coachNelly: morning gamers
TXC2: Hello Nelson
v_nome: g'morning peoples
TXC2: hello v_nome welcome
beowuuf: sergeHi
TXC2: hello beowuuf welcome
freshmaker__: howdy
TXC2: hello freshmaker__ welcome
LoadingReadyRun: Jacob here. Juts a little heads up seven-up, we are running just a touch behind this morning. Mods, if you could let folks know as people start coming on in, that would rule.
Juliamon: escher3THUMBSUP
TXC2: No worries
LoadingReadyRun: Just*
Didero: It does take a lot of time to get Zangief's chest hair combed properly
Didero: Good evening
beowuuf gifted a Tier 1 sub to Didero!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Didero! (Today's storm count: 2)
beowuuf: sub for the rest week ahead!
Didero: :O Thanks beowuuf!
TXC2: hello Didero welcome
Didero: Doesn't feel like a proper stream without a TXC2 welcome :) Hi
JinaMahavira: seabatClap seabatClap almost fightmans time
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
josh___something: oof club 🦀🦀
josh___something: Didn't mean to put those crab emojis in, but I stand by it
Juliamon: always lrrCrab
Didero: Few things aren't improved by crabs
beowuuf: lrrCrab
NevermorePainting subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
NevermorePainting: FIGHT CLUB! This stream made me pick up SF6 last night
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NevermorePainting! (Today's storm count: 3)
JinaMahavira: Just a pinch? Just a little pinch?
TXC2: I guess we're back to refreshing :p
BringSomeSoda: le live oki oki
DideRobot: LRR: Show footsies. Time for Oki Oki Fight Club with Adam and Jacob! | 🦶🦶 (has image) |
Mr_Horrible: back with coffee and donut in time for Oki Oki... my meaty immaculate
hyperialguard: hibiki6Hii
Kaaosa: hi
Juliamon: Would be nice if my stream would stabilize please
Juliamon: Comcast has been real flaky lately
TXC2: hello Kaaosa welcome
ManWithTheMask13: wakey wakey, it's time for schoo
LMAOkai_: *hits snooze
Kaaosa: wait was that a carola reference in this song?
ManWithTheMask13: @LMAOkai_ what was the joke that one stream about Luke and snoozing. Snooze mode baby?
Didero: sleep mode baby
Mr_Horrible: Eep Mode, Baby! *honkshoo*
beowuuf: fight!
TXC2: Sandblast! but it's sleep powder
josh___something: NO
BusTed: heyo
AceGun_: time for punch-'ems!
TXC2: Here we GO!
tod_vom_himmel: Slerp
JinaMahavira: Good morning
josh___something: I will stay asleep! D:<
Didero: Hello!
beowuuf: morning jacob! morning adam! morning chat nelson!
TXC2: Hello Adam and Jacob
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
NevermorePainting: FOCUS TIME
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
v_nome: Fighting Games? On THIS stream?
Kaaosa: fighting games more like farting games
ManWithTheMask13: Has Jacob seen the Sajam gig? MiniK
Mr_Horrible: *we* make fighting games possible
TXC2: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
Kaaosa: I'm an adult
Mr_Horrible: and viewers like us
Mr_Horrible: Dad Joke on wakeup, Nelly's in the zone
itsr67: wew
josh___something: Same, bestie
TXC2: so tired you go zen
Mr_Horrible: "I am barely clinging to life right now, we are Vibes Only"
ManWithTheMask13: It's Gief day, everyday
AceGun_: "This isn't currently the worst thing in my life, so I'm okay with it"
Greyah: Well, I'm always tired. But I don't think that's actually a good thing.
NevermorePainting: My Luke gameplan: "I can win through the power of faith in normals and unbridled aggression"
lightfut: Nelson, known presser of buttons
josh___something: Happy birfday kimberly
Mr_Horrible: we teach good life lessons here Kappa
ManWithTheMask13: Are you ready for the throw-down today, Jacob?
VrolikSyndrome subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 12 month streak!
VrolikSyndrome: I can't think of a good joke.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, VrolikSyndrome! (Today's storm count: 4)
Mr_Horrible: a throwdown, a hoedown, oh no we can't slow down
Mr_Horrible: good joke, Vrolik
VrolikSyndrome: thank you
TXC2: hoedown or hootnany?
VrolikSyndrome: my illness addled mind is enlightened
AfraidOfTheSun_: hello
freshmaker__ subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 65 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, freshmaker__! (Today's storm count: 5)
NewtyNewts: I'll join in soon, gotta do something first
TXC2: 1findquote ready
freshmaker__: *Triple H voice* are you ready?!
Mr_Horrible: Path of Exile voice: "Login"
TXC2: !findquote ready
LRRbot: Quote #8838: "Be ready, youths; I'm coming for you and your opinions." —Kathleen [2023-11-17]
NevermorePainting: The Vod of Jacob and Wheeler having a 40 game series made me pick up the game
Marvoleath: Aren't mirrors most skill based? :P
AceGun_: Sometimes it's your character's best matchup...
Simbionis: Faust mirror match seems potentially fun
Mr_Horrible: the Ryu mirror aka 2 pieces of buttered white bread slapping against each other
Mr_Horrible: yes, the Faust player
153 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
VrolikSyndrome: Two pieces of buttered bread can make a decent sandwich.
TXC2: Hello Raiders
RAICx: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Scorpio_o7 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months!
natillynoo: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Scorpio_o7! (Today's storm count: 6)
baltimore_667083: hello there
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
TheAinMAP: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
wench_tacular: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
ExachixKitsune subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 103 months!
ExachixKitsune: Just over a year of subs! Still awesome after all this time
freshmaker__: Faust is so sick. Love that silly guy.
SAJewers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 96 months, currently on a 96 month streak!
SAJewers: pkroseLurkPeek sergePeek
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ExachixKitsune! (Today's storm count: 7)
PsychoI3oy: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, SAJewers! (Today's storm count: 8)
DiscordianTokkan: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
LordChrusher subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 101 months!
LordChrusher: Hello Jacob, Adam and Chat
Mr_Horrible: oh we chunkin? jlrrDance
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LordChrusher! (Today's storm count: 9)
beowuuf: got straight up punched today
LordZarano: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
thatjuantoo: starmu6Jam
TXC2: even though I know Faust is from an other fighting game, I chose to believe y'all are talking about the play Kappa
saucemaster5000: "I need an edit with the Q mask over the monkey" -- @itsr67 , 4/12/24, 9:39 AM
NewtyNewts: Starting up my Feet Strighter now
ExachixKitsune: just say Kitsune :P
Mr_Horrible: gabyLul
ExachixKitsune: Lmao the correct pronunciation was the one Adam said was weird
hyperialguard: @saucemaster5000 let the record show...
NewtyNewts: Maybe it's Exachi X Kitsune?
Mai_Andra: ah, cheeks! xivMorbol
beowuuf: "throatwarbler mangrove"
Juliamon: Maybe it's a silent X
Mr_Horrible: Adam speaking inversely to my soul with that comparison
TXC2: maybe it's Greek?
The_Timo: Get a lot of people calling you Aydam?
saucemaster5000: It's been "Sa-oos, maw-steer" for years and I don't complain
ExachixKitsune: Ex-ah-chix to rhyme with licks which now I say out loud sounds weird
Marvoleath: Eachix? @Juliamon
Mr_Horrible: @The_Timo you fucked up Aadam lrrBEEJ
Badchop subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Badchop! (Today's storm count: 10)
thatjuantoo: LUL
ItsThugDimmadome: Actin' like you won't get command grabbed
azureHaights: Exachix, that's one quintillion chix!
Mr_Horrible: A Dan
Mr_Horrible: they think you're a Hibiki main
beowuuf: we you in beyond: two souls? Kappa
ExachixKitsune: @azureHaights pearlieLOL
Mai_Andra: oh no, they think you're a Dan main...
saucemaster5000: Life is a resource
saucemaster5000: esp for gief
Mr_Horrible: true
ItsThugDimmadome: The only one that mastters is the last one. Especially with Gief.
Mr_Horrible: if you're pixel you're not dead
hyperialguard: The blessed extra 1000
saucemaster5000: @Mr_Horrible what if you Adam Sandler's "PIxels"?
undecided44: Unless they are playing poison... then ~12=0
Didero: Wait, the red Zangief is wearing blue trousers and vice versa?
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 well that's pluralized so thankfully there's a distinction but also yeah you're probably dead in that case
TXC2: exachix nix rhyming lix, stix wix fix....
Mai_Andra: "It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning is winning." - xivCactuar
ItsThugDimmadome: I'll take this time to plug Siberian Lab. They put in good work for Gief mains.
Marvoleath: Gambler's fallacy :P
saucemaster5000: or you could win the first time
TXC2: winning the first time is how they get you
saucemaster5000: hm, do I feel like playing SF6 this morining?
ItsThugDimmadome: 99% of gamblers quit right before they hit it big.
Mister_BlueSky: Only other one I know is islands in the stream.
undecided44: You got t' know when to throw 'em, know when t' ......? Yeah I lost it there
Mr_Horrible: the Carry Oki, that's when you go for the throw loop in the corner
NevermorePainting: This game is the first time when I have gotten dumpstered and just want to play more. Like last night I went 2-16 and I can only think about how much I want to play again
avjamethyst: that karaoke was great
Mr_Horrible: @NevermorePainting that's the fire
ItsThugDimmadome: @NevermorePainting You got a main?
NewtyNewts: 99% of the time The Gambler ends before it goes off
AceGun_: Gotta know when to hold 'em (SPD), know when to fold 'em (SA3), knokw when to walk away (never), know when to run ("I'm coming!")
TXC2: AceGun_ yes!
Mai_Andra: if i can just buy enough lottery tickets, it will all be worth it...
NevermorePainting: @itsthugdimmadome in my grand total of 2 hours of play, Luke
roseofloki: oh yay, I finally get to catch this stream live!
saucemaster5000: yeah that's how millionairs get richer
ItsThugDimmadome: @NevermorePainting PLayin' with power. I dig it.
DigitalSeahorse: Mister_BlueSky mister165Tailswave julieeeWave
TXC2: hello roseofloki welcome
Mr_Horrible: I loved when Zangief showed up in classic film "The Wizard"
saucemaster5000: I bet gief pays rock n roll racing for the SNES
DigitalSeahorse: oh the stream is live, my open tab fails to see this
VrolikSyndrome: @josh___something my buttons are all fucked up
NevermorePainting: @itsthugdimmadome I have the power of great normal moves and insane aggression on my side
DigitalSeahorse: hello katesADS
saucemaster5000: @VrolikSyndrome like shinji?
Didero: Piss? We have a mug for that
josh___something: Yeah, it was a bit chuggy too
TXC2: something something tax the rich
NewtyNewts: MyOnlyFans!
Abavus: It all makes sense now
ManWithTheMask13: I GOT GOT
VrolikSyndrome: @saucemaster5000 quite
roseofloki: The only fighting game I've ever played that actually had "Good Honest Neutral" is Samurai Showdown, but the neutral there is just staring at each other for five seconds before you both try to pop off
ManWithTheMask13: Sick lvl 4
ManWithTheMask13: 3
dragonflare9 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months!
dragonflare9: let's fight!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dragonflare9! (Today's storm count: 11)
saucemaster5000: not with makoto. (dashes in)
itsr67: as I dash punch and try to cheat out damage
roseofloki: I need to play 3rd strike, it looks amazing
ManWithTheMask13: GGS Jacob! You're improving a lot!
saucemaster5000: 3rd strike still really fucking good
AceGun_: [Oro and Alex fullscreen stomp back and forth]
ManWithTheMask13: Those Lariats are coming out a lot more
VrolikSyndrome: @AceGun_ lil steppy
v_nome: If you're up for it I'd like a match sometime today Jacob (I understand if that's not right now)
saucemaster5000: @AceGun_ (sorry I tilted at the stomp yesterday)
Mr_Horrible: it's the tough step, but you're at that point where the next step is to have those thoughts in the moment
Mr_Horrible: the recognition is there, it's just time to make it faster now
roseofloki: Watching Elena just move like that in that generation of pixel graphics just blows my mind
Mark_D_Stroyer: Yeah, while you were Drive Rushing, I studied the…Third…Strike?
TXC2: "I lost because of skill, not luck" is what it feels like Jacob is saying IMO
Didero: This JP seems mean :p
ManWithTheMask13: Simply just be Heef
NorthstarTex: not play Heef
ManWithTheMask13: @NorthstarTex TRUE
Mr_Horrible: ooh, that was slick
NevermorePainting: For Nelly: I am a recovered music student (and trombone player ayo) and the thing about fighting games is it gives me a chance to go get back in the woodshed and practice the hell out of something
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 no problem, I totally get it. Brains were also pretty fried by that point.
Mark_D_Stroyer: @saucemaster5000 Thanks for indulging with some matches last night, ya
thatjuantoo: LUL
itsr67: PREACH
ManWithTheMask13: Ryu sat down on the couch and had a beer
TXC2: embrace the mushin
beowuuf: lrrJUDGE
silent_sol: remember the match up jacob : Frame 1 DI
Didero: Dodging all his magic just to have him hit you in the face with a stick hurts extra :p
saucemaster5000: for sure @Mark_D_Stroyer ! My second day of 3rd strike, game kinda rules
DigitalSeahorse: when I lose fighting games it's usually my fault for playing smash and thinking my opponents are equals cause I'm a scrub and a casual esp with vs games
Mr_Horrible: Fighting JP is saying "Damn, I really want to play a Touhou instead of a fighter"
ManWithTheMask13: @itsr67 okay but what if JP was a DLC fighter in NeoTurf
LurkerSpine: We've all had that JP battle
itsr67: THAT'D be rad
Mark_D_Stroyer: I literally picked up Third Strike after Oki started
ManWithTheMask13: @itsr67 He just portals the ball onto the green
AceGun_: Except the grab
silent_sol: He has one grab projectile
itsr67: spikes are all mid except for his grab
itsr67: and he CANNOT do it if he has portals out
Mr_Horrible: you have willingly walked into Hell, now you must conquer it
LordZarano: @ExachixKitsune /ɛksətʃɪks kɪtsʊneɪ/
v_nome: Wait, JP can't grab if portals are out?
TXC2: Mr_Horrible when walking through hell, keep walking
itsr67: correct
silent_sol: there is an overhead ghost??
ManWithTheMask13: "the low ghost" sounds like a band my dad listened to
itsr67: if jp has a portal out and goes for grab ghost he can't
josh___something: ow
Mark_D_Stroyer: Low Ghost is a Cure cover band name for sure
itsr67: the special can't come out
DigitalSeahorse: Mister_BlueSky how's things where you are? did you see partial eclipse with glasses or on cardboard/paper on the 8th?
silent_sol: damn i never realised he had an overhead projectile
silent_sol: I usually OD spiral arrow and let him deal with it
Mr_Horrible: the other question is: would you have died if Lariat whiffed?
Mark_D_Stroyer: Even if JP is an asshole, there still is something that feels wrong about Gief absolutely clotheslining him in the super.
TXC2: Jacob poped off there
ManWithTheMask13: not
Mark_D_Stroyer: It really does look like Jacob has made some significant progress in the past couple weeks.
offbeatwitch: gief health baybe
v_nome: Nice!
josh___something: NOOOOO
ManWithTheMask13: FBtouchdown
Didero: wow, nice!
ManWithTheMask13: LMAO
NorthstarTex: never. give. up.
CienZaufania: seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap
TXC2: real damn close Josh
DigitalSeahorse: lol
josh___something: uhh
thatjuantoo: LUL
itsr67: burnt out against JP is one of the worst scenarios in this game
Benzil666: "JP has an air throw too?" - me literally any time I get air thrown by JP. I always forget.
Juliamon: that... is a tempting quote
LordZarano: @LordZarano The ə should maybe be a ɑ
TXC2: Juliamon doooo it
Mr_Horrible: "Johan Petrovic shot down over Russian skies"
Benzil666: Get dunked.
Juliamon: nooo I've already gotten demodded once this week LUL
TXC2: Juliamon :D
saucemaster5000: Ben made a mistake....
Mr_Horrible: he's actually not lying, either
JinaMahavira: LUL
Mr_Horrible: which is the extra funny part
ManWithTheMask13: blasted 18 frame startup
saucemaster5000: GIef's Neuts
Mr_Horrible: need a mod for JP that makes him say "hee hee hoo hoo" on DR
ManWithTheMask13: Oh yeah, Jacob, the belly flop is worse as an jump-in than the normal heavy punch because it has less recovery. Plus you're able to get assured stuff off of the downwards chop
TXC2: !addquote (Jacob) [now] I have never felt my asshole get that tight.
LRRbot: New quote #8968: "I have never felt my asshole get that tight." —Jacob [2024-04-12]
Mark_D_Stroyer: @mr_horrible Along with a Moonwalk back-dash?
ItsThugDimmadome: GGs lmaokai
LMAOkai_: ggs ggs
saucemaster5000: need a mod for manon that makes her french quebecois
BITs19_: so, as someone who is considering picking up SF6 as my first fighting game outside of SSB, would it be better to learn on Modern? or Classic?
Mark_D_Stroyer: YES
v_nome: Damn that was a sweet combo
TXC2: we'll never get that because people would say bad things and ruin it :(
VrolikSyndrome: Good show
freshmaker__: audio mods would all have to be clientside for bad people reasons
DigitalSeahorse: edit a logo?! unheard of in the brand id industry voxlunCarp
Mr_Horrible: Let 'er kenny? I barely *know* 'er kenny
v_nome: @BITs19_ Whichever you prefer. There are reasons you might choose either
RyanIkeComposer: I want to be more mad at JP when I have to fight him, but my god the drip
Mr_Horrible: I'm learning on Classic because I'm stubborn
ItsThugDimmadome: Man, Marisa feels good when the big stuff lands.
RyanIkeComposer: can only be so mad at a guy rocking a waistcoat that hard
ItsThugDimmadome: Aren't Smash controls similar to modern controls in SF6?
Mr_Horrible: @ItsThugDimmadome charged Gladius, the Serotonin Button
v_nome: all mediums are kicks
v_nome: on Blanka
Didero: Is switching from Modern to Classic hard?
hyperialguard: Modern specials are like Smash, yes
v_nome: 4MK is Blanka's best button
AFamiliarCalledEl: I've never understood Modern at all, but I have that lonely-14-year-old fighting game muscle memory for classic controls.
saucemaster5000: Honestly the worst thing you lose for most characters are overheads
Mark_D_Stroyer: I started SFV back when Adam was jamming Mika, with very little background. I will say that classic does take a couple hours of just getting used to moving around and doing moves, but it’s very satisfying to start pulling off
Mr_Horrible: Nelly training in 100x Earth's gravity
saucemaster5000: I gave up on switching to stick for SF6.... now I use my fancy ass stick for fightcade
BITs19_: good advice, thank you!
josh___something: GGs jacob
Greyah: To me, switching from pad modern to pad classic seems tougher than to stick classic. Because you have the upside of resetting your brain.
Mr_Horrible: is jackhammering out of the tornado super always a side-switch?
DigitalSeahorse: katesNoted katesSteer katesBelt learning stick does take some getting used to
DigitalSeahorse: but learning stick is clutch!
saucemaster5000: When modern has super, it's a bullet in a chamber
Mr_Horrible: @DigitalSeahorse irl lol
Greyah: That's the fun thing about modern Gief. The instant level 3 is a time.
DigitalSeahorse: PrideLaugh
TXC2: why does this Luke Remind me of Adon? :p
Mark_D_Stroyer: Wait when did they bring back Luke’s SFV costume?
saucemaster5000: In winter
saucemaster5000: The costume 3s
Mark_D_Stroyer: Totally missed it
Khasi1596: i'll keep saying it, his forearms are so big lmao
Mark_D_Stroyer: Luke skips leg day.
Mr_Horrible: big feet big hands big brains big hearts
saucemaster5000: makoto got some monkey feet grippers
TXC2: big feet and hands are easier to animate/ see
tod_vom_himmel: I'm trying to get that Honda physique
hyperialguard: Honda is a powerful figure
Mr_Horrible: the Rad Bod Dad Bod
DigitalSeahorse: don't try to make yourself look like fem video game characters either
josh___something: I've seen that post, it was sick
DigitalSeahorse: unless it's just the cosplay
James_the_Dabbler: are there any short twinks in Street Fighter? I could look like them…
TXC2: it's wild to me that there are grandparents who skateboarded as teens :p
tod_vom_himmel: Jamie
TXC2: Jamie is not a twink
saucemaster5000: I look like blanka chan IRL
saucemaster5000: I do not blink
josh___something: Jamie is guilty gear twink (read:not at all)
Stripe_dog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 87 months, currently on a 87 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Stripe_dog! (Today's storm count: 12)
v_nome: What about Mortal Kombat characters? I could do a Bo Rai Cho
NewtyNewts: Who's Rufus
josh___something: Which blanka-chan? the costume, or the plushie? @saucemaster5000
saucemaster5000: @josh___something good question next question
josh___something: THe nelly debuff :p
NEXTGENeric: dive kick city
Mr_Horrible: Rufus is the guy that loses to Johnny Donuts
TXC2: Rufus is a boulder
Genasi_Gaming: whats the best way to win at fighting games
saucemaster5000: I really want C. Viper
Mark_D_Stroyer: Rufus is like a fixed Dan. Same silly, more lethal
tod_vom_himmel: Hit the bad guy
Cptasparagus: 2011 yeah
Mr_Horrible: the Zinogre Archer outfit for Mika in SFV still peak
thatjuantoo: @Genasi_Gaming Lots of practice & play.
Genasi_Gaming: @thatjuantoo sounds like a lot of work
tod_vom_himmel: Cheat
v_nome: Pull the plug every time the opponent gets a life lead
Mr_Horrible: pull a gun on your opponent [parody]
The_Timo: Cheat helps, sand in the eyes, distractions, controller unplugs
kumatsu: pray for a meteor to hit your opponent's console
Mark_D_Stroyer: Find the answers that lie in the heart of battle?
TXC2: same as everything, it's time and effort
saucemaster5000: If time and effort wins fighting games, how do I keep losing to millenials?
wholovesclutch: heyheyhey
freshmaker__: I like the idea of a meteor hitting specifically the opponent's console.
tod_vom_himmel: Effort is for squares
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 built different [derogatory]
thatjuantoo: starmu6NachoNeutral
Mr_Horrible: the Nelly Cheering Section is so wholesome, I love it
josh___something: I love seeing the flash knuckle string into super, it's sick
ManWithTheMask13: I got to commentate a tourney last night and that shit was so much fun
Didero: Don't forget to breathe, Jacob
TXC2: tod_vom_himmel where does the effort go? that's right, the square hole
Mr_Horrible: damn, he's kinda sick with it tho
tod_vom_himmel: Oh no
josh___something: Luke's normals are silly
gualdhar: Why does Luke look like Blanka
josh___something: And not silly (cute), I mean silly (illegal)
Mr_Horrible: Luke's normals are like looking at modern Magic cards: "Whaddya mean this 5/5 for 3 is uncommon?"
ManWithTheMask13: Silly (calling the police)
Mr_Horrible: "All Luke's controls are inverted"
TXC2: Silly (goose)
saucemaster5000: Manon invincible reversal? Santa I've been so good
ManWithTheMask13: You make jump-cancel spds easier
tod_vom_himmel: Luke can't drc anymore s2
wholovesclutch: in the day of SF2 in arcade we could not beat anyone with the last name Trans or Nguyen....untill, Maortal Combat 1
wholovesclutch: hehehe
Bearudite: give geif back green hand or let tundra storm hit punches
josh___something: I want to have my good anti-air back. nerf JP more to balance, but pls. I want to not die to luke jump-ins
Mr_Horrible: @Bearudite okay but actually the 2nd thing tho
AfraidOfTheSun_: i like the idea of making driverush checks punish counters instead of regular counter hit
saucemaster5000: It would be nice if they made manon's drive rush work
ManWithTheMask13: The fucking hitbox gif
Mr_Horrible: yeah, touched by the hand of God
Mr_Horrible: "go with Me, my child" and it becomes plus on whiff
ManWithTheMask13: LFG Jacob
El_Zilcho22: chenLucia chenLucia
LMAOkai_: i hate it here
ManWithTheMask13: "This is what I think about your shimmies"
Mr_Horrible: do a shimmy and Gief just reaches out and palms your head like a basketball
TXC2: "silly customer, you cannot hurt a Gief"
therepoman__: How do you do fellow OOFCies
TXC2: lets go!
saucemaster5000: wtf you call me repo?
ManWithTheMask13: @therepoman__ so true oomfie
TXC2: hello therepoman__ welcome
therepoman__: @saucemaster5000 You heard me
itsr67: sure
josh___something: suuure
ItsThugDimmadome: @VrolikSyndrome
BusTed: he's hip. he's "with it"
josh___something: Let's go with that
ItsThugDimmadome: @VrolikSyndrome GGs
therepoman__: LUL
VrolikSyndrome: @ItsThugDimmadome GGs!
BusTed: oh no
Bearudite: ok peepaw get back in your crane mounted sleepingbag
AceGun_: There were plenty of old people, we just stayed silent...
VrolikSyndrome: My DI button got swapped, too.
TXC2: I'm hip, it's made of titanium Kappa
tod_vom_himmel: Did the kids bully you
dragonflare9: yeah, Heef
hyperialguard: I don't recall accusations, just realizations
saucemaster5000: As a 38 year old, it's scary in there
Iceberg_Man: We were playing an old person game last night tho
BusTed: Complicit
LMAOkai_: ggs Jacob!
Mr_Horrible: they're not looking to get shot too, Adam
therepoman__: First they came for the elder millenials and I said nothing
LMAOkai_: ty for the games
itsr67: I've got bombos and object permanence
kumatsu: makes them implicit KappaHD
Mr_Horrible: you can't expect everyone to jump on grenades for you
freshmaker__: bystander effect
Didero: am Jacob ok
TXC2: it makes them collaborators Kappa
BusTed: Hope the games were good.
Bearudite: @saucemaster5000 all us old folks just watched as nature took its course
ItsThugDimmadome: I turn 29 next month. Can someone explain the appeal of Skibidi toilet to me? Kappa
Mark_D_Stroyer: Dudley is so fun for both sides
shendaras: Happy belated birthday!
Mr_Horrible: @Bearudite "Natures is beautiful" as streamer is torn to shreds
hyperialguard: Hahaha
v_nome: Wait, was last week Giefday and I missed it?
hyperialguard: The unicorn counter
Xed_Regulus: My 44th is in a couple of weeks.
snikerony subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months!
Didero: You don't look CLOSE to 44 :O
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, snikerony! (Today's storm count: 13)
TXC2: oh is Jacob also an April birthday like me ?
freshmaker__: April bdays rise up
ManWithTheMask13: Shoutout to Lurker last night for signing up for a tourney with their Ryu
ManWithTheMask13: Went toe-to-toe with a banana Rashid
saucemaster5000: damn lurker beating the boomer accusations with that reactions
VrolikSyndrome: We out here.
josh___something: Banana rashid feels like an insult somehow
therepoman__: Is November close enough
Bearudite: hey at least all you caught was flak, my right hand is so mad today
LMAOkai_: my birthday is on Christmas, it honks
NewtyNewts: Oh hi, was I called out?
tod_vom_himmel: December, getting combined with Christmas
saucemaster5000: My birthday is in Nov and sometimes falls on American Thxgiving
therepoman__: c:
ManWithTheMask13: Mine is in January
protojman: buddy of mine is Jan 2 which I always feel bad about
RatherLargeToad: December hype!
tod_vom_himmel: Sucks
hyperialguard: You have my condolences
El_Zilcho22: That's me! Late December baby.
protojman: here for April 12 love
JinaMahavira: I can never forget your b-day Adam, it's my wife;s
Didero: I specifically chose to be born in June to have as much distance from Christmas as possible
yalc321: Sup nerds
josh___something: Mine's in july, is that close enough? :p
TXC2: hello yalc321 welcome
therepoman__: LUL
josh___something: Daaaaamn
therepoman__: Owned
VrolikSyndrome: damn
Mr_Horrible: that's what the J in JP stands for
ManWithTheMask13: Adam ain't taking prisoners
JinaMahavira: So mine's close enough xD
TXC2: destroyed
Mr_Horrible: Julybirthday Petrovic
AceGun_: Kicking a character while he's down...
josh___something: I've been shot by capcom already, you didn't need to do this D:
ManWithTheMask13: Is your wife forklift certified?
Mr_Horrible: the LN bits are bleeding into OOFC
freshmaker__: who up baptising their wife?
NewtyNewts: Are you even allowed to baptise your own wife?
therepoman__: @ManWithTheMask13 Asking the important questions
saucemaster5000: no one is dogshit tier in this game
josh___something: Ryu does grown man damage
ManWithTheMask13: Is your pastor baptized?
Cptasparagus: I double sleeved my magic deck so I could baptize it
Mr_Horrible: clearly there's a conflict of interest there
ManWithTheMask13: LUL
violetblight: sauce do you want the receipts on you calling a character dogshit
TXC2: the baptist church is all about getting baptised as an adult
ManWithTheMask13: *Gets baptized over those mountains* That's what I'm talking about
saucemaster5000: @violetblight I'm allowed to, I play manon
violetblight: man ive been playing too much 3s now im thinking abt ibuki in this game
saucemaster5000: that's how it works
freshmaker__: idk if theres conflict of interest when it comes to baptisms.. like.. do you get them the best.. holy water or whatever?
NewtyNewts: Sauce, wanna bury me in the dirt a bit?
Mark_D_Stroyer: Ibuki in SFV was also pretty fun
saucemaster5000: sure
ManWithTheMask13: We're off in the glorious lands
TXC2: freshmaker__ I assume it only a problem to baptise your own wife in the Catholic church Kappa
yalc321: Hey Jacob, you should drive impact here
ManWithTheMask13: That's what I've been saying!
AceGun_: game stinky
Mr_Horrible: Neutral's never been honest
josh___something: I feel like I'm being lied to
Mr_Horrible: just better at covering its lies
yalc321: LUL
josh___something: smth smth footsies :p
kaboomjr26: Bring back my boy Sean
yalc321: Adam gonna rizz them up
Mark_D_Stroyer: Adam, I still remember when you were adamantly against 3S! I’m glad it landed for you.
therepoman__: I learned my lesson last night about playing honest
ManWithTheMask13: "I wanna go skibbid whoop and twerk all over my opponent" - Adam Savidan, 2024
therepoman__: EX stomp my beloved
themostjoast: put necro in sf6 you cowards
Bearudite: why don't they make a shoto only streetfighter
JinaMahavira: Boo
themostjoast: also hello everyone. I hope y'all are well
AceGun_: Put Twelve in SF6 with no changes.
Mr_Horrible: but Necrid in SF6
TXC2: hello themostjoast welcome
thatjuantoo: @Bearudite They did. Sf1 starmu6NachoNeutral
Astrovore: put a Necron in SF6
kaboomjr26: Seans got some cool stuff with his overhead kick and tackle
violetblight: i call evil ryu
kaboomjr26: Also has a dark souls dodge roll
therepoman__: I'm actually surprised no one played Necro last night
itsr67: twelve moving back and forward
ManWithTheMask13: what about one banana ken
josh___something: Still thinking about how I messed up doing heavy spike twice on the REALLY close round. I'm mad
Mark_D_Stroyer: Makoto really does deserve to not have her only appearance there, it would be a nice add to this game
Mr_Horrible: not one clean set of clothes between them
themostjoast: twelve unbuffed would %100 be main
345tom: Id like nore new characters but the SF roster is already so big that bringing any character back is going to make somsone happy
therepoman__: YEAH
therepoman__: Y E A H
ManWithTheMask13: Wait, I missed the Alex?
AceGun_: @Mark_D_Stroyer Makoto was in SF4 too
tod_vom_himmel: is it 16 ryus, or 16 kangaryus
ManWithTheMask13: Mannn
Bearudite: server mute
TXC2: Alex was in 5
Benzil666: I want Gen for SF6. He was legit my favourite SF4 character. I sucked but he was so fun to play.
lightfut: Buddy!
itsr67: kicked my ass
therepoman__: Gen would be pog
josh___something: you're FINISHED
AceGun_: Repo cooked me with Alex while everyone in chat heckled me...
TXC2: Benzil666 he should be dead by this point in the story
therepoman__: Rufus...............
Obos_TAB: Hello every- YES DUDLEY
VrolikSyndrome: More like NO-lento.
ManWithTheMask13: We NEED Dudley theme in 2024
Obos_TAB: And Makoto
violetblight: lemme el fuerte ppl
tod_vom_himmel: yea gens dead, akuma killed gen
TXC2: hello Obos_TAB welcome
violetblight: i wanna run around and make everyone so angry
therepoman__: @violetblight sajamShoot
themostjoast: honestly would love a new costume design for Mika
RyanIkeComposer: I want C. Viper pretty bad
Benzil666: Being dead has never been an obstacle for other characters reappearing. Why would it stop Gen?
Obos_TAB: You did great. What was wierd was learning Dudley in 4 and then going to play him in 3 and it all still working
Benzil666: C Viper would also be sick.
TXC2: Benzil666 touché
ManWithTheMask13: Fun fact: I actually started playing 3s right as I started playing SF6 because my buddies were like "you gotta play it"
josh___something: gib mika
violetblight: viper would make a ton of sense
AceGun_: Sakura
TXC2: she shows up in Juri' story, so they'll probably add her
v_nome: Sakura is my bet for S2
Mr_Horrible: bring back Menat just to confuse unobservant players
VrolikSyndrome: Do we need another shoto so soon, though?
janky_as_heck: Dan hibiki when?
josh___something: LUL
Mr_Horrible: that's a very large toilet
345tom: It wont happen, but I like ice powers and id like Kolin
tod_vom_himmel: not a loyal fan
TXC2: think they'll add Vega/Balrog/Sagat ?
josh___something: How do you fit GIEF in the toilet?!
ManWithTheMask13: You take that back
ManWithTheMask13: Meet me on the green, Adam Savidan
Obos_TAB: I use green hand to clean my toilet
Faulpyr: I'd like Makoto to show up
josh___something: Why'd you skip gief in that equation?!
tod_vom_himmel: what if drizzt heard you say that
SunsetOcelot: Playing Zangief in protest
AceGun_: I'm just gonna sit in the Oro waiting room. (I am waiting to quit SF6 if he gets added)
VrolikSyndrome: haha cool
VrolikSyndrome: 'cause the ice
BusTed: i get it
VrolikSyndrome: funny streamer
gualdhar: it's not about fitting Akuma in the toilet, it's about fitting his beads down the toilet
themostjoast: Hugo when?
Mr_Horrible: isn't she the "OH hohohoho" lady?
saucemaster5000: Newt you gotta stop jumping
therepoman__: @Mr_Horrible That's Karin
TXC2: it would be wild if they added a SFEX character
v_nome: Q is a strictly better letter
Benzil666: Q
josh___something: Is Kolin the "white woman normals" lady?
Mr_Horrible: @therepoman__ I got mixed
El_Zilcho22: Don't do that to Eli. Hates Kolin. LUL
themostjoast: the gief vs. hugo matches would be so fun tho
ManWithTheMask13: @josh___something I thought that was Cammy
Faulpyr: Ibuki? Who doesn't love ninjas?
AceGun_: @TXC2 Currently not possible. Rights issue.
Simbionis: @josh___something I think that's Karin
cobthegreat: zangief is the denees of fighting game characters nobody plans to go there they just end up there
Mark_D_Stroyer: @txc2 Honestly they had Dudley in 4 and the rest in V, I’d honestly expect that boxing role filled by the Duds. Aaaand Sagat was a real soft landing in the past couple
TXC2: AceGun_ poo butts
josh___something: Oh god, her name is KAREN!?
Obos_TAB: Are we getting the twins?
RatherLargeToad: For fun, put in the mummy guy from Darkstalkers
345tom: Id like to see Sagat in SF6 style as well.
Mr_Horrible: @josh___something iirc it's kah-reen
ManWithTheMask13: Karn?
tod_vom_himmel: anakaris best fg character
Obos_TAB: Maybe both twins a-la the old/young guy from 5
NewtyNewts: Kharn
Mr__Gentleman: I want Dudley, but with Ed don't think they'd do another boxer any time soon
awildshen: After playing Ibuki in 3S last night, I'd love to see her again
DaVeganPolice: Gimme G
TXC2: Mark_D_Stroyer fair points
Benzil666: I also would love Menat to come back again. I couldn't play her but I loved her style.
violetblight: ibuki in 6 would be smth else
Obos_TAB: Uhhhh
therepoman__: They've had two boxers in a game before, SF4
therepoman__: SF4 had Balrog and Dudley
Mr_Horrible: we need Dudley as the dapper boxer to contrast Ed's punk boxer
AceGun_: Ibuki has a lot of Kimberly overlap, not sure they will add her for a bit.
TXC2: SF4 had EVERYBODY though
v_nome: Where do I put the money into the computer to get Balrog?
Obos_TAB: They gave ed a lot of dudley stuff
RatherLargeToad: With or without wings?
violetblight: one master and one apprentice
Mark_D_Stroyer: inb4 sudden appearance of Steve
Mr_Horrible: "Only 2 boxers, all other go into the vat"
josh___something: STEVE
tod_vom_himmel: i thinking having balrog and end would be dumb, isnt alot of eds moves abse on balrog already
Mr_Horrible: *looks at 17 shotos*
therepoman__: I can see Dudley in place of Rog but that's just speculation
tod_vom_himmel: and ed*
Obos_TAB: It's a story the east coast would tell you
Simbionis: The Balrog/Ed story stuff is still kinfa ongoing too
ManWithTheMask13: Imagine if we got Remy
Mr_Horrible: then let's CHANGE that world
Benzil666: The "Two boxer" argument falls apart when each game is okay with a half dozen variations on shoto.
TXC2: "it's not a story a shoto would tell you"
itsr67: seabatApp
Mr_Horrible: "Better things aren't possible" - Adam Savidan
ManWithTheMask13: Insert drawing of Remy and Ken kissing here
Obos_TAB: Is Seth dead?
Mr__Gentleman: That said I'm pretty happy with Ed. Character is sick
Obos_TAB: I love 5 seth
DaVeganPolice: Its a shoto world, we're just living in it *sandblast!*
VrolikSyndrome: No Seth
VrolikSyndrome: Seth out
VrolikSyndrome: stinky
Benzil666: Remy is the most milquetoast character in SF history. I always forget he exists.
345tom: It'd be fun for just a bad guy pass of like balrog, Vega, Urien
violetblight: seth would be sick
saucemaster5000: ggs newt
NewtyNewts: daaamn, ggs
Obos_TAB: nice hit jacob
Ferisar: Seth ruled
Ferisar: hello
josh___something: Give me Nadeshiko in season2
tod_vom_himmel: what do you expect from a skeleton waering sunglasses
tod_vom_himmel: no taste
therepoman__: sf4 seth was degen
yalc321: It's fun watching this stream just for y'all interactions, knowing nothing about fighting games. Because sometimes y'all just chain tons of terms and names and it's basically a foreign language im nodding my head to
ItsThugDimmadome: @AfraidOfTheSun_ GGs!
NewtyNewts: Felt like I found my groove and then you went IN
violetblight: ive only seen gameplay of 4 seth but even that was fun
VrolikSyndrome: @tod_vom_himmel >:(
saucemaster5000: Newt, you really gotta stop jumping/relying on the crossup. It's very predictable
violetblight: by which i mean absolute bullshit
Obos_TAB: seth with the metal gear solid cloak was GREAT
itsr67: gerber baby
Mark_D_Stroyer: Playing Seth is one thing, Seth as a character not a fan
therepoman__: What a character
ManWithTheMask13: Pls no Urien
violetblight: good old toe taps divekick reset
TXC2: his toe taps, Goddamn hi toe taps :p
NewtyNewts: I know... I'm just unsure what to do against Manon, so the crossup mixup is my go-to right now
RisingCosmos: Characters that can teleport are sick universally
Ferisar: I SEE *shwoop shwoop shwoop* feel the power of the tanden engine
thatjuantoo: Sf4 Seth an actual Fisher Price character starmu6NachoNeutral
saucemaster5000: It got to the point where I was like "Are they really gonna do it again?" and it started working, then I was like "oh that's all they are doing"
Obos_TAB: Dang so good
ylegm: NICE
TXC2: "my mom said I could fireball...."
thatjuantoo: I started playing fighting games during SF4 :p
ManWithTheMask13: Jacob went for the accursed crouching heavy punch
NewtyNewts: @saucemaster5000 Agreed. I need to learn more options, otherwise I feel like I'm just waiting for you to move in
Obos_TAB: If they shit talk seth its like they shit talk the whole cast
ManWithTheMask13: The move has ONE use and it sucks
thatjuantoo: Seth was rough starting out.
Ferisar: Seth going “you IDIOT” when he threw you was so funny
TXC2: I mean SF4 Seth as a Character is a honky doo doo, but that's different
josh___something: SCOOPED
saucemaster5000: @NewtyNewts almost all those times you could just meaty
saucemaster5000: you had perfect oki, strike throw is much better
NewtyNewts: @saucemaster5000 Isn't that only for knockdowns? I don't know much neutral approaches
RisingCosmos: Dudley is my Ed, if they bring back Dudley, I'm in
therepoman__: sajamSandblast
LMAOkai_: sajamHadouken
RisingCosmos: hell yeah brother
Obos_TAB: f.HP to victory
therepoman__: uppahcut
saucemaster5000: Oh in neutral you got a tougher job on aki
Benzil666: For Jacob the standing Dropkick is a good punish for when you bait DP in the corner. Puts them in crumple state which means you can SPD or Lvl3 them after a dash in.
ManWithTheMask13: Adam do you want to jam?
Mark_D_Stroyer: “hadoken, lostoken”
saucemaster5000: but your neutral is fine, you were controlling space with the fireball
Obos_TAB: In Sf4 they gave dudley a teleport
Krektogar: I'm probably late to the discussion, but I'd like El Fuerte back, he was fun
ManWithTheMask13: @Krektogar Heef alt spotted
NorthstarTex: work lurking, Nelly shifted to Ed? o.O
Krektogar: @ManWithTheMask13 I wish I was just 10% as agood as Heef :D
saucemaster5000: bring back sf1 ryu
DaVeganPolice: Hakan? plsA?
violetblight: if they bring him back you know im playing him
therepoman__: I can hear Fuerte's squeaky shoes
LurkerSpine: ggs, I got smoked
therepoman__: Burned into my eardrums
josh___something: I have 0 context to el fuerte, so I say put him in coach
NorthstarTex: clean win jacob
saucemaster5000: @therepoman__ fantastique
saucemaster5000: jumpscare!
Mark_D_Stroyer: El Fuerta was hilarious.
thatjuantoo: Fuerte's Habanero Dash not doing it for ya? :p
345tom: these last rounds of jacob were all like one hit either way good games
ManWithTheMask13: @Krektogar Heef isn't even here so you're automatically winning
thatjuantoo: LUL
josh___something: no, I'm good
Obos_TAB: super dynamic cooking time
therepoman__: People asking for Fuerte are out of their minds but I think they know that
Benzil666: El Fuerte had a meter less infinite.
violetblight: lemme runstop infinite
Krektogar: also, one of his moves is called Fajita Buster, and that's just fun :D
Obos_TAB: ed so pale he looks like he starts the round burnt out. always thros me
thatjuantoo: Fuerte's a chef, always cookin' PokCroagunk
AfraidOfTheSun_: bring back r mika
violetblight: id learn it
josh___something: @Obos_TAB smth smth no little geman boy meme
itsr67: Abel also had an infinite right
Mark_D_Stroyer: Street Fighter hasn’t had a character be ~that~ mobile
saucemaster5000: weekly ask for beppo pepperoncini in sf6....
itsr67: but like TAS infinite
violetblight: yeah
TXC2: Fuerte nearly killed Honda and Geif with his cooking
violetblight: the stepkick dash cancel stuff
TXC2: loved Able
Ferisar: went to look at Seth combos
Benzil666: I think a few characters did, especially in Vanilla. But mostly involving repeated 1 frame links.
Obos_TAB: Karin was my first main in 5
Ferisar: man
josh___something: Bring back Mika, or nadeshiko
Ferisar: so sick
josh___something: Mika is more of a grappler
345tom: I love watching Ed, that little low flick thing jsut looks so dirty
itsr67: they're really different
saucemaster5000: @Obos_TAB manon costume 3 is like playing karin but bad..
josh___something: lily?
Obos_TAB: Mika's a half grapper though
tod_vom_himmel: honda, the truest grappler
Ferisar: sfv had Mika and Laura so it’s prolly fine?
Mark_D_Stroyer: drive impact is literally just dropping Nadeshko
ManWithTheMask13: Get this Guile a false
Obos_TAB: Aren't we due for like...a new character?
Obos_TAB: Or no since AKI was new
josh___something: Nelly's gaming, huh
tod_vom_himmel: honda is considered rushdown
ThibbleBird: Look at Nelly go
saucemaster5000: It'd be nice to see another grappler, but I doubt it'll be next season
Benzil666: Do Mika/Nadeshko as a stance switch character. The stance switch is a tag in. Solved.
therepoman__: I think there's probably a brand new character next season yeah
itsr67: I could easily see more mini game style characters with an extra resource
violetblight: id expect 1-2 new characters next season
NorthstarTex: Nelly be hitting the buttons at the right times and places
RisingCosmos: What other zoners are there?
RisingCosmos: Poison?
Obos_TAB: hold that C
saucemaster5000: yeah probs 1 new char, 3 returning
RisingCosmos: I guess they could make a new character
josh___something: You can open the inputs RN
josh___something: I have them on
Obos_TAB: Nice!
itsr67: zoners in base sf6 are guile, JP and sim
ThibbleBird: look at Nelly getting those CONFIRMS
TXC2: maybe they make Chun li's kid playable? as a zoner
light_blue55: m.bison, sakura, c.viper, cody and +2 new characters would be my random guess, though I would love to see ibuki
hyperialguard: I like the sequel characters that are new sounds on older characters
hyperialguard: Er, spins
saucemaster5000: they ain't bringing back bison
Obos_TAB: Is anyone left the the old character leak?
saucemaster5000: ibuki I could see
Obos_TAB: from the*
tod_vom_himmel: sauce
tod_vom_himmel: bet me on that
tod_vom_himmel: put some money down
saucemaster5000: what's the bet?
tod_vom_himmel: bison 100% coming back
Mr_Horrible: I mean, they can justify anything, but I could see them giving Bison a rest for this gen
itsr67: nah they ain't bringing bison back
VrolikSyndrome: Bison 100% not coming back.
Mr_Horrible: with JP and Ed on psycho duty
saucemaster5000: I'll switch to blanka
TXC2: tod_vom_himmel IF bison comes back, he's the final character
light_blue55: the problem with ibuki coming back is kimberly =/
tod_vom_himmel: bisons whole thing is he always comes back
therepoman__: There can be multiple ninja characters I think
tod_vom_himmel: and hes been teased alot for sf6
itsr67: -2 to like -8 on the second
therepoman__: Ibuki and Guy were in SF4
Benzil666: Kimberley is more like Guy than Ibuki.
light_blue55: bison is too iconic to be left out
hyperialguard: Never underestimate the urge for detached Capcom suit reaching for the Bison money, game be damned
Mark_D_Stroyer: Bison probably does end up taking a break off for one game
saucemaster5000: nah. Bison really won't be back this game
Mr_Horrible: yeah, and they killed Superman, too
tod_vom_himmel: his whole gimmick is that he comes back tho
itsr67: he's DEAD
therepoman__: Put Bison in the goddamn dumpster
NorthstarTex: for nwo
saucemaster5000: I could see in sf7
tod_vom_himmel: hes got spare bodies
josh___something: How many times has bison come back?
TXC2: Bison will be in SF7
Heefnoff: Doing WHAT for a little while?
RatherLargeToad: M. Bison gone. Time for N. Bison
Heefnoff: heefnoDelay
ThibbleBird: That Nelly callout at the end was insane
LMAOkai_: @ManWithTheMask13 nooo the connection
dankmemeter: Look, Palpatine came back
RisingCosmos: this is video games, baby, no one is dead forever
Mr_Horrible: @Heefnoff straight up jorkin' it
Heefnoff: Somehow, Bison returned
NorthstarTex: Bison is in the aether, on vacation, upstate
dankmemeter: Bison? No problem
tod_vom_himmel: M Bisom
hyperialguard: Prequel. Street Fighter Zero
Heefnoff: @Mr_Horrible And by it, he mean his peanits
violetblight: look im a magic player i dont believe in story consequences
tod_vom_himmel: oh god
Mr_Horrible: hee hee hoo hoo
itsr67: I'd be a little mad just cause everything seems more interesting without bison
ManWithTheMask13: @LMAOkai_ The universe didn't want to see the matchup
tod_vom_himmel: oh GOD
DaVeganPolice: Solid Snake in SF pog
light_blue55: jar baby joins the fight!
RisingCosmos: Kojima's character would be not normal
Heefnoff: Kojima designing a street fighter character would be sick
Obos_TAB: If we need a zoner I think we get Poison back
Benzil666: A crossover character is a possibility to consider.
Mr_Horrible: they bring in Sakurai for one season and he just brings in the most unhinged roster
josh___something: Hire Kojima and yoko taro to make a character Kappa
Obos_TAB: she fits the theme real well
saucemaster5000: the lvl3 on a kojima char last a half hr and plays "snake eater"
RisingCosmos: Sam Porter Bridges throwing packages at people
SymphonicLolita: I'd start playing fighting games if kojima designed a character tbh
LMAOkai_: Kojima just gets Norma Reedus as a SF character
Benzil666: Either from a Capcom property or from outside.
Heefnoff: Stretch Deckem, Dhalsim's twin brother, created by Hideo Kojima
NorthstarTex: Ok, hear me out, The Boss, in SF 6
RisingCosmos: he zones with his packages and has to pick them back up off the ground
tod_vom_himmel: give honda a fireball
tod_vom_himmel: bam, zoner
light_blue55: I don't think SF usually has many zoners, right?
themostjoast: lets go poison
VrolikSyndrome: @Heefnoff LUL
TXC2: Heefnoff :D
ManWithTheMask13: Give Gief that sniper rifle from the leak
Mark_D_Stroyer: Oh gosh, MGS The Boss would be such a good fighting game character
light_blue55: menat
Benzil666: Honda has Headbutt. Thats a fireball. Just Honda is the projectile.
Mr_Horrible: they bring in Kojima and he designs a naked woman, justified by 3 volumes of lore. They bring in Yoko Taro and he designs a naked woman, justified by "girl hot".
ItsThugDimmadome: @NewtyNewts GGs.
NewtyNewts: daaaamn, ggs Thug
Heefnoff: Lmao
itsr67: Menat is also there if they want money
therepoman__: LUL
saucemaster5000: LMAO
josh___something: Ryu2.0
violetblight: i imagine they slow the game down just a bit system wise,
hyperialguard: Ryan
RisingCosmos: Voiced by Nolan North
therepoman__: They actually just make Ryan
Heefnoff: Somehow another Neil Druckman self insert
NorthstarTex: I wouldn't mind Jak in the game
thatjuantoo: atpHarada ship it.
Mr_Horrible: Ryw, and it's 2 Ryu's stitched together
Mark_D_Stroyer: RyTwo
Obos_TAB: obvioulst The Prisoner is coming to SF6
TXC2: remember when Naughtydog made the Crash bandicoot games? :p
Ferisar: nvm bring this character back right now
ItsThugDimmadome: @NewtyNewts If I remember right, you bodied me last time.
Heefnoff: Can't believe the last 4 games NaughtyDog has released are all just The Last of Us
Ferisar: I completely forgot about the move theft
YFiddler: Jack didnt have a beard. At least in the beginning
light_blue55: Ryutwo, created in a lab with the DNA of the original pokemon
NewtyNewts: @ItsThugDimmadome Might've been, if so I'm evidently quite rusty
Heefnoff: Game
silent_sol: GG nelly, u were great with those whiff punish
Heefnoff: Is fun
therepoman__: This game is good
RisingCosmos: give us ball
saucemaster5000: game would be better if they gave all the chars guns
RisingCosmos: tekken has ball, sf needs ball
therepoman__: It's honestly shocking how good it is on launch
Heefnoff: Nah they're unblockable
Heefnoff: Trust me my dad works at JP Projectiles
ItsThugDimmadome: @saucemaster5000 Just let them switch from either your Lvl 1 or 2, or you get a gun.
NewtyNewts: Just gotta not press a button after the ghost
TXC2: the problem with giving the players want they want is that different players want different things
awildshen: let us give the characters guns and pizza like in Tekken
light_blue55: I just love how fast it's to get matches in this game
therepoman__: That was sick Nelly
MehallD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 124 months!
MehallD: Happy FIte Games folks
Camail: the fireballs?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, MehallD! (Today's storm count: 14)
Mr_Horrible: no, the ghost that swings overhead
RisingCosmos: you really should be able to end a round in every fighting game by pulling out a gun
silent_sol: or jump
cobthegreat: the robot
Heefnoff: You have to block high yep
Heefnoff: There's also a command grab heefnoDelay
saucemaster5000: I'm always blocking high
saucemaster5000: blaze it gamers
TXC2: RisingCosmos not every game is time fighter Kappa
Heefnoff: Sure does
Heefnoff: It acts like a regular projectile
therepoman__: SHEESH
therepoman__: What a DI
Heefnoff: What's good Jacob good to see you
therepoman__: Y E A H
beowuuf: yes!
ThibbleBird: Damn Nelly is rocking it today
therepoman__: -5 but you can space it out to make it better
violetblight: i think its -5
Heefnoff: -5 captain
Heefnoff: Safer if done further away iirc
therepoman__: Let's go Nelly
beowuuf: lrrHORN
tod_vom_himmel: nelly comboing
violetblight: there are fancier things there but yeah you can block it out if they dont do it on a throw
NewtyNewts: Amnesia you can get out if you enter a cinematic animation, can also parry if they're not gonna be able to punish
tod_vom_himmel: lets go
Heefnoff: AHHHHH
beowuuf: seabatClap
saucemaster5000: aaaAAAAA
therepoman__: sajamAaaa
NorthstarTex: the jump in after the overhead is a great way to close the distance, love what I see
NewtyNewts: @Heefnoff DON'T STAY PANIC CALM
Ferisar: ggs good plays
Ferisar: loses one creep in lane
freshmaker__: thats how i feel playing low hp characters lol
thatjuantoo: LUL
LurkerSpine: You are limited though
LurkerSpine: As part of spotify premium
NewtyNewts: Jacob just saw his wallet flash before his eyes
LurkerSpine: I think it's like, 1 book a month roughly?
Bearudite: amnesia
Ferisar: he’s talking amnesia
NorthstarTex: spotyify heart...I want bad
Mark_D_Stroyer: “Heefnoff entered the room” with a thud
saucemaster5000: @LurkerSpine I mean, that's what audible gives you
Heefnoff: What's the problem with Amnesia again? I forgot.
beowuuf: Kappa
light_blue55: Kappa
Ferisar: @heefnoff I forgot - my lyrics
NewtyNewts: Might be worth trying to parry JP's projectile game?
Heefnoff: @Ferisar I forgoto, I forgot
Ferisar: danahanah nahnahhh
RisingCosmos: blocking should be illegal
TXC2: JP can block? criminal
Heefnoff: Why did they give JP block, terrible design frfr
NewtyNewts: Heef, I'm down for a bit of humility atm
tod_vom_himmel: "why does jp get to ahve normals" is still the most based thing ive ever heard
NewtyNewts: oh no jamie
Ferisar: everyone can block but Manon can bloque
Heefnoff: Sure did
tod_vom_himmel: 85 second perfect
sillybearugh: is this a tournament?
Heefnoff: Got it
tod_vom_himmel: 80 seconds of parrying
tod_vom_himmel: then ded
zephlyn7790 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 60 months!
zephlyn7790: 5 years of support
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zephlyn7790! (Today's storm count: 15)
TXC2: sillybearugh no, just jammin
saucemaster5000: ferisar lmao
ThibbleBird: aw Nellyy....good effort
sillybearugh: looks like a high level tournament
Mark_D_Stroyer: That sounds cool. saving that for later
RisingCosmos: @Ferisar when Dudley gets added, he can bloke
Ferisar: @risingcosmos trueeee
sillybearugh: that's awesome
saucemaster5000: manon quebecois mod plz
tod_vom_himmel: manon would be SO mad
ManWithTheMask13: I got throw-looped help
violetblight: DPs also destroy throws :p
saucemaster5000: all her lines are the same, but she swears first
saucemaster5000: "fuckeen fantastique"
TXC2: she's a discint society!
Mr_Horrible: "Please, my old man... he's very sick..."
tod_vom_himmel: tabarnak
therepoman__: Yeah JP is actually very well designed, he's sick
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 LUL
therepoman__: He's frustrating to fight but honestly his kit is tight
TXC2: *distinct
Orxolon: good afternoon everyone
violetblight: look im here to be a shithead and make ppl feel old and i already got you last night with feeling old
Benzil666: Nice Pocket Sand
Mr_Horrible: the Nelson Classic, now *in* Classic
TXC2: hello Orxolon welcome
Orxolon: hi ^^
Mr_Horrible: unstoppable
Mark_D_Stroyer: “My spikes are cool and my kit is tight; my name’s JP and I’m tough to fight!”
NorthstarTex: Its nelly's one-winged angel
TXC2: most protected finish in the biz
therepoman__: Half the Discord call disintegrated when they heard that
Ferisar: mwuahahaha
Ferisar: my name is Seth!
saucemaster5000: we let adam get blaste while us olds staed quiet
awildshen: I thought I was on the younger side as someone in my early 30s
violetblight: look im not a teenager anymore i can feel my bones aging
Mr_Horrible: reminded that people in their 20's exist and feeling violently ill immediately
therepoman__: Drizzt saying he was 22 blew me away
TXC2: people are 20, and you're not: a life story
BusTed: 👴
Bearudite: game is older than them
AceGun_: Adam suddenly started to feel like Oro.
saucemaster5000: drizzt, heef, violet are all babies
avjamethyst: my child is 20, that makes me feel extra old
freshmaker__: hate that people were born after the year 2000. how dare. Kappa
ManWithTheMask13: @therepoman__ HE'S 22???
violetblight: we regularly play games older than i am
therepoman__: I'm turning 30 this year and I'm feeling better than I did in my 20s
Mark_D_Stroyer: @freshmaker__ Yeah Y2K was supposed to fix that!
Heefnoff: Congrats
TXC2: I exercise to prevent back pain
tod_vom_himmel: violet
tod_vom_himmel: you need to stop saying that
JinaMahavira: it's very sick
345tom: i started managing a 22 year old and tryimg to tell them to do more than work here made me feel like their dad
Mr_Horrible: "you're not old enough to Drive Rush on your own yet"
RisingCosmos: I used to have knee pain but it went away after I started going to the gym
Bearudite: what not to do
Didero: There's like a 17-year old at my board game club and I'm so glad I'm not that age anymore
violetblight: man why do so many people say their high school years were good that age fuckin sucked for everyone
therepoman__: @violetblight FACTS SPITTING
Mr_Horrible: stepping on a bar of drive in the middle of the night and trying to not to swear
TXC2: I like that Nelson's statement there as no follow up
saucemaster5000: @violetblight Who says that?
NorthstarTex: My ADHD self when my floor is cluttered "I HAVE A SYSTEM" (there is no system, but I still find things somehow)
Mark_D_Stroyer: “Either you die sarcastic or you live long enough to find out your kids are the same way.”
thatjuantoo: @saucemaster5000 I do PokCroagunk
Obos_TAB: dang
saucemaster5000: also wasn't that like last week for you vi?
RisingCosmos: There's some stuff I miss about high school
AceGun_: TV characters say that, but never really heard it in real life.
Mr_Horrible: I think that was a more generational thing
RisingCosmos: it was cool seeing my friends every day in one place but the rest of it sucked
Ferisar: the only good thing about high school are friends that I still have
Bearudite: now college tho
Mr_Horrible: I certainly wasn't miserable but I look back at high school like "that was okay but I wouldn't do it again"
tod_vom_himmel: if somebody says taht it means they peaked in highschool
TXC2: we call that "peaked in high school" and they are the SADEST people :p
therepoman__: Nineteen-diggeties brother
awildshen: My high school life wasn't bad, but it's definitely not better than my life now
RisingCosmos: @Ferisar truuue
josh___something: So... heavy knuckle is plus?
Mr_Horrible: okay but bring Malt Shoppes back
saucemaster5000: ngl I'd destroy an egg cream rn
SymphonicLolita: the people who enjoyed high school were the ones who were never in class
Obos_TAB: High school was so much better until I jumped that shark.
therepoman__: NELLY BOMBOS LET'S GO
Benzil666: I think the fact you had no job, real responsibilities and just hung out with your friends every day was kind of sick. I don't really have any of that anymore.
saucemaster5000: kojima cinematics for lvl3 lets goooooo
Ferisar: hey adam, have you ever witnessed the power of the tanden engine
thatjuantoo: LUL
Camail: get all my drive meter back from one super animation
AceGun_: Hit level 3, watch Guilty Gear story mode.
Mr_Horrible: "What a thrill..."
awildshen: Evo is a month long event
LMAOkai_: ggs @ManWithTheMask13
Mr_Horrible: it's just the Snake Eater song as Gief L3 just keeps spiraling up and up and up and up
Obos_TAB: woah Josh got OUT
ManWithTheMask13: ggs! LMAOkai!
light_blue55: the kojima gest character climb stairs during his lvl 3
Obos_TAB: n1
Bearudite: ah yes the tandori chicken engine
ManWithTheMask13: Got so close NotLikeThis
RisingCosmos: Every Metal Gear does end with a fist fight, so it'd be fitting
Heefnoff: Ken :)
NorthstarTex: "Got hit by Luke's lvl 3, gonna get a sandwich while his entire life's story plays"
Ferisar: the fucking axe kicks
RisingCosmos: Well, a couple of them end with sword fights
Camail: i didnt watch sf5 seth but i did watch poongko's sf4 seth
ManWithTheMask13: @therepoman__ money on the table, how old do you think I am
Benzil666: SFV Seths combos were amazingly fun.
therepoman__: @ManWithTheMask13 Hmm
saucemaster5000: 22 Doom?
saucemaster5000: No you're published
saucemaster5000: Hmmm
thatjuantoo: @ManWithTheMask13 How much money?
Benzil666: The V Trigger extensions you got were so cool.
violetblight: doom reads as late 20s
ManWithTheMask13: @thatjuantoo A hug's worth
Camail: mena always finds the best character noone plays
hyperialguard: Amnesia is basically counterspell
violetblight: blanka’s fucked up
RisingCosmos: the characters with straight forward gameplans will always seem really strong on release
therepoman__: @ManWithTheMask13 Gonna split the diff and say 27
Bruceski: Fighting games are kind of the epitome of "need to know how to play to their strengths to evaluate stuff"
ManWithTheMask13: @therepoman__ A lot of people say that, so you're not very far off from the crowd answer
Mr_Horrible: the Yomi Stack
therepoman__: I hope I get there someday 🥲
Ferisar: when is yomi hustle
Heefnoff: ggsd
NewtyNewts: ggs Heef
ManWithTheMask13: Unfortunately, and I always hate to say this, but Sauce is right
Heefnoff: ggs
RisingCosmos: When you get past like layer 1 offense and start playing against your opponent, that's when fighting games really start :D
NEXTGENeric: thats the game
Camail: which leads to someone being thrown 5 times in a row and everyone going crazy
NorthstarTex: "The we plan around the plan that they are planning around with our plan"
Ravynn: That's a super common Wuxia trope too
AceGun_: Someone post that SamSho clip where the commentators didn't realize the players disconnected.
Mr_Horrible: "Time to start over again"
Camail: shimmying gives me life
Camail: adds 3 months to the end
TXC2: "you may know everything I'm going to do, but that's not going to help you since I know everything you're going do, strange isn't it?!"
ItsThugDimmadome: Gotta find the level op's thinking at and go just 1 leve laboe it.
Mr_Horrible: you feel like the smoothest criminal the world ever saw
Didero: Blanka seems like a fun person
TXC2: 5 mins
AceGun_: Shimmies and safejumps are my favorite things, I think.
therepoman__: :^)
light_blue55: gotta shimmy more
rodsur: randomly checked the LRR stream while i wait for another stream to start and theres a jacob? niiice!
ItsThugDimmadome: Those are the minutes at the end anyway Kappa
Bearudite: its why daigo is so timeless
RisingCosmos: Had a tekken match where me and a friend spent a solid 30 second straight trying to throw each other
Mr_Horrible: A blanka will never know fear
RisingCosmos: that's fighting games
RoboIcarus: not trying to encourage bad habits, but I've totally had a few smokes that were worth 5 minutes
therepoman__: I just quit smoking two days ago but I also shimmied people so I think it evens out Kappa
violetblight: god why is ex air ball +6
drizztnailo: every wake up level 3 adds 10 minutes to my life. i shall become ageless
thatjuantoo: @Bearudite Peace be upon him starmu6NachoNeutral
Bearudite: @thatjuantoo praise be his crocs
hyperialguard: @drizztnailo I believe in you, Drizzt
violetblight: he deserves it
ItsThugDimmadome: MenaRD in shambles.
AceGun_: @drizztnailo When someone shimmies the level 3, how much time is taken off your life?
thatjuantoo: @Bearudite Amen LUL
Mr_Horrible: "Just think of the rabbits, Blanka"
TXC2: "this characters gonna get.." "SHIT!"
Mr_Horrible: *cries, loads gun*
drizztnailo: @AceGun_ eons
Ferisar: @drizztnailo death shows up, drizzt goes “… tch, it’s frame 0” “MY LOYAL FANS”
violetblight: lvl 2 is also fucked up
Mr_Horrible: @drizztnailo it's the Saving Private Ryan gif irl
ItsThugDimmadome: *Dominican Concern intensifies*
Mark_D_Stroyer: Blanka has never been good enough to get shot before
DaVeganPolice: LUL
Ferisar: juri level 2
TXC2: Mr_Horrible how dare you, how dare you hit me with that :p
violetblight: oh i know im getting shot next season
El_Zilcho22: Or give that back to Lily and she can be like Blanka again.
Ferisar: activate anime fighter mode
therepoman__: The drive damage lightning beast inflicts is..... woof
violetblight: im taking yall down with me
AceGun_: JP
Frizzlenill subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
Frizzlenill: new Sajam video with a great analysis of drive gauge management that y'all might like atm
RoboIcarus: Ed level 2
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Frizzlenill! (Today's storm count: 16)
Ferisar: hold these cancels
drizztnailo: WAIT A MINUTE
ItsThugDimmadome: I hope Blanka stays good. I'll probably pivot to him if Gief gets nothing.
DaVeganPolice: Ryu level 2 Kappa
drizztnailo: gief level 2 broken, it beats fireballs
ItsThugDimmadome: Gief level 2 needs to be faster than 18 frame start up
therepoman__: raowr
Mr_Horrible: @TXC2 it's honestly a powerful story but that line has stuck with me through years and years for *all* the wrong reasons (it's very funny to bust out in inappropriate circumstances)
NorthstarTex: everything except Marisa lvl 2 lrrBEEJ
Camail: blanka re-adds the original sin
Mr_Horrible: I loved that story, Nelly
Frizzlenill: pretty sure there IS a rule against that one lol
TXC2: Mr_Horrible I had to read it for English, so yeah it' stayed with me too :p
ItsThugDimmadome: Blanka-chan set ups are so cool.
Mr_Horrible: "We aren't allowed to have done this to someone for a study, but since you *did*, we need to study your blood"
Ferisar: I forgot
Mr_Horrible: the guy who got like 300 Covid vaccine shots
SnackPak_: I'm still wondering what an egg creme is
Mr_Horrible: through fraud
DaVeganPolice: rawr xd
itsaysTRUENO: MenaRD made Blanka look broken at Kumite NYC
AceGun_: Which outfit would you use as Blanka though?
drizztnailo: alternate timeline blanka player adam
RisingCosmos: Tiny blanka is the best character
Mr_Horrible: @TXC2 every Steinbeck I've read was against my will. I can appreciate them now but I still say that man's too bleak
ItsThugDimmadome: @Mr_Horrible You can't consent to something like that?
DaVeganPolice: Marisa hit you with the "Where are you going?"
freshmaker__: i almost picked blanka but i didnt have the heart to learn a charge character.
Ferisar: okay hear me out
Heefnoff: Yeah you could be a Blanka player
Heefnoff: You like being different
Ravynn: Does Adam Savidan seem like a green goblin of a player.
Ferisar: blanka but it’s frank
violetblight: yes but you call him jimmy because you like normal ass names too much
Ferisar: franka
drizztnailo: there's definitely a timeline where i played marisa i think
TXC2: be what you want to be Adam
therepoman__: Blanka is very good in scrambles I think
therepoman__: I think he wants you to scramble
therepoman__: ah gotcha
drizztnailo: MY LOYAL FANS
Mr_Horrible: @ItsThugDimmadome I think it was ethics concerns beyond just consent, like they legit didn't know what the side effects could be, or something along those lines
Frizzlenill: @ItsThugDimmadome yeah cuz the study goes through the ethics board, and the idea of offering something like that to someone in exchange for compensation, even with consent, can be unethical if the thing is past a certain line (can 'exploit the poor' etc)
Ferisar: oooryaaaa
therepoman__: Me too :^)
AceGun_: Nelly, scrambles are just when both players are just kinda flailing and mashing buttons.
TXC2: well maybe playing Blanka will make you better at scrambles
Mr_Horrible: a scramble is when you put stuff in an omelette
Camail: i'd say scrambling is close quarters neutral, where noone has a clear advantage and there's no set ups
drizztnailo: its when you and the opponent both panic sorta
itsr67: Usually after a weird scenario
therepoman__: It's like when something happens and both players are like "UHHHH" and start pressing buttons
ItsThugDimmadome: @Frizzlenill When you put it that way, that's understandable.
Ferisar: it’s more like the skootch
Mr_Horrible: it's the physical manifestation of "oshitofuk"
Heefnoff: Good games Nelly
v_nome: NICE
ItsThugDimmadome: HELL YEAH
drizztnailo: imo gief excels at taking advantage of suprise scrambles
v_nome: I very loudly went OH NO to that lvl 3
Mr_Horrible: you're fuckin' done in this town
Heefnoff: Time to teach Nome my Blanka Chan setups
Heefnoff: lytJIVE
kaboomjr26: Holy moly
Heefnoff: Gief is honest until he gets into your house
DaVeganPolice: slot machine pasta
therepoman__: I'M COMI-- I'M COMI-- MY LOYAL FANS
ItsThugDimmadome: This feels like both ends of how to overload someone's mental stack.
LMAOkai_: somwhere in your room, i've planted a Gief
thatjuantoo: LUL
Mr_Horrible: he's lunchpail until he gets in, and then it turns into Anton Chigure: "Call it, 'Friendo'."
Heefnoff: MY LOYAL FANS then he kicks the door down
Ferisar: “yo comrade you got any peanut butter”
drizztnailo: the grappler neutral and conditioning are stacking the deck, the reads are putting down the bet
kaboomjr26: Is this in a battle hub?
Mr_Horrible: "What's the most you've ever lost... on a coin toss?"
therepoman__: This version of Gief is by far one of the dumbest fighting game characters I have ever seen. I honestly think Gief's game design is such such a fucking travesty. I think he's honestly one of the worst designed characters in any fighting game I have ever played. He's just a walking casino. It's so stupid. It's just designed for everybody to hate their life. He's not good so Gief players bitch all the time, but he's also the dumbest thing once he ever gets one SPD. He's just terrible design. Nobod
DaVeganPolice: Your door is closed... Outside you hear "JACKHAMMER"... You know its over. :(
Ferisar: there it is
Heefnoff: Basically Marvel
Mr_Horrible: mainlining copypasta
BusTed: It's a Kameo
therepoman__: Nobody's happy. Who the fuck is happy about Gief. Honestly, it's like a travesty how bad he is as a fighting game character.
Heefnoff: Fantastic copypasta
light_blue55: that's art
drizztnailo: god i love brain f
Mr_Horrible: you could preserve an entire cow in that copypasta
ItsThugDimmadome: Dopamine Casino is why I picked Gief.
LMAOkai_: Brian_F rants are the best
light_blue55: he's just a walking cassino got me
Heefnoff: That’s so real
therepoman__: Walking casino is crazy
drizztnailo: thats real as hell. i love a good complain
Mr_Horrible: Jerky for your entire trip to Oregon off that copypasta
Heefnoff: That’s explicitly why grapplers aren’t top tier very often
Camail: gief is a personality trait
ItsThugDimmadome: I'll complain less once lariat's fixed.
AceGun_: Sounds like a gambling addiction to me.
DaVeganPolice: SPD got that dopamine hit
TXC2: Damn Jacob :p
Mr_Horrible: "Just log off" *cries, hits L3*
Zandivya: Grapplers are born.
ItsThugDimmadome: @DaVeganPolice SLide SPD on leverless is hot.
drizztnailo: i was literally born on 7/20. i was born to churn
light_blue55: a whole category on the DSM
DaVeganPolice: LMFAO
Ferisar: if sett comes out and is just 2xko gief I’m booting up every day
AceGun_: LUL LUL
DaVeganPolice: born to churn HAHAHA
therepoman__: @drizztnailo Holy shit
Mr_Horrible: no fucking way
hyperialguard: You better not be lying
hyperialguard: Or, lol
Mr_Horrible: we're living in a simulation
thatjuantoo: Mods, ID check?
Mr_Horrible: Mods doxx this chatter
TXC2: oh I get it now
therepoman__: Post birth certificate
Heefnoff: Mods, kill them
josh___something: Give me your BIRTH CIRTIFICATE! :p
DaVeganPolice: First dogs name
therepoman__: Mods put coal in his stocking
Ferisar: mods, eat them
Heefnoff: Monkey’s paw curls a finger
josh___something: Also, I found what nelly was asking about
TXC2: nah I trust drizztnailo
EvilBadman: just send adam a list of your fears and school schedule
freshmaker__: your first pet's maiden name.
drizztnailo: im 100 percent serious
Ferisar: oh gos
Ferisar: he is a gief irl
light_blue55: in russia
Heefnoff: Nome cookin
hyperialguard: If it is a lie, NEVER admit it
Heefnoff: Drizzt is an icon for other grappler enjoyers to look up to
light_blue55: snake eyes fit the walking casino to well LUL
Ferisar: “I’m coming!”
josh___something: I don't know how to explain what I did here coherently so can someone else
saucemaster5000: GGs doom
TXC2: coming like gief
ManWithTheMask13: GGS Sauce those were some close ones
ManWithTheMask13: Also Drizzt we're the same age btw
saucemaster5000: so uh... you just gonna jump every time I'm plus now huh?
ManWithTheMask13: @saucemaster5000 MiniK
saucemaster5000: Makes it easy for me in the future
NewtyNewts: ggs tod
josh___something: (sorry if I post this again)
drizztnailo: you have to have defualt options to make them afraid or kill them
v_nome: Nome is too stupid to be afraid. I don't notice when you have lvl3 etc
itsr67: if they still do the same option, stick to default
josh___something: @v_nome LMAO
itsr67: dont fix it if it isn't broken
light_blue55: watching replays is good to see what was punishable
saucemaster5000: @ManWithTheMask13 WAIT I called it with 22?
saucemaster5000: What do I win?
NewtyNewts: 22 birthday candles
saucemaster5000: Pog
LMAOkai_: 22 spds
saucemaster5000: Double pog
light_blue55: a full rotation of the earth (360)
Mr_Horrible: it's not an accusatory, it's just getting a lay of the land so he can evaluate
light_blue55: enabling frame data is cool to see punishes
niccus: have you tried being a crab
The_Timo: More tools in the toolkit
saucemaster5000: having played nome quite a bit, they really don't change their gameplan. Nome has a good mix, and it works. Takes me 3 games before I remember nome OD blanka balls on wakeup every time
RoboIcarus: if Blanka light ball is working, they're conditioning you, not the other way around
v_nome: blue is light
light_blue55: light blue :D
v_nome: yellow is medium, red is heavy
Bruceski: Insert Jojo "I can't hit you without getting closer" meme
light_blue55: I can see gief throwing a road roller
v_nome: Yeah the drive rush after parry I noticed and were great, Jacob
Cptasparagus: "You can't DI balls" - Adam, 2024
light_blue55: raw DI only works up to a certain level too
RetroHibiscus: this is where you insert their fear of you
Gatsufgc: you guys can watch snake eyes
Ferisar: button pressure into running bear grab is the usual way it gets used right
Ferisar: since it’s a bit weak on oki
ItsThugDimmadome: @Ferisar I've seen 5LK-DRC-Bear Grab the most.
v_nome: Or jump like you suggested
Pharmacistjudge: forbid yourself from backjumping for a bit?
josh___something: I think the answer could also be "Play against more blankas"?
drizztnailo: you can set blanka to do either light ball or heavy ball so you can get more used to reacting to the different balls too (im also bad at telling the difference on reaction)
morgoth_bauglyr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 57 months!
morgoth_bauglyr: \o/
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, morgoth_bauglyr! (Today's storm count: 17)
ManWithTheMask13: @Heefnoff MONKEY
Heefnoff: Ggs
ManWithTheMask13: GGS those fucking bear runs at the end
ManWithTheMask13: I was able to win one FBtouchdown
Heefnoff: It’s a good setup
RoboIcarus: stun reduces damage scaling, so the meter payoff is worse
v_nome: lvl3 is a hit yeah
Cptasparagus: not the gumdrop buttons
kaboomjr26: Evil coach has appeared >:)
Heefnoff: Yep solid analysis
Gatsufgc: i am
v_nome: jump for a bigger punish is also good
ManWithTheMask13: Who's the room under?
ManWithTheMask13: You don't have access to wheel kick sadly
Heefnoff: Optimal punish is Headbutt
TXC2: ManWithTheMask13 if not Seabats then coachNelly ?
josh___something: me, josh___somethin
Heefnoff: Nah he doesn’t have to spend bar there
josh___something: 3 underscores
AugustGreen subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months!
AugustGreen: Thank you Bois for being so awesome and making my Friday even better!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AugustGreen! (Today's storm count: 18)
Heefnoff: Doing combos/punishes that end in Lariat is better for saving drive gauge
Gatsufgc: dr headbutt into headbutt larit
Heefnoff: Yeah correct combo Jacob nice
Heefnoff: Dr headbutt if you’re willing to spend one drive gauge
TXC2: good old doctor headbutt
drewm1022: He's the one they call Dr Headbutt.
Heefnoff: Lariat beats ball iirc
v_nome: @Heefnoff it does but has startup
Heefnoff: Yeah true
v_nome: Yes Jacob comes back every time with something new and good I didn't see before
Mr_Horrible: the terror of Swift Master
ManWithTheMask13: It takes time and experience to sniff out the wake-up DPs
ManWithTheMask13: You just have to watch the other play more closely, their tendencies and such
josh___something: Deleting a JP after a whiffed amnesia is probably the best feeling in the JP matchup
AceGun_: I made myself a list of questions about my opponent that I should have an answer to by the end of the first round. It has helped me practice this type of thing a bit.
silent_sol: Forth eorlingas, but they command grab the monarch
drewm1022: You just cast Forth Eorlingas for 6
TXC2: the fifth erolingas, with SPDs
drewm1022: Welp. Glad we're all on the same page.
TXC2: chat hive mind and all that
ManWithTheMask13: @Heefnoff have you seen the ddr pad in 3s
v_nome: hop is 22 frames iirc
Obos_TAB: My biggest problem watching nome's blanka is the brown overalls
tod_vom_himmel: you know what breown pants are for
v_nome: 27 frames, my bad
Heefnoff: Not sure I have @manwiththemask13
TXC2: surely the non blanka player needs the brown pants ?
ManWithTheMask13: @Heefnoff check the ambigious crossup
Heefnoff: Will do
drewm1022: He's certainly not wearing the red shirt.
silent_sol: Gorilla power
Obos_TAB: You can also do nothingmore freely if you have the solid life lead.
RetroHibiscus: It's why you wiggle around in league instead of keeping your character posted until you try to last hit
v_nome: I do have to learn
v_nome: lol
Heefnoff: It’s worth considering how damaging it would be if you ate a DP when you’re about to run up
Obos_TAB: nome also getting the free coaching from the replays
v_nome: Most of these are things I've heard before. haha I do need to hit EXDP less, but also kinda hold the opinion that my opponent needs to make me
matthaus_c: drils tweet
matthaus_c subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
matthaus_c: a button
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, matthaus_c! (Today's storm count: 19)
Obos_TAB: well your blanka is sick either way haha
Heefnoff: Save the emotional investment for ranked if you’re gonna do it tbh
TXC2: ^
Heefnoff: For improvement yeah gotta have those other specific goals in mind
Heefnoff: I gotta pull Jacob into a lab sesh soon heefnoGlocku
Heefnoff: Josh___Somethin
JinaMahavira: 3 _
josh___something: 3 underscores
josh___something: no g
hyperialguard: That's what I do, yeah
TXC2: nothing is real, no one is here
Heefnoff: Fightin’ ghosts
hyperialguard: Casual is great for working on new focuses
Obos_TAB: what flag was Man with the mask reppin?
Tobenamed1: Who knew Oki Oki was also self discovery and learning
Diabore: hell yeah bacon
Mr_Horrible: yeah, I def know some folks where that specificity is what makes the relatability real
Obos_TAB: Lot of us watched Adam go through it with Mika, haha.
TXC2: Tobenamed1 always has been
thatjuantoo: LUL
matthaus_c: man. this stream. this is so good
Khasi1596: @matthaus_c you're so good
matthaus_c: fuck
TXC2: gottem
Khasi1596: got your ass
hyperialguard: Listen to other people's self talk during games is very personal, yeah
hyperialguard: Doesn't always match their thoughts
hyperialguard: Still revealing
Heefnoff: It humanizes it a bit
silent_sol: I feel sf6 pretty good for beginner
Mr_Horrible: it's like any learned skill - it's gonna take time, and effort, and patience, but you can always get there
NewtyNewts: There is no Super Mario Bros of fighting games
silent_sol: Source: im beginner
drizztnailo: its like souls games, they are definitely hard but a lot of the difficulty is adjusting to the genre, once you get the hang of it it starts to make more sense
Obos_TAB: divekick is so hard
freshmaker__: man fantasy strike is a good game
hyperialguard: First one is always hard
Obos_TAB: I mained S.Kill and i felt bad about it
saucemaster5000: heh. First one is always hard
Bearudite: time killerz is simple just press every buton and chop their head off
TXC2: time and effort baby
Obos_TAB: lets goooo
saucemaster5000: SF6 Approaching my hr numbers in roller coaster tycoon 2
TXC2: lets go Nelson1
freshmaker__: I'm gonna try hard not think about my hours in dota 2.
AceGun_: shimmy, walk in, shimmy again. incredible feeling.
TXC2: saucemaster5000 now there's a game I wish I was better at :p
JinaMahavira: I try not to think about my league and mmo hours
Heefnoff: Ggs Nome
Bearudite: you steal 20 min of their lifetime
v_nome: @Heefnoff ggs! That was fun
v_nome: Love the mirror
Obos_TAB: "what if I just did it"
Heefnoff: Very fun very fun
Heefnoff: Blanka mirror is sick
Obos_TAB: Nelson neds to learn how to kick his router
beowuuf: lrrSPOT
Obos_TAB: the real skill
thatjuantoo: LUL
Obos_TAB: cause lag yeah
tod_vom_himmel: its what saucemaster does when they lose
Heefnoff: Jiggle the Ethernet cable a little bit
freshmaker__: jiggle the cable a bit
Heefnoff: Just to keep em guessing
saucemaster5000: @tod_vom_himmel THAT was an accident!
DaVeganPolice: be honest
NewtyNewts: Gotta learn to disconnect the cable for just a moment
josh___something: (I can't wait for the next set against jacob cause I want to redeem myself for that close match)
tod_vom_himmel: be truthful
josh___something: Turn on the microwave Kappa
saucemaster5000: be truthful
Mr_Horrible: :crouchingguile:
NewtyNewts: I swear, did that get brought up on OOFC in the past?
TXC2: have your mom make a phone call
DaVeganPolice: mybadog
Heefnoff: But yeah Jacob I’m personally with you on the whole hearing others stories thing
tod_vom_himmel: just watch it xD
ManWithTheMask13: lesgo Nelson PogChamp
BusTed: FamilyMan
violetblight: shut up weirdo
v_nome: Also Jacob, you're doing great. It seriously feels like you're one little aha moment from completely destroying me. Also if you want to kick my newbie Yoshimitsu butt sometime let me know :P
Solamith: FamilyMan
Heefnoff: My bad og
Mr_Horrible: since this was in the post-match chat in the SF6 client
Heefnoff: Bro was still charging just in case
drizztnailo: that shit is so funny and i cannot explain why
hyperialguard: The apology kneel. Beautiful
AceGun_: It was mid-match
josh___something: AHAHAHA
ManWithTheMask13: GGs Nelson!
drizztnailo: it was in grand finals too i think
Heefnoff: Noah always gets involved in funny shit
AceGun_: between games, yeah
josh___something: Grand finals LUL
light_blue55: ahahaha too good, my bad og
Tobenamed1: @tod_vom_himmel bro got disrepected and a half
josh___something: Grand finals reset? too it looks like
NewtyNewts: Heefing time
ManWithTheMask13: The neutral games seems a lot more confident. I'd say just press in more after a knockdown--get in my face
drizztnailo: you got this jacob
Obos_TAB: Draw the X on your chest
TXC2: laugh in the face of Death/Heef
light_blue55: 8-game win streak Kappa
Obos_TAB: I'm old, haha
ManWithTheMask13: I took a game off of Heef
Diabore: heef, the sophisticated gief
Mr_Horrible: Heef starring in "It Punish Counters"
jessicaengle: jlrrPunch
josh___something: That's the first time I've seen the context for that, that is HILARIOUS LUL
NorthstarTex: get his ass jacob
SymphonicLolita: time to face god and walk backwards into hell
TXC2: Diabore for the discerning gamer
DeathWarrior555: how can I join room?
josh___something: the room is under "josh___somethin" password:6969
itsr67: backdash as a defensive option was something I didnt even think about until like 3 years into playing fighting games
Obos_TAB: So is DR crouch a good move for geif? Is it just to close distance?
itsr67: landing recovery frames exist for jump attacks
RoboIcarus: yeah it was a punish counter
RetroHibiscus: drive rush block basically
Obos_TAB: sorry, DR crouching block
RetroHibiscus: yeah heef just did it last round
DeathWarrior555: Gotcha. I'm East Coast so I usually miss these streams
itsr67: doctor crouching block
josh___something: DR > downback
light_blue55: demon rage crouching block
Obos_TAB: I see jacob Drive rush into a crouching block from full screen a lot. Just curous about the reasoning.
silent_sol: Its to bait an attack and punish mostly
josh___something: Get heef's ass
silent_sol: Or mostly muscle memory
drewm1022: Ok well this one is wearing the red shirt.
Obos_TAB: gotcha thanks
Tobenamed1: Do we know the roster of people playing Highlander tonight?
Marvoleath: @Tobenamed1 Alex, BenBen, Serge and Nelson I think?
Obos_TAB: Poopy DOOPY indeed
drizztnailo: that missed level one was tragic im ngl
Obos_TAB: nice!
ShaneLeeAtk: Took it!
RetroHibiscus: let's get jacob caked up
Obos_TAB: dont tilt!
Obos_TAB: you got this
saucemaster5000: Gief is a clown car and they are all Pagliacci
Obos_TAB: nuuuu
ManWithTheMask13: Heef doesn't deserve the Gief life
light_blue55: he put it in second gear that last round haha
drizztnailo: gief is a slapstick comedy character
saucemaster5000: It's so hard not to root for gief
light_blue55: crouching jab?
Obos_TAB: back-dash might put you in a better position
AceGun_: If jab the exact same frame that they SPD, you win by 1 frame. You can't react.
silent_sol: SPD has the same speed as grab tight?
DaVeganPolice: LUL that looked so goofy
drizztnailo: its 5 frames, its not humanly reactable at all i think
AfraidOfTheSun_: human reaction is around ~20 frame iirc
Obos_TAB: You can jab stop a running bear grab though, right?
silent_sol: Bear grab has armor tho
drizztnailo: @Obos_TAB if its the medium range one, the far range slower one has armor
awildshen: except Honda's Oicho that's 7 frame startup right?
drizztnailo: jumping running bear grab is the most option imo
Obos_TAB: oooo gotcha
saucemaster5000: (sigh) only my heavy command grab is 5 frames...
drizztnailo: @saucemaster5000 you should play gief
saucemaster5000: Nah I'm good
drizztnailo: one of us
AceGun_: My command grab is 35 frames... broski4Akicool
Heefnoff: Ggs boss
Obos_TAB: lets weigh the pros and cons. Geif: Zero medals. Mannon: 5 medals round one every time
saucemaster5000: thank fuck, stay away from me snake lady
AceGun_: MArisa time, apparently
Mr_Horrible: but I *am* home
Cptasparagus: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (56m from now).
Obos_TAB: This was a great one, thanks everyone.
BusTed: See you next ime.
drizztnailo: so real, jacob
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam, Jacob and Nelson
saucemaster5000: Time to go stare at a blank wall
Heefnoff: You and I are hitting the lab soon Jacob, we’re getting you to the next level
AfraidOfTheSun_: i feel ya Jacob
LMAOkai_: thank you for the stream and the games
Heefnoff: heefnoGlocku
Obos_TAB: Jacob today made me want to get a match in some time with you. Thanks for playing
Mr_Horrible: no fear of you or God
drizztnailo: the dark souls boss can learn your pattern too
RetroHibiscus: oh I think I fought that person too
RetroHibiscus: holy shit
DaVeganPolice: that shit is so frustrating yeah, i get that
NorthstarTex: So Melania?
NotCainNorAbel: Pride500
RetroHibiscus: I swear they were on a challenge run
Heefnoff: Fought Johnny Donuts
Heefnoff: Johnny Donuts is the first boss to all fighting game players
therepoman__: FROGS ARE GONE sajamAaaa
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
El_Zilcho22: doogBye doogBye
AceGun_: Post-credits Adam/Nelly matchup?
TXC2: bye Nelson
ManWithTheMask13: @drizztnailo SO TRUEEE
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (53m from now).
drizztnailo: @ManWithTheMask13 i thought my life was over
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
Mr_Horrible: it's rude, but funny
Obos_TAB: Serge, the premiere Serge Pilot of the format.
Mr_Horrible: so we support it
ShaneLeeAtk: Cheer68 #DonkeyBits
Invitare: Serge has been training in isolation for this day
AceGun_: Serge is the bonus stage car from SF2...
Mr_Horrible: Bit Trip returns, hot damn
TXC2: wanted: dead, the most unhinged game I've seen in a while
Obos_TAB: hahaha
Mr_Horrible: the new Misadventure Simulator
Mr_Horrible: you're Youtubers diving into hell for the Vine
Heefnoff: Later
therepoman__: Byeeee
AceGun_: later!
JinaMahavira: byeeee
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, gang lrrSHINE
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
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LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
DaVeganPolice: kbai PrideUwu
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LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
beowuuf: o7
TXC2: Goodnight everybody
beowuuf: night txc2!
lichen_subscribe: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (49m from now).