jessicaengle: Haldo
TXC2: title change!
RandomTrivia: Hi friends! lrrHEART I sure hope there are no surprises on this, the most regular and long-running Terraria stream on the Loading Ready Run Video Entertainment Network! lrrBEEJ
Creideiki_SE: The title says "bingo", so I assume today's AFK.
beowuuf: I wondered why there was no stream, but I'm just early for once :p
margieargie: That, or Minecraft is at minimum fuel and needs to return to base.
Creideiki_SE: I wonder if they'll have the fuel reserves to buzz the tower?
jessicaengle: Bingo that Dingo
RebelliousUno: It's that well known Gambling Stream
Xed_Regulus: Hello, and Happy Tuesday, Miners & Crafters!!! sergeScopeCreep jlrrPunch
TXC2: hello Xed_Regulus welcome
beowuuf: off by one, 68!
Manae: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James and Uno are playing some Minecraft Bingo on today's MoC! Game: Minecraft) at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (0s from now).
beowuuf: lrrHORN
TXC2: Manae lrrHORn
RandomTrivia: lrrSIG !
jessicaengle: "Gamba only if win." - Serge
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Manae: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR lrrSIG lrrSIG
RandomTrivia: sergeJustRight
RandomTrivia: jlrrCooltunes
TXC2: how ironic, stream loaded, still had to refresh because of the jackbox widgit :p
RandomTrivia: You should tell it to Party Pack it in lrrBEEJ
TheDevil_Risen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 3 month streak!
TheDevil_Risen: 5
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheDevil_Risen! (Today's storm count: 2)
Angnor33 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 124 months, currently on a 124 month streak!
Angnor33: Bingo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Angnor33! (Today's storm count: 3)
James_the_Dabbler: wait this isn’t Raft!
RebelliousUno: True Facts
LoadingReadyRun: Raft starts next week
RandomTrivia: It isn't even MinceRaft's vegetarian alternative, TofuRaft
Mischievous_Catgeist: morning everyone
TXC2: hello Mischievous_Catgeist welcome
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
RandomTrivia: benginDance
TXC2: Here we GO!
DideRobot: LRR: Today on Mine O'Clock James and Uno are rocking Minecraft Bingo. | COME ON B11, James needs chocolate milk money! | (has image) |
MehallD: @TXC2 read that in the way Grian says it introducing a timelapse
TXC2: !uno
LRRbot: RebelliousUno is streaming as well. Be sure to check out his view of the stream and give him a follow!
TXC2: hello James
Sarah_Serinde: Hi James
MehallD: Hi James
jessicaengle: Camera workey!
RandomTrivia: Hello James
TheDevil_Risen: Morning James
stevestein: I'm doing fine tomorrow.
Xed_Regulus: It might be for VOD watchers
Creideiki_SE: Joke's on you, I'm watching the VOD on Saturday!
stevestein: I'm actually watching this yesterday.
BrookJustBones: We could all be dead when someone watches this
RandomTrivia: That's going to scare the crap out of exactly one person
margieargie: *puts note in planner to do that*
Angreed66: I think you're overestimating humanities chances.
Angnor33: OK, save the date: March 18th, 2037, watch party!
margieargie: Yeah, 18th
RandomTrivia: It's nice to have something to look forward to
jessicaengle: Beware the ides of March!
finestotter: I already have a Google event to remind Wheeler of a random number in a couple of months, what's one more?
lamina5432: if we still exist his vod's gonna get a view jump in 13 years
anclag: MoC has just won a streaming emmy in 2037 and someone has gone back to see where it all started?
Sarah_Serinde: April 9
jessicaengle: 4/9/24
Xed_Regulus: April 9th, 2024
LordZarano: 2024-04-09
jessicaengle: We'll be 53 years old.
Barb4rian: In 13 years you're going to be so confused
TXC2: hello Uno
MehallD: You rebranding? Punch Ka-Chunk
jessicaengle: Hi Uno.
beowuuf: yes
beowuuf: the weather is yes
RandomTrivia: lrrDARK
margieargie: lrrDARK lrrWOW
MrSarkhan: lrrDARK lrrDARK
MehallD: We've never had a K before, and there's months left to go
RandomTrivia: We've had very DeVere weather lrrBEEHJ
RandomTrivia: lrrBEEJ
beowuuf: wet and windy except for the brilliant sunshine right now
jessicaengle: lrrKATHLEEN
LurkerSpine: Tropical Storms also get named
malsareus: there's also storms that just flood stuff
RandomTrivia: Yeah they built a Tornado to the original plans
MehallD: James, Scotland proudly named a storm "Hurricane Bawbag" in 2011. (Officially named Cyclone Friedhelm by the Norwegians)
TehAmelie: last year Sweden had a storm called Judas
Angreed66: Naming storms less than a hurricane weakens the point of naming hurricanes
margieargie: A lot of storms parts of Europe get are only technically not hurricanes by virtue of not being tropical
beowuuf: do you need an umbrella but don't want to put that umbrella up?Probably has a name
RandomTrivia: It *is* currently Tuesday in Victoria
beowuuf: @MehallD i'm going to stand and make the sound of bagpipes in pride
GoRiLLa87 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 112 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GoRiLLa87! (Today's storm count: 4)
TehAmelie: nautical terminology is weird and demanding
StreetRach: It's a very very very strong wind.
Mazrae: First time watching MoC in a good while
TXC2: hello Mazrae welcome
margieargie: One whole gale
FlynnRaccoon: "But >what< did Gale do" will remain unanswered.
TXC2: #WholeGale
James_the_Dabbler: Man what did that guy have against Gale?
Xed_Regulus: The word gale is derived from the Middle English gale, a general word for wind of any strength, even a breeze.
TheDevil_Risen: Beaufort Scale
FlynnRaccoon: !Podcast
Angreed66: It might not be named for a person but an auditory effect
cattleprodlynn: Good morning, chat, James, Uno, and all. :D
Mischievous_Catgeist: my real name involves storms and gale is my middle name to play on it so this is really making me laugh
beowuuf: @Xed_Regulus wind force wind?
margieargie: Yeah, this is one of those cases where a term that was a lot broader got officially defined more narrowly, it often makes things messy
TehAmelie: gale, zephyr, breeze, gust, there's so many specific words for winds
TXC2: hello cattleprodlynn welcome
anclag: where does willy nilly come from…?
Xed_Regulus: @beowuuf English is a silly language
RandomTrivia: Every time Uno says "Boo-f't" I am cackling
StreetRach: It's often used in conjunction with extreme weather conditions like hurricanes.
Tandtroll_OG: I do love the chats we have here on MoC <3
Cyberegg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cyberegg! (Today's storm count: 5)
LordZarano: It's been the first sunny day in probably over a month here in South Wales
waterfallingmist subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, waterfallingmist! (Today's storm count: 6)
enbyKriss: James, could you perhaps make Uno a little louder? He's a tad quiet compared to you sergeHeart
beowuuf: i suddenly want to have a listen to a shipping forecast
Mazrae: Where does tornado fit in
beowuuf: or at lest the tlj take off of one
ANameYouCanRead subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 81 months!
ANameYouCanRead: Thankfully unrelated to the Bofa scale
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ANameYouCanRead! (Today's storm count: 7)
FlynnRaccoon: I feel like this was coined before standarized KpH and mph for standardized windspeeds. But I for one am happy for their silly measurement system (at least it's not temperature)
RandomTrivia: James falling down a rabbit hole counts for the count, right? :p
RandomTrivia: @Sarah_Serinde Judge ruling pls
DudelidouX: What they extended the scale but didn't name them?
Ard_Rhys: I kind of want James to listen to a shipping forecast now
Sarah_Serinde: @RandomTrivia Didn't hear a damage noise, sorry :P
beowuuf: dogger, fisher, german bite
FlynnRaccoon: This absolutely is more on topic than the average Let'sNopePodcast - let em cook :D
margieargie: Time to pivot this stream into ship/weather chat :p
StreetRach: sure
Xed_Regulus: They are less familt friendsly
LordZarano: You could listen to The Longest Johns - Shipping Forecast
beowuuf: winds light to variable, further outlook fine
Jobot180: There was a whole Black Books episode on the Sea Forcast
Angnor33: Oh yeah. Adam is all about sea conditions.
RandomTrivia: The talk segment only has to be literally anything other than the game they're supposed to be playing
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
TehAmelie: or maybe watch the movie North by Northwest. i remember it being full of shipping weather report drama
Harvest25: Like to have you guys on same server
Sarah_Serinde: Nice to be playing Bingo together for a change :)
StreetRach: LRRfriends MC takeover
LordZarano: Longest Johns Shipping Forecast is fantastic but probably completely bewildering if you're not aware of what it's parodying. Even if you are aware it's still mostly bewildering
margieargie: Instructions unclear, tried using W+P bingo card instead... althought I can check off "obligatory crafting system" at least...
beowuuf: @LordZarano luckily i listened to lost of radio comedy shows that were just before the shipping forecast, so it just hits perfectly :p
tdapenguin: @LordZarano I know multiple shanty/etc groups who have done shipping forecasts :)
Angreed66: middle or second row seems easiest
MaybeTara subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
MaybeTara: it's my subiversary AND I bought my ticket for the LRR chaos event at Magic Con Amsterdam today? What a day!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MaybeTara! (Today's storm count: 8)
tdapenguin: Greetings all
TXC2: so is this a team effort or competitive ?
TXC2: hello tdapenguin welcome
TheHaCoFo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheHaCoFo! (Today's storm count: 9)
FlynnRaccoon: !quote game minecraft
LRRbot: Quote #7707: "Thanks, GG, text me about poutine." —Serge [2021-07-27]
LordZarano: What's the tree under bamboo?
TXC2: lag please
erloas subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, erloas! (Today's storm count: 10)
BrookJustBones: Fishing :P
FlynnRaccoon: ^ only kinda joking
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah just fish up a mending book Kappa
FlynnRaccoon: Oh hey - 4 obsidian, that's a table
TXC2: give a hoot, fish a book
Angreed66: the odds of any book are way higher
BrookJustBones: Tango and False did it during the charity stream event this weekend at the end of bingo
BrookJustBones: check for empty map?
PsychoI3oy: paper and feathers might be handy if you do go book
Sarah_Serinde: @Angreed66 Yes but that's not as funny :P
tdapenguin: @TXC2 now i'm imagining that as a cartoon-style poster
SymphonicLolita: ooo!
GhostValv: ooh :O
TXC2: tdapenguin exactly
TXC2: James is....excited
Sarah_Serinde: Yesw
Sarah_Serinde: It's calcite
FlynnRaccoon: Respect for going with wood rather than using the iron for a pick :p
FlynnRaccoon: Gotta get those advancements
cattleprodlynn: Hah!
TXC2: James respects the progress tree
Sarah_Serinde: Wonder if there's a good mountain
FlynnRaccoon: Geodes - or occasionally veins through mountains. iirc that's it?
Sarah_Serinde: I don't know about through mountains, I think it's more on top of them?
FlynnRaccoon: My experience has been that gravel mountains tend to have calcite more often? But that's probably just that they're more exposed.
FlynnRaccoon: Well - "exposed after gravel harvesting has happened to them" - but yeah.
Angreed66: Chat is that a dropper or a dispenser?
rogerivany: underwater geodes for Calcite?
FlynnRaccoon: @Angreed66 Looks like a dispenser, dropper is more v than o
PixelArtDragon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, PixelArtDragon! (Today's storm count: 11)
Barb4rian: Is that book generic enchanted or a specific enchantment?
Tandtroll_OG: You are supposed to hear geodes if you're close enough
TXC2: !findquote alternative
LRRbot: Quote #5084: "I think we're going to meet some new friends; alternately, shoot at people." —Kathleen, as Inspector Assayer [2018-06-18]
LordZarano: Tropical Fish, Enchanted Book, Copper Block may also be possible
Sarah_Serinde: Diagonal top left to bottom right, if you could get the enchanted book
ANameYouCanRead: can you go diagonal?
creasehearst: middle horizontal is also RNG with the glowberry
Mazrae: How would the second from the left go
Sarah_Serinde: 2nd column I think would need a bow, but that's doable
TXC2: relative to what?
Sarah_Serinde: I do feel like committing to the calcite probably ended up costing more time than getting multiple other items
kaffeetrinken89: if you have geodes in your bones please see a doctor
LordZarano: Inb4 dripstone spike
FlynnRaccoon: Underground.
kaffeetrinken89: not in bones
MehallD: Y=-58 and Y=30
TXC2: kaffeetrinken89 and have them steal my geode bones? I think not
FlynnRaccoon: Was that an iron-vein? That'd be hilarious :D
GhostValv: it's not cavecraft :)
Tandtroll_OG: No cave only dig
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHERE
RandomTrivia: Welp
SymphonicLolita: jlrrBedrock
margieargie: My recommendation: systematically check a 16x16 area layer by layer
FlynnRaccoon: jlrrBedrock
PixelArtDragon: Column: punched
MehallD: jlrrBedrock jlrrBedrock jlrrBedrock
Barb4rian: jlrrBedrock
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul jlrrBedrock
RandomTrivia: jlrrBedrock
TXC2: we'll make our own cave, with hookers and blackjack!
Sarah_Serinde: Too bad you don't need a jukebox
kaffeetrinken89: one of those days where you can just go to bed ... rock
kaffeetrinken89: lava incoming
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
TXC2: 22:45
Tandtroll_OG: sergeGG
BrookJustBones: Left bottom to top right across seems good
FlynnRaccoon: Vertical 4 seems doable if you fight the night.
Sarah_Serinde: Gotta find a geode :D
PixelArtDragon: What's the blue orb?
Sarah_Serinde: And you can't get amethyst on a mountaintop
BrookJustBones: Blue org is heart of the sea
BrookJustBones: Is fire tick on?
Sarah_Serinde: I'm gonna say yes, yes it is :D
Sarah_Serinde: I think you need wheat? I think?
Sarah_Serinde: I could be thinking of the wrong thing though
Tandtroll_OG: Yeah need wheat
PixelArtDragon: It's been years since I've played, I didn't know mud was in the game
BrookJustBones: craft 4 packed mud together
TXC2: PixelArtDragon I think it's been in the game less then 2 years
Sarah_Serinde: Mud is relatively new, yes
Mazrae: In with the mangrove trees I think
ThibbleBird: birch saplings are rarer iirc
ThibbleBird: @PixelArtDragon heart of the sea
Tandtroll_OG: Blorb
ThibbleBird: ocean time
TXC2: lrrCIRCLE = lrrCrab
Mazrae: Only if we still had that treasure map and it was still good
ThibbleBird: we just high roll ocean loot :)
ThibbleBird: maybe the second row from the top is easiest?
ThibbleBird: I don't know what that middle item is
Sarah_Serinde: A brush
RandomTrivia: oh no
Sarah_Serinde: It needs copper and a feather I I think
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
ThibbleBird: cursed boat crouching
Sarah_Serinde: I've been looking at that 2nd row too
Sarah_Serinde: Probably depends how hard lichen and snow are to find
RandomTrivia: Have fun trying to breathe underwater during lag :D
ThibbleBird: Seast
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
RandomTrivia: Good effort HypeLUL
ThibbleBird: oh that's snow I thought it was carpet
Angreed66: untill the boots break...
Tandtroll_OG: Lichen is pretty easy if you find a cave, but think you need shears
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah it's a snow layer
TXC2: this feels like it should have the charile brown ice skating music
RandomTrivia: It's not called Frost Runner, after all
Sarah_Serinde: @Tandtroll_OG Yeah but you still need to find the cave
RandomTrivia: Heart of the Sea, every time
Angreed66: Minecraft is teaching you to not run on ice
Tandtroll_OG: Yeah true, which seemed hard in last map at least
Sarah_Serinde: If you find the treasure, that middle row might be good
ThibbleBird: east my good sir
Mazrae: Weast
Sarah_Serinde: @Tandtroll_OG It's the disadvantage of (usually) not being able to spot one from a distance
thefightnerd: was that a pumpkin on this sandy area?
Tandtroll_OG: @sarah_serinde good point
ThibbleBird: oh sick
RandomTrivia: There's a Heart let's gooooo
Mazrae: James has frost walk??
Sarah_Serinde: If only dripstone didn't require finding a cave...
Sarah_Serinde: And the column needs a diamond
RandomTrivia: Is that lime or yellow dye?
Sarah_Serinde: Caving could bring us a bunch of things we need though
Tandtroll_OG: Dripstone can be hard to find even in vanilla
Sarah_Serinde: Lime dye
RandomTrivia: Hmm
Sarah_Serinde: Copper for brush, lichen, bones from skellies, maybe spider eye from spiders, maybe axolotl...
Dalrint subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
Dalrint: 48 months! That's 4 twelves! And that's terrible.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dalrint! (Today's storm count: 12)
Sarah_Serinde: Lots of things if we could find a good cave, maybe it is worth hunting for one
Diabore: james fights winner
Sarah_Serinde: So many friends
Diabore: is james yellow or pink?
Sarah_Serinde: Dang, nice work Uno
Diabore: well that answers that LUL
TXC2: 13:54
GhostValv: heavy gravity day
RandomTrivia: Gratz Uno, that was quick
Sarah_Serinde: pfft
Dalrint: I didn't know there was a whole bingo mod. this is cool.
RandomTrivia: Welp
Sarah_Serinde: This looks kinda hard
Tandtroll_OG: All look awful
RandomTrivia: 2nd column from right might not be terrible
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah that's true, that column seems ok
Angreed66: pink dye is easy to get then it's just smelting with the biome squish
RandomTrivia: jlrrFall
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
Dalrint: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
Frednotbob: Generally, below the head.
Sarah_Serinde: :D
RandomTrivia: Frednotbob Well Uno isn't going to take that lying down lrrBEEJ
Frednotbob: XD
Tandtroll_OG: Grabbing some terracotta could be good
Mazrae: What's the one second down , middle column
BrookJustBones: Fern
Sarah_Serinde: Oh I approve of James's team colour this round :P
Frednotbob: Gods, I have -way- too much thyme. That's not a pun: I've just started harvesting the overgrown thyme that's been growing in the garden for a year and a half.
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah village would be very good for that row
Sarah_Serinde: James gravel
Sarah_Serinde: For your flint
Dalrint: Apparently Uno saying "that's deadly" set off my alexa and now I'm mildly afraid for my life.
RandomTrivia: lrrSPOOP
Sarah_Serinde: sergeFriend s
Natimus_Prime: Don't you need silk touch to get a snow layer? Or has that been changed
ThibbleBird: by the power of crafting!
Sarah_Serinde: Village, mangrove biome, redstone
Natimus_Prime: Apparently so, never seen that recipe before
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah true you can make your own mud
TehAmelie: my kingdom for a village! no wait
Sarah_Serinde: Ah, was distracted working
Sarah_Serinde: Even better then
ThibbleBird: weird generatino
Sarah_Serinde: Well, it's a start... :D
RandomTrivia: Only need 7 more :D
RandomTrivia: Good for clearing out the mineshaft that was "full of spiders"
malc: jlrrBreak
RandomTrivia: jlrrBreak
ThibbleBird: hungee
Sarah_Serinde: Could grab dripstone in that cave with the creeper
ThibbleBird: going for the full clear
ThibbleBird: you can kill the fish for some food
TehAmelie: why are there so many emails: modern history, volume 1-17
Sarah_Serinde: Also bunch of food animals you boated past
ThibbleBird: the world will feed us, no problem
Sarah_Serinde: What if you have to run away from mobs with no sprint? :P
Sarah_Serinde: Yesss I think so
Juliamon: Lily of the valley
Sarah_Serinde: ^
Sarah_Serinde: Ferns here, though you probably won't need them
ThibbleBird: back to the waterrr
Mazrae: Off topic a little but did anyone get a good view of the eclipse yesterdat
Angreed66: James is on a vegan thief diet only bread from stolen haybales
Sarah_Serinde: Ahh right
Sarah_Serinde: Eh if you're not going for that row, probably not worth the effort
Sarah_Serinde: And you're *definitely* not going for that column :D
ThibbleBird: the mobs will eat us soon
Natimus_Prime: Honestly might be faster to craft a hoe and a composter and just farm the wheat
Sarah_Serinde: Maybe yeah
ThibbleBird: oh my god lol
ExachixKitsune: time for mines of clock
margieargie: lrrFINE
ThibbleBird: guardian temple lmao
RandomTrivia: Safe place to spend the night I guess
Sarah_Serinde: Move into the mooshroom island, start a farm :D
ThibbleBird: all the cool gen we need
Sarah_Serinde: Considering how long we've spent hunting for a village
Sarah_Serinde: Village is only quick and easy for wheat if we can actually find one
ThibbleBird: turbles
Sarah_Serinde: Oh dear :D
Angreed66: Hence the mooshroom biome
RandomTrivia: "in the game, right?" /padme
ThibbleBird: could get cooked food with your flint and steel
ThibbleBird: ez
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: FAR: Changing Tides) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (2:12 from now).
RandomTrivia: The night is getting to James, a mirage
Juliamon: That thing is just full of creepers
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
RandomTrivia: lrrFINE
Juliamon: Or maybe spiders this time
Sarah_Serinde: Definitely not close to dying and with no food
Juliamon: Zombie meat is still meat
ThibbleBird: free food is free food
Statist42: all that bonemeal though
jorian57: trim for boots would be funny
TXC2: time to eat gunpowder :p
Angreed66: that's enough bonemeal to grow your wheat
RandomTrivia: TXC2 Gunpowder for breakfast *does* get you more bang for your buck
phoenixfeather14: can you get wheat from the suspicious sand?
TXC2: RandomTrivia exactly
Sarah_Serinde: Maybe you'll find something to eat
RandomTrivia: benginO7
Sarah_Serinde: benginRip
Sarah_Serinde: That's rough
ThibbleBird: sickkaCry
TXC2: poo butts
RandomTrivia: That's painful
ThibbleBird: this is a rough one
Angreed66: And James had everything except redstone
Mazrae: Anyone have the coordinates for that
RandomTrivia: At least you don't lose the squares you already have
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah but we have no wheat and no bones anymore
Sarah_Serinde: Those bones were a good find
RandomTrivia: Yuuup
margieargie: lrrGREED comes for us all
Angreed66: You can't expect to find a village
ExachixKitsune: at some point you check you didn't accidently make the world without structures :P
TehAmelie: maybe we'll have to fund a village
Sarah_Serinde: I think Uno's in better shape than you, probably
Angreed66: there are clearly structures shipwrecks were there
jacqui_lantern234: hey ya heccin wonderful friends whomst i AGGRESSIVELY LOVE BEYOND MEASURE!!!!! <3
margieargie: They had plenty of villages in the first round
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
Sarah_Serinde: Well at least James is at full hearts and hunger now :P
ExachixKitsune: @jacqui_lantern234 :o An awesome positivity-providing delight!
TehAmelie: was there a time when villagers would spawn if you just made a bunch of places with doors or did i have a fever dream?
Cptasparagus: is that your magic card? James, Full of Hearts and Hunger
margieargie: tqsLOL
Sarah_Serinde: @TehAmelie That doesn't help us here, because we needed the wheat that spawns with an existing village
jacqui_lantern234: @ExachixKitsune this is a good description of this community
TXC2: Cptasparagus that or a sword
Sarah_Serinde: Oh right we lost the mud too
ExachixKitsune: @jacqui_lantern234 and you are part of this community, ergo
Sarah_Serinde: I wonder if there are glass bottles around here
Juliamon: We found the mangrove pretty close to spawn, shouldn't be hard to find again
baskwalla: Hello all
Sarah_Serinde: Hmm there's sand, could make bottles to make mud
TXC2: hello baskwalla welcome
Sarah_Serinde: Not sure if that's faster or slower than finding the biome
jacqui_lantern234: @ExachixKitsune since im a very small person, im even less a part of it than average :p
Sarah_Serinde: Yeah finding mangrove is hopefully easier than finding a village was
phoenixfeather14: could we make the mud? would that be faster?
Sarah_Serinde: Hah yeah
TXC2: the irony
margieargie: "Stop sinking! Stupid boat..." -Captain Edward Smith, April 15, 1912
ThibbleBird: pffft
Sarah_Serinde: @phoenixfeather14 That's what we were just talking about, possibly, but biomes are close together here so it might not be faster
TXC2: margieargie lrrWOW
Mazrae: How do you make mud or do you have to find it
ThibbleBird: local man greats into everyone's houses
Juliamon: ahh love these villages, my favourite
TehAmelie: i think there should be a different name for underwater geodes. naviodes maybe
ThibbleBird: breaks rather*
Sarah_Serinde: There was sand at the last village, so it'd just be a matter of smelting it
ThibbleBird: reliability may be fine here
ThibbleBird: it's not like we are super pressed for time
ThibbleBird: but hey! mud
Sarah_Serinde: I mean we're still racing Uno, we're kind of pressed for time
Sarah_Serinde: It's just gambling on which method will be faster
Juliamon: Now redstone
Ard_Rhys: time to dig down
TXC2: intresting that uno has twice as many items as James, yet is no closer to winning
ThibbleBird: maybe this is that mineshaft we heard about
RandomTrivia: That's just a cut-and-cover railway
ThibbleBird: oh boy
ThibbleBird: oh no
Sarah_Serinde: We probably had some of that iron before we died :D
Juliamon: Stone for iron
Sarah_Serinde: The lighting or texture on it is weird
Sarah_Serinde: Well, better to think of that now than when you found the redstone :D
Juliamon: yeah we had one ingot's worth of iron from that portal, alas
RandomTrivia: jlrrFall
jacqui_lantern234: i was about to ask about a jlrrFall but then i realized this isnt james's home stream :p
ThibbleBird: don't forget to eat your veggies! and by veggies I mean bread
RandomTrivia: Ooooof
Sarah_Serinde: benginRip
SnackPak_: o7
RandomTrivia: benginO7
TXC2: all fairly squarely now
Sarah_Serinde: Probably gotta smelt it
CrazySliver: non cobbled deepslate?
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHORN
RandomTrivia: seabatClap
margieargie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
TheDevil_Risen: grats
Sarah_Serinde: Good work James
TheDevil_Risen: ggs
TXC2: 30:36
RandomTrivia: You can check on the big card right?
TehAmelie: i do feel like having some vegetables. *fries up flatbread in margarine*
RandomTrivia: jlrrWalldiamond jlrrWalldiamond
TXC2: seems sus
malc: jlrrWalldiamond
RandomTrivia: lrrSPOOP
malc: pick a number between 1 and VOID
margieargie: Bonus challenge: Find these items in the NegaZone
RandomTrivia: Oh is it generating chunks?
RandomTrivia: Every time?
ExachixKitsune: you have chosen, void
Sarah_Serinde: Interesting
TehAmelie: some form of mono bingo eh
Angreed66: there's no need to call your row right?
Sarah_Serinde: I feel like second column but the egg could be a pain
Juliamon: We do know how rude eggs can be in bingo
Mazrae: I feel bottom row
ThibbleBird: forward slash diagonal?
RandomTrivia: Middle column would be fine if not for the glow ink
Sarah_Serinde: Bottom row needs you to find glow squid, spiders, and sugar. Which isn't too wild but not that easy
Sarah_Serinde: Haha
ThibbleBird: or are diagonals not allowed
SnackPak_: ooo
TXC2: it's a raaaace!
Sarah_Serinde: I see the streamers agreed with me :D
RandomTrivia: The mirror match!
Sarah_Serinde: @ThibbleBird They're allowed
RandomTrivia: E G G
ExachixKitsune: PrideLaugh
Angreed66: I think chicken eggs are a trap
malc: 🥚
jacqui_lantern234: dispencer?! i hardly know her!!! :p ...ill see myself out
Sarah_Serinde: @Angreed66 Yeah I think so too
ExachixKitsune: who else learned about smelting sea pickles from hermitcraft this week
Sarah_Serinde: @ThibbleBird And yeah that line is probably not bad
TXC2: ever forward, never learning, safety third
vegetalss4: Hello everyone, how does minecraft bingo work?
ExachixKitsune: @TXC2 the zen koan of one more
Sarah_Serinde: @vegetalss4 Have to get all the items in one row, column, or diagonal line
ExachixKitsune: @vegetalss4 there's a bingo board, if you collect that item, you get that square; that's how you bingo
TehAmelie: you have bingo cards made up of random items and then you collect the items to get bingo
TXC2: hello vegetalss4 we gotta get items as seen on that 5X5 grid there (although we're only go for a row/column)
Sarah_Serinde: And do it before your opponent
jacqui_lantern234: @RandomTrivia drop the emoji, and then its the correct response :p
vegetalss4: Thanks everyone
vegetalss4: Are James and Uno cooperating or compteting?
TXC2: compeating
DKMTG1: The chest is between the stomach and the neck
RandomTrivia: @jacqui_lantern234 Disagree, adding more hearts emojis - get rekt, friend nerd benginHeart sergeHeart jlrrPillow
Mazrae: Co-op blackout
ExachixKitsune: @jacqui_lantern234 time to drown jacqui in love sergeHeart pearliePearlLove sergePrideLove geminitayHeart
beowuuf: lrrFINE
RomanGoro: inb4 powdered snow
TehAmelie: i wonder how exhausting it would be to play like 16 cards at once and trying to keep track of 350 items and estimate how to find the most of them in the least time
Riiiiiiis: or... hear me out here... find all the items in the game :-D
Sarah_Serinde: @Riiiiiiis But why would anyone want to do that? :P
TXC2: and then put them in a museum
Riiiiiiis: you'd have to be some kind of weirdo definitely
Riiiiiiis: or three
RomanGoro: TehAmelie even better: make a 5 x 5 grid of bingo cards and to get bingo you have to get bingo in 5 cards in a row or column
RomanGoro: Optional rule: you get to sort the cards before you start
TehAmelie: hmm that's not how they did it in grandma's bingo parlor but could be worth a try
Mazrae: Jungle temple to find a built dispenser??
DudelidouX: Ancient city would be a place to find redstone components
Juliamon: You can never find a jungle temple when you want one.
Mazrae: How to make lime dye
TXC2: "that was dumb, I shouldn't have done that" me, after everything I do :p
RandomTrivia: Just get lucky once seabatBRAIN
Apadraco subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Apadraco! (Today's storm count: 13)
DudelidouX: Chat would have probably told you, maybe after some trolling...
Mangledpixel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 127 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mangledpixel! (Today's storm count: 14)
Mazrae: Do you need redstone for a dispenser
RandomTrivia: @Mazrae Yes, just the one piece
Mazrae: Ah okay, I never really make those so I wasn't sure
ThibbleBird: Yarr me mateys! Bury the treasure away from the sea!
RandomTrivia: The tiniest beach biome
lucaloveslrr: Hello! I understand this isn't related to the current stream, but, the LRR event at MagicCon Amsterdam sold out very quickly and I was wondering whether another event might happen? or if you know if spots could be bought in person?
Barb4rian: Waiting for drop creeper
Barb4rian: Sad day
ThibbleBird: oh boy it's the chickens
vegetalss4: chickens
Mazrae: Look at all those chickens
Sarah_Serinde: Ooh chickens, too bad they're surrounded by mobs and at night
Manae: Just getting back from a meeting if this was asked, but does anyone in chat know what that.. web covered tree is in (4, 3)?
RandomTrivia: Aha, firetick is definitely on!
TXC2: Manae dark Oak sapling I think
Mazrae: Kill spiders while waiting for eggs
Sarah_Serinde: @Manae It's just a sapling with weird lighting on it
Sarah_Serinde: A number of the items on the bingo cards have weird white bits on them for some reason
Juliamon: Babies are the actual worst
PsychoI3oy: baby zombies too
ExachixKitsune: I wonder if it's texture pack weirdness combined with the additional rendering where the box is
Sarah_Serinde: Nice
Sarah_Serinde: So redstone and egg
Sarah_Serinde: I will not be surprised if the egg ends up being more trouble :D
xerjen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
xerjen: BUTTON!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, xerjen! (Today's storm count: 15)
ExachixKitsune: eggsquisite irony
TXC2: the rarest treasure, one people will climb an mountain, ford any river for: an egg
RandomTrivia: Uno nooooo!
Sarah_Serinde: benginRip
RandomTrivia: benginRip
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
RandomTrivia: BAHAHAHAHA
margieargie: tqsLOL tqsLOL
insanecat6mtg: Hello everyone!
TXC2: MC sure loves it's irony
Sarah_Serinde: Villages and geodes: only easy to find when you don't need them
TXC2: hello insanecat6mtg welcome
RandomTrivia: This game is so rude sometimes
Mazrae: Was that geode connected to a cave??
margieargie: Do you lose if you fill in the wrong row? :p
RandomTrivia: That was absurdly lucky
rogerivany: The chicken egg is what always slows pixlriffs down.
Angreed66: eggs are a roughly 15 minute wait timer
TXC2: Angreed66 15 mins? them some hard eggs Kappa
RandomTrivia: benginChamp
RandomTrivia: Egg!
Barb4rian: E G G
TehAmelie: i could not get an egg in under 30 minutes right now
Xed_Regulus: Lucky egg
Mazrae: Need the bow still? Or is it made
RandomTrivia: Yes
PsychoI3oy: GG
RandomTrivia: GG
TheDevil_Risen: GGWP James
Sarah_Serinde: lrrHORN
Manae: expexpGG
TXC2: 22:47
insanecat6mtg: sergeGG
margieargie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
RandomTrivia: FBtouchdown
RandomTrivia: Gone infinite!
margieargie: tqsIrene
malc: jlrrBreak
Mazrae: But what team color
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
RandomTrivia: Mazrae Team-flavoured
Lord_Hosk: OK... chat... Who taught James how to play minecraft? He was all "Im a Terreria Boy for the past 8 years and now all of a sudden MINECRAFT" out of the blue what gives?
TehAmelie: clearly he felt grown up and ready for three dimensions
RomanGoro: Believe it or not, James always wanted to be a variety streamer
Angreed66: James always claimed the first person view was worse but suddenly he's fine with it right?
Barb4rian: 127?!?! I...ok wow
Lord_Hosk: Sticky piston
Angreed66: you need amethyst though
RandomTrivia: Branding!
RandomTrivia: lrrCIRCLE
margieargie: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
TXC2: daba deba da do
sephsays: loading red-y run
Mazrae: Spyglass might be a little bit of a pain
Riiiiiiis: uhh are there presents?
Lord_Hosk: Im thinking finding a slime chunk in 45 minutes is gonna be the problem
RandomTrivia: @Lord_Hosk They might get stuck on that
Angreed66: Slime chunks are relatively common
ExachixKitsune: or a jungle temple's puzzle room
TXC2: I have faith Uno can finish this
ExachixKitsune: eyyy ohh chickeninahole
RandomTrivia: ExachixKitsune That just activated neurons I didn't know were still in my brain. Sincerely, thank you
Angreed66: those are sea pickles right?
ExachixKitsune: @RandomTrivia Oh what a terrrible sight to seeeeeee
Angreed66: top left?
TrickJarrett: Upper left?
TXC2: hello TrickJarrett welcome
TrickJarrett: hi hi friends
Barb4rian: Much Cliff, Very Wow
TXC2: shipwreck cove we call it
Lord_Hosk: Im looking at all this sea grass going "WHY?" then I remembered you need shears
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks James and Uno for keeping me company on the overnight shift :)
RandomTrivia: That's where you'll find Smugglers' Inn
Monocerotis2010: It's protected so no ships allowed
Angreed66: Turns out the sailors avoided shipwreck cove enough to never wreck there
TXC2: "turns out if a place LOOKS realy dangerous, people are really careful in it"
DudelidouX: You're gonna need lots of iron if you want to fill the card
glitched_goddess: it’s named for Sir Reginald Shipwreck
Mazrae: Or maybe the EPA came through and cleaned up all the shipwreck out of the cove
Tandtroll_OG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 47 months!
Tandtroll_OG: Forgot about button, but this is great!
sephsays: Shipwrecks for Stew sounds like a good emo band name, or possibly ska?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Tandtroll_OG! (Today's storm count: 16)
TXC2: yeah we learned that hard way with all the ships we called "unsinkable" :p
Angreed66: also want a flint and steel
RandomTrivia: @Mazrae Leaving the area just called "...... Cove"
RandomTrivia: Welp HypeLUL
Lord_Hosk: and a pumpkin
SnackPak_: woof
phoenixfeather14: pumpkin?
Xed_Regulus: But there is magma block too
ExachixKitsune: almost guaranteed is not guaranteed
TXC2: Almost: a very important qualifier
Avery316: magma block?
SymphonicLolita: portal said "don't call me shirley"
RandomTrivia: The old XCOM 99%
DudelidouX: You did counter it by saying you were guarantied it
Sarah_Serinde: Oh yeah magma block
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
Sarah_Serinde: gabyLul
RandomTrivia: Pffft
Xed_Regulus: sergeHubris
TXC2: it'll bite in the neck Kappa
FPNY41 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months!
FPNY41: All the things!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, FPNY41! (Today's storm count: 17)
Mazrae: #BlamePastJames??
Angreed66: another portal?
UnknownFriday: Nice gun you have there. Why does it say Checkov on the side?
ExachixKitsune: :( cannot say ass in clip titled
Lord_Hosk: Go left 30 seconds ago
Angreed66: I thought i saw gold in the snow mountains
Sarah_Serinde: Nice big one too
DudelidouX: To bad there's only stupid stuff on the internet
Sarah_Serinde: Are there any magma blocks there?
Mazrae: Magma while you are there??
Genie_M: Oooh microtransaction internet points
Sarah_Serinde: lol
RandomTrivia: Fantastic :D
Lord_Hosk: cant you iron nugget into Iron bar? I don't remember
Dalrint: Huh. Never seen a portal without magna
Xed_Regulus: Huh, who'd have thunk it?
FPNY41: when is the FamJam? this week?
Juliamon: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Sarah_Serinde: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
RETURNTOMONKAE: did uno mean the block?
Xed_Regulus: I'll try that with my boss tomorrow
TXC2: FPNY41 tomorrow
Sarah_Serinde: James, lapis
Tandtroll_OG: I thought we were supposed to ask nicely
Genie_M: I liked asking nicely method better
Sarah_Serinde: If we needed Bdubs to do something for us, we'd be set
TXC2: asking nicely is how we got this world we have
Angreed66: so rude= shipwreck and nice=trident got it
Lord_Hosk: We all know what time it is James. Its Mine-O'Clock
Mazrae: This shipwreck cove??
RandomTrivia: Good spot
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
TXC2: so it turns out the real shipwreck cove is the sea just beyound shipwreck cove :p
TehAmelie: the shipwrecks marks where you're not supposed to sail, so it's safer the more wrecks there are
rogerivany: Maybe the shipwrecks were the friends we made along the way.
Sarah_Serinde: lrrFINE
Dalrint: A garbage shovel for babies!
Barb4rian: Garbage? I was golden, sir!
PsychoI3oy: you should have enough to make the hopper
RandomTrivia: Hi Jade!
Mazrae: Sea grass near by??
Angreed66: You could make shears for the seagrass
TXC2: Say it loud Jade
Genie_M: Torch
Monocerotis2010: across the road
ExachixKitsune: misheard that conversation as it being about redstone in cake
sephsays: all the best cakes have redstone
TXC2: what if redstone IS cake ?
Mazrae: Need to find sugar cane
tibor_gamerhd2: hey hey
TXC2: hello tibor_gamerhd2 welcome
Genie_M: Health!
phoenixfeather14: chicken to the right
Mazrae: To hell with baby zombos
Boon_33: james know what he did
DudelidouX: one two sugar I think
Boon_33: how about them apples?™
Mazrae: Ask nice??
Boon_33: what if trees are jerks?
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby everytime
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
A_Dub888: Tree, you're oak-ay
Diabore: because its supposed to
Dalrint: Universal Spite
PsychoI3oy: stripped logs, no?
RomanGoro: Yep
Angreed66: it's better than the alternative James
TXC2: !addquote (James) [now] Why does the asking nicely always work?
LRRbot: New quote #8965: "Why does the asking nicely always work?" —James [2024-04-09]
RandomTrivia: sergeJustRight
RomanGoro: gapple
sephsays: cake *is* good.
TXC2: ooh closing in on quote 9000
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
TheDevil_Risen: :D great mind think of the highlight reel :D
TXC2: and name your clips !
DudelidouX: Pretty sure it's only a brown mushroom, I had trouble with that in the past
A_Dub888: @TheDevil_Risen and I clipped it, were are our tickets?
Boon_33 @A_Dub888 hands out tickets
Mazrae: Is that a blast furnace at the bottom of the list?
Dalrint: James nearly opened the door to disaster there
noSmokeFire: glow squid need Y <= 30
Mazrae: The crystal is the glass??
Genie_M: Bet?
Mazrae: 11 min for 5items not including the furnace your are about to finish
RandomTrivia: Oof
RandomTrivia: benginO7
Mazrae: Need to try and hunt for some slime before it's too late
TehAmelie: how distracting would it be to run into an iron vein now?
SymphonicLolita: diamonds to mine obsidian??
Statist42: 3 diamond for obsidian?
Angnor33: Slime...
SnackPak_: seen any swamps?
SymphonicLolita: nice
Angreed66: there was a swamp on the surface
RandomTrivia: Pffft
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
SnackPak_: impressive
RandomTrivia: So rude
margieargie: tqsLOL tqsLOL
Angreed66: fully enclosed water too
insanecat6mtg: you can make obsidian
RandomTrivia: What is this, the Nether ceiling?
RandomTrivia: Single, enclosed source blocks...
Angreed66: Have you tried asking nicely :p
ExachixKitsune: Remember; you have to mean it. (not that I think James doesn't mean it)
TXC2: Minecraft knows sincerity
RandomTrivia: HypeLUL
seeweda: I think that was a sarcastic right as in yeah right
SnackPak_: no one wants diamonds lrrBEEJ
TXC2: minecraft also know irony
RandomTrivia: Welp
Mazrae: Not even lava
selay_samir: GG
RandomTrivia: That's a solid showing, especially given how rude Minecraft has been today
RandomTrivia: Was it the other right, from your previous corridor?
BoatyMcBoatfaceJr: how many diamonds would you have got?
RandomTrivia: Holy BUS
RandomTrivia: There's NOTHING
TXC2: got real colse to that lava :p
TXC2: *close
Strebenherz: Dodging *all* the caves
DudelidouX: That quite impressive
TehAmelie: just dug straight into Hubble's deep field
SnackPak_: minecraft lied
Strebenherz: Completely dodged that geode too
TheDevil_Risen: way to thread the needle
Chesul: if you hadn't turned you would have hit one and gotten the obsidian. XD
TheDevil_Risen: haha
Juliamon: Drop challenge
ExachixKitsune: you heard "Right" but minecraft said "Straight"
Strebenherz: Biggest oof
RandomTrivia: Several needles lined up to be threaded all at once
TehAmelie: it's got to be payback for all those times you dug straight into diamonds without trying
RandomTrivia: Fun stream
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks for the stream gents :)
RandomTrivia: Bye Uno!
TXC2: thanks for streaming James and Uno
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: FAR: Changing Tides) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (33m from now).
Mazrae: It might of thought that you asked for diamonds not redstone
insanecat6mtg: Have a good day everyone!
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
RandomTrivia: Thanks for the stream, James and Uno! lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
TheDevil_Risen: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR lrrSHINE
TXC2: the family jamily !
Mangledpixel: Famtopher Jamtopher
Mangledpixel: Famitude Jamitude
Trahas: ooh what is Ian cooking?
RandomTrivia: Love some Cooking with Ian
TheDevil_Risen: ooo highlander jam
TheDevil_Risen: nice :)
Gascitygaming: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Talking Simulator (Cameron and Cori take a deeper look at the world of video games. Game: FAR: Changing Tides) at Tue 01:30 PM PDT (30m from now).
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
LoadingReadyRun: did twitch chat break? or are you all just not saying goodbye to me like a bunch of meanies :P
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
Juliamon: Why not both?
LoadingReadyRun: touche
BrookJustBones: Bye James
NorthstarTex: Bye James, back to lurking
TXC2: maybe everyones gone to the crapshot?
margieargie: Yeah, that's what I did as soon as the stream ended
TehAmelie: oh, while we're not doing anything, enjoy the dpomiest solar eclipse picture ever
TehAmelie: it's from 2018 apparently. but seems topical