TXC2: title change!
Desruprot: limesLook
IbunWest: Fumbly Jumbly time. merlekClap
baltimore_667083: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: beeeeeees! Liiiiiiiive beeeeeees!
baltimore_667083: oh god not the bees!
IbunWest: PrideUwu
Juliamon: escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ
Desruprot: jennyb3Tem jennyb3Tem jennyb3Tem
Metric_Furlong: Bees!
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCrab lrrSIG
Juliamon: ooh it even autostarted
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
IbunWest subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months, currently on a 75 month streak!
IbunWest: Three fourths of the way to the full year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, IbunWest! (Today's storm count: 1)
Metric_Furlong: oh right it's another mtg thing today
baltimore_667083: -cries in double refresh-
IbunWest: lrrSIG radrinRollFast lrrSIG
samwiser_: Yeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaw
lightfut: Fambo Jambo!
paronomasiac042 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, paronomasiac042! (Today's storm count: 2)
sgowell: lrrBartleby
azidbern95: Ain't No Party Like a Mojang Party cause a Mojang Party don't stop!
TheSmilingMammoth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheSmilingMammoth! (Today's storm count: 3)
DideRobot: LRR: Hang out with LRR for a day of MtG Arena on the Thunder Junction Early Access Event! https://twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun (has image) | https://kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun/112247996936343611
JinaMahavira: FamiblyJambily
its_north_or_nothing: I can’t wait for first main phase yee and second main phase haw
lirazel64: Remove all the things!
Earthenone: its called a fam jam because a lot of chat will be jelly they cant play the new set today right? :P
gralamin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months!
gralamin: The big 10 years, and the FamJam? Excellent start to a day
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gralamin! (Today's storm count: 4)
just__fitz: Everyone remember that the McRib of Arena has returned
ManicPixieDreamLurker subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ManicPixieDreamLurker! (Today's storm count: 5)
Sagemastar: Fam Jam lets gooo
AngelicKnighthood subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months!
seemsdeece: Yes ol family jamily returns!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AngelicKnighthood! (Today's storm count: 6)
LegionofLashes: coxJam coxJam coxJam
UrielAngelSpy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, UrielAngelSpy! (Today's storm count: 7)
Cheshire Creeper: Wow I’m here early
Rogue 7: what ho fambily jambily
Chantel Bennett: Hi everyone 😍
WetPaperSack subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 124 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WetPaperSack! (Today's storm count: 8)
theymerLoviatar: I'm sacrificing my prerelease to a larp convention so this is my replacement drug
dudeross2: lrrDILLY
dudeross2: lrrWOW
LoadingReadyRun: Hey Youtube folks!
ライシェン: let's go fam-a-jam! lrrSHINE lrrHORN
AshcopseDryad: Hi
RocknGrohlNerd: hello gamers
external_gills: Hello <3
TXC2: hello ライシェン and AshcopseDryad and RocknGrohlNerd and external_gills welcome
Philocalist: Youtube stream, let's gooooooo
EllieoftheVeil: :D
ライシェン: Hello~ lrrAWESOME
ihlendrax: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: an uncursed pancake.
TXC2: Here we GO!
funguslore: Lets go!
ライシェン: causeiDance FBtouchdown causeiDance
ihlendrax: Mmm…pancakes.
Blip2004 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months!
Blip2004: fam-jam-am-a-lam
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Blip2004! (Today's storm count: 9)
beowuuf: sergeHi
TXC2: there's the sound
jacketedrock subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jacketedrock! (Today's storm count: 10)
LiamK712: hello
Krillin_fan: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys
TXC2: Hello Ben, Graham and Nelson
LithelyUnshod: Music kicked in the exact second the Commander at Home music ended. nice
Sagemastar: honestly the youtube streams help me catch things live since i have LRRMTG set to all notifications
Heather Taylor: psyched to be catching this!
Bannin: So happy that you guys are streaming on youtube!
RaidaTheBlade: Yay youtube stream!
Tommadness: hell yeah fambily jambily time
funguslore: Can't wait for everyone to enter the same draft pod :D
Desruprot: limesYay
Desruprot: Howdy
TXC2: hello Desruprot welcome
DrLigmaPhD: I'm here, I'm queer, I'm ready to jam some fam
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Artificer_Evan: multiple people interacting makes some of my favorite Magic content
Zornamations: what's the haps?
Zemari5: Let’s go!!!! I thought I was gonna have to focus on work
Sagemastar: Cori looks so grumpled in her art
azidbern95: please remember to pimp your sleeves, lands, and pets!
TXC2: !ytmember
LRRbot: LRR has Youtube memberships. Don't know what that is? Well, as the video explains, it's another way to support LRR: https://youtu.be/bmdI0W2l9Zg
QuixoticScrivener subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months!
QuixoticScrivener: Did someone say subscribe?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, QuixoticScrivener! (Today's storm count: 11)
TXC2: hello Paul
DrTeaSpoon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months!
DrTeaSpoon: Commiting crimes yet?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DrTeaSpoon! (Today's storm count: 12)
Fan of Most Everything: Hello!
Dandelion V: hello
Seru: youtube hype!
Sagemastar: wazzzap
Lasciel Woodburne: hello!
Philocalist: Hello!
RaidaTheBlade: Hello o/
Heather Taylor: Move to send a bajillion stickers in to Mail Time so they can decorate those laptops
Rogue 7: heya!
Stankmonger Jones: fambily jambily yee haw
Roger Hamilton: I enjoy the streams so much more on youtube - being able to scrub back or catch up at 2x speed. Too bad the chat experience sucks.
Liam T: Hi Paul!
Bannin: Hello
Rachel Kerns: Just came from Kenji’s stream! So excited for the yeehaw set!
Didero: I hadn't seen the Cori drawing before, that looks excellent
Didero: Good evening!
TXC2: hello Didero welcome
RebekahWSD: I love the Cori art
142 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
GapFiller: JAMES RAID!!! jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPillow jlrrPillow jlrrPillow
Athelgar: cori commendeering the Wiggins frump
HEREPODS: gaming
TXC2: Hello Raiders
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
bruiserhammerfist: Hello LRR
Ritaspirithntr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months!
Ritaspirithntr: howdy folks!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Ritaspirithntr! (Today's storm count: 13)
wench_tacular: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
anhakha: Amy and voxy are also about.
Xed_Regulus: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
momma_tatts: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
SymphonicLolita: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
LordZarano: escher3THUMBSUP escher3DOOT escher3THUMBSUP escher3DOOT escher3FOX
SmashTCG: Just TEN
funguslore: 12
TheAinMAP: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Thoross subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months!
Thoross: 5 months just in time for the Fam Jam
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Thoross! (Today's storm count: 14)
Rogue 7: banana
Fan of Most Everything: Cory approves this disgruntlement.
Sagemastar: see Ben gets it
Bannin: And Wheeler looking like such a dad
Dark Esch: lot of rares
LegoMamateur is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 6 in the channel!
LegoMamateur gifted a Tier 1 sub to rumirose!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gift, LegoMamateur! Welcome to rumirose! (Today's storm count: 15)
Gekyouryuu: Annie AND Fortune? Flavorful
funguslore: Just 12 rares LUL
RocknGrohlNerd: as much as I love Graham a Ben, I´m team Nely. letsgo Nelson lrrSHINE
WrightJustice: annie and fortune together
TheDevil_Risen: well hey there Fam! its a Thunder Junction Wham Jam!
CommiePuddin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 116 months!
CommiePuddin: Howdy Pardner
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CommiePuddin! (Today's storm count: 16)
SmashTCG: its dagonauts
jacqui_lantern234: WELL WELL WELL!!!!! if it aint a beautiful group of stellar friends whomst i AGGRESSIVELY LOVE BEYOND MEASURE!!!!! <3
TXC2: at this rate rares will be more common then commons :p
comrade_cards: flint gets nutty
zelukester: good ol' Jasper
Thoross: Breeches seems kinda cracked.
Sagemastar: yeah in the rares alone that is looking hella naya
Fan of Most Everything: Bird Wizard located.
Cheshire Creeper: Are we doing sealed now or…
Stachio2ElectricBoogaloo: rakdos time with that bedevil
BrowneePoints subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 61 months, currently on a 61 month streak!
BrowneePoints: Wait, Graham got Annie AND her “Horse”
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BrowneePoints! (Today's storm count: 17)
Angreed66: wizards didn't need more help( even if it doesn't make the list)
anhakha: Flint is funny in mardu mercenaries.
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
7ukanda: Laughing Jasper Flint will be my new Commander! Sounds like a lot of fun!
anhakha: Saw Amy play it.
DrLigmaPhD: Mr. Steal your girl... and boy... and enby... and pet?
Krillin_fan: 5 color max greed
anhakha: I'm annoyed that armoured armadillo isn't just called "Armourdillo"
Sagemastar: Graham likes himself his sealed gameplay
Sagemastar: Ben and Nelly seem to be waiting on a draft
Rogue 7: Ben feels like Naya. What a surprise (<3)
Fan of Most Everything: Great workplace environment.
SmashTCG: Very good
TheDevil_Risen: Steer Clear, new include for cow tech :P
SmashTCG: keep reading
SmashTCG: yeah Felidar rocks
anhakha: Amy and voxy are around.
comrade_cards: drafting has been rough today for everyone
accountmadeforants: I think most of the alternate cardframes/treatments look pretty bad on Arena (unlike real life), but the Prosperity Post ones actually look deece
zelukester: I'll see about joining on one of the HumanToken accounts :)
CommiePuddin: Kenji and Voxy both had trouble with drafts being slow to fire.
LiamK712: yeah Kenji has been running into long wait long times
DrLigmaPhD: Saw the opossum mount that I have deemed "Blep" yesterday
vinopinguino: Reid is getting on, hold your horses
Dark Esch: Sheep jumping a fence
Sagemastar: chonky boi sheep token
Fan of Most Everything: There is a + on it at least.
BrowneePoints: @loadingreadyrun the copy token is goated WITH the suauce
trojenturtle: Amy in draft already
lochnessseammonster: just saw jamietoples going live so she'll be drafting i'm sure :)
TheManaLeek: They invited *way* less people this time
anhakha: Voxy was drafting too.
TheManaLeek: So limited queues are long
ourladyoflilacs subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ourladyoflilacs! (Today's storm count: 18)
lochnessseammonster: thanks i hate it PrideLaugh
vigilanteheatengineer: el spidro veggiante?
WormBoyJames subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WormBoyJames! (Today's storm count: 19)
vinopinguino: Nopal
Earthenone: el spidro veggimite
BrowneePoints: El Spidro Saguaro
DrLigmaPhD: Some people call that a nightmare fuel moment. However that's just Arizona
Sagemastar: that there is
Andy Stocker: Ann Flashes
Sagemastar: well thats the nickname right there
circusofkirkus: you put your 7th leg in
mister_nibbles: according to google translate its just cactus
petey_vonwho: El spidro prickly
Narset: Spider is araña in spanish! Cactus is still cactud
funguslore: LUL
iris_of_ether: benginWat
jacqui_lantern234: a whole bird?!?! call lrrIAN :p
QTL7: better than a half bird
SymphonicLolita: A friend!
Earthenone: probobly better than a partial bird
petey_vonwho: As opposed to half a bird...
anhakha: Hey Nelly's family. Nelly is just hiding spiders in your bed. Enjoy.
Artificer_Evan: @themanaleek I’m sure that has Nothing to do with all the staff they laid off back in December
baltimore_667083: that happens more often than im willing to admit where i come from
packattack_0: a whole bird? as opposed to half a bird?
Wolfstrike_NL: "call Ian"
TheManaLeek: @Artificer_Evan Nothing at all 👀
WiJohn: Bird's house now
RebekahWSD: I allow the cats to deal with it, or if it's still flying all doors and windows open, shoooo shoooooooo
DrLigmaPhD: New pet
BrowneePoints: Prickly Pearantula
anhakha: Who's in the draft with you two?
Juliamon: We had a bluebird do that, it was so annoying
DrLigmaPhD: We still don't have basic deserts do we?
RocknGrohlNerd: @packattack_0 it was whole ass bird as opposed to half-assed bird :D picture the bird half assing its entry
TXC2: lead the player/bird with light
anhakha: xD
funguslore: NotLikeThis
Didero: We had the same thing happen with some corvid, except our fireplace was drywalled-up, so we had to break it down
Joshua Brandon: Annie Flash and Fortune working together is fun. They go together in lore
Travilogue: One time we came home and a whole swarm of flying ants had come down our chimney and our living room carpet was undulating.
powerflapjack: krosan tusker as skaiPG13 elemental token
TheDevil_Risen: The room with the spiders in Nelly's House is the Laundry room. LRR Lore !
funguslore: Its ok
vinopinguino: letmein.gif
vigilanteheatengineer subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
vigilanteheatengineer: Buckaroo Bezos Bucks
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, vigilanteheatengineer! (Today's storm count: 20)
anhakha: Who else is in your draft group?
northos: it might be a little rough in Naya, but yes it's strong
dionizuz: Are you guys reading chat?
DrLigmaPhD: So just normal Phyrexia?
TXC2: Travilogue WutFace
LithelyUnshod: And Chloee
lightfut: Isn't that a Metallica song?
TXC2: I like that + on the spree cards
TheDevil_Risen: Fling in sealed seems fun xD
Juliamon: dionizuz When they have a chance to
kaijuknight428: i think youve got quite a few mounts graham
RocknGrohlNerd: yeah kinde hyped to get some of those spree cards for my spellseeker package
anhakha: Please try for 'Esoteric Duplicator' and 'Mindslaver'...
anhakha: I want to see it happen...
Narset: every card in the big score is a mythic i believe
just__fitz: Slickshot Showoff, he got the Rooster Cogburn
TXC2: anhakha there was mindslaver action in the "ppr"
RocknGrohlNerd: but at this point my whole edh deck is one big spellseeker toolbox
WTFChickens: I don't think you run a double colorless land in 3 color
funguslore: Smugglers surprise is pretty good as a weird draw spell
Jeff Wiles: No love for Smuggler's Surprise, G?
Sagemastar: kinda wish there was a button for this view instead of needing the insider info of t:creature
Didero: Oh, there's quiet background music, that's where that hum is coming from
RocknGrohlNerd: @anhakha yeah there were crimes commited with mindslaver *looks at Graham*
dionizuz: You guys excited for Magiccon Amsterdam? Will the whole LRR team be there
dionizuz: ?
TXC2: making that work delayed muitlplayer by 6 months Kappa
KineBuds: @RocknGrohlNerd kekw
anhakha: Might just be selesnya splashing dor annie
anhakha: *for
BrowneePoints: It also gives vigilance
MaybeTara: I nabbed my ticket for the chaos event yesterday! So stoked for it!
dionizuz: I joined for the Chaos Draft on the Con! Excited!
TXC2: a none zero number of lrrsm'ns will be going
MaybeTara: @dionizuz See you there :P
tsuuisalie: it's just the second actually
7ukanda: @MaybeTara So we'll meet there! We bought ours, too... ^^
holesinone178 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 111 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, holesinone178! (Today's storm count: 21)
RocknGrohlNerd: its back on the escalator.. some might say
TXC2: I don't think it get reprinted, they just keep making differrnt versions of it
dionizuz: @MaybeTara You also there?
dionizuz: NOICE
BrowneePoints: oh yes, the one with Ajani’s ….thicc flanks in the art
Seru: hope I can judge in amsterdam and meet some crew people :D
TXC2: well 07 Graham :p
KineBuds: kenji POG
funguslore: Kenji PogChamp
KineBuds: numotMMM
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Night_xD: grahmtg is very good tho
Tommadness: kenji BMing lmao
anhakha: Every1 has their names shortened we've noticed.
7ukanda: Kenji went offline... NICE... xD
funguslore: They cut off the name LUL
ライシェン: LUL
KineBuds: numotJAM
RocknGrohlNerd: crowd surf the Karn Graham
TXC2: opening GG, the only ok GG
anhakha: Amy is "Amazonia"
TheDevil_Risen: no more secret reach! RIOT1
RevolverRossalot: Overt reach!
QTL7: i love numot the mtg
KineBuds: oh he is making a youtube vid, he just ended the stream
DanTheMediocre: aww, no more secret reach :(
anhakha: Oh! The emotes! They don't say hello or thinking! Check them out!
DanTheMediocre: that was my fave onboard trick
lochnessseammonster: rude... divulging your secrets PrideLaugh
bad1arry: What, no secret reach is a bummer
anhakha: The hello is howdy...
TheBattleOfHastings subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
TheBattleOfHastings: 43 months? That's nearly a year!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheBattleOfHastings! (Today's storm count: 22)
iris_of_ether: @anhakha That's amazing
neisan2112: Oh it doesn't just stay there, that would kind of be kind of annoying tbh.
Ard_Rhys: 5 mana of turn 3 is good
neisan2112: OH it does stay there
neisan2112: Huh
KineBuds: haha
KineBuds: classic
RocknGrohlNerd: dongle the bongle youtube !
KineBuds: numotYES
lochnessseammonster: do it for the plot
TXC2: it's time....FOR THE PLOT
fabiank22 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 82 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fabiank22! (Today's storm count: 23)
Stormgod519: Happy Famma Jamma!
TXC2: hello Stormgod519 welcome
Dark Esch: Anne is so flashy
Stormgod519: Looking forward to my PreRelease this week. Time to judge again after karlov manor was just not good lol
Stormgod519: Hi TXC2
Stachio2ElectricBoogaloo: Plot icon might be a cactus lol
BrowneePoints: you can swing with Fortune as well I think and bring it back if they kill it
funguslore: Rare into mythic seems ok LUL
BrowneePoints: Annie brings things back so I would
Stormgod519: oooo
Stormgod519: big one
Stormgod519: LOL
midnightcurryjazz: LUL
Stormgod519: Beep Beep!
KineBuds: wow all the creatures are busted lol
RocknGrohlNerd: classic TXC2, the quickes draw on those welcomes in Thunder Junction
TXC2: !plan
LRRbot: Translator's note: Plan means Keikaku.
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap seabatOAK
lirazel64: Suuuuure
Stormgod519: lol
WormBoyJames: fortune and annie is a cool combo
funguslore: That was just fine Kappa
finestotter: What's Japanese for plot?
TXC2: RocknGrohlNerd I'll make this chat big enough for everybody!
SimWOT: reread fortune
midnightcurryjazz: ploturu
KineBuds: plot and spree cards are so good
tcat13 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, tcat13! (Today's storm count: 24)
jaimeblacken: bois already playing!
Stormgod519: プロット Purotto
Spades_Slicc: hate that twitch only gives a notif 30 minutes in to a stream
WormBoyJames: ohhh nvm lmao
Stormgod519: that's plot, I think
Gekyouryuu: Kei-plot-ku
cheezweazl: numotJAM numotGOD lrrHEART numotGOD numotJAM
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 lrrSHINE avngrDance
BackSeatGamingCrew: Hey guys. No time to hang around today, just wanna say good luck on your games!
TXC2: hello BackSeatGamingCrew lrrHEART
Stormgod519: nice big 7/7
beowuuf: @TXC2 you dish out the law in these here parts - love and welcomes
KineBuds: i love all of these green creatures
BrowneePoints: to conspire or scheme in Japanese is Enbou
TXC2: beowuuf exactly
Bannin: ah yes...keikaku
Bannin: keikaku means plan!
Stormgod519: This set is just giving us green players more support...
LoganAura: Oh is that bow just a "Hey I have reach" reminder?
BrowneePoints: Purotto is just plot
irenrose: Nelson you'll be pleased to know that I'm actively looking into the Theros deck you threee found on the vintage cube stream
Stormgod519: vrooooom
TXC2: is purotto plot as in plot of land ?
tsuuisalie: you could draw cards by blinking with the outcaster
Stormgod519: OOOO
KineBuds: POG
Stormgod519: they figured it out
Stormgod519: Wow that card is good
KineBuds: numotMMM
Stormgod519: noted for my pr
funguslore: POG
Seams Deece: happy fambily jambily to all who celebrate
KineBuds: ggs
lochnessseammonster: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TXC2: we take those wins
TheDevil_Risen: GGWP
Stormgod519: @Nouxatar "WDYM ITS EACH!?!"
lirazel64: Yay!
Nouxatar: ggs tho
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
KineBuds: LUL
CaptnCheesebeard: GG!
Stormgod519: ggs!
barringtonstabb subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
cheezweazl: numotWHY numotWHY numotWHY numotWHY
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, barringtonstabb! (Today's storm count: 25)
funguslore: GGs
RocknGrohlNerd: GGs all around
jacqui_lantern234: love me some good rubbins Kappa
bojuka_pog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
bojuka_pog: Are you winning, sons ?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bojuka_pog! (Today's storm count: 26)
Krillin_fan: points points points!
7ukanda: NumottheMTG will remember...
chanterelleton subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, chanterelleton! (Today's storm count: 27)
lochnessseammonster: @jacqui_lantern234 LOVE YOU! boom
baskwalla: isn’t it extra points if you beat Kenji?
Stormgod519: Dammit Graham
jacqui_lantern234: GRAHAM LUL
josh___something: LRR_Jame
GredGredmansson subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months!
GredGredmansson: yeehaw its the famblejamble
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GredGredmansson! (Today's storm count: 28)
midnightcurryjazz: a lot less people where invited to this early access event. gg layoffs
just__fitz: Stealing all the nicknames
Sagemastar: mmm yes rubbins XP
Marc A.: Whaddup Ben
Cheshire Creeper: They were scrambling
bad1arry: Has Kenji visited lrr before? For a PPR or some such thing?
jacqui_lantern234: @lochnessseammonster NO U
TXC2: bad1arry I think he was in the first PPR
KineBuds: @bad1arry i think he did 1 like 100 years ago
OldUncleDan: Rufus Lawbringer?
TXC2: (or an early one at least)
lochnessseammonster: @jacqui_lantern234 PrideUwu
TimeToFry: "So you're saying I can sac this random Mercenary token and kill my opponent's Jace?"
KineBuds: LUL
boyesie: Didnt kenji thoracle cam?
BrowneePoints: most importantly, Bruse Tarl is Husband Material
KineBuds: hahaha
KineBuds: numotWHY
TXC2: Skill diff baby
RevolverRossalot: You have good luck for future ref ;)
funguslore: Kreygasm
jacqui_lantern234: LMFAO IM CACKLING XD
RocknGrohlNerd: well just draft better, 5head
Wolfstrike_NL: Whaha
baltimore_667083: LUL
Stormgod519: LOL
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY SHIT XD
TimeToFry: Hell yeah
circusofkirkus: seabatClap
Tommadness: The runback!
QTL7: hahahaha
KineBuds: LMAO
TheDevil_Risen: B03
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
thanzo: LUL
Stormgod519: let's goooooo
TimIAm: In preparation for the Crap Shoot, we're getting a Crap Talk Shoot
KineBuds: what the heck man
funguslore: KEKW
elias2718: on the play even
OldUncleDan: The Salty Runback!
Stormgod519: Youre trapped in here w/ me
jacqui_lantern234: Kenji with the salty runback :p
Didero: !card mobile homestead
LRRbot: Mobile Homestead [2] | Artifact — Vehicle [3/3] | Mobile Homestead has haste as long as you control a Mount. / Whenever Mobile Homestead attacks, look at the top card of your library. If it's a land card, you may put it onto the battlefield tapped. / Crew 2
KineBuds: the numot MATRIX
BrowneePoints: best name
TXC2: "now this is Caravaning!"
Stormgod519: That homestead is def on the trail to oregon
7ukanda: He is the MTG...
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 with gas
cheezweazl: lrrSPOOPY lrrSPOOP numotGHOST numotFAIL
BrowneePoints: look at her art Graham! she punched someone OUT OF THEIR BOOTS
neisan2112: She's got that Snorse!
TXC2: RocknGrohlNerd with gas? what we feeding them horses? :p
external_gills: Jolene, please don't ping my man
iris_of_ether: Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene/Begging of you, please don't kill my man
GLHFMagic: what up ya cuties
just__fitz: Jolene is "A Fistful of Dollars"
OldUncleDan: Thank you, Paul! I am sure that many of us were thinking the same thing!
GredGredmansson: El Spidro Saguaro
TXC2: hello GLHFMagic we beat Kenji, and now we fighting him again
Stormgod519: @GLHFMagic Helloooooo!
Earthenone: !card aloe
LRRbot: Aloe Alchemist [1G] | Creature — Plant Warlock [3/2] | Trample / When Aloe Alchemist becomes plotted, target creature gets +3/+2 and gains trample until end of turn. / Plot {1}{G}
GredGredmansson: lrrFINE
GLHFMagic: Yassss
GLHFMagic: Miss u kiss kiss
TheDevil_Risen: show us what saddling looks like on arena plz Greham!
GLHFMagic: No, we didn't get an invite BibleThump
Stormgod519: aw damn
GLHFMagic: but I am having fun watching YOU
SkiaSymphonia: @loadingreadyrun to: lrrPAUL I have a Jolene Commander deck that is exactly that. Steal their man's!
DJayHGaming subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DJayHGaming! (Today's storm count: 29)
TheDevil_Risen: aww poor GLHF
BrowneePoints: But yea Graham she Agatha Fisty’d that person out of her boots!
MedicCasts: At least there's gladiator for all of us watching
LoadingReadyRun: @SkiaSymphonia lrrAWESOME
fhedaykin84: El spidronprickle
GredGredmansson: REACH
Stormgod519: lol Hi Paul
LiamK712: break the meta and guarantee a point
KineBuds: LUL
circusofkirkus: guaranteed point
neisan2112: LMAO
jacqui_lantern234: LUL
ArmstrongRGM96X: Ah, the bottle episode Fam Jam
azidbern95: awww... no more secret reach
rentar42: nice!
funguslore: KEKW
neisan2112: Amazing
Stormgod519: Kenji's guest appearance
KineBuds: this is perfect
TXC2: the content people crave
GredGredmansson: hey graham I think they opponent might have reach
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
northos: wait, when did Jace join LRR? :p
7ukanda: Are there Jave and Jade as well?
GredGredmansson: Yes
KineBuds: sponsored by numotTHEMTG
anhakha: Targetting is a crime.
Didero: Attempted murder is also illegal :p
TXC2: the crime is looking at the cards
KidAmn: attempted murder is still murder
fhedaykin84: El spidro prikleo?
JJ Sandee: El Spidro Cacto?
Bruceski: There's a reason they call it "ATTEMPTED murder"
Ukon_Cairns: is that lrr Jace and lrr Jame (singular) ?
TimIAm: Wait is Nelly playing James?
DanTheMediocre: well not murder but certainly a crime
Spades_Slicc: Is that blue glowing thing just saying "this has reach btw"?
TXC2: TimIAm no he's playing against Ben
KineBuds: we are in a streaming vortex
Earthenone: yeah its a bow
TimIAm: ohh
northos: @Spades_Slicc the bow and arrow means reach, I Think the glowing lines are a new indicator for ward?
RocknGrohlNerd: @Bruceski well, is it tho, if you look into your heart of hearts.. is it? :D
PixelArtDragon: Casting Murder? Crime. Resolving Murder? Perfectly legal!
Artificer_Evan: @TimIAm considering that the accounts are loaded I don't think it is an issue
northos: oh maybe not
TXC2: Ward always had the glow lines, the bow is new for Reach
RocknGrohlNerd: 2 beaver 2 huuuge
stormcooper256 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, stormcooper256! (Today's storm count: 30)
BrowneePoints: the Atiin are so cool. hope we see more of them
rentar42: how dare you not play optimally the very first time anyone outside of wotc ever plays this set on arena! I come here for 100% perfect magic gameplay only!
TimIAm: @Artificer_Evan oh for sure, I just thought it was a funny match up coincidence
CygnusInfinity: it does that because of the way that it is
KineBuds: these creatures are so good
GredGredmansson: ooh crime
stormcooper256: Hello, have Jeff Bezo's money!
Dark Esch: big beaver
TXC2: "you can't put a grizzle on top of an beaver" Don't tell people how to love Ben Kappa
just__fitz: Double strike good
Earthenone: we have crime touch
Earthenone: to kill it
Firnsarwen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months!
Firnsarwen: Let's turn some things sideways!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Firnsarwen! (Today's storm count: 31)
BrowneePoints: I still love how in Jolene’s Art she just done yeeted someone out of their boots with one punch. just old school magic comedy
RocknGrohlNerd: is Nelly playing canlander over there
KineBuds: wow
TXC2: green baby!
Stormgod519: We love Green!
GredGredmansson: Public Reach
KineBuds: i think i love this set
Travilogue: Very subltle
DanTheMediocre: bring back secret reach
DanTheMediocre: best onboard trick
Bruceski: @GredGredmansson I think that counts as a crime.
just__fitz: Its only on this event, I don't have it in normal arena
Stormgod519: love my secret reach
IaCthulhuFthagn: Ah, that's what public outreach means.
thanzo: reach has gone public
TXC2: Public reach = Preach ?
GredGredmansson: from "That has reach?" to "THAT HAS REACH."
powerflapjack: PREACH
BrowneePoints: The joke now Graham is that since they used a bow for the art, we get to drag them for every archer they make without reach from now on!
LibraryWitchKei: Secret reach still exists in paper magic.
RocknGrohlNerd: @Stormgod519 as a UW player, I can not support that but... we live in strange times
funguslore: KEKW
stormcooper256: that is hilarious
TheDevil_Risen: aww poor ben ben :D
WTFChickens: is this MTG's new Public out-"reach" program?
TheDevil_Risen: the Public Reach isn't enough
ライシェン: LUL
zelukester: listen, we tried
Stormgod519: @RocknGrohlNerd Oh im practically a mono-green player who dabbles into red and white sometimes
PixelArtDragon: This attack is legal, but you sure?
Stormgod519: I got to play a gruul agro deck at my first ravnica remastered draft and I was so pleased with myself lol.
TXC2: reach was subliminal, now it's liminal, soon WotC will have to make it Superliminal :p
KineBuds: all these cute creatures makes me want bloomburrow next week now lol
grgriffin3: Situation status: Honks
cameron_in_the_hizous: meep meep
CygnusInfinity: @TXC2 but if it's Superluminal then it time travels, meaning it's already happened!
Veste: gingerbirdt
LiamK712: @grgriffin3 that would be a good card kingdom button
Earthenone: time for secret haste?
RocknGrohlNerd: @Stormgod519 I´m only teasing cut green creatures are so good (and always will be) these days and I´m kinda jelous
Firnsarwen: I felt that way at an hour of destruction PR, where my opponent had one of the fancy text versions of a god, and I forgot it had deathtouch, because that font was basically unreadable 😭
Stormgod519: @RocknGrohlNerd you're fine. Im a very open green player. I dont know how to play blue black, and I was forced into that wedge during LOTR and it crippled me lol
rentar42: Hey chat, I can't apply my prime subscription, but my subscriptions don't show any other channel that I used it for ... what do? (also prime gaming games do continue to work)
bytecaster: Actually, the correct exclamation when leaving that on top is "Holy cow"
cameron_in_the_hizous: "I dont even have to do this at sorcery speed" is a terrifying thing to hear your opponent say
funguslore: Holy cow!
TXC2: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
lartenhx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months, currently on a 34 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lartenhx! (Today's storm count: 32)
rentar42 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, rentar42! (Today's storm count: 33)
Didero: And also not for Graham Kappa
grgriffin3: Saved by the Beef
cameron_in_the_hizous: secret cow
Wiliart: Amoozing
rentar42: Oh! They hid it one level deeper! The ... not-nice-people!
bytecaster: Path? Rude!
ElektroTal: i don't think i'm gonna be able to play this format without sighing every time i see holy cow
grgriffin3: Never mind, the beef has been sent away
raulghoulia: "But I do have this cow"
KineBuds: @Stormgod519 laughs in nicobolas
cameron_in_the_hizous: oh damn, the cow Mooved out of the way
Bruceski: The steaks were too high
TXC2: hello ElektroTal welcome
stormcooper256: @grgriffin3 where's the beef?!
funguslore: Kenji got his revenge
KineBuds: ggs
Earthenone: if its for a youtube vidoe, kenji can just upload the winning game :P
TXC2: and now the rubber match? :p
cheezweazl: numotHOLD lrrCREEPL lrrCREEPR numotHOLD
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Stormgod519: @KineBuds my first RR draft I got one of my packs had nicol bolas and breeding pool. ill let ya guess what I picked lol
LiamK712: @elektrotal yeah not great
KineBuds: @Stormgod519 BibleThump
bytecaster: YES!
jacqui_lantern234: YEEEEESSS
external_gills: Yes!
RocknGrohlNerd: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
Didero: @LiamK712 I thought it was just a dumb (in a good way) pun, what's wrong with it?
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
ライシェン: DinoDance StinkyGlitch
QTL7: this is silly lol
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrJUDGECALL
usmu1976: Yes!
Stormgod519: LOL welcome to the highlight reel
grgriffin3: Thrice in a Lifetime!
funguslore: Yes!!
7ukanda: He is really MTG... xD
TXC2: the only 2 people playing sealed :p
TheDevil_Risen: Lets Go!
Stormgod519: @Wolfstrike_NL yes?
KineBuds: stuck in the numotmatrix
cheezweazl: lrrDOTS numotGOD lrrARROW
LiamK712: where’s the sideboarding lol?
bytecaster: Skill issue, I guess
mattmoney825: guess i won’t have to watch kenji’s next 3 YouTube videos lol
KineBuds: Hi Youtube
Stormgod519: @mattmoney825 LOL
cameron_in_the_hizous: hitting the winning side of a 50/50 3 times?! thats... entirely probable
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun unless your playing wheeler in CanLander :D
Earthenone: winning all the die rolls? did you know yuo have good luck, for future reference :P
sithenin subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 90 months!
TXC2: 1 in 8 chance
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sithenin! (Today's storm count: 34)
just__fitz: The last standing arena dev is manually making the matchups and having the best day
anhakha: It could end up as a bo5...
RocknGrohlNerd: welcome to beavertown
anhakha: Eventually, one of you will have lost 3 times and have to queue up for the draft again.
bytecaster: That wagon punched our beaver
Stormgod519: That's some roadkill
cameron_in_the_hizous: @bytecaster I love magic the gathering
KidAmn: Forth *what*
DMGlol: Path to exile? Deng
grgriffin3: Ben.
powerflapjack: PATH IS IN LIMITED? UGH
KineBuds: HUH
TXC2: you heard him
just__fitz: Forth Y'allingas
TheDevil_Risen: hahaha
ElektroTal: more like a fourth of eorlingas
Stormgod519: what did you call me?
TheDevil_Risen: nah its a quarter erolingas
GredGredmansson: kenji keeps missing land
DrLigmaPhD: We've had first cunnilingus and second and third... but what about fourth cunnilingus
DrLigmaPhD: ?
GredGredmansson: Annie "Flash"
funguslore: Flash
CygnusInfinity: You can't just tell her to do that!
Stormgod519: Just read the card
Artificer_Evan: text is hard
Krillin_fan: reading is for blockers, or something like that
cameron_in_the_hizous: I'd be worried if there was another reason her name was "Flash"
anhakha: Name? Annie flash. Skills? Annie flash.
Earthenone: what if annie had flash? that would be broken
LiamK712: arena devs make a flash emblem floating above the card
DrLigmaPhD: As opposed to Annie "Are you ok?" Who sacs herself
Stormgod519: @DrLigmaPhD you could say she got struck by a smooth criminal
grgriffin3: Oh COME ON
YeetTheRich_: wait until you hear about annie reach
KineBuds: lol
YeetTheRich_ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 39 months!
Krillin_fan: points points points!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, YeetTheRich_! (Today's storm count: 35)
Gaz-L: Kenji with the big beats
KineBuds: hold up let him cook
Mr_Horrible: I just got here and I'm getting the impression we just saw a team-kill
anhakha: Guaranteed points...
powerflapjack: @YeetTheRich_ what about Annie Banding
bytecaster: Hold that pan, now drive that wagon, now give me that pan again
Earthenone: annie with set mechanic
KineBuds: the crew got matched against kenji 3 games in a row lol
TXC2: Mr_Horrible Ben and Nelson manage to get a draft game against one another
Mr_Horrible: ah
Mr_Horrible: John Flying, inventor of flying
TXC2: Meanwhile Graham is on his 3td game against Kenji
anhakha: Jeff trample sounds like he's from New Capenna.
TheWooglie: Ben would still attack into John Reach
jacqui_lantern234: Benjamin Banding
Stormgod519: Jeff "Craterhoof Behemoth" Trample
ThankYouUro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
ThankYouUro: Just gonna stroll on by, while saying Howdy
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThankYouUro! (Today's storm count: 36)
BrassWingman: Jack Secretreach
anhakha: Bo5
TXC2: Franny First Strike
TXC2: Tracy Trample
grgriffin3: Sometimes, opponent just has everything, it happens
YeetTheRich_: burt bushido
OldUncleDan: Isn't Rachel Reach with the Command Zone?
baskwalla: Brandon Banding
affinityartifacts: HI IT'S ME
GredGredmansson: gosh that speed from Kenji
anhakha: All the names have been shortened.
xVoxtric: wow Kenji had the exact play there it seemed
TXC2: Helen Hexproof
powerflapjack: @BrassWingman new Universes Beyond card: Jack Reacher
lirazel64: Headology is one of my fave streamers!
bytecaster: Let's see if we can play the whole event against Kenji
jacqui_lantern234: @affinityartifacts hi "me" nice to meet you
Ukon_Cairns: i do like the singular LRR Jame
TheDevil_Risen: Hi Olivia!
cameron_in_the_hizous: @xVoxtric good players tend to do that
Stormgod519: HI OLIVIA!
affinityartifacts: ty i'm playing against james i think?
Didero: wait olivia is stream-sniping? Kappa
Stormgod519: jeez
Stormgod519: More horses...
TXC2: hello affinityartifacts GG
KineBuds: cactus playing a piano , this is the greatest set of all time
M0nzaa: well atleast it doesnt fly
Mr_Horrible: saddle 4, a fair price to pay Kappa
ThankYouUro: It is Saddle 4 at least
Earthenone: ben is pretending to be james
Juliamon: it's James' account, but maybe not James
xVoxtric: @cameron_in_the_hizous it was a top deck wasn't it
sophieghost: This is the 3/3 set following the 2/2 set
7ukanda: It's just Jame.
IaCthulhuFthagn: A good selesnya 2 drop?
GredGredmansson: yes
affinityartifacts: OH THIS IS ME popping out chat
Stormgod519: @IaCthulhuFthagn ive never been so excited
BusTed: Pretty advanced.
Mr_Horrible: Plants are adaptive
thraximore: If I was a cactus and I become sentient I feel like I'd be pretty motivatedd
BusTed: Though I guess it doesn't say how *well* they play.
DanTheMediocre: it would also require more coordination
Stormgod519: @affinityartifacts I hope you mean popping off
ライシェン: LUL
Genie_M: At least 4, some have6
Ukon_Cairns: theyve also learned about death, and necromancy? in that short time.
lightfut: Nothing in the rules says a cactus can't play piano
Mr_Horrible: show me where in the rulebook it says a cactusfolk can't play basketball
KineBuds: can we smoke them?
TXC2: "there's nothing in the rule book that says a cactus can't play the piano!"
KineBuds: Kappa
xVoxtric: I like thatPaul
thanzo: cactus baby mozart
avjamethyst: hello yes, I am here
affinityartifacts: serpahic steed is so good
xVoxtric: it's been proven that plants do respond to music on an systemic level
OldUncleDan: Could you send me that angel? Right now? Right now?
circusofkirkus: whoa stream sniping
jacqui_lantern234: @affinityartifacts YOURE SO GOOD
affinityartifacts: and how dare you steer clear my horsey
bytecaster: Bovined that unicorn
thraximore: @affinityartifacts HypeLUL
Stormgod519: quit Horsing around olivia!
affinityartifacts: lol we are!
Ewayko: Eeeeey, Family Jamily!
KineBuds: lol true
RocknGrohlNerd: HI Olivia :) good luck in the event
affinityartifacts: i hopped in voxy's chat too when we got paired
Stormgod519: lol
GredGredmansson: GO BIRDS
affinityartifacts: ahhahaha
Stormgod519: aight, gtg play some commander. Take care yall
VoteableMango subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak!
VoteableMango: We back
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, VoteableMango! (Today's storm count: 37)
Stormgod519: keep fammin and jammin
KineBuds: limited looks like fun , i really want to play now
affinityartifacts: haaha omg
GLHFMagic: They didn't invite enough people LOL silly wizards
affinityartifacts: i've had multiple 'same pairings'
ElektroTal: @affinityartifacts hi olivia!
knightbloody subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, knightbloody! (Today's storm count: 38)
eye_h_bar: Most people are probably playing new Standard
Mr_Horrible: all the streamers wandering through Omenport, pointing at each other
tsuuisalie: crokeyz played vs the same person 3 times in a row in standard
ElektroTal: i didn't get picked for this streamer showdown so i'm just haunting chats, lol
Durdenstein subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months!
Durdenstein: 3 years? How time flies.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Durdenstein! (Today's storm count: 39)
RocknGrohlNerd: @Mr_Horrible LUL
thraximore: @Mr_Horrible flavor win ig
EvilBadman: You're just the first folks to Thunder Junction.
TheDevil_Risen: Swole Possum
affinityartifacts: SWOLWSSUM
ShaneLeeAtk: I have some big possums in my backyard
GredGredmansson: does it bug anyone that they spelled Opossum wrong
cameron_in_the_hizous: are they open with how many people they invite? do we know how many people are in the ques?
grgriffin3: Can confirm, Beeg Possum is certainly possible IRL
RayFK: @affinityartifacts You're Swolseome!
DanTheMediocre: Oh Lawd He Possum
Ukon_Cairns: that is kinda fitting for the setting. ya show up and no ones there. except kenji and the folk you arrived with.
affinityartifacts: i had the rock
ThankYouUro: Dwayne Best Pet
affinityartifacts: you can ask them to change it?
affinityartifacts: in the discord
KineBuds: when they didnt pick GLHF you know they messed up
EvilBadman: Real Gs have Dwayne
ElektroTal: Amazonian got shrunk to Amazonia
TheWooglie: did an intern have to type them all in?
Mr_Horrible: honestly "Headolog" is a good bit
RayFK: Don't look at me, this is not my department
MegaTrain: go to your inbox, you can open emotes
EvilBadman: @RayFK You're not even in uniform :P
affinityartifacts: yeah i sound like someone different when i'm "affinity"
RocknGrohlNerd: well :D
Mr_Horrible: needs a "This town ain't big enough" emote
affinityartifacts: i don't play ACTUAL affinity
MarkovDescendant: Amy had to restart the client and it was in the inbox
IaCthulhuFthagn: Are we sure the "what in tarnation" is not a Town of Salem crossover event?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @elektrotal surely, amazonia is actually larger than one amazonian.
RayFK: @affinityartifacts Yet?
affinityartifacts: yeah it's near the bottom
affinityartifacts: there's a "welcome to early access"
grgriffin3: We love inboxes full of nonsense
snortablecola: there is a yeehaw emote
Mr_Horrible: tfw you just have a literal affinity for artifacts, and it has nothing to do with card costs
affinityartifacts: B O N E S
KineBuds: strimer loot
Mr_Horrible: Tinython Bonesworth
IaCthulhuFthagn: "Thank you for joining early access, it's great to be here"
affinityartifacts: YEAH I DO
grgriffin3: BEN
asthanius: BEN
GredGredmansson: ben no
TheWooglie: GG Ben
jacqui_lantern234: BENJAMIN
affinityartifacts: hahahahahahahahahahaha
KineBuds: im jealous
ChaoticObserver: Phrasing!
just__fitz: BENJAMIN
M0nzaa: damn
ThankYouUro: BEN
TXC2: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
funguslore: Ben
Mr_Horrible: Benjamin
corianderd: wow
iris_of_ether: BEN
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
thraximore: HAHAHA
knightbloody: ben
vinopinguino: LMAOOOO
RocknGrohlNerd: BEN !
jaimeblacken: jesus ben
MegaTrain: lololol
affinityartifacts: LMAOOOOOOO
grgriffin3: Welcome to the highlight reel, kids!
thanzo: BAN
Avak4do: LMAO
external_gills: Lol Ben
WhirlwindAbyss: BEN!
ライシェン: GORL NOOOO >xD
Gaz_L: hello highlights vid
usmu1976: LOL
thanzo: I mean BEN
affinityartifacts: GOOD ONE BUDDDY
KineBuds: JUDGE
affinityartifacts: <3 <3
TheWooglie: at least she wasn't watching
Thoross: Straight to highlights with you.
affinityartifacts: literally LOLd at my desk
baskwalla: Make a girl feel welcome
TimIAm: I love that Primus song
jacqui_lantern234: @affinityartifacts im glad youre taking that in stride XD
KineBuds: straight to jail
wordlessRage: straight to highlights jail
Durdenstein: Does that count as a crime?
OldUncleDan: Brian, on the other hand, may not be so appreciative.
TheDevil_Risen: straight to jail :D
Seth Derstine: lol
NAL !: lol
Grady Cooke: CLIP IT!
Zack Hennings: highlight reel
Rogue 7: Benjamin
affinityartifacts: i drafted this at CZ and could not stop making giant beaver jokes
jaimeblacken: did you know OTJ stands for Off to Jail
RayFK: Olivia...
Dr_fragenstien: they had to know that would happen. Did they not run the cards past a 12 year old?
ThankYouUro: Welcome to the Highlight Reel Olivia!
affinityartifacts: "i'll put my giant beaver on the battlefield"
Wolfstrike_NL: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
KineBuds: @affinityartifacts LUL
jacqui_lantern234: @affinityartifacts i adore you XD
affinityartifacts: it's mounting the beaver that really breaks immersion
TXC2: the loadingreadytooltips are just !advice
corianderd: we should add tooltips to the break screen
TXC2: !adivce
KineBuds: lol
jacqui_lantern234: @affinityartifacts OLIVIA YES
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: It's NEVER the first train.
RocknGrohlNerd: poggifers fetch us the good beaverpuns/jokes
xVoxtric: if mana floats because it's "in the pool" doesn't that mean the pool has some kind of water in it?
KineBuds: confirmed greatest set of all time
affinityartifacts: miss you too!!!!
45 raiders from GoodTimeSociety have joined!
RayFK: #wotcstaff
TXC2: Hello Reaiders
TXC2: *raiders
ElektroTal: you know the playtest was "Ride" until the first moment someone went to ride the beaver
RocknGrohlNerd: hello raiders
azidbern95: Hi Becca!
DanTheMediocre: "my giant beaver eats your [insert attacking creature or maybe kill spell name]"
Gaz_L: hello Becca and friends
luke1x: Oh new team who dis
jacqui_lantern234: @RayFK known printer of cards Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: welcome raiders!
ライシェン: lrrAWESOME
affinityartifacts: BECCA
GoodTimeSociety: it's Magic o'clock!!!
just__fitz: FamJam, because everyone is family
Thefluffiestguineapig: How’s Thunder Junction treating the FamJam so far?
affinityartifacts: SADDLE UP
Double May Care: Look, they knew what they were doing
Jason Fanelli: hey, those Thunder Junction emotes were me! I was allowed to choose a text emote (What In Tarnation) and a picture emote (Fblthp singing) before I started
Jason Fanelli: sorry, catching up on the stream
TXC2: !addquote (RayFK) [now] I JUST TWEET.
LRRbot: New quote #8966: "I JUST TWEET." —RayFK [2024-04-10]
cameron_in_the_hizous: hi everyone dont read up in chat please
RocknGrohlNerd: *looks at card* in Adam´s voice !Gavin!
KevinCon0422: bite him
jacqui_lantern234: BENJAMIN
grgriffin3: Ben.
GredGredmansson: tomLewd
funguslore: LUL
jaimeblacken: ben please
GLHFMagic: Two snakes on a beav, great movie
ライシェン: please no, ben, not like this xD
TheDevil_Risen: 2 snakes 1 beaver ? sounrs lewd
Thefluffiestguineapig: (also is the all caps thing a continuation from Let’s Nope or just a hilarious joke thing)
TheDevil_Risen: *sounds
TXC2: two snakes riding a giant beaver: a love story
affinityartifacts: we have
Blip2004: that trouser snake is back on the giant beaver!
affinityartifacts: oh no
Texan_Reverend subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 78 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Texan_Reverend! (Today's storm count: 40)
affinityartifacts: BEN
TheDevil_Risen: oh my ben!
Jason Fanelli: you can find them in the profile page, emotes button are on the bottom of the screen
Seams Deece: big beaver sounds like a euphemism for a british insult
Carson Chavez: I really like the "click click click click" of the saddle
affinityartifacts: HOW COULD YOU
vinopinguino: HahahHHa
ライシェン: StinkyGlitch Jebaited
GLHFMagic: glhfmaGLHF glhfmaGLHF glhfmaGLHF
Gekyouryuu: If this set has a giant beaver, will Bloomburrow have a snake cyclops?
RocknGrohlNerd: avngrLurk
affinityartifacts: DESTROY MY BEAVER
Mr_Horrible: having to take pains to say that
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
thanzo: oh my
vinopinguino: Yeeeehaww
Thefluffiestguineapig: @txc2 Is it more or less romantic than an oroborus riding a beaver
affinityartifacts: im *crying*
Pywodwagon: I think thats a USC Major?!?
DarkMorford: BEN
jacqui_lantern234: YALL IM COUGHING
KineBuds: classiic
Durdenstein: Could you guys chill? I'm at work.
JFan64: *laughs in Gibler*
luke1x: I can't wait for the nicknames
ライシェン: whata good fam jam Kappa
TXC2: Thefluffiestguineapig that's up to the viewer
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is Ben a monster? (Joking)
grgriffin3: I'm glad I was here for all this
cameron_in_the_hizous: this is a really good set actually
Durdenstein: I can only stifle so much laughter.
ThankYouUro: Damn, you *Crushed* that beaver
LoadingReadyRun: @GoodTimeSociety no raidsies backsies
jacqui_lantern234: @affinityartifacts OLIVIA PLZ XD
grgriffin3: Yes, Ben, you are!
KineBuds: i cant breathe
affinityartifacts: CRUSHED MY BEAVER
affinityartifacts: LMAO GRAHAM
Tom_Bruise: So I picked a strange moment to tune in...
Mr_Horrible: "Congrats on the sex? I guess?"
affinityartifacts: omfg
affinityartifacts: hahhahahaa
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TXC2 It's really in the eye of the behol...snake.
jacqui_lantern234: GRAHAM
corianderd: yeehaw
RayFK: This is the worst because I can't use ANY OF THIS #wotcstaff
affinityartifacts: i'm so glad i hopped in chat
jacqui_lantern234: @corianderd hey cori
TheDevil_Risen: Man those Friction Burns on the Beaver must be HUGE!
just__fitz: Does this count as Canadian Content
Thefluffiestguineapig: @thankyouuro Is that more or less savage than just murdering it?
Mr_Horrible: ah we have fun here
KineBuds: press 1 if that made you snort
jacqui_lantern234: @affinityartifacts youre always a welcome delight
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hey Cori!
argetbrisingr: got here just in time, great stream
ライシェン: please, my spouse is on a video call next to me 💀 💀 💀
thanzo: magic cards that sound like innuendos:
affinityartifacts: we great
DanTheMediocre: oh hey they disembodied Bontu
grgriffin3: Deep breath, everyone
tricksterjasper: is Olivia streaming?
ArdCollider: @corianderd yeehaw, matey
affinityartifacts: i'm not streaming
WizardZedd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 128 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WizardZedd! (Today's storm count: 41)
RocknGrohlNerd: time to bust out the old breyaBustChut
Earthenone: just streaming tears
affinityartifacts: just trying to help my content friend by being in the draft
KineBuds: so i started blasting
RocknGrohlNerd: I love this chat you guys
ライシェン: LUL
vinopinguino: We have fun here
ThankYouUro: Ungovernable. Unmarketable.
RayFK: I have a WEDDING to pay for, I need to still be marketable
TXC2: down with marketing, up with beaver
ElektroTal: beat your beaver?
affinityartifacts: SHIT YOU"RE RIGHT
KineBuds: market the beaver
affinityartifacts: you can't keep destroying my beaver if i beat you
lirazel64: Gonna have to bleep the YouTube version.
bartimus_thundercask: My work colleagues are asking me why im laughing so much. I cant explain this to them
KineBuds: instead of that gremlin
Thefluffiestguineapig: Down with the algorithm, CRUSH THE BEAVER
Earthenone: RayFK, just set up a ppr if you want marketable lrr content :P
affinityartifacts: YAY GRATS
RayFK: Thanks Magic Dad
Mr_Horrible: ayyy, congrats!
cameron_in_the_hizous: right now!
affinityartifacts: <3
grgriffin3: Oh hey, grats!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Congrats!!!!
BusTed: tqsHype
RayFK: <3
KineBuds: replace the gremlin plushie with a beaver plushie
affinityartifacts: ben you destroyed my beaver i must exact vengeance
lochnessseammonster: lrrSHINE
TXC2: like the state of Oregon flag, be all in on the beaver
Araragi298: ben looks hella dead here
Gaz_L: draw a wrath that's definitely in your deck?
ライシェン: awh heck! congrats @RayFK ! lrrSHINE playfr3Glee playfr3Froyo playfr3Heart
jacqui_lantern234: @RayFK wait seriously?! congrats!!! <3 may yall have a beautiful, healthy marriage
jarnatan: A prominent polycule in Alara invites their extended family to a celebration in their ancestral volcanic home. Get ready for: In-laws at the Junder function
vinopinguino: If I had a dime...
Juliamon: Congrats Jordan!!
ThankYouUro: You destroyed her Beaver, you've got the moral victory
Thefluffiestguineapig: @txc2 Or the 19th century hat trade in a much less cool way
luke1x: I am waiting for the dukes of hazard to kick in to tell us that those LRR folks are in a heap o trouble
Durdenstein: *immoral victory
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @jarnatan that's fantastic!
Vampyre_Lord: the more games olivia plays in, the more her beaver can get destroyed
TheDevil_Risen: There's not enough Healing Salves to cure that Red Burn spell you cast on my Beaver!
KineBuds: the memes created were worth the loss
Thefluffiestguineapig: Have we found any particularly fun voice lines yet?
BusTed: 🤔
funguslore: Kappa
Thefluffiestguineapig: @affinityartifacts I just did a straight spit take on my anatomy homework, thanks
Tom_Bruise: plunder your own vault to give your beaver a breather
josh___something: LUL
Artificer_Evan: "Break"
affinityartifacts: @Thefluffiestguineapig <3
ライシェン: LUL LUL
vinopinguino: This set is done. Let's move on to Bloomburrow
Thefluffiestguineapig: @affinityartifacts Also that was very funny
luke1x: At this point it seems like a skill issue
KineBuds: @vinopinguino Nodders
Earthenone: !card settle the wreckage
LRRbot: Settle the Wreckage [2WW] | Instant | Exile all attacking creatures target player controls. That player may search their library for that many basic land cards, put those cards onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
cameron_in_the_hizous: really good topdeck
bytecaster: Can't beat snakes baked up by security
7ukanda: And now he kills the Oppossum...
EvilBadman: Maybe they f6
affinityartifacts: LOVE YOU
Gaz_L: Ben proceeding to cheat step, playing 2 lands
TXC2: Earthenone do not speak the name of that evil
jarnatan: So what I'm gathering here is, first of all, magic, but secondly: Green-white strong?
Rogue_07: Huh. LRR, thank you for also streaming on Youtube because twitch isn't loading the stream for me.
Tom_Bruise: what the hell is that, what's happening to that green creature?!
affinityartifacts: hell yeah Graham
KineBuds: gross
bytecaster: Those mighty? Felled!
Travilogue: Graham, that was gross (complimentary)
vinopinguino: What in tarnation indeed
Thefluffiestguineapig: (Also for someone not in the know, is affinityartifacts someone we know or just Ben?)
cameron_in_the_hizous: nice
RayFK: That line is so sick
grgriffin3: Oh, that's spicy
KineBuds: this set is busted lol
Rogue_07: Holy Cow, Graham!
googoltudoris: luh mao
BusTed: nice
TheDevil_Risen: thats some good tech!
thanzo: spicy
pyrehand: @Thefluffiestguineapig She's Olivia Gobert-Hicks
RayFK: Who needs a Giant Beaver when you have a Holy Co
Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig friend of the channel and former PPR guest Olivia
Gaz_L: Olivia Gobert-Hicks is @affinityartifacts
Vampyre_Lord: Holy cow, what good fortune!
GredGredmansson: dust animus looks fun
KineBuds: dust looks busted too
affinityartifacts: <3 <3 <3
Thefluffiestguineapig: @juliamon OH that’s awesome!!! Also so fun to see a new mod LUL
bytecaster: FileSystem
TXC2: not even 4, just 2 mana :p
Chartle: your bones look regular sized
ElektroTal: @Thefluffiestguineapig it's Olivia Gobert-Hicks, friend of the show, member of the commander rules committee, and honestly one of the best people
jaimeblacken: it's not even 4 mana!
jarnatan: The real affinity artifacts were the atogs we flung along the way
GredGredmansson: Farshall Sutcliffe
CygnusInfinity: Dust Animus is great at every point in the game!
cameron_in_the_hizous: same
Jason Fanelli: Holy Fortune!
Dark Esch: Holy Cow!
Jason Fanelli: looks like the saloon cleared out, leaving only the piano player
Matthew Bennett: is saddle like enlist?
Jason Fanelli: Crew for creatures
Tommadness: please sir.. my bones... they are so tiny
KickAssKanuck: missed opportunity for a giant rooster this set.
Juliamon: LUL
ライシェン: Jumpluff??
KineBuds: great ...
josh___something: inb4 hof
josh___something: *hoof
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is the new pet a nightmare in the literal sense? or just a skeleton horse on fire?
RocknGrohlNerd: help, my bones, so tired
funguslore: To call destroying the opponents board 'neat' is definitely an understatement
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @rayfk taking an extra moment to offer a hearty mazel tov! ❤️
TheDevil_Risen: @affinityartifacts lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
MegaTrain: So are those emotes graphical (and so count against our 10-emote limit)? Or are they fancy text ones?
josh___something: Paul, let us see the tiny bones D:
affinityartifacts: oh chat that game moisturized my skin and improved my credit score
argetbrisingr: why did they plot it lol
jaimeblacken: let us see the tiny bone
funguslore: @affinityartifacts
funguslore: NotLikeThis
bytecaster: @argetbrisingr Because it's fun!
Earthenone: i imageine moisture is often involved in beaver destruction
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @affinityartifacts did it also rest your beef? lol
TXC2: affinityartifacts is it possible to learn this power? :p
Jason Fanelli: so creatures with saddle gain extra abilities when saddled, but are still creatures
boyesie: !card fierce retribution
LRRbot: Fierce Retribution [1W] | Instant | Cleave {5}{W} / Destroy target [attacking] creature.
RocknGrohlNerd: @affinityartifacts breyaProfChamp
Juliamon: Thefluffiestguineapig It doesn't really seem to move like a horse, so assuming actual nightmare
Rogue_07: @TXC2 not from a green mage...
thanzo: uhoh
TXC2: Rogue_07 darn
grgriffin3: Graham "all gas no brakes" Stark
GredGredmansson: i've been burned too many times by missing my other color
cameron_in_the_hizous: oh my god hes dead!
KineBuds: here for the beaver destruction
cameron_in_the_hizous: ph no hes fine
affinityartifacts: <3 <3
Mangledpixel: boop
jarnatan: Tinybones, wasn't that one of the villains on pooper heroes?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Giant beaver needs to be a new possible avatar
bytecaster: @KineBuds But I also don't mind looking at some tiny bones
Juliamon: moves like some kinda weird dog
Rogue_07: You always do, Ben. lrrSHINE
TXC2: hello Mangledpixel welcome
Mangledpixel: hey fam, how's the jam?
Sagemastar: yes while similar to vehicles they are always creatures and that doesnt change by using its saddle ability
KineBuds: oh and we named the horse - Eggroll
EvilBadman: Spicy, pix
petey_vonwho: I love that our pets get new animations all because of a bug
affinityartifacts: "i've presented lethal pls respond"
Mr_Horrible: "I showed you my lethal, please respond"
Mangledpixel: excellent
TheDevil_Risen: GG no RE
TXC2: Mangledpixel Graham beat Kenji, then lost to him twice
Mangledpixel: :D
RocknGrohlNerd: @Mangledpixel in internet terms pretty POG, in human terms very fun !
Mr_Horrible: Airrrrr SLASHER
YeomanAres: Thought soos was here
bytecaster: Why is plotting fiery though?
GredGredmansson: I know we don't have Challenges set up, but one of them HAS to be killing Sheriff of Safe Passage with Shoot the Sheriff
Thefluffiestguineapig: Also are the points just for fun or something else? (This is my first time actually tuning in for a FamJam)
GredGredmansson: "anything they control"
anhakha: Or a spell on the stack.
kynelwynn: Greed punish
GredGredmansson: they control spells and abilities on the stack
TXC2: with a spell OR an ability
Juliamon: Just for fun
Rogue_07: So counterspells are crimes confirmed
Rogue_07: We've been saying that for years
KineBuds: yes @Rogue_07
cameron_in_the_hizous: its "anything they control" which includes things on the stack
accountmadeforants: Yes, targeting spells counts because it's targeting anything they control
Didero: !card stingerback terror
LRRbot: Stingerback Terror [2RR] | Creature — Scorpion Dragon [7/7] | Flying, trample / Stingerback Terror gets −1/−1 for each card in your hand. / Plot {2}{R}
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Rogue_07 As a white blue player occasionally I can confirm I'm treated like a criminal
itsr67: generally opponent interaction = crime
RocknGrohlNerd: wheelerRita
RayFK: Nah
Rogue_07: They gave Nelso the old razzle dazzle
grgriffin3: Officially punished
AugmentingPath: Nelson pointing out that stifling a fetch is a crime definitely helped me understand the mechanic
RayFK: I ain't Arena staff #wotcstaff
Sagemastar: note on crimes, yes counter spells are indeed a crime
Jason Fanelli: Gluntch, the Bestower (Of Crimes Now)
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Rogue_07 Cue Chicago reference
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nelly you started singing that as soon as I sent that message LUL
jarnatan: I think arena staff are called gladiators
cameron_in_the_hizous: sometimes you just dont have it
Thefluffiestguineapig: "Knowing then what I know now"
tre40469: Good to see you guys live for the first time . I have been a fan for a while. I enjoy the pre prerelease yall do.
bytecaster: Right on time
Rogue_07: "Define 'interesting'." "Oh god, oh god, we're going to die?"
KineBuds: HOLD UP let em cook
TXC2: hello tre40469 welcome
Sagemastar: my favorite older card for crimes is Havengul Lich, its pay one ability, even if you never cast the creature you target, doing so is still a crime
Juliamon: tre40469 Welcome! Glad you could catch a stream
affinityartifacts: Okay i've gotta scoot love y'all thanks for the great game and have a great day
funguslore: Dont play the terror NotLikeThis
Rogue_07: Have a good one, Olivia!
TXC2: so long affinityartifacts stay safe
GredGredmansson: casting spells during upkeep
KineBuds: bye AA
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KineBuds *cue the chant HOLD UP wait a minute HOLD UP wait a minute etc*
cameron_in_the_hizous: @affinityartifacts wave
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @affinityartifacts you're too hilarious. Be well.
KineBuds: @Thefluffiestguineapig ratJAM
AugmentingPath: Harvester, MO
bytecaster: Wooow, rude
cameron_in_the_hizous: plots pretty sweet
Rogue_07: *Starts singing Bob Marley*
grgriffin3: This is such a fun format already
tre40469: Will yall be doing a pre prelease for this set as well?
funguslore: LUL
KineBuds: and your truck broke down
ardor_edi: Stole my cattle
Thefluffiestguineapig: My pickup broke down! My ex took my truck and my dog!
Juliamon: tre40469 They did a similar event last week!
TXC2: tre40469 we already did, it's up on YT
thedepthandbreadthofseth: And they told my pappy he was momma
Rogue_07: It's a country polycule
cameron_in_the_hizous: "they broke up with my wife" is a pretty good shirt idea
TotallyNotaBeholder: My Self driving truck left with my wife
Juliamon: (not technically a PPR, but same function)
warlikelaser: These goofs are so wonderful
Gaz_L: @tre40469 already kind of did, there was a 'pre-launch showcase' last week (not a PPR because not officially sponsored)
just__fitz: Its Bountiful BC
MegaTrain: hmm, plot lots, board wipe, build the board?seems good
tre40469: @TXC2 Sweet look forward to watching it.
TheDevil_Risen: CoachNelly getting all the HoF
googoltudoris: patter is a trainable skill!
grgriffin3: Nelly running the Expert queue today
Earthenone: like orange/
Mangledpixel: I am reminded of Weird Al's 'shortest Blues Song', which goes: "[Blues Riff] I didn't wake up this mornin'!"
jarnatan: It's almost like this event only has streamers in it
kynelwynn: orange
TXC2: I remember seeing Ben Improve a song at DB9, blew my mind
anhakha: Orange doorhinge
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Silver. Purple.
saucemaster5000: @TXC2 improve?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Or have Ian confuse s'mores with samosas
ライシェン: having to keep the straightest face during this is so difficile StinkyGlitch
Jmonkey49: Slant rhymes
TXC2: saucemaster5000 improv I mean :p
JRandomHacker subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months, currently on a 95 month streak!
JRandomHacker: Wait, this isn't the Gladiator queue!
Earthenone: LRRham
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JRandomHacker! (Today's storm count: 42)
Earthenone: lrrHAM
GredGredmansson: oh hidee didee didee didee didee didee die
grgriffin3: lrrHAM
Gaz_L: the Wayne Brady episode of Make Some Noise was great
ライシェン: lrrHAM
jarnatan: Nezumi Linkbreaker is every SEO specialist's nightmare
thanzo: lrrHAM
Ukon_Cairns: lrrHAM
grgriffin3: Smoked lrrHAM
cameron_in_the_hizous: I Believe in you
KineBuds: ham drafting 30 years
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @gredgredmansson well done. Its in MY head noe.
EvilBadman: @Gaz_L True, Sam landing him is amazing
DanTheMediocre: just play your beaver and take it
Dark Esch: thats a pretty criminal hand right there
Mr Morrison: OTJ!
raulghoulia: @Gaz_L So good
EvilBadman: There's No going Home
GredGredmansson: lrrJAMES
tsp397: Surprise flash
Pywodwagon: Annie Sorceryspeed
Vampyre_Lord: Annie Sorcery Speed
bytecaster: Reading the name explains the name
Rogue_07: Reading the Name explains the card, Graham
Thefluffiestguineapig: I wouldn't say idiot more "don't know the new set yet"
GredGredmansson: oh hey we prepared for the flood
anhakha: Annie conda is Creature Serpent.
just__fitz: Annie "Nominative Determinism" Flash
TXC2: Annie afterlife
OldUncleDan: Ian Indestructable.
Earthenone: annie main (phase)
kumatsu: Annie Haunt
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Gregory Horsemanship is gonna have a field day in thunder junction!
AugmentingPath: Sarkhan Vol has the same name convention in French
jarnatan: Got a new job, so subbing is back on the menu
Wolfstrike_NL: Ankle Biter?, That's Ankle Deathtouch!
ThankYouUro: I want Annie Annihilator
ArdCollider: lol jesus cam
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW
grgriffin3: Annie Flash: So fast, you'll think she has First Strike!
anhakha: I love clown extruder. I use it in my Myra the Magnificent deck.
jarnatan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jarnatan! (Today's storm count: 43)
TheDevil_Risen: Extrude them Sausages!!!
Thefluffiestguineapig: Someone who giggles at Playdoh sets
Juliamon: Clown Extruder feels EXTREMELY Cameron
jacqui_lantern234: Clown Extruder is my favourite card name
bloodstar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, bloodstar! (Today's storm count: 44)
josh___something: CONGRATULATIONS: it is a clown
powerflapjack: FOOT DIVE
googoltudoris: clown here! get your continuous linear process clown here!
bytecaster: Honestly, better a clown extruder than a clown intruder
Pywodwagon: Graham did you read Annie at all
GredGredmansson: did you read ANY of her text
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @googoltudoris 👍
TXC2: reading text? in 2024? seems sus
Tom_Bruise: @Pywodwagon Graham just saw a 4/5 for 6 and thought "What a steal!"
Thefluffiestguineapig: LUL
powerflapjack: @Tom_Bruise hey, it's Graham, not Adam
grgriffin3: A wise man once said: Reading the card, explains the card!
Thefluffiestguineapig: The "Yes it's an Annie Oakley reference but please read on"
RevolverRossalot: Annie the Stack Is Empty On Your Turn During Your Main Phase?
Bruceski: Changes her name to Annie Becomestappedexiletwocardsandyoucanplaythem
TXC2: (sniffs hard) "you got...you got any more of them value?"
Obos_TAB: Did they add a huge FX for reach? thats incredible
jarnatan: Turns out there's been a terrible typo going around in Magic for years. They actually meant to say "Annie target"
googoltudoris: graham working that lead down
GredGredmansson: SCIENCE
thanzo: Annie "only during your turn, before attackers are declared"
Night_xD: its high noon somewhere in the world
KineBuds: they didnt have mercer come in and do voice over for high noon ?? robbed
Stellapacifica subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 107 months!
Stellapacifica: Finally catching live ^^
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stellapacifica! (Today's storm count: 45)
TXC2: Obos_TAB yeap, reach no longer secret
kumatsu: probably something necromnatic
bluee: what in tarnation
Earthenone: lizard luddite
Thefluffiestguineapig: Nelly just casually not announcing his wins
Gaz_L: anti-wizard lizard
thedepthandbreadthofseth: @night_xd if you are just describing a solar apex, that is a truism!
zelukester: no topdeck desert one time
Thefluffiestguineapig: Lizard barbarian? Or Lizard chaos mage?
PixelArtDragon: The lizard de-wizard
bytecaster: Consider not drawing lands!
Obos_TAB: hahaha
funguslore: KEKW
grgriffin3: WHAT
thanzo: LUL
Rogue_07: oof
KineBuds: what the heck
just__fitz: Ghost Riders in the Sky
bytecaster: A little cruel, really
Ukon_Cairns: but now they cant double spell for value
flatluigi: to be fair cruel ultimatum is like five spells
jarnatan: @bytecaster [John Avon hated this]
Thefluffiestguineapig: Welp
Gaz_L: oh, lol, just saw the themed emotes
TXC2: it's one spell, how bad could it possibly be?
thanzo: target locomotive
Rogue_07: omae wa mo...
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Stop, stop... Im already dead.
ThankYouUro: The Grease is back in town
ZephyrousOne: Does this expansion tie in with the Deadlands CCG?
Pywodwagon: you don't die until the game checks state based actions when the spell is done resolving!
AugmentingPath: Worldsoul's Rage and Play with Fire all also great for that
TheDevil_Risen: so glad i woke up for this <3
KineBuds: boom box is basically CoW
Travilogue: Ah, I was wondering if there was a way to interact with plotted cards
accountmadeforants: Omg we finally get new text emotes and one of them is wheelerY wheelerH ?? This is amazing. (Wasn't the last time they tried adding new text emotes with Zendikar?)
powerflapjack: wait, outlaw's merriment?! hell yeah i love that doofus card
Mr_Horrible: built different [derogatory]
Dark Esch: well
Benjamin Okun: oh hey what time did this start?
Sagemastar: just shy of an hour and a half ago
Benjamin Okun: ahh ty
Sagemastar: np
GredGredmansson: Ertha Jo HUH
bytecaster: Why did Nelly put so many green cards in his Boros deck? /j
patbaer: Happy FamJam
grgriffin3: Eerily specific name
satyropodobny: she brings her own intern
KineBuds: thats a great band name
petey_vonwho: The fact that Outlaw's Merriment only makes one outlaw feels like a flavor fail.
rainreign7: love me some famjam!
thedepthandbreadthofseth: To be fair, aren't all of Sam Black's cards black cards?
thanzo: doc//lock
Earthenone: can mercenary tokens target themselves?
bytecaster: Maybe they own a lot of vials?
Sagemastar: (if you hover over the progress bar at the very start it shows you how "far back" you would go by seeking to the start of the stream)
Gaz_L: i know it's not the best removal but i'll never tire of the clarity and simplicity of 'Murder'. A card where reading the name, does in fact, explain the card
jarnatan: The fact that mercenaries count as outlaws puts the legality of recent Nsburg Girl Scouts actions in question
GredGredmansson: you can always just block it
powerflapjack: @petey_vonwho counterpoint, i feel like a criminal with it in my party deck
Didero: @jarnatan Wizards Of The Coast doesn't have jurisdiction in Nsburg
Earthenone: even the account thinks you are james
Gaz_L: are there cards which care about having one of each kind of outlaw? like with Party? If not, I propose 'Posse' as a similar mechanic
cameron_in_the_hizous: damn... how many lands are yo-
TXC2: jarnatan they're a uniformed organization recognized by the UN Kappa
GredGredmansson: @Gaz_L no
jarnatan: @Didero Once Oceana rises, they will!
Thefluffiestguineapig: @Didero They have to go to the court at the Corn Maze
GrumblingMoblin subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, GrumblingMoblin! (Today's storm count: 46)
anhakha: Scapeshift is in this set?!?
anhakha: I need that!
Rogue_07: Outlaws merriment only makes outlaws 1/3 of the time
tsp397: Scapeshift is a special guest
malacorath: is Doc Aurlok a Back to the Future reference?
Sagemastar: yup graham, thats looking like a boros deck
anhakha: But if it's reprinted... it's... cheaper... :-)
RealGamerCow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 124 months!
RealGamerCow: 4 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RealGamerCow! (Today's storm count: 47)
anhakha: My landfall deck approves.
GredGredmansson: 3, and full mana
thraximore: play to your outs
Kyle Briggs: love ya'll from Texas!!!
GredGredmansson: 2/2 and 1/1 on the 2/3
KineBuds: cant let one thru
kilnfiendpotter: ::tips hat:: Howdy, y'all!
anhakha: Kelly's mic is getting choppy.
anhakha: *nelly
TXC2: ok good that was just on my end
funguslore: Clap
TXC2: *wan't
ライシェン: FBtouchdown
thanzo: Clap
TheDevil_Risen: POINT FOR BEN BEN!
Sagemastar: anyone else get a bit of glitch from nelsons mic?
Tommadness: yeah Nelly's mic got a little scrumbly
external_gills: Claps
KineBuds: nice
corianderd: @kilnfiendpotter howdy howdy howdy
KevinCon0422: gn
TXC2: hello kilnfiendpotter welcome
WormBoyJames: hey ben you finally drew a non-land
anhakha: Seems to be fine now...?
KineBuds: ggs
Tommadness: seems better now
cameron_in_the_hizous: yeah seems to have fixed itself
TXC2: anhakha yeah seemed to be just that moment
crazycade123: how’s this set? I’ve seen nothing on it yet.
kilnfiendpotter: Good good! Just figuring out how to do some art based on references
funguslore: Kreygasm
thanzo: damn
Carson Chavez: yeah
Russell Lee-Goldman: Yep
jaimeblacken: oh no
IbunWest: Such fox wow merlekShock
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrWOW lrrWOW
kilnfiendpotter: I accidentally ordered a real sword to do references, which is what I get for ordering it at 1am
Earthenone: your possie got blown out
theymerLoviatar: She Contagion Engine on my posse til I concede
thanzo: posse can't survive the plague
apitol: she contagion engine on my posse tilI proliferate
corianderd: @kilnfiendpotter amazing
apitol: darn, wasn’t quick enough on the draw
Sagemastar: well from what i know they dont have a way to read both youtube and twitch chat at the moment since its relatively new so hopefully twitch chat said something and paul shadow fixed it
Thefluffiestguineapig: "You put contagion engine on my posse! You put posse on my contagion engine!"
RustyVenture: is the giant bow on the reach creature to stop secret reach?
Earthenone: @RustyVenture yup!
external_gills: If you flood, does this count as an episode of can't draw horses club?
jarnatan: I think contagion engine is ferromagnetic, which makes it a posse magnet
kilnfiendpotter: As someone raised in Texas, I appreciate the "tarnation"!
cameron_in_the_hizous: how else is on the famjam today?
GredGredmansson: Rakdos is probably the best of the Joins Up cards
cameron_in_the_hizous: who*
RevolverRossalot: Now it's Overt Reach, and you can feel even worse for missing it!
funguslore: OhMyDog
anhakha: @external_gills xD
theymerLoviatar: @jarnatan seabatClap
thraximore: @jarnatan lrrWOW
GredGredmansson: Deadeye Duelist is repeatable crime
TXC2: cameron_in_the_hizous I think it's Wheeler, Cori and Cameron later
artacuno53: so ive never really tuned in for a full famjam, theoretically theres points being tracked and teams or something, but its mostly just an excuse to draft all day and thats the real content, right?
TheDevil_Risen: Iron Fist seems good
Mangledpixel: but that all changed when the Tarnation attacked
TheDevil_Risen: with a low curve
Juliamon: artacuno53 You got it
TXC2: artacuno53 yes
ignitionpoint: Hey LRR I love you all and hope you're doing well!
TXC2: hello ignitionpoint welcome
Andy Stocker: I think Aurlock is a reference to real life cowboy Doc Scurlock
Kaiye12 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
kilnfiendpotter: LOLOL!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Kaiye12! (Today's storm count: 48)
TinkerTezz: Any word on a Thunder Junction nicknames episode?
googoltudoris: is there a removal named "Go on! Git!" ?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: Any word on mkm nicknames???
TheDevil_Risen: oh noe
TXC2: Mangledpixel that's feels like a line from the le Bera tar pits tour :p
kilnfiendpotter: Are there any cards that refer to "little doggies"?
Thefluffiestguineapig: Is there a card that references Annie Oakley shooting a cigar out of the mouth of Kaiser Wilhelm?
Mangledpixel: @TXC2 ha
GredGredmansson: No
funguslore: No
GredGredmansson: Settle doesn't target
Tom_Bruise: the settle trauma never... settles
GredGredmansson: oh wait yes it does
GredGredmansson: well its still not on the bonus sheet
TXC2: Settle the wreckage is such a mistake of a card
kilnfiendpotter: Sorry, haven't seen the full set list. Are there any cards that "cut them off at the pass"?
malacorath: oh that makes more sense
kilnfiendpotter: If not I will be so sa
kilnfiendpotter: **sad
Earthenone: !card harvester of mis
LRRbot: Harvester of Misery [3BB] | Creature — Spirit [5/4] | Menace / When Harvester of Misery enters the battlefield, other creatures get −2/−2 until end of turn. / {1}{B}, Discard Harvester of Misery: Target creature gets −2/−2 until end of turn.
jarnatan: You always play around Settle the Wreckage and Willbender regardless of whether they're in the set, that's common knowledge
anhakha: Just play it after combat.
kilnfiendpotter: That rattlewurm sounds very...satisfied.
GredGredmansson: its not LITERALLY Massacre Wurm Nelly
Earthenone: you get them to 5 with a 5 power menace, sounds good
PoorMansPoison: Is it not fine after combat?
CygnusInfinity: I'd happily trade my board for their big bombs
StepInMyPep subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, StepInMyPep! (Today's storm count: 49)
EOstby subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
EOstby: Yeehaw, pardners!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EOstby! (Today's storm count: 50)
PoorMansPoison: Oh yeah yeah I see now
TXC2: the law makes a merc eh?
TXC2: that's not sus at all :p
DarthCakeN7: First day playing these cards *and* trying to entertain an audience. And you want to think? For shame /s
KorrenTheNinth: this is a welcome diversion from being home sick, great idea to do the fam jam this way!
Earthenone: yes because ACAB
kilnfiendpotter: Aw look at the little scorpion friend!
circusofkirkus: it's the criminal's son who is out for revenge
DanTheMediocre: it finds a crime where none existed, sounds like a lawmaker to me
TXC2: Pinkatons get everywhere
Vampyre_Lord: remember: mercenaries can be good too! theyre just guns for hire, good people CAN hire them! its the foundation of D&D
GredGredmansson: James is with us in spirit
kilnfiendpotter: It's so weird hearing people say "lass-oooh"
LoadingReadyRun: I can see youtube chat, but the players can't
Thefluffiestguineapig: @KorrenTheNinth As someone also home sick I feel you, I keep needing to get up to run the washcloth I have on my nose to release the ear pressure under hot water since I don't have a microwave
artacuno53: wooooooo
circusofkirkus: oh
GredGredmansson: CHOO CHOO
LurkerSpine: shame to lose to a "your go"-er
TheDevil_Risen: noot noot
Earthenone: ben is playing on the james account, this flooding should have been expected
grgriffin3: Honk honk
DanTheMediocre: You just throw out a lasso and whoever it hits was clearly an outlaw
TXC2: kilnfiendpotter instead of lah-sue ?
wittida: Hey longtime VOD enjoyer from Germany here. Sadly I get to catch very few streams but I just got tickets for Magiccon Amsterdam and looking foward to the Chaos Event from you. Love from Berlin! <3
jacqui_lantern234: DEMAND TO USE EXTRUDER MORE!!! :p
anhakha: Kitten extruder.
artacuno53: extrudes your dude to be extra rude
TXC2: hello wittida welcome
shurtal: what about splorcher? is splorcher an acceptable substitute?
PixelArtDragon: The weirdest thing about crimes? Azorius's arrest mechanic from RTR... is a crime.
Tiny Turtle: Oh hi the embodiment of LoadingReadyRun I didn't think you were real
Sagemastar: oh, well i was right, paul did shadow fix it 😆
Gwandan: Oops all extruders
DanTheMediocre: How about an Intruder Extruder that makes rogues?
googoltudoris: but clown extruder isn't an extruder! it makes clown in a batch process, not a continuous process!
raulghoulia: It's a "No ExtruderS Club" we can have one
7ukanda: @wittida We're there, too. And from Berlin as well. xD
JacNol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JacNol! (Today's storm count: 51)
TXC2: PixelArtDragon says something that apiling the law is a crime itself :p
anhakha: Picture this: Phyrexian Extruder. Activated ability, sac a creature, make food.
zelukester: I'm building a sealed deck now, will let y'all know when I'm able to queue
funguslore: Fine
anhakha: It's just a meat grinder.
RevolverRossalot: Intruders: good, evocative. Extruders: weird, unsettling.
Gaz_L: what's the plan for today? this crew all day? Tagging out at some point?
TXC2: 'cause when you think about it, to arrest you, cops have to touch you, and that is battery :p
Tom_Bruise: Larceny, also not a crime
theymerLoviatar: Phelddagrif is a hardened criminal
OldUncleDan: All Azorius Are Bastards?
Juliamon: Gaz_L Tagging out later
Vampyre_Lord: communism is NOT a crime
thanzo: can't be a crime if everyone is dead
GredGredmansson: Fun Fact: Silver Deputy is a Mercenary; so it cannot be targeted by Shoot the Sheriff.
DanTheMediocre: Balanced effects are not crimes, this has been known since Balance
ThePixelSavage: as long as it is symmetrical its fine
kilnfiendpotter: Jaaaace!
SmashTCG: hey a jace
alchemistsavant: Unless your name is Lavinia, then you can get around detaining being a crime
Spades_Slicc: @GredGredmansson Of course not, it's the deputy not the sherrif
theymerLoviatar: @GredGredmansson so the lyric should instead be "but I could not shoot the deputy"?
KorrenTheNinth: It's ok you have a deputy...you can splash more...give in to value
KensanOni: Massacre Girl is a natural disaster, really.
Sagemastar: if everyone is dead no one is left to say whether it was wrong or not
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: if you kill enough people, it's politics, not crime /s
artacuno53: realizing ive been saying Kambal like the soup
chiefmomo69: luckily Blatant Thievery IS a crime
GredGredmansson: ooh the last desert
PixelArtDragon: Pacifism is a crime. What is this, Helldivers 2?
funguslore: That sphinx is dumb
varmintx0: EXCUSE ME!!!???
anhakha: You have squirrel, beast and rat... any of those COULD be a varmint.
Chartle: varmint is a small beast
alchemistsavant: I think we can have a dumb creature type every once in a while, as a treat
LiamK712: someone to your right has a great blue deck
theymerLoviatar: "I don't have a Beaver yet" -Nelson, 2024
DanTheMediocre: Hot take Varmint should be Gremlin creature type
TXC2: we have Rat AND mouse AND Varmint ?
DarthCakeN7: I agree with you Paul!
TheManaLeek: They used to do several hundred people, this time it's maybe a few dozen
Vampyre_Lord: thats just anna tho
EvilBadman: smaller group + sealed AND DRaft queues seems...silly?
TheDevil_Risen: Yee Haw
GredGredmansson: go for it
ThePixelSavage: also the queueing algorithm seems to have major problems on Arena ... the gladiator event they started yesterday also does not work
Rogue_07: The Matt Mercer invitational card
just__fitz: Seems good against Izzet two spell
TheDevil_Risen: its High Noon! #Overwatch
TXC2: "it's high moon!"
grgriffin3: Those FREAKS
Earthenone: i imahine constructed is more fun when you have all the cards
GredGredmansson: "People like constructed. I don't know what's wrong with them."
kilnfiendpotter: @TheManaLeek Woah! So small!
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL I wonder if there is any way to tell how many people are in the whole event
RevolverRossalot: Can't imagine being prostrusted. Very constructed myself.
JRandomHacker: There's a pretty cool Constructed format that has an event right now
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: fun fact: mercer plays as other characters and says his line over the mic just to f with people
TXC2: LoadingReadyRun I presume that's info only WotC has
kilnfiendpotter: OMG that possum. That. Possum. Look at my SON.
just__fitz: Big Green Possum
YawnLance: "Hey, you! Ride my possum."
kilnfiendpotter: I have been asking for that possum for YEARS
TheDevil_Risen: things you only hear when playing 2024 MTG :D
TXC2: kilnfiendpotter thay have a hat!
kilnfiendpotter: "Shut up loser, and get on the possum!"
RevolverRossalot: @jrandomhacker Is be glad to hear you share more!
thraximore: for a second I thought you were saying Wheeler was here
kilnfiendpotter: @TXC2 I love love love that
thraximore: and now I understand his MTGO username
GredGredmansson: correct
jojomke subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jojomke! (Today's storm count: 52)
Gavin Li: Oh yeah, Matt Mercer trolling is great
Genie_M: And Coyote
grgriffin3: Added possum and varmint, and killed off viashino
varmintx0: So much slander.
kilnfiendpotter: Given the lore, not surprised we killed off viashinos.
TheDevil_Risen: Glad the team picked up on that :) Thanks @Liliana_of_the_Valleys for that one was hoping someone would pick up on it
TXC2: what are viashino now ?
Earthenone: remember to subscribe to his OnlyBens
Travilogue: Check out my OnlyBens
Xonlic: Want ya'll to know that Max Clerence from Crapshots is now an official character in a Shadowrun Campaign. He's an anti-technomancer.
zelukester: omw
GredGredmansson: Lizards
Juliamon: I assume viashino are just lizards now
petey_vonwho: Subscribe to my OnlyBens
grgriffin3: @TXC2 Lizards iirc
Juliamon: poor viashino
GredGredmansson: They are still Viashino Lorewise, just not Mechanically
zelukester: I gotchu dudes
Jeff Wiles: Prior to OTJ, I think the only possum in MtG was in the art of Bind
zelukester: literally my job today XD
TXC2: GredGredmansson grgriffin3 ok thanks
Xonlic: You wanted to!
ライシェン: LUL
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @TheDevil_Risen thanks, his user name was also a pun...mercernary
cameron_in_the_hizous: No! Piss! till Draft Time!
DrLigmaPhD: Piss AND draft
tsp397: New button?
RealGamerCow: New button saying! "No piss, only draft"
EvilBadman: New button (not really)
GredGredmansson: bloomburrow is almost certainly going to have Lizards as one of the typal synergies
EthirealPlayer: New button?
Gaz_L: No Piss Only Draft feels like a Friday Nights joke
zelukester: humantoken is me lol, 2344 baybeeee
TinkerTezz: How to add "No pics. Only draft" by Graham and ben
TinkerTezz: Piss*
RocknGrohlNerd: @Juliamon oh no my viashino sandstalker my poor 4/2 :/
Gavin Li: Hide the scars to fade away the shake up!
Xonlic: Fthblfhtp
GredGredmansson: @RocknGrohlNerd now you can run it in a lizard deck
Juliamon: lrrCrab
GredGredmansson: Taii Wakeen can burn face
TheDevil_Risen: Fblthp!
zelukester: dangit i'm passing to Ben, ttfn y'all
GredGredmansson: Or you can ping face for 800
Mr_Horrible: the activated lets you modulate your damage well
TheDevil_Risen: Loaded packs Graham :)
circusofkirkus: Reanimate????
funguslore: Yessss Graham do it PogChamp
Monkidota: turning deserts into fireballs is xool
TriforceDrummer: Reanimate can be a crime
Veste: the first fast food magic card
Monkidota: cool too
cameron_in_the_hizous: lets double down
Gavin Li: Fblthp is just an extra card in your hand
Dark Esch: oh a double rare pack
RevolverRossalot: Don't back down. Double down.
funguslore: Grixis has the most
PixelArtDragon: Let's quadruple down
RocknGrohlNerd: @GredGredmansson true :).... but never:D back in my day etc etc...
Veste: someone order kfc
dingbatbungalow: kfc double down
TXC2: I ordered the double double, but they gave me the double double double double
RevolverRossalot: Speaking of piss, the memonic WARM P covers the outlaw types.
KineBuds: 60 out of 106 i think
theymerLoviatar: @RevolverRossalot jesus
Xonlic: A friend!
EvilBadman: just remember to MWARP
Earthenone: i crime every time
KineBuds: @EvilBadman warmP was the vote
Rogue_07: Crime me a river
DanTheMediocre: 1-800-CRIMENOW
Xonlic: Son, have you crimed today?
Gavin Li: Double down seems good. A do nothing enchantment at first, but then loads of value. Like Vesuvan duplimancy like in DMU
Eric Tappan: "surgical extraction" AKA "moving to alberta"
a_shortfall_of_gravitas: crime me a river
GredGredmansson: mostly #greatatcrime
kilnfiendpotter: You know, this is exactly the kind of plane I'd find Davriel Cane holed up in. Probably sitting in the back of a saloon, cutting deals.
TXC2: RevolverRossalot thank you, thank you for that cursed info :p
Gaz_L: WOTC missed a trick by not using crime as a verb, could've saved space on cards
accountmadeforants: Lie Down, Try Not To Crime, Crime A Lot
tsp397: No thank you
IaCthulhuFthagn: Ropemaster seems pretty strong in limited.
RevolverRossalot: (hat tip to Lord Tupperware for reluctantly sharing that shorthand)
EvilBadman: @KineBuds Ok. I'm sorry I missed the meeting
GredGredmansson: its like if Ankylosaurs survived to present day
Gaz_L: "when you crime" is a perfectly cromulent templating :P
kilnfiendpotter: Wait why is there a crab in the desert?
KineBuds: @EvilBadman lords of limited came up with it 2 days ago, im just being silly
PixelArtDragon: Does a crime minister rule Thunder Junction?
Juliamon: lrrCrab
Gavin Li: The mnemonic for remembering outlaws I heard about was WARM P. (Warlocks, Assassins, Rogues, Mercenaries. Pirates)
yatagarasu1177: if only you could see what chord took over that double down haha
Lordofironstorm: The art looks like it's crab raving
GredGredmansson: lrrCrab
Xonlic: Imagine if they added crabs randomly
MrQBear: @kilnfiendpotter Why is there a big shark man? or a moose?
arkilyd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 118 months, currently on a 118 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, arkilyd! (Today's storm count: 53)
TXC2: lrrCrab
DarkMorford: WE PEENCH
kilnfiendpotter: @MrQBear Fair, the crab also immigrated here
TXC2: surely Crabs are the law ?
LithelyUnshod: @kilnfiendpotter I dunno, but I bet it's suffocating
Mr_Horrible: it's more that the law abides by crabs
anbuagent12: Lotus Ring?
accountmadeforants: Srifting Ghift
dingbatbungalow: Do you have to spree in order?
KineBuds: shark is greatt
Khalahd: Ah, a grifting spree
Juliamon: random omenpath under the sea
Xonlic: I love Loan Shark
accountmadeforants: Oh wow, that is excellent
funguslore: Why is there a shark in a desert set NotLikeThis
KineBuds: love the art too
TXC2: such an overbite
MarkovDescendant: What plane is that shark from?
TheDevil_Risen: yeah that shark is awesome
BrowneePoints: peak Wayne Reynolds art
kilnfiendpotter: It's a Thresher Shark!
Tommadness: @dingbatbungalow yes, actions on a card are always done top to bottom
RatherLargeToad: Candy gram!
TheDevil_Risen: KarnStructs!
thanzo: Loan Shark is great, I hope for a water world plane
BrowneePoints: he LOVES his angles
WiJohn: Simic
KineBuds: SS is standard 1000 moon sun deck
anbuagent12: we love a Karnstruct, just not here.
DanTheMediocre: this with cryptic coat is just silly
TXC2: TheDevil_Risen Jawesome, you might say Kappa
Lordofironstorm: You can always tell it's Wayne Reynolds because it looks like 4th Edition D&D
dingbatbungalow: @Tommadness i guess i mean, do you have to choose the top one to do the second one?
artacuno53: LIVE BEES
GredGredmansson: what
RevolverRossalot: This set is how I learned that shark the animal is named after shark the grifter!
Xonlic: My head was full OF BEES
BrowneePoints: if you look at Wayne Reynolds Pathfinder pieces, LOTS of triangles
SolarBlitz1: Turns out, Insight is honey flavoured
Chartle: his head is (was) full of insight
kilnfiendpotter: Wait nic cage is in this set
Earthenone: syphon draws 2 cards, thats basicly 2 outlaws
PixelArtDragon: Siphon insight is a crime!
GredGredmansson: What's this, a man's cranium woefully underpopulated by bees?
Tommadness: @dingbatbungalow Ah, no. you can choose 1 and 3, or just 2, or any combination
BrowneePoints: egg!
TheDevil_Risen: @TXC2 Better than Chrome Host Seedshark
dingbatbungalow: @Tommadness much thanks!
Carson Chavez: That token is SO SICK
BoxedLogic: His head is full of insight, that you are taking away
TheDevil_Risen: @TXC2 But not quite as good as the art on the Ixalan SPG shark.. Cresting whatistsname
anhakha: Warlock... she's an outlaw.
GredGredmansson: So you can take control of a creature that's tapped down?
thanzo: wasps nesting in a skull is not a pleasant mental image
Earthenone: eriete is an outlaw (not tha tthat super matters)
asthanius: bageler
northos: is a bagel a crime? :p
TheDevil_Risen: @TXC2 though, completely different style
BrowneePoints: give them auras, take their things
Xonlic: "Alright, Bugler, get buglering!"
Xonlic: Reminders: Drakes are not a crime
WiJohn: I kind of want to make an Eriette deck with everything in those colors that can enchant a land
KineBuds: everything in this set is good what the heck man
TheDevil_Risen: Turtle Rogue!
Clicklesly: Remember when Wind Drake was a card?
TinkerTezz: Is desert zoo a thing maybe?
TheDevil_Risen: Ninja POWER!
TXC2: Murder bad, assassination good
Xonlic: "We're down with the murder"
Artificer_Evan: @northos Have you ever tried making your own ? it is a pain
beam1249: as long as you assassinate everyone equally
RocknGrohlNerd: the Bugler?, any the Bugle podcast enjoyers int the chat?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Second Essence Capture.
Mr_Horrible: me, being assassinated on Thunder Junction: "I love this, actually"
EvilBadman: Why I was just saying to my brother the other day how big on Assassinations we are
fubargames: Are there any cards that *punish* your opponent for doing crime?
Xonlic: Yeah
Earthenone: i assume we want to capture essence
KineBuds: @Mr_Horrible same LUL
TheDevil_Risen: essence capture is pretty sick too
GredGredmansson: @fubargames cactus spider draws a card when someone crimes against it
DanTheMediocre: I like raven here
IaCthulhuFthagn: In limited, Essence Capture is sick.
DanTheMediocre: but you do you
Xonlic: Why not Esence Capture?
Travilogue: e x t r u d e r
thanzo: my scruples, disappeared
Xonlic: They do
JRandomHacker: Oh yeah we figured that out
GredGredmansson: "oko why are we all standing here"
asthanius: Vraska is staring at the camera
Xonlic: Tiny Bones is tiny
circusofkirkus: they're playing make-believe
JRandomHacker: Ilse Gort is a furry artist and doesn't usually draw people
JRandomHacker: I am not kidding
BrowneePoints: The person who did the art for that card as well known for doing furry art it’s a perspective thing
KineBuds: hello we have been trying to reach you about your car warranty
just__fitz: Age wise, they are children except for rakdos
ahyesindeedsir: the artist normally doesn’t draw humans *ahem*
alchemistsavant: I think Rakdos just makes it really weird
GredGredmansson: oh hi lazav
Xonlic: Omg Lazav!
Xonlic: Take it
shurtal: why you always crimin'?
DarkMorford: Hey chat, what does "commit a crime" mean mechanically? I've missed just about everything about this set and there's no reminder text.
JRandomHacker: I'm waiting on an Ilse Gort artist proof with a sketch in the mail
asthanius: This is what it sounds like when doves crime
KineBuds: @DarkMorford doing anything in magic
accountmadeforants: I think it looks funnier that way tbh, look at these lil dumbasses, getting caught.
flatluigi: is a legion extruder like a clown extruder
LiamK712: last night I crimed myself to sleep
TheDevil_Risen: YEAH!
Gaz_L: @DarkMorford 'target opponent's stuff'
alchemistsavant: @DarkMorford targeting an opponent or their stuff
GredGredmansson: @DarkMorford targeting your opponent, anything they control, or anything in their graveyard is a crime
asthanius: Crime Time
KineBuds: no kappa
BoxedLogic: I can't wait to celebrate Oko Day with the crew
TinkerTezz: Sad lazav isn't some kind of outlaw
thanzo: lazav having access to omenpaths is definitely alarming
circusofkirkus: this is Dovin's Acuity
Xonlic: Not Hominid Criminal? :(
Earthenone: targeting anything an opnent controls or the oponent is a "crime"
circusofkirkus: where Dovin crimes
RatherLargeToad: Lasav, the Multifarious
raulghoulia: Lazav's here? weren't they just in the last set?
Mai_Andra: That was one of my favorite episodes... (mainly because I was roughly that age, and I already thought Ro was cute...)
GredGredmansson: @DarkMorford also arena you have to highlight the card to see reminder text
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: turbo surveil was a fun deck
TXC2: DarkMorford when you target an opp or a perminant or spell they control, that's a crime, cards care when you crime
KineBuds: IC is soo good since this format is slower too
ThorSokar: Wow Intimidation Campaign's art is fantastic
rentar42: @thanzo sounds like we'll always have to expect the lazav-drop from now on
Xonlic: Homnid are best creature type *Nods*
IaCthulhuFthagn: Imagine how detrimental it would be for spying if you despite being a shapechanger were unable to lie about your name.
alchemistsavant: if you think about it, lazav can be in any set and MIGHT be in any set
cameron_in_the_hizous: "I'm a big fan of disinformation campaigns"
RatherLargeToad: Always Be Crimin
Halinn: Crime! Crime! Crime!
theymerLoviatar: if you think about it, any card could be Lazav
DarkMorford: Thanks. That seems like a *very* easy trigger to hit :p
RevolverRossalot: I like the Crime Lands because property is theft
Earthenone: which information campaign?
halinn: Crime! Crime! Crime!
GredGredmansson: Fake your own death CAN be a crime
Halinn: @Earthenone Dis information campaign
TXC2: they got rid of Viashino, yet homarid is right there? SMH :p
TriforceDrummer: @GredGredmansson This is exactly what I was just thinking LUL
thanzo: @rentar42 they could be anyone, anywhere
Xonlic: Omg
circusofkirkus: It's like a mix of Disinformation Campaign and Dovin's Acuity
TheDevil_Risen: love the tinybones art on Fake Your Own Death
Bearudite: so I am late to this party, is crime just a new word for interaction with opponent?
accountmadeforants: Disinformation Campaign and Dovin's Acuity are both extremely cool cards
Halinn: @Bearudite Yeah, it was designed by a commander player
RatherLargeToad: KFF Double Down
flatluigi: @Bearudite it's just for this set, batching together a few actions
Xonlic: Yay
josh___something: Dovin is a cutie :)
KineBuds: this deck looks fun
rentar42: @Bearudite crime means targeting your opponent or anything they own
DanTheMediocre: Give that ropemaster a KFC DoubleDown stat!
just__fitz: Its the commander definition of interaction
anhakha: Blue players are criminals. Facts.
RocknGrohlNerd: @Bearudite you are so right
Eric Tappan: disinformation doesn't commit a crime, right? because it doesn't target?
accountmadeforants: Murdering your own creatures isn't a crime, but Murdering theirs is
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: i remember cutie control too, not as fun as turbo surveil imo
Bearudite: wait assault = not crime
Rogue_07: There's a joke here about modern magic design
EvilBadman: Skateboarding, not a crime
Gaz_L: "You attacked me last turn!" "It's not a CRIME!"
NarishmaReborn: that feels like a late journey to nowhere
TXC2: it was never interaction, it was interference, interaction is when you block
PixelArtDragon: Burn players are the most criminal
GredGredmansson: that's a reprint Ben
GredGredmansson: its from New Capenna
Balugo: it's odd to me that Countering a Spell is not a crime (I think?)
MyClosePersonalFriendJohn: @Bearudite Well, you're not committing the crime, your creatures are? I guess.
Xonlic: "Wait, what did I take?" -Ben
GredGredmansson: @Balugo it is
Bearudite: @MyClosePersonalFriendJohn ahhhhhh
noSmokeFire: @Balugo it targets a card they own
anhakha: Countering a spell is a crime.
Tommadness: @Balugo targeting a spell an opponent controls is a crime
asthanius: Everyone forgets cards from New Capenna
Balugo: oh, missed that, thanks!
KineBuds: i just want to make people scoop to boombox activation over and over please
Xonlic: I... just... New Capenna happened and I blinked
Myrniss: I've just started watching Broklyn 99. Was the cools a reference? :P
YeetTheRich_: who is new capenna?
BoxedLogic: Pacifism is a crime
Paul Mountford: choosing isn't a crime?
BoxedLogic: I believe it is not
Ryan P: fake your own death isnt new
TheDevil_Risen: YES!
IaCthulhuFthagn: It's also 2 mana, which is why it sees no eternal play.
DarkMorford: Point of clarification: is it anything your opponent owns or anything they control? Because they could potentially control a creature they don't own
KineBuds: Pog
Xonlic: Graham is in!
Rogue_07: It's a shame, because I do love New Capenna's aesthetics
funguslore: POGSLIDE
GredGredmansson: that's an outlaw AND a crime
accountmadeforants: New Cappenna is Triomes, Ledger Shredder, uhhhhhh
asthanius: @DarkMorford control
Rogue_07: and Elspeth from it is very good
TXC2: there's like 4 sets that just didn't happen, if though I played all of them :p
Sir_Louis: Oh so now *borrowings* a crime what has the world come to
Khalahd: How is borrowing a crime, wowww
TXC2: I blame the loss of blocks :p
tehfewl: Cruel ultimatum, big crime
Gaz_L: Giada is good
GredGredmansson: crime sink
DanTheMediocre: @DarkMorford controls, including stack and graveyard, and targeting the opponent itself
TheDevil_Risen: and it does crime too
Xonlic: Every day I'm Blood Hussling
Juliamon: New Capenna was all flavour, no substance
MichaelSnowbird is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to LoadingReadyRun's community! They've gifted a total of 80 in the channel!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to jconn08!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nattalock2!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to Officinalis!
theymerLoviatar: he hustle my blood til I outlaw
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to locutus_lockwood!
MichaelSnowbird gifted a Tier 1 sub to CalebKnutson23!
anhakha: Blood hustle her? I barely know her!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for the gifts, MichaelSnowbird! Welcome to jconn08, Nattalock2, Officinalis, CalebKnutson23, and locutus_lockwood! (Today's storm count: 58)
RevolverRossalot: Hustle and blustle
asthanius: I went to school with Blood Rustler
zelukester: big pack coming your way Ulmer
ThankYouUro: The Blusler
rentar42: I have to admit that I'm not a fan of how the newspaper-like frame looks. Way to hard to tell the colors at a glance. It looks cool, though.
accountmadeforants: Blustler
NarishmaReborn: 25
EvilBadman: 2
KineBuds: this will be the greatest set of all time until we get that starwars cross over in 2039
spinebustertee: Blood Hustler sounds like a Dog the Bounty Hunter type
JusticeJuice: 58.6
ThorSokar: pfft, 41 is the new 40
ライシェン: 42
TXC2: MichaelSnowbird lrrHEART
noSmokeFire: Blood Rustler, CPA
AugmentingPath: Hi folks, Blood Russell here
1MrGhost: Just remember that 2 3 drops beat 3 2 drops, even though would think they would be the same
anhakha: Nah, they're a vampire.
Gaz_L: 41 2 drops, 19 lands. in Limited
DarkMorford: Okay, cool. Some people were saying "owns" and I wasn't sure if that was the actual rule or just chat being lax about terminology.
PixelArtDragon: Ledger Shredder: not commiting any crimes
Xonlic: Pfft
Chartle: dont get your blood all rustled, sheesh
DanTheMediocre: Inflation hits everything, including limited deck sizes
EvilBadman: Rustling your blood for the ghosts in it
thatguysteve2709: How is the draft going?
SolarBlitz1: "I've rustled your blood!" "I signed up to donate, Jim"
kilnfiendpotter: "Just sit down and I'll rustle up some blood."
Xonlic: Which is ruder? Blood Russling or Making them a Rabbit?
TheDevil_Risen: ben ben instantly singing white rabbit just got me so bad
philkav: petty theft is crime
Gavin Li: it's like thief of heartbeats from Zendikar Rising
RatherLargeToad: One Spree makes you larger, and another makes you small…
DanTheMediocre: @Xonlic I expect when my blood get rustled, I die. If I am bnuy, I eat lettuce and chill
Caryotip: was there no PPR for this set or did i miss it?
luke1x: How often are we seeing the vault cards?
josh___something: Lazavs
Night_xD: pick one, wheel the other
Xonlic: @DanTheMediocre True, I suppose
EvilBadman: Shoot em both
Night_xD: easy
alchemistsavant: they're both not real
RevolverRossalot: The answer: neither is real!
Sir_Louis: Im seeing double, 6 Lazavs!
Xonlic: Two Lazavs! That's three too many
drewm1022: I'm trying not to lose my head ah ah ah ah.
LiamK712: watch out one of them is a copy of different card
TXC2: Caryotip there was sort of, it's up on YT
Verrain2: shoot them both
KineBuds: is every single spree card just good ?
rentar42: all creatures in this pack are actually lazav
ghizmou: the one that doesn't curl
Juliamon: Caryotip They had a Pre-Launch Showcase instead last week
Gavin Li: Wait I must have missed this one. There's a card called "This town ain't big enough"???
Rogue_07: This town ain't big enough for the two of them!
theymerLoviatar: wheel both Lazavs
cameron_in_the_hizous: maybe you wheel both!
northos: wait, was that *another* cruel ultimatum?
Caryotip: @TXC2 thx i ll go check it out
SolarBlitz1: Jeez Graham, how come your draft lets you have two lazavs
TheDevil_Risen: hey boots with the spur
josh___something: Aww, JUST one?
DanTheMediocre: surprise Boney Crater was Lazav all along
PixelArtDragon: Plot twist: the real Lazav was a different card but shapeshifted
Artificer_Evan: @kilnfiendpotter I just realized that you probably weren't here for this clip from earlier. https://clips.twitch.tv/GloriousPricklyLeopardPRChase-afGLIIAsE6Lj-loQ
Xonlic: Ben having a exetensial crisis: "Am I green?"
GredGredmansson: @northos Graham and Ben are in the same draft
raulghoulia: Cruel Angel's Ultimatum
luke1x: At least Ben is sure he is still white
BoxedLogic: And it bounces two nonlands permanants
DanTheMediocre: @PixelArtDragon they should really do that for an aprils fools. Ravnica cube but creatures have a random chance to be a Lazav instead
TXC2: "this town ain't big enough for the both of us, I prepose a program of Rigorous infrastructure spending to make it big enough"
zelukester: Ben is not green bc I was
Gaz_L: "i'm seeing double! Four Lazavs!"
anhakha: I thought u did take the geyser drake.
northos: @GredGredmansson no I know, but Graham saw one earlier didn't he?
anhakha: Isn't it in your side board?
GredGredmansson: @northos he saw one, who saw the other?
zelukester: I got pack one Railway Brawler and pack two Goldvein Hydra XD
KineBuds: your dimir deck looks fun
Gaz_L: Graham took a Lazav earlier, yes
funguslore: Graham, you have 2 drakes
EvilBadman: That trade should work cause they have the same event stamps Kappa
northos: @GredGredmansson him again (and also Ben)
Xonlic: "Wait, are we both Lavaz?"
just__fitz: Its the rick and morty clone episode
NarishmaReborn: i like cutting the white splash
TuckstheRulesLawyer: I think there's another drake in SB for Graham?
Rogue_07: Ah yes, the "Tzeentch" option
artacuno53: I always had the idea that a game having some form of limited that allowed trading (but only cards no like money or bribes or nothing) would be cool and fun
rentar42: plot twist: neither of them are lazav
drewm1022: "Always have been."
thanzo: some good stuff in the side board
GredGredmansson: he would treat that as an inconvenience
artacuno53: impossible to make work probably but a cool idea to have in my head and never do
rentar42: @artacuno53 I'm doing a sealed league at my office with exactly that
GredGredmansson: "Look at me, the Razz Dazzler! This is what my life has become!"
GredGredmansson: Izzet, yes.
chaostreader: Eriette is just a 4/4 in the deck. which might be fine but is it worth the splash?
artacuno53: @rentar42 :O
just__fitz: can you search type:outlaw or is it not coded
anhakha: She's also an outlaw.
anhakha: So her etb will double trigger.
asthanius: Jubilee
rentar42: @artacuno53 we started with 6 boosters, add some every couple of weeks and limited trading is allowed
Gavin Li: Which MHA hero is it that has a duplicating quirk and lost track of which is the original? Is that kinda like Lazav?
philkav: do you play Eriette here ?
GredGredmansson: yeah but you can't copy her because legend rule
asthanius: That's just Jubilee
Chartle: dazzler is a superhero
raulghoulia: Dazzler is already a mutant
OldUncleDan: You mean... Dazzler?
ghizmou: there was the dazzler
TXC2: just__fitz it's not a type, but outlaw should just pull any card with that in the text
Texan_Reverend: I mean, there's already Dazzler.
Xonlic: Daz Razzler
accountmadeforants: "You're just a random shapeshifter I brainwashed to think you were me, I'm the real Lazav." -"No, I brainwashed you to think *you* brainwashed me for intricate scheming things, I'm the real Lazav!" As a third Lazav enters the salloon.
GredGredmansson: @anhakha what ETB?
Monkidota: dave
RatherLargeToad: Disco Dazzler is
raulghoulia: Allison Blair
Bearudite: Rick McDizzler
Texan_Reverend: So, just an alternate world version.
1MrGhost: Ray Gleam?
kilnfiendpotter: Ray D'Azzolo
EOstby: James Smith the Third.
LithelyUnshod: Graham, I think you did take that second drake, you just put it in your board.
asthanius: Raz L Dazzle
KineBuds: dizzymcdizzlerzs
Xonlic: Edward Nigma
anhakha: Does she not have an etb? Thought she did.
kilnfiendpotter: Roman Candle?
Tom_Bruise: apparently her name is Alison Blaire
kilnfiendpotter: Like an actual firework?
rentar42: "I'm not Mr. Dazzle, that's my dad!"
Xonlic: I mean come-on. His name was Edward Nigma.
1MrGhost: P. Enguin
TXC2: Harlene Quinzle
krfsm: no no, Battles were MOM
GredGredmansson: Victor Fries
rentar42: why are there spurs on the knife that vraska wields?
Mangledpixel: Batman has a fair few too, like Julian Day, aka Calendar Man
rentar42: how would one use these?
luckyalien013: Chazz human
IaCthulhuFthagn: @rentar42 Stab them into your feet before riding, duh.
Gavin Li: Or batmam's Edward Nigma. E. Nigma
BoxedLogic: Twice is the MHA character. No, it's more like someone could have changed their apperance so much, they can't remember what their original face looked like
1MrGhost: Is that reach animation new?
drewm1022: Why does that card have a croxxbow?
Tom_Bruise: @Mangledpixel Edward Nigma as the Riddler, lest we all forget
tehfewl: Is that some new reach animations?
TXC2: 1MrGhost yes
gamercat88: Gigi A. Chad
MegaTrain: is that just the new graphic for reach? seems a little much for a static ability
hd_dabnado subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
hd_dabnado: Nice
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hd_dabnado! (Today's storm count: 59)
DarkMorford: And don't forget about E. Gadd from Luigi's Mansion!
1MrGhost: Neat!
GredGredmansson: @Tom_Bruise Dr. Victor Freeze- uh Fries
TheDevil_Risen: hahahaha
TXC2: Secret reach ain't secret
RocknGrohlNerd: @hd_dabnado Nice
TheDevil_Risen: Foreshadowing
Gavin Li: I did see someone photoshop the art on double down w/ the KFC chicken sandwhich on it
KineBuds: i hope they do it for all abilities
GredGredmansson: temur?
Tom_Bruise: @TheDevil_Risen I think this is classified as "Hindshadowing"
GredGredmansson: is this a Riku player?
IaCthulhuFthagn: This month's highlight reel will just be the first hour of the FamJam, with the camera zoomed in on Ben's face.
zelukester: @LoadingReadyRun if Graham wants to queue for sealed I can do so as well
WiJohn: Lookout seems cracked
TheDevil_Risen: @Tom_Bruise lol
TXC2: ross can !
drewm1022: Sheee don't have to put on the red light.
1MrGhost: Walk the streets for money
GredGredmansson: maybe they think you have that white combat killer
LoadingReadyRun: lrrAWESOME is it weird that I first associate this style of music with Firefly rather then actual westerns?
azidbern95: nope
spinebustertee: (firefly is just a western)
TheDevil_Risen: @LoadingReadyRun nah, i do too
Tom_Bruise: !card Roxanne
LRRbot: Roxanne, Starfall Savant [3RG] | Legendary Creature — Cat Druid [4/3] | Whenever Roxanne, Starfall Savant enters the battlefield or attacks, create a tapped colorless artifact token named Meteorite with "When Meteorite enters the battlefield, it deals 2 damage to any target" and "{T}: Add one mana of any color." / Whenever you tap an artifact token for mana, add one mana of any type that artifact token produced.
WiJohn: & it's a crime so the lookout gets a land!
gamercat88: wait Firefly is not a western...
AugmentingPath: Did Nelly just play Reiderrabbit and not notice?
TriforceDrummer: They found a desert off the top
TXC2: Firefly is explicitly a space western
TheDevil_Risen: Firefly is a space western
DanTheMediocre: @drewm1022 just cause I cant block, you dont have to Swing that body in to fight
Tom_Bruise: oh dang, she does do it attack as well
GredGredmansson: they got a desert
42MiLLyWays: the music has serious Firefly vibes
drewm1022: @DanTheMediocre Nicely done.
Gavin Li: Repeatable shocks and mana ramp seem pretty good
TriforceDrummer: Note to self. Play Roxanne if you pull her at Prerelease supreNotes
IaCthulhuFthagn: We play to our outs, and our only out is having forgotten drafting a card that is an out.
artacuno53: all gas, no breaks
Lichenbeard subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Lichenbeard! (Today's storm count: 60)
OldBen: Somehow both Primeval and Inferno Titan at home
drewm1022: ITS VOXY GETTER.
SkiaSymphonia: Paul subtly asking to take a break
SpecOpsGiraffe: Voxy keeps emotes muted
TXC2: SpecOpsGiraffe smart
Gaz_L: Noted Hearthstone streamer Voxy? She plays Magic? :p
spinebustertee: she'll just recast it
AugmentingPath: Nelly, was that player ReiderRa(bbit), as in that may have been Reid Duke?
Gavin Li: New Flash O-Ring is going in my Anikthea/Umori Enchantment's only deck so I can have more instant speed interaction cards
josh___something: Why does Graham's early access account not have the second A :)
1MrGhost: Nelson just casually beat reid duke. No biggy
pyronils80: Hello and good evening! :) :) :)
asthanius: I love that ability
TXC2: hello pyronils80 welcome
northos: that's my favorite ability
RocknGrohlNerd: hacker voice, Graham´s in
drewm1022: That is my favorite ability number./
spinebustertee: I read fanfic for the Ability #200002
AugmentingPath: It is probably not Travis Woo
tehfewl: Crimes crimes crimes crimes!
zelukester: thanks for calling that out, we weren't able to reproduce the issue before this so big help!
SmashTCG: can you cast assassin now?
asthanius: Hooray for Live testing!
SmashTCG: at flash?
GredGredmansson: no
asthanius: They're a real wotc person
GredGredmansson: plotted cards only at sorcery speed; and not the same turn you plotted them
zelukester: literally yes
northos: casting plotted cards is hard locked to sorcery speed, always, regardless of being an instant or having flash
ライシェン: FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown
just__fitz: Quick save the game log!
Mangledpixel: that must be an ablity INSTANCE number, like a UID
DarthCakeN7: Is that last number card type?
Dumori: Man Arena team is getting this VOD as homework
Philocalist: Travis Gafford possibly?
DanTheMediocre: it's not mana value or cost
Gaz_L: i believe zelukester is the HumanToken WOTC user that has cropped up a few times?
drewm1022: The land is on the escalator again.
Spades_Slicc: dang Graham got Arena to mana weave for him
DanTheMediocre: UB was 02, 3B was 03, 0 cost was 01
RocknGrohlNerd: @drewm1022 FBtouchdown
zelukester: @Gaz_L HumanToken2344 to be precise :)
TXC2: i was gonna say the land can be ploted, but they can can't they ?
xz6f58w7ym: <message deleted>Are you only watched by your cat? GlitchCat Mr. Deadpool found out and is in a hurry to give you @loadingreadyrun promo code GVP-XJHM-3G6J-213R. Copy and activate here: get view ers pro
DarkMorford: @Mangledpixel But why are the UIDs not G? :p
4 raiders from TheCJWilson have joined!
JinaMahavira: bang
Travilogue: what's the number on the island?
TXC2: Hello radiers
SymphonicLolita: BOP
DuelityGaming: wheelerY wheelerH
drewm1022: I lowkey hate that animation.
Spades_Slicc: you could've bounced the enchantment and given the 3/2 menace
Veste: what's under the o-ring?
MarylandJutsu: dang the art for Thunder Junction seems so good across the board
GredGredmansson: remember when they gave mythics animation
irikaj: I'm very hyped for the LRR draft in Amsterdam
Mangledpixel: DarkMorford well, GUIDs are a specific format that those didn't follow, so *shrug*
KineBuds: rattleback is so much value
spinebustertee: @Spades_Slicc it was already blocked, mencase wouldn't do anything
GredGredmansson: you can't exchange one thing
spinebustertee: menace. I can type. :D
Spades_Slicc: oh it was already blocked
asthanius: huh
TXC2: GredGredmansson I was there 3000 years ago :p
TheCJWilson: that's a new one
Mangledpixel: :D
funguslore: LUL
TheDevil_Risen: bruh
alchemistsavant: pass
Veste: that's exciting
Gavin Li: Should they update the brazen borrower animation with a cowboy hat?
irikaj: But now I've been getting Brazen Borrower flashbacks
Veste: pass
Sir_Louis: pass
MarylandJutsu: Pass but right alignment
JKBalch: Kerning needs an adjustment
TXC2: boy arena just keeps making new bugs :p
RocknGrohlNerd: yeah that is the real crime in Grahams book
josh___something: Graham just breaking everything
circusofkirkus: Ability #20005
alchemistsavant: I was expecting the spaces to stay in the message, darn twitch for being too smart
Rogue_07: Upsetting to Graham in particular
catchyuniquename subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
catchyuniquename: I'm home sick from work and this is better than chicken noodle soup.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, catchyuniquename! (Today's storm count: 61)
TriforceDrummer: There are certainly worse bugs to have LUL
tre40469: So is plot any good?
DarkMorford: ___Pass
Mangledpixel: that's for when you pass in the right hand lane
Gaz_L: he try he hardest
drewm1022: Haha the Pass button has Ability #200005.
Desdae: Scorn and win?
Rogue_07: Sent him to the farm
JKBalch: Wait, is Next about a pixel or two off also?
spinebustertee: Today playing the part of James, Graham.
TXC2: tre40469 it seems heavy on the thinking, but it lets you pull off some powerful turns
KineBuds: what a bully
TheDevil_Risen: Poor Voxy
drewm1022: I can hear her screams from here.
asthanius: I can't believe Voxy bugged your game
TheDevil_Risen: just got crimed on so hard
tehfewl: Crimes per hour is off the charts
gamercat88: double digits baby
cameron_in_the_hizous: I just heard a "RUDE" from across the internet
Lordofironstorm: #crimemout
ztghostie: chat have they come across the new reach animation yet?
Philocalist: She could, in fact, not take it
TXC2: ztghostie sure have
KineBuds: yes @ztghostie
GredGredmansson: you can get Animus down
RocknGrohlNerd: myriad of Miriams
KineBuds: and the giant beaver memes
powerflapjack: @LoadingReadyRun y'all should've set up a bounty board for friends of the stream
TheDevil_Risen: Possum Car!
Dromos_GHG: are there any clickables on the battlefield?
TheDevil_Risen: almost as good at Cat Bus!
zelukester: I miss any more bugs?
zelukester: lol
RocknGrohlNerd: @TheDevil_Risen is possum car better than cat car?
cheddahfrumundah subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cheddahfrumundah! (Today's storm count: 62)
CotillionTheRope: Graham, Voxy replied to your text
drewm1022: Is a myriad of Miriams like a plethora of Purphuroses?
josh___something: She checked her texts
kilnfiendpotter: @RocknGrohlNerd Possums have pouches, so at least you'd have someplace to sit?
tehfewl: I need to replay megamanX
1MrGhost: It is called a armored armadillo and not a silent armadillo
Bearudite: where are the pangolins
ZachtlyAsIntended: @zelukester Did you see the alignment on the PASS button being off?
TriforceDrummer: Yeah that sounds like Voxy LUL
KineBuds: lol
RocknGrohlNerd: @kilnfiendpotter good point
Gaz_L: so sad she's dead, but i can almost hear her voice...
zelukester: @ZachtlyAsIntended I did not!
Rogue_07: Voxy was so fun to watch during y'all's Among Us streams
OldUncleDan: Eat that horse, Benjamin! EAT THAT HORSE!!!!!
irikaj: I love the possum
ZachtlyAsIntended: @zelukester Then you missed one! Glad to help! It only happened the once.
theymerLoviatar: "oh hey Graham" lives rent free in my brain
GredGredmansson: don't know where it horse
irikaj: It's not going to be a playmat but I wish it was
TXC2: Take, this broken horse, and learn to glue again, learn to craft so well Kappa
ThePixelSavage: @theymerLoviatar same
Fan of Most Everything: And learn to ride again...
ThePixelSavage: @TXC2 D:
Gaz_L: what... Slay The Spire 2 is apparently a thing that is happening now?
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun so much horse, yall should make a club out of them :p
dabudder: ooh new reach UI
dabudder: how do we feel about it
theymerLoviatar: @TXC2 take, this broken horse, and put it down and make some glue
ThePixelSavage: @jacqui_lantern234 they tried, they just cant draw them together
Spades_Slicc: @dabudder Ben still misses reach
SocraticMethod: @Gaz_L Apparently it was so good that they made the second one
TXC2: MarylandJutsu with a hat!
goldengraham13: @Gaz_L I'm VERY excited about that!
drewm1022: And when we hear the horses sing, the book of glue will open up and let us in.
TheDevil_Risen: GGs Ben Ben
MarylandJutsu: @TXC2 HE HAS A HAT?!?!?!
DarkMorford: Aw, no more "That has REACH?!" surprises? Kappa
MarylandJutsu: i don't usually play green.....
DanTheMediocre: I ride this lonely course, my only partner is my broken horse. Dont know what's in store, but it only me (and my broken horse)
KineBuds: @MarylandJutsu nodders
MarylandJutsu: but i might have to now
theymerLoviatar: Did you know? Horses have no muscles below the knee.
TXC2: MarylandJutsu a little cactus cap
GredGredmansson: have you considered
Bruceski: @DarkMorford Ben has already missed it at least once
KineBuds: mary you will love bloomburrow
GredGredmansson: horse?
DarkMorford: @Bruceski ... How?
Chartle: wotc person probably
TheDevil_Risen: GG Coach!
tre40469: so is their still only one plains walker in the set or did they break their new rule already?
Gaz_L: 2 walkers
Gaz_L: Oko and Jace
Monkidota: nelly is crushing it :)
ThorSokar: Isn't the god of flood just James?
SocraticMethod: @tre40469 Sort of one, there is second in the "bonus" set
tehfewl: Crime raven so good
drewm1022: Nah, they're moving away from landwalk.
7ukanda: 2 because of the merge with the epilogue set.
RatherLargeToad: but they have different set symbols
Mr_Horrible: they can't be that, that's illegal
RocknGrohlNerd: not like the other honest bandits
Ugh_Sunlight: @ThorSokar thanks sokar I just spit my drink reading that...
DarkMorford: But what if your in-laws are outlaws?
ThorSokar: Happy to help Ugh_Sunlight
Toyo: "This bandit's an outlaw!" is a great line lol
KineBuds: @tre40469 jace wants flash leyline so hopefully he only sees play in older formats
josh___something: Are bandits not outlaws by definition?
KineBuds: turn 2 jace *
SocraticMethod: Opp has 5 color good stuff
TheDevil_Risen: man this makes me wish my thunder junction product had arrived already :D
funguslore: Opponent is playing all th3 collors
ThePixelSavage: 5 color good stuff and named El_Gran_Boa ? Thats just Wheeler on an alt account!
Dark Esch: well at least that Bandit isn't a mugger
gibbousm: are we Yee-ing or Haw-ing?
ThePixelSavage: @gibbousm both?
KineBuds: @josh___something warmP = warlock assassin rogue merc pirate
DanTheMediocre: both is good
Bruceski: Yee on 1 and 3, Haw on 2 and 4
MarylandJutsu: @TXC2 i cry. he's perfect.
TheDevil_Risen: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
Veste: luck made
funguslore: Can storm crow go to distence!?
RocknGrohlNerd: @gibbousm I am, for sure wheelerY wheelerH ing
Gaz_L: @KineBuds Prawm
tre40469: @KineBuds its odd that they made merfolk bad guys
SocraticMethod: Have they actually _cast_ non-green spell
drewm1022: The merfolk have always been bad guys.
josh___something: @kinebuds I meant in regular contexts, but I appreciate the rules clarification XD
drewm1022: Lord of Atlantis is a real dick.
KineBuds: @Gaz_L gotta go with lords on this one
MarylandJutsu: @gibbousm we are rootin' and tootin' and most importantly we are shootin'
cameron_in_the_hizous: its a shame we didn't have the bear glitch again with the horse, would have been fun to have a horse just sit in the middle of the arena
googoltudoris: mana flood vs mana screw
virgil82: Op has a hand full of green cards and only one green source
funguslore: What if the opponents hand is all lands???
RocknGrohlNerd: kablemo Atraxa of some kind of super secret sheet
SocraticMethod: Are we sure this isn't an experimental bot? Because it feels like they are using random choice tactics
MarylandJutsu: That's jsut me on arena: you get ALL the mana, or you get NO mana there is no inbetween
TXC2: read that as sapphic steed ;p
KineBuds: Eggroll is very loud
tre40469: @MarylandJutsu So true.
Juliamon: TXC2 I prefer that one
Ranatoki: @TXC2 Me too haha
funguslore: Ahh, that makes sence
tidehollowcat: @TXC2 Same
MarylandJutsu: @TXC2 only the strongest of sapphics can tame this majestic speed
drewm1022: That is a very niche kink.
MarylandJutsu: *steed
josh___something: Did that say sapphic steed?
Ard_Rhys: duneblast is an instant now, and mono white
Juliamon: when horse girls meet
GredGredmansson: Seraphic*
GredGredmansson: so yes
KineBuds: wow
MarylandJutsu: only the strongest of lesbians/bisexuals can tame this unicorn
DrLigmaPhD: Literal horse girl
Xonlic: well, now that's going in my lesbian deck
googoltudoris: no, it's sapphic steed now
drewm1022: Look at my lesbian horse, my lesbian horse is amazing.
7ukanda: Mill them out...
TXC2: oh good I coined a nickname :p
irikaj: Are you doing an OTJ nicknames episode of TTC
googoltudoris: and they were UNICORNS
Xonlic: (Lesbian Deck is Red/White with splash of Artifacts headed by Alesha btw.)
TXC2: googoltudoris gasp!
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @googoltudoris well that's one entry on the nickname website sorted already
drewm1022: LOL @googoltudoris
Xonlic: Artifacts somehow equal orange.
KineBuds: the horse is named Eggroll
TXC2: Xonlic nice
theymerLoviatar: @Xonlic My lesbian deck is the sword lesbians from Doctor Who so sadly I can't run Sapphic Steed
funguslore: Rare rare rare
drewm1022: Your opponent appears to be "popping off".
Xonlic: @theymerLoviatar Aww that's very fair. I had to use my names-sake as my commander.
SocraticMethod: Wow, opp is popping off
Juliamon: Eggroll says lesbian rights
RocknGrohlNerd: @7ukanda I read that as "milk them out" and I dont know why :D
Pywodwagon: wow I can't believe Annie has flash
theymerLoviatar: @Xonlic Extremely fair!
KineBuds: !dead
Bruceski: I know it's for rules language consistency, but "Whenever you do X... use this ability only once per turn" feels really weird to me
MarylandJutsu: @Xonlic does that mean achilliean deck is Blue/Black?
7ukanda: @RocknGrohlNerd Cowheavy set maybe...
spinebustertee: 46% of the set is Outlaws
BobTheHomunculus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BobTheHomunculus! (Today's storm count: 63)
TXC2: !card shoot the sheriff
LRRbot: Shoot the Sheriff [1B] | Instant | Destroy target non-outlaw creature.
RocknGrohlNerd: @7ukanda I´ll take it :D
GredGredmansson: I counted 44%
KineBuds: @Bruceski cards are too pushed now to allow unlimited uses
just__fitz: Graham with the Mitchell and Webb from the top rope
AugmentingPath: Shoot the Sheriff is the Go for the Throat of the format, it would seem
drewm1022: Or Walk the Plank.
ThePixelSavage: walk the plank seems to be better
TXC2: in standard maybe
Bruceski: @KineBuds Oh sure, it's just combining that with "whenever" that feels grammatically awkward.
TXC2: walk the plank is double black for a reason
KineBuds: @Bruceski true
drewm1022: Was that a death whinny?
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: walk the plant was sorcery, but yeah, it had more hits
Elypants: A terrible death whinny
drewm1022: Bad Horse, Bad Horse!
KineBuds: shoot hits 57% of the set
TXC2: not this 57% clearly :p
Rogue_07: A thoroughbred of sin.
Xonlic: Question: If they have criminals, what would be "Cops" then? Paladins obviously, but what else?
drewm1022: He got the application that we just sent in.
Xonlic: Sorry outlaws*
ThePixelSavage: @Xonlic pigs?
AugmentingPath: Detectives, potentially Xonlic
GredGredmansson: Soldiers and Knights are part of the law enforcement
TXC2: Xonlic on Thunder junction, it seems the cops are mercs :p
circusofkirkus: and is playable
RocknGrohlNerd: long gone are the times of mono-deece, now we have to mono rare
Xonlic: @AugmentingPath Pigs. 100
just__fitz: 57% of set or creatures
Xonlic: So we have Cops are Paladins, Pigs, Detectives and Mercenaries?
Elypants: It needs evaluation, so let the games begin
OldUncleDan: All cards are playable if you believe in yourself!
spinebustertee: like right off the bat, 8 mythics.
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Xonlic Cowards
TXC2: fun story: in France the cops are called chickens instead of pigs
drewm1022: A murder would be nice of course.
Xonlic: @IaCthulhuFthagn Are those blockable by Soldiers?
emrakul_15: go off graham
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @spinebustertee oof
emrakul_15: inderClap
zelukester: time to go, glhf Ulmer!
josh___something: It's true, plus is not real
GredGredmansson: @TXC2 i think that's more because of the opinion of pigs rather than the police
tre40469: @TXC2 lol
Xonlic: Fun trans girl fact: For like a month, I thought I was going to named Emarkul. \
TXC2: GredGredmansson yeah, pigs are great
drewm1022: Wait, where is Doctor Horrible??
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: idk, he was last seen in cardiff
Elypants: Definitely belongs in this set
irikaj: Emrakul is one of magics top girlbosses
funguslore: Next turn 2 ropemasters
boyesie: !card double down
LRRbot: Double Down [3U] | Enchantment | Whenever you cast an outlaw spell, copy that spell.
drewm1022: We're on a road to nowhere.
emrakul_15: @irikaj real
ThePixelSavage: dead on board you say ?
KineBuds: @spinebustertee i thought it was 60 out of 106?
GredGredmansson: good thing we have a play
kragmabutch: @Xonlic very excellent TransgenderPride
drewm1022: to shreds, you say?
tre40469: They reprinted Brazen Borrower nice
Xonlic: So, Murders was super slow constructed. Is Outlaws like really fast?
GredGredmansson: oh. wel.
Xonlic: @kragmabutch <3 <3
KineBuds: i could be wrong , ive watched so many youtube videos this week
RealGamerCow: I would have expected lots of coin flip mechanics in a western set, is there?
MeLikeSmallMatters: Less Secret Reach
TXC2: plot seems like it needs some time to come off
just__fitz: plot and saddle seem like slowdown mechanics
MeLikeSmallMatters: huh
Xonlic: (Senpai noticed me! Run!)
SocraticMethod: 42% of Rare and Mythic creatures in OTH and BIG aren't outlaws
KineBuds: saddle and plot seem slower
drewm1022: @RealGamerCow 50/50 chance.
Xonlic: @KineBuds That's fair. It just seems like they're running quick
SocraticMethod: OTJ*
SocraticMethod: 36 cards
TheDevil_Risen: so.. its pretty bad
TriforceDrummer: That means a majority of the good creatures are outlaws
TheDevil_Risen: given it doesnt hit the "good" stuff
HadesLeprechaun: yeah so that means your kill spell -doesn't- work MORE than half of the time
GredGredmansson: @SocraticMethod are you sure you have that right?
KineBuds: could be a commander removal
RealGamerCow: I certainly hope no one is being sweaty in an early access event.
Xonlic: I feel like Outlaws has a lot sketch jokes waiting to be used
irikaj: Sideboard card
TXC2: man I heard that pop
shiningelbow: there's some big bombs it hits but i definitely think it's more of a sideboard card
funguslore: Ben
KineBuds: i really really like the fixing in this set for limited
drewm1022: 60% of the time it works every time.
tre40469: I just wish they would make a standard set for standard and not for commander
spinebustertee: @SocraticMethod fun fact: Scryfall will let you search via "is:outlaw"
SmashTCG: go for the throught in Scars
RatherLargeToad: Doesn’t hit Rakdos decks
flatluigi: @tre40469 a powerful standard set is still a standard set
Xonlic: Surprise news, the next plane we're visiting is Mercadia.
SocraticMethod: @spinebustertee Ah, it's is:outlaw, not t:outlaw
GredGredmansson: @SocraticMethod those are the non-outlaws
TXC2: Xonlic people would go nuts for that for real :p
Xonlic: Lol XD I want to believe
KineBuds: the good news is farwell rotates this summer
tre40469: @flatluigi yes, but it has been stated that this set was focused more for commander
Xonlic: @TXC2 Mercadia instead of Lorwyn? lol
KineBuds: july 30 is rotation i think
Chartle: its because they canceled the aftermath for this set
Pywodwagon: same schedule as last year
flatluigi: @tre40469 that isn't true
SocraticMethod: @GredGredmansson Yes. I though Ben was asking for non-outlaws?
GredGredmansson: @SocraticMethod you put a "-" in front of all those creature typse
Capitalfleas: @Tronisbad is excellent folks
Tommadness: standard didn't rotate last year
TXC2: standard rotating for the first time in 900 years :p
GredGredmansson: @SocraticMethod yeah but you said the number of outlaws outnumbered the non outlaws
KineBuds: no rotation last year
Xonlic: OMG
Xonlic: YES
accountmadeforants: Very good
Tommadness: We went from 2 to 3 year rotation last year
KineBuds: rule changed last year
garunkl: big enough!
funguslore: YES
IaCthulhuFthagn: Nelson just spoiled the upcoming WoD set that he inexplicably has insider knowledge of?
jacqui_lantern234: HOLY CRAP
Nouxatar: @tre40469 where, exactly? I haven't seen this at all and I think this set is an excellent addition to standard, plenty of fun new toys to play with there.
GredGredmansson: @SocraticMethod here
Pywodwagon: yea, standard didn't rotate, but eldraine came out on september 8th
asthanius: With Molly Lewis (not that Molly Lewis)
Wolfstrike_NL: AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa
GredGredmansson: 36 aren't outlaws, but only 25 are
KineBuds: i need these emotes
Rogue_07: Fbl Enough
tre40469: @Nouxatar I hope so I enjoy standard
TXC2: I legit love that song unironcially
zelukester: GG Ben!
Sibwow: who up jamming famstyle
accountmadeforants: Fblthp is voiced by Jimmy Bames
nyoomgoom: the skeleton does the marionette skelly dance omg
SocraticMethod: @GredGredmansson 52 R or M in OTJ, 9 in BIG, unless BIG isn't in this draft?
accountmadeforants: (Or they should be, anyway)
Xonlic: Ooooh
thedevil_risen1: Woooaaah im a working class fam
Xonlic: That's an amazing quote
GredGredmansson: @SocraticMethod yes. 61 in total, and 36 nonoutlaws. How many Outlaws does that make?
drewm1022: Voxy is coming for you.
Xonlic: "I'm about to pay for your sins" - Ben
KineBuds: ben isnt james ?
TXC2: !addquote (Bengineering
LRRbot: New quote #8967: "(Bengineering"
SocraticMethod: So 36 of 62 not-outlaws for 58% hit rate
TXC2: whoops
tre40469: Sweet Voxy is here
GredGredmansson: @SocraticMethod yeah, but you said 58% OUTLAWS
thedevil_risen1: Just imagining fblthp letting out a will ramos style kettle scream
IaCthulhuFthagn: What a quote.
KineBuds: @SocraticMethod i was close
tre40469: I like her stream's as well
TXC2: !modquote 8967 (Ben Ulmer) [now] I'm about to pay for your sins. | to Graham
LRRbot: Modified quote #8967: "I'm about to pay for your sins." —Ben Ulmer, to Graham [2024-04-10]
Xonlic: @tre40469 Love her twitter
Xonlic: Spiritbomb time?
vodkanaut777: is plot a newer mechanic?
DoomCountDown: monkey pawed
Wa_Pox: @vodkanaut777 the newest
TXC2: vodkanaut777 new to this set
Xonlic: @vodkanaut777 Yep
GredGredmansson: Plot is new for this set
Bearudite: is that the theme to Out of the box?
tre40469: @Xonlic I have not gotten into twitter yet
TXC2: thanks Ben :p
LuixVix: Don't worry, next card is a swamp :)
spinebustertee: Ben "two crows" Ulmer.
SocraticMethod: @GredGredmansson I found the error up the chain
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
Mangledpixel: toque rows
just__fitz: Four Crows on a Horse to the rescue
drewm1022: Ben has created bat country.
thedevil_risen1: Bird bird bird bens got the birds
LastCenturion: @bearudite I was thinking the same thing lol
GredGredmansson: @SocraticMethod i hope i haven't come across as a huge rules dingus about this
Bearudite: like core memory activated
just__fitz: When the dusty trail hits back
Xonlic: I just gotta say, I'm always in awe of Paul who's able to maintain this. I can't balance just my stream, let alone 3.
TXC2: ^
TXC2: Paul IS a wizard
circusofkirkus: RIP
notthepenguins: bruh
Wa_Pox: brutal
GredGredmansson: Fiora would have invented the watch huh
drewm1022: Voxy is madge.
Tommadness: o7
GredGredmansson: deadn't
DoomCountDown: voxy smash
thedevil_risen1: Voxy rage drafted gruul stompy
Wa_Pox: voxyGg voxyGg voxyGg
Garfman314: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:50:25.
KineBuds: lol payback confirmed
lightfut: Geez voxy that was savage
FurthestChunk: skewer without the spectacle cost you love to see it
7ukanda: Skewer the Critics...
CotillionTheRope: Voxy says "Blame Graham"
spinebustertee: Does that make Voxy a Queen of the Stone Age?
Pywodwagon: Voxy says "the good guys win again"
lightfut: @spinebustertee no one knows
thedevil_risen1: Gg Graham
drewm1022: Hold the phone.
spinebustertee: @lightfut seabatClap
megamanred subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, megamanred! (Today's storm count: 64)
FurthestChunk: well, from a certain point of view
Rogue_07: Yee, and I cannot stress this enough, haw.
Garfman314: when is this available to us plebs?
TriforceDrummer: Great Train Heist seems real good
cameron_in_the_hizous: idk I still think the jedi were good
TXC2: we've had first combat phase....
cronatos subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months!
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: every good villain believes they're the hero
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cronatos! (Today's storm count: 65)
TXC2: Garfman314 next week
DoomCountDown: i need to make the oops all combat phases deck eventualy
TXC2: now for a FtP pleb like me, it's not out until next month or whenever quick draft drops :p
EthirealPlayer: Wait when did they add the pet rock?
Mangledpixel: look upon thy table and see that it is barren
TXC2: EthirealPlayer april 1st
GredGredmansson: April 1st
thedevil_risen1: April fools
thedevil_risen1: It's amazing
EthirealPlayer: Oh, that makes sense
Desdae: You only have 1 red G
Tommadness: oh hell yeah mengu
thedevil_risen1: HEY ITS MENGO!
TXC2: Nelson is playing the top 8 of a GP :p
7ukanda: Nelson got the Pro Account...
tre40469: It has been a pleasure watching you guys. I have to go to work. Take care and may you draw what you need when you need it.
RocknGrohlNerd: lets go Nelly
thedevil_risen1: Hai mengo!
lirazel64: Bye Ben!
TXC2: so long tre40469 stay safe
boyesie: !card thunder salvo
LRRbot: Thunder Salvo [1R] | Instant | Thunder Salvo deals X damage to target creature, where X is 2 plus the number of other spells you've cast this turn.
SocraticMethod: !card cunning
LRRbot: Cunning [1U] | Enchantment — Aura | Enchant creature / Enchanted creature gets +3/+3. / When enchanted creature attacks or blocks, sacrifice Cunning at the beginning of the next cleanup step.
RealGamerCow: Holy Cow best card in set
SocraticMethod: !card cunning coyote
LRRbot: Cunning Coyote [1R] | Creature — Coyote [2/2] | Haste / When Cunning Coyote enters the battlefield, another target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains haste until end of turn. / Plot {1}{R}
RocknGrohlNerd: its the Gooch, gang :D
TXC2: interesting that it seems a lot of pro players are in this event instead of content creators ?
garunkl: Hey Graham SolarisMTG is one of the biggest german MTG streamers.
shiningelbow: a lot of pro players are content creators these days
SocraticMethod: Not gonna lie, plotting Cunning Coyote seems like a flavorfully suboptimal
TXC2: shiningelbow touché
RocknGrohlNerd: @garunkl oh sweet
7ukanda: @garunkl Yes, he is.
rainreign7: can we watch Nelson's game plz?
RocknGrohlNerd: I call that streamer luck, Nelly
zelukester: I'm back! :P
thedevil_risen1: Can we see mengo v nelly plz?
zelukester: I hear the need for a pod to fire and away I go
KineBuds: wow the invites really went from 400 down to 20
brilliantScoundrel: I believe maldhound is backseating Z as well!
just__fitz: Somebody probably took the streamer email list with them when they left
IaCthulhuFthagn: @just__fitz Ouch.
7ukanda: @KineBuds Yeah, there are only two streams in German... x.x
GredGredmansson: I think that is lethal
TXC2: lets go Nelly!
GredGredmansson: is that desert a filiterland? do they not have enough for clear shot?
thedevil_risen1: GGs mengo!
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: bye nelly
TXC2: thanks for streaming Nelson
thedevil_risen1: GGs Nelly have a good one!
spinebustertee: Bye Nelly, Hello Cori!
lightfut: Gg Nelly!
RocknGrohlNerd: good bye Nelly thank you
MichaelSnowbird: thanks Nelly
lordofkatz: Thanks for the games, Nelly!
kilnfiendpotter: Bye friend!!
TXC2: Hello Cori
rainreign7: gg nelly!!!
AugmentingPath: bye nellyonthefamjam
shiningelbow: bye nelly!
greatknightgaramond: bye Nelly <3
Pywodwagon: only one of which is an outlaw
GredGredmansson: 1/3 outlaws
SocraticMethod: !card outlaw's merriment
LRRbot: Outlaws' Merriment [1RWW] | Enchantment | At the beginning of your upkeep, choose one at random. Create a red and white creature token with those characteristics. / • 3/1 Human Warrior with trample and haste. / • 2/1 Human Cleric with lifelink and haste. / • 1/2 Human Rogue with haste and "When this creature enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to any target."
polluxr: sad that only one of the merriment tokens is an outlaw
TXC2: it only make outlaws 1/3 of the time
just__fitz: That outlaw is no longer merry
Mangledpixel: hey Cori!
thedevil_risen1: Herro Cori!
ThePixelSavage: Welcome Cori!
IaCthulhuFthagn: Should keep separate track of the points won against pro players.
polluxr: Cori! <3
Spades_Slicc: !card electrodom
LRRbot: Electrodominance [XRR] | Instant | Electrodominance deals X damage to any target. You may cast a spell with mana value X or less from your hand without paying its mana cost.
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: hey cori
Goombill: But the one Outlaw does commit a crime
googoltudoris: just like in that classic fantasy show, firefly!
Xonlic: So, like I love Outlaws but I'm so excited for...Mouseguard the set.
Spades_Slicc: !card outlaw's merr
LRRbot: Outlaws' Merriment [1RWW] | Enchantment | At the beginning of your upkeep, choose one at random. Create a red and white creature token with those characteristics. / • 3/1 Human Warrior with trample and haste. / • 2/1 Human Cleric with lifelink and haste. / • 1/2 Human Rogue with haste and "When this creature enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to any target."
polluxr: oh, Arena is adding a QOL thing for reach creatures?
KineBuds: sad we did not get a renegade freighter reprint in outlaws
TXC2: Bloomburrow is going to be leathfully cute
Xonlic: Plus the lore of "Its the first plane to change the appearance of walkers" :3 I hope that's actual
Xonlic: @TXC2 Oh yeah
KineBuds: @TXC2 nodders
TriforceDrummer: BIG DINO
KineBuds: oh jesus
GredGredmansson: that's big nasty
polluxr: D:
ElektroTal: if there is no redwall tie-in bloomburrow will be worthless
just__fitz: you still win with heist donthca
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: does anyone think we'll get a reprint of prey upon in bloomburrow?
TXC2: what happens is you lose :p
vaguegrant: @TXC2 very excited for it
polluxr: literally a BIG bomb
Rogue_07: Still got lethal
ThePixelSavage: Vaultborn Tyrant ... the only card in the set that makes my heart skip a beat ... I so need this for my Arixmethes Commander deck
Rogue_07: Swing a ding ding
Spades_Slicc: with mana left over
KineBuds: all the spree is soooo good
garunkl: GG
just__fitz: The winner for most thematic win
Mangledpixel: choo choo
spinebustertee: They will see us training from such great heists
thedevil_risen1: That's a swing and a half big G
RealGamerCow: Train Heist seems good
thedevil_risen1: Good Game
Xonlic: *Bubbles* See I want to stream Arena but I'm nowhere as good as these folk.
GredGredmansson: hey where are my treasures slash my extra combat step
ThorSokar: That train is now burning at the bottom of a ravine
Xonlic: I post that and Graham looses. Oops.
googoltudoris: first casting of "great train heist- yes please" ?
EOstby: It's free real estate.
LoadingReadyRun: @ElektroTal lrrPAUL If there is a Redwall tie in, the food tokens will be ridiculous :p
Xonlic: @LoadingReadyRun Right?!
TriforceDrummer: It's only pack 2
thedevil_risen1: Gisa!!!
Zack Reph: thunder lasso is lethal if they have nothing
Azralorne: Yeah! Cori is gonna kick butt
spinebustertee: Gisa is too good to pass
just__fitz: Pack 2 Pivot
TXC2: you make SIX POWER !
just__fitz: Get the White outta here
GredGredmansson: tapped but still
Xonlic: Amazing
notthepenguins: Gisa is Messed Up
eye_h_bar: Time to move into black
OldUncleDan: But if you go Black, you won't be able to go back!
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: that train is more reliable than anything that transport for wales has on offer
KineBuds: sphinx is only 1 mana more than cold case cracker .............
wholovesclutch: heyheyhey
artacuno53: As a limited novice sometimes I see mythics and some rares even and wonder if limited would be better without them
IaCthulhuFthagn: I don't trust Wizards to be able to funnel the fun parts of Redwall without also bringing all the racism.
just__fitz: Warlocks being outlaws is strange
TXC2: it's the imperative, stop cold! before it stops you!
Xonlic: Nelly has aproximate knowledge of many things
GredGredmansson: @just__fitz they wanted a spellcaster type
jaimeblacken: I was searching for the stream on YouTube, not doing it this time?
shiningelbow: @jaimeblacken it's definitely on there
notthepenguins: warlock is the generally sketchy/"dark" caster type
Xonlic: @jaimeblacken It was on there. I was originally watching on Youtube
kilnfiendpotter: Warlocks are basically devilish lawyers
ThePixelSavage: how are there cemetaries full of corpses on the previously uninhabitated plane for Gisa to raise?
notthepenguins: making deals with dark beings etc
TXC2: warlock means promise breaker
RatherLargeToad: They wanted a spell caster type
TriforceDrummer: 5 mana 2 blinks
brilliantScoundrel: They needed a caster for mechanics/flavor reasons, warlock makes the most sense for that
KineBuds: warlocks def sketchy
SocraticMethod: @ThePixelSavage Someone moved them there
DiscordianTokkan: @jaimeblacken It looks like it's on the LRR main channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuqdMmu2dfw&ab_channel=LoadingReadyRun
notthepenguins: @ThePixelSavage Gisa had to fill them first of course
LithelyUnshod: @ThePixelSavage It was populated a long time ago
spinebustertee: warlocks are crimes against god, so therefore: outlaw
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @ThePixelSavage villain plane makes lots of corpses quickly
just__fitz: Don't fall into the classic outlaw vibe that the rest do
Chartle: twice for 5
Spades_Slicc: 1 blink for 3 mana
GredGredmansson: Fun Fact: other types considered for Outlaw are: Barbarian, Berserker, Minion, Ninja, Rebel
IaCthulhuFthagn: They wanted "hedge wizard", but there was a space in there... so.
Reece42: Isn't it once for 3 twice for 5?
Spades_Slicc: blink twice for 5 mana ... wait
ThePixelSavage: @Liliana_of_the_Valleys fair
Reece42: Repeat it x times
jaimeblacken: You repeat it X times
Chartle: you do it x + 1 times
ThePixelSavage: @notthepenguins I guess :D
EOstby: The historical meaning of Warlock makes it make sense, it's just odd in this set where there are *checks notes* Ok, I guess 12 Warlocks is more than I expected.
GredGredmansson: you "repeat" X times
TriforceDrummer: X =0 is a single blink
ThankYouUro: You repeat it X times
spinebustertee: @ThePixelSavage They shipped in corpses from other planes (actually in the story)
TXC2: GredGredmansson wow yeah how are rebels not outlaws :p
GredGredmansson: did you think the card did literally nothing for 3?
ThePixelSavage: @SocraticMethod Corpse-movers? Well that is an interesting job :D
Jake_Everfree subscribed at Tier 1.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jake_Everfree! (Today's storm count: 66)
notthepenguins: @spinebustertee incredible
Xonlic: Ben is going to bant-y-ing around? :3
fe06p1bvym7: <message deleted>Are you only watched by your cat? GlitchCat Mr. Deadpool found out and is in a hurry to give you @loadingreadyrun promo code GVP-XJHM-3G6J-213R. Copy and activate here: get view ers pro
ThePixelSavage: @spinebustertee alright :D
KineBuds: rebel are scum not outlaws Kappa
tendrilsoftragedy: Clip it
GredGredmansson: DESIST BEN
Tommadness: who turgled
RocknGrohlNerd: hey youtube rangle the dangle
carbonoid12: Ben over here crimin'
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: first he destroys a beaver, now he's wrangling dangles
groovemancery: Rankle the Dankler
cameron_in_the_hizous: its 2024
SnowBuddy18: who up dangling they wrangles?
KineBuds: dank rankling ?
jaimeblacken: I didn't find the youtube stream :(
GredGredmansson: ok fair
RealGamerCow: I will do no such thing
QTL7: that';s 2016 magic thinking LUL
drewm1022: Be sure to mash that dangle button.
GredGredmansson: lrrCrab
OldUncleDan: Plenty of cards did nothing for more!
lightfut: Dangle the bangle?
Xonlic: "I'm not good, I'm obnoxious" - Every Blue Player
EOstby: Crab Rave?
Rogue_07: Be sure to razzle the dazzle
Mangledpixel: lrrCrab causeiTsTimeForCrab lrrCrab causeiTsTimeForCrab lrrCrab
thedevil_risen1: Wont let me clip properly on mobile
SocraticMethod: @jaimeblacken "Thunder Junction Early Access Event"
GredGredmansson: THE Alan Wake?
josh___something: BOOOOO
brilliantScoundrel: Dopplegang does nothing for 2. Very similar card vis a vie cost. Not an unreasonable connection to make.
BusTed: drawfeGoodjoke
GredGredmansson: LUL
Knightclasse: There is at least one card that does literally nothing for three mana in this set
1MrGhost: He got sent to the shadow realm?
notthepenguins: turns out the Dark Place is just the exile zone
RocknGrohlNerd: very good Graham, dang it that was good
the_fanerdic: I’m late! How’s the FamJam going?
SocraticMethod: @jaimeblacken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuqdMmu2dfw
spinebustertee: From the Gisa and Geralf story: "Oh, a lot of my new friends are too old to be here, and some of them were buried elsewhere, then moved. They're not all happy about that." Gisa's smile sharpened. "They'd like to have words with the people who held the shovels."
GredGredmansson: its all crimes
tsp397: Crimes?
RocknGrohlNerd: :D
DrLigmaPhD: That art on Vanishing Verse fuckin rules
ThePixelSavage: Paul cracked it!
KineBuds: @the_fanerdic graham is a crime boss
notthepenguins: @spinebustertee wait, wait, someone who WASN'T gisa moved them over???
IaCthulhuFthagn: Breaking News is a lot like the Strixhaven spellbook, in that almost all of them are first pick material.
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: that's one way to get the scoop
JonnyH: The newspaper doing crimes? Wasn't that a James Bond film?
RocknGrohlNerd: classic news, reporting only bad stuff no feel good stories :D
Xonlic: YES!
GredGredmansson: what's the worst one? Thornado?
munocard: OMG
KineBuds: nice
TXC2: JonnyH yeap, tomorrow never dies
GredGredmansson: FATHER SON TEAM
ghizmou: kelland AND oko
thedevil_risen1: Oko time bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple
lightfut: Oko oh no
Spades_Slicc: father, son, and Gisa
cameron_in_the_hizous: father and son bonding!
Jaime Grijalba: electrodominance mr stark?? whyyyyy
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: the twinkwalker!
JustOniWorks: majinoNetplay
KineBuds: ez 7-0
LuixVix: Like father, like son
Xonlic: He who summons twinks
Spades_Slicc: now if only Kellen was an interesting character
EOstby: TOS
drewm1022: We can all fix ourselves a bit.
GredGredmansson: adoseofFacepalm
thedevil_risen1: Man ben is on cire today
Tommadness: fix your giant beaver
TXC2: Spades_Slicc or if Oko wasn't a piece of shit :p
thedevil_risen1: *fire
spinebustertee: Good ole Johnny Fireheadface
IaCthulhuFthagn: Is it just me by the way... or is the OTJ Oko the least hot one by far?
EOstby: Whoa there, Ghost Rider.
DrLigmaPhD: Glad we got Kellan for those of us who want our twinks more emotionally well-adjusted
just__fitz: Johnny fire skin over there with his magic excema
BrowneePoints: I wonder if that rabbit is from Bloomburrow
Skajetolaf: Dance of the Tumbleweeds?
munocard: Sorcery tho
Xonlic: OMG
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @IaCthulhuFthagn i've never found him hot, he's too smug
GredGredmansson: i mean, use it if you got it
vaguegrant: Ooh, desert
munocard: Take the desert?
eye_h_bar: That desert looks good
GredGredmansson: what the frog do? crime.
artacuno53: show me what dat frog do
TriforceDrummer: Desert seems good
EOstby: Crime Frog.
KineBuds: @IaCthulhuFthagn oh wait till you see the new plush gremlin they are pushing
RealGamerCow: what the frog doin
Vampyre_Lord: what does frog do? crimes
drewm1022: What does the frog say?
TXC2: what that frog do?
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: If it's all flared base, it's not a flared base.
Vampyre_Lord: massacre may not be a crime, but murder sure is
GredGredmansson: !findquote frog
LRRbot: Quote #6213: "I could live as a frog." —Adam [2019-07-15]
EOstby: Turns out, Murder is a crime.
Dark Esch: oh both Oko and Kellen
IaCthulhuFthagn: @Liliana_of_the_Valleys As an object, that is, not as a character.
Spades_Slicc: nothing Oko did during OTJ story was out of line from what we saw of him from the og eldraine story, a lot of it was even interesting. Kellen is just a nothing burger of a POV character who can't even keep his internal conflicts straight chapter to chapter @txc2
DAC169: I forgotted that this was today! aipWhiney aipCry
RocknGrohlNerd: @drewm1022 ribbit, question mark :D
thedevil_risen1: Ruin the beaver while fixing yourself
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @LRRbot paging badge 502, don't meet him like that
GredGredmansson: very convincing fake
Xonlic: Both players just staring blankly at each other
spinebustertee: He's a commando because he's not wearing underwar
TXC2: Spades_Slicc fair enough, just dead beats dad hits close to home :p
just__fitz: For stuff
notthepenguins: style
BrowneePoints: love Kellan
munocard: For his boyfriend
Spades_Slicc: Ben it's a sex thing
Atomskin: Yeehaw!! How much longer are y'all playing today?
DrLigmaPhD: kink
Tom_Bruise: they're just feeling fancy, is that not allowed?
KineBuds: fashion , duh
brilliantScoundrel: You faked their own death preemptively.
RocknGrohlNerd: its flavorful
GredGredmansson: congratulatoins, you are the 219622nd caller!
Xonlic: I can draw you an answer
IaCthulhuFthagn: Backwards!
munocard: It's a sex thing
RealGamerCow: with consent
Xonlic: Homarnid!!! Ben !!
KineBuds: they are not allowed to buy nice things ?
TXC2: they ride consensually
ThePixelSavage: the art direction for this set is not great ...
Xonlic: It's a crab person cowboy!
DrLigmaPhD: Reverse-cowperson position
thedevil_risen1: In soviet russia, you don't spur mount, mount suprs you
GredGredmansson: "Grunkle Stan points to painting of Horse Riding Another Horse"
just__fitz: Cause if you are four legged mounting something, then your front legs would be at the flanks
SocraticMethod: So they mount the horse Kappa
anhakha: We'll have to ask an expert on drawing horses
hansk_olof_tarkir: Oh no I've solved the mystery of the spurs!!
hansk_olof_tarkir: They spur themselves!!
ThePixelSavage: @hansk_olof_tarkir kinky
Cervantes3: Don't worry about it
Joep Smit: They are "Mounting" the horse
KineBuds: dont kink shame the spurs
GredGredmansson: but he also mechanically works with adevntures
Tom_Bruise: Kellan found his dad! Turns out he sucks
IaCthulhuFthagn: Love me a good and straight-edged mana rectangle.
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @hansk_olof_tarkir masochism....ok
RocknGrohlNerd: @KineBuds the english football club?
BrowneePoints: kellan is also just cracked
DrLigmaPhD: "Found my dad, he's a bastard" - Kellan
TXC2: Kellan just gonna settle down with his vamp goth girlfriend
baltimore_667083: @rockngrohlnerd we shake ourselves enough tbh
hansk_olof_tarkir: @liliana_of_the_valleys It's more like, how orcs paint their vehicles red
baltimore_667083: shame*
thedevil_risen1: As long as thier not in tottenham and their spurs arent hot
BusTed subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 116 months, currently on a 116 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BusTed! (Today's storm count: 67)
DarkMorford: @RocknGrohlNerd I thought they played basketball
munocard: BILLLLLLL
drewm1022: I would settle down with a vamp goth gf to be fair.
irikaj: Kellan's truly one of the few outright winners in the mtg story
circusofkirkus: the ultimate crime!
baskwalla: Crabe
Tom_Bruise: I'm not sure how... comitted Olivia is to her union with Edgar
KineBuds: bill is busted
TXC2: RocknGrohlNerd nah, Tottnam knows what they did Kappa
Xonlic: Due to Commandor Hussle, Cory is referred to as "The Scary One that's Married to Beej" in my friend group. And that's not...wrong?
BrowneePoints: Bristly Bill!!!
cheshire_creeper: Insane card btw
DrLigmaPhD: @drewm1022 Fairy BF or Vampire GF?
Chartle: and get to 20 power and blow up the world
TriforceDrummer: I was so excited when she showed up at the end of the story
GredGredmansson: Johnny Cactus Seed I think
munocard: He's ridonkulous
thedevil_risen1: Cactus Durid. 🌵
OldUncleDan: He's sick? Oh no! I hope he'll be okay!
KineBuds: thats billy the kid
jacqui_lantern234: im back with food and OOH HEY A CORI <3
RocknGrohlNerd: @TXC2 :D
hansk_olof_tarkir: I want Bristly Bill to make acquaintance with my hamster
drewm1022: Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
SocraticMethod: is [attacking] Arena thing?
BrowneePoints: cleave
WanderingWinder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months!
WanderingWinder: lrrFINE lrrHEART
GredGredmansson: @SocraticMethod the brackets are on cleave cards
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, WanderingWinder! (Today's storm count: 68)
hansk_olof_tarkir: I mean, Minscs hamster
BrowneePoints: it’s cleave formatting from MID
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: kellan and his gf become travel bloggers...major contributors to the guide to the multiverse
Spades_Slicc: @SocraticMethod Mechanic from one of the innistrads recently
KineBuds: spinewood so good
Tom_Bruise: @KineBuds From a town known as Cactus, Thunder Junction / Rode a plant with a sixgun in his hand
Spades_Slicc: @BrowneePoints I agree, cleave is MID
TXC2: Liliana_of_the_Valleys I need Kathleen to write that book
GredGredmansson: there's like 2
GredGredmansson: the other one is in green
brilliantScoundrel: Is vampirism hereditary? Would their child be 25% fey, 25% human, 50% vampire, or 25% fey and 75% human? (Assuming Amalia is base human)
Wolfstrike_NL: O no, now Graham has to deal with a Giant Beaver
munocard: instant wrath
GredGredmansson: the8bitAYAYA
drewm1022: How recently was it stuffed?
munocard: oh my
Xonlic: "I have to deal with this giant bever" Me too Grahamn. As a lesbian, me too!
Spades_Slicc: @brilliantScoundrel can mtg vampires have bio kids?
polluxr: @brilliantScoundrel I mean, Ixalan vampirism is not hereditary, so I'd assume their kid would simply be 25% fae
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @TXC2 same...and/or any other D&D material
munocard: we need two lands for that wrath
TXC2: brilliantScoundrel it's punnet squares , theres a chance the child is either all human, or have fae half vamp
Dark Esch: that is a large beaver
RocknGrohlNerd: the Git-who? what? this set has everything
IaCthulhuFthagn: I can't believe they put Thalia in this set.
hansk_olof_tarkir: Maybe the spurs are magical, I can't imagine theyre okay at wotc for good guys to dig spikes into animals for velocity. So, the spurs must be magical! Which explains why the quadrupeds have spurred themselves as well.
just__fitz: Can you lose abilities after they mount and double block?
polluxr: It's the final showdown
munocard: Double block anyway?
SocraticMethod: @GredGredmansson Thanks, the reminder text reminded
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @Xonlic as a brit, we don't have giant beavers, just massive [censored]s
just__fitz: Might be a wait for wrath
GredGredmansson: yes.
munocard: You still need a total of 6 for the wrath though.
hansk_olof_tarkir: @garfman314 ever heard of the bremer musicians?
drewm1022: That beaver is coming right for us.
jacqui_lantern234: the beaver is coming, you say? Kappa
Xonlic: @Liliana_of_the_Valleys FUck lol
brilliantScoundrel: Saddling with vehicles isn't only possible, but potentially relevant if the vehicle has a higher power than crew cost. I think that's neat.
just__fitz: is it sorcery or could it be after blcok
Spades_Slicc: !card explosive der
LRRbot: Explosive Derailment [R] | Instant | Spree / + {2} — Explosive Derailment deals 4 damage to target creature. / + {2} — Destroy target artifact.
RocknGrohlNerd: @jacqui_lantern234 LUL beavers are hot topic today :D
QuixoticScrivener: vehicles can crew vehicles
Penguinizer: Does Saddle allow two creatures to ride eachother?
GredGredmansson: yes but that's not recommended
TXC2: Penguinizer no, they tap as part of the saddling
brilliantScoundrel: I think if you have an untapper, you could have a saddle loop.
notthepenguins: also vehicles wearing equipment
irikaj: A mount can saddle a creature which then saddles the first mount again
just__fitz: Lose abilities include trample?
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @Xonlic that joke has been in my head since the not-ppr crack a pack when Graham called us all giant beavers
jacqui_lantern234: @RocknGrohlNerd im glad at least one person enjoys my poor sense of humour :p
munocard: F
irikaj: Mtg judge flavour drawings on twitter is very good
BusTed: lrrCrab
TXC2: elko became crabko?
jacqui_lantern234: lrrCrab lrrCrab lrrCrab
JonnyH: Nature always has time for crab
thrashingkangaroo: What if you mount the giant beaver with crabs?
ThorSokar: 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀
Tom_Bruise: crustaceano?
theamc2000: howdy
brilliantScoundrel: From the people that brought you Detroit: become human
Verrain2: Really missing the crab rave music.
RocknGrohlNerd: lrrCrab lrrCrab
EOstby: Carcinization comes for us all.
Spades_Slicc: but next turn Oko can wrangle some dangles
brilliantScoundrel: Oko: become crab
GredGredmansson: Tales from the Mana Crypt had a cute comic where Oko became a mount an Kellan rode him as they family bounded
IaCthulhuFthagn: @irikaj So many amazing tokens.
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL I find it hard to believe that Kellen is the first time Oko has run into a child he didn't know about.
DanTheMediocre: dontcha mean Zed, Ben?
ColdMonsterSlug: Any codes for this set?
RocknGrohlNerd: ooooh double wrangler triggers with oko
cheshire_creeper: how does the famjam work again?
Tom_Bruise: @LoadingReadyRun I don't want to think about how many babymommas Oko abandoned
TXC2: cheshire_creeper we just play games and track when we win
drewm1022: Your outlaws will have to wallow without merriment once again.
lightfut: Ben am have pony for pet!
jacqui_lantern234: jokes on you, graham! my existence is humiliating!!!!! :p
powerflapjack: Outlaw's Ennuiment
Vampyre_Lord: win=1 point, 7 wins get you a bonus point. sometimes there are achievement points, and there used to be teams
munocard: dangle those wrangles
kobayashi_v: Oh no! Ben's no longer against just Rakdos! His Rakdos Intolerance has no effect!
TXC2: blroff
polluxr: disgusting!
EOstby: Stupid Sexy Oko strikes again.
cheshire_creeper: @TXC2 I thought that the hosts rotated, though?
RocknGrohlNerd: I love the value, but still hate hate hate oko
Vampyre_Lord: dangler of the wranged
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: wrangle out with your dangle out
GredGredmansson: Magda, Brazen Non-Outlaw
jacqui_lantern234: please dont make dry-heave noises, im eating
Dothewhatnow: I have a greasefang deck, and I always love crewing a vehicle, using it to crew another vehicle and so on for like, 9 vehicles for the hahas
TXC2: cheshire_creeper yeah they do,Cori has replaced Nelson
Spades_Slicc: Why does Thunder Junction have enough ghosts to require they be wrangled? People have only been able to access the plane freely for 18 months
powerflapjack: @Dothewhatnow yeah, just big Gurren Lagann energy
Atomskin: I wanna see someone open BOTH Oko's and play them both. Just to be a real degenerate. Lol
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @Spades_Slicc lots of villains make lots of corpses
munocard: Yes, he loses his other abilities
GredGredmansson: "up to one"
munocard: You can choose not to copy
luke1x: So how messed up is this oko
munocard: Yeah, double dangle is definitely better
EOstby: Ghost Riders in the Sky.
Bearudite: ghost rider in the sky
theamc2000: yeehaw cowghost
just__fitz: Ghost rider in the sky, yippie kai yay
powerflapjack: (ghost riders in the sky intensifies)
Spades_Slicc: Anyone played with/against Jace?
GredGredmansson: oh it has the new Sword?
thedevil_risen1: What is okos loyalty gain abil?
brilliantScoundrel: Is this a flying spirit set?
GredGredmansson: fair
packattack_0: the wrangler makes ghost riders in the sky
Vampyre_Lord: that tracks.
QuixoticScrivener: The Wild Hunt
GredGredmansson: @thedevil_risen1 Draw 2, then discard 2. Discard only 1 if you crimed.
DrLigmaPhD: The gritty old west is a makredly more pleasant place than Innistrad
just__fitz: Nah its taming them
Chartle: he's wrangling em to your side
ThePixelSavage: The Wrangler is just murdering ...
Tweygoh: family reunion
powerflapjack: @QuixoticScrivener i'm still upset Moonshaker Cavalry wasn't just called The Wild Hunt
Vampyre_Lord: no the ghosts are there already. wrangler just wrangles them to your side of the field
luke1x: Either that or they are a bad wrangler and they keep escaping
Bruceski: Condos for saaaaaaaaale, contos to buuuuuuyyyy...
TXC2: like them people who bread snakes when there was a bounty for killing snakes
mortazza_e_vino: abs tribal
millenomi: that's the signpost uncommon for amorous pass-go + plot
millenomi: azorius*
Vampyre_Lord: ghost riders in this guy
SocraticMethod: I've already pointed this out in the PRS but OTJ tokens are fantastic: https://scryfall.com/sets/totj
irikaj: The family reunion is here (plays a shark)
just__fitz: Yippie kai yay, yippie kai oooo
TotallyNotaBeholder: Ghost riders in the sky... with diamonds.... wait a minute
brilliantScoundrel: I don't mean is the set centered around flying spirits, just if the spirit tokens fly or not. Kamigawan spirits dont. Ravnican spirits do. You gotta double check your spirits every set.
Verrain2: Loads gun. Sky's haunted.
GredGredmansson: these spirits fly yes
luke1x: Ghost rider seems dec
EOstby: Ben's cylinders, operating at full throat.
thedevil_risen1: Nice Deck Ben Ben GG 👏 👌 👍 🙌
30teracyte: ancient cornucopia seems not good
RocknGrohlNerd: must be nice, Jimmy
GredGredmansson: xXx_JimmyWong_xXx
Bearudite: mr jimson wonginton
irikaj: Jimothy Wong, Magic The Gathering
powerflapjack: you see ttv in the dead by daylight username you just find another room
Xonlic: *Pokes fingers* I put TTV in my handle so people check me out...
brilliantScoundrel: Ok but what if that's Josh's account actually?
luke1x: Good thing it has MTG in the name I thought it was the actor!
RocknGrohlNerd: the dangler wrangler made Ben into control player
eye_h_bar: Uh oh, Ben's turning into a draw-go player!
groovemancery: why cast spells when you can make ghost?
Vampyre_Lord: "maybe its because im winning, but i really like this archetype?"
irikaj: Join us in the draw go
LithelyUnshod: And Beth
Pywodwagon: “I play magic as an art piece”
LithelyUnshod: Queen of Cardboard
thedevil_risen1: AirBubbles!!!!
powerflapjack: @Pywodwagon (homer simpson beating a deck with a crowbar) WHY MUST LIFE BE SO HARD
BrowneePoints: duelist is good
brilliantScoundrel: With the number of man lands that are in standard, 5 color no spells beatdown is theoretically a (bad) deck you could build.
TXC2: powerflapjack why must I fail at every attempt at combo?
luke1x: Oh you have the outlaw alchemist
polluxr: weird not killing the lifelinker
GredGredmansson: she's great at crime
theamc2000: why does it have big bow?
spinebustertee: is that reach thing there so there's no 'that has reach?!' moments?
powerflapjack: @TXC2 how's your dad's deckbuilding coming along, bart? i think he's almost done (looks outside, sees homer screaming as he slams a counterbalance in it) yeah. he's done.
GredGredmansson: reach
kumatsu: I will not block, block is the creature-killer
TXC2: powerflapjack :D
cameron_in_the_hizous: I really dont like the new reach UI, you can't see the card art! thats like 80% of playing magic
cameron_in_the_hizous: is there a way of turning it off?
cheshire_creeper: okay so pingers are good, noted
TXC2: block it, shock it, shake my hand
TriforceDrummer: Plot do damage is basically Channel, but you get a free spell after pieThink
thedevil_risen1: Nice sequencing Graham
TotallyNotaBeholder: Hooray Cards!
GredGredmansson: "Ok, here's my elaborate plot. I shoot them and they die."
spinebustertee: and a prismatic vista, oooh
millenomi: is that a No More Surprise Reach indicator I see
just__fitz: Its only on the thunder junction cards I think
cameron_in_the_hizous: got it, and thank you
zelukester: like a karma chameleon
luke1x: No sneaky reach, that is sad
munocard: Yeah, card is silly
GredGredmansson: well this is a separate server so they probably haven't updted the main server yet
luke1x: At least we still have sneaky flying
DanTheMediocre: it becomes a desert in addition to its other types
brilliantScoundrel: Is that what the sparkly bow was? That makes sense.
RocknGrohlNerd: last week I saw stolen the One ring stolen in commander game
GredGredmansson: I'd give Desertion a shot for sure
BrowneePoints: The bombs in the set are bomby enough that desertion is still decent
Blacklm1492 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months!
Blacklm1492: YeeHaw Rootin' Tootin' Howdy Pardner
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Blacklm1492! (Today's storm count: 69)
WormBoyJames: oh damn a prismatic vista too
powerflapjack: @RocknGrohlNerd oh dang, you played with deagol AND smeagol?
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @LRRbot nice
shiningelbow: what's the shortcut?
cameron_in_the_hizous: there was a similar 5 mana counter in ixilan that was... not great cause leaving up 5 mana is pretty obvious
thedevil_risen1: t:cre
Blacklm1492: from SNC
GredGredmansson: that's New Cappena too
GredGredmansson: the taxi ride of eternity
DuelityGaming: Damage on the stack style
munocard: lickshot slockpicker
Angreed66: at least it's streamer on streamer rope violence
just__fitz: Bounce the spirit maybe
Tom_Bruise: The Rural Juror and the Case of the Slickshot Lockpikcer
DanTheMediocre: ah yes the SlickSlokk Shocklicker
theamc2000: lunch oasis?
cheshire_creeper: cwab
TXC2: the shitshock shlockpicker :p
luke1x: Those emotes seem up a certain cowboys wheelhouse!
just__fitz: This is the Ol West, we ain't doin non o that spellin stuf
DanTheMediocre: slickshock shockslicker
IaCthulhuFthagn: "I hope they don't have any spells"... OP plays a huge manland.
thedevil_risen1: Gg ben
TotallyNotaBeholder: So I've learned if you can draft Oko, do it
HBElam: uh oh, is Ben gonna fold five?
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TotallyNotaBeholder Novel draft experience, right?
hackingducks: james verses LSV... should be fun
TotallyNotaBeholder: @IaCthulhuFthagn I started playing with Ikoria, so for me, kinda is novel, but I've heard tales :P
snortablecola: pogging irl in real life
IaCthulhuFthagn: @TotallyNotaBeholder Lost Caves?
IaCthulhuFthagn: Wait, Ikoria, not Ixalan, brain fart.
luke1x: You got this Ben!
TotallyNotaBeholder: @IaCthulhuFthagn Lair of Behemoths, the set that released with Covid
Tom_Bruise: well that's weird, Outlaw's Merriment's odds of making an outlaw are 1 in 3
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: ikoria lair of companions
Tom_Bruise: Not... 1 in 1...
theamc2000: @tom_bruise outlaws merriment is having friends
Benjamin Lehman: What do you have to do to get a content creator account? I’d love early access and I’d stream
cheshire_creeper: that knifepoint enchantment does work...
just__fitz: The merriment is the friends we made along the way
Tom_Bruise: @theamc2000 what, you don't check your friends' CVs for criminal history?
luke1x: Is the ability on the 1/1s been relevant
theamc2000: @tom_bruise that is the time left blank right?
Mr_Horrible: Pro Tour Day 2 Competitor, Ben "James Turner" Ulmer
thedevil_risen1: GgWP Ben beating LSV
TomCatFrost: 1/1 ability is good on fliers basically
rynsfelda: "Retire champion!"
Vampyre_Lord: LSV just said James played that game really well! good job james!
hackingducks: ben beat LSV!
just__fitz: He's burried so many spines
IaCthulhuFthagn: Bristly Bill, the Science Guy!
luke1x: Big Cwab
Raven: monkaS opponents boards
thedevil_risen1: Hang on.. there was a Friday Nights with that plot
Vampyre_Lord: i jumped over real quick to see
DanTheMediocre: somene tell James he took a game off LSV in this event
thedevil_risen1: Hehehe
luke1x: Can we #blameJames?
Technotrout: Howdy from Denmark. How are y'all doing? :)
just__fitz: Wasnt the Paul grand prix episode with LSV
AkaiPandaTV: I was just telling Headology how gross Bristly bill was and you pulled it on her LUL
luke1x: Especially in BO1
Dix: Not winning every game is a lie pushed by Big Hall-Of-Fame to make you THINK they're human
BusTed: moral victory
M0nzaa: james now has beaten pvddr AND lsv. wow
tendrilsoftragedy: Ben have you considered changing your name to the Legend Killer? You can have a bad back due to all those RKO's out of nowhere
Mr_Horrible: so true, honestly
GredGredmansson: me vadmir me total vampire
Dix: Sup all!
jrgongjah: Howdy
just__fitz: Crab?
TXC2: hello jrgongjah welcome
1y1e: Turn't for L'Oko
just__fitz: Crab then add counter maybe
brilliantScoundrel: James has a win over the 3/1 from strixhaven? That's pretty cool.
Vampyre_Lord: mood
RealGamerCow: pose for the fans
Dix: noooooo
TriforceDrummer: You go big guy!
just__fitz: The slowest train crash
DanTheMediocre: @Dix LUL
theamc2000: baah
munocard: Cori....
M0nzaa: good bluff
Chartle: red sends creatures in to the red zone
DiscordianTokkan: FBtouchdown
Vampyre_Lord: get rekt headolog
Mr_Horrible: it's just Cultural Revolution Era China, don't worry about it
Tom_Bruise: the big button says "Attack"... with words
cameron_in_the_hizous: its not a misplay if it works out
KodeMage: It was such a bad play they were suspicious
Angreed66: red is aggressive blue is passive it works
GredGredmansson: they've been getting away with that for 7 years
munocard: Bill up the joint
cameron_in_the_hizous: Magic is like 99% mind games
anhakha: Bad plays are just unintended bluffs.
TXC2: we're in their head now
tendrilsoftragedy: Who's familiar with Aunty Donna and Biggoted Bill. Bristley Bill gets that tune every time for me.
just__fitz: Its cause they write in American English instead of Canadian English
Kentosaurus: nah, that was a brilliant bluff while representing a combat trick
Tom_Bruise: well hey, free damage, we take those
LithelyUnshod: Thinking in colours is a real thing
KodeMage: "She's playing 5d hyper chess!"
Vampyre_Lord: headology: well played james
EvilBadman: Masterful Gambit, Sir
theamc2000: bill!
TXC2: (slams nuts in car door) "masterful gambit sir"
munocard: NO! BILL~
Tommadness: took Bill for a ride
ArgentLightVanguard: thatsa crime
just__fitz: They Stole Bill, Time for them to pay the bill
Dark Esch: not punished
luke1x: Is Kenji on Mono removal
EvilBadman: @TXC2 lol
TXC2: "judge, opp has a synergistic deck"
petey_vonwho: Jail for Kenji! Jail for a thousand years!
munocard: I still love that Larceny isn't a crime.
theamc2000: !card larceny
LRRbot: Larceny [3BB] | Enchantment | Whenever a creature you control deals combat damage to a player, that player discards a card.
munocard: NO!
TriforceDrummer: POOR BILL
GredGredmansson: bill bill bill bil bill *sobbing*
funguslore: Fling!?
Xonlic: Have we tried the heart of the cards?
brilliantScoundrel: Me, gesturing to my second cake just to have as i eat my cake in front of youm
AzaleaCloud: Those Mercenary tokens are neat. :3 Angelic Page was one of my fav cards when I first started playing.
just__fitz: Ah the Piano Trio
cameron_in_the_hizous: I can't believe they would steal your card!
just__fitz: Time for the Entertainer
theamc2000: what a raucous ruckus
TXC2: are you not enTWOtained ?
cameron_in_the_hizous: Good idea ben, steal his card!
thegitrogsquirrel: do Canadians know Bill Nye
luke1x: Love fling in this limited format. It's such dumb fun
munocard: Why not?
just__fitz: @thegitrogsquirrel Yes
cameron_in_the_hizous: same
TXC2: thegitrogsquirrel yeap
munocard: Who wants to live without Bill?
ArboristAndrew subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArboristAndrew! (Today's storm count: 70)
TriforceDrummer: I think you can cast the spell, but still have to pay the extra costs for the modes
cameron_in_the_hizous: the same way kicker would right?
TophTheHermit: Was secret reach such a problem that they now highlight reach creatures on your combat?
Xonlic: Enya's Only Time starts playing
luke1x: Man that enchantment with the crime pinger is brutal
GredGredmansson: you still have to pay additional costs
Tommadness: You don't pay for the top right, you still pay for the additional costs
gibbousm: You need to pay the Extra Costs for each mode
Xonlic: "Whoo can say when the Spree plays?"
irikaj: You still get to pay additional costs when you cast something for free
IaCthulhuFthagn: BEN
Cool Cockatoo: you're cooked
AzaleaCloud: Ohhh, I get it, it's a *crime* spree.
TriforceDrummer: Correct
Tom_Bruise: Ben, we're all flattered, I'm sure, but we don't want to ride your big horn... Not without dinner first, at least
AzaleaCloud: Because every mode target.
AzaleaCloud: targets*
anhakha: It's like kicker
munocard: Right, it's just like Spree and Isochron Scepter.
TriforceDrummer: And since you can't cast a Spree spell without the extra modes, you have to pick at least one mode
just__fitz: They other horned cat thing that isnt a feladar
GredGredmansson: native to both Tarkir AND Ravnica
TheDevil_Risen: Ajani, the Kitty of Wall Street? (because their a wolf, killing your sheeps)
theamc2000: !card quick draw
LRRbot: Quick Draw [R] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains first strike until end of turn. Creatures target opponent controls lose first strike and double strike until end of turn.
just__fitz: Que the Baron by Johnny Cash
brilliantScoundrel: It's like a lynx, but you mistype
anhakha: The 'ynx' suffix, and the fact it's a cat, implies it's like a sphynx...?
TXC2: i'd say greywater has a high pitched, southern dandy voice
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @anhakha or like a lynx
irikaj: They need to bring back Mount in Bloomburrow
BatenicYork: the reach arrow stole all the animation budget
AzaleaCloud: Electrodominance says eat the rich
irikaj: I want to have my mice riding a rabbit
funguslore: Baron, bathroom graywater
deskisdead: really nice
brilliantScoundrel: That play was sweet
DAC169: Clap
Mr_Bitterness: Vaaaalueeee
Land_Manatee: What a blowout
BatenicYork: That was a nice sequence
Vampyre_Lord: well played james
TheDevil_Risen: Impeccable Graham!
Vampyre_Lord: i mean, grah
brilliantScoundrel: Great move there by James
TheDevil_Risen: NOOT NOOT1
just__fitz: !card Slick Sequence
LRRbot: Slick Sequence [UR] | Instant | Slick Sequence deals 2 damage to any target. If you've cast another spell this turn, draw a card.
AzaleaCloud: Red gaming PogBones
luke1x: I like the boros deck in this
Bearudite: getta rope
DanTheMediocre: is the deputy alright at least?
TXC2: gotta take the train removal city
Rogue_07: Is the armadillo going to give Graham leprosy?
luke1x: You just have to live for 11 turns
tendrilsoftragedy: Ben are you just playing everyone who drafted with Cori
GredGredmansson: tinybones makes dry bones noises
TheDevil_Risen: Honestly, i was pretty low on this set, but seeing it in action between LRR and the SPikes has me pretty jazzed
AzaleaCloud: It's just like the Mega Man X level
McMenno: the haul is being thrown at the armadillo
AzaleaCloud: A vehicle going off the rails and hitting the lair of the Armored Armadillo
anhakha: The plan is to Harm a dillo.
Rogue_07: Flavor lrrJUDGE
just__fitz: Oh my God, it's a mirage I'm tellin' y'all, it's a sabotage
luke1x: Is a 4 booty bigger than a train?
cheshire_creeper: Gormless is a good word
notthepenguins: the train hit it and bounced off
M0nzaa: did the armadillo put on the armor or did he grow it out
Veste: armadillo: NO! hit the BRAKES
brilliantScoundrel: Large rocks can wander gormlessly?
AzaleaCloud: @Veste I can't STOP IIIIIT~!
TheDevil_Risen: There's a mill Homarid?
TheDevil_Risen: SICK!
Veste: @AzaleaCloud 💥💥💥💥💥💥
Atomskin: @just__fitz Fry, that was a thousand years ago! Now we have seven.
luke1x: How many lands have we bottomed now
TXC2: Right chat I'm off
hackingducks: it's no hedron crab but we love mill homarid all the same
TXC2: goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming LRR
TheDevil_Risen: Take care TXC
anhakha: Hi off, I'm anhakha!
TheDevil_Risen: thanks for chilling
DanTheMediocre: @brilliantScoundrel the pioneers used to ride those babies for miles
just__fitz: @Atomskin Can I borrow the new ones and some blank tapes?
luke1x: Just one more game
Proudboar: Crap I forgot about the FamJam!
RealGamerCow: Family Jamily
snowymeercat: FamJam
TheDevil_Risen: well there is a block u can make that saves it but int not great
cameron_in_the_hizous: easy game
luke1x: Never not had it
Proudboar: Wow, they really DO hide the sub w/ tit option now, don't they?
AzaleaCloud: Oko just wants to decorate his walls with elk horns. It's on flavor.
M0nzaa: not a joko
tendrilsoftragedy: Oko kayo
TheDevil_Risen: Almost Fair Oko? THat's a joke
MyClosePersonalFriendJohn: NewKo cola? .... wait
cameron_in_the_hizous: imagine if he could copy Planeswalkers too
brilliantScoundrel: "My ilk elks" -old oko family saying
Proudboar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months!
Proudboar: I forgot today was the famjam, bbut always glad to watch more MtG with LRR!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Proudboar! (Today's storm count: 71)
maywecomein subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, maywecomein! (Today's storm count: 72)
Gekyouryuu: One-ko, two-ko, old-ko, new-ko
Tom_Bruise: Well it's Lazav, so I guess there's poop afoot
munocard: He's dangling!
GredGredmansson: speaking of enjoying being a rabbit
theamc2000: hot crossed buns
just__fitz: Full send
cameron_in_the_hizous: tapped planeswalkers always freak me out
AzaleaCloud: Still got lethal in the air.
theamc2000: crab
AzaleaCloud: Welp.
M0nzaa: lazavs final form: crab
luke1x: Is the mill an uncommon?
munocard: Become as crabs.
hackingducks: all will be crab
Tom_Bruise: will giraffes become crabs?
just__fitz: Lazav looking at the wanted posters, "They only get my eyes right"
TheDevil_Risen: I am Lahzav, destroyer of worlds, Raver of Crabs
Dumori: Once Crab nolonger be shapeshifter
Mr_Bitterness: Carcinisation comes for us all.
Tom_Bruise: even giraffes?
brilliantScoundrel: Carcinisation was one of the main goals for the simic in this fiscal year!
Tom_Bruise: or... perhaps, especially giraffes?
munocard: No! Bill!
munocard: So much Bill tragedy!
DAC169: so rude aipCry
GredGredmansson: *angry piany intensifies*
JRandomHacker: I've said before - the fact that Magic has a penalty called "failure to maintain game state" should make any programmer very scared about implementing it
cameron_in_the_hizous: he was so young I assume!
boyesie: I had to dip out for dinner, has cori found as many pros as nelson did?
janowiec01: Any commanders that interest you from this set Ben? Just curious
munocard: Newly sentient
Dix: Not born yesterday... but a couple months ago.
munocard: There must have been some magic in that old cowboy hat they found.
cameron_in_the_hizous: some Zendikar bullshit I assume
GredGredmansson: it sure is
Tom_Bruise: so the omenjuice made the cactars feel the need to ask why pain must be real. Coolcool
anhakha: They're just prepping for the final fantasy universes beyond by adding cactus people early.
Hellishdream: Isn't Omenjuice just Aether?
wholovesclutch: how goes the Junctioning?
JonnyH: Poor cactus people - they used to be happy photosynthesizing but now they have to worry about rent and stuff
Dix: @anhakha with the soul read
GredGredmansson: please the cactus people have enough juice
Blacklm1492: @anhakha sabotenders REJOICE
munocard: Juice the Blind Eternities
DarthCakeN7: Drink omenjuice! It’ll quench ya!
EOstby: How many levels of Omenjuice are you on, my cactus?
TheDevil_Risen: got to make sure you pre juice before you planeswalk
Dix: The quenchiest
AzaleaCloud: @Blacklm1492 I can't waste to cast Thousand Needles for lethal.
QuixoticScrivener: Invasive species
AzaleaCloud: wait*
GredGredmansson: "Hey this place is actually pretty dang nice"
notthepenguins: what was left of amonkhet to fare badly even
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: amonkhet has not fared well...ever
GredGredmansson: It didn't fare well BEFORE the Phyrexian War
irikaj: Amonkhet didn't fare well at any point
munocard: There weren't many folks left on Amonkhet to begin with at the Phyriexian War
ihlendrax: Amonkhet hasn’t faired well…period.
cameron_in_the_hizous: their last god also died or something
Hellishdream: Amonket was already kinda ruined, so it was like invading ruins trying to hunt down the survivors.
AzaleaCloud: Yeah, Nicol Bolas kinda wrecked the place.
AzaleaCloud: And it was already kind of a wreck beforehand.
luke1x: I have hear of catdog but this is ridiculous
GredGredmansson: its telling that both of Amonkhet's native walkers sparked for HAPPY REASONS
Mr_Bitterness: No, I believe Hazoret is still kicking in Amonkhet
cameron_in_the_hizous: it really is the universes punching bag
Rogue_07: Does the bandit shapeshifter have Plot?
GredGredmansson: @Rogue_07
GredGredmansson: yes
munocard: Are there any chicken outlaws?
Rogue_07: Thx
KineBuds: your mom lets you have 2 desperados
Kentosaurus: art for double down looks like carmen sandiego
luke1x: Man would love mill to be somewhat visible
DarthCakeN7: Carmen is probably a rogue, right? She’s an outlaw
KineBuds: @luke1x sad it only got 2 cards : (
GredGredmansson: its the quenciest
Kentosaurus: @DarthCakeN7 definitely
luke1x: Was eldraine the last time mill a reliable strat?
JRandomHacker: I keep thinking I hear snippets of the Starcraft Terran theme in this music
theamc2000: barnyard o bones
AzaleaCloud: Steel guitar.
just__fitz: Congrats on being the top stream in the Canada category
boyesie: I keep thinking firefly with the music
Vitaliy Boch: you reat the chat?
DAC169: @luke1x I thought it was Zendikar Rising? aipThink
DanTheMediocre: very early in the first borderlands also sounds a lot like this
BusTed: seabatBRAIN
luke1x: Ah right I forgot about ruin crab. It was a good creb
Vitaliy Boch: read
Dumori subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 123 months!
Dumori: a very pleasing number of months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dumori! (Today's storm count: 73)
KineBuds: ggs
GredGredmansson: wait was that a new animation for mill loss?
Tommadness: out of the corner, so smart
Tommadness: @GredGredmansson pretty sure that's always been the animation
googoltudoris: i hate it when opponent wins. i love it when oopponent's deck pops off. v0v
Alex Wisdom: Big brain plays
LoadingReadyRun: The players can't see the youtube chat, but I'm here :p
Tweygoh: *hellooo*
Vitaliy Boch: ok im out sorry
Dog_of_Myth: How goes the FamJam?
Alex Wisdom: Greetings from the blind eternities
LoadingReadyRun: OOOOOooooOOOOOooo
Alex Wisdom: Any favourite cards from the set so far or still testing it out?
theamc2000: ty for the pbp Graham
EvilBadman: The cream rises to the topdeck, yeeeah
AzaleaCloud: You know how you win a topdeck war? You become the cream of the crop, because the cream RISES to the top! :D
Tom_Bruise: well at least the high crime rate is keeping Junction rent prices down... right?
Alex Wisdom: "The secret ingredient is crime"
Travis Tomblin: This looks like some sort of fam jam....
AzaleaCloud: @Tom_Bruise Who do you think's committing all the crimes? >.>
BusTed: good cow
munocard: she so biiiig
McMenno: COW
AzaleaCloud: I love her.
Tommadness: Good cow, streamer
Dog_of_Myth: lrrCOW
GredGredmansson: Bonny and Beau say trans rights
Tom_Bruise: just eating cactus like it's grass, not like it's people
TimIAm: I've been gone for awhile, how many more games have they played against Kenji
GredGredmansson: no
cheshire_creeper: no
theamc2000: no
Gekyouryuu: With the name Beau, I'm assuming the ox is male
irikaj: No
KodeMage: reading the card explains the card?
anhakha: What if you have blue leyline?
boyesie: !card canyon crab
LRRbot: Canyon Crab [1U] | Creature — Crab [0/5] | {1}{U}: Canyon Crab gets +2/−2 until end of turn. / At the beginning of your end step, if you haven't cast a spell from your hand this turn, draw a card, then discard a card.
GredGredmansson: still no
AzaleaCloud: I'm guessing still no because of the game rules?
Adiun Tesserande: Crime is never the answer. (It's the *question*. The answer is 'yes'!)
KodeMage: "as a sorcery" @anhakha
Aswanlikeneck subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months!
Aswanlikeneck: Graham casually beating one of the all time greatest players
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Aswanlikeneck! (Today's storm count: 74)
TheDevil_Risen: the art on Eriette's Lullaby is pretty brutal
GredGredmansson: @Gekyouryuu i thought Babe was originallly female
EvilBadman: The Rock, obv
boyesie: He got a 7, and peaced out
Gekyouryuu: @gredgredmansson yeah, so male lumberjack with female ox in our world, female lumberjack with male ox in Thunder junction
cameron_in_the_hizous: having a face up counterspell is mega mind games
AzaleaCloud: Nelson fanning himself with a spread of Thunder Junction packs. "Woo, that was a doozy, y'all~"
Mo0!: I’m sad they added that gigantic reach indicator
Mo0!: No more Secret Reach
polluxr: @cameron_in_the_hizous plot cards can only be cast at sorcery speed though
TheDevil_Risen: CowStruct
munocard: oh no
Gekyouryuu: Also, between the beaver and the Paul Bunyan expy, the MtG multiverse definitely has a "canada" plane. (Paul Bunyan was French Canadian, look it up)
cameron_in_the_hizous: @polluxr thats why its such a big mindgame
munocard: he's fast froggo
Tom_Bruise: 'cuz it's a mythic
munocard: detour that bad boy
EvilBadman: "Oh, so I die then?"
boyesie: That has HASTE?!?
cameron_in_the_hizous: hes fast as fuck
Wolfstrike_NL: it got all the horses to go fast
Angreed66: green and black can get haste
Blacklm1492: we're lucky it doesn't have flying and vigilance PER THE RULES
RatherLargeToad: All hail frog! OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog
Dumori: frogs be fast
Wolfstrike_NL: so much horsepower you know
atlr: maybe haste because of frog's tongue?
jamwno: It's golgari, thought that was supposed to get flying and vigilance
theamc2000: mill them?
cameron_in_the_hizous: seems pretty alright
RatherLargeToad: Frog! Frog! Frog!
Alex Wisdom: The real question is why the toad doesn't have a cowboy hat
Mo0!: What is this DECK
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: isn't trample deathtouch more on colour for golgari
polluxr: beau going for a little detour
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: flying vigilance seems more selesnya...idk, i've been playing since ixalan and still feel like a noob
Mo0!: Jinx
LiamK712: sooooo much reading
theamc2000: I
AzaleaCloud: Shout-outs to Burger Squad
Gwandan: Daddy why are the burgers green?
GredGredmansson: what did they plot?
TheDevil_Risen: Beef for days
TheDevil_Risen: and weeks
TheDevil_Risen: and months :)
GredGredmansson: oh yikes
cheshire_creeper: uh it's spices
DarthCakeN7: @liliana_of_the_valleys Golagari flying deathtouch is a joke related to an answer from the last great designer search. Many people thought it was stupid that it was the correct answer.
raulghoulia: coloidal silver
Mr_Horrible: "It's blue cheese" "that's not how that works"
Tom_Bruise: well you know blue cheese? it's like that, blue beef
blipbloop1000: thats a button right there
EvilBadman: They're just really rare, Paul
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: @DarthCakeN7 ah, i thought i was missing something
DoctorHutch: Steamed hams are traditionally always blue
BusTed: Here I am
DanTheMediocre: sonic promotional collab
DanTheMediocre: it's just colouring trust us
Mr_Horrible: @DanTheMediocre this conjured the mental image of the blue Sonic curry and now I'm mad
DAC169: IHOP is actually having a Sonic the Hedgehog promotion LUL
EvilBadman: "And don't forget a side of Knuckles Fries"
Mr_Horrible: "Kellan, Actual Child"
EvilBadman: "What are they? Dunno!"
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: that's rough, buddy
Pywodwagon: I’ll issue a “tough beats buddy” penalty
Tom_Bruise: @Mr_Horrible Mad that the blue sonic curry exists, or mad that you can't have some rn?
Tommadness: @DAC169 You know, the food Sonic is known for! *checks notes* Pancakes!
theamc2000: Etb make a token?
Mr_Horrible: @Tom_Bruise extremely the former
EvilBadman: @Tommadness ring shapped
boyesie: @evilbadman if you use the knuckles fries for a chip butty, would that then make it a knuckle sandwich?
azidbern95: Stangg!
QuixoticScrivener: Minsc and Boo say hi!
KorrenTheNinth: Definitely read that as Bonney Paul, charcuterie. the brain fog is real
JRandomHacker: Scryfall has a "unique-token" tag that probably finds most of them
volraths_bane: Tolsimir, Minsk, Drizzt
TimeToFry: Stangg is a bear
Mr_Horrible: Stangg and Stangg Twin are very into petplay and that's fine
BusTed: Maulers
ThankYouUro: Stangg got dat Dawg in him
GredGredmansson: Twice?
Mr_Horrible: the Stangg-to-puppygirl arc
GredGredmansson: wait different' show
AzaleaCloud: Inside Stangg are two wolves.
Mr_Horrible: Sealed: The creatures don't go away here
theamc2000: what is library sizes
polluxr: dang primal command
EvilBadman: @AzaleaCloud No, that's Arlinn
GredGredmansson: oh the FOOL
AzaleaCloud: Oooh, Bruse Tarl is in this set? o.o
polluxr: yup, bruse finally found a plane where the cows listen to him
Tweygoh: this is a board state alright
polluxr: he's complaining about the cactusfolk now
GredGredmansson: but can zimbob CROSS A RIVER
TheDevil_Risen: Welcome Kathleen
TheWooglie: Hi lrrKATHLEEN
Tweygoh: lrrDARK
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks Graham!
kaffeetrinken89: This! Has! Reach!
Mr_Horrible: the Kathleen Era begins
Liliana_of_the_Valleys: hi kathleen
Wolfstrike_NL: Welcome to the world of Public Reach
DAC169: oh, is that what the new bow & arrow FX is for?
volraths_bane: But I rely so heavily on secret reach
Mo0!: Oof
incredulouspasserby: I think you discard the Oko there which goddamn.
theamc2000: so who is winning the mill race?
polluxr: F
TheWooglie: they can put stuff on the bottom though
Mo0!: This deck has EVERYTHING
Mo0!: Creatures! Draw! Counters for everything Ben’s trying to do
incredulouspasserby: @theamc2000 OP has a card that puts stuff on the bottom of their library
DanTheMediocre: @theamc2000 opponent has tomb crawler
GredGredmansson: opponent can keep putting stuff on the bottp
DanTheMediocre: they aint millin out
theamc2000: so op got it.
M0nzaa: bonny pall seems pretty unbeatable if the game goes this far
Mr_Horrible: he's so... British
TheDevil_Risen: UnderTaker!
munocard: He was at Mania just the other day
FurthestChunk: but he's not a twink
FurthestChunk: he's a twunk
cameron_in_the_hizous: nvm
FurthestChunk: i will die on this hill
theamc2000: @furthestchunk he’s a dandy
ArgentLightVanguard: hexproof *and* ward, this is getting out of hand
GredGredmansson: my headcanon that Oko comes from the Shakespeare plane grows ever stronger
cheshire_creeper: is that a wheeler i hear?
cameron_in_the_hizous: @FurthestChunk hes too dehydrated to be a twink
ThankYouUro: yeah we've lost this one
Wolfstrike_NL: Wait, Clearcutter has secret reach?
TheDevil_Risen: Don't you mean Salt-ai pile?
korvys: Wow, this opponent must play twice as much magic has Jimmy - they have MTG *twice*
korvys: (in their name)
Mo0!: Mill prevention!
GredGredmansson: YUP YUP YUP
TheDevil_Risen: BIG PIG
Elyas_Serg: very big pig
cameron_in_the_hizous: oh
munocard: that's a big pig
volraths_bane: You could probably see the order of 90% of their library now
cameron_in_the_hizous: OINK
Mr_Horrible: that's a Yellemental, I believe
ThankYouUro: Tumblepig
CygnusInfinity: "please just villainous wealth me already"
munocard: That's a HOSS
anhakha: No full swing...?
anhakha: This seems like a full swing moment...
annathoth: tumble boar, the most invasive species ever made
Mr_Horrible: tfw the 30-50 feral hogs are actually just one giant pig
cameron_in_the_hizous: was the 11/11 not good enough for you Isiah_mtgMTG?
M0nzaa: but they wanna pall around
micalovits: What kind of insane board stall did I arrive to
GredGredmansson: bm
Sorator13: How goes the junctioning? Found any good GFs yet?
theamc2000: oko is an ojou?
TheDevil_Risen: stiff upper lip, great showy good chap!
BusTed: gluten frees
Sorator13: that was "guardian forces" from FFVIII, but I'll take it
Mo0!: Why didn’t they just swing with everything there? Oh
azidbern95: they had two Maurading Sphinges!?
sporkraptor: I thought for a minute that said "Mansplaining Sphinx"
CygnusInfinity: My next guess was Genderfluids
M0nzaa: theyre counting if they have it
polluxr: @Sorator13 lolol I read it as girlfriends too
GredGredmansson: they saddle gitrog with 15/15, deck themselves
cameron_in_the_hizous: gottem
TheDevil_Risen: ggs
cameron_in_the_hizous: this idiot didn't protect their menace creature!
cameron_in_the_hizous: o7
Mo0!: Found a good boyfriend, seemingly
TheDevil_Risen: Thanks Ben Ben !
raulghoulia: It's Wheeler time!
sporkraptor: BenButts
McMenno: holy crap the real Ben Butts???
EvilBadman: Bens4James dot com
WhirlwindAbyss: BenButts here for OxiClean!
theamc2000: hi Ben buts
anhakha: 3 hours of butt sweat.
EvilBadman: Ben Butts?! THE Marvel Snap guy?!
theamc2000: ratthew is
DarthCakeN7: But is it great to be there?
EvilBadman: Did I spy Mana Drain?
Rogue_07: A Karnstruct
anhakha: That card looks like it could go into Ben's Urza deck.
anhakha: The Karnstruct one.
TimIAm: Help Step Between Worlds, I'm stuck in the Omenpath
just__fitz: you have two of the aegis?
cameron_in_the_hizous: but you can plot it for 6 and give your opponent a change to dump their hand¬
GredGredmansson: wait do you have TWO of those?!
Tweygoh: sort of a fractured identity equipment
EvilBadman: Yeah Kathleen you have two of those
micalovits: Casually not mentioning mana drain
M0nzaa: not even mentioning the drain
DigitalSeahorse: o no an ad
GredGredmansson: i'd run both aegi
TimeToFry: Wheeler has no mic?
jessicaengle: Hi chat.
DigitalSeahorse: wait, is this not Wed?
cameron_in_the_hizous: wheeler mic now on
Ratosai: DA DRAIN!
jessicaengle: How's the jimjam?
cameron_in_the_hizous: pranked
anhakha: It's almost Thursday here.
Mr_Horrible: I get that it's thematic for criminal-sounding things for the breaking news cards but it's very funny to see Murder juxtaposed with Mana Drain in a promo product
DigitalSeahorse: oh
korvys: It is wednesday, but it's also Thursday (here)
GredGredmansson: it is jambly my dudes
incredulouspasserby: meanwhile I can’t believe it’s only Wednesday
gryfyn1: Im Ben Butts! Thanks for having me
DigitalSeahorse: so Garbage Day was rescheduled and I didn't miss any of it?
Wolfstrike_NL: Murder, also a crime
Mr_Horrible: me when I target my opponent or their stuff
incredulouspasserby: I need it to be Saturday for prerelease. and also Saturday for Not Work
Sorator13: Yknow, I feel like the "crimes" set probably should've happened before the "detective" set, thematically
just__fitz: type: creature
ThePixelSavage: real old like 5 years old ?
korvys: Crime
FurthestChunk: real old huh
DigitalSeahorse: I went to nap and didn't set an alarm and thought I missed W&P lol
Wolfstrike_NL: Cards
incredulouspasserby: Crime seems REAL good tbh
cameron_in_the_hizous: really old, like brothers war. a set that is still in standard rotation
azidbern95: @Cori: ow, my back hurt just from that comment
A_Dub888: Random thought: What does Fam Jam taste like?
anhakha: @thepixelsavage stop... I'll crumble to dust...
EvilBadman: Lrr wiki say Kalheim
MasterSeaTurtle: is that 5 mithics?
Rogue_07: Kaldheim was not 7 years ago
RhymesWithMoose: Relatedly, am I the only one who thinks it's a flavour fail that the set about committing crimes comes *after* the set about solving cases?
GredGredmansson: BRO is 1.5 years ago
tsp397: I can't tell if this is a bit
Queginn: Kaldheim was right after alpha right?
Sorator13: @RhymesWithMoose same hat!
JonnyH: Rounding up it's a decade ago
groovemancery: only 90s kids remember Kaldheim
Desruprot: Kaldheim was a while ago
ThePixelSavage: the late 19hundreds
LiamK712: Cold Snap = Kaldheim
boyesie: Kaldheim was jan 2021
Chartle: kaldheim was 2021 smh
Mr_Horrible: why would Serge hurt us like this?
A_Dub888: Serge
Tweygoh: there are just so many sets
Desruprot: 2021 was a long time ago now in Magic history
Rogue_07: "You have an interesting relationship with sincerity"- Jacob Burgess, to Wheeler
signorpino subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
signorpino: yay magic :) GOOOOOOOOOOOLOOOOOOOOOOS
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, signorpino! (Today's storm count: 75)
incredulouspasserby: and yet he’s not wrong
ponbern subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months, currently on a 57 month streak!
ponbern: Howdy folks be sure to crimes today!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ponbern! (Today's storm count: 76)
A_Dub888: !quote serge
LRRbot: Quote #5370: "'I feel bad for Serge.' 'No you don't.'" —James and Serge [2018-10-05]
tsp397: I mean it has retro border cards
TimIAm: To be fair, Serge is the sort of person who Fury's a DanDan
gryfyn1: Brothers War dosnt even rotate out of standard for another 6 years
Mai_Andra: I'm actually a little hype for Strixhaven. That comes out soon, right? xivCactuar
GredGredmansson: i don't think double douwn is actually that impressive
Gekyouryuu: look, every new magic set power creeps the last one, so if you're playing anything older than 3 sets ago but younger than the first set ever it's outdated, clearly. Kappa
cameron_in_the_hizous: @Desruprot in covid years thats like 20 years ago
Mr_Horrible: it's honestly pretty funny and also pretty kanagoDespair when I look at the set symbol timeline on Enchant Worldle and 2020-2022 is as long as like 2000-2008
SolarBlitz1: We've hit Exponential set release speed that's why everything is so old feeling
GredGredmansson: that's what we said
LiamK712: the snakes aren't great because early green creatures will make your mana rough
anhakha: If you have anything that searches for basic lands, you'll want at least 1 basic plains.
azidbern95: might want that Plains...
incredulouspasserby: @gekyouryuu ok but why is this joke not a joke 😭
WormBoyJames: what happens when you equip the same creature with both assimilation aegis'
anhakha: In case you have the assimilation things stuck in hand.
TheDevil_Risen: Wheeler, Im loving playing Cow Tech!
Desruprot: 2 shields of steal
ThePixelSavage: how many reprints are in this set ... snakeskin veil?
Bannin: More like 5 myth -thicccs!
Bannin: I'll see myslef out now
Sorator13: Dust Bowl is always here for you
powerflapjack: important question: does wheeler's screen have ratthew
IaCthulhuFthagn: Dust Bowl is pretty spicy.
GredGredmansson: collective defiance not the worset
Gekyouryuu: I never knew that
Chronomagistrate: @ThePixelSavage The Breaking News sheet is about 45 card IIRC
Mr_Horrible: making burger patties out of Richardson's Ground Squirrel
cameron_in_the_hizous: can we talk to someone about keeping the Gladiator que permanently? no one plays brawl anyway
theamc2000: ratthew!
GredGredmansson: wait no what am i confusing that with
powerflapjack: YEEEEEEEAAAAAH
Tweygoh: so many ratthewa
theamc2000: yay
Mr_Horrible: we love Ratthew
sporkraptor: rotate the ratthew
Desruprot: Pairie Dog is so cute
JRandomHacker: @cameron_in_the_hizous I mean we're trying
DigitalSeahorse: lol
cotillion1850 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 53 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cotillion1850! (Today's storm count: 77)
sporkraptor: powering up the Ratthew spell
Mr_Horrible: unlocking the Secrets of the Rat
Sorator13: well, that's an odd use of Channel, but it does work
LiamK712: Draft a spell from the Ratthew deck
anhakha: Wheeler the Rathewmancer
WormBoyJames: wheeler is pondering on Ratthew
Sorator13: oh dear
Desruprot: thats a big beaver
incredulouspasserby: note to self: snakeskin veil is a common and they ALWAYS have it.
Mr_Horrible: aur naur more winter
LurkerSpine: wait, it's common now? didn't veil used to be uncommon? or am I dreaming?
cameron_in_the_hizous: we can play 5
WormBoyJames: How about a 6th?
DigitalSeahorse: an possum gasp
incredulouspasserby: common now. pauper players are hype.
cameron_in_the_hizous: nice
DigitalSeahorse: without the o
lordofkatz: If you've been thrown from the saddle 4 times, stop getting on that horse
Mr_Horrible: it was apparently common in Kaldheim when it first appeared @LurkerSpine , but uncommon in the mystical archive reprints?
Alex Wisdom: Wheeler's opponents just won't be able to get on the saddle huh
DigitalSeahorse: rad knife
LurkerSpine: Ah, I was thinking of blossoming defence
incredulouspasserby: ope, I guess I only started paying attention to pauper after mystical archive RIP
BusTed: drawfeYee drawfeHaw
Mr_Horrible: but I mean, in Kaldheim you weren't doing Weenie Hut Jr. stuff like targeting your opponent's creatures Kappa
raulghoulia: it's the same horse
ThePixelSavage: Cori ... you could always draw yourself a horse ...
TimIAm: So inflation turns ice cream into horse?
Mr_Horrible: so it probably felt less impactful in limited
Jundinator: Hello LRR
EvilBadman: @ThePixelSavage impossible
theamc2000: I have been on a horse
Jundinator: How is Thunder Junction
anhakha: If you get to 50 wins, James buys you all horsey rides.
A_Dub888: !findquote horse
LRRbot: Quote #768: "Real talk: don't Fulton your horse." —Kathleen [2015-10-01]
LiamK712: Don't take Ben Ulmer for horse back riding
Mr_Horrible: Horses: Only Once
powerflapjack: horses hate the summer goths
FurthestChunk: i see the fifth throw from the saddle
loufghyslaufey: Soap? Deserts can go tribal now ImTyping ImTyping ??
DigitalSeahorse: if cats could be ridden
cameron_in_the_hizous: Horses I think are good at matching people's energy. I say this without further comment
DigitalSeahorse: safely*
Desruprot: and Centaurs wear spurs
A_Dub888: So there's this horse person...
Bearudite: is it just me or does Thunder Junction kinda feel like a gacha game's beach event? "wow here is plot device that lets us put Oko in a cowboy hat!"
DrLigmaPhD: The H in Himbo is for horse
Rogue_07: The H in Himbo is for horse
loufghyslaufey: Rare draft?
Rogue_07: @DrLigmaPhD ayyy
anhakha: Graham had 3 games in a row with Kenji earlier.
TimeToFry: We've played against Kenji a few times today, right
Wolfstrike_NL: Graham and Kenji already had 3 games
cameron_in_the_hizous: the Kenji Runback
WormBoyJames: i think a 7th throw from the saddle and it all comes together
theamc2000: it is pack two
DrLigmaPhD: @Rogue_07 Same brain cell!
loufghyslaufey: Into a glad-draft or something?
sporkraptor: horse riding is super fun but if you haven't done it in a while or ever you will be *so damn sore* the next day
TimIAm: I'd watch Beej ride a horse
Desruprot: Tiny Bones pet or a Horse
sporkraptor: you will learn about muscles you never knew you had
cameron_in_the_hizous: you should record one of the Tap Tap's from the back off a horse
sporkraptor: because they will all hurt real bad
Melody Smith: oh heck yeah! LRL Horse Back Segment!!!
ThePixelSavage: Horse ridin pre record could be a part of the next roadquest which leads you down to ... Mexiko through the US?
accountmadeforants: @Bearudite I mean, that's sorta what Planeswalkers have been *for* for a while. "Here's a new zany Planet of Hats and <character you know> is wearing one such Hat!" It's just a literal Hat this time.
just__fitz: Did Wheeler make the gladiator decks that are on arena right now?
panhead096: Wheeler mumbling about his 7th throw from the saddle is killing me
DrLigmaPhD: Why did I see Outcaster Greenblade and think "Ah the Guacamole-Man"
Bearudite: @accountmadeforants when in Rome wear the ridiculous hat or else
panhead096: sick mana drain
cameron_in_the_hizous: thats a pretty good mana drain
Bearudite: I just want a planeswalker to show up and no sell
cameron_in_the_hizous: wish we had something to spend that mana on
ThePixelSavage: i think the 9th Throw from the Saddle is where the "Throw from the Saddle" deck really comes alive
Desruprot: rip big beaver
anhakha: What does Assimilation Aegis do?
accountmadeforants: @Bearudite That was Jace's job for a bit and we disliked that, then he went shirtless on a Pirate crew and we all cheered.
Sorator13: Oh, that seems like a good Steal Shield target
lordofkatz: Ben, please stop getting on that horse
EvilBadman: Hat Drafting this set seems like a nightmare
cameron_in_the_hizous: you skipped one? why?
LiamK712: Wheeler do you have any creatures to throw?
RETURNTOMONKAE: i need to see wheelers build
KickAssKanuck: any mounts wheeler?
h3rsh3yb4r: how many boarded window's do we throw from the saddle
Bearudite: @accountmadeforants hell yeah make that nerd ditch the hoodie
Desruprot: you have a large a-mount of cards?
ThePixelSavage: @Desruprot boooooo
rentar42: @Desruprot booo!
Desruprot: :p
just__fitz: Wheeler are you a Rio Bravo or El Dorado kind of guy
cameron_in_the_hizous: staff
anhakha: Human tokens are wotc staff
EvilBadman: humanTokens are non named Arena staff
cameron_in_the_hizous: Arena staff specifically
Sorator13: pfff
rentar42: assuming all centaurs are mounts?! How dare you!
Sorator13: wheeler you can't just assume centaurs are mounts!@
Sorator13: that's extremely disrespectful smh Kappa
ThePixelSavage: "Human Token" ... yeah that is exactly how Hasbro/WotC sees their employees
just__fitz: Wheelers arena client is muted
cameron_in_the_hizous: Ben's game doesn't have audio
EvilBadman: oh no the rich tapestry of crunch noises
cameron_in_the_hizous: we were
spinebustertee: "Rich Tapestry of Crunch Noises" also describes some of Brave New Faves' greatest hits.
cameron_in_the_hizous: is rathony scuffing something?
Sorator13: dingdong!
EvilBadman: Sure did
Alex Wisdom: Is his desktop audio off?
GredGredmansson: we're getting audio from someone else's game
cameron_in_the_hizous: oh were on kathleens game audio still
EvilBadman: We have..Cori or Kathleen's sound on Ben's source
Sorator13: Ah. We still havve Kathleen's audio, I believe
Sorator13: this is very confusing, lol
DanTheMediocre: plot a card *cacaaw*
cameron_in_the_hizous: now we have both
just__fitz: Oh I think Paul was muting peoples arenas on the stream whenever he switched cameras, now we are just getting the one that wasnt muted
incredulouspasserby: we didn’t see deck construction, how many saddles can you throw things from?
cameron_in_the_hizous: we good now
just__fitz: James did it. Hooray
EvilBadman: @just__fitz I know Paul'd set it up to switch automagically
KorrenTheNinth: lrrFINE
MadmanOreo: (after playing the 9th throw from the saddle) "OP is back in the saddle again DansGame "
cameron_in_the_hizous: unfair that they get orange names tbh
cameron_in_the_hizous: good bit
Mr_Horrible: E -
BusTed: drawfeYee drawfeHaw
WormBoyJames: E
circusofkirkus: has ben seen the new arena emotes?
cameron_in_the_hizous: E -
boyesie: E
JonnyH: E and Haw
accountmadeforants: wheelerE wheelerH
FurthestChunk: wheelerY wheelerH
just__fitz: E-Haw, its the donkey of victory
BusTed: LUL
public_universal_enemy subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months!
public_universal_enemy: I'm a YouTube viewer but here's my prime sub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, public_universal_enemy! (Today's storm count: 78)
cameron_in_the_hizous: Gods perfect deck
GredGredmansson: throw from the snake
Mr_Horrible: this snake's KDA is gonna go supernova
GredGredmansson: there's a tinybones pet too
Agent of Wheeled: Yessss. The celebrations are back!!
EvilBadman: Sportskeeda getting an account is amusing
circusofkirkus: LRR Sebastian
goombalax: honse
Wolfstrike_NL: Ooo Cori might have a Shrek-horse around you could mayby buy
Robot_Bones: this is how James ends up buying wheeler a turtle
Athelgar: life model drawing for CDHC of the pantomime horse
asthanius: The horse power rankings?
just__fitz: 735 Watts
LiamK712: how many are you running in the deck?
Pywodwagon: horse power bottom rankings
Pywodwagon: is this anything
ghizmou: shield vs saddle
cameron_in_the_hizous: who runs more than 1 copy of a card in their deck, are they insane?
Robot_Bones: mono shields
EvilBadman: but not like us, who only has multiple copies of good cards
just__fitz: People from the Snorse plane must be very confused by normal horses
FurthestChunk: !card quick draw
LRRbot: Quick Draw [R] | Instant | Target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains first strike until end of turn. Creatures target opponent controls lose first strike and double strike until end of turn.
asthanius: snorsh, clearly
ThePixelSavage: snorses are probaly from amonkhet
korvys: Doesn't one of Andrew's partners have a pantomime horse burlesque routine?
GredGredmansson: thought you said the Snorsh plane
midnightcurryjazz: dont forget to use the new emotes in game
DrLigmaPhD: I rose through the desert on a snorse with no name....
FurthestChunk: yeah but you can still cast throw from the saddle
Athelgar: how big does a snorse's mouth unhinge too? is it like the yoshi meme?
Desruprot: limesPop limesPop limesPop
Melody Smith: Loading Ready Horse
McMenno: no
FurthestChunk: wheeler been through every machine at the laundromat
WormBoyJames: only cast 3 of the 10 throws so it cant be a win
Carlioo41: throw from the saddle mana is my favorite kind of mana
ThePixelSavage: why is there a spinning rat ...
Robot_Bones: why wouldn't there be?
anhakha: That's rathew
FurthestChunk: !rat
Desruprot: oh no Laughing Jasper and Marchesa
super731: rathew my beloved
FurthestChunk: oh wait we don't have !rat here lmao
M0nzaa: ben didnt get anyone to babysit ratthew, had to bring to work
EvilBadman: Smaller invite size plus being able to limited or constructed splits the playbease something fierce
anhakha: He has seniority. He's the judge level just below Beej.
A_Dub888: @ding0_dorko Bartlby probably
EvilBadman: He's always around
ThankYouUro: So, is Rathew "IN" LRR?
theamc2000: 9
DanTheMediocre: @ding0_dorko ratthew moves through the pipes, and the office has nice pipes
just__fitz: What if they surgically extract the throw
TheManaLeek: Sportskeeda? Like...the wrestling website?
accountmadeforants: Yeah, I also do that
accountmadeforants: I don't flick cards IRL but I do exactly that thing
Mr_Horrible: just a bit
GredGredmansson: !card Stop That
LRRbot: Stop That [B] | Instant | Target player discards a card. / Gotcha — If an opponent audibly flicks the cards in their hand, you may say "Gotcha!" When you do, return Stop That from your graveyard to your hand.
FurthestChunk: gotta stim y'know
James Balch: Hello from the youtube
Carlioo41: maybe wheeler will cast throw from the saddle and the opponent will just concede
FurthestChunk: !card bucolic ranch
LRRbot: Bucolic Ranch | Land — Desert | {T}: Add {C}. / {T}: Add one mana of any color. Spend this mana only to cast a Mount spell. / {3}, {T}: Look at the top card of your library. If it's a Mount card, you may reveal it and put it into your hand. If you don't put it into your hand, you may put it on the bottom of your library.
just__fitz: The art for the ranch shows dinosaur mounts, but there are no dino's in the set right?
GredGredmansson: there is a card that makes dino tokens but that's it
EvilBadman: Vaultborn Tyrant
GredGredmansson: no a red one
just__fitz: Is spinewood paladin on a moose?
quazardude subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, quazardude! (Today's storm count: 79)
EvilBadman: @GredGredmansson then there's two
ThePixelSavage: arent all ranches bucolic?
just__fitz: Bucolic "relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life"
EvilBadman: @GredGredmansson Scalestorm Summoner makes dinos, is not dino
CygnusInfinity: @ThePixelSavage perhaps not the dressing? PrideShrug
Richard Brorsson: I can't load the live feed
twistedsylvan: So the cactus people are not enemic to Thunder Junction right? So they came from some other Wild West plane, probably?
asthanius: no, they're endemic. they were awoken by the omenpaths or something
GredGredmansson: the cacti recently attained sentience
ThePixelSavage: @CygnusInfinity fair
twistedsylvan: oooh, gotcha. I think I like that
boyesie: !card mystical tether
LRRbot: Mystical Tether [2W] | Enchantment | You may cast Mystical Tether as though it had flash if you pay {2} more to cast it. / When Mystical Tether enters the battlefield, exile target artifact or creature an opponent controls until Mystical Tether leaves the battlefield.
CygnusInfinity: @twistedsylvan they are endemic, just somehow uplifted by the omenpaths
twistedsylvan: I was just thrown because of the "No one lived here before the omenpaths, don't worry about it" vibe
accountmadeforants: seabatClap
kyless2106: very nice
h3rsh3yb4r: LRR has HR?
accountmadeforants: "I respect your work ethic"
CygnusInfinity: oh yes, the overrun
A_Dub888: James "ChatGPT" Turner
GredGredmansson: choo choo
Desruprot: oh look a big beaver
Pywodwagon: listen if HR didn’t get involved with Ben destroying Olivia’s giant beaver earlier, I think James is safe
EvilBadman: Where's ChadGPT, let's get going on that
bjornsnoen: Wait is James your HR department?
bjornsnoen: Ah, checks out
ThePixelSavage: Beej is HR???
Robot_Bones: I thought it was bartleby
twistedsylvan: this explains a lot
Desruprot: Beej is HR?
asthanius: it explains why everything is going so well
theamc2000: what!
ThePixelSavage: the puppets need to unionize!
SnowBuddy18: @Robot_Bones Bartlebeej
anhakha: Rathew is HR.
theamc2000: oh ok
notthepenguins: i can't believe the puppets are slave labor
GredGredmansson: Bartleby just lives here
ThankYouUro: They're I dependent contractors
picante072: New reach animation?
twistedsylvan: It explains why the mysterious Morphsuited man had a Cube by way of a censor
Robot_Bones: Yeah Pupputs Unionize!
PhorrestGaze: oh, I was afraid for a minute you laid them off
A_Dub888: Do the puppets know that?
Plundy: D:
RhymesWithMoose: Wouldn't Bartleby run Puppet Resources, anyways?
ShaneLeeAtk: Ratthew is where Ratthew is where Ratthew belongs belongs
CygnusInfinity: Bartleby, legally not a human.
A_Dub888: @RhymesWithMoose Probably but I doubt Gibb would listen or care
picante072: Also why do plots include fireballs?
ThePixelSavage: did that horse just fart?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: hello @LoadingReadyRun . How go the crimes?
EvilBadman: Seeing as the puppets are effective squatting the office space, I don't think they care if they're paid or employees
boyesie: !card key to the vault
LRRbot: The Key to the Vault [1U] | Legendary Artifact — Equipment | Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, look at that many cards from the top of your library. You may exile a nonland card from among them. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. You may cast the exiled card without paying its mana cost. / Equip {2}{U}
ThePixelSavage: @EvilBadman not getting paid is WHY they have to squat
Desruprot: Key to the Vault does sound powerful
CygnusInfinity: it feels powerful when ahead, but like a do nothing if you're not
A_Dub888: @ThePixelSavage Bartlby and Pistachio don't have legs, how can they squat?
thedepthandbreadthofseth: I think I'm thinking of key to the city
ShaneLeeAtk: The Snorse from Shnorsh?
Desruprot: The Snorse is pretty good
Dr_fragenstien: key to the vault sounds powerful in commander. It also sounds like a lot of set up to keep hitting lands and 2 drops in limited
thedepthandbreadthofseth: !CARD KEY TO THE CITY
LRRbot: Key to the City [2] | Artifact | {T}, Discard a card: Up to one target creature can't be blocked this turn. / Whenever Key to the City becomes untapped, you may pay {2}. If you do, draw a card.
DanTheMediocre: it's the snorse that bobs wrong
Graham Stark: I've seen folks say they couldn't find and/or load the YouTube stream, have those who ARE here encountered weirdness?
Desruprot: !card Caustic Bronco
LRRbot: Caustic Bronco [1B] | Creature — Snake Horse Mount [2/2] | Whenever Caustic Bronco attacks, reveal the top card of your library and put it into your hand. You lose life equal to that card's mana value if Caustic Bronco isn't saddled. Otherwise, each opponent loses that much life. / Saddle 3
Desruprot: @DanTheMediocre it does have the option to bob right
GredGredmansson: oh.
ThePixelSavage: Scorpion Dragon rogue ... these creature types are getting out of hand ...
CygnusInfinity: I think "What's riku is doing here?" is exactly how I responded when I saw it previewed. I'm an avid fan of original riku and I'm still not sure I'm happy to randomly see this new one
AFamiliarCalledEl: Damn, I'm pretty sure I ran into that Akul chap in Elden Ring
Desruprot: @ThePixelSavage now theres three of them
Carlioo41: I haven't had any issues
a dragon hoarding teacups: loading fine for me right now
Graham Stark: I suppose this is an odd sample group to ask 😀
Bannin: no problems from what I can tell
bjornsnoen: Ben "I don't think my deck is very good" Wheeler
raulghoulia: draft horse, cyldesdale. Wheeler's not picky
Mr_Horrible: Wheeler, the ducks at the pond are free
h3rsh3yb4r: ducks are free
McMenno: I'd buy that for a dollar
Laserbeaks_Fury: And thats where the phrase "passing the duck" comes from
raulghoulia: m4D
Nurell: Is Ben discovering agriculture?
EvilBadman: add another anecdote to the "things searched for on the LRR network"
ThePixelSavage: rent a donkey ... sounds like one of those searches that could end in two VERY different results
Desruprot: a mini-donkey
Athelgar: im sure there can be a skit written for live involving a donkey
DigitalSeahorse: :o
McMenno: YOOOO!!!
DigitalSeahorse: sweet!
powerflapjack: (sits back down after preparing dinner) what the blue hell
TheManaLeek: That's gotta be within a LoadingReadyLive budget...
Desruprot: A donkey in a crapshot could be interesting
DigitalSeahorse: handler included!
EvilBadman: under $100 CAD?
raulghoulia: it comes With the handler?!
Carlioo41: unidonkey...!
AFamiliarCalledEl: $45 honestly seems a bit steep... They better be doing it's makeup
Rogue_07: Ian may finally get to ride that Donkey Donkey
DanTheMediocre: handler is a free extra
Pywodwagon: “we’ve had to cut an episode of Friday nights to make room for the donkey budget”
twistedsylvan: donkey with a little hat is a great way to celebrate
ShaneLeeAtk: uni500 Donkey bits!
just__fitz: Elk Lake, give it Antlers and say oko got it
EvilBadman: Thank god this is a LRR bad idea and not like Andrew finding out for Desert Bus Kappa
DigitalSeahorse: chat will fund the unicorn donkey
Krillin_fan: brb googling donkey show, they sound delightful
Athelgar: its a twonicorne
ShaneLeeAtk: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 79 (new subscribers: 8, returning subscribers: 71, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 0, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 500, new followers: 31, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
DigitalSeahorse: revive unicorn into irl
DanTheMediocre: cat and donkey show, the lesser know counterpart to the dog and pony show
Laserbeaks_Fury: Man, a Possum would have been a good opportunity to bring Regeneration back for 1 card: Becoming tapped to pretend you are dead fits so well
Rogue 7: Graham, ironically earlier I couldn't get *twitch* to play video, so I'm watching here with the twitch chat popped out
mcbannin subscribed with Prime.
powerflapjack: lmao
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mcbannin! (Today's storm count: 80)
DAC169: rooKek
RayFK: Please don't traumatize a donkey #wotcstaff
theamc2000: you say
ancientspark: <message deleted>Those donkeys deserve it
h3rsh3yb4r: Was it Kiefer?
circusofkirkus: if anything, the donkey is going to traumatize Ben
KickAssKanuck: LUL
Strebenherz: look fat pigeons are wonderful
Laserbeaks_Fury: That would be an ass move
SkiaSymphonia: Cheer500 Bits for a donkey day
ancientspark: <message deleted>Nuuuuuu
Dix: mmmmmmmm
DigitalSeahorse: the handlers know what donkeys well fed can easily handle
ghizmou: I think this is even funnier this way
just__fitz: I actually have a friend by Victoria who owns a donkey and a miniature horse that they rescued
ancientspark: I'm so sad :(
DigitalSeahorse: Lrr would probably be a nice break from the children tbh
Mr_Horrible: wheeler, you're infringing on Let's Nope's bit
Bearudite: crowd sourced donkey
theamc2000: less
whitefirecomix: Can the donkey play commander?
WormBoyJames: how much to teach the donkey magic
ghizmou: uh.... might want to rethink that hashtag
ThePixelSavage: you need ice cream money for that day
goombalax: maybe NOT #Donkeybits tho? might wanna workshop that
h3rsh3yb4r: #donkeybits
groovemancery: hashtagdonkeybits
McMenno: #donkeybits
James_LRR: cheer100 #DonkeyBits
jacqui_lantern234: #DonkeyBits
EvilBadman: Hey, you gotta pay to use the hashtag
SmashTCG: surgical extraction is a crime, Also known as Malpractice
TheWooglie: is that money laundering?
theamc2000: #dinkeybits
silaslunark: make sure to tweet at james using the # donkeybits
theamc2000: crud
bobokiddo: Cheer1000 #DonkeyBits
silaslunark: lets get it trending on twitter
ThePixelSavage: @James_LRR this has strong stock buy back energy
midnightcurryjazz: lrrDILLY
LiamK712: I thought wheeler was james currently
theamc2000: show angel pls
ShaneLeeAtk: uni1000 MOAR Donkey Bits!
DigitalSeahorse: that's 5 times as long
circusofkirkus: GW mounts seems real strong
bjornsnoen: Complains about deck quality Goes 7-0 Refuses to elaborate Leaves
DigitalSeahorse: 10 times as long!
DigitalSeahorse: the full day of donkey?
googoltudoris: what i'm hearing is we need "LRR goes to the petting zoo" content
FenrisSchafer: Pride1000 #DonkeyBits
DAC169: when you saddle your saddle creature with a saddlable creature aipEZ
Laserbeaks_Fury: You would have the perfect opportunity to say "I'm Ben Wheeler, and this is a jackass."
NickTheDM: Is that a promise, James? Because you know twitch will do it if it is
LoadingReadyRun: I would never lie about a donkey :P
NickTheDM: Understood
KickAssKanuck: That donkey will be a 1 taker. Shouldn't need too much time if Wheeler's on point
ThePixelSavage: you need carrot money as well
EvilBadman: (and a tasteful editing note from Jordynne here)
whitefirecomix: Get the donkey to review canadian highlander cards
LiamK712: Instead of a Cam and Ian Christmas it's a Wheeler and Kathleen Donkey Day
pipshardfour: can’t pet donkeys club
circusofkirkus: @LiamK712 Christmas in July
anhakha: Time for a donkey show.
PhorrestGaze: but then treat the donkey as an expert on some subject
hansk_olof_tarkir: There's donkeys at my job, they're pretty cool. Not to make you jealous.
TheDevil_Risen: So Wheeler, how goes convincing James and Beej to let you buy the eggs?
whitefirecomix: gottem
ThePixelSavage: rude.
neisan2112: lrrWOW
midnightcurryjazz: LUL LUL LUL
elias2718: LUL
McMenno: gottem
PopsButNotDad: wait does that mean serge is back back
PopsButNotDad: or just visiting
philippekav: I mean ... he's streaming right now
jacqui_lantern234: please, wheeler, a Donkey would still pilot lands decks better than Serge Kappa
silaslunark: JFC wheeler
circusofkirkus: get him a donkey for his birthday
neisan2112: He's doing a subathon even
sporkraptor: happy birthday serge
Juliamon: PopsButNotDad Back back
hansk_olof_tarkir: Our donkeys are called Kasper and Teun
silaslunark: someone clip that and send it to serge
theamc2000: happy day for not roasting Serge
Ritaspirithntr: Wheeler! How dare you! it’s his b-day!
Rockexex: next year
trevorwisn: what is serge in donkey years
NickTheDM: Cheer1000 #DonkeyBits Lets make this happen, Assorted Cowpokes.
PopsButNotDad: @Juliamon huge
quietcat: I'd dig a LRR goes to a petting zoo Live segment tbh
ThePixelSavage: job security wheeler ... like every other day of the year.
sporkraptor: you're fighting for ice cream
McMenno: 7-0 with the #donkeybits deck?
blipbloop1000: in the vein of Cameron and Ian christmas. Wheeler and Kathleen Easter Donkey
sporkraptor: I heard James promised everybody ice cream if you get 50 wins
KickAssKanuck: @neisan2112 who is?
theamc2000: get stabbed by goat horns
powerflapjack: wheeler can you tell me about the rabbits?
powerflapjack: i wanna hear about the rabbits
hansk_olof_tarkir: Say hi to the pigs
Laserbeaks_Fury: huh, I could have sword Felidar was a creature type
hansk_olof_tarkir: Pigs are amazing
vinopinguino: Petting zoo visit for Bloomburrow release stream
PywosMom: I want to see Ratthew @ Donkey day #donkeybits
hivefleetdarknell: Loose change #donkeybits
ThePixelSavage: how are there two of the same card in the pack ...
theamc2000: congrats on waking up
picante072: Double Dog Jumpscare
Iluvatardis: @ThePixelSavage it's not cube
catchyuniquename: Cheer1000 Happy birthday Serge??! #donkeybits
Dog_of_Myth: Cheer1000 #DonerKebabBits? Am I doing it right?
DigitalSeahorse: voxlunCarp
McMenno: LUL
sporkraptor: terror bird gonna get some venison
Strebenherz: Wait. You have wild peacocks there?
ThePixelSavage: @Iluvatardis still ive never seen two of the same card in Arena packs ... at least not that I remember
Rogue_07: I was once inspecting a park in suburban New Jersey when a pure white peacock crossed my path.
sporkraptor: donkebab
Rogue_07: I was *very* worried I was about to be kidnapped by the fey
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun lrrJAMES how many donkey bits do we have so far?
anhakha: Heard it here first. Cori will eat ass.
McMenno: donkey bit kebab?
ThePixelSavage: 7100?
catchyuniquename: 7100, almost halfway there
sporkraptor: thanks for that donkey kabob, bob
groovemancery: Danke, Bob
DigitalSeahorse: katesFlower 4 donkey
EvilBadman: I was cheering for Dank Bits 4:20
Krillin_fan: bitte Ben
JoannaTastic: bobrigado
LoadingReadyRun: Yah, so far all the bits we have are #DonkeyBits
just__fitz: Another Round's flavour text sounds like the western version of Hello From the Magic Tavern
NickTheDM: While I'm here, Kathleen and Wheeler, Any interest in another set of custom commander decks in honor of Bylaw and Order 2? Oh, and #DonkeyBits
Graham_LRR: Turns out Another Round is much better than I thought it was, fwiw
coachNelly: is this a boots deck?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Failed Fording: You have lost 8 Oxen
NickTheDM: Cheer250 Sorry, this is for my above message #DonkeyBits
Desruprot: oooh Another Round
Rogue_07: @Graham_LRR because you asked in the Youtube chat- I had issues getting *twitch* to open earlier, but youtube has been great all day.
Mr_Horrible: is Don Quibits the sequel to Don Quixote?
MadWolf1290: the rotating 3D rat over Wheeler is *chef's kiss*
Iluvatardis: @Mr_Horrible LUL that's a good one
jacqui_lantern234: yeah, this should be 200 total tips across both platforms
Peter_Chordash: #donkeychats
EvilBadman: You can't just ask how much plot someone had
coachNelly: why wheeler rat on face?
LithelyUnshod: U/W has a lot of flash
Sage0fMadness: the giant reach arrow is so funny
Laserbeaks_Fury: MEEP MEEP
NickTheDM: Well that's what I get for messing up my cheer, haha. At least the donkeybit train continues.
ShaneLeeAtk: uni500 #DonkeyBits #DejaVu
PopsButNotDad: @coachNelly thats ratthew
jacqui_lantern234: @coachNelly why not?
Bearudite: what if it were a donkey at the door
McMenno: @NickTheDM F
PopsButNotDad: @coachNelly its a bit on the rodeo stream
Sage0fMadness: Ratthew's just a lil guy
TheWooglie: I love how much confidence you said that with Cori
lirazel64: RIPCheer100 RIPCheer100
Bannin: And Wheeler looks like a total Dad
zelukester: sorry boss, already in one
sporkraptor: rattybits
lirazel64: #donkey
bo_brinkman: How much are Caillou bits?
Laserbeaks_Fury: Did they literally print 1 Coyote for the Roadrunner?
sporkraptor: I have ridden a donkey, it's pretty fun
kumatsu: 200 bits, Ratthew's choice
sporkraptor: donkeys dgaf
Oneiropticon: I think I missed something. What's the deal with the gently rotating rat?
Bannin: Wheeler's personal stream, he has that rat
powerflapjack: @Laserbeaks_Fury they sure did
sporkraptor: donkey vs rats: go
Desruprot: He really spins round right round
asthanius: too late to apologize
kumatsu: @Laserbeaks_Fury changeling still exists SeriousSloth
A_Dub888: !findquote donkey
LRRbot: Quote #1469: "Donkey Kong can't melt steel beams." —Ian [2016-01-06]
PopsButNotDad: the phrasing on this is poor
jacqui_lantern234: @LRRbot tiltyhPLS
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh and the Coyote and Road runner are a panarama, arent they
loufghyslaufey: SingsNote Tsk Two Late Too Apollo Gheist SingsNote
McMenno: @Laserbeaks_Fury yeah
Ara Messor: that's ratthew
Ara Messor: he's been a member of lrr for years
Dog_of_Myth: @Laserbeaks_Fury yep
loufghyslaufey: SingsMic Tis Too Late SingsMic
jacqui_lantern234: if i ever adopted a donkey, id name it Hotay
jacqui_lantern234: -ba dum tss-
Sage0fMadness: LUL
jacqui_lantern234: @Sage0fMadness dont encourage me :p
DHAnsgar: @jacqui_lantern234 fantastic
philippekav: Just FYI donkey loves to yell in the middle of the night
kumatsu: 4:10 stampede it!
jacqui_lantern234: @philippekav same tbh
A_Dub888: @jacqui_lantern234 you can stop our encouragement about as well as you can stop our aggressive love
Laserbeaks_Fury: As I understand that donkeys love to make waffles
asthanius: donkey sleepaway camp
loufghyslaufey: SingsNote SingsMic Yest, Eye Meme This Two Late Too A Pailing Heist, This Chew Late SingsMic SingsNote
sporkraptor: okay hold on now
ThankYouUro: Uhhh
DarthRagnar815: HahaSweat
Rogue_07: Kathleen, you have a *child*
Oneiropticon: The things you miss when you stick to scripted stuff.
Oneiropticon: I only recently learned about the mime children.
vinopinguino: Oh god, first the giant beaver now this...
DAC169: you heard him chat rooDerp
coachNelly: just ask voxy
richard_ermen: Damnit, I googled adult donkey party. I'm now irrevocably changed forever. Thanks.
Strebenherz: other ben
McMenno: adult donkey party just gives you shrek donkey masks
jacqui_lantern234: @coachNelly wasnt it Olivia's?
loufghyslaufey: ScaredyCat lrrHERE lrrSPOOP lrrSCOOP katesSteer
ThankYouUro: It was Olivia
coachNelly: oh right my b
asthanius: Peanut Putter Jelly
sporkraptor: yes I would like beaver facts pls
loufghyslaufey: Punt/CounterPunt?
asthanius: thanks global warming and human urbanization
h3rsh3yb4r: cactus dam
loufghyslaufey: I missed the last punt. Was there even a punt last time
silaslunark: beavers got big plans
CygnusInfinity: well, a hot spot, let's be fair.
loufghyslaufey: Or the time before that ImTyping ImTyping ?
coachNelly: lost caverns of eating pcp
asthanius: Simic Linings comes out every week though tbf
theamc2000: why are you eating piping?
coachNelly: yikes
theamc2000: wow
vinopinguino: Oof
00gogo00: what's the icon on the duelist mean?
loufghyslaufey: That's just James when he oversees a P/CP like that one time during Crimson Vow
GredGredmansson: reach
h3rsh3yb4r: @00gogo00 arrow ready
00gogo00: not reach, the big floating arrow
GredGredmansson: yeah, reach
Garuuk_Predator_of_Scrubs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months, currently on a 67 month streak!
Garuuk_Predator_of_Scrubs: Queue, Queue, Kacho wheelerY wheelerH
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Garuuk_Predator_of_Scrubs! (Today's storm count: 81)
00gogo00: !card deadeye duelist
LRRbot: Deadeye Duelist [1R] | Creature — Human Assassin [1/3] | Reach / {1}, {T}: Deadeye Duelist deals 1 damage to target opponent.
loufghyslaufey: lrrJAMES lrrWHEELER lrrNELSON lrrKATHLEEN
GredGredmansson: reach is no longer secret
00gogo00: oh, that's nice I guess
loufghyslaufey: @gredgredmansson B-B-Bu-Butt- that would be flavor fail!
lirazel64: Tumbleweeds rolling across the stream distracting? Y/N
NickTheDM: Cheer300 Formatting this properly this time: Kathleen and Wheeler, would y'all be interested in a second round of custom commander decks for Bylaw and Order 2? #DonkeyBits
a dragon hoarding teacups: what's the 34 meter thingy in the top-left?
loufghyslaufey: Secret reach in Thunder Junction would the the draw meme you get from Toy Story
HadesLeprechaun: I'm waiting for some like, 25 year old cards to show up on Spellify
loufghyslaufey: Or an ordinary western duel ImTyping ImTyping
loufghyslaufey: Secret reach
NickTheDM: Noted! I've got some ideas knocking around, I'll be in touch!
coachNelly: I think we pass here
anhakha: Silver bordered donkey cards are a thing.
theamc2000: toss the bird?
CygnusInfinity: now THERE's a Magic the gathering sentence
Desruprot: Donkeys are silver bordered
anhakha: With stats like 3.5/3.5
sporkraptor: @CygnusInfinity yah that's what I was thinking XD
lirazel64: Azorius control with stabbing and acrobatics yay!
theamc2000: fun button
azidbern95: Cori.... Cori, you can win
Sage0fMadness: see this is why you save the fling
asthanius: r e s p e c t
GredGredmansson: why? no reason
Laserbeaks_Fury: Are they still trying to get that keyless app to work Kappa
yatagarasu1177: i see wheeler also doing the spellify
bo_brinkman: spoiler alert
theamc2000: dang
Desruprot: hope door is up to w/e the regulation agency is's standards for Canada is
azidbern95: activate roadrunner, then fling pig
00gogo00: you gotta activate it first
Sage0fMadness: they played a roadrunner of their own chat
theamc2000: don’t do enchantment worlds off screen
alexanderthefine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, alexanderthefine! (Today's storm count: 82)
just__fitz: Got it in 9
sporkraptor: international pig-flingin' champion
loufghyslaufey: "Who floop'd the pig!?"
TheWooglie: No
GredGredmansson: wait cori no
anhakha: Oops.
Sage0fMadness: well
Graham Stark: Points! We give ourselves one point for a win (and another for a 7-x)
loufghyslaufey: Yes, Cori! Another!!
silaslunark: cori nooo
anhakha: You flung the roadrunner at itself. That takes skill.
Angreed66: when arena asks are you sure reevaluate
Desruprot: oops
Laserbeaks_Fury: Technically, the Fling fizzled due to lack of target
TheWooglie: @Angreed66 when arena says are you sure say no and try again
NotInsaneMuadib: Graham are y'all having competing teams this time around, or just going to a high score?
anhakha: It is now midnight in the UK.
raulghoulia: Cam Reich?
GredGredmansson: Cameron, Here The Whole Time
TheWooglie: that's not your catchphrase Cameron
anhakha: Cameron was here before Cori...
EvilBadman: @raulghoulia AMAZING
silaslunark: cam is sam reich??
ThePixelSavage: ouch
powerflapjack: cameron off in the corner wearing a chroma key blanket
Graham Stark: Just going for a score. Turns out, we didn't LOVE the direct competition aspect.
whitefirecomix: LRR Dropout crossover when?
Sage0fMadness: can we talk about how incredible the Beau token is?
silaslunark: LRR dropout crossover would be the dream
anhakha: A Deckmastee Gamechanger
Sage0fMadness: RIP
TheDevil_Risen: Hello Cameron, how are you?
ThePixelSavage: Welcome Cameron!
Ratosai: *A rare. There's so many to choose from these days
anhakha: Intimidation has put in work today
ThePixelSavage: also great art ... and my Sphinx Commander deck is getting a little more real every set
NotInsaneMuadib: I can completely get that it didn't really vibe well with you all. Thanks as always for the great content.
GredGredmansson: Goat Mount
DoomBringerIL: who is wheeler drafting with in the pod?
anhakha: "LRR visit the Petting Zoo" - James buys you tickets if you get to 50 wins.
theamc2000: I am 5 this
sporkraptor: rent-a-donkey
ThePixelSavage: why is Arnea sounding like a Walkman that is running out of juice?
arkham1981: best idea ever
TheWooglie: donkeys would eat the cameras
bobokiddo: oh so now we need to fund for 30 donkeys?
LiamK712: donkeys eat your mtg collection
BatenicYork: Lockpicker is great
anhakha: How many asses can you get in Wheeler's house. The game show.
saucemaster5000: I mean wheeler
just__fitz: Ben Wheeler naming and shaming the VIP
DoomBringerIL: lord tupperwareeee
A_Dub888: James Turner: Better than LSV
dungeonmasteralek: Cheer245 Donkey Vod must become a reality
saucemaster5000: Wheeler's a streamer -- used to being observed by jackasses. The donkeys don't change much
DoomBringerIL: someone's battery is at 34%
Eduardo_Velho: what is the coalation of this set's play booster?
graveyard_king95 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months!
graveyard_king95: glad I could catch the stream again. set looks really fun to play!
CygnusInfinity: @Eduardo_Velho it's complicated.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, graveyard_king95! (Today's storm count: 83)
InTheHouseOfHavok: I would like to see the donkey
ghizmou: uhoh, jitte hit the board
hd_dabnado: finally home from work! how jams do the fams be?
Desruprot: what was once lost was found
powerflapjack: wheeler vibrates furiously
ParabolaPanda: whats this "new clamp"?
InTheHouseOfHavok: Cheer290 I would like to see the donkey
lightfut: This year's subathon proceeds go to renting as many donkeys as possible
ghizmou: is this vintage cube?
CygnusInfinity: or sword of W&P
CygnusInfinity: wait no, the other W&P
Juliamon: now I'm wondering how the Sword of Watch + Play would find the subocean
CygnusInfinity: @Juliamon Quickly, no doubt.
GredGredmansson: i'm surprised they didn't use the slinger as well
GredGredmansson: oh wait that's not ETB
hd_dabnado: thank you Jame
GredGredmansson: !findquote believe
LRRbot: Quote #5246: "Maybe if we kill both dragons and take over the crime family, people will finally believe we're the good guys." —Paul [2018-08-06]
GredGredmansson: oh hello primal command
SomeOne: Was Kathleen the model for the "Duelist of the Mind" art? :)
theamc2000: Ben, Ratthew has taken your spotlight
Marvoleath: How has the Spree UI been?
WormBoyJames: Ratthew deserves it tbf
hd_dabnado: ratthew generates that sweet sweet zoomer retention
ThePixelSavage: They are a good cop/bad cop buddy movie kinda arrangement
thegitrogsquirrel: i was glad to see Ratthew made it
Graham Stark: @SomeOne No... That's Nathan Steuer's world champs card.
anhakha: Rathew. Surrogate Harambe.
ThePixelSavage: it might just be me, but I feel we are attributing a little too much to a gif of a rotating rat ...
Juliamon: Cheer500 #RatthewBits because I love Ratthew, and Cheer8 #DonkeyBits because it's what I have leftover.
ghizmou: put land on top to fateseal them
KoDOmega: Just got here!... this background music is extremely helpful after a stressful day...
Graham Stark: Even better, that's just the Arena music for this set
rmorganslade: Which keywords are turning out to be the surprise hits of the set?
midnightcurryjazz: get that dilly!
GredGredmansson: you have 5 mana this turn
BalthusHomewood: Rascally Rat Bits
anhakha: Donkeys are basically just tall rats.
anhakha: Everyone knows that
ThePixelSavage: so mani mirror universe Ragavans flying around
ThePixelSavage: *many
ContingentCat: Sorry just got here, what is going on with the rat rotating on Wheeler?
CanPlayGames: Oh hey. Ratthew is here?
ThePixelSavage: @ContingentCat its apparently his emotional support rat
hd_dabnado: oh hello
theamc2000: what a big Dino that looks like a bunny will kill it
ContingentCat: @thepixelsavage Ahh I've been busy and not able to catch many streams and missed that
azidbern95: did the Dino token cause the flaming stage coach or is it being flung at them?
Kapu_: @ThePixelSavage agreed. I guess people like it, I just find it a bit confusing
GredGredmansson: who had the bright idea to hook a dinosaur to a stagecoach
LilianaSkyMage: when does this set come out?
DAC169: April 16th
ThePixelSavage: just fantasy Cam
ThibbleBird: time to get roped lol
theamc2000: it just a fantasy
graveyard_king95: but why is the dino a 3/1?
azidbern95: PreRelease on Friday
GreatGodOm: Who is the guy in the background of rotating rats' box?
DAC169: if it's "blue/white skies," isn't it just "cloudy skies"? aipThink
iris_of_ether: Hahahaha
GredGredmansson: "we still believe in you"
Marvoleath: !card hellspurs posse boss
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
DigitalSeahorse: mmmmmm dark chocolate desert hummus with rice pudding
Chartle: why is ratthew only there when we see cams gameplay
Chartle: is he on break?
TomCatFrost: Donkeys have been promised. How could morale be low?
jacqui_lantern234: LUL MORAL ZAREK
TheDevil_Risen: Morale Zerich :D
theamc2000: Apple bottom jeans
CygnusInfinity: !card hellspur posse boss
LRRbot: Hellspur Posse Boss [2RR] | Creature — Lizard Rogue [2/4] | Other outlaws you control have haste. / When Hellspur Posse Boss enters the battlefield, create two 1/1 red Mercenary creature tokens with "{T}: Target creature you control gets +1/+0 until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery."
GredGredmansson: Morale Zarek is Otter Zarek now
ThePixelSavage: thanks ... hate it Wheeler ...
cheshire_creeper: Oooo that's good asmr...
theamc2000: why do I hear pissing?
Kyir: I love "loud wet"
azidbern95: and now I need the rest room, thanks Wheeler
anhakha: What about the folks who need to pee?
hd_dabnado: what about the rest of us who hate ASMR
McMenno: nice
picante072: Why is Weeler peeing?
TheDevil_Risen: now i need to go to the toilet :D
Dix: j u i c e
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
jspencer91: This Zarek? No, the Otter Zarek
TheDevil_Risen: haha its Beej's Juice!
anhakha: See boost, eat boost?
Mr_Horrible: seaboost? I love his streams Kappa
just__fitz: Are any cards in this set cracked for two headed giant, stuff that hits each opponent?
ThePixelSavage: man ... people roping you in historic brawl ... who hurt you?
midnightcurryjazz: audio getting weird
LoadingReadyRun: Yahh... not sure why. Sorry all.
midnightcurryjazz: donkeys haunted
CygnusInfinity: is it because wheeler poured water on the mic?
jspencer91: @just__fitz Probably not a lot. They wanted spells to target so they would commit crimes
kilnfiendpotter: I'm back and OWL!
AshBurnem subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
AshBurnem: <3
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AshBurnem! (Today's storm count: 84)
Bruiser Hammerfist: I'm looking forward to prerelease. I've been doing some mock sealed, getting an Idea of how the cards work together.
graveyard_king95: so after you plot a spell you can cast it for free?
Eduardo_Velho: @graveyard_king95 yes on a subsequent turn
graveyard_king95: oh sick! thank you cuz I was confused about it
anhakha: Rip
GredGredmansson: its a mount, can't tap it
DAC169: plot is like foretell, except you're paying it's cost up front
Sage0fMadness: could have tapped Selvala during upkeep at least
jmchap: so new secret reach graphic now???
GredGredmansson: random legendaries are always good
ArcOfTheConclave: did they add a very big that has reach alert?
GredGredmansson: @jmchap public reach
jmchap: so no longer secret reach...
Bruiser Hammerfist: lol reminder text
theamc2000: I need overtime first strike
Marvoleath: I kinda hate that VFX, way too loud
TomCatFrost: Now it's secret ward
SomeOne: Why is there a rat rotating on Wheeler's cam ? :P
LoadingReadyRun: Cause he loves him
Andorrasrevenge: Are collectable dolls in canada called mimes?
jmchap: nah ward had a decent graphic
TomCatFrost: Under that reach it's not
GredGredmansson: no
GredGredmansson: it was 3 years ago
RayFK: Yo Kaldheim was 3 years ago
DoctorHutch: haha i ran some errands and came back, when i left this was also the topic of conversation
EvilBadman: james was joking
GredGredmansson: OG Ixalan was 7 years ago
SomeOne: I'm not a toy expert .. But I never head of those (I live in Quebec, Canada).
Dix: yall gaslighting the hell out of us
thedevil_risen1: Ooft
EvilBadman: it's 2021
EvilBadman: Jan
cheshire_creeper: It's 2019 I think?
McMenno: James? Lying? Nahhhh
TomCatFrost: 2010? 5 years ago
theamc2000: inhale the gaslamp’s fumes
hattingston: It's not lying if it's a fun trick
powerflapjack: (in the butler voice) masterful gambit sir
Eduardo_Velho: that armadillo have reach, and none of the giant theros' God have it, why wizards???
GredGredmansson: gaslight gaslight gaslight
DigitalSeahorse: xD
kilnfiendpotter: I had to face the reality that I am now the Old Lady of Lore. An Elder Millennial Vorthos.
GredGredmansson: in black no
Dix: kilnfiendpotter There's Old Lore and New Lore
TomCatFrost: +2/0 first strike
TomCatFrost: in red
zombub: Was that a reach symbol on the card during opponent’s turn? Has WotC killed secret reach? D:
iris_of_ether: Mood Kathleen
jacqui_lantern234: @kilnfiendpotter now time for you to face the reality that youre so wonderful and amazing and inspirational and loved beyond measure <3
kilnfiendpotter: The Eldest Millennial Reborn
Astramentha: add to quote database? “ it’s not gaslighting if they’re your friends”
GredGredmansson: the only double strike combat trick is in White and does not increase stats
kilnfiendpotter: @jacqui_lantern234 T_T Thank you
SkiaSymphonia: Cheer607 More for the Donkey Bits. We were so close to the 10k that I had to
kilnfiendpotter: @Dix ::insert Aslan gif::
SacrificialToast: 1B Target creature gets +1/0, Double Strike, and Protection from Cameron
Andorrasrevenge: Its a haunted query. Thanks for your info @SomeOne
Marvoleath: Elder Millennial sounds like its a millennium old
jacqui_lantern234: @kilnfiendpotter no, thank *YOU* for all the joy you bring to the world
GredGredmansson: lrrFINE
kilnfiendpotter: I did a tweet a while back asking what an Elder Millennial Higlander format would look like, and everyone agreed Land Tax would be in every deck.
BalthusHomewood: Thats a big-ass deal
TomCatFrost: Honestly? Just do it as a vlog
Bruiser Hammerfist: wow
Bruiser Hammerfist: called that
jacqui_lantern234: @kilnfiendpotter ok, THIS sounds like a crapshot idea
DigitalSeahorse: when gen x gets grouped into millennials with y and z
azidbern95: Rankin-Bass, the animation studio?
GredGredmansson: Elder Millenial is the typeline for the inevitable Mel card
Mr_Horrible: they're literally the card Meteorite
Mr_Horrible: except a token
goombalax: !card Meteorite
LRRbot: Meteorite [5] | Artifact | When Meteorite enters the battlefield, it deals 2 damage to any target. / {T}: Add one mana of any color.
Andorrasrevenge: Are mimes just mimes then in Canada?
Bearudite: Is this the Elder Millennial Social Club I have been hearing about
theamc2000: overwhelming forces
GredGredmansson: Gitrog
SacrificialToast: Ball Lightning?
hd_dabnado: not haste but you can always get Fling'd
kilnfiendpotter: I give all permission to turn that into a Crapshoot
AtrusOfMyst: Instead of Mana burn you just get back pain
RayFK: 2007
theamc2000: what is electric feel?
kilnfiendpotter: LOLOLOL
RayFK: I was 16
345tom: Id say we could play zoomer highlander but thats just canladner -mox
Bearudite: sleeepy head
GredGredmansson: the FORMAT is all removal
EvilBadman: 2007 for that album
Mr_Horrible: Why did Wheeler just own me online?
Marvoleath: I mean, it's the crime archetype
RayFK: Sure did
jacqui_lantern234: "passion pit" is the name of my bedroom Kappa
powerflapjack: wait, where's ratthew
vinopinguino: i saw them live
vinopinguino: when i was a freshman in college
cheshire_creeper: I don't remember Passion Pit but I know *of* it through Super Mario World hacks, does that count?
RayFK: Oracular Spectacular came out in 07 my guy
Bearudite: "you want to be in the club? how many of your references come from AMV Hell?"
kilnfiendpotter: 2009 was nonstop "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga for me
DAC169: WHEELER!! JAMES HAS RATNAPPED RATTHEW!!! aipWhiney aipWhiney aipWhiney
McMenno: MGMT 2024
jacqui_lantern234: @vinopinguino then this would be a good time to remind you to take your tylenol for your back pain Kappa
EvilBadman: The last set you'd be able to play in MGMT would be Lorwyn.
Tweygoh: oracular Spectaular
BusTed: ratthew only shows up on the third view
Tweygoh: ?
vinopinguino: @jacqui_lantern234 after my nightly TUMS
RayFK: What from Phoenix?
powerflapjack: yeah it wasn't on cam's stream
theamc2000: bone dust
RayFK: That was 09
NotCainNorAbel: nooooo
Bruiser Hammerfist: phoenix
RayFK: Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
DigitalSeahorse: 2009
hd_dabnado: the whole Solar Eclipse thing did it for me, when was 2017 again?
theamc2000: hmv?
jacqui_lantern234: Time is a real concept, and its running out :p
DigitalSeahorse: or 2010 when I found it maybe
kilnfiendpotter: My 24 year old friend audibly gasped when I told her I was 36 and I had to be like: "Hey. Hey, you're allowed to be young. It's okay. I'm allowed to be ancient."
Mr_Horrible: look, I did my tax earlier today, I don't need *MORE* information that makes me feel unmoored from the world
AtrusOfMyst: Pumped up kids are now burned out adults
Mr_Horrible: please, I beg of you
h3rsh3yb4r: long drive for someone with nothing to talk about
BalthusHomewood: Good lord, you're making my tendons creak like the ropes of an ancient clipper ship
theamc2000: what is HMV?
Bruiser Hammerfist: that album is amazing
WiseGuy57: oh no, Flapjacker Mage
EvilBadman: lol
jacqui_lantern234: @theamc2000 a now nonexistent music store
BalthusHomewood: @AtrusOfMyst we never did outrun the gun
LoadingReadyRun: HMV is where 40 years old Canadian bought CD's in the 90's
theamc2000: @jacqui_lantern234 ty
SmashTCG: oh no Caleb
kilnfiendpotter: I read an article in Business Insider that said Millennials were posed to become the wealthiest generation in decades - once all the Baby Boomers pass.
powerflapjack: my students look at me like i'm an eldritch being when i tell them i was their age when spongebob came out
jacqui_lantern234: also, obligatory HM VEEZ NUTZ joke
SmashTCG: Relable concede
tetradd01: It's fun seeing Caleb's hand as well Kappa
McMenno: big zomb is pog
tetradd01: He also had Archmage Charm LUL
Geldaran: @theamc2000 now listen up youngin's and I'll tell you a tale of a time when you had to go to a STORE to buy MUSIC! ::falls asleep::
Dix: The money isn't going anywhere
BalthusHomewood: @kilnfiendpotter ... did... did they want us to speed it along or what?
vinopinguino: lol all the money is gone, what money
iris_of_ether: My spouse told me we're of an age where it wouldn't be that notable to have an 18 year old child. At which point I started chanting "That's too far! That's too far!"
EvilBadman: @kilnfiendpotter Yeah, who uh, wrote that article? Gen Xers? :D
goombalax: this has big "trickle down" energy
theamc2000: @geldaran ty
BalthusHomewood: Yeah... thats how its goign to go for quite a few :(
DigitalSeahorse: same, I have nothing saved
Dix: The Math Ain't Mathing
kilnfiendpotter: You know, Business Insider was also very big into crypto and SBF, so I'm absolutely down to believe this is nonsense.
SmashTCG: >boomers when their kids cant afford to take care of them because of the financial state of the country they led us to
AtrusOfMyst: Nest egg turned out to be jade
hd_dabnado: @kilnfiendpotter there was also an article that Millennials were spending too much on "useless things" like "groceries"
Dix: @kilnfiendpotter I always take stuff like that from BI with a grain of salt
Mr_Horrible: through various means of legal theft
bo_brinkman: We are going through this with my inlaws, and they are probably going to use up the value of their house in elder care... but then the current generation isn't even getting to buy houses, they are just renting. :(
Marvoleath: @kilnfiendpotter Did they mean on average? Did they count Elon as millennial? :P
tetradd01: Elden Care is my favourite game
kilnfiendpotter: That's assuming you can even find caretakers for your folks. There's a huge need for nurses and personal caretakers.
GredGredmansson: ok i might need to disconnect
EvilBadman: It is fucking wild to me that the US has not had a president younger than my father and he's 62.
BalthusHomewood: @bo_brinkman I'm sorry you and yours going through that :(
TS_Terrapin: I'll believe the wealth transfer happens, but it'll concentrate even further in the rich's pockets
345tom: playing the gladiator midweek and how have I never seen faramir
JRandomHacker: Sure glad I tuned back in for this current discussion
kilnfiendpotter: A ton of them either quit or passed during the pandemic. Anywaaaay I'll stop talking about depressing things, I'm very sorry I steered us towards the darkness.
AtrusOfMyst: It's the teachers per class size issue but the students are geriatric parents and we're the teachers still
McMenno: @hd_dabnado zoomers not millennials
hd_dabnado: the phone notification was great
bo_brinkman: @BalthusHomewood We are going to be okay, we are very lucky. But I'm seriously concerned about my co-workers that are 10-20 years younger than me.
chainsawwwwwwww: I just finished reading ready player one...What a ride! Way different than the movies. Enjoyed them both, though. I can see how people were upset
Jayredd00 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Jayredd00! (Today's storm count: 85)
JRandomHacker: It's even cooler now that you can play all ten decks!
thedevil_risen1: Cow Tech!!!!!
h3rsh3yb4r: ben what deck does your mom play in gladiator
KorrenTheNinth: yeah it's sweet, it comes with event decks. so I am learning storm by losing with it
Seth_Erickson: depends on how you look at it
Dog_of_Myth: I was playing earlier today. It's fun.
vinopinguino: "cause we dont have any to give you once we die" -wheeler's mom probably
McMenno: shoutouts to Elle and Justin
Bearudite: she can't argue with donkey bits tho
BalthusHomewood: @bo_brinkman Yeah. I've been saving for retirement since I was 18 and I still worry.
EvilBadman: Cool to hear we can play Gladiator in a supported even for uh...another 24hrs?
TheManaLeek: Cow tech 👀👀👀👀
iris_of_ether: Who named "Cow Tech"?
hd_dabnado: oh no
kilnfiendpotter: In better news, my baby chose Fuecoco as her starter Pokémon!
hd_dabnado: @iris_of_ether UFO and Ellesandra
TheBearBee: Hope is all us Millenials got until the baby boomers die
DoctorHutch: did i hear a few gladiator queue was happening?
goombalax: the sneak attack deck is very good
TheManaLeek: Cow Tech is so good
kilnfiendpotter: @TheManaLeek All I can think of is Monty Python
AtrusOfMyst: Been jamming the Sneak Attack deck, Mardu tokens, Reanimator, and Jeskai
TheManaLeek: :D
ArcOfTheConclave: cow tech lol
SmashTCG: cow tech is very good
hd_dabnado: unfort that the cow is not necessary
hd_dabnado: but we keep it in
hd_dabnado: for the memes
McMenno: cow tech is not good
GreatGodOm: How do you not die to the belzenlok trigger?
Mr_Horrible: weird rules interactions are always fun
345tom: I've tried the Mardu aristocrats, the Sultai storm and the Jeskai Tempo and I think Im 9/10
JRandomHacker: It was the number one deck in the poll we did and it wasn't even close
thedevil_risen1: Its fun.
JRandomHacker: @GreatGodOm There are a few ways to give it either lifelink or prevent damage
kilnfiendpotter: I definitely miss goofy magic. I've been meaning to build a Chair Typal EDH deck.
brainbosh: I have tried so many times to make that deck work today but I either lose to elves on turn 4 or the OP concedes to just good cards
EvilBadman: I got to Orcish Bowmasters off a Ring for 4 activation, and after I remade one with Viconia and flash that in too. Rakdos deck rules.
midnightcurryjazz: yeah, it plays midrange if you cant get the combo off
kilnfiendpotter: Your horse is very concerned!
EvilBadman: It was the OP's ring activation, for clarification
345tom: I do like that because of how Arena works "Gruul Sneak attack" appears as a 5 colour deck
thedevil_risen1: I'm struggling with the storm deck too
cheshire_creeper: Wait you can get a horse pet?
definenull: How have the drafts been going?
JRandomHacker: @thedevil_risen1 The channelstorm list is probably the hardest to just pick up and pilot - that deck has a _lot_ of lines
anhakha: James will arrange u all horsey rides if u get to 50.
345tom: I had a lot of luck with the storm deck, but I dont think I hit anyone too aggressive
powerflapjack: Cheer100 another stack of donkey bits for The Pile. Wheeler, you and Nelson breaking Adam to the point that he now likes cube is fantastic. "bring me the shirtless lad on the spider"
goombalax: I saw Kasparov comment on it
JRandomHacker: Did you see Kasparov's response? So good
JRandomHacker: "This is what my match against Karpov felt like"
kilnfiendpotter: Roll to seduce Kasparov?
Dix: I was about to say
theamc2000: I would tell him about the time loop
raulghoulia: can you just ask him to forfeit?
Mr_Horrible: heh
Dog_of_Myth: There is a Reid Duke version of that now.
sporkraptor: XD
McMenno: you just cheat
Dix: that was the marathon Karpov match right?
Jayredd00: wow\
Gekyouryuu: I saw that on Tumblr, yeah!
sporkraptor: was he the one with the buttplug cheating thing?
JRandomHacker: The first Kasparov-Karpov world championship went _48 games_ before the arbiters called a draw for the sake of the players' health
TheBearBee: I want that title on my business card. "Guy they bring out to beat up little boys"
CanPlayGames: Cheer69 Ratthew Bits
AtrusOfMyst: Better for your health or worse than being addicted to nuzlocke?
JRandomHacker: Karpov won the first 4 games, then Kasparov just started getting draw after draw after draw... it was 5-3 when they called it
EvilBadman: Apparently adam got the tolarian deck last night offstream
Dix: and Karpov could have had the win in those matches but gave away advantage in like 3 matches
cheshire_creeper: Adam becoming a vintage cube guy is not what I would've had in my bingo card for 2024 had I have a bingo card for 2024 to begin with
kilnfiendpotter: I'm sure if we sat down with Kasparov and explained the situation, we could maybe figure out a better solution.
tetradd01: 👀 What that crab do 👀
Dog_of_Myth: lrrCrab
kilnfiendpotter: Like my INT isn't that high, but I figure I could make a good CHA roll.
powerflapjack: @cheshire_creeper (opening hand of 6 lands and Path to Exile) wheeler and nelson: "oh yeah" adam: "YOU'RE KEEPING THIS?!"
corianderd: @kilnfiendpotter your INT is plenty high!
kilnfiendpotter: @corianderd Thank you! But not "beat a chess grandmaster" high
theamc2000: cam good magic
sporkraptor: idk Cameron
sporkraptor: me too
GredGredmansson: lrrCrab
josh___something: OH... Heinous
GreatGodOm: How often have LRRfolk queued into each other during a FamJam?
definenull: Rip crab
corianderd: plot also as sorcery
HeavyMetalHero: i have watched various channels all day and did not realize the 0/5 crab was a pumper O.O
Eduardo_Velho: crab kill peaple
definenull: 9 with the merc
JRandomHacker: @GreatGodOm The first block with Graham, Ben, and Nelly had a fair few
goombalax: the weeknd
AtrusOfMyst: Love the "let's discover this game together" feeling
AtrusOfMyst: It doesn't last
theamc2000: they play the sherif crew
definenull: Oof
JRandomHacker: I think I've heard "sad contagion engine noises" more than any other not-in-set card today
definenull: Noooo
ztghostie: Holy cow!
Simonark: Surely the Contagion Engine was a weird fluke, there can't be some utterly broken nonsense card in every pack or anything
Mazrae: I didn't pay attention to the schedule and didn't know that this was going on today
definenull: Ow
vinopinguino: oof
Bugberry: Only get to catch the last hour and a half live due to work, but glad to catch some. I need that horse pet.
ztghostie: LUL
GredGredmansson: knock it off paddy
MichaelSnowbird: hahahahaha
kilnfiendpotter: hahahahaha
definenull: Wait didn't that happen at the PLS?
goombalax: Loading Ready Rumble
SolarBlitz1: That's just Wrestling, isn't it?
Bugberry: A different kind of slapstick
ztghostie: oki oki fight club getting real
vinopinguino: yes, fun for sure
SmashTCG: oki oki fightclub(but for real)
SquareDotCube: escalate it to real life stabbists
powerflapjack: ends with paul coming out of a fugue state covered in blood
AtrusOfMyst: Oki Oki LARP Club
corianderd: do we still have the donkey?
malexus101: Loading ready rumble?
lordofkatz: My money's on Heather
anhakha: What if a donkey fight pit? You have to fight a donkey.
vinopinguino: the donkey is the ref
ztghostie: what were thsoe weird boxing glove toys? Boppems?
KWardJenx: Any way I can specifically direct my Patreon money directly at LRR fight-club?
ztghostie: give people a set of those
Simonark: Look, you know that narrating that pre-record is the only thing Adam has ever dreamt of in life.
McMenno: the BenvBen fight???
Bugberry: If you die in the bit do you die in real life?
Mattmitchell45: Another fight against Caleb
Marvoleath: make the fight-tinder from that sketch a real thing
bondeulv: was that really james in the previous match?
BusTed: more fun than a pillow fight
Bugberry: Hulk gloves vs sockem boppers
McMenno: DMT 👍👍👍
bondeulv: drew way more nonlands than James
Bugberry: All while wearing moon shoes.
definenull: Uh oh
ztghostie: feel like gitrog is bout to punch ccam into compost
hd_dabnado: dear god why haste
SquareDotCube: Was their name Biff Tannen?
raulghoulia: Wheeler living real life fight against bully Biff from Back to the Future
goombalax: More like GitWrecked
definenull: Ooh was that reach symbol thingy new?
ztghostie: Jund mythics LUL
Mattmitchell45: Gitrog is certainly pretty busted in Commander
McMenno: what the hell
vinopinguino: what kinda dungeon raid fight bs is this?
Marvoleath: two, not up to two, ,needs 2 targets
Bugberry: But you have to have two targets to fight.
Marvoleath: which can be awkward
definenull: Omg
Dix: Vaaaaaaaaalue
ztghostie: I hear bombs and ways to recur said bombs in pretty decent
theamc2000: is betrayed an instant?
corianderd: excited to see this deck actually something something
TheBajoGiroPego: Oh, nice, a reach visual aid, now the tabletop players will miss something more! Joke aside, it's nice to have those things.
powerflapjack: vintage cube allstar pest infeste
definenull: Noooo
vinopinguino: NOOOOOO
definenull: Ruuude
KWardJenx: No!!!!!
neisan2112: NOooooo
Dix: THAT card is in here?!
josh___something: This game stinks
corianderd: reads note from earlier: they always have veil
Mr_Horrible: damn, hateful
lirazel64: Awe.
Skear007: This is awesome!
CygnusInfinity: it isn't even a bonus sheet card
CygnusInfinity: it's just *in* the set
GredGredmansson: Gitrog and Rakdos look at the 1/3 archer betraying them and are like "seriously?"
powerflapjack: @CygnusInfinity really setting us up for our return to lorwyn and Painter's Servant
Simonark: I can't help but feel telling people to commit crimes everywhere and handing them weapons has led to an increase in crime.
Eduardo_Velho: @GredGredmansson 5/7 XD
Peevvi: Hey, they sacrificed a creature to Rakdos
corianderd: it was so cool for like a minute!
Marvoleath: I mean, it was still a sick play and well played game. Caleb just had it all though
KorrenTheNinth: at least caleb's chat also thought your play it was sweet, before...the outcome
345tom: I just questing beasted against someones One Ring for the first time and I feel vindication
CygnusInfinity: @powerflapjack oh no, grindstone is a bonus sheet card, thought we were talking about snakeskin
TheBajoGiroPego: Shame on you for not changing the Ajani avatar.
Marvoleath: @powerflapjack Grindstone is OTP. No changes to legality.
ztghostie: oof
powerflapjack: @Marvoleath oh ok, see i misread it
theamc2000: mono black sac?
ztghostie: cruel ultimatum :O
goombalax: ultimatum is doable
Jayredd00: @KorrenTheNinth good on that chat it was a sick play
Jayredd00: shame they had a response
vinopinguino: the answer was 5
kilnfiendpotter: I maintain he's got a tiny little bone family with two daughters named Patella and Tibia.
LoadingReadyRun: boooooo
LoadingReadyRun: :P
BrowneePoints: I can't see Reckless Lackey without seeing Zoro from One Piece getting ready to Purgatory Oni Giri someone
Marvoleath: Tb's family is canon, right? Of unknown composition though
powerflapjack: i just like tinybones' role in the story boiling down to him following around Rakdos going "uppies"
DMGlol: supposedly
DMGlol: zurvirSus
AtrusOfMyst: Is Terror of the Peaks' nickname Peaky Blinders when you don't see it coming?
BrowneePoints: I still love how Shoot the Sheriff can't kill the one named Deputy in the Set
Jayredd00: thats good flavour
KorrenTheNinth: That's excellent
CotillionTheRope: Well like the song says, he didn't shoot the deputy
SmashTCG: that was the vaultborn Tyrant right?
ThePixelSavage: Wheeler can you please explain to me why Prickly Pair is so good in your evaluation?
DMGlol: seems to go well with all your prickly pairs
LilSenwolf: Nice
Bugberry: Have people been taking deserts highly? They seem easy to underestimate.
LilSenwolf: We can splash for gitrog
Marvoleath: 3 mana entomb with reanimate?
RatherLargeToad: It was a frog…monster!
ThePixelSavage: hey Cam look its rounded UP!
BL4Z3210: shiiiiiiiiiiiiit you got terror of the peaks
BL4Z3210: thats fire
BL4Z3210: man i want to draft on arena but i have vowed to never spend money on this game and i dont have the patience to do dailies until i get 10000 coins
KorrenTheNinth: no that was a fall out boy album
kilnfiendpotter: This is what's going on at our house with Raffi.
Stellapacifica: I regularly get oxford comma stuck in my head
kilnfiendpotter: yeahhhh Kylie Minogue! I love Padam Padam.
theamc2000: feel the rain on your skin?
powerflapjack: no one else can feel it for you
midnightcurryjazz: It was due to the layoffs, the list never got passed on
Sage0fMadness: a lot of rematches lol
Bugberry: all you need is a Snake
Marvoleath: badger badger badger badger
DMGlol: yea they definitely needed way more people
DMGlol: or maybe just make bot drafts available
JRandomHacker: I mean we could try to get the Gladiator account in on this, but I'm not sure we'd be the best candidates for jamming limited games
Sage0fMadness: lrrWOW
vinopinguino: i just noticed the pet rock and it made me guffaw
definenull: They can saddle each other, which is a confusing mental image
Sage0fMadness: wheelerRita wheelerRita wheelerRita
MonoBadger: monoba3HowardGaming
vinopinguino: it blends in with the background
Sage0fMadness: Badger Badger Badger
Bugberry: badger badger badger, mushroom mushroom
couchboyj: Op is a burrowfiend fiend
Sage0fMadness: now, the mushroom
DMGlol: veggie running the classic 8 badger deck
definenull: meep meep
revhologram: are there any mushroom cards in this set?
TomCatFrost: Kathleen: "Wow, you built your deck?" Wheeler: "Of course." Also Wheeler: "Why are these 3 cards in my deck?"
Sage0fMadness: That Marauder is kinda sick
bondeulv: looks like it's time to call in... the eight
ThePixelSavage: *ring ring* "we need two people. Do you know anyone?"
Angreed66: It's been a long day and people are trying other formats
Jayredd00: the music bangs
DoomBringerIL: u guys excited for the FALLOUT TV show??? @LoadingReadyRun
definenull: How did the badger get so big
CommanderPulsar: I'll bet Graham is ready.
DMGlol: 2 off avngrSadge
BrowneePoints: Eriette, Oko, Gisa Geralf, Tinybones, Rakdos, Annie, Kaervek, and then Kellan
BrowneePoints: ope Vraska
Marvoleath: @definenull saddled and feeding of the gy
vinopinguino: and also "Ashiok"
Marvoleath: they had 12 total people in the posse, right?
ihlendrax: And Satoru….
Sage0fMadness: swing all op
BrowneePoints: 10 people in the Posse, 9 if you don't include the late Kellan as a late addition, 8 if you don't include Annie as being a Villain or Vraska being a double crosser @LoadingReadyRun
BrowneePoints: ah crap i forgot about satoru
BrowneePoints: that's 11
BrowneePoints: nvm ignore me they have too many people
Marvoleath: Oko, Vraska, Geralf, Gisa, Eriette, Rakdos, Annie, Kellan, Kaervek, Satoru, Tinybones, Breeches, Malcolm
ihlendrax: The Dirty Dozen…
BrowneePoints: dangit and breeches and Malcom
Marvoleath: 13
ihlendrax: …and then some.
BrowneePoints: Dirty Dozen if you don't include Kellan since he was late
Marvoleath: Baker's Dozen if you do
astora_o_solaire subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, astora_o_solaire! (Today's storm count: 86)
Angreed66: considering that posse had to contend with both the graywater company and Akul's gang it's not too many.
Marvoleath: "Ashiok" was the quest giver, so I wouldn't count him
BrowneePoints: I mean, I bet Vraska and ANnie and Malcom are good at card games
kilnfiendpotter: Gisa does NOT sleeve her cards.
Jayredd00: I think playing against Rakdos would be quite the experience
Marvoleath: Geralf feels like the most MtG playing one of them
BrowneePoints: Cam, she uses Potpourri to mask it, but the flowers died a while ago too
Jayredd00: oko would cheat
Fruan: Isn't that her wedding dress?
chaostreader: do you consider Jace/Ashiok a member? they did provide a mental link.
Marvoleath: Vraska would probably stab you if you topdeck too well
ihlendrax: Gisa uses a real graveyard….
couchboyj: Its Innistrad, I fully buy them having black wedding dresses there
ThePixelSavage: or Gissa somehow made it back full circle ... smelling so aweful that she starts to smell weirdly good again
kilnfiendpotter: Wait. Is that a rock. With googly eyes?!
kilnfiendpotter: Is that an EEAAO reference?!!
Marvoleath: His name is Dwayne
ThePixelSavage: hmmmm chicken
Angreed66: it's an april fools joke
definenull: Maybe? It was a April fools thing iirc
kilnfiendpotter: OMG WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME
ThePixelSavage: @kilnfiendpotter would you hae believed us? on April 1st?
kilnfiendpotter: Well, if enough of you said it was so...
tehfewl: wheeler all out of scruples
345tom: I think its just a pet rockl
345tom: not like a reference as much as that film rocks
DMGlol: morbid opportunist kind of a good card
kilnfiendpotter: Ah, fair
kilnfiendpotter: I still love them.
Sage0fMadness: poor veggie
Bugberry: @DMGlol crazy that it was an uncommon.
Marvoleath: I mean, that pet was literally called Dwayne in the shop
definenull: no
lirazel64: Every word.
kilnfiendpotter: @Marvoleath Can we only click on it a certain contractual number of times per game?
ThePixelSavage: we kinda have no choice
KWardJenx: Yes, James. Yes we do. sigh...
DAC169: @Marvoleath companion, not pet. Dwayne is my friend aipLove
hd_dabnado: I totally heard Tummy there
malexus101: I can't read but I can write
Marvoleath: @kilnfiendpotter dunno, disappointingly his eyes do not google when you click it
definenull: uh oh
Marvoleath: !read
LRRbot: Reading the card explains the card! lrrBEEJ
Sage0fMadness: Xeno in shambles
ThePixelSavage: cant wait for that new horse pet to be bugged and stand on the battlefield for the whole game :D
KWardJenx: Hahaha!
DMGlol: mana drain avngrPog
BrowneePoints: Jolene just puched that poor soul out of their boots Cam
Skear007: Haha love communicating though fanfare
BrowneePoints: out of their BOOTS
slowloke: do you guys ever worry
Sage0fMadness: Jace passing Mana Drain
nhammen: just in time to see passing mana drain
Sage0fMadness: :(
kilnfiendpotter: So how is a Snorse born? From an egg?
Jadaris: Snegg
ThePixelSavage: @kilnfiendpotter I would argue that we have a Chimera situation here
Sage0fMadness: are snorses based on any actual mythology?
Marvoleath: the back side is mammal, so likely not from egg?
Angreed66: technically horses also come from eggs
BrowneePoints: Echinoderms say what? @Marvoleath
ThePixelSavage: @Marvoleath there are egg laying mammals
anhakha: Lol. Just imagine if it wax someone like Voxy or Amy- he send them a text and venmo's them $20 to scoop...
Marvoleath: are the snorses warm blooded though?
Tweygoh: or they hatch from an egg, then live birth
BrowneePoints: wait those are Starfish
kilnfiendpotter: But if Snorses are mammals, how do they get the milk with their little snek faces? Is it a milk patch thing?
Sage0fMadness: @ThePixelSavage if you chose a mammal at random how "likely" would it be one of those
frozenphoenix7: I showed you my Prickly Pair plz concede
BrowneePoints: Monotremes
BrowneePoints: that's what they're freakin called
ThePixelSavage: @Sage0fMadness still its possible and we are talking the possibility as such :)
Tweygoh: they’re non venomous and milk comes out the fangs
DMGlol: didn't they used to get real accounts
ThePixelSavage: @Tweygoh eeewww. no.
Marvoleath: so many questions, and googling "snorse" only shows snail-horses, not snake-horses
gundamschwing: Oooo! Cameron is drafting with Pezo too! The Grim Tutors are GREAT!
Ritaspirithntr: @kilnfiendpotter they’re probably born with the means to get milk as mammals do, but then grow out of it when they get older.
ThePixelSavage: @DMGlol there also used to be 1100 more of them.
Jayredd00: @Tweygoh I have now entered a new chapter of my life, I am no longer the same man after reading this. there is no return
Ritaspirithntr: LUL
kilnfiendpotter: @Ritaspirithntr I like this theory!
ThePixelSavage: ok that horse pet farting is something
MyrddintheWizard: Wiat, is that I larger reach indicator, when did that get added?
tehfewl: anti crime tech
anhakha: That's a prickly quad.
anhakha: Krogans...?
Tweygoh: imagine if there was a ward cost that let your opponent draw a card
midnightcurryjazz: kathleens mic is d e d dead
Marvoleath: prickly policule
BrowneePoints: that's just lady maria of the astral clocktower
BrowneePoints: and you can't tell me otherwise
ThePixelSavage: how much longer is the FamJam going to run?
Angreed66: They said till 7 their time so an hour 20
ThePixelSavage: thank you
Marvoleath: no longer wheelerMute
BrowneePoints: nope.
BrowneePoints: I'm glad they put reminder text on it though
goombalax: but if you do its like an insta-scoop
ThePixelSavage: that sound of utter confidence in Cams voice
DMGlol: land ping inc
Marvoleath: @BrowneePoints wasn't that Slickshot Lockpicker? I guess it could be both
Bugberry: stabilize at 1
TomCatFrost: Desert dual coming down next turn?
Nick Chaput: why does the horse keep farting??
ToastWithTheMost: he's gassy?
ThePixelSavage: roadrunner is in the 43%
kilnfiendpotter: Alright, dropping off to get some rest. Bye y'all!
ThePixelSavage: bye bye
Ritaspirithntr: night michelle!
clairetheegg: Nice!
DMGlol: nice
Sage0fMadness: choo chooooo
Ritaspirithntr: choo chooooo!!
WiJohn: Choo, and I cannot emphasize this enough, choo
Sage0fMadness: g'night @kilnfiendpotter !
definenull: oh no OP D:
ztghostie: LUL
Mr_Horrible: the spice
ThePixelSavage: applause.
Marvoleath: gottem
ztghostie: And that's why that card rarely gets reprinted into standard lol
BrowneePoints: Yeehaw Yeehaw
BrowneePoints: Yeehaw
ThePixelSavage: I dont know what it is but a beefy gruul 4/4 for 4 just always looks good
tehfewl: sure shot is such a banger of a card
TomCatFrost: How many conductors to drive the train?
TomCatFrost: I'd want at least 2
tehfewl: the joke is, you load up all your merc tokens into it, and you get a huge pay day
ThePixelSavage: its symmetrical, therfore fair.
Marvoleath: it's fair because it's symmetrical :)
ThePixelSavage: @Marvoleath high five.
Marvoleath: o/
Therberus: oh wheelers here? yee haw
ThePixelSavage: I will force gruul in every draft.
Sage0fMadness: uhh
ThePixelSavage: look at all those beefy bois
TalismanG1: pulled the trigger a bit too early there
Sage0fMadness: OP got a bit shield-happy
McMenno: jimmy who
ThePixelSavage: Cam is living the dream right now
midnightcurryjazz: good job cam
thanzo: love me some chonky beefers
DMGlol: Why did jimmy get to keep his whole name but everyone else got a shorter one LUL
Simonark: If James DOES call up Jimmy, does a meme about lands spontaneously get birthed into the world?
ThePixelSavage: "free"
McMenno: LMAO
ztghostie: baneslayer-lite
Bugberry: I was thinking more like Serra Avenger.
ztghostie: James, time to call JImmy
ihlendrax: LUL
corianderd: can't believe James DQ'd
ThePixelSavage: on behalf of all commander players James: Hey!
MichaelSnowbird: no one ever has 2
ThePixelSavage: it was Wheeler
ztghostie: It was Ben, not James LUL
jfwong: I'M SORRY BEN
powerflapjack: @jfwong lmao, no you're not
Therberus: "you lost to a commander player"?! 10/10 no notes
loufghyslaufey: # Blame lrrJAMES for fun?
jfwong: I truly am. what i did to him was... mean
Suffix: I enjoyed it, Jimmy. Good work.
ThePixelSavage: but also so entertaining
corianderd: is cameron still on the sealed deck he started with?
Simonark: Surely the meanness is for us, the highly amused audience to say.
jfwong: !cheer 1000 #donkeybits
corianderd: swag
Mr_Horrible: James Turner you cut that out
McMenno: lmao
jfwong: Cheer1000 #DONKEYBITS
theamc2000: donkey!
Dix: ayeee
DMGlol: Clap
baskwalla: Yay
KWardJenx: Jimmy! Bravo!
jfwong: i AM the donkey bit
ThePixelSavage: rent a donkey named Jimmy
corianderd: we name the donkey Jimmy
Suffix: I... I think I missed something.
lordofkatz: Yay, Jimmy! What a good sport
jfwong: I'll come hang out as long as you don't pair me against Kathleen in a prerelease
Kentosaurus: Can we name the donkey Jimmy (endearingly)?
Stormgod519: LOL
powerflapjack: cameron please i'm sick, making me laugh too much makes me have a coughing fit (don't stop i love yall)
Therberus: wow cam is kicking ass
Marvoleath: next CK button?
couchboyj: Sounds like a button to me
Dog_of_Myth: !storm
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 86 (new subscribers: 9, returning subscribers: 77, new patrons: 0, new YouTube members: 0, returning Youtube members: 0), bits cheered: 11169, new followers: 37, YouTube super chats: 0, YouTube super stickers: 0
Marvoleath: "I thought this deck was good"
Stormgod519: yall are curing my headache: I was just playing commander for 5 hours, and im so cooked after those games
corianderd: we write a sketch where the donkey is named Jimmy. The donkey is a character actor
gypocalypse: 40 year olds unite!!
WiJohn: A bunch of 29 year olds
DMGlol: 3 minute draft avngrPog
ThePixelSavage: there is no such thing as "early" 30s ... the day you turn 30 you are in your late 30s.
Simonark: I wasn't expecting this talk about donkey rides to make me feel SO old.
hd_dabnado: oh, lol
Fruan: #BlameJames
McMenno: noooooo
thanzo: oh
Blacklm1492: they laid off the rest of the hours
Jayredd00: damn
Suffix: #BlameJordan
KorrenTheNinth: Can't assume anything anymore I guess
jfwong: We call this "post layoff streamer event"
Jayredd00: been fun\
Dog_of_Myth: ooof
itsaysTRUENO: Hasbro does it again
Suffix: (Don't Do this)
Sage0fMadness: lol what
azidbern95: damn... Tappy just went live too :(
Bruceski: 8AM to 6PM? That's almost a year!
CaptainSpam: Well.
KWardJenx: Nice going James
Dix: lol i was just about to comment on that azidbern95
KorrenTheNinth: east coast famously hates the wild west anyway
McMenno: gladiator next???
Marvoleath: Ah yea, screw EU and eastern streamers
Simonark: This event schedule feels like city slickers at work.
Fruan: We talked about donkeys for a while there
lordofkatz: All in favour of gladiator, say "Aye"
hd_dabnado: just log in your account
midnightcurryjazz: play shandalar
powerflapjack: do you have uno on your PC
ztghostie: Do you have shandalr on here?
TomCatFrost: MTGA
shea_wolfe: Do they have Uno?
KorrenTheNinth: time to install mtgo
Marvoleath: Shandalar FamJam?
DMGlol: Does he have Roblox?
ThePixelSavage: Wheeler cosplaying your 9yo old cousin looking through your phone?
Simonark: Ben Wheeler, willing to say or do anything to avoid playing Gladiator, just like always.
baskwalla: How to give James a stroke
pn55: Is MTGO on that PC?
frozenphoenix7: Vintage Cube is probably gone, right?
pn55: Time for some cube Wheeler
cheshire_creeper: That's ominous
KorrenTheNinth: james please!
ztghostie: did they draft against the bots or something?!
Marvoleath: Wheeler showing ass on stream? d:
Simonark: These donkey puns started bad, but watch as we all burro even deeper.
DMGlol: in a row
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
ztghostie: mmm thinking about a LRR hydra now
ztghostie: that should be the next playmat LUL
Fruan: @ztghostie LRRdyra
Kadenus: some of us only tell the truth, and some of us only lie
itsaysTRUENO: the fan art is being commissioned
sChaosagent subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sChaosagent! (Today's storm count: 87)
Stormgod519: wow
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
Tweygoh: these jokes are a-bray-sive
hd_dabnado: cant believe James stopped a train like spiderman that one time
KWardJenx: Yes, please! Fake James lore
BusTed: tqsWow
thanzo: :)
pn55: Donkey!
Amentur: Awwwwww extraShiny
DMGlol: deathsieHappy
AFamiliarCalledEl: Oh damn... LRRnaean hydra
BusTed: lookit the tail
DAC169: rooAww
Dog_of_Myth: lrrAWESOME
jfwong: this is the best
josh___something: awwww
gypocalypse: SO FLUFFY!!
jfwong: this is why I cheered bits
RassilonDND: hello i am just walking in and WHAA donkey?
hivefleetdarknell: YES
Marvoleath: DB has TikTok showcases
josh___something: BABY
ztghostie: its so floofy
baskwalla: I’m in for Donkey View 2024
thanzo: lrrSHINE Donkey lrrSHINE
Simonark: We had a stoic face at first, not we're all mule-ing wrecks
ztghostie: thats a good ass right there
KWardJenx: This is great!
TomCatFrost: I think that 11k is close enough to fund donkey
gypocalypse: 4 donkeys
BusTed: seabatClap
Amentur: YES!
Dix: There. Are. FOUR. Donkeys.
Mr_Horrible: the 4-Donker
RassilonDND: just ramming them in there
Nyxjbm subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Nyxjbm: Subscribing for cute donkey content
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Nyxjbm! (Today's storm count: 88)
Sogheim: got a fourth mime???
Suffix: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
McMenno: YOOOOO!!!
ztghostie: Quadonkeys, if you would
hd_dabnado: its okay james
gypocalypse: WOOT FAILURE!!!
ThePixelSavage: only 8h of content for free... outrageous!
RassilonDND: back to animal videos?
KickAssKanuck: so is graham still there? or is he starting his fallout binge watch?
corianderd: what
JonnyH: RIP?
TomCatFrost: WOTC said stream over
jfwong: <3
Stormgod519: we luv ya
Orxolon: aawwww
hivefleetdarknell: How wheeler is let go from lrr
Orxolon: thanks for the stream!
Juliamon: Wheeler
GLHFMagic: donkey blow
josh___something: WHEELER
Dog_of_Myth: LUL LUL
powerflapjack: WHEELER
dravman: donkey blow!
cosarprime: welp
Suffix: Wheeler
pn55: jlrrFacepalm
MyrddintheWizard: No!
RassilonDND: WOAH
McMenno: donkey blow
Suffix: CAM
BusTed: 🤔
powerflapjack: CAM
goombalax: #BlowDonkeyBits
KWardJenx: Ha!!!
ThePixelSavage: you can probaly incorporate donkey into the Feaburrow PPR in some way
Dromos_GHG: CAM
JonnyH: Cheer1000 #donkeyblow
Suffix: seabatTROG /
Marvoleath: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at https://www.twitch.tv/loadingreadyrun/clips (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
BusTed: seabatTROG /
MyrddintheWizard: : jlrrNo jlrrNo jlrrNo
tehfewl: are you guys putting on some kind of Donkey Show?
KWardJenx: LRR Donkey Show!
CaptainSpam: Cheer1000 MOAR #DonkeyBits
comrade_cards: road quest 2: the search for donkey
Mr_Horrible: Cheer1000 #donkeybits I'm not immune to donkey propaganda
Simonark: Welcome Everyone to Loading Neddy Run
powerflapjack: (insert wheeler JVP joke here)
JinaMahavira: 9x thrown from the saddle
Marvoleath: !cardkingdom
LRRbot: Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at http://www.cardkingdom.com/lrr and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
definenull: *writes down "always rare draft"*
Stormgod519: it sure does
Stormgod519: I just got my Noot Noot button
Marvoleath: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
Marvoleath: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadyrun . For Stream VODs check out https://www.youtube.com/loadingreadylive . MtG vods and other MtG content are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRMtG . Tabletop related videos are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRTT . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at https://www.youtube.com/LRRVG
ShaneLeeAtk: Donkey Bits!
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
Mr_Horrible: oh that's *good*
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Simonark: Congratulations on WotC for remembering what the buttons do!
thanzo: donk bits, donk bits, donk bits
RassilonDND: Enough for a crapshoot about donkeys?
Jacob C: byeeee
Suffix: Donkeycorn?
Juliamon: donkicorn
Marvoleath: Unidonk?
baskwalla: Need some more subs to fly Jimmy up
Mazrae: Unikey??
Taligan: Huzzah! We're adequate!
powerflapjack: WHEELER
Dog_of_Myth: LUL
Mr_Horrible: you built a community that commits to the bit, and now you reap the whirlwind
Mazrae: !sir
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! lrrEFF Naboo.
josh___something: Put a strap on the ass, and milk it :0
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: LRRMtG (James, and/or Graham, and/or Adam, and/or Cori play Magic: The Gathering Arena! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Thu 02:00 PM PDT (19:51 from now).
A_Dub888: !findquote milk
LRRbot: Quote #2440: "We'll get milk and underwear." —Ian [2016-05-03]
corianderd: me
Stormgod519: Hi Cori!
goombalax: #strap-onDonkeyUnicorn
Redbassist subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 75 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Redbassist! (Today's storm count: 89)
Mr_Horrible: Cori will be our rock
Marvoleath: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out https://loadingreadyrun.com/live for an interactive schedule, or http://lrr.cc/schedule for a Google Calendar version.
Dog_of_Myth: lrrBartleby
RassilonDND: Akasupa?
Marvoleath: iii was today
Jacob C: donké!!!!! thanks Scott!
Marvoleath: I think Serge watched it if you need an expert opinion for the Chillpoint
thanzo: international donks!
Simonark: Someone in France really wants you to make anesse of yourselves
corianderd: CDHC April 15 - My guest is Cameron
JinaMahavira: including them
whopperstopper: Street fighterrrr
jacqui_lantern234: @corianderd YAY CAMERON
RassilonDND: Donkey Konga?
jacqui_lantern234: ooh, mini painting, yay <3
Mazrae: Mini donkey painting??
A_Dub888: Bopl Batl
Taligan: Oh man, the Hoober-Bloob Highway!!
RassilonDND: Boogles battle on poodle noodles?
corianderd: the vestle with the pestle
JinaMahavira: James doesnt want to show Raft on mine o clock
Fruan: Cam is on fire tonight
Juliamon: can you just shove Ratthew in there
adept_nekomancer: Welcome to Can't Emote Donkeys Club
Tweygoh: small donkey
powerflapjack: drdubzDeeCake drdubzDeeCake drdubzDeeCake drdubzDeeCake drdubzJrbm drdubzJrbm
Tweygoh: burrito
Suffix: You could just use a seabatTROG
ShaneLeeAtk: A burrito is a small donkey
Mazrae: Burrito can be a small donkey
powerflapjack: best i can do is a donkey kong
Kentosaurus: burrito is diminuitive of burro
Marvoleath: -ito means a small version of
RassilonDND: lrrGOAT lrrGibb
jacqui_lantern234: a smonkey if you will :p
Stormgod519: lol
definenull: brebd
corefluxx: Cheer100
Simonark: Spanish donkey talk is all well and good but with Wheeler here, I'm sure German donkey talk is a hard esel.
raulghoulia: Cheer1000 for the donkey
Texan_Reverend: This has been a fun time.
Dog_of_Myth: Nice
Mazrae: Now only if teeko was next when they could make donkey shirts and use that art
Juliamon: Texan_Reverend We really gotta get you hooked up with LRRbot so it'll show your swords on the sub scroll
Texan_Reverend: My spouse has enjoyed the recent OTJ stuff enough to actually be really interested in picking up some to play with.
Texan_Reverend: @Juliamon It'll get solved eventually, I'm sure. There have been other priorities.
jacqui_lantern234: donkey!
MyrddintheWizard: DOnkey!
Stormgod519: Donkey!
KWardJenx: Love the FamJam. Thanks so much for the laughs.
Texan_Reverend: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here: https://discord.gg/lrr
Texan_Reverend: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at kind.social/@LoadingReadyRun, and LRRMtG at kind.social/@LRRMTG
Earthenone: streamer show donkey?
blipbloop1000: nice
Therberus: plus 10$ and 5€ from YouTube 😌😌😌
Mazrae: No wait make a studio D for donkey
RassilonDND: LRRCON 2 with Donkey pool?
Gekyouryuu: a donkey would learn fast
Nyxjbm: LRR *could* employ a donkey full time
Gekyouryuu: lots of asses stream every day
Simonark: In other news, a conversation he wasn't here for aged Paul about 20 years in five minutes.
Suffix: There's still plenty of cash left in the Tarp Budget.
KWardJenx: Sounds like an Ian stream
azidbern95: next one these, Bloomburrow critters!
Earthenone: TTSF teaching a donkey to use a washlet
Dog_of_Myth: Well, you do have a bidet now
shurtal: donkey learns about the washlet
KWardJenx: The best!
RassilonDND: TTSF, now teaching a donkey to play DDR
Stormgod519: gn chat
McMenno: byeee
MyrddintheWizard: Thank you for the Streaam
samwiser_: I love you all my babies, sleep well.
jubale1: how is Thunder Junction
RassilonDND: New stretch goal for the Kickstarter
Simonark: I feel like the highlight reel is going to be.. 80% DonkTalk
blipbloop1000: thanks for da stream
Therberus: thanks for the donkey
TheRealRedal: can't wait to watch this (was late) and see donk joke be borned
Juliamon: Simonark From this stream maybe, but a *lot* of last night's clips were approved