Earthenone: !findquote bugs
LRRbot: Quote #5423: "No one will get freaked out by bug friends, right?" —Heather [2018-10-20]
TehAmelie: happy 30th birthday to Final Fantasy 6 by the way
TheAinMAP: Signal.
TehAmelie: lrrSIG
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCrab lrrSIG
jessieimproved: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TehAmelie: we have no time to gab, only to simulate it
DideRobot: LRR: Cameron and Cori are gonna point some troopers at some bugs and see what happens! |
Earthenone: mom said we have helldivers at home!
TehAmelie: g'day
Angnor33: I get it. We've been Fooled!
NorthstarTex: good stream start
TheMerricat: Ok that broke the camera focus for a second. :D
sporkraptor: I've always wanted to be mulched via woodchipper
TheMerricat: Sky Burial.
jacqui_lantern234: hey ya heccin nerds whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!!!!!!!! <3
James_the_Dabbler: Turn me to ash
Marvoleath: I enjoy the idea of a sky burial
Marvoleath: feed them birds
SymphonicLolita: technically they did that to my grandpa
Xafty: @SymphonicLolita i have questions
sporkraptor: mulch ing
jacqui_lantern234: omg, i just realized cameron's mug and i love it!!! <3
SymphonicLolita: sprinkled him over a large area I mean
sporkraptor: yep, no formaldehyde here
TheMerricat: @SymphonicLolita :D
Nigouki: feed me to the feesh
TehAmelie: i'm donating my body to science
phoenixletmeuseadashd: that's just turning you into fossil fuel
Marvoleath: promession is not legal here :(
Xafty: @SymphonicLolita questions answered, thank you
SocraticMethod subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
SocraticMethod: I'm doing my part!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SocraticMethod! (Today's storm count: 36)
sporkraptor: aggregated ashes from inside of furnace, yeah
TheMerricat: I wonder if fertilizer made with human ashes still runs the risk of piron disease...
DoodlestheGreat: Happy comedy!
jacqui_lantern234: imagine being smart enough for Starship Troopers Kappa
TheMerricat: As a reminder, the movie was satire, the book was in earnest.
Bruceski: My first time seeing Starship Troopers was at Rifftrax in the theater and I came back saying "you guys, turns out it's supposed to be FUNNY! This movie was great!"
Earthenone: no bug haram?
Angnor33: His least horny adult novel.
SnackPak_: no one time travels to sleep with their mother
DiamondMX: Did you not get the special edition? The bug harem was super hot.
TheMerricat: He did write juveniles staring out, those were 'less horney'
offbeatwitch: uh huh
DoodlestheGreat: wat
offbeatwitch: that's a bar
Nigouki: "least horny book" is an anti-endorsement
Mushbie: no bug harem? I'm out
LidofLoathing: Deep Thoughts with Heinlein (from Overly Sarcastic Productions)
CaptainSpam: "I think they make a sort of squeak noise." "No, no, I say it is more of a grinding noise, like bad brakes."
DoodlestheGreat: Just a skosh.
TheMerricat: Oh, so this isn't the one I thought it was, doesn't there also exist an FPS/Third person shooter type game based on Starship troopers?
Marvoleath: Helldivers
Marvoleath: Hd 1 was isometric iirc
Marvoleath: 2 is TPS
TheAwkes: A bug. And many other bugs.
jacqui_lantern234: also, cori might appreciate this, but my jeans i wore yesterday *might* be tastefully perma-stained with oil paints
sporkraptor: Bug on the Beach, by The Cure
BigPoppaPumpingLemma subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months!
BigPoppaPumpingLemma: Sure, it might be satire, but more to the point: Is Starship Trooper a sandwich?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BigPoppaPumpingLemma! (Today's storm count: 37)
jacqui_lantern234: random thought, but i like how my clothes are changing
avjamethyst: as is tradition
jacqui_lantern234: like, im not complaining, it looks cool and kinda soulful, if that makes sense
Marvoleath: you use coke, and then you just brush it with more energy
DoodlestheGreat: Jeans are never ruined by paint. They gain character.
TheMerricat: @Marvoleath Ah, it bothered me I couldn't remember what I was trying to recall, this is the one I was thinking of :D But yes, Helldivers 2 is a _good_ spiritual Starship Troopers...
jacqui_lantern234: @DoodlestheGreat you get it!
ladyjessica: cam’s a little quiet
DoodlestheGreat: @jacqui_lantern234 Grew up in the 60's & 70's.
jacqui_lantern234: @DoodlestheGreat 90's for me. Grunge/Punk is a way of life for me :p
ladyjessica: nor
Nigouki: gatekeeping electrons: how the modern world works
LordZarano: nor or nand, you can build a computer from either
Desruprot: I'm doing my part
DoodlestheGreat: Wait, are we playing the bugs? That would be awesome!
Juliamon: FEONET
beowuuf: good feonts matter
Reecer6: the most important thing about this game is that you can click to know more
phoenixletmeuseadashd: This guy is much worse reporter than the other reporter they sent
jacqui_lantern234: c'mon! leave the bug-folks alone!
BigPoppaPumpingLemma: I feel like "An ugly planet, a bug planet" should be delivered with more ..... verve
LordZarano: @SocraticMethod I was about to link that
iris_of_ether: Thank you for this NAND gift
BrowneePoints: Gotta Say Cam, a couple weeks ago a friend hit me with "well only the MOVIE is satire, the book isn't and Earth isn't technically fascist in that universe" and I straight up thought to how you maneuver Twitter and channeled every bit of Lauder Calm I could to get through that evening
SocraticMethod: Company of Heroes like?
Earthenone: yeah very imperial guardsmen in dawn of war vibes
iris_of_ether: @browneepoints oh no
BigPoppaPumpingLemma: @SocraticMethod Was DoW before or after CoH?
DiamondMX: I keep expecting those asteroids to land on your dudes.
BrowneePoints: @iris_of_ether I am a passionate person with a hair fire temper for bs so II was REALLY trying my hardest to enact "What Would Cameron Do?"
SocraticMethod: @BigPoppaPumpingLemma Huh, DoW1 was 2004, CoH1 was 2006
iris_of_ether: @browneepoints Legit benginO7
TehAmelie: well, so far this is exactly what i'd have imagined a Starship Troopers game would be like post Starcraft
josh___something: This is a weird helldivers 1 mod :)
BrowneePoints: what scares me is this friend is a LAWYER
BigPoppaPumpingLemma: "It´s not technically facist." is, undeniably, a sentence. Possibly even containing a verb and a subject.
BrowneePoints: HAHA touche!
DiamondMX: @BrowneePoints Turns out there's actually quite a lot of people who need bad lawyers.
SocraticMethod: The best take I've heard about the books is that the book isn't fascist, but it portrays society facists would like present as
TheMerricat: So the _anti-improv_ answer. :D
BrowneePoints: also wow this game is surprisingly pretty
BrowneePoints: i like the lighting and atmospherics
Master_Gunner: Starship Troopers as satire is just more interesting than Starship Troopers as milsim/bad poli-sci wankery.
TehAmelie: @BigPoppaPumpingLemma i think that can only be answered with "of course there are not and never have been any real fascists; only cryptofascists"
ladyjessica: that’s a really good response, Cam.
MrQBear: Tens of Thousands? That sounds like less than normal!
sporkraptor: what if war, but we're always the good guys!
TheAinMAP: Welp.
SocraticMethod: The novel is Heinlein trying to deal with the fact that he missed the combat in ww2/vietnam while idolizing military
DiamondMX: Oh wow, having you run back to the evac point and letting you get left behind and slaughtered is a clever move by the writers.
Jensling: They didn't leave without you, *you* stayed without them TPFufun
Bruceski: "Objective: try to make it out alive."
PBlackcoat: Well, also "and commies are bad" and "third world countries obviously need our help with nukes"
ghyllnox: Because otherwise you're dead
TheMerricat: Look, Heinlein was a sexually free libertarian who was upset that he wasn't able to participate in WWII as something more than a Naval officer posted in the US. He had... complicated opinions and his main strength was he knew how to write the story with sufficient hidden strawmen to make his opinion look naturally correct.
PBlackcoat: "Mobile infantry made into the man I am today!"
cmdrud87: Cheer1000 I'm doing my part
ladyjessica: “made me the man I am today”
iris_of_ether: My grandfather, who just passed, had immensely poor hearing, yeah
phoenixletmeuseadashd: ""MI made me the man I am today!" *cut to missing legs*
ladyjessica: too slow
cmdrud87: Also, the science teacher ins Blanche from Golden Girls
PBlackcoat: @phoenixletmeuseadashd jinx
PBlackcoat: @iris_of_ether "the VA has determined that your hearing loss is not service related"
accountmadeforants: Shoulda built a bigger and stronger fleet to begin with if it was so easy
BigPoppaPumpingLemma: Man, someone needs to shpw these VAs like.... Patrick Stewart in Macbeth or something.
caimheul: My personal favourite version I think is the cartoon series as opposed to the movies.
Luminaire_p: Has anyone tried putting the bugs in a cup and putting them outside?
PBlackcoat: the thing I miss most from the book to the movie was the lack of power armor.
Xafty: as a kid? i do that every time i use one
Jensling: yes.... as a kid.. ;>_>
Fanklok: We talking about hurting ourselve with a stapler?
caimheul: @PBlackcoat YES.
TehAmelie: i played so many bitey monster games with staple removers before i ever learned what they were for
Fanklok: I definitely never stapled my thumb or anything
caimheul: Tip for this game, attack move is your friend since most units can't move and attack.
Angnor33: @TehAmelie There is no other legitimate use. Removing staples is for fingernails!
BrowneePoints: I only VAGUELY remember the sequel films(cuz they're pretty bad) but I think I remember the big revelation in the final one not being an entire planet sized Godbug, but that the Federation actually incited the war. but it's been a while and that movie was REALLY stupid
SocraticMethod: "How 'bout some action?"
PBlackcoat: "We're gonna hold 'em by the nose and kick 'em in the butt!"
SocraticMethod: "Squared away, sir!"
Fanklok: Sending in an eagle
TheAinMAP: lrrCOW
selluf: AirMi does the dying, fleet just does the flying
iris_of_ether: Amazing
Angnor33: Can't be, there's no rust.
TehAmelie: ooh, we finally got tanks to klendathu
accountmadeforants: That feels very appropriate
NovaTiempo: The movie the comm tower on the ship was broken off by the roid
SocraticMethod: Carmen's ship Comms relay got busted, they couldnt warn
DiamondMX: Shoot the cybertruck?
TehAmelie: (it's a joke because Elonfans think the cybertruck is a tank)
NorthstarTex: bullet proof*
DiamondMX: In many RTSes you can shoot things other than enemies with CTRL+Click or something like that.
Juliamon: there's gotta be a better name for Elonfans than "Elonfans"
Juliamon: I propose "Musk Huffers"
SocraticMethod: Like I think "Asteroid is a false flag" theory is popular because it fits "federation can do nothing right" narrative, but I think the better inciting incident is that Jehova's Witnesses tried to colonize Bug planet
DiamondMX: @Juliamon I've heard Musky Huskies. And I didn't want to, and now you have to hear it too.
TehAmelie: Musk ratkings?
PBlackcoat: They did tell them that, it's how the US got the Bradley!
Mushbie: "need to know more" -> "looking into this"
TheMerricat: - here's someone outlaying the theory on how the asteroid was a false flag and Carmen was in on it. :D
accountmadeforants: No you see you gotta make it one single outter shell, and that's gotta provide all the structural rigidity. Then you have to change your mind and use a regular frame anyway then stick some steel plates on there with stupid tolerances because of weird angles and massive size
Fanklok: What was the WW1 era tank that exploded if you blinked at it too hard?
caimheul: Don't forget your other units
Mushbie: Apes? now it's talking about NFTs :p
SocraticMethod: @PBlackcoat No they didn't tell and no they didn't get the bradley. It's a bad history written by a Reformer who was mad that his project got canned
accountmadeforants: Yeah it does have big Dawn of War vibes
DiamondMX: Yeah, the capture points and squad-based movement reminds of of DoW
selluf: Dawn of war? That's heresy!
YFiddler subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YFiddler! (Today's storm count: 38)
119 raiders from Seabats have joined!
TehAmelie: of the New Hampshire Bugmovements?
GapFiller: ADAM RAID!!!
Fanklok: Ok Adam tell us what you were playing, you know the law
TehAmelie: hiya raiders
fiftymcnasty: This doesnt look like Helldivers
DiamondMX: Dispensing Freedom!
type_variable: for democracy!
TK_Squared subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TK_Squared! (Today's storm count: 39)
Juliamon: Welcome raiders! Put on a helmet and grab a gun, it's bug killin' time.
brieandbacon: Adam was Vintage Cubing
Thefluffiestguineapig: @fiftymcnasty This is Helldivers from the command perspective LUL
Mushbie: @SocraticMethod "let's do destructive testing on everything including battleships" sure was a take
DiamondMX: Huh, someone made a Helldivers ripoff already? :P
caimheul: Units can't shoot through each other anyway, so you've really maximized shooting already.
SocraticMethod: mmm, flambeed cybertruck
MilkInBags: spreading democracy
TehAmelie: we're here to "eliminate" the planet Klendathu, for those curious about the plot
caimheul: Normal moves they won't attack until they reach where you told them to go.
Fanklok: Does this game have press A to attack move?
SocraticMethod: Non-impact fuze grenades in a RTS? What heresy is this
type_variable: @TehAmelie liberate
caimheul: @Fanklok iirc, yes
SocraticMethod: @TehAmelie Different planet, liberate for raw resources
TehAmelie: pretty sure they said eliminate
Onisquirrel subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Onisquirrel! (Today's storm count: 40)
DiamondMX: Someone said you should try using attack move (probably the bottom left action icon) so they stop and shoot instead of keeping moving through enemies.
KidAmn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
KidAmn: I'm doing my part!
SocraticMethod: We got our ass beat at Klendathu so we're licking our wounds
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KidAmn! (Today's storm count: 41)
TehAmelie: i bet the physics won't even let the bugs pile up until they get over the walls, we're invincible
caimheul: @TehAmelie If only bugs couldn't climb, fly, or shoot.
SocraticMethod: Kwalasha, that was it
SocraticMethod: Klendathu at home
MrQBear: ah yes, the people, third on the list
Thefluffiestguineapig: Who is this narrator?
TheMerricat: I know games that use subtext. Cowards!
iris_of_ether: seabatYIKES
caimheul: The people, only because we can't automate the mines.
KidAmn: You *will* maximise corporate returns, trooper
Orxolon: hello good afternoon,is this for democracy?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Orxolon I don't know this democracy but it is FOR DEMOCRACY
TehAmelie: i think we got the B list narrator. gotta save the talent for the public propaganda vids
DiamondMX: Did he just say "If we ain't dying, we ain't trying"?
GrizzmastahFlex: yup
SocraticMethod: || Bug Breach Detected! ||
caimheul: The call themselves Mobile Infantry and can't even attack on teh bounce
Orxolon: @Thefluffiestguineapig xD
accountmadeforants: I totally expected this game to be another low-budget/high-crunch "we somehow got the license so let's use it" thing, but this seems really sincere.
BrowneePoints: Okay yea I double checked,*reads text* Space Mormons ignore quarantine and colonize in Arachnid Space, they "retaliated by throwing an asteroid" (unsure if this is true or not, never explained how the bugs can hurl asteroids ftl) which then incited the war
KidAmn: I always find it interesting how despite all the technology, humanity in this setting just defaults to good old "line of guys with guns"
BrowneePoints: so yea, Humans did a fucko, bugs said step off, and humans did not in fact, step off
caimheul: @accountmadeforants It really is. I've played through all of it, and it nails the feel.
SocraticMethod: @BrowneePoints It's not FTL, it's sci-fi writer distances
type_variable: @BrowneePoints always read that as the asteroid was just an excuse for invasion
Fanklok: @KidAmn Rows of men with the most advanced pointy stick is a time honored strategy
SpacePotato01: @BrowneePoints I thought it was pretty obvious that 'the bugs threw a rock' was always a false flag attack in the movie version. Since rocks would take millions of years to cross the entire galaxy at rock speeds, and be impossible to aim.
BrowneePoints: Later on it's shown the bugs CAN hurl asteroid as triangulated by the Brain Bugs and the Planetoid sized God Bug
BrowneePoints: but it in the FIRST film, and the book, it's intentionally left vague as to imply culpability
TehAmelie: at the very least the humans would have to wildly misunderstand where that asteroid came from
Thefluffiestguineapig: Communicate the idea that it's literally just sheep slamming into each other till one falls over
accountmadeforants: The whole "we lost all our troops, so we sent even more troops than before" thing also plays into that
Xonlic: Oh. This isn't Helldivers.
Angnor33: Or is it?
accountmadeforants: @caimheul That's great to hear!
Xonlic: Dun Dun Dun
caimheul: @BrowneePoints In the book IIRC, they also paste the Pluto research station, so the bugs do actually attack the solar system.
kaffeetrinken89: Imagine doing your part and then getting insulted by some filthy civilian as cheap bonker. Proposterous! /j
Xonlic: Wait how long till someone pitches a "Helldivers TV Show" or Movie?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Xonlic I mean, Starship Troopers is literally that
accountmadeforants: @Xonlic I mean, I'm sure an Amazon/Netflix exec has already pitched it, AI-written script ready to go. Doesn't mean they'll get the license
Xonlic: @Thefluffiestguineapig That's the joke. I think folk are silly enough to not think of that.
Xonlic: @accountmadeforants That's fair. Probably week 2 of it being a hit.
kaffeetrinken89: @Thefluffiestguineapig Not literally literally, but figuratively nearly literally.
TehAmelie: hmm are we going do more here than use guns to mow down rows of monsters pathing towards us you think?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Xonlic Ah, ok, sorry. For me it's not even a joke because of the stupid stupid things pitched as original
Xonlic: Not Literally Literally but Colloquially Literally.
caimheul: The color of the crosshair above the squads tells you how effective theirs shooting is, red means mostly blocked.
accountmadeforants: They're smooching mid-fight
Xonlic: @Thefluffiestguineapig Thats absolutely fair. I just want to watch it be a straight faced, non satire Helldivers produced by Amazon, missing the whole point.
Commodore_Perry_GG: "Sir no Sir! My pathing is wonky, Sir!"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Xonlic Be careful what you wish for there
Xonlic: Honestly, Starship Troopers was the first time I saw Intelligence Units recognized in media. But I was also...10?
kaffeetrinken89: Enigneers should be used to bugfixing.
caimheul: You can dismantle and re-deploy HMGs.
Xonlic: Ok but real question: Does this have the bugs from Starship Troopers 2 or 3? Like the possessor bug or the "God Bug".
SpacePotato01: Those vehicles look an awful lot like Teslas.
ThePixelSavage: not to be a hater ... but this looks incredibly dull and outdated ... this looks like a C&C or Company of Heroes mod ...
Xonlic: @SpacePotato01 I mean, I could see tech bros thriving in this world. Or they're all extinct...
SpacePotato01: We have starcraft at home.
caimheul: @Xonlic From what I recall, no.
SpacePotato01: @Xonlic This world was settled by worshippers of a certain oligarch, clearly.
iris_of_ether: lrrCOW CurseLit
Xonlic: 5 more units and we'll be down an acceptable amount of soldiers.
iris_of_ether: benginO7
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
TheAinMAP: mogRip
Xonlic: I legit was told by a Major that if a mission doesn't have at least 2 casualties it wasn't a real mission. He retired...mysteriously.
caimheul: @ThePixelSavage It's also not a full price game.
SpacePotato01: Ready more bags of turnips and cans of cooking oil for the families.
ThePixelSavage: @caimheul I would hope so ...
DiamondMX: @Xonlic That guy has not heard of unit morale and he doesn't trust it. :D
Xonlic: @DiamondMX OH absolutely not. He also made us wear shiny, reflective belts at a combat zone.
accountmadeforants: I'm reminded of how Supreme Commander 2 solved the problem of its hundreds of units bumping into each other when pathing through some kinda "flow field" magic
accountmadeforants: That said, the units confusedly bumping into each other makes more sense here
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DiamondMX Why would you need morale? He could brow beat you into submission (also real talk I'm sorry that sounds horrible even on the scale of combat experiences)
DiamondMX: @Xonlic Sounds like a spy to me!
ThePixelSavage: this attack has strong Zapp Brannigan energy
SocraticMethod: "If we aint dying we aint AARGH"
caimheul: The only limitation on reinforcements is the shuttles, which is nice for this style of game.
DiamondMX: *point at pile of corpses* They're doing their part!
SK__Ren: Neat, I didn't know Starcraft 3 was out!
accountmadeforants: @SK__Ren This is clearly Dawn of War 4
SK__Ren: Can we go inside buildings?
ThePixelSavage: @accountmadeforants dont they need to make a DoW 3 first?
SK__Ren: They have!
caimheul: @SK__Ren That MOBA shouldn't count...
SK__Ren: lol
ThePixelSavage: @SK__Ren I think you missed my point there :D
accountmadeforants: Yeah, I guess I skipped two numbers there. It's Dawn of War 2, then OpieOP
SK__Ren: @caimheul Since you said Moba now I'm thinking of the defunct End of Nations. Man that game was a blast before it caught fire
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also completely off topic I just had my first color session of my quarter sleeve of my kitties and it's great but boy am I glad the artist was generous with the extra off brand tegaderm
Thefluffiestguineapig: Now back to a not at all satire about DEMOCRACY and how we can make the bugs choke on us
DiamondMX: Avoid this choke point? Don't kink shame me!
accountmadeforants: Whenever I think of MOBAs I think of Demigod. The full-price MOBA that launched before League of Legends did, with some stupid Games For Windows Live integration (instead of Supreme Commander's super robust lobbies). It pretty much killed Gas Powered Games.
caimheul: The "X" next to the reinforcement button lets you set fire priority, to target a specific bug. setting snipers to prioritize spitters is useful. It was added later, hence no tutorial about it.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Foul air? With flame throwers? NO
Mushbie: and let slip the Pogs of war
MrQBear: Sometimes the voice lines in this game make me want to hear them shout metal slug weapon names. "Heavy Machine Gun!" "Enemy Chaser!"
caimheul: More or less, yes. Sometimes you can overcome rock with scissors from special abilities or positioning.
ThePixelSavage: "You dont have long" *end of transmission*
accountmadeforants: Hm, I should correct my earlier completely off-topic comment: Demigod didn't use GFWL, the networking woes were a combination of other factors.
TehAmelie: is there a bodybuilder/gun enthusiast magazine that has "reinforce yourself" as a slogan? and if not why
accountmadeforants: Look, Sharp Troopers? They're clearly Starship Troopers!
Juliamon: TehAmelie bodybuilders only got time for one kind of gun
DiamondMX: @Juliamon Is it hand-carrying a mounted gatling gun?
30teracyte: lol
30teracyte: a classic
MrQBear: 'patriotic volunteers' means "criminal labor" doesn't it
TehAmelie: i guess it wouldn't be for serious bodybuilders, just gun nuts who think they're great at having muscles
Xed_Regulus: @MrQBear Yup!
kusinohki: meows
kusinohki: just in time for break...
kusinohki: are the bugs afraid of us yet??
MrQBear: @TehAmelie is it for gun nuts who think lifting their guns will give them better guns? ' <'
ThePixelSavage: @kusinohki always have been
TehAmelie: :U
Commodore_Perry_GG: amazonPumpkinWiggle amazonPumpkinDance amazonPumpkinWiggle
kusinohki: "this is my weapon. this is my gun. one is for lifting. the other for.... flexing??" (needs work)
MrQBear: at which point i wonder if it's funnier if the people who read said periodical have misunderstood the entire point, and think they can lift a sidearm a thousand times and it somehow turns into a long arm.
kusinohki: now I'm thinking what a "mini-gun cross training regime" would consist of...
MrQBear: carrying a rifle while dragging ammo boxes filled with round strapped to ropes around your waist?
TehAmelie: and then the staff leans into the confusion and starts writing articles like "turn your small arms into big guns"
MrQBear: Then they get a third, completely different type of reader looking to "improve their weapon"
TehAmelie: protein powder with a dash of gunpowder for that great workout high
type_variable: @TehAmelie for those explosive gains
kusinohki: for those explosive dead lifts??
kusinohki: almost same brain cell...
MrQBear: No the dead lifts are what happen after you drink too many gunpowder smoothies.
Fanklok: Did I not see ITYC on the schedule?
TehAmelie: i was thinking of the psychedelic effects of gunpowder poisoning but sure
TehAmelie: hay again
MrQBear: Cam, Cori! no! That's how the bugs spread!
UtilityPunk: Unexplained alien eggs? Sounds delicious no1SUCC
adept_nekomancer: Eggliens.
ThePixelSavage: "Waxy, yet dusty" aint that a slogan and a half
Fanklok: So after Jesus is rizzen you get eggs? Is that how they reproduce?
kusinohki: I'm surprised starship troopers doesn't have a segment on "how to cook the alien eggs"
MrQBear: A Dollar Stored these eggs.
TehAmelie: today i saw that chocolate guy make an arrangement of chocolate filled chocolate eggs in a chocolate basket and i think easter is ruined for me
BigPoppaPumpingLemma: "Are you telling me that a kind laid this..." nevermind
TheAinMAP: unarmeClick
MWGNZ: @Fanklok i didnt expect to think about someone rizzing jesus tiday but here we are
TehAmelie: we need A and S for order shortcuts, and probably most of the keys on the left side of the keyboard
kusinohki: construct more pylons
TehAmelie: it would be ironic if we have worker drones here
LurkerSpine: That guy does not sound like he's from LA lol
Fanklok: I cannot claim that joke as my own
sporkraptor: yikes. every time they say "miners" I think they're saying "minors" XD
Invitare: children?
BrowneePoints: A minor Miner?
MrQBear: Not the most important part of the mine.
TehAmelie: "look we're not using child soldiers. they're noncombatants!"
DiamondMX: @sporkraptor Could be both. I hear the children long for the mines.
Fanklok: He is rizzen is from the mind of berudite
BrowneePoints: But what about a child excavator raised to a high rank mid combat? a minor Miner Major if you will
BrowneePoints: or when describing it to your co, a Minor Major, General
UtilityPunk: Why is there a cybertruck parked by the shaft?
TehAmelie: i'm glad everyone recognizes those are cybertrucks
MrQBear: @UtilityPunk Apparently starship troopers is the future where the cybertruck becomes the primary vehicle of humanity.
DiamondMX: @BrowneePoints Sure, if it happened a long time ago, but nowadays it'll be a modern minor major general.
Alexscottv99 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alexscottv99! (Today's storm count: 42)
Fanklok: hehe insertion
Bruceski: Loitering bugs, punishable by death
ThePixelSavage: @Bruceski calm down Dredd ...
accountmadeforants: "Now we're cooking with gas", this takes place in a future where the gas lobbies win
Anubis169: MEDIC! xxxP xxxPLICIT
Fanklok: This mission seems like it wants you to spread your guys thin
Anubis169: more meat for the grinder
TheAinMAP: RPGFireball
ThePixelSavage: level up? We cant have that! Time to sacrifice them in a frontal assault!
DiamondMX: Looks like your flamethrowers don't mind shooting through friendlies. You occasionally see them bathing a friendly unit in fire to no ill effect.
ThePixelSavage: snoipahs
niccus: i love it when the starship troopers are normal
accountmadeforants: I take it the game has a fixed camera angle? (Based on how the structures are laid out)
MrQBear: are the red hexagons on the map supposed to be warning for bug spawners?
SocraticMethod: Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that hops offensive!
accountmadeforants: Competent and sincere
Gaelan_Maestro: Would you like to know more?
MrQBear: Gotcha gotcha. They keep blinking and it's oddly distracting. I guess it's doing it's job of making me aware of the nests. :p
accountmadeforants: Surely that flying bug was a one-off
TehAmelie: it feels a lot like They Are Billions, but without the exhausting city building
Gaelan_Maestro: Its a good day to die!
adept_nekomancer: Just testing our equipment over here.
ThePixelSavage: they are just preparing some burgers for the victory feast
itsaysTRUENO: 1a2a3a
accountmadeforants: You got the flamethrower squad and the pyrotechnics squad
TehAmelie: a flamethrower is a dream you can share
Tiber727: No offense, but it's funny that the commentary on Talking Sim is, "The game is fine, I guess."
TehAmelie: he gets crushed by a flying bug falling, as i recall
TehAmelie: very undramatic
ThePixelSavage: so you want games to sedate you?
accountmadeforants: What if it teaches and gives you nothing but still makes the bugs tougher each mission
Gaelan_Maestro: He became a smear
Marvoleath: @ThePixelSavage isnt that the purpose of entertainment?
Anubis169: or it'll be true to the movie and say "You're stuffed. You're on your own."
CaptainSpam: I mean, that sounds like the single-player campaign in most RTSes...
ThePixelSavage: @Marvoleath might be. i am not judging. it is not what I look for in games though :D
Anubis169: Your wings were curled, but I'll still give that a 9.3
shamblingkrenshar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months!
shamblingkrenshar: I'm doing my part!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shamblingkrenshar! (Today's storm count: 43)
Marvoleath: wait, we were sending non-combat engineers into combat so far? D:
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
TehAmelie: is there something to say of the difference between strategy games and tactics? the way i understand, this thing where you capture bases given to you rather than deciding where to make them, would be tactics
thedizzy_dwarf: heyy
shamblingkrenshar: Tactics is the micro level, strategy is the macro
UtilityPunk: Strategy is your gameplan, tactics is your plays
DiamondMX: Wait, I thought tactics were the white things that taste minty?
JadedCynic: 'strategy' is your overall goal; 'tactics' are the actions you take to accomplish the goal
itsaysTRUENO: the units dont seem hyper responsive so this all feels like macro
Fanklok: @DiamondMX No that's dentists
Zu_o: the shock being that the infantry all dies
itsaysTRUENO: yeah theres no stutter stepping etc
SocraticMethod: RTS games don't really have military strategy because they mostly focus platoon level. RTT was an attempt to differentiate a RTS that didn't have a base building
shamblingkrenshar: Oh yeah I have a very Starcraft-Brain vocabulary for strategy games
BrowneePoints: we ain't orb walking up in here
niccus: all of these platoons look very vulnerable to lurkers
MehallD: Helldivers looks different than I remembered
itsaysTRUENO: hold position lurkers would have a field day here XD
Mythallian: also Siege tanks for the sudden but inevitable betrayal
PMAvers: Eh, it was inevitable that the dwarf sappers would target a enemy in melee with your troops and blow them up.
shamblingkrenshar: @Mythallian Their sacrifice will be honored in the coming empire
adept_nekomancer: And then we'll end up requiring additional pylons.
accountmadeforants: I'm looking up the person who scored this game, and their first game OST (listed on their website) was for a Tomb Raider-inspired Jazz Jackrabbit 2 level pack called Tomb Rabbit 2.
TehAmelie: we rescued the miners, thanks to Elon Musk lrrBEEJ
SocraticMethod: CHarlie in the tunnels!
JadedCynic: and now 'the bottom drops out' ;)
thedizzy_dwarf: uh not the lurkers og god
QuixoticScrivener: needs more coed showers
Duwani1: shouldn't they all be in a walking tank?
SocraticMethod: This feels like a Emperor: Battle for Dune mission where you have to play in scaled-down map with limited or no base building
SocraticMethod: Like the spaceport one
itsaysTRUENO: Raynor must survive.
niccus: starcraft was very filled with starship troopers references so it's interesting to see the game pretty much get to dip back into sc's ideas
SocraticMethod: mini bugs lmao
adept_nekomancer: Explosive, but well-insulated.
itsaysTRUENO: the sc1 goliath is just ED-209 from robocop. they were super into Verhoeven.
accountmadeforants: These troopers are the inverse of X-Comsm'n. Hits against all odds.
Invitare: are these even True Bugs?
inconsideratehat: Is this *gestures* entomology?
UtilityPunk: Yeah, if this is someone's first or maybe even third RTS, they'll have a good time
accountmadeforants: There's apparently DLC, and more coming in June
roastbeefsandwitch: I appreciate that those squads aren't represented by only one giant, cartoonish Marine. It shows people as small, slow-moving, and acting as squads.
BrowneePoints: Man...that's a hot bug
shamblingkrenshar: Ants can actually dodge microwaves (The waves, not the entire appliance)
adept_nekomancer: No, no, the bug porn is in Frog Fractions.
Thefluffiestguineapig: hold up, microwaving bullets???????
TreeVor84 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months, currently on a 88 month streak!
TreeVor84: Woot! 88 months!
bagfullofbees: just exploring ideas
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TreeVor84! (Today's storm count: 44)
SocraticMethod: Hercules beetles look like they would go with a meaty pop
BrowneePoints: What bug do you think is moist enough to make the most satisyfing Pop in a Microwave?
UtilityPunk: The views expressed are solely those of Cory, and in no way reflect the hivemind of chat
Thefluffiestguineapig: I went and cooked dinner and am wondering what I missed
accountmadeforants: @BrowneePoints Mealworms
BrowneePoints: LOL
Mythallian: wait chat has a HIVEMIND??
UltraVioletVodoo: gross
BrowneePoints: Heimlich? More like CRIMELICHS!
TehAmelie: imagine if it's a caterpillar with a parasite wasp in it. it'll be even grosser, but you could think you're doing it a favor
atinyspacemarine: The dickinson-horner household is not to be a source of advice
Thefluffiestguineapig: Except about where to find good recipes
Fanklok: They're fine, they can walk it off
Thefluffiestguineapig: Otherwise do not take Horner-Dickinson household advice
adept_nekomancer: Maybe they brought some bandages.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @adept_nekomancer Bandages are worth more than a new solider
simplydavemn: @Thefluffiestguineapig As a Guinea Pig dad I just want to say I love your twitch name!
TehAmelie: remember the advertisement for introducing medics in Starcraft Brood war? "with this support, the battlefield life expectancy of the marine goes up to 20 seconds"
accountmadeforants: Have you tried using some legs as stem cuttings?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @simplydavemn Thank you! The girl who inspired it passed a number of years ago because she would take naps with me and all kinds of adorable things. how many do you have?
Thefluffiestguineapig: She didn’t pass because of the naps, she inspired it because of the naps
simplydavemn: @Thefluffiestguineapig 3 - Prudence, Frisky, and The Darkness. Some people here may even get the reference of their names.
ogier300 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ogier300! (Today's storm count: 45)
accountmadeforants: Apparently the level ups are supposed to give your troops new abilities? (Or maybe that's a separate thing incidentally called Elite abilities)
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wait, that’s a D&D campaign reference, right? I don’t know if it’s critical role or not but Prudence got the other two as pets
Fanklok: Its cosmetic fire
adept_nekomancer: "The last snipers we had melted a bit, but I'm sure you guys will do great."
SocraticMethod: That can't be true because SC2 protos was a-move deathball only Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: @fanklok Just like in the hunger games
itsaysTRUENO: fascism is all fun and games until you get instantly dissolved on the spot by bug spit
simplydavemn: @Thefluffiestguineapig OxVentures - Members of Outside X-Box, Outside Xtra, and Johnny Chiodini.
Zu_o: Rico's roughnecks has become roger's roughneck
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
Thefluffiestguineapig: @itsaystrueno I would argue it’s only momentarily not fun
sporkraptor: enh, thoughts are overrated
simplydavemn: Having thoughts is not the Starship Troopers way.
TehAmelie: idea: put propaganda units in this game, who are very expensive and can't fight but if they stay close to the fight they get good footage that will make buying soldiers cheaper due to driving up recruitment, or something
Thefluffiestguineapig: @simplydavemn Precious! Long hair, short hair or bad hair day?
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tehamelie Honestly could see that being here or as a thing that makes upgrades cheaper in Helldivers
TehAmelie: sounds reasonable
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also I just realized how old that picture of G in the phases shirt is and as someone with an original run phases shirt I feel so old
TehAmelie: and it can incentivize you to fight constantly and make it look dramatic. . .
simplydavemn: @Thefluffiestguineapig Prudence: Crested American, with a little mustache and Goatee Frisky: American Shorthair with fair standard Brown and white coloring, The Darkness: Abyssinian, with fabulous eye makeup on one side.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tehamelie And use specific maneuvers for extra bonuses when they want to highlight them
TehAmelie: get a lot of boys killed so you can get more of them cheaper :3
Thefluffiestguineapig: @simplydavemn That is perfect, also no idea if it was intentional by Abyssinian for the darkness is a good word joke plus appropriate coloring
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tehamelie Boys are always cheap, it just makes the nicer equipment cost less LUL
TehAmelie: ehe
Juliamon: mm, omelettes are the best way to use up leftover Easter ham
simplydavemn: @Thefluffiestguineapig I already had the names picked out, and I got Prudence from a friend whose Daughter had lost interest. Frisky and the Darkness were a pair who had been in the MN Humane society for over a year - I picked them because I thought they could use a home.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @juliamon Egg based leftover repurposing is always correct
Juliamon: (mom wanted to make quiche but I don't like the texture as much as omelette)
Juliamon: (I like my eggs dry)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @simplydavemn Bless you for looking, I work in a veterinary clinic and the amount of small mammals that end up abandoned because people just release them/shelters won’t take them is infuriating
TehAmelie: ello
Thefluffiestguineapig: @juliamon IMO ham is also not the superior quiche filling, it can be better utilized in omelette
Thefluffiestguineapig: Cam? Did you mean fiery poops?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: how's the bag squashing going?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: bug
TehAmelie: we're going terran v terran for now i believe
Thefluffiestguineapig: @tehamelie Was it specifically Terran v Terran or did they say the initial dissenters were secret bugs?
TehAmelie: i didn't hear
lilyoftheveil666: Love Lies Bleeding rules so hard
BrowneePoints: poor things is great cuz you get to see Emma Stone act out all of human development over a couple hours
BrowneePoints: human emotiona/mental development*
thedepthandbreadthofseth: it's what it says on the tin.
hattingston: Someone complained in a match of Helldivers yesterday that the voice lines were cheesy
thedepthandbreadthofseth: there were people who didn't get that the starship troopers movie was satire?
dumbo3k: Here's a cup of Liber-Tea!
LordZarano: Advance Wars was a Game Boy Advance game, it was a sequel to Super Famicom Wars
Jadenim: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Sadly, yes
TehAmelie: yes, satire should use more subtlety
SocraticMethod: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Lots of people didn't get the satire when it was released because it was really close to contemporary action movie schlock
Laurence72: See this is the point where I would fail at least once on purpose just to see what happens
nightmareskillz2x: <message deleted>follow nightmareskillz2x
TehAmelie: how hard would you have to work to lose here? just right click move the troops into the bugs for minutes i'm guessing
Kenny1264 subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kenny1264! (Today's storm count: 46)
SocraticMethod: @thedepthandbreadthofseth Like, Rambo 2/3 and it's do sincerely what ST did ironically
Jadenim: Equalite?
Laurence72: Bummer (but thanks for bringing it up!)
LordZarano: There's a name for when something is so stupid that it's impossible to parody
PawssumFable: Adjusting for the dumbest possible person in the audience never ends well.
dumbo3k: Oh damn, things that can shoot back
itsaysTRUENO: Verhoeven miscalculated the ignorance of the american people
simplydavemn: I thought she said Spiper.
dumbo3k: Spiper no Spiping!
sporkraptor: spoopin
RatherLargeToad: Spiper no spiping
sporkraptor: spipers are spoopy
PawssumFable: I'm American, I was like.. a teenager when that came out, and I still got it that it was tongue in cheek. I didn't know enough about the book to know it was satire specifically, but I knew it wasn't serious.
Laurence72: Maybe its a Spicer, since its makingthing all spicy?
LordZarano: @LordZarano "Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture which says that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views."
adept_nekomancer: Does terrain height do anything?
Fanklok: They did have the high ground
dumbo3k: They had the High Ground, Anakin
SocraticMethod: I have the high ground Anakin!
itsaysTRUENO: growing up in a military family leaves people with a wild perspective on the world
Invitare: Communism has given them incredible power
simplydavemn: Alex first encountered spipers in a Watch+Play game where he could collect Spiper Vemom.
PawssumFable: Oh man, I remember the spiper venom lol
PawssumFable: What game was that?
TehAmelie: traditionally (in Starcraft) higher ground gives you 30% dodge chance, but that felt much higher
simplydavemn: Don't remeber - just his reaction on first reading it.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Some W&P nonsense
PawssumFable: Dying just a tiny bit?
dumbo3k: The good thing about half dead squads, is they block others squads ability to shoot a lot less
Juliamon: I know spiper venom is in the !box somewhere
Thefluffiestguineapig: Fheres a lot of stuff in that box tho
Thefluffiestguineapig: Waaaaaaay before last year
TehAmelie: what year IS it? no i think it was 2022 at least
Juliamon: It's old but I don't think it's pre-pandemic old
Juliamon: but really what is time
PawssumFable: I don't remember, I re-watch vods so much I don't know when anything was, unless someone in the video looked wildly different.
Laurence72: Who knew bugs were so pro union?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I’m trying to find which highlights package it was in
PawssumFable: Like if it's pre-gym Adam, I know it's a long time ago.
Laurence72: lrrFINE
TehAmelie: do i have a false memory from before the ad break that you can rotate the camera?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, that’s going to take way more effort to find then investment I have
Juliamon: I tossed a query in the discord, we'll see if anyone bites
dumbo3k: It takes time top get to the next battle tier
bo_brinkman subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bo_brinkman! (Today's storm count: 47)
RiverGloom subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
RiverGloom: wow the 1 year keep it up LRR love the content always
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RiverGloom! (Today's storm count: 48)
Juliamon: Windows pls
BigDaddyBland87: @Juliamon Just jumped in...what are we wondering?
Juliamon: The W+P that spiper venom is from
PawssumFable: Starship Troopers
PawssumFable: Does Twitch still have a mobile app...?
Juliamon: It does, and it sucks
BigDaddyBland87: I'll check...I know it's 2022
pi_is_not_three subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pi_is_not_three! (Today's storm count: 49)
PawssumFable: In what capacity does it suck?
dumbo3k: Have you tried the rocket troopers you unlocked?
Nigouki: so how many soldiers did we send to die just to make sure a TV broadcast went out?
Juliamon: It lacks a lot of chat/mod functionalities and has extra junk to navigate
dumbo3k: You can also send some troops back up to fleet
LordZarano: Oh I was going to say the open source Xtra is better than Twitch's app in almost every way but I don't mod so I don't know about that
BigDaddyBland87: Found it! Game is called Farstorm
Countjondi: 17 penises sounds like a video about a star trek lore binge
SpacePotato01: Something smells good.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also they’ve made is super hard to use your prime sub in the app
BigDaddyBland87: about 25min in
TheAinMAP: Sounds a segment from LoadingReadyLive.
TheAinMAP: like a*
Juliamon: BigDaddyBland87 The hero we need
Mai_Andra: random AmongUs stinger in the background music there. hope that's not portending anything ominous...
Juliamon: So confirmed, spiper venom is from 2022
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ok, glad to be wrong! it wasn’t as long ago as I thought
Thefluffiestguineapig: As I feared would be the more correct phrase
niccus: have yall played the SC2 coop missions?
BrowneePoints: Y'know, I hope The Acolyte does well so we can get a High Republic Star Wars RTS
BrowneePoints: it's been too long since Empire At War: FoC
BrowneePoints: Trolls incited a "Flame War"
type_variable: they are criminals BECAUSE we tried recruiting them already
TehAmelie: "hey, the 'fire at Will' line was funny when we were fighting faceless bugs but there's my cousin Will in there somewhere"
SocraticMethod: we are the goodest boys :)
goombalax: @TehAmelie the first time I hear that phrase was in Independence day and I was convinced they were going to shoot Will Smith
Earthenone: !time
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 4:20 PM
Laurence72: Fire at Will, and all of the other rioters!
adept_nekomancer: Fire at Will specifically! An example must be made!
ampthedog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 109 months, currently on a 109 month streak!
ampthedog: FOR DEMOCRACY?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ampthedog! (Today's storm count: 50)
dumbo3k: You may have just unleashed a bunch of captive bugs on the prisoners
BrowneePoints: Also in hilarious "did they realize what day it is?" I still can't believe Microsoft put up a store page and ESRB rating for Silksong yesterday
BrowneePoints: of ALL DAYS
TehAmelie: i think it's the first or second line spoken in the movie that mentions "the failure of democracy". i realize now Helldivers paints a much more realistic fascist state than Starship Troopers because they pretend to be democrats
itsaysTRUENO: omg
Juliamon: BrowneePoints Still assuming it's a prank until the game actually releases
SerGarretCameron: welcome to the xcom school of strategy.
BrowneePoints: @Juliamon nintendo put up their version today
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
TheAinMAP: lrrFINE
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Alan Wake 2) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (35m from now).
Juliamon: I don't care, it's not real until it's out
itsaysTRUENO: "they sure are doing a lot of welding on the other side of the room there"
Zu_o: @Juliamon I was actually wondering what was wrong with releasing games on easter. lol
GapFiller: surely the Nope Boys wont mind this stream running just a lil overtime Kappa
PawssumFable: Let's Nope is why I'm here, I just converted the time wrong lol
PawssumFable: But I'm here
Juliamon: This show almost never runs overtime, it's fine
itsaysTRUENO: explosive red barrel got another starring role in this game, happy for them
LordZarano: Poor Hugh Manatee, having so many crimes done against him
itsaysTRUENO: this music rules lol
PawssumFable: Front row seats and crushing anxiety
TehAmelie: this is about when i'd send in two more ultralisks if i was the bugs
Awfrigate: kind of?
TehAmelie: only one? cowards
goombalax: when they unlock Banelings its over
BrowneePoints: 2,000 volts of justice?
BrowneePoints: that's just a bottle of Baja Blast
itsaysTRUENO: sounds like kel'thuzad's VO
PawssumFable: I'll take the baja blast
BrowneePoints: actually it's probably spark
BrowneePoints: or whatever that Raspberry Lemonade Mt Dew was.
TheMerricat: InIt's
BrowneePoints: also that Raspberry Lemonade Mt Dew was SURPRISINGLY amazing
goombalax: o/
SpacePotato01: thanks for streaming.
jessicaengle: jlrrCarrotmilk jlrrCarrotmilk sergeHeart
PawssumFable: Is there a way for me to tell Twitch I'm not interested in boobie-girl just-chatting streams?
Fanklok: For Let's Nope?
TheAinMAP: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Alan Wake 2) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (28m from now).
BrowneePoints: hey! give it to rhythm cafe!
GhostValv: o7
bagfullofbees: ooooh, I normally don't get to see this part
LordZarano: Let's Nope won't have started playing by then
SnackPak_: pew pew pew
jessicaengle: sergeCrimes
GhostValv: amazonCrime amazonCrime amazonCrime
niccus: pre-eclipse extravaganzum
Bruceski: Is it too late to make an "inlaws of Thunder Junction" joke?
BrowneePoints: there's a LOT of negativity around this set in a lot of different ways
Xed_Regulus: Too Much Discourse
goombalax: its exhausting
BrowneePoints: I, am excited
TehAmelie: can you not have a little law, as a treaat?
jessicaengle: Cowboys are problematic for lots of reasons...
smashy_030: why doesnt vraska have a cowboy hat dammit
niccus: i wish the cowboy hats aren't cut off at the front, a lot of people got scammed
TheMandrew: @smashy_030 one hat for each snake
BrowneePoints: They looked at Vaqueros and Gauchos
BrowneePoints: and went "huh, that makes sense"
smashy_030: @TheMandrew YES
BrowneePoints: and wore the same stuff!
Zu_o: it's just the calgary stampede
bagfullofbees: @TheMandrew I was thinking a hat with holes for each snake
BrowneePoints: this set looks BONKERS powerful
NorthstarTex: on saturday? I don't have to be distracted from work
bagfullofbees: actually, why not both?
TheMandrew: Oki Oki definitely has the Talking Sim vibe some days
Mai_Andra: "Thunder Junction" - a euphemism for the place where people can't keep their clothes on...
type_variable: cam on Oki Oki would be lit
Dog_of_Myth: Get in the fighting game Cam.
wedge_x: Alternate Terror Field
Mai_Andra: i really thought that word was going to be "skins", and I was not ready for it. but let's go with skills. yeah.
TehAmelie: or the fear of letting people close
smashy_030: I too wish I was any good at fighters, I cannot get my fingers to do what I want them to
GhostValv: 2hu
ButButTheJesus: tough hough
BrowneePoints: I'd KILL to see a Horses Club Gartic Phone cts
jessicaengle: Crossing the Reigns
Mai_Andra: <tigger voice> tou-hoo-hoo-hoo!
KWardJenx: Any horses?
adept_nekomancer: Can't cross horse streams club
TheAinMAP: !boxx
BigDaddyBland87: Crossing the Jackbox
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
jessicaengle: sergePopcorn
xantos69: Cheer50 Bits!
KWardJenx: Thank you for the stream!
GapFiller: thanks for streaming lrrCAMERON lrrCORI lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
goombalax: what is the Dog's Amperage
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
ButButTheJesus: bye, thanks for doing Your Part ™
empyreon: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
jessicaengle: Thanks for having us over
TehAmelie: AT field at maximum
TehAmelie: i mean, thanks for the stream
niccus: oh RIGHT wanted:dead was the topic of a jacob geller vid
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Let's Nope (Ben and Adam play horror games until they find the key that will bring them true happiness. Game: Alan Wake 2) at Tue 05:00 PM PDT (14m from now).