Metric_Furlong: wee
beowuuf: also weee, featherweight
beowuuf: who has been on before, so has no excuse for making the mistake of seeking chat requests Kappa
TXC2: even the mighty can make mistakes
TXC2: also Hello everybody
beowuuf: sergeHi
Earthenone: i hope all the cryptozoologists in chat are ready for requests :P
beowuuf: like when ben banned juliamon? (just watched the stream highlights for that)
Juliamon: but who was the mighty and what was the mistake?
Earthenone: lrrSIG lrrCrab lrrSIG
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
Metric_Furlong: hello refresh my old friend
beowuuf: needed a refresh :(
LordZarano: lrrSIG ART! lrrSIG
TXC2: I've come to F5 with you again
beowuuf: sergeJustRight
beowuuf: calling someone a coward can never be a mistake
LordZarano: A am once again thankful for FFZ's button that refreshes just the stream player
ArdCollider: o7
beowuuf: at least twitch now keeps chat when you refresh the stream, so you don't miss comments
TXC2: Here we GO!
beowuuf: horse!
Laogeodritt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months!
Laogeodritt: HORSE
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Laogeodritt! (Today's storm count: 1)
beowuuf: hey featherweight! hey cori!
Metric_Furlong: hello Cori and Featherweight
TXC2: Hello Cori and Featherweight
Metric_Furlong: !patraon
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
Metric_Furlong: strong start
Metric_Furlong: very strong start
Piratical_tendancies subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 95 months!
Piratical_tendancies: GHorse!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Piratical_tendancies! (Today's storm count: 2)
TXC2: counterpoint: no
Metric_Furlong: synthetic rat hair
TXC2: I think my statement is quite clear
beowuuf: brush centaur seems the logical art suggestion to combat hjair rat
Juliamon: "barber leavings"
Metric_Furlong: sounds like the Panalysts
TXC2: a $5 grab bag of Murkins
Metric_Furlong: 'murkin' is a very The Panalysts word
TXC2: bless you
TXC2: !advice
LRRbot: Tell Dale.
Piratical_tendancies: !badadvice
LRRbot: Partner your project with Warner Bros. Discovery.
beowuuf: let's leave dale out of this
Juliamon: Ratermelon
beowuuf: i notice my suggestion was ignored :p
TXC2: a ground/normal ttype?
beowuuf: o7 god bless you cori, because they have abandoned us
Anubis169: 🍉
LurkerSpine: Wait, are we suggesting things?
TXC2: is the Aloan version of this one of those square watermelons ?
Metric_Furlong: @TXC2 I would assume grass type would have to be in there somewhere
beowuuf: both alike in dignity
iris_of_ether: I am happy to have arrived in time to see this blessed friend
TXC2: Metric_Furlong a Grass/Normal then
beowuuf: @LurkerSpine yes lrrWOW
jacqui_lantern234: hey ya heccin nerds whomst i love AGGRESSIVELY!!!!! <3
TXC2: hello jacqui_lantern234 welcome
LurkerSpine: Banana Gnarwhal?
TXC2: !findquote
beowuuf: lrrHEART
Metric_Furlong: the colour of infinity inside an empty glass
Juliamon: Thickest Marque
iris_of_ether: An upset horse drawing a human, poorly
Piratical_tendancies: velvet gryphon
Metric_Furlong: [adjective] [noun]
beowuuf: sergeJustRIght
beowuuf: sergeJustRight even
jacqui_lantern234: thats so cursed, cori... i love it
TXC2: looks like toothbrush holder you get for a kid that loves horses :p
SymphonicLolita: toothporste
beowuuf: all the nightmares you could dream of
iris_of_ether: Oh no I love them
beowuuf: that is a banana narwal
TXC2: what if sea life shed skin like snakes?
jacqui_lantern234: 🎵 its been 🎵
Metric_Furlong: it's been one week since he looked at me
iris_of_ether: It's been 🎵
Boopity: How do I stop thinking about Thicker Mark
iris_of_ether: Same brain cells
Metric_Furlong: do we need to brainstorm who Thicker Mark's ex is?
TXC2: thicker Mark and his ex wife Tina Tipex
jacqui_lantern234: @iris_of_ether cells?! please, we only have 1 between us :p
Metric_Furlong: and whomsoever mark's Ex is currently with now, unless she's happy being single
beowuuf: thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick maaaaarque
iris_of_ether: Oh my
Metric_Furlong: French nationalism? so he's Thickest Marque? Kappa
beowuuf: bananarwal
LordZarano: Sheds like spiders?
Metric_Furlong: ah, so it was
TXC2: I guess everything with skin sheds it over time
Boopity: @TXC2 That reminds me, gotta shed my skin this weekend Kappa
iris_of_ether: Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
TXC2: iris_of_ether get out :D
iris_of_ether: Bananarwhal
jacqui_lantern234: cori, thats just me when i wake up in the morning :p
iris_of_ether: :D
Boopity: LUL
ArdCollider: banana for scale whale
iris_of_ether: "Edowardo..."
SymphonicLolita: but does it live in the ocean and cause a commotion?
TXC2: now the real question is: is there a Bananawhal tree? and does it also walk ?
Metric_Furlong: yes, it's for this experimental film
TXC2: sounds like a whisky advert :p
iris_of_ether: You have a point
beowuuf: sorta greeny purpley, liek the colur of magic
jacqui_lantern234: "the colour of infinity inside an empty glass" is a surprisingly apt way to describe my experience with synesthesia :p
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Sure you can, it's infinite.
iris_of_ether: Green works for infinity because of chroma keying
Metric_Furlong: (this is a reference to a they might be giant's song, that got a homestar runner themed animated music video)
TXC2: greeny purple is just brown :p
LordZarano: There's many types of infinities
TXC2: jacqui_lantern234 good title for an autobiography
jacqui_lantern234: @iris_of_ether tbf, more than just greens work for chroma keying :p
TXC2 runs away
Metric_Furlong: TXC2 quick, hide!
beowuuf: as was the fashion in the 20s
jacqui_lantern234: wouldnt be the first mod this year :p
Boopity: Last week Ben banned Juliamon, this week Cori bans _herself_
corianderd: time me out if you dare
Juliamon: oh no I've started a trend
Boopity: LUL
Metric_Furlong: let's find out!
Boopity: Only one way to find out
iris_of_ether: Um
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon good!!!
Metric_Furlong: do it!
Metric_Furlong: it's for science!
TXC2: we can't time out mods, only LRR has that power
beowuuf: at least clip this part first because things explode Kappa
LurkerSpine: looks good!
Juliamon: yeah mods are immune to each other, has to be the channel owner
Laogeodritt: Oh no, a Narwhanana?!
Boopity: All of you are equal :)
beowuuf: the battle of lrrbot vs hosk
Laogeodritt: Also hello Cori, Featherweight, chat!
TXC2: we just stare, disappointedly Kappa
TXC2: hello Laogeodritt welcome
Metric_Furlong: could draw Cori being sent to time-out jail
jacqui_lantern234: hey @Laogeodritt <3 hope youre doing well
Juliamon: one thousand years jail for cori
Laogeodritt meows at jacqui_lantern234
beowuuf: rat balloon - more like rad balloon
TXC2: 99 rat balloons ?
beowuuf: i think a nuclear strike is justified for those
TXC2: indeed
beowuuf: teardrop?
beowuuf: in too deep
jacqui_lantern234: white people are generally an orangy peachy colour
Boopity: LUL
LordZarano: Sellf pourtrate
SymphonicLolita: stuck in transparancy jail
Boopity: The continuity
TXC2: "Cori sent to mod jail, awaits trail for crimes against chat, horses"
iris_of_ether: Jail talk suddenly reminds me of the time when the volunteers at the Gen Con booth I was helping with voluntarily paid to incarcerate one of the volunteers in the Klingon jail because his poor salesmanship was actively losing the booth sales lol
iris_of_ether: Those pictures are amazing
jessicaengle: sergeCrimes sergeBongo
Boopity: But why fire people when Klingon jail?
iris_of_ether: First of all he was a co owner. Second of all they were all in their twenties and
TXC2: some shockingly good ghakt in jail
ArdCollider: some folks at Gen Con have a remarkable inability to realize that they're experiencing a consequence. :D
iris_of_ether: ^^^^
ShaneLeeAtk: They enjoy print juice as well
ShaneLeeAtk: Prune
TXC2: Prune juice, a warrior's drink
SymphonicLolita: klingon jail comes with the bonus of public humiliation
Boopity: Someone get tiny krita Cori out of jail
iris_of_ether: I'm so happy
TXC2: Horse has a punk vibe about them
Boopity: You ever just merge with your prison bars?
iris_of_ether: escher3CRIMES
jacqui_lantern234: @iris_of_ether im jacqui. nice to meet you :p
TXC2: Cross the streams, merge the layers, live life dangerously
Mollylele: it's not a 4track tape recorder though! you can keep all the layers!! I'm distressed now
SymphonicLolita: giga puddi
Juliamon: a slime, but it's a horse
SaxPython: Bananakin Skywalker
jessicaengle: I bet Klingons eat panettone
jacqui_lantern234: @Juliamon a slorse, if you will
TXC2: n'sburg girls scouts tank corps
quinnewing: i wanna see a frog, sitting on a huge pile of cookies. thanks
beowuuf: lol
LordZarano: A panettone chart!
iris_of_ether: @juliamon .... Well now I want to see if I can make or acquire a sluorse mini
jacqui_lantern234: tiltyhYAS
jessicaengle: @quinnewing This sounds like a good thing.
Boopity: Now think about how much fun you would have with your _unmerged_ layers Kappa
TXC2: Thickest Marque is Cori's lawyer ?
SaxPython: PogChamp
Boopity: @TXC2 It looked to me more like he was reveling in her misery
iris_of_ether: "You were supposed to bring banalance to the Force!"
TXC2: Boopity they can do both :p
Boopity: True LUL
SaxPython: Try peeling. That's a neat trick.
Mollylele: i would like to see the unicorn variants of non-horse forms, like birds and lizards and meerkats and dogs
Boopity: Amazing
beowuuf: headcanon approved
jacqui_lantern234: lmao amazing, featherweight
TXC2: is this before or after he killed the plantains ? Kapa
SymphonicLolita: so is darth vader a banana palm tree then?
beowuuf: bananakin skywalker is his father
quinnewing: isnt that crazy. i am laying in my bed in stockholm, and a random at a random place in the world draws a freaking frog on a pile of cookies for me before going to bed.... crazy world, crazy times :D
SymphonicLolita: understandable
iris_of_ether: @mollylele There is a bunnycorn called Almiraj I think :D
Mollylele: their light sabers do not also have a curve?
Boopity: Now I want to run around sticking Star Wars cosplay on people's bananas
SaxPython: I actually want to live in a cannon where mediclorians are just Potassium
ArdCollider: that's the zendrum
Mollylele: the ZenDrum
Mollylele: the ZenDarth
wedge_x: the ZenDrum is just his chestpeice
ArdCollider: every pad is just samples of him burning nearly to death
ArdCollider: "master fancy robes" difficult to make scan, tho
wedge_x: there was a brief moment while you were coloring in the helmet where he just looked like a nun
Mollylele: "midichlorian," however, scans perfectly
TXC2: there's got to be a MIDI format song called Midichlorians right ?
beowuuf: seabatClap
jessicaengle: Get the time door
Boopity: The banana industry would be thriving
TXC2: !addquote (Featherweight) [now] If I flash animated this in 2008 I'd be a millionaire.
LRRbot: New quote #8970: "If I flash animated this in 2008 I'd be a millionaire." —Featherweight [2024-04-15]
SaxPython: Awe
SymphonicLolita: good frogge
jessicaengle: NomNom
LordZarano: At least it's not chocalate
SaxPython: OSFrog BibleThump OSFrog
beowuuf: happy muffin dressed as one of the marques
TXC2: like a Dragon on their hoard
iris_of_ether: OSFrog
Mollylele: inhale ✕ exhale for sure
Laogeodritt: Speaking of early 2000s content creators, I recently found out that Gary Brolsma of Numa Numa fame released a full cover of that song on YouTube recently. Video still good ol' webcam at a desk.
SaxPython: His Nooooo would be for the drop
LordZarano: (I have no idea if chocolate is poisonous to frogs or not)
Mollylele: "this is CNN"
beowuuf: all with that hip hop imperial march as backing
beowuuf: cori's science of water song but it's about sand
iris_of_ether: MercyWing1 benginWat MercyWing2
SymphonicLolita: thicc bread
beowuuf: teddy bear ian
Mollylele: James Earl Jones playing a ZenDrum
iris_of_ether: Cori.
jessicaengle: Indeed a thicc slice
Boopity: I-Is this safe for twitch, my god
SymphonicLolita: FBtouchdown
jacqui_lantern234: @beowuuf sand sand, COARSE SAND :p
iris_of_ether: benginButt
SymphonicLolita: added value!
Boopity: Is that where toast ass would be?
jacqui_lantern234: CORI tiltyhYAS
Juliamon: lrrPistachio lrrPistachio lrrPistachio
iris_of_ether: lrrPistachio
jessicaengle: Don't get sand in your buns
TXC2: I'm thinking of a bread family, like a loaf and some burger buns and their Croissant children
maeve609: What is this?
Boopity: We need a full collection of foods with thicc cheeks
SymphonicLolita: thank u for the Art™
Mollylele: i love that the crust cleft of a bread ≠ the donk
wedge_x: the AI teddy from AI
TXC2: maeve609 art stream, drawing suggestions from chat this week
Mollylele: the zendrum is shaped like a large fanny pack with knobs
LordZarano: "The good news is that Chocolate is not poisonous to frogs. On the contrary, Chocolate is relatively healthy for frogs and can even help them to stay slim and fit! Chocolate is high in antioxidants, essential for a frog’s health." Source: This one website:
Mollylele: oh no Ian Ruxpin
beowuuf: seabatClap lrrPistachio
maeve609: Ahn okay
jessicaengle: sergePopcorn
iris_of_ether: tiltyhPLS lrrPistachio
Boopity: @LordZarano Of course there is an entire article on thsi
TXC2: !quote Ian
LRRbot: Quote #6877: "Take the cheese. Eat the cheese." —Heather, to Ian [2020-04-05]
Boopity: Well that's just adorable
wedge_x: Ian Ruxpin *defniitely* takes 8-tracks
iris_of_ether: And there's definitely a healthy community of people circuit-bending those 8-tracks to make music
Mollylele: an 8 track Ian Ruxpin with Amazing Ally-type capabilities
maeve609: I think draw a bike... because it's more attractive for boys you can more view on stream
Juliamon: you have to tell us if you're a markov chain
iris_of_ether: ^^^
beowuuf: o7
SaxPython: Dropping a thhought for the next empty canvas. So I'm currently making nachos for dinner tonight. What about an anthropomorphic tortilla chip arranging people on a baking sheet. What toppings go on human nachos.
CAKHost: Hello everyone!
TXC2: looking at this, I am now cursed with the idea of teddies of all LRR :p
jessicaengle: Ben Ulmer as an owl?
Boopity: @SaxPython O-Oh...
Didero: Somebody email that image to Beej as a merch idea
beowuuf: Ian Ruxpin, or Teddy RuxpIan?
TXC2: Hello CAKHost welcome
Boopity: @CAKHost maddyHi
Metric_Furlong: @SaxPython are we trying to trick them into drawing vore again? Kappa
jacqui_lantern234: im biased, but i want more Pova being awesome
Boopity: @Metric_Furlong Again??
beowuuf: saxpython certain gave a suggestion :p
SaxPython: NotLikeThis
SymphonicLolita: this made me remember I have a really old doodle from someone of a teddy bear with a heart on its stomach that said "Kick Me" and it's saying "I say 5 things and this is one of them!"
jessicaengle: A cat riding one of those urban scooter
Metric_Furlong: @Boopity really? well okay: "Are we trying to trick them into drawing vore again?" :p
TXC2: a horse, weightlifting
CAKHost: Looking for suggestions? Maybe redraw this in some way? :P
Boopity: LUL
LordZarano: A car designed for a horse to drive
CAKHost: (I could also link my weird pear critter too if you are interested)
beowuuf: a weight, horselifting?
jessicaengle: A horse, waiting for a lyft
Juliamon: a weight, lifting horse
Boopity: What a strange abundance of horse suggestion on this horse non-drawing stream
cisco236 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cisco236! (Today's storm count: 3)
SymphonicLolita: drawing a horse? on the can't draw horses club? begone with your blasphemy
jessicaengle: A corgi horse :D
SaxPython: @boopity from the school of "don't think about Jackie Chan"
LordZarano: If horse drove car would it do it like this; or like this?
TXC2: real lanturn jaw on this horse
beowuuf: lol
SaxPython: FBtouchdown PogChamp FBtouchdown
CAKHost: \o/
jessicaengle: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
TXC2: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
beowuuf: escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ
SaxPython: SingsNote CoolCat SingsNote
SymphonicLolita: l i v e b e e s
iris_of_ether: escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
Boopity: maddyDance
iris_of_ether: Bee, bee, b-b-bee bees
jacqui_lantern234: DinoDance
LordZarano: escher3BEE jlrrDance escher3BEE jlrrDance escher3BEE
TXC2: right chat I'm off
beowuuf: night!
SaxPython: @txc2 <3
iris_of_ether: Have a great night TXC2
CAKHost: Goodnight!
beowuuf: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
iris_of_ether: escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT escher3DOOT
TXC2: Goodnight everybody, and thanks for streaming Cori and Featherweight
beowuuf: sergeBongo sergeBongo sergeBongo
CAKHost: I haven't heard this remix version! Sweet
beowuuf: katesBongo
beowuuf: nelson on trombone
beowuuf: pasta check!
Boopity: Mmmm pasta
Laogeodritt: Oh right! I keep forgetting Nelson has a brass performance background
beowuuf: sergeScience sergeBuckets sergeScience sergeBuckets sergeScience
LordZarano: PrideCheers RPGMana PrideLGBTea PridePaint jlrrCarrotmilk jlrrNo
jacqui_lantern234: @TXC2 take care in case youre still here
beowuuf: escher3ANGRY
SaxPython: Drawing idea: Chef Boyarde harvesting Linguini with a sickle
SymphonicLolita: need to get cori to make a few more tracks so we have 3 minutes worth
beowuuf: wb
LordZarano: Suggestion: Featherweight's rats
SaxPython: FBtouchdown PogChamp FBtouchdown
Laogeodritt: Oh that's an adorable teddy!Ian
baltimore_667083 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, baltimore_667083! (Today's storm count: 4)
CAKHost: Squid with too many eyes?
beowuuf: lrrAWESOME lrrPistachio
Metric_Furlong: an NPC from what source? that's a mystery Kappa
calculated_uncertainties: More LRR as stuffed animals.
iris_of_ether: Biblically accurate burrito
Metric_Furlong: oh, a depiction of the Squilk-making process
Metric_Furlong: (or squilk extraction process, depending on how you want to conceptualise it)
SaxPython: Karl Bogo stepping on two traps at the same time
Juliamon: polls and predictions have irritatingly small character limits
LordZarano: @Metric_Furlong jlrrNo jlrrNo
Juliamon: it sucks
Metric_Furlong: your Choney
SymphonicLolita: Cheez Whizzard
HangingBunny: @iris_of_ether HA! I'd like to see this as well. I can't stick around but I'll catch the rest of this later on the replay.
CAKHost: 8D
jacqui_lantern234: a squiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid? :p
LordZarano: jacqui got there before me
beowuuf: lol
iris_of_ether: Hehehe
jacqui_lantern234: @LordZarano im sorry :p
CAKHost: The wetest quest giver :P
SymphonicLolita: ohohoho
ThorSokar: I believe his name is Pizza The Hutt
CAKHost: The normalest number of eyes ever! <3
CAKHost: Thank you, Cori and Featherweight!
SaxPython: What if it's a pizza doing white collar crime. Like money laundering
LurkerSpine: Make it Sicilian
SaxPython: @lurkerspine make it an offer it can't refuse
Mollylele: please put a lil hamburglar mask on that pizza
Mollylele: yessss
Mollylele: the criminal pizza is in the same crime ring as the hamburglar
SaxPython: SingsNote You'll never see it comin' SingsNote
iris_of_ether: The pizza hands!
SaxPython: What color is bread? Idk but it thicc tho
ThorSokar: Is his catch phrase "I'm a gonna slice ya!" ?
ScrapyardGhostTrain: Pizza di Action, mafioso.
SymphonicLolita: he's gonna bake you an offer you can't refuse
wedge_x: the Peppetrator
LordZarano: "You wanna know how I got this slice?"
SymphonicLolita: now I remembered this shirt
iris_of_ether: lrrWOW
beowuuf: seabatClap
CAKHost: Father and son?!
Joecool190: he was hungry
beowuuf: needed to replace an appendage, clearly
beowuuf: lol
Mollylele: you gotta be wary of these repizza offenders
iris_of_ether: Just a little guy
SaxPython: A Pizzano
wedge_x: "This is the slice of the enemy. We do not need it."
ThorSokar: For all the young kids who didn't get my joke:
SaxPython: Magnificent
iris_of_ether: escher3CRIMES PizzaTime seabatSEAL
SaxPython: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
DandyGeek: these feel more like villains from The Tick rather than The Batman
SaxPython: No mister bat, I expect you to die
Mollylele: It's not delivery, it's DESTRUCTION
LurkerSpine: condiment king ftw
ThorSokar: Someone is forgetting about the 1960s batman
DandyGeek: there’s definitely that calendar maniac, true
Its_VeeBot: No I don't think they put mints in those
iris_of_ether: CORI NO
ThorSokar: 'cause that was DEAD-ON for 60s batman
SaxPython: I just feel like this guy is in the same universe as the Burger King
iris_of_ether: Big Sneak King energy
SaxPython: @iris_of_ether <3
LordZarano: That's one greasy character
ThorSokar: Gotta be careful or he'll give ya the slip LordZarano !
iris_of_ether: I suddenly just remembered the Fry Daddy episode of Feed Dump
ThorSokar: well, he can vote, he just can't rig
wedge_x: I'm morally obligated to vote for the Diva
SaxPython: Woah
Its_VeeBot: 5 dollrrs doesn't seem like much for the boost considering I'm sitting on 176.2k of them
iris_of_ether: OSFrog
Its_VeeBot: happy birthday frog
SaxPython: OSFrog PogChamp OSFrog
SaxPython: SabaPing
wedge_x: the Diva was originally supposed to be CG but we weren't quite there yet
yourgmjay: Gun Hair, as GorGun
SaxPython: Ok but also the nachos are done, so I'll see y'all again for CTS. Have fun chat. Remember to clip (if easy).
Metric_Furlong: no
iris_of_ether: Oh wow
Metric_Furlong: according to wikipedia it ran for 26 episodes
Metric_Furlong: *36 episodes
Metric_Furlong: also Tim Curry was in it?
Juliamon: Tim Curry was in goddamn everything
Metric_Furlong: especially in the mid/late 90s
ThorSokar: I've only seen them by people cosplaying this charachter
Metric_Furlong: Mark Hamill was also in it, apparently
beowuuf: multi-pass
Metric_Furlong: would he?
Boopity: No ideas, head empty
SymphonicLolita: I present Cheez Whizzard once again
ThorSokar: Of things to draw from Memory?
Metric_Furlong: bold of you to assume Chat can think Kappa
Its_VeeBot: The 102nd Dalmatian
jacqui_lantern234: a horse as a tv game show host :p
iris_of_ether: There was an earlier suggestion of non horse unicorns
CAKHost: I can suggest a bizarre fruit if you are interested?
Boopity: @Metric_Furlong Does it count as thinking when the thought emerges from the hivemind?
ThorSokar: As many charachters from the 1990s X-Men animated show as you can remember
Metric_Furlong: @Its_VeeBot oh, the physical manifestation of the star Sirius
SymphonicLolita: it is indeed Shaped
Metric_Furlong: (the sequel to the novel went to some unexpected places)
ThorSokar: A charachter from Gargoyles who is NOT Goliath
ThorSokar: The Milk Lobby
wedge_x: this Cheese Wizard has Master Shake's voice
SymphonicLolita: nice
CAKHost: Suggestion: a cyclopian pear with a very toothless, gummy mouth with lovely lips and chicken feet. :)
Juliamon: not the Balroccoli?
beowuuf: @Juliamon escher3PUN
iris_of_ether: escher3PUN
Boopity: @Juliamon Ah, my favorite art period
Metric_Furlong: no, just leaves
beowuuf: i canh just hear it in ian maccelan's voice
Metric_Furlong: but the leaves look like wings
yourgmjay: Just a JRR Tolkien envisioned it
Boopity: "Massively jacked celery isn't real, it can't hurt you." Massively jacked celery:
Boopity: OH NO
SymphonicLolita: sometimes the cheez whizzes you
Metric_Furlong: a cyclopean pair of what?
Boopity: That is a detailed prompt
beowuuf: we've seen this crapshot...
SymphonicLolita: hm.
CAKHost: That's because it is based on an old drawing I did!
CAKHost: I figured it will be cursed enough for Horse club c:
Boopity: @CAKHost That is one high bar LUL
iris_of_ether: Reverse Baba Yaga house: chicken body, house leggies
SymphonicLolita: this looks like something that would appear in a Fibbage screen
iris_of_ether: ^^^
Boopity: H-house leggies? D:
CAKHost: I want to think the teleport away looks like it squishing into itself and disappearing :D
LordZarano: 'Currently you are able to watch "Bruno the Kid" streaming on The Roku Channel, VUDU Free, Tubi TV, Plex' in the US. Tubi TV, Plex in Canada. Plex in Australia. And nowhere in the UK
DandyGeek: these remind me of some of the crimes I made in Spore once >.>
Boopity: Oh god
CAKHost: It's appropriate!
iris_of_ether: Oh god it does
SymphonicLolita: look at this pear
loufghyslaufey: cool pear
beowuuf: FBtouchdown
Boopity: "We are proud to announce the next generation of furb-"
SymphonicLolita: oh yeah this is totally doable in spore
iris_of_ether: :D
loufghyslaufey: Grow Furby ears out of leaves, pear
SymphonicLolita: chicken with support beams
Boopity: ToS? Kappa
ScrapyardGhostTrain: A chicken head on a motorhome.
SymphonicLolita: jlrrNo
iris_of_ether: sergeIrene
loufghyslaufey: NO U
SymphonicLolita: baba yaga's RV is just howl's moving castle
Boopity: @SymphonicLolita Oh my god
SymphonicLolita: 👁️👄👁️
Boopity: Can it?
CAKHost: Well good news, I don't have the original picture anymore so you can't "see it in person" irl. I did scan it though!
jacqui_lantern234: acclaimed writer: Chicken Kondo :p
CAKHost: I also made a sculpture of it too but I threw that away a long time ago
iris_of_ether: That's Too Real. That's Too Real
Boopity: That is a chicken that knows its worth. No working for exposure
CAKHost: And I don't remember if I have a picture of the sculpture
ThorSokar: does this mean Featherweight supports Big Chicken?!
Boopity: THE WH-
jacqui_lantern234: LUL gdi
SymphonicLolita: trying to workshop a joke with penthouse suite and chicken coop but I'm failing
Metric_Furlong: well, actually, it's called a cloaca Kappa
iris_of_ether: !clip
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
Juliamon: my brain keeps hearing 'condo' as 'condom' you monsters
Boopity: LUL
Boopity: Unfortunate
Boopity: @Juliamon Same
jacqui_lantern234: i mean, anything is flammable if you try hard enough Kappa
SymphonicLolita: banning doesn't turn off the audio
Metric_Furlong: oh no, don't break the chicken condom
ThorSokar: composNotes Juliamon is a pervert swifts1Notes
SymphonicLolita: free us from chicken condo(m)
beowuuf: escher3BUZZ escher3ANGRY escher3BUZZ
ThorSokar: RIOT <other bad behavior things>
Boopity: I feel like chicken condoms would be counterproductive to what we're raising chickens for in the first place
Juliamon: That depends on what you're raising chickens for, I guess
beowuuf: sergeBuckets sergeScience sergeBuckets
xantos69: @Boopity How would they put them on? I can't figure out an effective way.
beowuuf: wb
recursioning subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, recursioning! (Today's storm count: 5)
SymphonicLolita: yoooo tellmewhatIwantwhatIreallyreallywant
MrQBear: personal energy levels? in this economy?
SymphonicLolita: spice girls but actually as spice?
LordZarano: Its Synergy™!
CAKHost: Suggestion: Cameron as one of his tiny little guys (AKA Warhammer figurine)!
MrQBear: @SymphonicLolita food spice, or cosmic space drug spice
Mollylele: I ran out of gas about an hour ago
SymphonicLolita: @mrqbear Yes
CAKHost: Er Warhammer game piece, I guess. I'm not that familiar with the 40K stuff
MrQBear: @SymphonicLolita Frightening and intriguing.
LordZarano: @CAKHost A ham of war
Metric_Furlong: @CAKHost 'miniature' or 'model', are the traditional terms but 'figurine' works fine too
MrQBear: It looks like something that would fly around in the intro of 'Saved by the Bell'
SymphonicLolita: living bowling alley carpet
beowuuf: zigazigARGH
ThorSokar: so, it's an airport carpet pattern?
iris_of_ether: Accurate
ButButTheJesus: DinoDance
beowuuf: such lifelike, much spice
Boopity: Is there a greater joy than making your art dance by flipping the canvas?
Amras0x00: Does it rotate in the 3rd dimension, or straighten before bending to the right? What's between the keyframes?
ThorSokar: Ah, his the mystery bs twitch thinks is bad language?
Metric_Furlong: I would prefer a portrait of Spiders-Man (swarm of giant spiders piloting the spider-man suit; real, canonical thing from the comics), tbh Kappa
Boopity: Oh the poll is vertically symmetrical right now, lovely
Boopity: DinoDance
SquareDotCube: Zigizig-AHH looks like a threat, but you have to watch out for its friends B, an equal number of Ns and As, and S
Amras0x00: @boopity the poll is a drawing of a tophat
iris_of_ether: escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ escher3BUZZ
ThorSokar: oonce oonce oonce
Mollylele: do the special handling fees
Boopity: @Amras0x00 Oh my god it was
MrQBear: the system, is down, the system, is down
SquareDotCube: I feel like you need Little Mac at the bottom
veelofar: I arrived to "Live Bees" and I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm here for it
beowuuf: escher3THUMBSUP
CAKHost: Unrestrained fun!
Mollylele: you could spend a whole club making flippables
ThorSokar: oh ya, this is Glass Joe, 1 punch to the guy at 42 seconds and he folds like a cheap suit
Mollylele: full parappa style
wedge_x: mighty blow might blow
MrQBear: Now I want to play parappa, thanks
Amras0x00: We can only hope we never discover the vertical flip
Metric_Furlong: Cori....
SymphonicLolita: there is a way, but do we want to stray from that path
veelofar: Wait, but I voted specifically because I assumed it would be a sexy magazine
jacqui_lantern234: dangit!!! now i have that song stuck in my head, cori!!!
ThorSokar: But no matter what they still have the feather hat, right?
Boopity: I see they're outsourcing the next commodoreHustle episode to CDHC
ButButTheJesus: ♪ eerday, eerday, eerday i'm hust-l-in' hust-l-in' hust-l ♪
veelofar: Now I have "Do The Hustle" playing in my head.
iris_of_ether: ^^^
ButButTheJesus: ^
jacqui_lantern234: <- for those who need to get Do The Hustle out of their brains
Metric_Furlong: do the hustle
veelofar: I have been turned into a middle aged white person. I can feel the melanin draining from me
MrQBear: the really impressive thing about featherweight's monster hustler is how fine of a control it has over it's strength with such a comparatively small pool table and cue
Boopity: I was just thinking about whether being this big would make it harder or easier to measure the geometry wit
DinoPulseZeta: Came in to say I already love this Big ol' Monster guy!
jacqui_lantern234: omg i love Featherweight's Monster Hustler
veelofar: The fact that it can even accurately see the pool balls at that size differential is impressive
DinoPulseZeta: That smile just makes you want to love him.
MrQBear: @DinoPulseZeta Yeah but we're down like 500 bucks in bets to them.
DinoPulseZeta: @MrQBear D: What do you mean>
DinoPulseZeta: @MrQBear *What do you mean?
MrQBear: They're a hustler. They are taking our money by beating us at pool.
MrQBear: We are being, The Hustled.
zenthere: cori muted?
Boopity: Mic 5 D:
DinoPulseZeta: You really think so? Wouldn't his sheer relative size in comparison to the pool table be a disadvantage to him though?
zenthere: i thought the monster was dancing lol
jacqui_lantern234: oh no cori
beowuuf: :(
Boopity: Ok, but as someone suggested earlier, we now most certainly need an entire CDHC dedicated to making canvas-flipping dancable art.
ACluelessBull: @DinoPulseZeta maybe he should use a setup similar to StuffMadeHere's pool table
MrQBear: @DinoPulseZeta I mean, I think being a hustler means he's overcome that kind of disadvantage. Maybe his eyesight is AMAZING and he can see the entire table from above and is reading all the angles
zenthere: pool at that size would be the equivallent of precision angles with pliers and a sliver
SymphonicLolita: that's his day job, this is after hours
zenthere: I'd be scared of the fairy hustler
DinoPulseZeta: That's what I was thinking!
Boopity: That is an expensive breakfast
zenthere: his hands are like 3m long
SquareDotCube: good source of metals
DinoPulseZeta: I was thinking he might be more King Kong-sized than Godzilla-sized.
ACluelessBull: he eats radioactive pool tables for breakfast
ACluelessBull: that's why he's so good at hustling
DinoPulseZeta: He kinda reminds me a little of Sully from Monsters Inc. in terms of design.
DinoPulseZeta: Wonder if they'd be friends?
zenthere: wonder if he's any good at pinball...
zenthere: imagine the tilt
DinoPulseZeta: LUL I can picture that already in my head LMAO
Earthenone: for some reason that guy gives me big Munchkin vibes
ThorSokar: All of the sudden I feel like this is a real person Fetherweight has met....
Boopity: He's too big, but he just wants to play games :(
Boopity: LUL
zenthere: fist full of bolders?
iris_of_ether: Get ready for the BIGGEST pinball adventure of your lifetime!
DinoPulseZeta: Imagine if the Monster Hustler decided to go Ballin' on the Basketball court. And play some Basketball.
ACluelessBull: Oh, that's another hustle... how's his three card monte?
zenthere: his nipples are human head sized
beowuuf: seabatClap lrrHORN sergeHi
CAKHost: Thank you for the stream! <3
DinoPulseZeta: I just picture him trying to pull off a slam dunk and causing the net to shatter and break.
iris_of_ether: benginDab
beowuuf: thank you for the stream!
SymphonicLolita: \o7
ThorSokar: composSalute
jessicaengle: jlrrCoolgame sergeBongo
ArdCollider: yay, thanks Featherweight and Cori!
DinoPulseZeta: Well it was fun while it lasted even though I got here at the end.
jacqui_lantern234: i dont have any dab emotes :(
CAKHost: Yeesss
jessicaengle: You arted!
129 raiders from Seabats have joined!
DinoPulseZeta: Bananakin Skywalker.
jessicaengle: raiders just in time! sergeBongo
loufghyslaufey: Always put time into your jail, chat.
BusTed: thicc bread
DinoPulseZeta: Bananakin Skywalker and Darth Peelder.
jacqui_lantern234: oh look, its @Seabats the stellar friend who inspires so many and is loved more than words can express!!!!!
loufghyslaufey: Or head-
ThorSokar: Pizza Face is a real villian
DinoPulseZeta: Wait, Pizzaface is the Pizza Tower Villain though.
loufghyslaufey: The face shares the same side of the same pie
jessicaengle: o_0
jacqui_lantern234: good arting, you two <3
iris_of_ether: lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE
SymphonicLolita: well arted
jacqui_lantern234: thanks for streaming <3
DinoPulseZeta: Chat loves our big ol' Monster Hustler!
jessicaengle: sergeHeart sergeHeart sergeHeart
beowuuf: o7
ThorSokar: (For those who don't know Pizza Face is a TMNT villain )
Metric_Furlong: yay, dice throne
DinoPulseZeta: @ThorSokar Oh yeah, you're right.
beowuuf: escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE escher3BEE
DinoPulseZeta: But yeah, bye!
TheAinMAP: Good bye.
ThorSokar: ok, byeeeeeee
SymphonicLolita: no longer live bees
SymphonicLolita: offline bees
Earthenone: vod bees
jessicaengle: Hugbees?