Plinken: lol deck why
frank_the_great: Draw go, let's go!
Diabore: how many blue sources?
micalovits: Very powerfull magic
Mathwyn: @snortablecola A youtube member, like the cool people on the LRR youtube memberships
frank_the_great: Grave Titan, right on top
Diabore: yes
swaggytaco: Now we're cooking
definenull: HAHA
definenull: now that's comedy
frank_the_great: Called it, but at what cost
Diabore: decidedly not a blue source
Mathwyn: Losing? That seems like a bad plan
Diabore: cmon deck, you gotta work with us
frank_the_great: Do we have a wipe?
frank_the_great: Clone card is p good
swaggytaco: :)
micalovits: Keeps us alive
Diabore: @frank_the_great already used deluge sadly
micalovits: Oh right
GapFiller: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Join Ian for his playthrough of Wanted: Dead on Play it Forward! Game: Wanted: Dead) at Thu 05:00 PM PDT (18s from now).
djalternative: what would we get with DT though?
amam741: that was exiled with the rat, right?
IcyDj: you can still get archon next turn
Diabore: could not have gotten demonic, that was exiled with skitter
EvilBadman: Tutor has no void counter
QTL7: portal will work though right?
jushimus: or a portal that makes grave titans
QTL7: like trade titans and block some tokens
QTL7: then portal killing the rest
amam741: blue!
definenull: there's your blue source?
QTL7: ah damn to many
frank_the_great: Check please!
Diabore: that does it, we cant make enough dudes
MilkInBags: at this point, cycle it?
MilkInBags: submit, concede
definenull: o7
micalovits: Just run to a different pc!
IcyDj: cycle land into animate dead couldve maybe have saved you
Diabore: king of the 2-1 continues
MegaDosX: Thanks for stream!
frank_the_great: Peace homes
Juliamon: PiF, not Long Game
Mr_Horrible: good stuff, thanks for the stream you two
Diabore: play it forward, not long game
KWardJenx: Thank you for the Cube!
amam741: which game is long?
PawssumFable: Wanted: Dead apparently
niccus: Jacob Geller's Award for Weirdest Game of 2023, Wanted: Dead
Juliamon: it's not even long
PawssumFable: And who better to play it?
ogier300 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ogier300! (Today's storm count: 27)
LoadingReadyRun: Just a couple minutes folks, game is deflating itself.
malfnord: That sounds... bad?
jessieimproved: or really fun depending on your jam
Arclight_Dynamo: Hm. The old terminology for unzipping was often "inflate," do "deflating" is odd...
Arclight_Dynamo: *so
definenull: gotta remove all the bloatware first
LoadingReadyRun: Nah, it's your tarball you've got to deflate
JRandomHacker: DEFLATE is the name of the algorithm behind zip
jessieimproved: I understood that reference!
Arclight_Dynamo: Ah! I'm still thinking in terms of PKUNZIP. :D
LordZarano: "In computing, Deflate (stylized a is a lossless data compression file format that uses a combination of LZ77 and Huffman coding. It was designed by Phil Katz, for version 2 of his PKZIP archiving tool."
Juliamon: lrrSIG
gualdhar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
gualdhar: THE EIGHT YEARS! (metric)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gualdhar! (Today's storm count: 28)
SaxPython: lol @ Wonder Flowers
LordZarano: Dangit, accidentally sent as I was deleting the paranthetical
RealGamerCow: flower?
LordZarano: Oh hello PiF flower!
ladyjessica: ooo a play it forward instead of a long game? cool!
RealGamerCow: goodbye
Juliamon: come back, flower...
Orxolon: good evening everyone
Orxolon: let's see what this game is about
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
ladyjessica: search game on google. “mixed to middling reviews”. interesting.
Orxolon: helloooo IAN!
emberBecky: o/ hallo
SaxPython: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
ArdCollider: hi Ian!
Juliamon: ladyjessica but as we also know, "Overwhelmingly Positive" is often a lie
Orxolon: Shandalar still there XD
TheMerricat: Testing Testing, stream died on my end. Is it my connection?
Juliamon: It's just you
Orxolon: of course,i was just pointing out it wasn't uninstalled
TheMerricat: Thanks!
Orxolon: ahahaha
loufghyslaufey: @Juliamon So, "Overwhelmingly Bots-itive"? ImTyping lrrIAN
niccus: it will be a time.
Juliamon: As long as nobody wipes the computer, should be fine
RatherLargeToad: Saw someone describe it as the best bad game of 2023
Arclight_Dynamo: Game audio very low.
loufghyslaufey: Game is... a branched timeline?
loufghyslaufey: That's how some of these games like to be
malfnord: Ah, so we're in the Metal Gear pastfuture
ladyjessica: also there are visible parts of the background around Ian. the corners.
SaxPython: I like the idea of Unified Korea
Boon_33: war, war never changes. war, war changed.
Phazon_Kiwi: So what we're seeing, is that there are no politics in this game Kappa
loufghyslaufey: They spin a history into an altered timeline
Juliamon: a colossal failure of common sense was my nickname in highschool
RatherLargeToad: Can you really be a “former” war criminal?
maxdamnit: Oh, this game, fun jank
Juliamon: you can be a "former war" criminal
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: inst the hague full of former w.c.?
Despoiler98: auriiPog auriiPog auriiPog STOP EVERYTHING THERES A KITTY
emberBecky: kitty! o_o
SaxPython: I was a war criminal, I mean, I still am, but I was too
malfnord: Potentially you can be a war precriminal
Juliamon: Cat being pet, 11/10
goombalax: kitty getting pets, GOTY
maxdamnit: @juliamon better than current, I think
cuzuki: good to see Ian is a civilized man.
niccus: oh it's *not* konami code, it's UUDDLLRR
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: up is down, up isnt up >C
loufghyslaufey: A man of civility; lrrIAN
loufghyslaufey: Konami made this?
Chesul: I don't think a new reason to play is needed, I think the "Why?" axis is fine.
RatherLargeToad: Meow
loufghyslaufey: Konami still makes titles?
SaxPython: CoolCat
NorthstarTex: Meow\
loufghyslaufey: I'll never understand that anime
ritchards: does her cybernetic hand have fingerprints?
TheThirdTail: @ritchards uhhhh, rfid chips?
SnackPak_: they sure are
Orxolon: that head moves a lot
RatherLargeToad: We doing a Suicide Squad?
Boon_33: for freedom
ArdCollider: Helldivers II (2024)
Arclight_Dynamo: She moves real weird.
Phazon_Kiwi: They're really over animating her LUL
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: genre aware protagonist
loufghyslaufey: Like in "The Room": The Movie, Ian?
goombalax: the vibe of this game is great but the VA is pulling me straight out
Orxolon: Gorillaz Clint Eastwood
malfnord: Helldivers 2 meets Suicide Squad meets Whirrwulf?
Master_Gunner: I was hoping for Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
RatherLargeToad: Generic 80s music it is
Boon_33: good to know johnny rocket's survived the rebranding
Driosenth: Yes
loufghyslaufey: Irish accent? I was thinking that too...
PMAvers: both?
Phazon_Kiwi: Get it, she's quirky coz lots of food
goombalax: tf you getting cream if you're lactose intolerant
Orxolon: their uncanny valley is weird,is kinda off
SaxPython: Pumpkin Pie, Hoo Rah
ArdCollider: Taylor Swift the waitress doesn't like that dude.
Arclight_Dynamo: Those drinks were FAST.
Chesul: I think it might be. not that I'm particularly qualified to say.
Orxolon: ahahahhah
RatherLargeToad: A Sign of Affection got weird
malfnord: Ah our protagonists are some charming motherfuckers ain't they?
Boon_33: this is crazy, we all know combat operators eat at denny's exclusivly. immersion ruined
loufghyslaufey: I'm sure someone would get heated if they got the ASL upset
PMAvers: I thought combat operators all ate at Waffle House, since they're looking for the fights
ritchards: ah, "metaphor"
Boon_33: @PMAvers common misconception :)
Phazon_Kiwi: Metal Gear games aside, this is a long ass intro LUL
loufghyslaufey: I also don't know how I feel about the game acknowledging the generation gap crap
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: that is one thick phone
Kramburger: Frankie can you take a step or two closer to the microphone, bud?
RatherLargeToad: This is the oddest start of a game I’ve seen in a while
Arclight_Dynamo: I think these people are also all robots.
loufghyslaufey: So this timeline managed to keep their Nokia phones
circusofkirkus: what a ponytail
SaxPython: 4 Villan's Meet in a Tavern
BrowneePoints: OH
loufghyslaufey: More the same anyway
BrowneePoints: IT'S THIS GAME
korvys: This game seems exactly the correct amount of bad
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: oni with zombies huh
loufghyslaufey: !card you meet in a tavern
LRRbot: You Meet in a Tavern [2GG] | Sorcery | Choose one — / • Form a Party — Look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal any number of creature cards from among them and put them into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. / • Start a Brawl — Creatures you control get +2/+2 until end of turn.
Juliamon: It's B-movie bad
Laserbeaks_Fury: Are those scars or cyber-lines
RatherLargeToad: crunchy holograms
Arclight_Dynamo: Huh. Guns are very loud compared to voices.
Phazon_Kiwi: @Arclight_Dynamo It's like watching any american tv show/movie lol
PMAvers: Oh, so it's Better Bloodborne.
Laserbeaks_Fury: As long as we dont break the 4th wall, Marvel can't sue us
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: this looks perfectly serviceable amount of crunchy fun, surprised it's mixed on steam
RatherLargeToad: That’s some glowing cover
loufghyslaufey: @Phazon_Kiwi mics up in their nozzles, maybe
raulghoulia: CQC
gualdhar: Have we tried cover schmovement?
SaxPython: Awww yisss, bullet time
ritchards: enemy falled?
korvys: Press the vault button. Then the trampoline button. Then the rhythmic gymnastics button.
SquareDotCube: I'm sure there's a lockon...
Kramburger: Does this game not have lock on? Madness
Orxolon: isn't anyone else getting PS1 vibes?
smashy_030: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn Its beyond rough around the edges but it has heart
Arclight_Dynamo: Oh, man, I really want to slice a sword through a wall of foam acoustic cones.
Mathwyn: Devil's Other Two Thirds
Arclight_Dynamo: Wait, are *we* in Baghdad?
SaxPython: @Mathwyn Devil May Smirk?
SquareDotCube: try clicking the sticks
Arclight_Dynamo: With an American diner, and Chinese police?
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @smashy_030 yeah but those rough edges could feel "nostalgic"and "vintage" with just the right direction.
Despoiler98: how was she sitting in the car with that sword?
Kramburger: It's an ameracian game, they think they have juristiction everywhere
Laserbeaks_Fury: So many Ghost in the Shell shows start like this
QuixoticScrivener: of course, you ever try driving with a sword?
smashy_030: I like sign language guy, he gets to avoid the bad VA
TheMandrew: Ooh the gun bar!
mercano82: So is Cortez’s deal he can hear but he can’t speak?
TheMandrew: i'll take a tall class of BULLETS!
Despoiler98: seems.....excessively complicated for throwing bullets real fast
Orxolon: barbarian,mage,ranger?
Laserbeaks_Fury: lol I actually let myself think for a second you would get to chose a weapon like a Deus Ex
RatherLargeToad: The Loudener
Arclight_Dynamo: If the heavy barrel is longer, it increases muzzle velocity.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @Arclight_Dynamo is that how that works irl?
Arclight_Dynamo: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn Yep.
Talin06: does the heavy barrel remove the gas system?
Orxolon: "for this mission stealth is optional"
Despoiler98: good job teammate stand there pointing a gun and do nothing
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: speaking of nostalgic, look lads chest high walls right out of mass effect
caoinlean: Hello chat!
Arclight_Dynamo: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn A longer barrel means the bullet is inside of it being pushed by gasses for longer, meaning it goes faster.
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: @Arclight_Dynamo appreciate the explanation \o
Orxolon: oh no,they want you dead
Phazon_Kiwi: @fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn Gears of war would like a word.
TheThirdTail: are they wearing guy fawkes masks?
Mathwyn: Unwanted: Alive
TheThirdTail: Oh, no, I think they're much weirder than that
Despoiler98: in the middle of this gunfight, better check those character sheets!
Chesul: wait, but since we were the ones attacking, wouldn't we be the original hunters? so now we're the hunted?
RatherLargeToad: Time for Bullet
Phazon_Kiwi: I love how she loses buckets of blood each small hit LUL
Mathwyn: This looks like complete chaos
Laserbeaks_Fury: You get to spend time with you ammunition, get to know them, buy the a nice jacket
Arclight_Dynamo: The lack of aim assist when making you use guns with a controller is rough.
caoinlean: @phazon_kiwi and it's like...chunky...
smashy_030: the lack of any sort of a lock on is rough
rasterscan: I am already tired of "grenade"
rasterscan: T_T
Phazon_Kiwi: This game looks awful, but in a charming way LUL
smashy_030: I like how once you start a melee battle the gun guys ignore you
mercano82: Sounds like they couldn’t be bothered to record more than one voice line for grenades.
PawssumFable: Well, they don't wanna hit their own guys
PawssumFable: You don't fire into a melee!
malfnord: Grenade?
Arclight_Dynamo: So we're in Hong Kong?
Phazon_Kiwi: The zombie squad?
Mathwyn: *Slaps top of combat zone* We can fit so many mans in this thing
smashy_030: @Arclight_Dynamo some sort of ungodly japan america mix
Laserbeaks_Fury: Albert "Absolutely Not Wesker" Simmons
Arclight_Dynamo: Those LCD screens *suuuuck*.
Phazon_Kiwi: The ai is amazing LUL
smashy_030: The AI is a little more A than I
Laserbeaks_Fury: Now we can properly goozle ourselves
PMAvers: Wow, looking at it, this is a heck of a office layout
Mathwyn: The most open plan office
smashy_030: @PMAvers the ceo was a young guy, wanted a more freeflowing approach to the office
rasterscan: Open plan, more like opera house plan.
Arclight_Dynamo: Grenhaaayde!
as_ever_ellesandra subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, as_ever_ellesandra! (Today's storm count: 29)
smashy_030: the one death scream is fantastic
rasterscan: Has anyone else noticed how much these guys look like Isaac Clarke?
SquareDotCube: oh no it's still there :D
rasterscan: (i. e dead space man)
SaxPython: hmmmm
SaxPython: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
malfnord: Okay, either I'm losing it or they all have the exact same death scream.
TheThirdTail: Grenade!
Mnemonicman: That'll get clipped
smashy_030: @malfnord they sure do
Laserbeaks_Fury: To think, you spent points to do that
loufghyslaufey: "hey, hey you. Wanna buy some stimpacks?"
PawssumFable: Yes, please, my favorite is red flavor.
Arclight_Dynamo: The polished, 45 degree, plexiglass ramps have got to be a health and safety violation.
SquareDotCube: ah, yes, shoot the dead guy, autoaim.
smashy_030: grenayad
rasterscan: Grenaaayde!
twoxmachine: They are tactical cat ears
kiringas: ah, of course. Silly me
smashy_030: the sound design team must have been off today
twoxmachine: The best ear protection
Laserbeaks_Fury: Nekommuncators
kiringas: plus 2 to perception, minus three to immidation
SquareDotCube: Rhythm, sure, if this has an 17/43 time signature.
mercano82: the other guy seems to be able to pull grenades from hammer space.
smashy_030: One would assume the bloke who revived you
loufghyslaufey: I tip my hat to you. PartyHat lrrIAN
loufghyslaufey: One Decadence to another.
SquareDotCube: wait. The lightning effect on these surfaces are wrong.
RebekahWSD: They aren't allowed to take our body!
Phazon_Kiwi: Did she always have cat ears?
Arclight_Dynamo: Ian, is it possible to increase the voice volume level in the settings?
smashy_030: didnt wanna take two that one doc?
loufghyslaufey: Or somehow volume swap munitions with VAs
kiringas: the dialogue... it's perfect!
SquareDotCube: this dialogue has going to hospital vibes. If anyone knows what I mean.
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
Arclight_Dynamo: Can we pet the forklift?
smashy_030: I am sad you cannot block bullets like MGR
Admiralmatt subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 98 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Admiralmatt! (Today's storm count: 30)
loufghyslaufey: @SquareDotCube I mean, that's how PayDay started maybe, so?
Despoiler98: super quiet
loufghyslaufey: escort the payload!
smashy_030: that enemy dialogue is amazing
smashy_030: flank fire fire
loufghyslaufey: Evac ETA in 10 min- Gah!
kusinohki: personally loving the leftover mario wonder flower...
smashy_030: do you have infinite lives?
SquareDotCube: this has me thinking - Ian, have you played Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance?
BrowneePoints: ehhhhhh
SquareDotCube: I'd suggest Revengeance then. That's up your alley.
Master_Gunner: you'd probably have fun with them, if only for how weird they can be.
SnackPak_: you can start the metal gear series after you finish yakuza lrrBEEJ
smashy_030: good to know
NorthstarTex: thanks, ya dumb cheese head
TheWriterAleph: typical wisconsinite, always lettin ya know
Arclight_Dynamo: Who even are these putties, BTW? Do we know?
smashy_030: oh bullet time like "time for bullets" not slo mo
SaxPython: Does anyone know what the current Achievement count is? I feel like 8 ish in the first hour is a lot
rasterscan: ??
rasterscan: How did smashing into that open a sliding door?
luckkyhuggs: is this game on pc?
StageMgrRob: Did anyone notice that the forklift was made by DOG as opposed to CAT?
Cptasparagus: tactical cat ears?
smashy_030: @luckkyhuggs every modern platform save switch
gualdhar: tactical blood splatter camouflage?
luckkyhuggs: @smashy_030 It looks supper fun
smashy_030: @luckkyhuggs It is rather, if you can get past the immense jank
LoadingReadyRun: !cardview off
LRRbot: Card viewer disabled
luckkyhuggs: lmfao
smashy_030: cooler second sword!!!!
Astramentha: she got a sweet katana!
Kramburger: C R I M E S
kiringas: ah, proper police officers :D
NorthstarTex: new sword who dis
Arclight_Dynamo: Forged 1299 CE, according to the plaque.
RatherLargeToad: Liberated!
BrowneePoints: I THINK this is rated like a 6/10 on steam atm, and honestly, yea it feels like a 6/10 like Devil's Third in that it's a lil janky, a lil stupid, and a lot of fun
kusinohki: I've heard if you drop the sweet katana, some dude kills you...
Arclight_Dynamo: Which is, I think, long before katanas were a thing, so... that's odd.
PMAvers: Man, Tojo Clan HQ in the future really expanded.
smashy_030: @BrowneePoints It has huge 6th gen vibes
DeM0nFiRe is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 2357 in the channel!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to MVlat_!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to telemacus!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to MyNameisMoto!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to lislovesscience!
DeM0nFiRe gifted a Tier 1 sub to ZadokShark!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, DeM0nFiRe! Welcome to MVlat_, MyNameisMoto, telemacus, ZadokShark, and lislovesscience! (Today's storm count: 35)
Arclight_Dynamo: Yakuza is making me expect a *lot* more overfilled ashtrays and tiny Shinto shrines than are in here...
kiringas: gibblets!
smashy_030: Must have shot the head release
kiringas: steal all the priceless stuff
PMAvers: I feel like this game could use the Property Damage counter from Ghostbusters
rasterscan: @Arclight_Dynamo Likely so
Zu_o: You're putting the chips in the line of fire
Zu_o: RIP Crisps.
SaxPython: This game feels like it took so many good ideas from other games, but got in over it's head. I kinda love the ambition, the promise of what could be.
public_key_reveal_party: that take cover animation is just so beautiful
smashy_030: yeah it feels like its made by some people who really love videogames
Zu_o: the chips didn't respawn
Zu_o: RIP chips indeed
public_key_reveal_party: LUL
NorthstarTex: lol
kiringas: BuddhaBar
smashy_030: partied too hard
public_key_reveal_party: so is this game the most or the least self aware game ever?
smashy_030: @public_key_reveal_party It has to be self aware, it has to be
Zu_o: I think this game would have benefited from the doom takedown system
Arclight_Dynamo: I definitely get what the game wants to be.
SaxPython: @zu_o I was thinking Batman Arkham series
nevermore913: This game has a vibe
Zu_o: @SaxPython that would be a reasonable ask, compared to mine.
gualdhar: the censor is pretty funy
Arclight_Dynamo: May I propose "Rodentata."
Zu_o: certainly makes more sense than bearclaw for a doughnut
Cormyay subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cormyay! (Today's storm count: 36)
public_key_reveal_party: the censor covering up 10% of the blood and gore makes it doubly hilarious
nevermore913: I feel the censor covers the undamaged part of the body
SaxPython: The censor gives me "ESRB said, 'but one more thing'" energy
nevermore913: These guys have lot more blood than your average person
Alchemistmerlin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months, currently on a 108 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Alchemistmerlin! (Today's storm count: 37)
QuixoticScrivener: you’ve killed lots of people, can probably buy more skills at some point.
nevermore913: I question if we are the heroes we are killing lots of people
SaxPython: I hope this game has sweet boss fights. Do you think we can stab a helicopter?
Kramburger: Why is there a mario wonder flower popping up? I mean I assume the reason is Paul, but...
SaxPython: If Stream == PiF, Then Flower = True
Juliamon: Paul didn't disable them after he finished, and I like them too much to tell him
Kramburger: Fair enough
SaxPython: @juliamon 100%
Arclight_Dynamo: "Why, these high tech droids are just mechanical Turks!"
Alchemistmerlin: with knife
rasterscan: I have to run, let me just write this note and drop it
nevermore913: I'm disappointed we couldn't drive the forklift
5 raiders from Foxmar320 have joined!
SaxPython: Although, if Paul skimmed the Censored graphic and put it on screen for this PiF Kappa
mrMorphius subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
mrMorphius: Right on the edge
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mrMorphius! (Today's storm count: 38)
malfnord: oh shit the overlay from Mario Wonder is still running
mrMorphius: A lil buddy
SaxPython: @malfnord Don't let your memes be dreams
Alchemistmerlin: "I've done a lot of arm severing" Gonna bury this somewhere on my resume
Simriel: Lil frend
Chesul: That's a lot of the skill tree to have gotten through so soon. hmm.
jessieimproved: flower friend says "zut alors! this game!"
Arclight_Dynamo: I feel like we should have run into some more story by now.
SaxPython: Wowie Zowie!
Simriel: I remember describing something as "unhealed the target" in Shadowrun
TheWriterAleph: metal gear?!
Simriel: So you gotta jump on top of it right?
Alchemistmerlin: Plastic Cog?!
Jensling: Tachikoma?!
goombalax: "we don't know who the intruders are but we do know that their gear was made by the lowest bidder
malfnord: Quick, send in the Tachikomas!
SaxPython: Stab the Metal Gear!
Zu_o: we're missing the inch of water on the floor though
Arclight_Dynamo: I swear he just said "Anime reinforcements."
TheMerricat: The walking tank in a huge building fight!!!
kiringas: I can fist!
SaxPython: FBtouchdown PogChamp FBtouchdown
RatherLargeToad: Does whatever a Spider Tank does
Simriel: I should rewatch ghost in the shell. That movie slaps
RealGamerCow: !findquote R1
LRRbot: Quote #2317: "That guy isn't actually that scary, you just stay behind him. You stay behind him and mash R1. Just like every other thing in these lrrEFF ing games. You just stay behind it and mash R1. And then you tell other people to git gud. That's how this game works. Stand behind it, mash R1, go to other people's chats, tell them to git gud. I think I've got it now." —Cameron [2016-04-13]
Alchemistmerlin: Putting in standard issue video game chest-high-walls and then having your boss instantly obliterate them is comedy gold
RatherLargeToad: The moment has arrived for approaching
pn55: Tanks, known to be vulnerable to sword attacks.
TheMandrew: @pn55 haven't you ever brought a knife to a gun fight? it works all the time in the movies
Simriel: I mean wouldn't be a good tank if it did
TheMerricat: Ian!! Surely you remember how the Major handled this... the tank goes down, you jump on top and just got whole hog on it!
PawssumFable: It's a spider, get it in the shower
Chesul: generally the soft spot of a tank is the inside bits, the ones that do the thinking and such. not sure if this has those though.
RealGamerCow: I'm guessing the glowy bit on the butt?
SaxPython: Slide to the left!
Mathwyn: Oh lord the motion blur
Arclight_Dynamo: Okay, what the hell do you want, game?
TheMandrew: oh good it gets the zoomies
Despoiler98: METAL GEEEEAR
Jensling: Can you use the finishing blow on it when its "stunned"?
Chesul: maybe the butt?
RatherLargeToad: No fair! The bad guys have a perpetual motion tank
Boon_33: metal gear, or tachikoma?
PawssumFable: Jump on it
TheMerricat: @LoadingReadyRun so in being smart you've actually missed an important thing here, do you want spoilers?
StageMgrRob: Try jumping on it?????
TheMerricat: Nope just kill him and take his gun.
Boon_33: @StageMgrRob yes, both appleseed and ghost in the shell agree, jump on top.
SaxPython: Boom boom sticks!
PawssumFable: I should watch Appleseed again
Boon_33: i should watch appleseed again :)
rasterscan: I also recommend Psycho Pass, in the same vein
Arclight_Dynamo: I have looked up a walkthrough, if you get stuck.
PawssumFable: Or maybe I just wanna listen to the soundtrack
loufghyslaufey: I see they took a FFVII starter package...
TheMerricat: They want you to use your finishing move on it.
Boon_33: @rasterscan recommendation taken, thanks
Arclight_Dynamo: So. Blurry.
SaxPython: New spawn, who dis
rasterscan: @Boon_33 Eeeeexcellent. :D
SaxPython: <3
SaxPython: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
SaxPython: !AndWe'reBack
QuixoticScrivener: would you like the answer?
Arclight_Dynamo: They want you to do a finisher when it is down.
Arclight_Dynamo: B + Y
QuixoticScrivener: finishing move
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Juliamon: OOPS
niccus: good work!
Juliamon: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Boon_33: RIP
pn55: Uhh...
Arclight_Dynamo: UH
SaxPython: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
Chesul: spider ghost!
Boon_33: uhh, boss incapacitated.
Arclight_Dynamo: Are we going to find the subocean?
Chesul: you just kicked that mans head off.
SquareDotCube: *how* did so much of this pass QA.
Dog_of_Myth: Now that's a strong door
Arclight_Dynamo: I remember this tactic from Starcraft...
Despoiler98: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG SCUFF ALERT
SaxPython: SubOcean has a sign that says "Tanks Only"
kiringas: ah, the legendary no-clip technology :D
SaxPython: CoolCat Ears too Strong CoolCat
Chesul: I... I think it's hitting you less while you're standing still than when you were running around.
Arclight_Dynamo: Oh, man, I wish I had a huge, circular table in my cafeteria at work. So awkward. :D
Godeke subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 117 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Godeke! (Today's storm count: 39)
SaxPython: Omg flawless
SaxPython: The fade out!
SaxPython: The tank learned melee!
kiringas: ok, who gave the tank a monster?
SaxPython: Lol
niccus: where's a can opener when you need one
pn55: seabatClap
ShaneLeeAtk: And a Cruise missile for you
Arclight_Dynamo: Who is this anime-ass dude?
QuixoticScrivener: I recognize most of those ribbons
rasterscan: Hello "Definitely not fascist" officer.
Arclight_Dynamo: Also, Tom Cruise?
SaxPython: Not the ears!
goombalax: Richter Slammokham
kiringas: how does the guy look so old and so young at the same time
SquareDotCube: Look, it's Dorby Footer!
Arclight_Dynamo: American dollars? Worthless.
SaxPython: You loved motion blur so much, we put it in your cinematics
Fruan: Isn't a morgue also a sort of evidence room?
SquareDotCube: It's not even a *new* Maserati!
RealGamerCow: right hand drive Maserati Cop Car
lightningmcqueen3210: <message deleted>Surely let us lick ur bald head
Arclight_Dynamo: CRT?
Chesul: so, the rifle goes in as is, but the pistol gets unloaded?
niccus: sorry, your loading is too fast
RealGamerCow: was that the ohhhhhhh reaction gif?
Juliamon: Ada??
protojman: that's amazing
Boon_33: flashback to the beach episode
Lord_Hosk: Report on drinks
goombalax: *eyebrow waggle*
jessieimproved: Legally distinct horror game vixen
Arclight_Dynamo: "I want your gun and your badge!"
HorusFive: I just arrived. Is this character always a cat-person? Or is this a choice Ian made in charater creation?
Arclight_Dynamo: "You're a loose cannon!"
Arclight_Dynamo: Etc.
ArdCollider: LOL I figured he was asking "so what's up with your tall lesbian/ short lesbian vibes not ending in you holding her against the wall"
Arclight_Dynamo: The hell is that huge cylinder?
jessieimproved: all the sound design in this game is...something
SaxPython: Is this writing from Team America: World Police
Lord_Hosk: This is like a bad fan fiction.
malfnord: Samurai Cop: The Videogame!
SquareDotCube: Ah, the discount discount Danny Glover.
ArdCollider: @HorusFive it's neko-chan difficulty.
ArdCollider: (it's supposed to be emasculating, I think? it's clearly not doing that)
Arclight_Dynamo: The fatherhood symbolism is supposed to be... more subtle.
Lord_Hosk: I've seen better writing and acting in high school student films
ShaneLeeAtk: I hope so
niccus: absolutely
goombalax: I bet he just really likes opera
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
pn55: Uhh...
Juliamon: KITTY
HorusFive: Nice to see the future has no HR
tehfewl: kitty
Arclight_Dynamo: What is happening?!
Boon_33: cat ears are regulation
ShaneLeeAtk: This is Section 9 at home
goombalax: he's just so stressed and he needs this music to keep it together
Juliamon: That's a Baxter-level cat
SaxPython: CoolCat FBtouchdown CoolCat
Bunnarchist: Oh hey it's the game I keep seeing people getting sponsorships for!
Earthenone: @Lord_Hosk i have DONE better writing and acting for high school student films :P
NorthstarTex: kitty!
Bruceski: That is a Baxter-sized cat
TheAinMAP: HahaGingercat
SquareDotCube: This art direction is EVERYWHERE
ArdCollider: and that is a powerful cat
RealGamerCow: What.Is.This.Game?
Fruan: ACAB applies to that cat, too.
protojman: i feel like i see more cats in games since graphics got gud
Lord_Hosk: The electric switch for the shower...
tehfewl: she got her airpods in
Arclight_Dynamo: This is the third outfit we have seen her in.
SaxPython: Fluke product placement would have been cool
Juliamon: yum yum
tehfewl: fish head soup is my fav'
QuixoticScrivener: the game said 2022
Arclight_Dynamo: Different cat?
jessieimproved: fish heads fish heads ooey gooey fish heads
SaxPython: SabaPing
goombalax: love how many cats they have
ArdCollider: probably only 3.99% cement by volume!
pn55: HypeLUL
malfnord: fish heads fish heads eat them up yum
RatherLargeToad: Eat them up. Yum!
TheAinMAP: SabaPing
Boon_33: crunchy
Mathwyn: Even the cat wont eat that damn
kiringas: how do i fork?
Arclight_Dynamo: "These are just polygons!"
Juliamon: I've met forks like that
nevermore913: Even the cat doesn't want to eat that fish
tehfewl: ok, someone in this studio really loves their cat
emberBecky: uhhh something wrong with that fish if kittteh won't eat it
QuixoticScrivener: is this a nightmare?
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
HorusFive: lrrHERE
goombalax: this is what jiggle physics are for
Bunnarchist: NOT THE SKULL
BusTed: lrrSPOOP
RatherLargeToad: She has a drinking problem
nevermore913: Drink your skull coffee
SaxPython: Wait wait wait. An appropriate use of jiggle physics. A+ no notes
couchboyj: Thats not what I meant by frozen coffee!
public_key_reveal_party: Can I ask a quick question? It's "wha?"
ArdCollider: aw yeah, she's gonna give us a fish head with googly eyes
ShaneLeeAtk: The important things in life
Arclight_Dynamo: Depsi
HorusFive: @public_key_reveal_party "no further questions"
Arclight_Dynamo: Play Room?
jessieimproved: there doesn't appear to be any alcohol in here, do the writers know what a nightcap is
Lord_Hosk: is this video game by Omega Mart?
LesBeauxPlastiques: ahoy all o7
HorusFive: Has the person who designed this ever worked in a building?
SaxPython: Can we do a desk pop?
chuckyd0203 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chuckyd0203! (Today's storm count: 40)
protojman: We can has desk pop. As a treat
dumbo3k: Herzog? Werner is that you?
SaxPython: @protojman <3
jessieimproved: This is so great that I hate to leave but I've been sick and I need to go to bed. Y'all have fun with this. I'll catch you in the vods.
Arclight_Dynamo: Bro.
tehfewl: oh thats what they are calling it now
goombalax: so you're saying if we do a poor job, all of these awful cops will get deported? seems like a strong strategy
Arclight_Dynamo: Why's he so small?
Arclight_Dynamo: Oh, it's a Japanese style crane game.
Juliamon: Literally
RealGamerCow: This game is so bizzare
SquareDotCube: no that's a carpool simulator
RealGamerCow: the people who made this seem to really like Yakuza and Metal Gear.
Kuhfeek: nice
RealGamerCow: so they made a Yakuza Gear
DarthRagnar815: I've played games about collecting waifus, but not like this.
goombalax: was that....
SeaDiegoFC: X to kick?
SaxPython: PogChamp FBtouchdown PogChamp
BusTed: The meme image
SaxPython: Memes
kiringas: oh it most certainly is .D
HeadingtoFall: this seems like a watch + play game
goombalax: "end this guy's whole career"
Chesul: Spider tank!
pn55: seabatClap
BusTed: drawfePee
RealGamerCow: e g g
ArdCollider: haro
SaxPython: Ammo is stored in the balls?
Scy_Anide: I remember hearing that crane game claws have variable grip strength and you tune them by changing the odds that the claw will grab with a tighter grip.
SaxPython: SingsNote
SaxPython: Music is stored in the balls!
Lord_Hosk: Clip it, thats the ticket
BusTed: pennyTilt
Boon_33: huh TIL tachikoma literally translates to top friend, like bestie.
DeM0nFiRe: If your immune system is busy fighting a disco fever, it makes you more susceptible to catching other disco fevers
SaxPython: I wish we could take ram out of the PC, just to get a longer loading screen
SquareDotCube: cat
SoldieroFortune: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:54:22.
Boon_33: these games are all rigged!
goombalax: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 13:21:33. lrrSPOT
RealGamerCow: open 50 tabs of chrome
ShaneLeeAtk: Plot. Question mark.
HorusFive: Maybe the Capn just exudes opera
RealGamerCow: who is this guy, Inspector Morse?
goombalax: why can't we work on nice crimes?
Boon_33: in reference to last TIL, I learned I shouldn't try and translate japanese today.
QuixoticScrivener: is this a flashback?
goombalax: is it because she's stacked in defiance of god?
HorusFive: Is this a totally different character who is also the same person on purpose? Like, as a statement or something?
Arclight_Dynamo: I trust this writing to handle this well.
SaxPython: #Hey,CheckItOut
Boon_33: new episode of dueling seizure robots is on.
Scy_Anide: Apparently no.
Zu_o: @Boon_33 I love this show!
SaxPython: Naps are anti-grav
SquareDotCube: So many of these rooms are just too big.
SquareDotCube: there's no reference scale whatsoever.
HorusFive: Lots of hospital beds to fill up at some point
wildpeaks: ever forward
RealGamerCow: yeah the ceilings are definitely too high
Juliamon: ???
wildpeaks: I'm sorry wat
RealGamerCow: agubuh?
Arclight_Dynamo: uh
pn55: Sudden anime!
malfnord: huh
kiringas: tone shift!
Boon_33: we animie'd?
BusTed: weird
DeM0nFiRe: Must have been before 3D was invented
Arclight_Dynamo: Oh, god, she graduated a year before me. I'm so old!
SaxPython: Class of 04 Rise up
NorthstarTex: I looked away and suddenly anime?! wow...
public_key_reveal_party: I love this game so much
Arclight_Dynamo: Also, no one looked this cool in 2004.
wildpeaks: and good anime too, not just a quick anime-style shader
Orxolon: oh noo
wildpeaks: ok game, you have my attention
Cptasparagus: I use them a lot in bio research, theyre not fun
Boon_33: kowloon reference?
Juliamon: Disagree
wildpeaks: we don't know, maybe buildings have become waifus in this game, it has the power to go suddenly anime after all
Twilight_Spark: Police cats are very dangerous.
Mathwyn: No such thing as too many acts Ian
Mathwyn: cats*
NorthstarTex: Nonsense, needs more cats
ghyllnox: Not enough cats in this police department
dankmemeter: Surely this is not Dominion Tank Police?
SquareDotCube: shame she lives in the uncanny valley
malfnord: What the hell is this conversation?!
Mathwyn: This conversation is amazing but also surreal
Arclight_Dynamo: Big sister/little sister?
RealGamerCow: Gunsmith is by far the best VA in this game
protojman: i thought she was talking about the cat occasionally coming in to watch a movie, weight of the world on his kitty shoulders
Boon_33: the officer that stays in the office doing gunsmithing wears a recording device and we the killing machine do not.
Juliamon: Bro
Juliamon: BRO
wildpeaks: please tell me observing the bowl is a minigame
pn55: bajoCant HypeLUL
Mathwyn: Australian??
NorthstarTex: wut
Arclight_Dynamo: Why is he an Aussie bro?!
TheAinMAP: PikaRamen
MrTheWalrus: what is happening
pn55: Yea nah ramen mate
wildpeaks: I've only seen this game 5 minutes and I already love it
malfnord: If you're going to jump to a random narrator, at least do a JoJo impression!
ArdCollider: ("pork. the one you love" etc.)
RealGamerCow: I stayed in a hotel 100 meters away from the Yokohama Ramen Museum and didn't know until I had already left
SeaDiegoFC: This game is a fever dream
Boon_33: this is harassment
RealGamerCow: katesD
Juliamon: ??????????????
Boon_33: sick burn?
malfnord: what the actual fuck
Chesul: can we... can we send this guy back to prison?
Arclight_Dynamo: Joaquin Phoenix exists in this world?
Rourke9: holy shit
Scy_Anide: Herzog you're a fucking moron.
wildpeaks: omg
tehfewl: QTE RAMEN
Mathwyn: ???
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
RealGamerCow: Rhythm Ramen
pn55: What is going on?!
noSmokeFire: ramen like your life depends on it
malfnord: oh my fucking god
dumbo3k: It's a rhytym game!
NorthstarTex: Ramen MINIGAME!?
Boon_33: can't fight crime on an empty stomach.
Chesul: you can't escape the rhythm games!
SpoonfullOfSugar: this game is giving me so much whiplash
wildpeaks: Ramen Café
ArdCollider: qtonkotsu event
couchboyj: Ramen Rhythm
Tweygoh: what a feelin?
Arclight_Dynamo: Okay, NGL, I wasn't vibing with this game when it was just a shootymans, but *this* is great. Give me more unhinged shit!
Decaped: They just want to encapsulate every definition of the term "Tone deaf"
RealGamerCow: If this game had a transmission it would have fallen out by now
Rourke9: huh
Boon_33: new boss, the salt content
Boon_33: ahh they're crossing the streams!
DarthRagnar815: playfr3Honk
RealGamerCow: the laugh I laughed at "HONK"
Chesul: I want a ramen bot.
kiringas: am i deaf or is the rhythm game no it rhythm? :D
kiringas: not in*
tehfewl: Gee Ian, why do you get 2 rhythm cafes?
Rhynerd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 104 months, currently on a 104 month streak!
Rhynerd: Finishing off my birthday with some Wanted: Dead in the background.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Rhynerd! (Today's storm count: 41)
NorthstarTex: This game is so confusing that it has my undivided attention.
wildpeaks: welp now I'm hungry
Scy_Anide: Oh, this is still a thing!
Despoiler98: this yakuza but as corrupt cops?
Scy_Anide subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
Scy_Anide: Oh, this is still a thing!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Scy_Anide! (Today's storm count: 42)
TheAinMAP: I just now noticed the Mario Wonder flowers.
Boon_33: in their world the AI does remedial labor, in our it does art and literature, their world looks pretty attractive right now.
Giraldi657: Good to see you're having fun Ian
TheAinMAP: playfr3Honk
Arclight_Dynamo: Is this "go until you lose"?
wildpeaks: I think it's just 3 refills
Molladia subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
Molladia: Wait new Play it forward... when was that announced
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Molladia! (Today's storm count: 43)
niccus: not too long ago
emberBecky: do we get to eat the egg tho.. >.>
wildpeaks: is it the first stream of this game by the way ?
ArdCollider: weather on the 8s as a rhythm game
Juliamon: Yes this is the first stream
dumbo3k: This never ends!
RealGamerCow: when you fail
wildpeaks: awesome
Talin06: when you fail i think
Boon_33: bowl still looks full to me :)
public_key_reveal_party: I'm guessing: doesn't
niccus: like real life, ramen ends when you give up
QuixoticScrivener: when you fail?
wildpeaks: this is our life now
Decaped: Torture is on theme.
noSmokeFire: the ramen will continue until morale improves
Twilight_Spark: In the house of God your special place is this one noodle bar.
dumbo3k: oh god, misses refil the meter
BusTed: End.
Despoiler98: abrupt
protojman: Cheer100 thank you for playing this, Ian
wildpeaks: ramen'd
Arclight_Dynamo: You failed out.
Despoiler98: auriiWut auriiWut auriiWut we're in ramen hell
pn55: More ramen!
Gurtiess: this is life now
couchboyj: Ramepn
Chesul: round two, FIGHT!
Boon_33: well due to your augmentations you need 9000 calories every meal.
Rourke9: we… lot eating ramen
Arclight_Dynamo: This is inauduble.
Rourke9: *lost
Arclight_Dynamo: Ty
wildpeaks: did we pick the cat ears, or it's the original design of the character ?
Juliamon: Easy mode gives you cat ears
ArdCollider: load*out.* please god. load*out.*
ArdCollider: I do not want to know about dude's load being nothing special
wildpeaks: nice, the cat ears look great
Mathwyn: This game
Twilight_Spark: Are the voices especially low for anyone else?
wildpeaks: kitty !
Despoiler98: auriiPog auriiPog auriiPog KITTY
Juliamon: The game's audio balance is abysmal
Twilight_Spark: Fair
TheAinMAP: HahaGingercat
Despoiler98: SHUT UP SHUT UP AND FOCUS ON THE KITTY auriiPog auriiPog auriiPog auriiPog auriiPog
Mathwyn: Cat
NorthstarTex: Gib cat
Despoiler98: auriiNom auriiNom auriiNom yes pet the kitty
Astramentha: FLUFFY
IDTen_T: GlitchCat
Despoiler98: auriiRage auriiRage auriiRage kitty madge
Tweygoh: what is this camera angle?
Despoiler98: because riot police are normally static?
Decaped: This episode of Watch+Play is pretty good
Twilight_Spark: 31C in this office what?
Arclight_Dynamo: Oh, that's how to get back to the minigame.
Despoiler98: auriiHype moar kitties
IDTen_T: This game is a trip.
Juliamon: The cats like it warm, I guess
Twilight_Spark: It's Yakuza without the budget.
Despoiler98: Ian you've played YAKUZA how are you questioning this
IDTen_T: Yakuza + Deadly Premonition + Gears?
IDTen_T: I think?
RealGamerCow: This game is such a mashup of references and homages and tributes, it is utterly unique
pn55: Wow, everyone here dislikes us huh
SquareDotCube: @Despoiler98 at least Yakuza has drama to keep everything together.
SaxPython: Is this public domain "I think we're alone now"
Despoiler98: "sip it"
Despoiler98: *eye twitch*
Juliamon: There are some real songs in the jukebox
Despoiler98: auriiLUL auriiLUL auriiLUL
SeaDiegoFC: Somehow the police station having a bar in it makes sense based on everything else I've seen of this game
Arclight_Dynamo: It's W+P game, but good.
wildpeaks: yeah the last game in that style that I've seen was D4 Dark Dreams Don't Die and that was a while ago
Tweygoh: ok
RealGamerCow: This guy talks about naked guys a lot.
IDTen_T: I'm blinking SO loudly right now. WHAT!?
Despoiler98: auriiShade dont like that
malfnord: sure, okay
NorthstarTex: wtf?
Arclight_Dynamo: Huh
Rourke9: huh
RealGamerCow: Was that joke written by ChatGPT?
pn55: It sure would be a shame if something happened to this guy on our next mission...
wildpeaks: I hope so
Mathwyn: Can we just push herzog out of the helicopter?
ArdCollider: I had low-key bet this was gonna do a transphobia but they low-key did a homophobia instead!
wildpeaks: so we're doing an old style COD sequence
Twilight_Spark: Assassination?
Arclight_Dynamo: I mean, they're armed, so it's okay? I guess?
malfnord: Warcrime?
HorusFive: Murder? Is the word you're looking for "State Sanctioned Murder"?
NorthstarTex: were we Sniper Elite for a bit?
Despoiler98: auriiPog birbs
Mathwyn: "Police Involved Shooting"
Twilight_Spark: Just a little crime against humanity, as a treat.
SquareDotCube: gotta get that CoD MW3 mission on there somehow I guess
malfnord: Agent 47?!
Cptasparagus: actually, lets replace Herzog with Enor
Despoiler98: wait did they say these were androids? why are they full of blood?
Arclight_Dynamo: Replicants, presumably.
Cptasparagus: @Despoiler98 pneumatic fluid!
wildpeaks: right ? I was wondering why the robots bleed
Mathwyn: They're syntheics, with synthetic blood I guess
HorusFive: @SquareDotCube You odn't fill all your androids with strawberry jam?
Despoiler98: Its not a crime against humanity if its a dirty stinking Synth
wildpeaks: so jank
QuixoticScrivener: are the robots screaming?
Mathwyn: I think these are less robots and more articificial people
QuixoticScrivener: are the artificial people screaming?
malfnord: Yeah, I think the big twist is the "synths" are all vatgrown clones or something
wildpeaks: I sense we might be the bad guys
Juliamon: I mean, we're cops
malfnord: Well, we *are* cops
wildpeaks: good point
Mathwyn: 'villain protagonist'
Lord_Hosk: I was watching a documentary on the Walled City of Kowloon, and when it got torn down the price of restaurants went up 30% in Hong Kong, because so much of their prep, and production like soups and dumblings were being produced by essentially slave labor inside Kowloon.
SquareDotCube: Also for a game that likes dismemberment, why not have the androids keep going after losing limbs?
wheresdirt: herzog: 'Grenade!'
SquareDotCube: like take a hint from Alien/Aliens
Despoiler98: auriiWut auriiWut auriiWut why were they programmed to feel pain?
Arclight_Dynamo: So do we think the game is set in Hong Kong to make an interesting point about a society stuck somewhere between a colonial power and an authoritarian power, deep in the grips of capitalism... or because it looks cool?
logophile99: !ppr
LRRbot: The Outlaws of Thunder Junction Pre-Launch Showcase will be on 5 April 2024 at 10am PDT! More info:
Lord_Hosk: @Arclight_Dynamo I guess we have to wait for the cut scene that says "The underground railroad..."
Arclight_Dynamo: @Lord_Hosk :D
SaxPython: NotLikeThis lunarj1Fangs NotLikeThis
wildpeaks: LUL
wildpeaks: ow ow ow
Molladia: those canisters DO explode good to know
Despoiler98: auriiWut auriiWut who left all these gas canisters here?
pn55: Ded
Mathwyn: red barrel go doom
Mathwyn: construction gas
Molladia: Good thing there isn't friendly fire
HorusFive: So, Ian needs to kill all the enemies, right? The other team members are just for show.
Molladia: which number shows our health?
Mathwyn: The little bar above the chainsaw
Lord_Hosk: ohhh... this is the line?
wheresdirt: I feel like every character could really use like 2 or 3 more voicelines, they feel like they're repeating a lot.
Despoiler98: apparently severing a spinal cord with a chainsaw is the line
Lord_Hosk: everything was fine but a chainsaw.. thats just too graphic
Despoiler98: auriiShade auriiShade leadermans
pn55: This game is all over the place, but I will say that the combat, with it's mixing of sword- and gun-play is kinda cool.
Despoiler98: I see, cutting someone in half with a Katana not graphic, chainsaw cutting in half, TOO graphic.......but still included in the game auriiWut auriiWut
malfnord: I think somebody thought it was meant to be funny?
malfnord: Probably the same person who wrote Herzog's jokes.
Juliamon: hey, I think it's funny and I also think Herzog should have been shoved out of the chopper.
Arclight_Dynamo: Yeah, ditto.
HorusFive: Dear Team- since fire seems to be the only thing which actually slows me down- maybe fewer grenades directly in my path
Despoiler98: @Juliamon I prefer launching him into the Sun
Juliamon: I'm not picky, we already had him in the helicopter is all, more convenient
Arclight_Dynamo: We need to take those grenades away from our guys.
SaxPython: I've heard grenades can put out fire Kappa
wildpeaks: get to the choppa
wildpeaks: dang, we got ORB'd
Bachus98: Stop! Hammertime
Lord_Hosk: thats the rock
Arclight_Dynamo: Seriously?
Rourke9: we have cat ears??
Arclight_Dynamo: The cyborg said the borg thing?
Juliamon: Easy mode gives us cat ears
Rourke9: @juliamon heck yea
wildpeaks: ow
pn55: Where's your team to help out?
wildpeaks: well this was an experience
Despoiler98: that was a heck of a thing
wildpeaks: where the heck did you even find this game
Juliamon: wildpeaks it's frequently called the "weirdest game of 2023"
NorthstarTex: This is an experience
wildpeaks: I guess I'm not online enough
wildpeaks: baii, thanks for the stream
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niccus: html doing what it's supposed to
Earthenone: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: [muffled sounds of gorilla violence]
wildpeaks: one day one day, horses will be drawn
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
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TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
niccus: the voice actor for Stone has no other credits on imdb. the gunsmith is MGSV's Quiet
Juliamon: makes sense that Gunsmith's VA is a known quantity, given she's the only one that sounds practiced at it
Earthenone: is that the famous charicter that made everyone ashamed of their words and deeds?