BrowneePoints: Look, i'm just in the Magic Waiting Room, kickin my widdle leggies, waitin for Bloomburrow
MilkInBags: no frustration when playing crusader kings 3 Kreygasm
Dr_fragenstien: you know, desperate bloodseeker is kind of spooky thematically. Imagine being a rancher wandering the desert when a vampire from another dimension comes sprinting at you!
Garfman314: @BrowneePoints absolutely
Texan_Reverend: @browneepoints Yeah, I just drafted an Orzhov deck with 8 pieces of removal and all but one of the creatures was 3 mana or less. Aggressive + mono removal worked well.
eff_the_bard: your opponent drafted akuma and you drafted dan
ShadowAce0: fibilthip is going off
BatenicYork: If you get tracking from 17lands you can replay your games
FlargBlarg: I feel the same way, Adam. It feels like the answer to "what did I do wrong" is "didn't draw my nutty bombs" in a way that's not normally true for limited
skrt_01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, skrt_01! (Today's storm count: 47)
RayFK: Yes
Diabore: campaing first because crime?
Diabore: make a 3/3 kill fbl
BrowneePoints: Get Dugg'd on
BrowneePoints: Graham, teach them how to Dug'ry
NornsFelidar: @flargblarg was “I drafted 4 intimidation campaigns” answer considered? ;)
thanzo: fblthp gets even more shrunk
vinopinguino: hey ward 2 is perfectly average ward okay!
BrowneePoints: wow i'm full of bad puns today
MilkInBags: you have plot armour in combat
definenull: Turns out it is easy to crime
RayFK: I legit thought you were saying it wrong as a bit
Mr_Horrible: LUL
Mr_Horrible: honestly calling it "disinformation campaign" as a disinformation campaign *is* a strong bit
Diabore: 1/4 is 4 mana
RetroHibiscus: we could bounce their shield target
ztghostie: @Mr_Horrible it also fits with the running theory that its lazav behind the intimidation campaign
Bugberry: You can't kill the Stitcher as is.
BrowneePoints: Okay Chat, Mt Dew apparently just dropped Mango Lemonade and Tropical Punch Versions...should I try one?
thanzo: Disinformation Crime Pain
RetroHibiscus: sphinxuation?
RetroHibiscus: oh this fleeting reflection is going to be a nasty surprise
thanzo: nasty
RayFK: Might be good to Due that tapper
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Do it for the crime/surveil value, anyway?
eweiskirch68: You could target for crime
GredGredmansson: we can use one of our other spells instead
eweiskirch68: Take the fall!
Anubis169: the old razzle dazzle
Diabore: cycles and also crimes
BrowneePoints: we have lethal
RayFK: I'd do it now
Frostwriter111: lethal?
RayFK: You did also have lethal but uhhhh
GredGredmansson: oh right that was lethal
azidbern95: missed lethal :(
GredGredmansson: Ashes on the 1/4 Desert's Due on the 1/3
BrowneePoints: double removal on blockers
Diabore: kill both untapped
BrowneePoints: 3 5 7
Chichen: yes
Dread_Pirate_Westley: Kill their 2 blockers, attack for 7.
azidbern95: yup
Mr_Horrible: the tapper was tapped, yeah
BrowneePoints: you're fine!
BrowneePoints: you wanted to do the fun thing!
RetroHibiscus: it's fine we're THAT ahead
azidbern95: no worries
MilkInBags: my bad og FamilyMan
RetroHibiscus: lrrBEEJ
Mr_Horrible: now we get the Still Had All These, so we're playing for value Kappa
azidbern95: I misplay Dust Animus all the time
huffboi1: I started this format with 2 3-3's and just got a clean 7-0, is it time for me to retire from OTJ draft?
Sogheim: opponent doesn't know that they should have been dead and they never will
DAC169: they just wanted to show they had more Intimidations aipEZ
RetroHibiscus: uh oh
Dread_Pirate_Westley: @huffboi1 Retire Champion for sure.
GredGredmansson: that doesn't work opponent
Mr_Horrible: RIP
Dr_fragenstien: !card dust animst
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
RayFK: Howdy
definenull: oh no op
RetroHibiscus: that's not what they think it does
RAZRBCK08: That's not how that works oh no
RetroHibiscus: ;_;
MilkInBags: One Last Job B)
BatenicYork: F
BusTed: awks
Diabore: yuuuup
Mr_Horrible: if it's any consolation, OP, I *want* that to work, because it's cool
Orxolon: what did they do?
BrowneePoints: I just cringed so hard my butthole MOMENTARILY became a blowhole
azidbern95: I cast something when I had 5 lands and an Animus plotted... had to wait until next turn... did it twice
SkiaSymphonia: good night!
GredGredmansson: the last job is working at the meat packing plant apparently
Thisbymaster: reading the card explains the card
KWardJenx: Thanks so much!
Diabore: jesus its so late already
RAZRBCK08: One last job is very good
huffboi1: @Dread_Pirate_Westley the feeling of beating the 5 color pile with your sicko synergy deck >>>>>
MegaDosX: Criminy!
azidbern95: thanks G and Adam!
BrowneePoints: Wylie Duke!
BraveKingMax: thanks for the stream
satyropodobny: dirty deeds done dirt cheap
MegaDosX: I know you're talking about limited, but I love how you called Surgical irrelevant after seeing people pop off over it for Timeless
Sogheim: I did. I ordered from CardKingdom, but I don't know what the button says
Foxmar320: !youtube
LRRbot: LRR's main channel is . For Stream VODs check out . MtG vods and other MtG content are at . Tabletop related videos are at . LRR Videogame videos (including Checkpoint+) are at
BatenicYork: It's a rootin' tootin' good time
lightfut: Extremely rooting and/or tootin
Mr_Horrible: "Thanks... for... loading?"
Foxmar320: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
theguardianotter: patreon.loadingready.tore
Mr_Horrible: Frogs are gone
e_bloc: my card kingdom order for OTJ comes tomorrow
Mr_Horrible: (I don't have the Tom Yell emote)
definenull: That sounds very dubious
KWardJenx: Thank "ye" for Ha-vings us.
Mr_Horrible: LUL
DeM0nFiRe: o/ lrrHEART
LostThePirate: XD
BusTed: LUL
MegaDosX: Thanks for stream!
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream you two
LordZarano: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Bonus Stream (More like Ianary Ianain, boom roasted. Game: Binary Domain) at Thu 05:00 PM PDT (37s ago).
DeM0nFiRe: lrrSIG
NotCainNorAbel: lrrSIG lrrSHINE lrrSIG
Getter404 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 43 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Getter404! (Today's storm count: 48)
gualdhar: there isn't supposed to be any sound, right?
LostThePirate: Is there no music or is that just a me problem?
NonUniqueGuy: Not just you
DideRobot: LRR: Bonus Stream time, Ian's here to take down the domain binary with Binary Domain! (has image) |
Getter404: Brave new content ID technology that pre-emptively mutes the entire stream
Nigouki: with Video James???
Orxolon: more Wanted!?
WiJohn: Video games with video Ians!
QuixoticScrivener: did we beat it?
ArdCollider subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months!
ArdCollider: hooray more Difficult Video Gaming
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ArdCollider! (Today's storm count: 49)
SaxPython: Grenade!
malfnord: Video games? I thought this was the craft brewing room?!
QuixoticScrivener: I guess I missed the last stream.
QuixoticScrivener: That's what vods are for.
Tweygoh: it was certainly a game
FarleyF: its time for video killing with Video Ian
wedge_x subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 42 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, wedge_x! (Today's storm count: 50)
LordZarano: @LRRbot ../ˈiː.ən.ə.ɹɪ ˈiː.ən.eɪn/
Getter404: Ostentatious Various Avocados
BrowneePoints: Like, the long lost 90s JoJo Phantom Blood OVA
gibbousm: Read or Die OVA is my favorite OVA
BrowneePoints: technically it exists, in a warehouse....somewhere
Getter404: @gibbousm Bubblegum Crisis tho
LadyAiluros: BGC yeeeesss
MrQBear: Now I'm thinking of the game Vanquish...
Texan_Reverend: @gibbousm You have excellent taste. Read or Die is terrific. I also really liked the Samurai X OVA.
BusTed: onstaA
niccus: will you be using voice detection?
SquareDotCube: I recently learned that RGG was formerly Amusement Value, who developed F-ZERO AX/GX which explains a lot about that game
HeyImTG: isn't that Amusement Vision?
ButButTheJesus: yeah I played this back on PS3, don't remember much
SquareDotCube: Vision, yes
Getter404: @SquareDotCube The lead producer on Yakuza 1-7 was the guy who made Super Monkey Ball
LostThePirate: We never heard the music though
LordZarano: Apparently I own this game. Probably from a humble bundle
Getter404: We hadn't heard the music at all
HeyImTG: So an AM2 all-star, gotcha
BusTed: @ButButTheJesus onstaDAYTONA
ButButTheJesus: you must contruct additional .NET pylons
RealGamerCow: to all of you who are still hanging on to windows 95, DON'T.
LordZarano: MattKC!
HeyImTG: As soon as I can afford a multi-gigabyte hard drive for the thing
SquareDotCube: also if you're still using .NET v1, don't.
RealGamerCow: Or if you do, don't let that computer anywhere near a network.
BrodySatva: I enjoyed this game when It came out.,
Camthelion: @RealGamerCow i use win3.11 as my router/firewall. unpatched too Kappa
SquareDotCube: also remember GDI and GDI+, the days before DirectX
RealGamerCow: though I guess most win95 malware is dead by this point, but because vulnerabilities that were in 95 existed into at least Win7, it's dangerous
RealGamerCow: Camthelion Oh, an RRAS server. :P
HeyImTG: Memory is fuzzy but I remember one of my friends unfavorably comparing it to Gears of War
RealGamerCow: This is normal for .NET
RatherLargeToad: Good old Windows lying progress bars
RealGamerCow: it gets constipated near the end
eshplode: I do love 0% CPU usage
cuzuki: windows being windows
RealGamerCow: I often do the "use the cursor as a bookmark to see if those pixels are moving" trick with .NET
LostThePirate: XD
fuzzy_died subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 85 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fuzzy_died! (Today's storm count: 51)
SaxPython: #Don'tBelieveTheProgressBar'sLies
HeyImTG: There was that era in the late 00s early 10s where every game needed a tacked-on multiplayer
HeyImTG: These kind of config windows are a nice throwback
ButButTheJesus: I think it reset all your graphics settings
ButButTheJesus: not sure
DadlyPuns: Yeah it reset fogona1Choro
HeyImTG: Mmm... circle to accept
Lysander_salamander: hello everyone!
Lysander_salamander: No Wanted Dead?
SaxPython: Shout "Grenade!" To throw a grenade
ButButTheJesus: CAEK
LordZarano: Is "screen" graphics?
ButButTheJesus: I remember the voice commands not working for me at all on PS3; meanwhile the End War voice commands worked great
SaxPython: Shadow Moses?
MrQBear: i love that the vehicle is also swimming
MrQBear: I guess because it's stealthier than a propeller?
SnackPak_: wow rude
Lysander_salamander: well, ok
malfnord: Fair enough
Nigouki: comfort is important
niccus: voice input!
ANeMzero: Ian is playing an RGG game on Thursday? This is illegal.
loufghyslaufey: Wanted: Dead?
loufghyslaufey: Wait, no ImTyping lrrDOTS lrrARROWS Game wanted you dead?
BrowneePoints: So this is like...Hey You Pikachu...but it's Hey You PMC?
Drunk_Owl subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months!
Drunk_Owl: Never expected to see this on stream, but very glad to!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Drunk_Owl! (Today's storm count: 52)
62MGcobra: did you try holding the controller upside down?
ghyllnox: Why are you doing this on the docks
SaxPython: Voice actor has a little Wakka affect, Brudda
Scy_Anide: Ok, X=Q=F, good to know.
SilverHalcyon: so this is like Gears of War?
BrowneePoints: "What's wrong with you!?" My dude, you just told us to DISCHARGE our FIREARMS at STREET SIGNS
Scy_Anide: But you already got the lead out shooting all those signs.
goombalax: "and the days go by..."
loufghyslaufey: *plans
EikoandMog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 124 months, currently on a 124 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EikoandMog! (Today's storm count: 53)
loufghyslaufey: Seawall to the Bifrost?
BusTed: BeetleTwo, BeetleTwo, BeetleTwo!
wedge_x: "Copy."
Drunk_Owl: That's not flanking?
Scy_Anide: God he's so Steve.
62MGcobra: easy game
ghyllnox: Why do they have helmets that don't cover the brain bits
loufghyslaufey: Their Exo-Skel looks like they're supposed to have helmets, but lrrDOTS ImTyping
SnackPak_: same bestie
loufghyslaufey: Why don't they have any?
goombalax: is it inverted? that can probably be changed
ghyllnox: @goombalax It's my impression that it's not inverted, and that's the problem
loufghyslaufey: An FPS makes you play how you don't want to?
loufghyslaufey: oh, nvm
SnackPak_: whoops
loufghyslaufey: tis a TPS
wedge_x: maybe don't walk in front of my barrel, *Bob.*
DeM0nFiRe: Turns out if you shoot your teammate in the head, they also have a hard time telling you from foe
ANeMzero: Maybe don't run in front of a rifle as someone is firing it Bo.
DandyGeek: I do that in Helldivers. It ends poorly.
DandyGeek: (I did learn to *stop running in front of live fire* quickly, though)
BrowneePoints: wait
BrowneePoints: like Higgs Boson
loufghyslaufey: As for Helldivers, if a campaign goes to shit in a sort of open public lobby & your random party have you take the heat for it... would they kick you off the team midgame or something?
ladyjessica: !game
LRRbot: Currently playing: Binary Domain
ANeMzero: So there is an option to invert camera in the external configuration tool, as well as an option to switch button prommpts to controller.
loufghyslaufey: I don't play, so I've asked.
LordZarano: Bosons also include gluons, and photons
BrodySatva: first boss,
ButButTheJesus: is that a Gundam
loufghyslaufey: I think they're inherently Gunplas- op, he just died.
ghyllnox: Aren't they doing recon? How do they know the name of those models
loufghyslaufey: Maybe lrrARROWS lrrDOTS ImTyping
ghyllnox: *There's* the helmets
LordZarano: And a photon charging station isn't that impressive, that's just any wireless charger
loufghyslaufey: oh, there be scanners
SilverHalcyon: sure thing, bro
RealGamerCow: Bernoulli's principle = sucked into the props
wedge_x: Usul's called a big one
SilverHalcyon: wait, the magnets
niccus: steam input settings?
Lysander_salamander: had to step away for a bit. How's the game so far?
Lysander_salamander: oh, stylish
QuixoticScrivener: There helmets look superbly ineffectual.
QuixoticScrivener: *Their even
BlueFingers5: OnlyDans?
SilverHalcyon: oh this like the Megaman Battle Network games
Lysander_salamander: aw, no rotation?
DarthRagnar815: Nanomachines? Did Dan ask for this? DxCat
QuixoticScrivener: @Lysander_salamander Nanomachines too big...
Lysander_salamander: I was thinking of trying out this game. I've never really played a cover-shooter before
loufghyslaufey: Also Binary Domain?
62MGcobra: Liberated!
loufghyslaufey: So? Its a game about Public Doman, but for Ai?
wedge_x: I think Bo's crossing yo on purpose
QuixoticScrivener: When you ally literally runs in front of you...
protojman: :D
Lysander_salamander: when did the vending machines for ammo start?
jaycalves: helldivers 2 looks different...
gsyhiap: No geishas, just a couple of friendly bullets up the bum...
ghyllnox: LUL
malfnord: Bioshock, I wanna say?
62MGcobra: so we know what their mascot is now!
loufghyslaufey: these squaddies distinctly need traffic signals
QuixoticScrivener: You just trust nano machines out of a vending machine?
Cptasparagus: too real
ghyllnox: This vending machine conveniently carries personalized nanomachines
Lysander_salamander: that's adorable
gsyhiap: miiliJAMMER
Lysander_salamander: nice
loufghyslaufey: damn the nano-stonks market
gsyhiap: Seems like Bo is the one who needs glasses
loufghyslaufey: team of two still need traffic signals
LordZarano: @loufghyslaufey Safewords are important
Lysander_salamander: I'm not sure I've heard someone pronounce panel a "Pay-nell"
Lysander_salamander: I don't get out much, to be fair
protojman: it’s yer boi
Mazrae: Well with you at point you can't shoot him in the back
gsyhiap: Nothing like a bit of spray n pray
Lysander_salamander: nice
ANeMzero: Yeah, FOV can be adjusted in the external config tool
ANeMzero: it doesn't help that the default camera sensitivity curve is... not good.
Lysander_salamander: wasn't there a bug when this first got ported where the framerate could kill the player-character or something?
RealGamerCow: Oh Japan, your casual racism sure is something
Lysander_salamander: cool robot designs in this game
gsyhiap: He looks friendly
gsyhiap: lrrFINE
ANeMzero: At least its detecting your controller as xinput. Binary Domain views my Xbone controller as a directinput controller so it thinks the analog triggers are the second joystick
Lysander_salamander: too bad they took away your gattling gun
Lysander_salamander: big steppy
gsyhiap: Adrenaline and a couple of spare limbs
SilverHalcyon: easy
Lysander_salamander: your training with the UFO machines is paying off
Eklinaar: Get Ewok'd
gsyhiap: BOP
SilverHalcyon: someone splilled ketchup
ANeMzero: I feel like that crane shouldn't be able to accelerate that fast in such a small space.
FarleyF: isnt that a doom scream on loop
Orestes290: Is this the robots life flashing before its eyes?
Lysander_salamander: ah a megacorp
CataclysmicReverb: It's Frank West
Lysander_salamander: cool
ANeMzero: oh they did a terminator
Lysander_salamander: replicants
goombalax: torminater
BrowneePoints: Oh, so we're Terminator Genesys
SilverHalcyon: synths
RatherLargeToad: take his face…off
ButButTheJesus: That's about all I remember from this game, screaming robo man and Big Bo
ANeMzero: Remember kids to always store your shambling mechanized horrors safely inside men
goombalax: nobody's questioning this dude
Lysander_salamander: Aw, the evil corporation is sad they aren't allowed to be more evil
malfnord: Welcome back to the 21st century's greatest running theme: Techbros Ruin Everything!
Lysander_salamander: ah, paranoia
ArdCollider: jesus h. chroooist
jessieimproved: Jesus ach chroist
RatherLargeToad: Amogus
Lysander_salamander: Hollow Children?
Lysander_salamander: oh
DeM0nFiRe: is he gonna be ok
Laserbeaks_Fury: Ivo Robotnik
WiJohn: Robotnik!
Nosser2: Dr Wily!
RatherLargeToad: he is so embarrassed right now
Mazrae: Me. roboto?
jessieimproved: Sonic datapack for this game when
ButButTheJesus: game audio seem too quiet for anyone else?
Lysander_salamander: That reminds me, I should try out the Pluto anime
ghyllnox: New Turing test: Shoot it in the face, see if metal
RealGamerCow: @Lysander_salamander I've seen the first few episodes and they're good
Lysander_salamander: I rather liked the comic, so that's good
zimmercj subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 83 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zimmercj! (Today's storm count: 54)
WiJohn: Wheeeee!
Lysander_salamander: yayyyy waterslide!
gsyhiap: Wheeee!
Veste: oh this is the backstory of sam from metal gear rising revengeance?
Bobtheninjagoldfish: is that the bad guy from Metal gear Revengence?
ANeMzero: so one of our squadmates, or the protagonist, is gonna be a robitman
Scy_Anide: That's why you had to wait until it was raining.
BrowneePoints: Those are called Innertube Slides or FUnnel Slides Ian
Lysander_salamander: yayyyyyy
Juliamon: wheeeeee
RonaldMcDownload: not playable? boo
RonaldMcDownload: oh nvm
RatherLargeToad: Super Fun Happy Slide
Lysander_salamander: at least there isn't a forced stealth mission
goombalax: "mario 64 music plays"
Scy_Anide: Don't get Tomb Raider murdered.
bsudo: man I love big bo
Juliamon: oof, right in the groin, repeatedly
ButButTheJesus: oww oof my bones
Nigouki: love groin plinko
gsyhiap: Bo clearly screams the whole way around the rollercoaster
BrindleBoar: F
Lysander_salamander: good thing they're wearing mechanized armor
reptile___: he ded
SquareDotCube: "and by inner peace I mean all my bones"
Juliamon: inner pieces
Earthenone: !break
LRRbot: Remember chat, break time for the streamer means break time for YOU, so unclench, get up, stretch, walk about a bit, and maybe get a drink or go to the toilet if you need to. Don't forget to wash your hands!
FarleyF: i was waiting for Ian to say More Yakuza with that exit
gsyhiap: Time to stretch my fluids...
FarleyF: especially for anyone that watches Tiltyhouse
Nigouki: oh good, if it's one of those ware ware wa speeches you know it's gonna go south
Juliamon: VO director: "here are your lines for the waterslide segment" VO: "You're gonna cut these up and use them judiciously, right?" [Padme meme]
ButButTheJesus: anyone translate this dialogue?
Lysander_salamander: huh, I somehow own this game already. I don't remember buying it. I guess it was during a sale years back?
LostThePirate: Renewed my Prime Sub as soon as I realized it lapsed just to get away from that godawful tasteless Fortnite "Milk Cup" ad
Juliamon: It's on Humble, so might have been in a Bundle at some point
Juliamon: speaking of
ButButTheJesus: @LostThePirate do I want to know?
Juliamon: !humble
LRRbot: LRR is a Humble Partner! Go to and LRR will get a cut of any purchase you make at Humble.
LostThePirate: @ButButTheJesus There's a Fortnite tournament specifically for female gamers called the fucking MILK CUP and I just absolutely hate everything about it.
ButButTheJesus: i
Nigouki: >_>
malfnord: Fortnite delenda est
Juliamon: ah, yeah, back in 2018 it was a $1 addon in a Bundle
Juliamon: with Crazy Taxi
Earthenone: i aparently got it in 2016
ButButTheJesus: beepity boop
loufghyslaufey: What about Wanted: Dead?
malfnord: lrrFINE
gualdhar: time for KB&M!
Lysander_salamander: I saw there was an update to Wanted Dead a few days ago, that changed the combat and tweaked things.
loufghyslaufey: Are games somehow related to each other?
SquareDotCube: yeah the port doesn't recognize controller input well.
FarleyF: the computer recognises the controller, but not the person in charge of the controller
SquareDotCube: Also please fix the FOV.
Juliamon: yup, Ian played with the update
Lysander_salamander: oh, it's a metaphor
Lysander_salamander: was the update good?
Juliamon: It was an improvement
Juliamon: loufghyslaufey It's not technically related but Wanted: Dead reminded Ian of this one so he wanted to play it
Juliamon: and he still had timeslots booked for PiF, so why not?
ButButTheJesus: whomst sniping
Lysander_salamander: oh, so it was a short game?
loufghyslaufey: Would that have made Wanted: Dead- oh, it was a short game?
Juliamon: yeah, 3 episodes
DoodlestheGreat: Compare & contrast.
loufghyslaufey: @Lysander_salamander lrrJUDGE lrrJUDGE
zed_alpha subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 99 months!
zed_alpha: 99 months of subs in the chat, 99 months of subs...
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, zed_alpha! (Today's storm count: 55)
Lysander_salamander: Bo, no
loufghyslaufey: Duh heck is this lack of pointing emotes?
DoodlestheGreat: Compared to 3:15 UTC
Mazrae: 3 in the morning or 3 in the afternoon noon
BrindleBoar: daylight savings Kappa
DoodlestheGreat: "Sniper at 5:47 PM on Tuesday in Mountain Standard Time!"
Mazrae: Also if it's 3 in the afternoon, is it civilian time or military time, so 3:00 or 15:00
Juliamon: People die when they are killed. Robots don't.
FarleyF: since we are fighting robots i would expect binary time
FarleyF: Sniper at 0010010
gsyhiap: Shit, there's no end to this!
RealGamerCow: Ian needs to start a website "Can you drive the forklift" like "Can you pet the dog"
reptile___: 3 o'clock, Lord Howe Island Time Zone
Lysander_salamander: :D
Lysander_salamander: Bosonic charge?
ANeMzero: some good old jambling mechanics
Mazrae: British?? Uno??
FarleyF: you'll know who this british guy is by his top hat and monocle
ANeMzero: MI6? we're gonna meet haines blonde
WhirlwindAbyss: Is that Will Smith on the VO?
FarleyF: @Mazrae is this the new mine oclock - so who is James and who is Serge lrrBEEJ
Mathwyn: Thats a bullet overdose that is
gsyhiap: "you alright there?" "I'm cool, I'm just cosplaying a colander"
FarleyF: well the bullets keep coming and they dont stop coming
cosarprime: Oh wow. BD
goombalax: watch your profanity
Cptasparagus: this is how the japanese think americans talk
Cptasparagus: its realism
Lysander_salamander: nice
cosarprime subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 69 months!
cosarprime: oh, I guess I have to share this one
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cosarprime! (Today's storm count: 56)
nycugz: how are the graphics this good for a 2012 game?
Mathwyn: Until you remove them from their mounts then suddenly the have bugger all ammo
gsyhiap: @cosarprime nice
nycugz: i dont even remember hearing about this. it looks like revengence
nycugz: no kidding. what kind of alien technology is this?
tehfewl: i love that gorillaz song
Mathwyn: Oh boy time to shoot children!
Lysander_salamander: :D
zeanith_helfire subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months!
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goombalax: Jaques Horihito
Juliamon: His accent sure is going places
gsyhiap: That accent is taking quite the journey
RealGamerCow: "no cap?" - kids
nycugz: he may be played by a vietnamese actor
Lysander_salamander: that voice actor sounds familiar
PMAvers: "They have to do this for their monthly Minecraft rations."
ANeMzero: have we reached the Anti-Capitalist hour of Ian playing any RGG game ever?
FarleyF: kids not working - that sounds like communism
Eklinaar: It's Liam O'Brien
jessieimproved: @nycugz I thought the same thing
goombalax: @Eklinaar the Frapanese guy is Liam?!
Eklinaar: Yeah that was definitely Liam
ghyllnox: I thought this was a "Kill all witnesses" kind of operation
Lysander_salamander: aha
Eklinaar: and Dan is Travis Willingham
Scarbble: rondy??
tehfewl: where's that rondy
nycugz: @jessieimproved it would explain the french swaying accent
wedge_x: *wow*
pandoras_error: <message deleted>Best Viewers and Followers on StreamBoo .com ( )
BrindleBoar: gotta get my rondies
ghyllnox: Dan is played by Travis Willingham
Lysander_salamander: yeah you had the highground
ghyllnox: Laura Bailey will be coming in later, and yes Liam is listed among "additional voices"
wedge_x: gotta clear that fog of death
Mathwyn: Cover? In my cover shooter?
Lysander_salamander: that's cool.
Lysander_salamander: I will have to download this after the stream
goombalax: is this where we find out this is just Crit Role's Shadowrun campaign
Lysander_salamander: I've never played the Shut up and Jam Gaiden game
Eklinaar: Oh hey it's Laura Bailey
gsyhiap: Time to get hot springs in the hot springs
BrindleBoar: illegal infantrygrunts
Mathwyn: Only if you plan on staying
jessieimproved: Liam
Veste: wait, you're british?????????
RealGamerCow: Is he in charge?
ghyllnox: Yes
Eklinaar: That's Troy Baker
ghyllnox: You're in the country illegally
Lysander_salamander: I kind of feel nostalgic for the "Blobject" item design
RealGamerCow: Charles in charge?
FarleyF: just once i would like a scouser british soldier. You know "Fukin Ell dose bots are a right sort"
goombalax: right under the bus
Lysander_salamander: ahahahahaha
jessieimproved: oh em gee
Lysander_salamander: wow
tehfewl: hopefully get his ass kicked
FarleyF: wow this game has ALL the cliches
malfnord: Video games~!
Mathwyn: Yakuza devs at work
BrindleBoar: impending murder
jessieimproved: please, hobble him, right now
FarleyF: im with you british dude
Juliamon: Thank you, British Guy
goombalax: does she kill them and become the new main character?
Veste: aw shit
jessieimproved: that's some impressive boob armor
ghyllnox: That's Laura Bailey
prince_infidel: How is the British guy the most likeable character so far?
spurius: checkjs out
malfnord: That's a mood
Scy_Anide: NYC does flood pretty regularly
goombalax: thats....not how you build a city
loufghyslaufey: That line already hasn't aged well lrrDOTS ImTyping katesFine
loufghyslaufey: Oh, so The Creator?
Lysander_salamander: mmmm, Drossel.
Scy_Anide: Amazon?
Juliamon: I miss Drossel
Lysander_salamander: I should watch the rest of those.
loufghyslaufey: haven't watched it
Lysander_salamander: I've only seen like, the first two episodes
spurius: I am really curious about the company that has that 5%
Mathwyn: Is it just me or are half the people now wearing different armour?
Scy_Anide: Do they ever pronounce Amada correctly?
ghyllnox: @Mathwyn Not just you, no
loufghyslaufey: But game low-key circumvents theme
Lysander_salamander: interesting they add in a prologue after chapter one.
loufghyslaufey: how short is this game though?
Lysander_salamander: yeah why the armor change?
goombalax: like war
goombalax: LMAO
gsyhiap: Technicians, highly qualified in percussive maintenance
Scy_Anide: Depends who you ask.
RatherLargeToad: Clause 22 was about the proper storage and distribution of olive oil
BillTheCat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months!
BillTheCat: BIG BO!!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BillTheCat! (Today's storm count: 58)
loufghyslaufey: Wouldn't this expedition be anticipated in act 2 should the game be using a three act structure?
gsyhiap: The Hague is presumably underwater
couchboyj: Maybe its underwater now, yeah
Juliamon: Artificial hip? You a robit now
NotCainNorAbel: what if I have a metal hip?
malfnord: I was gonna say, the Netherlands is probably all the way under the North Sea
loufghyslaufey: Nope, guess not? The last lrrDOTS ImTyping hour & a halves was uh- tutorial. alright then.
Mathwyn: Weird costume change guys
prince_infidel: What happened to their armor?
Juliamon: Choose Your Team
ghyllnox: They changed armor again???
BillTheCat: always go with Bo
Eklinaar: Pick Faye so we get that Travis Willingham and Laura Bailey banter
NotCainNorAbel: to play checkers?
goombalax: Laura Bailey is rachael
Mazrae: Have they heavy machine gunner cover the sniper
Eklinaar: IMDB says Laura Bailey is Faye
Eklinaar: That's such a funny mechanic
RealGamerCow: But can you beat the crap out of someone with a bicycle?
ylegm: this is a weird helldivers mod
Mathwyn: I never knew japan had so much waist high cover!
gsyhiap: @mathwyn it's full cover for the average Japanese person KappaInfinite
NotCainNorAbel: when is a rocket launcher not helpful?
gsyhiap: Simply draw the rest of the owl
Lysander_salamander: ah
gsyhiap: Oopsie
TheAinMAP: jlrrDang
FarleyF: ah so you got Mic off huh lrrBEEJ
Mathwyn: Bullets, better in you than on you. Drugs better out of the gun than in. Got it
ghyllnox: They do more damage outside the gun, yes
Eklinaar: Oh we're playing Horizon Zero Dawn now
PMAvers: Oh, it's like a Titanfall Rodeo
gsyhiap: @mathwyn instructions unclear, I just blew up my medkit
ghyllnox: For 2012, sure
Mathwyn: Violence is best skill
gsyhiap: That was a volumetric joke
gsyhiap: Uhhh
Mathwyn: Dammit RGG
Scy_Anide: How did he know you were yanking?
PMAvers: "wow, rude"
Eklinaar: I was also thinking he sounded like Watto
MacbethSeemsSus: Why do smugglers never specialize in candy and beanie babies?
gsyhiap: If beanie babies were banned, they probably would
gsyhiap: Just a quick bit of tactical shopping
shurtal: Aw yeah BIG BO
gsyhiap: Aw, so close
Lysander_salamander: oh we're going to shibuya. Nice
gsyhiap: That tank needs to be, uh, tankier
gsyhiap: LUL
HadesLeprechaun: uh oh, yer gonna need those bullets
NotCainNorAbel: friend?
ButButTheJesus: lrrCrab
HadesLeprechaun: I love the physics on this bot
Mathwyn: Dan's just happy to be here
gsyhiap: Pure chaos
gsyhiap: miiliChaos
Lysander_salamander: I should play this, maybe
Mathwyn: Swapping legs and stretching my fluids
Mathwyn: I think I've had this game on steam for years and had no idea what it was
Lysander_salamander: Huh, there's dlc that adds a new weapon and special skills?
niccus: unfortunately the 4 Yakuza character DLCs are JP-exclusive, and i think only on the ps3 store
gsyhiap: Dan the shopaholic
gsyhiap: Ruh roh
Mathwyn: I hear bullets are important
gsyhiap: Dan brought fists to a gunfight
Mathwyn: Bring guns to a gunfight, but also ammo
gsyhiap: Jebaited
Lysander_salamander: aw, this game is so cruel
TheAinMAP: sergeFall
gsyhiap: F
TheAinMAP: katesDed
nevermore913: Bonus Ian?
gsyhiap: lrrFINE
gsyhiap: Nobody likes wet rockets
gsyhiap: FBtouchdown
HadesLeprechaun: love when it starts hopping around on it's last couple legs
Scy_Anide: Dude, it's just Chinatown.
gsyhiap: lrrWOW
Lysander_salamander: dang
Lysander_salamander: rude
nevermore913: Like crabs
Eklinaar: That's definitely what that means, yup
Scy_Anide: You should investigate and find out.
nevermore913: Maybe you can get a warm shower
ghyllnox: Yeah just ask them to show you to the men's bath
Scy_Anide: It has something your robot world could never have, crabs.
lannersong: oh heck they have Oden!?
ghyllnox: I'm surprised the most scandalous thing they sell down here is sex
ghyllnox: No fresh human organs?
Eklinaar: I went to a restaurant recently that had the menu separated into Scottish, Irish, and British food, and under British food was butter chicken.
Mathwyn: "Also we're literally on the job Bo"
jacqui_lantern234: cori voice: "GRENADE!!!" :p
Scy_Anide: @Mathwyn And they're working too! Maybe the company will reimburse you.
gsyhiap: @eklinaar word that they're distinguishing Scottish and British, rather than English
gsyhiap: *weird
Scy_Anide: A heartless?!
Mathwyn: Damn institute and their synths
ghyllnox: If the punchline is that we're a hollow child I'm going to be upset
gsyhiap: Eh, maybe we're all just brains in a jar anyway
ButButTheJesus: am i robut
Scy_Anide: What the fuck
Mathwyn: Welp
Scy_Anide: Can you also shoot Zebra douche?
gsyhiap: Plenty of non human things die all the time, what philosophical nonsense is this?
Texan_Reverend: The clipazine size depends heavily on caliber. Dan's duty-size handgun could easily hold 17 rounds of 9mm, for instance.
loufghyslaufey: uh-moggus
HadesLeprechaun: has Ian played through this game before or is this a fresh playthrough?
xantos69: are they going to do the "you were a robot the whole time" thing?
Mathwyn: Death is now exclusively a property of humans, everything else just goes to a farm upstate
ghyllnox: You're all walking around in combat armor, what are you doing trying to keep a low profile now
Eklinaar: Yeah, fair.
Mathwyn: Please do not hit on the adults child, adults do not hit on the child
ghyllnox: Girl you are 15
gsyhiap: Well that was awkward
loufghyslaufey: my lowkey first impression of Blade Runner without watching either Blade Runners
HadesLeprechaun: Rachael is walking kinda sus robotically...
Scy_Anide: "You look sus...come on in!"
Scy_Anide: The only ethical consumption under capitalism?
HadesLeprechaun: but the machine was broken! nobody would ever possibly think to try
Lysander_salamander: oh, that's a very Yakuza looking guy
Tiber727: As if the Bond series would ever be allowed to die.
Mathwyn: 007: James Bond kills some robots
Scy_Anide: Dude saw the jet skis and though "we're gonna have to swim?"
loufghyslaufey: first guy who asked gonna end up swimming there at the end
Mathwyn: Oh no robuts
Scy_Anide: Storm Troopers!
ButButTheJesus: roboids!
loufghyslaufey: How does this VA cast fare in contrast to Wanted: Dead?
Eklinaar: Half the cast of Critical Role is in the game.
HadesLeprechaun: We haven't even gotten to the best (personal favorite) character yet!
ghyllnox: Clonk
pn55: Abjustment
ghyllnox: They were independent before, they're a group of VA friends
gsyhiap: Their spelling just needs a little abjustment
Eklinaar: This game came out before Critical Role started, but they still do voice acting outside of CR.
pn55: Maybe "abjustment" is some kind of new exercise regime?
Eklinaar: Yeah Critical Role's whole thing is that they are all professional voice actors.
TheMandrew: Matt Mercer has probably voiced some of your favorite characters and you never knew it :P
LordZarano: "Drood the ozerfrence" "In response I abjust my fare"
niccus: wow, Kurosawa is voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch
TheMandrew: that's very fair Ian, I apologize :P
Zu_o: what the oscar meyer seadoo is thisÉ
Zu_o: ?
loufghyslaufey: I'd imagine that for people who need ammunition for their job to have a pay grade that'd probably be half of that commissioned ammunition?
ghyllnox: He's Goro Majima in the English Like A Dragon
gsyhiap: andytheRace
loufghyslaufey: What? This Ski-Driving Brochure didn't say anything about a trivia sequence!
gsyhiap: Sounds like you need a pipe wrench to do that to your nuts
niccus: thank you for observing the mines
Tiber727: This makes me want a Like A Dragon spinoff in the future.
loufghyslaufey: @Tiber727 Infinite Wealth isn't a spinoff?
Mathwyn: I think they meant a spinoff set in the future
iris_of_ether: I once tried to make a bead-art version of the Battletoads bike section. I didn't tape it up for secureness. Let's just say it went as well as the game Battletoads tends to
Tiber727: @loufghyslaufey In a similar manner to Lost Judgment for instance.
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loufghyslaufey: hiatus defeated
Juliamon: Ah they're running it back, nice
loufghyslaufey: (coughs) Powah!
PMAvers: Not a board game, card game.
Texan_Reverend: Innnteresting!
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ButButTheJesus: Thamk