NonUniqueGuy: !badadvice
LRRbot: I need someone to definitely not be ghost bait! Got anyone slow and inexpensive?
Pal_Friendpatine: !Next
Mazrae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Crossing the Streams (The LoadingReadyRun crew join hands (sometimes from the comfort of their homes) to play some video games! Game: Golf with Friends) at Mon 05:00 PM PDT (0s from now).
Pal_Friendpatine: heh
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Mazrae: Good job @pal_friendpatine you got it
Diabore: its a refresh kind of twitch for me today
Sorator13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 22 month streak!
Sorator13: Friends! playing... golf??
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sorator13! (Today's storm count: 8)
ExitPursuedByABear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ExitPursuedByABear! (Today's storm count: 9)
Pal_Friendpatine: <3 thanks @mazrae . But in my heart we both got it
Metric_Furlong: while we're going online, if chat wants to influence my to-watch list, there's a very normal poll open
Metric_Furlong: (4 Furlong Points™ available for anyone playing the guessing game)
Scarbble: yay jolf!
Driosenth: Jeoff!
kusinohki: meows
kusinohki: what if I want to play golf with my enemies??
DideRobot: LRR: Time to find out who our friends REALLY are. We're playing Golf With Your Friends on Crossing the streams right now! (has image) |
SnackPak_: jolf! jolf! jolf!
Going_Medium: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrSIG
TheWooglie subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 96 months!
TheWooglie: ooh 8 years
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheWooglie! (Today's storm count: 10)
thunderbird32 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 77 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thunderbird32! (Today's storm count: 11)
Sage0fMadness subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months!
lonestarbl: This countdown timer stream is legit
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Sage0fMadness! (Today's storm count: 12)
WhoseGamewasitZ: Holf
lirazel64: There we are...
Getter404: Ah yes, flog
MarkovDescendant subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months!
MarkovDescendant: 21 months? Is the year going backwards?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MarkovDescendant! (Today's storm count: 13)
aitsu100: yay Jolf
Mortimew: Squid1 PrideLion Squid4
plummeting_sloth: Golf, the Kings Friends game
nappitatti subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nappitatti! (Today's storm count: 14)
unicornery subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, unicornery! (Today's storm count: 15)
Sage0fMadness: The golfing will continue until elarom improves
demon_salamande: Optimus prime
CaptainSpam: I like to think the game's title is less of a complex noun and more of an issued command.
Dog_of_Myth: Good evening gamers. Let's get our golf on!
That1GuyBen: this game is just like smash brothers with golf right
Mazrae: I wonder if any jokes will be pulled on this April Fools day stream
That1GuyBen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
That1GuyBen: more like golf with your foes haha happy april fool's gang
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, That1GuyBen! (Today's storm count: 16)
raulghoulia: It's Time TO G G G Golf!
CastleOtranto: Woo, just in time!
Sage0fMadness: @Mazrae the joke is that no there will be no jokes
Metric_Furlong: @Mazrae Jokes? on a LRR stream?
plummeting_sloth: Gold with your friends, when Everybody's Golf is a little to inclusive
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
demon_salamande: Transformer
RatherLargeToad: For Aril Fools, it is now Golf With Enemies
thebuzzstreams: So we're watching putt putt, not Putt-Putt?
Sorator13: @RatherLargeToad actually it's Calvinball with your Enemies
redsaint_uk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, redsaint_uk! (Today's storm count: 17)
Syndron subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
hieroglyphica subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
hieroglyphica: April fool's? We are yet cursed to live out this cruel mockery. But there's golf!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Syndron! (Today's storm count: 18)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hieroglyphica! (Today's storm count: 19)
azureHaights: I always think El Salvador in the intro is Ian, until Ian picks him up
MarkovDescendant: Alex and James are so baby faced in that intro
Thefluffiestguineapig: this intro continues to be so good
SnackPak_: wooo!
TimeToFry: Ian a bit quiet?
Fruan: G O L F
avi_miller: Golfing with friends
azureHaights: hwack
Diabore: im a me at home!
PharaohBender27: Ahoy-hoy, lrrIAN lrrMATT lrrKATHLEEN lrrNELSON and lrrALEX
DiscordianTokkan: F l o g
That1GuyBen: WE caused this
Sage0fMadness: metric or imperial hwacks?
That1GuyBen: WE inflicted this upon you all. Just Lovely!
thebuzzstreams: hwacks in scientific notation
djalternative: I love Jolf
TheMandrew: yay friends!
PharaohBender27: :D
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
thatguysteve2709 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months!
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thatguysteve2709! (Today's storm count: 20)
avi_miller: lmao
Crad0k: lrrWOW
wastetalent subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wastetalent! (Today's storm count: 21)
margieargie: Basketgolf?!
eff_the_bard: come on and slam
djalternative: Eventually, we should make a course for the crew to play
Tangsm: No collision?
Twilight_Spark: Dunc mode requires you to predict the future?
avi_miller: Has to be on
PharaohBender27: Oh, for some reason I thought I heard lrrNELSON introduce himself but I guess that was a hallucination :p
patrick_stonecrusher: Is hokey mode secretly Happy Gilmore mode?
Pal_Friendpatine: which was the other silly golf game we watched Ian and friends play?
Gekyouryuu: I love this game so much
That1GuyBen: me trying to figure out who "GStar" was and only just remembering "yeah kathleen and graham have the same house"
bytecaster: "Can't find the hole? Press [C]"
PharaohBender27: @Pal_Friendpatine Everybody's golf, IIRC
PharaohBender27: lrrDARK
Sarah_Serinde: Same, Kathleen
avi_miller: @pal_friendpatine the most recent Mario Golf was also played
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
Mathwyn: Golf fast Golf Hard
That1GuyBen: oh ian's ball is Electrode
Crad0k: i mean, as fast as you can also applies in real golf, because you've got someone coming up behind you
A_Dub888: The Golfing will continue until morale improves
RatherLargeToad: Golf will continue until morale improves
Pal_Friendpatine: hmm @pharaohbender27 and @avi_miller thanks
plummeting_sloth: I wish my actual golf balls were this self motivated
PharaohBender27: tqsClap
Sage0fMadness: the hornhole was achieved
PharaohBender27: :O
DeChunkandFriends subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DeChunkandFriends! (Today's storm count: 22)
RatherLargeToad: Do not Jolf with friends
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
SaxPython: Kobe!
baltimore_667083: lrrBartleby
Crad0k: who wants to take one for the chat and look up jolf on ubrandictionary
DiscordianTokkan: seabatClap
TheAinMAP: FootGoal FootGoal
plummeting_sloth: turns out jolf is like some Finnish swear word
wildpeaks: Git jolf'd son
Gekyouryuu: I look forward to when they finally discover the chaos of collision, since it's on
Sarah_Serinde: @Pal_Friendpatine On his home stream Ian has played Everybody's Golf, Mario Golf, and...I forget what the new game was called from the devs of Everybody's Golf
Sage0fMadness: Finjolfin
margieargie: A higher score is better in everything else, so it's like that in golf too right? :p
TheAinMAP: mattlrHeck
RatherLargeToad: Birb?
A_Dub888: Multibogey. Mogey
PharaohBender27: @Crad0k Closest I'm seeing is entries for "Jolt" and "Jolted," so I think the game's chat algorithm is just making assumptions
avi_miller: Watching them all learn a game I am very familiar with is a load of fun
Sorator13: @Sarah_Serinde Desert Golf?
Pal_Friendpatine: @sarah_serinde oh excellent. I definitely saw it on LRR but I’m sure it was one of those
avi_miller: I can’t wait for some collision to screw someone over
Sorator13: There was some kind of mii-golf played on stream at one point, which is probably what you're thinking of Pal_Friendpatine, but I don't recall what it was called
PharaohBender27: That is . . . an oddly sharp hillock
Sarah_Serinde: @Sorator13 Definitely not on his home stream, not sure if he's played it at all
Fanklok: Is this the golf game that has a jump button?
Sarah_Serinde: @Pal_Friendpatine Hmm I have an idea of what that might be and it might not be any of those haha
Sorator13: @Fanklok While in water!
plummeting_sloth: nice to have a course feature you can shave a beard on
thebuzzstreams: @Fanklok yes
Thefluffiestguineapig: I will say I would love a series of Nice Shot as a tournament
That1GuyBen: the game was rigged from the start
Gekyouryuu: if you hit with JUST the right amount of power in JUST the right direction on that sharp hill, you can hole in one
wildpeaks: jolf was rigged from the start
Snouut: hello friends, good to see everyone again
A_Dub888: The golf course is not a place of honor
margieargie: Par was never an option
Fanklok: Gotta do the right amount of hard for the hole
PharaohBender27: NotLikeThis
DiscordianTokkan: orz
margieargie: tqsLOL
Getter404: What if TOO MUCH jolf
Mathwyn: LUL
josh___something: D;
ckupf: that's the best part?
avi_miller: Just mini golf where everyone is going all at once
Mathwyn: Jolfed too hard
A_Dub888: I thought it was lining up putts along the border
mercano82: to do this with real minigolf the spinning platform would need to be able to support the weight of a player or two
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
azureHaights: Like he said. The misuse of natural resources\
PharaohBender27: :D
Sorator13: thank you Matt
thebuzzstreams: no that's not why...
BrowneePoints: look they tried to take out the white people from golf once, but it turns out the guy doing it was a shithead
PMAvers: lrrBEEJ
Tweygoh: fav crapshot
terribleplan: I love that crapshot
calhoujd subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, calhoujd! (Today's storm count: 23)
miniMacGuru: That was an excellent crapshot callback
margieargie: The "no that's not why" just isn't the same without the close up...
Sarah_Serinde: @Sarah_Serinde Okay actually they've definitely played both Everybody's Golf and Mario Golf on here, so it probably was one of those. I want to say there was another silly one a while back but I could be thinking of another streamer
Bionull: It's about the journey, not the destination
DiscordianTokkan: "Thank you cold unfeeling arm!
plummeting_sloth: wow, that put sounded like you hit it with a 3 wood
TheAinMAP: HahaTurtledove
orangeceltic71 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, orangeceltic71! (Today's storm count: 24)
Mathwyn: Turns out years of working for LRR has a side effect of rendering you immune to several poisons
DrakoniteDev: I haven't played this in ages. Some day I should add the last couple holes to my custom course.
PharaohBender27: @azureHaights I remember seeing glistening green golf courses in Arizona as a kid, and even as a neurodivergent child with a limited understanding of things, I was like, "This is WRONG"
Father_Rhys subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Father_Rhys! (Today's storm count: 25)
Sorator13: your hole game, eh?
plummeting_sloth: finally, tony hawks mini golf
kusinohki: is alex muted or is he having too much fun typing puns in the game chat??
DiscordianTokkan: Hahahahaha
Dog_of_Myth: hahaha
Fanklok: Hey ramps, we can use those as ramps
A_Dub888: Oh, I've played this Pro Skater level
PharaohBender27: @kusinohki He's been talking on occasion
CaptainSpam: Ah, croquet rules.
thebuzzstreams: Oh good, we're at the point of PVP and not worrying about scores
TStodden: 2.5 minutes OR 12 strokes... If you take more than 12 strokes, please consult your funeral director (as your doctor's won't help you).
A_Dub888: Go hard on your balls
plummeting_sloth: T-shirts and mini golf puts that go hard
Mathwyn: Jolf 2: Jolf Harder
tehfewl: TEETH
Dog_of_Myth: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
margieargie: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
mercano82: Alex is going for a high score
azureHaights: "going too hard with the putz" I've seen that video
Sage0fMadness: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
thebuzzstreams: lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR
Twilight_Spark: Low energy Jolfing with Jeb!
PMAvers: If something stinks, it's the Putz
patrick_stonecrusher: If you go too hard with the putz it becomes a schmuck
Nigouki: Alex's ball didn't starts out with teeth, it had to collect those one by one
Tweygoh: it’s hungry for that- I’ll stop there
TheNerdWonder: jumping turned off?
PharaohBender27: sharkf11CLAP
BrowneePoints: and the baseball
avi_miller: This game definitely improves the more players you have
Sarah_Serinde: I think I did suggest this one once, though, Ian, so I'm up for it sometime if you enjoy this :D
Nigouki: they just reflect the state of Japanese gold :3
SquareDotCube: bowling's fantastic though
kalira77: and pachinko
BrowneePoints: the yakuza games are 70% minigames by vaolume
Gekyouryuu: Yakuza doesn't just have ANY minigames, they have EVERY minigames
mercano82: I’m curious what Ian’s going to think of some of the Infinite Wealth minigames
patrick_stonecrusher: Yakuza is like 80% minigames by weight
avi_miller: Oh yeah, has Ian played Golf Story?
A_Dub888: What if the true target was the friends we made along the way
DrakoniteDev: you can hole in one off one of the targets
Cptasparagus: Saudi psy-op
PharaohBender27: NotLikeThis
Arclight_Dynamo: I kind of want to see a *super* retro golf game on Tiltyhouse's inter-Yakuza streams. Gold for NES, or a DOS game, or something.
Mathwyn: The PGA psy-op division works hard
avi_miller: @arclight_dynamo yeeessssss
plummeting_sloth: surely there's some chip work as well, if you put your mind to it
Arclight_Dynamo: *Golf for NES, even.
TheMandrew: it's not called putt-putt because you spend all day driving the ball
Arclight_Dynamo: @avi_miller I am *always* here for janky old games. :D
Landgraft: You have selected power drive
Kibbik: use an open-faced club. The sand wedge!
Its_VeeBot: Teleport to the woods
PharaohBender27: Fake holes!?!? :O
damn_i_am_pretty subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, damn_i_am_pretty! (Today's storm count: 26)
Mathwyn: I played Mario Golf for gameboy for the first time the other day and it was surprisingly fun
plummeting_sloth: real fake holes
Dog_of_Myth: Real Fake Hole
azureHaights: Industrial fairies. Fey coal.
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to leecarvllosputtinchllenge! They have given 1448 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, leecarvllosputtinchllenge! (Today's storm count: 27)
margieargie: RIght down the drain
Getter404: Beware the False Jolf and it's myriad temptations
Angreed66: the real fun of this game is getting in the wrong hole order
ckupf: Wait Alex birdied that?
thebuzzstreams: Which ball is the False Jolfit?
plummeting_sloth: golfo!
Its_VeeBot: Horse Plinko
northos: that log is schmovin!
avi_miller: And this is the mild course
PMAvers: So if you get a hole in one on this one, is that considered a Lucky HIt?
azureHaights: plink-no
PharaohBender27: tqsClap
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
DrakoniteDev: @PMAvers there at least used to be a setup for always hole in one
DiscordianTokkan: lol
plummeting_sloth: that could have been a really donnybrook in there with collision on
RealGamerCow: Only 6 shots different
djalternative: yeah. you can actually play DEFENCE with collision on
Tweygoh: this house of lies is very different
thebuzzstreams: no lies detected
margieargie: That was sure a rollercoaster of emotions
NotCainNorAbel: Gold will solve that confidence
djalternative: you can sink it in the hole or prevent others from sinking it
Mathwyn: This country club of lies
Sorator13: why are there circular saw blades on the corner?
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
BusTed: 👌
Sorator13: Nice
Sage0fMadness: nice
Crad0k: same thing happened with your ball on that one, ian
Sorator13: Oh. That's why.
thebuzzstreams: this would be a good time to use free cam lol
Getter404: @Sorator13 The balls are harvested at the end for their juicy caramel centers
plummeting_sloth: huh, the saw is a frind here
TheNerdWonder: R to reset
PharaohBender27: "Come on down to our combination golf course/sawmill. Don't tell the authorities!"
Crad0k: hacks
pn55: seabatClap
plummeting_sloth: dang, this level has an apm requirement
PMAvers: Ian really went all Rainbow Road Skip there.
Angreed66: the roller is bait for this hole
Crad0k: yeah, this seems like bullshit
thebuzzstreams: This is going to be very good for Alex
DrakoniteDev: they updated the version of unity to one with a different physics version than that hole was designed for, so the initial hit on to the ramp doesn't work right anymore
CaptainSpam: PHYSICS:tm:
The_Color_Twelve: KappaInfinite
Mathwyn: Head directly to golf jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200
Mathwyn: Golf gaol, Jolf jaol
avi_miller: Jood Jolf
TheNerdWonder: I think you want to hit near the end of the belt on that one
PMAvers: No wonder why Ian got there in so many strokes, since he completely ignored it
MyrddintheWizard: CTS, Take me a way. I lost a cat this evening and I am not coping well.
Getter404: @DrakoniteDev Curse you Riccitiello
aitsu100: and thats why i alway turn on jumping to cheese some holes
MarkovDescendant: Haunted!
PMAvers: So few strokes, I mean
Dog_of_Myth: @MyrddintheWizard lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
terribleplan: SPAAAAACE
kassbjames: Ahh yes... Another reason to blame Unity
chrysaliss: @myrddinthewizard shoosh4Hug
SquareDotCube: should have oasis
patrick_stonecrusher: Does oasis have a wonderwall?
avi_miller: Candyland is fun
A_Dub888: !findquote candy
LRRbot: Quote #3909: "Are we filled with candy? Are we actually pinatas?" —Paul [2017-01-25]
mercano82: “hole is now unplayable” seems like something you’d push out a hotfix for
PharaohBender27: 🍭
Crad0k: minigolf based on pirates? what a rubbish idea(!)
SquareDotCube: not hockey?
QuixoticScrivener: I got it Alex.
TheNerdWonder: allowing jumping adds sooo much cheese to this game
DrakoniteDev: @mercano82 unfortunately they have not revisited any of the original courses in a long time now
Sarah_Serinde: Matt I tend to ignore stuff like spin and that serves me pretty well :D
Crad0k: is the bridge made of pink wafer?
SquareDotCube: those planks are wafer thin :p
Crad0k: it is!
thebuzzstreams: Be careful on the bridge, it's wafer thin
TheAinMAP: ^
Mathwyn: Wafer thicc more like
JadedCynic: because you either get it or don't
Arclight_Dynamo: I hate the hat.
Arclight_Dynamo: It wigs me out. :D
avi_miller: … that sure is a quote
Thefluffiestguineapig: Candyland is a stealth brutal game in terms of ideology
kassbjames: "I'm sad that my goose isn't getting more play" - spoken like a true Canadian
Mathwyn: The secret of Candyland is that it isn't a game its about teaching turn taling and colours
bv310: Dang, Matt is on fire right now
Mr_Horrible: there's a very mean-spirited joke to be made over "5 strokes says that was not a fun hole"
DrakoniteDev: highly recommend enabling infinite freecam
azureHaights: So I just checked the GWYF category page (I wanted to see what the April Fools' categories were) and we're the biggest GWYF stream on right now
JadedCynic: putting SO much 'english' on your ball
itsaysTRUENO: would love to see this played as an esport lol
TheMandrew: @azureHaights I suspect that happens for most of the smaller games that LRR plays on stream
avi_miller: Oh they get way better…
PharaohBender27: The fact that the holes move through the solid floor . . . distrubs me
azureHaights: I dunno, it feels more gluttonous than wrathful.. What's the adjective form of Beelzebub?
Thefluffiestguineapig: True Ian
wedge_x: more like... shaitan
A_Dub888: @JadedCynic Canada is apart of Britain
7gorobei: now druids, they know how to party
Its_VeeBot: lrrDILLY
Kibbik: lrrDILLY
Fanklok: The followers of the god of sick parties are probably fun
RealGamerCow: The box may be there, but the amount of dilly bars may or may not be zero
Kramburger: IAN HOW DARE
JadedCynic: @A_Dub888 "english" is the term for putting side-spin on a billiard ball, that's why I didn't capitalise it
Atarra: "Australian"
CaptainSpam: Och, g'day, mate!
Mathwyn: Put some australian on that ball
Natural_Ones_Only: The Devil's Hole
JadedCynic: @A_Dub888 and no we're not B)
Natural_Ones_Only: Get in the hole Shinji
trilemma85: LUL LUL LUL
jessicaengle: Hi chat.
Seth_Erickson: Hi Jessica otzHi
Its_VeeBot: Kathleen "OSHA" DeVeere
azureHaights: @JadedCynic Not what? A part of Britain, or apart of Britain
Bionull: I feel like everything Kathleen said was a response to Ian
plummeting_sloth: what is a ball but an egg which is but a child
Zedruu_the_Goathearted: WOW!
That1GuyBen: ian collided with kathleen into the hole that's very funny
terribleplan: Known for their karmic retribution?
BigDaddyBland87: Bounce off Kathleen for birdie
Angreed66: yeah turning on jumping is a whole new game
lamina5432: this is probably in a wanka faculty
DrakoniteDev: you can jump on the water by clicking
itsaysTRUENO: the candy biome can recycle its own materials
plummeting_sloth: oh wait, this is Sweet Puttin' Cakes from Homestar Runner
Mathwyn: Candland just covered in cat hair
Sorator13: I think the clean room owners might have an issue with that
wedge_x: sponsored by Tyvek
JadedCynic: what I'm hearing from the participants translates to "this is 100% a typical miniature golf course"
Sorator13: I'm a little confused by the random balloons that periodically spawn over Ian's ball
Arclight_Dynamo: Doughnut man!
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: so who’s here playing tonight?
BigDaddyBland87: Rude
That1GuyBen: physics has betrayed kathleen again
Sorator13: @Joy_Stix_DragQueen Ian, Matt, Kathleen, Alex
TheMandrew: @Joy_Stix_DragQueen Ian, Matt, Alex, Kathleen
aitsu100: this game is very cruel
TheAinMAP: lrrAWW
DiscordianTokkan: Oh dear lord
NorthstarTex: D:
margieargie: False hole is indeed false to you
red_shoes_jeff: wat
Angreed66: jumping would fix this
Arclight_Dynamo: Gotta be the engine again.
terribleplan: physics engine change strikes again?
jessicaengle: That's uncredible.
Tiber727: I think you actually want a bit *more* power
plummeting_sloth: I miss tornado holes from Everybody's Golf
DrakoniteDev: @Arclight_Dynamo yep. going in that hole used to usually work
DiscordianTokkan: \O/
aitsu100: feed the donut man
NorthstarTex: \o/
BigDaddyBland87: Donut Donut Donut
azureHaights: Sir, I'm going to need you to exit the donut.
Atarra: the do-nuts
Its_VeeBot: Donutz
plummeting_sloth: right in the sprikles
BrowneePoints: that's what he said
Its_VeeBot: Deez Donuts
SquareDotCube: gotta crush those walnuts somehow
jamcnerny subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months!
jamcnerny: hello there
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jamcnerny! (Today's storm count: 28)
Zanzabar_: do you have jumping on?
plummeting_sloth: at least they don't make you take a penalty stroke when you OB
Mazrae: Would the nuts of the donut be the timbits??
Angreed66: they don't (they should)
That1GuyBen: ian "who skips the skip" horner
avi_miller: This stream has been fantastic for OOC quotes
A_Dub888: !quote matt
LRRbot: Quote #8688: "We're here to make the whole place wet." —Matt [2023-10-08]
Atarra: @Mazrae 10/10
That1GuyBen: choose your destiny traveler
NorthstarTex: wut
Thefluffiestguineapig: *resisting the urge to make a that’s what he said joke about what’s the distance to the hole”
JadedCynic: but *actual* golf is the bougie waste of land; miniature golf is that game transformed for the proletariat - uses far less space and far more affordable in time and expense
Dog_of_Myth: !findquote left
LRRbot: Quote #4574: "I think you're still making me go left for some reason." —Ian [2017-12-31]
vetchable: just got here, who all is playing?
A_Dub888: !birb
LRRbot: Wark, wark!
Sorator13: @vetchable Ian, Alex, Kathleen, Matt
JadedCynic: Ian, Matt, Alex & Kathleen
NorthstarTex: !findquote golf
LRRbot: Quote #2768: "He plays golf, and poops." —Alex, of Beej [2016-06-11]
TheAinMAP: HahaTurtledove
kalira77: @vetchable ian, kathleen, matt, alex
vetchable: thanks
CaptainSpam: I prefer a Primo Burg.
red_shoes_jeff: Shrike
Dog_of_Myth: Owl
avi_miller: It's a bird eat bird world
Natural_Ones_Only: Shinji
wildpeaks: this hole was indeed made for us
mercano82: Do you prefer a Birdie in the hand or a Double Birdie in the bush?
ckupf: double assist lol
Its_VeeBot: Teamwork!
PharaohBender27: tqsClap
Mathwyn: Double par!
Sorator13: @mercano82 Well, I think there's your answer :D
Dog_of_Myth: 2 Par 2 Furious
plummeting_sloth: par squared, it's like shooting the moon but for golf
jessicaengle: Par 2 Electric boogaloo
Its_VeeBot: At the end of this, Ian's gonna wake up to find that someone took his freakin' kidney
LordZarano: !advice
LRRbot: Never do a puzzle in zero gravity.
Its_VeeBot: Candy Mountain, Ian Horner~
Sorator13: @Its_VeeBot shun the nonbeliever! shuuuuuuun~
A_Dub888: @Its_VeeBot Spoilers: It was Beej
DrakoniteDev: well Ian, you'd have mixed feelings on my course then. lots of jumps, but mostly non-fatal
azureHaights: p-p-p-p-PENTABOGEY
red_shoes_jeff: nice
BigDaddyBland87: phrasing
aitsu100: IAN
Sarah_Serinde: tiltyhPLS
NotCainNorAbel: ian
wildpeaks: sir
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
LRRbot: Negotiate with the badger.
JadedCynic: they don't even have a short term for that far
red_shoes_jeff: I A N
Natural_Ones_Only: !adult
terribleplan: Ian just took psychich damage...
JadedCynic: !adult
LRRbot: I need an adult!
avi_miller: Remember, there is a free cam
Sarah_Serinde: The very rare occasion that Ian actually regrets his phrasing :P
Angreed66: always full sent for scouting :p
jessicaengle: Do you ever just think about holes? :s
That1GuyBen: nice on
DrakoniteDev: ball return
DiscordianTokkan: Trans Wrongs!
ckupf: It might be a transwrongs tube
Sorator13: I KNEW that would happen LUL
NorthstarTex: def a trans wrongs
wildpeaks: top 10 anime betrayal
thebuzzstreams: totally a trans wrongs tube
plummeting_sloth: Pride, you have betrayed me
Natural_Ones_Only: Trans Day of Intangibility
hi_im_emily: trans yeets
sorrow_of_aria: gender is a series of tubes
RatherLargeToad: The Three Tube Problem
avi_miller: Don’t forget Nice/Hat
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: physics!
aitsu100: can i just cuss and get some paper
Arclight_Dynamo: Pffft. They don't know how to use the three tubes.
plummeting_sloth: one tube only speaks the truth, one only tells lies, one just doesn't give a shit
Cptasparagus: have you seen the dance of the seven tubes?
Gizmoloid: There are THREE tubes!
JadedCynic: that's "plumbing" in general
gualdhar: Lol Ian doesn't know how to use the three tubes
Mathwyn: Bathrooms, like the internet are a series of tubes
A_Dub888: Are we not but a series of tubes?
avi_miller: @arclight_dynamo I was gonna make that exact joke!
Kibbik: A bathroom is not a series of tubes
RatherLargeToad: So it’s the internet?
wildpeaks: 3 tubes, 3 seashells, it all makes sense now
Chesul: What is a man but a series of tubes.
JadedCynic: it might matter a little...
patrick_stonecrusher: New band name dropped lnscrutable Tubes
Arclight_Dynamo: @avi_miller :D
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
That1GuyBen: i live by a simple rule in cases like this that jrpgs have thought me: when in doubt go left
hi_im_emily: GOTTEM
margieargie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
trilemma85: Big 1!
Sarah_Serinde: lrrGOAT
Atarra: XD
Sorator13: FBtouchdown
DiscordianTokkan: FBtouchdown seabatClap
Its_VeeBot: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
baltimore_667083: lrrBartleby
BigDaddyBland87: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
That1GuyBen: worlds most unintentional Hole in One
A_Dub888: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
head_cannon: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
whitebadgerwolf88: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: BWA BWA BWA BWA
JadedCynic: lrrSACK
red_shoes_jeff: lrrIAN lrrSACK
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
azureHaights: @patrick_stonecrusher I've already called dibs for my Blue Man Group cover band
SeiichiSin: SilverPogs
aitsu100: oh this is hell
NorthstarTex: that's brolly?
Scarbble: well golfed
That1GuyBen: broly golf
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHORN lrrDARK
JadedCynic: well done, Matt!
Caffine1138: gotta get the piers!
wildpeaks: saved
Mathwyn: The bad place has no holes
A_Dub888: And now we're in the hole place
red_shoes_jeff: nice
TheAinMAP: Lucky 7
NorthstarTex: lots of yeet required
Sorator13: oh dear
terribleplan: That's too far!
Its_VeeBot: Secret funnel
That1GuyBen: newton's laws come for us all. perhaps not at the same time or force, but equal all the same
wildpeaks: smooth
Arclight_Dynamo: Kathleen, it's always Ian.
Mathwyn: Angry Zen Golf Buddhism?
Its_VeeBot: Hell It's In Hell
avi_miller: Ian did bop Kathleen
tipulsar85: Candy golf hell...
Its_VeeBot: Um
BrowneePoints: that's what he said
plummeting_sloth: man, how could the giant funnel not be the last hole
Atarra: phrasing
Crad0k: this one goes in the brown hole!
NorthstarTex: wut
TStodden: You take a 2 stroke penalty if you can't clearing after 12 strokes... although that is a bit cruel for somebody that had that make strokes (especially in-a-row).
tehfewl: asset flip
TheAinMAP: RPGEpicSword SirSword
Mazrae: The sword to kill king candy??
avi_miller: The sword of Candyclese
azureHaights: The sword of Tim Tamocles
DiscordianTokkan: Clock still ticking
plummeting_sloth: the caramel blade
Sorator13: note that you *are* on a timer, Ian!
Its_VeeBot: @Mazrae The sword specifically chosen to kill King Candy. King Candy's sword.
plummeting_sloth: you're gonna time out Ian
BrowneePoints: my nickname in college
tipulsar85: So if that's the Donut lord, where's Sonic?
DrakoniteDev: *golf clap*
NorthstarTex: matt is the candy golf champ
PMAvers: I wonder if the Donut King knows the king from Rhythm Sprout?
Mathwyn: Donut King is alright, they do hot dogs too which is weird
Chesul: the worms course is great.
niccus: the place with the diet?
asddsa28: this is a corse
wedge_x: worms! worms! worms!
avi_miller: Does this mean we get weapons?
That1GuyBen: oh so that's why this game is psychotic
thebuzzstreams: Would you still love chat if we were worms?
Fanklok: @Mathwyn How many donuts does it take to cover a hotdog?
Twilight_Spark: Dunc mode
Chesul: I don't think that's in the first half Alex.
Tz_BG: Having played these levels, Alex is not wrong
Kramburger: Worms with guns and boots with the fur
margieargie: Beautiful
That1GuyBen: it's only worms if the wind physics fully betrays you and your bazooka shot curves back around and hits you in the jaw
Sethalidos: Ian,no
Twilight_Spark: Can someone offer me A Trade for These puns?
Mathwyn: @fanklok probably like 4 or 5? Fancier donuts are thicker and thus cover more hot dog
PMAvers: But what if they made the hole the popcorn bucket?
underhill33: FBtouchdown
DrakoniteDev: originally not made by team17, but they eventually became the publisher, after which almost all new content was team17 themed
Its_VeeBot: With their worms, and their bombs, and their guns, and their etc
plummeting_sloth: hey, KISS golf never lies
Atarra: this feels like a very Alex course
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
northos: a cheeky breaky?
jessicaengle: o7
Angreed66: you need to jet to get there
Lysander_salamander: nie
Lysander_salamander: nice
TheAinMAP: Cool technology.
Arclight_Dynamo: Maybe it gives the option to extend at the end?
Lysander_salamander: yay
Kibbik: Maybe we can meet Boggy B 🪱
That1GuyBen: it this course doesn't have a concrete donkey it's a horrid course
aitsu100: just send the ball home
That1GuyBen: also 1 hour in we have our first happy gilmore joke
plummeting_sloth: aim for no mans hole
ShaneLeeAtk: Happy Gilmore 2 is in the works, so I hear
avi_miller: No Fighting in here!
Arclight_Dynamo: This is reminding me of that one part in Conker's Bad Fur Day.
FoxyJewels: woah!
plummeting_sloth: lucky
margieargie: The eagle has landed!
BigDaddyBland87: eggle
patrick_stonecrusher: @shaneleeatk think its gonna take place in Hawaii? Kappa
NorthstarTex: eeeeegle
red_shoes_jeff: !birb
LRRbot: Stretch out your neck!
kalira77: ian lrrSACK
Its_VeeBot: I remember hearing of a regular golf hole that was apparently in the DMZ and was surrounded on three sides by land mines.
NorthstarTex: ian is actually under par
Laserbeaks_Fury: Literal bunkers for hazards
Angreed66: That's what chat is doing
Atarra: need the quiet, calm golf voice... Graham could probably do it
TheNerdWonder: isn’t that what chat is for?
Mathwyn: !quote betrayal
thebuzzstreams: Graham and Cam would make for good commentators on this one
Its_VeeBot: Game says no
Kibbik: What the-!?
margieargie: I don't think they let you go in the last one :p
DrakoniteDev: the earlier courses let you score using previous holes
plummeting_sloth: go get a hole in one on a different hole
7gorobei: can you put spin on the ball while flying?
Laserbeaks_Fury: So no Rianbow Road style skips
Atarra: this one was a journey
Its_VeeBot: I can't tell if the motionless worms are charming, like statues at a mini-golf course, or kinda disturbing
DrakoniteDev: @Laserbeaks_Fury you could on earlier courses, but they got very happy with reset bounding boxes later on
A_Dub888: Radioactive?
plummeting_sloth: I think more military campaigns should have been expressed with a par number. Galipoli was a par 5
CaptainSpam: Traditionally the largest single explosion in a Worms game, the HHG.
josh___something: LET'S GO JUSTIN
Monogoliensis subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Monogoliensis! (Today's storm count: 29)
azureHaights: Could be worse, could be the Bonifas Par 3
Mr_Horrible: @CaptainSpam also the sound that's made by the players as the explosion happens
BusTed: What a shot.
A_Dub888: how shellful of it
TheAinMAP: sergeHolyMoly
JadedCynic: "No, Jesus - I meant the *steering* wheel!"
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
Twilight_Spark: Sent to the shadow realm.
margieargie: I guess a given (full-size) golf hole -is- around the length of ground gained by your average WWI offensive...
Its_VeeBot: To the shadow realm with ye
That1GuyBen: accurate portrayal of your last worm being sent to heaven by the HHG
TehAmelie: does anyone really know what the goal is in golf?
Laserbeaks_Fury: This hole better be a Par 3, because Par 4 would be too much and Par 5 is *right* out
Pteraspidomorphi: :D
Its_VeeBot: Piss and Piss, Attorneys at Law
BusTed: Gave Kathleen the boost
northos: the boost!
margieargie: sergeIntoTheSea
Tz_BG: Very nice of you to help Kathleen to get par Ian
TheAwkes: At least being knocked out of bounds by the grenade saved you from starting over at the bottom, he said just as it didn't.
Its_VeeBot: "The clock has ticked its last tock! SUDDEN DEATH!"
Pteraspidomorphi: Aww
Caffine1138: hahaha
FlynnRaccoon: !highlight
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
That1GuyBen: kathleen de golf deals death
TheAinMAP: lrrAWW
northos: YEET
JadedCynic: this course makes OSHA foam at the mouth for the lack of safety rails :D
Mnemonicman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months, currently on a 68 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mnemonicman! (Today's storm count: 30)
NorthstarTex: 12
A_Dub888: Swap them with what?
NorthstarTex: welp, wrong text box x.x
Mathwyn: Swapping legs and stretching my fluids gotcha
avi_miller: Take your meds!
patrick_stonecrusher: Fluids: STRETCHED
Metric_Furlong: while we're on a break, if chat wants to help order my to-watch list, there's a very normal poll up
Fanklok: Bicycle shoes strings, icicle weddings, one flag, flaggy but on
Metric_Furlong: (4 Furlong Points™ still available for anyone playing the guessing game)
JadedCynic: "My sight is dim, my back is broke, my legs are grey and bent" oh, the OTHER Monty Python film...
tipulsar85 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tipulsar85! (Today's storm count: 31)
TehAmelie: funny, The Meaning of Life is my favorite but everyone else seem to even forget it exists
TheNerdWonder: Crimson Accountancy is one of their best sketches
TehAmelie: ahoy
Arclight_Dynamo: I consider The Crimson Permanent Assurance to be a short Terry Gilliam film rather than a Monty Python film.
terribleplan: But only for this stream
NorthstarTex: literally just got back with icecream
That1GuyBen: it's time for golf crimes
TheNerdWonder: it does have his style, doesn't it
margieargie: Fitting, hockey belongs in a museum Kappa
wedge_x: burgersaur
That1GuyBen: this goalie STINKS
Its_VeeBot: Goooooal
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: what song were they referencing?
hi_im_emily: taste the curse of ra
wedge_x: the slow ball penetrates the goal
NorthstarTex: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
margieargie: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: THE PLANK
Lysander_salamander: oh, they're pucks. Neat
NorthstarTex: love that
CataclysmicReverb: No no, Gingerbread man's carb loaded
A_Dub888: !card ginger brute
LRRbot: Gingerbrute [1] | Artifact Creature — Food Golem [1/1] | Haste / {1}: Gingerbrute can't be blocked this turn except by creatures with haste. / {2}, {T}, Sacrifice Gingerbrute: You gain 3 life.
Twilight_Spark: Judgemental smh. Some people just want the gingerbread man inside to be outside as well.
Arclight_Dynamo: I am *desperately* trying to make a Sydney Crosby/Crosby's Molasses pun, here.
PMAvers: In short: the Gingerbread Man is basically a Hulk.
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: BLOCKED
NorthstarTex: goalie did his job, he stopped the puck
That1GuyBen: kathleen is killing it here
patrick_stonecrusher: Hes got great funamentals and isnt afraid of the puck
Mathwyn: Embracing your Canadianitis
Joy_Stix_DragQueen: I was watching Toronto maple leafs vs florida panthers at the restaurant I was having dinner at. Toronto’s goalie made a hell of a save in the first period.
That1GuyBen: nice shot
That1GuyBen: hockey is one of two professional sports i don't usually watch, the other being soccer
Lysander_salamander: Heiratic
Simonark subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Simonark! (Today's storm count: 32)
wildpeaks: it's kinda already emojis
That1GuyBen: unregistered hyperglyphics 2
Lysander_salamander: "heirglyphic cursive" is called Heiratic
niccus: hypoglyphics
CaptainSpam: Lowroglyphics.
hi_im_emily: are emoji just modern hieroglyphs?
tipulsar85: Shruglyphics...
Angreed66: pyroglyhics
PMAvers: So is this the Bone Zone?
tehfewl: Teeth
Dog_of_Myth: So many teeth
josh___something: CURSE OF RA [insert hieroglyph spam here] DOWNFALL OF HORNER :p
Arclight_Dynamo: Bam. Cursive hieroglyphics:
terribleplan: It's HypoAllerGlyphic
red_shoes_jeff: TEETH
DoctorHutch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
DoctorHutch: No! You should have waited!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DoctorHutch! (Today's storm count: 33)
BusTed: To the tar pits with thee
wildpeaks: welp, we got boned
That1GuyBen: if you don't get it you get to get up close and personal with La Brea
Lysander_salamander: Teeth!
margieargie: Yeet has been called
Its_VeeBot: Toime for Yeet
Mathwyn: After years I finally just got the La Brea Carpets Far Side comic
Arclight_Dynamo: Though cursive hieroglyphics were not truly cursive. Hieratic was the truly cursive form. This has been Ancient Egyptian with Arclight.
tipulsar85: How many people here remember Dunjeonquest: Curse of Ra?
SymphonicLolita: jolf! jolf! jolf!
Lysander_salamander: bouncy?
Lysander_salamander: is there a pinball level?
NorthstarTex: right into the corner of the net!
PMAvers: Okay, so... what if we replaced the hockey pucks with beyblades?
Lysander_salamander: nice
thebuzzstreams: I can't look at Alex's puck without seeing 5 hands doing the goat see'ing thing... Anyone else?
Its_VeeBot: The Smasher:tm:
That1GuyBen: albatross!
Mazrae: Hockey golf on a plinko map is just plinko right
BusTed: FBtouchdown
patrick_stonecrusher: Albatross!
dougma: OMG yes
NorthstarTex: FBtouchdown
CaptainSpam: Albatross! It's bloody albatross flavored!
Its_VeeBot: Hamburger Journey is my Jimmy Buffet cover band.
SandwichKed: What? That was a double eagle.
That1GuyBen: alex is having a TIME on this hole
Raincoast_Bear: Wasn't Crushinator Bender's moon girlfriend?
margieargie: Before Grist (Golf Christ, he bogied for our sins)
thebuzzstreams: Alex is giving us a tour of the hole museum
That1GuyBen: that was ben stiller
TheAwkes: It's kinda air hockey physics. Light pucks, low friction.
Blip2004: Nic Cage
itmightbemikey: Ben Stiller
DiscordianTokkan: Ben Stiller
wedge_x: lololol
SmoreThanAFeelin: Ben Stiller
That1GuyBen: nic cage is national treasure
Lysander_salamander: I often think of the Mummy
Lobo_Apache: Mood Alex. Mood
tipulsar85: Is it a non Ecludian Hockey Puck?
PharaohBender27 sees what @That1GuyBen did there
Lysander_salamander: sounds intriguing
Its_VeeBot: Only mummy I think about is Khufu.
Arclight_Dynamo: God, there are FIVE Scorpion King films?
Lobo_Apache: Rah rah fight the powah
DiscordianTokkan: Man, this exhibit... blows
Lysander_salamander: Only one of them had the Rock in it
That1GuyBen: the scarmanamena?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Mr. Scarmlphagus
Its_VeeBot: "Where's the hole?" a question asked by many heterosexual men daily.
DiscordianTokkan: HAHAHAH
red_shoes_jeff: I thought there were more SK movies than that.
aitsu100: lol
DiscordianTokkan: I got that Ian, at least
Laserbeaks_Fury: Ohh, Bird...
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
aitsu100: this hole is really snake bitten for ian
Fanklok: He is rizzen
Lord_Hosk: How was that supposed to work?
patrick_stonecrusher: Blame unity..?
tipulsar85: SCARTography? I didn't know you could study Euro/Japanese RGB cables...
BusTed: Kirby Golf vibes on this part.
JadedCynic: LUL
PMAvers: "Skill issue."
SymphonicLolita: ohno
A_Dub888: "I can put my arm back on, you can't. You casual"
PharaohBender27: O_o
wildpeaks: frame perfect
BusTed: this is all one stroke
That1GuyBen: ian it's time to surrender
chrono2x: This is remarkably uncomfortable
Arclight_Dynamo: Ian. Let it die.
PawssumFable: Ian please
Its_VeeBot: Magical spell is Ei-Ei-Poo
Lysander_salamander: whoa dizzy
NorthstarTex: let it die, its so disorienting
thebuzzstreams: for the love of chat Ian, let the bird die
Twilight_Spark: I'm actually mildly nauseous. Intriguing.
Raincoast_Bear: "I can put my arm back on, you can't. Get good, noob."
That1GuyBen: what happened to your camera
Laserbeaks_Fury: You know duck's backs actively repel water
betweenmyself: What’s he named now? riffThink
Lysander_salamander: the "very serious episodes" were a bit odd
Angreed66: it's golf magic alex
JadedCynic: it's called "geometry" ;)
PawssumFable: Extremely odd
QuixoticScrivener: Ian invents a new "rich people" sport.
AziraphalesShop: We host Nerf events at the Science Center I work at. It rules.
BigDaddyBland87: heyo
PharaohBender27: Don't know if character art spawning in and out of existence rapidly is like strobing lights, but I gave a warning to my clip to be safe:
JadedCynic: that sounds MAGNIFICENT @AziraphalesShop <3
aitsu100: Frieren is so good
Kramburger: SIR
Lysander_salamander: I keep meaning to watch those shows
AziraphalesShop: @JadedCynic The "Please don't break things" is real lol
WardsarTheWriter: I would kill for a Dungeon Meshi and Frieren corssover.
Lobo_Apache: Ah so they got hard after the going down level
Cptasparagus: kathleen speedrunning the highlight reel
Arclight_Dynamo: Is... is that a hockey burn? From Ian?
avi_miller: lmao, I did not expect that from Ian
betweenmyself: Apparently Patricia Richardson who played the mom on Home Improvement has had to come forward to forcefully downplay Tim Allen’s suggestions the dhow might come back, saying that she has not been asked about reprising her role, two of the children are no longer acting, one of them is a felon and the neighbor Wilson died in the early 2000s and replacing him would upset former cast members. pennyWhat
BigDaddyBland87: For fans of Innuendo and Double Entendre...this is like Christmas
That1GuyBen: alex rejected by the top bar
Lysander_salamander: :D
betweenmyself: sorry, that was a tad longer than intended
JadedCynic: LUL
Opheliaway: Is that a Jojo's reference?
Chesul: Ian, that's every village eventually.
northos: !advice
LRRbot: One day, a king did the Big Cheese in public.
Lysander_salamander: huh
Lobo_Apache: Is this game going to bring back "Phrasing" all on it's own?
Lysander_salamander: did not know about the felon thing
Mazrae: !badadvice
LRRbot: chaos?
Lysander_salamander: was it the one that voiced young Simba?
Angreed66: you're climbing the pyramid
Laserbeaks_Fury: Has Khufu banished anyone to the black hole?
wildpeaks: imagine egyptian gods on tiktok
That1GuyBen: a novel idea ian
azureHaights: I heard "climbing up here-amid
Angreed66: I wasn't lying
That1GuyBen: however you have been sentenced to an eternity in the egyptian underworld
Laserbeaks_Fury: up up up the ziggurat, lickety-split
plaidanddrpepper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak!
plaidanddrpepper: 8 months! That's almost a year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, plaidanddrpepper! (Today's storm count: 34)
betweenmyself: @lysander_salamander I *think* the eldest son… JTT has apparently stopped acting in favor of writing/directing
Lysander_salamander: neat
Twilight_Spark: There can only be 1 Canadian.
kalira77: fwiw, JTT was the middle son
frogomb subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
frogomb: Meet Anubis, same as the old bis
Arclight_Dynamo: Dunc
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, frogomb! (Today's storm count: 35)
Arclight_Dynamo: Dunk must be oasis. Dunc.
PawssumFable: @betweenmyself And by 'felon' you mean strangled someone, oof.
red_shoes_jeff: DUNC
Mazrae: This is the least toxic gameplay of this I've ever seen
avi_miller: Hehehe
Laserbeaks_Fury: Do the balls sparkle?
avi_miller: That joke is one I expected from Ian
PawssumFable: Bojack flashbacks
Lobo_Apache: surprised y'all aren't dunking on The Escapists *hur hur hur, I'm not funny)
Lysander_salamander: powerups mode?
Twilight_Spark: Please do not dunk me.
Laserbeaks_Fury: Back at it again
Opheliaway: Dank custom
Mathwyn: The Dunk Custom sounds like a UC mech
josh___something: Dunkustom
goombalax: I haven't seen DUNC 2 so I hope we don't get spoiled
Raincoast_Bear: Never too early to quit.
PawssumFable: You can go through the bottom and fall back into the hoop
Lord_Hosk: This game was designed by a madman
Lysander_salamander: misery
djalternative: iirc you can also just enable jump in regular golf mode too
Laserbeaks_Fury: Ad on the Seventh stroke, God Pared
atinyspacemarine: There was a whole crap shot about gnosticism
betweenmyself: yup, there are literally tens of us still out there riffYeti
wedge_x: "This ball is not my own."
Lysander_salamander: the ineffable horse would like you to avoid the water hazard
noncrypticmoth: Who's all here today
FlynnRaccoon: !findquote ball
LRRbot: Quote #253: "I saw this guy once touch his own flaming balls." —Cameron [2015-04-30]
josh___something: *indellible whinny*
Angreed66: This mode is the "jumping is really fun on the regular rules lets make it a new mode"
BusTed: \ rayfkSanic /
Laserbeaks_Fury: I like to imagine this is what the first draft of Golf
definenull: the first stage is always denial
josh___something: I was robbed by two men D:
Laserbeaks_Fury: Nothing but netcode
noncrypticmoth: Way to go Kathleen
Chesul: just a cute little Uwubliette.
Laserbeaks_Fury: A girl with long black hair crawls out and say "Seven Strokes"
Lysander_salamander: does that shooting golf game "Nice Shot" have multiplayer?
BigDaddyBland87: yea this kinda blows
Chesul: normal golf with jump is pretty great.
BigDaddyBland87: and I love basketball
FlynnRaccoon: Is there still "golf but the ball isn't round" mode?
aitsu100: if you want true hell you can do random shaped balls
noncrypticmoth: This mode is called let's smash my controller
red_shoes_jeff: @Lysander_salamander I THINK it does.
PawssumFable: I kind of love random ball shape lol
Arclight_Dynamo: "But I need those horses anuses back..."
PawssumFable: My friends played the hell out of this
Lysander_salamander: I keep meaning to try 100 foot Robot Golf
BusTed: Nice shot
leebenningfield: was that an Aqua Teen Hunger Force reference
josh___something: The horsest of shit
SymphonicLolita: FBtouchdown
Snowcookies: nice
red_shoes_jeff: I A N !
Sage0fMadness: impressive Ian!
TheAwkes: Ian "Pro Gamer" Horner
PawssumFable: You can get really good at this stuff
Laserbeaks_Fury: Golf, but there's platforming
noncrypticmoth: Three more holes of hell is the name of my sex tape
Opheliaway: I just realized that the gingerbread man is the ref(?) on the backboard of the net
PawssumFable: But this is a game where getting good takes an absurd amount of practice
That1GuyBen: upon further review who amongst LRR is most likely to be able to dunk a basketball
TheAwkes: Some people have played this enough that most of the holes are a Solved Problem™, and they get really high rates of holes in one.
PawssumFable: It's like a slow twitch game?
definenull: pfft
Laserbeaks_Fury: I haven't seen a single vampire or werewolf and I feel lied to
That1GuyBen: to the woods with you ian
PawssumFable: In that it's very particular and you need timing and to get things in JUST the right place.
noncrypticmoth: I bet camping with Ian would be lit
PawssumFable: No doubt
Laserbeaks_Fury: My jump cooldown is about a fortnight
PharaohBender27: Oooof, so close and yet so far
Laserbeaks_Fury: You know, I hate that I spelled fortnight correctly, but it now *looks* wrong
PawssumFable: Like Eighth
Laserbeaks_Fury: This is literally the plot of Tin Cup
BloodnBullets: i love the goose floaty.
PharaohBender27: D:
Lysander_salamander: powerups?
Chesul: I highly recommend space station. and jumping.
BigDaddyBland87: crazy ball shapes?
PharaohBender27: CHA-OS! CHA-OS!
Twilight_Spark: Final Destination
djalternative: jump on?
FlynnRaccoon: "Cone" is fun.
djalternative: random balls is very fun
aitsu100: bounce is fun
Lysander_salamander: are there player-made levels?
TheOtherTrevor: Space station, gravity off
aitsu100: welcome to WipeOUt
Snowcookies: is this fall guys?
aitsu100: or Fall Guys
TheAinMAP: katesBonk
SymphonicLolita: BOP
Laserbeaks_Fury: Mario, don't come to the castle. I baked an absolute dogshit cake.
PawssumFable: What happens if you hit the bumpers?
PawssumFable: Can you go over? They're rounded.
Twilight_Spark: coxYip
smashy_030: Potentially the wrong place and time to ask this but does watch n play still take suggestions
PawssumFable: PopNemo
DiscordianTokkan: Reach out, Touch Cups
SymphonicLolita: reverberate those cups!
Juliamon: !wpemail
Laserbeaks_Fury: the terrain is inflated
red_shoes_jeff: The rocks are inflatable
Juliamon: !wp email
LRRbot: Send Watch + Play game suggestions to
smashy_030: ty!
Orxolon: good evening everyone
Orxolon: !players
Juliamon: Ian, Kathleen, Matt, Alex
Mazrae: This music is so good
Juliamon: WIth collision on this is just Fall Guys
definenull: Fall balls?
That1GuyBen: why does this music sound like it's from a beloved but poorly selling ps2 platformer
FlynnRaccoon: !phrasing
LRRbot: "Phrasing has never been a thing and I will never do it even once." —Ian Horner, 2021
MWGNZ: collision is great until last place realises they can be kingmaker
djalternative: this should get played again with a full jackbox set of crew
djalternative: extra chaos
BigDaddyBland87: definitely Wipeout vibes
BusTed: schloop
Twilight_Spark: Kreygams
BigDaddyBland87: or Fall Guys I gues
CataclysmicReverb: I remember this fall guys level
definenull: *schlorp*
Twilight_Spark: Kreygasm even
ArdCollider: slishing!
BusTed: Haha
BusTed: Ruined
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
josh___something: Lewd
Juliamon: I wonder how that foley was done tbh
Mathwyn: So this is what the secret pipesmen tubes sounds liek
TheAinMAP: lrrDARK
PharaohBender27: It's revenge for those times you collided with Kathleen lrrDARK
PawssumFable: @Juliamon I'm almost convinced that that's someone making the sound and they distorted it a little
DiscordianTokkan: It was so good
tyrsredritehand: Loving the new season of QWRPline!
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
aitsu100: my fav one had to be the prom episode
Laserbeaks_Fury: I totally checked that website
Twilight_Spark: That was so hot
BusTed: Woo!
TheNerdWonder: no. no they do not...
Kramburger: ALEX
PharaohBender27: I plan to finish it after this stream
Sheikun07: I finished work, started this stream, and plan on watching the latest ep the moment this stream ends.
TheAinMAP: FootGoal
BigDaddyBland87: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
JadedCynic: I literally have the video waiting another tab...
josh___something: I still need to watch this weeks qwrps
Lord_Hosk: And when you are done with QWERP line, visit
Sheikun07: I have enjoyed every single episode of QWERPLine to be released to date and they just keep getting *better*
Lysander_salamander: the grid pattern may be helping a little?
red_shoes_jeff: All these squares make a circle... All these squares make a circle...
Laserbeaks_Fury: I cant unsee them as pencil erasers
PawssumFable: Me and my spouse lost it at Richter actually doing the traffic
josh___something: A rectangle is usually 2 triangles :p
patrick_stonecrusher: Thinking about it, this music reminds me of the Disgaea series
Lord_Hosk: lol
Twilight_Spark: Wowee
DiscordianTokkan: orz
aitsu100: lol
josh___something: Bodied
wildpeaks: bangoozled
patrick_stonecrusher: "Noooooooooooo...!...dude."
Twilight_Spark: I forgot about this part of Chutes and Ladders.
Lord_Hosk: The famous Cousin of Glop Shitto?
Laserbeaks_Fury: G
JadedCynic: it's not a full ring, just a crescent
josh___something: This is such an evil hole
Mazrae: Those volcano holes are the worst
Arclight_Dynamo: Roll Up The Rim is an app. Canadian tire Money is an app. it sucks.
patrick_stonecrusher: If your ring has asplit in it, consult a doctor
CaptainSpam: You don't roll up a rim anymore? BLASPHEMY!
red_shoes_jeff: Then what's the POINT!?
DiscordianTokkan: It involves less chewed on cardboard being given to people
SymphonicLolita: everything is now THE APP
Arclight_Dynamo: Can't change the payout on printed cups halfway through. You can diddle an app.
DiscordianTokkan: I HAVE a Rim Roller still!
SilverHalcyon: what the heck is Roll up a rim?
BloodnBullets: dafuq is "roll up the rim"?
seasicksidekick: You can't win a free coffee from your free coffee anymore either
Sage0fMadness: these apps are taking all our rim jobs
Juliamon: Roll Up the Rim is a Tim Hortons annual promotion where you unroll the cup rim for a prize
hackingducks: that is some deep cut can-con
Arclight_Dynamo: You folks get an app? We just get a train that catches fire.
Graham_LRR: that is how it works
Bruceski: That's how it works in Portland
Graham_LRR: once you use it twice, and hit $5, it doesn’t charge you any more than day
alexsteacy: @Graham_LRR ah thats SOMETHING
alexsteacy: But I do enjoy being at the mercy of my phone charge and network availability
Graham_LRR: agreeeee
alexsteacy: it is 10 poos
SymphonicLolita: BOP
Clench_Eastwood subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
Clench_Eastwood: Did you know that 108 is the exact score you get when you cross the streams?!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Clench_Eastwood! (Today's storm count: 36)
MaladyDark subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
MaladyDark: been taking a break from watching streams. back though now.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaladyDark! (Today's storm count: 37)
SymphonicLolita: clown murders
northos: KAPOW
PharaohBender27: Oh it is, isn't it
JadedCynic: Wanna revise that wording, Alex?
SymphonicLolita: 0/10
underhill33: pls no
Lysander_salamander: :D
Mathwyn: I feel like this more the fall guys in FFXIV crossover game
thebuzzstreams: IAN!
Lobo_Apache: We all know he doesn't use them. It's just tattoo'd on
wedge_x: they have the BANG flag
Lysander_salamander: oh that's worse
MaladyDark: maybe should ask jared leto.
Laserbeaks_Fury: with "BANG!" on the side
Arclight_Dynamo: They just unroll and go "Fweeee!" like a party streamer.
JadedCynic: @MaladyDark forget him - ask Mark Hamill
JadedCynic: (the answer would be much funnier)
Lobo_Apache: Ian, that's sounding painful
SymphonicLolita: on easter monday?
badpandabear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, badpandabear! (Today's storm count: 38)
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Arclight_Dynamo: Which god?
smashy_030: damn you god
josh___something: Which god
QuixoticScrivener: that is several names
PharaohBender27: I thought Ian was a Gaelic name?
Mr_Horrible: a "gift" in the German sense
PawssumFable: Haha
tergonis: one more reason to kill god
JadedCynic: Horner, we had a talk about "Terms of Service" and "Community Guidelines, already this year...
MaladyDark: @JadedCynic i was making a subtle reference to the time jared leto mailed his cast mates used condoms. becuase he was method acting apparently. dickhead
PharaohBender27: @Mr_Horrible i.e., poisonous? sparkl171Smug
Juliamon: I swear I just heard Ievan Polkka in this music
Lord_Hosk: I can honestly say, I have never given a moments thought to where gingerbreadmen pee
avi_miller: I believe Ian is the Gaelic version of the Hebrew Yohanan IIRC
margieargie: My name is in the bible, but only because it's Greek for "pearl" and Jesus talked about casting pearls before swine that one time
PawssumFable: Ginger ale
Laserbeaks_Fury: Does that plaque say "L is real"
Kramburger: Ian's in the bible because he's an immortal and one day will become the god-emperor of a militantly theocratic society locked in an eternal war against the forces of chaos
Veraphage: What's the biblical name for "no gift receipt"?
PharaohBender27: @avi_miller I can see that
SymphonicLolita: geometry not happy
BusTed: culled
ButterBall000: To the Sub Ocean!
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
SeismicLawns: goodbye level
smashy_030: my name comes from the story where god tells someone to kill their son and then is like "wait dont actually"
CataclysmicReverb: @Veraphage Ea Nasir?
MaladyDark: my Mother made my name up. it turns out it is a real name, just other gendered and serbian apparently
TheAwkes: #CullThatGeometry
Meark: Sir. This is not watch and play.
epsilon_vee: how many strokes penalty for the sub ocean :P
JadedCynic: oh sorry, I was going for "funny" instead of "disgusting and nauseating"
TheAinMAP: sergeHolyMoly
JadedCynic: excellent make-up shot, Ian! <3
Lysander_salamander: oh, drawbridge
Lobo_Apache: He's really edging up tonight
Cptasparagus: oh cool its the G spot
BusTed: Whoa.
Sarah_Serinde: That was just 2 LRLs ago yeah
FlynnRaccoon: "Remember? We Had Beej" - what a threatening sentence
BusTed: seatbelts, everyone
PharaohBender27: What do you mean, you had Beej? There was just a floating pot Kappa
thebuzzstreams: But how about Second LRR Minigolf?
Angreed66: You've also done a pre record minigolf on live before too
margieargie: Sadly this isn't pinball, or Ian'd be racking up the points there
PMAvers: I mean, it could be worse, it could be the Magic School Bus episode about fish migration
Arclight_Dynamo: Wow, big fan.
smashy_030: this isnt pinball nor is ian nic cage
miniMacGuru: Doing a pre-record of two teams each building a mini golf hole from the dollar store or similar could be fun.
djalternative: this is what the lower intestine of a clown looks like
Laserbeaks_Fury: At my old school, we never had to make Par 5 though someone intestines.
avi_miller: @minimacguru Ok, I love that idea
JadedCynic: I know for a fact that my oesophagus doesn't have fan blades...well, not anymore
BigDaddyBland87: Ian shoulda sat there and waited for someone to bump him in for free
Laserbeaks_Fury: the 3 genders
Mazrae: @minimacguru kind of how they did the egg drop but mini golf edition??
Angreed66: @JadedCynic Are you sure they haven't been reinstalled?
Lord_Hosk: Ass Master "build the best mini-golf hole from the materials around the moonbase" Mystery second Ass "Play your minigolf hole, least strokes wins"
SymphonicLolita: *raises hand* *lowers hand*
margieargie: *Zardoz voice* The golf is good, the man is evil
PawssumFable: No, play the opposite team's hole.
Arclight_Dynamo: There are a lot of golf courses in China, apparently, despite being illegal as decadent.
Bruceski: The world islands eroded didn't they?
dougma: The world islands are sinking back into the sea
Bruceski: When you stop paying they stop being maintained
Graham_LRR: you went down to Level 31
JadedCynic: yep; I nearly suffocated on a morsel of bread last week and blades really would've helped break it up before I accidentally inhaled it into my trachea
Lord_Hosk: I thought the world Isands were a housing development
smashy_030: who smacking they mic
PMAvers: I love that our local golf course spent a bunch of time and effort renovating one of the holes to be a island hole, and every time it rains that section of the course floods.
Arclight_Dynamo: Huh, looking it up, the legal status of golf in China is... in flux.
Graham_LRR: stop by Al’s Slow Food
PharaohBender27: Honestly, that last play was great
LordZarano: Ian: "from Scottish Gaelic Eòin, equivalent to English John." 'From Old Irish Iohain, from Latin Iōannēs, from Ancient Greek Ἰωάννης (Iōánnēs), from Hebrew יוֹחָנָן (Yôḥānān, literally “God is gracious”).'
Ogrekidd: man they really changed the golden saucer in remake huh
PawssumFable: To be fair, golf courses take up so much water that it is actually villanous.
definenull: xD
definenull: so much innuendo
PawssumFable: villainous
SeismicLawns: you do have to line up fully gay though
avi_miller: @lordzarano Yes! I remembered correctly!
JadedCynic: yeah, miniature golf is MUCH better <3
JadedCynic: (well, maybe not THESE courses... ;) )
PawssumFable: To the point where golf being illegal is actually quite sensible.
red_shoes_jeff: @Graham_LRR "I need some Slow Food, and I need it fast!"
definenull: oh i don't like those firework sounds
Lord_Hosk: Our local golf courses stopped watering anything other than the greens. They found the golfers didn't notice, they cut down how often they had to cut the grass, and it cut their budget by 3/4s so it was a win all around.
TheAinMAP: FallWinning
BusTed: Matt is rocking it
SandwichKed: wut
JadedCynic: this was a riot <3
Kramburger: Turing was good with numbers
Fanklok: Matt you can't use being gay as an excuse for everything
PharaohBender27: Cheer300
Snowcookies: ty for the tream
BusTed: wooo!
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500 - as always a perfect score
Sheikun07: lrrSHINE
red_shoes_jeff: WwwooOOOOOoooo!
smashy_030: social security?????
alexsteacy: "I don't feel so good, Mr. Woods..."
JadedCynic: matt is just gonna have to admit his good at things in his own respect <3
red_shoes_jeff: Party100
TheOtherTrevor: CC number right in this chat box here, right?
Juliamon: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter: | More:
JadedCynic: dont forget the csv!
Foxmar320: !alex
LRRbot: Alex’s Varied Creations ~ Gumroad: | Patreon: | Etsy: | Home stream: | Twitter: | More:
smashy_030: gonna drop my national insurance number rn
alexsteacy: Ya this is the best:
Foxmar320: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
avi_miller: yeah!
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
Foxmar320: !homestream
LRRbot: Crew homestreams: Adam: | Alex: | Ben Ulmer: | Cameron: | Cori and Ian: | Heather: | James: | Kathleen: | Matt Wiggins: | Nelson: | Serge: , | Wheeler:
JadedCynic: you get a day in advance to check for schedule changes ;)
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Texan_Reverend: Signups are open, and you're welcome to come by and create an account.
PharaohBender27: tqsLOL
JadedCynic: ^^^^ (tyvm, TexRv <3 )
Snowcookies: I thought MoC was a terraria stream?
Juliamon: Next week they start Raft!
Texan_Reverend: You're very welcome @jadedcynic
TheAinMAP: mattlrHeck divers
JadedCynic: so....all of the space rts/4x games? ;)
josh___something: Damn... Roasted
wildpeaks: @Snowcookies they finished it, stopped at hardmode
Sheikun07: Japanese Flavored Eurojank! Wanted: Dead is great fun.
avi_miller: Yeah, that game looks incredibly Ian
Texan_Reverend: We love watching Ian play Japanese ridiculousness.
BusTed: drawfeYee drawfeHaw
Mythallian: YEE and/or HAW
FlynnRaccoon: Nashi or I riot :D
PharaohBender27: :cowboyhat:
djalternative: how many cowboy hats does LRR have?
KaleidoscopeMind: multitasking!
Sheikun07: @djalternative Not enough
PharaohBender27: @djalternative Honestly? I think 2 or 3 at most
Juliamon: I recommend throwing a sub (Prime or otherwise) at Wheeler's channel for that. Have those good cowboy Magic emotes ready.
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits
BusTed: sniped!
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Drasvin is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 205 in the channel!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to violetto!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZeroArcana!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to FergleFFergleson!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to bluefox_pt!
Drasvin gifted a Tier 1 sub to LilianaSkyMage!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, Drasvin! Welcome to violetto, FergleFFergleson, ZeroArcana, LilianaSkyMage, and bluefox_pt! (Today's storm count: 43)
RatherLargeToad: Frog OSFrog
SymphonicLolita: dabits
PharaohBender27: :D
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
djalternative: ban them
Suffix: Hope you had fun!
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
JadedCynic: bye and thanks!
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Phailhammer: cya :)
PharaohBender27: All right, time to finish the latest Qwerpline
ZoBo_: oh, rip...I just got here :P
JadedCynic: to the VOD!
Gekyouryuu: awww, I missed the end on my way home. dinger