LRRbot Quotes

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Roses go in the mouth.
Currently playing: Crypt of the NecroDancer on Rhythm Cafe [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #220
    Of course it makes perfect sense! What do the ghosts give you when *you* die? They always give *me* weapons.
    — Cameron [2015-04-30]
  2. #219
    Little known secret: I tend to freckle in the summer.
    — Cameron [2015-04-30]
  3. #218
    That man has a problem… but we support that problem and let him do this.
    — James, about Cameron [2015-05-02]
  4. #217
    Alex, please stop standing on my groin.
    — Graham [2015-05-02]
  5. #216
    It's all my favourite things, all in one spot: Rainbow world, radioactive materials, and biological guys.
    — Paul [2015-04-13]
  6. #215
    You look nice and also you don't look like you're gonna try to have sex with me. So… that's great.
    — Paul [2015-04-13]
  7. #214
    I could probably use that Lewd Monacle.
    — Paul [2015-04-13]
  8. #213
    That's right, not altogether unpleasing. That's me.
    — Paul [2015-04-13]
  9. #212
    I think I feel like I understand it without the brain spore sacks.
    — Paul [2015-04-13]
  10. #211
    You're not my mom! Wait… are you my mom? I always wanted to meet her.
    — James [2015-05-02]
  11. #210
    F*ck my *ss with a rubber brush!
    — Adam [2015-05-02]
  12. #209
    The Dutch! Again!
    — Adam [2007-07-14]
  13. #208
    The Dutch!
    — Adam [2007-07-14]
  14. #207
    Fortune favours the butt!
    — Adam [2015-05-02]
  15. #206
    Can't we do that without you being turgid?
    — Paul [2015-04-13]
  16. #205
    Telling somebody horrible information about their home planet is the best way to make friends.
    — Paul [2015-04-13]
  17. #204
    Ignore me! — It's OK. I'm used to doing that. — Aww.
    — Alex and Paul [2015-04-13]
  18. #203
    I never wanted this kind of a view of a clam before.
    — Alex [2015-05-01]
  19. #202
    We have the right to wear pants now.
    — Alex [2015-05-01]
  20. #201
    God, every time I look at the chat, I just, like, wander off into the forest.
    — Alex [2015-05-01]
  21. #200
    I'm f*cking vibrating, man!
    — Alex [2015-05-01]
  22. #199
    Anything different freaks me out at this point.
    — Graham [2015-05-01]
  23. #198
    I don't like the creepy faced octopus.
    — Graham [2015-05-01]
  24. #197
    What kind of monster are you? Are you Specimen 6?
    — Graham, to Alex [2015-05-01]
  25. #196
    Welcome, everyone… to me wordlessly sprinting through corridors.
    — Alex [2015-05-01]