Nigouki: !power
Kramburger: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
NimrodXIV: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Going_Medium: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrSIG
MWGNZ: hifunkSup hifunkPopcorn
rraawwrrimabear subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rraawwrrimabear! (Today's storm count: 19)
bootsmalone subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 84 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bootsmalone! (Today's storm count: 20)
joelowe2: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Lysander_salamander: hello everybody
SeaDiegoFC subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months!
SeaDiegoFC: We got the power!
betweenmyself: riffYeti pennyWhat
The_Timo: Hello peeps!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SeaDiegoFC! (Today's storm count: 21)
veelofar: Hey, Alan! Wake up! It's the second game!
Nigouki: It was Scratch that turned off the moonbase lights!
rosesmcgee: Power is back on just in time to send the spoopy lads back into the content mines.
thedevil_risen1: Welcome back LRR
Bruceski: The lights are back on, time to turn them off again
Lyinginbedmon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 76 months, currently on a 76 month streak!
Lyinginbedmon: 76 months of spoop!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lyinginbedmon! (Today's storm count: 22)
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
radiantsound subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, radiantsound! (Today's storm count: 23)
SnackPak_: lrrSPOOP
definenull: !!!
Juliamon: AH
Blakemcm: ahh!
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Melfina__: lrrSPOOPY
Meyari: Buaah
gualdhar: the crowd is becoming electric in anticipation! The Moonbase is harnessing that power!
ShaneLeeAtk: Boogity Boo, indeed
patrick_stonecrusher: Boogedyboo to you too
SeaDiegoFC: lrrFINE
lochnessseammonster: lrrSPOOPY
veelofar: Dangit, I spilled my water all over my shirt when that jumpscare happened. XD
Blakemcm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
Blakemcm: 25 months of subs? a whole nickle!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Blakemcm! (Today's storm count: 24)
Kramburger: I'm reduced to typing like an old man today, your boy nearly had the tip of his middle finger sliced off yesterday thanks to a jammed drawer and a brand new potato peeler
saucemaster5000: ow that sucks
Kramburger: A trip to the ED and two stitches leter..
betweenmyself: That made me boogety-boo my pants. So scary BibleThump
Kramburger: *later
definenull: oof D:
LMAOkai_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LMAOkai_! (Today's storm count: 25)
joelowe2: I type like an old man, because I'm old
MWGNZ: @Kramburger hands are not potats
wishiwassleeping subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wishiwassleeping! (Today's storm count: 26)
Kramburger: @MWGNZ hold on, let me get a notepad
saucemaster5000: @Kramburger ONce cliced my thumb chopping carrots, went to the ER after wrapping it without looking, they took a look and said "okay, do you have the other piece to attach?" to which I said "WHAT OTHER PIECE??"
thedevil_risen1: I tried to slice my finger off with a bread knife while prepping an easfer bun over easter
MWGNZ: Kramburger no rush, i know learning new things takes time
DideRobot: LRR: The spooky Victoria Power outage we had today was just the early jump scare to prep you for your regularly scheduled spoopy stream | |
definenull: nope nope nope
Kramburger: @saucemaster5000 My FIL lost a cm of a finger like that about two years ago
niccus: chat's leveling alan up with word of cringe (physical)
saucemaster5000: yup that's what happened to me
Kramburger: 😬😬😬
thedevil_risen1: PrideHeartL PrideHeartR PrideLove
Woogachaka: This is why I'm such a stickler for good knife technique when we're cooking at home. I had a shop teacher who had a saying about this kind of stuff "A red mark on this project is not like your usual"
Snouut: Hello fronds! It's time!
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrBEN lrrADAM
JinaMahavira: BAP
TheWarDoctor8: We have the power!
ButButTheJesus: MAWP
ghizmou: aren't these fudgeos?
Juliamon: There are pop rocks oreos no
Juliamon: now
itsr67: wtf
baltimore_667083: no its clearly Hydrox
Kramburger: Okay now do it again but slower
thedevil_risen1: Pop rock oreos
definenull: those are not the right colour for oreos
TheWriterAleph: nope nope nope
gualdhar: yeah pop rocks oreos
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
baltimore_667083: Kappa
Juliamon: they're 'space-themed'
veelofar: Oh, Oreos with Pop Rocks?! That's SICK!
Snouut: yeah now stare at the camera and so it again
Lysander_salamander: I haven't tried the poprock oreos yet
Juliamon: because space is apparently pop rocks
BrowneePoints: are those the galaxy oreos
AMuseOfFirebane: Oh yeah I had those I liked them
NotCainNorAbel: Adam is right
Kramburger: P R E A C H
TheWarDoctor8: Wait, did they make the Trans Dysphoreos real?!?
twistedsylvan: GASP
ghizmou: maple leafs
MWGNZ: mid at best
The_Timo: Oreo flavor is great but Oreos themselves.... Meh
ShaneLeeAtk: Nutter Butters
JusticeJuice: Snickerdoodles
niccus: hydrox is a bit better, but oreo's ok dippin' till sogged
Going_Medium: Fresh chocolate chip
Kramburger: No he's right
saucemaster5000: they are indeed vegan
BrowneePoints: they’re vegan
NotCainNorAbel: just sugar, sugar, and sugar
BrowneePoints: famously so
lamina5432: i've been baited shut up on that
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
The_Timo: Unrelated but yes
TheWarDoctor8: Fun Fact: Oreo is the *knockoff* of the original, not the other way around
SmithKurosaki: The Bi Oreos!
Lysander_salamander: :D
baltimore_667083: oh hi wheeler!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Many of those things are so artificial they have sort of a distant relationship to food
Bruceski: Best homemade cookie is oatmeal raisin. Best store cookie is ginger snaps scooped in vanilla ice cream.
NimrodXIV: Oreos are mostly artificial, so yeah, lol
lochnessseammonster: i work at a vegan bakery... oreos are trash
lamina5432: oreo's are my childhood
Scy_Anide: Oreo thins are ok, but otherwise you're right. And yet, strictly better than anything Chips Ahoy.
Snouut: Mulk?
AMuseOfFirebane: I could eat a whole package of Oreo right now
Riandisa: I only like Oreo Thins
veelofar: You should try Peanut Butter filled Oreos
mrkrabswasright subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mrkrabswasright! (Today's storm count: 27)
Lysander_salamander: malk?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Normal malk or blue malk
saucemaster5000: @lochnessseammonster I mean, agreed. Also vegan bakery? Fucking Pog. Got trained by a vegan baker
raulghoulia: daily dose of vitamin R
ShaneLeeAtk: Lemon Oreos I like
NarishmaReborn: the swedish fish icing was the best
SnackPak_: dipped in malk oreos fore me
Juliamon: malk is an actual product
BrowneePoints: Oreo filling is decent
Snouut: choccy woccy mulk
betweenmyself: get ya them Oreo Thins
Scy_Anide: Do you not dip your Oreos in pilk?
itira: Ben is incorrect. cookie best part
thedevil_risen1: Caramel oreos are rad
BrowneePoints: hydrox filling is aaaassss
protojman: maelc?
definenull: I just want the cookie, no icing too
lochnessseammonster: @saucemaster5000 nice! PrideLaugh
Kramburger: BEN
The_Timo: Cheese quake
SmithKurosaki: Cookie best part. Dont @ me :p
Makrosian_Tae: Cookie is the worst part? EXCUSE?
Lysander_salamander: why
Kramburger: BAD BEN
Snouut: right id love to know what youre favourtite tims donuts are aha
patrick_stonecrusher: Nerds Blizzard
Mr_Horrible: That's it, we're putting Ben in the Contraption
BrowneePoints: generic hydrox cookie filling is garbage
Kramburger: APOLOGISE
KV1NN4: Triple Stuffed Oreos exist (or used to)
Lysander_salamander: :D
veelofar: Whelp, It's been fun
itira: wait wtf is THAT Adam (i just got here)
twistedsylvan: Who let Ben have sugar before stream
NarishmaReborn: they're fine
itira: eeeeeeeeeew
LMAOkai_: Oreo's are mid tier at best
Kramburger: ADAM WHYYY
niccus: oreo frosting is sugared shortening
itira: Adam!!
gamercat88: dipping oreos in peanut butter
Lysander_salamander: oreos are like cardboard
itsr67: LUL
SnackPak_: the worst asmr
Snouut: i feel like ben is a sour cream glaze donut kinda guy
HondoTrigger: OREO ASMR LFG
firehawkzoa: Cookie is the best part
Asoxa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 78 months!
lochnessseammonster: cookie is ok to use as crumbs for the bottom of cheesecakes
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Asoxa! (Today's storm count: 28)
TheWriterAleph: can this just be the stream?
NarishmaReborn: i do like the pop rocks filling though for the goof
ButButTheJesus: MEIN GOTT
raulghoulia: we can hear that
Mr_Horrible: incredible
saucemaster5000: that's the asmr we all paid for
definenull: we've strayed too far HahaSweat
PMAvers: Like, the yellow/vanilla ones are... fine. But there's better cookies you could get for the price.
Masslost: chocolate chip cookies are the best
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 75 months!
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: 25 more months and I'll have a dollar!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa! (Today's storm count: 29)
Kramburger: No talk show, start the game, we're done
Thefluffiestguineapig: NO
ghizmou: pilk
Mr_Horrible: tha Pilk
itsr67: pilk?
lochnessseammonster: pop rocks would almost make me like oreos PrideLaugh
HondoTrigger: yeah, me
squ3e: Pilk!
JinaMahavira: The pilk?
beastman309: Six oreos and a half mug of milk is the perfect treat.
brainbosh: Oreos *require* milk or ice cream to reach full potential
dweebert91: pilk?
epsilon_vee: i mean, this is the right stream for spooky mouth noises
ShaneLeeAtk: Pilk? Never heard of it
ButButTheJesus: my mom would do milk and root beer
itira: Ben are you alright? LUL
Melfina__: I'm sorry, what and what together?
Thefluffiestguineapig: That sounds like hell
HondoTrigger: its unreal how good it is
LMAOkai_: pilk is cursed
Kramburger: That's WRETCHED
SnackPak_: it is a thing people do
squ3e: Mepsi!
dweebert91: Oh its a thing
lochnessseammonster: that's a melted knock off rootbeer float
Mr_Horrible: no, it's a thing
saucemaster5000: the pilkussy
NimrodXIV: ew
itsr67: lmfao
JinaMahavira: pilk-pilled
saritheran: they had the pop rocks for USA 4th of July Oreo, and I disliked them then too
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: that sounds deeply cursed
Blakemcm: sounds like its as bad as it sounds
Mr_Horrible: pilkmaxxing
lochnessseammonster: and sounds terrible PrideLaugh
Kramburger: Mods?
firehawkzoa: It's a lazy float
Melfina__: Gross... so so gross
Sparklyopteryx: I got sherbet in my eye once
Scy_Anide: Someone was doing it on the #food channel on the Discord.
rosesmcgee: cream soda and milk is goated
Lysander_salamander: do people only drink pilk as a bet?
Kramburger: Can we ban the streamers?
thedevil_risen1: That is 🤬
Juliamon: Kramburger don't have the power
Mr_Horrible: I love how even the camera is upset about this conversation
Orxolon: good evening everybody
SquareDotCube: autofocus is having a time
Thefluffiestguineapig: Huh
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
Kramburger: Why does autofocus hate Ben today?
Thefluffiestguineapig: NO
patrick_stonecrusher: Camera doesnt want to witness this conversation
Candysniper015: a lot of my friends in Rhode Island drink it. makes me sick every time just to watch
TheMerricat: "Pepsi and milk is a drink called Pilk, which is made by mixing Pepsi and milk. The drink has become popular on TikTok after Lindsay Lohan drank it in a Pepsi ad. Some say it tastes like an ice cream float. "
Snouut: i hope you arent friends anymore
Thefluffiestguineapig: seabatYIKES BIG seabatYIKES
Mr_Horrible: "Beasts all over the shop..."
lochnessseammonster: i have ice cream with poprocks
Kramburger: We will not see the light of god
Friskycharizard is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
Friskycharizard gifted a Tier 1 sub to Greatgreengoo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Friskycharizard! Welcome to Greatgreengoo! (Today's storm count: 30)
itira: the pop dont stop
Snouut: pop rocks are in there rent free
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
dweebert91: BEN
squ3e: O.o
Going_Medium: Adam popping off.
Lysander_salamander: don't clip that
thedevil_risen1: Hahaha
SnackPak_: sure...
Kramburger: BEN NO
betweenmyself: pennyWhat
josh___something: O.o
MWGNZ: jamieOhjeez
thedevil_risen1: GG BEN
Mr_Horrible: dairy + cola isn't that weird, tbh
josh___something: Owo
Juliamon: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Candysniper015: oh no
CaptinOfBeez: cause we wanna occupy the space?
itira: LUL
gualdhar: too late
squ3e: Hi highlight reel!
Blakemcm: is Beej HR?
thedevil_risen1: GOAT
Kramburger: Dig UP Ben
Kipstar: dig UP ben!
Lysander_salamander: out of context people are having a good day today
itira: Sneaky Snake
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu seabatOAK
rosesmcgee: What that mouth do. From a square footage standpoint.
Orlantia subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 89 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Orlantia! (Today's storm count: 31)
Mr_Horrible: Slink, I think?
SquareDotCube: shaq fu
ButButTheJesus: swigglin swootin?
Lysander_salamander: Is it The Kelp Dance?
Juliamon: slinky
lochnessseammonster: it sure is tuesday
TheWarDoctor8: oh yikes
Lysander_salamander: Seaweed Shimmy?
HondoTrigger: the haves and the have nots
itira: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: How so?
7gorobei: seikiro'n the outage
quatoria: wow that cardboard tube samurai statue must be HUGE
PMAvers: The Trolley problem, in that they don't have enough trolleys
PMAvers: because public transport is good
Mr_Horrible: the only problem is that he doesn't have more trolleys
saucemaster5000: someone kobayahshi maru'd the trolley problem
Diabore: jesus paul
squ3e: Paul would do well in captitalist america
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Seems like unrestrained capitalism to me LUL
ButButTheJesus: "finally, other people know my pain!"
Mr_Horrible: NAUR
SnackPak_: womp womp
itira: welp LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: Woof
Thefluffiestguineapig: Owh Naur
Mr_Horrible: the upside is - fridge *also* busted, so you just needed to wait for your chicken to heat up naturally
thedevil_risen1: And then the kettle @ben
The_Timo: Surprised Ian doesn't have some makeshift power generator tucked away somewhere
MWGNZ: hifunkPopcorn hifunkPopcorn
itira: "meal prep" Popcorn, orange slices and chicken
SnackPak_: soccer game with a movie after
Scy_Anide: Hell yeah pesto chicken is good shit.
squ3e: Im with ben on this one
firehawkzoa: Powers out let's nuke my lunch and wait for it to come back...nerts
saucemaster5000: ya gotta have snackies
Kramburger: Popcorn and orange slices? Ben are you stealing my daughter's luch from Daycare?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Agreed, snackies essential
Mr_Horrible: we *did* bring up Adult Lunchables earlier today
Mr_Horrible: so this tracks
WiJohn: It's called popcorn chicken
squ3e: Hell yeah gamer
quatoria: @Kramburger literally my first thought
Makrosian_Tae: Snacks are important. Ben is one of my people FBtouchdown
gualdhar: wow Ben's a psychopath, cold chicken?
itira: OH YES 3 drinks minimum
NotCainNorAbel: which is how we know there is no gaming going on right now
Fanklok: Three??? I have one beverage
bo_brinkman: Oh, good, I didn't miss the podcast portion. :D
ghizmou: your water, your coffee and your pilk
SnackPak_: fun drink?
Mr_Horrible: I'll usually have my fun drink and my water
Talin06: 2 at most
Xaunaught: no no, Ben is right
The_Timo: Alcohol
thatguysteve2709: Ben are you ok?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Your caffeine isn't FUN?????
Ms_LadyMix: Ben is correct, three drinks
itira: Beverage Gremins Unite!
Fe1ix66: that's just the neurodivergent 3 drinks thing
arkhamrefugee: The Boys are back for a SCREAMING good time!
SnackPak_: gottem
Mr_Horrible: black coffee is plenty fun
ButButTheJesus: Ben I'm literally arranging my 3 drinks right now
betweenmyself: coulda popped that popcorn using Adam’s hot, high priced mouth riffYeti
Mr_Horrible: Ben is just a child
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
queercrafting_chonk: I literally have 3 drinks on my rn
KV1NN4: i usually have water and a fun-drink
wearehoshi: Rip
saucemaster5000: coffee is a fun drink for Geriatrics
gawag_: Soda
LMAOkai_: water is a fun drink
KWardJenx: Welcome back, Serge. Bang!
NimrodXIV: water and caffeine OR fun drink, not all 3
EvilBadman: Triple drink at the desk is neurodivergent
itira: One to hydrate, one to energize and one just for fun!
lochnessseammonster: coffee is more fun than juice
Jennie_Fuchsia: bi culture drinking 3+ drinks
The_Timo: 2 tops
patrick_stonecrusher: Something with a twisty straw
ButButTheJesus: dozens of us!
queercrafting_chonk: Water, green tea with honey, and sparkling black raspberry ice water
Kramburger: Fun drinks and chicken nuggets, Ben confirmed to be a 6 year old
proper_lemon: sparkling water is a fun drink
Juliamon: I just have water + fun drink
Ms_LadyMix: if you’re drinking less than three you’re suffering for no reason
quatoria: ben, you live your life like you got body switched from a 10 year old boy, Tom Hanks "big" style
itira: me too! 3 drinks
rosesmcgee: I get up to get a drink every time
Xaunaught: My partner is a 4 drink girly
Going_Medium: All water all the time.
arkhamrefugee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
arkhamrefugee: Coffee us THE ORIGINAL fun drink.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arkhamrefugee! (Today's storm count: 32)
lochnessseammonster: and the nd's
itira: wait ben.. im not gay!
Scy_Anide: 2 drinks but drink polycule is fine.
Fanklok: Ben you're only half gay
Mr_Horrible: Literally any time I realize I'm about to hit a 3rd drink I think to myself "this is too much, finish one first"
Gizmoloid: times like that are when you really consider the worth of a small camp gas stove.
Juliamon: I don't want to take my meds with fun drink
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
thedevil_risen1: I still feel bad for ben, he went for the kettle after the microwave
niccus: i've got two, too late for tea or coffee
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: if I ever have more than one drink on my desk it's because I grabbed another ahead of running out of the first
gualdhar: I'm with Adam, cold water hits something different
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL LUL
NimrodXIV: new homophobe just dropped
firehawkzoa: Three drinks is normal MREs have 3 drinks per meal
lochnessseammonster: for me it's the gay and the adhd
KV1NN4: Water follows me aorund all day, and at meals I'll have waterr and a fun drink. Soemtimes i ahve 3 drinks by accident because i forgot abotut he tea i alreayd made (yup, queer here <XD)
Jennie_Fuchsia: Potions are just bi culture
bo_brinkman: Ooops. I have 3 drinks.
queercrafting_chonk: My queerness requires HYDRATION
Mr_Horrible: wait, so if I'm on 2 drinks am I bi? Is *this* how I find out?
squ3e: "Does he, ya know, have 3 ddrinks?"
saucemaster5000: straight men don't drink anything with color
bo_brinkman: Time to call that guy from HS I never told ...
Ms_LadyMix: cold water, hot tea, and something to make waking up in the morning worth it
BrowneePoints: “what kind of drinks do you serve here?” “oh both kinds, country AND western…err water”
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KV1NN4 Yeah, I have my main hydration for the day which goes everywhere, then sometimes something else with a meal
itira: As a non gay, I have water, coffee and a flavoured soda water on my desk. argument doesnt hold up
ButButTheJesus: I am mixing two of my drinks, what does that mean
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 not remotely true, gatorade comes in so many colors
CatTreeDreamCar: "Now let's see Paul Alan's water on the desk."
Fanklok: Ben...
lochnessseammonster: i always forget it...
EvilBadman: Bisexual, tridrinxual
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible fuck you're right
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW
SAJewers: pay someone to carry it for you lrrBEEJ
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean, spoons are a thing
Rhynerd: this reminds me, I should get some water myself.
KV1NN4: People have complimentary water and a paid drink at restaurants :3
lochnessseammonster: and it's too heavy for my little arms PrideLaugh
saucemaster5000: Look I only play staight characters in video games
Thefluffiestguineapig: Spoons are the real life term for exhaustion meter
Jennie_Fuchsia: protein drink, caffeine drink, hydration drink let’s goo
orangeleapfrog: I can’t drink water if it isn’t in front of me
WiJohn: Water bottle AND orange slices? Too much!
saucemaster5000: I don't know the IRL straight rules
SquareDotCube: why have water when you've got all these other tasty drinks
Going_Medium: Oh no, you can't roll
raulghoulia: no fast ravel for Ben
ghyllnox: Ben slow-rolling across Victoria
chaps_the_goblin_king: Fellas, Is it gay to hydrate?
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 it's okay, we don't know them either
lochnessseammonster: the holy trinity
thedevil_risen1: Ben forgot to spec into strong back
kimmiekoneko: he drinks a protein drink, he drinks a vodka drink
bo_brinkman: I've switched to Decaf Coffee + Diet Mtn Dew + Water since it is evening.
Jennie_Fuchsia: me putting 5 bottles into the work fridge in the morning wondering why my back hurts
lochnessseammonster: lil snacky snacks
itira: Bens lunch is girl dinner
Mr_Horrible: meanwhile Boy Dinner is cigarettes and gas station beer
ghizmou: three thin mints is girl dinner
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
LostThePirate: I've got some flavored fizzy water and, like, 1/3 of a cider lol
Ms_LadyMix: it’s toddler dinner but fancy
SnackPak_: Adam learning about girl dinner is amazing
Athelgar: theres also the ADHD drinks, which is just forgetting you already have a drink and getting up to get another one
gamercat88: girl dinners rock
The_Timo: That's the most bachelor thing ever. Whatever is in the fridge
bo_brinkman: "cigarettes and chocolate milk"
HondoTrigger: I call water that's been left standing for days to weeks on end "Depression water"
ghyllnox: Adam didn't know about girl dinner?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: How is adam a streamer who has never been on the internet???
lochnessseammonster: you're surprised ben?
squ3e: Adam this has ddefinitely come up before
Lysander_salamander: originally it was like, a charcuterie board
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Ms_LadyMix: Ben it’s okay, he’s just straight
Mr_Horrible: We need to get you talking to Wheeler more, Adam
itira: LOL
circusofkirkus: we found someone who touches too much grass
Blakemcm: gotta keep my girly figure
Jennie_Fuchsia: I’m having girl dinner right now
thatguysteve2709: Adam I am with you on this
lochnessseammonster: half a popsicle
Thefluffiestguineapig: I promise I have had sadder girl dinner
lochnessseammonster: lunchables
lazermeow: I didn't know either.
raulghoulia: I could watch 3 hours of Ben explaining terminally online culture to Adam
ludusprime: I eat thin mints by the sleeve
ButButTheJesus: yeah I thought it was a bit of meat/cheese/crackers
firehawkzoa: It's what single men have been doing for all time and now girls are stealing it /s
itira: LOL lolol
The_Timo: Because it's the most bachelor thing ever., whatever is in the fridge
quatoria: flavored water! girl dinner!
Thefluffiestguineapig: The last of the grapes, under 10
saucemaster5000: FFS people eat good food
definenull: zero effort food
betweenmyself: the rock Adam lives under has wonderful sound has stable internet access, surprisingly
LostThePirate: My girl dinner tonight is a frozen burrito, some cottage cheese, and sour gummy worms :P
Jennie_Fuchsia: hummus and veg w cheese and straight slices of turkey
circusofkirkus: Let's Stereotype
SquareDotCube: I was semi-responsible, I cooked a frozen pizza
lazermeow: Sounds like some Communist propaganda BS.
Kramburger: Girl Dinner: The natural enemy of meal preppers
lochnessseammonster: the popsicle was the original i think
itira: two cookies and a pickle, GIRL DINNER
bo_brinkman: bachelor dinner is "tuna fish from the can. And not Starkist"
queercrafting_chonk: It's charcuterie board by way of neurodivergent poverty
Lysander_salamander: they do?
gualdhar: oh no, I DO make a main and a side
goombalax: oh the power is back heck yeah
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Imagine poorly rushed road trip snacks , adam. This is girl dinner!
gualdhar: gotta have veggies
Jennie_Fuchsia: girl dinner is about being very tired all the time
LostThePirate: A main and a side is NOT girl dinner
squ3e: Im having pizza asa a main and pistachios for a side
quatoria: "bag of chips" is acceptable as a side *or* a main dish
Valbatross_: "women be shopping" for the 21st century
saucemaster5000: I make fucking three courses. The Poly Bi Way
Thefluffiestguineapig: I can't afford that!
benjamin_wheeler: wait’ll Adam hears about Boy Dinner
ghyllnox: Also, a disproportionate amount of women have eating disorders, so...
Thefluffiestguineapig: I'm poor!
lochnessseammonster: the thing with girl dinner is you have an infinite amount of them, not just 3 a day PrideLaugh
notthepenguins: no, the joke is flipping around the idea of girls needing to be On and instagram-ready all the time
Mai_Andra: meat + potatoes
Astrovore subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months!
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benjamin_wheeler: 7 cigarettes and a bag of gold fish
Fe1ix66: beer
kimmiekoneko: i thought only eating a main (meat) was a male trait
Mr_Horrible: cigarettes
quatoria: boy dinner is RAW MEAT
itira: Nachos in bed
definenull: wheeler plz
Orxolon: i am a cook myself and i can vow for the protein and aditionals dish
QuixoticScrivener: twinks, usually
The_Timo: Anything in the fridge
TheWarDoctor8: yall are making COURSES?
NimrodXIV: a bag of chips?
HondoTrigger: boy dinner is frozen taquitos
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL LUL
SquareDotCube: yesterday's pizza
notthepenguins: boy dinner is a bachelor dish you heated up in the microwave
Diabore: steak sandwich where the bread is also steak
ludusprime: Everclear and raw hamburger
betweenmyself: boy dinnussy pennyWhat
niccus: the dish you see in a male living space
Kramburger: A handful of pasta and some grated cheese
SnackPak_: boy dinner for life
patrick_stonecrusher: Raw steak and burbon
Bruceski: My experience is completely the opposite of that
MWGNZ: main is a packet of cookies and side is a second packet of cookies
EvilBadman: Yeah the one item girl dinner is hyperbole. It's supposed to be a hodgepodge of whatever ya got snack wise
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: it seems like "girl dinner" occupies the same slot as "breakfast of champions"
Mr_Horrible: Boy Dinner is what you pick up at the counter at 7/11
thedepthandbreadthofseth: 3 Hot pockets is boi dinner.
onetrueseth: bachelor dinner is just hot sauce on ritz crackers
Lysander_salamander: it's like "depression dinner" when you can't get to the store because of the horrors.
Scy_Anide: It's a stereotype so boy dinner is steak and potatoes.
The_Timo: I make a sandwich and a cup of noodles lol
JusticeJuice: Girl dinner being gender affirming wasn't on my plan tonight.
bo_brinkman: Not to repeat myself, but "Cigarettes and choc-o-late milk"
Jennie_Fuchsia: boy dinner is frozen in a box OR frozen in a burrito
saucemaster5000: Appetizer, main (and side), and Fucking dessert. I'm an adult
benjamin_wheeler: or like a 6 pack of beer and an entire Costco ham
Mai_Andra: why did my brain first think of a bag with a goldfish in it from the pet store... =o
Thefluffiestguineapig: Turn that into croutons
Dog_of_Myth: Ok, Let Ben Cook
SquareDotCube: the buck-gette
Jennie_Fuchsia: boy dinner is That Thing You Like From Trader Joes
ChrisTheLemming: "boy meal" is half a can of vienna sausages
BrowneePoints: I grabbed pizza, toppings, and put it on top of the baguette and make French bread pizza
TheMerricat: "“Boy Dinner” is any quick and easy meal a guy makes for dinner. It's usually a piece of protein, like chicken breast or ground beef, without any sides."
lamina5432: I'm more a pot meal or sandwich
KV1NN4: 3 course meal: Snack whatever I can find while I cook, main course, dessert is whatever is chilling ont he window sill XD
ghizmou: yeah, vienna sausage is.... a thing
Diabore: sausage in a can
gamercat88: small weiner
Fanklok: Ben bad news brother. During bird game the owl thing came up, Wheeler, Matt and James all said 2. AFTER they talked about how they see owls all the time.
EvilBadman: Boy dinner is chicky nuggies or tendies. Full stop.
KV1NN4: (it's winter and soemtimes I keep choclate up there XD)
quatoria: trucker dinner is potted meat food product
SquareDotCube: the tinyest sausage
xVoxtric: Vienna sausages are like little smokies
Thefluffiestguineapig: It experience
saucemaster5000: spam is fantastic, don't let anyone say otherwise
Mai_Andra: kraft dinner with hot dogs
firehawkzoa: It's tiny hotdogs in a can
goombalax: I got a new breadmaker and it makes killer pizza crust
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Vienna sausage is if hot dog married spam.
itira: EWWW
itira: Adam pleeeeeease
I_Am_Clockwork: heyho friends
SnackPak_: game pls
saucemaster5000: I pick both
firehawkzoa: Pop rocks
Mr_Horrible: I pick Cutting His Mic
Mr_Horrible: Again
speedracer4321: capss lock
7gorobei: vienna sausage is like crumbly hotdog mini links
Juliamon: Easy on the caps pls
speedracer4321: sorry]
baltimore_667083: blood, guts, tears, oh my!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Hot Pickle Boondoggle an option again?
JusticeJuice: Can we get the pop rocks elsewhere?
speedracer4321: ddin't mean to caps lock that one
TheWriterAleph: pew pew
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I've been big on chicken, rice, green beans, onions, and spinach
itira: LOLOL hahahaaaaa
Mai_Andra: white rice cooked with cayenne pepper
Lysander_salamander: ahahaha
BrowneePoints: @loadingreadyrun but yeah, I will grab those cheap Walmart baguettes and then pizza sauce, cheese, and toppings and split that in half and make two French bread pizzas in the oven
ButButTheJesus: i don't have any of those things
squ3e: Juliamon out here like "Snipings a good job mate"
ghizmou: that s so irresponsible
thedevil_risen1: Loll
LMAOkai_: damn Ben typing like a father
saucemaster5000: Ben is like me fr fr
Mr_Horrible: it's 2 different methods, yeah
Saintnex: Wut?
speedracer4321: me neither, happens to me all th e time ben
notthepenguins: hunting and pecking eh
MWGNZ: gotta see what key the fingers are using
EvilBadman: Fukj
Fanklok: Imagine reading what you type
Mr_Horrible: People That Learned To Type
Juliamon: that's how things like parnets happen
KV1NN4: i'm attempting lemon rice inmy rice cooker otngiht
Kramburger: Try looking up before you hit enter, it'll change your life
Mr_Horrible: and everyone else
Masslost: white rice with cheese and soy sauce is pretty epic
Blakemcm: maybe Ben plays typing games could be a feature one night
I_Am_Clockwork: I look out the window whistfully while I type
saucemaster5000: @LMAOkai_ damn I had to fess up just as you typed that
thedepthandbreadthofseth: What about a bullion cube in the rice cooker.
The_Timo: Neanderthal typing lol
SquareDotCube: Ben: Also Can't Touch Type
itira: rice and cheeeeeese!
LMAOkai_: @saucemaster5000 lmao
TheWarDoctor8: Ben types like me; I make edits like no one's business
SohNata: Ahh, I love "Ben tells adam things and he reacts" opening chat
Mr_Horrible: it made *me* a martyr, for pete's sake
lazermeow: I double-check my texts so that people don't think I'm illiterate.
KWardJenx: smooth segue
Fanklok: Sometimes you get shot because they like you
Thefluffiestguineapig: Sometimes Adam is picking on some trogs who came from Seachats
TheWarDoctor8: LRRcord knows this all to well for how I post :P
I_Am_Clockwork: I also make disconcerting eyecontact with people while I talkto them while I type
RatherLargeToad: OSFrog
Juliamon: I don't shoot because I like you, I shoot because it's funny
itira: good luck
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Adam, how are you a streamer who has never been on the internet?
Kramburger: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 24:06.
Thefluffiestguineapig: suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you can
niccus: if you never risk it, how do you ever get that biscuit?
SnackPak_: 4 more stream! 4 more streams!
definenull: there *is* a chance but...
kimmiekoneko: y'all play games on this podcast?
EvilBadman: You have like one combat section and then a bunch of on rails narrative
CaptinOfBeez: what if you put the pop rocks in the rice cooker?
Blakemcm: if thats average, call me miles davis
LMAOkai_: Alan Woke
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon may thine sword be ever-sharp
Thefluffiestguineapig: The proboscis monkey energy
thedepthandbreadthofseth: What do you call two guys in a room?
Fanklok: Yeah they need to finish this so they can play Content Warning
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: gonna move onto Alone in the Dark 2024, keep the streak going?
Going_Medium: leave alan in your wake
thedepthandbreadthofseth: A podcast.
JusticeJuice: I'd watch 4 full streams of pre game chats.
TheWarDoctor8: My dinner is about to be leftover pork burritos, with rice, cheese and avacado; how does this square with the previous dinner convo's meal grid?
Orxolon: we finish it today!¿?nice
Fanklok: What the fuck is happening
Lysander_salamander: :D
squ3e: I'll finish my pizza slice if we finish the game today
Juliamon: my dinner was supposed to be steak tips but I slept through it so it's probably a PB&J
onetrueseth: Adam, please, my meridian response
Lysander_salamander: having a moment here
Juliamon: I am tired
Mr_Horrible: no, they're usually plural
saucemaster5000: Baptized pop rocks no longer pop
itsr67: lets nopesmr
Officinalis: The narrative is INTENSE tho
TheWarDoctor8: @Juliamon mood
NightValien28 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 122 months!
NightValien28: comfy bois
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Thefluffiestguineapig: NOT COOL
MWGNZ: jamieOhjeez
saucemaster5000: HIS bike
KV1NN4: Anyone else wants more Adam ASMR
SnackPak_: wtf dude
itsr67: ?????
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
ghizmou: he was like, I got something else I need you to ride
ghyllnox: LUL
The_Timo: Classic seat sniffer
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
ghyllnox: What the hell
betweenmyself: waiting to sniff the bike seat pennyWhat
bo_brinkman: He wanted his butt to touch where your butt touched.
speedracer4321: that was his personal bike, he loves it so much
Blakemcm: He social experimented you
Mr_Horrible: I respect the desire to not bike next to someone
LMAOkai_: he marked his territory on that bike
Rhynerd: the man’s lucky bike.
onetrueseth: He doesn't know how to adjust the seat, he thinks he has to use that one cause it fits.
saucemaster5000: @LMAOkai_ never wipes it down
niccus: what if you went to the gym and you saw a long queue for a single bike with four others empty
Orxolon: you do you man
cspacefeet: Oh the game's started, I must be really late to the stream
Fanklok: Yeah get out of the way of the chair
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
ButButTheJesus: do a comfy!
bo_brinkman: To everyone that said "sniff", I just retched a little.
kimmiekoneko: seymour butts
Kramburger: There was that person in your chat yesterday Adam that wanted a face reveal
Scy_Anide: It was the one with the nice view!
frank_the_great: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 3:13:34. lrrSPOT
speedracer4321: damn adam you didnt have to do him like that
rosesmcgee: His dead grandfather willed him that bike
SnackPak_: woooow
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL LUL
cspacefeet: Nooooo
Mr_Horrible: Adam slowly becoming American
squ3e: DAMN Adam not messing around tonight
Kramburger: Probably a PPR
Fanklok: This one 200%
Juliamon: We don't keep stats
EvilBadman: Any ppr
squ3e: Adam careful you're going to make more twitch jesuses like me from last time
gualdhar: Adam keeps shooting from the hip
SnackPak_: but magic streams are so long
shendaras: Yeah, I would have said some PPR.
Juliamon: OH GOD NO
Thefluffiestguineapig: Mods are the best
Fanklok: Actually Kramburger has a point, Strixhaven PPR probably does
speedracer4321: i volunteer as tribute to boost the time out stats of lets nope
Blakemcm: probs PPR's right? cause more of the regular internet hops on?
Mr_Horrible: what are you, Adam? Big Tech?
Kramburger: Espicially that one PPR with the comander decks
NarishmaReborn: that one ppr where you were going to reveal the commander deck and people were impatient
patrick_stonecrusher: Mine o clock attracts a lot of ipad babies
EvilBadman: The PPR that had the commander reveal last
Mr_Horrible: why you hungry for Metrics?
Juliamon: I do think the Strixhaven PPR in particular is the high water mark
NotCainNorAbel: Juliamon just sitting trying to ban LoadingReadyRun over and over
Orxolon: what kind of intelligence?academic?emotional?
BrowneePoints: I have
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or spammers
speedracer4321: whoa whoa whoa calm down now lol
BrowneePoints: or being racist or homophobic
Juliamon: but modern PPRs are actually quite chill
Rhynerd: I could imagine one of the late night streams getting an uncanny number due to being hit by a spambot swarm
BrowneePoints: depending on the guest
ButButTheJesus: HOT SAUCE
Kramburger: R I C E C O O K E R I N B I O
saucemaster5000: to be fair.. I'd eat that
SquareDotCube: but does it have a PEPPER BAR
Lysander_salamander: wait, like, do you put the ranch in the rice cooker too? Or after it's been cooked?
jessieimproved: sounds like a good way to ruin a rice cooker
Fanklok: How does this recipe fit into the subwayverse?
MacbethSeemsSus: Sir, this is a slow cooker
BrowneePoints: ranch is awful
niccus: try out ranch with a ton of black pepper
speedracer4321: sometimes we mix it up with some barbeque sauce and cheese lol
saucemaster5000: I like ranch spices mixed with sour cream the best
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, ranch like dip, not straight up ranch
BrowneePoints: and I’m from the ranch capitol
NarishmaReborn: that and cool ranch doritos
EvilBadman: @fanklok Fucks up chicken bacon sandwhiches
SquareDotCube: not even buffalo wings?
lochnessseammonster: ppr prolly holds the individual record for one stream but this show prolly has the most over all
Juliamon: <message deleted>ranch Doritos are the only acceptable ranch
Kramburger: Wow Ben eats carrot sticks? You're becoming sugh a big boy!
bosqueofpines: Midwest is seething rn
BrowneePoints: blue cheese for buffalo wings
firehawkzoa: Ranch is for pizza, salad, and veggie platter
saucemaster5000: okay but real take -- fuck baby carrots
Mr_Horrible: milkshake duck'd carrots
Mr_Horrible: what a world
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
saucemaster5000: Just eat carrots
SnackPak_: it is funny
omdorastrix: blue cheese is by far superior to ranch
lochnessseammonster: dip baby carrots in mashed potatoes
SquareDotCube: Mille Isle
Fanklok: Wait Adam is French by genetics????
speedracer4321: blue cheese is gross
saucemaster5000: Ain't a blue cheese enjoyer
frank_the_great: Wait, you're Canadian?!
Mr_Horrible: "I'm Omega French" - sentences you never want to say
Fanklok: How would I, an american, know Savidan is french
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean
EvilBadman: It's French for "Save us, Dan"
Thefluffiestguineapig: If you have the right kind of necrosis?
omdorastrix: Probiotic?
ghizmou: If you say it with a french canadian accent it's st'évident
Mai_Andra: whatever happened to "French" dressing (the orange one)? i loved that stuff as a kid...
niccus: it can give you anaphylactic shock...
fiftymcnasty: plants are alive
NarishmaReborn: delicious mold
PMAvers: And apparently Lunchables have lead in them
Thefluffiestguineapig: Does the edema count as being fat?
Juliamon: <message deleted>it's dairy
ghyllnox: Yes but not vegan
bosqueofpines: If mushrooms are good, so is mold
Kramburger: People complaining about blue cheese moldd don't understand cheese, bread or beer
LostThePirate: I've got mold allergies, and blue cheese sets it off a little so I stay away from it
itsr67: LUL
Lysander_salamander: is mold an animal?
SnackPak_: lets unpack this
BrowneePoints: like 70% of cheeses have some mold or culture in them
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Like who the fuck looked at cheese with blue veiny ass lines in it and went "I need to eat that"
Blakemcm: im a vegetarian and i only eat rocks
jessieimproved: A lot of cheese has animal rennet
Juliamon: <message deleted>so it depends on if you're lactoveg
thatguysteve2709: Study just found out that plants under distress scream
saucemaster5000: Akoy but I made brie and gruyere mac n cheese recently....
Rhynerd: okay for vegetarians, not okay for vegans, IIRC
patrick_stonecrusher: Mold is fungus, fungus being vegetarian is debateable
speedracer4321: yea vegans are hypocrites, all veggies are alive to. just because they arent cute and cudly
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 That sounds AMAZING
Fanklok: If y our bread has living yeast in it still you have a problem
EvilBadman: HEADS? Of Lettuce? Sicko
LordZarano: Fungus is closer to being an animal than a plant, genetically
I_Am_Clockwork: the Yeast Within
Mr_Horrible: don't think anyone's made Breadborne yet
Rhynerd: now I’m being reminded of that one tumblr post where a Vegan gets beekeeping horribly, horribly, wrong.
Mr_Horrible: although someone has certainly made Bredborne
fiftymcnasty: But not once you cook it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes but it should die in the oven
Juliamon: <message deleted>It dies in the cooking process
The_Timo: Yes but you cook it
Blakemcm: yes that is correct
Fanklok: It's not bread if you haven't baked it yet
thedevil_risen1: That means any bacteria in food makes it non vegan hahaha
NotCainNorAbel: Yeast and 'living' is debatable
lochnessseammonster: yeah that's why you gotta feed it
Lysander_salamander: a noble sacrifice
squ3e: o7
BrowneePoints: hence why if your BREAD has living yeast you got a problem
notthepenguins: "living" doesn't have a very solid definition in general
Thefluffiestguineapig: I was honestly trying to figure it out
saucemaster5000: If you get a microphone, you can hear the yeast scream as it bakes
Kramburger: Do it Adam, I dare you
Juliamon: <message deleted>Ben is a coward
Thefluffiestguineapig: Dude, on your head be it if you anger Juliamon
squ3e: And thats why no one will remember your name, benjamin
EvilBadman: Oh hey it's playing the audio this time
speedracer4321: wow rip juliamon, time for the blastin
SnackPak_: no way
Juliamon: <message deleted>come at me bro
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
Dog_of_Myth: o7
definenull: o7
frank_the_great: Evil Star Wars voice: Do it
Mr_Horrible: not even close
DrAegirinePyrope subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrAegirinePyrope! (Today's storm count: 35)
saucemaster5000: Devon Sawa and jessica alba... the 90s were great
betweenmyself: Ben types in the blast in all caps… “Shit!”
Jensling: Wait, maybe she meant Wheeler when she said "Ben" - we can't be sure TPFufun
Kramburger: Looks like Juliamon was right\
raulghoulia: Melee build time
definenull: Cool magic trick
Mr_Horrible: "Bro I was just gonna cut your ropes!"
Fanklok: ALAAAN the sacrifice got off his leash again
Juliamon: <message deleted>Ben H Ulmer is a coward
MadWolf1290: I like how Alan has seen all this shit and is worried about someone dissappearing when he can't see them
thatguysteve2709: No, other way to read that.
Kramburger: Well the could be any Ben H Ulhmer
squ3e: o7
Dog_of_Myth: hahahah
Thefluffiestguineapig: It is a supposed variety of key
NimrodXIV: o7
SnackPak_: o7
Jensling: o7
TheWarDoctor8: WOW
ButButTheJesus: o7
Dog_of_Myth: o7
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
Fanklok: 8 hours?
thedevil_risen1: Wrecked
MWGNZ: PowerUpL hifunkSickest PowerUpR
TheWarDoctor8: o7
Kramburger: o7
shendaras: benginO7
Lysander_salamander: what happened?
Fanklok: Like a real champion
LMAOkai_: noone uses Ben's middle initial and gets away with it
raulghoulia: how long?
CoderBugsworth: o7
GhostValv: o7
thedevil_risen1: TwitchConHYPE
frank_the_great: o7
speedracer4321: wow he full snet that coward claim, he wanted it
ghyllnox: o7
joelowe2: o7
Phailhammer: o7
Fe1ix66: o7
Mr_Horrible: funny how that doesn't change the correctness of the statement Kappa
ArdCollider: oh, I picked a great time to load up here
firehawkzoa: It's a horror game every thing is a key
itsr67: o7\
Mr_Horrible: o7
Thefluffiestguineapig: No mods, no gods, no dreams
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
shendaras: benginTraitor
goombalax: o7
Fe1ix66: anarchy!
definenull: o7
SnackPak_: no mods means no rules!
lochnessseammonster: get fucking blasted
niccus: and that won't cause problems at all
TheWarDoctor8: DinoDance
Makrosian_Tae: He's gone mad with power!!
thatguysteve2709: Cold shower and cigarette time
gualdhar: o7
josh___something: Wh... what have you done...
fiftymcnasty: no mods no rules
saucemaster5000: No fucking way, he DID IT???
Mr_Horrible: the true horror is finding out these dark things about ourselves
thedevil_risen1: PrideRise Silverhand HSWP SabaPing bleedPurple PridePaint VoteYea NomNom HypeFirst PrideLove PrideHeartL PrideHeartR HypeJewel PrideLGBTea TombRaid PrideCute FBtouchdown Kreygasm PridePenguin TwitchConHYPE Kappu PrideParty SingsNote
speedracer4321: ben how dare you juliamon had family!
thedevil_risen1: No rules
squ3e: no mods no gods baby post minecraft memes
Fe1ix66: boy dinner time!
Mathwyn: Gotta get rid of the witnesses now Ben
Diabore: pretty sure youll have to remod juliamon now
frank_the_great: We're now free to post our grocery list: Eggs, milk, cheese
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
Fanklok: Does that demod her?
Masslost: wheelerOok wheelerOok wheelerOok wheelerOok wheelerOok
ghyllnox: @Diabore LUL
Dog_of_Myth: Chat, you know there are other mods right?
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Larkonus: @Fanklok Timing out or banning a mod does remove the mod sword.
saucemaster5000: Time to start putting all my opinions about middle east politics into chat
firehawkzoa: It might
Bobtheninjagoldfish: it does
Mr_Horrible: it might've been smart to know that first
LostThePirate: It removes the Mod
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
gamercat88: o7
speedracer4321: now i can typer in caps with all my weird rice recipes!!! prepare yourselves chat
Lysander_salamander: oh no
ghyllnox: F
thatguysteve2709: Ouch
Thefluffiestguineapig: *cue the YOU Fucked up chant*
SnackPak_: ben fucked up
lochnessseammonster: seabatApp
joelowe2: Ruh-Roh Ben
gualdhar: THEY'RE FREE!
squ3e: I cant wait till Juliamon rejoins in 3 ddays and we get the new LRR testament
Diabore: NOW bens in trouble
bo_brinkman: "We can pinpoint the demise of LRR ..."
Fanklok: Wow I can't believe Ben fired Juliamon
rosesmcgee: it was a setup, Juliamon just wanted the night off
Blakemcm: give Julia a raise!!!
lochnessseammonster: jabaited PrideLaugh
Kramburger: theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING theblu69MEETING
TheWarDoctor8: *it was at this moment Ben knew; He fucked up
EvilBadman: You're logged into the account you can remod them lol
Masslost: well guess lrr is down to one ben
circusofkirkus: ctrl+z ctrl+z
gamercat88: just giving the mod a break
speedracer4321: this is why you don't make decisions with out conviction benjamin
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
NimrodXIV: Juliamon is never seen again
NarishmaReborn: union 10 min break
Mr_Horrible: Ben's about to pull a Pet Cemetery
bo_brinkman: Too bad Juliamon isn't here to tell us how to fix it.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Some Poe references up in here
hieroglyphica: "How do you un-timeout someone..." Quickest turnaround to regret ever!
squ3e: quick someone tell Paul
betweenmyself: “Little did they know, it was not going to be fine.”
EvilBadman: No Mods, No Gods.
thedevil_risen1 is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 7 in the channel!
thedevil_risen1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to squirmingburial!
thedevil_risen1 gifted a Tier 1 sub to The_Real_Ulfopulfo!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, thedevil_risen1! Welcome to The_Real_Ulfopulfo and squirmingburial! (Today's storm count: 37)
josh___something: Benjamin making a literary reference?!
Larkonus: I"m torn between helping out a fellow mod and aiding the chaos.
Kramburger: NO MODS ALL CAPS
mulligan2six: Anyone wanna spam links to MLM's now that there is no mod?
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: lrrFINE lrrHERE
thedevil_risen1: Gifts for anarchy!!!
Mr_Horrible: oh yeah? Name 5
SnackPak_: name 5 books
HondoTrigger: name every book
Blakemcm: Name 2 books?
saucemaster5000: Shonen Jump is not a book
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Bobtheninjagoldfish: "See Spot Run" is in deed a book, Ben.
BrowneePoints: Ben is a Horror Gay
gamercat88: unhinged in this stream... never
Fanklok: Yes Ben we know you've read the literary masterpiece Captain underpants
speedracer4321: IM FREE I CAN CAPS ALL I WANT
goombalax: its a simpsons reference at this point
definenull: Any readers in chat?
gualdhar: CAPS LOCKS!
firehawkzoa: BOOKS
raulghoulia: Ben's an avid reader. Of the back of cereal boxes
MadWolf1290: I love how the other mods are just letting this run wild. :D
mulligan2six: I thought it was a Simpsons reference
frank_the_great: OK
thatguysteve2709: First we find out Ben has 3 drinks now timing out a mod. I repeat my question are you okay?
Larkonus: Real cool kids just hold shift while typing.
HondoTrigger: whos on first
saucemaster5000: I refuse to become part of the mob,
I_Am_Clockwork: I *could* doo all caps now, but I choose not to do it, to show that I control the power rather than the reverse
frank_the_great: From deez nuts
BrowneePoints: I don’t know what that is I’m not a Horror Gay
Masslost: KPOPdance KPOPdance KPOPdance KPOPdance
thedevil_risen1: I just finished the 3 body problem. Was good
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: CHAOS
wastetalent: ben was referencing wishbone
Mr_Horrible: it's a documentary about Weird Pervert, Hidetaka Miyazaki
SquareDotCube: can't wait for the sequel, To
patrick_stonecrusher: IM HOLDIG SHIFT!
speedracer4321: we should google how to untime out streamer!
firehawkzoa: Has Ben been replaced by a doppelganger
saucemaster5000: When everyone riots, being sendible is the only way to rebel
Fanklok: Juliamon is going to come back and it's going to be a bloodbath
Lysander_salamander: chat, calm down
Thefluffiestguineapig: Any regerts Ben?
SnackPak_: is this what twitch chat is like other places?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: I cant; wait to see this play out over the course of the Highlights
joelowe2: I miss @Juliamon
definenull: This is why we need mods
squ3e: Juliamon loading up like the expendales rn
EvilBadman: help my rice cooker is sentient and wants a neck rub
hieroglyphica: Yeah, I think the other mods are gonna let this fire burn out
Dog_of_Myth: No Regerts
Mr_Horrible: very "No Fear -> One Fear" situation
twistedsylvan: Juliamon gonna come back in and mow down chat with a gattling-ban
frank_the_great: Simply give me the mod power, so I can clean up this place. I *totally* won't abuse it
NimrodXIV: mods banned, post rice cooker recopies
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Dog_of_Myth Thank you for getting what I was going for LUL
Jensling: A song accompanied by ukulele? As is tradition for apologies? Keepo
speedracer4321: we should start a go fundme for juliamon in these hard times for them!
Larkonus: If I were Juliamon, I'd be building a /timeout list for the people taking advantage of the chaos. katesPlot
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes
Dog_of_Myth: @Thefluffiestguineapig I got you
Lysander_salamander: moose!
Kramburger: Hott
squ3e: Crazy that @bengineering got banned from LRR chat forever huh
Mr_Horrible: no that's normal in film studios
thedevil_risen1: Moosed
Orxolon: are we diving deep to the surface?
niccus: film studies, am i right
thedevil_risen1: 🫎 🫎 🫎 🫎 🫎 🫎 🫎 🫎 🫎 🫎
Lysander_salamander: oh right, there's jump-scares in this. Forgot.
Mr_Horrible: Vsync save us
Fanklok: It's probably all the ray tracing
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro
thedevil_risen1: Wasnt scratch a NCIS villin?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Genre breaking happens all the time
definenull: I thought it was intentional
Mr_Horrible: I don't need to hear how close you are, Alan
Bobtheninjagoldfish: @thedevil_risen1 "Mr Scratch" was on Criminal minds
thedevil_risen1: Or ahh thats right
JinaMahavira: Parma Sean?
Kramburger: MAKE US
firehawkzoa: !!!
hieroglyphica: You shush!
saucemaster5000: Cool song....
Lysander_salamander: parmesan dimension sounds great
definenull: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
LMAOkai_: sajamVibe
Thefluffiestguineapig: Woooooooow
Mr_Horrible: "End of Part" - me when I decide to change my hair
Kramburger: Oh Ben don't say THAT
HondoTrigger: could you imagine if it was "in too deep" by sum 41
Fanklok: Come on Ben, it gets easier after the first one
squ3e: "What these hands have done would make lesser men scream"
hieroglyphica: You have no power now! Bahaha!
speedracer4321: its ok ben adam will time out us for you if it gets to hwild in here
thedevil_risen1: Been on graveyard shift.. I'm kinda out of it
Mr_Horrible: damn, song's calling out Ben
Seth_Erickson: This dart fuckin poisonous eh bud
Kramburger: Step on us Savidaddy
Dog_of_Myth: Me?
Makrosian_Tae: WE'RE DOOMED
Mr_Horrible: Kram
Mr_Horrible: please
ButButTheJesus: @Dog_of_Myth yes
speedracer4321: its becoming like the move Wild Wild West in here we need a hero, like adam savidan
Kramburger: Sorry, forgot
squ3e: Seems like this timeoout is really taking a toll on you, maybe you should get someone to do it for you Ben
Makrosian_Tae: Shoot him!
saucemaster5000: Jim West, Desperado?
goombalax: if only we had a mod to take care of that
Mr_Horrible: starring Will Smith and a giant robot tarantula?
Fanklok: Our dads have given up on us, we can drink beers in the living room now
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Giant Spider in ther 3rd act?
thatguysteve2709: Adam's form of control is chaos shooting
BrowneePoints: OK, which one of you is Will Smith and which one of you is Kevin Klein
BrowneePoints: Kline*
saucemaster5000: I'm Ken Branaugh
Thefluffiestguineapig: I feel like Kramburger needs to be much more belligerent to get sniped
mulligan2six: A shot for no reason is more ima
EvilBadman: This is legitimately a 20 minute film
speedracer4321: i miss juliamon
SnackPak_: I miss Juliamon
Dog_of_Myth: Yep
ghizmou: I miss Juliamon
squ3e: Julia was unbanned 50 years ago Adam, you have to let go...
Thefluffiestguineapig: What scandanavian language is this?
JinaMahavira: I miss juliamon
speedracer4321: she laways deleted my accicental caps like a boss
Kramburger: @Thefluffiestguineapig I've curesed myself
ButButTheJesus: what if they don't come back Ben
Mr_Horrible: they couldn't make a movie longer than the Just Chatting intro segment?
Mr_Horrible: cowards
ghyllnox: Ben "Ten minutes is a long time" Ulmer
frank_the_great: Well, I know what we're doing
SnackPak_: 4 more streams!
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: it’s art!
Fanklok: "We could potentially beat this today" he said
speedracer4321: grab some popcorn, it will kill the time till juliamon is back
HondoTrigger: this is why we wont beat the game tonight
saucemaster5000: Quick everyone say nice things about juliamon-- I really appreciate their food takes and sense of humor
Blakemcm: 20 minutes of talking? on this stream?
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
kimmiekoneko: this little maneuver will cost us 1 more stream
Mr_Horrible: no subtitles?
Mr_Horrible: in the bin
NotCainNorAbel: I want to sit in the back
HondoTrigger: down in front
I_Am_Clockwork: the authentic American movietheater experience. guy in the front with his phonelight on, but you can't say anything because he's armed
hieroglyphica: can we get popcorn?
thatguysteve2709: Have you ever played the game "The Darkness" you can watch the entire movie " To kill a Mockingbird" in it
Mr_Horrible: knees aren't real in The Dark Place, Adam
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kramburger How dare you be involved in a community and enjoy interaction! (Also you're great)
thedevil_risen1: Turn your phone off.
EvilBadman: You can also watch it at the TV in the mind place
DrAegirinePyrope: Sitting in the front row with a flashlight on, just the worst
saucemaster5000: Dude standing while watching a movie -- real dad energy
Mazrae: oh no i missed the talking part of lets nope, but i still made it for the main part
Kramburger: @Thefluffiestguineapig no u
Lysander_salamander: I hope he doesn't get a lot of headaches from scowling all the time
lochnessseammonster: true bestie
Thefluffiestguineapig: Except AM radio broadcast of otherwise good sports commentary
firehawkzoa: Good for talking that is it
NarishmaReborn: low clarity but long range
gamercat88: lots of bible shows on AM radio
NotCainNorAbel: The only good thing about AM is that it goes a long distance
squ3e: I need to shower but need to witness the resurrection of Juliamon
Kramburger: AM radio is onl;y good for when you're on long drive and you're out of reception range AND you want to listen to the cricket
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Kramburger Are we going to have. jacqui style good vibes off? LUL
HondoTrigger: am radio rules, if you touch an am radio tower you can die
thedevil_risen1: Nice art project bro
speedracer4321: ok ben explain it to us in detail
silenceaux: telling lies?
Kramburger: AHTI?
SnackPak_: can you catch us up, Ben?
Dog_of_Myth: Ahti!
twistedsylvan: This is a Finnish horror movie inside a Finnish horror game, it's too arty for most people
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ahti was in the credits
twistedsylvan: Ahti!
Kramburger: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
couchboyj: I enjoy the song AM Radio by 90s Rock Band Everclear, but other than that AM radio does indeed suck
Mr_Horrible: You're listening *"ACHTUNG"* to S-23 *shotgun blast* Sierpinksi in the Morning *Replika Scream* Where we only play 3-Note Oddity, Swan Lake, and polytonal test patterns
dpj2009: Is Ben going to jump into Adam's arms here soon?
NotCainNorAbel: and Juliamon was never seen again. (please come back, we are animals without you)
Kramburger: Ahti can get it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Perfect, that band is perfect
thedevil_risen1: Ahti mtv
Mr_Horrible: damn, is there anything Ahti can't do?
I_Am_Clockwork: Ahti gets all the awards
EvilBadman: @i_am_clockwork He cleans up
Bobtheninjagoldfish: Casey looks a lot like Max Payne...
saucemaster5000: FFS will they Blink???
Mathwyn: Ahti, renaissance man
gualdhar: oooh sexy times
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 that's a different movie
Kramburger: Isn this Midsommar
Lysander_salamander: Art!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Lore question: besides Ahti featuring is there a reason this is in a Scandinavian Language?
PawssumFable: As an artist, art is constantly weird
speedracer4321: next thing you know casey is going to see two owls at once and this shiot is gonna jump off
firehawkzoa: It's weird art
LostThePirate: It can be art AND weird
thedevil_risen1: Man those shrooms be took must be legit
raulghoulia: This guy has Ashley Williams face
Juliamon: hey yall I was making dinner, what did I miss
Mr_Horrible: "Is this 'Cool' or 'Art'?"
PawssumFable: Oh hey, that's a shot from that one movie...
saucemaster5000: @Juliamon We missed uuuuu
ghizmou: Juliamon!
Mr_Horrible: welcome back Civilian Juliamon
NotCainNorAbel: lrrBartleby sergeModLove lrrBartleby
Thefluffiestguineapig: Foreign onomatopoeia is great
Dog_of_Myth: Welcome Back!!
twistedsylvan: @Thefluffiestguineapig Remedy is a Finnish studio, they they are quite proud of their heritage it seems
SnackPak_: perfect
Kramburger: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
joelowe2: @juliamon -- nothing
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon Ben wanted to cry
Thefluffiestguineapig: Juliamon!!!!!! We missed you
Kramburger: You Deserved it Ben
squ3e: Twitch Jesus is back! Arisen!
Mr_Horrible: don't let them draft you
Jensling: Welcome back lucidWiggle
Darleysam: @Thefluffiestguineapig the in-universe creator, Thomas Zane, is Scandinavian
speedracer4321: time him out AGAIN for making you worry ben
Lysander_salamander: we missed you so much
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap
Seth_Erickson: Hold this mix brother
thedevil_risen1: Welcome back
hieroglyphica: SWORD! SWORD! SWORD!
gualdhar: wait no, Juliamon is free! let them be!
definenull: They're back! Balance is restored!
circusofkirkus: test out the sword on account Bengineering
Juliamon: hope everyone was well behaved
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Darleysam New head canon all of this is actually created by Ahti and he's many levels above all of us
squ3e: I for one welcome our new Twitch modd
lochnessseammonster: mixed PrideLaugh
JinaMahavira: For the most part
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon yeah no totally
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby lrrBartleby
Kramburger: He's lying
joelowe2: I have some troubling news for you juliamon
NotCainNorAbel: @Juliamon It was chaos
Mr_Horrible: a little performative nonsense but nothing spicy
squ3e: hes joking no one did that
shendaras: statute of limitations
EvilBadman: @juliamon It's not a crime if no one saw it
Thefluffiestguineapig: @NotCainNorAbel The entropy skyrocketed
frank_the_great: ive never talked in caps in my life
twistedsylvan: @Thefluffiestguineapig at least half of that is actually true
rosesmcgee: snitch dot tv fr fr
Kramburger: Adam Snitchaman
Mr_Horrible: wow, *Ben* shooting, *Adam* snitching... it's Role-Reversal Tuesday
Darleysam: @Thefluffiestguineapig Wellllll.... that's not a million miles from my own feelings about the whole Alan Wake/Control narrative
hieroglyphica: Ahem yes, I behaved impeccably
saucemaster5000: we tested boundaries like good children
Juliamon: we had a good time about it in modslack (Sarah was watching the whole thing)
JinaMahavira: LUL
speedracer4321: i think this movie is going to cause us not to finish the game today
thedevil_risen1: Salut!
I_Am_Clockwork: is that the two brothers who are always doing wierd buisniess stuff around town?
definenull: Cool movie
Kramburger: Damn fine coffee
LostThePirate: @Juliamon So if anyone REALLY had crossed a line... We still had proper adult supervision.
Saintnex: cool coffee
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Mr_Horrible: is this just Sam Lake being teleported from scenario to scenario?
Mr_Horrible: espresso
Kramburger: it's an espresso shot Adam
patrick_stonecrusher: *siiiiiiiiiip*
thedevil_risen1: Espresso
twistedsylvan: Do you think these devs liked Twin Peaks?
I_Am_Clockwork: you dare bismirch Ahti's coffe cups!?
Darleysam: @Thefluffiestguineapig in brief (sorry for butchering this, Finns), Ahti is the name of a water god, the game's written by Sam Lake.. it kind of gets a bit recursive
fiftymcnasty: Adam only understand 32oz an dup
I_Am_Clockwork: you DARE!
Mr_Horrible: a digestif
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Darleysam Fair, I applaud the big swings they took because it's interesting and different but boy it's convoluted
lochnessseammonster: he's just got big hands
saritheran: FK… in the coffee
Saintnex: HOW DARE Adam
saucemaster5000: macchiato tho
speedracer4321: jeeze now adams coming for espresso...
Jensling: Fun fact: Finland drinks the most coffee per capita in the world TPFufun
RealGamerCow: Today on "Adam says things to get a reaction":
PawssumFable: It's the stuff they dilute into starbucks bs drinks
definenull: You need a big boy cup for your coffee?
saucemaster5000: macchiatos are fucking goated
LMAOkai_: espresso is mid, i agree
SnackPak_: like Andre the Giant holding a beer can
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Kramburger: Espresso is the coffe shot without the milk or water, if you just want the caffine hit...
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Darleysam Yeah, I know that Ahti is God level or Cosmic power level within the Oldest House, but that helps
kimmiekoneko: he's from the yakuza games
lochnessseammonster: @saucemaster5000 based
Mr_Horrible: "I'm tired of everyone making fun of my giant hand. It all started back in..."
Seth_Erickson: Yeah like this current one Kappa
saucemaster5000: You know what sucks? Americanos
Fanklok: That would make Batman V Superman watchable
LMAOkai_: @saucemaster5000 also mid :P
saucemaster5000: @LMAOkai_ I will destryo you
saucemaster5000: destroy
saucemaster5000: fuck
BrowneePoints: I agree with you, but I also despise coffee
PawssumFable: Espresso is for people who want to drink their coffee like some people drink alcohol; a tiny little shot.
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 yeah, they give me that good suck
trebuchetboy: Get a regular size of coffee full of espresso. Put some hair on your chest
Juliamon: Americanos are pointless
Kramburger: Amrican is just a watered down espresso shot
Seth_Erickson: You know what's mid in general coffee
EvilBadman: @lmaokai_ No mid. We have tall, grande, and venti
firehawkzoa: Espresso with hot water
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Also not the coffee, just many Americans (said as an american)
NotCainNorAbel: do you like coffee, do you like water. two rights do not make right
Dog_of_Myth: Go Destryo!
Seth_Erickson: Never lucky sauce
saucemaster5000: I knew it would end like this
OminouslyOminous subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 110 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, OminouslyOminous! (Today's storm count: 38)
hieroglyphica: I can't drink it anymore for health reasons, but I prefer v60 for that fruity flavor. Mmmm light roasts
thedevil_risen1: Did she just roey him?
definenull: What is going on
RealGamerCow: did she roofie him?
Snouut: is that bruce willis
Saintnex: so it turns out chat has very divided opinions on coffee lol
Dog_of_Myth gifted a Tier 1 sub to Destryo! They have given 1461 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Destryo! (Today's storm count: 39)
Mr_Horrible: Americano every workday morning for 8 years. Good hot drink with nice flavor and the right amount of caffeine that lasted longer than 3 seconds
Larkonus: Kudos for putting an entire short film into the game, damn.
Kramburger: She slipped him a Mikhael
PawssumFable: nah Bruce is real old now
I_Am_Clockwork: he squints and smirks in a similar way
SnackPak_: madsen
LMAOkai_: Brad Pitt
Lysander_salamander: yeah that guy
speedracer4321: bruce willis cant remember lines and whats going on in general, so i dont th ink its him
Mr_Horrible: Mads Mikkelson?
Kramburger: Mads Mikkel;son?
EvilBadman: Michael Madsen
lazermeow: Michael Maddsen
saucemaster5000: michael madson
Kramburger: Sauna
I_Am_Clockwork: sauna?
itira: why not Ben
definenull: It has to be a sauna
saucemaster5000: It's on of THOSE cafes
Kramburger: Don't be a prude Ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
LaconicLad: why aren't we all naked
Snouut: ahh the "sow-na" im unfamiliar with that
Mr_Horrible: sitting naked 5 feet apart so it's not gay Kappa
lochnessseammonster: they only have one drink
Darleysam: I still love the thought of everyone at Remedy watching this back like "that guy's my boss..."
Seth_Erickson: Prove it
joelowe2: nice call back Ben
patrick_stonecrusher: 6 inches apart
speedracer4321: casey nakes making faces like he forgot the lube
EvilBadman: @mr_horrible That seems closer than 5 ft
definenull: They're Finnish of course it's a sauna
Snouut: routine inspection fellas, pants down
NotCainNorAbel:'re a grower?
dpj2009: Mid boners
Mr_Horrible: @EvilBadman distance works different over in Finland, surely
Fanklok: Nothing more straight then looking at a flaccid penis and feeling nothing
rosesmcgee: it shrinks when it's cold, opposite when it's warm. that's math
twistedsylvan: revved up like a deuce
thedevil_risen1: Ob shit sleep token got into this game?
josh___something: chunky
saucemaster5000: yum
Seth_Erickson: lmao
patrick_stonecrusher: 🤮
Kramburger: intelligent people are never Bored, Ben
a_serious_moose: oo ranch
Seth_Erickson: 10% btw Ben
saucemaster5000: I'd eat my popcorn and watch the movie like a good citizen
silenceaux: this is how I felt about the Triplets of Belleville, but at least I didn't have to pay for that
lochnessseammonster: lies
Snouut: could buy a house in van with the prices of theater tickets these days
speedracer4321: 1he wants a timeout
Lysander_salamander: wow that's a bad take
ghizmou: you must not know many intelligent people
PawssumFable: I feel like that's the opposite of true
lochnessseammonster: that is the opposite of true
Mr_Horrible: I can't ask for a refund just because I, like, thought a film was mid
itira: wow Kramburger :P
Thefluffiestguineapig: Whoever said intelligent people are never bored is WRONG
Kramburger: it's one of those parent sayings
EvilBadman: What dumbass told you that jramburger
Snouut: this movie won like 15 oscars, right
elkuloaxeman: he is in to deep
shamblingkrenshar: Hi Ben, Adam, Chat. I see I've wandered into something weird.
7gorobei: theaters wont give you refunds, they will offer you tickets to a future screening
goombalax: I don't know whether to lol or lmao
CaptinOfBeez: what if youre bored all the time but also dumb af?
saucemaster5000: sure you can
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean
Mr_Horrible: you're telling me this isn't real, Ben?
Kramburger: You've got to want it
Thefluffiestguineapig: Depends how motivated you are
DrChairthrower: i got bad news
ghyllnox: Sure you can
SnackPak_: have you tried?
RealGamerCow: you gotta boil em first.
vinopinguino: cleaver hands
Phailhammer: Immersion ruined
DudelidouX: Don't think you've tried hard enough Ben
Larkonus: Ka-li-mah...
betweenmyself: not with that defeatist attitude, no.
rosesmcgee: you can
NimrodXIV: how sharp are your hands
Mr_Horrible: "This is unrealistic" kanagoNerd
ActualFactual: I can do it
speedracer4321: ben has ruined horror movies for me forev er
Lysander_salamander: magic I guess
saucemaster5000: Ever tear apart a fish?
patrick_stonecrusher: Ka li maaaaaa!
speedracer4321: thanks letsnope
silenceaux: Okay Kratos can do what he wants. But normal ass people with their bare hands?
LMAOkai_: zombies do it easily on people
Seth_Erickson: People are pretty strong.
elkuloaxeman: no
Seth_Erickson: Generally
BrowneePoints: there’s an entire network of fat that nets your guts called the Caul @loadingreadyrun
Snouut: where there is a will there is a way
NotCainNorAbel: are you telling me in Indian Jones you can't just go in and grab the heart?
PawssumFable: people who say smart/ interesting people are never bored are just trying to tell you to get off your ass and do somethin'
Darleysam: new bit for LRR Live seabatClap
BrowneePoints: So no, you cannot
itira: LOL
niccus: you can if the flesh is willing
lochnessseammonster: they'd gotta be hella strong...
shendaras: Tearing out someones heart and it still beating in your hand
PawssumFable: But in a weird shamey way
BrowneePoints: chat there is a NET OF FLESH OVER YOUR ORGANS
EvilBadman: No you
Mr_Horrible: inside you find a 2nd, smaller Wheeler
Orxolon: i love how in game Alan was like:"I've gotta find him fast"and casually stops to watch a movie XD
Snouut: now the question is, do you want to open wheeler up
Mr_Horrible: it immediately begins the Horse Joke
smashy_030: Sam lake is into some strange shit huh
ButButTheJesus: I understood nothing about this film and now I understand even less
silenceaux: Wow everyone's really hyped to stab this guy
BrowneePoints: The RIBCAGE you can open like that
DudelidouX: If it's just the flesh it's not that hard to tear a bigger hole. It's if you have to break the ribcage
Larkonus: "Come on Dave the ritual calls for 4 stabs, that last one felt personal."
Fanklok: Oh shit he's not going to be in Max Payne 3
Lysander_salamander: this i s why we have butchers
BrowneePoints: with a BONESAW
joelowe2: I think you got him
Jennie_Fuchsia: this week on Crack a Pack
betweenmyself: just find a chimpanzee to do it for ya
hieroglyphica: @browneepoints yeah! It's often what endometriosis grows on. Or, it can be at least
SagaMonstrum subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months!
SagaMonstrum: Hell yeah I get to catch the lads live for once! Hope y'all are having a good evening Adam & Ben as well as chat!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SagaMonstrum! (Today's storm count: 40)
RealGamerCow: this sure is happening.
definenull: what is going on
lazermeow: Those damn Finnish cults and their human sacrifice.
lochnessseammonster: as someone who has sewn leather... i could not break that without scissors. i know it's not the same but gives an idea
Snouut: i feel like i made this in middle school
Mr_Horrible: by doing it to someone
Mr_Horrible: duh
niccus: enough practice
DudelidouX: You've never skinned an animal?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because I am currently taking Anatomy and Physiology
ghizmou: is that adam driver
Thefluffiestguineapig: And I work in animal healthcare
Kramburger: Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to
DrChairthrower: I saw it in a movie in a video game about a guy who writes books.
trebuchetboy: practice
Larkonus: I feel like we've got to have at least one med student / doctor who can hit us with some facts here.
speedracer4321: this is a weired ass movie
Snouut: i feel like this movie would be a great drinking game
itira: first of all, bear hands. of course i could rip someones flesh open tqsToasted
Seth_Erickson: People slaughter animals it's not that different from that I reckon. It'd be much harder but definitely doable I reckon
raulghoulia: good answer good answer
definenull: Got learned
NotCainNorAbel: @DrChairthrower seabatClap
SnackPak_: gottem
Kramburger: The real twist is that Mr Scratch turns out to be a DJ
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
Mr_Horrible: *lists credentials* Ben: "...well fuck me I guess"
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Darleysam: but are you baptised though
I_Am_Clockwork: Aaaaaah!
smashy_030: bro really said A
Snouut: *stands up and applaudes*
LMAOkai_: 9/10, would recommend
silenceaux: that final yell was less convincing than the entire movie??
Seth_Erickson: Good movie good movie
Kramburger: AAAAAA
Makrosian_Tae: I just want to say: I've been hands-free for the last 20 minutes, and this film y'all are watching is NOT a pleasant listening experience 😬
shendaras: seabatClap
NotCainNorAbel: are we not staying for the credit?
Mathwyn: That was weirdly long
thedevil_risen1: Golf claps
definenull: Is this... art?
Lysander_salamander: is there a stinger?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am glad to help with my weird knowledge
WiJohn: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
SagaMonstrum: This game's been great so far, goddamn
I_Am_Clockwork: wait wait, what if there is a post credits scene?
joelowe2: slow claps the ending
frank_the_great: Wait, I missed it. Can you watch it again?
Snouut: that movie won like 15 oscars, right...
Kramburger: I would have done a reshoot on that last shot I think
SquareDotCube: "...And that's why you don't stare into an eclipse."
patrick_stonecrusher: 😫ªªªªª
I_Am_Clockwork: Case WILL return in... the Avoongers
Mr_Horrible: and I intend to stay behind on it
hiFunko: Way don't leave, if you stay in the cinema you're legally allowed to live there
raulghoulia: I cried like a baby seeing GotG 3 in theaters
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also sometimes when surgeons are removing masses they will stop using tools and use their hands because it is more accurate
RealGamerCow: all marvel has devolved into a homogenous sludge at this poit
elkuloaxeman: that was fun
goombalax: guardians 3 was a fuckin trip and I honestly don't know who that movie was for
LMAOkai_: that was better than Dune 2
SagaMonstrum: I think this is the game with the most VODS for Let's Nope so far? And all of them fun to watch
ghizmou: the eternals?
Orxolon: you know,there are some that say that the MCU died with endgame
PawssumFable: Serious question lol
BrowneePoints: has Jack the werewolf and Elsa blood stone
speedracer4321: what if there was a secret scene ben?
SnackPak_: really, Turner?
Mr_Horrible: don't be weird, you two
saucemaster5000: Werewolf by night was actually good.. marvel has become unsalted paste at this point
MAPBoardgames: See Hollywood? 20 minutes good film. You don't need to test our endurances (bladders) with 3+ hour slogs.
WiJohn: Werewolf by sea
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Darleysam Me? My guess is no because my mother was a control freak who wouldn't do that because there wasn't any value for her personally
Kramburger: I feel like Graham and James do it for different reasons
DudelidouX: I always check if there's a scene but if not I'm out of there
smashy_030: @Orxolon some? most
raulghoulia: I do it too
RealGamerCow: "The internet will tell me if there's something good after the credits" - me
Marvoleath: Werewolf was actually a good movie, which makes it different than other MCU products
WiJohn: Werewolf by mail
Mr_Horrible: by giving someone guff for sitting through the credits
hiFunko: Wait, when I went to the cinema with James both times I just stood up and left, and he followed me. Do I outrank James?
WiJohn: Werewolf by close of business
Jennie_Fuchsia: I go to the bathroom and come back during that time 10/10 perfect system
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I worked at a movie theater and a lot of old people literally just wanted to know where it was filmed
Orxolon: @smashy_030 i can see that
lochnessseammonster: best after credit scene was wreck it ralph 2
thatguysteve2709: They put effort into making the movie, but please leave the theatre respectably
DrAegirinePyrope: Having film major friends, I got used to sitting through credits and now I just do it
Kramburger: Adam's paid his James dues
PawssumFable: You know what? You can google and find the after-credits scene with your phone well before the credits roll
SagaMonstrum: Okay but that means James has been doing it since before Marvel started doing that for all of their movies at least
LostThePirate: I've always sat through credits, even before the MCU post-credits thing became common
Mr_Horrible: fair point - it *is* James
lochnessseammonster: seabatCHOICE
codatski: I've always done that too. Even before after credit scenes became a thing.
definenull: Best boy!
BrowneePoints: I know it seems dumb, but I always sit to the credits because everyone who worked on the movie deserves that recognition
Snouut: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
saucemaster5000: Read the credits aloud in the theater
Juliamon: Me too BrowneePoints
Lysander_salamander: :D
Makrosian_Tae: Best boy, comma, GRIP
patrick_stonecrusher: Fake Shemps also good
speedracer4321: i vote savidan for best boy
definenull: The goodest boy PopNemo
Juliamon: Also there's usually some good music in there
Saintnex: tbh I also like sitting through credits, it’s a good way of decompressing and also not having to deal with everyone leaving at the same time
Thefluffiestguineapig: @BrowneePoints I do the same thing and I don't think it's dumb
Scy_Anide: There can only be one best best boy.
Mr_Horrible: you know you're a cinephile when you see Key Grip in the credits, recognize the name, and do the Leo DiCaprio point
Kramburger: Who's head of marketing for the distributor
PawssumFable: I would watch credits if I had ANY ability to change the lives of anyone on that screen
Fanklok: Oh Grahamueal Ulysses Stark I would be dlighted to see who made this film with you
frank_the_great: Pretend you know one of the names
hieroglyphica: Samesies. You made it on the credit guys, congrats!
PawssumFable: I don't though
speedracer4321: whoa dont brag, dating a real life girl
I_Am_Clockwork: my friends and I would sit there calling out random names from the credits like we were the town crier.
The_Timo: I got friends in movies, actors and VFX so we gotta wait to see their names then we can go lol
Kramburger: You were dating a girl? GROSS
Rhynerd: my movie night group tends to keep the credits rolling as a chance to get drinks (since it’s always 2 movies) and to see if anyone on the crew had a name close to yours.
I_Am_Clockwork: "Thank you, Frank SoAndSo
Snouut: verbally give your opinion after every trailer at the pictures, like "yeah that movie looks okay, probably wont see it though"
WitchyTQ: and he wonders why he's single
hieroglyphica: Also I like the names tbh
WitchyTQ: also hi, you're welcome
I_Am_Clockwork: "Thank you Xi Whatsername"
definenull: Damn tq
Mr_Horrible: Adam, a Knower
korvys: Can you show us, Ben?
Snouut: dammit ben
lochnessseammonster: seabatBRAIN
Kramburger: Ben
Snouut: beat me to it
MAPBoardgames: "The only commonality in all of your failed relationships is you."
josh___something: BENJAMIN?!
itira: Benjamin
saucemaster5000: Knowers don't date, they know
Saintnex: Ben pls
RealGamerCow: I have a friend who is was a best boy grip for a few movies and yells "JUST SAY GOFER, Best boy means gofer!"
lochnessseammonster: they both rhyme so either works
ghizmou: you haven't saunaed together?
speedracer4321: this is the talk we came for, is adam a grower or a sh ower
Fanklok: Yes Alan thats what condemned means
Lysander_salamander: wait I thought knower was a white supremacist term?
TheWarDoctor8: ^
saucemaster5000: I got it from doom in fgc
SagaMonstrum: I only heard it used in such a manner from last Let's Nope
lochnessseammonster: i only heard it when you called me a sower knower PrideLaugh
Kramburger: John Mira? This is John Mira
Mr_Horrible: I'm gonna need a citation on that one
lochnessseammonster: that
lazermeow: So I googled ripping human flesh it takes at least 100 pounds per square inch (psi)
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't know that
saucemaster5000: aw fuck
lochnessseammonster: that's unfortunate
Kramburger: welp
frank_the_great: We're reclaiming it, fuck em
speedracer4321: we should take knower back, dont let the racists have it
definenull: People ruin everything
Lysander_salamander: ah ok
ghizmou: seriously, I don't recognize any white supremacists claims on words, I just don't respect them enough for that
Mathwyn: Alan, this is Alan. We need to talk about Alan, Alan.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean it depends honestly
Jensling: What, but theres a really cool music group that goes by Knower
Tangsm: I'm not sure the question is worth being on a list somewhere.
frank_the_great: I could. I'm built different
Snouut: were all not gym bros adam damn
lazermeow: If you have nails then maybe.
EvilBadman: @lazermeow What's the thread count on that
Fanklok: With a forceomoter
korvys: I want to see you try to tear apart a raw beef roast
gamercat88: be a jedi
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are you meaning just ripping flesh or tearing open a rib cage?
BrowneePoints: with one of those devices that measures newtons
frank_the_great: Find a guy to practice on
Larkonus: The official test machine I took at the carnival said I'm the world's strongest man, so I'm sure I can do it. (/j)
lazermeow: Lolz, human skin has to have at least 6.
SagaMonstrum: I mean.. You can tear skin with nothing but nails so like, yeah
Snouut: what are y'alls favourite donuts from tims, slight change of topic
Pharmacistjudge: an olympic heavyweight boxer punches with 1000 psi
Mr_Horrible: "Wave-Based Combat" is just 2 people aggressive saying goodbye to each other
Thefluffiestguineapig: Because tearing out an organ is much harder than just tearing flesh
Lysander_salamander: I like that is this is a fictional Alan that Alan is writing in his room, and sometimes has chats with
SagaMonstrum: If my back scars are anything to go by
BlackIsis: You're Artie!?
Mr_Horrible: I've got this certificate in the form of a giant bear
Snouut: he also took the sword out of the stone as well apparently
Pharmacistjudge: Wave-based combat is the passive aggressive midwest goodbye battle
Fanklok: When I go to the Ren Faire this year I'm going to try to ding the bell
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Lysander_salamander: yay
SagaMonstrum: Adam, known strong-woman enjoyer
speedracer4321: thats a weird kink\
definenull: Beeg lady
Makrosian_Tae: Strong lady
Thefluffiestguineapig: What? Adam likes strong women? NO
saucemaster5000: that is absolutely not a weird kink
CypherRaze: Soooo. Cammi at the fair?
hieroglyphica: Yeah me too Adam, that's good clean fun
Saintnex: and now we know why Adam mains Marissa
Juliamon: that is like, really normal kink
BrowneePoints: did you see the pro wrestler who cos played as Karachi?
Pharmacistjudge: i don't think it's even a Kink anymore
SagaMonstrum: I mean I don't think anyone's pointing it out as weird, just agreeing
BrowneePoints: Karlach
Mr_Horrible: Studio Formerly Known As Prince
Snouut: Studio --.-- ..-
squ3e: Studio "no nerds allowed"
shamblingkrenshar: Adam did you perchance watch Mania this year? I'm curious what you thought if so.
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
silenceaux: But could you get other people to acknowledge the names
SAJewers: studio ben
speedracer4321: ok maybe a meant to say a really random kink
Orxolon: Studio N for Nope?
shendaras: We'll know LRR has made it when they have a Studio W
SnackPak_: gottem
definenull: Karma
Seth_Erickson: LUL
patrick_stonecrusher: Studio Jeff, Studio George, Studio Frank
Snouut: S for sure
gamercat88: F
speedracer4321: zed hands down
thedevil_risen1: D
Seth_Erickson: S
frank_the_great: F
saucemaster5000: S
SnackPak_: A
Makrosian_Tae: S
WiJohn: V
baltimore_667083: best letter is X
EvilBadman: Comedeez nuts, is this anything
CypherRaze: X
lochnessseammonster: V
LostThePirate: Z
hieroglyphica: S
I_Am_Clockwork: E
Larkonus: Well that's a random question.
itira: i
Mr_Horrible: S gotta be up there for sure
SagaMonstrum: Æ
itsr67: Q
firehawkzoa: Q
Saintnex: A
ButButTheJesus: Z
Mathwyn: E
CypherRaze: S is pretty fucking cool
thegitrogsquirrel: P
squ3e: S,T,...A,G?
korvys: S, T, and R are the top tier letters
frank_the_great: Normy answer
Juliamon: S is a very high-quality letter
ShaneLeeAtk: RSTLNE
raulghoulia: J
patrick_stonecrusher: RSTLNE
definenull: Q
James_the_Dabbler: The best letter is the one I get in the mail
hieroglyphica: But I like T
CypherRaze: But my last name starts with S so I'm biased
squ3e: STR
definenull: How dare
mjiig: Capital gamma
CypherRaze: Q is F tier
Makrosian_Tae: This is good! we can unionize if we can all agree on the same letter!!
speedracer4321: whoa lets nope coming for the letter Q, i dont know
QuixoticScrivener: Vowels are S tier
saucemaster5000: (Post the Hotashi Clip)
Scy_Anide: Z and I'm happily biased.
Mazrae: cursive J
Snouut: anyone who says J deserves to get punished
Rhynerd: i vote R. no biases.
Heefnoff: q_q
CypherRaze: What about Z?
WiJohn: Q does have the power of friendship
Mazrae: Cursive b
Heefnoff: Ok Canadian
firehawkzoa: Q is the only letter with a friend
GhostValv: W is the only letter with more than 1 syllable to pronounce
itira: Q_Q
SagaMonstrum: Gotta toss my vote on Æ
Thefluffiestguineapig: So Qwerpline is dirt tier Kappa
LMAOkai_: even Hotashi shat on Q
Mr_Horrible: S is good enough that a Cool Version of it entered the zeitgeist unbidden
frank_the_great: F is S tier, S is A tier, A is B tier
Seth_Erickson: Q words on the other hand are bangers very fun to say
Going_Medium: S gets you more of almost anything
Pharmacistjudge: C is definitely bottom tier. you can replace it with S or K almost all of the time.
Blakemcm: You could do Studio Z so yall can mis pronounce it every time
patrick_stonecrusher: @shaneleeatk same brain same brain
Snouut: someone learnt a new word in school, ergo, very fancy
Fanklok: S is half of a Trogdor
Marvoleath: Æ
DarknessKingCoH: On a scale of 1-10 where would you put 4?
saucemaster5000: where's itsr to rag on for Q?'
DrChairthrower: @frank_the_great I'm upset how logical that is
ShaneLeeAtk: @patrick_stonecrusher :D
SagaMonstrum: I miss fishing
DrAegirinePyrope: So what I get from this is Q is just the friendliest letter, cause his best buddy is U
squ3e: God I cant wait till we finish this game so Ben can explain it to me
Thefluffiestguineapig: @DrChairthrower Me too, ugh I hate how much sense that makes
squ3e: Im so lost
CypherRaze: Z is just a zesty S
Heefnoff: What’s good friend
Juliamon: Without F, how would we pay respects?
saucemaster5000: N don't get enough love
Mathwyn: But what about §
Pharmacistjudge: like Ph takes alot off F's ranking
Jennie_Fuchsia: E is pretty good
Heefnoff: Doing alright!
trebuchetboy: @squ3e its going to go great
Mr_Horrible: y'know, there's a thing that happens on Fridays where you might be able to see Heef Kappa
Heefnoff: Yeah I was gonna say I looked to see if you’ve been streaming and I just didn’t know lmao
Mr_Horrible: if you deigned to show up again, Ben Kappa
frank_the_great: I'm bias, my name is Frank. Also, "fuck" is a fun word
joelowe2: any love for K
Seth_Erickson: I think R is a pretty high tier letter
saucemaster5000: H is clearly a right wing republican
Larkonus: R is a satisfying letter to write, at least the capital one.
Mr_Horrible: plosives are very hit-miss
Lysander_salamander: thorn is kind of cool
Snouut: now B is a good letter
EvilBadman: H is going over, brother
DrChairthrower: I do like G
ActualFactual: Ben likes pee
kimmiekoneko: s is s-tier
Mr_Horrible: there is no Zed
Heefnoff: Your name starts with A how you just gonna dismiss your birthright like that
Mr_Horrible: you weirdos
Makrosian_Tae: Never been a fan of L's
korvys: X was good, but Elon ruined it
Going_Medium: Y goes both ways...
frank_the_great: Top G
Mathwyn: O works really hard even if no one notices
Fanklok: S, as in Subwayverse
Talin06: sleeper hi J
Marvoleath: hard G or soft?
CypherRaze: G is just an open faced Q though
Pharmacistjudge: but where does ñ rank?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I mean we could also go to the non-English alphabet
SagaMonstrum: I like N and M
betweenmyself: that Y though… so versatile riffYeti
Thefluffiestguineapig: True
Mr_Horrible: wait he's spitting
Kramburger: The 90s ruined X
KV1NN4: I'm fond o J
MrSarkhan: So true!
PawssumFable: That was just a phase Ben
Snouut: im not a fan of E, makes me see some weird shit
zeraxilim: How many cycles are there in the letter <> letter tier mappings?
saucemaster5000: No love for J .....
kdefinition: What the fuck is a "straight edge kid?"
Pharmacistjudge: 90s ruined both X and Z
firehawkzoa: Is this tier list case sensitive
skrt_01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, skrt_01! (Today's storm count: 41)
lazermeow: Agreed, get wrecked straight edgers.
Mr_Horrible: J and L, love those cuts
raulghoulia: sounds like some disrespect
josh___something: J is S-tier
Seth_Erickson: I like under case y
Juliamon: Never liked J that much tbh
korvys: M is a solid role player
DrChairthrower: Would you say J has you... hooked?
Saintnex: CM Punks gonna send a strongly worded tweet at you now Ben Kappa
TheWarDoctor8: Pretty sure Elon ruined X all over again smh
Mazrae: where do cursive letters come into the argument
baltimore_667083: J is how my name starts so it’s automatically the best Kappa
itira: this conversation is S tier
Makrosian_Tae: J for jam
TjPshine: i heard joint and I thought knees..oldman
The_Timo: But James Turner starts with J....
Heefnoff: My good man I do believe it is the perfect occasion to enjoy a nice J
EvilBadman: W is a scam. Two Us? Fuck off.
Mr_Horrible: don't make me lift my pen, man...
Makrosian_Tae: Cursive J is kinda dece'
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also how about cursive?
Lysander_salamander: I think it depends on the typeface
shendaras: i I l L ?
Juliamon: cursive J is bullshit
NotCainNorAbel: cursive lower j is cool
CypherRaze: lower case m is better than uppercase M
Heefnoff: Yeah W sucks ass
saucemaster5000: @EvilBadman Ur Spitting
Heefnoff: It lies to you
Jensling: J with a roof is better than J without one imho
Seth_Erickson: I like the hat
SagaMonstrum: J with a hat
Going_Medium: Serifs... debate.
Rhynerd: @kdefinition Term for certain scenes that can have drugs. straight edges don’t consume any of the drugs.
firehawkzoa: Capital G is better than lower case g
Lysander_salamander: Serif vs. Sans Serif
DreadQueen_Persephone: I think b, e, and d are really slept on
SAJewers: what about the different versions of lowercase a
Jennie_Fuchsia: serifs forever
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: serif
Saintnex: I?
notthepenguins: most of them, that's what serifs are
lochnessseammonster: serif vs sans
betweenmyself: Lower case l and upper case I riffThink
Fanklok: Call Graham up right now
DrAegirinePyrope: If we're talking letters that are fun to write, cursive f isn't so bad
baltimore_667083: try telling that to Cubs fans
LMAOkai_: W is just a double V
lochnessseammonster: the real debate PrideLaugh
Mazrae: i think F has a few different looks in fonts
Snouut: i I, l L, o O all bad
Seth_Erickson: W is two V's cosplaying as a different letter
Mathwyn: Letter, Case, Font? The new asl?
Makrosian_Tae: I hate that so bad
CatTreeDreamCar: I like W for the mouthfeel.
Heefnoff: Block this overhead, which one is this: I
SagaMonstrum: I like U
josh___something: This mix is TERRIBLE
Mr_Horrible: uppercase V is better because :V is funnier than :v
NotCainNorAbel: no QA
Juliamon: kdefinition straight-edge was purity culture in the 90s
joelowe2: Who was in charge?
betweenmyself: cause we got rid of all them wonderful serifs
saucemaster5000: Uppercase I with the actual little bars tothe side tho?
itira: This is why my name isnt capitalized :P
EvilBadman: Cursive upper Z tho, sheesh
kimmiekoneko: the romans didn't have lowercase
Thefluffiestguineapig: Woof, a Kojima alphabet is mind bend
Makrosian_Tae: Every Arknights player being repeatedly activated at the repetition of W LUL
Fanklok: oh.. ok
Mr_Horrible: "I'm not a you enjoyer" - Ben Ulmer
Mr_Horrible: damn Kappa
saucemaster5000: Well fine I don't Like U either
shendaras: Vlmer
BrowneePoints: I like all the letters because language doesn’t work without them
Heefnoff: Because me?
ICitizenErasedI: kojima would make a problematically sexy letter
Going_Medium: Can I call b,p,d,and q all the same letter just flipped around?
definenull: Achieve get
lazermeow: Upper case T and E are goated.
Heefnoff: Dman
squ3e: Ben Elemer it is
I_Am_Clockwork: Ben Oolmer
itira: ya know what, K is the letter for me
Snouut: My last name starts with O'F so makes it very unique
Mazrae: im kind of like the letter O and o
BrowneePoints: When you say the letter U your mouth makes a butt hole
Makrosian_Tae: @icitizenerasedi FACT
josh___something: Clearly, J and S are TOP tier letters, and I'm TOTALLY NOT BIASED :)
Jennie_Fuchsia: I literally changed my username bc no one knew how to pronounce ie capitalized without serifs
Pharmacistjudge: any letter that has to go below the line gets an automatic bottom tier. you have to invade the line under you to be cool? stay in your lane.
PawssumFable: That was adorably clueless
Mr_Horrible: Ben L'mer
frank_the_great: I hate U, U suck
Thefluffiestguineapig: About glue
itira: hah hah hah
SnackPak_: wooow
squ3e: Elmer Fudd lookin streamer ass
speedracer4321: kids are fucking stupid
NotCainNorAbel: but it still hurt didn't it
silenceaux: Oh I thought they called you that because you ate glue
josh___something: No he isn't
Heefnoff: Adam is coping so fuckin hard rn
Mr_Horrible: "We've found a word that's like your name! Sick burn!"
josh___something: I'm sorry adam
Fanklok: Elmer Fudd is Bugs Bunny's boy toy
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh Elmer Fudd, I am not confident he is better than a glue joke
Seth_Erickson: Elmer has a gun KKona Brother
Larkonus: Same can be said of most Looney Tunes characters, honestly.
patrick_stonecrusher: In Japanese comments sections 'wwwwwwwwww' is used for laughter
Heefnoff: You unprincipled swine stop lying to Ben
saucemaster5000: I got "Like James Bond Jr.? LOL"
Mathwyn: Ben Uhhhhlmer
Heefnoff: Elmer Fudd sucks ass too
Snouut: kids should be prime ministers, I reckon theyd be hilarious
SagaMonstrum: Ben pulling out the fake laugh
Makrosian_Tae: Where is my Wile E Coyote MOVIE!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also he can't tell Buggs when he is in drag as a human woman
Mr_Horrible: Elmer is a 9-5 mid-tier at best
Mr_Horrible: lunchpail pick
7gorobei: elmer owns a mansion and a yacht, he's been doing work
Snouut: Ben AhSuuhhhlmer
lazermeow: Elmer Fudd is pure, unadulterated grit and JAM!
CypherRaze: S tier is Tasmanian Devil
CypherRaze: Taz is uber S tier
thegitrogsquirrel: okay loony toons now
Kramburger: Elmer Fudd hunts because he just wants to kill something
WitchyTQ: OH ben thank you for the song btw
Mr_Horrible: you FOOL Kappa
cobthegreat: I was teased as JJ the jet plane in school because of my initials
hiFunko: Come on Adam, you can get lower than that. I believe in you
Lysander_salamander: what song is that?
WitchyTQ: oh no
Mr_Horrible: show song, Streamer
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
itira: I just dont share music with people. people suck LUL
firehawkzoa: Elmer fudd is the last one on the list after you get tired of putting Looney toons on the tier chart
Snouut: what are they sniffing though
Saintnex: Roblox OOF
Mr_Horrible: writing that down
CypherRaze: what about tier list for Sesame Street characters
Heefnoff: Showing someone a song is the ultimate form of friendship tbh
therepoman__: Amyl and the Sniffers is pog
WitchyTQ: @itira youre stinky so
Heefnoff: “Oh here, take this window into my soul”
josh___something: *Pokes hive, wonders why he's being stung*
Fanklok: They sniff Elmer's Glue
silenceaux: Ah, a Dice Friends special
Mr_Horrible: it's a hopeful exercise
Rhynerd: might need to write that band down
sporkraptor: y'all are *full* of the sass today
squ3e: Turns out Adam doesnt need to timeout to be a fuckin Killer
lochnessseammonster: gottem PrideLaugh
Larkonus: With band names getting snatched up at an increasing pace, how long before they all become completely unhinged because nothing's available?
itira: @WitchyTQ look, i showered today
Seth_Erickson: Another Signalis Enjoyer destroyed
Heefnoff: I KNOW RIGHT
hiFunko: oof yeah
therepoman__: p a i n
Heefnoff: HURTS SO BAD
Snouut: s h a t t e r e d
therepoman__: Or when they sit there and don't react at all
SagaMonstrum: Do we know if we're going to get another one of those "Movie night horror games" this year? I forgot their name
therepoman__: And you're just sitting there sweating
NotCainNorAbel: I just invited a friend to a concert; and I didn't know if they liked the band.
Saintnex: like just say you don’t want to watch it!!!
DrChairthrower: a pity "that's funny"
lazermeow: This is why I don't bear my soul like that anymore.
Heefnoff: I will say every time I’ve showed an LRR video it’s gotten laughs, so good job gang heefnoFOOTDIVE
Lysander_salamander: Oh! I've heard of this band. Hadn't heard this particular song yet. cool.
gamercat88: the no fridge is so good
josh___something: I'm sorry, I just can't focus on anything
LostThePirate: My spouse and I do that to each other, lol, we've got pretty different senses of humor :P
Mr_Horrible: You show them Average Lala Day and they immediately call the police
Makrosian_Tae: Play it again, Terry
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
lochnessseammonster: a friend of mine told me about a funny video his girlfriend showed him that i had showed him years ago and i lost my shit PrideLaugh
korvys: One of the levels of hell, eternally showing your friend your favourite movie, and it's the best part, and they're on their phone
josh___something: The stupid lalafel video?
BusTed: That is what runs through my ADHD brain sometimes.
shurtal: man, FaxHell is ETERNAL
Heefnoff: There is no fridge
Heefnoff: I lied
SagaMonstrum: Did you see the small clip of a Lalafel with a visor helmet walking down Uldah and there's muffled music playing, then they pop the visor and the music plays full blast?
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Snouut: the weeping angels still curse me to this day
BusTed: she came down in a bubble
Mr_Horrible: GROW UP
therepoman__: GROW UP
Heefnoff: LMAOOO
saucemaster5000: LMAO
shurtal: DOUG
Lysander_salamander: hahahahaha
Saintnex: lol
Heefnoff: I can’t believe he pulls a knife on him
Heefnoff: That shits wild
Mr_Horrible: "GROW UP" rocketed up the charts for me
shurtal: you GOTTA do the hand gesture/head bob
Mr_Horrible: favorite invective
Fanklok: What
PMAvers: Grow up and put some rice in your rice cooker, Doug!
therepoman__: @Heefnoff "I'm gonna stab him"
thatguysteve2709: Ouch
KWardJenx: the delivery is so perfect
josh___something: cw: self harm
itsr67: ive never fucking seen this before
itsr67: lmfaooo
Heefnoff: You know it took me like 10 times to notice Doug pulled a knife out
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something Thank you
ButButTheJesus: HOT SAUCE
Heefnoff: It’s a great video
speedracer4321: nah im cool guys, im glad i could provide the laugh
Snouut: Christina Cole is such a great actress, didnt know she was in this game
CypherRaze: he legit is like, "I'm gonna stab him" and flips out a knife
josh___something: Uh...
Kramburger: This might not be a part for jokes
CypherRaze: Doug a little unhinged
niccus: was this the one that needs a content warning?
Heefnoff: I appreciate a lot of games now just using real ass footage
SagaMonstrum: Man, I miss when games had these live action bits in them
SagaMonstrum: Glad they did this for Alan Wake
codatski: Oh hey, big time content warning here.
Heefnoff: “Graphics are getting too good, fuck it”
josh___something: YEP
Snouut: shes harvey's therapist from suits
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yes
Lysander_salamander: They already did the content warning at the beginning
KV1NN4: But is the priest who baptised her single?
josh___something: CW: SELF HARM
Kramburger: Oh no
Makrosian_Tae: oh no
Saintnex: ummmm
definenull: Uh oh
frank_the_great: Man, graphics are so realistic these days
CypherRaze: oh no
Makrosian_Tae: uhhh
thatguysteve2709: Thank you @josh___something
KV1NN4: shes about to make herself a canvas isn't she...?
Lysander_salamander: dang it scratch
Thefluffiestguineapig: @josh___something Thank you for that advanced notice
squ3e: I wont lie, I don't get why seeing this is important to the story
Makrosian_Tae: O.O
Heefnoff: Dang
Lysander_salamander: sort of like in that video from "The Ring?"
Makrosian_Tae: Jesus
CypherRaze: well damn. that's some emotional whiplash
saucemaster5000: I'm sorry for what I"m about to say...
speedracer4321: so yea rice in the rice cooker.... and ranch.... amirite? right?
saucemaster5000: She came down in a bubble. grow up!
Makrosian_Tae: Too soon
josh___something: SAUCE
SagaMonstrum: I'm glad they did it like that at least and didn't you know, show it in realtime.
definenull: no
squ3e: Damn Sauce XD
Lysander_salamander: huh
ashteranic: oopsy doodle
CypherRaze: ohhh
Snouut: ctrl z
definenull: Mixed
saucemaster5000: I'll see myself out
CypherRaze: He Inceptioned himself
squ3e: What? What is happening
Makrosian_Tae: Holy shit
Lysander_salamander: too many layers
Saintnex: wait we shot ourselves? but we can just take over?
Snouut: wtf ahaha
ghizmou: a friendly hug?
hiFunko: maybe a quick handy
ghyllnox: Hell yeah
josh___something: idk
Blakemcm: id give myself a hug.
Fanklok: Would you smooch yourself if it was a girl version of you?
Makrosian_Tae: Loki would
SagaMonstrum: Oh hey an Owl, that's normal
definenull: Eww
Lysander_salamander: huh
Lysander_salamander: hahahahahahaha
Louie_Salmon: LUL
MadWolf1290: LUL
itsr67: the 1 2
squ3e: Booyah
Kipstar: if the girl version of you was a worm wouild you smooch it?
Heefnoff: More like Alan Sleep
ashteranic: "Tutorial's over, now to start the rest of the game!"
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is unfortunate timing for that song
Louie_Salmon: There's a clip
ButButTheJesus: game pls
Lysander_salamander: well played, game
Mr_Horrible: Game's a Knower
saucemaster5000: Give.a cheeky wink
Fanklok: You can try a mirror first
shurtal: just chargin' crystals, bro
niccus: absolutely not
Snouut: give me ass a little slap
EvilBadman: Do you tap your clone on the head to warn
ghyllnox: "This is just masturbation"
Heefnoff: Challenge them to a staring contest
Lysander_salamander: doing your clone a solid
Thefluffiestguineapig: That was literally a panalyst question, right?
KWardJenx: Count the number of drinks!
Mr_Horrible: I'd probably smooch myself for The Bit but I'm not what gets my engine revving
Heefnoff: That is how you prove you’re the real one
Dog_of_Myth: But are you in a sauna
SagaMonstrum: This game's a long one, gods I love it
Makrosian_Tae: I'm with Mr Horrible. Big same
Snouut: quick lift of the pants and get a 3rd person view
NotCainNorAbel: could you tell yourself if you were not a good kisser?
speedracer4321: id have to smooch the clone ben to know if hes a good smoocher too
saucemaster5000: I'd kiss me to distract while I stole my wallet
ashteranic: Flashbacks to Red Dwarf episodes
joelowe2: Is the other me baptized?
Juliamon: I don't like smooching so I assume my otherself wouldn't either and we'd both be really uncomfortable if we had to
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
josh___something: He was still wake when he was with saga, just with a homie in him
squ3e: Are we the hit film Looper?
Lysander_salamander: trippy
shamblingkrenshar: Oh no, a bootstrap paradox
Louie_Salmon: The flow of time is convoluted in Lordran
Thefluffiestguineapig: Are we over the CW section for now?
EvilBadman: Yes
SagaMonstrum: Also watching this series and the vods as someone who chose the name Saga has been strange
ghizmou: well done miss detective
lazermeow: Dun dun dun
Mr_Horrible: I do like how this is coming together, tbh
Mr_Horrible: revelations are good and it's lining up well
Heefnoff: Does his name have to be Scratch
saucemaster5000: I am vaguely following this, which mean it's the best let's nope game of all time
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible I am also enjoying how it is resolving
Lysander_salamander: darned sticky corners
Heefnoff: Why does Bro have the name of a childhood dog
Snouut: accuray on point ben
Heefnoff: Keep trying buddy
CypherRaze: first shot
Snouut: ever thought about joiing the army
Mr_Horrible: @Heefnoff it's a reference to the Devil, you see Kappa
SagaMonstrum: Scratch or "Old Scratch" is also a name used for the devil
saucemaster5000: you named your dog after the old south name for the devil Heef?
Mr_Horrible: we're very literary here
Snouut: he just wants to talk to you about jesus christ
frank_the_great: Time loop Wake died in just one shot, pretty weak compared to Scratch
Heefnoff: Magic pixel baby
Pharmacistjudge: ummm...we're watching the news right's my turn to choose the TV show. My clicker.
Mr_Horrible: all that DBD paying off
CypherRaze: why do you have three shotguns lol
Fanklok: I like how everybody is contributing equally to this
Makrosian_Tae: Is this the most unsatisfying boss fight ever?
SagaMonstrum: Oh dude just spoke swedish
frank_the_great: @CypherRaze For people who ask too many questions
Mr_Horrible: @Makrosian_Tae no, I've played DK64
SagaMonstrum: Or norwegian, one of the two
Makrosian_Tae: @mr_horrible ooooooooh!
Mr_Horrible: yeah, I'd guess that having more than 3 weapons could be useful here
speedracer4321: boy wake isnt going to be the same after all these bullets
willdebeast64_: don't dare say "as long as we have ____"
speedracer4321: melee build?
EvilBadman: Casey should throe some ammo down middle near the cliff
BusTed: jukes
SagaMonstrum: He looks like a jassified Ash from Evil Dead
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's nice when the game designers do the thing everyone is going to do anyways
Mr_Horrible: I do think it's very funny that Scratch Alan gets the leather jacket
CypherRaze: I think Casey did throw some ammo down
Nigouki: is grandpa listing font names?
josh___something: Not everyone is as yoked as you adam
Makrosian_Tae: This looks super annoying
saucemaster5000: that was some "just take a nibble of the tortilla chip" energy
ashteranic: not the time, mind place!
BusTed: nice
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ashteranic Wait your turn till I am not going to be bodily wounded if I just stand still
Mr_Horrible: Gianna voice: "This is your final scene!"
CypherRaze: oh that was risky bisky
Lysander_salamander: neat
BusTed: gg
ghyllnox: Kersplode
squ3e: 4...4 more streams?
Mr_Horrible: Ohhhhh not this darkness agaiiiiiiin
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
definenull: Bwaaah
Lysander_salamander: darn
Snouut: hello mothafcker
SagaMonstrum: Ahh! Max Payne!
BusTed: yeet
squ3e: so bad guy wins?
MAPBoardgames: We tried
MadWolf1290: good job!
Makrosian_Tae: Uhh...that's the END??
niccus: well, won't see her in alan wake 3
josh___something: Not AGAIN
CypherRaze: wait, didn't they literally say something about Saga drowning at the very start of the game?
lazermeow: Not deerfest...
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is this a multiple ending scenario?
Lysander_salamander: oh
Snouut: deerfest is cancelled but beerfest rages on
Lysander_salamander: cool
speedracer4321: chievo gamer right here
Mr_Horrible: who caught it? The girl reading this message :)
Makrosian_Tae: What IS happening?
BusTed: 🤘
CypherRaze: HELL YEAH
Makrosian_Tae: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
ghyllnox: Was that a hand reaching through a puddle? Ahti?
Mr_Horrible: kanagoJam kanagoJam kanagoJam
Dog_of_Myth: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
CypherRaze: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
Mathwyn: Nsburg's Racoonfest still on though
Saintnex: DinoDance coachn3Rollinghead DinoDance
hiFunko: tqsWiggle tqsWiggle tqsWiggle
Snouut: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE
Thefluffiestguineapig: DinoDance DinoDance
Dog_of_Myth: coxJam coxJam coxJam
Mr_Horrible: "erm, actually she's dead and it's your fault"
itira: tqsWiggle tqsWiggle tqsWiggle
NotCainNorAbel: jlrrDance3 benginDance jlrrDance3
Saintnex: braven10EYE braven10HEX braven10EYE
BrowneePoints: Poets of the Fall are a good band
speedracer4321: i feel like at the end of the game there should be another musical interlude to recap the plot
orangeleapfrog: DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance
MadWolf1290: I saw a Champion of Light/FFXIV mashup and I *lost* it
CypherRaze: it's definitely a very unpredictable game
josh___something: HErald of darkness is great, but yeah Dark Ocean Summoning has grown on me
Makrosian_Tae: Poppy Playtime chapter 3 is out now
Fanklok: Content Warning
Makrosian_Tae: And it's a doozy
Saintnex: TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE TwitchConHYPE
VrolikSyndrome: Content Warning
SagaMonstrum: Having mostly watched the vods, it def feels like you two are having fun with it
MAPBoardgames: Are we going to see the game where you are just a hand?
BusTed: Content Warning?
frank_the_great: 2/10, not enough keys to collect
Dog_of_Myth: Content Warning
Seth_Erickson: Content Warning it's called
ActualFactual: damn, remember lethal company?
gamercat88: its fun
Lysander_salamander: It's ok
BusTed: It can make for funny moments.
speedracer4321: i mean how good could it be if it didn't beat bladurs gate 3
dravman: It's fun
saucemaster5000: I hate the name
niccus: it's got a very different set of strengths
James_the_Dabbler: Content Warning? It's way spookier than Lethal Company imo
VrolikSyndrome: Worse than Lethal Company imo, but it's good for a bit.
Snouut: Id say its a K
BrowneePoints: it’s decent
Blakemcm: really good gimmick, perfect for 1 stream
josh___something: Haven't played it... it looks, okay
Dreamlettuce: My gut says maybe.
BusTed: Mostly based on the personalities playing.
Rhynerd: it seems cool
squ3e: Solidly mid
ButButTheJesus: I'd like to see y'all play ikt
Fanklok: It would be immensly funny to watch you play it
Catastrophil: I enjoy watching my friends play it
gawag_: Dunkeys video looked funny
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: I was Rewatching the meatballs company steams today!
Diabore: amogus too
josh___something: Helldivers is FUCKING SICK
hootsforcephotography: It looks really fun, but the gameplay loop is a bit repetitive
Rhynerd: apparently Lethal Company recently got a new monster
notthepenguins: adam says as im playing helldivers
shamblingkrenshar: We just had a massive assault from the bots in Helldivers.
mistmurk: its fine? not a ton of depth but worth a play
TalesFromTheManaCrypt: lethal*
SagaMonstrum: Remember Among Us? :D
Jensling: Automatons went away, and now theyre back
shurtal: Helldivers pushed out the bots, everyone got 1 (one) minute of off time
hiFunko: Palworld isn't around because the gameplay is mid af
shamblingkrenshar: Yeah its okay for games to end.
CypherRaze: yu
BusTed: The GM-curated campaign of HD has been pretty fun.
notthepenguins: @shurtal then the bots came back
shamblingkrenshar: In fact, games trying to not ever end has made problems
LathosTiran: but line must go up
Makrosian_Tae: Minecraft is eternal
squ3e: good mods for STS
ghyllnox: "Nobody's reading Twilight anymore"
josh___something: Are we ignoring minecraft :0
CypherRaze: unless it's a game that's a live service or MMO
frank_the_great: Tell that too the Mine O Clock boys
josh___something: :p
Mr_Horrible: you say that but there's a game I've thought about every day since October 27th 2022 Kappa
DudelidouX: Palworld has a end point where you can't really do anything new
speedracer4321: whoa adam coming for Skyrim?
PMAvers: Apparently my copy of Slay the Spire: the board game is coming tomorrow?
Lysander_salamander: :D
TheMerricat: Friendship with Adam ended. :P
Snouut: GTA V as well
willdebeast64_: Or stuff like minecraft, terraria, and other games of that style
Makrosian_Tae: If we keep giving them money, Destiny will be forever NotLikeThis
SagaMonstrum: I think Slay The Spire fills that "This game is 500mb why delete it? I might get bored."
floofynewf subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, floofynewf! (Today's storm count: 42)
MAPBoardgames: Skyrim, the official game of the Subwaverse
josh___something: Dark Ocean Summoning is so good
DudelidouX: Minecraft as a big focus on creativity
Lysander_salamander: I mean, look at mine-o-clock
sporkraptor: world of warcraft :P
gawag_: Games are either fads or while hobbies unto themselves at this point
gawag_: Whole*
shamblingkrenshar: FF7 Rebirth absorbed about a month of my free time
Seth_Erickson: I'm in the Elden Ring waiting room
SagaMonstrum: Dota 2
itsr67: hell yeah its flibbity gips time
KV1NN4: I lvoe Skyrim, but only because I didn't pick a side and jsut hunt bandits and dragons. Eff both sides.
willdebeast64_: You know, as much as I hate to say it, Fortnite refuses to die
hackingducks: still playing balatro >_>, big patch comin'
BrowneePoints: Another crab treasure comes out in a couple weeks
therepoman__: Can't wait for the Adventures of Glup Shitto
BusTed: 👀
saucemaster5000: Played Balatro for a couple days - it's aggresively okay
Saintnex: good ol flippity jibps
thatguysteve2709: Phantom dust is eternal
josh___something: @Makrosian_Tae I hate how absolutely hype as fuck The Final Shape trailer is
squ3e: wait we arent done?
MAPBoardgames: I heard Flibbidyjibbs was pretty good
BrowneePoints: then it’s dark shoals time baby
BusTed: Had a good shadow shaman game last night.
josh___something: into the sea... like santa
ghyllnox: Lmao
Dog_of_Myth: o7
PMAvers: ??
ghyllnox: o7
CypherRaze: what if they are really the gods of Asgard
hiFunko: If developers learn from the way Helldivers has been doing live service games, games will be better for it
Makrosian_Tae: @josh___something agree. It looks so good, but I have to look away
mistmurk: o7
Kramburger: It's a crapshot
Snouut: santa turns into a fish
Makrosian_Tae: o7
SagaMonstrum: Adam you should pull Ben into Dota 2
LathosTiran: LRR lore
hiFunko: Yeah he yells "BACK FROM WHENCE I CAME" and then walks into the ocean
shurtal: godspeed, Cori
Mr_Horrible: Santa returns to the sea for spawning season, yeah
joelowe2: Just like Santa
BrowneePoints: it’s a crapshot
definenull: It's called regeneration
shamblingkrenshar: Its some deep LRRore
MAPBoardgames: There was a whole crapshot about it
Fanklok: It's a video by niche comedy group by Loading Ready Run
Blakemcm: santa is a kaiju
itira: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW
Saintnex: God speed Cori Santa
SnackPak_: deep lore
BrowneePoints: Cori walked into the bay in the Santa costume
ICitizenErasedI: santa paid the iron price
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yup
Lysander_salamander: ohhhhhh
TheMerricat: Oh oh oh!!! I was so excited. I forgot, I _saw_ someone use "a bees dick" in the wild who wasn't Adam Savadan!!!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's an old LRR crapshot
hiFunko: yeah Ben and I were on a different joke
lazermeow: Santa is the ghost of Christmas Present.
josh___something: LUL
Kramburger: Good joke streamer
itira: Wow fake fan Ben
Saintnex: lol
shamblingkrenshar: Oh well now you guys should watch that at the end of the stream!
UnkeptFlea: I thought santa was in space, gathering power
Tangsm: Ben accidentally tells the truth.
EvilBadman: Holy shit ben
speedracer4321: where is saga she was just here
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
gibbousm: darn, I missed the hour long dialogue. I thought the power outage was still going on
itira: i dont watch your shit either >.>
notthepenguins: you know, fair
EvilBadman: @speedracer4321 Thrown into the lake and thus the Dark Place
squ3e: I watch a bynch of tour stuff
Blakemcm: Adam you should watch a choose your own adventure stream LRR does, they are awesome
SagaMonstrum: You should play Dota 2 for the next Let's Nope series, true horror is figuring out how to play top lane in that game
KWardJenx: LRR content is goated. Not having this slander
Thefluffiestguineapig: Me neither! Consuming content I had a hand in creating is challenging
josh___something: Estevez is so cool
Nigouki: lmao, so casual
hiFunko: I only watch LRR streams where I beat Ben at a wargame. One day I might see one
Mr_Horrible: Estevez is taking all this in stride
silenceaux: Altered Weality Event
CypherRaze: ayyyyyy AWE reference
notthepenguins: Advanced Wrestling Experience
josh___something: "Altered World Event"
Blip2004: Altered World Event
rosesmcgee: why is that Alan Wake's job?
BusTed: damn
Mr_Horrible: more like byeFunko, goddamn
SnackPak_: harsh
Fanklok: TBF Ben probably rigged it
itira: oof
Dog_of_Myth: @Mr_Horrible FBC agents have seen some shit.
hiFunko: Listen, you chucklefucks. I am undefeated against EVERYONE except Ben. He is my Moby Dick
Mr_Horrible: @Dog_of_Myth fair point
EvilBadman: Ben didn't have to come in from another country. Light work.
BrowneePoints: more like Freelo….ko
BusTed: bought himself a trophy and everything
Lysander_salamander: hahaha
Thoufeux: dorkarGIGA
josh___something: Rigged like a FINE VESSEL
itira: LUL
saucemaster5000: More like Moby Prick
Fanklok: I... why would you think I would put in the effort to prove anything?
hiFunko: 3/10
speedracer4321: ugh these joke make me mobysick
CypherRaze: damn that was Moby Slick
ghyllnox: Moby Thicc
Mr_Horrible: Funko's australian, so he really *is* stabbing at you from Hell's Heart
BrowneePoints: he’s figured out your moby schtick
ashteranic: Estaves doesn't have much choice. This is happening roughly the same time as Control is, and she's injured.
itira: LOL hahahaa
hiFunko: hahaha
Saintnex: Ben’s really putting the dick in moby dick Kappa
SnackPak_: woooow
BusTed: hcjYikes
CypherRaze: LMFAO
hiFunko: the OG moby
DMGlol: that whale do be thicc
josh___something: Alan wake, ngl... the 13 years to take to get out was a skill issue
EvilBadman: The whale was named Ishamel
Seth_Erickson: Not Moby's dick?
SagaMonstrum: Let's hear that australian moby dick impression
hiFunko: I think the term for Moby is Egg
ButButTheJesus: ♪ Heah we are now, goin to the East Side ♪
Mr_Horrible: Twink's less waifish, more cut
Talin06: not any more
BrowneePoints: Twinks are young, thin, boyish, and annoying
Nigouki: remember when Graham was bald? That's Moby
hiFunko: I can make that joke
itira: what does that even mean!
notthepenguins: don't call other people eggs
Snouut: boyyy that egg is scrabmled
kimmiekoneko: it means he's bald
Juliamon: It's someone who hasn't hatched into their true form
Lysander_salamander: don't do that
onetrueseth: The standard conversion rate is 2 Moby = 1 michael chiklis
queercrafting_chonk: Eggs are folks who have yet to realize they are trans
rainreign7: Eggs are trans people who aren't out yet
notthepenguins: It means they're trans and haven't realized it
Mr_Horrible: it's not derogatory, just presumptuous
Lysander_salamander: more like making assumptions
betweenmyself: Adam Savidan: confirmed adult.
DMGlol: I always thought they were just different animals
speedracer4321: yes google confirms ben is correct
Juliamon: it's the trans 'closet'
KV1NN4: "A good egg."
queercrafting_chonk: It's a self-identifying term
KV1NN4: but these days..
itsr67: now he's a knower
SagaMonstrum: Nah, Egg is a term for trans people who're about to realize things
JinaMahavira: It's me, I'm an egg
LostThePirate: A trans person who hasn't 'come out of their shell' yet
emberBecky: it's not a thing you decide for someone else is all, yeh
PawssumFable: It's like when you go "boy I sure do love dressing up as a woman for halloween"
Mr_Horrible: probably *also* a tad rude tho Kappa
queercrafting_chonk: You "hatch" when you realize you are trans 💕
Snouut: "yOu CaN tElL mE iM aN aDuLt"
notthepenguins: calling someone else an egg is just really fuckin presumptuous and rude bc its going "I know your gender better than you"
hiFunko: Yeah "A good egg" is also a term that's been around for decades
BrowneePoints: words can have multiple meanings
Jennie_Fuchsia: not derogatory just Best Used By Trans People
niccus: the other term for egg is that fucker in dragon age
Juliamon: It's something you only use on yourself, and in retrospect
SmithKurosaki: I mean, Ian
josh___something: Do not speculate on someone's status as egg
LathosTiran: a trans person before they relise they are trans themselves. so calling some one an egg can be placing labels on them.
ashteranic: There's a tree to crawl under there
silenceaux: Very briefly egg was a descriptor for twitter accounts with the default picture and no profile, iirc
notthepenguins: yeah, "twitter egg" was used for that
hiFunko: Turns out eggs are applied to lots of things
Rhynerd: a tree crawl of no return
PawssumFable: I mean you can have convos with trans people where you go 'aw that's such a cute egg thing' after
SagaMonstrum: I mean "Good Egg" is how I first heard someone being called an egg
Snouut: it sounded very sincere aha nothing wrong
saucemaster5000: Adults don't just drink water
SagaMonstrum: And I'm trans
PawssumFable: Or you were such a cute egg
Kramburger: Why? You don't
Mr_Horrible: @hiFunko you're telling me a very common word has lots of slang meanings? Say it ain't so
hiFunko: When does Beetlejuice show up?
squ3e: Wait why is his jacket bejewelled?
josh___something: I've watched WAY too many lore videos... even if I didn't pay attention I know way too much about this game
Snouut: i drink nothing but molson
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yeah, good egg can be good too
notthepenguins: words have multiple uses depending on context
Lysander_salamander: yeah there's many meanings
Fanklok: Water is the majority of what I drink
Kramburger: My wife is a fan of the term good egg
kimmiekoneko: you're a good egg, charlie brown
ashteranic: @squ3e It's Jaako's
MAPBoardgames: I've played Control, this game basically just picks up where that one left off, right?
BrowneePoints: look, this is a universe where Excalibur is a fucking gun, I haven’t been paying attention to anything
Juliamon: hiFunko Well, you've only said it once
Thoufeux: rotted egg..
definenull: Egg (affectionate and platonic)
Bruceski: Alan finally woke, and the game director has become the antagonist.
silenceaux: Wow how dare you
thatguysteve2709: I learn things on this show let no one tell you otherwise
BusTed: good grief
itira: frfr Adam
EvilBadman: @mapboardgames Kinda
hiFunko: Caillou lookin ass
Mr_Horrible: Charlie Brown had hoes
saucemaster5000: I call the unfertilized embryos from chickens eggs
ghyllnox: Do not, he is a child
rosesmcgee: oh boy, are cancelling Charlie Brown? About damn time.
BrowneePoints: Charlie did nothing wrong to no one
speedracer4321: whoa what did charlie brown do ?
Seth_Erickson: Charlie Brown doesn't deserve this hate
Mr_Horrible: tweets that will never leave my brain
lochnessseammonster: adam is confirmed lucy PrideLaugh
silenceaux: Linus (derogatory)
vinopinguino: linus is super mature for his age
Rhynerd: Charlie Brown gets fucked enough by his life already.
Lysander_salamander: Linus is the philosopher
lochnessseammonster: nah i like linus and i think you're correct ben
BrowneePoints: Linus thinks he is smarter than he is and causes trouble
Makrosian_Tae: Linus plays the piano doesn't he?
hiFunko: Binky can also be blanket
speedracer4321: no a binky is a pacifier
UltraVioletVodoo: my dog good boy
DMGlol: well he does suck his thumb too
Snouut: Adam Ben, whats on your mount rushmore of Drinks?
Makrosian_Tae: Ahh
niccus: that might be regional
Juliamon: Binky is literally a brand name for pacifiers
VrolikSyndrome: Da Binky is that artist, right?
LostThePirate: Binky is specifically a pacifier (thing babies suck on)
EvilBadman: Ahah! Binky can be either based on region
lochnessseammonster: adam definitely lucy
beastman309: I switched to unsweetened tea last year as my carry around drink and it's been very nice.
lazermeow: Screw that kid that never bathes.
Seth_Erickson: Water
Makrosian_Tae: Baja Blast
speedracer4321: i could see fuck peppermint patty, but charlie?
BusTed: ice cold water
Seth_Erickson: Root Beer
Fanklok: Adam is spitting RN
SnackPak_: black coffee and water
itsr67: refrencing peanuts characters as One of The Good Ones is hilarious
Mr_Horrible: I'm with Adam so far
Makrosian_Tae: Pepsi
hiFunko: Iced water, goated
squ3e: when water hits, it HITS
Snouut: Sparkling or Still water
itira: crispy water MMM
Seth_Erickson: Cold Crisp Water Kreygasm
Mathwyn: Water, Mountain Dew, nothin else
Juliamon: Nothing is worse than room temp water
lazermeow: Fresh spring water is goated.
definenull: True water is the goat
Lysander_salamander: yeah filtered just right
VrolikSyndrome: Cold water, NO ICE
Mazrae: Pig Pen is the best of the peanuts gang
joelowe2: I'm on board so far
Saintnex: crispy water?
lochnessseammonster: cold crispy water, so celery? :P
Mr_Horrible: Cold Water is low-key goated when being a tasty treat is the vibe
vinopinguino: NOPE
Thefluffiestguineapig: For me the challenge is the tap water in my building is hells of hard water
vinopinguino: coca cola
LostThePirate: I love that I live somewhere with good tap water again
VrolikSyndrome: No cap
hiFunko: lol
speedracer4321: Best soda RC Cola, come at me
Seth_Erickson: Agreed!
vinopinguino: OG
PawssumFable: Crispy water after you finish the coffee
SmithKurosaki: Yea, cold water that doesn't taste like chlorine sergeJustRight
EvilBadman: Drink water or get kidney stones, true story
itira: Cola my dude
vinopinguino: coca cola OG
Thefluffiestguineapig: But good crisp cold water is great
CypherRaze: uhhh
hiFunko: Rootbeer is great if you like drinking medicine, I guess
squ3e: interesting wrong opinion!
CypherRaze: Cream Soda?
speedracer4321: No Rc Cola
willdebeast64_: crisp, cold, fresh water trumps all
Makrosian_Tae: The BEST?
Seth_Erickson: Root beer is a straight triple S banger ttbb
SpoonfullOfSugar: ginger ale is good too though
lochnessseammonster: cola
SmithKurosaki: Root Beer is pretty awesome
beastman309: Hot beverages suck though.
itira: YES BEN
BusTed: hahaha
vinopinguino: HAHAHAHAH
itira: I DO
squ3e: XD
gibbousm: Root Beer is goated, but have you tried Birch Beer?
definenull: Holy shit
QuixoticScrivener: Dr. Pepper is a guilty pleasure of mine.
vinopinguino: YES I DO AND I LIKE IT
CypherRaze: Orange Crush in the glass bottle
lochnessseammonster: that is good@
Saintnex: WOW
Mr_Horrible: You're drinking Root Beer, Ben, you don't get to make that quip
silenceaux: You keep the lights on so you can appreciate the other person
BrowneePoints: since the person who picked fucking root beer, which is even older
itira: I WILL
Jennie_Fuchsia: root beer is one of my 3 current drinks
joelowe2: You two are in a mood tonight!!!!
Dreamlettuce: Only because I can't turn off the sun.
Atarra: I miss going out to a brewhouse that also made in-house root beer. It was the richest, most glorious stuff ever
thatguysteve2709: I mean with all the cocaine probably
Going_Medium: Sometimes
Juliamon: gibbousm Hot take birch beer is overhyped
gawag_: THANK YOU ben
BrowneePoints: says*
MadWolf1290: Damn, just shots being fired all over the place
bv310: Yeah no, I'm on Ben's side here
speedracer4321: RC cola is the best, i won't hear otherwise
Meyari: i don't like fizzy drinks, and Mt. Dew isn't that fizzy so I like it best
Snouut: bens so confident hed smooch his own dead body
Lysander_salamander: coke tastes gross to me. Like, metallic and plastic
7gorobei: ginger beer forever, so long as it burns your nose hairs
frank_the_great: Water > Coffee >>> Hard liquor > soda > other
Thefluffiestguineapig: Some kink stuff is much safer with lights on
Makrosian_Tae: Coke loses to Pepsi on me
CypherRaze: Maybe lights is for people with astigmatism
Mr_Horrible: Ben is socmed-pilled
lochnessseammonster: rootbeer is too sweet
Atarra: coke? pepsi? RC plz.
Natimus_Prime: I have ten cases of Zero Sugar Baja Blast in my garage, hands down the best pop
itira: you know whats boring Ben? your ATTITUDE
Seth_Erickson: I actually don't like Coca cola at all
Saintnex: you’re boring Ben! Kappa
MAPBoardgames: I put rum in my coke to cut the sweetness.
Mr_Horrible: hates good things because other people like them
Thefluffiestguineapig: A literal frosty mug
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: gimme that IBC or Barqs if I have to go for mass-market
gawag_: I became a way bigger appreciater of coke after I started drinking amaro
shurtal: i'ts like how Mcdonalds Sprite hits different
rosesmcgee: root beer sucks. discourse over
lochnessseammonster: orange
Makrosian_Tae: Orange juice is top tier
speedracer4321: @Atarra yea 100 percent RC
silenceaux: Maybe you don't care about flavour, you just want things that are cold
Seth_Erickson: I am also an apple juice enjoyer
CypherRaze: I'm a fan of Cream Soda in the glass bottle or Orange Crush in the glass bottle
SmithKurosaki: Root Beer Floats w/ A&W is baller
therepoman__: The best soda HAS to be fountain soda for sure
NotCainNorAbel: Grapefruit
Snouut: pineapple juice slaps
BusTed: we have
LostThePirate: If vanilla is your thing, enjoy your vanilla
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: A&W is low tier root beer
Mazrae: i used to drink 50% dr pepper, 50% root beer for a while
CypherRaze: But can we agree that ALL sodas taste better in glass bottles?
saucemaster5000: The best juice is tomato juice
SmithKurosaki: But like homemade float, not that ice cream puck garbage
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: down there with Mug
bv310: There's a spice company out of Alberta that does a "Make your own root beer syrup" kit and it is S-Tier for sugar drink
Makrosian_Tae: Smoove
Thefluffiestguineapig: For me it needs to be high quality apple juice
Mathwyn: A real good cloudy granny smith apple juice
lazermeow: Pulp is for people who hate their lives.
BusTed: I need my PB chunky and my OJ pulpy.
Seth_Erickson: Both peanut butter forms are goated
joelowe2: I'm not big on carbonated drinks. Lemonade or iced tea
SmithKurosaki: Has Ben tried Extra Smooth?
speedracer4321: chunky peanut butter is F tier
Lysander_salamander: vanilla is awesome. It's a flavor enhancer. Anything it's paired with is better.
CypherRaze: But like, peanut butter in general is fucking goated
lochnessseammonster: thanks to adam i will always call smooth the coward's peanutbutter PrideLaugh
BrowneePoints: A smooth peanut butter bear and a chunky peanut butter Twink wait that sounded funnier in my head
BusTed: It's just peanut butter juice
SquareDotCube: Let's be fair, Adam keeps mentioning Culver's, so guess who has their own root beer
patrick_stonecrusher: 3 drinks?
EvilBadman: I don't recall this part having dudes originally did that get changed?
saucemaster5000: Tomato juice wins all taste contests
SmithKurosaki: Its a little less THICC
ButButTheJesus: dammit Jim, he's just a Chunky Peanut Butter Boah!
Blakemcm: more oil in the mix to make it smoother
Makrosian_Tae: She was a [smooth peanut butter man], he was a [chunky peanut butter boy], can I make it anymore obvious?
itira: 3 drink Adam?
niccus: anyone here pull a ryu
Mr_Horrible: chunky peanut butter is for people that've never known struggle so they can feel embattled Kappa
SmithKurosaki: I prefer it because it's less gummy
betweenmyself: dump five cups of water into your peanut butter… extra smooth riffYeti
thatguysteve2709: Yes Adam yes
Juliamon: For awhile I thought I liked chunky pb, but then I thought about how I just ended up chewing each bite of sandwich longer to break up the chunks and was like "wait this is just MORE WORK"
BusTed: good joke, past adam
speedracer4321: RC
saucemaster5000: you could choke on chunky tho
AMuseOfFirebane: I'm a low fat peanut butter kinda guy, can't deal with the oil in regular PB
lochnessseammonster: during the betrayal long game PrideLaugh
SnackPak_: dr pepper
Marvoleath: it's extra smooth because they shave the 'nuts Kappa
Saintnex: iced tea honestly
lochnessseammonster: yeah
saucemaster5000: Adam is SPITTING
saritheran: the woods have enemies, but you can just sprint through
LostThePirate: Ginger ale is top tier
Lysander_salamander: gingerale is good
BusTed: I am a ginger ale fan
PawssumFable: with real ginger
CypherRaze: Ginger Ale on a flight fucking slaps
speedracer4321: Ginger Ale is the extra smooth peanut butter of soda
Mr_Horrible: Adam on that Magic Sky Juice
NotCainNorAbel: Ginger Beer (strong ginger ale)
itira: i do enjoy a nice gingerale
couchboyj: Ale 81, specifically
lochnessseammonster: gingerale is goated
Snouut: a good crush or fanta is up there
vinopinguino: he likes appy juice and ginger ale. adam is 80 years old
Seth_Erickson: I'm not a ginger ale fan myself
saucemaster5000: I drink so muhc goddamn ginger ale these days
Cosmonautilis24: Ginger Beer dawg
silenceaux: Okay, I'm up there for ginger ale variants, even if not regular ginger ale.
hootsforcephotography: Ah, the Midwest flu fixer
SquareDotCube: Ginger ale is great once you're over 30
Thefluffiestguineapig: For me it needs to be really spicy ginger ale
Saintnex: ooh ginger ale is very top tier
Going_Medium: Gingerale is only for airplanes
willdebeast64_: I would pick sprite because fanta doesn't go with everything
Atarra: what I don't understand is considering club soda a drinkable beverage by itself
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: same
Thefluffiestguineapig: Not the canada dry
Seth_Erickson: You gotta walk that path without me
Juliamon: Cranberry ginger ale is best
SmithKurosaki: I like ginger ale for when I feel like crao
Atarra: that one I'll never understand
CypherRaze: what about Sprite?
BusTed: Haha
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
Mr_Horrible: ah, the Orange Pop Defense
silenceaux: @Juliamon Here it is
vinopinguino: associate it with being a BIG BABY
itira: sprite is way to fuckin sweet
Mr_Horrible: Fountain Sprite fucks
Mr_Horrible: fucks loud
Mazrae: cherry 7up??
VrolikSyndrome: 7-Up? Ehhhhh
LostThePirate: 7-Up > Sprite
josh___something: sprite is not okay NotLikeThis
SagaMonstrum: I drink a lot of Coke Zero
Makrosian_Tae: well I gotta go folks. Thank you for the stream boys, and thanks for being cool chat! 👋🏻
SmithKurosaki: Sprite > 7up
lazermeow: Orange Cream Soda.
CypherRaze: True
vinopinguino: mcdonalds sprite is goated
Lysander_salamander: cheerwine is pretty good, but I think I like Cherry Mr. Pibb more.
BrowneePoints: you know what pop surprised the shit out of me? the raspberry lemonade mt dew. I was honestly shocked at how freaking good it was.
Juliamon: Fountain pop is S tier
Seth_Erickson: Fountain pop is good
Thefluffiestguineapig: Carbonation is hard on my already nonsense GI system
Going_Medium: I get ginger ale every time I fly, and only when I fly.
SnackPak_: fountains have better bubbles
definenull: Gross tho
Dog_of_Myth: Yep
ActualFactual: homeopathic soda
SagaMonstrum: If OJ was cheaper I'd be guzzling that stuff nonstop
VrolikSyndrome: It's the schmix. Adds flavor.
BusTed: Glass bottle
therepoman__: Fountain soda is the goat
CypherRaze: Glass Bottle is the best
Fanklok: All sugary water is the same
itira: nope Coca cola in a can is the BEST when its so cooooold
shurtal: i prefer glass bottle soda over any other form
QuixoticScrivener: plastic bottle is the worst
itira: and delicious!
Thoufeux: I'll drink your pop from the can
lamina5432: nah glass bottled soda
MrSarkhan: Fountain is way better. Ben is just wrong
Atarra: I think plastic bottle is the worst
Blip2004: hard disagree, glass bottle is best
Marvoleath: Glass only
kdefinition: Bottle?!
Dog_of_Myth: Preach it Adam!!!
PMAvers: Ben loves the taste of the metal in his soda.
BrowneePoints: nah glass bottle coke is best
PawssumFable: Sprite and 7Up are so similar
NotCainNorAbel: Bottle, can, fountian
therepoman__: Canned and bottled stinky
CypherRaze: Glass Bottle > Fountain > Can
Nigouki: 2L bottle all in an evening cuz you've lost control of your life
SquareDotCube: How about this - what flavor additive is your favorite in soda?
Snouut: 1. Staight from source 2. anything else. 3. Can
Mr_Horrible: what a way to be reminded that Ben is a Child
itira: can wins imo
7gorobei: real fountain soda but they need actual phosphates
SmithKurosaki: @SagaMonstrum Cut it with some water, helps cut down the sugar content as well
LostThePirate: Best fountain drink is Dr Pepper with, like, 1/4 orange soda
willdebeast64_: no, you gotta get the Mexican glass bottle sodas
Kramburger: Fountain depends on the mix
BusTed: Yeah, they can mess up the mix with fountain
Natimus_Prime: The Freestyle machines that let you mix and match flavors are great
silenceaux: Anything can be watered down
Seth_Erickson: Jones Soda though that definitely goes on my Rushmore
ActualFactual: Fountain is literally designed to short change you on the non-water part of the soda
Juliamon: Cans always taste too metallic
CypherRaze: Glass bottle will ALWAYS be best
thatguysteve2709: Glass is best but Adam is correct
Atarra: @Nigouki look, just @ me next time ;P
Marvoleath: Or the fancy-ass machines with real juice you can add to any coke
MrSarkhan: Fountain > Can > Bottle
itira: Bottled pop just tastes like fizz
StreetRach: Fountain needs syrup.
Snouut: can you water down water though
speedracer4321: can water be watered down?
joelowe2: Fountain drinks are just water, high fructose corn syrup and hatred.
saucemaster5000: Water can be watered down
Jennie_Fuchsia: ratios can be off at a fountain, sometimes fountains get flies…
hackingducks: bottle can fountain for sure
DMGlol: it depends, some places that maintain their fountains have good soda
patrick_stonecrusher: Big Gulp mix-em-up low ice all fruit-style sodas
SmithKurosaki: @Natimus_Prime Vanilla RootBeer :)
BusTed: adam do you ever mix fountain beverages together
lazermeow: Fountain is king.
itsr67: LUL
EvilBadman: Fountain has BONUS flavor if the lines aren't cleared
BrowneePoints: Coke in a glass bottle hits different
PawssumFable: I love fountain
PMAvers: Some fountain drinks have different mixes of syrup than bottled or cans (sometimes more)
Seth_Erickson: Homemade Root Beer
Mr_Horrible: I've got bad news for the people saying "Fountain is just syrup and water"
lochnessseammonster: fountain pop is bad in the good way PrideLaugh
therepoman__: Fountain soda is the best version of soda
SpoonfullOfSugar: if fountain can be wattered down, that means it can also be concentrated
Saintnex: fountain, glass bottle, plastic bottle then can
Seth_Erickson: Kreygasm
Juliamon: I got a mild concussion from a fountain and I STILL stan it
itira: sorry i dont want foam. i want a beverage
lochnessseammonster: but i like cans best
BusTed: @Juliamon WutFace
SmithKurosaki: @BusTed Get your Swamp Juice outta here
thatguysteve2709: Certain fountain drinks just hit different
couchboyj: Fountain pop is high variance. The highest highs and lowest lows.
PawssumFable: Hey maybe we don't let our fountains run out of syrup
WiJohn: America is the land of pop
I_Am_Clockwork: I'm a can man
SagaMonstrum: @SmithKurosaki I haven't tried that but I primarily get a local brand that's less sugar than your standard brands (I know it still contains sugar)
Snouut: mount rushmore of canadian fast foods? DQ is by far the best
niccus: i'm sorry about that
lochnessseammonster: what a combo
ShaneLeeAtk: Fountain, but only if it is pre-mix.
ActualFactual: That explains a lot acutally
itira: AND youre from Sask??? oof
BusTed: @SmithKurosaki (I wouldn't do it, but I was curious)
speedracer4321: adam is one of us
Mr_Horrible: the Kkona La Llarona
Snouut: Iced Cap fucks
EvilBadman: Iced tea.
JaylenWP: tap water is best in nebraska
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: really depends on what soda it is - I prefer cherry coke from a bottle but dr pepper from a can
Saintnex: and born in the most boring place in Canada Kappa
therepoman__: h o t b r o w n
SagaMonstrum: Never had coffee
CypherRaze: Hot Chocolate is goated
Atarra: I run on caffeine much more than I should. tea is 100% the best thing ever but god a good soda is satisfying
Natimus_Prime: If the fountain drinks are watery, they need to replace the syrup pack and the problem is solved
Mathwyn: Mountain Dew is its own genre at this point
vinopinguino: black coffee from mcdonalds
QuixoticScrivener: give me that black gas station coffee
Juliamon: today's real good for first time chats
Mr_Horrible: I won't turn down basically any coffee except some straight Starbucks stuff
Mnemonicman: Black coffee is best coffee
Kramburger: I'm out of coffee beans right now so i had instant this morning and it SUCKS
VrolikSyndrome: Little bit of half&half. Just enough to change the color.
Atarra: coffee for some reason destroys me
BusTed: 👌
couchboyj: Cold brew with a splash of creamer
Saintnex: iced black or americano imo
patrick_stonecrusher: I hear mayonnaise has become a popular beverage
josh___something: Best in slot Water :p
bv310: Hey now, don't y'all be ripping on Sask. Flat empty prairies are great
Mr_Horrible: that's a real 1st-time chat right there
gibbousm: I will defer to Serge on the subject of Coffee
Seth_Erickson: Utah has good tap water imo.
speedracer4321: i lived in nebraska, the tap water isnt that great TBH
Snouut: i'd open my legs for a pumpkin spiced latte
SnackPak_: all that fracking
EvilBadman: Philly?
NotCainNorAbel: Mn should be good, Chicago would be sus
ActualFactual: Lead makes the tap water sweeter
CaptinOfBeez: Lincoln is okay
SquareDotCube: Chicago? That explains it
SagaMonstrum: The swedes have really good tap
griffindor_07: 1000% the water there sucks
BrowneePoints: @loadingreadyrun a bunch of us in the Midwest, including Nebraska is over the Ogallala aquifer meaning We have incredibly amazing freshwater.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: tap water where I am has so much sulphur, it just smells like eggs and tastes like death and also eggs
Lysander_salamander: Florida doesn't have good tap water because Nestle takes all the good stuff
BrowneePoints: my hometown has won some of the best tapwater in the entire country multiple times
Dog_of_Myth: Midwest is hit or miss
Juliamon: I wouldn't trust Chicago to have good water any more than I trust it to have good taste
LostThePirate: Clovis, CA had the WORST tap water of anywhere I've lived. It was too gross to even use to cook pasta in.
Mr_Horrible: @ActualFactual mad that this is actually true
Scy_Anide: I think Minnesota has hard water. Vegas, perhaps unsurprisingly, has absolute garbage water.
JaylenWP: yea right above the largest natural aquifer in the US, best tap water
itira: White Rock has the best tap water imo :P
Snouut: I live near a ski resort in BC so our tap water is fresh af
PawssumFable: did you guys go around testing all the waters
itira: good thing i dont live there eh
BusTed: @Juliamon I think the majority of my liquid intake is from my Chicago tap. 😬
PawssumFable: how do you know it's not just the least shit water you've had
KV1NN4: the tap water in Buffalo hasn't had flouride for about a decade.... yeah we're pretty pissed to have found that out (there's an essential upgrade that.. still hasn't been funded last i checked)
Riandisa: I liked the water in Nebraska. Hate the water here in Missouri
josh___something: Popular This Eden Song, Nebraska (I'm making a joke for myself)
Saintnex: Alberta has pretty good tap water imo
Going_Medium: Gotta go full reverse osmosis filter.
The_Timo: Chilliwack had good shit
Bruceski: Oh, I thought White Rock New Mexico, where I grew up. Heavy mineral content, we had water with flavor that you could chew.
therepoman__: Talking about the state of tap water in various places in the US is distressing
itsr67: hey missouri's is just deeply medium
itira: oh yeah the chilliwack water
TjPshine: toronto wins awards for its tap water
Mr_Horrible: I can't say if the Seattle-area tap water is good but I drink it like a fiend
SagaMonstrum: I had to learn that apparantly drinkable tap water is not a worldwide standard and I realized I was a dumbass for thinking so
Snouut: the best name is Saskatoon, sounds like a place in spongebob
Fanklok: Why does the flare gun make a grenade launcher thwoomp
The_Timo: Grew up in the wack
itira: Kamloops best name
BusTed: You can say The 'Wack but I can't say The 'Skatch
CypherRaze: What bout Another Lake
BrowneePoints: Nebraska and most of Iowa and South Dakota have incredible freshwater because it sits on the largest natural aquifer in the US
EvilBadman: Shout out first nation names
joelowe2: I'm going to The Whack to chill
lochnessseammonster: toronto tap water is BAD
Mr_Horrible: that's just a fancy way of saying "Toronto is the most boring city on earth"
Snouut: saskatoon is a place in spongebob not SA
JaylenWP: also its my first time in stream- the egg convo caught my attention on front page kekw
DudelidouX: Got to give them something so they shut up about the leaves
lochnessseammonster: ottawa has good tap water
StreetRach: We just going to ignore that there's an Intercourse, PA?
Juliamon: we drove over Skookumchuck Brook on the way home from the eclipse last night. Solid name.
Mr_Horrible: @lochnessseammonster that ottawatah if you will
Dog_of_Myth: Yep
UltraVioletVodoo: gross
CypherRaze: well that's a sentence I never thought I'd hear lol
Mr_Horrible: you're the only ones still playing Alan Wake 2
squ3e: Cause of me, your welcome
The_Timo: Best boys
lochnessseammonster: @Mr_Horrible PrideLaugh
Kramburger: Topical Game Alan Wake 2
Juliamon: Something about this timeslot I guess
BrowneePoints: I mean we have Sioux City and Keosaqua and Maquoketa but also dubuque and Des Moines
Fanklok: Let's Nope is trending with the youth
Fe1ix66: oh you sweet summer child
josh___something: ADAM NO
itsr67: LUL
PawssumFable: Haha
BusTed: and there they go
therepoman__: LUL
SnackPak_: lrrBartleby
josh___something: OUT
itira: Adam dont scare them away
Juliamon: Adam
Atarra: NO
MacbethSeemsSus: And gone
josh___something: CMON
ActualFactual: came in with no context and didn't leave immediately, impressive
VrolikSyndrome: No keep going.
ghyllnox: LUL
MrSarkhan: Adam pls
Seth_Erickson: You're gonna chase them away
vinopinguino: and OFF the front page
squ3e: strong first impression
Lysander_salamander: and there goes the front page
VrolikSyndrome: Break 'em in.
Mr_Horrible: Adam you're scaring the normies
Snouut: Cant go wrong with Blow Me Down park in Newfie
Mazrae: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is a community, not a casino.
PawssumFable: lrrSPOOP
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
LostThePirate: Way to welcome the new people haha
Dog_of_Myth: It's true. We are on the front pate
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap
CypherRaze: LMFAO
ButButTheJesus: ADAM NO
Bruceski: The FBC detector seems to be a bit upset
Dog_of_Myth: *page
Thefluffiestguineapig: The full experience immediately
bo_brinkman: Did we? Did we try?
Rhynerd: starting off strong.
TjPshine: thats canadian for taking it all in
Fe1ix66: maybe you can entice them back by shooting more mods
thatguysteve2709: Damn
Fanklok: Adam is just being real, give it to em raw
Seth_Erickson: Did you try Adam
PMAvers: Oh, wow, they *are* on the front page.
Marvoleath: *This stream is not representative of the LRR content as a whole* :D
bo_brinkman: They think this is a body-painting stream.
JaylenWP: nahhh dont worry, in a comp match ingame
itira: pullin the big numbers i guess
NotCainNorAbel: Adam, head of recruiting
PawssumFable: No, it is.
thatguysteve2709: You guys are special
Scy_Anide: It's prolly cuz Alan Wake.
BrowneePoints: probably timeslot plus game
squ3e: Gotta be the 'DregsOfSociety' tag
SagaMonstrum: You guys are funny, you should know by now
PawssumFable: Did you guys listen to yesterday's QWERP
Snouut: turn the flashlight on Jaylen now, interrogation starts
hootsforcephotography: They want to weed out the weak ones, so they send them here
Mr_Horrible: the funny part is you keep being on the front page at different times during the stream slot
silenceaux: Maybe we found the one person that plays Dota 2
josh___something: I wanna say Sie- fuck
JaylenWP: nope dont play gun games
JaylenWP: Omega Strikers
squ3e: Dead by daylight
PawssumFable: And then sit here like Ben & Adam are worse LUL LUL
Rhynerd: talking between deaths, possibly.
CaptinOfBeez: Noita!
Mr_Horrible: Omega Strikers hell yeah
BusTed: @JaylenWP Sick
SagaMonstrum: TFT
Thefluffiestguineapig: @PawssumFable Yes and people gave me strange looks because I couldn't contain my laughter in line at the pharmacy
Mr_Horrible: I'm aghast
josh___something: OOOH, that game
saucemaster5000: never played omega strikers but I LOVE the soundtrack
Rhynerd: i should give Omega Striker a try sometime.
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
josh___something: yeah that game was sick
PawssumFable: @Thefluffiestguineapig Yesterday's was S-tier
NotCainNorAbel gifted a Tier 1 sub to JaylenWP! They have given 38 Gift Subs in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JaylenWP! (Today's storm count: 43)
Snouut: ben loves slimes in all crevices
queercrafting_chonk: Splatoon 3 is great! I follow a colleague who is an excellent Splatoon player
JaylenWP: :aimishock: gifted subscription ty ty
speedracer4321: bens turned on by adams bulging bicep
BrowneePoints: likes root beer and slime girls. sounds about right
itira: look at those rippling biceps Kappa
JaylenWP: guess I have to stay now LUL
josh___something: Adam too yoked, has reticle magnetism
squ3e: One of us! one of us1
ghyllnox: Bruise on the bicep getting bigger because Ben keeps squeezing them
Mr_Horrible: hee hee hoo hoo
PawssumFable: Did we just broadcast a coup
PawssumFable: lol
JaylenWP: not like I wasnt intending to anyway KEKW
SagaMonstrum: Adam been getting back in it though, good motivation for myself
Juliamon: JaylenWP We're glad to have you, honestly one of the best communities that happens to be on Twitch
Dog_of_Myth: Get got
betweenmyself: get bruise, get your swole on at the gym, bruise gets bigger: simple logic
josh___something: Absolutely owned
SagaMonstrum: MAY
BrowneePoints: @jaylenwp the best part is they run the channel kind of like a TV station so there are different theme streams on different days and there’s something for everyone
Snouut: justin timberlake in the car or what
josh___something: idk what you're talking about, ben :)
PawssumFable: LRR is a good community, Adam bullies us with love tho
Mr_Horrible: we have a lil fun here at twitch dot television slash loading ready run
josh___something: COUNTER
itsr67: daisuke's vision is crazy
Snouut: GROW UP
Mr_Horrible: Nah Adam, Alan's car gets used in She-Hulk L3 for MVC3
LostThePirate: @JaylenWP The thing to know about this channel is it's more like a TV station - different shows at specific times with different streamers. These guys are always here Tuesday nights.
BrowneePoints: Totsugeki!
Seth_Erickson: What if it was Beppo! That showed
CypherRaze: UPPERCUT
SagaMonstrum: AbiGALE
Mr_Horrible: "Danger! (danger)"
BrowneePoints: BRISKET
saucemaster5000: I've been so called out about Guilty Gear
Mr_Horrible: I'd say so, if you're not Adam
VrolikSyndrome: I thought so.
JaylenWP: @LostThePirate thats pog
VrolikSyndrome: Damn
thatguysteve2709: It is actually really cute
SagaMonstrum: I love Brisket for what she did to the bigots
Thefluffiestguineapig: That's the game before Shadow of the Collosus
Snouut: what about deep space waifu
beastman309 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak!
beastman309: Alan has those wall combos though, but you gotta pick the Mr. Scratch skin.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, beastman309! (Today's storm count: 44)
josh___something: destroyed
Thefluffiestguineapig: So I assume the one with the weird dog thing is also out?
Mr_Horrible: damn, owned online
vinopinguino: got em
itsr67: bodyy
itira: roasted
thatguysteve2709: Name's not steve but thanks
Seth_Erickson: Hold that mix steve
Fanklok: Adam hates good games I guess
joelowe2: Alan W could use a laundromat
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: I am legitimately a Last Guardian enjoyer, all 15 frames of it
Mr_Horrible: You got mixed, Ben
thatguysteve2709: It's a nickname
Mr_Horrible: me, I am
squ3e: Careful @thatguysteve2709 they banned me last week for lying about my name
Mr_Horrible: I decide
niccus: DEERFEST
Juliamon: let's go DEERFEST
Snouut: yup, its a cult.
SagaMonstrum: Adam you played Dota 1 for years
JaylenWP: just noticed I misdrafted because was talking LOL
ActualFactual: Hey can you guys grab me a hot dog?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I disagree, I think Adam just knows what he likes
BrowneePoints: What if I told you my name isn’t Brownie
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also this is cult time
definenull: #notacult
Thefluffiestguineapig: I would speed out of town
Dog_of_Myth: Nope
betweenmyself: “Who’s to decide what’s a good game?” Well, not Adam apparently pennyWhat
CypherRaze: LMFAO
kdefinition: I would keep driving
PawssumFable: I'm down
patrick_stonecrusher: Deerfest didn't get canceled!!
Snouut: how do we know your name is even ben
Mr_Horrible: without the masks, probably. With the mask, "keep driving"
itira: im far too sweaty to wear a plastic mask outside
PawssumFable: give me the weird mask
thatguysteve2709: I'm not lying I was called Steve in college my name is Evan
Last1031: this is giving me Wickerman vibes
Seth_Erickson: What if I told you my name wasn't Seth Adam?
Dog_of_Myth: That's the good shit
niccus: now this is a review
Mr_Horrible: okay but Ilmo spitting right theer
Snouut: i feel like you could make a crapshot out of this game
Dreamlettuce: I desire proper paper cuts, not some low quality kind.
speedracer4321: the deer mask is the reson baldurs gate won
AzureishDragoon: I know I'm late to the party, but this is just the Twin Peaks diner, right?
rosesmcgee: I care now
definenull: Oh no
Fanklok: @Seth_Erickson Well yeah, it's Seth Erickson
Mr_Horrible: laynaPepehands
definenull: Oof
BusTed: :(
lazermeow: A little bit yeah, nobody likes a limp page.
PawssumFable: If you're still buying paper books at this point, you prob are collecting
Lysander_salamander: aw
josh___something: ow
GhostValv: D:
silenceaux: I mean, I love this approach of reviewing a book based on everything except the written content
beastman309: Mouthfeel is important.
Blip2004: yes, cause I've had low quality books fall apart while reading
CypherRaze: He's quoting that shit like it's some kind of a vintage wine
gojira_green: when is this person going to get to how the light bounces off the cover?
josh___something: IT should've been ilmo D:
itsr67: LUL
Seth_Erickson: LUL
Thefluffiestguineapig: That ad is AMAZING
Natimus_Prime: Paper quality does matter, it's the reason I don't buy paperbacks anymore
BusTed: Ilmo is still Ilmo
SquareDotCube: the review gamers want
Rhynerd: “it sure is a story.”
thatguysteve2709: Best review ever
Mr_Horrible: GOALS: "Get a copy of Return"
speedracer4321: ope still dead
betweenmyself: what about the FONT!?! riffScream
Lysander_salamander: dang
Snouut: amazon front page
Mr_Horrible: you know what OTHER game has shadows where people used to be?
Thefluffiestguineapig: He seems appropriately sad
onetrueseth: I'd buy that for a dollar
SagaMonstrum: The shadow is Alan's reflection though
speedracer4321: probably
Dreamlettuce: Telling us the font counts as spoilers.
Snouut: i only buy books that have pictures in them
Mr_Horrible: gotta drain the Alan Snake
BrowneePoints: I will SHIT ON YOUR FLOORS
saucemaster5000: Fantastique!!
beastman309: Alan Wakeup
NotCainNorAbel: he's cheating himself
speedracer4321: i googled it ben and it is, indeed, for watching all the comercials
thatguysteve2709: I need to read more that review sold me on it
Mr_Horrible: "Who the fuck is Estinien?"
Fanklok: There's a story skip in FF14?
BusTed: tqsKnife
Seth_Erickson: He's buffering an anti-air
gawag_: 100% that was the Double R from Twin Peaks
CypherRaze: Uncle Iroh taught that guy how to stab
Juliamon: It's good to know we didn't miss any commercials, that would have been the worst content to miss
hackingducks: the game is complementing its fanservice inside of the game.
Mr_Horrible: Books are illegal here, Ben
ghyllnox: "buy"
Thefluffiestguineapig: @CypherRaze For sure, also Uncle Iroh is the best
Lysander_salamander: nice
Thoufeux: story's mid
NotCainNorAbel: now sit down and read
Lysander_salamander: oopsy
SagaMonstrum: How does this game rank on the Let's Nope list so far?
thatguysteve2709: I could see the photo of my home
BrowneePoints: The best part is, you can always buy the skip and then go to the Inn and watch the cinematic so you actually know what’s going on, but don’t have to go through stuff if you’re trying to catch up quick
willdebeast64_: There is a French fencing style where you just try to stand in a straight line and crab walk at somebody
niccus: why'd you harsh the festival
DMGlol: is this how magic cons are for you
BusTed: WutFace
definenull: Ewwww
Dog_of_Myth: Ewwww
thatguysteve2709: Sounds very Canadian
Saintnex: nope
CypherRaze: @Thefluffiestguineapig leaves from the vine.....falling so slow...
Mr_Horrible: people in masks try to kill you at MagicCons?
Mr_Horrible: seems dangerous
Going_Medium: In the winter that bike is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer it’s directly in the path of a cross breeze created by open windows there (points at a window), and there (points at another window). It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide to create a parallax distortion, I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point.
speedracer4321: life a sa LRR streamer right there
Lysander_salamander: oh
Juliamon: Mr_Horrible At least they wear masks!
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon true tho!
saucemaster5000: what the
Fanklok: You Lady and the Tramped a pretzel with Serge?
thatguysteve2709: I would love to see you guys at a con I just will never get to.
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
NotCainNorAbel: seabatClap
Going_Medium: Big Bang
ShaneLeeAtk: Big Band Theory
speedracer4321: sounds like sheldon cooper
Saintnex: yea it’s big bang theory
Mr_Horrible: noooo I liked a thing from Big Bang Theory now
Snouut: are you guys going to Magic Vegas at the end of the year
Mr_Horrible: I've been bamboozled
Fanklok: bazinga
EvilBadman: Oh no bazingad
Saintnex: that garbage show
Saintnex: Kappa
itira: @Mr_Horrible get wrecked
Thefluffiestguineapig: Oh that sounds amazing
Juliamon: Amsterdam has an ad slide (it's barebones but it's there)
Fanklok: hehe pp
rosesmcgee: Big Bang, like the Office is good in 90 second chunks
Mr_Horrible: @itira tfw I'm mixed laynaDedLeg laynaDedHead
Thefluffiestguineapig: Amsterdam is great so I've heard
Thefluffiestguineapig: I never had the pleasure of visiting
Snouut: my badge is from twitchcon amsterdam dope
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible Tell me about it. I had a physical hatred reaction from trying to watch one episode
SagaMonstrum: Big Bang is just another show of "Haha autistic people are The Funny. But only the "Good ones"."
Orxolon: can i ask what happen to the PPR contract?did it expired or what?
Snouut: they changed all their rules now in that you can only buy weed in amsterdam now if youre a resident
Juliamon: Orxolon They're yearly contracts
EvilBadman: Wellness Center
ActualFactual: Looks like Ben is experiencing a little bit of writer's block amirite?
PawssumFable: Hey, I'm extremely funny
Orxolon: ok,thx
queercrafting_chonk: I miss Amsterdam so much! I lived there for a semester abroad in 2013, then had Xmas there in 2016 for a holiday and got engaged there 💕
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 it was def one of those experiences for me where it was like "...oh there's just no punchlines in this show, they just say a reference"
Nigouki: I believe Graham gives an overview in the yubtub updates?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Podcast reference! Any other Alice Isn't Dead enjoyers?
Pharmacistjudge: there is a reason I make a yearly tweet where I @ wizards and say to renew the contract
Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig I enjoyed it!
The_Timo: Where've you guys been?
Snouut: I live in BC now and im orignally from London UK (NOT ONTARIO, get that all the time)
chisidragon: Are you going to magicfest la?
Lysander_salamander: I've listened to a few episodes of that, but forgot about it until now
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig my Dad, actually, although I haven't listened myself
SagaMonstrum: Teach english in quebec
Saintnex: @mr_horrible and it loves doing the we love nerd culture/nerds, proceeds to make fun of nerds for basically the whole episode
Thefluffiestguineapig: Trust me, I also know the horror of parental pressure
Nigouki: parents and guidance councilors hounding you about UNIVERSITY ONLY was sucha god damn mistake
EvilBadman: What about Magicfest Yugot
vinopinguino: my wife
Snouut: adam doesnt need a wife, hes a knower
Pharmacistjudge: Are you going to Gencon?
Saintnex: gib wife!
Mr_Horrible: @Saintnex "We love nerds!" *makes every negative stereotype they can find the crux of jokes* sofieHmm
Marvoleath: Is she single though?
I_Am_Clockwork: All of them, at once. The Omni-LRR
BrowneePoints: I’m just glad I get to turn my magic brain off now that OJ is out until August when we get the best set possibly ever
Fanklok: This is not my house, this is not my beautiful wife
Seth_Erickson: Well I hope to maybe see either of you at Magic Con Vegas because that's the one I'm currently convincing my friends to go to
patrick_stonecrusher: DarkKnight Wheres Rachel?!
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible This
itsr67: poggersss
BrowneePoints: OTJ*
DMGlol: evo is sick, i really want to go to another one
definenull: Pogg
saucemaster5000: I'm on the fence about going t oEVO... I can afford it
Rhynerd: hell yeah!
JinaMahavira: Hell yeah Adam!
Mr_Horrible: wo bist wife
josh___something: using that DBD training
Snouut: dont trust her, just shoot her
Bruceski: That Scratch appearance has issues in the speedrun because there's some loading time. If they don't slow down Scratch can pop right on top of them for an instant loss.
Mr_Horrible: Rose seemed pretty salient last time
thatguysteve2709: Run, run as far as possible alan
Thefluffiestguineapig: ummmmmmmmmm
CypherRaze: uhhhh
Thefluffiestguineapig: I am so uncomfortable
Nigouki: oh no, a fan
definenull: Uh oh
Kuhfeek: Uh oh
Marvoleath: stalker alert
ghyllnox: LUL
CypherRaze: Rose seems a little, um, off
Mr_Horrible: @Bruceski not Scratch with the 0-frame grab
BusTed: a'wink
Lysander_salamander: oh
Seth_Erickson: Uh oh
Snouut: rose kinda cute though
joelowe2: Oh dear
emberBecky: I love her facial expressions XD
Mr_Horrible: well, "salient" for Bright Falls
Mazrae: wasnt she a nurse here??
ActualFactual: You guys heard of Steven King?
therepoman__: Oh no is this turning into Misery
silenceaux: Well, maybe you just haven't hidden those messages yet.
Lysander_salamander: she's great
MAPBoardgames: A. Rose is crazy. B. We love her anyways.
Mr_Horrible: the facial capture for this game is buck wild
Thefluffiestguineapig: @emberBecky It is a great facial expression in terms of what it conveys but I hate how uncomfy it makes me feel
Seth_Erickson: Expressive
definenull: Very expressive
Snouut: fortnite emotes everywhere
goombalax: cool, new wife, game's easy
Lysander_salamander: !bingo
LRRbot: Play along with your own Kamigawa Draft Bingo card! There is no prize, it's just fun.
silenceaux: Adam why are you like this
The_Timo: Why isn't Free in the middle?!
vinopinguino: adam so edgy
CypherRaze: Bingo is F tier
Seth_Erickson: Gonna have to cancel you for that one Adam
itira: Adam is a hater
speedracer4321: Damn Adam coming for big Bingo
Mr_Horrible: Adam baiting a hook? Never
DMGlol: its rng bullshit 😠
Fanklok: Fuck Bingo, fuckin dumbass dog
EvilBadman: Was bingo the farmer or the dog
shendaras: donuts and ketchup
TheWarDoctor8: fuck bingo bc its not a game
thatguysteve2709: Wow that was such a turn by Ben
Snouut: sounds like someone who has never won a bingo game before
Seth_Erickson: Bingo is a banger time waster
The_Timo: wait wait wait, why was FREE not in the middle?!
Dreamlettuce: Bingo riles up the blood.
TheWarDoctor8: its an activity
SagaMonstrum: Donuts with Mustard and Ketchup
UnkeptFlea: man verts or OP in bingo
patrick_stonecrusher: Had to sing the song too many times
Mr_Horrible: we *used* to
SnackPak_: true
VrolikSyndrome: You can get it at fish places.
BusTed: should we put mayo on our fries too
willdebeast64_: anybody win?
MAPBoardgames: All the bingo cards are the same. They're going to have a bad time playing bingo
saucemaster5000: You all are ABSOLUTELY right
Pharmacistjudge: Bingo is the worst. Go Bluey
CypherRaze: we do have malt vinegar
Thefluffiestguineapig: But only shoe string fries
BrowneePoints: traaaaaaash
Lysander_salamander: balsamic vinegar is good too
DoctorHutch: The new bingo episode of gamechanger is fire
Mr_Horrible: diners did it a lot, esp with fish & chips
Land_Manatee: Love it on me fries and fish sandwiches
ShaneLeeAtk: We have make vinegar at the family restaurant
LostThePirate: Craaaaap, I don't know how long my kiddo left the freezer door open, but it was long enough to mostly melt my ice cream :(
niccus: love industrial vinegar with caramel coloring
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also on fried fish
Juliamon: from Minecraft Bingo in the morning to "Fuck Bingo" in the evening
Snouut: best thing on fries is baked beans
lazermeow: Or.... I could enjoy my life...
Saintnex: it’s a good exercise tool Ben
saucemaster5000: Malt vinegar on Fries made in peanut oil? Best fries
BrowneePoints: I will fight vinegar to the death and win
CypherRaze: malt vinegar is mostly at fish places
SagaMonstrum: I don't think that's reached us over here in europe
Pharmacistjudge: does malt vinegar go on poutine?
itira: i LOVE vinegar
The_Timo: Malt only makes me think of Frosted Malt.... Haven't had one of those in ages
UltraVioletVodoo: i have literally never considered vinegar on fries, ill have to try it
CypherRaze: Vinegar is good for literally everything.
SnackPak_: pls stop
ActualFactual: Vincel?
Lysander_salamander: wow
Land_Manatee: Salt and vinegar chips will send me to an early grave.
Snouut: baked beans on fries is goated, but maybe thats because im british
saucemaster5000: @BrowneePoints Brownee you have dropped so many tiers in my respect for fellow cooks list
goombalax: also vinegar would beat the shit out of you. gets in your eyes? done.
itira: true bestie
Mr_Horrible: he's a total maltmaxxing vinegarcel
SagaMonstrum: Salt & Vinegar chips; For when you wanna burn your mouth
Fanklok: It's an acid
Thefluffiestguineapig: White vinegar definitely
BrowneePoints: it’s my food kyrptonite. The smell of it makes me gag. The taste of it makes me gag.
shendaras: very normal to eat your cleaning supplies
onetrueseth: chinkiang vinegar >> malt, but if you're going to eat brit style you could do worse
Seth_Erickson: I don't like Vinegar personally, but my friend absolutely loves it so I stay neutral on the subject
CypherRaze: AHTI
rosesmcgee: this food can also scour your pans.. eh? eh?
CypherRaze: best boi
LostThePirate: I ONLY have vinegar for cleaning, never for cooking.
Scy_Anide: I also can't stand the smell or taste of vinegar.
Land_Manatee: Dehydrated? Drink some pickle juice. Need to clean your toilet? Vinegar. So versatile.
Juliamon: also cleaning supplies: citrus
silenceaux: Like Ahti says, all you need is water and vinegar.
itira: @Land_Manatee this
Marvoleath: baking soda is a cleaning supply
patrick_stonecrusher: I use vinegar to dissolve the matrix on rocks!
PMAvers: I mean it doesn't stop chat from eating crayons
NotCainNorAbel: also cleaning supplies: water
CypherRaze: I thin Ahti is some kind of deity
lazermeow: I like foods with mixed in, just not as it's own thing on food.
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: that's any acid
Juliamon: Cori literally used Coke for etching a couple weeks ago
Snouut: og coca cola, missionary with the lights on kinda thing
Saintnex: I mean you should really drink coke either lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: Maybe peanut butter shake?
Mr_Horrible: I miss french fries on a burrito
Seth_Erickson: We don't use coke to clean shit though. It's the opposite argument you're making which could be valid
CypherRaze: Try nacho cheese doritos and mustard
SagaMonstrum: Most things we consume, in the right quantity, will mess with our biology so yeah, none of us are free of sin
speedracer4321: coca cola is a cleaner too, battery acid, pennies
thatguysteve2709: Wait what kind of fries
saucemaster5000: I have a peanut butter based dipping sauce I make for french fries
The_Timo: Do you know what happens to a nail in Water?
itira: *eyebrow waggle*
DMGlol: have you ever had Red Licorice with Nacho Cheese
BrowneePoints: do you know what happens to a plate of nachos in my lap?
saucemaster5000: hmmm....
itira: thats a stretch bub
PawssumFable: How do you get the PB on the fries?
saucemaster5000: I'd try it
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: yeah hey, stay in water for more than half a day and you won't look so hot
Thefluffiestguineapig: I cannot get behind licorice with cheese
silenceaux: There's some dark alchemy afoot, but I want in
Seth_Erickson: I'm willing to walk the path though
EvilBadman: Y'all ever seen what happens to a road when it's hit by lightning
speedracer4321: no we have to try it, go get nacho cheese and liccorice now!
niccus: oh right, the dan ryckert classic, oreo in nacho cheese
SagaMonstrum: I mean Ketchup can also be used to clean certain metals due to the acids in it
itira: like watermelon and mustard?
EvilBadman: Welp meant to say toad oh well
rosesmcgee: more bugs for me
SagaMonstrum: Meal worms aren't that bad
Mr_Horrible: a lil fried bug? Crunchy
BrowneePoints: My weird one Ben is when I get chicken tenders at a restaurant. I get blue cheese and barbecue and dip them in both.
saucemaster5000: I made Cheeze-it Ice Cream as a 12 year old and it was the worst thing I've ever tasted
Juliamon: Crab is... fine
lazermeow: We used to eat tarantulas in the Boy Scouts.
Seth_Erickson: I'd try the bugs as long as they don't look like bugs when I eat them
Mr_Horrible: better get used to crabs, Ben, they're the future
patrick_stonecrusher: Only bus i eat is shrimps
brainbosh: Don't eat candy, just eat them in flour form
Pharmacistjudge: and the coke dissolving a nail is a myth
shendaras: lrrCrab
MacbethSeemsSus: This reminds me of Graham trying Nixon's cottage cheese with ketchup.
CypherRaze: I'm a crab
itira: lrrCrab
I_Am_Clockwork: I could probably eat bugs if I can't tell its bug.
speedracer4321: have you ever tried rice, cheese ranch and hot sauce ResidentSleeper
definenull: lrrCrab
ActualFactual: chat is just one big crab bucket
Dog_of_Myth: lrrCrab
EvilBadman: Eventual crab
shamblingkrenshar: lrrCrab
Thefluffiestguineapig: Water bugs
Land_Manatee: Lobster isn't really good on its own
dravman: crickets are tasty
Lysander_salamander: I'll eat crab after someone else removes them from the shell for me
niccus: softshell crab whole
Pharmacistjudge: Snow crab legs?
Mr_Horrible: that just shows how powerful they are
ButButTheJesus: 2creepy4me
definenull: Lobster is just a giant shrimp
saucemaster5000: Y'all are nuts, crab and lobster is top tier seafood
Mr_Horrible: even in death, they stymie us
Saintnex: I’m okay with someone cooking crab/lobster for me, but they are too creepy for me to cook
SagaMonstrum: Big fan of oysters though
Juliamon: Love lobster claw meat, salty goodness
Fanklok: I've eatin soft shell crab
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Juliamon This tho
Jennie_Fuchsia: Unpopular Boston Opinion: F*** lobsters
James_the_Dabbler: I can't eat crab. I think of how I'd feel if someone cracked my legs open and ate my insides
Pharmacistjudge: So...don't invite Ben or Adam to a crawfish boil.
PawssumFable: I went on a cruise where they pulled the lobster out of the shell for you, sounds like y'all need that
willdebeast64_: crab cake is great, with shrimp and lobster shredded in it
Land_Manatee: Love crab, don't really care for lobster
BrowneePoints: barthelona
Going_Medium: Chicken feet is a lot of work for a little bit of food.
saucemaster5000: @Jennie_Fuchsia I tried and got 5 months to life
Natimus_Prime: I pull the crab out of the shell cold and then sautee it in butter to heat it. Very good stuff
Seth_Erickson: Pick Ben
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
queercrafting_chonk: I'll always remember my Pepere trying to crack open a lobster claw and the shell exploded up out of the cracker and arched down right into the potato salad 😂
Seth_Erickson: Who will you consume today
gamercat88: lrrCrab
Mr_Horrible: @Jennie_Fuchsia given other Unpopular Boston Opinions I have to assume this is correct
BusTed: Restaurant at the End of the Universe shit
korvys: I don't want to eat octopus - too smart
Scy_Anide: Yeah, man. Pick your murder.
SagaMonstrum: "Pick your victim, Ben."
Snouut: Some of you may die, but thats a sacrifice im willing to make.
MacbethSeemsSus: Give him a name too.
DMGlol: did Crim pick LUL
MAPBoardgames: I draw the line at eating things which are still alive.
saucemaster5000: @BusTed Lmao
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 That seems lenient for Boston LUL
MAPBoardgames: I found that out the hard way
UnkeptFlea: some of you may die, and that is a sacrifice I am willing to make
LostThePirate: Ben wants his abstraction between animal and meat
shamblingkrenshar: @korvys I feel like when they realize humans eat them there will be an uprising. My money is on the octopus.
Juliamon: The illusion of choice
rosesmcgee: so fresh
Seth_Erickson: It's a rich person thing
definenull: It's the novelty
Thefluffiestguineapig: More engagemtn
Scy_Anide: I've been to places like that in Seattle and it's weird.
Snouut: when it arrives just say, THIS ISNT JERRY WTF
Pharmacistjudge: they make you pick so you make it feel fresh.
ShawnDeviron: I apologize and thank my lobsters for their sacrifice before I dispatch them to cook them.
Fanklok: No you're not Adam
rosesmcgee: Tell him it was me!
goombalax: that's obnoxious
Mr_Horrible: "That one looked at me funny"
Pharmacistjudge: you think its fresher if you pick
vinopinguino: as a matter of fact, ILL DO IT
saucemaster5000: Tell me their name!
Dreamlettuce: They'd have to keep refilling the tank.
speedracer4321: adams like i will sign my lobster and it better still be there when it comes back
silenceaux: Just pick one that's visually distinct and come back the next day to see if it's still there.
MWGNZ: if im picking one thats what im eating or its false advertising
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
BrowneePoints: The Usain Bolt of crabs
ShawnDeviron: It def. a feels bad.
joelowe2: I pick the one that gave me the side eye.
Going_Medium: Pick the one with a defect. I want the one with the weird claw, so I can tell I get the same one.
Mr_Horrible: how does this channel attract such banger 1st-time chatters?
Seth_Erickson: We're just farming first time chatters today
Pharmacistjudge: the mass murder I do of crawflsh is fine.
speedracer4321: shrimp dont have souls it doesnt count
niccus: how many animals do you think you've eaten in your life
thatguysteve2709: Wow what did I do @cypherraze
patrick_stonecrusher: Its time, to pay the price
rosesmcgee: The more things that have to die for the meal the more delicious the food
7gorobei: im taking a picture of the pincers, if they dont match when you come back we're talking to the cops
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can confirm that rich people are weird
Lysander_salamander: Like the weird hunter illusion I guess?
Saintnex: it’s like surf and turf Kappa
CypherRaze: @thatguysteve2709 you said your name isn't Steve, so you don't count
Snouut: if you lie to me im walking out the restaurant
ShawnDeviron: Rich people have pillows that don't pillow, towels that don't towel, and I recently learned they have plates that don't plate.
noSmokeFire: I'm going to follow you into the kitchen and watch you kill this crab
Lysander_salamander: "I only eat what I personally kill..."
thatguysteve2709: Haha
PawssumFable: @ShawnDeviron what?
saucemaster5000: What if you picked and they said "...really? THAT one?"
Fanklok: "Your tip is on the line, will I 100% be getting this one"
Seth_Erickson: You can come in the kitchen but only if you tip the cook and myself
thatguysteve2709: Double down @saucemaster5000
Atarra: @saucemaster5000 judgemental eyebrow raise
ShawnDeviron: decorative pillows, decorative towels, and chargers.,
Mr_Horrible: "...okay" *draws breath through teeth*
Snouut: that crab is wearing a helmet
MacbethSeemsSus: Sir that's a rock
Pharmacistjudge: What if they already named them? Oh.. You want to kill Franklin. Cool.
Land_Manatee: It's a shrimp in lobster mech
Mathwyn: I want that plastic lobster for dinner
Mr_Horrible: "Sir that's the castle decoration for the fish tank"
goombalax: one lobster brings life, one takes it away
Lysander_salamander: oh
Mr_Horrible: ah, a Yorgos Lanthimos film
The_Timo: Sir that's the little ceramic scubadiver
VrolikSyndrome: Tank me up, baby.
Seth_Erickson: No
patrick_stonecrusher: Like in The Lobster?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wasn't there a movie about turning into a lobster?
Snouut: absolutely not ahah
EvilBadman: Oh that's a gunpla lobster
Pharmacistjudge: Oh no...we have activated weird scenario Adam.
ghyllnox: No
PawssumFable: No. Lobster isn't that good.
trebuchetboy: sure man
Mr_Horrible: @patrick_stonecrusher so happy someone else knows this reference
BrowneePoints: ah, the Trawl-ey Problem
SagaMonstrum: They about to have lobster at the Subwayverse
saucemaster5000: Swap Lobster!
definenull: You see a lobster in a tank....
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: now that...that is the lobster of a carpenter
hackingducks: nah, the tank's definitely all human-lobsters. that's a pass.
Snouut: how many lobsters are in the tank though
Jennie_Fuchsia: how is that not a jar
LMAOkai_: i'd probably just go to another restaurant
PawssumFable: Lobster's great, it ain't like... the best food you can eat
Thoufeux: this is not even remotely close to worth the risk
Saintnex: there’s a constantly trapped man lobster
Juliamon: BrowneePoints BOO
Seth_Erickson: Also do they have lobster in the subwayverse
Juliamon: boo this man
shamblingkrenshar: @SagaMonstrum I need to know how this fits into the Subwayverse lore
UnkeptFlea: yo I'll be the richest lobster on that planet!
EvilBadman: What if the human lobster IS the best tasting one
Mr_Horrible: this is literally a 30 Rock joke
WiJohn: So, either I get awesome food or lobster vacation?
7gorobei: there are no lobsters in the subwayverse
Pharmacistjudge: eventually. it's Rita Repulsa! AAA after 10,000 years I'm free
Fanklok: Lobsters don't die of old age... probably
Mr_Horrible: hot
BrowneePoints: @juliamon do you prefer the clawley problem
willdebeast64_: cake or not cake but lobster
betweenmyself: “Our margins on people-lobsters is terrible. Push the fountain drinks harder.”
ButButTheJesus: @BrowneePoints :D
saucemaster5000: So no change
PawssumFable: I'd order the chicken lol
speedracer4321: also what is lobster sex like, missionary and coke a cola
rosesmcgee: since we're all gonna re-evolve into crabs is it just cannibalism?
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: this reminds me, I should check up on Leon the Lobster
saucemaster5000: NO SIDES???
PawssumFable: Oh no
Mr_Horrible: @rosesmcgee look as long as we solve prions...
Lysander_salamander: hahahaha
PawssumFable: Chicken's still smarter than lobster
Snouut: the lobster is the final boss
Pharmacistjudge: chickens also will kill each other more than lobsters
Ravynn: Why would you trade a lobster for turkey dinner?!
Mathwyn: I want a.. coke? Then they take you to a field of sugar plants
Mazrae: i think lobsters only die from not being able to molt and get crushed from the inside
NotCainNorAbel: this is a very complicated Subway
speedracer4321: the lobster tastes like cheeseburger
PawssumFable: These covos are why I watch you guys
Lysander_salamander: This is an amazing scenario
UnkeptFlea: lobster nuggies lets go
SquareDotCube: remember when we said we'd beat the game tonight
PawssumFable: I'm just saying lol
Lysander_salamander: I love it
Pharmacistjudge: I never find it that hard to crack open a lobster
Jennie_Fuchsia: me: don’t touch me or I can’t sleep [starfish sleeping position]
CypherRaze: this is a rabbit hole I never thought I'd be in
WiJohn: Crack open the lobster, out comes a cheeseburger
BrowneePoints: oh yes lobster transformation and blueberry. Adam is hitting all the weird shit tonight.
korvys: Pick the subway bread or become the bread
shamblingkrenshar: Eventually all bits return to the Subwayverse
Pharmacistjudge: blue crab...yeah, that's a bit annoying but lobster is fine
Mr_Horrible: honestly the velocity of High Quality Hypotheticals to come from each Let's Nope is accelerating
thatguysteve2709: This is a lot for a meal
Snouut: please choose your lobster name and proceed into the tank
speedracer4321: pick between three subway coldcut sandwhiches, and if you get it wrong your a cold cut sub
Ravynn: It was just tinned lobster, it wasn't great
speedracer4321: im game
Mushmallowie: I think they still do lobster seasonally
rosesmcgee: what if my favorite food is lobster?
Saintnex: could you imagine being freed, and then going back and picking wrong again?
JusticeJuice: Tapioca texture
Mr_Horrible: if it can mimic the texture I think I'd go insane
lazermeow: Hmmmmm Orange Chicken Lobster.... interesting.
Mr_Horrible: that's Stephen King shit
Mathwyn: Magic lobster meat
NotCainNorAbel: mmm lobster textured missionary Coke
VrolikSyndrome: Hard?! Shell on?!
Pharmacistjudge: hard lobster
Fanklok: Ben stop poking holes in this
BrowneePoints: Hard lobster is my wrestling name
Lysander_salamander: welcome to Hard Lobster, where you have to choose.
rosesmcgee: also, this reminds me of a Sliders episode where they go to a "utopia" and one of the cool things they have is fruit that tastes like your favorite food
Mr_Horrible: you must prove yourself worthy of ambrosia, Ben
vinopinguino: schroederers lobster
thatguysteve2709: This is a sauna conversation
joelowe2: Hard Lobster was my nickname in high school
Mathwyn: Then they reveal one lobster is a goat and ask if you want to change your choice
EvilBadman: CW: Persistent depression and gaslighting
PawssumFable: If you don't know, do you still become a lobster
WiJohn: Dark mind place
Mr_Horrible: you pick the wrong lobster: "Damn, mixed" and you just start transforming painfully
Mazrae: is this inside the subway verse if so what kind of subway would that be
Mr_Horrible: this is why you should save every 10 minutes, Saga
NotCainNorAbel: empty your mind
Mr_Horrible: don't trust Photoshop
squ3e: I feel like this game has ended 3 times this stream alone
Land_Manatee: Magical Lobster Curse Subway
speedracer4321: in the subwayverse you choose between cold cut subs
Mr_Horrible: what's more Sub than the bottom of the sea?
Saintnex: god we need to remember to turn off our mind lights before we rack up a massive mind bill
speedracer4321: and then become a sub
Zath_: Are lobsters a sandwich?
Mathwyn: Ah yes the lobster mines
CypherRaze: they had a lobster poboy at McDonald's too
Snouut: id rather shit in my hands and clap then eat subway
lazermeow: I had Subway on my vacation.... it was mid.
SagaMonstrum: Eternium Lobster mines
MadWolf1290: Let's Nope always brings the weird threads
saucemaster5000: "Pick your lobster at subway" -- subway employee
Land_Manatee: They got the peppers
ICitizenErasedI: rich vein of the eternium lobster is my favourite prog album
WiJohn: But like, all there is is Subway, so it's still going to taste like a meatball parm
vinopinguino: hahahaa
Fanklok: "We might finish this today" he said, lying to himself and 500 other people
ButButTheJesus: infinite lobster, but at WHAT COST?
vinopinguino: vein of lobster
Ferisar: hello lobsters
Mr_Horrible: James doing a chat prediction on how many blocks of lobster this vein will have
MAPBoardgames: I would totally watch a Ramstein music video cover of Diggy Diggy Hole
MadWolf1290: @Fanklok like we believed him. :D
Snouut: id rather shit in my hands and clap then eat subway's lobster
Rootpotato: the famous minecraft youtubers rammstein
rosesmcgee: speed run. no time for plot
EvilBadman: You are like ten minutes away
bo_brinkman: I'm not sure if being terminally online is good or bad. I'm looking at a logo at work that ... clearly the designer hasn't heard of goatse ...
itira: LOL LOL
Thefluffiestguineapig: That is evocative
CypherRaze: Well
CypherRaze: That's a sentence
PawssumFable: I've heard that
Dog_of_Myth: That Rammstein song was Sonne btw.
Mr_Horrible: that's an extremely Adam-coded saying
BusTed: evocative
Snouut: go ahead aha
R_Craddz subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
SagaMonstrum: I've heard Nelson say it
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, R_Craddz! (Today's storm count: 45)
Ferisar: damn they aren’t finishing tonight
Mathwyn: Canola season
speedracer4321: profiling is available again ben, at least it looked like it
VrolikSyndrome: Better than the other name or canola.
Thoufeux: @Ferisar
Mr_Horrible: Tha Skatch
Fanklok: So Wheeler, Matt and James all agreed that 2 owls is the number of owls that's makes you go "That's a lot of owls"
gamercat88: you mean you dont harvest lobsters in the fields of Skatch
Fanklok: After they said they see owls all the time
BrowneePoints: good ole summer detassling jobs
gibbousm: you're pretty close to the end from what I've seen
PhilanthropyLich: You have less than an hour, I think
Mr_Horrible: 2 is not a lot
Mr_Horrible: you fucking townies
BrowneePoints: I thought they nest in pairs
gibbousm: unless you want to do New Game Plus
saucemaster5000: What if you saw 3 eagles?
VrolikSyndrome: 3 for sure
gamercat88: have you ever seen owl ears?
CypherRaze: But what if the second owl is in the lobster tank?
silenceaux: I thought you normally don't see owls together in the wild
noSmokeFire: that's a 100% increase in the number of owls
BrowneePoints: do they not nest in pairs?
SagaMonstrum: I was floored when I heard that apparantly it's not uncommon for middle-Canada to get like.. -40 in the winter, like what? Did you live that, Adam?
EvilBadman: You're at the final boss, solving the case wall
Juliamon: If you're okay running a little overtime you can finish
josh___something: There's still a bit of game left
NotCainNorAbel: Second owl looks at the first owl ' holy shit a talking owl'
josh___something: but you're close to the end
Ferisar: mulligan and thornton in the chat
Mr_Horrible: my face hurts from laughing
betweenmyself: how quickly can two owls get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop? riffThink
Ferisar: not that we have anything against city folk right thornton
KV1NN4: 5 minutes walking or 5 minutes driving before you hit forrest?
Mathwyn: How many owls can dance on the head of a pin
BrowneePoints: look Mr. horrible is from Iowa like me(I think) we know what it’s like to live in abject nothingness
itira: ohhh myyy
Scy_Anide: I can't say shit people were out in groups taking pictures of an owl cuz it escaped from the zoo, but granted, I live in Manhattan. Also, apparently the owl flew into a building and died...
Going_Medium: Worst alternate lady and the tramp ever.
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePoints I mean besides that where I lived we just saw Great Horns a *lot* of the time
ButButTheJesus: but are they laden
CypherRaze: giga brain
Ferisar: can ben put items on board I wonder
Ferisar: curious
Thoufeux: dorkarGIGA
Mr_Horrible: you can be laden with lots of things
lazermeow: I spent an afternoon finding out how many licks it take to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop
Mathwyn: The mood board is really depressing btw
CypherRaze: UPPERCUT
EvilBadman: I am not kidding this is literally the final boss.
speedracer4321: horny?
Mr_Horrible: Adam's mood board is just sadness that Marisa doesn't have an invincible reversal on wakeup
Mathwyn: Mount Rushmore is just a presidential mood board
Thefluffiestguineapig: Inside Out?
BrowneePoints: you absolutely should watch inside out
BrowneePoints: it’s very good
ButButTheJesus: my mood board is like, a flowing cascade, too fast to read any one phrase
saucemaster5000: Horny, Gross, Sultry, And Have a Nice Day
DMGlol: which is apparently getting a sequel
thatguysteve2709: This is an are you okay moment of realization
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 Sensual, So True Bestie, Get Back In The Cave, and None Of My Business
Ferisar: more like underwatery
saucemaster5000: the ferisar appeared to type bullshit
SagaMonstrum: I still think this cabin is rather cozy
Ferisar: no saga says that one sauce
saucemaster5000: damn fair
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible Sensual, Raise eyebrows and nod, Just walk Away and the Customer Service experience
Ferisar: I’m at work so no
Thoufeux: just quit lol
Ferisar: go draw boobs martin
Ferisar: or whatever
thatguysteve2709: That is a mood
DoctorHutch: Wait wasn't the twist earlier in the game that scratch was someone different from wake
Snouut: think i might have to rewatch road quest today, S tier yotube content
Thoufeux: well now I'm not doing it >:|
squ3e: @DoctorHutch now you get it
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig how are these getting progressively more Real?
thatguysteve2709: But if I quit when will I have to watch Adam stream
SagaMonstrum: I put on RoadQuest a lot when I do chores around the house
Thefluffiestguineapig: Road Quest is such good relaxation stuff
Snouut: i love the stickers saga of the family expanding and dying
DMGlol: very fresh
Land_Manatee: Hooty?
Rootpotato: the owl
Mr_Horrible: I think I've watched RoadQuest more times than any other LRR content
Mathwyn: There is a crapshot in the lobster concept somewhere
saucemaster5000: Damn, remember the lobster restaurant?
NotCainNorAbel: the hell road?
Bearudite: the hangman no scope
joelowe2: Hypothetical Lobster was classic, but I really liked Road Quest too
willdebeast64_: Can you do another road quest pls
EvilBadman: Like when was the last time you ever like saw a car even
adept_nekomancer: The random thing I remember from Road Quest is James's second butthole
Thefluffiestguineapig: @saucemaster5000 Remember how we pick wrong and probably get turned into a lobster?
definenull: Rapscallion was a very good bit too
Snouut: do you know how many hours of content were actually filmed before editing?
SagaMonstrum: I always forget it was 2018 when you guys did that, because it aired in 2019/2020
saucemaster5000: @Thefluffiestguineapig I wish
Mr_Horrible: I love love *LOVE* the like 10-second bit of going back over the hell road while it was raining
Pharmacistjudge: you don't remember The Toe?
Mr_Horrible: just progressively louder screaming
itira: me too Adam
DMGlol: well costco is almost a clut
Mr_Horrible: "Well well well if it isn't the costco brothers"
Fanklok: It's $60 a year
Bearudite: its like 50 bucks
itira: yes Adam its a club card
Thefluffiestguineapig: Yuuuuuuuuuuup
gamercat88: costco club card
Larkonus: It's so worth it though.
Mr_Horrible: Adam that's less than WoW
asddsa28: yeah that why it so cheep
notthepenguins: massively worth it if you go regularly
Fanklok: That's less than a WoW sub
squ3e: Worth it
Juliamon: The idea is you buy enough to make it worth it
Bearudite: you make it up in value tho
niccus: it's worth it in the right household (or workplace)
patrick_stonecrusher: Does LRR have a CostCo card?
Mr_Horrible: suck it u
DMGlol: they don't even let you buy their hot dogs without a membership anymore now
Blakemcm: so if you pay, but then you get rebate checks back, every year it pays for itself for my family
thatguysteve2709: You pay for deals
Snouut: costco glizzies slap, well worth 60 bucks
definenull: *insert BuyCo cH here*
ShaneLeeAtk: Costco Gift Cards
MAPBoardgames: And good luck leaving costco for less than $300
UltraVioletVodoo: oh man its 100$ a year here
Nigouki: this is why you always be a leech on someone with a card
saucemaster5000: Everyone, please please PLEASE do a costco membership if you want cheap food It's SO much cheaper
inconsideratehat: Yeah that's how they can charge less
lazermeow: Costco "Club" Membership
Scy_Anide: That's $5/mo bro that's cheaper than any streaming service.
PawssumFable: If you go all the time, you WILL recoop that and save more
betweenmyself: you think they’re gonna let you come in and buy stuff from them… FOR FREE? pennyWhat
BusTed: damn, spittin'
Bearudite: also you can share the membership
Kaaosa: hey heckers
Blakemcm: keeps the riff raff out
Juliamon: They do actually card you at the entrance
Bearudite: swordfish
niccus: you also get a kickass cafeteria
Snouut: you can buy everything form costco, hot tubs to glasses
VrolikSyndrome: You literally have to flash it as you walk in.
speedracer4321: its how they afford to sell things cheaply in bulk membership fees
Fanklok: You two could both be on the same membership
inconsideratehat: But yeah that was my reaction too Adam
SagaMonstrum: Wasn't that one CommodoreHustle episode about CostCo?
Mr_Horrible: Adam you pay for WoW
willdebeast64_: For the gas price alone I hear it's worth it
gamercat88: and you can only have one sample from each sample lady
saucemaster5000: Me, my job, getting roasted by streamers for a thing I get paid to tell people to fucking do
BusTed: launched into the phantom zone like in Superman 2
Bearudite: pungipit
Pharmacistjudge: no you just don't have a card...then you go get a cheap hot dog
ghyllnox: You can go in without a card, in the US you can't have alcohol be membership-based
ICitizenErasedI: kirkland signature gandalf
Snouut: imagine walking into costco and everyones wearing those deer masks from deerfest
ghyllnox: Pharmacy either
ButButTheJesus: ooh I can get shot from a cannon?
speedracer4321: they got you that time
Bearudite: that is a crapshot
asddsa28: that got me
Mr_Horrible: You shall not pass! (without proof of membership)
Snouut: The Lord of the Deals
thatguysteve2709: Nope
Mathwyn: Other Saga sure is a whiner
gamercat88: Fly you fools... to the freezer section, go
Snouut: oh no it starts again aha
couchboyj: Come for the Rotisserie chicken, stay for the membership wizard
speedracer4321: could you climb a wall of hotdogs using only your mouth
notthepenguins: the BuyCo commodore hustle was pretty good
EvilBadman: Denethor just HOUSING tomatoes like a mad man
Mr_Horrible: ngl a grocery store that lets you in if you make the throating noise correctly is kinda based
SagaMonstrum: Ikea?
saucemaster5000: I Princes bride this shit I'm alreayd a hot dog
Pharmacistjudge: Meatballs? we IKEA now?
Bearudite: too much tongue you fool of a took
joelowe2: this sounds familiar
betweenmyself: Costco “free samples” are a lie BibleThump
The_Timo: You must select Jesus's Glizzy from among the Glizzies
notthepenguins: i do not like that deer
VrolikSyndrome: weird dog
Fanklok: I can do 4 pull ups before I have to stop
Mr_Horrible: @The_Timo ah, the glizzy of a son of a carpenter
gamercat88: i found when i think of pull ups as bring the bar to me rather tha me to the bar, i could do more easily
speedracer4321: hot dog rug, gross
definenull: Leopard crawl across a hot dog rug
Fanklok: Ben did you just pitch a LRL bit?
Snouut: I pull myself up to the top shelf of the fridge
niccus: are the hot dogs turgid or
Bearudite: weenie roller
saucemaster5000: Could you breakdance on a hot dog rug?
speedracer4321: whas the thread count of the hotdog rug?
VrolikSyndrome: One extra wiener to the pile
Thefluffiestguineapig: It is very evocative
SagaMonstrum: How do you drag yourself across the hot dogs without just.. severing them?
DoctorHutch: Couldn't you just inch worm anyway
couchboyj: Shag carpeting, but its all cocktail weiners
SagaMonstrum: How'd you get purchase at all?
Pharmacistjudge: THE LIGHT the promise of safety
itira: LOL
squ3e: Land of the Lawn Weenies, amiright 5th grade readers
saucemaster5000: LMAO
patrick_stonecrusher: So the mustard doesnt stain your clothes
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Astramentha: are the hot dogs baptized?
Snouut: Ahhh Benjamin, the most famous of the Glizzy Gobblers
Thefluffiestguineapig: You have ongoing Let's Nope lore and this was a rich mine
Mr_Horrible: Alan is a hack writer but he inspires greatness in others
saucemaster5000: nah the thread count joke was mine, y'all are thieves
adept_nekomancer: Costco Gandalf: "Show your menmbership card or suffer the hotdog meat rug!"
Scy_Anide: 1
saucemaster5000: I will sue
squ3e: Do I get sauce
Snouut: chubby bunny with hot dogs
Fanklok: I could probably house a pack
niccus: just the sausage or the whole deal
rosesmcgee: a regrettable number
BrowneePoints: my record is 14
Bearudite: the real secret tech for costco is getting a hotdog and an icecream and then making a rootbeer float
Mr_Horrible: I could eat a standard 6-pack
SagaMonstrum: Our thread count joke
Thefluffiestguineapig: Probably none if they have gluten as an addative
CaptinOfBeez: I need the salesman character graham has to sell a hotdog upholstery store
saucemaster5000: @squ3e In don't even get me
The_Timo: No, you're already full in this scenario
Seth_Erickson: I could kick through 2 or 3 packs of hot dogs if we aren't counting the buns
EvilBadman: What if Ben installed one mod that changed that to the PISS mug
Thefluffiestguineapig: Additive
Mr_Horrible: I'm thinking of "with bun" tho
Bearudite: the buns are the enemy
Saintnex: I could eat the whole pack but I would not be happy about it
NotCainNorAbel: what if you got $15 per hotdog?
Mr_Horrible: they fucking shoot you if you guess wrong
Seth_Erickson: If we are counting the buns I'd say maybe 10
gamercat88: if it was pigs in a blanket it would infinte
speedracer4321: what if they were magic hotdogs ala the magic lonsters
willdebeast64_: When did I last eat and how much water do I get
Mr_Horrible: wow, not an Ass Lover
JusticeJuice: Is the hotdog rug boiled or BBQ'd?
Mr_Horrible: hate to see it
BrowneePoints: or to medieval people left forward, they see an attractive person on the street
Snouut: emergency room now, the buns, they have taken over
Fanklok: Wonder Bread is garbage
Mr_Horrible: Ben it's the opposite
Bearudite: truuu
ButButTheJesus: breebuGun
Mr_Horrible: the opposite is true
Seth_Erickson: Mr. President get down, it's a sourdough
DarknessKingCoH: Buns of the Patriots
Ferisar: all points buns
Mathwyn: Hot dogs are the opposition, Buns are the enemy
SagaMonstrum: We have 8 dog packs and 8 bread packs in denmark
Mr_Horrible: it's always 8 buns to 6 glizzies for me
Mr_Horrible: fucking hate it
saucemaster5000: hot dog 8, buns oooOOOOooo
SquareDotCube: "Damn the French and their baugettes"
BrowneePoints: there’s always more wieners than available buns
Mr_Horrible: no
itira: i also really hate that. its so gross LUL
Bruceski: I see 8 or 10. 10 for "standard sice" and 8 if they're "bun length" or "giant"
ButButTheJesus: me either
gamercat88: down with the buninarcy
Mr_Horrible: they passed a law in my state, Adam
thatguysteve2709: Adam I agree
Mathwyn: Hot dogs: The inferior sausage
Kaaosa: glizzathan gobblerson
SagaMonstrum: Red hot dogs or Brown hot dogs?
Seth_Erickson: You aren't a Glizzy Goblin Adam
Scy_Anide: If hotdogs are glizzies then ketchup and mustard are glazes.
Mr_Horrible: I'll go to jail if I stop
Ferisar: glizzy god az
Fanklok: Is Weiners ok?
saucemaster5000: Um............. they are SAUSAGES, actually
Bearudite: I am glad to have contributed to this rich narrative
Mr_Horrible: yes but they come in a paper bag
Fanklok: French Baguettes aren't even French
Lysander_salamander: how about brats?
Gascitygaming: so breadsticks?
Ferisar: they have glizzoux
BusTed: Like you're Shaggy
itira: LUL
Seth_Erickson: One big long hot dog you share with the fam
SquareDotCube: so hoagies
speedracer4321: why do we call them jumbo hotdogs and not magnum hotdogs? that is the real question
Snouut: What about meat missles, that any better?
Thefluffiestguineapig: I was going to say trenchers and then Adam nixed that
Bearudite: one baguette with like 3 hotdogs in it
BrowneePoints: I legit take a bag at cut it in half and make them into two long pizzas
Scy_Anide: Bro I can buy packs of baguettes at a store a 5 minute walk away from me. Granted, they're terrible, soft baguettes.
PawssumFable: extra hot dog buns become cheesy bread
Blip2004: I haven't heard that in forever
BrowneePoints: baguette*
Mr_Horrible: "We serve hot dogs family-style here"
Kaaosa: remember that warcraft character glizzygent-lord lorthemar theron
Scy_Anide: Short baguettes too.
SquareDotCube: Dog by the Long
thatguysteve2709: This game will be stuck here for awhile
Snouut: hot dogs = land lobsters
speedracer4321: this baguette can hold so many hotdogs, slaps bun
saucemaster5000: Do pigs in france eat baguettes at the trough adn say "hon hon hon"
SagaMonstrum: Adam & Ben putting the stick in the spokes "Man we're never beating this game today."
Ferisar: gl
Mr_Horrible: David what the fuck
Kaaosa: hi
Lysander_salamander: or like, a single kielbasa that you uncoil onto the loaf
adept_nekomancer: No, they're putting the hotdog in the spokes
Kaaosa: i was workshopping this joke in my mind a week ago and then an opportunity came to shoehorn it in
Mr_Horrible: @Lysander_salamander oh but I'd fuck with that heavy tho
Seth_Erickson: Baguette buns?
VrolikSyndrome: What about a long dog that you carry around coiled up like a bubble tape?
Kaaosa: i couldn't be sure that would ever happen again
VrolikSyndrome: For snackin'.
Scy_Anide: A baguette-ette
BrowneePoints: baguette…ettes
ICitizenErasedI: le petite baguette
Gascitygaming: <message deleted>chaud chein baguette?
Snouut: meat missles is better than hot dogs imo
Scy_Anide: Wow, same brain Brownee
gamercat88: is a hot dog in a baguette like a sushi roll
saucemaster5000: They make " Le Baguette hote doge "
Bearudite: cwasssons
Ferisar: the auttes
ButButTheJesus: KKona
thatguysteve2709: Why are you from the south
Thefluffiestguineapig: bailsailmic?
Mr_Horrible: pack o' Marlboro Reds and a sixer o' baguettes
rosesmcgee: Get me a bucket of Jus for dippin
Thefluffiestguineapig: I don't know if we have that
Seth_Erickson: Pick up some Olive Oil too, the extra virgin one.
SagaMonstrum: 20/10 entertainment though
speedracer4321: i didn't have a dad because he went to the store to get a pack of smokes and 6 baguettes
saucemaster5000: Sorry south, you lost, you will be clowns for life
SquareDotCube: so... hot dog tossing in next LRL huh? We do have that hallway
PawssumFable: They do make tiny french bread, it's called petit pan
Seth_Erickson: That's math
adept_nekomancer: Does Canada have a regional accent that's the equivalent of the southern accent?
PawssumFable: So... tiny bread
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Bearudite: how bout dunking on the quebecois
squ3e: So true
Mr_Horrible: it brings me no joy to report Sauce is spitting
Seth_Erickson: They held the mixup
BrowneePoints: actually, today or yesterday was the anniversary of that event
squ3e: Fuckin middle school soccer lasted longer than the confederacy
Dog_of_Myth: @BrowneePoints I think it was today
shendaras: On this day, in 1865, even.
SagaMonstrum: I mean that genuinely though, hard to get that across in text though, both of you provide some really great entertainment
Saintnex: hehehehe
ShaneLeeAtk: Some of us deal with our Southern accent by not using it. :)
thatguysteve2709: That one actually hits close to home Ben
Lysander_salamander: there's plenty of southerners that aren't jerks
KV1NN4: what if Logna and Saga are somehow the same person...
Mr_Horrible: it's true. You can be Southern or you can be Shitty Southern
BrowneePoints: Which version of southern, the deep south, antebellum, Texas, or Florida
ShaneLeeAtk: I weaponize mine
Thefluffiestguineapig: For me the accent can be cool but the thing is always is the person cool
speedracer4321: i actaually had a southern accent from learning to talk in georgia then i moved to missouri and they made me take speach classes to talk with out it, fucking missouri people jusging how someone talked
Fanklok: That is 100% what a work certificate looks like
Bearudite: why are we anti bellum
Bearudite: I am pro bellum
Thefluffiestguineapig: @ShaneLeeAtk Oh, do you make people underestimate you? That's a superpower
thatguysteve2709: I was born in the south and will randomly slip back into that accent it is very abrupt and weird. To just drop a y'all in the middle of a sentence
Jennie_Fuchsia: I just worked on a play set in Georgia and I’m so steeped in the accent
Dog_of_Myth: Banger alert
Seth_Erickson: Is she coming out of her cage?
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
Seth_Erickson: And she's feeling just fine
saucemaster5000: @thatguysteve2709 I mean... I'm from cali, and I use y'all unironically. good abbrev
Mr_Horrible: I sympathize with Ben here
underhill33: same, ben
Thefluffiestguineapig: Highlands or city Scottish?
Bruceski: I have a drawl when I get tired and sometimes I get stuck in it. Some word will land "wrong" and then it takes focus to go back to my "normal" accent.
speedracer4321: writes down leanr scottish accent and meet ben
silenceaux: low key I want to move to a place where my accent is found attractive
Jennie_Fuchsia: I’ve never lived in the south but “yall” is just too useful not to use
Mr_Horrible: Scottish Lady I'm swooning
Lysander_salamander: the silliest choice to put that song in a halloween mixtape
Gascitygaming: <message deleted>fiddle dee dee potato - hey Ben
ButButTheJesus: yup. actress in the movie Ronin got me good
Larkonus: Russian women. I blame XXX (the movie).
queercrafting_chonk: I've never met anyone who told me the Boston accent is attractive
SagaMonstrum: I'm cursed with an american accent (None)
saucemaster5000: Goddamn the East Cheq Accent gets me hard
BrowneePoints: and it’s never welsh
itira: @Jennie_Fuchsia true
therepoman__: Yinz :)
squ3e: XD
Thefluffiestguineapig: o7
squ3e: o7
SnackPak_: o7
Dog_of_Myth: o7
MacbethSeemsSus: o7
therepoman__: o7
Mr_Horrible: o7
itira: o7
WiJohn: o7
Lysander_salamander: aw I didn't see it
ButButTheJesus: o7
gamercat88: o7
Seth_Erickson: o7
VrolikSyndrome: o7
Saintnex: o7
BusTed: benginO7
definenull: o7
ghyllnox: Yeahhhhh
lazermeow: O7
Kramburger: My favourte thing about the scottish accent is that people from galscow can't say 'purple burgler alarm' because their accent swallows all of the vowels
Valbatross_: <message deleted>I feel like I used to have accent preferences but they went away for some reason
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
saucemaster5000: whew dodged a bullet there
josh___something: Damn it helldivers, I couldn't see it D:
NotCainNorAbel: even non-mods are not safe
EvilBadman: FBtouchdown
Lysander_salamander: oh weapon upgrade!
Mr_Horrible: it's a Thing That's Hot to you
Dog_of_Myth: @NotCainNorAbel Never was.
kimmiekoneko: is your accent single?
Mr_Horrible: everyone's got 'em
Kramburger: What are your... accentual preferences?
josh___something: YOU'RE very cute and attractive, GOT EM
saucemaster5000: Accents on letters are hot
thatguysteve2709: I was married to an Irish girl for awhile the accent definitely was not bad.
Scy_Anide: I think certain British accents are nice. The stereotypical Georgia accent too.
The_Timo: Icelandic, or Scandinavian
BrowneePoints: which dialect do you find delectable?
Lysander_salamander: going to touch grass
NotCainNorAbel: @Dog_of_Myth but it was Ben again.
Kramburger: Use door to leave, revoultionary gameplay
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 bro weak in the knees over umlauts
PawssumFable: You mean MMlauts
SagaMonstrum: 5 minutes
Lysander_salamander: I like saga's sweaters
speedracer4321: ben knows he suffered from using it earlier
Mr_Horrible: @PawssumFable I nearly choked on this burger LUL
Fanklok: Remember how long it was when Ben killed Juliamon?
thatguysteve2709: Attention span of squirls
Kramburger: Ben's been scarred by losing juliamon
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible Please I''m trying to cook, don't say umlaut...
SagaMonstrum: Ben got that ADHD, time is infinite and also not enough at the same time
Blip2004: The Board is calling
Gascitygaming: nah, i know what i did, 10 was fair
BrowneePoints: i’m sorry game, but I don’t think houses are capable of climax
lochnessseammonster: fa evs
Kramburger: ben has no object permamence
PawssumFable: Sor-welcome?
Pharmacistjudge: are you trying to call home, did you spend all of your change on someone?
speedracer4321: remember that when were one bu llet shor tof killing the boss
Valbatross_: <message deleted>Hey Ben, I've never been timed out before and I'd like to know what it feels like, would you mind?
Mr_Horrible: @BrowneePoints we as Millennials will never be able to deliver the sensual joy of finishing an extension
Lysander_salamander: adhd time-blindness fills me with anxiety. Like, how long is ten minutes anyway?
Saintnex: @valbatross_ Ben won’t do it, he’s a coward Kappa
Mr_Horrible: good bit
itsr67: loool
Dog_of_Myth: @Lysander_salamander About 5 min ago.
Saintnex: Welp :D
speedracer4321: you took his time out cherry ben
Juliamon: They're a subscriber, they paid for it
Fanklok: I'm pretty sure there was one point where Ferisar got timed out for something I said
Heefnoff: Live footage of NYC during the eclipse
Bearudite: idk that has big "punish me streamer" vibes
saucemaster5000: @Fanklok That happened multiple times
Mr_Horrible: @Heefnoff mildly inaccurate, none of the roaches are out
Gascitygaming: What does one do in timeout? Continue mapping in POE
Thefluffiestguineapig: Bro, this is the same map where we couldn't find the theater
SagaMonstrum: Gotta go lose at Fortnite, have a good rest of the evening y'all! Catch the ending in the VOD
Mr_Horrible: no that absolutely happened
Kramburger: I remember a website mod once posting that a user had asked for a three week ban so that they could study for their uni exams without temptation
VrolikSyndrome: One of y'all purple names starting with F definitely got shot.
Mr_Horrible: Ferisar has hundo percent gotten people shot
Seth_Erickson: Is there a map
MAPBoardgames: I was watching a Darkest Dungeon streamer who named their characters after their subs and gave them 24hr time outs if their character died.
Kramburger: Left
Ferisar: @mr_horrible excuse me
Bearudite: hey chat, the real way to mess with streamers is to change your username color
Saintnex: @kramburger that’s actually kinda clever lol
Mr_Horrible: Ferisar damn, history offends you?
Heefnoff: Wow that is Iceman huh
speedracer4321: damn adam has perfect echo location
Heefnoff: Wild
JinaMahavira: @MAPBoardgames dont give Adam ideas
Juliamon: name colour changes absolutely fuck me up
itira: UHM ACTUALLY thats ShAwN AsHmOrE
Heefnoff: @itira heefnoNerd
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible Yeah but did they get other people timed out on twitch? (Easy joke, I'ma take the layup)
Kramburger: That's JAKE from ANIMORPHS
itira: excellent one Ben
Heefnoff: Maybe Shawn should AshLess
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon I've threatened to change my name color in Adam's stream on occasion and it feels like the most real threat I've ever made
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon I started doing it to match the season, I'm green for Spring now
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Kramburger: Well meemed, sir
Bearudite: ha ha content man
itira: LUL
Seth_Erickson: LUL
SmithKurosaki: He lives in my town
Mr_Horrible: damn, I missed a perfect opportunity for My Bit
Seth_Erickson: These streams are bangers btw
Kramburger: Ashless? isn't that James' wife?
Juliamon: the worst is when someone doesn't set their colour so it's different on every device
SmithKurosaki: Lol nah. He cool
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
subwaylobster: <message deleted>I heard y'all been talking shit about me and my friends
gibbousm: Snerge
itira: "hey shawn go fuck yourself!"
Seth_Erickson: Nelson would never
Juliamon: LUL
Fanklok: "Kathleen from NZ says go fuck yourself"
Bearudite: @Juliamon criminals
DMGlol: damn what did ice man do to graham
speedracer4321: wait you can set your color... i didnt know that
saucemaster5000: LMAO
Kramburger: huh. Nice read SHAWN
itira: @subwaylobster LUL
Mr_Horrible: hee hee hoo hoo
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL LUL LUL
VrolikSyndrome: I could have sworn that was saucemaster.
subwaylobster: <message deleted>ive been stuck in this tank for 6 months
Heefnoff: Fantastic bit sir
SmithKurosaki: Did someone get dumpstered?
definenull: HAHA
SnackPak_: damn
gamercat88: lmao
Lysander_salamander: wow
MadWolf1290: hahahahha
definenull: its the wild west out here
Bearudite: blamo
Mr_Horrible: incredible
Heefnoff: LoadingTieringGod
BusTed: LUL
DMGlol: avngrKek
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap
James_the_Dabbler: WHOA
Gascitygaming: dang i missed something
thatguysteve2709: That was amazing
ButButTheJesus: I am confuse
saucemaster5000: whoever that was? hero
Kramburger: Back in the tank, lobster
Saintnex: o7 lobster
speedracer4321: wow subwaylobster was the goat
itsr67: mods, put coal in that person's stocking
Mr_Horrible: Mods? Put 'em in the pot
Orxolon: banabeitor?
Bearudite: gotta do the LTG ban them hand gesture
rosesmcgee: time to clean out the lobster trap
Thefluffiestguineapig: You picked the wrong lobster LUL
squ3e: How long is this game??
SmithKurosaki: Better not be an egger
BusTed: very good
Lysander_salamander: are we going to get more novelty accounts again?
Kramburger: My little brother got on my account, honest
Ferisar: it’s almost done, despite their directions @squ3e
Mr_Horrible: - me when I'm not playing dota at that moment
Fanklok: Lobsters are worth 90 fishing EXP
speedracer4321: how long till the shawnashmore account shows up?
MadWolf1290: hey, who turned out the lights?!
SmithKurosaki: I wish I was still on my laptop so I could see wtf happened
saucemaster5000: Oh right the game
LeonisCo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LeonisCo! (Today's storm count: 46)
ButButTheJesus: you have a hop skip anna jump
Seth_Erickson: You think they let the lobsters play Dota while they wait to get cooked
itsr67: subwaylobster
Mr_Horrible: can't wait for the highlight supercut of these streams that include no gameplay
saucemaster5000: six dollar footlongs?
Dog_of_Myth: It all come backs to Subway
Mr_Horrible: Charlie Day meme
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL LULU
SmithKurosaki: @mr_horrible I believe in Jordynne
speedracer4321: watch out for the subway lobster dont choose the wrong one
gamercat88: this is the best lore development
VrolikSyndrome: Pepe Silvia is just a little lobster in a Subway hat.
pilotsushi: hello i need a back, crack, and sack waxing pls
EvilBadman: It's not a loop, it's a spiral
Ferisar: six dollar sexschlongs @saucemaster5000
Kramburger gifted a Tier 1 sub to subwaylobsters! They have given 150 Gift Subs in the channel!
Juliamon: It's fine, I made a note in modslack about it
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, subwaylobsters! (Today's storm count: 47)
Bearudite: ban appeal stream incoming
saucemaster5000: I... Ferisar why?
Juliamon: we do read appeals
ICitizenErasedI: find adam in costco and tell him
SmithKurosaki: I mean, I think twitch automatically tags questionable accounts for mods now
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 have you seen their new ad campaign?
Ferisar: no problem @saucemaster5000
saucemaster5000: LMAO
Juliamon: When we remember to lol
SmithKurosaki: Lol
Paranundrox: have to get to same thing
Mr_Horrible: I feel like in here it's probably less than most channels
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible wait.. is there one?
Juliamon: About once a month one of us remembers to look
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 they're doing 6 dollars 6 inches now. I'm not joking
Juliamon: we don't get a lot though tbh
Kramburger: Bungie used to post the most insane appeals they got from people they banned for cheating in halo
Bearudite: Appeals is innocent
Fanklok: banana peels?
Thefluffiestguineapig: No blatteries
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 Corpa is out of control
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible Oh my god I'm fucking nostradamus
WiJohn: Light bullet?
EvilBadman: Go back through Subway to other plaza
Fanklok: This Faceless Void is hunting
lazermeow: Oh no!! Don't die holmes!!!
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 could you please predict good things instead?
Seth_Erickson: Free Birds?
SmithKurosaki: Yea I've got a ban appeal in the backend for one of my friends channels I'm not touching since it predatea me being a mod
Mr_Horrible: Saga getting throw looped
Fanklok: Way to get command grabbed
Mr_Horrible: you're right.. it *is* a Dead End *Prowler dot wav*
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible Uh... Fascism will be a minor phase in american history and we will move on hahah Kropotkin haha
speedracer4321: toiolbox on the ground
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 inshallah
EvilBadman: There is a door along the right wall across from the train car
Thefluffiestguineapig: Ppppills here
Bearudite: america
JaylenWP: surely :clueless:
shendaras: America
Orxolon: ha ha exquisite gameplay sir
Valbatross_: You know, that was a long ten minutes, but I have to say I'm feeling rested and refreshed.
rosesmcgee: america?
Ferisar: you don’t make any sense
Seth_Erickson: The Dark Place doesn't make any sense either Adam
Fanklok: Yeah Adam it's the DARK place
Mr_Horrible: Saga rolls "worst blunt of all time"; asked to leave the Dank Place
Ferisar: yea
Bearudite: its happened more than once
rosesmcgee: I already told you there are two guns for every person in this country
MacbethSeemsSus: In America, yeah
Pharmacistjudge: dad lives in Louisiana
Gascitygaming: my dad's toolbox was an old .50 cal tin
Kramburger: At least toolboxes can be locked
PawssumFable: Not quite
squ3e: 2 REGISTERED guns
PawssumFable: Almost
lochnessseammonster: seabatYIKES
ghyllnox: If I had a nickel for every time it's happened, I wouldn't be rich, but it's weird that it's happened that often
shendaras: Yeah. Not that every person has two guns, of course, but..
Lysander_salamander: eugh
rosesmcgee: well, 1.75
Bruceski: That famous Beach Boys song
Bearudite: shits fucked
Mr_Horrible: many people who own them own a *lot* of them
thatguysteve2709: I do not own guns
MacbethSeemsSus: Some people have a lot of guns
Mr_Horrible: so the average is weird
Bearudite: babtized gun
squ3e: Comes with the baptisim
Rootpotato: adam this is america. of curse
ghyllnox: That we *know of*
Jennie_Fuchsia: we’re not okay
PawssumFable: Yeah it's collectors/ sellers
Mr_Horrible: kkowna bwothew
patrick_stonecrusher: Machinegun Georg is a statistical outlier
DMGlol: its the first thing you get them in america
VrolikSyndrome: I gotta couple a guns.. righty and lefty, pow pow
Pharmacistjudge: to be's many people have like 10 and many people have zero.
Seth_Erickson: It goes in the parents baby registry
VrolikSyndrome: *flexes*
Fanklok: Didn't guns out number people 15 to 1 on Cadia
definenull: here's the birth certificate, and the gun
gamercat88: here is the social security number, gun, and bill for the hospital stay
couchboyj: Hello! BANG
WiJohn: Birth certificate doubles as a concealed carry permit
Lysander_salamander: wasn't there a game about that from the makers of Screencheat?
TheWarDoctor8: Goo Goo Gat Gat
JoeLowe2: Baptism present
rosesmcgee: ammo grows on trees and drops into toolboxes that are then left in subway stations. it happens all the time
betweenmyself: it’s *almost* as if we have a deep-seated problem with firearms riffThink
Mr_Horrible: giving a baby a Lemon Squeezer is very funny
Seth_Erickson: Is your gun baptised though
EvilBadman: Momentos
PawssumFable: My ex's family, him, his dad, and his brother had 300+ guns
Thefluffiestguineapig: You joke but I know those people
Mr_Horrible: since they won't have the grip strength to fire it
silenceaux: Much like choosing your lobster, bronzing the baby shoes is a fake thing that rich people do
WiJohn: Here's your birth gun
I_Am_Clockwork: its wild when you factor in there's a sizable chunk of Americans who own zero guns
Bearudite: If we weren't laughing we would be crying
Pharmacistjudge: didn't LRR do some game trailer about how many guns are in the US?
saucemaster5000: Straight couples in 'Merica Have the gun born first
Seth_Erickson: Yeah rich people
Mr_Horrible: "Rich people do this" "Nah, some people do it"
Valbatross_: I've never seen that before
Thefluffiestguineapig: Rich people can get very weird and people stop telling them no
EvilBadman: Just skrrt past them
Mr_Horrible: The American Dream
Mr_Horrible: iirc
TheWarDoctor8: My grandmother's baby shoes were brinzed
speedracer4321: rich people bronze their lobsters
Mr_Horrible: from Samurai Punk
Seth_Erickson: You think we have the cash to bronze our babies Adam
Ferisar: brann bronze beard
shendaras: Gender reveal, but it's what kind of gun the baby will have.
Seth_Erickson: This is middle class America
Ferisar: champion
EvilBadman: We can reenact Game of Thrones!
Orxolon: forgot the locker
Thefluffiestguineapig: HONEY Where's the baby shoes?
Atarra: baby shoes, never bronzed
ButButTheJesus: its time for the shoe fry
itira: Honey! bRRRing me the shoooes
Mazrae: why not bronze the baby
MacbethSeemsSus: Oh no, we both came back from the store with a bronze ingot.
Thefluffiestguineapig: I want a parody of the "where's my super suit' from the Incredibles
Mr_Horrible: Bronzing the umbilical cord to keep the Hunter from eating it and obtaining the True Ending
I_Am_Clockwork: Then somone kicks in yhour door and says "You there, Bronze haver, tell me where you get all your precious TIN!"
Mathwyn: Just remember to take the shoes off the baby before bronzing
rosesmcgee: @Mazrae bronze is too pricey
Seth_Erickson: The bronze Madame we need it
gamercat88: bronze the lobsters
willdebeast64_: honey! Where's my super suit?!
itira: like peanutbutter baby
adept_nekomancer: I don't think that's how baptism works
gibbousm: Baby shoes for sale, pre-bronzed
UltraVioletVodoo: is the bronzing of the baby how you baptise is adam?
Fanklok: Baptized in bronze
silenceaux: Hephaestus in here today
itira: "does that feel good?" ah
Valbatross_: When I was born they gave me one of those stupid boat mounted punt guns they use to hunt entire flocks of ducks at once
Mr_Horrible: A
Seth_Erickson: A
patrick_stonecrusher: All but the ankle where you hold them
VrolikSyndrome: A
Orxolon: A
MAPBoardgames: Bronzed baby would remain small and cute forvever
Mazrae: @rosesmcgee if they are rich money would be no problem
VrolikSyndrome: Smooth, not chunky
itira: nightmare
Astramentha: a
saucemaster5000: I want to be jam baby
definenull: A
PawssumFable: Why do I keep making 2 too many nugs
ButButTheJesus: A
lazermeow: Hell yeah brother!!!
gamercat88: unless your allergic to nuts
lochnessseammonster: mmmm
Mathwyn: Bad time to discover your peanut allergy though
itira: ohhh myyy
definenull: sounds like a Live bit
Mr_Horrible: don't let your dreams stay dreams
therepoman__: Oh to be a baby covered in peanut buttery
Seth_Erickson: Yeah but would you prefer to be covered in smooth peanut butter or crunchy?
saucemaster5000: "one day?"
SpleenLord: Why not today
Bearudite: crunchy or creamy
squ3e: Is the peanut butter single?
Ferisar: peanutbutter single?
speedracer4321: what if we bronze the hot dog rug?
Orxolon: stage name?:peanut butter
betweenmyself: until you get covered in fire ants… cause that’s how you get covered in fire ants
I_Am_Clockwork: "that's my spreadin' spatual... fopr my back"
Astramentha: Å
WiJohn: Is the peanut butter baptized?
itira: oh nooo! eeew
lochnessseammonster: cuz adam is not a coward
Mr_Horrible: oh, nevermind, you're going to jail
Seth_Erickson: Lmao
itira: hahahaaaaaaaaaaa
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Mr_Horrible: 10%
Thefluffiestguineapig: My face hurts
Orxolon: hahahhaha
I_Am_Clockwork: XD
Thefluffiestguineapig: aughing
Mr_Horrible: 10% as fuck, brother
itira: That got me LUL
thatguysteve2709: 10%
NimrodXIV: well there's a mental image I didn't expect today
Fanklok: OK ok ok guys, what if instead of mud wrestling, Peanutbutter Wrestling
VrolikSyndrome: i can't breathe
definenull: this stream is the best
I_Am_Clockwork: Lads stop, I'm going to suffocate XD
saucemaster5000: That's like saying "Please cover me in legos on the floor"
underhill33: what an image
ButButTheJesus: "look, we're all trying to find the peanut butter guy"
Gascitygaming: now i want to dip a ferrero rocher in peanut butter
Larkonus: I'll take "Things I didn't expect Adam Savidan to say live on air" for 400, please.
adept_nekomancer: If you're covered in peanut butter, you're technically not naked
BrowneePoints: I unfortunately think everyone would assume you’re a low effort, Justin Trudeau in his college days
gamercat88: subwayverse
Mr_Horrible: you're the only people still playing Alan Wake 2
Mr_Horrible: Kappa
speedracer4321: whats better a wall of adam weiners covered in crunchy peanut butter or ben weiners covered in creamy peanut butter?
lazermeow: I am too high. Don't make laugh so hard.
Mr_Horrible: everyone else finished months ago
saucemaster5000: I Paid off Jefferson Twitch
Valbatross_: Imagine launching a half pound of loose peanut butter out of a potato gun
Valbatross_: Imagine the sound
EvilBadman: Not for much longer
brainbosh: Are you *actually* on the front page or are you just on recommended?
Orxolon: the final boss are questions about the story XD
gibbousm: Tuesday night might just be a quiet time
Gascitygaming: what are ships but planes?
Heefnoff: Adam
saucemaster5000: MINOR WORDING MISTAKE
Mr_Horrible: I'm giving you shit for Jefferson Starplane tomorrow, Adam
thatguysteve2709: Demoted
PawssumFable: We shan't know the mysteries of the algorithm
Thefluffiestguineapig: Can't breath
Fanklok: I mean a spaceship is a star plane
itira: Fredrick Diggleweed
Lysander_salamander: There's also an Jefferson airplane
Heefnoff: Adam's new main
BrowneePoints: Weren’t they both Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship
JinaMahavira: It's that now
Thefluffiestguineapig: laughing so hard
Juliamon: Jefferson Airplane and Starship are the same
PawssumFable: Johnson helicopter is a different thing
shurtal: Jefferson airplane became Starship
Gascitygaming: their fans known as Starship Troopers
BrowneePoints: airplane became starship
QuixoticScrivener: Cobra Starship
ButButTheJesus: they just changed their name
Orxolon: Samuel L Jackson
shurtal: Cobra Starship
saucemaster5000: How do these chucklefarts not know the difference between starship and airplane
BusTed: The snakes on a plane song was kinda catchy
Juliamon: It was catchy as hell
therepoman__: OH I'M READY FOR IT (C'MON BRING IT)
Bearudite: Jefferson Starship did the atrocity that was "we built this city"
UltraVioletVodoo: oh wow, i havnt thought about cobra starship in like 15 years
Juliamon: look all yall singing it right?
Fanklok: I'm sick and tired of these monkey fighting snakes on this monday to friday plane
thatguysteve2709: I love made for TV rwrites
ButButTheJesus: @Juliamon ♪ BUILLLLT THIS CITY ♪
Seth_Erickson: Uh oh
protojman: i was in high school man
MacbethSeemsSus: I think more
shurtal: 18
JinaMahavira: Uh oh
SnackPak_: o7
shendaras: 2006.
Seth_Erickson: Old man reckons with mortality
speedracer4321: 18 years
protojman: uh
Paranundrox: longer Ben
adept_nekomancer: August 2006, so almost 18 years
definenull: BEN
lochnessseammonster: just almost 20
itsr67: LMFAO
shendaras: maths
Thoufeux: Ben..
BusTed: seabatBRAIN
Juliamon: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
ButButTheJesus: BEN
Ryenji: lol
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
Paranundrox: Snakes on a Plane can vote
underhill33: lmao
Saintnex: oh Ben…
MacbethSeemsSus: Snakes on a Plane can vote
shurtal: Ben "Good at Math" Ulmer
Thefluffiestguineapig: Math is for blockers
brainbosh: Its when Samuel L Jackson wasn't old.
Seth_Erickson: Wrap it up bois
gamercat88: Snakes on Plane is legal baby
JoeLowe2: Oh Boo boo.
lochnessseammonster: who's gonna tell him? PrideLaugh
KWardJenx: Math, undefeated.
Ferisar: they’re finishing tonight
hackingducks: it's 2020 part four
queercrafting_chonk: Gays struggling with math again
Ferisar: math
7gorobei: those snakes are grandparents by now
therepoman__: Don't you just hate it when you own yourself online
SmithKurosaki: Your knees feeling sore now?
JoeLowe2: FastMath -- It's not always accurate, but it's always fast
Mazrae: going late tonight it seems, are they going to try and finish the game
Thefluffiestguineapig: @therepoman__ The most savage burns are inflicted on yourself, you know your own weaknesses
lochnessseammonster: keeps getting you on the front page
Juliamon: Mazrae that's the hope
lazermeow: Better to own yourself, than to owned by someone else.
itira: please dont
itira: LUL
PawssumFable: I watch to laugh, however you do it...
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: fuck it, reprint everything?
speedracer4321: that doesn't work for me, fire
saucemaster5000: what do you call fire then?
thatguysteve2709: Not why I watch. Please don't do that
PawssumFable: Tell jokes
Mr_Horrible: sending a hit squad to your location lrrBEEJ
gibbousm: Is Chat fire?
Valbatross_: Idk, half of us are here to treat chat like an open mic night
lazermeow: That's Fyre.
Lysander_salamander: well, now I've got Fireball in my head
VrolikSyndrome: Vibes are immaculate. Wait, sorry, incendiary.
itira: I dislike
Seth_Erickson: Chat is always fire
thatguysteve2709: Stop
Paranundrox: fire or fired
Fanklok: I don't like this new Adam
Seth_Erickson: Because I'm in it Kappa
Bearudite: these glizzys are fire
MacbethSeemsSus: Make sure to curse unnecessarily too
Mr_Horrible: he calls fire Chiminy
Seth_Erickson: You that fire is fire as fuck
EvilBadman: The hotness
Lysander_salamander: it's so fetch
SmithKurosaki: I'm not going to a remote island for a festival thx
itira: its time to stop
ButButTheJesus: just Stev
thatguysteve2709: It's so bad
EvilBadman: FBtouchdown
Ferisar: that’s dire
Bruceski: GG
Lysander_salamander: yay
Mr_Horrible: "End of the Road" *game continues*
thatguysteve2709: I have said my real name it's Evan
Mazrae: if laughing is hahaha would laughing the other way be ahahah
gibbousm: That Achievement notification was a bit awkward
Lysander_salamander: no spoilers, but there's a post-credits scene
Thefluffiestguineapig: That cadence is very evocative of "Sword of the Spirit which is the word of god ACTIVATE"
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig *SCHING*
Valbatross_: Is this game going to end with an awkwardly punishing boss fight
saucemaster5000: k alan. SO anyway
josh___something: Now to DO THIS ALL AGAIN for the TRUE ENDING :)
lazermeow: *snaps**snaps**snaps* so deep.
Mr_Horrible: *adam sandler foice*
Mr_Horrible: foice
VrolikSyndrome: Yo this ending is FIRE
squ3e: Alan getting carried by Saga
BusTed: adam bringing everything back
Mr_Horrible: brb walking into the river
Thefluffiestguineapig: Kkona can be fun
adept_nekomancer: "This is how we win. We climb the wall of hotdogs."
loufghyslaufey: "Winna-Bull"
Mr_Horrible: we love a callback
gamercat88: fireball... pitball breaks the 4th wall
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Mr_Horrible River not the sea?
thatguysteve2709: Kkona Adam is a brand fire Adam is a dumpster fire
MAPBoardgames: that tearing
I_Am_Clockwork: is that Ahti's bucket there to the left?
Mr_Horrible: @Thefluffiestguineapig river's nearby, sea's a schlep
Ferisar: she’s like 14 ben
Ferisar: wtf
Ferisar: how old are you
definenull: ggs ggs ggs
lazermeow: K Kona Bruther
gibbousm: It's not a Loop. It's a Spiral
speedracer4321: oh my god its over
ButButTheJesus: The End!
squ3e: Huh
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
Saintnex: GGs
MacbethSeemsSus: Now to play it again for the full ending
Mr_Horrible: replacing gender reveals with Starting Loadouts
EvilBadman: There is a credits scene
Thefluffiestguineapig: Huh
lochnessseammonster: you will start hearing about diapers then PrideLaugh
Lysander_salamander: there's a post-credit's stinger
JoeLowe2: We did it!
josh___something: Like I said, TRUE ENDING on new game+
Orxolon: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Gascitygaming: silenced Vektor, kar98 and Deagle
NimrodXIV: I have watched every stream, I have no idea what happened
shurtal: RIP James Mccaffery
speedracer4321: that for alan wake 3 ben
Fanklok: You'll have to wait for Alan Wake 3
patrick_stonecrusher: Eh, gg
Seth_Erickson: Time to YouTube it?
josh___something: LUL
Valbatross_: Alan Sleep
itira: run it back!
circusofkirkus: guess we'll never know
Thefluffiestguineapig: Wooooooow
niccus: aren't they on ng+ by accident
I_Am_Clockwork: One! More! Time!
protojman: i still need to ng+ but i guess waiting for dlc
Mr_Horrible: y'know what game *didn't* make you play the whole game again to get a true ending?
Lysander_salamander: No there's no new game plus
Saintnex: YouTube it?
Thefluffiestguineapig: There's always watching them on YT
josh___something: You can also just youtube it
loufghyslaufey: Alan Wake+?
BusTed: Start stream, open up YouTube, run 'alan wake 2 true ending'
loufghyslaufey: Gosh
gibbousm: So what's next?
rosesmcgee: "good enough" ending unlocked
Mr_Horrible: no one
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
thatguysteve2709: Let's do it if we keep up the lobstersubway versus
Daemyx: there is
Ferisar: there is ng+
JoeLowe2: Do you guys know what's up next?
KWardJenx: Came along for the ride. No idea where it went.
shamblingkrenshar: Yeah we have to get to all the exciting new horror games, like Daymare 3
MacbethSeemsSus: There is
Fanklok: Game has to actually be good for me to NG+
BusTed: There is a NG+
Mr_Horrible: chat is the Dark Place
ButButTheJesus: !listen
LRRbot: Seriously, just never listen to chat.
josh___something: The new game plus is called "Final Draft"
Mazrae: !chat
LRRbot: Chat? Engaging in mimicry?
speedracer4321: there is a new game plus i looked it up on the alan wake 2 website
Mazrae: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! Point to the sign. Sir?
Orxolon: cool
BrowneePoints: At Dead of Night is always an interesting one to try out!
JoeLowe2: Content warning does sound fun!
Mr_Horrible: I think Content Warning could be pretty fun here
Mazrae: !advice
LRRbot: Don't hit the president!
speedracer4321: launched december 2023
Rootpotato: "whats in your pants" boring, tired played out "whats your load out" pro gamer, chad move, plays good games
I_Am_Clockwork: a palette cleanser
Mazrae: !badadvice
LRRbot: Cheese. Cheese no snap.
Mr_Horrible: Crow Country in 1 month
definenull: you're a very good-looking one
Seth_Erickson: Crow Country 👀
speedracer4321: that games got some good cake
KWardJenx: A palate cleanse would be nice. Looking forward to Content Warning
NimrodXIV: Buckshot Roulette might be a fun one off
ButButTheJesus: Cheer100 Congration You Done It
definenull: oh no
Mr_Horrible: that kid's gonna ask you to play Skibidi Toilet
Gascitygaming: :|
lochnessseammonster: we're all a bunch of babies
circusofkirkus: are they baptized at least?
Orxolon: they are here?
The_Timo: Wall of dicks
speedracer4321: that kid knows about hotdog rug thread counts
Kaaosa: my kids watch lets nope
itira: MAGIC wall of dicks
Valbatross_: I think you should play Medieval II: Total War next
Mr_Horrible: damn
ThirtyCubicFeetOfSalsa: there's a new Alone in the Dark
BusTed: damn
Mr_Horrible: oh true, Alone in the Dark w/ David Harbour
definenull: that's very funny
josh___something: damn...
Lysander_salamander: that's adorable
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Mr_Horrible: I've watched it, it's actually not bad
Pharmacistjudge: wow
Fanklok: How does Wall of Dicks fit into the Subwayverse?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hero dad for knowing good people
josh___something: yes
MacbethSeemsSus: @Fanklok In buns
VrolikSyndrome: How does Hotdog Carpet?
bv310: That's kind of cute
lochnessseammonster: they're fresh
Orxolon: i miss the really spooky ones
MAPBoardgames: All the dicks are footlongs(tm)
Mr_Horrible: it's called the Wall of Richards when you're talking about it around kids
speedracer4321: you have to select one of three dicks, and if you choose the wrong one you become a dick on the wall
Ferisar: six dollar longdongs
Gascitygaming: i pictured a rock climbing wall but... yeah....
Seth_Erickson: Time to forget everything about visage so we can play that again
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's a dick in the box!
Valbatross_: Isnt the wall of dicks from planescape torment
Thefluffiestguineapig: That song is still funny to me
Bearudite: the Glizzard
josh___something: Oh also...
Blakemcm: Faith Trilogy is awesome
josh___something: She's alive
Snouut is paying forward the Gift they got from Dog_of_Myth to the community!
Snouut is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel!
Snouut gifted a Tier 1 sub to 3and4fifths!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, Snouut! Welcome to 3and4fifths! (Today's storm count: 48)
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
itira: yuck
Mr_Horrible: I'm putting you in the Device, Ben
Seth_Erickson: No one mention Dead Space to Adam
Orxolon: CONTROL!?
Scy_Anide: But there's already hot dog ice cream.
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Orxolon Exactly
Seth_Erickson: It counts
circusofkirkus: it's been months since we played a Resident Evil
Pharmacistjudge: resident evil?
bv310: Alice is now part of the FBC?
Mr_Horrible: fire up Fear & Hunger 2: Termina
Orxolon: @Thefluffiestguineapig woaaa
Ferisar: no @bv310
Mr_Horrible: learn to love Karin
Thefluffiestguineapig: I think due to the new ending Alan wrote
speedracer4321: here comes alan wake 3s preview
josh___something: She jumped into cauldron lake
Valbatross_: @mr_horrible I want to see that as much as anybody but hoo boy is that a challenging one for this stream
Rootpotato: wait, you know how you make rock candy by hanging a string in sugar water, what if the string was a hotdog
josh___something: This is the "diagetic" reason why there's a New Game+. It's a loop... well, a spiral
EvilBadman: Her "suicide" was popping back into the lake
Mr_Horrible: @Valbatross_ oh yeah, no, that was a sarcastic suggestion
Fanklok: Has Rule of Rose been a Let's Nope?
Lysander_salamander: this is some good stuff
Mr_Horrible: damn, Alice a real one
Valbatross_: @mr_horrible ... I kinda still wanna see it though
Saintnex: loops… almost like a new game+?? Kappa
Mr_Horrible: @Fanklok yes, a long time ago
SnackPak_: lrrWOW
Mr_Horrible: I think?
Orxolon: ok,let's wait for Alan Wake 3 in 2034
beastman309: Rule of Rose is great Ben Content.
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or control 2
ICitizenErasedI: it's not a loop - it's a cool S
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
Blakemcm: Wow... he is coming back for alan wake 3
itira: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
shurtal: Control 2 is coming first
Seth_Erickson: seabatClap
ButButTheJesus: GGs
JoeLowe2: That was fun. Thanks Gents!!
I_Am_Clockwork: It's not a Loop, It's a Space Station
Scy_Anide: That would have been a hundred times cooler if you learned that without Alan just telling you.
patrick_stonecrusher: FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan
thatguysteve2709: Actually cool
gawag_: I bet it will be called Alice Wake
I_Am_Clockwork: gg's
EvilBadman: Final Cut is the ng+, it has some small differences, a different opening narration and an expanded ending.
Lysander_salamander: Have a good evening! Thanks for playing!
DMGlol: 🔥
josh___something: The new game+ ending is also slightly more complete if you felt a Biiiiiiit like this ended abruptly
Bearudite: eruditJingle
thatguysteve2709: Stop
Scy_Anide: Granted, that's also a hundred times harder to pull off.
TheWarDoctor8: When Saga woke up in the plaza, the subtitles gave it away be listing the voice as Alice; she grabbed the clicker from Scratch somehow
I_Am_Clockwork: Thanks for many good laughs tonight lads! Cheer5000
thatguysteve2709: Fire is dead move on
JinaMahavira: FamilyJambily
therepoman__: FROGS ARE GONE sajamAaaa
Mr_Horrible: Oh, if you need a decent 1-stream game, No One Lives Under The Lighthouse is solid
I_Am_Clockwork: hek I didn't mean to pin the commen XP Is that the default selection now?
definenull: frogs are gone lrrSIG
JoeLowe2: good night!!!
josh___something: The Final Draft does have minor narrative differences, but it's mostly for the ending and lore pages.
definenull: ooh! famjam
lochnessseammonster: goodbye frogs! trogs only! seabatTROG
Saintnex: jam the fams
Valbatross_: They got Ben on the clopen
Mr_Horrible: please don't jam my fam
I_Am_Clockwork: "get to"
Valbatross_: I said it first
Mr_Horrible: famjam *into* LRRMTG? bold
EvilBadman: Twelve hours? That's ten to game and two to sleep
Gascitygaming: he's just telling someone else to do it
lochnessseammonster: lazy cuz it took this long to finally make it
Thoufeux: alright back off
speedracer4321: wow way to attack the manacotti adasm
speedracer4321: damn
josh___something: That sounds like a depressed manacotti
Bearudite: fukkin NEET manicotti
Scy_Anide: Probably not using whatever tool to fill the manicotti. I hope so at least as I've wanted to make filled manicotti for a while now.
shurtal: Manicotti, take a look at my life, i'm a lot like you
Mr_Horrible: there's good money in Losing To MenaRD
I_Am_Clockwork: Can Lander!
KWardJenx: More like Boy-acotti
I_Am_Clockwork: The Gauntlet of Surge
gibbousm: The Yeager-dome
definenull: vintage cube the deck
Scy_Anide: I need to find some jumbo manicottie noods though.
lochnessseammonster: blue is definitely stupid
gypocalypse: gruul
Dog_of_Myth: Door to Nothingness Serge
speedracer4321: i love when adam plays commander and reads magic cards, my favorite
Paranundrox: I would love to see Adam on Canlander some day
DMGlol: I read adam's tweet earlier and I cant believe adam would pass a mox
Juliamon: LUL
Saintnex: hehehehe
definenull: LUL
itira: LUL
thatguysteve2709: You can see the anger
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Mr_Horrible: Raft O'Clock, that classic stream
ButButTheJesus: seems rude
lochnessseammonster: so rude
itira: it has gotten worse
JinaMahavira: The changed the bottom text at least
Juliamon: The description agrees with you Adam
Gascitygaming: they call it a RAFT!
Mr_Horrible: at least they changed the description finally
protojman: they're just missing the mince
Orxolon: Raft o'clock?
gibbousm: The description is apt
EvilBadman: The rich Lobster veins, my dudes
Natimus_Prime: There is mining and crafting in this, don't see the problem
Saintnex: they got Adam with that Minecraft mixup Kappa
Mr_Horrible: Alan's been a hack all along, after all
Orxolon: is not a lake is an ocean
josh___something: It can still be a VERY slow spiral
josh___something: @Mr_Horrible Considering he actually cribbed his best work from a forreal FBI agent, he might be Kappa
KWardJenx: Loved the stream. Thank you
Dog_of_Myth: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
itira: Excellent stream as always! Have a good night everyone!! tqsToasted
Mr_Horrible: good stream, fam
Thefluffiestguineapig: Great stream, this was great
I_Am_Clockwork: I'll never tell Savidan!
josh___something: It's a SQUARE HOLE
Mr_Horrible: it's been the Square Hole all along
Pharmacistjudge: IT'S an Asterisk!
shurtal: a squared circle
Thefluffiestguineapig: It's a trapezoid!
josh___something: It's not a lake, it's an ocean
definenull: LUL
EvilBadman: A fucking rhombus?!
itira: hahahaaaaaaaa
7gorobei: its a golden ratio
Mr_Horrible: damn, Chris Pratt on LN?
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap
ButButTheJesus: dammit
I_Am_Clockwork: fuk
I_Am_Clockwork: Sidewalk
Orxolon: g night everyone
Nigouki: Thanks for the stream!
Thefluffiestguineapig: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
itira: goodnight everyone!
JinaMahavira: byeeee
josh___something: Sidewqlk slam
KWardJenx: Night!
Astramentha: o7
I_Am_Clockwork: tiny mystery spoon
niccus: this spoon is too small
lochnessseammonster: good night spoopy friends PrideLaugh lrrSHINE
DMGlol: 🥄
ButButTheJesus: smol spoon
Mr_Horrible: I'm putting you in the device, Adam
Saintnex: c’mon step Adam, we wanna go home Kappa
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
EvilBadman: Big spoon required
josh___something: adam
saucemaster5000: Get tf offf my poon
saucemaster5000: spoon
saucemaster5000: shit
therepoman__: poon
ButButTheJesus: shit
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 hydrate, Sauce
itira: parnets
JinaMahavira: good try sauce
Mr_Horrible: the wine is hitting
saucemaster5000: I hate it here
therepoman__: @saucemaster5000 me when.... me when... me..... when... when u mom... when....
itira: @saucemaster5000 lrrSHINE
saucemaster5000: goddamn it repo
ButButTheJesus: LUL
Saintnex: alright chat, I’m off to watch the new Godzilla movie, take care :D
Mr_Horrible: enjoy, Saint
queercrafting_chonk: Had a great stream tonight, guys! Wonder when it'll end...
Juliamon: It did