Metric_Furlong: I did
LoadingReadyRun: lrrPAUL I guess if you work from home, that makes all work "Homework"🤔
Metric_Furlong: it's true
Metric_Furlong: (currently speculating about whether or not the news that came out on thursday about the man being arrested for selling modified pokémon data files makes the chillpoint cut or not)
beowuuf: o7
LoadingReadyRun: I didn't hear about that so unlikely, unless Heather or Beej have some info
beowuuf: also bathleen dery veer
Metric_Furlong: fair enough
Metric_Furlong: (it did happen in Japan, so may not have been noted in the more North American-centric side of things)
Ivalenz_: katesJuice
RockPusher: !search for treasure
LRRbot: You find: a Gem!
RockPusher: The real treasure is the chat friends we made along the way — but this gem is mine!
RockPusher: lrrDOTS lrrSIG lrrARROW
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG \
Metric_Furlong: main screen turn on
Farwanderer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 67 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Farwanderer! (Today's storm count: 20)
DideRobot: LRR: Time for Chillpoint! Hang out with Beej, Heather and Paul and chat about the week's gaming news. (has image) |
TheMerricat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 91 months, currently on a 91 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheMerricat! (Today's storm count: 21)
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Just in time!
nickypediauk subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nickypediauk! (Today's storm count: 22)
Bronzefinger subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 116 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bronzefinger! (Today's storm count: 23)
nightshadeqx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months, currently on a 26 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, nightshadeqx! (Today's storm count: 24)
beowuuf: today!
beowuuf: the killing curse
GapFiller: good ebening lrrPAUL lrrBEEEJ lrrHEATHER lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
SymphonicLolita: good start good start
GapFiller: or DeDeDe
GapFiller: nalvThink King DerDerDer
Its_VeeBot: The law offices of SaunDeryDery
SymphonicLolita: Saun Deer
Metric_Furlong: Quipple, for the 5-person varient
RockPusher: Sorry Heather, I'm with Beej on Thruple :D
Mollylele: throople
CaptainSpam: @Metric_Furlong Or alternatively, the Quiplash. Wait, no...
GapFiller: personal problem is associating that kinda portmanteau tendency w/ shipping circles which is its own separate headache
GapFiller: hurr eurgh
LordZarano: "thrice" is one of my favourite words
TheMerricat: Thurston Thruple the Third.
Mollylele: koopa throoper
RockPusher: Hackers, ahhhhhh, find a way
richard_ermen: It's a live chillpoint! Nice. It's been some time since I got to see one of those.
RockPusher: Hopefully we'll have regulation around integrated online services by then lrrBEEJ
GapFiller: nalvThink on those kinda timescales if we are talkin console lifespans yr wonder when it reaches the point where the whole gaming service network paradigm shifts beyond what is currently recognisable
TheMerricat: Oh yeah.... without the nintendo servers up.. they can't push out a patch to shut it down. :D
CaptainSpam: Ah, right, SSL actually doing its job... yeah, without an exploit, that would've been an issue.
LathosTiran: soft mod vs hard mod
RockPusher: I suspect it doesn't actually change any code running on the device - I suspect it is a flaw to present a bogus TLS certificate and have it trusted by the device
RockPusher: eh, opening all the ports outshines the DNS
Invitare: the WiiU's library was always really impressive
RockPusher: Heather liked the Wii-U before it was cool! lunarj1Heart
CaptainSpam: Splatoon, of course.
KV1NN4: i didn't get a chance to get a Wii U
Invitare: Xenoblade Chronicles X :(
Invitare: it's such a good game
Invitare: still no port
CaptainSpam: The Splatoon community is mourning the loss of Splatoon 1 at the moment.
Bruceski: @Invitare Bizarre choice of where to end it tho
RockPusher: !lovebeej
LRRbot: Chat loves Beej and I love Beej lrrBEEJ
Mollylele: aw that's a nice bot command
gibbousm: !uptime
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 21:48.
Invitare: @Bruceski X2 when :(
RockPusher: Hi Molly! lrrAWESOME
denofaiz: !badadvice
SquareDotCube: Usually it's the knee that breaks and not the computer if it's a desktop
CaptainSpam: "This cell phone has been in my family for generations! It's YOUR responsibility to keep it working forever!"
RockPusher: We need to enforce that if you don't won't to support it anymore, release everything the community needs to support it themselves
CaptainSpam: The Wii U wasn't BAD, it just wasn't anywhere near GREAT.
Invitare: X :(
Bruceski: My WiiU bricked and I never got around to figuring out how to repair it so I mourned the system ages ago. But I actually PLAYED the dang thing.
Angreed66: Heather is the nice one...
Joecool190: I love ogre battle 64
beowuuf: emotionally
SocraticMethod: All Points Bulletin?
Bruceski: If Heather hasn't poked Unicorn Overlord, she should do so. It has a very beefy demo (first five hours and tutorial doesn't count) to try on for size.
SquareDotCube: Oh, the *old* APB, not the ill-fated MMO.
CaptainSpam: So... wait, NOT the All Points Bulletin that was a kinda-MMO?
Bruceski: It's not exactly Ogre Battle, but it definitely uses that as inspiration
corpocracy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 88 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, corpocracy! (Today's storm count: 25)
CaptainSpam: Can you still play discs on the Wii/Wii U? You can? Then they're far from e-waste.
CaptainSpam: I mean, surprisingly enough, Steam now has friend codes...
CaptainSpam: Turns out they kinda ARE useful for things like not giving out your actual usernames...
Invitare: that's Nintendo generally though. Sometimes brilliant, sometimes backwards. Frequently baffling
LordZarano: !friendcodes
LRRbot: Connect with other LRR fans! The Gamertag / Friend Code spreadsheet can be found here -
CaptainSpam: Oh, wow, the old friend code spreadsheet. The one that had to get locked down due to some jerks abusing it. That takes me back a ways.
grannobonano: Hello! peppL
grannobonano: I had to play like 10hrs of dq7 before i got to the dlc part, its a good bit in
grannobonano: I just came into stream after seeing your video talking about my video ! Thanks so much again
BrindleBoar: Dragon Fantasy
beowuuf: sergeHi
SymphonicLolita: o/
grannobonano: Its me! Ahaha joined at the perfect time
KV1NN4: Good itming!
RockPusher: Game Preservationists lrrSHINE
grannobonano: I need to change my twitch handle to fit my youtube probably LMAO
grannobonano: Theyre remaking dq3 and theyre expected to remake 1 and 2 too, the 3ds version of dq7 is a remake that was released in 2017 so i say it wont be remade again for a while
An anonymous user gifted a Tier 1 sub to grannobonano!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, grannobonano! (Today's storm count: 26)
grannobonano: Oh thank you anonymous gifter!!!
grannobonano: Sackchief made the call to action for the whole thing, basically project leader ahaha
Marvoleath: The DQ video that was linked in the CheckPoint description btw:
grannobonano: Its graw-nya, its a phonetic spelling of the irish name "gráinne" :)
grannobonano: Ahaha ive recovered really well! And thankfully off the "good shit" LMAO
GapFiller: didnt Paul pronounce it eeeeee the other week
DaCardCzar: The worst part was that they made a joke about it in the pre roll
SocraticMethod: South Korean rating application
SocraticMethod: IMO it's because they are easy to design, construct and demo in game jams
Marvoleath: at least Wheeler will not run out of ITYC content :D
LordZarano: They had a thing saying "What's the name of this highly anticipated metroidvania with an insect again? It looks cool!" during the countdown to iii
Invitare: oh I should buy the Baten Kaitos prequel...
Mollylele: everybody needs a Heather
LordZarano: It was a premiere
Marvoleath: triple eye?
Marvoleath: lrrCREEPL 👁️ lrrCREEPR
RockPusher: lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart lunarj1Heart
SocraticMethod: 👁️
SocraticMethod: 👀
SocraticMethod: Aww, not stacking up properly
Mollylele: that Columbo moment
Barkonn subscribed with Prime.
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Barkonn! (Today's storm count: 27)
LordZarano: It did kinda give no time for googling or wishlisting
grannobonano: I dont really like when games get announced with no release date then are literally never talked about again, i rather not know until theres a tangible date to look forward to or at least a ballpark lmao
RockPusher: tqsMagnify wheelerBanana
RockPusher: tqsNoted tqsPeach escher3SAFETY
corpocracy: I actually loved the showcase. I hope there's more marketing collaboration like this in the future
grannobonano: How do ye feel about the game awards? Its always such a huge event and I feel like most people i know watch for the announcements rather than the awards themselves, i remember losing my mind when hideo kojima walked on stage haha
corpocracy: The Dino Lords trailer was incredible
SocraticMethod: Yeah, giving themselves week or so breathing room is a good idea. Even FFXIV moved their release date to accommodate Elden Ring DLC lol
grannobonano: Fair LUL
corpocracy: I feel like the game awards can be fun, but I think it's identity is pulled between wanting to be an awards show or a showcase
Marvoleath: @grannobonano It definitely feels more that the awards are just an excuse for the announcements and hyping trailers up
corpocracy: Yeah LUL
grannobonano: @marvoleath yeah i dont remember anything that won this year peppAwk
Mollylele: ok but what do the A's in AAA stand for (in the game sense, not the auto)
beowuuf: nrr redundancy
Bruceski: @Mollylele Size of the battery needed for the PR machine to work.
LathosTiran: "triple A" as a descripter just gets you to the front of the phone book
TheMerricat: @Mollylele The original usage of AAA in the gaming industry was a marketing gimmick meant to steal meaning from the bond market where AAA bonds are those rated as the highest postible.
corpocracy: @mollylele it's just the game industry screaming, "AAA"
Marvoleath: AAA are the batteries, right?
SocraticMethod: @Marvoleath TBH, it's more like TGA is an excuse for Keighley to hang around with industry stars and stan Kojima
josh___something: SSS+
Mollylele: @corpocracy I like this explanation best
Invitare: actually there just haven't been any games good enough to get an S rank
ghyllnox: "Triple S+"
Mollylele: I wanna play a triple B game
josh___something: And S+⭐
grannobonano: Bee movie PogChamp
ghyllnox: B movie and Bee Movie are two different things
LilyOfTheVeil6666: This is a good post about the problems with the branding of the iii initiative
SocraticMethod: @ghyllnox Or is it Kappa
Marvoleath: Didn't they have a court thing where AAA was defined by budget?
ghyllnox: @socraticmethod Squares and rectangles, really
lightfut: Ambition
LordZarano: What is a L-tier game though?
CaptainSpam: Well, I only play SSS+ (star) (planet) (circle) (devolves into indecipherable mess of symbols) games.
Zandivya: Adding numbers and letters is a video game tradition though.
LordZarano: Acme Games
SocraticMethod: @LordZarano ET (1982)
BrindleBoar: God, that's a hell of a thought.
ghyllnox: It's like a 5-point grading scale
Invitare: no, Beej is right
Invitare: I'm British, can confirm
RockPusher: I would like to see Beej do commentary on a cricket match now
LordZarano: @SocraticMethod Then what's P-tier?!
josh___something: Oh
skooshy_was_here: yoooo what’s up
grannobonano: Hobby drama, aka when i drop a stitch in my knitting and i contemplate throwing the whole thing out grainyMP
SocraticMethod: @LordZarano Wonderful 101. It's all Platinum, baby
josh___something: Wait... Cookie game? Is this the ginger bread guy game?
ThorSokar: composA1 composA2
Marvoleath: "This week on 'is this cake?'"
Mai_Andra: Strawberry Shawty got cake? xivGoob
SymphonicLolita: oh yeah someone I know tried to hit me with that
josh___something: I hope this goes where I think it's going
ghyllnox: LUL
grannobonano: No way LMAO
SocraticMethod: (Unethical) Life Pro Tip
CAKHost: Hello everyone!
SocraticMethod: SocMedia Interns got a really good reason to good off
TheMerricat: But _is_ it unethical? :D
SocraticMethod: Spam is always unethical
ghyllnox: Taste of their own medicine
Mollylele: didn't AOC do a fundraising gamer thing with Jagmeet Signh or am I conflating political fundraiser gamer things?
Mollylele: ^singh, rather
CAKHost: A Twitch side-ad, that usually shrinks the stream a bit to fit, appeared on my end and before I had registered as an ad while Paul was talking, I had just assumed "Paul has become more powerful!" XD (In that, I'm sure Paul can do something like the ad effect but doesn't need to do so right now)
ghyllnox: Geneva-convention wise? Perfectly ethical
Angreed66: It's not a slight if its severe
LordZarano: Those people now have their candidates phone numbers in their phones. Maybe some of them will be more likely to contact them again in future
TheMerricat: Information Warfare is perfectly legal under International law. :P
RockPusher: But if Heather is a ghost, who will install Heather?
DeM0nFiRe: gdqSanic
Marvoleath: @ghyllnox War crime or not seems to be a rather... lacking in grayscale scale :D
RockPusher: Is ghost-Heather self-installing?
CAKHost: No... Shadow's 30th Anniversary! Mwhahaha!
RockPusher: rayfkSanic foxmarRING foxmarRING foxmarRING
Invitare: When are we going to get a year for the real best sidekick: Bandana Dee?
drkwhitewolf: Does Hasbro announcing that they're actually going through with making the Transformers GI Joe Cross over movie count as gaming news? lol
mtvcdm: Give a franchise to Cream the Rabbit you cowards
SymphonicLolita: realizing that SA2B is 23 years old is the thing that's gonna make me turn to dust
mtvcdm: Fiscal Quarter of Shadow
TheMerricat: Hey we got an eclipse. that's a Shadow.
SocraticMethod: Q1 through Q4 of Shadow
drkwhitewolf: As a parent a year to me forms more to school years and thus star in September and end in June with a void period during the summer
mtvcdm: Backronym Year of Shadow
Angreed66: A year is just a full orbit of the sun. Where in the orbit is arbitrary.
Marvoleath: Yea, they should moved the eclipse
mtvcdm: I find it astonishing that there's a Disney Smash-style racing game and they're NOT putting Herbie the Love Bug on the roster.
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Battle Passes were a mistake
CAKHost: This is a Freemium game that they are talking about? In a nutshell?
CAKHost: (Asking mostly to chat but anyone can answer)
Lord_Hosk: WOW
mtvcdm: Add Mary Poppins racing an umbrella you cowards
Marvoleath: It's basically WoW sub money
josh___something: No thank you
mtvcdm: It's Disney, of course it's extract-mass-revenue.
DoodlestheGreat: Not sure which is worse: YouTube comments or Reddit threads.
mtvcdm: Have you seen the prices for Disney World these days?
shamblingkrenshar subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 59 months!
r10pez10: DoodlestheGreat twitch chat
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, shamblingkrenshar! (Today's storm count: 28)
josh___something: No
DoodlestheGreat: @r10pez10 Nah, we're WAY better moderated.
mtvcdm: There are no more shapes ever
Lord_Hosk: They aren't done YET
Lord_Hosk: they are going into the final done
josh___something: It's the "finale" for the current story arc
mtvcdm: Wait. A new subclass is another shape. They lied about it being the final shape then.
SocraticMethod: TFS is the next expansion, Bungie is going to be making more expansions
shamblingkrenshar: Dark and Light together? We're Kingdom Hearts now?
josh___something: They've made the pride subclass
Marvoleath: we are combining light and the lack of light together?
saiarcot895: dark and light is just shadow
GapFiller: jlrrFacepalm
CAKHost: Oh so they are just attaining their final form. A Prism XD (I don't know a lot about Destiny other than Light and Dark stuff)
josh___something: Y'know, saying this out loud XD
shamblingkrenshar: How many sides would the final shape have?
SocraticMethod: The Dread is just the collection of the most annoying enemy gimmicks. Fast flying enemies that turn player abilities off, Enemies to pop off suicide drones when killed, Enemies that pull the players like yo-yo
SymphonicLolita: beej reminding me that I gotta go to drumheller again sometime
CAKHost: (Which makes sense because Prisms can break light into different colors)
DoodlestheGreat: Cam was playing it yesterday, so you could always ask him.
CAKHost: (Though they can't actually make dark/black though... that usually is because a thing has absorbed all light so reflects nothing back...)
mtvcdm: Oh yeah, that's time to stop
josh___something: Harder to recommend it every day, but it's still fun
mtvcdm: When you resent the game it's time to find a game you don't resent
SocraticMethod: @CAKHost Dark is indigo and green according to the game, so ...
josh___something: For most of the destiny creators, it's mostly them branching out to other games and losing interest... At least from the people I watch
ThorSokar: hand-held is 720p
CAKHost: @SocraticMethod Oh okay then. *Throws knowledge of color theory regarding light when applied to Destiny*
CAKHost: *out*
GapFiller: gonna assue when we say low frame rate its Goldeneye N64 lvls
ThorSokar: I mean, people had problems with that game's frame-rate at the DEFAULT resolution
SocraticMethod: @CAKHost Actually, Dark is also orange but that's enemy only
Kentosaurus: 10 to 15 FPS is pretty rough
CAKHost: @SocraticMethod .... Oookay then XD
ThorSokar: Legend tells of an emulator that could already do this game in 4k
josh___something: 0.75x speed
just__fitz: 4K for a cartoon style animation seems highly unnecessary
GapFiller: it really does look N64 speed
SocraticMethod: So the 3 main physical forces in Destiny are purple, light blue and light orange and 3 main conceptual forces are green, indigo and dark orange
KV1NN4: why doe sthis tune make me think of Ghostbusters 1...
shea_wolfe: Fun fact, in Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 you can get to the "Pause menu" by clipping out of bounds
shea_wolfe: It's on the map
Marvoleath: @SocraticMethod sounds like an album cover from late 60s
just__fitz: Isn't there math for monitor size and distance for if 4K becomes meaningless
SocraticMethod: Well, the Nvidia Tegra has a thermal and througput limitations. Running on 4k is one thing, running 4k at usable frame-rate is another
ThorSokar: I hear it's coming out at the same time as Silk Song
ThorSokar: composKEKSlide
LordZarano: @just__fitz I was just looking up the visual acuity of the fovea today actually
just__fitz: Considering I watch youtube on a iphone 5, 1080 is golden
mtvcdm: I can tell the difference if you put several TV's on display at a store showing the same thing.
Marvoleath: @SocraticMethod reddit wont show it without the extra fluff in the link :/
Bruceski: I like to think of it not as "can I tell the difference" but "do I feel something's wrong". 1080 is almost universally fine for me, and 30fps as long as it's steady.
Bruceski: though fps depends on what's being shown
LathosTiran: "lateral thinking with withered technology"
ThorSokar: the OLED colors "pop" more
LordZarano: I can absolutely tell the difference between 1920 and 3840 on my 4K phone... for still images... If I'm close enough
just__fitz: At the highest estimate I can find, 75 FPS would be the most human eyes could process
SocraticMethod: @Marvoleath Aww, let me find the original concept art
Marvoleath: @SocraticMethod OK, the redirect link worked. This looks a bit like graphics from old design books :D
GapFiller: also Coachella organisers AEG give a lotta money to some deeply sus causes
LordZarano: @just__fitz Valve found that 90fps was required for most people to be comfortable in VR
just__fitz: Would DJ Snake eat a DeadMaus?
SocraticMethod: @Marvoleath Nice!
999Lucas: One thing about nintendo is that they have a big catalog of older games that dont always scale to an integer which can bring some undesirable artifacts. I can tell when the pixels arent square. 1080 is fine but i think i need 60 on the display, even if the content is only 24i or 30i
Marvoleath: @LordZarano was it with stereoscopic split, so each eye is 'fed' 45fps?
KV1NN4: what if it was a Patreon Tier...?
Marvoleath: Snake jazz?
ThorSokar: DJ Snake is the "Turn Down For What" guy
LordZarano: @Marvoleath Nope, 2 screens both at 90fps
ThorSokar: oh, goody, here we go
josh___something: Oh no... So sad
josh___something: They're being attacked
GapFiller: shockpikachuface
999Lucas: Humans can actually perceive flicker artifacts at 500hz according to the US institute of mental health.
RockPusher: turned into an asset milkshake
Marvoleath: @LordZarano huh, that's higher than expected, but makes sense I guess, you need a high level of smoothness. definitely also depends on the refresh rate of those screens though
TheMerricat: That's what a CEO is Heather....
just__fitz: The number of skinsuits THQ Nordic has worn makes it seem like a minigame in destroy all humans
ThorSokar: Mega-Corps: how to make a subsidiary completely un-profitable 101: Saddle them with a bunch of your debt! Hell saddle them with the debt you used to buy THEM!
Mai_Andra: That's the entire foundation of the stock market
LathosTiran: RIP Toys-R-us
LurkerSpine: Take-Two bought Gearbox
LordZarano: Every cell in the eye reports independently so theoretically the "frame rate" could be as high as the number of cells in the eye. Vision is weird
ThorSokar: Only in the US and Mexico LathosTiran, still exists in Canada
Marvoleath: 'the life after the embrace'
999Lucas: A lot of the acquisitions turn out with the studio getting shut down so the corp can move forward with the IP thier own way. Its been sad to see some of these midsize studios go away after big deals.
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Hiding in plain sight
ThorSokar: presumably he made out like a bandit
ImmortalLen: Huh
josh___something: I'm fucking choking on my food
Metric_Furlong: Gollum was Daedalic
Amentur: Daedelic Entertainment made Gollum
just__fitz: Dang Embracer group owns the company with rights to Gamegenic, Ticket to Ride, and Fantasy Flight
Marvoleath: There was no way to sustain their expectations
josh___something: It's clearly the market's fault :)
ThorSokar: Oh, the market SHIFTED, not they took out a multi-billion dollar loan to make a game the lost the license to... RIGHT....
Mai_Andra: That sounds like claiming Donald Trump is just a regular guy because he ate KFC on camera...
Marvoleath: @Mai_Andra that's just silly, I eat my KFC on a plate or a napkin
TheMerricat: To be slightly fair to Embracer chat... if that 'megadeal' they were working on had gone through, they probably would still be doing well. That being said... who they were trying to get into bed with....
ThorSokar: Lets see how much this Embracer Group CEO makes a MINUTE...
josh___something: Poor sweet CEOs... :p
josh___something: Oh, I can fuckin multitask
LilyOfTheVeil6666: Gotta show class solidarity with your fellow CEOs
just__fitz: Aww man they own a bunch of the good board game publishers now
Lord_Hosk: But we know that the CEOs are all sitting on their piles of money and everything they bought and fired the employees of they are just left burning.
wcorpheus subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wcorpheus! (Today's storm count: 29)
SocraticMethod: Embracer just a widdle birthbay boy
Lord_Hosk: Sorry, not CEOs, C-suites
ThorSokar: Embracer Group's CEO makes $3,287.67kr per-day, poor him (converted to Swedish Kroner to make Beej happy)
Kurintoi: chief as a word has been ruined by copro
Lord_Hosk: That seems low ThorSokar
ThorSokar: yea, that's only 110k (US) a year
999Lucas: Yikes... that didnt work out for vice
ThorSokar: that's what their earnings report claimed anyways
SocraticMethod: Toys For Bob was sold the the private investors. I don't get why everyone is thinking they bought themselves out
josh___something: Life changing amounts of money, etc. etc.
LilyOfTheVeil6666: @thorsokar That's probably his base salary and doesn't include stock options, etc
RockPusher: tqsNoted If I win the lottery tonight, Beej's price is $10mil
ThorSokar: he does own 17% of Embracer group's stock
SocraticMethod: Somehow the Automatons returned
josh___something: *somehow* the automatons returned D:
TheMerricat: @LilyOfTheVeil6666 Just looked it up and that's his total compensation.
josh___something: The "Galactic war"
LilyOfTheVeil6666: @themerricat Huh, wild
josh___something: The end of every operation shows you your impact on "Planet liberation"
josh___something: Terminids
SocraticMethod: terminids
mtvcdm: Operation Batteries Not Included
just__fitz: Terminators and The starship trooper arachnids
PMAvers: And totally not a giant spot on the southern edge of a map for a possible third faction to come in as a surprise eventually.
Lord_Hosk: As I understand it Toys for Bob no longer includes Paul or Fred, and they took all the Star Control IP with them when they left.
ThorSokar: so, they killed all the robots?
Marvoleath: Terminids, legally distinct Tyrranids?
mtvcdm: War over, game complete, thanks for paying
SocraticMethod: @Marvoleath Legally distinct Starship Troopers bugs
just__fitz: Would you Like to Know More?
mtvcdm: For You
mtvcdm: Update: Whoops
shamblingkrenshar: Yeah the Automaton invasion is not going well for Super Earth so far
RockPusher: We're a genius! Oh no!
mtvcdm: !genius
LRRbot: Oh no!
just__fitz: Super Earth tried to use them to fight the bugs duh. It just didnt work
josh___something: They currently immediately taken an entire sector, and are rapidly taking 2 others
mtvcdm: I just kicked Stan!
shamblingkrenshar: Its DEFINITELY unprovoked!
RatherLargeToad: Cyber Stan’s Discount Cybernetics
LathosTiran: all orders are propaganda
SocraticMethod: Cyberstand was the home world of the socialist cyborg faction in Helldivers 1.
shamblingkrenshar: Super Earth is just trying to spread freedom! Would you like to know more?
josh___something: Cyberstan, The old "Cyborg homeworld" for Helldivers one
SocraticMethod: Cyberstan
Bruceski: I think Cyberstan might be even less subtle than "the bugs turn into oil."
Marvoleath: Ministry of Propaganda
rubikdarkwill: In-universe propoganda
Lord_Hosk: It was Unprovoked! This is Democracy in Action!
SocraticMethod: The automatons are cyborg sucessors and are trying to liberate Cyberstan
LathosTiran: ARG elements
ThorSokar: Their twitter account is hillarious, it's full on propaganda for the game, which is amusing
shamblingkrenshar: They put up a "bio" on one type of bug, and it said, to paraphrase, "Known for violently hating your right to vote"
cosarprime: It's earth
SocraticMethod: It's renamed
cosarprime: They have a map, it's just renamed
LathosTiran: the bugs excrete starship fuel
shamblingkrenshar: They also say the caustic bug spits acid because of a reflexive revulsion towards democracy
just__fitz: How many people in chat have played this game vs how many people are too stressed for non turn based games
josh___something: Still extremely fun
Manae subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Manae! (Today's storm count: 30)
SocraticMethod: @LathosTiran They *decompose* into starship fuel E-710
Angreed66: It's over the top to match overt evil masquerading as the good guys
shamblingkrenshar: Helldivers 2 would be an excellent CTS game
mtvcdm: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
mtvcdm: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
Angreed66: @shamblingkrenshar they've done one
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 Super Chillpoint
GapFiller: that was a nice touch yeh
SquareDotCube: Cori even found the subocean!
mtvcdm: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
mtvcdm: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
RockPusher: Beej wrangling the merch logistics lrrHEART
mtvcdm: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
Juliamon: I know people are getting antsy for sleeve restocks
shamblingkrenshar: @Angreed66 Oh heck I missed it! To the VOD mines!
ImmortalLen: Begone frogs!
Marvoleath: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Friday Night Paper Fight (The LRR crew plays Magic the Gathering! This week, Canadian Highlander! Game: Magic: The Gathering) at Fri 05:00 PM PDT (58m from now).
mtvcdm: !schedule
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
josh___something: Beat up on serge edition!
shamblingkrenshar: Serge has returned to the Battlefield from Exile
just__fitz: Canadian Highlander: The Quickening
josh___something: Like that jojo meme
mtvcdm: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
RockPusher: Serge returns from exile in the wilderness
Metric_Furlong: yes, but *Should* adian highlander?
emberBecky: wuh oh
Joecool190 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
Joecool190: cool
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Joecool190! (Today's storm count: 31)
DoodlestheGreat: Yeah, we were all laughing about it last night. He's expecting to finish this week.
Juliamon: It was previously possible to max out the skill tree halfway through the game, hopefully that's fixed
CaptainSpam: Gives you some extra points, too.
DoodlestheGreat: I wish you could have done Civic Doodle, too.
Juliamon: Looking forward to watching that vod on Saturday
RockPusher: tqsClap escher3PUN lunarj1Heart
just__fitz: Its a Nap
GapFiller: nalvHi bai Beej
Marvoleath: lrrGARBO
Kurintoi: risuruSkibidi
Lord_Hosk: Yeah... All the Cant Draw horses guests came together...
emberBecky: Cori said her and Cameron are painting minis this Monday, dunno if that's still planned
DoodlestheGreat: That prune juice goes right through ya.
mtvcdm: bop the boops
Mai_Andra: Shouldn't've had that burrito right before stream...
GapFiller: jlrrFacepalm this again
TheAinMAP: sharkf11THINK
GapFiller: Adams gonna be mad again
josh___something: Is this the weird indie game YT keeps showing me shorts of?
RockPusher: sharkf11SHARK
TheAinMAP: Minec Raft
RatherLargeToad: Mine Raft. Dropped the C and went to sea
LurkerSpine: #praiseJames
CaptainSpam: Good ol' minceraft.
emberBecky: is there mining is Raft tho? hmmm >.>
josh___something: Raft o' clock
emberBecky: in Raft*
josh___something: Well, there is. It's how you get clay
Juliamon: Usually when they miss an episode they throw the game back in the queue
Bruceski: Alan finally woke
ThorSokar: There is a RUMOR that they finished
DoodlestheGreat: Ben and Adam are perfect for this game.
josh___something: Alan wake does have content warnings, it's true
rubikdarkwill: Alan is woke?
ThorSokar: haha
RatherLargeToad: Could have gone better!
RockPusher: If you wake up in the game, do you wake up in real life?
CAKHost: Alan YEET?
Marvoleath: @DoodlestheGreat Adam sounded so done with it already though :D
CAKHost: Thanks for the stream! <3
josh___something: It's lethal company, but with a level of meta
r10pez10: alan bans a mod
Angreed66: Are you sure they didn't just make the credits roll from the settings?
mtvcdm: They came back!
RatherLargeToad: Seemed like a good game, but really liked the hoard wave fights
CAKHost: Actually, I feel I should have gone with "Alan empty, YEET" :P
Marvoleath: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
GapFiller: thanks for streaming lrrPAUL lrrHEATHER ( lrrBEEEJ ) lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
josh___something: Oh yeah, Ben timed out Juliamon for a short while
ThorSokar: composLove until next time
j_crane330: lrrSHINE
RockPusher: lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart lrrSHINE lunarj1Heart
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
CAKHost: Heather hit the reboot button?!
Marvoleath: Directly, on the street
mtvcdm: I think the BEST percentage is just Paypal.
RockPusher: LRR will take your money via whatever method works for you :D
ThorSokar: Directly, via a briefcase of cash
mtvcdm: There is a Paypal link so.
Dread_Pirate_Westley: What if I give you $10 on the street?
mtvcdm: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
SocraticMethod: Bye!
CAKHost: Byye!
mtvcdm: You don't get any perks or anything from PayPal but I think if you're just after raw percentages that's the best percentage.
Marvoleath: Is there any way to get over 100% though?
CAKHost: Paypal is almost like hand-payment? Unless it isn't when you hit some thresholds...
Juliamon: Not yet, unless you can convince your workplace it's a charitable donation and they match it
Marvoleath: Doesn't paypal take a cut if it's not "friends and family"?
Marvoleath: @Juliamon that's a good idea for DB, sadly, that's not really a thing in my country
LordZarano: raft is very closely related to rafter, craft comes from kraftuz meaning strength meaning skill -quick wiktionary search
LordZarano: I would never have linked rafts to a ceiling beam but there we go