in RWBY
ImmortalLen: wait, there was more Great Pretender?!
loufghyslaufey: I didn't pick up on their being a new Gundam... so soon?
atinyspacemarine: Anichart I believe
theamc2000: ty
lamina5432: agreed
RatherLargeToad: This was good, but ended very non-fluffy
Diabore: i made it to the a"teacher abuse" episode
Lysander_salamander: the whole "passing judgement on humanity" thing was peculiar
benobi42: So the reverse of that slime anime earlier then?
bytecaster: That death to overwork has become a stock premise is quite sad.
DoodlestheGreat: I watched the Apothecary mini-series, but I couldn't find them untranslated.
lamina5432: not enough character definition maybe?
atinyspacemarine: @bytecaster what's sadder is it feels like it's wish-fulfilment
loufghyslaufey: "We Bought A Zoo: The Isekai"?
RatherLargeToad: Last episode had a mass funeral
SK__Ren: Unwanted Adventurer is interesting. The manga is going places
bytecaster: That is a lot of work for 6 minutes of animation
Lysander_salamander: There was this one isekai comic I was reading about a woman that opens a coffee-shop/library. I should see if it's updated.
lamina5432: yes
RockPusher: ooer - I need to find this
Gekyouryuu: Nozomanu Fushi Bokensha was a show. why's it in movies?
loufghyslaufey: oh
benobi42: Yeah, Netflix for the series
Amentur: Yep was on Netflix
benobi42: Didn't see the short
Lysander_salamander: yay
bytecaster: Sitting tight o7
DoodlestheGreat: Congrats, got through Winter!
dougma: this is a comercial
loufghyslaufey: The title implies the opposite of said, marriage?
benobi42: I feel very advertised to
Saintnex: Oh wow, i just checked the time, we are really hustling this round up
atinyspacemarine: Anime not aired this season I watched for commercial break:
Decaped: @SK__Ren Does it get less haremy as it goes on? I always hope they frontload that stuff
jubale1: Haikyu - highschool volleyball. i’ve never watched a sports anime, and it was surprisingly good.
atinyspacemarine: Lycoris Recoil; I loved it already, re-watched with my girlfriend, she loved it too, so good
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: @atinyspacemarine got recommended that earlier this week, should get round to it soon
bytecaster: LycoReco was very fun
RockPusher: indeed it was
atinyspacemarine: SAO alt GGO: showed my girlfriend two episodes after a discussion lead me to talk about how GGO was decent where SAO was baaad. She then binged the whole thing
jubale1: i sometimes wonder if regular japanese people yell as much as these animes have people yelling. seems unlikely
atinyspacemarine: Rewatching Full Metal Panic as a comfort show
atinyspacemarine: Checking out Patlabor as a classic Mecha show
atinyspacemarine: @narwhalsinatrenchcoat it gets a really solid recommendation from me
bytecaster: @jubale1 You cannot really walk outside for a minute without someone yelling "Kamehameha" it's true
NarwhalsInATrenchcoat: I watched the first season of Initial D this month, the CG has held up pretty well
jubale1: what’s Kamehameha?
bytecaster: Son Goku's signature move from Dragon Ball
atinyspacemarine: Initial D should get on my list of modern classics
GrizonII: @jubale1 The name of several Hawaiian kings
bytecaster: Also that
Decaped: @jubale1 Fluent Japanese speakers will know immediately if you watch anime by how you pronounce common things.
bytecaster: Or if you know very particular words, such as apothecary
DoodlestheGreat: Front, too!
malfnord: AH!
loufghyslaufey: Spring titles?
atinyspacemarine: Anime is such a narrow slice of Japanese pop culture
tidehollowcat: I have no idea what's in this coming season, so this will be interesting.
Lysander_salamander: I should make cookies tomorrow
RockPusher: tqsNom NomNom
DoodlestheGreat: Going to give this one a try. No idea how it'll do.
RockPusher: lrrSHINE Hosks lrrSHINE
viowof: @atinyspacemarine not so narrow anymore
benobi42: 2 hours, or in beej anime roundup time, 5 hours
Lysander_salamander: oh girlscout cookies
Lysander_salamander: nice
bytecaster: yet
atinyspacemarine: Always curious what beej knows about that I don't, often fills in my blind spots
DoodlestheGreat: I presume these will show up on a future Mail Time?
tidehollowcat: I *think* Whisper Me a Love Song is coming out this season, but I'm not sure.
iris_of_ether: Oh, the Toffee ones?
benobi42: @tidehollowcat it is!
DeM0nFiRe: LUL
atinyspacemarine: @viowof I understand it's getting bigger, but it still feels like it's a slice similar to if one watched only American "prestige" tv
bytecaster: It's a good size
loufghyslaufey: Beej, the taste for Mustard-ized Crackers
dougma: So... Maison Ikkoku 2.0?
sirspate: Hello fellow jackal
benobi42: But did you listen to his podcast ;)
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SkipIives: hey it’s anime!
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jubale1: “prestige” is not a category label i’ve heard before
Lysander_salamander: congrats
GrizonII: @atinyspacemarine also the anime which people watch frequently in the English speaking world/what is marketed heavily there is still just a part of the animation produced in Japan really
viowof: wait, buses?
bytecaster: @viowof The planes of the earth
iris_of_ether: Coach buses can have TVs in them
loufghyslaufey: Every viewer has their own cultural touchstone
iris_of_ether: I saw The Matrix on a band trip in high school that way :D
benobi42: He probably means greyhound buses, but wouldn't it be funny if it was just Victoria's mass transit buses!
loufghyslaufey: I'm still trailing off titles from the MCU "Phase 4"
Decaped: I've completely skipped the Marvel cultural movement.
bytecaster: But if not everybody watches the same thing, how will people get my topical references?!
atinyspacemarine: Like I don't know anything about Japan's music scene, or other TV, or novels (not light novels), and that's just pop culture. So I may be aware of the shadow of those things in anime, but it's a skewed perspective. And then in aggregate pop culture doesn't reflect life well, even if it slides to it
benobi42: There are dozens of us!
jubale1: it seems lately nothing is really big, except T Swift.
loufghyslaufey: Chat in grouped in groups of 30?
bytecaster: The ninth circle of hell: The weeb circle
dougma: The most seen media show in the US currently is Yellowstone, and has been for years... But I best most people here have not watched it.
RockPusher: I get blindsided by the occasional non-weeb going "you watch anime, have you seen <X>, I saw it on <LocalStreamingService>"
atinyspacemarine: And like I can see a commentary on culture in lycoreco about surveillance states and brushing problems under the rug but I don't have a single example I could name in Japan.
loufghyslaufey: *is grouped
LurkerSpine: thank god for rightstuf
benobi42: How did you live?
LurkerSpine: (RIP rightstuf)
Driosenth: isekai got into the Oxford English Dictionary, so there's that
RatherLargeToad: This looks like post high school Yurusei Yatsura
malfnord: The one VHS tape with three episodes that costs $30
tenthtechpriest: when you could only find volumes 3 and 7 but none of the rest
Gekyouryuu: gesundheit
loufghyslaufey: Side B
Pinwiz11: Hooray! Time to get interested in new anime and forget that I added it to my queue! :)
benobi42: So, is Astro Note just the same thing as A Galaxy Next Door?
SK__Ren: This is a trope
Rourke9: sounds cute
viowof: oh here we go
iris_of_ether: Ooh, Bartender
viowof: i've heard it's a remake
bytecaster: Oh, I read that manga once, but it's been a while
lamina5432: this will be interesting
Juliamon: aw, just a remake :(
atinyspacemarine: Several people I know are excited for rhis
jubale1: drinking God?
loufghyslaufey: @rourke9 that's one way to describe a sneeze
Juliamon: I have fond memories of the original
SK__Ren: lol
benobi42: Please report back in 3 months on if it's worth checking out
viowof: the original Bartender had a lot of interesting camera angles and tricks adapted from live action film
loufghyslaufey: Looks like that sequence from the Passengers movie
Acromonk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
Gekyouryuu: Blue Archive is a Gacha game
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Acromonk! (Today's storm count: 34)
PMAvers: Mobile Gacha Game anime
viowof: Blue Archive is like "oh hey, cute", but is actually "TRAUMA EVERYWHERE"
loufghyslaufey: Or the side character from Ready Player One
DoodlestheGreat: NOUNS!
sirspate: oh good, a show about bureaucracy.
atinyspacemarine: God I love committees (gotcha anime is baffling)
bytecaster: Why do student councils always get so much power, do all of them have to break the worlds shell all the time?
Lysander_salamander: I'm slightly put off by the concept of the all-powerful student council.
lamina5432: is it kivotos the school name?
Gekyouryuu: Sensei is the player character
Rourke9: huh
iris_of_ether: lrrFINE
Saintnex: Why is sensei capitalized?
tenthtechpriest: Just gacha adaptation things
bytecaster: Ah, you can just start with 7
atinyspacemarine: I love when gotcha games suddenly have their plot laid out as an anime it's baffling every time
Decaped: hot bunny count: 1
RatherLargeToad: Fell off a season or two ago. Too bleak now
DoodlestheGreat: Assalted battery? >_<
Juliamon: Battery = pitcher/catcher duo
tidehollowcat: I'm super excited for this one
viowof: @atinyspacemarine that's how it works out in development for game plot
atinyspacemarine: I like arknights but God what the hell
tenthtechpriest: is this a kink thing? and if not can it be?
loufghyslaufey: Alot of overpowered student council titles, & I've only heard of maybe two...?
iris_of_ether: Beej.
Caffine1138: *snerk*
loufghyslaufey: MHA? How have you not ended yet?
sirspate: they only play one position each tho right
wildpeaks: definitely sports
clairetheegg: We're still talking about sports right?
Lysander_salamander: middle school
Juliamon: I'll just watch Oofuri again if I want that tbh
Arclight_Dynamo: This is an insane premise.
Lysander_salamander: ok
Rourke9: sounds fun
DoodlestheGreat: WAT A SHOK!
bytecaster: Sure is a sports anime
jubale1: this is sorta likeu Hakyui
PotatoWraiths: what if LRR was a baseball team
Lysander_salamander: "just when I thought I was out of the game..."
SK__Ren: Batman and Robin team up with thier Rogues gallery?
atinyspacemarine: They don't need service weapons with *these guns* **flexes**
Saintnex: 100 bucks they form a highschool underdog baseball team
DoodlestheGreat: SPORTSBALL
bytecaster: But is it "Blue Lock" over the top?
Driosenth: they should have put 'coincidentally' in italics
Arclight_Dynamo: TBF, the best episode of DS9 was a sports anime, so... Kappa
Lysander_salamander: that's a long title
atinyspacemarine: @arclight_dynamo the trick is it was limited to one episode
Pteraspidomorphi: This description is very ?!
lamina5432: oh watched the first episode bad anime attempt
Saintnex: This is very NANI??
tidehollowcat: Speaking about baseball anime, there's a yuri manga about ballpark food. It's amazing.
viowof: ahahahahahaha
loufghyslaufey: A reincarnation?
lamina5432: the manga's edium
30teracyte: about to begin...?!
Astramentha: NANI?!
SK__Ren: oh studio DEEN
DoodlestheGreat: Jocularity abounds!
Diabore: @lamina5432 i didnt make it through the first episode
Arclight_Dynamo: @atinyspacemarine Very true.
malfnord: He had the heroic fantasy life but he hated it, I think
Lysander_salamander: oh wow, the harsh life of being born into a royal family and having a head-start
Rourke9: goof is fun
atinyspacemarine: This sounds very goofable
bytecaster: Goofs? On this stream? Say it ain't so.
benobi42: We are here for the goofs
Arclight_Dynamo: Looks *I* make fun of stuff that I dearly love.
Saintnex: well, just from this art work, I am digging it
RockPusher: Equal Opportunity Goofing
atinyspacemarine: Good in good fun
Saintnex: "A girl"
RatherLargeToad: This looked interesting…and then I saw the trailer
Pteraspidomorphi: Is the trailer bad?
viowof: too real
Saintnex: THEY HAVE NAMES discription!
bytecaster: "This world lets us down all the time" I AM sold
RealLegitStreamer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RealLegitStreamer! (Today's storm count: 35)
Juliamon: I feel like Dave's Spokesman wrote that one.
atinyspacemarine: I watched an anime about weird bdsm this season and loved it, it deserves goofage
benobi42: Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world
Pteraspidomorphi: This would normally be something I'm into
Lysander_salamander: this looks grim
RatherLargeToad: very rough CG
Pteraspidomorphi: Aww
Ehlii: They've released some songs and they sound good
atinyspacemarine: I should start bocchi
RatherLargeToad: Might still be OK, but budget looks low
Bad_Spler: Bocchi and Bang Dream MyGo!!!!! were both amazing
benobi42: Better or worse than the Duke of Death and his Maid?
DoodlestheGreat: It makes Polygon pictures stuff look good.
viowof: It's extremely real
RockPusher: There's a Bocchi summary movie soon?
benobi42: Cause that was very CG, but it grew on me
viowof: but it helps heal a bit
atinyspacemarine: I would prefer shitty animation like cop craft over cg
SkipIives: @bad_spler agreed, I really liked both shows as well.
Decaped: Bang Dream! It's my GO! is good if you want the terrible feelings music anime
Bad_Spler: "Whisper me a love song" is the EN title
benobi42: A condition called love?
Lysander_salamander: maybe it comes from animators that have a machinima background?
dougma: oh..... THIS one....
benobi42: @bad_spler "Whisper me a love song" is the Yuri one
Bad_Spler: @benobi42 oh derp
atinyspacemarine: Pretty sure when bocchi dropped, you could tell which Tumblr accounts I follow were trans girls by which icons changed overnight
sirspate: so, uh, a show about 'boundaries'
benobi42: I read some of this, I think it was very good
Lysander_salamander: Would be interesting if it was about ace romance.
SK__Ren: No, that would be Yabai?
DoodlestheGreat: Salads! Break out the dressing!
benobi42: @lysander_salamander maybe demi, but I don't remember it being ace
Lysander_salamander: she looks like 12
SkipIives: oh, that could be done well or very not well. let’s hope for the former.
DoodlestheGreat: Going to try this for the heck of it.
dougma starts hitting head on desk....
lamina5432: this will be a trip if i remember
viowof: this sounds like the MickyD's Devil Lord
tenthtechpriest: ah yes, the fun homeless life
bytecaster: Wait, a cult leader?!?
atinyspacemarine: I keep hoping for good reverse isekai but wait cult leader?
SkipIives: this one has a ton of Detective Conan jokes in it.
atinyspacemarine: That's a hell of a cast, I need to check that out
Gekyouryuu: oh, yeah, the Deer one!
Seth_Erickson: the deer one yes
SK__Ren: My Deer Friend?
Lysander_salamander: that sounds intriguing
radiowasabi2014 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, radiowasabi2014! (Today's storm count: 36)
Seth_Erickson: It looks wild
RatherLargeToad: My Deer Friend Nokotan
RatherLargeToad: I think it’s in the Sumer
dougma: has it been 10 years since season 2?
atinyspacemarine: I remember watching season 1 in highschool
lamina5432: looks like IGPX moe
DoodlestheGreat: 2 fast 2 furious 2 moe?
tenthtechpriest: "safely"
viowof: that poster art looks CG somehow
Lysander_salamander: remote control or vr driving?
bytecaster: "Revolburst"
SK__Ren: @lamina5432 Just give me more IGPX
PMAvers: Ah, so FZERO.
the_walking subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, the_walking! (Today's storm count: 37)
Seth_Erickson: Shinkansen racing would be sick
bytecaster: Only if the Shinkansen drift
PotatoWraiths: oh yeah this looked p good
Bad_Spler: The CGI on this one is *rough*
DoodlestheGreat: How about Shinkansen mecha?
AshBurnem: Multi-track drifting?!
atinyspacemarine: I saw something about this and was like "I should watch that one about formula 5 from last year"
benobi42: Any anime could be improved with trains
atinyspacemarine: Also I grabbed redline and need to watch it
mowdownjoe: We already have Komi
Seth_Erickson: This one looks very wholesome
Rourke9: oh this sounds lovely
RatherLargeToad: Speaking of trains, Still mad they never localized ToQger
RockPusher: This I am very interested to see
SkipIives: this looks very cute.
lamina5432: this is a manga of shorts thats really good
Gekyouryuu: I've never seen an AiPri, but I saw someone blogging about it, and in the world of AiPri, Canada exists and two characters come from the town of Pancouber
Saintnex: well this just sounds very sweet
tenthtechpriest: oh I read this manga. it's a cute gag manga
Lysander_salamander: I think I might have read a few chapters of this manga
RatherLargeToad: This one looks adorable from the trailers
Gekyouryuu: @RatherLargeToad given the train wang attack, I'm not surprised
sirspate: For once I want one of these "needs 10,000 friends" shows to just run one episode, get ratings of >10,000 viewers, and then series ends.
atinyspacemarine: Do the grandkids get old?
Arclight_Dynamo: PFFFFT
RatherLargeToad: @gekyouryuu Fair, but would have been hilarious
atinyspacemarine: Vancouver mention???
Arclight_Dynamo: Okay, but "Pancouver" is a *great* idea.
atinyspacemarine: I meant more like geriatric 9 year olds
Saintnex: "busty bookstore clerk" lol
Lysander_salamander: Oh I started reading that manga a few years back and I noped out.
lamina5432: the "plot"
DoodlestheGreat: Yes, she's very chestacular.
atinyspacemarine: You know it's gonna be good when the description calls someone busty
lamina5432: it's actually decent
benobi42: Boobs and mystery?
Lysander_salamander: yeah
SeiichiSin: Wow did I come back at an interesting time.
viowof: it's not a plot device?
Gekyouryuu: gotta trick weebs into watching somehow
Saintnex: "Mysteries, Maidens and Mysterious Disappearances" according to wikipedia
Lysander_salamander: it was a little freaky with her having a curse
benobi42: Technically ecchi, not functionally?
dougma: But what if they make the anime horny?
atinyspacemarine: God if they added ecchi for the adaption
Gekyouryuu: Kaiju Number 8 is GREAT, but WHY ARE THEY STREAMING IT ON TWITTER!?
atinyspacemarine: I might check this one out
Lysander_salamander: oh, his name is Kafka. That makes sense
atinyspacemarine: Wait twitter?
DoodlestheGreat: This one is one of the ones that's got a lot of buzz around it. Not a kaiju person, but if you are you'll want to try it.
Seth_Erickson: The manga is fine, I'm sure this will be good as well
sirspate: I love the PV for this, where they're slicing up kaiju meat
Saintnex: @Gekyouryuu wait what? that sounds awful
RatherLargeToad: Probably easier?
Arclight_Dynamo: "Kaiju Georg is an outlier, and should not be counted."
UltraVioletVodoo: i think i read the manga, its ok at best
Lysander_salamander: It's odd
GrizonII: Ask Akira Fudo
red_shoes_jeff: Ultraman seems to manage just fine.
Lysander_salamander: Sort of like Hellboy?
SkipIives: this one will be a one episode test for me.
Lysander_salamander: but less christian
mowdownjoe: @gekyouryuu Marketing execs are slow to adapt. The hell site will not be named.
DoodlestheGreat: @Arclight_Dynamo "And we don't talk about Kaiju Bob."
tenthtechpriest: There's a lot of buzz around this because the manga is quality shonen but they could very easily fumble this
Gekyouryuu: this manga's GREAT, and when Kafka turns into a monster, he's still human sized. also he's an actual adult protagonist
dougma: Gantz x Attack on Titan
atinyspacemarine: Lmao savage
RatherLargeToad: @gekyouryuu Sony/Crunchyroll has it too
sirspate: my immediate thought from the PV was whether it was based on the TTRPG 'Kaiju Incorporated'
bytecaster: Why make time, if you don't like it, gods?!
Lysander_salamander: Sort of like record of ragnarok with teens?
RatherLargeToad: So No Game No Life?
dougma: something something NOUN something something NOUN something something NAME something NOUN
tidehollowcat: So... Record of Ragnarok without the stakes?
atinyspacemarine: I might check this out expecting trash
Lysander_salamander: ok
Pteraspidomorphi: I immediately thought No Game No Life too
SK__Ren: No Game No Life meets Record of Ragnarok?
SeiichiSin: Oh god, you just gave me flash backs to being a kid and reading the funnies.
Saintnex: refuse to play? attempt to overthrow the gods?
Lysander_salamander: oh
GrizonII: Calvinball anime lol
RockPusher: crow-human… Ian‽
SkipIives: for the furries
DoodlestheGreat: Gonna make the bad guys eat crow, eh?
bytecaster: Are these just hot tengu?
atinyspacemarine: I want someone to do no game no life but less creepy
Juliamon: no, they're hot yatagarasu
loufghyslaufey: "Ian, of the Two Crows"
DoodlestheGreat: @SkipIives We've got better choices.
Lysander_salamander: interesting
Pteraspidomorphi: I'm not sure I understand what this is going to be about
Lysander_salamander: sort of a buddy-cop thing?
Seth_Erickson: This seems at the least worth a 3 episode test
SkipIives: this one could be could.
DoodlestheGreat: NoobToob channel. :tf:
ElementalHaven: the various names they come up with not use actual brand names
RockPusher: Will there be an adpocalypse episode?
loufghyslaufey: If only supernatural gave off a mystery bit on its own
thundercat2000: mask?
Saintnex: yea, Im getting mixed signals
SkipIives: Fight Club the comedy?
bytecaster: It's just Sunrakus side gig
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
benobi42: @skipiives Fight Club wasn't a comedy?
GrizonII: Chicken head there makes me want a "14" anime adaptation
red_shoes_jeff: Hotline Miami sequel?
Gekyouryuu: the 100 girlfriends who really, really, really, REALLY love you
sirspate: 100 gfs was _not for me_
SK__Ren: Seeing this makes me think of Holyland
Lysander_salamander: oh I'm so far behind in that series
ElementalHaven: I'm not really a fan of harem stuff, but at least 100 girlfriends was willing to actively mock itself
SkipIives: @benobi42 lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR it was funny,
atinyspacemarine: Expulooosiooon!
loufghyslaufey: (snorts out drink)
DoodlestheGreat: Konosuba is that show that I get reccommended to me, but I can't get over the fact that the leads are all complete jerkwads.
loufghyslaufey: This one is absurd
bytecaster: @DoodlestheGreat Same
DoodlestheGreat: "Ages 5 to 12"
loufghyslaufey: I'm only about to start Megumin's standoff season ImTyping
Pteraspidomorphi: That's an even older one than Konosuba
bytecaster: Yes
SkipIives: oh right
Lysander_salamander: nope nope nope
lamina5432: isekai decent trash of he season
benobi42: Double the power of that one isekai guy who is stuck at level 1
jubale1: not Banana :)
RatherLargeToad: Read some of this. Was decent
DoodlestheGreat: Look, it's this season's OP isekai douchebag.
sirspate: oh this looks terrible. looking forward to it.
Lysander_salamander: Oh wait this one I sort of liked the manga
atinyspacemarine: Yawn
SkipIives: lol
Pteraspidomorphi: Huh
loufghyslaufey: Tate Yuusha? Wait, I still can't name the whole thing yet.
mtvcdm: Evening
SK__Ren: The manga is pretty good. Its not a harem.
RatherLargeToad: Dude just wants to farm in peace
lamina5432: looking foward to rettousei
sirspate: 3rd season, but 4th anime series
Pteraspidomorphi: What's with all these sequels of not recent stuff
benobi42: Say the thing Beej!
DoodlestheGreat: There's so many sequels this season.
bytecaster: Something demon lord, something reincarnation something
Amentur: Anos Voldigoad PridePog
Saintnex: lol, eventually we will have a title so long, it covers all the art lol
mtvcdm: When do I get my sequel to Chargeman Ken
Lysander_salamander: oh no
Saintnex: moep
Saintnex: noep*
Lysander_salamander: yuck
SkipIives: problematic I’m guessing.
benobi42: @saintnex and then anime died, for there were no more worlds to conquer
mtvcdm: Annnnnd goodbye
dougma: so..... not prblimatic at all
malfnord: First slavery of the season, drink!
Gekyouryuu: my solution: just use a single, gender neutral term. call everyone "Mortals"
RockPusher: maybe it will end up in entertaining trash
DoodlestheGreat: Yeahhhh.... it's a big 'ol nope-a-roonie.
30teracyte: when's the 'protagonist dismantles the institution of fantasy slavery' anime
bytecaster: There might be more that only happen in episode 2, as a twist
sirspate: already drinking. am I supposed to chug?
viowof: i mean, there had to have a capitalist anime before this, right?
malfnord: Well it's the first one that's open about it! It counts!
SK__Ren: Elias has no understanding of human relationships either.
thundercat2000: he buys her at auction as well.
Seth_Erickson: Watch it it's so good
dougma: At least in this other show it is hinted at subtext....
dougma: NOTE: I like Magnus Bride....
DaSunao: This is when I recall the idea of the John Brown isekai
Amentur: It should be stated that Elias is not human and has no actual clue what being married means :D
Lysander_salamander: He's confused but he means well
Seth_Erickson: Chise is learning how to live for herself usually
atinyspacemarine: I read a bit of the John Brown one, I want it to have an editing pass or two lol
thundercat2000: if remembering manga there's a magic contract involed
sirspate: for the person who liked Rising of the Shield Hero, I guess?
loufghyslaufey: Oh, this one...
SK__Ren: Judging the manga its less squick but dammit they can free them in ep 2 and it would change nothing so why they don't I'll never know
RatherLargeToad: I will give this one credit for a creative title compared to other anime’s
dougma: another hidden angel... drink
Lysander_salamander: Oh my goddess the next generation?
Gekyouryuu: Tonikaku Kawaii
DoodlestheGreat: I watched the first episode of this yesterday. It's... okay. Nothing special. Covering Senko-san territory.
RatherLargeToad: “Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included”
atinyspacemarine: I'm 50-50 weird golf anime
ImmortalLen: Why did they let Calvin golf?
RockPusher: The beginning of the post Birdie Wing golfing glut
bytecaster: But is there a gold mafia?
atinyspacemarine: I also want a 3-iron
benobi42: Can't equal the gay golf mafia anime though
bytecaster: *golf
Lysander_salamander: maybe?
Driosenth: homemade course, made to only a 3-iron
red_shoes_jeff: When do the Golf Mafia show up?
Pteraspidomorphi: *Exactly* what I had in mind beej
Pteraspidomorphi: Barakamon
DoodlestheGreat: It was a nude noodle?
DaSunao: How bad do you have to be to go out golfing and decide to do the lighthousekeeper exile in yourself?
atinyspacemarine: Chat, should I get a 2-iron? And if so should it be for the bit or to actually hit gud?
Saintnex: This could end up like that Michael Fassbender movie that came out recently
SK__Ren: This is the remake right?
sirspate: I could watch this or play Mario Golf.. this sounds interesting, but Walugi's "I missed" dance is calling to me
benobi42: So Pixar's Cars?
Lysander_salamander: wait, they're doing a remake?
lamina5432: really want this to be good
bytecaster: Huh, what an intriguing premise I have never once heard before.
benobi42: Hey, this sounds familiar....
Juliamon: Oh wait really, Spice & Wolf remake
ImmortalLen: A classic comes back!
DoodlestheGreat: ALL MY YES! Welcome back Horo & Lawrence!
SK__Ren: I want the Sequel first
RockPusher: Will new Spice & Wolf be as good as old Spice & Wolf - find out this season!
tenthtechpriest: Let's go medieval economics!
Pteraspidomorphi: But why?
Amentur: Medieval economics 101 PrideFloat
Ritaspirithntr: @sk__ren SAME!!!
atinyspacemarine: I wish this was a continuation rather than a remake, but I still want it
SK__Ren: Give me Wolf and Parchment
dougma: part of me is just "but we have spice and wolf"
Lysander_salamander: I tried the sequel series, and noped out right away due to "we're adopted siblings so it's ok."
Gekyouryuu: I saw the DUMBEST thing about this today: someone referred to this with the words: "oh, it's a native isekai about medieval europe with magic? yawn. pass." and the term "native isekai" drives me up a wall
ImmortalLen: I
bytecaster: The new opening contains the words tabi no tochuu 10/10
Gekyouryuu: did you mean FANTASY?!
DaSunao: To be fair, I've never seen Spice and Wolf but I still immediately recognized the characters.
ImmortalLen: I think it's 24
sirspate: "We have Spice and Wolf at home"
Driosenth: Don't ask about "Spice and Worlf" at home
benobi42: We have Spice and Wolf at home
tenthtechpriest: But now Holo is a vtuber
viowof: 16 by 9? those are the weirdest 3 sizes i've ever heard
SK__Ren: This one is uhhhh
dougma: As long as it is better than 16x9 Sailor Moon
malfnord: RUN AWAY
lamina5432: an older isekai light novel
PMAvers: Welcome to the Problematic Dumpster.
SK__Ren: I read this but its problematic
DoodlestheGreat: I've heard some less-than-savory things about the series, so I'll pass.
tenthtechpriest: HARD SKIP
lamina5432: wonder if we get to the kids?
benobi42: Wait... This just sounds like Reincarnated as a Slime
ImmortalLen: I saw the triler, it looks good
PMAvers: Let's just say a certain floating skull would have words with it
atinyspacemarine: Oh boy some opinions on chat, uh oh
SK__Ren: @benobi42 dont taint Slime tensei with this garbage
DaSunao: Look. The description says "Vore powers"
LurkerSpine: Uh, maybe they cut all the uh... problematic stuff? doubt it though
DoodlestheGreat: "Eat baby?"
benobi42: One! More! Hour!
SkipIives: sure let’s go with that.
mtvcdm: Women's sports? I believe it
DoodlestheGreat: We're getting through this pretty fast. Not sure if this is a good indicator for the season.
dougma: Is this sponsored?
atinyspacemarine: Triplets of Belleville anime when?
benobi42: But are these cyclists also idols for some reason?
RatherLargeToad: Looks like outdoor speed track
bytecaster: Are these cyclists horses for some reason?
mtvcdm: There was A LOT of bullshit, still is honestly, about 'oh they're women, athletic activity might make their wombs all weird' so yeah.
dougma: Ah yes......
benobi42: Yesssssssssss
dougma: Top pick
tidehollowcat: Looking forward to this one
Gekyouryuu: yuriiiiiii
Lysander_salamander: dang
viowof: i love this poster
atinyspacemarine: Glad to see some straightforward yuri
tenthtechpriest: Please don't suck I need this adaptation to not suck
lamina5432: another music anime i'm feeling spoiled now
Lysander_salamander: is that good?
SkipIives: ding
SkipIives: oh my
Lysander_salamander: aaaa filler
bytecaster: Do I detect some salt?
atinyspacemarine: Do the girls kiss? Or are we baited?
RockPusher: PJSalt
Lysander_salamander: Hate it when that happens
SkipIives: it’s one of those…
dougma: Money....
Lysander_salamander: Like, the author gets bored I guess?
DoodlestheGreat: A container ship of salt that hit an iceberg.
bytecaster: Should have just called them Muse
Gekyouryuu: you know what yuri about music I want to see become a show someday? "The one she was interested in wasn't a guy."
SK__Ren: Group or its the lead singer
bytecaster: @Gekyouryuu Yes!
Rourke9: huh
Arclight_Dynamo: oh noooo
Lysander_salamander: eugh
benobi42: I liked the first few volumes, then stopped reading and haven't picked it back up
atinyspacemarine: Uuhhhh
wildpeaks: oh boy
Amentur: UMM
viowof: i'm worried now
red_shoes_jeff: lrrJUDGECALL
Rourke9: @Gekyouryuu PLEASE
tidehollowcat: @Gekyouryuu It feels as if it's on that trajectory
atinyspacemarine: Yikes
dougma: Corporate pushed to have it dragged out....
benobi42: But looking forward to this
viowof: i'm SO worried now
Seth_Erickson: It's a sea of salt I'm detecting
DaSunao: Hey chat, I've been more or less off of anime for a decade, especially when I was overseas in Japan. Any recommendations of stuff in the vein of Durarara?
viowof: enough salt to boil the oceans
Lysander_salamander: Do you think they'll make an anime of "Accept these Fists of Love?"
jubale1: the anime will probably condense the fluff out
thundercat2000: hate watch dew to manga knowledge.
atinyspacemarine: @dasunao which aspect of durarara did you like?
benobi42: Beej is just "Pepe Silvia" over here
tidehollowcat: Oh I would love an anime adaptation of Accept these Fists of Love.
dougma: The Mangaka said that the publisher got involved with the story line to get more material
sirspate: can we get a salt lick emoji
Gekyouryuu: this is sounding like Rei's pre-isekai backstory in "I favor the villainess" where there ended up being a messed up love rectangle
Rourke9: @dougma ah
SkipIives: lrrWOW
DaSunao: @atinyspacemarine I think the interleaving storylines
RockPusher: Maybe the adaption will be more on-point?
Rourke9: hopefully things will be good now that we're back to the main couple!
tenthtechpriest: Because you must if you want to be published
Lysander_salamander: I hope it works out
Ritaspirithntr: LUL
benobi42: You got drama in these Lesbians and now they have anxiety. You fucked up a perfectly good Yuri Manga
viowof: oh, this seems fun
bytecaster: Cute Seiyuu doing Seiyuu things
SkipIives: the mangaka probably thought getting paid is a good thing
dougma: ^
dougma: first successful work they had...
SkipIives: this could be interesting
Lysander_salamander: would be funny if they pretend to hate each other and it turns out they've been in a commited relationship for years before the plot
benobi42: But what if they kissed?
atinyspacemarine: @dasunao I'm not sure I've really seen nonlinear storytelling in anime lately, but I have book and movie recs?
loufghyslaufey: Uniforms
viowof: lol Yostar?
loufghyslaufey: Student council?
Gekyouryuu: this is localized as "Go! Go! Loser Rangers!"
Seth_Erickson: Yo DDR rose up
SK__Ren: Is that Allmight on the right?
7gorobei: ranger reject
lamina5432: this might be good i read like 4 chapters of the manga
RatherLargeToad: This seems interesting, but I’m hoping it doesn’t go super bleak
bytecaster: So they are doing the same as the publisher from the previous story
tenthtechpriest: This is another banger manga that I DESPERATELY need them to not fuck it up
ImmortalLen: Ah yes, The Boys Sentai endtion, I'm going to check it out
SkipIives: this looks awesome
RatherLargeToad: This was written by the Quint Quints author
SK__Ren: Bot have I got some recs for you
malfnord: I am intrigued against my best interests
Rourke9: yea i loved Monster Development Department and what I watched of Love After World Domination
benobi42: +1 @malfnord
Gekyouryuu: I'm a MASSIVE mark for this shit. I work for a fansubbing group that does Sentai and Kamen Rider, so I'm ALL OVER THIS
viowof: this seems real interesting, actually
Lysander_salamander: there was a manga I was starting to watch about a sentai fan who gets dropped into a dating game,
benobi42: This sounds like an amazing way to justify a monster of the week show
DoodlestheGreat: @Rourke9 Miss Kuroitsu was great fun
Gekyouryuu: @Lysander_salamander oh, I know exactly the one you mean!
Gekyouryuu: it's still going, it's just monthly
viowof: "Streamed Worldwide on Disney+"
viowof: oof
Rourke9: I still talk with episode 3 of Monster Development Department with other game devs. Its so real
SkipIives: I grew up on Grandizer and Battle of the Planets (I’m old) so this looks like fun. if done well.
bytecaster: More card games!
loufghyslaufey: What anime are actually on D+
viowof: this one apparently
loufghyslaufey: Out here, I mean?
benobi42: @viowof D+ has grabbed a bunch of anime, hasn't been too bad I think
benobi42: Like I think they had Undead Unluck
Pteraspidomorphi: DaSunao: While it's hard to find better than Durarara (and Baccano), you might enjoy Dead Mount Death Play
atinyspacemarine: Anime hearthstone anime
loufghyslaufey: Just last year, or?
Lysander_salamander: oh I didn't know they made a third season
benobi42: Conclusion, yes we're getting it all!
tenthtechpriest: yes you did
GrizonII: I like the monster-of-the-week-in-universe thing; like there's a part in Shin Mazinger Zero where they give in-universe reasoning for the delays between monster attacks and that amuses me a lot
Seth_Erickson: I should finish the first season
benobi42: Yes you did
loufghyslaufey: Gunpla
benobi42: Shinkansen gunpla
Lysander_salamander: what
DoodlestheGreat: You asked for a shinkansen mecha, you got it.
loufghyslaufey: Uh- well I mean...
DaSunao: @pteraspidomorphi Thanks!
Lysander_salamander: I didn't know there was a train mecha show
sirspate: his sister is a train now
tenthtechpriest: I think it's been going on for 4 or 5 years now
bytecaster: Relations between whomst?
loufghyslaufey: @lysander_salamander that was a crapshot once, now that I'm remembering...
OharaRenji: I only ever saw the Evangelion crossover of this. Had no idea it was still going
viowof: all i'm imagining is just like a bunch of maglev train tracks just suddenly raising into the sky and like 5 bullet trains going into formation
benobi42: Say it
Saintnex: Say it BEEJ
RockPusher: Will there be bus replacement mecha? lrrBEEJ
DoodlestheGreat: It means "I can't believe it's not i***st!"
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
atinyspacemarine: Wut
GrizonII: I think that means the relations to other works listed on the page for the show
viowof: that sounds uh
viowof: is this a gacha?
atinyspacemarine: ???
Gekyouryuu: WOW
tenthtechpriest: it is NOT a gacha
RockPusher: Anime!
benobi42: Oh, they _were_ advertisements
Laurence72: So, there's a chance for Hatsume Miku to kick Shinji's butt and tell him to get in the robot?
thundercat2000: but also cannon?
viowof: @tenthtechpriest it's a joke based on crossover events pretty much only in gacha
DoodlestheGreat: "Where does the Doomsday Train go?"
Lysander_salamander: what
mtvcdm: Probably doom
Lysander_salamander: sounds intrigiung
RatherLargeToad: Lot of train shows
atinyspacemarine: Oh it's snowpiercer
tidehollowcat: Oh this sounds like my jam
atinyspacemarine: I'm game
loufghyslaufey: What? So it's not an "adventure"?
viowof: so they got an abandoned train working?
DoodlestheGreat: I'm going to try this, too.
loufghyslaufey: Survival uncertain implies "adventure"
benobi42: Just watch until the training arc
bytecaster: There also seems to be a cute dog
dougma: Girls Last Ride?
RockPusher: Cute Girls Doing Spoopy Things
viowof: cute girls maybe dying horribly
atinyspacemarine: For some reason I remembered I grabbed other side picnic to check out
bytecaster: Oh no
SK__Ren: oh no
atinyspacemarine: Oh no
ImmortalLen: Wat
Lysander_salamander: yes!
clairetheegg: oh no
jennydude: HUHH
Pteraspidomorphi: dougma: Girls last ride is irreplaceable!
RealLegitStreamer gifted a Tier 1 sub to loufghyslaufey! They have given 263 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, loufghyslaufey! (Today's storm count: 38)
GhostValv: Oh no
SK__Ren: Omega-verse smut?
Arclight_Dynamo: Surely not.
Lysander_salamander: heck yes
atinyspacemarine: ABO confuses me so much
tidehollowcat: Oh gods the fanfiction is bleeding into the anime roundup
corpocracy: I heard this described as a written jump scare
Snouut: Hey beej HeyGuys sorry im late to the party
bytecaster: They can't just drop omega in the middle there
jennydude: woweee
bytecaster: That's sooo rude
Gekyouryuu: Beej, there are MULTIPLE live action shows in SEA about ABO stuff
Lysander_salamander: There's so much abo manga out there
viowof: graduate of Omega Mart?
atinyspacemarine: I don't get inventing new biological sexes you could just write a trans man like
benobi42: Do.. do I want to know?
Gekyouryuu: it's 100% intended
30teracyte: Hmm
thundercat2000: wait.... that...
Formerly_Beef: what is omegaverse?
viowof: actually, what is omegaverse?
SK__Ren: pass
mtvcdm: Isekai!
Juliamon: Please google 'omegaverse' on your own time
jennydude: omegaverse the new metaverse
lamina5432: meh
bytecaster: @Juliamon Or don't
SK__Ren: This so bland, I dropped the manga
benobi42: Beej is a known hypocrite
loufghyslaufey: Let him cook?!
DaSunao: @atinyspacemarine From my outside perspective and knowledge of yaoi fangirls from high school: ABO is about making the pretty men have pretty children
Lysander_salamander: it's going to take too long to explain in a chat room. perhaps try the discord.
tidehollowcat: If you don't know what omegaverse is, uh, probably don't look it up. Or if you really want to know, refer to Ao3.
SkipIives: that is a tunnel you all can chase down on your own time.
mtvcdm: RPG isekai!
Pteraspidomorphi: I remember reading a bit of the manga I think
tenthtechpriest: we really just running down that cliche checklist aren't we
30teracyte: Oh no, everyone says his skill is bad??? But actually its good???
OharaRenji: Oh how the turns have tabled...
7gorobei: the manga is very medium, only slightly clever at times
Driosenth: We have anime trope bingo!
DoodlestheGreat: I think I can move along.
Rourke9: fingers crossed!
Lysander_salamander: Just this once, let it be good.
Gekyouryuu: it's Metal Gear Solid 5's base building where you kidnap all the soldiers until you find all the ones with S rank skills
atinyspacemarine: @dasunao I realize, but simultaneously, like. Trans people are already real
RockPusher: You can have fun execution of cliche… here's hoping
benobi42: How the prince rebuilt the nation or something
SkipIives: it kind of is that, his skill makes him sus to everyone else.
Gekyouryuu: realist prince
Arclight_Dynamo: Just give Beej his Renaissance Italy Excel sheet anime already, and Let. Him. Rest.
mtvcdm: A witch, yep, a heaving witch
Snouut: the fresh prince of bel air
benobi42: Yes, realist prince
DoodlestheGreat: Really real.
dougma: realist prince was very good
Gekyouryuu: @mtvcdm mana repositories
Gekyouryuu: clearly
bytecaster: Now I just want one of these long title to contain the words Office 365
benobi42: Odds on Anime town showing up in ep 1?
loufghyslaufey: The other about someone reincarnated to a farmer, or masonry- person??
lamina5432: wait till we get to 7th prince this season
Lysander_salamander: I tried Realist Prince and it pissed me off after a while
benobi42: *Isekai town
LurkerSpine: How a Realist Rebuilt the Kingdom?
lamina5432: wait it was next
Veste: when can i live in cupcake nation
LurkerSpine: or is realist prince the same thing?
DaSunao: @atinyspacemarine I think its more of taking the pretty boys that are already characters and slapping a layer of extra genders and heats sometimes? They just want the pretty boys to go beyond kissing to breeding
Arclight_Dynamo: Nah, I respect the longshot hope.
SharktoothJack: don't worry, we'll roast you regardless i'm sure
Laurence72: Cupcake Nation is my Seven NationsArmy chibi tribute band name
loufghyslaufey: Shounen?
mtvcdm: This is basically the same plot as the last one!
lamina5432: technically not an isekai
Veste: seven nation army plus babymetal
Gekyouryuu: why is it always 7th prince?
Lysander_salamander: what's even the purpose of this?
benobi42: Oh no, this sounds like it might be sweet "pure love of magic"
SkipIives: oh does this one have the problematic sister?
DaSunao: @gekyouryuu 7 is a magical number
Laurence72: @Veste Yes!
bytecaster: Talent is when you get reincarnated right
thundercat2000: that's skill
mtvcdm: Death is just a way to get good.
Arclight_Dynamo: Man, I specced my talent tree hard into "bureaucrat."
wildpeaks: I sense "talent" is often confused with "innate talent"
bytecaster: If you are bad at math, simply respawn
Seth_Erickson: There are lots of myths about the 7th son of families. Or at least I've seen enough references to it to assume that there is.
atinyspacemarine: @dasunao it's been explained to me, it's more like "I can't draw the line in my head as to why you jump through these hoops" in the same way I don't get the appeal of reality TV. Like I know the facts of it but I don't *get* it y'know?
mtvcdm: Life is a roguelike. You start winning in like the 48th attempt.
7gorobei: the manga was fanservice-y. the action is pretty good but the gags on how overpowered the prince is fun.
Saintnex: The thing I see it often is in Football/soccer, where you have to have some natural ability, but there is also drive, luck and determination
tidehollowcat: @atinyspacemarine I'm glad someone else is of the same opinion as me.
loufghyslaufey: Kay
Gekyouryuu: talent is as much ability as it is opportunity. SO MANY people are probably the next Einstein or the next big sports star but will never get the chance to even find that out
Pteraspidomorphi: So much tensei
atinyspacemarine: Yay, slime isekai!
bytecaster: Cute bird!
loufghyslaufey: What about the slime farmer?
viowof: i really dislike the anime for tensei slime, but the manga is pretty great
loufghyslaufey: Did that one just happen?
DaSunao: @atinyspacemarine Look, I did preface my explanation with "High school yaoi fangirls"... I have psychic scarring from this.
Arclight_Dynamo: I mean, I was watching the Men's Curling World Championships last night, and the Canadian team had stats like "38 years old; has been curling for 29 years." So... talent is practice, I guess.
tenthtechpriest: is this just the inverse of house husband?
mtvcdm: That's a solid maybe depending on how they play it.
loufghyslaufey: Brrb
Saintnex: The idea of being a prodigy at being a contract killer is just funny to me
dougma: now they have just given up....
Seth_Erickson: lmao
Lysander_salamander: is this one of those things where people keep dying around him due to rube goldberg bad luck?
bytecaster: I mean, fair
benobi42: Beej in here photoshopping birds so Iam will watch anime
tenthtechpriest: rude
Laurence72: Whya re you booong him, he's right!
Gekyouryuu: that's the parody series
Snouut: beej woke up and chose violence today
loufghyslaufey: But what if you did, Been!?
malfnord: Not inaccurate
atinyspacemarine: I'd play idiotmaster gotcha game
loufghyslaufey: Gawsh
viowof: Wingspan - the Idol game
Veste: been
loufghyslaufey: *Beej
mtvcdm: Dumb Ways To Die: the gacha game
iris_of_ether: Mmm, the Nougat
Lysander_salamander: oh, I didn't know New Gate was getting an adaptation
SK__Ren: The manga for this one is pretty ok
UtilityPunk: The New Gate is alright, not great
jennydude: this one kinda sucks
Gekyouryuu: @viowof that reminds me: I saw Wyrmspan, a dragon variant of Wingspan, the other day
50keyz: new gate is an awesome manga
benobi42: Man, Stiens:Gate sequel looks weird
mtvcdm: RPG isekai, drink
DoodlestheGreat: And then he gets kicked in the SHIN
loufghyslaufey: Looks cool, sus for the "SAO", guessing...
lamina5432: an unfinished story awaits you
50keyz: @lamina5432 LUL
dougma: I mis .HACK//sign the first and only good version
atinyspacemarine: I was hoping this was a GATE sequel
loufghyslaufey: It's Overlord, kinda??
bytecaster: Great title already
lamina5432: it is not in production anymore
Pteraspidomorphi: Is it better than overlord in any way?
loufghyslaufey: Uncertain
DoodlestheGreat: I read the manga for this and it looks really good.
jennydude: @loufghyslaufey YES
SK__Ren: Both .hack// and Log Horizon are the only ones to get it right
Gekyouryuu: @dougma one might argue TRON?
bytecaster: Just a crow tengu in a t-shirt and jeans
loufghyslaufey: But, I like Overlord, so?
mtvcdm: That one sounds okay
50keyz: @lamina5432 oof
dougma: @Gekyouryuu fair
SK__Ren: Katana boys
Pteraspidomorphi: loufghyslaufey: I also like Overlord, that's why I asked! Thanks anyway
Saintnex: team captain??
loufghyslaufey: Beloved swors? Sounds cursed
Seth_Erickson: This is like Soul Eater rules? The Meisters and their Weapons.
Gekyouryuu: I imagine "taichou"?
benobi42: Wait, is this just Boyfriend Dungeon the Anime?
bytecaster: What's next, Oda Nobunaga's student council?
Lysander_salamander: are they people that are called sword? Or are they swords that take human form?
mtvcdm: It's sports day at the ol' sengoku
viowof: this is a play?!?!
atinyspacemarine: ???
SK__Ren: @Lysander_salamander They are anthro swords iirc
viowof: i'm assuming some "out of time" shenanigans
Gekyouryuu: Touken Ranbu is a gacha game about boys who are swords who are boys
bytecaster: So this is a Soul Eater kind of deal?
malfnord: Oh so it's like KanColle but with hot guys as swords
atinyspacemarine: Boyfriend dungeon?
benobi42: Clearly it's a "sword" battle
SK__Ren: @malfnord YES
Seth_Erickson: Ok interesting so it is a Soul Eater type of angle
GrizonII: It's like humanized swords pretty sure
UtilityPunk: Oh, Kandachime v2?
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
dougma: I am so glad I was not drinking then
Seth_Erickson: This one looked interesting to me.
mtvcdm: I have questions
Rourke9: if only Mage and Demon Queen
loufghyslaufey: Amnesia? Sounds rare, almost
Arclight_Dynamo: "Let's just live in sin."
Saintnex: sooo just dont get married?
atinyspacemarine: The story of the formation of the church of England
Lysander_salamander: maybe?
viowof: plot twist - she's the one who cursed him? (total guess)
GrizonII: The only two things I know about Touken Ranbu is that fans of it were responsible for funding the restoration of an antique sword, and that Takayuki Yamaguchi did an illustration for an anthology manga of it
Lysander_salamander: Perhaps they'll stay friends?
mtvcdm: There is a world in which this doesn't turn out awful, I don't think we live in that world.
loufghyslaufey: @viowof the first court cursed the rest?
benobi42: This is giving me yikes vibes
atinyspacemarine: Plot twist they become long term partners without marriage
Seth_Erickson: This just seems like an interesting concept to me so I'll check it out. I could easily not like it though.
7gorobei: this is a romance, prince and witch odd couple. the intrigue comes later. im still following the manga but it could translate into an ok anime
dougma: oh boy....
mtvcdm: lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs lunarj1Fangs
viowof: ah, reverse harem
dougma: Hana no Kimi is better....
loufghyslaufey: A past life might be familiar with a Tinasha through Beej or something
atinyspacemarine: Something something bite club
mtvcdm: Bite club!
Pteraspidomorphi: Unique personalities...?!
Lysander_salamander: what why
Snouut: unique personalities sounds interesting
Arclight_Dynamo: Wow. This description ends with the rare super-interrobang-ellipsis (...?!)
dougma: Just watch or read Hana no Kimi
Snouut: sounds like an orgy to me
loufghyslaufey: A Yaoi on th side?
atinyspacemarine: Reverse harem?
PMAvers: *frrt*
loufghyslaufey: no idea
malfnord: Too easy
benobi42: Farts, the Anime
Driosenth: *fart joke here*
SK__Ren: *rrrrrt* .wav
mtvcdm: Kunio-kun, the anime
bytecaster: Super school, very danganronpa of them
jennydude: lol fart
viowof: oh no Bofuri
mtvcdm: Like this is just a Kunio game
Driosenth: more like Toot of the wind breaker
Rourke9: could be fun
RockPusher: This sounds not my thing… but CloverWorks, so maybe
Saintnex: huh, the description reminds me a bit of kill la kill :/
Lysander_salamander: I wish that scifi series about delinquents playing "extreme baseball" turned out good.
Laurence72: Yes, Cromarties was the BEST!
viowof: ok
viowof: The World Ends With You vibes
mtvcdm: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
dougma: OMG
loufghyslaufey: sure
loufghyslaufey: alright
bytecaster: former idiot Kano ...
dougma: an illistrator, idol, and vtuber enter a bar....
viowof: cute girls doing cute things again?
Arclight_Dynamo: I mean... sure is shiny, yep.
Pteraspidomorphi: Graffiti?
viowof: but fashion?
Lysander_salamander: is this one of those semi-autobiographical tie-ins to advertize the new entertainment group?
Arclight_Dynamo: Is that girl at the top also half drone?
viowof: too bad it doesn't have a slice-of-life tag
bytecaster: I'd also love more Shirobako
viowof: if it did, i'd be much more interested
RockPusher: Will probably check it out
bytecaster: If they don't like Donuts, I'm out
Rourke9: if its yuri, im interested, if not im not
Bad_Spler: Biggest potential this season imo. Its by Doga Kobo and that convinces me that it could come together
Pteraspidomorphi: hehehe
mtvcdm: Spy Family Has Hilarious Misunderstandings
PMAvers: You ain't Anya.
Rourke9: :)
loufghyslaufey: ha
viowof: Moriarty? :P
LurkerSpine: I'm dying for something that's in the same vein as Nodame Cantabile
Lysander_salamander: overprotective brother again?
dougma: -.-
lamina5432: low key jump
loufghyslaufey: they're off by... 3 years?
bytecaster: Both of those manga started pretty close to each other, both in jump properties, right?
viowof: @LurkerSpine i'd just rewatch that
RockPusher: Cosy! Cosy! Cosy!
Snouut: i love the anime artwork, god i love cherry blossom trees
Lysander_salamander: yay camp
Amentur: Mein Comf season 3 jpmCozy
RockPusher: foxmarCOMFY potion19Cozy tqsCozy
RatherLargeToad: yesssssss
benobi42: Camp!
ElementalHaven: slowly been working through season 2
Snouut: @Amentur PogChamp
Pteraspidomorphi: Yeah they should air Yuru Camp in the winter
loufghyslaufey: try a tablecloth
Amentur: PrideLaugh
Snouut: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE
mtvcdm: what
benobi42: Eh, Hotels.com really fell off in the 2nd cour
Snouut: who knows more japenese, Ian or Beej?
SK__Ren: I want the next season of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun! already
Lysander_salamander: bummer
bytecaster: Yeah, the classic compilation film fake out
Snouut: Nihongo o hanaseru nante sugoidesu ne
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
mtvcdm: I'm semi-familiar with the concept of Blue Lock, it's a sporting mentality that I don't really want much to do with.
dougma: 10 years later...
GrizonII: Is there any compilation film duology where the second one is not the interesting one?
Seth_Erickson: Classic
benobi42: Alphabetical
loufghyslaufey: Keep 2D In Theaters, Overseas!!
floofynewf subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, floofynewf! (Today's storm count: 39)
Snouut: watching anime really helped improve my japanese, Watashi wa nihongo ga daisukidesu
bytecaster: TN: By Son Goku, Gin means the main character of popular series Dragon Ball
RockPusher: Dangers In My Heart had a translator note this season and it was a pleasant surprise
bytecaster: @RockPusher A singular one?
Gekyouryuu: "translator's note: keikaku means "a special glitch in Mega Man if you flick the reset button fast enough.""
RockPusher: bytecaster yes, which is one more than I would expect
sirspate: wall of text
Lysander_salamander: I Star Ris?
definenull: *honk*
Saintnex: Clearly its "I Star Emoji Ris"
dougma: WTF
Snouut: 1 star level of riz
bytecaster: Why are all the songs in quotes
mtvcdm: Was this synopsis generated by ChatGPT
sirspate: Honest question: Who is this for?
RockPusher: i [cat anus] Ris
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Seth_Erickson: LUL
lamina5432: is it not KIRA for a star?
Saintnex: HAH
ImmortalLen: Oh, it's an idol anime, Had me interested until that
iris_of_ether: I feel strangely called out for something I did not do :D
RockPusher: gabyLul
Seth_Erickson: Kuramerukagari seems interesting to me. Will probably get my friends to watch it with me.
bytecaster: @RockPusher It's actually [rabbit anus] this time of year
loufghyslaufey: Wait, is that the pronounciation of "wall of text"? LUL mattlrLul
Lysander_salamander: what
Lysander_salamander: maybe?
definenull: Train?
malfnord: Okay then!
mtvcdm: d a r k
Saintnex: yea, the two descriptions are reminding me a bit of Nsburg/Nightvale (maybe Spirals if its actually dark/horror-y)
Lysander_salamander: urban fantasies?
lamina5432: yeah
SK__Ren: Magic Kaito x Conan
bytecaster: Conan is eternal
jacqui_lantern234: hey ya heccin WEEBS!!!!! reminder that yall are loved AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Lysander_salamander: wow
dougma: next
lamina5432: conan is so good
loufghyslaufey: Uh, weh? Who is this?
Saintnex: I think I stopped watching the 8th-9th movie? its a lot
bytecaster: Japanese Sword Kid Blossoms
Saintnex: after that I mean
HyruleGirl9: did he not grow back up by this point?
radiowasabi2014: conan movies are the shit
Pteraspidomorphi: Conan is fun, but by now he should have aged beyond his original age
LurkerSpine: 30 gd years
sirspate: lookit all those ears
radiowasabi2014: @HyruleGirl9 it's like the simpsons lol
red_shoes_jeff: Conan's been going for so long, he should be back to his original age by now.
sirspate: good season for it
jacqui_lantern234: @Pteraspidomorphi i counter with a bulk of Ash Ketchum :p
dougma: ummmmm....
Seth_Erickson: strange rules
Lysander_salamander: wait what
bytecaster: Gotta conquer all the cardinal directions
Rourke9: lesbian?
Saintnex: @Pteraspidomorphi I feel like a bit of the problem is that I have super aged beyond the age for Conan lol
sirspate: so.. it's a mahjongg anime?
dougma: Gotta collect them all?
Pteraspidomorphi: Quite possible :D I haven't watched it in years either
ImmortalLen: Journey to the west, yuri Idol edition?
benobi42: I read that as "make out with beautiful girls from the north, south, east, and west
viowof: make "friends"
bytecaster: @ImmortalLen Monkey would love being an idol
viowof: oh, music tag
Rourke9: @ImmortalLen would be very down for that
50keyz: proud nail gets hammered / sly eagle hides talons / silent pheasants dont get shot
loufghyslaufey: Maybe if it were like uh- a hero/disguised trope?
tenthtechpriest: Agnes Tachyon let's goooooooo
bytecaster: I do love the silly Uma Musume names for the characters
Driosenth: losers go work for loctite
Saintnex: that same note?!? What does that mean?!?!
viowof: Cygames, so this was a game?
HyruleGirl9: Tachyon like the Death Grips song??
SkipIives: okay…
Gekyouryuu: I own SO MANY cards of these horses because they got a crossover in the physical version of Shadowverse
malfnord: Horses aren't real, you can't fool me
mtvcdm: Oh, okay, I think I know what they mean here: the Kentucky Derby, for instance, is run specifically by 3-year-old horses and you're only 3 years old once.
PMAvers: *looks at the Agnes Tachyon sitting SVE cards sitting on his desk*
Juliamon: I'm guessing that footnote refers to "where the show will be available"
mtvcdm: So a horse can only be in the Derby once in their life.
Seth_Erickson: Anime Grime Fairy Tales intrigues me
sirspate: @malfnord Can't Draw Horses, anime edition
Lysander_salamander: I sort of want to see a Umamusame where it's draft horses. Like, eight-feet-tall giantesses carrying around things
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
fortnitekid1970: do you play Fortnite
jacqui_lantern234: the voice gets me every time
RockPusher: Thriller… huh
ImmortalLen: Might be cute? Or horrifying
Saintnex: Charlotte Grimm apparently is actually 100% a real person
Snouut: that voice is beautifuk
thundercat2000: both?
definenull: That's a lot of muscle
mtvcdm: That man has problems
ImmortalLen: I'm suprised you're not into Baki
SK__Ren: oh booy!
Saintnex: according to the German Wikipedia
SK__Ren: Ojamajo!
viowof: Kengan is my manga guilty pleasure
jacqui_lantern234: dont worry about his muscles, its fine :p
fortnitekid1970: my favorite animal is a cock/chicken 🐓🐔
RockPusher: Moar Jolf!
jacqui_lantern234: these are just average 16 year old :p
PMAvers: But is there a golf mafia?
Driosenth: Geoff!
Snouut: now i dont play many sports but i was going to say aha, that image isnt baseball aha
Pteraspidomorphi: Twice in the same season?
Lysander_salamander: I heard that the weird "How big are your dumbells" anime about girls weightlifting takes place in the Kengran Ashura setting.
loufghyslaufey: boy likes flying orbs, apparently
viowof: secret Birdie Wing S3
Redbassist: Ball go far the anime
mtvcdm: Bring me five pope asses
bytecaster: Wait, the pope?
Saintnex: wait Pope? saving Athena??
Arclight_Dynamo: I... never learned any of this in Catholic school.
Lysander_salamander: ok
jacqui_lantern234: @loufghyslaufey MercyWing1 lrrCIRCLE MercyWing2
dougma: it is Saint Seiya after all....
Saintnex: That seems religiously backwards lol
Lysander_salamander: yay sand land
Driosenth: That a bunch of proper nouns that make sense on their own, but are jibberish when combined
viowof: apparently the Game is quite good
ImmortalLen: Yoo, the oneshot anime was good
definenull: Is this dune?
viowof: there's a demo out too
ImmortalLen: I meant manga
loufghyslaufey: This I saw promoted for D+ recently
jacqui_lantern234: mr sand land, sand me a land, make it so sandy, the sandiest land :p
Driosenth: DUNC
Snouut: anime thomas the tank engine yay
DoodlestheGreat: Pourin' out a 40 for Torayama.
Amentur: It's already released a few episodes
Lysander_salamander: I hope the game is good too
bytecaster: What is this?
ImmortalLen: Oh my, the memes, the memories
dougma: oh yes there is
loufghyslaufey: hm?
malfnord: oh wow
SK__Ren: *cough*
Gekyouryuu: OH MY GOD
radiowasabi2014: erhm lol
iris_of_ether: O_O
sirspate: archie comics style art?
definenull: Uhhhb
Juliamon: This is certainly a deep cut
mtvcdm: A man has to pee. Thus his adventure begins.
Saintnex: "wrestling"
viowof: so many things about this poster
Driosenth: Please tell me the main character is the one in the hat
DoodlestheGreat: A "nice guy."
Lysander_salamander: ok
radiowasabi2014: "shall we do it?"
Snouut: why is he staring through someones legs
mtvcdm: When does he pee? This is important. When does he get to pee?
Lysander_salamander: well, that makes sense
loufghyslaufey: oh
thundercat2000: ohhhh....
Snouut: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
malfnord: That would explain a lot, yeah
loufghyslaufey: not sure what those things mean
ImmortalLen: Nico nico is making thier memes a reality
viowof: wait hold up what
Saintnex: All I got from the description was YAOI YAOI YAOI Beej lol
tenthtechpriest: don't let the memes be dreams
Rourke9: when we saw what?
SK__Ren: I'm in
Lysander_salamander: ok yes
mtvcdm: And their adventure begins!
Seth_Erickson: This one looks good
hideki101: high schoolers who were on NicoNico in the past are now actual animators
50keyz: you had me at snow
loufghyslaufey: hm, she must hate snow then?
viowof: "My Oni Girl"
ImmortalLen: Looks 80s
loufghyslaufey: Or has no snow where she's from?
Saintnex: sounds and looks fun
sirspate: I wonder if cern is involved
viowof: "Directed by Tomotaka Shibayama, the film is scheduled for a simultaneous release on May 24, 2024, in Japanese theaters and on Netflix globally."
Lysander_salamander: yes looks maybe fun?
thundercat2000: it's bones
dougma: Time!!!!
loufghyslaufey: *gasps* The TVA?
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2352 in the channel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to mclureb!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to alexisthearcher!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jmonkey49!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Tetroga!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to goggledguy!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to alexisthearcher, Jmonkey49, mclureb, Tetroga, and goggledguy! (Today's storm count: 44)
HyruleGirl9: I missed the entire first segment of this and will have to watch the youtube upload, but what was your favorite anime of this season?
GrizonII: T P Bon's manga apparently ran from 1978-1986
loufghyslaufey: So? Sequels ImTyping
thundercat2000: missed the start any mecha anime?
DoodlestheGreat: "Spice and Wolf," "Tonari no Youkai-san," "Doomsday Train," and "Salad Bowl," for me.
loufghyslaufey: 2024; will it be the year of sequel fatigue?
thundercat2000: other then trains
DoodlestheGreat: Oh, and "Astro Note."
lamina5432: looking to see how re:monster goes
bytecaster: I have stopped watching things many times
SK__Ren: You can do that?
Saintnex: Jii-San is probably the thing I am looking forward to the most
viowof: as a currently unemployed person, no, you can't.
viowof: so, when is Flying Witch S2?
dougma: Maison Ikkoku x Lum OMG it is just mixing the first to works of another person
Lysander_salamander: :D
bytecaster: Every time you read idol as idiot in your head, it gets delayed a season.
thundercat2000: lots of remakes and sequels.
Driosenth: The existence of anime Santa implies the existence of anime Krampus
DoodlestheGreat: I'm looking forward to Season 2 of Shangri-La Frontier this year.
loufghyslaufey: I'm probably catching up with past season titles
50keyz: thank you for an AWESOME stream!
Juliamon: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 3:00:33.
Saintnex: GG Beej! Thanks for the stream
thundercat2000: which site is this
bytecaster: Great splits! Excellent speedrun
viowof: i'd say to go read Frieren if you haven't yet and watched through all the anime
viowof: who knows when S2 will be
HyruleGirl9: how do we feel about bravern everyone
Gekyouryuu: this was as fun as always
iris_of_ether: Thank you for the stream :D
loufghyslaufey: But will finish Dangers of my Heart within... the month I'll assume?
viowof: thanks for the stream!
RockPusher: Thank you Beej, fun as always lrrSHINE
Lysander_salamander: thanks for the commentary!
SharktoothJack: thanks for the stream! lrrHEART
lamina5432: would suggest you try Gushing Over Magical Girls Beej
DoodlestheGreat: Thanks for the strem, Beej. We'll do this again in June.
radiowasabi2014: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
Saintnex: @thundercat2000 I believe its AniChart?
mtvcdm: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
mtvcdm: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out https://store.loadingreadyrun.com/ for the full catalog.
thundercat2000: thanks you
mtvcdm: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
viowof: guys, gals, non-binary pals, see you all later
mtvcdm: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadyrun . For Stream VODs check out https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadylive . MtG vods and other MtG content are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRMtG . Tabletop related videos are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRTT . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRVG
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
mtvcdm: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
viowof: looks like the General FAQ on the twitch info hasn't been updated for Mastadon yet
mtvcdm: Stay stafe
Saintnex: Stay Strafe
loufghyslaufey: wear things in general
Gekyouryuu: have a good night, everybody, and a happy easter for anywhere it's still easter
TheAinMAP: 2020MaskUp
Redbassist: Masking solidarity
viowof: put all the vaccines in you
Alephred: I caught the flu just last week! It sucked!
viowof: unless you can't
loufghyslaufey: u has been loved chat
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Can't Draw Horses Club (Join Cori, and a rotating cast of guests as they draw horses and stuff (Horses not Guaranteed). Game: Art Stream) at Mon 01:00 PM PDT (15:32 from now).
loufghyslaufey: CDHC
Earthenone: synestesia stream for art
loufghyslaufey: orb flying
Earthenone: ian will be playing on cat ear mode
Earthenone: !ppr
LRRbot: The Outlaws of Thunder Junction Pre-Launch Showcase will be on 5 April 2024 at 10am PDT! More info: https://cdn.masto.host/kindsocial/media_attachments/files/112/137/187/611/540/225/original/c3823df33ded90ea.png
loufghyslaufey: not featuring Funko, maybe ImTyping
mtvcdm: Cards you say
Texan_Reverend: Hey, Beej: Thank you so much for your good sense on masking, etc. It's great to hear it talked about like that.
bytecaster: This was a lot of fun!
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
SkipIives: thanks for the stream. time to watch the beginning I missed.
Texan_Reverend: !Patreon
DeM0nFiRe: gdqTime
loufghyslaufey: thanks, Mr RealLegitStreamer!
Saintnex: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN Beej lrrSHINE
mtvcdm: All the other socials are in the Master Contact List:
mtvcdm: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
Earthenone: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List: https://lrr.cc/contact
Gekyouryuu: good night, everybody
DeM0nFiRe: !secret
LRRbot: That's my secret, I'm always ashamed of my words and deeds.
Earthenone: !killallhumans
LRRbot: Omega Authorization not found.
Saintnex: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 21:48:55. lrrSPOT
RockPusher: 'night Beej lrrSHINE
TheAinMAP: Good night.
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
lamina5432: gnight
Saintnex: night Beej!
Texan_Reverend: Have a great night, Beej.
SkipIives: bye all.
Phailhammer: cya :)
Redbassist: lrrGibb lrrSHINE
Gekyouryuu: mic 5?
Earthenone: !findquote anime
LRRbot: Quote #7257: "How can I be bad at feelings even in Animal Crossing?" —Kathleen [2020-10-02]
Saintnex: Also, speaking of anime... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_qrdH8dAAA
Saintnex: fantastic crapshot :p
AshBurnem: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 3:09:17.
AshBurnem: lrrSHINE
Redbassist: !downtime
Earthenone: !tastefulsidetime
LoadingReadyRun: Definitely going to log off of the stream this time and not leave it running.
Redbassist: Boo lrrBEEJ
Juliamon: Just do it now?
LoadingReadyRun: Yup, ad break is over.
GrizonII: Bye everyone still in chat!
Saintnex: Gnight chat!
Rourke9: bye!
Gekyouryuu: later
Amentur: Good night extraHeart
SharktoothJack: gnight