tod_vom_himmel: Should we panic yet?
beowuuf: hooooold
TXC2: we got a good 5 mins yet for the start time, then there's the 15 min grace period, so some time yet before panic
Didero: That's my secret, I'm always at least slightly panicking
beowuuf: sergeHi txc2
Didero: also hi
LurkerSpine: !picnic
TXC2: hello beowuuf and Didero
beowuuf: forgot to ask how holiday went in james's stream didero
Didero: Thanks for remembering :) It went by a bit too quickly, and as usualy I'm disappointed in myself for not 'doing more', even though it's a vacation and I don't have to do anything. I'm also still tired but that's mostly my own fault. Other than that, pretty good :)
beowuuf: yay for the positive bit! :D
Didero: Also made some good progress on my Lorcana project
benjamin_wheeler: Guten morgen
Didero: Look who's come wheelin' in
beowuuf: sergeHi wheeler
Didero: Hi
beowuuf: ooh, lorcana project?
TXC2: Hello benjamin_wheeler
Didero: The same one I've been working on for months, the creation and maintaining of the Lorcana dataset that, among other things, LRRBot uses to display card info
Didero: !lorcana mcduck manor
LRRbot: McDuck Manor - Scrooge's Mansion [4, Sapphire, Inkable] | Location [1 ⭳, 9 ⛉, 2 ◊]
beowuuf: aaaaah
therepoman__: G'morning
Didero: Trying to set up a system to support multiple languages, which LRRbot probably won't use but I want to be as complete as possible
saucemaster5000: I m eepy
v_nome: Well have a nap, and then earn 5 medals!
beowuuf: From twitter: Hey Punchmans! Oki Oki will be a few minutes late as the boys are street fighting in the parking lot because they're locked out.
DideRobot: LRR: Just a quick heads up there will be a minor delay for this mornings Oki Oki stream! The guys will be online as soon as they can! |
saucemaster5000: @v_nome yaaaaay
Didero: I'll stop talking about myself now, because it's fightin' time (soon). Thanks for asking, beowuuf :)
beowuuf: np :)
JinaMahavira: Fighting in the streets
Didero: Oh, since we've got a few minutes, I'll also say I bought a boardgame about the dawn of flight, First In Flight, which is a deckbuilding push-your-luck game about being the first to make a plane that flies a certain distance. Pretty and fun!
beowuuf: lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG
TXC2: Refresh for punchm'ns
mowdownjoe: playfr3YES lrrSIG lrrSIG
EkstraLangeDruer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, EkstraLangeDruer! (Today's storm count: 3)
hyperialguard: hibiki6Hii
DideRobot: LRR: There's never been an honest fighting game except for the one I'm the best at. | Friday = Oki Oki Fight Club. | |
AceGun_: lrrSIG broski4Jaypee broski4Cow lrrSIG
TXC2: Boots and cats boots and cats boots and cats
NewtyNewts subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 39 months, currently on a 39 month streak!
NewtyNewts: Oh wow, that's 3 baker's years!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, NewtyNewts! (Today's storm count: 4)
beowuuf: itch itch itch itch
159 raiders from James_LRR have joined!
LilyOfTheVeil6666: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Xed_Regulus: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Narcuru subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 71 months, currently on a 49 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Narcuru! (Today's storm count: 5)
MrSarkhan: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
jessicaengle: jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance jlrrDance3 jlrrDance
TheAinMAP: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
JinaMahavira: It's the hole-people
TXC2: Hello raides
PsychoI3oy: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
mowdownjoe: seabatSKYLADY seabatSKYLADY seabatSKYLADY
GapFiller: coachNelly finally made it into the building eh? Kappa
momma_tatts: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
LordZarano: jlrrPunch jlrrPunch
Wolfstrike_NL: @coachNelly Hello parking lot street fighter
LilyOfTheVeil6666: @coachnelly I resemble that remark!
345tom subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 4 month streak!
345tom: 16 months of remembering to spend my bezos bucks
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, 345tom! (Today's storm count: 6)
TheAinMAP: lrrDOTS lrrCIRCLE lrrARROW RyuChamp
beowuuf: fight!
TXC2: here we GO!
beowuuf: hey jacob! hey adam!
Metric_Furlong: Hey Adam and Jacob
TXC2: Hello Adam and Jacob
TheCJWilson: let's jam
gualdhar: Wait, there was an intro!
AceGun_: I'm not ready, but I'll do it anyway.
beowuuf: annd hey chat wheeler / nelson officially
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
NorthstarTex: we're here!!!
AceGun_: a classic
Metric_Furlong: okay, good stream everyone
Didero: ok good stream everybody, see you all next week
LurkerSpine: Cheer100 Good fight, good ni-morning
beowuuf: LOL
TXC2: Bye Jacob
JinaMahavira: good stream everyone
ライシェン: gl today! causeiMDoingMyPart lrrSHINE FBtouchdown
mowdownjoe: 🚩
beowuuf: :D
Metric_Furlong: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
hidropjs: holy shit finally a day of fighting games
benjamin_wheeler: lmao
jessicaengle: sergeCrimes
Metric_Furlong: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
LostThePirate subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months!
LostThePirate: Fresh haircut, Jacob?
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, LostThePirate! (Today's storm count: 7)
AceGun_: Hell yeah!
TheCJWilson: the boys!
mowdownjoe: WOW
Juliamon: YOOOOOO
TXC2: so vascular
MrSarkhan: Lorge
TheWooglie: a board game?
jacqui_lantern234: ITS BEN~~~
PMAvers: Oh yeah, it totally is big ain't it Ben.
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
jessicaengle: Beeg
KidAmn: learning the rules should be easy, since you already know the smell of the game
mowdownjoe: That's some bullshit blazing.
TheCJWilson: how'd they fit all those Huge Men in the box?
saucemaster5000: its supposedly okay too
AceGun_: Guilty Gear? on AFK, dude? Hell yeah...
TXC2: !dtrpg
LRRbot: Looking for TTRPG books and related products? Support LRR by using this affiliate link with DriveThruRPG:
PMAvers: Think of it like a card game, except each character comes with a pre-built deck.
LMAOkai_: Guilty Gear - the fighting game - the board game
NewtyNewts: Did Jacob ask a question?
pn55: HypeLUL
jessicaengle: Spicy stream
ライシェン: StinkyGlitch LUL
beowuuf: sergeHi
Cptasparagus: do you still get to trash talk people in board games
Obos_TAB: Is that Wheeler? Gonna draft some Vintage Q
NewtyNewts: Give Me Gamers (Or Give Me KOs)
Cunobelenos: @NewtyNewts definitely questioned life choices once he asked what a board game is.
TXC2: Hello Nelson and Wheeler
KidAmn: 'tis the season
tod_vom_himmel: Anybody here heard of fighting games I hear they're pretty neat
saucemaster5000: better than allerbees
KidAmn: he's sick nasty
lightfut subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months!
lightfut: Ook ook
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, lightfut! (Today's storm count: 8)
AceGun_: Wheeler is the reason I'm finally in the club!
beowuuf: o7
AceGun_: Thanks Wheeler!
NewtyNewts: Heck yeah, I got accepted
themostjoast: hello punch gang
TXC2: hello themostjoast welcome
saucemaster5000: oh no am I still in oki oki?
hyperialguard: Oh neat. I'll have to check
mowdownjoe: Ohh, I hope I didn't get kicked out.
jacqui_lantern234: i got rejected, is what youre saying. got it Kappa
TheCJWilson: Damn, girl, you shit my pants with that mouth?
RisingCosmos: "take off your pants, I need to shit in them"
Obos_TAB: Did wheeler boot anyone or just reject the app?
definenull: Sup gamers
LostThePirate: My wife hasn't picked it up in a while, so they probably got rejected
TXC2: hello definenull welcome
AceGun_: I was in Iron when I applied...
AFamiliarCalledEl: Oh, I should actually apply for the club
Mai_Andra: (uh oh... have i played recently? =o)
TheCJWilson: You know how Sol Badguy is very big? What if he was, instead, Qutie Small
beowuuf: it'd the opposite of a bigature
LostThePirate: XD
MrSarkhan: LUL
BusTed: LUL
BlueFingers5: lrrWOW lrrWOW lrrWOW
jacqui_lantern234: LMFAO
Wolfstrike_NL: lrrBartleby
TXC2: !clips
LRRbot: If you see something funny or particularly noteworthy, make a Clip of it! Your clip could appear in a fortnightly video or be seen at (Please give your clips descriptive names if you want them to be seen!)
jacqui_lantern234: NELSON LUL
definenull: Damn nelly
TXC2: lrrWOW
pn55: lrrWOW
themostjoast: nelly !!!
LostThePirate: Good burn, Nelly
TheCJWilson: Dang, I don't think you can show murders on Twitch dot TV
mowdownjoe: WOW
beowuuf: he was already dead!
TheAinMAP: lrrWOW
TXC2: Nelson spitting FLAME!
The_Timo: I mean he's not wrong
Didero: Being average height means you're small in LRR
ライシェン: 🌶️🥵
Juliamon: just a lil guy
Obos_TAB: You're all bigger on the inside
ライシェン: don’t make me 4’3” please ; v ;
MilkInBags: hey did you find the key
jacqui_lantern234: @LoadingReadyRun if its any consolation, Jacob, im shorter than you at 5 foot 3 :p
saucemaster5000: I am 2' 46"
MilkInBags: you can force the door open
TheWooglie: Jacob's revenge is just going on a long haul flight
Faulpyr: The stream has been off for 2 hours
TehAmelie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 102 months!
TehAmelie: My height in inches (not really)
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TehAmelie! (Today's storm count: 9)
jacqui_lantern234: @saucemaster5000 LUL shut the fuck up, sauce
MilkInBags: your contempt will not save you
saucemaster5000: Shit I've been told to shut up before 11... new record?
JinaMahavira: James goes in the square hole
beowuuf: lrrHORN
TheCJWilson subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months!
TheCJWilson: 39 months, damn! almost a whole year. thanks for all the good vibes!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheCJWilson! (Today's storm count: 10)
Heefnoff: Oki Oki time gang
Heefnoff: Get in the mixup, Shinji heefnoGlocku
saucemaster5000: more like
TXC2: hello Heefnoff welcome
jacqui_lantern234: @Heefnoff hey friend <3
TheCJWilson: huge if true
saucemaster5000: marvel poo
awildshen: it is indeed a banger
Heefnoff: Good to see y’all @txc2 @jacqui_lantern234
BusTed: gottem
TXC2: them Geif powers
tod_vom_himmel: So true bestie
TheCJWilson: new fighting games are great, but sometimes you crave the Old Sauce
Heefnoff: Wheeler at Diamond 3?
Heefnoff: Jeez
AceGun_: Can't believe I got tricked into installing MvC Infinite though.
Bearudite: using resources
Heefnoff: Master Rank Wheeler incoming
saucemaster5000: it me
saucemaster5000: old sauce
TheCJWilson: Elder Sauce
Didero: You start by insutling somebody's height, apparently
jacqui_lantern234: @saucemaster5000 ok boomer Kappa
TXC2: we need an old sauce and a young sauce!
saucemaster5000: boomers are 70 now
Bearudite: sauce of ages
Heefnoff: NOOOO it’s ok it happens
awildshen: @AceGun_ I believe it, Heef can be quite compelling
awildshen: I donwnloaded teh UMvC3 community mod
Heefnoff: You got to diamond 4 once, you can get to diamond 5 if you believe
Heefnoff: @acegun_ Lmao sorry
Bearudite: its ok sauce I'm old too, they can't make fun of us all Kappa
gualdhar: Why must tiny lady hit so far away
Heefnoff: @awildshen Nice! Tried any of the new characters?
definenull: those clubs add so much reach
TheCJWilson: god, i haven't touched SF6 in a minute, I should get back on this one
awildshen: @Heefnoff not yet, I haven't had time to install it yet
TheCJWilson: Tekken and Granblue have consumed me
saucemaster5000: season 2 take away lily's sticks
saucemaster5000: give gun
awildshen: work and all that, I plan on giving it a run tonight
definenull: O7
Bearudite: @saucemaster5000 hyper viper beam
Mr_Horrible: coffee's done brewing, but I heard the stream-start trashtalk from the kitchen, and I gotta say the gang brought their A game today
TXC2: that old chest of nuts
Camail: yea imagine if lily had ahvb
saucemaster5000: gib coffee
Bearudite: BEHOLD
Mr_Horrible: @saucemaster5000 doxx yourself and I'll send some
definenull: Awww
Heefnoff: Might’ve done it too early/done a different version
saucemaster5000: no, too many people already know my real name
TehAmelie: don't tell Gail Simone we need more Cyclopses xD
tod_vom_himmel: i am once again asking for the small and reasonable buff to make EX headbutt plus on block
Camail: lily is underrated i will die on that hill
saucemaster5000: tod that is a terrible dea
Xed_Regulus: @TehAmelie It's not heat vision! LUL
n3veruary: isnt it already plus on block
Heefnoff: Lily is funny cause she’s easily got the single best move in the game, attached to an entire kit of mid
tod_vom_himmel: lmao no
n3veruary: zangief headbutt is a command normal isn't it?
tod_vom_himmel: -24 or somthing
n3veruary: so he's gotta be talking about honda
hyperialguard: I've been done Lily drills the last couple days. Gotta get some matches this weekend
tod_vom_himmel: oh ur talking gief headbutt
gualdhar: woof
saucemaster5000: I'll play this game this weekend
saucemaster5000: Gotta get my ass back to diamond
Bearudite: love an ex spd
definenull: Same... Have not touched the game in like 2 weeks
n3veruary: gief is not playing like enough of a scumbag
n3veruary: needs more criminality
saucemaster5000: also its getting close to time to actually lab blanka and not just hit buttons
saucemaster5000: lily requires a lot of neutral knowledge
Bearudite: I am almost tempted to try ranked third strike, but don't feel like seagulling "games"
Heefnoff: Thank you level 1 super buffs
Hypo_Holy: Just got to gold 3 after a month on my first fighting game! Thanks Oki Oki for the valuable lessons in attitude
saucemaster5000: yo sick ypo!
Mr_Horrible: Russian Skies give their thanks to the patch notes
saucemaster5000: er hypo
Heefnoff: LETS GOOOOOO CONGRATS @hypo_holy
Heefnoff: That’s really great!
TXC2: Hypo_Holy heck yeah!
Mr_Horrible: @Hypo_Holy let's go seabatClap
Bearudite: hell yeah get it Jacob
tod_vom_himmel: these IDIOTS
definenull: This so not garbo
saucemaster5000: time to beat up tod
Hypo_Holy: Feet lady, looked cool so I picked her
Obos_TAB: Juri is sick
definenull: Haha
Hypo_Holy: thanks all :D
BusTed: haha
awildshen: hell yeah, Juri fans unite
Mr_Horrible: 90% Juri, 10% Manon
LMAOkai_: 5% Luke
saucemaster5000: manon is the christian foot lady
Heefnoff: 10% Luke
definenull: Uh oh stompies
PsychoI3oy: and 100% reason to remember the name
Obos_TAB: It's Ryu. He's in the trailer
Obos_TAB: They sold this game on Ryu's feet
Mr_Horrible: Oki Oki Feet Club
Heefnoff: I thought grippers were toes
Mr_Horrible: ^me ensuring I will never get accepted into said club
Obos_TAB: Mental Guard Crush
therepoman__: Short for carpet grippers
couchboyj: Watching people who are really really good be really really good is not always helpful for tye beginners
Heefnoff: True
BusTed: looks real cool though
Heefnoff: That was drive rush combo time
Bearudite: AYYYY
Heefnoff: BIG DAMAGE
Bearudite: gamin
Mr_Horrible: LUL
definenull: Gief damage
Heefnoff: Wait Jacob is locked in rn
gualdhar: Jacob looks like the kid who got into the cookie jar
TXC2: Jacob warmed up
Mr_Horrible: *extremely lily voice* "my winds! sofieD "
Mr_Horrible: I want a mod that makes it so Lily gets out of Gief L3 early because that kick to the chest just sends her flying
NewtyNewts: Oh no my windisher!
Obos_TAB: especially if low on Drive bar
TXC2: Mr_Horrible she goes flying like a game winning field kick
Obos_TAB: Whats the input for dive reversal on modern? Same as classic?
Mr_Horrible: @TXC2 if she makes it through the uprights Gief gets 1 bar of super back
Obos_TAB: F+Parry while blocking?
TXC2: Mr_Horrible exactly
therepoman__: @Obos_TAB F + DI
Obos_TAB: ty ty
Heefnoff: Every time I hit wakeup Gief level 3 I smile like the Grinch
definenull: Wait that didn't stun?
TXC2: That's so modern!
Mr_Horrible: oh interesting
definenull: Oh
Obos_TAB: Oh I thought jacob just got his bar back
Mr_Horrible: so the splat won't go if they don't have a chance to input something?
saucemaster5000: tod I am looking at ur dead honda body on the floor, game froze
therepoman__: @Mr_Horrible Correct
Mr_Horrible: neat
hyperialguard: LOCK will pop up in those cases
Heefnoff: I think SF6 is genuinely very well designed
therepoman__: Yeah they nailed it honestly
v_nome: Good games Nelly, You were doing good at not putting up with my BS!
violetblight: this games systems all work really well in conjunction
saucemaster5000: nah this game is garbage , no amingo bad design
Heefnoff: TRUEEE @saucemaster5000
violetblight: theres definitely some overtuned stuff but its very sick still
Heefnoff: Free my boy Amingo
therepoman__: #AmingoForSF6
hyperialguard: I'm seeing a sombrero
LurkerSpine: they couldn't kill off all the plants to bring amingo to sf6
Scarbble: amingus
Heefnoff: My big Cactus boy
tod_vom_himmel: anakaris for s2 dlc?
hyperialguard: Ruby Heart
Heefnoff: Ruby Heart
Heefnoff: Amazing character
CataclysmicReverb: Scarlet Witch?
Bearudite: she has the John charge tho
Mr_Horrible: Ruby Heart? That girl from the Rooster Teeth show? Kappa
therepoman__: Thanos running across the screen
Cptasparagus: Nelly you can't mention Thunder Junction, Adam is still recovering from yesterday
lochnessseammonster: good morning fighty friends seabatOAK
TXC2: hello lochnessseammonster welcome
Heefnoff: Thanos running across the screen like he doesn’t have the time stone
lochnessseammonster: how's the oki today?
Heefnoff: Why is bro running
Mr_Horrible: hey now, we got some chicanery with Quad Campaign yesterday LUL @Cptasparagus
Mr_Horrible: Heefnoff he has to stay connected to the people
Heefnoff: I disagree with this super
Heefnoff: But it was funny
saucemaster5000: My main hope for SF6 season 2? NTM char "Technician"
Mr_Horrible: @Heefnoff Mental image of someone upside down in the piledriver saying "I disagree with this super"
NewtyNewts: GG Nelly
Heefnoff: LMAO yeah @mr_horrible
Heefnoff: Punish it with a drive rush button yeah
Heefnoff: Nice
Heefnoff: No wind condor dive got that Tekken frame data
Mr_Horrible: Tekken Frame Data is just Whose Line in fighting game form
Heefnoff: Yeah -9 is wild
Mr_Horrible: the numbers are made up and the frames don't matter
Heefnoff: Sure does
Heefnoff: That’s common
Heefnoff: Probably yeah
Heefnoff: Tekken frame data generally goes anywhere between -0 to like -25
Mr_Horrible: I wouldn't be surprised if Tekken had a move that uninstalled the game on block
v_nome: I think my Yoshimitsu spins are more than -25 if I get dizzy
Heefnoff: Azucena WR 3,2 @mr_horrible
therepoman__: A comedy of errors
Heefnoff: LMAO
Heefnoff: I did it for movement
Mr_Horrible: @Heefnoff do I at least still get the coffee?
Heefnoff: Sure do @mr_horrible
Mr_Horrible: worth it
wtrob: This makes me want to give SF another shot. Hopefully my internet can handle it now
couchboyj: Schrodinger's Lariat is the best/worst move in the game
hyperialguard: Wheeler, you probably went for a wind after quickly waking back and forth
hyperialguard: At least that how I do that :(
Heefnoff: Marvel 2 Gief is funny cause he has an anti air grab as an assist
TXC2: the platonic "oh no!"
Heefnoff: Meaty running bear grab offers nothing that meaty SPD/regular throw does
Bearudite: pepper it in for spice
AfraidOfTheSun_ subscribed with Prime.
Mr_Horrible: trying to remember which sonic games that sound is from
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, AfraidOfTheSun_! (Today's storm count: 11)
Bearudite: meaty rbg is a sometimes food
v_nome: so I looked it up, Yoshimitsu's high spin is -73 if you overdo it
TXC2: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
AceGun_: 1/60th
therepoman__: 1/60th
Mr_Horrible: 1/60th
TXC2: it's enough time to send you kid to college :p
TehAmelie: Quake 3 has a 120 frames per second mode but that was a bit of an experiment, judging by how everyone else stuck with 60
Obos_TAB: Like a BORG
Mr_Horrible: not universally across games, but typically fighters are 60fps to keep it consistent
TXC2: how long have fighters been 60fps? 'cause surely early ones were 30?
Heefnoff: Fighting games are held at 60 FPS partially because of hardware differences, partially because changing FPS can change game logic
Mr_Horrible: yeah, in games where the framerate doesn't matter except for smoothness/visuals, it's not uncommon to allowing uncapping it
LambMower: @TXC2 60 has *generally* been standard for earliest generation of hardware because of refresh rates and voltage standards. The 30 FPS stuff didn't reaaaaally start being like a big thing until the 360/PS3 era. Though there were definitely games that would run at lower framerates before that
Mr_Horrible: but that also allows for goofy stuff when devs forget that frames aren't time, and tie something to frames that they should tie to time, like weapon degradation in OG dark souls 2
LambMower: And of course NTSC vs PAL
Bearudite: he is a paramilitary dingleberry
TXC2: LambMower huh, ok then, thanks
tod_vom_himmel: ngl luke boring as hell and thats coming from honda
tod_vom_himmel: hes got one combo
Mr_Horrible: or the player speed in my senior project's first demo
LambMower: Good ol, european 50FPS
tod_vom_himmel: perfect, perfect, lets fight
AceGun_: Luke doesn't even need the wind stocks
saucemaster5000: ggs gurl!
Obos_TAB: If wheeler does it with wind its usually safe right?
AfraidOfTheSun_: figured out how to use thr prime sub finaly lol
TXC2: LambMower give us the high tempo sonic music :p
lochnessseammonster: wheeler is good at bluffing PrideLaugh
TXC2: *gave
Obos_TAB: Could bring wheeler into training room to spar out the spots?
petey_vonwho: Hmm, if I'm on a free prime trial, do I still get a free sub?
saucemaster5000: I think so yeah
TXC2: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
saucemaster5000: once took a free prime trial, forgot about it and got charged for a year suddenly. Goodbye fun budget for that month
Obos_TAB: the cameras follow Luke as he goes to buy fish from the store for his momma
couchboyj: Missed the last bus to Memphis :(
Bearudite: sick with it more like
Mark_D_Stroyer: Nelson really has looked like a big level up the past couple weeks.
Mr_Horrible: he is in fact out here on streets
Obos_TAB: nice wheeler
saucemaster5000: missed input for the win
saucemaster5000: me, every time I fuck up command grab on oki against tod and they hit a super on wakeup -- "yeah I blocked that sucker"
petey_vonwho: Cool, it says I did the thing. Enjoy Amazon's money this month
Obos_TAB: Parry instead!
LambMower: Watching is half the battle
Bearudite: no
Bearudite: maybe not
LambMower: In Tekken you can have frame data up while spectating and it's the main why I actually pick up on frame data now :P
LambMower: way*
Obos_TAB: I need an arcsys Ronin Warrior game so I can play Anubis and scream "Quake with Fear"
AceGun_: Lily should get Tizoc's "BIIIIIG FAAAAAALLL"
saucemaster5000: give luke hyper viper beam
spicyFerret_: Personally, i prefer the air!
saucemaster5000: oh ace ur spitting
Bearudite: bezerker barrage
Ukon_Cairns: giving them a tank would be funny considering theres that stage of arcade where you just beat a truck.
Mr_Horrible: SNIFFA "ah, a 5"
Bearudite: nah its his hair flippin from under
Bearudite: so much hairspray
TXC2: I think it's just at a jaunty angle
Frizzlenill: it's hanging on the back of his head at an angle
LambMower: He's got a little piece of velcro on top of his head that the hat attaches to
saucemaster5000: give luke a propeller beanie
therepoman__: I bet Luke is a pomade guy
Sogheim: he's pulling a YuGiOh, wild bangs in the front
Obos_TAB: thats just blanka
Mr_Horrible: give him the lil fancy-lad outfit with a big lolly
saucemaster5000: he is a strapping young lad
Heefnoff: The children yearn for the farm
Mark_D_Stroyer: “What a strapping young lad”
AceGun_: Blanka saves that for the bedroom
saucemaster5000: jinx
Mark_D_Stroyer: @saucemaster5000 Aww your line had priority
Heefnoff: The wind goes pretty far Dude
TXC2: surely "lets strap this up" is a Marissa line? Kappa
Mr_Horrible: because of Daisuke's Vision, Nelly
Obos_TAB: she's hitting you with atmo-spehres
Obos_TAB: spheres*
TehAmelie: those clubs are measured to give her the exact same reach as T Hawk, right?
Heefnoff: Thank you
Heefnoff: I mean no don’t say that
AceGun_: But then if you jump in and throw their parry, you are now better than them.
Camail: i'd rather dp a jump in than pp anyday, tho
Obos_TAB: Gbe takes your steam account
violetblight: i parry because i cant anti air
therepoman__: The dog is a Sol main
Heefnoff: Getting mixed is a hard thing for the ego to handle
violetblight: also mine suck
JinaMahavira: Guilty gear the board game?
Mr_Horrible: named my dog BANDIT- because they're a Sol main
Mai_Andra: the dog starts playing BlazBlue
lochnessseammonster: seabatBRAIN
saucemaster5000: how come lily wears the peruvian hat but she's too good to put on the sombrero?
Cptasparagus: isnt losing the kids just saving money
Heefnoff: You go to tech a throw. You see yourself whiff throw. You fool. You absolutely buffoon. You have been shimmied, and everyone saw it.
Obos_TAB: so patient though
TXC2: Cptasparagus Alimony says no
saucemaster5000: LIly can cancel her stock pretty quick
Frizzlenill: @saucemaster5000 actual answer? It probably caused clipping issues with her wind-store move dance
Frizzlenill: cuz she twirls her weapons around her head
saucemaster5000: pfft. Programming isn't real
NewtyNewts: Barovia?
Cptasparagus: in LoL they say Africa
LMAOkai_: sajamSandblast
Mr_Horrible: my L3 enjoying a Moroccan vacation
Obos_TAB: this is what I love to see
TXC2: it's the fear
saucemaster5000: someone stop wheeler from these empty jump command grabs
Obos_TAB: command always beats a normal throw
violetblight: im down to check empty jumps
Frizzlenill: here's an anti air tip for nelson - catching jumps is more about watching how FAR they are rather than reacting to the jump on its own. They'll only jump at certain distances
hyperialguard: The cmd grab doesn't care about the stocks
YakkShakk221B: :)
TimeToFry: And we like you too streamer!
JinaMahavira: :)
hyperialguard: Just the spires and her SA2 range
therepoman__: :)
saucemaster5000: lmao!!!
spicyFerret_: Now hear this! Aeiou aeiou john madden footbal!
TXC2: 2 diamonds, 2 masters, 3 plats, some skill in this room :p
Obos_TAB: john madden
GGsLive: Howdy gamers
TXC2: hello GGsLive welcome
Obos_TAB: God the 20999 john madden video mashup kills me
Mr_Horrible: later Nelly o/
AceGun_: Later Nelson!
YakkShakk221B: Bye Nelson o/
TXC2: Bye Nelson thanks for streaming
LurkerSpine: Yeah Jacob definitely needs to add the Drive Reversal to the repertoire
TimeToFry: Releasing this summer...
TXC2: "IN A WORLD!..."
Obos_TAB: "the trailer starts now!"
AceGun_: Only the Sim players
saucemaster5000: my bad og
GGsLive: or you could be too plus
Obos_TAB: aren't they in stun block so you can throw?
Obos_TAB: can't*
Frizzlenill: @LoadingReadyRun can I link a tweet adam will like
saucemaster5000: aighty back to the grinder
TimeToFry: They gotta gift a sub
hd_dabnado: I vote 10 minute ban
BrowneePoints: You get their firstborn and get to football spike it
Frizzlenill: if you don't like it I'll shut up for the hour, and I JUST subbed so I'm wasting precious badge time
YakkShakk221B: I often find myself looking at Gief
YakkShakk221B: especially tights Gief, he is incredibly wide
TimeToFry: Okay that's a good tweet
Obos_TAB: thats a good tweet
Bearudite: quality content
Faulpyr: When Gief's not on screen I find myself asking, "Where's Gief?"
Obos_TAB: Mario Teaches Mashing
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Frizzlenill: WOO
Frizzlenill: lmao
Obos_TAB: swam through a river of shitposts and came out the other side clean
TXC2: crawled through the sewer of Twitter and came out clean
BrowneePoints: Wait....if we fail we die? *looks for the most dogshit tweet of all time*
BrowneePoints: Adam's built up a resistance to it
BrowneePoints: so it comess in 9 hours later
BrowneePoints: i was splitting my comment in 2 for effect Q.Q
Heefnoff: Gotta get washed to play clean
TXC2: well twitter's gotta a bit better, it didn't dump a meg of cache after opening one tweet :p
Obos_TAB: "I'm going to lose this match, but let me see where I can parry here"
Bearudite: when is SC1 week?
Heefnoff: But my internet points heefnoDelay
Frizzlenill: 100% all about picking a thing to do better this match instead of winning
goombalax: "Gotta get washed to get clean" is such a good phrase damn
Mark_D_Stroyer: I’m, like, not great. It’s mostly a time factor. But I lose a lot, and for me it’s not about losing…it’s about making them ~work~. Even if I’m beat to a sliver of life, I am going to get them down as much as I possibly can, because if I do that every time some of those times I actually win.
TXC2: top level pros? they got through it
Frizzlenill: @Mark_D_Stroyer exactly. The only time when a loss is actually certain, is when you give up
NewtyNewts: Wheeler's gonna hit Challenger at some point
Mark_D_Stroyer: I get people asking how I managed to make Rank E on Third Strike in Fightcade, and I always say “enthusiasm!”
YakkShakk221B: hawt
NewtyNewts: That was some GOOD mix
TXC2: Mixed like a cake baby!
BusTed: LUL
Obos_TAB: Another magic analogy: You know youre going to lose the game, but you can still play it out to get deck info for game 2
freshmaker__: Thought I was watching Faust for a second because that was some mix mix mix.
Bearudite: Jacob is gaming out of his mind
YakkShakk221B: GET in this piledriver
BusTed: "Unless.."
GGsLive: that was nice!
CienZaufania: seabatClap seabatClap
AceGun_: "unless... Oh fuck no!"
TXC2: and the win stream comes tumbling down
Frizzlenill: 2HP into light store is DI safe
Heefnoff: Oh Wheeler is mad
Heefnoff: Locked in rn
AceGun_: 5HP is only -5? Lily is cracked.
GGsLive: you can SPD -5. maybe lp SPD
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatOAK
Heefnoff: The only honest fighting game is the one I play :)
LurkerSpine: 2 touch kill character, very honest
Frizzlenill: lily's problem isn't power, it's that her gameplan is very linear and a lot of people feel that's constraining to their creativity
Heefnoff: I think you mean honest mid tier Ken :)
Luminaire_p: WOOO
TimeToFry: He's gaming out of his mind
BusTed: seabatBRAIN
LambMower: Every other character that isn't mine is bullshit (including people playing my character in mirrors)
TXC2: everyone's mid
Heefnoff: My favorite thing is Mike Ross talking about the tier list in this game
Frizzlenill: yeah the gap between top and bottom is SO much smaller than actual old game tiers
BrowneePoints: I main Incineroar and Duck Hunt in Smash
BrowneePoints: cuz I hate myself
Heefnoff: He’s said 15 characters in this game are top 5
TehAmelie: the tiers don't matter except for like, 1000 of the top players huh
BrowneePoints: (although Incin is moving up in a lot of rankings)
BusTed: bottom 22 for sure
tod_vom_himmel: I don't know what I mean you guys are talking about cuz I play a top tier
Mr_Horrible: Ken's a real lunchpail, 9-5 mid-tier, y'know? Kappa
TXC2: if you want tiers (and tears) go play SF2turbo :p
Obos_TAB: Mike plays Juri in 6 right?
Heefnoff: If I play the character they’re honest and mid tier
Heefnoff: Nah he plays Honda, Lily, and Manon
Heefnoff: I think a bit of Marisa too
Obos_TAB: h thats right
BrowneePoints: Like, isn't Sim vs Ken in SF2 legit a nightmare?
BrowneePoints: I just remember one version of it sim legit couldn't jump Ken's fireball
Obos_TAB: so good
v_nome: Hell yeah Jacob!
GrapeshotOnline: sf2 in general has very polarizing matchups, there's lots of 7-3 and 8-2 matchups in it
Frizzlenill: @BrowneePoints the unwinnable one is sagat vs cammy. 9-1 sagat favour, not even exaggerating
hyperialguard: Jacob's silence and focus? Hell yeah
Mangledpixel: boop
Obos_TAB: i miss modern nelly cause he'd get thos AA uppercuts all the time
GrapeshotOnline: there's even a version of sf2 where gief-honda is literally 10-0
TXC2: hello Mangledpixel welcome
Mangledpixel: how goes the punch times?
Cpt_P: hi adam
GrapeshotOnline: gief can spd him at round start and loop it because sf2
Frizzlenill: yeah there's a beta build of sf2 used for some loctests that was ACTUALLY 0-10
Obos_TAB: dang nice
TXC2: hello Cpt_P welcome
Frizzlenill: like, unavoidable SPD at round start, into unavoidable tickthrow
Cpt_P: yea jumps beating throws werent a thing yet
Cpt_P: sf2 fuckin sucks
Heefnoff: Shoutouts to that one stage-specific 10-0 matchup in KOF
YakkShakk221B: you know it's a good fight when the horses stop to watch
silent_sol: But its funny
Mark_D_Stroyer: I’ve tried to go back and play 2, it never clicks for me
Heefnoff: TRUEEEEE
Heefnoff: Her jabs are bad heefnoDelay
AceGun_: Her 4 frame is legit the worst in the game, I think.
Cpt_P: eds gotta be worse
saucemaster5000: LMAOkai kicked the router
Frizzlenill: @AceGun_ Ed says hi
violetblight: what
BrowneePoints: OH wait I got that reversed
TXC2: worse in what way? damage?
Cpt_P: eds 4f is fuckin awful
Cpt_P: range
LMAOkai_: @saucemaster5000 no u!
violetblight: rashid's a dlc character and his is like the second best in the game
drizztnailo: This matchup is a wee bit difficult for gief imo
itsr67: huh
freshmaker__: L+Bad Jab+New Character
Heefnoff: I agree
saucemaster5000: lmao ggs
Frizzlenill: that was SO badass jacob
Heefnoff: This is one of the few matchups Lily definitely wins
LMAOkai_: ggs!
AceGun_: Nah, Ed's jab has longer range than Lily's.
BrowneePoints: Sim had a 60-70% matchup against Ken in SF2 cuz Sim's Divekick carried over Ken's Fireballs. I had that flipped lol
itsr67: I gotta learn to cancel into M sobat for stuff
itsr67: and just to throw out m sobat sometimes
violetblight: its about as bad as they get in this game
Cpt_P: 7-3 is a nightmare now huh
Heefnoff: Hibiki-san my beloved
saucemaster5000: folks are gonna figure out ed in like 2 months or so, and all these complaints about his shitty 4f will go away
Heefnoff: Wheeler coming into his character bigotry arc love to see it
Heefnoff: That’s how you know Wheeler is a strong player now
Cpt_P: i was being generouus
AceGun_: @saucemaster5000 He's been figured out. Momochi hit #1 Legend on Ed.
Heefnoff: Fuckin Ken players am I right
BrowneePoints: Look, Rashid is just Lily if she was a YouTuber and was hopped up on 17 cans of Monster at all times
Cpt_P: ill play a 6-4 all day no worries
w1gum: "My jab is bad" - derogatory
thatguysteve2709: You know never really thought about it till now but these people all just stopped. To watch a giant man and what looks like a little girl in comparison fight, and nobody though hey should we call the cops or at least lets film it for tiktok follows.
Cpt_P: ill play a 7-3 no problem
Cpt_P: just gotta be nasty
itsr67: 7-3's sound icky
itsr67: as long as its a character I like I'd play the 7-3 as the 3
Cpt_P: do you know how many times ive seen morridoom or zerodoom across the screen from me
Heefnoff: See normally the matchup is 6-4. But I’m a genetic freak and I’m not normal, so really it’s a 7-3.
Cpt_P: it is no problem
Cpt_P: i play wolverine
TXC2: thatguysteve2709 they're all enjoying the show
saucemaster5000: are there any 7-3s in this game? I thought the closest was blanka/honda
Cpt_P: ill figurre it out
Obos_TAB: Are you going to play 4, Adam?
Obos_TAB: Bring your SF3 dudley over
beowuuf: numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster
BrowneePoints: Look, I main Duck Hunt in Smash, Duck Hunt is D tier, but do you know how hard people pop off for Duck Hunt when you can combo someone into fucking Tartarus?
Obos_TAB: I think Youre a Hakan main though
BrowneePoints: Can Combo*
itsr67: if we play 4 we gotta break out the parsec
Heefnoff: Love that Marisa’s VA voiced that bit
Mangledpixel: the numbers don't lie
tod_vom_himmel: ok back sorry for ditching you sauce bu t i had to pretend to have a job
itsr67: cause that netcode stinky
TXC2: I maintain that promo is good actualy
Cpt_P: yea ill play 4 but not on netplay lol
BrowneePoints: I take all the shitty matchups for the MEMES baby!
saucemaster5000: I'm not following the discord's journey if we go to 4
Heefnoff: SCOOPS
Heefnoff: Yeah that wouldn’t have hit in version 1
NorthstarTex: those numbers don't lie though
Obos_TAB: You don't want to red focus Sauce?
Heefnoff: You know there’s gotta be one cracked Gief player in the office who wins the company tournaments
Heefnoff: And that’s why he’s always low tier now
Obos_TAB: FADC into Sper?
NorthstarTex: just got outplayed
BrowneePoints: Apparently Yoshi P is why Gieef got nerfed
saucemaster5000: @tod_vom_himmel It's fine LMAOkai ditched me at the last match of 4-4. I see how it is today
violetblight: 6th grade +r tier list
Cpt_P: marisa
AfraidOfTheSun_: Honsa teir zero
TimeToFry: Marisa
itsr67: are they fed
AceGun_: Everyone stopped playing in the custom room. too enthralled by this match, lol.
Heefnoff: Saw that in Marvel 3 once, Ghost Rider and Hulk were cracked
Obos_TAB: Thats like those posts Sajam was reading from the school teacher running GG
Vaiess_: We need that school teacher tierlist but for sf6
Heefnoff: Love those
Obos_TAB: When that kid came in with Potbuster
Mark_D_Stroyer: “Ryu Tier S”
Cpt_P: rider can be annoying
itsr67: I do also like the idea of locking them out of training mode
Heefnoff: Hulk S tier for sure
Cpt_P: if you dont know how to move
violetblight: "like zangief"
Mr_Horrible: H!
tod_vom_himmel: "nah i'd live"
Obos_TAB: hahaha right "like zangeif?"
itsr67: oh shit you could do that here
saucemaster5000: Time stone -- erase your loss
Heefnoff: First one to open Training mode has to leave
Heefnoff: Winner gets $5
Heefnoff: That’s wild I didn’t know that
BrowneePoints: oops. My memory is faulty lately my bad
itsr67: karnov
Obos_TAB: would LOVE to see Beej's teir list
Mark_D_Stroyer: Wow I need need need to see that
Cpt_P: its to easy to osmose information
BrowneePoints: omg. The Blind Pick LRR Subathon Tournament
BrowneePoints: that would be GENIUS
Heefnoff: Yeah that’s just a day 1 tier list
AceGun_: ballz
Cpt_P: i wouldnt even do cvs2
Heefnoff: CVS2 would be neat for that
Cpt_P: old aand obscure
MaelstronSolenor: wouldn't it just be every choosing who they like the best and never looking at the other characters?
Bearudite: oh
Cpt_P: like a fuckin old version of melty
Obos_TAB: Get Beej to tier list DBF
itsr67: could be cyberbots
Cpt_P: see me in act caadenza
GGsLive: do it for SNK vs Capcom
Bearudite: you want old and obscure do you
Frizzlenill: @LoadingReadyRun counterpoint, the grade 6 classroom made a tier list after a day or two
TXC2: old and obscure? Time fighters it is Kappa
Bearudite: do I have a deal for you
drewm1022: Bloody Roar 2.
freshmaker__: old and obscure. i get to mention waku waku 7 again. hell yeah
Mai_Andra: They beat me once? top tier character, OP
Scarbble: waku waku 7
Cpt_P: waku aint even obscure
itsr67: :O
freshmaker__: @Scarbble same brain
Bearudite: Matrimelee
Cpt_P: not aanymore
Scarbble: tru
Cpt_P: waku has meme power
Heefnoff: We gotta get Adam to EVO one of these days
Bearudite: why
Obos_TAB: Bokubars?
Bearudite: its so god
Bearudite: good
itsr67: 1 hour in they get to look at what would be on the side of the cabinet
BrowneePoints: I'm still wondering HOW they're doing Third Strike at EVO and which version it is
Frizzlenill: @Scarbble god that game is so cool but the mash moves and super tight cancel windows just hate my hands
BrowneePoints: you loved Garou
BrowneePoints: you were POGGIN for Garou
Heefnoff: Modded Marvel 3
Obos_TAB: Arm Joe
Cpt_P: garoo
Heefnoff: @browneepoints Arcade version I thought
itsr67: cyberbots would be good
Obos_TAB: "This guy hav Jean in his name twice. He's top tier"
LurkerSpine: row
Cpt_P: garoh
Heefnoff: Turns out picking good characters is fun
LurkerSpine: Like row your boat
itsr67: garou is insanely good
BusTed: haha
Scarbble: grrrow, lol
Heefnoff: Garouwu
BrowneePoints: Garuwu
Obos_TAB: It's pronounced "Row-NEEN"
shurtal: City of the Worves coming out soon
BrowneePoints: @Heefnoff SAME BRAINCELL
Heefnoff: @browneepoints SAME BRAIN
Mark_D_Stroyer: Gowron
Mr_Horrible: rawr xd ass name
lochnessseammonster: :3
Heefnoff: LMAOOOO
shurtal: yeah, but it's also Japan
itsr67: >:3c
itsr67: garow
GoldenGod0: I just say fatal fury
Frizzlenill: if throw windup happens during your landing frames, it'll hit before command grab starts
TheSmilingMammoth subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, TheSmilingMammoth! (Today's storm count: 12)
NorthstarTex: uwu its a garruw
Frizzlenill: like he's throwing a little before you land
yalc321: Sup nerds
TXC2: is Garou just Japanese trying to say Growl ?
yalc321: You ooking there son?
TXC2: hello yalc321 welcome
Frizzlenill: even if you don't punish, TAKING YOUR TURN after seeing a whiff is still good
Obos_TAB: we have replays at home
yalc321: Empty your mind, Jacob
yalc321: No thoughts, only smash
Cpt_P: to answer the jump question: when you jump you have landing recovery before you can do stuff, the 2nd and 3rd frame is cancellable into attacks so its similar to spd-ing at -1
Cpt_P: you can still block and tech throws if you do not do an air normal
Frizzlenill: move past mistakes, dive into questions
Mark_D_Stroyer: @browneepoints They’re getting together a lot of boards they can run 3S on, instead of getting cabinets. I forget what the term is. it was in the announcement stream.
NorthstarTex: having just started (and just graduated to Iron rank) its a humbling experience where you just need to just move onto the next match and taking lessons you've learned
Frizzlenill: @LoadingReadyRun move on if it's a mistake, dig deeper if it's a question about how things work
Cpt_P: gief especially has to think about this often
drizztnailo: she gets to refill wind after command grab which does not feel great as gief
hyperialguard: Lily can drive rush up after a cmd grab to 2HP as meaty. That's all, really
Cpt_P: he has to use his life as a resource a lot
Cpt_P: and weigh risk reward
BrowneePoints: @Mark_D_Stroyer Didn't remember if they actually announced WHICH version is on the Boards. I remember Max doing the deep dive afterwards of being very curious of how they were gonna do it/which version it would be
hyperialguard: Or yeah, wind stock time
Cpt_P: the risk is very commonly not in his favor and thats where conditioning comes in
Obos_TAB: Spt had a good answer to your jump into throw question above, too
Obos_TAB: Cpt*
Frizzlenill: yeah the logistics of getting it to run at the event is pretty well handled, the question is which version of the game they'll use
AfraidOfTheSun_: button beats normal throw on a tie in this game afaik
Frizzlenill: @NorthstarTex yep - dwelling on mistakes doesn't help. If it's something the opponent did that you don't know how to beat, dwelling on THAT and trying different answers in training can be really helpful
Cpt_P: after spire, mashing is almost never the answer
Cpt_P: if you wanna beat the throw, you wanna jump or backdash
Cpt_P: if you wanna beat the button you block or parry
BrowneePoints: The amount of people who can do that reflexively are a very, very small amount
Obos_TAB: nice heef
Frizzlenill: 100% adam's spot on
Frizzlenill: throw away the goal of winning, dedicate human-practice time to just training one skill at a time
Mr_Horrible: when the gloom goes in for a throw, we tech those
drizztnailo: jacob is spitting im ngl. situations can definitely feel hopel;ess despite knowing that there are options to get out
Frizzlenill: yeah you can acknowledge the feeling of hopelessness while responding to it with "that feeling doesn't help me right now"
Bearudite: get paid either way
Heefnoff: Yeah it’s all about having fun, losing DOESNT matter
v_nome: Let's go Wheeler!
Heefnoff: But also this matchup sucks ass Kappa
BrowneePoints: Honestly, it sounds dumb, but I Repeat the Fear is the Mind Killer mantra from Dune when I get that way in a Comp game. Magic/League/Fighters etc
drizztnailo: @Heefnoff real and true king
BrowneePoints: most of the time it helps
YakkShakk221B: Holy shit Gief in the formal wear goes incredibly hard
NorthstarTex: dude, I'm only at iron level I've had some banger matches
TXC2: Wheeler on a 2 streak lets go!
yalc321: Wheeler with teh combo breaker on adam
drizztnailo: wheeler is cooking
Cpt_P: winning matters but as ive told adam before you have to love the process
Cpt_P: live for the small bits of applying things youve learned for positive self reinforcement
NorthstarTex: Heef's lariat though
BrowneePoints: In positive Competitive Game News, all hail our new Trans Rights Overlord Amoongus
Bearudite: combobreaker?! KILLER INSTINCT?!
Obos_TAB gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cpt_P! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Cpt_P! (Today's storm count: 13)
Cpt_P: @Obos_TAB Thanks for the gift sub!
Bearudite: hell yeah
drizztnailo: @Bearudite gods perfect fighting game?
Cpt_P: if you think back to our dnf days
Obos_TAB: seabatSKYLADY seabatSKYLADY seabatSKYLADY
Bearudite: and you keep getting better Jacob
Cpt_P: dog i waxed you like 80-1 multiple times
awildshen: I've never stuck with any video game like I have with fighting games
TXC2: you GOTTA love the process, it's how I've lost 40 pounds in 5 years :p
Cpt_P: then you got better at the genre and we came back
Cpt_P: and you applied a lot of shit
Frizzlenill: the thing to seek is the feeling of doing ONE thing better this time, and seeing it work when you lost to that problem before
Cpt_P: thats just how the process works
BrowneePoints: I mean, Adam was decent enough to win a Amateur tourney in 5
Obos_TAB: You're going to be good at any fighter you play from now on. Sf really carries over.
BrowneePoints: and then hit Master Marisa in 3 weeks
tod_vom_himmel: yea it can do that
Frizzlenill: the whole GENRE is transferrable skills
TXC2: you got better, so did they
Bearudite: looks like od lariat does in fact stuff non od condor
Alexthesoso: Adam’s point about setting a smaller goal and using that as the metric for success is a good one, helps break things into chunks instead of the bigger goal of “get good”
NorthstarTex: I opened a bag of popcorn for this matchup, its aways fun seeing what Heef can pull off
Mr_Horrible: If no one else got me I know me got me
Bearudite: only way I can play third strike
Bearudite: every parry is a hype
saucemaster5000: ggs ace
yalc321: mood
AceGun_: ggs Sauce!
Mr_Horrible: there's a reason "...damn I'm sick" is a tried and true fighting games mantra
Bearudite: naaaasty
Frizzlenill: goddamn MOOD jacob
Alexthesoso: when I was teaching it could be helpful to actually write the goal down at the start of the class so it’s easier to remind yourself of the smaller goal rather than getting lost in the big picture
Cpt_P: theres a lot more tangible stuff you can use as positive self reinforcement in fg's though
Cpt_P: small shit like anti airing
saucemaster5000: lmao I do love that every fighting game player "myself included" talks about fighting games in therapy
Cpt_P: every time you anti air you can be like damn im nice
Alexthesoso: plus then you can make “don’t make me tap the sign” jokes
Obos_TAB: haha "damn Im good" its so true
Frizzlenill: seconding the 'write down your mini goal' strategy, BIG help
Mr_Horrible: DESERVED
DaVeganPolice: LUL
AceGun_: The styler becomes the styled!
Frizzlenill: just anti airing well is enough to get you to plat on its own
TXC2: the mind games!
NorthstarTex: hell yeah wheeler, o7 heef
Mr_Horrible: the mental in shambles
Mr_Horrible: it's all on the ground
Obos_TAB: Star baker curse. now YOURE getting cooked
NorthstarTex: Uhoh, Heef released restraint level 0
Obos_TAB: omg wheeler doesn't need life
Heefnoff: Ggs boss
Obos_TAB: cool set to watch
NorthstarTex: Damn heef's good
Heefnoff: Jacob I don’t think you’re bad I think this matchup is actually so rough lmao
Heefnoff: Not to discredit Wheeler
Heefnoff: Wheeler is cookin
drizztnailo: its giefs 3rd worst mu after sim and jp imo
Heefnoff: Yeah Wheeler’s neutral is super good
drizztnailo: wheeler was cookin tho
Frizzlenill: jacob try writing down a mini goal, like "anti air 3 times this match"
TXC2: Wheeler is dangerous
DaVeganPolice: 3 fighters sitting in lobbies, passing in the night
Frizzlenill: you can do that right now and check back after!
Heefnoff: Not playing super reckless, taking control of space, real strong stuff
drizztnailo: the whiff level 3 full screen as a bait was inspired lmao
GoldenGod0: Lily has some cracked buttons to hit in neutral
Heefnoff: Problem is everyone is growing
BrowneePoints: Speaking of other things, did you check out City of Wolves at all Jacob? Is the style/art/design your jam?
Frizzlenill: <3 love to hear it
saucemaster5000: Everyone getting better and we all act like we're dogshit
AceGun_: Nah, I'm cooking.
LostThePirate: GGs
saucemaster5000: oh ace I thought of you as the exception
AceGun_: lol, thanks
saucemaster5000: imagine aki getting better
therepoman__: Yeah it's on Nome now
saucemaster5000: (bang)
tod_vom_himmel: Everybody who is in there when you left is now dead
Bearudite: comentary on
Bearudite: pls
BrowneePoints: Look adam is here to sell Pro-Pain and Pro-Pain Accessories
AceGun_: SF6 is still one of the few games that doesn't dissolve the lobby if the creator leaves. why?!
therepoman__: Both mediums is universal overhead Kappa
Bearudite: gonna have kevin brain
Bearudite: or thanos brain
AceGun_: tap forward to parry
Bearudite: if only
saucemaster5000: ngl I caught myself tapping forward to parry in sf6 recently
DaVeganPolice: 😭 Ed buttons
thasmiel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, thasmiel! (Today's storm count: 14)
tod_vom_himmel: He said that is one of the options there's the option to this band room and the option to leave room you can have both
drizztnailo: i did not believe, heef lol
TehAmelie: you forgot Marisa? :o
tod_vom_himmel: Ace*
AceGun_: hit him with the bubbles.
tod_vom_himmel: Phone corr3cted acegun to he said lol
NorthstarTex: shake off that ring rust brotha
benjamin_wheeler: honest mid tier
AceGun_: @tod_vom_himmel your phone gets me.
Heefnoff: Honest mid tier :)
saucemaster5000: not much of a jumper (jumps)
drizztnailo: @Heefnoff a deep sadness is in my soul
TXC2: the ONLY honest mid tier Kappa
benjamin_wheeler: @saucemaster5000 its called conditioning (gaslighting)
saucemaster5000: bro I play manon
saucemaster5000: all I do is gaslighting
freshmaker__: oh yeah its been a while since i caught an OOFC live. idk if you remember I said I was meeting Marisa's VA like.. a month ago lol. She was super cool, unsurprisingly.
TehAmelie: still can't get over the announcer thinking Zangief is called Zongyaf
therepoman__: Funny thing is I'm pretty sure the announcer is correct
therepoman__: But nobody says it like that ever
Frizzlenill: correct to phonetic russian
Frizzlenill: but he's been zan-geef since '91
saucemaster5000: @freshmaker__ I would've loved if you came in with a "actually she fucking sucked"
Bearudite: the lil gasps
drizztnailo: @Heefnoff honest mid tier frfr
freshmaker__: @saucemaster5000 god that would be fucking funny. hi everyone. im here to ruin everyones day
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
YFiddler: Man I kinda missed seeing Adam play Marisa
saucemaster5000: aighty sun lessgo
Bearudite: yo sick
NorthstarTex: Good comeback
Obos_TAB: wow what a pickuo with that headbutt
TXC2: being plus isnt real
Obos_TAB: she IS plus on a lot of stuff
Obos_TAB: stuff she doesn't feel plus on cause theyre big swings
lightfut: She picks up that beast of a Gief so gently that the end
hyperialguard: Manifest your frame advantage
Bearudite: frame data isn't real and can't hurt you
lightfut: He's gotta be so heavy
hyperialguard: Actualize your turn
Bearudite: all of these matches are pre determined like a game of candyland
Bearudite: Kappa
hyperialguard: Invest... In your win rate, today!
TXC2: lightfut he;s 300 pounds plus
LostThePirate: GG
BusTed: tqsSip
Wrexadecimal: got 'em o:
lightfut: Yeah, and Marisa princess carries him like nothin
Frizzlenill: make 'em scared, Jacob!
lochnessseammonster: marisa carrying gief like a baby will never not get me PrideLaugh
Wrexadecimal: swolemates
TXC2: Marissa is a stronk lady
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh seabatClap
TehAmelie: i think the world of Street Fighter has different imperial measurements than us. no way Gief weighs under 200 kg
lochnessseammonster: also this outfit is fire
Obos_TAB: nice
Wrexadecimal: niiice
Obos_TAB: adam hasn't asked jacob where's hes going even once
Heefnoff: 4-3 ok
Heefnoff: Ggs
drizztnailo: @Heefnoff sorry i have to run and pick up a sister from the doctor
drizztnailo: ggs
Heefnoff: No worries gamer
TXC2: drizztnailo stay safe
light_blue55: you can pick up sisters from dctors??
BrowneePoints: Jack Hammer sounds like a Wrestler, or an Adult Entertainer
JinaMahavira: Beeg Lady is a beating
Obos_TAB: @light_blue55 thats where babies come from
light_blue55: @Obos_TAB I see, so wise
Frizzlenill: @BrowneePoints or like a tokusatsu actor framed for murder?
light_blue55: @Frizzlenill that sounds like a wrestler to me
RetroHibiscus: adam camouflaging himself in the left side of the stage smh
Obos_TAB: jacob just slap the stick but not the buttons
TXC2: BrowneePoints I think Jack Hammer is a series of Noir Novels :p
Obos_TAB: some tech only works in the same room
Obos_TAB: Smug Colors
saucemaster5000: Gg @AfraidOfTheSun_ !
Frizzlenill: if DI is a true combo, it won't stun
LurkerSpine: And I don't think DI combos exist if someone isn't burnt out, right?
DaVeganPolice: 👆 JACKHAMMER
LurkerSpine: "Fuck Bill Goldberg" - Bret Hart, probably
saucemaster5000: lurker that's a lie, My 2HP combos into DI most of the time
Frizzlenill: @LurkerSpine there's some situational juggles into it, mainly done because on hit it deals a lot of drive gauge damage
saucemaster5000: er 2HK
Cpt_P: DI combos still exist regardless of burnout state
Cpt_P: plenty of characters have routes to hit DI's as a combo specifically to burn you out
LurkerSpine: neat
Frizzlenill: burnout only affects blocking, getting hit is unaffected by burnout
TXC2: LurkerSpine I'd wager Bret hates Vince far more then he hate goldberg
Obos_TAB: jacob got robbed
Cpt_P: like JP and juri can combo 2 of em
fracassio subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, fracassio! (Today's storm count: 15)
Obos_TAB: hahaha
TXC2: poked in the mommy-daddy button
Obos_TAB: great sream Oki'ers. Ima bounce.
TXC2: so long Obos_TAB stay safe
saucemaster5000: borcht got beeten up
Mark_D_Stroyer: “the panic button”
therepoman__: I did one set and now I wanna take a nap lmao
itsr67: parrying makes it so you lose less drive in that exchange
saucemaster5000: I want nap too but chores
saucemaster5000: grumble eeepy
saucemaster5000: damn. marisa has big punch
hyperialguard: She punch real good
therepoman__: I'd like to play more tonight, playing on arcade stick again got me addicted
TXC2: she have big everything
saucemaster5000: I'll probs be playing later
Cpt_P: marisa is specifically designed to eat up DI
ZethRuss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 115 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ZethRuss! (Today's storm count: 16)
Cpt_P: so yea its good, but matchups exist
therepoman__: Yeah I have returned to my old flame
therepoman__: Turns out I just prefer arcade stick over leverless
Bowlsrus2000 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 19 month streak!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bowlsrus2000! (Today's storm count: 17)
AceGun_: Game feels nice.
therepoman__: Cool game
BrowneePoints: Apparently Ermac is super fun and hinting at some BIG overhauls for MK1
awildshen: game === good
saucemaster5000: eh. there's no amingo
saucemaster5000: or q-bee
awildshen: Amingo for SF6 s2
TXC2: saucemaster5000 let it go Kappa
hyperialguard: No Erick, though
AceGun_: Okay, they can add Amingo and Q-Bee, but they also have to add Oro.
awildshen: actually scratch that give me Ruby Heart
saucemaster5000: lmao I forgot about erick
saucemaster5000: dude has everything
hyperialguard: Ride the wave
AceGun_: Agree to disagree.
JinaMahavira: God, Marisa just kills people
offbeatwitch: marisa does sooooooo much damage
Mark_D_Stroyer: “You’re mine!” Exact same intonation at her wedding.
saucemaster5000: yeh just fought a marisa for the first time in over a month. You kinda forget the dam output
offbeatwitch: ive been playing marisa a bit after playing Kimberly since launch and it's insane how much more damage marisa's buttons do
AceGun_: Lariat OP
BrowneePoints: Speaking of Iron Bodies...*Dreams of Hades 2 Hephaestus*
TXC2: BrowneePoints has more info dropped ?
BrowneePoints: @TXC2 just his portrait from the tech test
TXC2: BrowneePoints ah, ok then
BrowneePoints: and he purdy as hell and built like Thor
JinaMahavira: bang
TXC2: she doesn't have guns, she has a whole arsenal :p
BrowneePoints: Just remember Adam and Jacob, Soon, you're gonna have to prepare yourselves.
TXC2: geif is THE Character who has to dominate space right?
BrowneePoints: had to share that meme since Jacob is an Akuma fan. And cuz the day I don't reference Casually Messatsu Child you know i'm a Doppelganger
lightfut: Gladius!
AceGun_: Oh no...
therepoman__: sajamVibe
TXC2: "LRR presents: how to casually Metsatsu a child"
lochnessseammonster: seabatOAK seabatOAK seabatOAK
ConspiracyOfCartographers subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 120 months!
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ConspiracyOfCartographers! (Today's storm count: 18)
saucemaster5000: where are you going???
therepoman__: Hitting buttons in sf6 good turns out
saucemaster5000: rounds start degage makes my brain go weeeeee
AceGun_: edmond
BrowneePoints: Edward
TXC2: Edard
therepoman__: Life has many doors ed boy
BrowneePoints: Rock out to Germano-Japanese Hip Hop duh
Cptasparagus: ed looks like he needs a steak
wtrob: Is Ed's SFVI theme better than his SFV theme?
lochnessseammonster: nice
e_bloc: hell yeah brother
lochnessseammonster: about to do a home workout now for the first time in aaaaages
BrowneePoints: Step 1: Be a nemace
tod_vom_himmel: nome what the fuck lol
BrowneePoints: menace*
Wolfstrike_NL: step number how many: don't lose
lochnessseammonster: PrideUwu
TXC2: lochnessseammonster good luck, remember to stretch after
TehAmelie: do you think there's a skin mod that turns Ed into Ed from Our Flag Means Death? i might buy this game if there is
lochnessseammonster: thanks!
lochnessseammonster: oh yes, lots of stretching
wtrob: I'm downloading SFVKI again because I miss fighting games
wtrob: *SFVI
BrowneePoints: Do you like the concept of funny and heartbreaking gay piracy?
Cptasparagus: its amazing
BrowneePoints: if so, yes, it's fucking amazing
TehAmelie: it's really good. a tragedy with lots of comedy and lovely gay pirates
Cptasparagus: do you think Taika Waititi is funny?
jolly6100 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months!
jolly6100: go go fight
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, jolly6100! (Today's storm count: 19)
BrowneePoints: it's better than that. OFMD is Taika without letting Taika be TOO Taika
TehAmelie: Ed is Edward "Blackbeard" teach who you may have heard of
TXC2: this is not a 10 minutes of honour
Bearudite: def nothing of value because stinky ed is on the screen
Bearudite: kimberly
tod_vom_himmel: HONDA
BrowneePoints: Play Chun Li Coward
AceGun_: AKI time for Adam
Mai_Andra: This is not a 15 minutes of valor.
AceGun_: broski4Akicool
therepoman__: Any baby slappers
TehAmelie: i was just thinking, have you done an episode practicing characters you don't play to study how to counter them?
NorthstarTex: baby slappers raise your hands
AceGun_: lmao
therepoman__: LOL
lochnessseammonster: PrideLaugh
Mr_Horrible: the RNG is on Jacob's side
TXC2: Jacob gonna do a learning now Kappa
LurkerSpine: It looked like modern to me
BrowneePoints: Setups and be a Mega Brazilian Chad
v_nome: go crazy!
BrowneePoints: that's how
DaVeganPolice: Visualize the Ball, Become the Ball.
therepoman__: Crouch medium punch for blanka sure is a button
TehAmelie: believe in the ball, and throw yourself
BrowneePoints: Berserker Ballrage!
AceGun_: just river run.
petey_vonwho: See, this is the street fighter I'm used to. Hit random and lets go!
LurkerSpine: Charge down and up kick I think
Juliamon: I don't know, what's up ball with you?
saucemaster5000: charge down, up kick yeah
v_nome: down ball is charge back forward in air
NorthstarTex: wtf is this matchup
TXC2: half circle back and kick ?
saucemaster5000: oh that's back while jumping, forward punch
therepoman__: Listen to nome the certified Blanka player
Peevvi: Guile does have an air throw, actually
TehAmelie: maybe even two?
LurkerSpine: Yes two
NorthstarTex: I hting Guile needs a rabies shot
LurkerSpine: forward and back
NorthstarTex: think*
LurkerSpine: no idea what modern Guile has though
BrowneePoints: blanka's kit in this game is like, ACTUALLY sick
saucemaster5000: I find it really hard but that's the input yeah
therepoman__: Back charging
v_nome: you can charge it during jump, is easier from a down charge
Cpt_P: 1>7>6P
BrowneePoints: give 'em the Chans!
TehAmelie: charge moves were a mistake send tweet
therepoman__: Down down punch?
v_nome: 22
Cpt_P: 22P
Cpt_P: i think
BrowneePoints: Blanka is LEGIT fun
BrowneePoints: his kit feels so good when you're good with him
therepoman__: Quick what's Blanka's command grab input
AceGun_: Go child, hold down the neutral
saucemaster5000: quarter circle forward punch is command grab
therepoman__: Jacob getting a test of having an invincible reversal
saucemaster5000: the doll goes different distances based on the punch you hit
TehAmelie: like waking up for the first time
saucemaster5000: god 4MK is such a good button
saucemaster5000: Damn I didn't play blanka today, gonna amend that later
NorthstarTex: I never though I'd be giggling at Adam's "rawr" but here I am
TXC2: Adam needs to stop saying "rawr" in increasingly sexy tones :p
DaVeganPolice: or... he could continue?
TehAmelie: jeez Blanka leave some reach to Dhalsim
TXC2: DaVeganPolice I mean I can't stop him :p
LurkerSpine: Jacob gotta boom more
DaVeganPolice: 😳 good
saucemaster5000: after first ball it's direction and punch for another
Cpt_P: you get a full screen whiff punish with level 1 during level 2
DaVeganPolice: :O Jacob's got the booms
BrowneePoints: I'm Scared
BrowneePoints: Jacob is gonna be a beast on Akuma
BrowneePoints: "I get a Shoto with a full kit"-Jacob Unleashed
Invitare: Summer Salt
TXC2: Geif has been holding Jacob back
Cpt_P: guile the shoto
Cpt_P: i hope akuma doesnt have a dp
Cpt_P: that the trailer lied
LurkerSpine: I mean modern shotos are pretty damn good. 1 button fireball/DP so good
TXC2: (takes long drag) "what if we made a shoto with charge inputs?"
saucemaster5000: sorry akuma, no fireball no dp, no raging demon this time. get fucked
BrowneePoints: Akuma without Messatsu would be WILD CPT
DaVeganPolice: Old man Akuma got no buttons 😭
Cptasparagus: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (59m from now).
BrowneePoints: ope sorry Goshryu*
Mr_Horrible: he can't be doing that at his age
Mr_Horrible: knees can't take it
TXC2: so no Tatsu either then?
DaVeganPolice: man's got perfects, its so over
saucemaster5000: lmao the lvl 1 to lvl 1
BrowneePoints: Did you SEE Akuma in that trailer?
BrowneePoints: Who took Old Age and broke it over his fucking KNEE
BrowneePoints: He*
TehAmelie: let's say Akuma has no moves except for the jumping diagonal fireball. would that be fair?
TXC2: hasn't Akuma Tatsu'd a submarine before? man is built different
saucemaster5000: I would acccept those terms
Cpt_P: depends on how it works in this game
Mr_Horrible: the playerbase would find a way to make it work
AceGun_: ggs
DaVeganPolice: ggs
Cpt_P: air fireball can be broken asf or useless
JinaMahavira: ggs
TheAinMAP: sergeGG
Ukon_Cairns: jebroGG
TXC2: thanks for streaming Adam and Jacob and Wheeler
hyperialguard: hibiki6GG
BusTed: ggs
TXC2: !patreon
LRRbot: All of LoadingReadyRun's streams and videos are made possible by direct support from viewers like you. Check out our Patreon at
beowuuf: thanks for streaming!
Cpt_P: later gamers
TXC2: !store
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun has a store! You can buy Shirt, or Sleeve, or Playmat, or Pin, or Other! Check out for the full catalog.
josh___something: No, I missed oki oki D:
ShaneLeeAtk: sergeGG sergeGG sergeGG
TXC2: !prime
LRRbot: If you have Amazon Prime, you get one free Twitch sub per month to use on any channel you wish (it's hidden in the Subscribe button's popup, you need to click on the elevate your subcription button, and it does not autorenew). Any of those subs that make their way to LRR are greatly appreciated, but it's free money for any channel you choose to support!
CanPlayGames: You know whose cool. Adam
therepoman__: FROGS ARE GONE sajamAaaa
josh___something: Woah cool shirt, Jacob!
TehAmelie: thanks for the stream!
TXC2: !next
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: ChillPoint (Paul, Beej and Heather chat about Video Games and Video Game related news!) at Fri 02:00 PM PDT (56m from now).
TXC2: !events
LRRbot: Want to know what's coming up? Check out for an interactive schedule, or for a Google Calendar version.
BrowneePoints: YEE HAW
AceGun_: go birbs
BrowneePoints: it's a Corp
BrowneePoints: for D
beowuuf: minecRAFT
TXC2: !mastodon
LRRbot: LoadingReadyRun is now on Mastodon! You can find them at, and LRRMtG at
beowuuf: bye!
TXC2: !discord
LRRbot: LRR has an official Discord server! And you don't even need to be subbed or anything! You can join here:
TXC2: !contact
LRRbot: ALL of LRR's active and official points of contact can be found on the Master Contact List:
lochnessseammonster: i'm sure you'd enjoy the vod jacob PrideLaugh
Mr_Horrible: thanks for the stream, gang
TheAinMAP: Thank you for streaming.
lochnessseammonster: thanks for the stream!
TehAmelie: has everyone already made an Inlaws of Thunder Junction joke? i don't care, i'm doing it
josh___something: Smth smth deez nuts
beowuuf: windows noise
TXC2: Goodnight Everybody
TehAmelie: okay, i have been putting off watching Three Body Problem, but now i see Neil deGrasse Tyson has declared it an unsolvable problem i need to watch it in protest