jessicaengle: <3
TXC2: Hello everybody
Tandtroll_OG: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
jessicaengle: sergeHeart ModLove sergeHeart DinoDance DinoDance
NimrodXIV: ooo, the weird potato update!
Tandtroll_OG: Yay!!! And music =D
RebelliousUno: Ages ages ages....
Pal_Friendpatine: mmmm Poisonous potato
jessicaengle: jlrrCooltunes
protojman: I hear we put the Minec back in?
SymphonicLolita: mmmm potat
Pal_Friendpatine: peel and ferment your potatoes. makes them easier to digest and less toxic
BlueChloroplast: LuvPeekR
soramayura subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months!
soramayura: Beep boop it's the prank update XD
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, soramayura! (Today's storm count: 1)
TXC2: Pal_Friendpatine more differently toxic then less I'd say
Tevildo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tevildo! (Today's storm count: 2)
Pal_Friendpatine: @txc2 how so?
UltraVioletVodoo: its been ages since i was able to catch a mine o clock live, yay!
Ard_Rhys subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ard_Rhys! (Today's storm count: 3)
duckace11: Howdy Howdy everyone
TXC2: Pal_Friendpatine alcohol is poisonous
TXC2: hello duckace11 welcome
jessicaengle: :D
UltraVioletVodoo is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 113 in the channel!
UltraVioletVodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to moonwhisper6806!
UltraVioletVodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to kellthulu!
UltraVioletVodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to yofl!
UltraVioletVodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to file_maker!
UltraVioletVodoo gifted a Tier 1 sub to SolKaIra!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, UltraVioletVodoo! Welcome to SolKaIra, moonwhisper6806, file_maker, yofl, and kellthulu! (Today's storm count: 8)
TXC2: UltraVioletVodoo lrrHEART
DideRobot: LRR: Yesterday was April Fools, and that means a silly Minecraft update, and Mojang did not disappoint! | James, Serge & Uno are gonna check out the Poisonous Potato update on today's MoC! Maybe some cheeky Minecraft Bingo if we get bored of potatoes! | |
jessicaengle: Woah! sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart
Pal_Friendpatine: @txc2 oh sorry. I don’t mean to an alcoholic state. I just mean like sauerkraut fermented level
TXC2: Pal_Friendpatine ah, well that's different then
TXC2: Here we GO!
Pal_Friendpatine: like lacto ferment
jessicaengle: I don't think I've ever had fermented potats.
TXC2: !uno
LRRbot: RebelliousUno is streaming as well. Be sure to check out his view of the stream and give him a follow!
scuba_antney: And back in Victoria, Serge!
jessicaengle: Are they pickles?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: And Serge! (Most of the time, but maybe not today. Moving is hard.)
SymphonicLolita: I like that "DregsOfSociety" is still a tag
Sarah_Serinde: Hi James
TXC2: Hello James
SymphonicLolita: good morning james
Harvest25 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Harvest25: Welcome back
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Harvest25! (Today's storm count: 9)
jessicaengle: Hi James!
Metalupis: good morning good morning good morning its time to rise and shine
far2muchsarcasm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
far2muchsarcasm: sergePeek sergePeek
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, far2muchsarcasm! (Today's storm count: 10)
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Tuesday, Miners & Crafters!!! sergeScopeCreep jlrrPunch
Crokoking subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Crokoking! (Today's storm count: 11)
Mangledpixel: boil em mash em stick em inna stew
Creideiki_SE: As long as they're not venomous. That would be a problem.
TXC2: Hello Uno and Serge
jessicaengle: 2 LRR Cru
Harvest25: Ready if you ever want to do some End Bustin
NimrodXIV: uh
TXC2: are they related problems ?
SymphonicLolita: helluva story tho
Dread_Pirate_Westley: lrrFINE
Pal_Friendpatine: @jessicaengle they won’t ferment to that point. No crisp/snap I mean. They do come out salty and slightly sour. I then boil them, cool them, and then fry/pan fry/bake etc. Double cooking makes them nicely fluffy crisp
GhostValv: absolutely no shade there :)
TXC2: a criminal with a NAME!
thefightnerd: You've been lit by a lamp criminal!
Metalupis: lampandit
Ard_Rhys: Stealing lamps until she finds the one with the genie
SymphonicLolita: lrrWOW
sephsays: Lamp-rustler?
tyrsredritehand: Lamp Lantis?
NimrodXIV: Serge's mom is very cool
MaybeTara: the Serge lore is rich
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Africa. I think that's a continent.
Pal_Friendpatine: @jessicaengle if you’d like more detailed instructions just DM me <3
GhostValv: wowie
rotarysorter: time travelling lamp bandits strike back
Metalupis: deep sea graver robbery
UltraVioletVodoo: isnt that just how i met your mother but better?
TXC2: Serge's mom has had almost an verired life as Serge himself Kappa
hd_dabnado: carmen sandiago but even better
Xed_Regulus: Where in the World is Time Travelling Lamp Bandit?
Laurence72: Ironically, she is afraid of lampreys, so stealing that lamp from the Titanic was super tough for her
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Thank you for having Serge. It's great to be here.
TXC2: whicky wa wa wild wild west
Sarah_Serinde: lrrWOW
pn55: lrrWOW
jessicaengle: Woozle wuzzle?
TheAinMAP: katesWot
rogerivany: Yay, Minecraft
DudelidouX: We're not insulting his personality we're questioning it's existence.
Sarah_Serinde: Oh right I have not heard a thing about this update
Sarah_Serinde: But I look forward to learning about it :D
TXC2: it was kill imgur day :p
azureHaights: I prefer High Quality Shitpost day to Lie On The Internet Day
rogerivany: Isn't Lie on the Internet day every day?
beowuuf: I was out most of the day and missed it really :p
RebekahWSD: I insulated myself from April 1st by going only to taco bell, then eating said taco bell while playing stardew valley multiplayer with someone who also hates april fools
northos: yeah, it's a lot more silliness and a lot less actual "pass off fake things as real"
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @rogerivany Yes. I mean no.
jessicaengle: Potanimation
avi_miller: Goofs are much more fun than lies
Nigouki: oh no James, you're just in a very carefully curated internet bubble of your own. There's still plenty of awful and mean spirited trash out there on the Day of Lies
Zael250 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Zael250! (Today's storm count: 12)
Mangledpixel: I like April Fools as a celebration of silliness
TXC2: !spoilers
LRRbot: Please do not discuss spoilers in chat, even jokingly. It's a massive dick move which ruins the fun for others, and you WILL be timed out or even permanently banned. This even applies to "obviously fake" spoilers, so seriously, just don't. Thanks for you co-operation, and enjoy the show!
Luna_TheOtter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
Luna_TheOtter: oh hey, it's the minecraft bois!
Sarah_Serinde: No advice/backseating unless asked
RebekahWSD: @Mangledpixel I wish it was silliness, I need to find better people around here maybe
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Luna_TheOtter! (Today's storm count: 13)
Narcuru: its really greeat from waht i saw on xisuma's video
GhassanPL: Spoiler: There are poisonous potatoes in this update :P
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFRUMP
SymphonicLolita: I am just hearing about this Now
rogerivany: I'm playing it and don't think I can spoil it.
thedevil_risen1: PrideLGBTea PrideLGBTea PrideLGBTea PrideKoala
Euphemion_RFB: There's some things in it that I hope are a test for real mechanics that they will implement in the future.
Narcuru: ^^
NimrodXIV: I looked at this in creative for a while last night. I hope they see -thing- but won't spoil it
RaidenFirewing subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RaidenFirewing! (Today's storm count: 14)
TheAwkes: Can't wait to see what antics Kevin gets up to this time.
Lord_Hosk: The internet has also grown up a lot, when we were in elementary school April fools was amazing. And then the Dude bro's who took over the internet in the 2000s who never matured out of middle school were like "AHHH APRIL first! the time we kick our friends in the nuts and shout april fools! its the best day of the year!"
avi_miller: This is a thing that is in normal snapshots
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Say "Dude, Where's My Potato?"
TehAmelie: what's cooking friends? aside from poison potato
beowuuf: sweet!
Peregrine234: o/
hd_dabnado: me!
scuba_antney: I was in college already....
thedevil_risen1: Hahahahaha
GhostValv: a child D:
beowuuf: why must you hurt us this early in the stream?
chrono2x: I was in college and saw it in the theater
EJGRgunner: why would you do this to the rest of us, James
RebekahWSD: I was very born
UltraVioletVodoo: OH MY GOD IM SO OLD
duckace11: barely!
NimrodXIV: *sobbing*
hd_dabnado: I was born a couple months before 9/11
artacuno53: I was 3 so its before my conciousness but I know of it and was alive
Mangledpixel crumbles into dust
rogerivany: I was finished University.
FlynnRaccoon: jlrrFacepalm - Memes are eternal.
josh___something: When?
chonkski: dude where’s my car? I was 6
Sarah_Serinde: I was in middle school
kragmabutch: oh no ive been called out
RebekahWSD: I was preparing for high school
spicyFerret_: I was 4!
jessicaengle: *gasp* Now James and Serge finally get to have poutine!! sergeHeart
Dread_Pirate_Westley: I had finished college.
TehAmelie: i was born. still haven't managed to see the movie
TXC2: I was 11 :p
PixelArtDragon: This is making my back hurt
RaidenFirewing: just got into school at the time!
lamina5432: i was 5
Lord_Hosk: Thats more times than Sean william scott and Ashton kutcher have watched the movie... and I mean... COMBINED
avi_miller: I was very young, but very much in existence
Creideiki_SE: I never watched it - it seemed like juvenile humour.
Mangledpixel: Zoltan!
spicyFerret_: Wait no i was 3.
Euphemion_RFB: @Creideiki_SE same
Narcuru: i was in 8th grade i think
josh___something: Oh, I didn't exist
RebekahWSD: It feels like I should "rent" the movie, and get some now legal weed and watch it, pretending I'm in 00 again
far2muchsarcasm: I was 10. Too young to see it but old enough to remember it
thedevil_risen1: We will give you.... pkeasure
TXC2: it was for poeple like me who saw Amiercan pie too young
thedevil_risen1: *pleasure
avi_miller: Probably
beowuuf: it's no ten things i hate about you, but i'm sure it holds up ok :)
RebekahWSD: I'd rather explode than watch American Pie
Pal_Friendpatine: Smiley Face is a good stoner flick
Frankenstain: That shows progress
avi_miller: A lot of teen films from the 80s-early 2000s did not age well at all
thedevil_risen1: Where's my car is *almost* as re watchable as Wayne's world
rogerivany: Don't watch Revenge of the Nerds or Porky's.
WeaselsEverywhere subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 61 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WeaselsEverywhere! (Today's storm count: 15)
Mangledpixel: "Dude! What does mine say?" "Sweet! What does mine say?"
thedevil_risen1: Dude
Narcuru: 10 things i hate about you
Narcuru: i hope that holds up
Lord_Hosk: What you don't think Homophobia and Mysoginy is funny? Come on!
DudelidouX: The bad joke and forced laughs in friends made me tired of the show back then and now I can't even finish an episode
Frankenstain: Steve Bucemmi
EJGRgunner: Steve Buscemi
NimrodXIV: ^
FlynnRaccoon: I'm here for the podcast - you've got at least another 15min of spool up foxmarDERP
beowuuf: @Narcuru i live inm a world where i believe it does :)
herph: Ramis is in it
Narcuru: @beowuuf i watched it so many times
scuba_antney: Are you thinking Coneheads?
omnilord: Are you thinking of Coneheads?
RebekahWSD: lmfao
TXC2: also people need to stop saying Steve Buscemi is ugly
beowuuf: @Narcuru it deserves that many watches :)
Xed_Regulus: Blues Brothers
herph: And ernie hudson
arson0: Blues Brothers!
Gadora: Blues Brothers.
Lord_Hosk: Blues Brothers
Alivewithcake subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alivewithcake! (Today's storm count: 16)
electra310: Blues Brothers
NoxStryx: Best part of airheads is Brendan Frasier
SquirrelEarl: Blues brothers
KilrenKrae: blues brothers
hd_dabnado: Does Master of Disguise count?
bjergmann101: Blues Brothers
thedevil_risen1: Thank you Serge. Wayne's world is tbe best 👌
cassaclyzm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
cassaclyzm: Good googly moogly
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cassaclyzm! (Today's storm count: 17)
LostThePirate: Blues Brothers
DegHag: Waynes World was great.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Serge is wrong, as chat has pointed out.
NoxStryx: Mcgruber?
thedevil_risen1: Yep blues bros was a bit
thedevil_risen1: Can confirm
beowuuf: blues brothers is only 23 years old Kappa... at least the good one MiniK
Dread_Pirate_Westley: There's Blues Brothers, Wayne's World, and a whole lot of NO.
NoxStryx: Anything good about Blues Brothers as a film is negated by the existance of Blues brothers 2000
omdorastrix: Potatoes... So HOT roght now
Narcuru: im currently fine
chrono2x: @LostThePirate Mine is working
thedevil_risen1: BROtato
rogerivany: The live show that would've started at 4:30am wasn't a thing in the UK?
Euphemion_RFB: Potoooooooo
Sarah_Serinde: Classy
TehAmelie: picture a Minecraft server run by the potato version of GLaDOS
TXC2: DapperUno
Pal_Friendpatine: Biodome is better than I’d think it’d be
sephsays: an impostuno!
avi_miller: It looks fabulous
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Business Creeper
Narcuru: love the tie
Nickiatori subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nickiatori! (Today's storm count: 18)
Lord_Hosk: Please Don't Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain just came out and its AMAZING especially if your partner makes you watch all the Cryptid-bigfoot-Treasure hunter shows
Sarah_Serinde: I haven't had a chance to watch those either :D
electra310: Oh god, Real Life is so funny
Peregrine234: real life is great
tdapenguin: James, uno, and serge are all at different volumes for me -- is that a me-problem or a stream-thing?
TXC2: the Real World@ minecraft edition
electra310: But it was a one off, yeah, they managed to run the whole game in one session
DudelidouX: Scar was really funny
Harvest25: I tried to watch, didn't enjoy the VR
TXC2: tdapenguin that's the stream
beowuuf: ruined
avi_miller: I saw Doc's tweet, and I definitely need to watch Scar's POV now
Mangledpixel: ruined portals
electra310: Turns out it is very easy to die three times in VR Minecraft. :D
tdapenguin: @txc2 thanks
creasehearst: the game files call them Ruined Portals:
beowuuf: we're all over the hill, as the previous discussion showed
Narcuru: dont worry about it
Lord_Hosk: Don't even worry about it
beowuuf: re potato skinned
rogerivany: I still don't know what amber gems are.
Wicker_Guide: buy one for .99 CAD in the Minecraft Store!
Dread_Pirate_Westley: 15 coal to buy a poisoned potato? I wouldn't pay more than 11.
TehAmelie: it's a lava farm
Angreed66: there are some new things that aren't reskins too though
TXC2: or a lava moat
electra310: It wouldn't be Minecraft if people weren't pointlessly complaining about updates
Euphemion_RFB: There's definitely a few things that are legitimately a bunch of work.
omdorastrix: They gave the fletching tsble a UI
rogerivany: Yeah, Poisonous potatoes seem to be the currency.
NimrodXIV: the potato blocks are very funny to me
TXC2: it's younder, but it's not wild nor blue
BlueChloroplast: XD
Sarah_Serinde: That's cute
electra310: Yes, fletching table functionality at last! Our dreams have come true. :D
TehAmelie: reverse potato
SymphonicLolita: I think they should keep the potato blocks I love them
Lord_Hosk: Serge was too greedy
thedevil_risen1: Potion of poutine
beowuuf: @TXC2 wild blue yondu, from gotg
TXC2: beowuuf yes!
anclag subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
thedevil_risen1: In splash, lingering and the other one
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, anclag! (Today's storm count: 19)
beowuuf: in a consectitoive occurence
hiFunko: i say full send
TXC2: this is NOT a hey chat
hiFunko: i havent heard the question yet
thedevil_risen1: Hey funko!
Wicker_Guide: #HeyChat is not in effect
NimrodXIV: I would gear up
JeremyDevoid: Full Send
TXC2: hello hiFunko welcome
Barb4rian: Send it
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Always listen to Funko. Never listen to Funko.
Harvest25: Go in... get poisonous
SymphonicLolita: gear up a bit?
Wicker_Guide: I would say hilarious death is better than overpreparedness
NorthstarTex: send it bud
Tandtroll_OG: Only cowards prepare
Angreed66: It's trivial to enter yep
Chesul: always Flunge.
Genie_M: As the old ones say - for the lulz
TXC2: chat was always gonna advocating for going full in
Angreed66: you only need one pedestal
Angreed66: those are each portals
NimrodXIV: Potat World
SymphonicLolita: 10/10
NorthstarTex: YES
thedevil_risen1: Hahahaha
thedevil_risen1: Secret potato levdl!
Angreed66: it's not diorite serge
TXC2: welcome to Andies Kappa
Lord_Hosk: Let me tell you exactly what to do here James. Step one. potato. Step two Potato Step three Potato Step four solve all problems.
thedevil_risen1: *level
rogerivany: Should I warn you?
NorthstarTex: are there potato bones?
beowuuf: lrrWOW
NimrodXIV: mild spoil - if you meet a zombie, listen to them
rogerivany: They aren't grown?
avi_miller: Is James not OP?
TXC2: James Not overpowered ?
RomanGoro: gamerule, not gamemode
TXC2: now there's a childhood dream
NorthstarTex: make fries?
thedevil_risen1: That is sick
TXC2: "wake up baby, new wood just dropped"
TheAinMAP: mogPan
Lord_Hosk: As they say, Out of the potato and into the frying pan
avi_miller: So I have been told that some of the stuff in this "update" are tests for actual planned features
thedevil_risen1: Mmm hash browns
Angreed66: Chat who do you think falls in the void first?
EJGRgunner: I think you should have let the creeper explode and see if it exploded potatoes
NorthstarTex: potato sky pupper?!
thedevil_risen1: Who borks?
thedevil_risen1: HypeHeh
RebekahWSD: Hedge mage, one who dabbles in magic
avi_miller: The borks are probably Jade
CodeGorilla subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 97 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CodeGorilla! (Today's storm count: 20)
omdorastrix: I remember a screensaver like this
TXC2: looks like it's made of jade
NorthstarTex: !findquote potato
LRRbot: Quote #3099: "I'm sorry, potato thing. You're a failure." —Cori [2016-08-03]
electra310: That trapdoor looks great
omdorastrix: Check out the fletching table UI
Narcuru: its a bit different than pure bamboo
NimrodXIV: lol
hd_dabnado: THE SHRUG
TXC2: "and it opens broadway"
electra310: Cubfan will be so happy
SymphonicLolita: this is the game design of all time
NimrodXIV: feather + toxic resin = profit?
CodeGorilla: Step 1: feather, step 2: ??? step 3: profit?
TXC2: he did it all on his own!
Narcuru: maybe it needs to match the clarity and or impurities the fletching table has?
Wiliart subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
Wiliart: A small sub for a man, a big amount for mankind.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Wiliart! (Today's storm count: 21)
Songar87: Words are certainly being said.
TXC2: so this is probably one of the things that is being tested here
Angreed66: The potato stuff does have a set of achievements
Wicker_Guide: endertater
northos: potaterman
TehAmelie: Mr Enderhead
NimrodXIV: you had to askl?
NorthstarTex: lol can you use it to make potato bread?
TehAmelie: saved by one pixel pf water lrrAWESOME
TehAmelie: does Potato Enderman have many eyes?
Angreed66: I think that's diamond ore
avi_miller: You probably need a hoe
Lord_Hosk: lol
TXC2: a potato sheep
NimrodXIV: the reskinned mobs are great
thedevil_risen1: O lord
TehAmelie: i'd like some potato mutton. potaton
Mangledpixel: pigtato
TXC2: is the potato pig kosher ?
thedevil_risen1: ^^^ yes
Butternades: hey folks
Chesul: I really want this treasure to just be a single potato.
TXC2: hello Butternades welcome
SymphonicLolita: very starchy
Butternades: pretty anxious here in Ohio with storms/tornadoes coming in a few hours. work told us to telework the rest of the day
TXC2: Butternades stay safe lrrHEART
thedevil_risen1: Also @mangledpixel the starwars stargate startrek ghis and that was inspired.
Mangledpixel: thanks thedevil_risen1 , it was a lot of fun to put together
thedevil_risen1: *this and that
TehAmelie: wait, will you get any wood without farming some trees?
avi_miller: Potato fields forever
TheAinMAP: HyperGravity
ライシェン: more like spud 🥔
Bassios: Skeletato
goatprince: potatocotta
TehAmelie: pomme de terracotta
Lord_Hosk: That was disapotating
thedevil_risen1: The only way this could be any better would be if they put a potato powered homicidal AI in somehow
NorthstarTex: Viscious potato?
Narcuru: shovel
TehAmelie: the kind of malignant potato you find in the back of the fridge after forgetting when you last bought potatoes, but in a cubic meter block
Wicker_Guide: LUL
thedevil_risen1: Hahaha
Genie_M: It's vicious
Megaparsec256: they call them vicious for a reason ig
TXC2: shot by gravity ?
Wicker_Guide: probably because you broke blocks next to it
thedevil_risen1: Underwater monument potato circle
Chesul: James, what's the name of the block again?
Megaparsec256: potatoes probably
avi_miller: Potatoes
Angreed66: It's just being present
kalira77: potato eyes
Genie_M: Potatirre
rogerivany: It's defending itself somehow.
Saunabath: Attack of the killer potatoes
Genie_M: Potaturret
Wicker_Guide: it is a vicious potato
thedevil_risen1: ^.^
Harvest25: Does that mean the gravel might drop reskinned flint?
LordZarano: Anything new in the recipe book?
TehAmelie: ooh, do you think bows have been replaced with potato guns?
TXC2: live bees?
Lord_Hosk: James, if you gather 5 Vicious Potatoes. You will have 5 vicious potatoes.
omdorastrix: Pees... Wait...
SK__Ren: According all known laws of aviation, the beetato should not be able to fly
Angreed66: The eye of potato is what is supposed to get you to the portal
TXC2: potabee
BlueChloroplast: There were new achivements
LordZarano: 🥔 escher3BEE 🥔
protojman: release the beetatoes
TehAmelie: bumblespud
thedevil_risen1: Sounds like a gen 6 pokemon @txc2
TehAmelie: maybe you use scissors
TXC2: thedevil_risen :D
Harvest25: Shears?
Knot_Greg: Has James had a poisonous potato in inventory yet?
TehAmelie: oh yes i meant shears
NimrodXIV: mineshaft!
avi_miller: Cool Mineshft
NimrodXIV: ish
thedevil_risen1: What the
Songar87: Potatolytra?!
Genie_M: New test for the End update coming next year
NimrodXIV: Serge is correct
Angreed66: the eye is for the portal you used to get here
TehAmelie: potato skins elytra
thedevil_risen1: Hot potato hot potato
thedevil_risen1: Cold spaghetti 🍝
Lord_Hosk: If you combine one potato with another potato, you will have... Two potatoes
HeadingtoFall: maybe stock up on wood, didn't seem like the other biomes had many trees
avi_miller: @thedevil_risen1 mashed banana
gualdhar: Hey who scheduled Minecraft on my Minecraft stream
thedevil_risen1: Yup @avi_miller I'm unashamedly a 90s aussie kid
Angreed66: Again the poato eyes are only to get you to this dimension
avi_miller: There has to be something inside those diorite orbs right?
Euphemion_RFB: fluffy mashed potato clouds
avi_miller: ORB
TXC2: the pillars holding up this world
thedevil_risen1: I hope theres batatos
Marvoleath: a Minecraft? in my Terraria stream? D:
thedevil_risen1: *battatoes
thedevil_risen1: Nice aim james 👌
EJGRgunner: shear it?
NorthstarTex: lime potato peels?
TXC2: Jade has opinions it seems
TehAmelie: the potato nether? i bet it's like potato soup
SK__Ren: What did you expect
NimrodXIV: hot potato
Lord_Hosk: LOL
thedevil_risen1: Hahahahaha
pn55: HypeLUL
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
piercefc9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, piercefc9! (Today's storm count: 22)
Narcuru: i think thats the server lag
RomanGoro: server lag?
Narcuru: or maybe its a bit broken
Harvest25: Lag
thedevil_risen1: PikaRamen BabyRage
NimrodXIV: the weird potato update might be buggy
creasehearst: either lag or just a bug that they didn't fix
wench_tacular subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
wench_tacular: one potato, two potato, hot potato, owww!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wench_tacular! (Today's storm count: 23)
sirpythias: what if its in inventory but you dont hold it
rogerivany: Don't hold it?
NimrodXIV: death by potato
Lord_Hosk: LOL
gualdhar: LOL
TehAmelie: death by hot potato!
TXC2: wow
thedevil_risen1: Yudsssss
NorthstarTex: death by hot potato
sirpythias: nevermind
Marvoleath: rest in potatos
artacuno53: In james defense he was NOT trying to get serge with that
scuba_antney: F
Wicker_Guide: good death message
Wolfstrike_NL: 10/10
Harvest25: Clip it
TXC2: I mean, we all learned as children not to hold a hot potato
Dread_Pirate_Westley: This is not James' fault. We blame James for a lot, but this is not his fault.
thedevil_risen1: Check out this clip! LoadingReadyRun streaming Minecraft!
ButButTheJesus: "it wasn't me, I hadn't trolled you yet"
TheAwkes: If you pick up a larger stack of them, does dropping just one cancel the effect? It might be checking pick up / drop to toggle instead of checking item state?
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
Lord_Hosk: YES!
gualdhar: SERGE WHY
LostThePirate: XD
wench_tacular: rip
scuba_antney: LUL LUL
Narcuru: lol
thedevil_risen1: Yesssss
LordZarano: PrideLaugh
TXC2: he's learned
DegHag: This better make the highlights
TheAinMAP: PrideLaugh
wench_tacular: you fool
omdorastrix: That nonononono could rival keralis and xiuma
NorthstarTex: eyy
Narcuru: that truley is a hot potato
thedevil_risen1: Check out this clip! LoadingReadyRun streaming Minecraft!
Marvoleath: can you sue the makers of the potato for not putting "careful, hot" label on it?
Lord_Hosk: thats called "doing science"
Statist42: could the hot potato be used in any crafting recipes?
Creideiki_SE: Can it really be science if it doesn't have any explosions?
SymphonicLolita: obsidian reskin?
thedevil_risen1: You can't script that
FlynnRaccoon: !findquote potato
LRRbot: Quote #4937: "I think we can all agree the best kind of potato salad is the potato salad that potato salads the least." —Cameron [2018-04-30]
DudelidouX: Wonder if you can craft something with the hot potato
TheAwkes: That's the stuff you couldn't mine from inside the waterfall.
TehAmelie: is it blooming potato plants?
NorthstarTex: !advice
LRRbot: Have you tried 4 confetti?
TehAmelie: oh, different blue stuff than i thought i saw
Woogachaka: oh hey, I'm late to the party, but howdy all
Marvoleath: hoes and coppers, long history between the two
Lord_Hosk: the monster is James, for doing the hot potato challenge
Narcuru: can you make more fletching tables?
TXC2: hello Woogachaka welcome
Narcuru: might not be worth it then
Dustmasc: I wish potatoes were real
avi_miller: would mineshaft chests be worth checking out?
Angreed66: the eye won't help
FlynnRaccoon: @Angreed66 let 'em cook
TehAmelie: i could go for a mess of mashed potatoes. . .
elpepito9978: <message deleted>Stupid
DudelidouX: another stack of 7
TehAmelie: i wonder if slimes are mashed potatoes
wench_tacular: and 7 others
TheAwkes: And 7 more.
elpepito9978: <message deleted>It's a joke don't kill me, but your face is very ugly
avi_miller: sergeModLove sergeModLove sergeModLove
Dalrint: So is this an april fools joke that's actually going to stay in the game forever...?
Wicker_Guide: it's a snapshot, basically minecraft's version of a test server
Jundinator: How are the Potatoes
Wicker_Guide: doubtful it'll stay up too long
BrookJustBones: @Dalrint This is a separate snapshot. So you can play it forever, but it will not be part of the future game
Jundinator: Wait is Serge here?
Genie_M: These are usually exclusive for this build
TXC2: Jundinator yeap
Wicker_Guide: oh
Jundinator: Hai Serge
BrookJustBones: Last year was voting
BrookJustBones: before that One block at a time
rogerivany: See, my potato world was full of phantoms and sleeping didn't get rid of them. I'm kinda upset with this.
TehAmelie: they have been talking about adding more dimensions, right? could probably include the april fools worlds
avi_miller: That said, some of the stuff in it are tests for future vanilla features
Narcuru: throw to craft
polaris415 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months, currently on a 69 month streak!
polaris415: Nice sub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, polaris415! (Today's storm count: 24)
FlynnRaccoon: Time isn't real jlrrFacepalm
Pal_Friendpatine: Time is just our measurement of change
avi_miller: And cheese
Bassios: I'm sorry, you did WHAT to a cow?!
Bassios: I should play Minecraft more often!
Narcuru: as one does
SymphonicLolita: god my kingdom for vertical half slabs in the base game
Wicker_Guide: you are pardoned, serge
FlynnRaccoon: How else would a cow jump over the moon?
Lord_Hosk: How else would you get to the mooooon?
Sarah_Serinde: It's very straightforward Serge, I dunno what you're having a hard time with :P
TehAmelie: hmm are there no seas? are we suspended in some leek and potato soup, judging by the color of the sky?
rogerivany: So...has anyone done the thing yet? It was the first thing I did.
Narcuru: James does not care for the eye of ender mechanic
rogerivany: It's raining
Genie_M: My favorite was the infinite world portal one from 3 or so years ago
TXC2: invisible rain
TXC2: like in death stranding
Wicker_Guide: quick, throw poop grenades
Lord_Hosk: here comes the rain popotato here come the rain...
Wicker_Guide: I bless the rains down in potatoca
thedevil_risen1: Potatodrysssyl
Elder_Cat: guyjudgeSus
TehAmelie: po-po-po-potat rain
TXC2: incomplete pass, 2nd down
Sarah_Serinde: I like that water
avi_miller: Let me take you down, cause I'm going to, potato fields
avi_miller: nothing is real
DudelidouX: Was wondering if you get the peel if you use an axe on the fruit
wench_tacular: nooooo, the potats!
TehAmelie: James, the destroyer of potato
wench_tacular: you monster
Euphemion_RFB: "we?"
TXC2: who knew one bucket was like blowing up a dam :p
Sarah_Serinde: Podaytoes
avi_miller: mashed potatoes
goatprince: are the clouds mashed potato?
Lord_Hosk: mashed potatos... come on... one time
wordnerdify subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months!
wordnerdify: ooh, potato
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wordnerdify! (Today's storm count: 25)
wench_tacular: get you some flotatoe
Wicker_Guide: I am alarmed and afeared
Xed_Regulus: Calling it: Mashed potatoes
NimrodXIV: :D
thedevil_risen1: Lollll
NorthstarTex: yesss
avi_miller: booo
duckace11: That's better then mashed
TheAwkes: Yeah! It should be mashed floatato.
wench_tacular: check your crafting table
thedevil_risen1: Check out this clip! LoadingReadyRun streaming Minecraft!
avi_miller: looped
RebekahWSD: ohNO
NimrodXIV: RIP
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
TehAmelie: lrrWOW
TXC2: back from wench we came
sirpythias: mission accomplished!
Knot_Greg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
Knot_Greg: Potato
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Knot_Greg! (Today's storm count: 26)
avi_miller: They have demonstrated a loop, the game must concede
Angreed66: I'm surprised none have them have put a poisonous potato on their head yet
omdorastrix: Its a maze ing
SK__Ren: Maize is a different vegetable
FlynnRaccoon: @Angreed66 Supposed to let them discover the stuff on their own foxmarDERP
Genie_M: It's "see we can generate maze"
wench_tacular: F
wench_tacular: mlg
Lord_Hosk: "This way" (dies)
NorthstarTex: lag? nah, skill issues
TXC2: NorthstarTex lag is the server having skill issues Kappa
NorthstarTex: eyyy
TheAwkes: Purple potato, obvs.
SK__Ren: Rotato?
Angreed66: @FlynnRaccoon It's the first achievement , the thing to guide you in game
chrono2x: ew
TXC2: don't drink green
NimrodXIV: that is poison, James: touches it
SK__Ren: uhhh
TXC2: we're rich!
Saintnex: woooow
SymphonicLolita: loool
conduents: what is this, its cursed
TehAmelie: ancient potat?
TheAwkes: Just piles of it.
TXC2: conduents the april fools oneshot
TXC2: *snapshot
badpandabear: The Ancients were potatoes all along!
NorthstarTex: large tracks of ancient debris
avi_miller: This looks like a potato version of the basalt deltas
Wicker_Guide: babby guardian
Sarah_Serinde: This is wild
Pal_Friendpatine: James touches the poison like a patron touches the hot plate at a restaurant. Eventhough the waiter warns them
BrookJustBones: It said new recipe unlocked
Narcuru: search for it?\
Wicker_Guide: HOOKSHOT
Narcuru: yeeessss
Genie_M: Hook
Narcuru: eat
Sarah_Serinde: Well that's rad :D
TXC2: we Sekiro now!
NorthstarTex: We terraria now bois
7gorobei: you can spiderman with it
Lord_Hosk: Thats going to get you killed SO FAST!
thedevil_risen1: Terraria mode active
Tandtroll_OG: Oh no I want a grappling hooook in real MC
TXC2: if the water glows it's REALLY radioactive :p
Wicker_Guide: That is a very solid Pre-Elytra movement option
chrono2x: This would all be super interesting in vanilla
avi_miller: I think the idea of a biome just changing the properties of regular water is fascinating for vanilla
Wicker_Guide: would also super-help in the end in general
TXC2: Wicker_Guide it would fantastic with eletra if it can launch you
Lord_Hosk: The slime are dying in the poison!
Chesul: chrono2x nah, vanilla beans aren't really enough like potatoes to make it work.
Wicker_Guide: @TXC2 oh, agree to that as well. Wanting something to help you with vertical/over-air movement before getting an elytra is just a particular bugbear of mine
Quaseymoto: Try throwing potatoes in the poison water?
TXC2: Wicker_Guide oh indeed
scarletknight1410 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 64 months, currently on a 22 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, scarletknight1410! (Today's storm count: 27)
SnackPak_: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
NimrodXIV: yessss
EJGRgunner: I wonder if you can enchant the grappling hook
Quaseymoto: Worth a shot
Sarah_Serinde: Huh
Narcuru: YES
NimrodXIV: the helper!
wench_tacular: how have you only found this now?
LordZarano: FINALLY!
Angreed66: Finally did the fist thing you're supposed to do
rogerivany: Lol, I did that the first thing.
chrono2x: Oh nooo
opheliaaah: yay you found it!
herph: Serge is real
SnackPak_: wow rude
Wicker_Guide: It's the heart of the potato empress
lord_wertornion subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lord_wertornion! (Today's storm count: 28)
chrono2x: I think it might be leading you to the original portal
jessicaengle: How's it going?
rogerivany: To be fair, I think you passed this step.
TXC2: jessicaengle we found a plant helmet that talks to us
jessicaengle: O_O cool cool coolcoolcool
TheAinMAP: lrrHERE
Wicker_Guide: and now the rain is poison
TXC2: rain that kills you, this is what living in the 90's was like kids Kappa
thedevil_risen1: Terraria breathing hole 🕳
avi_miller: The idea of regular parts of the game being changed just by being in a different biome is interesting
jessicaengle: Falling down like egg chow mein
Wicker_Guide: @TXC2 I mean... the early 70's...
TXC2: Wicker_Guide really the whole late 20th century :p
Wicker_Guide: @TXC2 The Clean Air Act... something something something something
TehAmelie: did we find the potato catacombs? potatombs?
TXC2: Wicker_Guide turns out regulations worked, who knew?
LordZarano: Bake the potatoes? Or fry them I guess?
TehAmelie: this is making me hungry
avi_miller: Some of the things going on in this snapshot are interesting for what they could do with them in regular vanilla
jessicaengle: :D
Nickiatori: regualr vanilla should have acid rain
Narcuru: yes
TXC2: heck of a reference there Uno
BrowneePoints: you mean a Potmanto James
NimrodXIV: no XP with campire iirc?
beowuuf: did someone mention 80's hit sensation bros?
TehAmelie: the tradeoff for cooking without fuel, you lose the food if you leave it too long
NimrodXIV: *campfire
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Can you cook the baked potatoes again?
ButButTheJesus: when I was little I totally said "Super Mario Bross" cause I didn't know what "bros" was
TXC2: "when will I, will I be potato?"
badpandabear: @browneepoints escher3PUN
Saintnex: we could be a bit cheat-y and use the command to clear the weather?
beowuuf: @TXC2 sergeJustRight
jessicaengle: jlrrFishin
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
Sarah_Serinde: that translucent menu background is looking good
LoadingReadyRun: whoops, that was me
Wicker_Guide: brum bulumbuh
beowuuf: someone's mic is live
herph: Mic 5
LordZarano: Tell Jade we say hi
beowuuf: wb
wordnerdify: welcome back
TXC2: and we're back
Lizardman175 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lizardman175! (Today's storm count: 29)
Saintnex: aren’t we still missing the third grappling hook?
rogerivany: Didn't you come in in a village?
Genie_M: The head also told you to go to a village?
TXC2: we gonna need this in vanilla post haste
Antimuffin: So the poisonous potato update had a grappling hook?
7gorobei: we Attack on Titan now
Sarah_Serinde: Wheee
wench_tacular: wheeeeee
NimrodXIV: Cool Game!
Alness49: This and an elytra would be a great combination
ライシェン: potato spiderman
Xed_Regulus: Spider-Uno
Chesul: TXC2 I believe you mean they need to add it Po Tate.
RebekahWSD: Goodbyeeeee!
Genie_M: Ninja rope time
SnackPak_: o7
Dread_Pirate_Westley: lrrFINE
NorthstarTex: o7
TheAinMAP: HyperGravity
badpandabear: F
Astramentha: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Izandai: mattlrLul
Wicker_Guide: SEKIRO!
TXC2: we are 100000000% gonna have to make a race course with this
TXC2: Chesul yes
wench_tacular: !uno
LRRbot: RebelliousUno is streaming as well. Be sure to check out his view of the stream and give him a follow!
Izandai: oh my god they even fucked with the End Poem
Izandai: that's fucking amazing
TheAwkes: Poison potato shaking up the parkour meta.
Wicker_Guide: you took the glasses off, didn't you James
Izandai: Potato trees.
Izandai: Oh that.
Wicker_Guide: huh
Wicker_Guide: World Potato
SK__Ren: Best biome
TXC2: the phantom zone ?
NorthstarTex: lrrFINE
Transmuted_Elf: is this a mod?
avi_miller: Tests for vanilla
Narcuru: april fools snapshot
avi_miller: Grian did I think
TXC2: Transmuted_Elf it's the April fools snapshot
Wicker_Guide: a snapshot for April 1st. Basically a Mojang mod
Transmuted_Elf: oh cool
rogerivany: Ah, that's why I'm surrounded by Phantoms.
Angreed66: Those people are evil. who wants to be knocked off by phantoms in the end?
rogerivany: ^^
Wicker_Guide: true, the end already sucks. also, it'll make it more understandable that phantoms are related to elytra
mister_nibbles: they're about trash can shaped, we can just fit them in trash cans
Wicker_Guide: Dr. Seuss-ian toxic marsh
Barb4rian: !badadvice
DudelidouX: Also they need to update the end like they did the nether so could change it so the phantom fit even better
TXC2: !badadvice
LRRbot: Have you checked your butt?
TXC2: !findbutt
LRRbot: Behind you.
rogerivany: Serge could've been 69, 690 so easily
Wicker_Guide: lrrHERE
Barb4rian: Good save
wench_tacular: neat village
wordnerdify: lrrFINE
TXC2: are these glasses a test for an in game tutorial ?
Wicker_Guide: that's... if it isn't it should be
NorthstarTex: !findquote potato
LRRbot: Quote #8079: "I'm a sweet potato. Oh, buckets!" —Serge [2022-05-21]
Sarah_Serinde: This seems like a really sweet way to travel
NorthstarTex: lrrHERE
RomanGoro: Grappling potato clutch
Sarah_Serinde: If rather risky :D
chrono2x: grappling hooks in minecraft would be very neat, but very deadly
chrono2x: I want to see grappling and elytra at the same time
NimrodXIV: the "last thing" will take a while, so if you wanted to get there before end of stream, maybe some cheats are in order
wench_tacular: with great power...
DudelidouX: Would be so much fun with feather fall 4
SK__Ren: @chrono2x Who needs rockets, grapple launching, grapple boosting
Wicker_Guide: we've noticed, mr. "I've died twice"
chrono2x: @SK__Ren exactly
Wicker_Guide: potatohorse?
Sogheim: there seems to be something off with those pigs...
Wicker_Guide: they're potapigs
Statist42: whatever "it" is...
Chesul: or porktatoes.
DegHag: James knows all about digging.
TXC2: mine AND mind your way in
RomanGoro: Those glasses don't know who they're talking about
RomanGoro: James put the dig back into minecraft
CaptainSpam: So what it's saying is to Punch! That! Chunk!
RomanGoro: Now big youtubers are doing it as well
TXC2: RomanGoro are these big youtubers also named James Turner ? Kappa
northos: classic James not closing off his murder hole
NimrodXIV: -potato noises-
SymphonicLolita: I hope this is a potato warden
Genie_M: The thing said down
Critterbot: jlrrFall
TXC2: mega spud!
Lord_Hosk: What the
wench_tacular: potato skins
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Make it on fire.
TXC2: lrrbot on point
Xafty: lrrbot has the right idea
Chesul: time to roast the biggest potato!
NorthstarTex: !badadvice
LRRbot: Firm belief!
TXC2: leeeeeeeeerooooooy!
rogerivany: At least the water isn't poison
RebekahWSD: I missed so much leading up to this
chrono2x: Time to creative good items?
RomanGoro: Pretty sure you could arrow it down
Genie_M: Maybe there's something that would work
Wajiw: need to clean up all the extra mobs to do damage?
Narcuru: it doesnt have a shield right now
Narcuru: so you can dps it
omdorastrix: Spawning chickens.... Sounds familiar ..
Lord_Hosk: Just DPS the boss...
DudelidouX: There's like 5 guardians right now
Zornplays13: What a nice update, it's so cool to see them putting out such huge amounts of changes!
Lord_Hosk: James, Why aren't you "just DPSing the boss" Serge told you exactly what you needed to do
Barb4rian: o7
TXC2: we are getting mashed by this potato
wench_tacular: peeler is shears on a stick
Wolfstrike_NL: bucket of lava and try to boil it :) ?
Genie_M: Now kill the adds
ExachixKitsune: Looks like an expansion where you need to use some strategy; gotta be po-tat-ical
Barb4rian: For a meme-snapshot, this is shockingly well thought out
TehAmelie: Arachnid Administrator? Taylor Hebert's here?
wench_tacular: jlrrCreeper
TheAinMAP: SSSsss
Sarah_Serinde: Mojang puts a lot of work into their April Fool's snapshots, it's great
TXC2: wasn't getting smaller a thing the enemies did in MC dungeons ?
RebekahWSD: Such a tiny lad
northos: 90% odds the devs learned that word from Elden Ring Kappa
RebekahWSD: HECK
TXC2: uno mas ?
NimrodXIV: one more after these
Barb4rian: Plaguewhale patriarch is so good
Lord_Hosk: quit bullying the tinny potato man James
chrono2x: tiny spud boss is terrifying
SnackPak_: neat
Chesul: As Adam would say. So vascular.
chaostreader: you might need to clear the guardians to get the boss.
NimrodXIV: there are guardian spawners under the center platform
TehAmelie: Mega Spud the starch avenger
TXC2: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN ?
TehAmelie: get mega MASHED
Sarah_Serinde: Little anti-climactic
ExachixKitsune: no celebration, round 2?
Transmuted_Elf: spud glasses?
TheAinMAP: lrrHORN
Genie_M: Put your helmet back?
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Put the face back on?
NimrodXIV: glasses
w1gum: thats a wow reference
TXC2: grappling hook is the MVP
omdorastrix: Did you notice the guardians stack up
CrazySliver: Your potato hat says some stuff once you beat the boss with it
sounderfan84: ha
TXC2: yes, yes I do
ExachixKitsune: yes I do
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
chrono2x: hahaha
ExachixKitsune: that's just how modding work
PixelArtDragon: There's a reason I avoid writing Java code
Kibbik: spoken like a true Java coder.
TXC2: I have written code in 15 years for a reason
wordnerdify: How many people in chat know the joys of Java?
NorthstarTex: I learned to code in Java, so I can't tell how hard it is
Wicker_Guide: "joy"
rogerivany: This is just the opening text
Genie_M: It reset
Narcuru: i think this was supposed to be done atthe beginning
wench_tacular: Have you tried the flotato?
wordnerdify: @Wicker_Guide joy, pain, potato, potato
Narcuru: like it looped
LordZarano: There's 1 thing you haven't explored yet
badpandabear: sequence broken potato
CrazymattCaptain: there is some redstone that can be played around with
TXC2: I mean Java is a joy compared to, say, Pascal :p
TXC2: (I had to learn Pascal my first year in College)
Jondare: I've seen some stuff about flying machines?
wordnerdify: I like java more than many languages
LordZarano: Are we in spoiler allowed territory now?
Angreed66: the fletching tables are just a bunch of tedious work to get pure amber
Wicker_Guide: oh X on a stick
omdorastrix: You might enjoy the flotato clouds.. bring some redstone...
TehAmelie: isn't that just regualr fries? Kappa
chrono2x: try the polytra and the grapple
Xed_Regulus: Was that a switchblade?
LordZarano: First: Get a floatato, look at something far away, and place it
RomanGoro: That amber jewel is the same model they used in a whole lot of mods, right?
BrookJustBones: A dent is one third of a TriDent :P
NimrodXIV: ooooooh
Saintnex: there is also a potatofication enchantment :p
TXC2: Flotato, flotater, flotatex is a pokemon line
SK__Ren: parkour!
CrazymattCaptain: flotater is the redstone one
RomanGoro: They're angel blocks??
TXC2: MLG with the flotato ?
omdorastrix: The other flotato related blocks
Narcuru: the other flotator block
chrono2x: solar panel?
sounderfan84: is this suppose to be a apirl fools joke?
Bevarin: all of those potato things and no brother?
JoeKim: whats up nerds
TXC2: hello JoeKim
JoeKim: hows . . .potato?
NimrodXIV: begone
midnightcurryjazz: later loser
pn55: HypeLUL
TStodden: Knowledge spuds? likely XP items
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Also, Uno, where are you?
TXC2: JoeKim great, there's a grappling hook, also flotatoes
JoeKim: i DO love a grappling hook
Narcuru: try the other flotato block, it uses redstone
JoeKim: is this a mod? or april fools
ExachixKitsune: april fools
TXC2: JoeKim April foold
JoeKim: ahhh sick
PsychoI3oy: you're in creative, that's why no fall damage
PixelArtDragon: Every game is better with a grappling hook
ExachixKitsune: goodbye
chrono2x: does the polytra act different from the regular elytra
northos: wait did they rewrite the whole credits text as potatoes? :D
chrono2x: potatobilities
TehAmelie: hmm with some good reflexes, you could use the grapple and flotato blocks to basically fly around where you like
TXC2: northos sure did
Narcuru: also youre in creative
Tandtroll_OG: I mean if they add a somewhat easy-to-get grappling hook I will just be so happy
UnknownFriday: That explains the cannon noise.
JoeKim: the glasses potato
JoeKim: is great
SK__Ren: Grouchtato Marx
Narcuru: put a redstone signal on it
JoeKim: thats a redstone piece or something? i saw it on tiktok
MrCollege: summon the mega spud
JoeKim: apparently you can make endships fly with it
TXC2: MrCollege we've already fought it
Tandtroll_OG: :0
Narcuru: build a platform attached to it
wench_tacular: not just one block
CrazySliver: you can also stand on it!
midnightcurryjazz: good bye forever
ExachixKitsune: that's concerning
Jondare: Attach something to it
TXC2: now THERE'S a thing getting added to vanilla
bethjch: it’s sticky on it’s front
JoeKim: thats the front side
ExachixKitsune: that's just going into the void now isn't it
Euphemion_RFB: It can push so much too
wench_tacular: attach it to a platform
Narcuru: make a platform
TehAmelie: we've got airships now
Genie_M: Go up
Narcuru: and attaach it to it
Narcuru: yes
JoeKim: we can make floating obstacle courses now
wench_tacular: yep
Angreed66: minus glazed terracotta
LordZarano: Disconnected from the ground
Tandtroll_OG: This is so cool
Narcuru: it works similarly to a normal flying machine
Angreed66: it doesn't
CrazymattCaptain: this gives fun ideas for flying machines
Harvest25: The 1 side is green slime
Euphemion_RFB: It sure doesn't
bethjch: it can push way more
TXC2: theme floating forever is so gonna bork the server :p
chrono2x: updating it when it is on redstone, yeah
TehAmelie: enough to put together a few engines pointing in different directions so you can go where you like, perhaps?
JoeKim: i feel like
JoeKim: that's gonna cause some lag
coincidentalllife: bet you can make a floating wiener
NorthstarTex: piston limits be damned
voren_chalco: James is constructing a Mario level
SnackPak_: nah
goatprince: i won't be mad
midnightcurryjazz: john minecraft will though
wench_tacular: no
northos: we'd be mad if you didn't, tbh
Tehbeard: chat wont, twitch TOS will
Chesul: we expect nothing less from you James.
bethjch: just disapointed
Narcuru: tungsten rods from heaven
LordZarano: Put multiple on a thing and power them all
Angreed66: That's a question for Paul or G
DegHag: That's just an arrow
TXC2: I will only be mad if a clip isn't made fotr it
JoeKim: that's uh . . .
wench_tacular: perfect
Tandtroll_OG: Are you making Graham disappointed in you, again?
NimrodXIV: if your penis looks like this, please see a doctor
JoeKim: sure . .
JuneBlue58: Definitely appropriate for an early morning Minecraft stream.
Harvest25: It's a creeper
rogerivany: You should check out Pixlriffs stream from yesterday and see what he built.
SnackPak_: yeah, it's a creeper
Genie_M: Going for the low hanging..... Well.
protojman: go bezos go!
JoeKim: do they counteract each other?
electra310: We'll allow it for April Fools
TXC2: o7 flaying Penis
TXC2: *flying
chrono2x: Can just build a spaceship
bethjch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 73 months!
bethjch: April fools mine o clock. happy days
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bethjch! (Today's storm count: 30)
Harvest25: Does it go vertical?
JosVanTongeren: can you use multiple engines?
JoeKim: fascinating
TXC2: now put stuff on top of them
TXC2: ExachixKitsune thank you!
sephsays: Can you put a redstone block on the sticky side and get it to set off a different one?
JoeKim: probably
Chesul: I think it attached to James?
JoeKim: chain reaction
LordZarano: But you can stand on it, you can even crouch on the edge
gualdhar: James, for your consideration, a giant flying penis slowly orbiting the world
Narcuru: so make it push a redstone blcok
NimrodXIV: oh interesting
MrCollege: make a square that constantly triggers the next
Tser1ng: Does it interact with crops?
JoeKim: i'm saying. frogger platform game
JoeKim: OH HO HO
Genie_M: Put a redstone on the front and launch it into another?
JoeKim: i know what i'm making next season
Chesul: what happens if you trigger one facing north, and one facing up, in the same tick?
Kibbik: It has the power to move you HypeShock
TXC2: can we move the blocks up/down?
chrono2x: I seriously love the experimentation
JoeKim: who says it wont make it to official though
Narcuru: this, currently, isnt in a """real""" snapshot
JoeKim: PogChamp
chrono2x: Can it push mobs?
electra310: Stick like a stone on the front of the platform, then a redstone in front of the block and you've got a moving power source?
Monocerotis2010: Mine the 6 or 7th layer of the hill top and see if it will push the whole top
DudelidouX: would a block on it do?
JoeKim: will it break sugarcane
wench_tacular: safety first
chrono2x: ohhhh
gualdhar: Can it push other pusher blocks? What happens if two face one way and one faces the other?
Narcuru: not entities then?
Tandtroll_OG: It's like a less glitchy/smoother flying machine
chrono2x: @gualdhar they phase through each other
ExachixKitsune: @Narcuru (Mobs are entities)
Narcuru: ahh right
JoeKim: fascinating
Chesul: chrono2x even if they're part of the same structure, and triggered on the same tick?
TXC2: so this could be used to push mobs into a grinder ?
ExachixKitsune: perfectly calibrated to not make flying machine farms work....
LordZarano: Put multiple on a craft and power them all
chrono2x: Can you use it to make a mob farm?
CrazySliver: can you move it with a sticky piston?
JoeKim: take that clip
JoeKim: out of context
UnknownFriday: Does an observer see it fly by?
TehAmelie: now i'm picturing a flying mob farm. wouldn't that be fun
JoeKim: immediately please
ExachixKitsune: oh it unloaded and turned them back into blocks? cool
TXC2: is that still moving ?
TehAmelie: let the zombos see the world as you grind them up
DudelidouX: Guessing you can use the grappling hook to lift off with your elytra
JoeKim: that's huge
ExachixKitsune: that's your reversable mob sweeper!
northos: \o/
chrono2x: huh
NimrodXIV: boing
RoyGBivSF: pong
JoeKim: ice farming got easier
TXC2: we've cracked this meta wide open
JoeKim: they NEED to give us this block
LordZarano: They don't even need to be slime
CrazymattCaptain: grass
Narcuru: the slime might be an issue
chrono2x: The flying blocks need to be touching?
Narcuru: and you dont need to use slime anyways
JoeKim: break the slime?
TStodden: Replace the slime on the sides of the 2 blocks?
JoeKim: sick
Narcuru: i think there is a push limit but its much much higher
Narcuru: and the slime stuck to the grass
CrazymattCaptain: would glazed terracotta not stick to things
PixelArtDragon: That is very satisfying
Chesul: since they can push each other, what happens if you have one pointing north and one pointing east and you trigger them at the same time? does the machine move diagonally?
chrono2x: How does the polytra work? Does it work well with the grapple?
w1gum: how fast can you go with eleytra and the grappling hook
aitsu100: airplanes soon
JoeKim: mojang is stepping up
PixelArtDragon: If you attach a redstone block to it, can that activate things?
chrono2x: ohhh
aitsu100: lol
badpandabear: This would help with the bedrock/Java flying machine parity issues
DudelidouX: boots
chrono2x: Does it work with the grapple well?
BrookJustBones: Potato shoes, which you automatically get when you fall into the potato void and respawn
CrazymattCaptain: the mashed appeared from the landing when you left the potato dimention
LordZarano: Potato Elytra is craftable
CrazySliver: I just wish the grappling hook somehow appears in the main game as an early game mobility item, so you can get something before elytra endgame
Laurence72: Must have been a great party if James doesn't know where his pants went
TStodden: Serge has mastered the the art of flying (by throwing himself towards the ground & missing).
Narcuru: its like a mending based rocket
TXC2: can you grab water?
NorthstarTex: Mojang...please make grappling hooks a thing in vanilly kthxbai
Narcuru: (assuming you can enchant mending on the graplling hook)
wench_tacular: crafted out of phantoms
FITorion: grapple a mob?
RomanGoro: The grappling hook would get so broken so fast if they put it out "for real"
TXC2: science is fun!
mcdonaldslooter: <message deleted>gay
SergeYager: finger... hovering.. over ban button...
mcdonaldslooter: <message deleted>gay
SergeYager: vindicated
wordnerdify: Go @SergeYager sergeModLove sergeModLove
NimrodXIV: less hover, more push
keltaklo: TY @SergeYager / mods
TXC2: Nah, I shot em
TXC2: Serge don't need to get his hands dirty
Narcuru: check the painting
Narcuru: paintings
Genie_M: The boots are creating the mashed slabs?
LordZarano: GayPride
NimrodXIV: oh yeah! check those out
NimrodXIV: the biggest one is 8x8
Narcuru: each one is different
SymphonicLolita: A R T
TXC2: potato art? potart ?
Narcuru: in the creative menu
chrono2x: You have the specific one?
Narcuru: each one is different
DudelidouX: The one you grabbed is specific
NimrodXIV: you have to get the different kinds in the menu
TStodden: They splits the paintings into individual ones.
Genie_M: Specifics
TXC2: make a note of Potato art for CDHC
NimrodXIV: long way
Tandtroll_OG: I wish these paintings stayed =P
TXC2: that goes hard
Barb4rian: LOL
SymphonicLolita: LUL
LordZarano: C'est ne pas une potat
chrono2x: Those are all so good
TXC2: this is not a potato of honour, no great taste are praised here
RomanGoro: The 2x3 is also a reference to Magritte
Genie_M: Get the gear?
TXC2: Cool tato!
Angreed66: now hit james with the peeler
Lord_Hosk: Donald ducking it
LordZarano: Donald Duck it I guess
TXC2: we look like a Crisp (chips) mascot
sephsays: the brain does the think-y bits, James
NimrodXIV: creative mode, you won't die
Genie_M: Land with the boots on?
chrono2x: I kinda love the idea of one time use fall protection
wordnerdify: Thanks for the stream, all!
TXC2: thanks for streaming James, Uno and Serge
Mazrae: Just in time for the very end
sharpkris: @LoadingReadyRun are you guys not also playing with voxy and amazonian?
GapFiller subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 51 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GapFiller! (Today's storm count: 31)
omnilord subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, omnilord! (Today's storm count: 32)
TXC2: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
GapFiller: thanks for streaming James lrrJAMES lrrCOW lrrSHINE
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
wordnerdify: Thanks James!
Jondare: Huh, just noticed I can't choose to subscribe with prime any more...
TXC2 waits
GapFiller: say the line james
Jondare: Did they remove it or something?
Narcuru: its hidden
TXC2: Jondare you can, it's hidden
Lord_Hosk: Don't you mean Potatok
TXC2: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, and does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
LurkerSpine: there's a little check box
GapFiller: oddly enough Prime wasnt for me (not looking a gift horse in the mouth mind)
CMDRNuffin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months, currently on a 57 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CMDRNuffin! (Today's storm count: 33)
Jondare: It used to just be a seperate button on the sub popup thingy, but I can't find it now
Jondare subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 113 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jondare! (Today's storm count: 34)
wench_tacular: wow, that is very not intuitive
Jondare: 1Ah there it was, thanks! Take those Bezos bucks!
TXC2: wench_tacular that's the point :p
GapFiller: wench_tacular its almost like theyre trying to get people to stop
Lord_Hosk: they literally lose money on it.
TXC2: Corporation greedy you say ?
GapFiller: Bezos cant stand not getting absolutely every last penny
creasehearst: @wench_tacular Twitch is losing money on it, so they try to disincentivize people from using it
SerGarretCameron: the only people that benefit are the only actual humans involved.
BasilHunter: took me like 3 weeks to find the Prime option
TXC2: do they? do they NEED to make (steal) money?
TXC2: :p
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: Starship Troopers: Terran Command) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (22m from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
FITorion: Oh I see it was hidden
Lord_Hosk: Twitch could... you know... Get rid of it... but this way they get to say they are giving away free subs, without giving away as much money
FITorion subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 110 months!
FITorion: Oh I see it was hidden
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FITorion! (Today's storm count: 35)
TXC2: !ppr
LRRbot: The Outlaws of Thunder Junction Pre-Launch Showcase will be on 5 April 2024 at 10am PDT! More info:
Lord_Hosk: Its just like Cereal box tops and Soup can labels. The companies got two write off every single boxtop and label as a loss on the books and taxes no matter if people turned them in or not.
GapFiller: nalvHi bai James
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TXC2: beep
NimrodXIV: beep
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
LordZarano: PrideLionHey
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
TXC2: to the crapshot!
Earthenone: !findquote bugs
LRRbot: Quote #5423: "No one will get freaked out by bug friends, right?" —Heather [2018-10-20]