baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
MrOrange1987: hey!
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCrab lrrSIG
QuixoticScrivener: Gathering the Magic
noncrypticmoth: Hey everyone
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
Flyingdelorion: Hello! My body is ready for the MTG - ing
noncrypticmoth: I don't have any friends to tell this to but last night I saw ninja Brian and twrp perform
noncrypticmoth: Well it wasn't ninja Brian it was his other alias
protojman: Howdy, but unironically
sophieghost subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, sophieghost! (Today's storm count: 2)
noncrypticmoth: Howdy
DideRobot: LRR: Cori is here to [checks notes] Magic the Gathering Arena |
pleonasticTautology subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
pleonasticTautology: 30 months? that's almost two and a half years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, pleonasticTautology! (Today's storm count: 3)
noncrypticmoth: What ever happened to Bradley rains
pleonasticTautology: also hi good afternoon
Juliamon: per the 20th Anniversary podcast, he's doing his own thing now
Flyingdelorion: @noncrypticmoth You mean from Ninja sex party I assume?
Earthenone: good drafternoon cori!
shurtal: right on time
Seth_Erickson: Howdy
TheWriterAleph: oh hai
Juliamon: Hi Cori!
baltimore_667083: howdy there Cori!
pleonasticTautology: hi cori
Earthenone: hi chair!
QuixoticScrivener: Cori!
Juliamon: Chair just wanted to guest
bytecaster: Howdy indeed
redsaint_uk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, redsaint_uk! (Today's storm count: 4)
Flyingdelorion: Hi Coriand chair..ehm
as_ever_ellesandra: Chair just wants a friend
Piecrust9: Cori solo hour? Lets goooo
iris_of_ether: tiltyhYAS
QuixoticScrivener: Cannot GET /nifty-notifier-v4/
Earthenone: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TheWriterAleph: ah yes, a Perfectly Normal Stream(TM)
Earthenone: !cardkingdom
LRRbot: Card Kingdom is a long-time sponsor of LoadingReadyRun's MtG draft streams. Visit them at and if you live on the west coast, visit their store in Seattle. When you place an order, say "LoadingReadyRun sent me, button please!" to receive a bonus button!
Earthenone: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
Babcom: Yeey, Cori!
Earthenone: !ck
LRRbot: Card Kingdom: C.A.R.D.S.
bytecaster: I am indeed from the future.
Diabore: solo cori or is someone gonna sneak in later?
baskwalla: Iā€™m the year 23XX
avjamethyst: good luck
as_ever_ellesandra: It was Unicorn Day on the 9th
Seth_Erickson: You know that is a hard question
iris_of_ether: It's ponies and they clearly knew you were coming
Earthenone: new unicorns? thanks for the 4-11
BorealMage: Unfortunately, I am not equipped to answer the hard questions
pleonasticTautology: @as_ever_ellesandra that's a thing?
Mr_Horrible: they wanted to prove to you that you *can* draw horses, if you really believe
Wolfstrike_NL: Donkey's with horns *
as_ever_ellesandra: @pleonastictautology yes
Piecrust9: Well you know, time changes and all
Juliamon: there are 'day's for everything
pleonasticTautology: @as_ever_ellesandra huh. wish we knew, lmao.
wedge_x: every day is unicorn day if you're not a coward
Diabore: ooh remix draft
Earthenone: thats not glad at all!
bytecaster: Buy all the unicorns on the company dime?
as_ever_ellesandra: Rip gladiator event q.q
LibraryWitchKei: I love the artifact draft.
Earthenone: Premier drafts are Presidental drafts in the states right?
avjamethyst: mine says gladiator is still available for two more hours
Seth_Erickson: People have been saying this artifact cube was really fun
bytecaster: I have enjoyed it
pleonasticTautology: @Earthenone naw, governor drafts
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon love a "Day" of the day desk calendar
Diabore: @avjamethyst because you joined the event
shurtal: enrollment ended
avjamethyst: ah, that's why
LibraryWitchKei: It's too late to join.
shurtal: if you're already in it, you hve 2 hours to get games
Earthenone: i think its the bonus time for people who signed up but dident finish it yeah
pleonasticTautology: also, hi, hope everyone's been having a good week
BorealMage: Artifacts sound fun, tbh
bytecaster: Also the derollment timer
jaimeblacken: quick draft!
LibraryWitchKei: I've done the artifact draft, it's rad
345tom: ive had no luck at this artifact draft
LibraryWitchKei: Went 5-3 with White/Blue
Featherweight_: Spend those lrr gems , no one here to stop you
Earthenone: mission today is to win enough to keep your job :P (thats adams bit)
hydra66: just tuned in - whats the draft?
LibraryWitchKei: I unfortuneately did make a clone of Legendary creature today
micalovits: Third mission: Remember what the third mission was
Bugberry: more than a few recent clone effects do allow copying Legends though, so don't rule it out.
345tom: I did get the caves deck to pop off in quickdraft ixalan
Juliamon: hydra66 artifact remix
Mr_Horrible: "Cannot GET /nifty-notifier-v4/" LUL everything's spitting out debug info this week, it seems
Earthenone: so i havent seen it, but im guessing you want to take the cards that destory artifacts based soely on the name of the event
LibraryWitchKei: Oh yeah that one is so cool
iris_of_ether: That's why I only try to clone using "and the copy isn't legendary" HahaThink
BorgarWithAShotgun subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months!
BorgarWithAShotgun: woop woop
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BorgarWithAShotgun! (Today's storm count: 5)
Bugberry: I do like using cheap clone effects with Roalesk from WAR because the dying clone triggers stuff.
bytecaster: Remember kids, only clone responsibly
Piecrust9: Gotta get cori the mirror box so she can ignore the legend rule
jaimeblacken: ded
Earthenone: !box
LRRbot: In the box is: a distinct lack of rats
Bugberry: !card mirror box
LRRbot: Mirror Box [3] | Artifact | The "legend rule" doesn't apply to permanents you control. / Each legendary creature you control gets +1/+1. / Each nontoken creature you control gets +1/+1 for each other creature you control with the same name as that creature.
Juliamon: smh people who queue and afk
BorealMage: @Bugberry That's fun with Kokusho, too
Mr_Horrible: a stronger version of Mirror Gallery
Piecrust9: Nothing suspicious i promise
pleonasticTautology: @Juliamon happens in ffxiv too, makes me wish there were an achievement for clearing out the queue lmao
Bugberry: !card leyline of singularity
LRRbot: Leyline of Singularity [2UU] | Enchantment | If Leyline of Singularity is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield. / All nonland permanents are legendary.
Diabore: drown in ichor is probably the pick,
snortablecola: ayo cori stream lets go
Mr_Horrible: @pleonasticTautology everyone pointing and staring at the one DPS who didn't ready for Alliance Raid Roulette
pleonasticTautology: @Mr_Horrible or queued then fell asleep lmao
jaimeblacken: red card
RoastedGravy: Is Urza in this Cube?
Mr_Horrible: @pleonasticTautology honestly I can't even front, that has been me before
RoastedGravy: Is Urza LHA even in Arena?
bytecaster: Flyers and removal is a time honored limited archetype
pleonasticTautology: @Mr_Horrible oh absolutely. we've also fallen asleep in old praetorium and woken up in time for ultima weapon
Mr_Horrible: "Flying things" and "Artifacts" have both proven pretty powerful throughout Magic history
Bugberry: I'm a fan of Recommision, but I just like White reanimation in general.
Juliamon: I am certainly guilty of queueing and falling asleep in MMOs, it's a real danger
Robot_Bones: Speaking of Ultima weapons that express is no joke
BorealMage: Oh man, big fan of Emergency Weld
Earthenone: to be fair mmo ques are much longer
snortablecola: red seems fairly open
Mr_Horrible: the Counter Cat
pleonasticTautology: @Juliamon if yr on crystal data center, can i jokingly #blamejuliamon for long alliance raid queues :P
snortablecola: pirate mode
Robot_Bones: but also hats are open
Juliamon: haha nah I'm talking older MMOs
Mr_Horrible: ah, so FFXI Kappa
pleonasticTautology: ooo
Earthenone: Pie is like pirate right?
Juliamon: my gaming days are past me now
LurkerSpine: ooo Cori MtG
RoastedGravy: I do like kitty
pleonasticTautology: the only old MMOs we played were FF11 and WoW (and we played vanilla WoW on a Powerbook G4 in high school off of an unfiltered ethernet jack in a counselor's office lmao)
Juliamon: but yeah more than once I was the last one to ready up for a dungeon in Wakfu
Mr_Horrible: Alloy Myr is pretty nice to just help fix
JinaMahavira: All my old MMOs didnt have queues...(runescape, guild wars)
Mr_Horrible: Mishra's Research Desk: "It's very much modeled after the old system"
pleonasticTautology: one of my partners plays mabinogi and there's not so much "queues" as "oh time to organize my inventory"
bytecaster: Old lady with the pie is always a good pick
Bugberry: deadly dispute is great
BorealMage: ^
wholovesclutch: heyheyhey
Piecrust9: Hey dont eat the evidence! Darn food clues
MegaDosX: @Piecrust9 This suit burns better. Look!
Earthenone: blood fountain is like food, for vampires i guess
pleonasticTautology: @Piecrust9 literally a story beat in twin peaks: the return lmao
Piecrust9: @pleonastictautology no shit. Well now i gotta know more!
Bugberry: another pirate too
Piecrust9: Cameron approves the peri myr
bytecaster: You could even put a hat on Peri
pleonasticTautology: @Piecrust9 well first you watch twin peaks, then fire walk with me, then the missing pieces, then the return, and then you lay in the grass and stare at the sky
bytecaster: A mana flork
BrowneePoints: Myr Enforcer!?
Piecrust9: @pleonastictautology sounds like a lotta work. Imma just skip to the end of that process thanks
BrowneePoints: *neurons activated*
pleonasticTautology: @Piecrust9 lmao fair
bytecaster: But it's free though
pleonasticTautology: i went to tuscon to visit friends + watch all of twin peaks the return and we finished like. 5 hours before our flight home? so we watched the adventures of pete and pete as a palette cleanser while we packed
BrowneePoints: oooo Alloy Myr. and Centurion
Piecrust9: ^^^
jaimeblacken: red seems to be open
Earthenone: centurion can eat peri i guss
Bugberry: Artifacts with mana abilities includes your Myr mana dork.
pleonasticTautology: pretty sure putting a hat on peri gives it creature type platypus
BrowneePoints: Panharm!? *neurons activated*
Juliamon: I watched the Return with my mom, aside from a couple uncomfortable scenes it was nice having someone to share my ???? with
jaimeblacken: blood
pleonasticTautology: @Juliamon godddd. it was really funny cos our friends were expecting us to freak out about part 8 (which ew felt was really straightforward?) but part 16 ( the one with audrey) made us upset/cry
Piecrust9: Blood for the blood god
BrowneePoints: oooo foundry screecher and mender
Bugberry: m'lady or m'sire
DAC169: Inventor's Fair aipAwww
Piecrust9: How is inventors fair still here?
Piecrust9: Remember when you bobbed for apples? The apples sure do
pleonasticTautology: candygram my foot. you're that clever shark and you know it.
Earthenone: gotta love those wellness checks from arena
BrowneePoints: Blood Foontain
Piecrust9: @pleonastictautology is that that land shark ive been hearing so much about?
Bugberry: @Earthenone instead of netflix and chill it's arena and tilt
BrowneePoints: I didn't see you already had one
pleonasticTautology: @Piecrust9 hehehehe. a fellow Old
BrowneePoints: the first one is good, 2nd one is massive diminishing returns
bytecaster: But what if we need more blood in the middle of the match and can't find our first fountain!
Piecrust9: @pleonastictautology sorry to disappoint, i am a young. Saw those in a museum once and never forgot
GredGredmansson: don't forget to replace the lands you took out
Earthenone: we have a map token, close enough right?
pleonasticTautology: @Piecrust9 nooooooooooooo *crumbles to dust*
Piecrust9: @pleonastictautology o7 you will be remembered
BorealMage: !card eye of malcator
LRRbot: Eye of Malcator [2U] | Artifact | When Eye of Malcator enters the battlefield, scry 2. / Whenever another artifact enters the battlefield under your control, Eye of Malcator becomes a 4/4 Phyrexian Eye artifact creature until end of turn.
BorealMage: here we goooo
iris_of_ether: FBtouchdown
noncrypticmoth: What color are we playing
Mr_Horrible: Damn, Cori is my local public transit system
BorealMage: deck go vroom
noncrypticmoth: Noob question do all color combos have names
DAC169: @noncrypticmoth sure, why not. black & blue is "bruises" aipDerp
BorealMage: Eye is *kind of* a creature?
iris_of_ether: They do
Bugberry: @noncrypticmoth all of the pairs are represented by the Guilds of Ravnica, which is how most people refer to them.
Juliamon: Multiple names in fact
GredGredmansson: not sure if 4-color combos have names
Piecrust9: Like Sally!
ckupf: four color combos have names if you use the nephilim
noncrypticmoth: Oo I finally understand a joke Kathleen made
Bugberry: @noncrypticmoth the 3 color groups are named after the the Alara shards and the Tarkir clans.
noncrypticmoth: On Friday nights
Mr_Horrible: combinations of colors get used to represent different factions in a lot of different sets, so those faction names tend to end up as nicknames for the combos
Juliamon: 4color usually goes by either nephilim or a 3-color+the fourth
r10pez10: or what colour they're not
ckupf: "Wet Jund"
Juliamon: ie. Jeskai (white-blue-red) green
Mr_Horrible: @Juliamon anyone who actually remembers which nephilim is which is the strongest magic player in the world
Bugberry: Notably it only stops them from losing while it's reconfigured. Can't keep them alive on its own thankfully.
beowuuf: i wish 4 colour was just 'order less urza' etc
noncrypticmoth: What color do you think the entirety of lrr would be . Blue white?
Juliamon: Blue red
Earthenone: i remember the colors being called things like moist (three color name)
DAC169: @Bugberry I love killing them while it's equipped then killing the creature it's equipped to rooH
Mr_Horrible: @Earthenone this is essentially just the funny version of the "Jeskai Green" naming scheme
GredGredmansson: !card Fen Hauler
LRRbot: Fen Hauler [6B] | Creature ā€” Insect [5/5] | Improvise / Fen Hauler can't be blocked by artifact creatures.
Mr_Horrible: "Moist Jund" "Dark Bant" etc
BorealMage: Oh, I just noticed; did the sub notifier glitch?
Earthenone: crew is whenever
GredGredmansson: no Saddle is though
noncrypticmoth: It's crazy that they copied hearthstone to make this game.
Piecrust9: It is not sorcery speed
Creideiki_SE: One list of colour combination names:
noncrypticmoth: Jokes
Mr_Horrible: you can drive a train at any time, but you can only ride a possum during your main phase while you have priority
Mai_Andra: I'm not familiar with the 3-color names, but 2-colors are all from Ravnica. Except Strixhaven re-used half of them.
Mai_Andra: I should memorize New Capenna colors just to be confusing. xivMorbol
MrQBear: @Mr_Horrible cause it's easier to start a train than it is to jump on a possum that might not be expecting it, i guess?
Mr_Horrible: me remembering the dark days of having to refer to the wedges by their Planar Chaos primordial dragon names
noncrypticmoth: O haha I just noticed the rock with eyes. Is he ours or just on the map
Mr_Horrible: @MrQBear I just figure the possum has a more packed schedule
Earthenone: i imagine the sentiance of the creatures means we need to ask for consent at sorcery speed
Jethrain: @noncrypticmoth that was a pet in the store on april fool's day
Jethrain: he's called dwayne
MrQBear: @Mr_Horrible Aww, I like that for some reason. Busy little- "little" possum.
noncrypticmoth: Aw cute haha
Mr_Horrible: @Mai_Andra "Local player calls it 'Jetmir', is asked to leave LGS"
Bugberry: @Earthenone I just see it as, while a vehicle just needs a key to get going, a horse can get spooked if you try to get on it too quickly.
Mr_Horrible: @MrQBear I mean they're basically a celebrity at this point, so
MrQBear: Fair enough.
spawnofhastur subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, spawnofhastur! (Today's storm count: 6)
Mr_Horrible: if they wanted to make *that* aspect accurate, Bugberry , they'd need Saddle to have a chance to fail for no reason Kappa
Mr_Horrible: "oh no this horse saw a butterfly, refuses to accept riders for a week"
Thandres subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 76 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Thandres! (Today's storm count: 7)
LurkerSpine: You could cast Hauler?
LurkerSpine: oh not anymore
GredGredmansson: dunno why we didn't just cast the big thing
MegaDosX: Time Walk let's go
MegaDosX: You're at dead I think
Piecrust9: Siren
LurkerSpine: Victory!
GredGredmansson: rude
MegaDosX: Woo
DAC169: free win
TheWriterAleph: yay!
shurtal: Bazinga
MegaDosX: We take those
Piecrust9: Cori is the greatest!!
c_dabs: skill gap
LurkerSpine: Turbo Jerry Turboed out of there
MegaDosX: Is Cori the Luigi of LRR, wins without doing anything?
baltimore_667083: speak of the devil!
MegaDosX: Bolt the bird, after a fashion
MegaDosX: They missed a land drop so that feels like the right call
MegaDosX: You can kill the Inspector in response though
Bugberry: Bake into a Pie can also make a Food token at instant speed.
GredGredmansson: single target proliferate
GredGredmansson: i would
TheWriterAleph: you can't fight in here, this is the war room
MegaDosX: What an easy block
MegaDosX: Solve for fish
GredGredmansson: 2 + 2 = Fish
Jethrain: oh, fishy, fishy, fishy, fish!
pn55: seabatClap
pleonasticTautology: no one can solve for fish, not even biologists
Mangledpixel: Today's fish is trout a la creme. Enjoy your meal.
snortablecola: based fish gameplay
DAC169: someone needs to add that quote. "Can you solve fish?" - Cori
kumatsu: 1 fish, 2 fish
pleonasticTautology: we can more easily figure out what *aren't* fish than they can figure out what *are* fish
pleonasticTautology: cori you saying "pirate hat" made me think of principal scudworth's drawer full of paper pirate hats
azidbern95: Overseer is kill on sight
MegaDosX: !card steel overseer
LRRbot: Steel Overseer [2] | Artifact Creature ā€” Construct [1/1] | {T}: Put a +1/+1 counter on each artifact creature you control.
MegaDosX: Steel Overseer can get out of hand quickly
azidbern95: they get out of control
Azralorne: What is this solo Cori nonsense lol
MegaDosX: I think you need lands
MegaDosX: You know what, you right
MegaDosX: They are spring loaded
GredGredmansson: they descended from the ceiling
Bugberry: The Penitent Man must Kneel
Obos_TAB: LCI draft?
azidbern95: Artifact Cube
Obos_TAB: oh n/m haha
MegaDosX: I don't hate bouncing the Overseer here
GredGredmansson: yeah skullbomb seems nice here
MegaDosX: They want you to do that
MegaDosX: It will give them a 1/1 servo EOT
MegaDosX: Well that too
GredGredmansson: the enchantment they just played
MegaDosX: Yeah, that with the Overseer seems good
GredGredmansson: more hidden than expected
MegaDosX: I think bounce the Overseer and make them start over >_>
MegaDosX: But you do you Cori!
pleonasticTautology: mana!
snortablecola: so free
MegaDosX: And you can Weld the Skullbomb back and do it again benginLul
c_dabs: weld perry sac perry to dispute kill overseer?
GredGredmansson: we don't need to take care of overseer right now
GredGredmansson: we have time
MegaDosX: You have a plethora of options here
MegaDosX: You're also approaching casting the big improvise thing
MegaDosX: Nah I think that was fine
MegaDosX: Removal! How dare
GredGredmansson: also we are very fortunate they don't have any other artifact creatures yet
pleonasticTautology: >:3
DAC169: proliferate on an instant?
MegaDosX: Wow
MegaDosX: Hateful
pleonasticTautology: w o w
GredGredmansson: that's how
Bugberry: on board tricks
pleonasticTautology: w o o o w
GredGredmansson: land first?
MegaDosX: Play a land, slam the Lurker and pass >_>
MegaDosX: Wheeee
pleonasticTautology: >:3c
MegaDosX: They need removal or they lose to this card, I think
snortablecola: and we get to give it a hat
Mr_Horrible: something that can't be blocked by artifacts seems pretty strong for this format
pleonasticTautology: hey cori can i ask you something not-mtg-related
c_dabs: what a lovely hat for an insect
Araragi298: !card Pirate's Hat
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
MegaDosX: I desperately need someone to draw this benginLul
GredGredmansson: yar
Araragi298: !card Pirate Hat
LRRbot: Pirate Hat [1U] | Artifact ā€” Equipment | Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has "Whenever this creature attacks, draw a card, then discard a card." / Equip Pirate {1} / Equip {2}
Gekyouryuu: solo Cori for LRRMTG today? neato. how y'all doin'? I'm finally getting around to unboxing some of my latest haul of Kamen Rider Geats stuffs.
MegaDosX: Nah, you don't need to
GredGredmansson: ooooooh
GredGredmansson: wacknasty
MegaDosX: Though that is extra funny
pleonasticTautology: @Gekyouryuu oooo what'd you get šŸ‘€
MegaDosX: No, they have a blocker
Araragi298: the true fun of modal spells
MegaDosX: Though I like flunging here
EvilBadman: There is a rudeness to it that is admirable.
pleonasticTautology: could play the koi THEN the artifact land...
GredGredmansson: yeah fish plus artiland seems neat
MegaDosX: Though you now have a clock
Gekyouryuu: @pleonasticTautology this bundle was a bunch of post-series releases that've been building up and the person I bought from was kind enough to wait on shipping to save costs. so, XGeats and Dooms Geats buckles, high spec Raise Riser belt, Zillion Driver, and memorial Magnum, Boost, Ninja, Beat, and Zombie buckles, along with Ace's ancient Roman coin and a blank ID Core for the generic riders at the end of the season because I ordered the memorial buckles early enough.
MegaDosX: Give the fish a hat and they can't block it
pleonasticTautology: @Gekyouryuu hot damn!
pleonasticTautology: we got the geats blu-ray in the mail yesterday
Araragi298: hauler + koi = win?
pleonasticTautology: and lately we've been ordering build and ex-aid stuff
GredGredmansson: hat's not a cretature
pleonasticTautology: (we also preordered the memorial king-ohger sword)
Gekyouryuu: @pleonasticTautology ooooh, nice. which one? the movie, the final stage, or the official Shout Factory subtitled release?
MegaDosX: Huh.
MegaDosX: Do they have On the Job?
MegaDosX: Oof
pleonasticTautology: @Gekyouryuu the shout! factory one; we've been buying all of them cos we want them to know folks want them cos *god dammit we want build*
MegaDosX: The one card that kills you
Diabore: they jobbed us
MrQBear: @pleonasticTautology Build and Ex-Aid stuff? Ordering? I have been missing a conversation!
MegaDosX: Oh well, can't exactly play around that :P
pleonasticTautology: @MrQBear oh, not much of one :P
Gekyouryuu: @pleonasticTautology completely understandable. I intend to get it, and the others, eventually, but I only have so much money, and the blu rays won't suddenly be out of stock and impossible to get like the toys will.
pleonasticTautology: @Gekyouryuu that's fair. with the toys it's mostly a matter of space, for us, haha
MrQBear: @pleonasticTautology maybe not but any time I hear mention of anything kamen rider or just tokusatsu adjacent i get excited.
pleonasticTautology: hi cori did you know that there are north american blu-ray releases of a bunch of kamen rider shows
pleonasticTautology: black, black rx, kuuga, ryuki, zero-one, and geats
pleonasticTautology: fair
Gekyouryuu: @pleonasticTautology also fair. worst issue for me is I've gotta balance paying for all this Geats swag with also buying Gotchard cards
pleonasticTautology: CORI they just rereleased that one!
pleonasticTautology: hold on
Gekyouryuu: oh, the Sclash Driver?
MrQBear: Ooh, the juice belt is a good one
pleonasticTautology: we got the sclash driver. the jellies are SO SQUISHY.
Gekyouryuu: I own all the belts from Build, though I'm missing some add-ons, like the Black Hole Trigger and a chunk of late game bottles
Gekyouryuu: also, @MrQBear @pleonasticTautology y'all should hit up the toku channel on the discord sometime
pleonasticTautology: @Gekyouryuu getting all the cards would drive us more insane than we are, lmao. we we just want the toys of hopper1 and steamliner to get the *plastic* cards so it's easier to play with the belt
pleonasticTautology: @Gekyouryuu we're not on the discord yet; we're scared of joining big servers, especially as a now-39-member plural system lmao.
pleonasticTautology: but knowing there's a toku channel helps, uh, lower the internal barrier for entry for us
pleonasticTautology: so thank you :D
Gekyouryuu: @pleonasticTautology fair. I just got the TenLiner + CrossHopper set last week or so. still need to go back and get the Igniter, but after I get paid tomorrow I have to pay off the back half of my payment for the DreaDriver and the Geats Final Stage Blu Ray and Sound ID Core
playmaker87865: whats up here?
Gekyouryuu: @MrQBear also, to go back a bit, I *wasn't* talking Ex-Aid, but now that you bring it up, I DID just a few weeks ago get a sweet snag of the Poppy version of Doremifa Beat finally
MegaDosX: !card on the job
LRRbot: On the Job [2WW] | Instant | Creatures you control get +2/+1 until end of turn. Investigate.
pleonasticTautology: @Gekyouryuu jealoussssss
Nouxatar: one of the nuttiest limited tricks in recent memory tbh
Gekyouryuu: nice!
Luminaire_p: Exciting!
Nouxatar: oh nice!!!
pleonasticTautology: oh hell yeah
baltimore_667083: ooh
ghyllnox: Yooo nice
lirazel64: Wheee!
EvilBadman: Jelly
pleonasticTautology: pls take so many pics
wiigamer1995: PogBones
Azralorne: And take many photos!!!
pleonasticTautology: lmao
lirazel64: May is soon!
MrQBear: @Gekyouryuu I actually haven't seen Ex-Aid yet. You'd recommend, I take it? :p
Azralorne: @lirazel64 shhhh don't say that šŸ¤£
pleonasticTautology: @MrQBear YES YES YES YES
pleonasticTautology: ex-aid is SO GOOD
pleonasticTautology: aaaaa,
Gekyouryuu: @MrQBear yes, actually. Ex-Aid is the first of three seasons so far by the same director, who would later do Zero-One and Geats
pleonasticTautology: poppyyyyyyyy pipopopo
Luminaire_p: Merry Christmas from Poppy
pleonasticTautology: anyway yeah ex-aid is like. one of the most textually plural kamen riders, too
pleonasticTautology: also paradox has FASHION
Gekyouryuu: SAME! that's why I was so happy to get her version of Doremifa Beat finally!
MrQBear: Oh! I've been watching Zero-One with a friend, we've only done a bit so far, but I'veb een enjoying it, and I was intrigued by Geats...
pleonasticTautology: we like zero one for what it is, but the pandemic definitely kneecapped it a bit :/ geats is really enjoyable, in our opinion
Gekyouryuu: @MrQBear all seasons I'd recommend. honestly, Zero-One is the weakest of the three, I think, and even then it's not bad, just less good than it could've been
Garfman314: which format is this?
pleonasticTautology: but yeah, lesse. we have a gamer driver, a bugger driver ii, a build driver, a sclash driver, a zero-one driver, a gotchardriver, a typhoon (from shin kamen rider), and a desire driver
Gekyouryuu: also, seeing Ex-Aid you'll notice some stuff in Zero-One was actually the director repeating some tricks they did in Ex-Aid, but I mean that in a positive way.
Bugberry: not dead yet
MegaDosX: Well the creature isn't dead when you crew
MegaDosX: So it works
MegaDosX: Bouncing the engineer makes the train unable to attack
GredGredmansson: its also 3 mana to bounce
Gekyouryuu: @pleonasticTautology oh, don't even get me started. CSM Ryuki V Buckle and Drag Visor, CSM OOO Driver and Taja Spinner, CSM Birth Driver and X Unit, non-CSM Gattack Zecter, Sengoku Driver, Genesis Driver, Gamer Driver, Buggle Driver (sadly never managed to snag a 2), Build Driver, Sclash Driver, Evol Driver, Shot Riser, Raid Riser, Saikou's sword, Desire Driver, Vision Driver, Laser Raise Riser (regular AND memorial (getting the replacement part once they're released), Zillion Driver, GotcharDri
GredGredmansson: only double strike
GredGredmansson: wait
pleonasticTautology: @Gekyouryuu holy crap
pleonasticTautology: tbf we don't have a job lmao. so our money to spend on kamen rider stuff is limited
pleonasticTautology: but also if they ever announce a csm fourze driver we *will* put ourself into debt over it.
Gekyouryuu: not sure if the "message cannot be replied to" means my last bit didn't send, so I'll send it again to be safe: the DreaDriver's just waiting for payment. and that's a) just the ones I remember off the top of my head, and b) not getting into the nitty gritty of "what lockseeds/bottles/progrise keys/buckles/cards/etc.
betazed15 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 35 month streak!
betazed15: 35 months on a Cori magic stream. Why not?!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, betazed15! (Today's storm count: 8)
pleonasticTautology: fourze was our first and favorite, yeah
Luminaire_p: CSM Double Driver, CSM OOO Driver, CSM Sengoku Driver, Shot Riser here
MrQBear: Fourze! Yeah!
betazed15: Holy hell. You said it right on the first try!!!!
wedge_x: but what if you diiiiid
Luminaire_p: Just start with a Genesis Driver CSM Kappa
GapFiller: oooh lazy manicotti on TTSF tnite
pleonasticTautology: we also want the csm shin kamen rider typhoon cos it does the pop out-y thing
pleonasticTautology: shin kamen rider was the only time i've been in a movie theater since the first spiderverse movie lmao.
MrQBear: @Gekyouryuu I'll have to keep an eye out.
Bugberry: Green/White counters is my jam
DCframe0: food is typically black green right?
Gekyouryuu: yeah, I'm a massive mark for Kamen Rider stuff, so I own a LOT. but, then, I work for a fansub group that covers Sentai and Rider, so I feel like that shouldn't surprise people
pleonasticTautology: @Gekyouryuu šŸ‘€
DCframe0: captured is cool
pleonasticTautology: yeah our big purchase was the memorial king-ohger sword
Nouxatar: captured is rlly good
pleonasticTautology: which is paid off, even
pleonasticTautology: the minute we started watching king-ohger we were like "we want that sword and we want the 1:1 version of that sword"
pleonasticTautology: it looks so stimmy.
Nouxatar: the +1/+1 counters deck in this format is actually pretty nice generally
Nouxatar: also ooo.... sword.......
Gekyouryuu: the Bop-it Blade
pleonasticTautology: @Gekyouryuu it REALLY IS
QuixoticScrivener: ooh, shadowspear
Nouxatar: monoskelion!!
MrQBear: The Bop-it Blade?
baskwalla: Mana mans
Gekyouryuu: @MrQBear the transformation sword from Ohsama Sentai KingOhger, last year's sentai season, has 5 different widgets on it related to the insects the team are themed on. you have to hit them in sequence to transform, and they each move a bit differently, so it's like fiddling with a bop-it
DCframe0: vorrac is sweet
MrQBear: Oh. That sounds amazing. Lemme write that name down. I really should start watching the Sentai stuff too.
Mythallian: doublestrike is always nice
Gekyouryuu: @MrQBear it's a good season, and I recommend it, but as a head's up it has a bit of a different vibe than other seasons because a large portion of it is filmed in a green screen chamber, so it's got a distinctive visual style that may take a moment to get used to
pleonasticTautology: yeah, we know some folks who got a bit motion sick from those scenes, but story wise? we think it's our favorite season
ramora_: those are the bluest forests
MegaDosX: Gotta play a land first
ramora_: ya, but losing the bodies makes the oviya less threatening
MegaDosX: Oh that's a sick synergy with the Champion
MegaDosX: That Woodland Champion is going to get swole
MegaDosX: Oh my god
MegaDosX: Oof
Nouxatar: the Whiff
MegaDosX: Cori I'm afraid your attacks are bad
MegaDosX: Not only do they kill your token maker, their chungus gets even more chungus
MegaDosX: Oh good lord
Bugberry: double pangolin
pleonasticTautology: oh god
MegaDosX: That's unreasonable
MegaDosX: !card argothian sprite
LRRbot: Argothian Sprite [1G] | Creature ā€” Faerie [2/2] | Argothian Sprite can't be blocked by artifact creatures. / {7}: Put two +1/+1 counters on Argothian Sprite.
MegaDosX: You can start making your Argothian Sprite bigger this turn
MegaDosX: Also it investigates twice
ramora_: well.... this is a board state
MegaDosX: I don't think they're gonna, Cori
MegaDosX: Because number go up
KazCanes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KazCanes! (Today's storm count: 9)
MegaDosX: All you need to draw is the Craterhoof Behemoth that's definitely in your deck and you can win :)
ramora_: attack all, maybe they time out
MegaDosX: Spacebar spacebar!
pleonasticTautology: we're making it happen
MegaDosX: Cori is attacking for "idk you figure it out *shrug*"
ramora_: probably would have been better to hold a card to make them think a little
Nouxatar: math is, indeed, for blockers
MegaDosX: Actually yeah holding one of the little creatures back could have bluffed On the Job
MegaDosX: Cori with the spite play, love that for you
MegaDosX: Double the counters on their fish benginLul
ramora_: it doens't double, it just adds 1
MegaDosX: Oh
MegaDosX: Oh well
MegaDosX: Doesn't matter, Cori went squish
ramora_: both teams tried hard
pleonasticTautology: cori got *deleted*
Nouxatar: squimsh
QuixoticScrivener: Math is for blockers
MegaDosX: Opponent had a good deck though
MegaDosX: When you lose to strong decks and good synergy, it feels a lot better than when you die to bullshit
MegaDosX: It's pretty potent if you can land a lot of artifacts in one turn
MegaDosX: I seem to recall it being reasonably potent in ONE limited
Nouxatar: hat!!
MegaDosX: Also Cori are all equipment hats to you? :p
MegaDosX: OK fair
MegaDosX: Making food into mana rocks is pretty funny
MegaDosX: But you might be dead here
MegaDosX: If not this turn then next turn
JPedro_o_Recruta: is this draft?
MegaDosX: They just have lethal next turn in the air
MegaDosX: @JPedro_o_Recruta Artifacts Remix Draft
GredGredmansson: yeah you can give something reach
GredGredmansson: can always eat 2nd food at instant speed
Mr_Horrible: @GredGredmansson I tell myself this about lunch every day
GredGredmansson: Mechtitan?!
GredGredmansson: that's a uberbomb in this
Gekyouryuu: it's the Megazord
GredGredmansson: if opponent has any honor they'll form Mechtitan
Gekyouryuu: I was SO excited when they first spoiled Mechtitan for that set
GredGredmansson: RUDE
QuixoticScrivener: they didn't have enough artifact creatures
Gekyouryuu: I even brought my Shinken-Oh to prerelease in hopes of pulling it
MegaDosX: RIP
GredGredmansson: @QuixoticScrivener oh i forgot i thought it was any artifacts
GredGredmansson: its artifact creatures / vehicles
Gekyouryuu: if I managed to pull it off, I was gonna use Shinken-Oh as the token
GredGredmansson: ramp i assume
MegaDosX: Turn them into constructs >_>
GredGredmansson: captured by lagacs is lethal i think
MegaDosX: Could've put a counter on the 1/1
GredGredmansson: well now its not
MegaDosX: Play one big thing opponent, dare you
MegaDosX: That's two things, smh
MegaDosX: Though I think we capture the 4/3 and flunge
Mr_Horrible: 5/4 worth of power is "big", but only barely
MegaDosX: Move to vroom step
pleonasticTautology: tramampoline
pleonasticTautology: trambopoline
GredGredmansson: trombopoline
MegaDosX: See that's what I wanted them to do /last/ turn
pleonasticTautology: (don't bring home any more used crutches)
MegaDosX: Nah, swinging out is bad
MegaDosX: No more trample and their thing is deathtouch
GredGredmansson: oh no you don't, that trampoline is MINE
MegaDosX: I don't think they attack
MegaDosX: If they attack they die
Mr_Horrible: I like that the adaptive has 2 +1/+1 counters in addition to the 4 oil counters
MegaDosX: :(
MegaDosX: Oppnent why
GredGredmansson: i think they might start attacking now
Mr_Horrible: OP please stop playing things, I beg of you
pleonasticTautology: uh
MegaDosX: That's a bit late
pleonasticTautology: did stream freeze for anyone else
Mr_Horrible: not for me, Pleo
Mr_Horrible: might refresh or pause/resume?
MegaDosX: I challenged one big thing! They did that a turn too late, smh, fake opponent
pleonasticTautology: yeah, i refreshed
c_dabs: everythings fine....
pleonasticTautology: all good now
Mr_Horrible: the internet is a strange beast
MegaDosX: It has Riot
MegaDosX: Snack time!
Mr_Horrible: *me, about to be ground into dust* *eats a slice of pie and lives instead*
DAC169: do a Jump In?
MegaDosX: Could do Jump In
RealGamerCow: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (Cooking with Ian: Lazy Manicotti) at Thu 05:00 PM PDT (29m from now).
MegaDosX: But this is also an option
GapFiller: nalvThink 'lazy' manicotti
c_dabs: ops name is too real
MegaDosX: Well I think these are all Alchemy decks, so gonna be some odd stuff in them
MegaDosX: Oh they're on the Soldiers deck
MegaDosX: Cori make sure you read Darkslick Shores
Mr_Horrible: "This is the last turn you can tweet this untapped"
MegaDosX: Yeah it's a strong land
Mr_Horrible: we love a repeat offender
pleonasticTautology: moidah
Mr_Horrible: "And I'll do it again"
MegaDosX: !card gix's command
LRRbot: Gix's Command [3BB] | Sorcery | Choose two ā€” / ā€¢ Put two +1/+1 counters on up to one creature. It gains lifelink until end of turn. / ā€¢ Destroy each creature with power 2 or less. / ā€¢ Return up to two creature cards from your graveyard to your hand. / ā€¢ Each opponent sacrifices a creature with the highest power among creatures they control.
Mr_Horrible: hand fulla removal
MegaDosX: Many mans
MegaDosX: Unearth
Mr_Horrible: command seems like a good next turn for us
Mr_Horrible: provided we live
MegaDosX: When you Unearth a creature it gains haste until end of turn and then is exiled if it would leave the battlefield
MegaDosX: Gix's Command would be pretty funny here
Mr_Horrible: regrowing Gix's Command *also* funny
Mr_Horrible: damn, just enough mana
pleonasticTautology: wasn't expecting an snl celebrity jeopardy! reference on mtg arena in 2024
pleonasticTautology: but here we are
hunahpu92 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hunahpu92! (Today's storm count: 10)
Mr_Horrible: yes, you do
Bugberry: You are casting the spell, so you pay additional costs
Bugberry: Same applies if you cast the spell without paying it's mana cost, you'd still pay for the additional costs.
GredGredmansson: anything we can cast from the graveyard?
GredGredmansson: oh wait that's a SACRIFICE
GredGredmansson: i didn't realize that
CanPlayGames subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 73 months!
CanPlayGames: I found where they hid the prime sub
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, CanPlayGames! (Today's storm count: 11)
GredGredmansson: 3 times, clock also taps for mana
GredGredmansson: and then the Wrennaissance happened
lirazel64: Deep subject...
MegaDosX: Thanks for stream!
ArdCollider: thanks for the stream, Cori, gg!
pleonasticTautology: thank you for streaming!
GredGredmansson: thanks Cori
MegaDosX: It was an enjoyable stream
CanPlayGames: !updog
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 20:18:18. lrrSPOT
CanPlayGames: rude
Mr_Horrible: Manicotti: The Lazening
CanPlayGames: Should let you eat it
TheWriterAleph: those are two of my favorite things!
letfireraindown: I got this entertainment PC on proper internet, so will twitch load the video as soon as they go live?
Juliamon: It is a mystery
Juliamon: lrrSIG
Juliamon: Did it?
baltimore_667083: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
letfireraindown: IT DID!
letfireraindown: Twitch is working better now!
Juliamon: lrrBartleby
loufghyslaufey: Cooking?
loufghyslaufey: Oh that's right
loufghyslaufey: I wanted to distinguished leftover pasta from this week into a new platter
DideRobot: LRR: Time for Tinker Tailor Solder Fry! Hope you are hungry because Chef Ian is making some Lazy Manicotti! (has image) |
lonestarbl: I'll consume the gluten with my eyes
lonestarbl: lrrARROWS
Challis2070: I have managed to remember I have a free prime...thingy, and to use it. Go me.