beowuuf: anyone else singing a truncated bon jovi song? just me? cool, cool
Juliamon: I wasn't...
beowuuf: i figured it was just my weird brain.
Creideiki_SE: Snacking and singing are not traditionally compatible activities.
beowuuf: breathing and eating simulataneously was certainly left out of the original design document
Earthenone: lrrSIG
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Juliamon: wow, didn't even flicker for me, rude
Earthenone: i got my usual error 5000
beowuuf: i got the barest of matrix glitches, lucky i was typing at the time to see
Gen2Gengar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 70 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Gen2Gengar! (Today's storm count: 2)
ArdCollider: o7
Creideiki_SE: @beowuuf I'll have to check the "Human 2.0" crapshot to see if that's one of the things Paul fixed.
SymphonicLolita: omg the flowers still there
Cavemanhar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cavemanhar! (Today's storm count: 3)
TXC2: oh hey flowers back
TXC2: Hello everybody
SymphonicLolita: yesss
beowuuf: sergeJustRight sergeOffByOne
MyrddintheWizard: Love the Wonder Flowers are still here.!
beowuuf: sergeHi txc2
TXC2: hi beowuuf
TXC2: fun story, I managed to load this page exactly in time for it to not load the stream :p
beowuuf: Cheer50 yay to the ian pif!
beowuuf: perfectly imperfect timing
DideRobot: LRR: Time for Shoot and Sword! Play it Forward returns for more Wanted: Dead! (has image) |
beowuuf: kitteh!
TXC2: Here we GO!
beowuuf: pfi it forward!
beowuuf: sergeHi ian!
TXC2: Hello Ian
SaxPython: FBtouchdown
TXC2: """"""open""""""
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
NotCainNorAbel: Ian dig up
SymphonicLolita: *please do not stick items from
TXC2: this game is ninja kat lady no?
SymphonicLolita: *inside of yourself
ArdCollider: hiya Ian
public_key_reveal_party: I feel like this is one of the only "so bad it's good" video games I have ever seen
TXC2: a story with a beginning middle and end
Juliamon: Recap from first episode: we are cops, but of the Spec Ops: The Line variety, and also shades of Detroit: Become Human
Scy_Anide: Wow, that looks a lot better
TXC2: bad cops, but not ACAB cops
Juliamon: Also one of our coworkers is horrible and you'll figure it out quickly
SaxPython: PogChamp SabaPing PogChamp
Juliamon: no, we are 100% ACAB cops
TXC2: Juliamon oh darn
accountmadeforants: Were you truly ready for video games? OpieOP
SaxPython: *Grenade!*
Juliamon: get used to hearing "GRENADE!" a lot
beowuuf: i made myself sad calculating what anniversary re-release that could be :(
TXC2: best of both worlds part 1 ends on such an incredible cliffhanger and turns into to such a wet fart in the next episode
Juliamon: Also, game quality-wise, we clipped the first boss into the wall by accident, so... yeah
TXC2: beowuuf yeah that episode might be not that much younger then me :p
SaxPython: @juliamon FBtouchdown
beowuuf: "sleep, data sleep" "he's exhausted" *every single actor turns and looks through the screen at the writer in disgust*
ArdCollider: “hello, 47, are you wearing the cat ears again.”
beowuuf: @TXC2 35th anniversary next year i beieve :(
TXC2: beowuuf mines in 11 days :p
beowuuf: speaking of star trek, 47?
Juliamon: yeah, the tinnitus effect being procced with *every* grenade is... an issue, since our teammates grenade frequently
Juliamon: I thought James said he was replacing all the controllers. I guess not?
beowuuf: @TXC2 lol, happy birthday in advance! did you already get backache or can I buy you that?
TXC2: beowuuf I did the dishes today, so I have all the backache in the world :p
beowuuf: i'm so sorry :(
beowuuf: :p
beowuuf: james was busy spinning discs to replace controllers
Juliamon: Initially he said when he got back from Magic-Con Chicago
Juliamon: (in response to you and Heather having controller issues on RC)
SaxPython: Bonus ttsf
beowuuf: i mean you still have to pivot seemlessly i nto a mercenary group, as per the documentery series "crapshots"
TXC2: "kill them all, let god sort them out!"
Juliamon: SaxPython According to James most of the controllers are like 10 years old at this point, they've earned their retirement
prince_infidel: I missed the first session. Why are we katanaing construction workers?
Juliamon: They're synths demanding equal rights
Juliamon: We're cops.
TXC2: oh wow we are ACAB cops then :p
Juliamon: We're also being funded by the tech company that invented the synth tech
beowuuf: oh, it's a remake of detroit: become human? why did no one say
Juliamon: I did mention it
malsareus: so I just got here, are we a kawai 40K character?
SaxPython: This games motto: "Bring a knife to a gun fight"
beowuuf: darn, i missed that summary juliamon
malsareus: I also wonder who the "all" is in the "Kill them all"
malsareus: It seems to be coming from the boss
TXC2: so if this is a remake of Detroit, is it also supposed to be Blade runner, but we feel sympathy for the snyths? Kappa
beowuuf: too weird a concept
accountmadeforants: @malsareus What if it's Kill "Them All"? Them All sounds like a Metal Gear villain.
accountmadeforants: Depends on how much they're hanging
wedge_x: the called testicle shot is a Sniper Elite thing
TXC2: !addquote (Ian) [now] You're supposed to aim for the centre of mass, which is the dick right?
LRRbot: New quote #8961: "You're supposed to aim for the centre of mass, which is the dick right?" —Ian [2024-04-07]
TXC2: accountmadeforants the bigger one hangs higher, so it is more in the centre :p
SquareDotCube: Hamburger Monarch: I'l Deal with It Myself
SaxPython: @beowuuf there was a robust discussion in the first stream about how ambitious this game felt. How many other games it stole from
beowuuf: @SaxPython missed the first stream :(
malsareus: these mooks are rather motivated for people being grenaded by their allies
TXC2: workers unions do that to people Kappa
malsareus: @TXC2 are we union busting here?
TXC2: malsareus it sure feels like it
accountmadeforants: A waiter, upon seeing me sit down at a table: "I'll deal with you myself!"
prince_infidel: I think the getting hit is the issue, but I'm no expert
BBumbo subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BBumbo! (Today's storm count: 4)
malsareus: @accountmadeforants 5 minutes later the same waiter points at you and says: "Your time has come"
TXC2: waiter takes your order, says "is that all?"
Juliamon: Some other things that haven't shown up yet, for those of us seeing it for the first time: one of our teammates communicates with ASL (but seems to hear us fine, so mute rather than Deaf), another one of our teammates is a shithead that forces homophobic jokes on us AND ramensplained us, there's a character who's Definitely Not Ada Wong (Ignore That She's Also Named Wong), there are cats all over HQ and they all belong to Gunsmith.
thecreepyvanguy15: Whoa
beowuuf: thanks juliamon, that's.... a lot!
TXC2: "the cat ears stay on"
Juliamon: This game is So Much
Juliamon: Also everyone gets one voice line in fights, so get used to repetition
TXC2: Juliamon just one line? is that all? Kappa
Juliamon: it is deeply B-movie quality
Juliamon: but that's a good thing
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 But they say it after every part of the order. "I'd like a steak" -"Is that all?" "...Medium rare" -"Is that all?" "With a side of mushrooms" -"Is that all?" "What's on tap?" -"It's that ale"
TXC2: accountmadeforants it's like the "and then?!" bit from where's my car :p
Juliamon: Oh, and when we have a chainsaw, it puts a censor-bar object over the body where we're cutting
malsareus: I was just playing Horizon Forbidden West and the Thunderjaws aren't as tanky as August here
Juliamon: Phase 2!
TXC2: phase 2 hurrah!
malsareus: oooh new voiceline
Juliamon: Also everyone gushes blood when hurt, even the synths
malsareus: so am I correct in saying that phase 2 was kinda dinky compared to phase 1?
accountmadeforants: @Juliamon Evidently it's to make it clear when there's been a workplace accident
TXC2: malsareus yeap :p
TXC2: what the heck is Stone's accent ?
accountmadeforants: The blood was an OSHA requirement
malsareus: actually if you could that would be swell
TXC2: are we paid Mondays or Fridays ?
malsareus: jesus what a workplace
TXC2: this is a HOSTILE workplace
SkylerRingtail: Just tuning in and what even is this game
Juliamon: It's a lot
fiinnnaaaaannnnnnnn: that was a deadly label huh
accountmadeforants: @SkylerRingtail A very good bad game
Juliamon: Oh, and this is an alternate-reality present day
PhoenixShaman: uuuuh source
PMAvers: ???
malsareus: over the artillery?
malsareus: what the bus is in that horn?
Juliamon: She's part of the team
ArdCollider: the Captain’s office is clearly not in the same game.
MyrddintheWizard: Kitty!
TXC2: including the cat?
Juliamon: Doc is the only good person on the team, I think
wedge_x: this is dangerously close to becoming the Christopher Walken speech from Pulp Fiction
PhoenixShaman: verner hertzog?
jpost042: where are they?
TXC2: too much
malsareus: so are we human? we took a LOT of bullets for 1 humman
TXC2: we're human enough
ArdCollider: Bro, does this diner routinely require your plate carrier, etc.
wedge_x: this is Dexter Jettster’s diner, right?
Juliamon: I do appreciate that the characters hate Herzog as much as the audience does
PMAvers: ????
malsareus: pfffffffff
accountmadeforants: Finally!
SkylerRingtail: What
accountmadeforants: Karaoke!
MyrddintheWizard: Rhythm GAME!
MyrddintheWizard: ?
UtilityPunk: Welcome to Rhythm Cafe!
TXC2: came to you in a dream :p
malsareus: Ian dreams in karaoke, you heard it here first
accountmadeforants: Honestly the "for no reason and it never comes up again" is a lot less strange in the context of this game as a whole.
TXC2: do Ian's dream of Electric karaoke ?
SaxPython: Re: For No Reason // Reason: Because it's awesome. That's this games whole MO
Juliamon: YUP
PhoenixShaman: i mean its a good tune
TXC2: ooh the correct German Version
UtilityPunk: A perfect score is mandatory to see the TRUE ENDING no1EYY
Greyah: Oh, it's the correct version
prince_infidel: Whaa...What is this game?
Wolfstrike_NL: chrisPog lrrAWESOME
Bruceski: Dang, EVERYBODY on their phones
MyrddintheWizard: Yakuza this is not...
prince_infidel: No one cares about your karaoke
Juliamon: I'm waiting for Aussie narrator to show up again
accountmadeforants: Game: Good
SaxPython: Ok chat, will this get a YT hit ?
PhoenixShaman: what is that screen behind them even got to do with anything
jpost042: feel like there was a lot of connecting bits that got left on the floor to ship this
TXC2: SaxPython proabably :p
accountmadeforants: I love that they believably mess up their tunes
PMAvers: Insert random Ichiban and Kiryu YEAHS WOOS in the background
accountmadeforants: Someone put a lot of work into this minigame
malsareus: I like that they're really going ham
Juliamon: They definitely do this regularly
Greyah: This is a bizarre experience, and I'm kinda here for it.
kainboa: it Sounds like regular karaoke
TXC2: boy there was a gear shift
KidAmn: this really has Yakuza energy, right down to the... enthusiastic amateur singing
malsareus: @TXC2 just slammed in a whole new gearbox
accountmadeforants: sajamVibe seabatClap
DiscordianTokkan: This game rules
TXC2: clap clap clap
KidAmn: Game Phenomenal
kainboa: i thought this was play it forward, not rythm cafe...
PhoenixShaman: that is a thing that happened
Greyah: And it just drops this on you, refuses to elaborate, and *never* does it again.
SaxPython: Round 2: Sing!
TehAmelie: what manner of Yakuza is this?
malsareus: or better
LesBeauxPlastiques: wagwan
prince_infidel: Ian you have an addiction
MyrddintheWizard: No one will be seated during the Karaoke mission.
LesBeauxPlastiques: finally an actually accurate representation of karaoke xD
accountmadeforants: While I can't clip the entire Karaoke session, I can at least capture Ian's sheer joy:
Creideiki_SE: @prince_infidel And the only cure is more cowbell?
TXC2: he is on so much cocaine :p
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
SaxPython: I'm a changed man
TXC2: and we're back
AManCalledBigTime subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AManCalledBigTime! (Today's storm count: 5)
TehAmelie: maybe if the karaoke selection includes Alphaville
megadrivers: congrats Ian your karaoke just made me go and buy this
accountmadeforants: Clearly an ASIC, no software or firmware here.
SkylerRingtail: What's with the random flower thing
accountmadeforants subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 70 months!
accountmadeforants: I dedicate this sub to karaoke
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, accountmadeforants! (Today's storm count: 6)
Invitare: when will humanity learn that you don't need robots to be sentient to perform simple labour?
TXC2: wouldn't ANY amount electromagnetism REALLY screw a computer person up?
prince_infidel: Is she in heels?
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 Not really? That was mostly hard drives. (And I guess fans can still get screwed by sufficient electromagnetism)
TXC2: accountmadeforants really? not processors ?
TXC2: we have a floaty walk
accountmadeforants: @TXC2 Not really, no, unless it manages to dislodge some surface-mount components
prince_infidel: Are the doorways short or are we tall?
TXC2: accountmadeforants huh, ok then
Juliamon: Oh, sometimes we have anime flashbacks
SkylerRingtail: WHAT
Juliamon: This isn't the first one
TimeToFry: HUH?
prince_infidel: This looks so much better than the game
accountmadeforants: Oh yes
TXC2: so in the past we were a punk, and now we're a cop?
UtilityPunk: Whoa, what anime did Beej hook you on?
Juliamon: #America
MrQBear: Man, the evil smirk WAS really well done.
accountmadeforants: TXC2 and I guess a sufficiently powerful electromagnetic field can just generate current in the conductors and fry a circuit that way, but at that point we're talking real nonsense amounts of power. (I.e., EMP)
TXC2: then exploit like a motherfucker :p
Creideiki_SE: Americans, singing songs and reading newspapers in German, with police vehicles labelled with Chinese characters.
Juliamon: Creideiki_SE We're currently in Kowloon
Creideiki_SE: Ah, that part of America.
ArdCollider: that last of the doctor was wild Peter Chung fan service.
TXC2: accountmadeforants ah, that's probably what I was thinking of then
accountmadeforants: Simply don't be a victim of crime 4Head
MurphEP: If you see something, don't be victim to it
SkylerRingtail: The wild swings in voice acting are throwing me
MrQBear: @MurphEP Just say No Way?
TXC2: so in this AU Hong Kong was American and not British controlled ?
Juliamon: Possibly. Japan and SKorea are also united
MurphEP: Your character really cannot understand appropriate eye contact
UtilityPunk: no1NOTLOOKING
accountmadeforants: "He is an extreme lover of women", more than anime, this has the most Japanese Game energy to me :p
Juliamon: Weird that it didn't mention his extreme obsession with ramen
ArdCollider: A wild tall catgirl with bad social skills doesn’t perform expected eye contact?
TXC2: what if we;re normal size and everyone else is short ?
ArdCollider: Absolutely out of spec. 😜
MurphEP: Nice
TXC2: no way this guy is a lawyer
accountmadeforants: Maybe it's some weird quirk based on cameras being put in (player) character's chest in many games? Like, she has some head tracking meant for NPCs, and the tracking point is based on that? That's a lot of assumptions, though
MrQBear: the doors are built for the 8 foot tall cyborgs, of course, this is ghost in the shell, right?
PMAvers: Ooh, is it time for Outrun?
TXC2: the doors are all huge, yet still seem small :p
PMAvers: mini game mini game mini game
accountmadeforants: Oh boy, do they have Space Harrier, too?
TXC2: wow this is a Yakuza game :p
Its_VeeBot: You chose the wrong type, Right Trigger, Ian
ewhac: It's an arcade. Of course some of the buttons don't work.
MrQBear: Are the Options... stunning enemies?
accountmadeforants: Wait, I was joking about Space Harrier, this just straight-up sounds like the Space Harrier theme
accountmadeforants: Yeah, this is excellent sprite art
accountmadeforants: I love all the faux 3D effects that people in the arcades would've gone gaga over
Juliamon: This game consistently goes harder than it has any right to
MrQBear: Somehow I just only now noticed the design art on the sides, and that's a VERY neat design.
UtilityPunk: Those sine waves will get you every time
TXC2: don't be a giver upper, be a taker downer!
DuckDuckGlitch subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DuckDuckGlitch! (Today's storm count: 7)
MrQBear: The legs are almost digitigrade looking from the shape of the calf.
TXC2: MrQBear that means walking only on the toes right ?
Juliamon: that's enough shmuppery for now
TXC2: I wonder if we take our arm off to shower
Invitare: oh is this just the police station BGM?
TXC2: SquareDotCube there's been a day or two at least
MurphEP: @SquareDotCube Well we were all sweaty from the arcade
Invitare: mmm still not the best police station BGM in gaming though. That honour goes to Astral Chain
MrQBear: @TXC2 Yeah, but also partly the shape of the lower leg. It's not THAT close, but apparently close neough that I had to look it up to make sure my brain wasn't going wild. :p
TXC2: MrQBear ah, ok then
Anubis169 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 124 months, currently on a 124 month streak!
Anubis169: 124 months of sub on the wall, 124 months of sub! Full of charm, it keeps me from harm, but it's painted orange and stuck on my arm!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Anubis169! (Today's storm count: 8)
Anubis169: 'ello all <3
TXC2: hello Anubis169
MrQBear: So what's the REASON everybody's done with us? is it the chest gazing? the fact we pick up papers that might not belong to us? Teleporting from the police station to the arcade at random?
Juliamon: We kill a lot of people
SquareDotCube: The one thing that sticks with me with a good gaze mechanic was Rune, which the PC looked at secret spaces to clue the player in
MrQBear: More than the corrupt cops, huh?
Anubis169: the hell?
Juliamon: They told us not to kill so many people because it's making our funder look bad
Anubis169: hehehehe
Juliamon: basically it's our fault Dauer declared bankruptcy
MrQBear: Ah. Gotcha. We're affecting someone's bottom line.
TXC2: we're cops, the only funder should be taxes :p
Anubis169: realistic action
Anubis169: bullshit slow-grab
UtilityPunk: Rigged
TXC2: friend of mine in college could do the grab machine so well they had to shut it down :p
TXC2: gotta full those fanfics
TXC2: *fule
TXC2: *fuel
MurphEP: Very different vibe
SquareDotCube: Can it be Van Gogh's smoking skeleton instead?
TXC2: "look at the fine stitching on dope"
MrQBear: Wait, so they saw our record and went "YEAH. Let's make them part of our Corporate Paid Police Force"?
MrQBear: How is this our fault? ' -'
UtilityPunk: I detect a claw machine arc
Invitare: yes
TXC2: or is he a submarine ?
dpj2009: Smuggles deez metalh41Thuglife
jessieimproved: more efficient to do both
accountmadeforants: :O
MrQBear: Wow.
TXC2: anime time!
dpj2009: metalh41Dance metalh41Oldmosh
UtilityPunk: no1DISCO
Amentur: kumori9Cheer kumori9Cheer kumori9Cheer
Invitare: What a bizarre game you've managed to find, Ian
MrQBear: Was that the Perturbator version of Maniac?
UtilityPunk: Man's got wealthy taste
Chesul: Because he can Ian, because he can.
jessieimproved: I mean if you're rich and you love pancakes, you eat pancakes
UtilityPunk: Dessert for breakfast
Marvoleath: ok, is there a September too?
Scy_Anide: Is the tort still ok?
TXC2: right chat I'm off
SkylerRingtail: Oh, there _is_ gameplay! :D
UtilityPunk: Roll initiative
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Ian
accountmadeforants: All these exasperated NPC barks are just fantastic
Invitare: "Don't forget me!" "Think you can take me??" "Yer dun!"
accountmadeforants: Do u member? Sember
Juliamon: Possibly we just haven't met them yet
wedge_x: “Hi dad! I’m in jail! Jail! Jail!”
Anubis169: MAHP
ButButTheJesus: hey game makers? you don't need character barks every second. or even every minute
PMAvers: Do you remember? The 21'st guy you dismembered
ButButTheJesus: @PMAvers :D
accountmadeforants: Do u rember? wen day is dark. Sember . wen u feel scare , alway rember . never forget ttimes
Anubis169: double dudes
UtilityPunk: Round 2, FIGHT
CoyoteBrown: is this the only swiss videogame protagonist
Anubis169: are they supposed to be real people, or androids?
Anubis169: cyborgs?
Juliamon: The point is that we don't know
Chesul: I think how long it takes them to die is proportional to how well you kill them?
Anubis169: manYES
accountmadeforants: That same waiter from before, after I ask if they do takeout: "You won't get away with this"
UtilityPunk: @CoyoteBrown Literally the only one ever made
Juliamon: We're supposed assume they're synths so it's OK to kill them
Anubis169: i'm guessing they're not human, 'cause i've never seen a human take that kind of slicing and still remain upright :P
ButButTheJesus: chmkn
Juliamon: This timeline has excellent prosthetics.
MrQBear: @Anubis169 also because there's like 60 of the same exact dude?
accountmadeforants: After I tell the waiter the salt shaker doesn't seem to work: "Are you shaking?"
Anubis169: nah i put that one down to shitty game design :P
UtilityPunk: Stun glock is unfair in fighting games
MrQBear: Oh, and here I was formulating this idea that EVERYBODY is a synth human.
MrQBear: There's like, only 30 actual people that live in this city now.
Anubis169: excellent prosthetics, not much choice in the artificial voicebox department
accountmadeforants: Honestly, that's what I'm tending towards as well MrQBear. It'd be a nice excuse for the somewhat wooden acting, too :p
MrQBear: @accountmadeforants I feel like our expectations will not be met, but it would be very funny.
Anubis169: accountmadeforants: either that or this is the Annual General Meeting of the XXX's Got Talent Rejects
PMAvers: Stoppin' POWAH
accountmadeforants: What if the Holo Sight just has a picture of Holo in it
MrQBear: everything but 4 items. Amazing.
Anubis169: You too!?
Anubis169: the diagonal torso slice got real popular after Johnny Mnemonic
PMAvers: Nice that they just had a chainsaw lying around at this club?
Inkompetence: I do like the change in soundtrack when you use the chainsaw.
MurphEP: The flashbangs are a nice relief from all the noise
Anubis169: "Please form an orderly queue..."
prince_infidel: Chainsaw OP. Don't nerf
Marvoleath: break
TehAmelie: renew yourselves, dudes (and babes)
Marvoleath: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
wedge_x: new dudes / out on the street
LordZarano: Hot Michael
Mr_Dirty subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 80 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mr_Dirty! (Today's storm count: 9)
LurkerSpine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 108 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LurkerSpine! (Today's storm count: 10)
TehAmelie: hi again!
Marvoleath: it seems mutual
UtilityPunk: Saving the saw for later seems inspired rn
HyruleGirl9: was that tom cruise
prince_infidel: You defeated a lone ninja? Incredible
Anubis169: unrelated to the game... there's something real satisfying about having a box of cables where you can say "your mains cable with this thing i just bought is too short, i'll use one of mine, it's longer."
Anubis169: lol
prince_infidel: Murder locked
Anubis169: chiburi does not work like that...
Anubis169: brakka brakka brakka brakka
Anubis169: where's the clown car?
UtilityPunk: Turns out they got the dimensional TP coordinates wrong
Anubis169: This episode of Bad Lip Reading brought to you by Tilty.House
UtilityPunk: u = n, uu = m in that handwriting. No clue why
Anubis169: good grief wtf is that?
Anubis169: power armour?
MurphEP: This HVAC system is robust
UtilityPunk: Parrying with a gatling gun is a power move
Anubis169: that was anticlimactic
Anubis169: wtf?
Juliamon: this game's checkpointing has not been great
Anubis169: how many skill points do we have?
Anubis169: Busted
Anubis169: ahh, that's why we suck
MurphEP: Bro
MurphEP: That's unfortunate
Anubis169: bathroom window
Anubis169: Flunge
Anubis169: Mescaline
Anubis169: and a paaaaaaatriiiiiiidge in a peeeaaaaar treeeee
UtilityPunk: Free respec no1POG
Anubis169: Max skill tree!
Anubis169: please let this stay between deaths
MurphEP: @UtilityPunk Truuu
Anubis169: oh that's much easier
Anubis169: stab the health back in! manGRY manFIST
MurphEP: FBtouchdown
MurphEP: Gaming
MrQBear: wait, did it let you pick up the big gun?
Critterbot: Oh no, cutscene bullets!
Anubis169: ohh we got a stealth match
FelanEntane: oh no a plot point we didnt see coming!
UtilityPunk: You fool! Invisibility cloaks don't go with rainy weather
SquareDotCube: Remind me, where does the month of Kolchak fall?
Anubis169: very Motoko
Anubis169: oh jebus
Anubis169: wait...
Anubis169: Thank. Balls.
prince_infidel: Check your abilities I say
SkylerRingtail: The blood trails on the ground to help track their movement is a nice touch
prince_infidel: What?
Anubis169: yeah, but to your head at point blank range
UtilityPunk: Boss has a grapple
Anubis169: nice Phase 1
Anubis169: Your toes were curled but I'll still give it a 9.3 manYES
Invitare: that's not how you're supposed to use a sniper rifle
UtilityPunk: When you're a superhuman cyborg, you can use it how you'd like
accountmadeforants: I dread to think what the Non-Neko mode would be like
Anubis169: boss design is really cool though <3
Anubis169: the camo is actually effective
TehAmelie: you can get shot a little bit
accountmadeforants: A bullet to the head is fine as long as you plug up the hole in time
LordZarano: Any sniper/sword fight you walk away from...
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
prince_infidel: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
accountmadeforants: "c'mon jump"
Anubis169: Guessing the hospital was out of chopper range
prince_infidel: Is game is silly
SquareDotCube: that's not...
Critterbot: I believe you mean syringe.
Anubis169: somebody shot him with the wrong part of the bullet!
MrQBear: also obviously the hospital is owned by another corporation that hates the police and their controlling organization...
UtilityPunk: Nothing's classified if everything is
Anubis169: You've worked IT, you know how much random shiz gets left around :P
Talin06: they slashed you security budget
Anubis169: no...
Anubis169: but it is from a sci-fi movie
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
Anubis169: coffee mug on laptop
Juliamon: LMAO
GhostValv: D:
Anubis169: <3
Critterbot: Yeah no don't do that. :D
Lysander_salamander: how's the game so far?
Alephred: Is this lady, like, 8 feet tall? She's much bigger than the vending machines.
Juliamon: She is tall, but also the rendering is a little weird
Anubis169: here's the question though... how did the word 'affidavit' come about? it's a real weird word when you think about it
PMAvers: The most chill and orderly evacuation ever
Lysander_salamander: maybe she's got a couple of laptops in the box, for remote work
SnowBunSarah: We're evacuating you from having a paycheck at this company
GhostValv: breakfast of champions
Anubis169: affi (gonna assume that's affirmation), but davit?
Anubis169: sounds like a Dr. Who villain
Lysander_salamander: a model of a spider-bot?
Anubis169: "Hello Disney holiday camp, how may we help you?"
Lysander_salamander: maybe I should get this game
Marvoleath: @Anubis169 " from medieval Latin, literally ‘he has stated on oath’, from affidare"
mugulord: hey its serge
Bruceski: It's from Latin. My tense conjugation is crud but I happen to know swear is affido so probably "has sworn" or something.
Anubis169: huh...
Anubis169: well thank you very much chat <3
MurphEP: I'm getting the sense these aren't good people
Juliamon: At least it's not the fish head soup
SquareDotCube: not a locker key, Ian :p
Lysander_salamander: well, the government isn't good.
Lysander_salamander: Perhaps the people are doing their best in a bad situation?
Anubis169: these are good people, but it goes along the lines of:
Anubis169: Lawful Good does not mean Lawful Nice
LordZarano: "From Medieval Latin affidavit (“he has sworn”), the third person singular perfect tense of affido (“swear”), from fīdō, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *bʰeydʰ- (“to command, to persuade, to trust”). Cognate to fidelity and faith (same Latin root), but not to affirm (shared Latin ad- prefix, but different Latin and Proto-Indo-European roots)."
Anubis169: is that
LordZarano: Wiktionary
Anubis169: itkNOTE
Lysander_salamander: I've heard there's karaoke in this game?
Juliamon: We did it already
Lysander_salamander: neat
Lysander_salamander: it's a good song
mugulord: the game in the background reminds me of bangio and now I wish Treasure was still making games
Juliamon: They sure are there. Get back in bed, Cortez!
RatherLargeToad: is that guy OK?
HyruleGirl9: going absolutely off my shit for 99 red balloons at the club
Lysander_salamander: :D
Anubis169: Thank YOU Ian <3
Anubis169: oh hell yeah!!
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
Lysander_salamander: yay
Dalrint: Can't Draw Horses Invitational?
SkylerRingtail: Oh yay, the sequal to Can't Jack Horses Club!
DiscordianTokkan: Can't Jack Horsed Club!
Anubis169: manWAW
Anubis169: manAWW *
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Marvoleath: !next
Lysander_salamander: what makes it "lazy?"
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Touhou Danmaku Kagura Phantasia Lost) at Sun 04:00 PM PDT (29m from now).
LordZarano: Can't Box Horse Jacks!
Anubis169: oh happy 9 years LurkerSpine!
Anubis169: byesie bye <3
Lysander_salamander: have a good evening! Thanks for being here
Lysander_salamander: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Rhythm Cafe (Heather and Ian continue their never-ending quest to play ALL THE RHYTHM GAMES! Game: Touhou Danmaku Kagura Phantasia Lost) at Sun 04:00 PM PDT (24m from now).