LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #3405
    You can't drink your beer without your spoon!
    — Ben [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Let's NOPE
  2. #3404
    If only we had a foldable toilet!
    — Ben [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Let's NOPE
  3. #3403
    My box body armor was doing NOTHING!
    — Ben [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Let's NOPE
  4. #3402
    How do you like dem deeks ?! Get thumped on!
    — Alex [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Let's NOPE
  5. #3401
    Your mother was a Tonka truck!
    — Ben [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Let's NOPE
  6. #3400
    All I've got is cigarettes and like five changes of clothes.
    — Ben [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Let's NOPE
  7. #3399
    I don't know a non-pompous way of saying 'I'm allergic to anything popular.'
    — Alex [2016-09-14]
    None on Let's NOPE
  8. #3398
    Don't try to make Bill happen. That's tasteless.
    — Alex [2016-09-14]
    None on Let's NOPE
  9. #3397
    Who's making bootleg kazoos?!
    — Alex [2016-07-20]
    None on Unknown
  10. #3396
    It weighs 10 months.
    — Beej [2016-09-12]
    Battle Construction Vehicles on Matters of Import
  11. #3395
    I don't think there's any more Art Dink can tell you.
    — Ian [2016-09-12]
    Battle Construction Vehicles on Matters of Import
  12. #3394
    This is a game that surely wants you to beat it.
    — Beej [2016-09-12]
    Battle Construction Vehicles on Matters of Import
  13. #3393
    I just got dinked!
    — Ian [2016-09-12]
    Battle Construction Vehicles on Matters of Import
  14. #3392
    He's almost bent completely over. I think that's important.
    — Beej [2016-09-12]
    Battle Construction Vehicles on Matters of Import
  15. #3391
    This would've been better in Cockney.
    — Beej [2016-09-12]
    Battle Construction Vehicles on Matters of Import
  16. #3390
    It's more of a dance translation system.
    — Ian [2016-09-12]
    Broadway Legend Ellena on Matters of Import
  17. #3389
    This seems like a very tedious way to have fun.
    — Beej [2016-09-12]
    Broadway Legend Ellena on Matters of Import
  18. #3388
    I have no idea what's going on anymore and I'm beginning to feel like a Martian.
    — Cameron [2016-09-09]
    Ticket To Ride on AFK
  19. #3387
    What if I LIKE going blind?
    — Cameron [2016-09-09]
    Ticket To Ride on AFK
  20. #3386
    I had a good time in Montana once.
    — Ian [2016-09-09]
    Ticket To Ride on AFK
  21. #3385
    If Ian's about anything, it's about keeping Beej from completing.
    — Cameron [2016-09-09]
    Ticket To Ride on AFK
  22. #3384
    Let's lrrEFF some trains!
    — Beej [2016-09-09]
    Ticket To Ride on Talking Simulator
  23. #3383
    The concept of time-travelling bedbugs is IRRATIONALLY upsetting to me.
    — Alex [2016-09-08]
    Oxenfree on Talking Simulator
  24. #3382
    It doesn't matter. I don't care about my body.
    — Ben [2016-09-07]
    Ultimate Chicken Horse on Crossing the Streams
  25. #3381
    You cannot grind on the side of the computer monitor.
    — Ben [2016-09-07]
    Ultimate Chicken Horse on Crossing the Streams